The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 384 - Rep. Matt Shea (aka Verum Bellator)

Episode Date: June 25, 2019

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine Spokane, Washington politician Matt Shea. TOUR DATESSOURCES REDBUBBLE MERCH...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host you're listening to the dial-up on the all-things comedy network each week I Dave Anthony read a story from American
Starting point is 00:00:50 history to Maya friends. I think Gareth Reynolds who has no idea what the topic is going to be about. They have a wasting disease. I hope it takes fast. Hold hands. I'm not holding your fucking hand. You hold hands at the beginning of every podcast that's what we do. Just play the song. It's a fucking tradition man. We're gonna stop doing traditions now. We're sworn twice anyway I haven't even started. Are we gonna stop are we not do our traditions? The tradition would be to not hold hands. Well what we used to do is hold each other for a minute and then break well I wish I knew how to start the song it would just be but you don't do you know why because I
Starting point is 00:01:27 do everything you don't do anything I do all the work I'm certainly the one is suggesting the show starts which I think is gonna be important and called it quote his jam-packed. Jam-packed? I'm the fucking hippo guy. Steve okay. My name's Gary. My name's Gary. Wait is it for fun? And this is not gonna come to Tiggly Clot County. Okay. This is like an ad on a five-part coefficient. My room's a place. Now hit him with a puppy. You both present sick arguments. No sleep, no hippo. That's like no hippo. Actually partner. Hi Gary. No. I sleep done my friend. No. No. One I'll start with the big one. I've listened to the people. He used to be on the show a lot. He has not been because we moved to a studio. So Jose the cat now has an Instagram. Jose from the dollop is the Instagram. Jose from the dollop is the Instagram and it'll be people complain I don't post enough about him which just sounds insane. So he's got his own Instagram. All right. Makes sense. Jose from the dollop. The second thing I want to say is that my buddy Steve Byrne, all things comedy brother and a friend of the every show has a documentary called Always Amazing. It's about the amazing Jonathan who was a crazy magician in the 80s and 90s.
Starting point is 00:02:50 He's an indescribable character. So you have to watch. And the documentary is really, really well made and it's really interesting. So I'd recommend it's on YouTube too. It's called Always Amazing. It's free. So just go check it out. It's really great. And then you have another podcast called Point versus Point. That's right. It's normal. I have another podcast called The West Wing Thing in which we talk about how the West Wing has infected the brains of the Democratic Party by going through each episode. One that we recently recorded literally made me lose my mind. You were in here for that, right, Aaron? I went crazy, right? Do you watch them? Yeah. Oh, wow. So you just do commentary over the episodes. No, no, we watch them and then talk about them. So you don't even have to watch a show. You can just listen to us talk about them.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Okay, April 18, 1974. Okay. Matt Shea was born in Spokane, Washington. Okay. The Shea family were fourth generation Eastern Washingtonians. Spokane is a city on the eastern side of the state close to Idaho. His father, Michael, taught Matt to chop wood when he was six years old. Okay, normal. Yeah, that's a classic seven.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Yeah, 1980. Actually, when he did that, that's pretty cool. Wait, what year? Yeah, 1980. 1980? He was born in 1974. Holy shit, okay. After he learned, it became his job to, quote, see to the wood. So after six years old, he was...
Starting point is 00:04:16 In charge of wood. In the 70s. Chopping wood. Well, now we're in 1980. Okay. Matt says his father, quote, instilled the deep sense of responsibility and personal obligation to our country. I learned all about patriotism from him. Okay. That's pretty important.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Patriotism? Yeah, I learned about how hard to love the country and how fast. Sure. Normally, the people who have that instilled a tend to turn out really normal. Yeah, you'll see this guy is totally... Is a normal dude? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Aces. Cool. When Matt was 10, the family moved north to Bellingham, which is up near the Canadian border. He then went to Gonzaga University, which is a private Roman Catholic university in Spokane. He was in the ROTC program. Sure. And graduated with degrees in history and political science. And he then joined the army for four years.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Sure. Spent some time in Bosnia. Sure. Not on vacation. There was some stuff going on there. Yeah. At the time, though, it was a hot spot for people to go take a couple weeks with the family. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I mean, it's fun to see people in camps. Yeah. Yeah. It's like Aspen. Yeah, it's a lot like Aspen. He returned and went to Gonzaga Law School, but stayed in the Army National Guard. Okay. Can't cut those ties.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Right. He met and married Lisa Jen in 2002. So far, nothing. Nothing stands out? No. She's a pretty good American fellow? Yeah, for the most part. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Lisa said Matt treated her quote like a possession. Well, if I bit my tongue for eight seconds. He insisted she walk on his left side because he said his sword, if he had one, would be on his right side. Okay. The key part of that is if he had one. Yeah, yeah. Well.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Because it's weird to, I mean, it's just, you can't operate with an invisible sword. Well, you got to train your woman from when you do have a sword. Sure. Dave, and I'm not going to push back on the fact that you have to train your woman when you have a sword. Everyone has to. Everyone knows that when you're around a woman and you have your sword sheathed that you got to be, it's safety first.
Starting point is 00:06:29 And you also got to prepare your woman. Actually, I get what he's doing. You should do this. Yeah. It's like a phantom limb. Yeah. It's just nice. I'm going to start doing that with a machine gun.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Yeah, come on. Kids, kids, don't be up there. I got a machine gun on my back of my head. It's my machine gun side. Come on. I got it made up machine gun here. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you guys doing?
Starting point is 00:06:56 We're just... You could have freaked me out. We just walked in. You could have, I could have shot you. What? My machine gun I had two months ago here. I guess I don't understand what's happening. I have an invented weapon that I would have used on you.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you can't just walk into a room. No, because... Because I have a phantom gun. Yep. Anyway, I guess I'm going to walk out now. Well, walk out backwards. I'm still fired up.
Starting point is 00:07:26 I'm going to walk out forwards and I actually don't want to see you anymore. That guy killed a duck with a gun that ain't there. There's nothing happening. That means literally nothing. Do you guys want to go see a movie? I don't. I don't want to see you. Do you guys want to write a movie?
Starting point is 00:07:40 I don't want to write a movie. Yeah, that's all my questions. I have a sword. That's cool. Yeah. That's cool. I'm going to cut your head off. I'm going to shoot.
Starting point is 00:07:52 I got bulletproof head. It is how kids play. You can't stab me. I got bulletproof head. I can't get through the way I had. It is 100%. I'm in a glass case. So Lisa would pay the mortgage on their home working at a title company while Matt went
Starting point is 00:08:06 to law school. Okay. Matt was called up in October 2003 and sent to Iraq for 11 months. Okay. While he was there, Lisa said his attitude towards her match. Okay. Because I don't want to get Colonel Sanders again this week. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:08:24 That was ridiculous. Do people not realize they can read the top of the- Dave, like that one guy on Twitter said to me, if you hear Sanders and Kentucky, does your first thing, the first thing you're not thinking is Colonel Sanders from Kentucky Fried Chicken? No. Honestly, I would never think that. Well, me either.
Starting point is 00:08:42 But to everyone on Twitter, I'm a fucking moron. While there, Lisa said his attitude towards her softened. So they're talking when doing the video chats and whatever, and he seems nicer because he's in a war zone. Right. Quote, I truly hope things would be different when he got home. Yeah. Look, it's optimistic.
Starting point is 00:09:06 It's optimistic. Yeah. Super. It's optimistic to think that someone's going to come back from- War better. War, and especially one of these wars, one of these wars that we're fighting now. One of these made up wars, you know, cause invented wars. Well, a lot of people call them occupations.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Right. That's the one. Or just a bombing campaign. Well, it's like how Iran shot our drone. Oh, yeah. How dare they shoot. Over their country. Our drone that was over their country.
Starting point is 00:09:41 We're just insane. Yeah. No. I mean, let's not. Yeah. Let's not. So when he came back, he was not. He was not better.
Starting point is 00:09:51 No. Now he had two swords that he didn't have. He was still angry about everything and nothing at all. He now had a lightsaber in his pants and his head. Lisa said Matt was both physically and emotionally abusive. She could not get out of bed before him. She was not allowed to get out of bed before him. Wow.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Man gets out of bed first. That is- Normal house rules? Yes. That's what I was going to say. Yeah. Thank you for mad living. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:19 It was early in 2006, but still did not get a job. Interesting. Quote, he felt called to do full-time volunteer work. Now, okay. Okay. Not going to- So she's providing for the family. She's working.
Starting point is 00:10:35 He's a super Christian fellow who is called to do work. Right. Which is co-founding the Washington Family Foundation. Okay. Which is created to bring more unity to the Christian and conservative community. He also did pro bono work for the Christian National Alliance Defense Fund. I've done that. So it's a lot of anti-abortion, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:10:54 I've done a lot of pro bono work for them. Anti-gay stuff. Yeah. They're good. They're good. Yep. And Lisa worked supporting them the whole time. And then she could no longer take the abusive behavior.
Starting point is 00:11:02 She moved out and filed for divorce. But she couldn't move out until he had moved out. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. It's complicated. Right. But that was a problem because Matt doesn't believe in divorce because he's a Christian who doesn't-
Starting point is 00:11:14 Because he's a crazy person. He's a Christian who doesn't believe in divorce. Sorry. There's no divorce in the Bible. No. There's not. No. Are there occupation wars?
Starting point is 00:11:22 Yeah. Okay. The Washington Family Foundation conducted an investigation into their marital problems. Okay. I think the bed rules is where I would start. Yeah. So the group that he founded- Is now investigating-
Starting point is 00:11:37 And is in charge of, is now investigating their marital issues. Okay. And they concluded it was not Matt's fault. So the group that is his- Yeah. Looked into his marriage. That's right. And their conclusion was that he-
Starting point is 00:11:51 He's done nothing. He's done nothing. Yeah. Okay. Well, there we go. So the conclusion is there. Yeah. But still Matt stepped down as director because the divorce was happening.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Sure. And then they immediately reinstated him. Right after the divorce. No, right after he stepped down. Oh, okay. So he still is. I have to step down and they were like, you're back. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Sure. Right. It's a resurrection. That's right. Lisa was granted a protection order by a judge for, quote, assault, assaultive behavior. Okay. So he's hitting his wife. He's wife.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Right. He's hitting his wife. He won't let her get out of bed before him. That's right. He doesn't believe in divorce. She can't walk on the side where his fake sword will be someday, maybe, possibly. That's right. And okay.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Okay. So that sounds- This is what they tell you about when you get married. Prepare for all this stuff. Right. In Washington, they have what is called the Cascade Curtin. Okay. Since 1915, there has been talk of splitting the state in two.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Okay. Everything on the west side of the Cascade Mountains votes blue and everything on the east side votes red. So that's the split. The only exception is Spokane, which is a little blue dot on the red side. Okay. Right? People priced out of areas like Seattle are moving to Spokane for cheap housing.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Right. So it's getting more and more blue. But Spokane has very deep roots of right-wing anti-government conspiracy theories and patriot movement type people. Sure. There was The Order, which is a white supremacist group in the 80s that rob- I don't like the pieces you're setting up. Why?
Starting point is 00:13:29 Just because the terms that I'm hearing now are- Normal. They're terms I'd flag. Well, they're bros. They're a bunch of dudes doing stuff. And there's other- They're clubs. They're man clubs.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Yeah, but it's all right. It's kind of scary. The Order, a white supremacist group in the 80s that rob banks attacked armored cars and murdered a Jewish talk show house. So this is just to jump in again. This is sort of the stuff I was- These are people in the area who've done stuff. That's the kind of people I'm saying I'd flag the behavior.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Well, we would call, if we were there, we'd call them local doers. Sure. The Kehoe brothers who blew up a pipe bomb outside Spokane City Hall in- So again, just more of that stuff. Yeah. Anti-government racists who bombed a Spokesman review newspaper office, a U.S. bank branch, and a Planned Parenthood clinic in 96. So those are-
Starting point is 00:14:20 A militia leader who was arrested for planning to kill a federal judge in 2002. So those are the sort of- A Spokane man who fire bombed a synagogue in Oklahoma City in 2004, a man who tried to bomb a Spokane MLK parade in 2001. This is the stuff that I would say. Yeah. It's troubling. So those are the kind of-
Starting point is 00:14:40 There's a lot of- In Eastern Washington and Idaho, there's a lot of that fun stuff going on. Right. So in 2008, Matt ran to be a state rep for Spokane Valley, a very rich white area. He ran on the standard Christian right wing pro-gun platform, freedom, liberty, all that. Right. Not going to take my guns. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Right. He won. Okay. January 14th, 2010, Matt led a rally of 300 people on these steps of the Capitol Building. Okay. It was called the- Were they allowed to walk on any side? Of the Capitol Building?
Starting point is 00:15:19 Of his body. Oh, his body. I don't know- Because he's got that invisible sword. I would hope by now he had a real sword, but yeah. Okay. I mean, yeah. I mean, hopefully-
Starting point is 00:15:29 Even when you have a real sword, though, you still have a fake one just in case. Yeah. And if people get too close to you, you go, dude, you bumped into my fake sword. Yeah. There would be a sword there. Don't try to retaliate. I got a bulletproof head. Plus, I'm on ghoul.
Starting point is 00:15:43 I mean, that's pretty close to what he would say. So this rally was called the Solverty Winter Fests. Quote, this is Matt speaking. We will not suffer government any more telling us how to live our daily lives by our health insurance, by our energy. People cheered and held signs like defend the Constitution, bill of rights for all Americans only, bill of rights for all Americans only. Oh, dang.
Starting point is 00:16:15 They had portable toilets that they named after the Democratic senators and governor of Washington. So after a couple of months as a state rep, the longtime state senator in Spokane Valley, or actually, this is 2010, so his second term, the longtime state senator in Spokane Valley abruptly announced he was retiring due to health reasons. Okay. He had to have the leg cut off from illness. Okay. Sorry, I'm not like trying to laugh, but that is just like...
Starting point is 00:16:47 I mean, you don't hear it all the time. It's very 1800s. What took you out? Well, I had to give a leg up. And you can't keep going? Nope. That's it. That'll be done.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Adios. Alrighty. Don't stand on that side of me. So a Republican committee is put together to choose the new senator. That's how it works. Okay. From the area, right? The district.
Starting point is 00:17:11 The state party's executive board immediately... And this is someone who just goes right in? Yeah, they'll pick this person and that person will be the state senator. Right, run eventually. Right. So the state party's executive board immediately endorsed Matt Shea before anyone else had said they were going to go for the job. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:28 On January 14th, the committee was to meet but had to delay it because a group supporting Matt, the Spokane Patriots Minutemen, sent an email calling for a quote, flash mob for liberty. You ever been to one of those? No. On purpose. They're really great. Wait, who wants to do that?
Starting point is 00:17:50 The Spokane Patriots Minutemen. So he's in. Well, a rumor has started that there's going to be manipulation and the people aren't going to get who they want and these people think everyone wants Matt Shea. Oh, okay. Got you. So they're like, we'll tip the scales by doing a freedom flash mob. Flash mob for liberty.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Same thing. It's not. It's not. Well, I mean, it's very cool. You're right. I don't want to mince hair. And the committee did meet. They had to delay it for a day because of this flash mob.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Sure. But when the committee did meet, they nominated three men, one was Matt, and then they conducted background checks, held interviews and public hearings. Well, this is probably where Matt will. The guy retiring wrote a letter to the committee. So the one leg guy writes a letter, quote, I wish to state that under no circumstances would I support Matthew Shea for any public office. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:53 So. Yeah. To Matt Shea, they'd had agreement that Matt Shea had backed out of and made the other mess, so it wasn't happy with Matt Shea. Two weeks later, one of them. It's personal. It's not because of his abhorrent. Well, he said that he said that if you back out of agreements, you can't work in the legislature
Starting point is 00:19:07 like that. What? What is he talking about? I think old school guys think that way. Like he's 80. So he, you know. The whole premise is to fib. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:18 So two weeks later, one of the nominees, the other three nominees, was found by police drunk in his parked car at 2 a.m. in Vegas on the side of the road. Tobacco juice drooled out of his mouth, copped out a hard time waking him up. He had a gun in his waistband, two knives, two ammo clips, and body armor. So he was arrested. First of all, on what ground? Being awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Being a drunk Rambo. Is that illegal? He's in Vegas. So that eliminated him from the position of state centers. That guy was out. If anything, it should have elevated, but I'll move on. I agree. I agree.
Starting point is 00:19:56 One check on Matt included Lisa's statements from the divorce. Lisa's and Matt had been disarmed by his commander in Iraq and made to have a psychiatric evaluation for anger management problems. I mean, in a war zone, that really is. Yeah. If you're getting disarmed in your war zone for being angry, you're really standing out. Yeah. I mean, they're like, this is not, he's, this guy's.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Yeah. Because they're like, we all have PTSD, but you, my friend. Well, we all are, I mean, yeah, we're all losing our minds out here. This is crazy. But you're above the crowd. You're a problem. You have a fake sword. But we actually, out of everybody, you have to go on time out.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Yeah. A former legislator now. You tried to stab us with an invisible sword again. Yeah, but that's. So a former legislator who had had issues with Matt when he was a legislator was now on the committee. The committee that would select, okay. And he said Matt, he told them Matt lost his shit on him in just a crazy burst of, quote,
Starting point is 00:20:55 spontaneous, extreme anger where they're in the legislature. So the committee had to pick in the other guy. Okay. Matt stays in the house in November, two, and then he runs on a post 2010 and wins again. In the house. In the house. Yeah. So in his district in 2010, he runs again.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Okay. No Democrat steps up. He just runs on a post. He just shows you the spine of the Democratic party. Yeah. It's strong. November 23rd, 2011, Matt was driving his pickup truck in Spokane when he cut off another guy.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Dave, right away. What? It's just a story about driving. A couple of bros driving down the road. Okay. So he cut someone out. It's just that you're telling me it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:38 That's why. There's honking. There's yelling. There's. There's fake swords of flying. Yeah. Two men enraged each other, zipping through traffic, screaming at each other. Sure.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Matt flips him off and then pulls his handgun and points it at the man. Well, that's, this is where it's escalating. Which caused the other driver strangely to speed off. Yes. The police are called by someone who saw it and Matt and Matt called and said, well, there was this incident with this guy. Some crazy guy just pulled a gun on some guy. 100%.
Starting point is 00:22:08 When a cop investigated, Matt admitted he had pulled the gun. Yeah. I'm the normal one. This guy's got to go to jail. What am I supposed to do? He was looking at the car. He was looking at me. And he admitted that he had let his concealed weapons permit expire years before.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Interesting. He was cited for having a loaded gun in his car without a permit and drawing a firearm under circumstances and at a time and place that wants alarm for the safety of other persons. Do you hear the tiptoeing we have to do with our gun laws? Like. Well, he doesn't, I think he doesn't renew his permit because he doesn't believe in that. He doesn't believe he should have to have a permit.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Right. Interesting. He thinks he should be able to explain. But even the law, the law is like, you delicately removed a pistol from an area. Yeah. It's the worst. It'll catch even worse. Because we live in America, these are both misdemeanors.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Right. So pulling a gun and pointing it at someone is a misdemeanor. Right. Matt was fined $75 and if he didn't get any trouble for a year would be taken off his record. Jesus Christ. Because that's something you don't want on someone's record. And then pulling a gun in traffic.
Starting point is 00:23:26 And yet there are people in jail for their lives because of weed. For pot. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's totally, it's a parking ticket. It's actually less than a parking ticket. It is actually less than a parking ticket.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Yeah. You are a more egregious offender if you park during street cleaning from 10 to noon. Yeah, seriously. You will get a ticket larger, the $75 worth for pulling a fucking gun. It's way larger than not wearing a seatbelt in California. Yeah. Way larger. I mean, that's like $500 now.
Starting point is 00:23:57 For sure talking on your phone. Oh my God, yeah. So in your hand, if you have a phone. Yeah. Or violating laws more than if you have a gun in it. I guarantee you that. In certain parts. That goes on, I think it goes on your insurance and counts against insurance, your insurance
Starting point is 00:24:18 goes up. But I guarantee you if you pull a gun while driving, that does not go on your insurance. That is so cruel. Like, I mean, your insurance company should know. They just, like, I mean, screw insurance companies in general, but they should be alerted of it. Hey, just so you know, one of your guys pulled the gun. Oh, we're going to try and drop him.
Starting point is 00:24:37 We're not giving him full coverage 2012, Matt ran for reelection. In August, a month after, after the press had learned about his road regions in it. So it was it was kept under wraps and someone found out about it in July before the before the election. His latest moment, Democrat Amy Biviano sent out mailers reminding voters he'd pulled a gun. Like, it's a big guy with a gun out like, you know, a classic election mailer. So Matt then went and took a picture of himself standing in front of her home on her property
Starting point is 00:25:16 and posted it to Facebook. What? Oh, my God. He wrote, quote, don't write anything. I wanted to give a special thanks to all of those in the newest 4th District Precinct. Thank you all for the overwhelming show of support. What a great neighborhood. Oh, and that's my opponent's house in the background.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Smiley face. What? The posts also listed the intersection where she lived. What? He was asked to remove the post by her campaign and he refused. What the fuck? The chairman of the Spokane County. He's just putting basically her address there.
Starting point is 00:25:59 A gun nut who has pulled the gun on people is now showing everyone where she lives. It's all, everything about it's a threat, him being there, him showing other people, it's all threat. Facebook doesn't kill people. That's right. So the Republican, Spokane County Republican Party backmatch decision to keep the post up. Well, there we go.
Starting point is 00:26:25 This looks like a fabricated issue following a poor primary performance. Now that's a thing. In my lifetime, I've seen that shift in politics where it's like, you used to be held to a standard by, and I screw both of our political parties, but they used to chastise you. But now everything is just playing politics. So nothing, literally nothing like nobody on your team is ever like, yeah, he shouldn't have done that. No, it's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:26:59 And so now it is just that you, you're pretty much invincible unless you like, yeah, kill somebody. Yeah. That's the, I mean, outside of that, it's everything else that your party will defend you for doing both sides. Yeah, 100%. Like you literally know a thing that you can now do that people are like, um, so, so anyway, that's what's going on in Spokane.
Starting point is 00:27:25 They're like, sounds healthy. Yeah. Um, so he wins 56% of the vote on September 10th, 2013, Matt started a podcast called Patriot Radio description of the very first episode, quote, the state of the economy where Europe and Asia are headed and what you should be doing to minimize your risk preparation a minute on procuring water. Wait, what is it? What is that the title of his first podcast episode one more time?
Starting point is 00:27:57 It's just a description the state of the economy where Europe and Asia are headed and what you should be doing to minimize your risk preparation minute on procuring water. If anything, your minute should be spent on it's where they get the water. It's just, it's just so great. It just combines so many things. Yes. It's most things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:19 It's like, it's like a doomsday preppers podcast. Yeah. By now it was known that Matt relish talk about revolution and preparing for the day when citizens must quote, stand up to your government. So he's, this is the shit, this, this is truly the scary shit. Yeah. So he has been in all, in his speeches, this is what he does, right? Stand up to your government, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:28:41 He tracked in supporters who agreed. Reporters said Republicans wouldn't say in public what they said off the record about Matt. So his fellow Republicans are like, I don't want, I can't, I, yeah. I don't want to put a smiley face on Facebook after my home is pictured. That I'm sure Senator Shivered on everyone's spine. Republicans and Democrats alike. In 2014, is it Cliven or Cliven, Bundy?
Starting point is 00:29:05 I always forget. I think it was Cliven. I think it was Cliven. And his family had an armed standoff with BLM agents over Bundy's refusal to pay grazing fees. This guy, if we have a reoccurring character. Yeah. It's, that was our first episode.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Soon after the standoff began, the Oathkeepers, a group of military and law enforcement officials, announced Matt Shea was bringing a group of Western state legislators to the Bundy Ranch quote, to prevent bloodshed and to stand a defense of hardworking rural Americans who are under assault by a runaway government. Oh God. So Matt goes down there and he speaks while he's on Bundy's property, quote, this isn't going to stop here. It's already happening in other places in America.
Starting point is 00:29:54 This is a war on rural America. Isn't it a war on cows grazing for free? Yeah. That's exactly what it is. It's just about cows. Which is illegal? Which is illegal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:06 You have to pay money to do that. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry. The whole argument. I mean, the whole movement of this is just. Yeah. They want to be able to group.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Just put their cows anywhere. It's good. So Matt criticized BLM agents for pointing guns at protesters during the standoff. This man who pulled the gun on another guy while driving. Yeah. He was like, they carelessly used their fire arms. Also the other guys were putting guns at BLM agents. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Well, but then Matt comes out, all right, boys, quote, a sniper rifle is not due process. We cannot let that stand as legislators. He said other elected officials should quote work to restore our God honored Institutional Republic. He then announced the formation of the Coalition of Western States, which is that as an acronym spells out cows smart. So they were known as cows. Well that works on no levels.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Oh, they were a group of politicians and activists pushing for federally managed public lands to be transferred back to state hands. It is always so weird when there's someone in government is like, you need to get rid of government. It's like. I can't. I can't. You're there.
Starting point is 00:31:33 You are it. I can't. And that's the whole problem with everything right now. Yeah, it is. That everybody's just, I mean. It's like going into a house and going, you can't have a house. Yeah. Like if America was an ant farm, now is the time to shake it.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Shake the fuck out of it. Just shake it like an edge of sketch that you don't like the drawing. That's right. Somewhere along the line, Matt became a part of the American Redoubt Movement, which was first proposed by a survivalist blogger in 2011. The idea is to create a safe haven for conservative libertarian Christians and Jews. From the LA Times quote, for a growing number of people, it is the designated point of retreat when the American economy hits the fan.
Starting point is 00:32:20 When the banks fail, the government declares martial law and the power grid goes down. The area, the safe haven, is northwestern United States, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, eastern Washington, and eastern Oregon. This is the safe zone. This is the safe haven. Right. Okay. So they want, the idea of American Redoubt is to have all like-minded Christian, gunnaught,
Starting point is 00:32:50 libertarian people to move there. And when there are enough, they'll control it. Well that's cool. Coincidentally, it's the widest place in the country. Weird. That would seem like a coincidence. So after this was announced, word took off. The 700 Club and the Christian Broadcasting Network did news segments on it.
Starting point is 00:33:15 It's hard to know how many people have moved there. The Economist magazine said it was thousands of families. There is literally a, there is a real estate company called, let's say Black Real Estate or Black Something, but their picture is a guy in full military gear with an AR pointing it and it's like, come join us. And it's a successful real estate company. Dave, do you want to do one from the 1800s? Buddy, I'm only on page three.
Starting point is 00:33:52 No, no. Matt soon became, according to the Spokane spokesman review, quote, royalty. Spokane's person. Yeah. Quote, royalty in the American redoubt because he gives gloss and legitimacy to talk of violent revolution. So he is the politician that they want, right? He is the, well, it's like a picture of him.
Starting point is 00:34:25 He is like, he looks like a politician guy. And he's able to sell it. 100%. Right. He's the spokesman. I don't know what I did here. I guess it doesn't matter. How do you pull up the thing?
Starting point is 00:34:39 I'm a doodle. I'm drunk. Am I drunk? You are not sober. Okay. Here he is. So that's our fella. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:34:47 One more time. Oh God. Boy. But he looks like a classic politician, right? Irish looking guy, you know, American flag. But he's just a psychopath. Yeah. He's a, his eyes are terrifying.
Starting point is 00:35:02 So all of a sudden, July 2014, Spokane reporter. You should have to earn your spot to take a picture in front of the flag. 100%. Because the amount of, anyway. Yeah. Spokane reporter, Sean Vestal, wrote that Matt was an oath keeper and had been recently seen at a local restaurant with a group, one of whom was the head of the oath keepers. The oath keepers are a very right wing national organization of law enforcement and military
Starting point is 00:35:28 people who believe they will have to honor their oaths to the town constitution by fighting the federal government. They call themselves guardians of the republic. So Matt's one of them at the restaurant, Matt and his fellow oath keepers were heard discussing snipers, the bundies and militias, and a person, and omelettes. What kind of omelette they were going to make. You can make your own. What?
Starting point is 00:35:55 Yeah. Holy shit. Well, you get three ingredients free and then it's 50 cents for every ingredient after. No blacks. No blacks. No, no, no. There's not olives on you. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:36:06 You settle down. They got calamata. Liberty olives. All right. All right. We're just getting omelettes, Doug. Liberty olives. We need that passion, but we need it for this.
Starting point is 00:36:15 We're just talking about building the omelette. I like omelettes. And that's great. We all like omelettes. That's why we came here. We're going to build our own. But you got to just, for sure, look, we're all on the same page. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I barely even use eggs because of abortion. I'm right there with you. You're right there with you. I just get excited. Of course. We're all very excited. We're all very excited. And I want, but we're all just going to order.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Okay. Then we take the fire. And to make it a note, I can't order whatever I want because it's a restrictive menu. That's not America. Well, it's a list of shit. What do you want in the omelette that they don't have on the list of pot? Birds. Well, a bird gave you the egg to make the omelette.
Starting point is 00:36:53 You want a bird? I want a goddamn eagle. In the omelette? Fuck yes. It's America. Will you eat it? Feathers chew through its bones? Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:37:02 You don't? Look, well, let's wait for the waitress to come over and we'll see what they can do. We'll see. But I think everybody at this table needs to lower their omelette expectations a little bit. We're fighting a war and it's not on the cook back there. Literally this is the problem with this country. Well, guys.
Starting point is 00:37:21 I'm not feeling freedom. All right. Look, we'll get you a bird in your omelette. And hair. With hair on it. Yeah. Get you a feathered bird in your omelette. All right.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Okay. Good Lord. Lord, should we all just take a big breath? Huh? Okay. There we go. All right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Goddamn it. Oh, they stopped breakfast at 10.30. A person at a nearby table heard them talking and called the sheriff. Excuse me. That's insane. Quote, it sounds like they were planning something. She took photos of them. The sheriff made a report and passed it on to the area's Joint Terrorism Task Force.
Starting point is 00:38:11 They did not pursue an investigation. Good God. The journalist Vestal wrote, quote, if you want the journalist, the writer, the Spokane review does a really good job of covering him. And this guy, oh God, what's his name? Sean Vestal? Yeah, Sean Vestal does a nice job. So Vestal wrote, quote, if you want to hear Matt Shea talk crazy, you don't have to catch
Starting point is 00:38:39 him at a restaurant. He'll stand up in public and do it proudly. And he wrote that Matt's fellow Republicans were the ones pushing this story to get it out in the media. So his fellow Republicans want this story of what happened at this restaurant to get out. He's with Oath Keepers. Quote, there is a palpable embarrassment about Shea among his party.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Many Republicans will tell you what they really think about him in private and it can be blistering. Few will dare to say one word about him publicly. Matt was challenged in the next Republican primary by a businessman. Matt ran on a, quote, freedom agenda. It means absolutely nothing. Yeah. I mean, it's just like it means nothing products during a debate. He said when he came home from Bosnia, he had, quote, seen how much my country had changed.
Starting point is 00:39:33 His state was under, quote, regulatory tyranny. At the end of the debate, they were asked, they were allowed to ask each other one question. And Matt asked his opponent if he knew the local school mascots. And the guy was like, what? It's like I'm focused on so much stuff. And then he called his opponent called the question cute. Matt then named a bunch of the mascots in the area and said, quote, you don't even know the district.
Starting point is 00:40:04 How can you represent the district if you don't know the district? That's not a cute question. That's a serious question. Well, on one hand, we got the guy who is having Oath Keeper meetings at Denny's and pulling handguns on people and wouldn't let his wife get out of bed until he was out of bed. But then the other guy didn't know that the Wildcats. How do you not know the Wildcats? Was from Starver.
Starting point is 00:40:28 State champs. And state champs. You got to be fucking kidding me. That guy don't know shit about this place. We're going to have to flip a coin again. Matt won easily. Of course. In December, 2014, a sheriff's deputy said on video that law enforcement needed military
Starting point is 00:40:45 equipment. Right. So, you know, we're getting military equipment. Yeah. How we're militarizing our police department. That's a big thing, some big breakdown wall thing, shoot them up. So this guy says they needed military equipment, partly because constitutionalists were storing weapons and ammunition.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Well, this is such a, this is the problem. I mean, right? Is the idea that, like, if anyone can have access to military grade equipment, then your police force is like we need to be a military. Yeah. I mean, that's right. I mean, it's a, yeah, it's a double-edged sword. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:19 So if we just went back to the time when police could just have, say, swords, way better. Alex Jones got a hold of the video and posted it on InfoWars. The constitutionalists flipped out. 300 showed up at the police precinct to protest. Most armed with rifles, handguns, or both. Naturally, Matt Shea was there. Matt said, quote, when the government fears the people, there is liberty. If loving the constitution is now terrorism, we don't have a free country anymore.
Starting point is 00:41:52 No more. The lion in the sand is here. We won't back up one inch. This guy. The sheriff's office released a statement saying the deputy should have used the term extremist instead of constitutionalists. Yeah. Now, Matt and the sheriff.
Starting point is 00:42:09 They also had driven that new piece of military equipment through Matt. Oh, God. Matt and the sheriff, Sheriff Canis Ovich, they have a feud and that feud goes way back. The sheriff had backed Matt in 2008 and 2010, but then he abruptly stopped. He began to see Matt as very dangerous. On what grounds? Yeah. Canis Ovich knows the area's rich history of homegrown terrorism, which I explained
Starting point is 00:42:33 earlier, right? He's a cop, so he's seen all this fucking shit. He's also almost got blown up because he was at the parade with the MLK bomb that didn't go off. Right. At a Republican meeting in 2015, Canis Ovich spoke, so it's like 300 right-wing Republican people, and he goes up, and he speaks, and he lists all the racist and anti-government that has happened in the area, and then said, quote, the thing is, some of you are tactically
Starting point is 00:43:02 supporting their ideologies. One of the people he was talking to is Matt Shea. He blames Matt in his kind for spreading fear, perpetuating conspiracy theories, and bashing law enforcement. He partly blames the swarm of death threats that he and other deputies get on Matt. In 2015, Matt and another senator proposed creating a task force to split Washington and another task force to split Oregon. To split the states?
Starting point is 00:43:33 Yeah. So he wants to split his own state and then the one next door. Okay. So Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon would become one state, and Western Washington and Western Oregon would become another state. Wait, he wants to split the states, and then combine two sandwiches, and cut them in half, and then make two half-super sandwiches? He wants to make a red state and a blue state.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Fully red and fully blue. Yeah. Right, okay. Except for poor Spokane. Right, which is the dod on the other side. So the proposal never got a hearing. Yeah. Everyone was like, that's not, I can't even, Matt, I can't.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Matt, honestly, even for you, very stupid. Yeah, go back to sword stuff. The rumor, a rumor started online in April 2015 that a Navy veteran was going to have his guns confiscated by the FETs. Okay. Well, let's freak out over this and get guns to him. He's in a small town in Idaho, a town about 7,000 people, so all these protesters had from all over the area to defend this man.
Starting point is 00:44:43 The local sheriff said he was going to stand guard to prevent any attempt to remove the FETs guns. So this, and granted, this is a obviously extremist group, but this does, normally the right-wing pushback on gun control is that it's a mental health issue. So in this circumstance, it sounds like it's a mental health issue, and they're like, let's defend him. Matt was there, obviously, there were about a hundred people there. They repeatedly saying God bless America and prayed.
Starting point is 00:45:20 It's really hard to satirize. Well, yeah, it's also hard to picture God if she's up there, like, no. This isn't the- No, you guys. You're- It's so wrong. You're the wrong- You're wrong.
Starting point is 00:45:35 It's so wrong. I invented birds, not guns. You're wrong. I invented, like, frogs. Did someone say birds? We should get omelets. So the vet had apparently gotten a letter warning him he could not possess firearms. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Probably for some rational reason. Matt said he had suffered a stroke, and that's why the government was going to take away his guns. The VA by law can't disclose what a letter on someone's health said, but a VA person said they can bar vets from purchasing guns, quote, especially if a veteran has dementia. You wouldn't want that person to be in possession of a gun. Well, Dave, it's his freedom. After a long day of protesting, a VA rep finally came and said no inspection was going to occur,
Starting point is 00:46:25 and the protesters declared victory and went home. In Spokane, someone spray painted death to Islam on a Muslim prayer center. Local Muslims met with a member of the city council and decided to read a salutation to local Muslims that recognized their contributions to the community. Okay. Very simple, straightforward. Local Tea Party members lost their shit. That led a rally outside town hall called a Rally for Spokane Values.
Starting point is 00:47:00 He said the rally was an anti-Muslim and said the local chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations was connected to militants and wanted to impose Islamic law. And how will they? Like they won't. Even if this were to be real, yeah, like it's literally something that can't happen. Yeah. So shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up. Quote, Sharia law is not compatible with the U.S. Constitution.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Yes. No shit. No shit. No shit. No shit. I mean, what are you talking about? The crowd of American flag waivers, many openly carrying guns. We are not the planet Krypton.
Starting point is 00:47:48 We do not have men capable of flight and freezing vision. They are not going to bring their Kryptonic laws down to Kansas City just because one kid flew from a meteor into a field. They hate us for our stationeryism. Hold on a second. I got to send an email. A text. You got to send a text?
Starting point is 00:48:13 Something happening at my house. Something happening at your house? Is it okay? There's the delivery either. Boy, I'm boiling. Are you really? I'm angry. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:34 I just keep looking at him. Yeah, he's a fucking asshole. So yeah, so yeah, they all cheer and Matt said the council should read a salutation to military veterans instead of the Muslims. But the city council read it to the Muslims and then everyone left and it was over, but they weren't happy. Right. On January 2nd, 2016, a second armed Bundy group took over the, I always forget how to
Starting point is 00:49:06 say this, mall here. It's not, it's not, the wildlife refuge up in Oregon. Remember that? Sure. So they take it over in Oregon. Matt said he was going to go with other right-wing politicians. Okay. And he says he's going to help.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Yeah, I'm sure he will. Those looking to resolve the situation asked them to stay away and said if they went in, they might embolden the armed men and cause them to stay weeks or months instead of just days. Well, go help. So yeah, so they're like, look, we got these guys here, but if actual politicians go in there, you're going to make them think that they have a lot of people on their side. And then they, this judge who was like talking to him, especially thought that since one
Starting point is 00:49:52 of the legislators called BLM terrorists during the discussion, which is what the guys inside were doing. Yeah. The group of politicians went in anyway, the cows, these are the cows, the cows go in anyway. Right. The politicians. Coalition of Western shitheads.
Starting point is 00:50:08 The armed protest did indeed then last weeks. Right. And then later, Oregon Public Radio reported that cows might have even been involved with the planning of the occupation. The judge said, quote, cows have been a party to this planning in some degree. I don't know if that was a lot or a little. At any point, are they like, we should change the name from cows. It's extremely confusing.
Starting point is 00:50:33 I, if you, I mean, if you, I had to take out so much stupid stuff that this guy did. Like, like, like an example is he, he puts out a bill to say that you can't spend any gas tax money on art or cement stamps on the side of the highway when they, for decoration and the department of transportation is like, we don't do that. It's just his career is all that. Right. Like him saying, you can't do this. And then people go, yeah, that's not a thing.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Yeah. It's complete bluster with nothing. Yeah. Well, that's what happens. Yeah. I mean, this is presidential. It's very presidential. Um, so, uh, the Spokane, Spokesman, sorry, review, uh, Spokane's man, Spokane's man.
Starting point is 00:51:18 No. Well, no, because Spokes, Spokesperson for Spokane, Spokane's man, review, wrote about his trip to the refuge takeover. And then Matt said after that article came out, he got death threats. Matt quote from himself. He was just standing naked in the mirror with a heart on like, I'll kill you, Matt. The articles have incited these violent threats against me and my family. Therefore, I demand a retraction and apology of the spokesman review for putting me and
Starting point is 00:51:47 my family in danger. This is the word. We do need a section of the country to throw this type of shit. The paper was far from the only one to write about his trip, but he's blaming the paper. Right. But tons of papers wrote about it. Uh, a month later, it was announced the police investigation had been dropped because quote, it does not rise to the criminal threat level.
Starting point is 00:52:07 So it was just a guy who called up swearing and was like, how about we take over your office? Would you like that? Yeah. But Matt, uh, Matt's association with the Bundy's, he is a death threat. Yeah. Right. Matt's association with the Bundy's his trip to the refuge had boosted his image amongst
Starting point is 00:52:23 the Constitution lovers. So his profile goes up. Sure. So in June of 2016, he was at Barry and Ann Bird's religious compound in the far northeast corner of Washington, Marble County, big connection. This one. So he's been invited into the big, he's been invited into the big ones. So this is the big time connections.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Okay. Big time peoples. Right. 14 signers of the remnant resolves a foundational document of the Christian identity movement. The doc, this, this, this, it sounds like it's probably a pretty inviting group. Yeah, they're great. The document is about quote, America being intended to be a Christian nation and that it needs a Christian government, the right to defends one's life, liberty and property
Starting point is 00:53:17 is God given supported by scripture. One who prevents men from arming is quote, an enemy of God's people and non whites were quote, mud peoples. Oh, God damn it. God damn it. How are you able to be a constitutional purist, a founding father, supporter and still hold this view, right? These are the people who carry the Constitution around in their pocket because the founding
Starting point is 00:53:48 fathers understood everything and they knew everything, you know, it was just a room full of nostre domicils and we'll get to that. Okay. Thank you, daddy. Christian identity identity was big in the 70s, 80s and 90s clan groups, neo-nazis, Aryan nations, all part of it, but the leaders started to die off in the 2000s or they got old and disappeared into the woods like the birds. At the 216 God and Country Festival, Matt hosted an invite only meeting with the birds.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Matt also gave a workshop for kids, quote, an exercise in field skills for youth. Now this, everything has been terrible. I would love footage of that to see watch him training children on how to. And how to field strip and reassemble assigned weapons, field, addressing wounds, following orders, PT, shooting skills, et cetera. I want to watch him teach a seven year old how to turn a kid a wound. Badly. No, Jimmy, the man's been shot.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Oh, you're hurting my hands, Mr. Tie it tightly. Oh, you're tying my hands to it. God damn it. Do you want to die? My finger came off. The communists are coming. What happened?
Starting point is 00:55:06 After dinner, Matt gave another workshop called Going Underground. Oh, I know. I just want him to dig. I want him digging. Matt introduced a gun rights bill that would punish public officials for taking someone's gun or not allowing them to have a gun. The bill included quotes from the founding fathers that turned out to not be real. Well, that's an easy way.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Yeah. So that's the easy way to win your argument. Yeah. You just make it up. Some of the quotes are slightly incorrect, conflate two different speeches, or are incorrectly attributed. Others are 100% invented, lifted off the internet without bothering to check their accuracy, such as this one, Thomas Jefferson saying quote, I can't wait to go to the mall and
Starting point is 00:55:58 watch the new John Wick. How did he know about that? They were so ahead of their time. Quote, those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who do not. Those who hammer their guns into plowshares, what does that even mean? It means that the people who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who do not. Oh, so it basically means if you're not.
Starting point is 00:56:33 If the people who have guns will take care of the people who don't. Okay. Or lead the people who don't. Yeah. And the other ones will plow for them. Right. So that's almost... So this kind of stuff is very common for Christian gun nut lovers.
Starting point is 00:56:46 That's where it doesn't jive the constitution because they make their own up. They make up their own things. Right. Because there was clearly a separation of church and state, and this is clearly an inclusion of church and state. And then they pass it around, and that's what they say. The country is based on Christian, you know, and you're like, no, it's looting the constitution. Because in the constitution they read, it's different.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Right. Yeah. In June, 2016, an allegation of a rape of a five-year-old girl at Knife Point by some Muslim boys in Twin Falls, Idaho, stunned locals. The news went national because of Drudge and Alex Jones Infowars. It caused people in the town to flip out and scream, quote, ISIS is here at the city council. There was a very vocal ACT chapter behind much of it. But the police chief said it was all false.
Starting point is 00:57:41 All of it was false? Well, there was no rape. So all of it's false. There was no Knife. One boy had touched a girl and he had been arrested, but he didn't rape or he touched her somehow. Right, inappropriately. Oh, inappropriately, and he got arrested.
Starting point is 00:57:54 And then they turned that into ISIS is raping children in America. Next week, the next week, Mack announced he was opening a chapter of ACT in Spokane. ACT is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Well, they're a hate group. And that's what they say. And then he took to Facebook to attack the spokesman review, quote, socialist review article claiming stories about sexual assault of five-year-old girls are false is debunked. Matt then listed facts that were not at all facts and linked to an article on World News
Starting point is 00:58:32 Daily, a right-wing lunatic site. That article said the boys weren't. If the boys weren't Syrian, then they were at least Sudanese or Iraqi. Oh, my God. I mean, they got to be one of the three. Oh, my God. This is just so depressing. None of this show slowed Matt down.
Starting point is 00:58:53 I do miss like genuine facts. It doesn't seem like too long ago that there were facts. Yeah. Like they've been getting fucked with and manipulated and used incorrectly. But there was like the full on invention of stuff is pretty alarming. It's all Fox News beginning. And even when I kept reading the story, I kept coming across the idea that the more the spokesman review wrote about it, almost caused people not to believe it.
Starting point is 00:59:36 So whatever the spokesman reviewer would write, people who are like this in the surrounding area would then take the opposite viewpoint no matter what, regardless of what it was. So your option is to just go, OK, crazy man, keep talking, nobody will check you. So none of this slows down, Matt. In 2016, he was reelected with 64 percent of the vote. It's getting worse. Again, Matt introduced a bill to split the state of Washington in two. The Eastern, New Eastern state.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Let's put Matt in two. The New Eastern state would be known as Liberty. Oh, yes. Oh, yes, yes. As previously stated, the idea is so simple. And this is the three year old who came up with it. It had been around for over 100 years. This idea, it had been interested in the Senate in 1915, 1985, 1991, 2005, and then a couple
Starting point is 01:00:33 years before by Matt himself fails every time, right? Supporters created a website. OK. Invite everyone to go look at it. I love was taken. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Oh, damn it. God, shit. Groups start meeting to discuss the idea. OK. At a meeting in Ephrata, the Liberty blog wrote, quote, the best question was asked by a lady who wanted to know what it might cost for Liberty State to build a mall. This woman is far ahead of the game. I like how she sees the state.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Yeah, and we just need a really big mall. And that's all I'm saying. And it should have a Spencer's Gifts, Claire's, a Sephora. And the biggest crucifix that you can see from miles around and people hanging from it. Actually, the mall should be built on a cross. I think that works. And it'll have a Spencer's Gifts, and Claire's, and a Sephora, and a Seneplex, and a Lucky
Starting point is 01:01:38 Strike Bowling Alley, and a Sabarro. Place to kill Muslims? Well, let's just freedom. Yes, I don't think you're wrong. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to step in the way. I was just going to say it should have a Senebun and a hot dog on a stick, would you say? Whenever I yell freedom, I always win the arguments.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Yeah, no, it's smart. You know how to win. Some things have already been agreed upon through meetings. The state animal will be a cougar. And now that that's out of the way, it feels like the rest of it's pretty much just... The state rifle on AR-15? Great. Great, too.
Starting point is 01:02:17 I feel like the state rifle might be killing the state animal. A constitution has already been drafted. Great. Good. I was going to say. It is an osprey, wings outstretched, broken shackles in its talons symbolizing liberty's liberation from Seattle. Seattle.
Starting point is 01:02:37 From Seattle. We're finally away from those Starbucks and those Poke Bowl shops. And the Washington legislature can't split the state in two by itself. The U.S. Congress and president would also have to do it. Right. So, on November 2nd, 2016, seven defendants in the National Wildlife Refugee case were found not guilty. Matt Ronald on Facebook, quote, praise God, a great, great day.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Now, his podcast has been going on all this time, so we're three years into the podcast. On it, he quotes scripture and cheers on Trump. He interviews very fringe right-wing authors and rolls deep in conspiracy theories. He believes the Oklahoma City bombing was an inside job. He talks about how the deep state is impacting the West and agenda 21, a theory that environmentalism is a plot by the U.N. to destroy U.S. sovereignty. So people are wondering what's happening in Oregon. I believe that might be a part of what's happening in Oregon.
Starting point is 01:03:37 The agenda 21 is a big creeping thing in this sort of world. February 2nd, 2017, Matt Shea was elected House Minority Caucus Chairman by his fellow Republicans. Dave. Is it too early for a cocktail? So that means Matt would preside over Republican meetings when they discussed positions on legislation and policy. This guy shouldn't preside over a kiddie pool.
Starting point is 01:04:12 So despite everything that's happened, Matt is moving up. He's also placed on a special task force to study the release of legislative public records for more openness. His continued feud with Sheriff Knessovich heated up big time in September, 2016. There had been a triple murder months before and Matt said on his podcast, quote, Roy Murray was arrested for a triple homicide. There were rumors that Murray was somehow connected to Knessovich and the Sheriff's Department. When they ran the firearm that Murray had, the firearm came back to Deputy Travis Pendell,
Starting point is 01:04:53 who is now the subject of an investigation because apparently when asked where the gun was, he didn't know and didn't know how it had got where it got. In truth, the murder weapon had never been found. Well, exactly that no, everything you just said is not exactly undermines your whole thing. Where's the gun? Right. But your whole premise is based on the fact that they have the gun.
Starting point is 01:05:23 They did have the gun. Then they lost it. All right. Yep. No, you win. Next. Next subject in truth, a murder weapon had never been recovered. The Sheriff was furious.
Starting point is 01:05:40 He asked other Republicans to step forward and back him. Well, that's an adorable thing to do. What a cute tactic. And none of them did. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. They stayed silent too scared of Matt's supporters. Four days after making the false statement, Matt apparently realized he had made a mistake and he wrote on Facebook, quote, Deputy Pendell is completely innocent of doing anything
Starting point is 01:06:06 other than being there and doing the right thing. Laws, hashtag my bads. A few months later, Deputy Pendell sued Matt for defamation. Shay asked that the lawsuit be dismissed on the grounds that he can't be sued while the legislature is in session. Shay asked for one more time. Shay, Matt, Shay asked that the lawsuit be dismissed on the grounds that he can't be sued while the legislature is in session.
Starting point is 01:06:32 That's just another complete. He just ripped that out of thin air, right? What's Trump? Yeah, I mean, right. Yeah, it's taxes. I'm under audit. No, Trump says he can't be prosecuted for anything because he's president. Oh, right.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Yes. And that's why he put Kavanaugh on because that's what Kavanaugh believes. Yes. Well, and that's why he'll never leave office. But the legislature is not the same thing and a judge denied his request. Yeah. On August 17, Matt received some very important information from primary deep intel sources. That did from primary.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Okay. Yeah, directly to him. Not secondary primary. Primary intel sources from deep intel from deep intel people. He posted on Facebook, quote, as most deep intel. That's where you go to break deep intel. He posted on Facebook, quote, North Korea launch imminent everyone, please pay attention to this.
Starting point is 01:07:28 I have multiple sources confirming that a North Korea launch is imminent. It is likely tomorrow to celebrate their liberation day. The blow article confirms that I have been what I've been hearing as well as that the North Korea leadership is now underground. Please pray for peace, but be prepared for war. What kind of, I mean, that is the level of government total carelessness. It's a state official warning the people about an imminent threat. I, surely there is some sort of classified nature.
Starting point is 01:08:03 I mean, assuming it's, do you not remember the bombs going off? I, I, it, what's so weird is that I don't remember when North Korea bombed us recently. Yeah. It's weird. It happened. It did. Well, it. So he, by the way, how long until that, how long until it's that North Korea did bomb
Starting point is 01:08:23 us. They bombed us last week. Like how long until that is like two bullshit? Matt linked to a Fox news article that not, did not at all say the launch was imminent. So he linked to a propaganda network that was even them was like, no, yeah. So a government, basically a government official posted that a missile attack was imminent. A few hours go by and there is no missile. And then Matt posts, quote, this is the entire posts.
Starting point is 01:08:53 He blinked and that was the extent of his explanation. So people questioned him on Facebook. Why? And he wrote, quote, the sources were solid and accurate. A launch was imminent. I cannot discuss in more detail exactly what that means, but literally waiting on the order to fire. There was no question about that.
Starting point is 01:09:16 Kim blinked at the last minute. Just prior to launch, that is a fact backed with indisputable primary sources. I had a duty to warn and I did. This is just so, it's just so out of anything of it. Yeah. Really. I mean, the mold has been completely shattered. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:37 In 2018, the Spokane Convention Center hosted the Red Pill Expo put on by a Montana longtime John Birch Society member 420 bucks ahead, 420. It's kind of a quote. Yeah. That's right, bro. You can hear speakers discuss deep state vaccines, globalism, the lives of climate change and many other alt-right theories. How to ruin America this year.
Starting point is 01:09:59 Matt was the emcee. He also hosted a session called The Day I Took the Red Pill. In August at a gun rally, Matt attacked the news media during a speech. That's quite a opening sentence. He was mad about things that had been written in the spokesman review, quote, we can't become like those dirty, godless, hateful people. We have to uphold free speech no matter what. The antidote to that slander is always truth.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Which he has no relationship with. Matt had been refusing to speak to the media for years. After this speech, the governor of Washington said Matt should not be on the task force to study how to apply the Public Records Act to the legislature. The House Republican leader said Matt would stay. On October 23, 2018, Rolling Stone published an article about Matt titled, Something's Brewing in the Deep Red West. It revealed Matt's connection to Barry Bird and the Christian identity movement.
Starting point is 01:11:06 Matt had gone to the birds, get together, now three years in a row. Matt had gone to the birds a long time ago. At a speech Matt gave at the last meeting in 2018, he openly, he only talked about liberty. Okay. One former member told Rolling Stone the group had recently taken an apocalyptic turn, quote, the whole thing is the world is evil and the government is evil. They want to get back to Puritan America. Liberty is part of that plan, quote, they have a constitution.
Starting point is 01:11:41 They think it's going to happen soon. A man named Tana Rowe had been hired to work security for the Republican gala on election night in 2016. And then a friend, end quote, longtime member of Shay's Inner Circle gave him a document that was written by Matt. It was called Biblical Bases for War. On October 23, a week before the election, Tanner thought people need to know who they were voting for, so he uploaded it online.
Starting point is 01:12:11 And this is the same day the Rolling Stone article is published. The documents metadata shows it was created by Matthew Shay. The Biblical Bases for War described the Christian God as a warrior and details strategies for a holy army. It condemns abortion, same sex marriage, et cetera. Just a couple of footnotes real quick. It is organized in 14 sections with bullet points and biblical citations. I'll give you an example.
Starting point is 01:12:42 One heading is rules of war. A, conduct a census of all able-bodied males 18 to 45. B, avoid bloodshed if possible. C, make an offer of peace, not a negotiation or compromise of righteousness. If they yield, they must pay share of work or taxes. If they do not yield, kill all males. This goes on for four pages. Matt admitted he wrote it but said he was not promoting violence and the message was
Starting point is 01:13:16 taken out of context. What? What? What are you talking about? What? Out of context? You got the thing where I said kill all males and gays and you took it out of context. If you put it in context with the Bible, it makes sense.
Starting point is 01:13:36 But if you just read the outline. It seems crazy. Read it with the Bible because if you read it with the outline, it's like what is this guy talking about? But if you read like the, especially the first part of the Bible, the good one, the old one, that one makes sense. It all comes together and you're like, oh, we should kill all males who don't agree to fear.
Starting point is 01:13:56 By the way, it starts off, I mean, it's obviously insane. But it starts off sounding like, look, we got to do this right. Approach them. Find out if they're in. If they're in, they just have to pay their share. And if they're not, then we have to kill all of them. It's pretty simple. It's a four tiered idea.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Yeah, it's just simple. Just breaking it down. Check in. Ask. Yeah. Pay share. Yeah. Murder all of them.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Oh. That's the right one. That's where we want to go. Yeah. We're hoping they opt out. Yeah. Because then we get to kill them. So, Matt, Matt admits he read it, he says it's out of context.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Quote, it was a summary of a series of sermons on biblical war in the Old Testament. This document. It's still not okay to write it. This document is not a secret. I've actually talked about portions of this document. Then you're fucking crazy. Then you're an asshole. But he has.
Starting point is 01:14:55 But he has been making this argument about revolution and freedom and this is the argument he has been making. This is very explicit, but this is very explicit. He said his detractors are Marxists and Islamists and this was political warfare. Stop with these terms too. They're Marxist Islamists. It turns out Sheriff Knessovich had gotten the hold of the document six weeks before and turned it over to the FBI.
Starting point is 01:15:23 He said, quote, it is a how-to manual consistent with the ideology and operating philosophy of the Christian identity, Aryan Nation's movement, and the redot movement of the 90s. Matt begins hammering campaign donors. People are like, oh, okay, well, yeah, I was thinking freedom like lower taxes. So his realty company in Monsanto, the people who give him tons of money, are bailing. Two pastors, and this is a week from the election. Two pastors from his church, Spokane's Covenant Church, made a Facebook video defending Matt, quote, Christians, get out there and vote.
Starting point is 01:16:03 Vote Christian people in. Kathy, McMorris, Rogers, Matt Shea, people with our values and our convictions. And don't listen to the enemy-controlled mainstream media. It's fake news, lies. Matt won re-election with a 58.3% of the vote. Oh, fuck. God damn it. A man with a document that is essentially the same thing as ISIS, but for Christians,
Starting point is 01:16:28 has been voted in now because they have the same ideals as these other Christians. But the Republicans moved Matt off the Republican caucus chair, taking the position away from him. He still has his job. He's still a state legislator. He still introduces bills to criminalize abortion and rollback gun laws, and his fellow Republicans sign on to them. In December, SPLC reported Matt had been taking campaign funds and funneling them to far-right
Starting point is 01:17:02 hate groups, which is a violation of campaign laws. It turns out you can't do that. No, I wonder why. I don't know. In April 2019, the Guardian got their hands on chat records between three men. Oh, no. Anthony Bosworth, a Bundy supporter and gun enthusiast, Jack Robertson of Radio Free Redoubt, and Matt, who in the chat used the name Varum Bellator, which is Latin for true
Starting point is 01:17:29 warrior. Oh, god. Watch your D&D name. Oh, god. He shouldn't be in anywhere with any status because he's a psychopath, but he also is such a drip. He is so, they are so religious, they are so ISIS, like they change the name, they want to kill everybody.
Starting point is 01:17:51 It's just no fucking different. The way that, exactly, like, this is what separates this from ISIS. It's religious ideology being morphed and twisted to talk about murder, open mass murder. I know Christians in my community, and they go to church, and they're like, how can we help people? And they fucking hate these people. Yes, no, that's the other thing. And that's the same with Islam.
Starting point is 01:18:22 I mean, it's just like, these are fringes, and most smart religious people do not defend the actions, but they are able to manipulate it because it's just the same, I remember when I was in Texas when George W. Bush was running for reelection, and I wasn't a big John Kerry fan, but I was with my girlfriend at the time in Texas with her family, and I was trying to not argue about how horrible George W. Bush was the whole time I was there, but eventually it had to come out. And when I said all the shit that was true about him, about how he's a fucking war criminal and all that stuff, there was a long pause, and the mother just goes, he's a good Christian
Starting point is 01:19:00 man. And I was like, well, there we go. So the chat was from a couple weeks before the Antifa revolt, which is supposed to happen on November 4, 2017, which is completely made up by the right wing media, and they hyped this idea that Antifa was going to take over America or try to take over America. Which is when we were in Philly and we heard that guy on the radio, that's what he's listening to, that crazy shit. So in this chat, Robertson discussed getting ahold of a specific Spokane woman, quote,
Starting point is 01:19:35 fistful of hair and face-lam to a jersey barrier, shaver head bald with a K bar, USMC field knife. Now they're talking about a specific human being. They talked about going after leftists in homes, cars, workplaces, and daycare locations. Shay was asked, so Matt Shay is then asked about finding three individuals, specific individuals, if he can help find them, because he was positioned. Including an organizer for the liberal group Indivisible and a college professor. Matt, quote, okay, what background checks need to be done, give me the list.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Now the Antifa revolt never happened, obviously. It was never real. Matt blamed the weather, quote, yeah, the weather. Something ruins a good communist revolt like snow, snow flakes, a lot of afraid of snowflakes. Antifa revolt was supposed to be across the country. It didn't fucking snow everywhere, dipshit, do you know weather? The person who leaked that chat message was revealed by Matt and the other guys to be Jay Pounder.
Starting point is 01:20:47 Jay Pounder said Matt is a Christian dominionist. That is consistent with everything I've laid out here. Matt and the other men compared Pounder to Benedict Arnold. Pounder said he followed Matt until he learned the truth, that Matt and his allies are focused on using, quote, the sheer use of raw power and fear to achieve their political and spiritual ideology that only Christians should lead the USA. This is a Christian identity politics and dominionism in its purest form, and it is dangerous. Matt denies this, his beliefs light up perfectly with a school of thought that says Christians
Starting point is 01:21:24 alone should control earthly institutions, such as the government and media, until the second coming of Jesus. It is derived from the book of Genesis in which God tells Adam and Eve to take dominion over the earth and its animals, and they want to do it through violence. There's two types of dominionism. One is through violence, one isn't. Christians say, evangelicals say dominionism doesn't exist, here's a guy it clearly exists in.
Starting point is 01:21:53 Also, there's other people out there, there's something called a potish shield. You can look that up. That was when they decided to get behind Trump in 2015. They're dominionists. There's a whole group of them. Ted Cruz's dad is a dominionist. Well, he also killed JFK. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:13 But they're legitimately crazy people and they are our Isis. And they are around. On Thursday, May 25th, 2019, there was a fundraiser for the state of Liberty. When was this, sorry? This is May 25th, 2019, this is last month, exactly a month ago. Matt was there, as were several other Republican politicians, and Anthony Bosworth, who was on the chat and at the bunny compound, and Barry and Ann Bird. Matt gave the last speech of the night.
Starting point is 01:22:49 He denied climate change. He spoke about the cultural and political differences between Eastern and Western Washington. He claimed the US is a Christian nation under siege by atheists and communists. The communists and atheists are responsible for the deaths of more people than any other belief system in the history of the world. What is he talking about? Matt's legislative assistant had this to say, quote, it's either going to be bloodshed or their liberty.
Starting point is 01:23:17 Is there a third? That's it. There's no third option? I'd like the salmon. That's where they are. That's where they're at. That's where we are. Oh, God damn.
Starting point is 01:23:27 And nobody knows how many of them have moved to the Northwest. But the fact that there is this, the fact that there is this real estate company is frightening. It's all so frightening. You know, we had a wave of this, the Metzger's and stuff in the 80s and 90s, and it did go away. And like I said, they did age out. Oh, this feels different. This is different.
Starting point is 01:24:00 Because of the tumultuous place we're in as a country. The problem really is that, and I don't think that, you know, like our political system in general is totally, like just, it's a page one rewrite. Yeah, like it is both sides. You know, what's different is the way that Trump really has off. It's like the, it's gone from whispers about this time when it's time for them to stand up to, you know, to sort of take the law into their own hands. That has, it just, the volume keeps getting louder and louder.
Starting point is 01:24:48 And the reality of it just keeps getting closer and closer. And it is now like, that's what's scary about Trump is that he will, if he needs to call... These are the people he unlocks. These are the people that if he... These are the people that if he says, go kill people, they will go kill people. If he truly, if he said, your government has been taken away from you, the, let's say it's when he get, let's say it's during re-election and he doesn't win somehow, then that's when this happens.
Starting point is 01:25:24 And he says, no, they've lied to you. They've cheated you. Your government has taken over and, you know, you're no longer living in a democracy. And that's, that's the called arms. And that's what, that's when it'll happen. And it just feels like it's more and more, that's the fucking real estate site. Yeah. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Put that up. It'll be in the sources, but also put that up on Facebook and Twitter. What's under the about? I'm kidding. Yeah. Yeah, so you're right. And then, and then we also have this other problem with the climate change and the response to it.
Starting point is 01:26:03 Yeah. So they've, they've, they've wrapped up all these conspiracy theories and, and just fear of like freedom and like do what I want and, and, and to combat climate change, you need regulations and you need restrictions on life and you can't have people want to run, run around like animals. You actually have to have some sort of structured society. So what you're seeing in Oregon is just the beginning. They're going to fight it and they're going to fight it violently at some point.
Starting point is 01:26:32 That's just how it's going to be. And with climate change, everything is just compounded because you are about to, we are, I mean, that is the different. Like there's no time to waste. We have a clock. We have a clock, but this is going in the other direction. And when climate change does come to a lot of people like this, it's going to be validating because it's going to be the Armageddon end of times that has been prophesized and they
Starting point is 01:26:57 are very excited for. And they're, and they're 100% also, you know, preppers and survivalists and, and all that stuff. So it's all wrapped up in this fucking crazy ball of just fucking madness. So there's half of us who are like, we need to prevent the climate from changing dramatically. And then there are people who think that when that does happen, what that is going to be is a scourge of the sinners on earth. And that's what that's going to happen.
Starting point is 01:27:22 So you'll see when climate change really does, when the shit does hit the fan of climate change, there are going to be people who are going to be like, good. Yeah. It's time. Yeah. And the only thing that keeps me going is knowing that those people are going to die too. So that's good.
Starting point is 01:27:40 That's good. They'll have to eat their kids like everyone else. So that's cool. Yeah, anyway, so that's cool. I can't believe he's, I can't believe like, and if you don't know what's happening in Oregon, if you haven't been paying attention to the news, Oregon went to pass a cap and trade bill, which is very complex and well written bill. Like if you, if you look into the bill, it is amazingly well written.
Starting point is 01:28:05 It changes the, the structure of their society. It, it, it takes care of everybody while that happens, right? There's a, a just fund to take care of people that are losing their jobs or whatever. Like it's all there. It's taxes to take care of people as the transition happens. And these fuckers run out in the middle of the night so that vote can't be taken. And the militias are all saying they'll protect them. And then Democrats couldn't go to the legislature the next day because militias threaten them.
Starting point is 01:28:37 This is where we are. It's not government. I mean, it's, it's not, it's not democracy. It's not, you know, any of the things that anybody... After 9-11, they stopped focusing on these people and they just focused on Muslims. And these people have always been the biggest threat, always in America, always the biggest threat. These are fucking white supremacists.
Starting point is 01:29:02 They've always been the biggest threat to our country, always. And here we are. You know, I was off the ball for a long time and now we're in a siege. Yeah. And now I, you want to play a game? Holy shit. Anyway. Ugh.
Starting point is 01:29:20 This is tough. Ugh. God damn it. This isn't even one of the bad ones I was going to do. This is a very bad asshole. Alright. Alright. We signed tanks.
Starting point is 01:29:37 We signed tanks.

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