The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 233 - American Summer Hitler Camps!

Episode Date: January 12, 2017

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine the German-American Bund summer Nazi camps of the 1930's. SOURCES TOUR DATES REDBUBBLE MERCH ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. You're listening to the dollop. This is a bi-weekly American History podcast. Each week I, Dave Anthony, read a story from American History to my friend.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Gareth Reynolds who has no idea what the topic is gonna be about. Part of the thing that by the reason doing an intro is is useful is so you know somebody's like oh what the hell is this? But then they're gonna be like what is this a guy in a cartoon bird doing a podcast together? It's the Muppet Show! No, no, no, no, no. Do you want to look who to do? I'll do one bum. People say this is funny. Not Gary Gareth. Dave okay. Someone or something is tickling people. Is it for fun? And this is not gonna come to tickly podcasting. Okay. You are Queen Fakie of made-up town. All hail Queen Shit of Liesville! A bunch of religious virgins go to mingle and do a pray. Hi, Gary. No. Is he done, my friend? No, no.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Hi. Hi, Dave. How are you? Really good and how are you? Good. We're both coming off the flu. Oh, what a run. What a great. What a fun run. And I have said this, if people haven't gone out and picked this thing up yet, get a case. Get involved. Real fun times. I even got a flu shot and it didn't. Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, that's fine. Well, congratulations. Yeah, knock me out for a week. You too. Yeah. The amount of sleep. Oh. Like on paper you'd be like what a relaxing week. You're like no, I'm sweat. I'm like going through what you and McGregor goes through and train spotting over here. Like, baby's heads are rotating on the ceiling. What? Huh? Are we
Starting point is 00:02:19 recording these or how is that working? Sorry about your packers. Yeah, sorry. Yeah, sorry that they won. Whatever. The delusion. No, it's literally. It happened. Okay. What? May 15th, 1896. Okay. Fritz Julius Kuhn. Okay. Was born to Carl and Anna Kuhn in Munich, Germany. Are we going KUHM? Yeah. Okay. One of 12 children. At 18, he volunteered to fight in World War One and served four years as a machine gunner rising to the rank of lieutenant. Okay. For bravery on the field of battle, he was awarded the Iron Cross First Class. Okay. The German military's highest honor. Amazing. I'm happy for him. Yeah, shout out to him. With no job after the war, as
Starting point is 00:03:13 happened to most Germans, Fritz joined many disillusioned veterans in the Free Corps. A paramilitary force determined to restore honor to the fatherland. Okay. Okay. And prevent Germany from becoming the laughing stock of the earth. So it's interesting. I'll just say real quick. It's interesting that we're going off of World War One and then we're and feels like the prequel. I don't know. One night, the Free Corps destroyed the headquarters of a leftist newspaper with flamethrowers and clubbed the editor ordering him to walk into Berlin's largest park where they shot him in the back of the head and dumped his body in
Starting point is 00:03:56 the Berlin Zoo. Oh my god. So were they just like adding dares on dares? Well, I mean, they made a statement. You know what I mean? It really gets out of control. That's a big... What's the fires involved? And the clubbing, it seems a little out of control, but we haven't even gotten to the shooting in the head and then zoo dumped. I mean, they opened with flamethrowers. Yeah. For me, that's a closer. Absolute closer. And on fire. The Free Corps kept tight rings around cities throughout the region. Quote, no pardon is given. One member of the group wrote, we shoot even the wounded. Anyone who falls into our hands first gets the
Starting point is 00:04:32 rifle butt and then is finished off with a bullet. We even shot 10 Red Cross nurses on site because they were carrying pistols. Anyone with a gun is our enemy. Look, it's getting intense. Aggressive. And nurses? Yeah, nurses. Many Free Corps military volunteers, militia volunteers, joined Hitler's growing Nazi party. Have you heard of that? I've heard of it. Fritz officially became a member in 1921. Then he went to University of Munich, but served... University. But served four months in prison after he was caught stealing from the coats of other students. Okay. In 1922, he earned a
Starting point is 00:05:19 master's degree in chemical engineering. What? You don't know. Two years later, his father got him a job as a shipping clerk with a family friend who was a Jewish clothing manufacturer. Oh, gosh. What? This is fine. I don't like... I'm right now, I feel like a German shepherd who like hears someone coming maybe. Maybe it's the start of a great ABC sitcom. Oh, God. Oh, God. Fritz and the Joe. Yeah, yeah. Soon the boss noticed that bolts of cloth were coming up short. So one day he watched through a workroom door as Fritz removed several yards of cloth and slipped it to an accomplice outside. Fritz was immediately fired. He
Starting point is 00:06:05 had stolen 3,000 worth of material. Wow. Someone called the cloths. The boss agreed not to press charges and helped raise money so Fritz could move to Mexico for a fresh start. That's a great punishment. That is the worst. That's it, asshole. You're going to Mexico on my dime. I mean, seriously. The only way you'll learn Fritz is if I do something rash. So I'm going to help you get out of this pickle and buy you a nice home in Mexico. How about Acapulco? All right. Yeah. Yeah, he's like the Oprah of punishments. Fritz lived in Mexico with his wife for five years working as a chemist. They had two children, daughter, Waltraut.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Sorry. Waltraut. Waltraut. W-A-L-T-R-A-U-T. Oh, sure. Trout. Trout. Yeah, sounds like it. And Sun Walter. Mounted salmon. And Sun Walter. Walter. Who got the better. Yeah. Yeah. What's the first one? Waltraut. Amazing. Yep. I mean, look, everyone wants their daughter to rhyme with sauerkraut. Yeah. Well, yeah. Oh, my God. So in 1928, he picked up the family and moved to America. Okay. Americans with a German background made up about one fourth of the US population in the early 1900s. All righty. They got together through national German American organizations and newspapers. In the fall of 1917, six months after the US entered World War One, all German
Starting point is 00:07:47 born US citizens or foreign nationals over 14 had to register with the government. Music by German composers was banned. Schoolbooks eliminated any favorable mentions of German history. Sauerkraut was renamed Liberty Cabbage. Oh, God, we, that is crazy. We've always been stupid. I can't believe there was like a freedom prize. It's this, yeah, we did it before. We did it before. Liberty Cabbage. Liberty Cabbage. We've always been dumb. Leek a potato soup is freedom sauce. Hot freedom sauce. Frankfurters became hot dogs. Okay. Well, that's good to see we we stuck with it. Yeah. German language books were removed from the public libraries, then torched in patriotic celebrations. Good. And sometimes German Americans were ordered
Starting point is 00:08:43 to confess their love of country by kneeling in public squares and made to kiss the American flag. So we did that. Jesus, you know, kiss it. Kiss it. Like you fucking made it, German. I do. I just love this flag so much. Look, I'm licking it. Suck the flags dick, German. Look, I suck it's dick. Suck the flags dick. Yeah, you like that? Yeah, I'm going to put stars all over your face. You like that? Yeah, you like that? I want to be a flag is on your face. What happened? Oh, how did you fit in there? Worst American ever. Fritz was hired as an x-ray technician at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. Okay. The facility had a strict policy against hiring Jewish doctors. And the Henry Ford backed newspaper, the Dearborn
Starting point is 00:09:36 Independent was known for its ongoing feature called the International Jew. Oh boy. Oh God. And I'm guessing that was anti positive. So, so Germans are so the Germans, these are just regular Germans they're worried about. Yeah, I mean, yeah, the Germans and the Germans that they're worried are unpatriotic and the Jews are second class citizens, right? Yeah, that's that's that's where we're headed. So Fritz had at the at his when he's at his job he had affairs with female co workers. Okay. He told the ladies he was a doctor. Sure. He was described as having thick glasses, a thick middle and a thick German accent. Yeah. Meow. Yeah. The friends of New Germany. My freedom cabbage. Would you like to come
Starting point is 00:10:37 up for a glass of freedom cabbage? Yeah. I eat. You mean presidential socks? Okay. The friends of you mean Uncle Sam stockings? Yeah. Yeah. Leader Hosen. Okay. I didn't know we changed their name. We did. Okay. See you. The friends of New Germany was an organization of second and third generation Germans who are openly supportive of the Nazi Party in Newark, New Jersey on October 17 1933. They held their first Nazi rally. Okay. Newspaper report. We'll get together. Quote, bruised heads and a dozen arrests marked the city's first Nazi rally. The friends of New Germany met under a swastika banner last night when volleys of stones and stench bombs crashed through the windows. After the meeting sporadic
Starting point is 00:11:32 street fighting broke out more than 100 police reserves were called to put down the disorder. Turned out that this kind of shit became common at their rallies. Right. You mean people weren't happy. On November 1934 Fritz joined the Detroit branch of the group. This was just weeks before he became an American citizen. Okay. From their oath. I am of Aryan descent free of Jewish or colored another American. I am of Aryan descent free of Jewish or colored racial traces. I do not belong to any secret organization of any kind. I acknowledge the leadership principle and swear loyalty to Adolf Hitler. Wow. And everybody designated by him. I give respect and absolute obedience and fulfill all orders without reservation
Starting point is 00:12:24 and my entire will because I know that my leader does not demand anything for me illegally. So that's an American. Those are Americans taking a loyalty pledge to a gentleman named Adolf Hitler buying in big time. Yeah. September of 1935 Fritz was appointed the leader of the Detroit chapter that he's the leader. He's moving. He's the leader. He's moved back. He hasn't been in a year. He's been. Yeah. But he was so anti-Semitic. Super. He was like he was cutting edge. Yeah. They were like dude you are crazy. He was the Tony hawk of hating Jews. That's what I'm really like. You've never seen anything like it before. The friends of New Germany had their own militia. Good. Called the or dunks gangst. I'm not
Starting point is 00:13:11 going to try that again. German for uniformed services. They were known as the O. D. and served they served as security guards at events and as bodyguards for higher ups in the for the Nazis. Right. Yeah. They I mean sorry New Germany. Yeah. O. D. man promised to maintain the highest of military discipline standards and to follow the orders of the leaders at any time. The the the it's the pledging you know unquestionable oath. Yeah. Seems a little problematic. I mean it's a weird thing for an American to do. Yeah. Buying in hard. Buying in super hard. Yeah. They published their own newspaper. The Deutsche Zichtung. Adorable. It's always adorable when there's those little zines going around. You're like no look someone
Starting point is 00:14:01 made a paper. Yeah. I've made a scene. Yeah. Oh look at this little paper guys. How much for your little paper are you Jew hating German. Yeah. It's it's five. He doesn't even know how much his cute little paper is going to stop. He's getting angry. Poke his eye. He gets angry. Anyway. Let's go buy some stuff. Stop. Oh it had a longer name. The Deutsche Zichtung fighting paper for truth and right. A bridge between the United States and Germany. So the editor was like I don't do paper names. I like the whole front to be covered up with the title of the magazine. I'll edit everything but the magazine title. Most of its content was just copies of German propaganda. Like quote the day was coming when Jews of all
Starting point is 00:14:56 stripes would unite with the darker skin races to overthrow the natural order of Aryan dominance. German Americans must be prepared for the onslaught. Now that I think about it they might have a point when I hear it back. Okay. Yeah. In October 1935 deputy Fuhrer of Germany Rudolph Hess declared decreed that German national living in the United States must end all political activity including membership in the Friends of New Germany. Okay. Friends of New Germany is like a really sweet way of putting it. It sounds good. Oh and what do you guys do? We're Nazis. The president of the Friends of New Germany declared the order was just another Jewish lie by a Jewish paper. Yep. So that's the thing about being a Nazi. Yeah. Is you
Starting point is 00:15:47 know it's hard for people to believe you because if you say something they don't like to like well then a Jew made you do it. It is pretty like that. That is when like when arguing feels so futile is when you're like oh it's just you can just say one like when when politicians say you're playing politics you're like oh Jesus Christ so you could literally just you could just be like there's a Jew. Oh he's a Jew. Oh fuck him. That's exactly. Okay. I didn't realize he was a Jew. I thought he had an actual logical angle and opinion on this. At first I was like this guy's making a good point. I was like maybe we are wrong but then you told me the fact that he should have led with which is that he's a fucking Jew. In December the president turned the leadership
Starting point is 00:16:22 of the Friends of New Germany over to Fritz. So now Fritz is in charge. Wow. Meteoric. Fritz yeah seriously. Fritz held a convention in Buffalo New York in March and renamed the Friends der Amerika durch Volksbund or the German-American Bund. The German-American Bund? Bund means political group. Okay. Fritz announced quote we are 100% Americans and therefore not Nazis. Wait but he's not isn't he German? Yeah no he's American. Oh yes your accent threw me. He's well he's from Germany. Yeah so he's got a German accent. Yes a German accent but he's American. This is the leader of the America the Friends of Germany is a German leader. He's an American German. Okay. He's a he's got citizenship. Yeah but he's still
Starting point is 00:17:13 an official booklet. This is an official booklet that they put out called Awaken Act. The Friends of New Germany did great and glorious work during the past years. It was always at all times an aggressive organization and the German-American Bund will continue to be as active and aggressive. Yes it will even intensify its attack upon lies and political incendiarism against Marxism and Bolshevism. Sure. And will not shirk its duty to wage war with every available power. Interesting. As an organization of American citizens the Bund proposes to take an active part in the affairs of the country while complying unqualifiedly with its duties to the United States. Okay. We shall educate the American people to become
Starting point is 00:17:58 Friends of the New Germany. That's a weird thing. Yeah. That's a weird statement. It certainly sounds like a German saying. We will educate you to like the Germans. Excuse me. Look into this spinning device. You're getting very empathetic towards Jews. You understand our plight. I mean sorry what did I say. No you hate Jews. Sorry hate Jews. My bad my bad my bad my bad. Sorry Freudian. I made them all empathetic. As an American citizen we shall advance our political interests to defend our native land against lies and slander. We shall always observe loyalty as citizens of this country linked as it is with the destiny of our ancestral race. Hence we call ourselves American Germans and our movement the German-American Volksbund. The Bund is American in its inception
Starting point is 00:18:45 and in its field of endeavor. So it is so it's it's an organization that claims that it is all about America and yet anybody who's against Germany is their enemy. I mean there is some complications. Sure. Okay. There are some things that make the logic problems. Speed bumps. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. No it's good. This book that was handed out to 15,000 people at a meeting hall in Yorksville in New York. Fritz spoke. We are here to fight Jewish Marxism and Communism. So long as there's a swastika there'll be no hammer and sickle in this country. Geez. They made their own flag with a three-dimensional swastika towering in yellow and black. Everyone put on your special glasses. Doesn't it look like it's coming right at you? It's just like coming right at you isn't
Starting point is 00:19:39 it just like in your head. It's amazing. Right. Fritz took over the OD and assigned them as his personal bodyguards. Members of the Bund were told that the Office of National Leader renders the final decision in all matters pertaining to the movement and has absolute power of ownership over the Bund. It's monetary or other property and policies. I just don't understand. I mean like I understand that we probably live in a world now of absolute power but I don't understand like signing up for it on the ground floor. A lot of people love it. Yeah. We like to be controlled. Yeah a lot of people do. A lot of people are like oh this is great. I don't have to do anything and this guy's my best friend. I don't want to think. Members paid $9 a year. They had to
Starting point is 00:20:25 make mandatory purchases of minecumpf and other required weeding reading. It's cuter when you say weeding though. Compulsory uniforms or for rank and file and OD squads had to be purchased from approved tailors. Bundists had to purchase armbands, pins and badges for various functions like rallies or dances which also required an entry fee. Items for home use from bookends to dishware to records of the Bund choir groups were also mandatory and mandatory annual subscription to their newspaper was $3 a year. So it's a religion. It's Nazi Amway. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Perfect. Yeah. Fritz wrote of German Americans who did not support the Nazi cops. Oh boy. You are nothing. You are too narrow to conceive what it is to be German, too cowardly to take
Starting point is 00:21:21 advantage of your rights as Americans. You have become slaves and vessels of those who spread hatred against the country of your birth. Why is he in America? That's a good question. Like you love it so much. It's like you wouldn't even if you get in a relationship and the person just talks about their ex the whole time. Yeah, go. Go. You seem so happy. Why are you here? We get it. Why did I make egg play a parmesan when all you want to do is talk about Ted? It's called sauerkraut. At the peak of Bund popularity, there were 69 local units in 19 states. 23 in New York, 7 in California, 6 in America. Jesus New York. 5. That's really bringing it up. Four New Jersey, Ohio and Indiana total membership numbers were above 200,000. Wow.
Starting point is 00:22:13 The Bund had levels like corporate hierarchy with a network. Don't you think we could just start a cult? Yeah. Don't we just start a cult? Maybe that's what we're doing. Isn't it? Isn't that like what like you try to be like a big fish in a big pond maybe too much? Yeah. Maybe the idea is you just get 70 fights that are trying to please a 7 million people. Just get 75 who believe that you're Jesus. Right. And tell me that you're not going to have an okay run. Oh, you have a fucking great run. You know what I mean? I mean, just think if you'll have a pina colada machine and it'll be great. If each of them makes 20,000 a year, you're talking you've got 1.5 million. Well, you don't even need the money though. Oh, no. Of course you want the money, but you mean
Starting point is 00:22:52 you don't need it because you just open a compound where you're like, oh yeah, harvest everything. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. By the way, I get to finger your wives on my birthday, you know, and then you just start aning up year after year. Why didn't you go straight from straight from cleaning to finger? Did you get your laundry done? Number one, you're a terrible. And you can figure all the... You got to ease into that shit. You don't just... I said finger. I didn't say... No, but you still ease into everything sexual. All right. Fine. All right. All right. All right. You do my laundry. I can squeeze your wife's nipples on my birthday. Wait. Okay. What? You're out of the cult. For what? I'm the... I am the cult. No, I am the cult. Oh, here's my wife. Please.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Have your way. So it had levels like corporate hierarchy with a network of departments, regions, districts, sections, units, branches, cells, blocks down to assemblies and private homes, a system of community activities was planned out, including recreational and educational divisions for women, children, and teenagers with various cultural events, dances, concerts, of picnics, and outings. Oh, that just must be awful. And now I will say that there was one right in my... Where I live. Oh, good. The park, I think we used to be called the Hindenburg Park. Hindenburg Park. And now it's called Locker Center Park. But yeah, they used to have this shit there, the Bond March and all that, and these events. It's got to be like so...
Starting point is 00:24:22 Not that you even under... Okay. So if you're going to be part of a huge racist organization, what the KKK has right is that they cover who they are because it's an embarrassing indictment on your personality. The idea of being like, guys, sorry, we have table six and seven. Sorry, guys. Come on, guys, get those potato sacks. And there was also something for the kitties. Oh, good. The Bond also ran family... Pin the moustache on the minefjord. No, you put the moustache on Hitler's forehead. Hit him. Come on, we're going to have the three legged rike. Oh, we had to kill you because you had three legs. Sorry. We thought you were deformed. Sorry, you're not superior. The Bond also ran family getaway resort camps and children summer
Starting point is 00:25:14 camps. Oh, good. Camp Willie and... By the way, in general, when a bunch of Nazis are offering you a free time at a camp, it's probably a good policy to be like, I'm suspect. You know, I'm going to not do that. Can I just hear what other people think first? Let me check out Yelp. Camp Willie und Macht, which meant Will and Might was located north of Princeton, New Jersey, had 200 children from throughout the New York, New Jersey region who stayed there during the summer of 1934. Good. The camp had picnic grounds, hiking trails, a swimming pond and cabins. Fritz said that all camps of the German-American Bond are for the recreation of the children of German-American parents as well as weekend and holiday retreats for the entire family. Wow.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Sounds great. Yeah, it sounds great. Camp... It's like sandals, but for people who hate Jews. It's exactly like sandals, but for... Camp Siegfried and other facilities where he insisted absolutely without ulterior political significance. Wait, say that again? Camp Siegfried and other facilities, other camps. Fritz insisted were absolutely without ulterior political significance. What I missed was Fritz insisted. I was like, oh, I thought they were. Oh, sorry. He's lying. Gotcha. No, no, I am insisting. Sorry. No, I promise. Yeah. That's great. No, it's good. They teach them stuff like, you know, paper mache, canoeing. We have this... We do tug-of-war. We have this great thing where it's like this big balloon where one kid sits on it,
Starting point is 00:26:46 a bigger kid jumps off the back of the other one, goes flying into the water, and we practice scalping Jews. We make friendship bracelets. We do a whole thing where we're teaching them to cook. You know, we're teaching them to cook. You got to learn five things. It's a big balloon. You have to see this. It's right on the lake. One of these children gets... Just after the balloon. These scalped Jews. We make friendship bracelets. We do a whole cooking thing. Friendship bracelets. You'll love these. These are great for kids. They love friendship bracelets. And we're making them into Jewish scouts. Also... Okay, we're not going. Their bond literature wrote, our camp is designed principally to be a place which breathes the spirit of New Germany.
Starting point is 00:27:29 We want to be helpers and... New Germany is like a really creepy name. Yeah. Yeah. 100%. We want to be helpers and advisors who are ready at all times to do any work, to provide for order, and to make propaganda for the ideals of our great German racial community. Hereby we consecrate... How is that reassuring to anyone? I don't know. Oh, I thought you were... No, I think you're admitting what I'm worried about. Yeah, we're saying we're better. Yeah. Yeah. Hereby we consecrate you as a little piece of German soil in America as a symbol of our motto obligated to America tied to Germany. It was estimated 5,000 people attended the opening of Camp Siegfried. It was a 170-acre compound hidden from the general public by thick
Starting point is 00:28:18 landscaping. Streets inside the camp were named Göring Street, Goebbels Street, and Adolf Hitler Street. Signs in the camp read, in German, Germans awake. We Americans of German blood honor the fatherland. One people, one realm, one leader. It's gonna be great when like an American is like suspicious and is like, what exactly does that sign say? It says, uh, no running in here if you've been in the lake and you haven't used the toll because you might fall. Are you sure? Yeah. Yeah. It says that right there because one of the kids fell. Okay. Why is it dying of Hitler Street? Sorry? Hitler Street? Yeah. Hitler... Well, I mean, what will we gonna call it? Maine? There's so many of those. Yeah, this is like a fun spin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Fritz said, what do you weigh? Fritz said, quote, this is a place where families can combat communism by instilling the principles of Germany in the youth. That's really how it works, right? Like, so it sort of starts by invention of this, this boogeyman and then through that fear, you're able to slowly slip it in there, you know? Yeah. Theodore Dinkalaka, who was the Buns national youth leader, said to parents. Is Dinkalaka German? Dinkalaka? Oh, no, no, it sounds maybe Spanish. Yeah, okay. We must take every conceivable effort to obtain a tight grip on all German-American youngsters. American schools are polluters of impressionable young German minds. Raising children loyal to the Third Reich is the duty of every person of German blood in this country.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Through our camps, a new generation will blossom. Young men and women destined to carry out, carry forward our Nazi ideals who will ultimately bring victory to the glorious German ideals here. This is nice. So Nazis are sort of like cicadas. Every 20 years, they're like, oh, yeah, we're back. And super popular. The Bun youth movement was split into the children's division for boys and girls six to 13 and 14 year old girls enrolled in the mobston shaft and the boys in the such a beautiful, beautiful language. Young men, blessed with a personality of strength and will, were steered toward the OD militia. Oh boy. Youth movement members wore uniforms with military belts, swastika buttons and emblems of lightning
Starting point is 00:30:56 on a blue background. That one's kind of cool. Yeah. Daggers, similar to those carried by the Hitler youth were worn on belt loops and had the inscription blut and aya, meaning blood and honor. Good. Signify. And this again is on children's belt buckles. Yes. Right. Okay. To signify eternal allegiance to the fatherland. Good. Well, you know, it's I think belt buckles has always been a fun way to express yourself. Mine says get her done. Yeah. Yeah. Mine's perhaps blue ribbon. Mine says I've killed anyone for Hitler. Oh, okay. That's bold. For sure. It used to be cause. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Is that ever to camp? Both genders wore caps modeled after the Hitler youth. Fritz. So essentially we were just I mean, it's a Nazi. It's a Nazi machine. Yeah. Nazi camp. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:48 They're making Nazis. Good. Fritz told the reporter, quote, certainly we are uniformed. In fact, we now have a new uniform styled after those of the American Legion and the veterans of foreign wars. Whoa, wait. No, they're fucking styled after the Nazi. Oh, okay. He's fucking lying. He's being cute. Laborers needed to build cottages and other camp structures and they were expensive. And because the bun believe unions were full of this is a year round camp, I'm guessing. Yeah, they're built on a thing. Okay. So when I when I first heard camp, I really was picturing like at a lake. No, it's not the girls camps across the way. Some of the fellas that are going to sneak over there after it's not meatballs. Right. Oh, it's not meatballs. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Because the bun believe unions were full of Jews and communists, they used child lumber to to build the kids again. The children dug ditches, carded supplies of dirt, up dirt roads, laid pipes, constructed walls for sheds and wooden floors for tents. There's a YouTube video of them doing all this. Really? Wait, what year is this? This isn't the 30s. Wow. I didn't know the head YouTube back then late 30s at this point. I think the head YouTube and 30s. Yeah, they had YouTube in the 30s. Sick. In the mornings, the boy with boys would line up for military inspections, and then hold parades around the campgrounds, beating lightning bolt drums and waving SS and swastika flags raising them next to the American flag. Like what do you like let's say you can
Starting point is 00:33:21 see this from your home? I mean, like what are you like? I'm sorry. Is it I don't think I don't think they're doing a bit. I feel like this is not a bit. Honey, honey, honey, look, there's a bunch of those kids have swastika flags. I feel uncomfortable. Have you seen Children of the Corn? No, I think this is how it starts. Oh my god, we got to watch that and ignore the problem over there. So they also there was also boxing, wrestling and target practice. Sure. Which is weird. Those are three are similar military. Yeah, they seem to have a similar goal. When a parent complained about their kid being used as part of the workforce, the
Starting point is 00:34:07 bun youth leader asked, quote, if they would like to fend for themselves in this Jew controlled nation without bun protection. Sorry, I guess I over spoke. I didn't realize they were going to be fending for themselves against these Jew animals. I was just asking if my seven year old should have no, and I'm saying to you, I'm saying to you, you'll find about your seven year old. Right. But so then take them out, please. No. The last thing we've on is to keep someone here against their will. So what you should do, take them out, raise them as you like, while Jew wolves attack his entrails and eat his soul. That is a propaganda. You know why we're trying to fix him. But nobody needs get him out of here. Send him to the Jew jungle, the jungle. I just don't
Starting point is 00:34:52 want him digging ditches because he's seven. He's digging ditches because otherwise the Jews will kill you and your husband. Okay. Also, if you sign this permission slip so we can do a field trip Thursday, we're all going to go take a, we're going to go see some roller coasters. Super fun. Are you just going to see him? Yeah, we're just going to go look at him. Yeah. It's a fair of motivating them. They're like, Hey, look at these roller coasters. Won't that be fun? And then we're going to get him to build roller coasters here. Yeah. It's what the ditches are for. We're building a six flags. Okay. Yeah. Oh, he went on if the children are forced to do work at the expense of their recreational time for games and sports. That's nobody businesses. That's nobody's
Starting point is 00:35:31 business but our own. Oh my God. Well, that's a problematic policy for a camp. Like, sorry, these are kids. Look, it's not a great camp. Yeah. That's that's what's under the banner. When we said camp, welcome to camp New Germany. Anyone who wants to know in here can fuck off. It's nobody's business but our own. Have a neat summer. When you leave your kids, they are Oz. Yeah. Camp leaders emphasize strict German discipline. Teenagers carried backpacks filled with 30 pounds of gear on 20 mile hikes on hot summer days. How was your summer? While holding loft a blue and white victory sign swastika flag. What did what did they want? Other hikes took place in the middle of the night ending with a bonfire as they sang German sing-alongs and made sig Heil salutes. Yeah. And told
Starting point is 00:36:23 Jews stories around the fire. Activities were skewed toward a specific goal known as dirt tag for the day. They believed on the day a fight would break out on American soil between Aryans and violent Jews determined to install a Bolshevik system as the US government. Young men were to be ready for the battle with support from good German women. They encouraged Bund members to each to reach out to other German Americans to get them involved in their little sure. Sure. Yeah. After the camps had been around three years, the AP wrote on July 19th, 1937, quote, 300 uniform uniform boys and girls settled down today to the helpful routine of outdoor life at Nordland, a Nazi emblem camp in the Sesa Hills of New Jersey after a day of
Starting point is 00:37:23 Highling. Oh my God. Folk dancing and beer drinking by 8000 parent members of the German American Folk Bund. Highling. Highling. Yeah. How much Highling can you do? Well, it's a good workout if you have you ever seen Highling with Jane Fonda. Yeah, but her right side is just massive. Oh, the left side looks human. And then the right side looks like the Hulk. It's gigantic. You know, we actually need to do today. We're going to work both high sides, girls. And high, all right, high left. Stop. High, all right, high left. No, do not high left. No. But our right. High, all right, and eight and right, and seven and high, all right, and high, all right, and five, four, high, all right, get the leg up for two. No, no. I mean, otherwise,
Starting point is 00:38:17 we're just going to be working out the right arm. Stiff. What do you mean stiff? Stiff straight body. Right arm. High. Okay, girls, we're not going to be able to do any full body stuff here. Okay. Hold your core while you're high. Hold your core tight while you're high. Can we do it? Yeah. Okay, hold your core tight while you're high. Very good for core. Yeah, it is good. Okay, we're getting somewhere. Yeah. Eight minute hiles. I went on a seven-mile run. I'm exhausted. Right around the lake. The 100 acre site is one of 21 camps in the United States where more than 200,000 children of German descent spend summer hiking, swimming, playing, and some bathing. So I guess it is just summer. It was run by the Husky Fritz Kuhn, a New York chemical engineer.
Starting point is 00:39:13 He's getting Husky now. Oh, he was already Husky, right? Yeah, big around the middle. Sure. He told the AP that all conversation must be in German. The kids all have to talk in German. So they won't forget they're German. I feel like they're very hard. I feel like you've nailed that. If there's one thing they know, it's that they're German. They've got that fucking down. He said everyone was welcome at the camps, including people who wanted a federal investigation on the charge that the camp was under Nazi control. Where would they get that crazy idea? Yeah, they can come. Yeah, bring them here. Yeah, bring them. If you have a room where we let them stay. Yeah, hot, hot, hot the room. Yeah. Quote, flying the stars and stripes with swastika banners,
Starting point is 00:39:58 one thousand uniformed men accompanied by a military guard paraded by a platform featuring a picture of Chancellor Hitler. The crowd applauded when a district leader declared, we are against the CIO unions and will fight them because they are communist and ruled by Moscow. Has any been done? Go ahead. After the program of speeches, hiles and fascist sluts, the bun turned to picnicking, bratwurst eating and drinking beer, dancing and singing wound up the day. Oh my God. So is it nobody's worried about what's going on there? Well, so that so that AP, so they invited me. Right. I'm going to go back in and say that was a mistake on their part. Really? Because then the AP was like, Oh, yeah, no, they are Nazis.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Yeah, well, everyone's like, Oh, that seems really like that shouldn't be happening here. I know, right? The thought of dream. Two days later, July 21, a New Jersey unit of the veterans of foreign wars pledged to combat the fostering of an alien allegiance among youth at a German American camp. The group asked President Roosevelt to investigate the source of funds. And those citizens who took part in pledging allegiance to the swastika, their citizenship should be revoked and they should be deported. I mean, that's that you get your so they got so caught up. Yeah. And then it's like, no, you signed a bunch of stuff. We know who you are. But we were told that this was like private. Yeah, we thought a private club. Yeah. Yeah. So no, it's like a country
Starting point is 00:41:29 club. Yeah. The same day, go ahead, Texas US Representative, Martin dies introduced a resolution to inquire into Nazi propaganda activities. You know, whenever you hear Texas is about to inquire, you're not sure which way it's going to fall. You don't know where that's going to get like, are they going to be like, move here? A leader at the camp told the reporter the next day, quote, a congressional investigation will be a flop and a waste of taxpayers money. It's nothing else but propaganda to cause Nazis. Our allegiance is to America. We raise our hand for the German national anthem out of respect for what Hitler did in not only combating communism, but showing the world how to combat it. Wow. So we're just like, we love America. But then here
Starting point is 00:42:13 our little camp, a little private camp, we're just like, good job, Hitler. It's all about America. We're just being, we don't want to be rude to Hitler. We all agree. Hitler was great. So there we go. By July 24th, which is just, you know, mine fear is so selfish. He's our fear. Yeah. You know, thank you. Yeah. By July 24th, a picture of the youth parade with flags, swastikas, armbands, sick house, lutes, et cetera, was in every newspaper across the US with the caption white man's camp. Oh, that's, that's, that's going to hurt. Yeah. That's going to hurt. Light stick. In August of 1937, Tilly cock, a teenage leader of the South Brooklyn Girls Unit, was concerned about growing issues within the camps. Problems, adult leaders were ignoring,
Starting point is 00:43:06 she said. So she volunteered to stand guard outside the girls sleeping quarters. So clearly fucking they're banging. Oh, okay. So dudes are banging, the whole teenagers are doing stuff. Wait, you mean that the some of the kids are hooking up, you mean? Yeah, the kids are hooking up. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Is that not allowed? I mean, they might create a super human race. Snitch Tilly cock around. Yeah. So, so she stood in the cold all night to guarding the sleeping quarters of the girls, which led her to develop a cold which turned into a lung infection. Okay. She desperately needed a doctor, but youth leader, Dick and Locker refused it. Well, Dick and Locker sounds like such a helpful name. German children were expected to be tougher
Starting point is 00:43:56 than Americans, he said. Well, she wasn't and she died. Yeah. Interesting. On August 17th, Fritz wrote an obituary praising Tilly for devotion and courage. Yeah, very courageous to die. She was wonderful. She tried to keep subpoenas as authors of vaginas. She said very good. They had a grand funeral under swastika banners with an OD honor guard of 40 friends in the youth movement and Bund officials were there. Sure. And her dad, a janitor had to pay for it all. Perfect. In the spring of 1938, leaders of the Hitler youth and the Bund youth coordinated a trip of 30 teens, 15 boys and 15 girls to visit Germany. Okay. Hitler youth instructed the Bund youth in German culture and Aryan ideals and gave the American teens propaganda material to take
Starting point is 00:44:49 back home, including children's books. Who gave it to the Hitler youth are giving the Bund youth the material to take back. Yeah, bring it back. Sure. Joseph Goebbels personally invited the Bund youth as his guest to a Berlin rally to hear Adolf Hitler speak. Oh my God. This is just great for these American kids. Getting that abroad experience. You always say, you know, I want my kids to see the world. I want them to see as much as they can. That is so crazy. Even if it's a Hitler rally. I mean, like, I mean, they're just they're young and very susceptible, Dave. Dave. After they went to a banquet of sauerkraut and pigs knuckles. Freedom cabbage. Sorry, pig knuckles? Okay. That was their only meal of the day. Oh, yum.
Starting point is 00:45:40 No, it's good. Yeah. I'm throwing up because I like it. It's really nice. Well, I'll be honest, I think like some of the pig knuckle is disagreeing with some of the sauerkraut. No, I'm not used to the very rich flavor. Yeah, you know, you're losing me on the German thing with pig knuckles. Okay, I just have more crowd and a pig knuckle. The next day, they received a lecture by German physician on the importance of mandatory sterilization for children of Jewish Gentile couples and provided were provided with more pamphlets and propaganda for distribution back home. So that's a good that's like a cool field trip. That's so crazy. And sorry, wait, what? Oh, we just want to sterilize them. Wait, what is that? Oh, well, then a man loves a woman
Starting point is 00:46:34 a non Jew. He has a very interesting feeling non Jewish. In Yap, Hank, New York, where Camp Siegfried was located, the locals were tired of seeing hordes of brown shirts parading from the train station to the camp every weekend. Yeah. So they're going out because they're such in the summertime, they go on a weekends, right? Yeah. They found it unsettling, if you can believe it's so strange. The local police force cracked down on the brown shirts weekend possessions through the town, keeping the swastika marchers in a single file and shutting down their music whenever they passed a church. That's like, they're having dumb fucking Nazi parades. Yeah, but you also like you're like, Hey, if you're going to do that, turn it down when you go by
Starting point is 00:47:20 the church and keep them one line, one time, one time, one time, guys, let's be organized. The justice of the peace reported. Now, I don't understand this, but this was what did he what did this person say? Quote, I saw a 250 pound woman walking around in only shorts and her halter top. She was bubbling out all over. Wait, what? When I found this, I felt like I found another story. Wait, wait, wait, wait. What is the Nazis? Nazis are marching in the town. Yeah. And then there's a really heavy woman. And he's like, there's one big one. Not dressed appropriately for his liking. She's in a shorts and halter top. So he's not happy about that. Is she a Nazi? I think she's a German. Yeah. So he's not offended by Nazis, proclaiming to be
Starting point is 00:48:10 not. This is so off. Like he's like, he's way off target. Like there's like, like somebody showed him like a car on fire. And he's like, I don't want leather interior. As far as I know, this, this woman might not have even been a Nazi. She was just some lady. She was just a lady. It was the summertime and she's heavy. So she's probably at some point, they're in like the office of the Justice of the Peace. He pulls the curtains aside and he goes to someone next to him, like, can you believe that? And he's like, I know, sir, I hate Nazis, Nazis, the size of that cow out there, would you? She's bubbling out of that top. That's what he was mad about. Yeah. Interesting take. Yeah, well, he saw another man strolling through town wearing only a pair of shorts rolled down
Starting point is 00:48:53 as far as they would go and up as far as they would go. That's not possible. Well, what he's got like Stargate pants on. It's like the seventies for that guy. Wait, but he's got his pants rolled down and up his shorts, shorts rolled up on the bottom part, down at the top. He's got him on button. Oh God. So he's like wearing panties. No, it's like seventies. He's, you know, like a 70s sort of outfit situation. Sure. This guy also doesn't like that. This guy looks like I can see the outline of his bulge. There's a heavy woman whose boobs are out. The Nazis aren't in one line. This is an OCD man's nightmare. One Buddhist when told to get off private property demanded to see the owner's deed.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Wow. A Buddhist. Like when a Buddhist is like a bundist. Not Buddhist. At least a Buddhist. I thought you were saying like a Buddhist like storm the camp. I was like, I want to see your deed. And then the Buddhist game. Other. Hey, where do you have a Buddhist camp over here? And you guys are kind of loud. You guys, we need to figure something out because we have a Buddhist camp and you guys have a bundist camp. Oh yeah. Keep coming to the wrong camp. Oh yeah. Maybe bring all the Buddhist over here. Oh no. Yeah. Figure it out. No, you can all eat some of our special pie. We don't even make a great pie. You'll love it. No, just one bite. No, everyone just have one bite. No. Bring all the Buddhists here and y'all have one bite of this pie. No. Really good.
Starting point is 00:50:24 You like raspberry? No. You like blueberry? No. Come over. Have the pie. Pie. Pie. Are those ransacked strawberry patches and apple orchards or ripped up flowers? For pies. They're just fucking assholes. Yeah. By the end of the summer in 1937, building permits were temporarily denied until camp officials provided a survey of the property siding where proposed buildings would be constructed. Temporary is a fun word. Temporary is a fun word. A bundist told the reporter quote, perhaps Camp Siegfried will be put on the market and sold to the lowest bidder like a Negro group. That won't help property values, would it now? All we want is to be left alone. I think these Nazis are negotiating like Nazis. Seems like.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Then on July 1937, the Bund opened Camp Northern, a 97 acre facility, 40 miles from Newark, New Jersey, 80,000 people, sorry, 8,000 people attended opening day. Swastikas were everywhere on flags, uniform badges, armbands, pins. New Jersey State Senator William A. Dolan was introduced by Fritz and spoke a few words, welcoming the camp to his district. Did he know what he was doing? This is great. I love what you guys are doing. I like watching and the Hitler stuff. It's all really cool. I guess I cut the ribbon though. Actually, we wanted to have a word with you over here real quick, sir. So upon further evaluation, we think that this might be a Nazi camp. So cutting the ribbon might not be the best from a PR standpoint. So if they're a Nazi camp,
Starting point is 00:52:08 can we get more money from them? Yes, cut the ribbon. I have one of them cut the ribbon and smile next to him just to be safe. Okay, let's kick up the donations. Absolutely. Absolutely, sir. Shrewd move. So after that happened, didn't go over well in Washington, D.C. Congressman Dick Stein of the House on American. That's what Nazis drank out of. Yes, an American Activities Committee was outraged. He called for the state center's impeachment and suggested Dolan might have financial interests in Camp Nordland, which he did have. Of course. In the second weekend of the camp's operation, attendance dropped by 6,000 people. Okay, so that's quite a drop. Yeah. At Camp Hindenburg, which was 20 miles north of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Starting point is 00:52:54 I got to go. German Americans against Hitler and the bunch. There was a group called German Americans against Hitler and the Bund. Okay. Tried to oust the camp. Bund leaders responded by renting a train from Milwaukee and luring German residents to their camp with promises of fun for children and athletic camp competitions for adults. Well, look, I don't want the needs to be a Nazi, but also they got a bouncy castle. So what is the dad to do in Connecticut? Can we see the bouncy castle? Yeah, just two more film strips and then you could get all your kids in a bouncy castle. In Connecticut, a Bund district organizer told a reporter that 170 acres of undeveloped land was the future site of Camp General von Stuben. Who who's in charge of America at this time?
Starting point is 00:53:44 Roosevelt? Like, how is this just like, I mean, there's this other shit going on. Of course. But if someone is like, Hey, you know what, like the Nazis are getting an even bigger camp. I mean, we're not at war with the Nazis yet. But the Nazis are doing bad things in Europe. Well, yeah, I mean, you know, like, yeah, you know, it's not a solid group. No, it's not the best. Or no, I don't want an or Sunday in December, two bundes were seen cleaning brush on the new property. A Connecticut grand juror and 10 policemen stormed the site and arrested the workers. They were released on a bond of $75 for the crime with force and arms did manual labor the day being Sunday. They violated a blue law. Wait, the what they did wrong? Did you have blue
Starting point is 00:54:40 laws where you were in Madison and Milwaukee? I don't think so. Sorry. Okay, so blue laws prohibit drinking, sports, tons of stuff working. Right, right. So they use a super old fucking law from back in the day. And the rest of these two guys, you could certainly get away with a couple of those beer is not going to be one that they'll sign off of in Milwaukee. On December 14th, a new zoning code for the town of Southbury was approved. The buns property was rezoned as a purely farming and residential district which cannot be used for recreational camping or military drilling purposes. Any military training or drilling with or without arms, except by regular armed forces of the US is prohibited. Okay, the law also allowed for inspection and examination of any
Starting point is 00:55:30 building as the commission saw fit. Some residents objected to the statute, saying it was unconstitutional. One guy said quote, the code is a step from democracy to Hitlerism, the very Hitlerism we're trying to drive out. We're like in a Hitler circle. We're going out Hitler, Hitler. Okay. You know how we're going to stop Hitler? How? A bigger Hitler. The charges were dropped against the two men who have been working on Sunday, but a shouting match broke out outside the courtroom between Bun Loyalist and Southbury citizens. A bundist yelled quote, you have been 100% propagandized by the Jews. Concentrate on the real enemy of the United States, the Communist Party, and the labor faction CIO. Hitting like unions. But we're also like, we're just going to argue
Starting point is 00:56:25 till it's over. Yeah. There's just, yeah, you just, there's so many places where people just can't see. It's screaming. The Bund gave up and sold their camp property. Okay. I don't trust it. The pushback was a national story in newspapers, radio, and the March of Time Newsreel, which was shown in theaters. So this town, when they did this, they had meetings and they had this big shouting match and they stood up to them. And the reporters came and filmed it. And then now it's being shown all over the country. It's like this little town stood up to the Nazis. Right. Okay. Newsreel producers and cameramen came to town to film their version of the Battle of Southbury, as it was called, showing speeches and events and reenactments from town meetings. Reenactments
Starting point is 00:57:23 in that era must have been amazing. The fucking best. Just to have some footage of that. On April 20, 1938, a Bund rally of 3,500 people was held in Yorksville Casino. Oh, good. To honor Hitler's 49th birthday. Hey, the big 49. Hey, almost there, buddy. O.D. Men stood guard along the aisles. Outside, two anti-Nazi groups, the German American Workers Club and the young patriots of the United States gathered. Inside, the rally was suddenly erupted by 100 undercover attendees. Oh, wow. Most of whom were American Jewish war veterans. Okay. They put up, I mean, sorry, they stood up, put blue American legionnaire caps on their heads, and then went to battle with their fists. Oh, shit. That is dynamite. It's fucking the best. That's amazing. You're like, what are
Starting point is 00:58:17 you doing? But Jesus Christ, what the hell? Fucking swinging. That is great. So fucking great. Also, it's got to be great. Like, knowing that that's going to happen, like, given them 10 minutes to kind of like sniff each other, you know, like to really like just indulge themselves in how great they are while you're there. Like, hold on, wait until wait until they bring out the cake. Then let's beat the fucking snot out of them. I mean, they did some damage, but they were out number 35 to one. It's tough. It's tough. So they were shoved out the casino doors, then outside protesters tried to take the hall while 24 cops had tended to hold them off. 50 more policemen were called to the scene as the mobs fought for rest remade and there were 10 injuries. Wow. In July 1938,
Starting point is 00:59:05 authorities charged directors of the Buns Camp Siegfried with violating a New York state civil rights law which required any organization using an oath of allegiance to register with the New York State Secretary of State. Well, that's simple. That's just a little paperwork to get approved. But it's so funny, like this is such an arbitrary, like someone's pouring over laws to find this one. Well, yeah, but that's sort of like what you have to do with shit like this, right? Totally. So they're not allowed to take an oath of allegiance to anything without telling them the New York Secretary of State they're doing. Yeah. Ernest Ernst Mueller, a higher up in the Bun was sentenced to one year in jail and Camp Siegfried was fined 13,000. But New York Supreme
Starting point is 00:59:51 Court overturned the conviction in November saying there was no oath involved with Bun membership. Okay. From an AP report on February 20, 1939, quote, the pro Nazi German American Bun showed its strength to an excited New York tonight by rallying a throng that filled Madison Square Garden for a meeting with all the trappings of a German mass assembly. Police estimated that 20,000 were jammed into the arena. Is that right? 1939 20,000 Nazis in Madison Square Garden. You don't hear about this in our history books too much. I wonder why Dave wonder why. And yet we all know Dane Cook performed there. Outside 100,000 anti Nazis packed around the arena. The police commissioner remarked, I've got enough men here to stop a revolution if necessary. Yeah, you might need
Starting point is 01:00:49 them. The cops cleared many from the streets before the rally ended, but there was still a 15 minute street fight when the rally ended. It's insane. Yeah. Fritz testified in front of the household American booking Madison Square Garden at this time. I don't know. We got a couple dark days in December. What do you say? Well, we got Springsteen coming in. Okay. And then we got Bon Jovi. Okay. Got some American Nazis. Perfect rally thing. Awesome. And then twisted sister. No questions at all. So Fritz testified in front of the House on American Activities Committee six months later in August 1939. He told the committee it would cause many German Americans much anguish if it became necessary to aid the U.S. in a war between Germany and the U.S.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Okay. But this feared that every rifle bullet and every bomb sent to Europe from the U.S. is aimed at the heart of a German lad. Well, yeah, but you've created not German lads. They're Nazis. I use lad lad is he look like German lad cuter. It's great word. Young Nazi problematic. I'm talking about an issue. Yeah, lads. These lads look a lot like little Nazis. He said a bundes had a spiritual emotional attachment to Germany and they felt they had to work for American neutrality in any European conflict. So that's all he's saying, right? Yeah. We're just saying we support Germany wholeheartedly. Fritz also admitted that he had ordered Bund records destroyed partly because of the congressional inquiry, but also to prevent
Starting point is 01:02:30 any retaliatory actions against Bund members by employers, neighbors and anti bundes. Such to tell you that there's an issue. I burned them. Yeah. No, but because yeah, because you were you were like, can we see them? And so I was like, yeah, but but also to help friends. You're hired. I love it. Now we need someone in a bank like you. I think you get a great res. The US Attorney ordered an FBI investigation into the German American Bund camps. Fritz instructed his subordinates how to deal with the government inquiry. Only unit leaders have permission to speak with outsiders. He said anyone claiming to be investigators must be asked for identification. If investigators asked about the OD, it must be stressed that these squadrons were patriotic groups.
Starting point is 01:03:16 They were not to say how large the Bund membership was and that are no circumstances was President Roosevelt to be personally attacked in any speeches or addresses. Smart rules. Cool. Planet. Cool. The FBI released its findings in a 14 volume report called Nazi camps in the United States. Okay, good, good, catchy. The German American Bund was guilty only of producing unpopular speech. Okay. No matter how much their activities were hated, Fritz and the Bund were constitutionally free and clear. Oh boy. But then in May 1939, a New York grand jury indicted Fritz on 12 counts of embezzlement of 14,000 in Bund funds. Bund fund. Bund fund. Yeah. That's like what a German bartender has as the tip jar. Yeah, I'm a straw couple in the Bund fund.
Starting point is 01:04:11 The Germans, sorry, the trial started November 1939 and was about whether Fritz could spend Bund money as he saw fit. The defense lawyer argued that under the Bund Constitution, he could spend the money any way he wanted and that no bundes had complained. Members testified that Fritz had ultimate authority, which he did as you recall, right? Yeah, he changed that. Yes, to that. So the court found him guilty. Okay, even though it's clearly they're just dying to get rid of them. So they're now like, we'll ignore law. Yeah, we'll just make up laws. We go along. You know what I hate about the Nazis is how they won't listen to what they're told to do by a legal counsel. I mean, we've come up with these laws and they won't agree to them. Right. So now let's
Starting point is 01:04:54 manipulate these laws laws to show them how wrong that is. I like that idea. Thank you. They're Nazi. Thanks. They found him guilty of five charges and got him on tax evasion charges since all the uniforms, pamphlets, trinkets, etc. of the Bund were subject to taxes. Yeah. Fritz was sentenced to two and a half to five years in prison. Wow, they really threw the pamphlet at him. Bund. After Pearl Harbor, US Representative Martin dies, convict convinced the House that the Bund was a German agent. And on December 19th, 1941, by a vote of 61 to nine, Congress passed a bill requiring Bund members to register with the Department of Justice. The Bund, the German American Bund was finished. Okay. In March of
Starting point is 01:05:41 1943, Fritz Kuhn and 10 other Bund leaders lost their citizenship. He was paroled from prison. Were they upset? They were like, good, finally. He was paroled from prison on June 18, 1943, after serving three and a half years. Because he was no longer a citizen, FBI agents took him to a federal internment camp for enemy aliens in Texas. Wow. He was moved from internment camp to internment camp for a couple of years. Then on September 6, 1945, Attorney General Thomas Clark ordered Fitz deported to Germany because he was considered dangerous to the United States. Oh, good. Right on time. Right. I know, right? Right on time. Upon his arrival in Frankfurt, Germany on September 29, 1945, American troops arrested Fritz. Oh, in Germany? Yeah. What kind
Starting point is 01:06:27 of bizarro land? Because he's been sent over to a war zone. So now they can arrest him for other things. Right? So now he's, okay, ready? They considered him to be one of the greatest security threats in the American zone capable of gathering together his henchmen in threatening security. That's what you can do. So wait, but this whole thing is about how crazy it is for Germany to have a pocket in America that's trying to function under its own law. Meanwhile, Americans in Germany are like, yeah, you're under arrest. Right. Well, we formed a little America here too, A-hole. You're not the only one who can put a little bit of your country in another country. That's exactly what we did, though. I mean, that's what you're doing.
Starting point is 01:07:12 How dare you? How dare you? You're under arrest. In our little country that's in the country that you swore. No, you're under arrest. Wait, what? No, it's my country. You're in America, Germany. I'm sorry. I didn't. That's not why I came here. Hey, welcome to Italy, Germany. What? Yay, you got a lover here. We got a little bit of Italy and Germany. What is this? Every country is every country. So he was released a year later and in an interview with the AP, he vowed he was done with politics. Okay. Yeah, it didn't work out. Yeah. It really didn't work out. I'm going to be an actor. See, I thought that I was going to have like a big movement and maybe we get elected
Starting point is 01:07:55 like Congress or whatever, but instead I got deported to Germany. Super raw deal. Super raw deal. Not go as I expected. He appealed to have his US citizenship restored in 1949 but was denied. Oh, I mean, denied on what grounds? Long shot. I really missed you guys. He died at age 55 at age 55 on December 14, 1951. On his deathbed, he begged his wife to forgive him for all his cheating. Okay. I mean, come on. Don't do that on the fucking deathbed. Don't do that on the deathbed. Good say. What's she going to say? Yeah. Yeah. What's she going to say? No. That's why like a deathbed is so great. Like if you, you know, like I don't know, you don't want to have like a prolonged death, but to have like 15 minutes at the end to like say your sorry, be like, I
Starting point is 01:08:46 really believe in God and then like have a great last line. Well, I'll see you guys on the other side. Like you got a great, it's like a great out. Yeah. It's basically like as a comment, you get the light on your life. Oh, gotta go to the closer. Go into the big guns. All right, I'm going to sing New York, New York. Apologize to my wife Debbie for cheating honor. I've got a poll on my road and some great last words. So I'm sorry I was a Nazi. All right. The New York Times noted that he died a poor and obscure chemist unheralded and unsung. I really thought that chemistry was going to play a stronger role. I thought we were like going to be mutating people or something. It was just a classic American Nazi story. Yeah, you know, it's just one of those
Starting point is 01:09:35 stories about how the big Nazis became here for a little bit. Yeah, nothing to worry about. Nope. It's good to finally get away from doing ones that correlate to today. I agree. I wanted to do a happy one that has nothing to do with what's going on. But in a way, isn't that sort of like the whole problem is the reason why it's such like a like an a tangled knot is because you in this country, we hold the idea of freedom so strongly as like something that differentiates us from everywhere else. And yet within that freedom, it's so easy to exploit it. And if anyone tries to stop anything, they hate you for your freedom. So we're like in this like weird cannonball run freedom race of who loves freedom the most. And because now we're in the
Starting point is 01:10:29 system where like people are just getting taken advantage of, we're like, but it's freedom. It's his right. He's got a right. He's got a right to go to a mall and shoot a bunch of people. I mean, he's got a right to have that gun. Sorry, I shouldn't relate it to that. I mean, right to bear arms super normal situation in the States. But that is the issue is like there's now there's too many. Now we're like weird like warrior gang skews of like hate or weird thoughts like we've become like what we need is we need to be Europe. We need that's working that well either. Well, it's not but it's like at least then you can go to the place where you're like like California is becoming like sort of like this little like European sect where it's like that's
Starting point is 01:11:15 exactly California, you know, like, and that's what just is going to happen. Yeah. California is going to become an oasis and people are going to flock here of like mind and yeah, be completely in a separate place. And that's when we go to Texas and start a hippie movement. Yeah. All right. All right. Well, we tried. Thank you. We signed Nazis. Yes. And cars and we may be getting car decals. The good always good day and something like this on a nice little commercial plug.

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