The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 26 - The Subway Vigilante Bernhard Goetz

Episode Date: October 18, 2014

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine Bernhard Goetz, the subway vigilante.Tour Dates Dollop MerchSourcesPatreon...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at We're just talking about Gary. Gary apparently doesn't know anything yeah
Starting point is 00:01:12 no matter what subject I throw at him he's like I haven't heard of that but you're not a moron. No but no they're yeah you're a smart guy yeah but you've just decided maybe to put all your energy into football or a lot of it goes to football I have I'm a piece you are a piece of a piece okay yeah that's terrific it's fun to learn learning is fun okay the year November 7th 1974 lovely that was when Bernard Getz was born okay he's born in Queens New York City father was a German immigrant who ran a book binding business and a dairy farm in upstate New York so right books and cows a lot of people get into that
Starting point is 00:01:59 yep well it's so easy to fall into the cow game after you get into binding it really is they call it doing the double up a farmland it's the same thing yeah yeah for sure yeah so that's where he was raised up there in upstate New York his mother was also a German immigrant so he's raised by two Germans so he was from German binders and milkers yes the stock was sturdy and strong sure yeah things went wrong for Bernard when he was 12 okay he got right into just start we're in okay I did 12 his father was accused and convicted on charges of molesting two 15 year old boys yeah I thought you're gonna say binding cattle
Starting point is 00:02:43 no he went for something else Papa gets peeled the verdict this is what he's sorry sorry Papa gets I called him Papa I called him Papa okay not pop because if that I mean I make light of funny molester name yes but Papa gets would be a guy you keep your eye on a way period whatever Papa wants Papa gets as he's just rubbing his nipple hey what's your name my name Papa gets hey get the kids in the house no no leave right here Papa gets them okay he appealed the verdict and later pled guilty on a reduced charge of disorderly conduct so I don't know what happened there but he was convicted of molesting two boys and
Starting point is 00:03:28 he peeled it and they're like alright his lawyer would go disorderly conduct I got you for public urination better feel good so to cushion Bernard in his sister Bernice from the trauma the dad sent them to a boarding school in Switzerland what a great solution I'm just gonna get rid of them so they're not hurt by me I'll just cut cut ties cut them loose yeah so that's where Bernard gets spent his high school years in Switzerland when he returned and entered New York University in 1975 the family had moved to Florida his father did very well so he's out of jail obviously his father did very well
Starting point is 00:04:11 developing a medium-priced track housing in Florida so he's responsible for some of that shit yeah sure Bernard graduated with a degree in electrical and nuclear engineering so not a dummy no he's not a fucking dummy in order to avoid military duty in Vietnam he acted like he had a mental illness and it worked well does he have a mental illness yeah true that but that has to be fun regard like if you're acting like you're crazy oh yeah I think you're crazy I mean I just murdered that yeah I'm pulling a Ted Nugent yeah yeah yeah gets then joined his father's development company and entered into a brief unhappy marriage
Starting point is 00:04:47 lovely they divorced in 1975 so it wasn't a year yeah it wasn't even a year that marriage and she was like holy fuck Mario Lopez was like that was fast gets moved to New York City to start his own business he specialized in calibrating sophisticated electronic equipment to precise manufacturing standards I was gonna guess I would be my guess my dad made books and milked cows I'm a calibrator machines don't your machines don't hurt you he has often said okay hmm well I disagree with that fucking completely has he not seen the matrix yeah I mean or heard about the escalator kid in his shoelaces
Starting point is 00:05:30 Terminator yeah okay you're you're being more real okay sorry sorry the tripods from the sky has he not read about those he ran the business out of his own apartment where he stored the equipment acquired from suppliers all over the city in order to bid on bargains at auctions and sales gets often carried several thousand dollars in cash with them interesting interesting in 1977 he moved to a one bedroom apartment in Greenwich Village near 14th Street 14th Street at that time was a bit of a mess a lot of crime and whatnot he launched a one-man crusade to clean up the street pestering pestering city
Starting point is 00:06:10 agencies to do something about the litter the junkies and the homeless that is sort of how the ASPCA started so okay we don't yeah we don't know it kind of is like the ASPCA in a way well we'll get to it all right now in 1981 crime rates were peaking in New York City the city had a reported crime rate over 70% higher than the rest of the United States the subway became a symbol of crime gone wild in an opinion poll of New York City residents more than half said crime was the worst thing about living in the city 25% they said they are a family member had been a victim of a crime so it's a fucking nightmare yeah back then
Starting point is 00:06:50 subways were covered in graffiti inhabited by muggers junkies panhandlers and the homeless there were 15,000 felonies a year on average in the subway that's fucking crazy felonies that doesn't include the misdemeanors 15,000 like 15,000 murders really really bad horrible crimes happen Jesus out of every four passengers oh one out of every four passengers abandoned use abandoned using the subway between 1965 and 1982 so 25% of the people who had been using it before like fuck this I walk track fires and train breakdowns became very common Jesus now this is before the Giuliana years and the streets had basically been taken over by the bad guys you fucking see in
Starting point is 00:07:38 the movies like yeah when you see an old New York City movie and you're like yeah holy shit look at the subway yes you just be walking on the street a guy be like hey where you going Jack it's insane just walking god damn it there oh fucking hold on my thing died sorry that was our first technical was that our first technical problem that wasn't a dog yeah okay so buh buh buh this is for the Giuliana years like there was an incredible resentment towards the predators who roamed New York looking for people to bully your mug or rape why what was the what did they have against these predators they were young crewed
Starting point is 00:08:21 obnoxious elbowing people on the subway making vile statements to women cursing anywhere as loudly as they could and committing crimes and they were too often young black men who incurred the silent wrath of and sparked silent terror in those who found themselves on the streets that they might be walking down late at night or who were trapped between stops and subway cars with fear three or four of them waiting to attack Jesus they were hated they were hated and they didn't care they reveled in it in their own neighborhoods they violently oppressed disgusted and embarrassed the black their black neighbors right so
Starting point is 00:08:57 they were just fucking asshole yeah now that's that's assuming that they're black but they were of course all colors but there was at that time this stereotypical black male thing right and in a lot of these cases these guys were really bad news right in January 1981 gets was heading home with some electrical equipment oh boy when he was jumped by three black youths at the canal Street subway station been there right to the subway station not the jumping part not the jumping when I had electrical equipment oh no anyway Bernard was smashed into a plate glass window oh he suffered torn cartilage in
Starting point is 00:09:39 his knee two of the kids got away while a third was actually grabbed by a cop so there's actually cop there and he actually did his job see this is this is the time when the cops would grab people yes shoot them dead god that was so great when they grabbed people grabbing was attacked I know now it'd be like Taser Taser then guys beat the fuck out of him even gets it be at the window like leave him alone enough already he's dying so but later that year gets applied for a pistol permit okay himself a gun no he cited the fact that he routinely carried large sums of cash but his application was rejected on
Starting point is 00:10:25 grounds of insufficient need what I don't know why just think they didn't want people have guns yeah and maybe as you hear this it's just okay you know what Dave if there's a slowdown if there's one thing I should have learned the part of this is about me shutting the fuck up so gets was better I hope it's gets it's Bernie gets it I hope it's not goats it's geo etz he hopes it's not goats I believe it's gets Papa goats is Papa goats so much worse on a subsequent trip to his family's Florida home he bought a nickel plated lightweight Smith & Wesson 38 caliber revolver it was oddly warm on December
Starting point is 00:11:13 22nd 1984 something's happening on December 22nd 1984 Bernard left his apartment in a blue windbreaker and went into the 14th Street subway station good luck already mm-hmm Bernard looked at the cars on the number two train he was mostly looking for an empty one he got on board and took a seat across from the door directly opposite him sat Troy Canty 19 to his right sat Darrell KB 19 and James Ramser 19 diagonally across from gets sat Barry Allen 18 four young black man no dear can't he asked gets how he was oh dear fine gets replied now in New York those are what's known as murder work right nobody's like nobody says how
Starting point is 00:11:59 are you doing yeah that's that's when you're about to get I'm sorry what I mean by how are you doing is I'm gonna murder you then Canty and Allen got up and moved to their left or no to get his left can't he then said give me five dollars hey listen straightforward I like it okay but why so like why so low yeah it really tells you about the state of mind right the desperation hey bitch give me a buck 50 give me a sock come on man give me one of them motherfucking shoelaces let me put your wallet in my pant for a minute to see what it feels like and they'll give it back now give it right back God just wanna know just
Starting point is 00:12:44 wanna know so then give me five dollars gets rose slowly partly unzipping his jacket his windbreaker Dave he asked Canty what he had said and Canty repeated the statement gets and gets then said you can have all of it I don't believe he means it gets pulled out the silver colored gun yep he assumed a combat stance weird just so great that he yeah he he got into some sort of yeah I mean I'm coming hold the gun I mean I picture a combat stance like you get your fists out he dug a trench put on a helmet put on a helmet got his boots on got his boots on and talked to the platoon then the men were gone let's
Starting point is 00:13:44 go boys gripping the revolver with both hands he shot Canty through the center of his body he then turned slightly to his right and shot Alan who had turned a flea in the back he fired again shooting Ramzer in the arm and chest then he fired a fourth time at KB Victor Flores 47 was on the tranq car the kids were frightened backing off trying to get away there was no reason to shoot them they fell one after the other bang bang bang he I guess the guy felt like he had to put bang bang bang otherwise you wouldn't know what does it sound like flop flop flop oh I don't think there's anything like it honestly I can't
Starting point is 00:14:27 possibly recreate it and the police have a sound guy like a sketch artist he's like I can translate the sounds for you was it like a poppy pop pop it wasn't a poppy pop it was more like a like a slower poppy pop like a bang bang bang bang bang bang bang he's the best by his own account gets then walked over to KB who was sprawled on the seat perhaps playing possum you may you seem to be doing all right get said here's another and then he shot him Jesus Christ now someone loved Dirty Harry movies right yeah like someone was like I go to the cinema yeah because this is Dirty Harry years oh it's a little bit a little bit
Starting point is 00:15:11 past 30 years nice one guy he's like Deadpool but so this is like really close to how big those movies were right they were the fucking movies that's a good time although I wonder if you did the Clint the Clint Eastwood voice just you know you know I don't know how many I don't know how many your friends I shot five or six I lost count I can't count I can't count although Flores says gets didn't say a word and that he didn't shoot KB again he didn't shoot the kid a second time he didn't say anything either so get gets us like making up the dialogue part like he he's making I think he's I think he's making up the
Starting point is 00:15:50 cool dialogue oh oh you look like you're still doing fine yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and it's that what did he say you want some more he said how about a muffin for your other hole tell your grandma I love her pies what bang shit that went bad I gotta write better dialogue all right I just got to come up with something snappy there's something for your sausages that's not good I'll see you on the fourth of July cookout I got a shooting part down what am I doing hey you want to start another fire in your fridge oh fuck me if you're a tropical fish I'd marry you what am I doing who's putting on a double win breaker
Starting point is 00:16:42 either way a bullet severed KB spine spinal cord paralyzing him from the waist down he also had brain damage two women were cowering at the other end of the car why I don't know why what about he was just shooting black people was yeah I mean let a man have his day everything's fine yeah gets walked over and asked them if they were all right no that's not good hey you two girls doing okay because there's a crazy killer on the street yeah okay there's a nut I know where there's two tacos for two dollars never I'm not gonna shoot you I'm sorry never mind never mind I just trying to come up with more phrases what
Starting point is 00:17:21 did you guys think of that was that cool like a climb your ladder that's been a milkshake to straws shit conductor entered the car okay let me just say this maybe that shit happened in the 80s yeah but today if there's a shooting the conductor is running out the other end of the who what conductor is like alright gentlemen you've seen the conductor what's going on back here yeah tickets tickets everyone tickets please it's like in the 80s they had like a 1930s conductor yeah yeah let me just get some more coal up front in the train we're moving along nice now Bernard Bernard gets told told the conductor
Starting point is 00:18:07 the man had tried to rip him off the conductor asked if he was a police officer and get said no they had a brief discussion about gets turning over his revolver and get said no yeah I'm good yeah I'm gonna keep this little bad yeah the train came to a stop before reaching the next station and gets jumped out ran along the darkened tracks and then up the stairs into the street wow I can't I really can't believe that you could just run around the subway like that and the fucking 80s and 70s were just crazy time plus have you seen a clover field no I've never have you haven't no they run around the
Starting point is 00:18:42 subway they do yeah I'd love to do that next time there's other movies where people run around and so all right Dave I get it I'm wrong okay I'm just saying I mean it feels like you're attacking those buses to the ghost train hits Ernie Hudson can we is that helping point made all righty made it is a good point all right cool gets one home changes clothes and packed a bag exactly what you do when you've legally defended yourself yep yep put on a new windbreaker get the backpack stuff shake your head change your name never go home again putting your different colored lenses in your eyes and off you go go have a new
Starting point is 00:19:25 pigment he rented a car and headed for Vermont in a motel in Bennington he took apart 38 and dumped it along with his blue windbreaker which he burned so he dumped him in the woods and it's not a firebreaker it's not anymore it's not no over the next week the mysterious subway vigilante became a national sensation what was his angle though like he just was going to go like murder defend himself against yeah five people and then changes life like where's all those four people but he I don't think he was thinking after that he was just thinking I'm gonna shoot some people if they look at me weird yeah and then he
Starting point is 00:20:04 did that my life is over right and then he was like oh I didn't think about the other part where you go well there's a lot of guilt that comes along with this no there's no guilt oh boy he's just running so it becomes a national sensation the police report hundreds of calls praising the government so okay you're at home and you hear that that a guy is just shot four people on the subway the people that have been terrorizing the city and so then what you phone the police department to say hey he he did a good job like who's calling the radio station about your favorite fucking saw it's the cops you
Starting point is 00:20:41 listen to precinct 24 WNBR number one with four bullets give us a call and tell us which criminal you like the best hey Sergeant Pepper I just want to say you guys are doing the greatest work and I hope you let these vigilantes keep killing the man shout out to my homies okay did you want to report a crime oh um no shout out to my homies murmur spread that gets had been threatened with sharpen screwdrivers so they have no idea who he is they just know that a guy went on the subway and shot four people and the rumor was that he been threatened with screwdrivers this
Starting point is 00:21:19 rumor was published as fact by some newspapers including the New York Times good so they better times yeah the York Times went let's run with it yeah man in the street interviews revealed blacks and whites enthusiastically supporting the gunman someone spray-pated on East River Drive power to the vigilante New York loves you wow yeah what a weird well people were yeah it was a time when everyone's just fucking terrified of being killed all the time you know like it was like Batman came a really low-rent shitty Batman yeah Batman is like Alfred get my windbreaker and my only gun get my only gun and my wind
Starting point is 00:22:05 breaker Alfred Alfred here comes Ratman he's just talking to a parrot Alfred get my windbreaker what thank you Alfred I agree I do look good New York magazine said that people of all colors rich and poor everyone in New York was thrilled gets it actually succeeded where no one else had he brought together the people of New York of all colors and classes they were all happy about what happened the mood in the city was jubilant they were like let's have a barn dance we finally shot for black guys in the subway someone finally took a stand against the horrific crime conditions they've been
Starting point is 00:22:45 dealing with for over a decade the action that had vindicated the feelings that the people had when they saw the thugs that the apparatus of law enforcement was failing them they had had it with excuses for rude and violent behavior they couldn't take hearing all the psycho sociological explanations cleaning switch dirty Harry films were very popular and it seemed the way to handle the situation was to shoot people vigilante justice was confronted with a clear criminal threat and it should be no crime that's now our national policy which and that's the police in Ferguson a special hotline set up by police to
Starting point is 00:23:28 seek information was swamped by calls supporting the vigilante hey just want to shout out to my homies and calling him a hero hey is this the information line I just want to let you know that my man's a hero right in my tape oh my tip is to let him go goodbye goodbye goodbye tip line Harvard professor James Q. Wilson explain the reaction it may simply indicate that there are no more liberals on the crime and order issue in New York because they've all been mugged well I mean you know that will make you conservative the teenagers get had shot had numerous arrests among them the
Starting point is 00:24:16 police recovered three screwdrivers from the jackets of two of the victims but they weren't weapons they were tools of their trade which was robbing video game machines their trade well they had a job yeah it's just that their vocation their their specialty like like if your toilet breaks down uh-huh you call a plumber yeah so in this case yeah I'm ready for this next part if you need your quarters emptied oh really your machine is too full of quarters uh-huh you call for and are you calling them yeah okay you don't call right you wait for or do you just not wait for and find out about okay in the morning you come in okay
Starting point is 00:24:59 all your machines are empty and I lose your business it's not it's sort of the same thing as calling a plumber let's move on it's called an analogy it doesn't feel like it is well they're not all good that's true that's that's fair they're evolving summer evolving can't ease brother free bus whoa this is can't ease brother free-basing cocaine while talking to a New York post reporter said that Troy was high at the time the shooting okay you start I have some things to I I just want to picture the guy who's being interviewed yeah by a reporter yeah and it doesn't want to take the time off from smoking crack well
Starting point is 00:25:43 at that time it was kind of like you know like you'd be like do you mind if I smoke in here and they're probably like no he's like I'm sorry what are you smoking a crack crack just crack anyway my brother he was definitely like you could never get a shit together I was felt bad for him you know I talked to him shirt you are turning into the devil but I'll finish people are great yeah reporters are like cool with anything they're giving me the feed yeah let me have it with a story so get's been driving around New England for several days registering at motels under various names and paying in cash a week after
Starting point is 00:26:26 the shooting he called his neighbor Myra Friedman and asked her for help and told her the story he explained what he had done and how he felt okay naturally how did he feel okay but wait we have this we have this what he said exactly because she recorded the conversation oh sweet so he called the person who like who who is ready to record like yeah are you in the CIA like who is like always ready to like you can't you just don't have that shit laying around like you grab it and you're crazy person crazy person so it's a crazy person calling a crazy person Myra in a situation like this your mind you're in a combat
Starting point is 00:27:08 situation your mind is functioning you're not thinking in a normal way your memory isn't even working normally you're so hyped up your vision actually changes your field of view changes your capability changes what you're capable of changes you're under adrenaline a drug called adrenaline and you respond very quickly and you think very quickly that's all you think you think you analyze and you act and in each situation you just have to think more quickly than your opposition that's it you know speed is very important pretty I'm getting another call can you hold on one second I'll be right back do
Starting point is 00:27:45 it quick speeds important yeah yeah I get you I'll be right okay okay okay if you corner a rat and you're about to butcher it okay the way I responded was viciously and savagely just like a rat mmm those guys I'm almost sure are vicious savage people I know my heart I was a murderer I just snapped I know in my heart I was a murderer yeah I just snapped wow I mean imagine knowing knowing in your heart your heart in my deep down inside I'm a murderer it's not if it's when with me it's gonna happen it's gonna happen I've been close got the it's got the murders in my I got the murder fever oh I got the murder
Starting point is 00:28:27 fever the murder fever and it's burning out of me the new Ted Nugent album murder fever oh my god please let it be a couple of days later on New Year's Eve my New Year's resolution to not shoot black youths on subways anymore I'm done on New Year's Eve well on what what other day would you do this he a man in a leather Bombardier's jacket walked into the police station in Concord, New Hampshire and said that he was the fugitive wanted for the New York subway shootings and happy new year now wait can I okay I don't that's not him right yeah it's him okay that'll be great if it wasn't well I thought because there was
Starting point is 00:29:15 so much adulation that I guess I'm sure a bunch of people were like I did it seriously I did it I do it again too the policeman the policeman red gets his Miranda warning telling me he did not have to talk if he did not want to but he wanted to big time he'd been watching and reading all that press for nine days and he was like I want in for the next four hours two of which were videotape okay what like what so he babbled for two hours and someone's like Reggie you getting this on tape no is that a video the video did you turn out we got that yeah yeah no let's turn that on the two let's fire that up we got the two years
Starting point is 00:29:58 fire that up okay let's fire it up so you're doing a great job by the way great cop but next he said a lot of crazy stuff to I hope we get into do more takes did you do what I hope we get more takes out of him because he did he said a lot of stuff don't do takes your action got so Bernard let loose he said he did not think he had done anything wrong but he also added that he acted like a cold blooded savage he uses savage a lot and and he likes the word savage a guy who knows that he can murder in his heart has able to bridge that gap okay so I didn't do anything wrong I just savagely murdered gentlemen gentlemen pump the
Starting point is 00:30:47 brakes get stated that none of the young men have been armed okay it's a I mean what you're describing is cold blooded murder you're actually using the term cold blooded you're saying they didn't have weapons so what you're saying is you cold bloody murdered them yes but you're but you're not guilty I'm a good guy let me go look at these dimples I can't ask what his intentions were when he drew his gun get said my intention was to murder them to hunt to hurt them to make them suffer as much as possible if I had more bullets I would have shot them all again and again my problem is I ran out of bullets that's I mean you need to
Starting point is 00:31:38 get a windbreaker with more pockets but how I mean if this this is a confession of murder yes all right that's why I'm here he added I was gonna gouge one of the guys eyes out with my keys afterwards but I stopped when I saw the fear in his eyes because I wanted to get my security deposit back well here's the deal I was gonna I was gonna just keep stabbing his eyeballs I was gonna start his eye right I was gonna take one of the but then I looked at his eyes and he was scared for some fucking reason yeah I don't know why you shoot a guy a couple times and then you pull out your keys to poke him in the eyes and he gets a weird look at
Starting point is 00:32:19 his eye and I was like lose a fucking bummer yeah I want I want a man looking back at me that I've already shot then I'm about to stab in the eye with key I wanted to look at me with rage he was not a giving partner you know what I work very selfish I've I've gone through the scenario so many times but this role play with my therapist and my therapist is always angry yeah not scared I need a new shrink Jesus boo who you shot me I'm scared anyway I'm a murderer not a fun partner when two New York City detectives arrived interview him gets was a dick he was taken out and he was surrounded by a horde of reporters
Starting point is 00:32:56 vultures he sneered what he where did he where was he he was outside of jail yeah but when they took him out to take him to the car okay so the trans okay all right there's all these reporters around and he's like okay well okay all right irony but that's fine the Manhattan District Attorney asked a grand jury to indict gets on four counts of attempted murder four of assault four of reckless endangerment and one of criminal possession of a weapon in New York he was arraigned on charges of illegal gun possession and attempted murder bail was said at 50,000 and later reduced to 5,000 the why in none of those charges is
Starting point is 00:33:37 murder he didn't kill any of them oh none of them died none of them died but then he's not dirty Harry no he's shitty yeah he's stinky Bernie he's barely Bernie I don't know new barely Bernie so Bell was set at 50,000 and then reduced to 5,000 because let him go take away a zero you know what I'm saying hey taxi in jail gets was delusional calls from people who wanted to give him money and support you did a good thing even though we ain't got no proof but those guys are actually gonna attack you so here's some money hey I heard you shot four guys in the subway I don't know exactly what was going on but
Starting point is 00:34:28 here's some cash there'd be a little more money if you had put the key in his eye you put the key in his eye it's a hundred dollars he turned out everyone who offered him money and raised his own bail this case was sent to the grand jury who decided on January 25th that he had been justified in his use of force and declined to indict him on any charges but illegal possession of weapons the DA did not allow any of the kids who were shot to testify hey you got shot by that guy well nobody needs to hear that capiche you know I'm talking about you get you that guy shot you that guy who shot you let's not have you go
Starting point is 00:35:17 talkity talkity talkity you go we have the conductor the case is strong we got those two chicks yeah the two chicks we got them you were right you don't need to be a part of this rest thank you for coming go away go away yeah so they didn't they didn't pursue charges they didn't pursue the gun charges and that was it on that was it they they let him walk what on March 26 1985 a man called 9-1-1 and reported reported a kidnapping he said he said James Ramser had been forced into a blue Cadillac by two men with guns at 170 the street and 3rd Avenue in the Bronx James Ramser of the subway he's one of the guys that got
Starting point is 00:36:08 shot yeah yeah it's interesting don't play with me like a cat who just found a mouse that detectives went to James Ramser's apartment in the Bronx James Ramser's mother told detectives her son had gone out at 4 p.m. detectives being in canvassing the building and the neighborhood Ramser appeared at his apartment at 10 10 p.m. Ramster told detectives he'd been forced into a Cadillac by two our men and driven north about five miles to playground he said the men told them they were gonna kill him but he ran away as they fired after escaping Ramster said he walked home about five miles the detectives found
Starting point is 00:36:48 inconsistencies and Ramser's accounts when they played back for Ramser a recording of the 9-1-1 call he admitted to making the call and fabricating the report he did a horrible horrible job his mom was like he went out at four what worst fake kidnapping ever yeah worst and then the confession of that so fast is always funny I know I made yeah no I heard that doesn't mean that's totally my it's totally my voice pretend like I'm someone else singing to get kidnapped yeah you got me I lied all right you guys want to go home or get a sandwich or something what do we do now we're gonna rest well we're gonna rest
Starting point is 00:37:31 you oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa can a guy get fake kidnapped I pretend to be kidnapped for an afternoon you guys come and investigate and then I'm going to jail wow why don't you do your job I tax dollars in motion who is gonna saw by fake kidnapping what about the guys who didn't do it we got a fake detective what about the guys that didn't do it you're gonna let them walk them not walk the streets now gets had basically gotten away with murder or shooting not murder and he became super into his fame oh boy he recommended that more civilians be trained to carry guns he showed up at the funeral of a slain
Starting point is 00:38:17 cabbie which is really nice a slain hey a good cabbie got killed and he's and he shows up at the hey not me you know why gun yeah oh you know what I'm not that guy dead couldn't protect himself Bernie Bernie right here Bernie's a shooter he's not a debtor yeah pretty weird pretty weird protected himself from two screwdrivers again it's a weird eulogy but get I'm getting going yep here we go every other day he seemed to give another exclusive interview but he was annoying not TV ready and being a preachy loudmouth asshole backfired on him good plus information was leaking out about what he said in interrogation
Starting point is 00:39:00 and during interviews now people were like oh okay shut the fuck up put him in jail right so they've already fucked up well also the color lines that were previous previously blurred with black and white coming together yeah now black saw him as a man who basically hunted black kids which okay there must have been so much like not even propaganda but just people must I mean that I found strange when you said it that black people as well were like but they're yeah everyone was being terrorized by yeah young black kids but it still seems I don't know I just in this it seems like in this day and age that does not
Starting point is 00:39:45 happen no right you never it's there's a clear racial divide normally on those sort of issues clear but I think that and again this is this is it wasn't all fucking black kids doing it but that was what was being told and then black people were being fuck with in their neighborhoods by young black right so to them they're like these guys are fucking it was like the it was like you know 20 years before there were no gangs and now they were like 4,000 gangs in New York like it was just it had just turned in New York you watch this the movie the Warriors right that's a true story I know about the baseball series real true
Starting point is 00:40:22 story documentary so now blacks saw him as a man who basically hunted blacks it was discovered that he had gone to a neighborhood meeting six months before the shooting stood up and said the crime would only be resolved once they got rid of the niggers and Spick's now let's talk about that yeah let's talk about that red flag red flag hey guy who says that and then shoots for you grabbing coffee cake when he said that like oh god Christ holy shit he's a full-on racist shooter what the hell he's a full-on he's a man who tried to kill black people subway who wanted to kill black people in the sub I'm shocked his
Starting point is 00:41:13 motivation it seems like it was to kill black people on the subway Jesus so now the grounds well what the other way and the D announced significant new evidence had been discovered and a second grand jury would be convene but that is bullshit right there was no new evidence they were now just like we were wrong there's new evidence the new evidence okay consisted of some testimony from two of the guys who were shot what the fuck the guys he did the fucking DA that they were at such fucking bullshit new evidence the D talked to two of the guys who got shot well I remember before when we let these guys talk on the witness
Starting point is 00:41:51 stand we're gonna switch that around now because now people are pissed we'll do the job yeah worse hi where who represents you meanwhile gets begged to testify but decided not to when the DA said he'd need to sign a waiver of immunity oh wow yeah so yeah so you know I'm good I'll shut up I want to testify I want to testify really bad you put me up there put me up there I want to testify get me up there I want to get on it what I tell the truth he just signed this paper not gonna do it can't do it got to get out of here gonna tell you what I am going to roll great to see you again the
Starting point is 00:42:32 job again in 1987 the case was defended by Barry Slotnik it's a good name yeah Slotnik argued that gets his actions fell within the New York self-defense statute a person may not use deadly physical force upon another person unless he reasonably believed that such other person is committing or attempting to commit one of a certain number of enumerated predicate predicate offenses including robbery gets was tried before mainly white Manhattan jury six of whom had been victims of street crime hmm how do you where are we headed this one going to see me Valley well I got a feeling the gets is gonna be a okay
Starting point is 00:43:18 Ramzer testified at the trial about being shot but his angry outburst provoked the judge to disallow his testimony well and ordered him removed from the courtroom you know he was twice cited for contempt as he should be you know what just the temper on this guy I mean put it in check sure be a professional let me say the next part Ramzer was sent back to prison where he was living at the time of the trial he had been convicted of raping, sodomizing and robbing a pregnant woman in 1986 who's the hero in there's one right I don't know okay you know I don't think
Starting point is 00:44:01 there is one okay keep going Troy Canty also testified answering yes and no to questions more frequently he answered I can't remember what asked about his own actions Slotnik got Canty to say he had been granted immunity from prosecution in connection with this testimony gets was acquitted of the attempted murder and first-degree assault charges and convicted of criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree he carried a loaded unlicensed weapon in a public place so classic America right classic America like he he he shot a guy and paralyzed him and gave brain damage he shot three other
Starting point is 00:44:36 guys and then they're like you shouldn't have that gun give us your wrist bad bad bad man naughty man he was sent to sentence the six months in jail one year psychiatric treatment five years probation 200 hours of community service and a $5,000 fine an appellate court affirmed the conviction but changed the sentence to one year in jail without probation so the one thing he actually needed which is psychiatric care yeah is the thing that they don't do that no no no no no jail will heal him what yeah what it will help you is jail sir jail give him the perspective he needs mm-hmm so he eventually served
Starting point is 00:45:18 eight months the entire episode was sent up nicely by a woman on the street in Harlem who was interviewed by a reporter all this talk is one thing what actually happened is some other business altogether it comes down to this five assholes met on a train and one of them had a gun well okay okay yeah so that lady should be the mayor okay now what happened to the guys he shot first James Ramsey he was the only one already in jail for up to 25 years for his crimes he was conditionally reached in 2002 but he returned to prison for a parole violation in 2005 he finished his sentence in July 2010 he died on this in
Starting point is 00:45:56 December 2011 in a hotel room of a drug overdose on the 22nd of December it was the 27th anniversary of the shooting well so kill himself get set of his death it sounds like he was depressed what a sweetheart he was a good friend of mine Troy Canty the one who was high according to his brother at first enjoyed the attention of the press he felt like a star he was whined and dying and taken around in limousines by reporters hinge isn't New York just a fucking cesspool yeah just totally yeah yeah he enjoyed it for about a week until he realized he was being vilified by the press mr. Canty had a criminal record of petty
Starting point is 00:46:46 offenses like fair beating and stealing $14 from a video game machine fair beating that's where you jump the you jump the turnstile okay so he's the real big what a real big criminal he deserved to be shot should have been shot he successfully completed an 18 month drug and vocation training program when he was 23 he hoped to become a cook no one knows his whereabouts now all right which means he hasn't made any crimes if he was they would know that he's gonna change his name could could be now mr. Jenkins Barry Allen was released after swimming serving some of his one to four years for Grant Larson in 1991 he
Starting point is 00:47:26 has no more convictions on his record no one knows where he is Daryl KB was the most seriously injured he was paralyzed from the waist down and suffered brain damage before being shot mr. KB had been facing robbery charges in the Bronx the charges were dismissed doctors testified that he had the mental capacity of an eight-year-old now Daryl KB cannot tell you the day the week the month of the year his doctors say his vocabulary is now limited he does not know the name of the mayor or the governor he doesn't know how he ended up in a wheelchair his family fired filed a $50 million lawsuit against gets during the trial gets
Starting point is 00:48:01 admitted to previous use of racial language and to smoking marijuana laced with PCP in the 80s okay wow all right okay sure okay okay throw that one out there right whatever yeah little bit of PC by the way that's not marijuana that's PCP I had a PCP on marijuana I'm really tired of all these assholes in the city also right now I'm smoking a little PCP little weed and PCP same effect basically doesn't yeah we just melz yeah good mix melz yeah yep the jury awarded KB $43 million wow 18 million for pain and suffering in 25 million impunitive damages I like others that divide gets filed for bankruptcy yeah he
Starting point is 00:48:48 didn't have the money I can't I can't actually pay that hmm I might have to sell some of selling radios yeah a judge ruled the 43 million could not be dismissed because of the bankruptcy asked in 2004 whether he was making payments on the judgment gets responded I don't think I've ever paid a penny on that do you like him no I don't like him get slipped into obscurity and resurfaced once in a while he ran for mayor in 2001 what a fucking asshole what do you mean who runs for fucking mayor after she's shot for fucking people yeah but he's he's like a hero to a bunch of people still in the in 2001 yeah people
Starting point is 00:49:27 are still like there he is you look at you there he is look at buddy trigger finger gets he was motivated by the desire to perpetuate the Giuliani administration gets his plan is to get himself was to get himself elected then hire rude Giuliani's deputy mayor and entrust pretty much all the duties to him he wanted public funded food facilities with a standard menu also to have a vegetarian menu in addition what well I mean it's a it's a platform yeah it's a platform yeah you know what I mean yeah it doesn't feel like what I advocate is a mediocre sandwich he said something with basic nutrition the
Starting point is 00:50:09 reason I advocate a mediocre sandwich is it would be unfair to compete with all the food businesses out there to provide food of the same tasty level that the delicatessen and restaurants provide I mean vote birdie oh did I miss his point yes it mediocre sandwich okay it's he wants sandwiches to be shittier much like FDR he ran on a mediocre sandwich campaign I believe that you're wrong pretty sure that's what I don't think right look it up no he what he's saying is sandwiches shouldn't taste so good shitty sandwich for people it for people you're giving free food to but don't make it a good sandwich because
Starting point is 00:50:53 then everyone will want that sandwich and it'll drive the businesses out of okay it's not a great point it sounds like outtakes from a quiz nose commercial it doesn't sound like a fucking platform oh mediocre sandwich how do you respond to your opponents accusations that you almost murdered four people cold-bloodedly on a subway car well I think we should make sandwiches tastes worse thank you everyone I read my man November 4th anyway he lost whoa yep in 2004 gets was interviewed by Nancy Grace another level-headed human very great person where he stated his actions were good for New York City and
Starting point is 00:51:40 forced the city to address crime which actually might be true well that's what's fucked up because yeah did he do because a law started changing and vigilante laws certainly changed but but the city started changing shit so did he did he set it off I mean cry I know crime has gone down dramatically and then I mean after 9-11 then they were like oh we could search anyone anytime what that's our new policy just go into your house if you're cool with that I'm not cool with it where we're going in sorry I shouldn't have said that part about you being cool with it that doesn't matter he ran for public advocate in 2005 I mean
Starting point is 00:52:22 what does that even mean on a pro-vegetarian anti-circumcision platform okay good I'm glad I'm glad it's evolving because for a minute I was like you know you're what's your base what's your base the shitty sandwich people yeah I mean you know it's a platform that's where you're wrong he's also Jewish he's a Jewish German so who the fuck is gonna vote for this guy people like good sandwiches and he he was against circumcision yeah he wants to stop Jews aren't gonna vote he wants to stop circumcision and he wants people to not eat meat I mean you can hear the moils rolling their eyes I think the biggest
Starting point is 00:53:04 problem is eating meat but that seems to go right over people's heads I think eating meat is primitive and barbaric just like circumcision add to that a shallow television new chemical drugs and national leadership that can't be trusted and you have a lot of people who are confused and lost he shot four people vote for Bernie it's not for vote for me for public the worst thing you can do is eat meat you almost murdered for well that's why do you think was I eating just as a vegetarian back then no I was eating meat okay work with me I was a murderer carnivore he lost what yeah recently gets filmed scenes for a
Starting point is 00:53:43 low-budget horror movie called silver night in which he plays a nutritionist of vampires okay so I hate the person who made that movie yeah I hate the idea of a nutritionist vampires yes I don't like Bernie gets no I would like to shut down show business yes that's worse than Twilight oh my god yeah a vampire nutritionist yeah you need more B plus I mean really you know you need to be negative with some warm beat my job so hollow I just tell people to drink blood all day hey oh thank you doctor guy writing that was like yeah I can't believe this check cleared then in November 2013 he was resting for trying
Starting point is 00:54:31 to sell an undercover cop $30 worth of marijuana the officer was female get said he offered the undercover cop pot three times but she refused and insisted on paying for it he was very upset that the newspapers reported he tried to pick up the cop he told the post that she was merely average looking you know even as a cop that one was like fucking asshole he rejected a plea deal and said he wanted a jury trial because why wouldn't he it worked out so well the first time yeah the case was dismissed for lack of speedy trial after on the courthouse steps he spoke and said he wanted to they wanted there to be pot
Starting point is 00:55:13 legalization instant runoff voting that he believed in vegetarianism carriage horses and discussed the policing of New York City today what is that a list is that a pointer is that a list of random things that's what he talked about what is he's using what do you say carriage horses that's number four carriage horses number five here this is a guy who's just coming out of getting a case dismissed for a shitty little pot trial he's like carriage horses first of all which leads me to carriage horses ever just looking around are we supposed to be writing this down should we be writing this because anybody know this is what
Starting point is 00:56:06 does he mean does he think he's speaking for Cinderella carriage horses oh god where is it who knows at the trial in the middle of a commerce after the trial in the middle of a conversation with a New York Post reporter gets yelled I have to feed the squirrels and he ran off you know I know no my new way of leaving any situation I don't want to be in just the middle of anything I have to feed the squirrels run we just went full dollop because Bernard gets enjoys the company of wild squirrels oh no which he rescues from certain death at Union Square Park Bernard get Bernard gets is now a slight man with thinning gray hair
Starting point is 00:56:57 he's in his mid 60s he carries a large bag of peanuts with him as he walks through the Peter Cooper Village Housing Development in Manhattan he lives nearby on the four on 14th Street where he sells electronics online it's near where his mugging occurred that's nostalgic he walks around and clicks his tongue before throwing out handfuls of peanuts on the ground he feeds squirrels his passion for these animals brings him to Peter Cooper often but lately he has had less time to visit his small furry friends that's closed cat he has been too busy taking care of the family of squirrels that were recently born in his
Starting point is 00:57:37 home today gets us still a concert controversial figure in New York City why among New York's wildlife rehabilitators what I mean if you told me when you fucking started this what that he'd be he'd be involved in a squirrel scandal that's what that we would that's where it would end up license wildlife rehabilitators must pass a test before being certified by the state to take in wild animals like squirrels and care for them in their homes under the supervision and discretion of the Department of Environmental Conservation the DEC under New York State law it's illegal to house a wild animal without
Starting point is 00:58:23 being a lot a licensed wildlife rehabber gets is not licensed let him have his fucking he also doesn't agree with many of the unwritten rules the rehabbers follow when caring for squirrels oh dear gets met Pam summers a fellow squirrel feeder in the park together they met the mother of the baby squirrels currently in gets his care and named her red mama after late cold spell in the city when they witnessed a much larger squirrel chasing red mama out of the tree she lived in they decided to catch her they came back trapped red mama with a net and put her in a small pet carrier gets took the squirrel to the vet where he
Starting point is 00:59:04 discovered she was pregnant with four babies he took her home to care for her and eventually the babies red mama doesn't know what how unlucky she is red mama was like no four babies will raise them as our own mama shoes like I don't really just want to leave I'm supposed I'm supposed to be in a tree I really it's supposed to be in a tree I should not be here not a house looking at a lava lamp what's happening is that gone oh god Pam summers photographed the newborn animals for her blog the New York squirrel available at totally crazy dot wordpress on the blog she chronicles her and gets his relationship with the
Starting point is 00:59:57 squirrels how many possible views can this fucking site have besides them right now a lot more yeah now more more because more because something is more than nothing the squirrels lay on top of a heating pad oh my god my god and a plastic rectangular storage container get says that dehydration is the biggest killer of kittens and baby squirrels yeah or not being in nature doesn't help you know you know where you can find liquid and stuff in the park they'll find those and rain they normally find it you know what take him out of the park get him in the house hopefully we can get their way to a sink just teach them how to turn
Starting point is 01:00:43 faucets that's all you got to do it gets makes his own homemade milk based formula rather than the advised formula used by many of wildlife rehabbers he also feeds squirrels adult squirrels peanuts which many rehabbers believe causes metabolic bone disease he defends his own methods by saying if it's bad for them then why are they eating it well he lives in America American Donald yeah if it's bad for them why are they eating it that should be the name of our country have you been to the south the name if it's bad for them why that's a what a Martian asked just in a picture of a guy eating back fat
Starting point is 01:01:24 yeah a guy just being like hey McRib is back if it's bad for them why do they eat it oh man I can't wait to eat my boneless ribs gets feeds the young squirrels organic strawberry milk with a syringe every few seconds he removes the syringe from its mouth closes his own mouth over the snout of the animal and sucks Dave Dave this is to keep the baby from inhaling liquid into his lungs while they are feeding what Dave what does the mother do that asks summers no the mother doesn't do a lot of things I do he responded Dave what is he do what is he doing he's putting he's working puts it
Starting point is 01:02:07 in their mouth and then he sucks it out sucks it out of their nose what is it what's the benefit what I put the whole snout actually closed the mouth so he's stuck so he so the so it doesn't go into their lungs so he's where does it go so he squirts it in just like just like their mother doesn't do and then he sucks it out just like his mother doesn't do now most rehabbers use like a fake nipple that's just like the mother that the so the most murderers so the baby can suck the stuff out like a natural process but he squirts in with syringe he's got he's working it out he's working it out you know when you're
Starting point is 01:02:44 putting your mouth on a squirrel's face and sucking you have to think you made a wrong turn sorry a roommates he's not he's not just about squirrels oh cool in an email to another rehab rehabber he wrote let me know if you come across an infant hawk or a hawkhead I'm interested in raising it as a vegetarian squirrels and a hawk does he know vegetarian vegetarian I mean you don't eat meat no fly down here and get this corn buddy here you go come and grab this tofu from my hand King why are you eating my hand oh what is it no you don't eat me you're not a meat eater you're a veggie you don't eat meat by the
Starting point is 01:03:30 way have you seen the baby squirrels they're round here because I know you don't eat meat so they must be somewhere close holy fuck to become a rehabber in New York one needs to pass a multiple-choice test of about 95 questions scoring 85 percent or higher according to gets he took the test and passed but fought against the fact that the DEC requires rehabbers to keep records of every animal they take in and that they have the right to randomly check in on rehabbers homes and revoke their lifetime licenses at will then come to your apartment anytime they want get says now I say screw that and they said well
Starting point is 01:04:11 then you can't then you're not getting your license and I was like good I didn't want my license I can just I can just make squirrels in my apartment then why not get it and then when they take it away just keep doing the weird thing you already know what you're not invited to my squirrel wedding what I come to your squirrel marry in red mama you're not marrying a fucking squirrel gonna make a hybrid vigilante right there vigilante squirrel babies the hawk will marry us right no it's a wedding um I like you to be my wife red mama and this is my brother hawk some of the
Starting point is 01:04:49 guy knocked her up whatever I'm raising him as mine oh my god I you know what I love them so much that the other day I put milk in them with my strange and I suck one of their eyeballs out because I love them so much I just sucked and I was like oh god damn it that's an eyeball the problem is some day you'll suck an eyeball or two in my it happens it happens in occupational hazard but then you got a little cute blind squirrel in your house boy of the taste gets believed someone has been tipping off the DEC about his squirrels that's a great sentence he recalls one February night in February of 2013 when DEC officers who
Starting point is 01:05:28 he calls squirrel Nazis and says they were wearing bulletproof vests arrived at his door wanting to check on the well-being of a squirrel bulletproof vest to go check on a squirrel no bulletproof vest because they're going to Bernard gets his house but the idea that you were like hey we gotta go check on these squirrels let's vest up shit's gonna get weird on this one get your Kevlar on we're about to go see what the process of four animals that weigh a cumulative pound oh fuck me license rehabbers will talk about gas but most don't want to be identified for fear of antagonizing him Bernard gets to somebody who has fantasies of how it should
Starting point is 01:06:14 look like a rehabber said we tried to help him and get him educated because he was doing everything wrong fortunately squirrels are very hardy guys and it's almost impossible to kill them this is why he has had some success and why they don't keel over immediately with him what's the chance of a survival for baby squirrels born into your care she was asked oh 100% said the rehabber without hesitation wow one of the four out of the four offspring of red mom of the squirrel only one has managed to survive that's okay that's terrible because he's he's not doing it right he's sucking their faces yeah and he's
Starting point is 01:06:59 probably yeah he's doing everything wrong he's probably doing everything wrong because he thinks that whatever they do is wrong he's out of his fucking mind yeah but let me just break this down so a guy who calls black people savages essentially animals yes yes shoots for black people yes and really fucks up their lives yes gets away with it and now he's spending his life caring for animals yeah that's that's what you just told me and that's a little bit of guilt yeah probably guilt probably a little bit of psychological weirdness done with humans done with humans yeah what do you think about Bernard gets I can't I don't
Starting point is 01:07:53 know like this is the first story that no one has been good in well yeah that's true yeah there is no hero but but the squirrels red mama yeah red mama's great mom is our although although she's basically like she's basically like one of those women who are trapped in that guy's basement in Cleveland at this point yeah that's true she's she's in hell yeah she's like I had four babies they're all dead and we were fine outside and then this man took me inside his blowing shit in their face it's not a good situation when you look forward to interacting with a hawk you're not in a good safe spot I think Bernard gets is
Starting point is 01:08:36 crazy yeah so's America though for allowing that new york and like what was happening for that to be yeah acceptable is fucking insane yeah no really I mean that is a Hail Mary as far as like allowing allowing someone to shoot four people and be a hero that's pretty rare well not in our country right no not in our country no this is the country now where you can walk into a Denny's with an assault rifle strapped to you and be like what are you looking at forgive me for pancakes yeah my right to carry a fucking assault rifle into a restaurant it doesn't mean you have to or should okay well you're an asshole yeah
Starting point is 01:09:19 no I mean yeah he's he's crazy but if we could just get more of these lunatics into squirrels who knows right who knows the point this guy's the limit get the crazy people into squirrels yeah it's squirrel time squirrel time that's our new podcast you're listening to squirrel time I would I'm Bernard get some I'm here with Pat summers I'm here I'm here I'm Bernard gets and I'm here with my wife red mama that's right mama all right we got a lot of exciting stuff today we're gonna be joined by a hawk in a little bit but first I wanted to get to this week's story time all right right mommy you'll have your chance to chime
Starting point is 01:10:07 in in a second all right that's it that's that's Bernard gets congratulations to him everybody take a bath yeah

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