The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 256 - The Boston Police Strike - Live

Episode Date: April 10, 2017

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine the 1919 Boston Police Strike (Recorded live at the Wilbur Theater). SOURCES TOUR DATE REDBUBBLE MERCH...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. No no no no no no yeah I don't I don't know where you guys got that damn it you
Starting point is 00:00:56 it's really not cool I don't know where that starts a fire and then he's like what do you think caused it what are they saying I don't know why it's so rude yeah his name is Gareth you guys yeah it's crazy how that happened I guess we should say for the people listening that oh no yeah cool good plug I was thinking should we do the thing first or should we do the plugs first plugs not the thing no the thing and then the plugs no no this is what happens behind the scenes this kind of shit we should have talked about when I had peanuts in my mouth you said penis I had penises at the Wilbur and every every comic is
Starting point is 00:01:45 performed there and said they have great penises in the green room and they do there's a whole selection all all the ethnicities yeah sure and they are the Greek cock they have back there well okay um what happened no I don't know you said Greek cock and he doesn't mean Zeus all right we have a book we have a book coming out May 9th it's called the United States of absurdity there's also an audio version so we did a podcast and they said you guys are gonna hear these stories read right it'll be different it'll be totally different it's a story you've heard that written out and then and then read again yeah so so you guys
Starting point is 00:02:37 can jump on that there you go there's pit there's or you can get the book the actual book and show that to family members and have them go what's wrong with you I'm genuinely worried that's a lobster with a hole I'm sorry you'll see I'm looking lobster I signed I last night I signed a poster no sleep till hippo which is my classic signature and young lady tweets to me and says what the fuck is this I was like what do you mean no sleep till hippo she goes okay what does that mean like wow we did not a fan we did a show one of the shows we did in Australia we like afterwards thank you afterwards like you know there
Starting point is 00:03:15 were some people we were signing stuff and there was like a meet and greet so there was like you know 30 people or something like that and there's these two girls and we're like talking to them you know I'm being like oh yeah well thanks for coming on is it a good live show they're like yeah yeah nice cry yeah and then it was like awkward and then they were like we thought this was just Will Anderson and we were like what and they're like we signed up for the meet and greet we love Will and we're like okay cool well get the fuck out of here okay you know what poster and shove it they said they were sitting there for
Starting point is 00:03:45 like an hour going these guys are really this is a big opening act yeah what's wheels doing for hours okay so we have the book coming out we're gonna be doing up in Los Angeles we're having a book release live podcast and Sir Tiana will be our guest Sir Tiana beer so go to and get your some sweet fucking tickets there we go thank you also we still have tickets available in Milwaukee if you guys want to drive yeah I've done the drive that's long man you're listening to the dollop this is a bi-weekly American history podcast each week I
Starting point is 00:04:38 community an actor writer director father husband son grandson no longer a great grandson RAP Lily she was she's quite the Irish woman okay pet owner sure dog dad same thing young maple that's three or the exact I'm pre-approved remember that you have to you just got to finish my credits I'm pre-approved for a mortgage I have a degree from the University of Santa Barbara yeah thank you fellow gouchos to Gareth Reynolds who has no idea what the topic is going to be about well we've been over this we covered this we covered this you forgot to say boom operator in your credits clearly you have a history boom operate
Starting point is 00:06:04 that was rude of you to interrupt my it was very rude well I stand by it but totally rude so sorry 1919 the year of our Lord what the year of our Lord I'm here from 1900 to 1919 the state of message oh by the way there's two names in here no fucking idea I forgot to look them up scully square scully like like from the x-files scully that's how you say they don't want to fuck the pronunciations out there I'm doing them first the other one is just fucking nonsense the new hall fan you all fan you all Jesus we've covered this have we yeah fuck that place terrible attitude that's what I saw
Starting point is 00:06:57 Bill Cosby do a taping of kids say the Darnedest things thank you well around Bill Cosby they do that's for sure you should do a new show called women forget the Darnedest things oh man can we just do a show of him pitching that show does this look familiar from 1900 to 1919 the state of Massachusetts economy was on fire okay fuego shit's fucking happening okay all blown up they're all sure things a huge influx of immigrants changed the makeup of the state to majority foreign born oh that's always good yeah that's always good in this
Starting point is 00:08:05 state by 1919 73% of Bob Boston's population were immigrants or the children of immigrants okay Irish made up 32% this is before they'd invented walls yeah now with walls you can't change that's your solution right there yeah get a wall couple wall right around this state of Massachusetts all around yeah Irish made up 32% and Italians 14% and at least one third of Boston lived in poverty so it's the same this was new Boston had long been a Protestant Yankee stronghold now when I use the term Yankee that means people who were born in America so they could they were called Yankees but if you came
Starting point is 00:09:04 from somewhere else you were an immigrant all right okay so there's two kinds of Yankees and none and the doodle dandies took a few years little dandies is a whole different yeah yeah we'll get into the fucking doodle dandies when we're somewhere else they're mostly from Chicago they went ahead with the name doodle dandies religious bigotry was common on the in the colony for the first 300 years fucking bang match it out for like sure 300 and the 1600s priests were forbidden from entering the colony wait just priest just couldn't I wish there was a law preventing priests from entering a lot of things that
Starting point is 00:09:52 actually is a law against that I don't know if they know about it so much to tell them they've got one of those little like employee injury things in there days without sexual incident a race the five father MacArthur I'm sorry he was walking by a lot of the blood of the Lord they shouldn't make them so pretty oh boy in 1790 95% of the population was from Britain or born 95% in Boston in 1790 95% of the population yeah English or or born of English parents that's gonna change yeah that's what I always wonder is how to accent start then okay so everyone hears English right and then somehow now they'll
Starting point is 00:10:53 be like that's fucking right there dude like but they used to be like pardon me is it right over there now they're like don't fucking laugh bro laughed fucking dumb pilgrim John Winthrop fucking pussy so how does that start there's just some time when somebody is I mean somebody's just like like somebody's just born without ours and then they're like yeah we should mimic Benjamin yeah somebody is born without ours that is next that's correct next problem bring them in I'm sorry ma'am you mean you're sorry the little the little boy was born without all it was illegal for anyone but a Protestant to be a school teacher well
Starting point is 00:11:59 into the late 1800s okay I should have kept that one I don't know yeah anti Catholicism was particularly strong in Boston and anti-Catholic riots were very common because they're fun at the turn of the century the a new swell of Catholic immigrants faced intense job discrimination and lived in slums full of filth and disease sure cool that's just fucking living back yeah that's great and this place has a lot of filth a lot of disease it's too bad too great awesome that's that's debatable ma'am that accent yeah okay your husband's here thank God honey told you we're not doing ours anymore when World War one came it
Starting point is 00:12:52 created deep divisions between American pacifists and those wanting to get involved in 1917 the US moved to join the war but Irish and German Americans were against it as were socialists okay the three main countries right the Irish didn't want to support the war because the English weren't they didn't want to fight with the English right right some sort of issue there I'm sure it'll say and the Germans were German yeah Germans hate war and the socialists saw the war as cap a capitalist scheme to further enslave workers it's great how socialists we know have made maintained you know hasn't
Starting point is 00:13:34 changed it hasn't changed it's wrong at all but it's still like for hundreds of years they've been like it's bullshit people like shut up you can't win okay when the socialists held a piece I can and actually that socialist party could have still been led by Bernie Sanders yeah I know that I'm 65 years old I see a bold future for America a child will have an R in its mouth no all left behind when the socialists held a peace parade on the Boston Common they were attacked by servicemen how many drunk Boston people thought it was a piss parade all yeah oh dude I fucking didn't understand this I pieced all over that
Starting point is 00:14:30 guy I can't hit home with that one tick it tickled me oh you right and right in there right right in their piss bones or whatever Barton huh so there were tons of fistfights not all over Boston Common one Marine forced a socialist to kneel down and kiss the flag it's like today nothing's changed it's the flag the police arrived and tried to try to calm things down but then the superintendent of police came and demanded the socialists return their parade permit adorable and they refused so the police started beating the shit out of the
Starting point is 00:15:24 peace parade socialist it's tough it's a tough position if you're at the peace protest getting the shit kicked out of you do we still believe so so everyone's for the war newspapers in the community supported the attack on the socialists everyone's like it's cool local pastors pray praise the attack as well okay because they're good they're you know yeah religious so they're like yeah no beat them up no God God asked for this he was very clear talk to him earlier so Boston politics was a complicated mess with the Yankee Irish and the how is Boston politics not a show yet boss oh fuck yeah on a new Boston politics that's
Starting point is 00:16:13 all I have that's it yeah but I think from there that seed will grow quite a tree I would do it but I have the word I can't even try there's no reason to try a Boston accent okay that's the spirit well who you guys all get mad at the movie that's not how it is like all right but it's not the why does everything have to go to bought like just okay you have two options right it doesn't take place in Boston or these people need to clear their fucking schedules and learn how to do it I don't what is that you won't you show up and you're like God I hope Baldwin can do one I don't know oh you know and then
Starting point is 00:16:49 you're just shooting and you're like oh fuck I mean what the fuck don't worry we're gonna fix it we got to go downtown is that Baldwin yeah no we got now don't worry about Park place you're like oh my god stop it sounds exactly like people competing in a room to be terrible at it and Mark Wahlberg is like don't come on but that sounds exactly like that little boss baby guy too can't wait for boss baby isn't it out he's a baby he's a boss a boss it's that's not a thing that usually happens comedically don't boss you around very that's why it's funny it's very backwards because a baby usually isn't like I'm gonna be the
Starting point is 00:17:31 boss but now he's like not because I'm leading a company it's a baby yeah it's crazy yeah the whole idea it's just bonkers yeah you come up with that you know you have a winner yeah yeah after trying to gain power for years the Irish Catholics joined with the Yankee Democrats right so Democrats born here after the Civil War to challenge the Republican stronghold okay so because as you guys all know huge Republican they backed a conservative assimilated Irishman for mayor and he won okay so we have an Irish mayor first Irish mayor of Boston Hugh O'Brien well he's Irish yeah wow it's hard to tell yeah the
Starting point is 00:18:23 Republican legislature was not pleased with his turn of events and in 1885 just because he's Irish yeah or because of his beliefs as well no because he's Irish right it's yeah it's totally swear and they're like oh this he's getting potato all over the Bible that's just so many potatoes here he's eating all the taters they voted to limit the mayor's power okay they took away his ability to give out liquor licenses if there's one thing an Irish mayor should be allowed to do Jesus Christ man I know everybody who drinks here and they took away his power over the police so he couldn't tell the police to do what to
Starting point is 00:19:20 do well that's cool yeah he's still gonna give you three wishes if you catch him that should be their strategy it should yeah grab the little guy or no I think you got to save his life no you gotta just gotta catch him you have to save us what's he fucking running from a little dude like that the world is peril yeah but he's magical he to some extent but I think there's a fucking hit out look look look look watch the 15 leprechaun movies and get back to me he finds himself in some shit I've seen nine that's back to the hood after back in the hood so his power to appoint a police commissioner was taken away and
Starting point is 00:20:14 given to the governor what is he doing he's just now he's the mayor I mean he's just doing as much as the lucky charm guy he's just like a face he's wow you really came down hard on the lucky charm guy we've had beef for years you know what he did to chocolate it's really want to get into that again so Republicans called the control the Boston police department at the state level but the mayor and and city council had to pay pay them wait so that the city has to pay them okay yet the governor and the state legislature control them okay it's a pretty cool yeah this left the police and sort of a
Starting point is 00:20:52 limbo Irish politicians who are rising up and looking to become mayor saw no reason to reach out to the police for support because they had no control over them and at that time that'll be a good that's not gonna be a problem so the local politicians did nothing for police they were paid shit salaries had terrible working conditions and worked crazy hours the wages of the police by the way the politicians the cops okay no the politicians were just rolling yeah I was just gonna I was gonna say man if we had that's so much better if you just work them to the god damn bone would be so great the government might
Starting point is 00:21:27 shut down because of their three-month vacation you're like you fucking bastard they fucking work Tuesday to Thursday fucking shitbags yeah when you saw it you see that thing we're I don't know enough specifics of this but basically like oh this is gonna be good yeah this will be good well while women were like going there to talk about like the issue of race and shit like that all the whites senators from the air of like all the white councilmen had like walked out of this meeting and went into a back room where they're just allowed to play cards and drink what so they like leave during what's that Minnesota there
Starting point is 00:22:01 we go yeah and and a congresswoman or someone in local politics is like demands that all these dudes these white dudes come back from playing cards and drinking in the back and listen to these women of color like address their issues these guys they demand a fucking apology these white dudes like we demanded apology you can't tell us you do not treat white men like this you can't tell white men to listen to black people we were we had gone fishing in the back and we're drinking rum we won the war or whatever just anyway anyway white people are cool yep don't trust the whites it's the one lesson we take
Starting point is 00:22:42 from this the wages of police had barely got up since the Republicans took control of the force to make a salary between 1100 and 1600 police had to work 75 hours a week it's a lot it is cops of the hours I don't do a lot of math and you know this but that's a 24 hours in a day is that confirmed that's a confirmed stat yeah okay 96 in in four days I got to stop my brain is just 126 144 hi math hi yeah so that's like half your half your life over and then if you worked on night duty you had to work 87 hours a week cuz yeah because there's a lot of perks the night duty it's already better now because of the
Starting point is 00:23:37 war between 1913 and 1919 the cost of living rose 86% oh my god that's a lot quite a rise munitions manufacturers were located in New England during the war so unskilled workers poured in and we're making as much as $100 a week while private private sector employees were doing great the cost of living shut up and the low pay fixed wage cops were constantly surrounded by just fucking rolling in it labor right I made it feel good yep they loved it the men also had to live in the station house when they were on duty live in it yeah they had to spend a couple nights there when they're on duty like if they had a
Starting point is 00:24:15 yeah good to live there so those are the problem well we're gonna go home and sleep and shit but that's like when you're not working I think you're I think means you're always like so you're always on dude like a fireman right yeah like fire firemen do that or doctors doctors shouldn't do that though that's a fucking stupid idea hey what do you say doctors work for three days in a row no or I say no or pilots your pilots like fuck I'm on a lot of cocaine you're like sir just to Fort Lauderdale thanks well we're gonna get there fast I don't think speed's an issue I don't like what the pilot said when I got on the plane
Starting point is 00:24:54 he was sure we're gonna get there fast when he come up here and talk to me well I fly you like basketball oh man I love basketball you ever go down to watch the NCAA tournament I just like to go down and hang out with my body door should not we're flying he it looks like caspers in all that holy shit I feel weird his shirts off so an investigation in 1909 revealed very unsanitary conditions at the station houses but nothing was done well Dave I'm sure we'll hear some specifics no let's watch it said he said they had no money to take care of it at the stations there
Starting point is 00:25:41 were rats and other vermin and the walls were crumbling oh I thought you meant like the rats were like people who are calling out other criminals dirty rats no I mean that would be amazing so wait there's rats and vermin running around why would rats why would you're saying narks were also living with that's how bad conditions were that narks were living with the cops Dave I didn't walk the dog that far on this it was a simple poke hey Jimmy I feel like you might be a knockers living at the police station what about this situation's weird the beds were infested with bedbugs and cockroaches that's where I'm out rats I
Starting point is 00:26:27 feel like I could be like yeah bedbugs is there a job where I can just lay in the mud I'm a part-time rat keeper and sort of a cop the sheets were never cleaned why so they slept so they would sleep in beds filled with the previous dirt from the cop the clean they didn't have enough money to clean the fucking I'm sure they clean them once in a while but it wasn't like a regular thing it was not good I don't need to clean the sheets they have bedbugs they need to clean the sheets apparently they don't wow we're on opposite ends of the spectrum rats ate the leather off the cops English type helmets and the cops
Starting point is 00:27:17 are nibbling while they were on the ground the cops like no not the cops we're doing no the cops were eating their own hands is it just mayor as Travis been a little weird lately let him feel good I ate all your hats last night yeah well you stop so wives of police complain their husbands brought home cockroaches in their clothes well that you know I mean just the dumbest complaints I mean come on you married him for him no not that one that's Larry he's my friend no that's what happens eventually is there that's exactly what happens on animal hoarders eventually it's just like the cockroach man oh no
Starting point is 00:28:06 you can't get rid of my roaches oh you love them and there's like three on his shoulders stacked up and they're like we love you sir there's not did you say animal hoarder yeah that's a thing yeah you know hoarding they hoard like cool stuff like giraffes no no this is crazy shit I mean pigs I don't know if there's a pig hoarder I'm sure there is I yeah I mean it probably will be me at 60 I'll be a pig hoarder yeah he's the leader they're all like sucking on his teeth he's a boy I recognize there's an issue boys can have boobs I don't know if anyone's let's open society's mind up a little bit all right Dave well I'll
Starting point is 00:29:01 milk you and we'll see what happens you can't it's legal here we're milking Dave's yeah after the show I'll be out there and you guys I'm gonna sign some posters and Dave's gonna get milked milk and David and the station houses were too small station house number two had one bathtub and four toilets for 135 cops now I just think about after lunch and it's the worst idea I've ever had are going to the bathroom in the tub the tub the toilet yeah cops are shitting in their hats and they don't know why the rats are eating yeah no and then the one guy's eating I'm like I think they're shitting in the hats to
Starting point is 00:29:50 give me to stop eating these that is insane and and what the police and the cockroaches are waiting in line to I gotta drop a deuce I'm sorry whoo I ate a bunch of hat the policemen had to share beds school told her there Patty come on let me get in there and oh who's a big big traffic cop look what it's just a bunch of bedbugs in the form of a man superior offers took officers took advantage of their positions patrolmen complained they had to fetch their captain's lunch which humiliated them that's a gripe that's their gripe yeah and we're sick of grabbing captain's
Starting point is 00:30:43 lunch also I'm dying from bugs I literally I don't think you can die from bugs I'm dying from bugs what do you think got him bugs what's better than getting his lunch I'll tell you that right now I'd rather be six feet under than get you more of your fucking baloney and the commissioner was the only one who promoted so cop could just stay at the top of the eligible list for ages and you know that was it he was fucked after the bore things were not good there were a series of calamities the Spanish flu epidemic hit killing many the post-war inflation came and that led to labor unrest and strikes
Starting point is 00:31:35 across the U.S. in 1919 there were 2600 strikes in America 2600 fucking blowing shit out we should get back to the strike time yeah it's fun way better that's all unionized won't wait here we'll do it here not now we'll wait till after the show we'll sign stuff and then we'll yeah yeah in Massachusetts alone there were 396 strikes that year a telephone strike in elevated railway strike a mill worker strike a fisherman strike I don't know how we're not catching anything anymore like fishermen they might have not just been fighting they were like we're also on strike yeah oh no we're not we got one
Starting point is 00:32:22 we're back we're back in it seaweed we're out this is bullshit I just assumed that fishermen back them were all self-employed yeah well are they striking fuck you no fuck you fuck why is that guy talking to himself fuck you I'm not working for you it's me I'm me fuck you I'm not taking the boat out Tommy striking against himself again but there was a great fear of labor action due to the Bolshevik revolution in Russia okay right the fucking goddamn reds the Bolshevik over overthrow of Russia's government in November 1917 was too many Americans a terrifying view of what was to come in America on May day socialists
Starting point is 00:33:12 wanted to have there he goes they were wrong there goes the other way there he goes again subversive devil on May day socialists wanted to have a parade in Boston but we're denied a permit when we know what happened last time yeah they got the shit kicked out of them now we don't want another parade we'll be too eager to kill them I just bring it out of me they marched anyway whoa they're fucking socialists they do that kind of shit please confront to them and then and then charged along with all the bystanders on the street what so by standards are just like yeah fuck them to your fucking socialists get them and
Starting point is 00:33:53 they all just go and start hitting them anyone wearing a red shirt was attacked well that is that's what's always so what anyone in a red shirt you've seen the movie colors what if someone is yeah but so someone's wearing a red shirt mm-hmm and right it's Star Trek it's Star Trek it's Star Trek is it yep they're socialists those guys that's why they are that a real theory it is yeah they get killed but there are they're not socialists they are socialists oh fuck I have no idea what's happening and I had to go back and look at some Star Trek yeah let's get into that soon
Starting point is 00:34:37 let's dip in soon so the police are attacking him anyone with red shirt people were set upon set upon anyone quote with facial indications of being a Russian the Klingons so now so now they're just like you've got a face that looks like you're from Russia yeah I'm from Bulgaria same same it's not the same shut up eat your teeth they're not bad no this guy likes his teeth crowds then destroyed the socialist headquarters socialists were beaten and then brought to jail and locked up so they just grabbing them now and beating them up and taking them in jail sure quote one does quote crop cries of kill them kill them were led by a
Starting point is 00:35:32 group of soldiers and sailors a little thin socialist emaciated prisoners shirt covered in blood was being carried up the steps into station nine by a bunch of sailors who had captured him that sounds like every socialist a little thin little fan like I'm coming that's a socialist you know or at least that that's the stereo that's where the shirts read that's what they want to eat it's blood beat him now it's my own blood shouldn't have worn red it's white was I've got a fever from what this dude got a fever from he throws up blood after he gets a fever he's throwing the blood up yeah don't it's
Starting point is 00:36:19 internal it's not even what we're doing this dude's dying from something we got to get him to a doctor let's point oh guy turned boss in at the end yeah oh he was the whole time oh he was very subtle disagree he's lived abroad that chap so there'll be so as they're carrying this little tiny wave of man up the up the streets a sailor just runs up and starts punching him while they're carrying him good good so with a club we also hit him with a club because why not if you see a little guy getting carried up some stairs fucking have some hits love three hits socialist a full of candy get him oh my god if socials for a can't
Starting point is 00:37:08 full of candy America would love them yeah every America's gonna get a tootsie roll from me over 100 socialists were arrested on that May Day because of a parade permit well they just started marching without one it's so that's how you handle a fucking out of control parade situation people don't just get to parade whenever they want but what is the difference between a parade and a protest one's walking with flow the style horns and shit there's a guy banging ching ching and a guy with drums so there is a moment when you're
Starting point is 00:37:50 like this protest feels a lot like a parade yeah it's hard to know shouldn't have invited the drum guy shit you knew the rules the drum guy shows up you can fucking kick the shit out of yeah yeah governor Calvin Coolidge praised the army and Navy men for restoring order so he was very happy with that and newspapers praised the attackers the message was clear rioting was okay if the powers that be did not support the victims especially if they were pro labor like the Bolsheviks okay the Irish Catholic masses were gaining momentum and more political control of the city which was the Yankee
Starting point is 00:38:33 Republican nightmare in the middle of all this tension in 1919 the police began demanding higher pay and better working conditions what were their gripes could we find out I just want to know whose side we're on so I I sleep in a bag of shit right yeah okay being an officer I'd like to not sleep in a bag of human what would you rather I guess is what it what is that what are you guys after a bed oh boy I'm gonna stop you right there no absolutely not I'm an officer we're a rat hostile we're not focused on you Yankee Republican police commissioner Edwin Curtis who was known as cold and very stubborn cool
Starting point is 00:39:36 it's horrible those go together well they do yeah he refused to look at their salaries and working conditions Curtis it just wouldn't even no no no nah it sounds nice fuck off nah it sounds like you're full of it oh do you sleep with cockroaches Curtis said it Herod and wealth was born a Republican and had quote a profound faith in the divine right of the property classes ultimately to rule good so that's that's who we need yeah that's who we have that's who we have that is let's you know shake it up the shake up so that literally that's how you that is just it that's all you have to do oh we're gonna shake it up
Starting point is 00:40:20 yeah yeah yeah yeah shake it up guys gonna shake it up fuck yeah you would win if you ran on president just saying I'm going to shake it out dude if you came out with like a martini shaking you're like we're gonna do this to America shake USA yeah there he is America's like the movie Cocktail in a lot of ways excuse me what just happened pretty sure he wants to see some nipples but you know Dave we'll just let's do this and then we'll figure that out hey it's not that kind of show that's the after party but behave yourself all right I'll be out there getting milked
Starting point is 00:41:15 soon enough lax Dave a new product from the dollop man milk Dave Anthony milk oh comes out so creamy what I don't feel good and nobody else does and anyone who does this weird some guys in back like I'm not weird so I want to have a cup of Dave is that crazy I feel weird yeah so the police formed a union and voted to affiliate with the AFL okay Curtis then issued a new regulation policemen were not employees but state officers who could not belong to a union and perform their duties wow so they said they were like we're gonna be union he was like
Starting point is 00:42:20 nope we have complaints all right well you can't air him anymore how's that is that better fine I just said something now go back to your bedbugs your dirt human go play with your rat hat Curtis then tried 19 he had like a private trial by himself what he tried 19 leaders who side off on the union so he gets the 19 leaders of the cops and he's like I'm putting you on trial they're like what and then he found them guilty so he was the only guy there so he was like all right here's the case yep you're guilty well I've heard both sides and it's not gonna be easy I find for me shocker I made some great points I'm a
Starting point is 00:43:10 hell of a lawyer and judge this is over I'm this stenographer bailiff see him out that's me right this way he then suspended them they were found guilty yeah by an impartial I mean they had they had a fucking trial I know what they're complaining about he said he would take them sustained he's doing both parts your honor permission to approach the bench permission granted just indulging a lunatic can I treat the witnesses hostile food's here I'm also the delivery guy subway sandwiches right here sir and how do you like your job you know it's
Starting point is 00:43:57 okay I'm also you exactly for sure alright well thank you outside the courtroom I'm the judge and the guy from everything else back to you in the studio also me thank you me great reporting as usual we've got a quick five-day update that's right me I'm over here the five-day forecast we're looking at a bad nor'easter pushing in here but some of that high pressure is gonna move in and it's gonna really calm it look for a little humidity but not too much back to you guys and sports we go to me boy the Red Sox are crushing it tonight aren't they I appreciate it again it's not my
Starting point is 00:44:49 name it's just a first I don't know where I don't know where it came from it's the weirdest thing yeah it's we'll figure it out so Curtis said he would take the suspended officers back if they disavowed their actions okay the Boston Chamber of Commerce the governor and most of the newspapers backed Curtis the new police union said they would strike unless the men were put back on the force Mayor Andrew Peters tried to mediate he got Curtis to hold off on firing the union leaders while he put together a commission to look into the issue okay so the commission then said the police had a right to form a
Starting point is 00:45:36 union without punishment and that wages hours and working conditions needed to be improved okay well Curtis dismissed dismissed the findings shocking I'm surprised that he didn't see the light the head of the AFL called Curtis quote his majesty the autocrat of the people of Boston the worst you know it really it's always the ass kisser who bothers you the most right it's like yeah I don't want to relate it to today but it's like Sean Spicer to me I'm like God you're such a bitch it doesn't whatever you believe but and honestly like whatever you think of what's going you can't deny that that is what you just like you're
Starting point is 00:46:20 like look I'll have everyone hate me for the right amount of money you go out there every day but he what he was giving him shit not kissing his ass okay keep going sarcasm is invented the mayor asked Governor Coolidge to support the report of the Commission and he passed to cool for the most part all the newspapers supported the Commission report and attacked Curtis but Curtis still refused to reinstate the 19 cops so on September 9th 1919 the Boston cops 1919 the Boston Patrolmen's Union voted 1,134 to 2 it's fucking how do you even if it's getting to that point I mean but that
Starting point is 00:47:08 guy those two fucking guys like they just walked in and didn't know what was happening there's no way you're like what's the count 987 to zero I'm gonna actually go against them on this I think we got a shot we just need a few in a row to go so they go on strike they vote to go on strike the mayor completely freaked out and asked Curtis to call in the National Guard but Curtis said he didn't think the police would actually go on strike maybe a few but not many they then met with the governor who agreed with Curtis the governor also said he
Starting point is 00:47:44 wasn't in control of the situation Curtis was and there was an emergency clause in the who controlled the police rule that said in case of riot or mob the mayor could call out local guard units so if an emergency situation hits then the like if everything goes fuck then you got it right okay the mayor then held a press conference I'm sure that was fun to cover his ass saying police commissioner Curtis was calling all the shots and everything was fine and the governor had their backs and that he was totally relying on them so that's good that's that's good when you I mean that that's being honest about the
Starting point is 00:48:23 puppet master at least yeah you know I don't know I do nothing again I have nothing they're my bosses yep now I'm gonna let him handle this yeah I'm tired so Commissioner Curtis then called for police volunteers to be ready if the police did walk out that's that's always good yeah it's like yeah the NFL replacement refs you like they got this I can't think of anything that's a home run what is the sport what can be better than scab cops yeah well to be honest with all the rats they were already scab cops all the bedbugs and rats he put up where my neck do it these fucking things I got wicked bit last night
Starting point is 00:49:21 well hello sir he put an ad in the papers quote able-bodied men willing to give their services in case a necessity for the part of day or night to protect of persons and property in the city of Boston sure sure good feeling yep the president of Harvard then ordered all students to be ready to volunteer I don't want to play into stereotypes Dave but it's good it's good is that the front line you're after yeah yeah yeah I can't think of more worry we got the MIT robotics department on it oh they're called crushed into dust they went up so fast they broke like toothpicks we'll never have robots we lost 16 of our
Starting point is 00:50:18 greatest minds tonight cuz they'd literally never thrown a punch we're cops now kill them kill them right away three days later 250 students had cut their summer vacation short and registered to be police and including the entire Harvard football team okay dokey there we go time to Ryan Fitz Patrick this shit the yep oh yeah I have no idea what he's talking about it's very exciting the Harvard football coach said football could go to hell and the whole team would police Boston was he was he like drawing it up like it was a game in this fucking game right here can go fuck itself and we're gonna be out
Starting point is 00:51:18 there all over the city of Boston all my boys all 52 of them Davey that's what I want you to run a screen okay you're gonna move through Donnie's gonna push and beat the fuck out of them okay keep running pound the goddamn rock what are you gonna do if you see a red shirt boys make it more red let's go more red we have to take our pads off I just realized we're all wearing pads I'm sorry did you say pants you cut from the team there'll be no hold on hold on let me take my pants off first oh coach and the Harvard football team never fought crime we're all marrying each other what the hell is happening
Starting point is 00:52:11 Harvard football we fuck each other that's the sign they're hitting on the way out fucking fuck each other we fuck each other let's go where the fuck have you been come on so the Irish Catholic police were being replaced by rich Yankee volunteers the strike out great the strike I say stop over there I said halt sir freeze them my goodness you have zero respect if you don't stop my daddy will be angry I moments away from pulling a pistol out on you sonny the strike started at 545 p.m. on September 9th 1919 1117 out of 1,544 cops walked out okay those who hang around are real duchess yeah real duchess well
Starting point is 00:53:13 so the officers didn't join in the volunteer force was not supposed to show up until the next morning so we have a purge so 400 basically we just have a layout you know for the next 12 hours there's no law okay everybody be cool tonight because there's no cops so just let's just all hang low and have like an in-night you know get some popcorn all right now in this fucking city dude let's go out we're not paying for shit hey can we set everything on fire that'll be $75 you know I could just stab you and your husband so how do you want to progress I guess the question I just pictured just tons of people on the
Starting point is 00:54:08 boss and she's writing and they're chanting Yankee suck at the same time oh dude imagine if the Yankees were in town that night dude we're killing them top to bottom period so because because the volunteer Jesus Christ that was not a display of masculinity that Jose could have done better no thumbs on that thing I'm having him get thumbs seals don't have thumbs I'm having some attached you ever seen the video of the seal raping the penguin do you want to see those are bad don't even get started with you start fucking no you don't even want to get started with what horny animals do they make
Starting point is 00:55:07 terrible calls they really do it's a shame I mean dolphins are rapists deal dolphins are monkeys you watch monkeys you're like I mean we're just two tics away from these little things that are like feels good on my dick you're like not in front they're filming you they are filming you so 427 patrolmen stay on duty because the volunteers are starting the next morning which so there's 30% of the usual cops okay large crowds gathered a diehard plot large crowds gathered in front of police stations to watch the cops walk out okay man so they come out in their civilian clothes carrying their
Starting point is 00:55:48 uniforms and they're chewed on hats the first violence happened the rats were like we're starving you took all the hats yeah but there's a lot of football equipment just I love hats the first violence happened almost immediately as shocking 546 p.m. done done as the cops came across crowds of working-class men and boys who are waiting for them now this is the most Boston moment of any dollop ever at station 6 a man stepped up to a policeman as he walked out of the station and said quote I've waited 11 years for you you're not a cop now and then he punched him in the face that is
Starting point is 00:56:44 that that is what I was going to predict because for I mean that is quote that is pretty fucking amazing if you like don't we got 12 hours with a civilian let's fuck it go nuts on him just walking around do you remember me oh god oh god yes do I look familiar yeah I've rested you 19 times yeah you rest me 19 times now you're not a cop that's so fucking crazy okay yeah do me a favor give me back my knife when I just said my bitch pack of mentals there were thousands there to taunt and harass the striking police as they left at station 10 at Roxbury at least well there we go
Starting point is 00:57:46 checks in the mail at least 1200 men and boys started pelting the police station's walls with rocks and then mud cuz I think they ran out of rocks there's no doubt they ran out of rocks and they just reigned so and then mud you're like I do my arm hurts yeah we should have brought rocks more rocks they ripped down awnings and then began to play dice on the station's front steps if it rains you're screwed let's play a game at all the stations as police walked through the crowds to go home they were showered with handfuls of mud one newspaper wrote gangsters many of them with grudges against certain officers
Starting point is 00:58:32 who had arrested them at one time or another lost no time in hurling almost anything within their reach at their avowed enemies they should be throwing rats at them the rats would be like I know you motherfucker the violence was in in immigrants working-class neighborhoods like South Boston Charlestown North End and West End yeah yeah everything's fine that's the whole thing right that's almost the whole city yeah everything that's where anywhere that's where the violence happens everywhere where didn't it happen what are we is this what part is this is this one of those yeah it's what hey there's this
Starting point is 00:59:12 fine here in other areas and I knew a hall finula Lee fan and all a new way we just spell it like a fucking sounds you know come on fuck off all right in other areas the crowds cheered the striking places they walked out so in the more wealthy areas they're like go boys the working-class areas right we're not in the more in the more in the not more affluent non-immigrant right right yeah good the good people we support you lock the doors jeevs jeevs in Roxbury gang of boys took advantage of the lack of law they roam the streets throwing stones at peddlers and stealing their fruit I mean
Starting point is 01:00:05 it was a different time like that's that's that's like the version of car that is great crime that's running down the street with a bunch of pine apples yeah yeah yeah yeah totally fuck you there's something adorable about kids being like oranges like nowadays that would not happen these kids today you seen them boy they then attacked you know they go ahead they then attacked a cab set it on fire and left it in front of the police station all right well that's a red flagging okay yeah bold move yeah on another street someone tossed a rock through a window and then the mob went crazy buildings were
Starting point is 01:00:52 broken into and looted cops who tried to stop the mob were beaten professional thieves had been headed to the city from other locations for days here comes Philly dude a crime gold rush yeah yeah yeah yeah it is the purge they had the purge this is the purge yeah and so these guys immediately took advantage loading up their cars with stolen goods you know as far as a thief goes you got to love it yeah South Boston quote seemed to be the greatest center of disorder here we go again South Boston shocking mobs pulled trolleys off their wires attacked the police station trolleys off the wires
Starting point is 01:01:52 okay so that is a crazy so it back then like the trolley drivers like well they don't have this in the manual I mean they don't I think we're done for the day I think that's a wrap on trawling have you been to San Francisco yes okay so you know the bus system works there they they have the wires yeah so it's like that that's what all these were so they're pulling the trolley no I get it it's insane I get what it is but if you did like if you remove track and wire from a trolley you're like we're just a roadblock where you are I mean it's not all terrain I don't know what to tell you I got it in fourth it's not doing
Starting point is 01:02:25 anything I can't they attacked the police station and randomly broke star windows a nine-year-old ran out in the street and using a stick broke the window of a car driving by come on that is so Southie right there time for this kid to go to boot camp he is a bad kid and 11 catch me a sad that's what he said catch me a sad an 11 year-old broke 11 year-old broke into a vendor stand and stoles are unreal yeah less when crime starts 9 and 11 he broke into a vendor stand and stole all the cigarettes a 9 11 year-old I mean I that's my favorite kid in the whole fucking story he's definitely English would you stop
Starting point is 01:03:14 asking me to put him out ma I'm under a little bit of fucking stress right now fuck if I could go back in time and stop something it'd be when I fucking started breaking into vendors shit social smoker now if someone has what I have a puff and that ain't anymore rioters ran into restaurants grabbed pies and eggs and then ran out and threw them at police no notes a bicycle shop was looted we got tires now well on the move a loan company office was destroyed saloons were broken into and all the liquor was drunk still owns were broken into all of them Frank Frank and yeah well they probably went to Frank's they
Starting point is 01:04:06 were like we should go to Sly's this is there's nothing here this is just a bunch of headshots he signed to nobody I don't know the door was open is that even a door saloons were broken into and the liquor was drunk off fire alarms were set off all over the place quote from 10 o'clock until after midnight a mob mob of about 600 maybe made up largely of hoodlums from 14 to 20 years old worked dog Chester I get that yep Avenue to Andrew's Square breaking plate glass store windows and looting indiscriminately as they passed a group of reserve park police confronted the Irish South Boston mob that's not a good
Starting point is 01:04:48 matchup with revolvers the mob had the cops had the revolvers quote they proved to be almost useless well this nine-year-old had a stick and he jams up in every one of the guns well you got a fucking gun so you out you have guns and it's their use I mean honestly they're like supermen these bullets are useless against them I'm armed police retreated under a shower of stones as the rioters shouted kill them all kill them all well at least they finally got a shower the worst of the rioting was in the downtown business district the first sign that the street had been taken over was a giant crap game
Starting point is 01:05:41 breaking out on the common now normally I'd assume what a crap game is that's what but during these times we're out of mud so illegal gambling not being stopped by the police was assigned to the crowds anything was possible so they were like imagine that moment dude anything's possible tonight our dreams of fucking coming true it's a little tear get emotional we could literally murder tonight the Boston Herald quote as soon as the traffic officers left the station at winter in Tremont streets a crowd of young men to celebrate the new era of freedom started a crap game which attracted hundreds of people the dice
Starting point is 01:06:34 were thrown on the common sidewalk directly opposite the Park Street church how how do you play you see craps in Vegas and I'm like it's just no I don't know how to do it on the street you're like it'll be fine it went in the sewer that's a seven what's going on I don't understand throw them again do it yeah new players were introduced into the game until after time the stakes of several hundred dollars were in the pot okay a self-appointed announcer kept it it's the dude who was the judge in the bailiff I'm also here tonight we've got a hell of a craps game taking place there are no rules and craps is the
Starting point is 01:07:21 only law we're listening to what a matchup it's been I should go I drive a taxi and I'm a waiter so the self-appointed announcer kept the growing crowd informed of the process of the game this guy's the announcer I know we're not highlighting him too much but that is an amazing job to just see that and be like I'll be the announcer you guys have an announcer you don't can you all right here he is he's throwing the dice again we're rolling again and he's blowing on a boy he needs some luck tonight luck be a lady that she shall be the winning men were cheered and in many cases lifted up on the shoulders of
Starting point is 01:08:09 their friends for more applause what is happening though many of the winners were robbed as soon as they left by gangs I mean boy you guys really like me huh yeah I don't actually live around here this is an alley why are you letting me down give it all to you hey chill the fuck out 5,000 people gathered in Scully Square this is where the brothels tattoo parlors bars and low-end boarding houses were the hotspot is it better now there's a still oh that's okay got weird very clear soon they were looting and
Starting point is 01:08:59 headed toward the nice upscale stores on Washington Street they came out of stores actually was he in 10 hate to be that good they came out of stores with arms full of cigars shoes jewelry and other quality shit poor people needed yeah I did you get food for the baby no but I got a bunch of cigars sailors were leading this group of looters they were the ones smashing the windows so the others could get inside but it wasn't just the lower end of society some of the better off folks started getting in on it too it's fun when we can all come together there there were quote seemingly respectable men
Starting point is 01:09:47 who were crazed with excitement and curiosity black Friday yeah it's black Friday the Herald reported that quote two sailors robbed a man in a real movie fashion while 500 people watched is that why it was in movie fashion I have no idea we sold tickets they must have done it like have you seen the robbery it starts at four and they're gonna re rob him at six men were walking around the streets with shirts neckties shoes jewelry and they started trading plundered items with each other in open view in the middle of the street you got a silk shirt I got a nice tie here it's great the shoe stores were the favorite of the
Starting point is 01:10:33 looters who were poor they would sit on the curb and try them on to get the right size genuinely they are robbing stores and then footlockering the street these just don't look right I don't know if he's even I mean I like them I just don't know if I love are they me they be honest are they me they don't look I'm gonna steal a pair I want it for at least two years sure I don't want to I'm not I'm not gonna come back here and re rob it sure I mean I'm just used to you see with your first one toes sticking out so to me it's a weird thing you with you I mean they're very fancy I'm so torn I just like a piece of shit so
Starting point is 01:11:13 it's weird to see you in nice shoes I think they're tight yeah they're definitely tight tight they're tight when you bend down like that well but I might be bending down a lot yeah I don't even know also your your your knees are sticking out of your pants because your pants are falling oh yeah no I'm gonna murder the pant guy in a bit I just I want to get these right I'll get them that's the holidays I'll get them we'll go to pants party next that's the pants store yeah pants party they also started jacking taxis as a way to carry around they're still in goods right where to get out okay all righty we're
Starting point is 01:12:02 going to get pants that's where to not with you motherfucker before you leave what do you think of these do you like these on me I'm about to steal some beige pants I just I don't want I hope they tie the hole you come back with the pants I'll tell you come back with the pants I like them I don't even know I keep doing this I like them I just I I know I like them and I know once I have two weeks with them I'll love them I just I'm like this I'm finicky when there's riots I get like this I get rioters remorse I just I don't I get home and I go did I want this and I do I know that I love them I'm sorry I know I
Starting point is 01:12:36 love them done not wasting any more time I love them I need to go back I have to go back the mob didn't just want to steal they also want to even the score taking focus at the rich in some places they just took shit out of high end stores and then destroyed it in the street sure like that's when they're going in and there's like a ceramic dog they're like fuck this thing that's a million down oh not stuffy this was actually a common practice in 8 in the 18th and 19th centuries they wanted to hurt those they considered hoarders of property animal hoarders yep people police were able to make some arrests
Starting point is 01:13:24 led by superintendent Michael Crowley they would avoid the large crowds and pick off lone looters at that's cool for Newell hall that's how we get them fanuel hall annual hall you'll get there there's one too many vowels it's one of those annual hall some rioters moved in on a small group of police threatening them the police were surrounded so they shot into the mob there were an estimated 10,000 rioters in the streets every store in south Boston had been emptied Crowley moved the bulk of his forces there at midnight Crowley took his force straight down Broadway and had
Starting point is 01:14:03 them firing point blank into the crowds Jesus it's aggressive well it'll stop the stuff that's going on yeah no and we'll get there soon enough the rioters ran for the side streets and and the night of madness was over the central business district had quieted down by 1 30 a.m. three rioters had been shot dead and 50 were charged with looting and 22 were arrested for being drunk those are guys who broke into a saloon and then got drunk and then just fucking but that that's that's like that's pennywise dollar foolish you you get the booze you don't drink it keep rioting keep acquiring the stuff then you have a
Starting point is 01:14:39 celebratory Ned divine party at 7 30 a.m. you know what I mean but you don't like you're not just going man this rums burning a hole in my pocket you try telling Patrick what do you say we gin up and then go to that bowtie shop but I didn't even get all the shit I needed for my kids oh you just kind of bunch of room examples of people arrested two sellers off the USS Sturgeon had arms full of shoes Rocco Juggalo 19 wait that's the first Juggalo yeah what do you need all this white and black face paint for son give her an ICP you bought this Fago yeah sure what about this meth what about this hatchet Rocco was
Starting point is 01:15:38 arrested running down the street in the north end with a arm full of silk shorts I make these you're gonna feel so great against my balls silk silk shorts it is I mean it really it's like a supermarket sweep episode it's just like you have 20 you have 25 minutes what do you need well I didn't love silk I've been looking for silk shorts and when you come back and you like present it to your family well I got a bunch of me stuff did you even we need food well I figure if these silk shorts will give me the confidence to get a great job and then after that comes the money then the food because now we got 20 pairs of
Starting point is 01:16:20 silk shorts all my size I thought of you too I got you my son is gay the next day the Boston papers filled their pages with the names and offenses of those arrested commission commissioner Curtis admitted he had no way to protect the city he wrote a letter it's good that's good candor yeah he wrote a letter to mayor well I'm on record we're fucked so oh I did a shit job there huh terrible I am a nightmare yeah the thing when I said that there'd be enough cops it's not what happened but how about that Harvard football team hey hey they're all dead they died they died they're all dead they're all dead they all died the coach
Starting point is 01:17:12 too and they took their equipment their equipment's gone so yeah he wrote a letter to mayor Peters saying he lost control of the situation and that the number of replacement police was inadequate then he urged the mayor to call out the National Guard okay the thing you wanted to do let's do that the mayor then invoked the acts of 1885 and took control of the police department he called out the guard with six infantry regiments a Calvary troop a motor core two machine gun companies and an ambulance company which you need because of all the previous stuff I've just read all together was over 7,000 troops
Starting point is 01:17:57 they were all Yankee officers and almost all Yankee troops it was classic old-school Yankees versus the immigrants but Yankee sock fuck you Yankees no we're here to help no no you're not we're not over Damon do it I'm like a weird headspace cuz like those Yankees did not suck no they saved us fucking Aaron Boone who would have thought that we're talking about still hurts still hurts still fuck you want three after that you motherfuckers blocked I just love that I say Aaron Boone and a guy over there goes oh fuck me I didn't know this was gonna be painful tonight
Starting point is 01:19:05 so on Wednesday the troops had not arrived yet because they're coming in from other areas right and by the afternoon it's always good to have transit yeah I mean like you wait for an Uber for four minutes like this is taking forever you're like where are they they're days away okay thanks whenever they're here my family's dead yeah yeah so shit was on again the volunteer police showed up for duty on Wednesday morning but they were too inexperienced to deal with the situation and the rioters took to the streets they're arresting us we don't know what's going on dice games immediately
Starting point is 01:19:40 started up again again as they should all right we get out there we try the dice and if the dice go well then we burn down the fucking city the crowd built and built and built until they were 5,000 and Scully Square soon the mob was throwing rocks and potatoes at the scab officer I mean were they at the house of stereotypes there's only one way to undo this the same thing we always turn to sweet sweet potatoes and here's some corned beef you fucker we just threw our dinner at them I'm fucking hungry can you throw some of the potatoes and other things back we won't re-throw them will mash the newspaper
Starting point is 01:20:39 listed the volunteer cops as college boys lawyers bankers brokers salesmen athletes former Harvard oarsmen good get them on the list two chauffeurs and a farmer did you just do the 12 days of Christmas two chauffeurs and a farmer very few does anyone need to be driven anywhere let us know very few of them came from the lower classes as the missiles continue to be thrown the volunteer cops just ran off shocking the the uniform uniform cops ended up being attacked saving me the ununiformed cops that know the uniform cops so the guys that are still on the force the 400 whatever right and it up saving the
Starting point is 01:21:39 volunteers by pulling out their guns as they're running away right stop the stop them from being murdered right at that point the police superintendent ordered all volunteer cops to hide their badges under their coats smart but the fact that they had scab cops were all just made the scab cops made up of Yankee right guys right I just made the immigrant mobs angrier right not surprising at 6 p.m. when the mob had growed to 15,000 Jesus Christ the cavalry arrived wow these are some numbers yeah the Calvary wasted no time they charge they get a permit just it's protocol I honor it and we got a
Starting point is 01:22:29 permit for this we can fuck a little whatever we want they wasted no time they charged on horseback into crowds to rescue the volunteer police being attacked they would swing their sabers at the rioters who would what were they from again we're from the 1400s let's move but the mobs kept regrouping and throwing anything that wasn't nailed down so the potatoes are useless against them the Calvary was unable to make any progress the next morning a headline read all-day fight with the mob and Scully Square Calvary useless that that's like a Trump tweet that's where you have like where the words you have to you're like
Starting point is 01:23:16 jamming it in jet you're like okay how do we know but then we got to cut the fat we don't have enough room this is a headline not the article nightmarish ending that's too many it's just it's it's taking it all up but things change later in the evening when the infantry and other guard units arrived working together all the forces managed to clear the square and using roadblocks prevent the mob from reforming in South Boston it was an estimated crowd of 20,000 on Wednesday still looting and vandalizing several of the striking policemen were now part of the mob
Starting point is 01:23:57 I can't wait for that day you know Kendall Jenner yeah wait a minute she took her wig off and rub the lipstick let's reevaluate everything in South Boston the 10th inventory faced off with the rioters the angry iris threw objects down from rooftops doorways and street corners it was a standoff luckily a strong rain started at 8 p.m. and most of the mob went inside that's that's the nor'easter that we heard about on the weather look at all this shit shot at and I was fucking wet right at the riot is on a bit of a rain delay I'm the announcer from the craps game who's out
Starting point is 01:24:51 of his goddamn mind I'm also the judge of the bailiff let me walk you to the Doppler 19,000 but some still persisted and around 11 p.m. the officer in charge was hit in the head with a stone he was badly wounded and the troops responded by firing into the crowd killing three and wounding nine okay and then a southy on Thursday morning the city of Boston was quiet very awkward morning yeah fuck man I got really weird last night what did we what did we do we should not have why do we get into the Yega every fucking time I have so many pairs of silk shorts I just why do I have all these silk shorts I hate these shoes why
Starting point is 01:25:47 did I get these shoes a fucking great these don't look like me at all those look great shoes I can't crouch in them there's no crouch game I'm not good at crouching you look good in them last night I'll tell you that dude I don't like them yeah did I sign off on these yeah yeah you did yeah I'll give them a couple weeks I just you know I that's what you said I get like this I hate commitment I just you know but I'm like are they tight they're tight yeah all right because I'm a wide right that's the problem when you don't have a guy that you know because we murdered the cobbler I got he's dead so I got this
Starting point is 01:26:23 egg in a pie it's great dude also where are all my potatoes oh yeah they're fucking wow on them man there we threw them at them they're wearing them wearing them yeah what are they doing with them wearing them wearing are you asking where you are the troops let everyone know who is in control that morning oh this is a word change that doesn't make sense we're all very excited by bringing the machine gun into Scully Square and opening fire over all the gamblers heads all right so we're tired of shit you guys know what that means so this is the point where they come out at all they come out in
Starting point is 01:27:16 the morning right yeah and they're good hey let's do the dice thing again if it works then we'll burn what's left there's not a lot maybe some boats or whatever and then it is the time it didn't work so they're playing die the guy we're gonna have another fucking great day and also the machine gun then they're like party's over dirty shot the dice the one looks like a two Krebs is ruined so everyone there was arrested Boston's longest running dice game was over until the 80s when dice clay came out one of the guards been shot and killed a man who turned out to be an onlooker he thought the man was trying
Starting point is 01:28:02 to break free the arrested guys but turns out he was just watching I like to watch I'm dead yeah you shouldn't have done that that was a bad I don't like watching your husband died doing what he loves on looking yeah yep he was very focused yeah he's dead yeah people are not allowed to gather in groups of three or more that is always the greatest thing and the idea that you can't have someone go what were you talking about guys the guy I mean that's like as the citizen is being an onlooker sorry we're lost which way is this oh you looking for an annual hall you actually want to
Starting point is 01:28:46 head down you looking for new for newly new Finley for newly home yeah for newly home from around here are you know I'm not I'm a tourist hey where's Jordan's furniture here those guys local local Yama if you don't know about Jordan's furniture these two fucking brothers the Jordan brothers they opened a furniture company and they just for whatever reason just for a bit look at you for just based on being fairly awesome they made it like Bourbon Street when you walk into the one in native I think you walk into it and it's like Bourbon Street and then they just don't you can go sit on all the furniture they were just two lunatics
Starting point is 01:29:31 who are bald and grew ponytails and they were like have fucking fun with our furniture and yes I've been there on mushrooms all right they give you beads you get beads go ahead yeah go ahead well there was a place when I moved to Los Angeles kid you not called Sid's baby furniture it did not last it did not last very long but it was open for about two years and people must've been going in going said you got to change the fucking name this is Sid specialty babycott this is Sid's approved I don't know why I cannot get any your baby's gonna rest with Sid beside it
Starting point is 01:30:29 sudden infant huh so what we're ruined no you just changed the name I'm not changing the name I know it gave me this name should be called out of no way infant death syndrome oh I'm suing a disease I I'm in way over my head I had to sell my silk shorts to cover my legal fees troops station all over the city treated pedestrians very roughly making them move very quickly to get wherever they were going that night the troops broke up another dice game in a Jamaica plane and again killed one guy who was watching another guy had his job broken by a rifle but but the the rioting was over sure this is when governor Coolidge
Starting point is 01:31:35 got involved he announced that he was concerned the labor unions would call a general strike and support of the cops and that would lead to more violence so he called out the rest of the state guard I love this now that it's over he's like all right let's do something you may as well be wiping your mouth from a meal all right let's do it I'm ready to go focus finally he asked for federal troops he then took control of the police department back from mayor Peters and the head of the AFL told governor Coolidge that the police were ready to return to work and they were willing to negotiate later okay coolage Coolidge's
Starting point is 01:32:14 response soon became famous quote there is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody anywhere anytime the governor said it wasn't a strike it was desertion and he framed it as if it as if he had fought and beat the Bolshevik menace if the police could be labeled as Bolsheviks they would take the heat for the riots which would leave Curtis Curtis's role clear in blowing it and leave the city and so the city would look fine right so he's trying to cover for the the police commissioner okay the Republican Commiss police commissioner and if he can if he can label the cops as
Starting point is 01:32:53 Bolsheviks and the cops look like a bunch of right okay right but I weren't scared of the Russians right it's the Russians again you guys oh god I'm so tired the Russians so the public's feelings were made known when they donated over 500,000 to the volunteer police and state guard there you go there it is yep there you go he put commissioner Curtis back in charge commissioner Curtis then obtained a ruling from the state attorney general that the police had vacated their positions Curtis then fired the 1147 cops who had gone on strike Jesus Christ he said the cops had planned and been
Starting point is 01:33:41 behind the riots quote the disorder was planned and intended in order that the city might be so terrorized that a demand would come to call the faith's officers on their own terms as far as the nine-shot dead in 23 wounded the public perception was that they had gotten what they had coming as much as we hate it's the public it's always the public that's the real goddamn idiot and we're part of it we are the public and the public is always the people like where we figured out what it was we got it we're the public they're being honest they're good honest people the citizens were almost hysterical and backed
Starting point is 01:34:27 Curtis Coolidge and the state guard though considering the numbers many many of the mob were law-abiding citizens who took to the streets yeah but by standards took the most bullets on lookers will fucking do something they'll just stand around you're allowed to go what are you guys doing you know what are you guys doing in a riot everybody knows what you's doing I say dice I love a bit of dice oh my throat that's where I keep my total the courts were all packed with the Yankee Republican judges and those charged were given very heavy sentences for instance William Smith got three years for stealing
Starting point is 01:35:15 28 pieces of gum can I keep the gum though everyone are you in for trying to chill everyone around the country also condemned the police Curtis received tons of mail praising him for firing the cops he probably wrote it to himself dear me I also write letters to me yeah yours faithfully you much of this was obviously due to the Red Scare the Boston Herald wrote quote if the Soviet theory succeeds here it will spread to other battlegrounds and become nationwide the Boston Evening transcript called it quote an experiment station of the exotic revolutionary ideas that have been imported to the United States the
Starting point is 01:36:05 New York Times attacked the mayor for trying to compromise the with the police union so now the mayor is the fucking dick cool yeah it's like but I the president Wilson said this strike was a crime against civilization I mean a little just take it easy yeah honestly I mean it really is it's you heard Wilson have you ever heard your views on blacks that's actually that's my true yeah Wilson Wilson like a baby at this point well I love him as a baby you heard my Truman baby it's actually like baby I'm seeing the movie Truman baby yeah he drops a bomb on Japan I didn't know I'm sorry I'm only window just a
Starting point is 01:37:01 baby nuking countries yeah immediately Curtis began high rattle fell on the red button I'm sorry immediately Curtis began hiring a new police force mostly World War I veterans the new cops got large raises a new pension and improved station houses there you go they got every single thing the striking cops had wanted and the only reason they did about that was clearly to fuck with the striking yeah now but that's the thing right it's like if you ultimately make that concession what was the goddamn point right so after 102 days the National Guard was sorry after 102 days the National Guard was removed from
Starting point is 01:37:59 Boston streets Coolidge was one of the heroes and went on to be reelected as governor and then to vice president candidate for the Republican Party and then president his nationwide prominence all came from his treatment of and reaction to men who did not want to come home covered in cockroaches nationwide cities denied police forces the right to strike because of the their positions of guardians of law and order in the end of Boston was a society divided and the poor and oppressed exploded attacking the well-off and the civilized and well-to-do quickly used it as an example of the immigrant
Starting point is 01:38:40 savagery and criminality as well as using hysterical leaps to the Red Scare the Irish became more uncompromising after the strike as if that's a thing that could happen well how do you go from here to here oh good lord we want two more potatoes a year they're offering one we'll take it we'll kill him now she's me we're gonna kill him and when they hand the potato we'll fucking stab him in the heart oh you think we'd be better you don't offer me one potato I'll fucking kill you how did you join this I thought you just said anybody Irish are you a fucking onlooker he died doing what he loved
Starting point is 01:39:42 curiously watching after the strike the Irish put their focus on taking control of the city from the Yankees they reelected Irishman John James Curley to be mayor and from then on Boston would be an Irish Irish dominated city a fortress against outsiders and anyone unsympathetic to the working class so there we go whenever you hear of a strike always think of what bowling because people don't strike because they want to nobody doesn't want to have a paycheck they're driven to it by obscene conditions yeah but it that that's kind of like that is kind of in a way the problem of when things are decent
Starting point is 01:40:37 like when things are propped up to appear to be decent because you really if you want like when you galvanize it's because things are so shit and so it's almost like you keep like if you're watching the world we live in now you're like what is our fucking bottom like when are we gonna be like fuck this and flip the table at the family dinner you know some people just some people just did that yeah yeah some people just flip it did flip a table it's true and it just bombed Syria but but let's end on a high note I would just say maybe when Mayday rolls around this year look at a little bit differently maybe there's gonna
Starting point is 01:41:14 be marches and stuff maybe go out and celebrate these people who were how about just these cops are fucked over do something even better tweet about it from your couch that's how we really that's how we make a god damn difference okay post petitions that you yourself haven't fucking signed my god damn mirror thank you guys as someone who has lived here the idea that we just did a show in this fucking theater is is pretty hard to wrap your goddamn brain around we appreciate it so much and you know everything you guys do it's so fucking great so shut up sir I'm sorry I'm just in the middle of something I'm
Starting point is 01:42:05 gonna roll but we will there's an area where we're gonna sign some posters we'll take pictures all that shit yeah you know we'll be out there in like 10 minutes we thank you guys so much for coming out you know thank you very much guys appreciate it thank you and all we need are eight people to stand for it to be a standing ovation year of

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