The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 263 - The Texas Hypnocult (Live in Austin)

Episode Date: May 4, 2017

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds are joined by Kath Barbadoro. @kathbarbadoro to examine the Conscious Development Movement cult. SOURCES - Main Source - "The Rise and Fall of a North Dalla...s Cult" by George Rodrigue in D Magazine  TOUR DATES REDBUBBLE MERCH

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome Dave Anthony and Gary Threadolds!
Starting point is 00:00:42 We liked we like to have fun we like to have fun don't we gang don't we like to have a laugh the name's Gareth shut up okay we've been really clear Dave's dropped the fire that he started he's dropped it it's Gareth it's Welsh how is that douche all right let's get into it so because this will be on another podcast I won't get into it too much but we'll talk about the latest wrinkle controversy basically I go into my room yesterday and I find a I see on the shelf something and I go what's the hell's this and I grab it and it's a used douche yeah a little tiny dane cook so solid so so I'm like obviously I'm
Starting point is 00:01:57 like I gotta cut my hand off and figure out a new life with just one paw you know and and then today Dave post a picture of it you know because last night obviously at 1 30 in the morning he goes what's your room number I tell him and he comes to the room and he picks up the garbage where I've now put the used douche and he takes a picture with it and someone goes that's an enema thing if you don't know that's for the butthole for ten for ten minutes I'm like oh my god but then I'm like thinking of the dimensions and I'm like no there's nobody who's like I need relief let me put a baby bottle up my
Starting point is 00:02:35 ass it's just not how it works it says it's tubes it's like the internet it's a series of tubes anyway they didn't they didn't do anything they never the hotel did not there was no would you like a free drink there's nothing of that nature there's a little water left in the douche if you'd like a martini just give you a little you want a little little that axe huh our book our book comes out on the 9th if you want to check that out please do yep you're listening to the dollop this is a bi-weekly American history podcast each week hi actor no book writer director comedian dad assistant baseball
Starting point is 00:03:46 coach occasional baker all right but come on I got a there's a time crunch sometimes gamer lover all right buddy friend well not right now Dave Anthony I read a story to my friend Gareth Reynolds who has no idea what the topic is gonna be about you forgot that it was American history because you got you go into your fucking credits for nine minutes they don't even credits lover cinema we're all lovers hold on it's an American history podcast yeah you forgot that part yeah let's bring up our guest ladies and gentlemen she is an Austin comedian but you're about to lose her to the big city she is hi everybody
Starting point is 00:05:08 thank you welcome calf thank you so much great yep I think it's going really good I wish you'd given me more credits given how many you got I mean there's some legit credits but then he said last week he was talking about how he's a guy he takes out the garbage during his credits that's an important thing for sanitary reasons but we all do it shower oxygen and hailer there are people who don't be everyone does the oxen's thing but the people who don't take out their garbage yeah hoarders okay okay well that's why it's a credit non-horter not a quarter congrats bud March 21st 1938 all right people don't
Starting point is 00:06:04 like that people are nervous early you already fucking blew it Terry Lee was born in Fort Stockton Texas Terry Lee okay full name well I don't know her last name because we didn't know that you'll find out in a sec female okay she was born into extreme poverty good with an alcoholic father why am I doing it and was picking cotton at four years old my kind of woman in the summer heat one day oh god she took a break and relaxed under the shade of a tree sure three men in splendid robes appeared what splendid rose blended rose wizards told her she could do anything she
Starting point is 00:07:02 wanted Terry the sky's the limit through God and meditation okay oh that's a really shitty catch yeah do I have to think about someone in the sky well yes yes yes yes but how about my robes though we have robes what are we they said when she was troubled she should think about God how is she still for yep she's for how hard of a cell is this to a four-year-old not hard there's a bunny in the clouds okay yeah all right get over here they're stupid idiot your brains little they also told her they could not be seen by other people and Terry called these men the masters this is some true
Starting point is 00:07:56 detectives ship yeah I do not like the masters okay were they green jackets were they golfers tell me more about these robes please who does your robes so Terry the rough childhood besides just being poor she had a stillborn sister and then her mother slowly died of tuberculosis I don't know yeah when she was nine her father sent her to live at an orphanage sure he was like I he's like I can't your mom did a lot of stuff look these guys and robes are gonna kill me and they're gonna take my thumbs if I don't give them the money so I gotta skip town it was a Lutheran orphanage the best kind and there she had a lot
Starting point is 00:08:48 more visions of the masters and soon she found out she was the reincarnation of Saint Teresa of Avila a 16th century Spanish nun okay how did she find this out and oh my god what they do re-incarnation oh my god you just you know it comes to you sure and that's how it happened she was like you know who I am you wish I should do that I'm Babe Ruth trust me dog so when she was 11 years old Terry was adopted by a Dallas couple they're like we want that one did she go crazy did the wise men go with her the road they fall they come they don't they don't they don't stay behind they're with
Starting point is 00:09:45 her okay cool the wise men are just at the orphanage well what the fuck we didn't get taken boy did we pick the wrong pony huh my god not chosen at all she's an idiot so her name now is Terry Lee Benson and for the first time she had a normal life until she got married at 15 to John Wilder a high school dropout and bring it in a sweet six 85 cents an hour as a truck driver so she fucking nailed it let Charlie you'll be gone all the time and not make money boy great what else could an adolescent lady dream for he's like surprised you have to also pick cotton again sorry and I shot one of the wise men what yeah I thought
Starting point is 00:10:39 he was trying to get into the truck soon Terry was pregnant she dropped out of high school she was still in high school yep 15 that's how that works and are the wise men just with her yeah they yeah they were like a pep rally group that point we've decided who we want to vote for for student council also can we do something more exciting she had a daughter Kathy in 1958 a son Kenneth in 1959 and a daughter Virginia in 1963 now she's a stay-at-home mom while John drives a big rig okay so Terry started getting together with a group of housewives and discussing life and meditating she bought a book on hip
Starting point is 00:11:25 she bought a book on hypnotism and started taking hypnotism classes I'm not liking the facts from whom is she taking hypnotism classes they didn't go under that I oddly that's not gonna matter all that much I just didn't know there was a thing you could do in the 50s in Dallas well the problem well at the end of the session he was like you'll forget who I am you'll never recollect my name she became involved in power of positive thinking groups like silver mind control incorporated incorporated yeah those are the best mind control groups yeah we're we're franchising
Starting point is 00:12:09 excited she wasn't alone a group of women started meeting at the Brookhaven Country Club to discuss mystic matters by the late 60s Terry had begun to lead her own meditation classes and all the women in the group admired her then some of these women's children saw her the same way after she helped a teenager get off drugs with meditation in prayer he asked he asked Terry to share her knowledge with his friends so he's like a little he's like a little pimp's assistant soon Terry was holding weekly meditation classes for about 20 high school kids oh boy she pushed them all to avoid drugs and macrobiotic diets you
Starting point is 00:12:59 guys don't read weed carrots have carrots no but a macrobiotic diet is insane it's like seaweed and stuff right it's like no it's like no cooking or dairy but she's telling him to avoid it oh she's if that was a big thing that you had to yeah so she's basically like don't eat vegetables yeah stay away from macrobiotic diet it's what's get pizza eat pizza kids we should do this every week so a macro that's a great way to get high school students I was like just eat water burger for every meal you're fine get in there yeah a macrobiotic so it's just seaweed and shit like that so it's shit that no one would be eating
Starting point is 00:13:42 right yeah I mean it's not stuff kids don't eat the stuff people are telling you to eat Terry became a big believer in karma she taught her students that behavior on earth would affect prospects for reincarnation in a higher spiritual realm okay is she telling people she's also Teresa Vavala at this point yep well yep it's all she's laying it all down right people are having a hard time now we're doing so because they were bad in a previous life and she said the worst one behaved the worst the situation would be in the next life you could come back as a rat or a cockroach okay well sure okay quote we can be
Starting point is 00:14:22 sure that people who have been killed in volcanic eruptions have deserved these violent deaths whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa very specific yeah very specific I mean you could think of anything like you know everyone who's died in a volcano deserved it you know they mean anyone is frozen in magma because of what they did earlier and they're coming back as rats okay eat your taco bell eat your goddamn taco bell everybody eat your fucking taco bell all right who wants the smoke a joint have a 40 let's do this shit huh come on guys read a porno let's do this I'm your best friend you want to drive you can drive mama's
Starting point is 00:15:04 car call me mama let's do this a good example of people who are going to reap what they sowed in their past lives were the many Russian and German kids in the orphanage who were brutal towards her wait wait she brings that up she's still a little scar okay number one people who died from volcanoes number two anyone I knew from the Lutheran orphanage I'm gonna come back as cockroaches and rats guys specifically Germans and Russians yeah they're the worst kids too many hard consonants in those possible and those who did not behave poorly like her stillborn sister for instance would have a great chance at a happy life oh
Starting point is 00:15:55 she's they're gonna be nowhere near a volcano next one she's coming back as a pony unlike those German orphans they'll come back as rats living in magma they had it too good in this life boy German orphans they'll see Terry students would sit cross leg legged on the floor and listen to her talk about anything from sex to finances to ghosts okay so all right okay interesting three examples I used to work right next to Kathy Griffith's office for her talk show and that's what happened there so she would talk about anything from sex to finances to ghosts yeah covers the whole spectrum does it would she talk
Starting point is 00:16:52 about anything that they wanted to hear about they were probably just like oh he sounds like a scary ghost I'm more I have another one about sex it's actually a three-parter after these talks she would lead them in meditation it was described as an almost hypnotic trance-like state she would then take them on a tour in the mind by describing temples and the students would add description of the temples and Terry would agree to whatever they said so they think that they're in the mind space with her what and then so she would she would be like this temple is this and this and this and the big guy does it
Starting point is 00:17:33 also have a door in the back she'd be like yes you can see it so oh yeah there's a bedroom I have another sex question I want to know about the ghost I hate the ghost kid I actually have another one about finances and it comes to when you're filing as a corporation versus an individual and we'll get to the sex guys we're all having fun with the topics that are appropriate it's a three-parter they would finish these sessions with a prayer and then Terry gave the high school kids total acceptance and love they weren't getting elsewhere what does that mean yeah I what does that mean that's like a cult
Starting point is 00:18:17 thing you you give them what they're not getting at home or anywhere else handjobs they're not getting handjobs at home it's where the three robed men come in yeah step under the robe I'm just gonna go ahead and open this up Terry's trying to tell the kids she had knowledge of their past and future lives as well as their love lives this dude we've been sniffing around the weird section the whole time she's just inching towards it more and more students asked her if they had found their soulmate right so they're 17 they're like am I gonna marry Lisa and she she would very often say they had but
Starting point is 00:19:00 sometimes she would say they had not what she should always say they have not yeah you're in high school no and no I don't even know who Lisa is no yeah no I'm not answering any more financial questions Ted no no no no put your fucking hand down it's not it's it's not a soulmate you it's just a handjob it's not if you file a joint bank account just walk me through that very sometimes they had not one teenage couple were pretty devastated to find out they were not soulmates quote we would sit around and talk about it all the time I wonder what's gonna break us up the argument about how it's not
Starting point is 00:19:50 possible I mean we love each other but we're not soulmates I know I'm in love with you and I feel like you are but like she said no one day Terry told the students that she had levitated in her bed that night everybody sit down last night I floated what's the Dow Jones industrial average actually mean soon she said she could heal the sick work on Terry on an outdoor trip with the group her son dislocated his thumb it was so bad the bone was pushing up against the skin Terry would not take him to a doctor instead she healed him through meditation that's what it's for how is that does it feel better yet no okay
Starting point is 00:20:47 hold on think of nothing think of absolutely nothing right now I want you to repeat a phrase I want to be a big boy I want you to repeat a phrase in your head everything everything is connected everything is connected keep thinking that everything's connected and not I'm not talking bones okay everything's not connected everything's not connected there's blood now mommy you're an asshole mommy levitated last night so pretty sure you're wrong you know that was your dad's doing right
Starting point is 00:21:41 she also said she could protect the kids from harm she told one about the thumb yeah people are getting injured in her care I'm like literally the last thing that happened I can protect you guys for anything what about my thumb remember yesterday my thumb fell apart not family members there's loopholes there's loopholes in the wise men's robe she told one high school student that his girlfriend was going to die in a car accident very specific near a volcano I hope she laid that out hope she laid that out slowly the only thing that could save her was an emergency meditation session now we need to go now everything is connected
Starting point is 00:22:30 everything is connected get your pillow get on it oh boy think of nothing think of nothing you idiot after your brain I just keep thinking about the car what the fuck for shut up everything is connected everything is connected keep thinking it so God you have a death wish for that car crash don't you so he went for it they meditated when they were done Terry smiled at him quote good news oh my god who's she talking to an adjuster the good has talked to state farm and you're gonna there's no claim anymore good news the accident has been averted oh that was close thank goodness that future accident that's a great
Starting point is 00:23:23 did it I wonder why you have to go to high schoolers for this I watch Pat Robertson wants to need to credit for making a hurricane go away yeah well look I mean he'll yeah I think it was the three guys in robes who did it though so none of this was helping Terry's marriage to John oh really he had issues with this John didn't believe she had powers well that's gonna be a huge problem for her and you want to divorce why because he doesn't know my magic and he won't even acknowledge it I come home from a session and he's just talking about his back I levitated you idiot
Starting point is 00:24:07 floating in the bed to be fair your honor I I made her come so that's what that was and it's been a long time trust me there's so much talk no woman no woman who spends that much time with teenagers isn't a good marriage no and that's one of those things to where he's probably going like the first few weeks months hey it's not that great I mean yeah she's hanging his friends are like hearing it like wait she's what I just got a bunch of teenagers she's hanging out with she's meditating and hypnotized I mean they just ask questions about finances ghosts and fucking you know I mean like a regular
Starting point is 00:24:45 thing and then eventually you're like my god well how did I normalize this for so long you know the first red flag was when she started holding sessions with high schoolers so he didn't like that she would sometimes break up teenagers by telling them they weren't soul mates her work with adult students was the biggest problem though he didn't like that she was selling spiritual development sessions which he thought she just took from other religions how pious so if she'd made it up completely he'd be fine with it like this is great yeah don't regurgitate someone else's made-up shit come up with your own
Starting point is 00:25:23 made-up shit lazy but Terry wasn't stopping she started a group and so she officially defines the group and calls it the conscious development of the body mind and soul catchy more and more people start coming not just the kids but now a lot of adults she started accepting love offerings what hold on I'd rather not a lot of levitation going which a love offering was either $50 or $100 wait what what she's a Rubin tug no they're just like we love we love you and you slip her a Honda thank you oh man there's no I get one more song oh you're all so decent yeah there you are she she would also consult with
Starting point is 00:26:11 people one-on-one for an hourly rate John was making only $100 a week so this was not going over great with him fucking work for a living what do you do what do you do do you want to schedule a love session we sell $50 and $100 packages we're actually running a special this week because it's Valentine's Day we can do $200 packages for actually the price of one regular package and $150 package so that's 150 for the price of 200 packages what do you do what don't I do so the end goal for all these followers was to become so evolved that you could go to the next spiritual plane and hang with the masters yeah that's
Starting point is 00:26:57 basically death yeah just go find a volcano yeah jump in it to get there you had to stick to Terry's teachings so the time was ripe for someone like Terry it was the 70s divorce materialism in the pursuit of the common of personal pleasure was very common perfect time right what Terry was offering was forgiveness of sin she said they would become comfortable with wealth and have no guilt from their sexual encounters what is that even so she's basically like you're just gonna be rich and have a lot of sex and it won't it'll be great she's like it's funny enough to worry about it oh okay cool that's awesome
Starting point is 00:27:32 great news like oh for someone had to give the green light to anal my hotel John could not stand her followers one of them was a woman named Sandra Cleaver Sandra told John she thought of Terry as Jesus wow she gave Terry a ton of jewelry and John told her to take it back but Sandra had a very normal response she got on her knees and begged John to let Kerry to let Terry keep all of her jewelry it's normal totally normal yeah Jesus loves jewelry big fan I mean if you we had old actual photos just fucking bling yeah everywhere his teeth all diamonds yeah that's amazing he gets a grill he's just got jewelry he's like
Starting point is 00:28:21 hanging out like cribs he's like I don't know at some point we just kind of lost who we are Terry filed for divorce from John on December 20th 1970 telling a friend that John was quote impending my spiritual growth sure yeah it's what I say when I break up with people yeah it's not you it's my spiritual growth you're impending very soon after the sheriff came and took Terry to Parkland Hospital for a psychiatrist psychiatric evaluation on what grounds need some facts to back this up sir everything's fine give me another one thank that one emptied both John and Terry's adoptive mother signed the papers to ever
Starting point is 00:29:05 committed stating she was a danger to herself and others but she wasn't held for long Terry got out and she lost custody of her youngest daughter and son in the divorce but she managed to keep custody of her teenage daughter weird weird call the judge was like because I love sitcoms court adjourned this one's called two houses you'll live next door to each other you get full custody of her can't see them I'll see you on TLC in 18 months that is my final decision she also got her 1968 Ford Mustang a bunch of stocks a shotgun a
Starting point is 00:29:54 rifle and a pistol if there's one thing this woman needs yeah it's to be armed yeah for sure you can have the Molotov cocktails thank you John got the house the furniture and the bank account so John John did okay yeah who was her lawyer he's like they're offering a great package two guns and some other bullshit I say we close yeah he's gonna get the house and everything two guns a 20-year-old kid named Glenn Cooley joined the group within four months of the divorce Terry and Glenn were married oh my god Terry she was 33 they bought a house in Dallas Glenn dropped out of college his family were not big on the
Starting point is 00:30:42 marriage oh no they don't like it when your son's gonna go full-time crazy I'm dropping out to focus on being out of my mind I really I gotta hone it well also they were Baptists mm-hmm she does not go well with cuckoo no wait does it no what are you talking about grab these snakes lunatic so Terry now made plans to spread her teachings to the world and she got big time into the jewelry business sure loves jewelry yeah she thought certain gems and crystals had healing properties mm-hmm and she sold those now she's speaking my language now I'm on board now you're in she urged her followers to buy the stuff she made
Starting point is 00:31:29 coincidentally the more a piece cost the more power it contains so weird what a strange coincidence but you know you really you want to sell it for its value I mean it's all about healing yourself at the right cost and it's too easy payments it's so crazy how the sparkly or something is the more spiritually healing oh yeah God touch this one for sure this bracelet's been in God's beard two installments so within the group you soon be able to see how devoted someone was to Terry by how much jewelry they were okay so now there's ranks which is in natural but not good is this a cult or like a QVC program yeah it's like
Starting point is 00:32:17 Scientology and QVC are having a baby now Sandy wore a lot of jewelry Sandy was the opposite of Terry she grew up rich she inherited tons of money went to college where she was very successful that was a human falling oh god it was a wise man tripped on his robes but they did have things in common Sandy's mom had been put in a mental hospital when she was young she had a sister who died young and they were both super into the mystical powers of jewelry well so far that feels like all the facts they had in common now Sandy was married to Chuck a guy she met in college and they had a daughter named
Starting point is 00:33:05 Devereux they mostly lived on Sandy's trust fund money and in 1966 Sandy's father died in a plane crash and Sandy felt like she didn't have the closer she needed and she wished she could have spoken to him one last time hmm if only there was a way anyway there's not so this leads Sandy to be come interested in the supernatural she jumped into any spiritual fad that came along she got into meditation and started it going to sessions led it led by an Asian plumber I want to ask why it's important that he's Asian but then I'm also like I get why you said that it really paints a picture it does all
Starting point is 00:34:00 right we got an Asian plumber that's the most mystical race and profession she got into a mind control program became a vegetarian got into homeopathic medicine the order of this is bananas and then she met Terry she soon believed Jules could heal you and wouldn't take them off she'd wear several bracelets necklaces and rings even when she took a shower so she's mr. T just gonna have a rust clump on her chest yeah it used to be a bunch of stuff but then it just is formed into a little sort of a reef in a way I don't even life is breathing on this if you see that look there's polyps so Terry recommended a homeopathic
Starting point is 00:35:03 doctor to Sandy who had he had moved to Mexico to avoid laws in the US that's never bad that's good ever but now you want to homeopathic I to be totally free absolutely unrestricted why'd you leave the US oh they wouldn't let me be there lay down we changed the wax paper every patient promise he would diagnose illnesses over the quote cosmic airwaves oh god and then prescribe homeopathic pills that he sold okay great what a good coincidence yeah sold them and they would fix they're very rare and impossible to get I have some and they're not cheap to avoid legal problems with the post-office the pills
Starting point is 00:35:50 were sent by Greyhound bus the most mystical of transportation literally if anything or anyone is coming to you via Greyhound bus it's not good I gotta go down and pick up my life-saving pills at the Greyhound station well I should get out of here I got some KLC weed pills I got to get down at the old Greyhound yeah yeah my doctor's not allowed to be here whole thing Sandy had so many pills they filled an entire kitchen cabinet she took at least 20 pills a day oh what are they it's a lot of Greyhound trips yeah this poor
Starting point is 00:36:39 guy on the ground like this he's the guy looking for Terry's like there's got to be more to life just deliver and see weed pills every two days I hate the bus you know the bus for five hours you're like I'll kill myself I'll do it I'll kill myself if given the option where's the nearest volcano and yeah so then Sandy told her husband Chuck that the doctor had prescriptions for their daughter Devereux Chuck was not down with this idea he had the pills examined and found out there was nothing in them they were just placebo's that's the
Starting point is 00:37:22 name of the pill placebo I'm pretty sure it's a hard C so Sandy started giving her daughter pills sure but it doesn't matter right except she's full all the time yeah because sure she was five years old and she was taking 110 pills a day and yet not enough right 110 times zero still zero still not helping but she's just like I'm full of pills don't tickle her it's like confetti if she he gets if she hits that those are expensive I call Greyhound she pin yotted again kids now when I was a kid and you got jam full of BS Mexican pills you let them sit inside you okay Chuck came home one day and Sandy was packing suitcases
Starting point is 00:38:24 and saw the suitcases Sandy's packing suitcase okay sure the plan was to take Devereux to Mexico to the doctor where Devereux would be put in a special machine that quote turned out all the world's bad vibrations oh my god Chuck screamed at her why and he had a problem he didn't like this it's a special machine Chuck yeah and he had these are the bad vibrations I'm talking about so he yelled at her and took that plan off the table a little while later it's an amazing thing to be able to shut down you think if she was packing suitcases with that plan she'd go right but it's that he's like no you're not going to
Starting point is 00:39:11 Mexico to put her in a machine oh Chuck fine soon after Devereux developed a bad fever in the middle of the night from what Chuck thought a doctor would be a good idea Mexico's a Greyhound away but Sandy thought now that all normal doctors were quacks and she screamed that she would take her to a doctor over her dead body so Sandy did the prudent thing and used prayer incense and incantations good that'll yep that's what saved my grandpa yeah way better better than science more spells that's what really heals I wish the robed ones were here let's put a crystal up her ass she's
Starting point is 00:40:01 fine you put in her mouth we can't she's jammed with pills Chuck waited until Sandy fell asleep and then he whisked Devereux off to a doctor she had scarlet fever oh my god so he said he saved her life this is like the 60s right oh my 71 71 that's an Oregon Trail disease that's not you don't get that anymore that's oh my kid has dropsy what happens were you feeding your kid things from a Greyhound bus that's where he gets all of his medical supplies don't worry the doctor's not allowed to be here we're not idiots I like that he has placebo pills that cause scarlet fever you mean they're not even placebo weird so he
Starting point is 00:41:02 saved your life and on April 21st 1971 Sandy filed for divorce from Chuck exactly one month after Terry had filed from divorce from John chuck agreed to split custody with Sandy because he thought Sandy was so into reincarnation that she would have no trouble killing their daughter awkward clearly though both his and her lawyer agreed we will concede that my client will try to kill her for sure you want her I would like to agree with that keep it with her I love sitcoms get out of here you scabs I find for hilarity you're gonna live with her still welcome to TBS we know funny
Starting point is 00:41:59 without a husband Sandy became Terry's full-time unpaid assistant Sandy used her own money to put the conscious development to buy the conscious development group a printing press which was set up in Terry's home and then she paid to have the group become incorporated all great religions do sure yeah absolutely it's actually true she let a drifter and a new member of the conscious development group move into her home I like the separation of those two yeah are you joining no no I'm just cruising by I just need a place to wash my bandanas and whack off right through here yeah I think you'll find
Starting point is 00:42:43 okay you can't take a handful of this pie was that Willie Nelson drifting as I do don't be confused by my robes I'm just a drifter not a mystic mind if I have a sip out of your turn it are you gonna be dickholes I ever tell you about the time I met a box of pills on a greyhound so one new member of one drifter so they're just there at the same time party of two no it's a separate party I I'm actually here for the religion how are you I want to shout at a pillow possible so Chuck was worried about Devereux safety but Sandy said not to worry because she was protecting Devereux with a psychic shield oh well
Starting point is 00:43:37 we didn't know there was a shield okay cool I didn't know you can't see it so I didn't know thanks why didn't you tell the judge that she said the only thing harming Devereux were Chuck's bad vibrations Terry's teachings were picking up steam by the mid 70s she was giving lectures on the campus of SMU to hundreds of people well possibly thousands were receiving her printed lessons around the country then Perry take then rare back then Terry picked 25 of her most devoted followers to be teachers they ran some of the weekly classes now and her followers began to call her the I should look this up
Starting point is 00:44:22 I'm not too much II not a magic are you talking backwards yep okay I like how you want us to weigh in on this it's made up right yeah maybe I know it was actually a mountain a jet you know it's put someone's gonna correct me on well obviously on Twitter yes they'll be blocked right after we've seen it happen so Terry said she could heal the sick from hundreds of miles away and she was now communicating through meditation with people like Plato and the kid toy Babaji Babaji a long-dead Himalayan guru she's talking all kinds of really cool folks and she's nice amazing when you name drop people that
Starting point is 00:45:07 you're communicating with telepathically yeah um Plato Lincoln I can't do a mental Skype with Da Vinci so I'm busy that night it's not a big deal he DMs me like it's like ridiculous he gave me his number but I'm like whatever he favorited two of my telepathic thoughts and then I rethought something that he and then we just linked up but I don't even know I can't a tomorrow I'm having mental lunch with Lincoln yeah I'm eating near his place brain tonight on a new mental lunch with Lincoln I find it hilarious Judge TV one of the teachers almost died in a plane crash when his plane clipped a telephone wire and then
Starting point is 00:46:10 he sat down and told Terry about it and he asked did you help save us and Terry said yes oh yeah well what a softball so fucking easy what a softball he should have come in and said what a question for you what did you save me from give me a clue what does it be a man volcano not a volcano okay did you save us from that plane crash absolutely yeah yeah I did why yeah I had to how you guys saved I tried really hard I canceled with Hendricks oh my god I cut the Hendricks part out of this no way there's a Hendricks no I cut it out it was too long then one day Terry decided to start holding weekly meetings with her
Starting point is 00:47:02 teachers at the first one she revealed they were members of the White Brotherhood who were chosen by the Masters to fight evil wow I mean this that is really a hard left that is this is deep in the story to be like surprise yeah wait what's under those robes other robes their enemies were the black lords who are part of the Black Brotherhood very specific very specific to save mankind the teachers would have to fight the black lords in combat this is really coming hard this is coming hard and fast you're hitting us it's gonna be fine in the next sentence but the black lords
Starting point is 00:48:01 existed only quote on the astral and mental planes spiritually racist not pretty much you save us from a stereo plane crash yes I did to kill off the black lords a teacher would have to quote don't like that sentence it's weird it's not a strong start quote take them to the pits of hell where their soul and lower bodies would be dissolved all right shockingly specific what about the upper bodies and what's happening to them upper bodies are cool they hang out we turn them into actually Tybo training devices we use those we keep those it looks like a little man yeah sorry I gotta get down to the
Starting point is 00:48:54 ground bus depot I'm meeting a doctor yes I'm air quoting they were also black overlords who are worse they could not be dissolved and instead had to be taken to the quote electromagnetic dissolving can okay I've played this video game what this to the dissolving can there are also garbans sorry garbans okay they were quote about six feet tall with a long beak garbans had a gargoyle like appearance and were covered with slime they could actually physically leave slime on someone during battle even though the fight took place in the mental plane sorry sorry sorry you heard it no I did not what what what's
Starting point is 00:49:44 happening right now she's now it is very world of warcrafty now yeah yeah yeah well that's what this is this is about the beginning of World of Warcraft holy shit I didn't shockingly everything's comes from racism who knew if you felt the tingling sensation on your hand during battle that meant a garbon was stuck to it okay all right at that point you would have to imagine barbed wire on your hand to save yourself all right okay look she's now a secret kingdom now she's letting everyone know what's happening they're fighting out the truth who is who who is she fighting shit is your mental battles yeah
Starting point is 00:50:23 these obviously they don't exist in this realm right okay people beat them by imagining barbed wire only if your thumbs ache cat that's how you get normal shit the slime off your hand yeah barbed wire you guys are from Texas you know that yeah well I will say you walk around here long enough you feel like someone slimes you I mean great weather today I if I I'm glad I don't have a gun because I would have shot myself this is a weather match like tomorrow the weather is gonna be oh we need another meteorologist wonder what the five day is now of course the teachers had to have
Starting point is 00:51:13 weapons a cup a rod a sword a bag of cloth containing a cup of dirt is this Hogwarts sir Horcruxes all of them yeah these are symbols guys so they did not have to be full-sized oh thank God for instance you can use a letter opener or a ballpoint pen as your sword oh okay this is just a very complicated D&D game yeah and that's not the the pen is not my dear than the sword the pen is the sword whoa whoa you just blew my mind bro now they also all had to wear robes obviously if you wore a robe you'd have 15 times more power right no no no no totally D&D no roll the die roll the diet no the eight-sided roll it oh we
Starting point is 00:52:06 just saved someone from a plane crash it really like was but they all okay they all go along with it of course they do oh because when you're in a room of people who won't say no you're like yeah also yeah also yeah yeah yes yeah yep yeah yes I don't have any friends anymore so yeah yeah I guess we'll fight these guys with pens remember picture barbed wire if your pen gets to what's the plan what is it no I think if your hand gets itchy you think if they're slime on you guys want to go to barbecue I'd rather barbecue I'm not gonna lie cute be good also you were supposed to wear a headband with silver silver or
Starting point is 00:52:53 gold symbols and then a bunch of protective jewelry which you could buy from Terry for sure sure no it's Zelda amulets it's every video game where you're one person each teacher would sit in a magnetic circle which was a large circle of cloth that had a triangle on it and the circle was protective some of the teachers would actually sleep in their circles sure mm-hmm yep how'd you sleep not good bad you ever tried to sleep in a circle yeah it's a fucking nightmare my leg kept going out of the circle I have restless circle syndrome and now to do battle against the black lords the teachers who included who
Starting point is 00:53:34 included a college professor an advertising agency executive and a Dallas school district counselor would sit in the room and swing their swords around mm-hmm the wise ages of municipal government just would swing their pens around maybe even a chopstick I don't know something of that size and as they swung Asian plumber yeah what's he doing what's he up to what's his deal did Mario brothers steal his game we're going Italian what the biz so as they swung their swords they would hit black lords and send them back to hell what does that look like they're like got one yeah another one oh my god that's three
Starting point is 00:54:25 in a row that's that's exactly a bonus for how I got an extra life knew high score what is this the teachers thought the batter's battles were real and a deadly undertaking quote serious injury seems far removed from the reality as we sit in the physical battle however it is to be remembered that last Wednesday we had to rush to the aid of some of our white brotherhood as they fought and many of these brothers died on that far-off universe because they were not as battle ready as we have been and will be so they there are some other quote on like live journal or something there are some they were doing battle and there
Starting point is 00:55:12 were some other bros from another universe right cuz you got black lords all over the place so some of those guys weren't from the other universe we're ready they didn't have their good pens and shit coming back so they didn't make it and I mean wait but because of Terry there are our group is more prepared they're just ready to fucking do battle against the things that aren't it's like the matrix but if you didn't get to see the movie like you're just like this is bullshit it's like if you had to explain and you come back with war stories oh that was close lost a bunch of good men on that one boy these
Starting point is 00:55:49 black overlords will really get you if you don't have the right pen anyway I don't want to bore you with the details but we had to dig deep out there watch my brother in star trenches as we do I swear it doesn't get any easier all right I'm gonna go bang Terry I'll be back she likes a finger in her but I know where she likes a finger the idiot the crystal hole the battling went on for weeks as it would into your hypothetical nonsense land time isn't real there they would fight for hours late into the evening the teachers the teachers at the end would get give Terry the body counts I killed 18 all right
Starting point is 00:56:44 18 hold on slow down with the numbers guys let me get these down 18 what about you John seven seven well this was keeping an eye on the numbers over here I'll just let you know I'm not a big finance person but I do know go some banging all righty pretty good day not amazing now the teachers were also sworn to secrecy don't tell anyone about this what do you mean why they were not to be spoken of in front of others any they don't get it they look at you like you're crazy for fighting black overlords with pens for weeks Terry said the black forces were everywhere and if if anyone let left conscious development
Starting point is 00:57:32 they became suspect they were possessed teachers got notes that said things like quote stay alert yeah what's your fortune saying said don't get your leg out of the circle or else I just had a stretch though they were told to curtail any contact with people outside the group and they should sleep with their sword beside them their pen yeah you mark up your sheets though it's a mess now my sword wasn't a sharpie now this was all a bit too much for Terry's now 26 year old husband glad dude he's out he's like the one is like look Terry I can't believe that as a 26 I thought this was a
Starting point is 00:58:24 phase look now I'm older and wiser at 26 we've been married for 15 years I gotta be honest I was just trying to fuck a 33-year-old lady and now and now I'm fighting black lords and I can't it's not worth it I'd rather just jerk off and watch you want to be a drifter than do you whacking off his stranger's homes for handful of pie yes that is exactly what I want well when I said it out loud it sounds a little better than I thought it would but they still remain friendly Terry and Glenn let's not end on weird terms
Starting point is 00:59:12 he had tragedy he still worked for the jewelry business yeah no I'm out but I want to be as connected as possible to this their divorce was finalized on January 27th 1977 five days later Glenn went to spend the night at a cabin his parents owned the next day Terry found a note from Glenn in her safe it was actually a will giving all of his property to Terry oh boy she then grabbed two of her followers and headed up to the cabin where they found Glenn dead of a drug overdose too many crystals to the teacher group this was a sign that the black lords were making headway they was so slimy the black lords clearly could
Starting point is 01:00:00 now poison blood why I mean why not just say poison I feel like that's what you're doing no no no look it is your blood the black lords could now poison blood Dave took his penis out for those you just like it's quite dramatic yeah so naturally Terry announced the teachers would now have to use a new tactic I can't wait bullshit bloodletting oh no no no no no no that's what killed that's what killed George Washington it's called bloodletting because nobody you should not let anybody do it you
Starting point is 01:00:58 really let me do it I guess I'm gonna let him holy shit what an idiot okay so it's time to get blood out of you so anyone who was infected by the black lords would have to drain the poison the disease of having too much blood problem Sandy would take the blood this did not go over well with the flock and suddenly a lot of people left conscious development when there were shiny things but now that I have to it was cool we were talking about like finances and stuff like I came here cuz I'm really into ghosts and business but this is a little weird is it a write-off if I leave so fortunately around this time
Starting point is 01:01:54 Terry found love again marrying Ben Johnson oh sadly at the same time her son Kenneth was working construction and fell through a roof onto a concrete floor fracturing his skull and dying immediately I don't think so she can save him huh black try to try to tell them they're black lords you know when he was going down he had two seconds to be like she'll spin this Devereux Sandy's daughter was now 14 oh yeah how many pills she taken now she was now shaped like 1800 pills and skin have a pill she was a good student good athlete and wrote poetry but Sandy saw something dark in her daughter she told
Starting point is 01:03:00 fellow conscious development members that Devereux had evil spirits inside of her it's fine the greyhound pills weren't working Sandy was distant from her daughter and often left her alone and went on trips she didn't go to her basketball games she didn't really show any interest in her child at all basketball game imagine what she showed up for the game people like she's here don't worry use your mind to dribble mom mom shut up what's a travel Devereux for some reason hated conscious development for some reason yeah and was embarrassed by her mother's connection to it not bringing friends over
Starting point is 01:03:40 to the house really then one day it suddenly all turned around Devereux told her dad that she and her mom had a long talk and everything was different Sandy was getting remarried and took a trip to Hawaii and this time took Devereux with her they're at what yeah it's why they're absolutely right if I were a teenager a trip to Hawaii would totally turn me around yeah they're at a lagoon Sandy and Devereux took an inflatable raft out several hundred yards until they were over a sharp coral reef it's fine it's fine they are dangerously close to volcanoes right now then a wave knock the magma choose then a wave
Starting point is 01:04:32 knocked them over and a second wave separated them Devereux was missing her father Chuck grabbed the first play to Hawaii when he heard while he was gone someone from conscious development called and left a message saying they had documents that he needed to see it turned out they were Devereux will oh my god you know every 14 year old has a will dear will today I'm gonna leave everything to Todd hope you ask me to prom lol you guys was a great year when you signed my will never change or die love I just wrote have a neat summer the dead 14 year old left her trust fund $125,000 to set up a conscious
Starting point is 01:05:28 development school because she hated them it's a weird call though right it's a kind of 180 in the will yeah that same day a Terry follower marched into the bank managing the trust fund and delivered a formal will demanding all the money yo give us the case unfortunately under Texas law children cannot write wills it's a good law that means that nowhere allows it it also means that by now they've gotten rid of that law yeah well your son left you his trains and he wants to leave a new key for his brother and he left you left $130,000 to the
Starting point is 01:06:30 Republican Party what whoa oh Ted Cruz is awesome it's fun to be grown dad Terry and Sandy became even closer and bonded over recently losing their children Sandy took out a life insurance policy of $300,000 and made Terry the beneficiary oh my god well who what stop giving her that option I know but I'm not gonna die soon but in case I mean everyone's dying but okay sure for sure let me just get that in 1979 Terry transferred the title of her home to Terry and then he transferred it to Sandy did and then she kept living in the house and she paid Terry rent yeah that's that's no I like
Starting point is 01:07:22 this plan I like it so I'll give you the house and then I'll pay you money all the time yeah it's called an air me and me and you love that and on September 8th 1981 Sandy forced an older follower to go on a trip to a Colorado group retreat hey I'm gonna take a solo trip with her and then on their way there Sandy drove off a cliff there were no skid marks no sign of trying to stop her turd both women were dead who just died Sandy and then a woman that she forced to get in the car with her who should they really did Thelma and Louisa although without I don't think the same I think one lady was like she'll
Starting point is 01:08:29 twist this once again Terry produced a will Sandy had updated it just three months before and the other woman had signed her her will on the exact same day so is there who are these wills going to is this person like everything everything went to Terry but but who does Terry go to Terry's going to banks to get the will you give you just you gotta be hoping for a different teller you're like not that guy again all right fuck hey how are you hey great I love the donut thing you guys do on Wednesdays here that is awesome it's let's the customers so I have two more wills and it's great and we love it and these are
Starting point is 01:09:17 two wills are they four-year-olds this time no no no it's two grown women well this one's a film in louise into a cliff this one's written on a napkin yeah is that a problem for this bank it says help me on the back oh that's the wrong one sorry actually this is the one there we go that's the one I wanted to give you I'm writing a song called help anyway keep you know the money there's a black lord behind you can I borrow this pen so all of the women's property went to Terry and Terry cashed out the $300,000 insurance policy but Sandy's brother contested the will the brother's lawyer was a nut
Starting point is 01:10:09 well-known Texas criminal defense attorney and he claimed Terry was using hypnotism we better not get judge sitcom yeah he's the worst for what we have right now so I hear today's case is about a hypnotism family is that right I'm excited to make a deal love the pitch so far let's get through it see if I want to take it to series so the lawyer said that she quote controlled proponents use of hypnosis Pavlovian conditioning and psychotherapy which is fine Terry the last one's fine why don't know why you gotta fuck I'm aligned psychotherapy yeah it's really good for a lot of people with deep emotional
Starting point is 01:10:53 all right okay all right buddy Terry denied she controlled Sandy but did admit she had tried hypnosis a couple times after five days of trial Terry decided to settle instead of letting the jury decide and the brother got cash and 40% of the state and a contract with E contract incredible series we would also like to see a hosting reel on the brother Terry was devastated by the loss of her dear friend Sandy she stopped all consciousness development classes then D magazine which is a local magazine wrote an article about the group it was called true believers the rise and fall of a north Dallas cult but that was a
Starting point is 01:11:40 little soon Terry was not done well many had actually left the cult at this point or group sorry group yeah group talking points the stick to the facts liberal the ones that remained formed an even tighter circle because of all the attacks and press and the black lords were very busy the group had to become stronger and more defensive a woman named Robin took over for Sandy and became Terry's second Robin was full in her house was full of crystals and quote friendly gnomes isn't that redundant yeah are there dick gnomes fuck you I'm not digging
Starting point is 01:12:30 anything hey where'd it go I killed my cat asshole okay so she just has a home full of chill gnomes she was one of oh boy oh that was a ghost that was a ghost the ghost was also you so she was one of the teachers who fought the black Lord she kept copper twisted in his serpentine shapes okay okay okay so this is like everybody's grandma you know little humble figurines copper for the weather all right Terry introduced Robin to a patriot named George G and they had a close intimate relationship the second G's for George let me put it where the crystals now live now this relationship was a little more
Starting point is 01:13:37 difficult than other relationships in the group because George G was an invisible supernatural CIA agent it does make it complicated but we're doing an LDR he really knows how to hit my spot he really anyway they fell for each other and they were dating did they and huh what app is that on it's you know Terry's hooked him up we've been on spender spirit tender I'd like a spirit who's a CIA agent but I didn't slow down the black lords who were consuming Robin she called her husband and told them she had a terminal case of viral hepatitis and that she had gotten it from a banana peel wait Dave honestly this
Starting point is 01:14:29 literally sounds like you're just pulling phrases out of a hat and doing like refrigerator poetry this is mad libs what are you talking about what the fuck did you just say again she has viral hepatitis from a real thing yeah yeah not a supernatural black no it's real but you can you can get it from a I was in a Scooby-Doo cartoon you can get you can get all kinds of things from banana peels yeah like a wacky slip and fall on your ass banana I got also bananas bananas so the husband heard this and he thought you should go to a doctor yeah yeah it turns out she did not have hepatitis really well I know
Starting point is 01:15:18 she just had a banana peel in her that was a problem a couple hours later Robin went to see Terry and late that same night Robin shot herself in the mouth oh my god now that's something a doctor can deal with yeah yeah she's got a hole in the face yeah that's extra hole she made her more than you should have she made her regular hole bigger yeah well we put a bunch of crystals and pills in it and gave her a pen and she didn't do anything so we're like we're all at a loss yeah look her will well what are the odds she did not write a suicide note just an apology to Terry for having been rude my bad piece oh she also had a
Starting point is 01:16:12 will and everything did she and everything went to Terry this is loose okay this this thing I've been leaning on unprofessionally we're all we're peeling back the rope here gang so everything went to Terry and when Robin's friends were going through things at her house they found a lot of prescription drugs needles and syringes who's dr. Greyhound jugger also part of member David good Goodman's life he had been a member since 1974 he first came in with his wife and then they quickly divorced then Terry married him to a 23-year-old music student and she told the couple they
Starting point is 01:17:06 were soulmates then they divorced weird two years later and then Terry may married him to a 24-year-old former student she told them they were soulmates and they divorced weird after a couple years David was a business professor at SMU he invented a computer-generated stock tip formula which became very successful and allowed him to quit his job and focus full-time on the conscious development group good then he was introduced to Glenda she was older divorced with three kids and according to Terry his soulmate okay this guy's gotten lucky yeah he has a lot of soul in soulmates on an all-new soulmates on judge TV Terry insisted
Starting point is 01:17:51 the two had quote been married in previous lifetime so they married again obviously Glenn Center kids to live with their dad so she could Glenda so she could focus on her spiritual practice that's what you do yeah if you have kids you're like I gotta work on me sorry guys I didn't want you after all later then they shut off contact with their parents and siblings so David and Glenda are just off David Glenda would wake up every morning and ask God and the masters for good energies they would meditate several times a day and they would take medications Terry gave them tons morning noon and night they heard
Starting point is 01:18:32 voices they had medications yes they were taking medications yes they had medication ceremonies meditation did I say medication ceremony meditation I'm doing a joke that's not working well yeah because it seemed just like you didn't know yeah but if you in my head there's two hyphens nope I don't know where they go I'm still lost medications okay it's okay oh fuck everything so David and Glenda would ask the masters for advice on anything no matter how trivial when Glenda was I shoe am I when Glenda was renovating the house she asked Marcus who was one of the masters of renovation
Starting point is 01:19:23 question you know we are I just said one of the masters is named Marcus yeah you went right by that why master Marcus M&M yeah she asked Marcus for guidance and Marcus said quote I will go with you to Sears master Marcus sounds very mystical just and Montgomery Ward to check out and choose just the right window coverings we'll do we'll do the right thing she wrote the center journal dear will they also talked about all the white pills they were taking in their journals and they discussed everything they were giving Terry they bought her a new Cadillac cash gifts they
Starting point is 01:20:13 were expanding Glenda's house and when they were done they were gonna give it to Terry David pledged 50% of everything they had to Terry and from 1987 to 1988 they gave Terry over a hundred and ten thousand dollars good good good good what is her plan is she gonna do anything with the money she's got some okay still got fuck you wills still Terry made them pay a hundred dollars for sessions my fit we gotta yeah oh those aren't free no but I can we gave you like and I said thank you I guess I'm not understanding what's happening right now well we don't we're kind of tight little tight understanding well look I mean what do
Starting point is 01:20:56 you want to be a rat and lava what do you want how do you want to what do you want to be no okay yeah so get out of my house and we'll do one tomorrow get the money together in the sessions they learned things like they both lived 800,000 previous lives sure it's a lot normal amount yeah the amount for a video game yeah yeah they found out they were the Roman gods Venus and Jupiter yeah still banging but they were still what's your secret but David Glenda were still constantly battling the black lords and apparently it wasn't going well dairy Glenda back Glenn also wrote that Terry wasn't doing well much of this
Starting point is 01:21:39 had to do with Terry's latest husband Don Hoffman he was done off man no thank you already out already out speaking of I know this is a podcast and so I feel like this might be an edit point I have to pee so bad oh yeah I'm going oh keep going sneak back on some behind the scenes right yeah well by the way anybody who has to leave a stage to pee that's the dark lords yeah that's their problem take a pen you guys are gonna take a break cuz I gotta take a dump I gotta get a hand for the pie what she's gonna hope there's a speaker in the bathroom no there's a relayer a guy who's like then he said this next so Don
Starting point is 01:22:36 Hoffman was having physical problems pain in his leg shortness of breath Donna divorced his wife of 20 22 years in 1980 and married Terry a month later she's right after Terry divorced Ben and in May sorry September 16 1988 Don checked into a motel made three videos for his kids saying he big been diagnosed with cancer by three doctors and then he killed himself exactly as Glenn Cooley Terry's second husband had by Odin on a mix of drugs oh my god also he didn't have a will cancer did he have a will no he didn't have cancer he had a will he did not have cancer he did not have cancer of course he had a will what
Starting point is 01:23:17 was the handwriting like on all the wills it's crazy how they all have hearts over the dotted eyes anyway here's your money Terry see you next week I hope things pick up as far as the suicides go you've been hit hard by that bug well it's the black lords when questioned by Don's kids Terry said the black lords created an illusion so the corner couldn't find the cancer but they did find a large concentration of ecstasy in Don's blood well there we go I think we're right to celebrate that Don left all of his property to Terry his kids suit Terry claiming she used hypnosis to get their father to kill himself now
Starting point is 01:24:06 David and Glenda were struggling David was upset that he could not yet jump between physical and spiritual realm it's frustrating it's frustrating we've all been there yeah when you're like fuck how can how am I not I've been doing this so long jump between spiritual realms God I've got the pen I took Molly what's the problem this meant to him that he had bad karma so God told Glenda and David to buy guns and start practicing shooting sure as God does yeah and that's a really good sign if if God tells you to buy a gun definitely don't buy a gun that's not but what if God's like but you know practice also don't wait five
Starting point is 01:24:49 days buy it at a show and then God told them they were actually enduring all of mankind's karma and that's what was causing them all their pain and then David and Glenda were found shot to death in their home a double suicide Jesus Christ so what's the body count on this cult so far it's pretty fucking high the wheels are stacking up I can't wait David about these wills David's father sued Terry the same attorney who had battled Terry in court over Sandy's estate offered to represent Don's kids as the pre-child dragged on he decided to go to Terry's house and dig through her garbage and there he found dozens of
Starting point is 01:25:31 needles and syringes cotton swabs and quote enough empty pill bottles to stock a pharmacy or a greyhound you had enough for the under the luggage area of a greyhound that little under area that famous unit of measurement the weird door of the greyhound where the driver tosses luggage at you yeah sir how much roast beef do you want I'm sorry I had a bag I don't know what's going on okay not good he found a letter to Terry also in the garbage from a man in San Diego it came with a package quote here is your bulk order plus the samples number one is a new formula that is a bit more complicated and will cost
Starting point is 01:26:22 35 cents more per capsule it should have more amphetamine and a balancer to neutralize adverse effects number two is basic e formula without the last step performed in purification to remove all the amphetamines Terry had been calling these vitamin shots wait and it's just II II in amphetamines yeah amphetamine yeah she's just jacking people up sounds like e with and without the district attorney was investigating for the illicit use of drugs the Goodman's had said they had been taking white pills Glennon don died of drug overdose sorry no someone else and don judge I oh the first Glenn husband and on the first
Starting point is 01:27:10 the second husband Glenn Cooley the 20-year-old died of drug and don dried of dog overs and don Robin was taking drugs Sandy was taking drugs but there was no direct evidence to Terry just a crazy pattern a Dallas homicide detective at the time admitted if we are ever able to do anything as far as Terry Hoffman it's it'll surprise me the prosecutor was quote convinced that she had a hip notch had hypnotic powers over people but the evidence wasn't there civil suits brought by David Goodman's father and Don Hoffman's kids came to an abrupt halt when Terry filed for bankruptcy in October 1991 what that's what happens she
Starting point is 01:27:47 probably just fucking put it in a can was like I don't have any money also the dark lords could have taken it they probably did we're going to Wells Fargo no plus she was keeping it sounds like 400 Mexican drug cartels in business but this caused this caused her to be indicted for fraud charges associated with declaring bankruptcy and she was tried and in 1994 Terry was convicted of ten counts and looking at 50 years in jail that judge has got to be so upset that he's losing all of his sitcom present premises I think I'm gonna have to find her guilty god damn it she appealed and she won she was declared
Starting point is 01:28:38 not guilty overall a ten people's deaths are strongly connected to Terry Hoffman in 1995 the TV series Unsolved Mysteries found found a TV show judge TV that featured an episode on the mysterious disappearance of one of Terry's father's followers Charles Southern Terry kept living life she found love again this time to Roger Keenley and she wrote a financial advice book okay so you get a bunch of people to follow you I'm writing all this down and then she changed her name to Susie Orman and she's the woman we know and love and she started a website called heaven and earth photo which you can still see it's
Starting point is 01:29:25 still up on which she is referred to as artist Terry Lila Keenley the website sold photographs of angels and heavenly beings and go and look they are just clouds it might be those 3d magic eye ones a dolphin and then a couple of them have a cartoon face drawn in like not like subtly drawn like a fucking big cartoon face it's just Tweety Bird and some clouds what the hell is this $1,000 Terry Lee Hoffman Benson Lila Keenley died in Dallas on October 31st 215 of heart failure now you're sad now now I will say like I avoid serial killer thing but I don't know what the fuck this is like it's not a serial killer
Starting point is 01:30:21 it's just fucking bananas she got all that someone who lived as the grim reaper for a little while well she got all these people to kill themselves they all definitely she's like yes she's like a suicide whisper that's a shout you know what I mean yeah but I also don't understand like if you talk someone into killing themselves what crime can you be charged with being a dick yeah not it not if there's no evidence of you actually doing it being available for a show 1039 30 central Thursdays tried and there's no one I trust on earth more than the Dallas PD yeah they did what they could I don't know anything about
Starting point is 01:31:10 the Dallas PD you guys need to calm down they've had a rough run yeah they've had a bad couple years well you know I mean things have happened but you know but they were fighting the dark overlords yeah and that's why we have body camps so what are you like okay so if how do you get to the point where you're able literally have the grim reapers touch you get greyhound pills that are full of Molly by the way why couldn't the pills get made here I think this is how hard is it to crush up Molly and throw it in a thing it's called Molly well the American jobs away from hard work we're gonna build a wall Molly
Starting point is 01:32:04 manufacturers unacceptable we're only I don't have any answers okay okay all right okay so we're all scratching I mean that all you can say is well that's bananas yeah that's so bananas I got hepatitis guys thank you so much for coming out we have a another show at 10 o'clock there's still tickets if you want to go tickets if you guys want to hear it'll be a different story we're very quickly gonna sign some posters right there but we can't be too long you know cuz we've got this other show so if you're coming to both you want to hang around after the second one that'd be great if not whatever we'll be right
Starting point is 01:32:58 there take pictures sign your shit but we got to be real quick we appreciate the fuck out of everyone coming it's great to be here we'll be back in a minute thank you

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