The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 67 - The Past Times with Dan St Germain

Episode Date: March 22, 2024

Dave Anthony picks a newspaper from a day in history and reads it to co-host Gareth Reynolds. This week they are joined by comedian Dan St Germain, who has a new special out, Dance Fatty, Dance.  Red...bubble Merch   Rocket Money

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And we are also brought to you by Airbnb. Now look, there's actually a couple times a year when a big group of my oldest friends and I, and they are old, get together and we will rent an Airbnb and stay in it for a few days over like a holiday weekend or something like that. It just always makes the experience a lot better because, you know, we're in a home. But on the road, if I ever have the choice between a hotel or an Airbnb I always go Airbnb just because it's better. I like a home over a hotel.
Starting point is 00:00:31 But recently I did start thinking well while I'm gone can I turn my place into an Airbnb? And the answer is yes. It can be as easy as putting your place up and then having a little more scratch generated from someone staying at my place while I'm on the road. So whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something more fun, your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how and how much at I have dollop tour dates to announce for the year 2024 of our Lord J town. We have our 10th anniversary show coming up
Starting point is 00:01:06 in Los Angeles on April 27th. Guests are Karen Kilgareff and James Adomian. And then we are going to Australia starting on May 13th in Perth, May 16th in Sydney, May 18th in Brisbane, May 20th in Canberra, May 22nd in Melbourne, and May 24th in Adelaide you can get your tickets at Stop wasting money on things you don't use cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to rocket money comm slash TPT that's a rocket money comm slash TPpt slash tpt right everybody welcome to the past times podcast each week we go through old newspaper from a random date in history picked up by dave anthony
Starting point is 00:02:00 i'm gareth reynolds and i've never seen it before and neither is our guest this week Dan St. Germain. Dan, thank you for joining us. I'm excited to be on the show guys. Do you mean that? Is that real? I do. I was telling Dave. I listened to the Laurie Kilmartin, Dave Hill episodes, very funny shit. Okay. All right. All right. Good. We just, we don't like liars on this show. Oh, I'm a liar, but not about that.
Starting point is 00:02:25 And you guys have great old timey voices, so it works out. Dave, you really fucking blew that. And Dan, you have a special out on YouTube called Dance Fatty Dance. Oh my God, and it's free guys in the amazing 2024 capitalist economy. You could just watch it and leave comments and just, uh, you know, tell me I'm good. That's the only currency I want as a fellow YouTube standup release. Sir, I was just thinking the other day, like, man, this really does actually kind of suck now, doesn't it? That's a bit of a fucking bummer. This is all kind
Starting point is 00:03:01 of played out now. Well, they they first with First with like Spotify and things like that. They took away the money we made off of albums And now they've realized that stand-ups will just put their specials out for free Do we have we are if there's a nuclear silo we will be doing a tight 10 in front of like a fallout shelter. Yeah, yeah. You know? Yeah. They'll just be a foot.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Look at this guy eating a hand. Oh man. Where are you from? I think they gave me the light. No, no, it's just radiation. Oh, okay. I'll keep going. I'll vamp with this handy guy.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Well, anyway, Dan, we like to keep it real here by trying to guess the year of the paper that Dave has picked out. I always go first because I'm Dave's favorite. And I will guess that I think for you, I think it's targeted to the guest and I think he'll do something in the 1880s for you. So 1881 I'll say. Hmm. Do I get to hear a snippet oh sure what I'll give you this this bullshit I'll give you a I know we could even have celebrants in city quaff new 5.5 beer I'm gonna stick to my guess man it's well, 5.5 beer, because I'm gonna say before prohibition, right? I don't know, I'll go with 1880s too.
Starting point is 00:04:31 I'm just, I'm not gonna rock the boat. You go eight, why don't you take 1885? I'll take, you know what, I'll take 1890. There we go. Okay, all right. Well, Dan Wins, it is 1933, December 6th. Oh, it's right after prohibition so they are celebrating totally chemistry of beers you still got closer they're bringing it back yeah it's the Capital Times from Madison Wisconsin great comedy town great
Starting point is 00:04:59 comedy town I'll be there comedy on state April 3rd. This isn't about you Sorry dance fatty dance available on YouTube What spots are shy of repeal rum That's an upsetting headline What does it mean? Celebrants in city quaff the new 5.5 beer. Women stand at bars with men. There's a bunch of little headlines that are stacking up here. Log supply and demand kites prices on hard stuff. So this is all alcohol-based.
Starting point is 00:05:38 I mean, it doesn't surprise me for Madison, but it is all alcohol-based news. Really, almost all headlines are alcohol based today in Madison. It's true. When Prohibition ended what like 32? Or is it 33? Are we like right on the edge of people remembering how great I mean they were still drinking. There is no sadder place than Wisconsin or grow vision I cannot even imagine what that looked like oh god the productivity It ended the day before this paper Huge
Starting point is 00:06:18 Context okay. Oh my god think of all the events You've been to in your life where people were just fucking partying hard. Now imagine the day after Prohibition ending. Oh my God. It's like Bert Kreischer the country. We just were nuts. It was just imagine. Oh, the fucking puking.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Puking everywhere. Macedonians. I didn't know they were called Macedonians. That's not, I'm not gonna stay. Madisonians, sorry. Madisonians. That's better. I'll cosign that.
Starting point is 00:06:58 That doesn't make sense. Madisonians celebrated repeal last night in good old prohibition style drinking bootleg whiskey What? Yeah, well they had it Right they had it from when it was illegal, so they were getting rid of it, but you Know what you want it. What did you put that in the shelf for like put that in the bunker you drink the real? This the whole fuck
Starting point is 00:07:25 It's finally over. What do you say? We have some bootleg shine The only legal alcoholic beverage sold in these parts was 5.5 percent beer on which Madison Tamvern's did a rushing business Wow, so I don't think they had any they didn't have any legal booze to sell so they're just selling what they have Oh, right. Well, I love, it's great how like, you would think that the country would be prepared for that, if anything, but okay. You would, you would.
Starting point is 00:07:53 At Middleton Verona Sun Prairie and other nearby villages, where hundreds of Madison celebrants went in the fond hope of obtaining legal spiritual lickers, the Tavern Man told a, you see it was this way story. What? Oh, you see it was this way. This is why we don't have it. Those guys are still at bars in Wisconsin. Oh, you see it was this way back then. They couldn't. The pinball, they cast you a button nickel. You see, that's how it was back then. You see how? It's all I was back then. You see I was. This was a sad... Oh wait, they didn't have any legal whiskey because they couldn't get it from
Starting point is 00:08:33 the distilleries and won't be able to for several days, they explained. Oh wow. Okay. So it is a weird way to celebrate the end of prohibition by just pounding boot-legged booze. Well, it's like, yeah, you do what you... So you're pounding what you already were pounding. Sure. But you're just doing it. It's just a party. It's a different, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Must have been a mate. You're playing like Russian roulette with the alcohol percentage though, right? Yeah. You're having bootleg whiskey? Oh, yeah. There were... I mean, people still die from drinking in Wisconsin, but this was when you... Yeah. I mean, you were like, you'd ask the ask the guy like you sure you filled the levels right in your tub
Starting point is 00:09:08 And he'd be like for sure no I got it all pretty down to a science It's pretty good up there Yeah, like what's caught the like the state flag of Wisconsin should just be somebody like frozen on a bench. Yeah Holding like a bottle of black velvet. Yeah. Yeah. It was warm for me. It's warm out here for me. Tread on me. Please tread on me. I gotta wake up. I'll pay you to tread on me.
Starting point is 00:09:40 It's hot. I'm taking my shirt off. It's hot, I'm taking my shirt off. Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha. This was a sad disappointment to those who had placed faith in the announcement that many villages would be wide open with plenty of liquor on hand.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Yeah. I would be pissed. Yeah, that would be a bummer. But it makes sense why they wouldn't have it. But Madisonians celebrated anyhow drinking the legal 5.5 beer and the usual bootleg liquors. Whatever, back to your roots. The bar at the Fowlbatch Brewery was lined four deep
Starting point is 00:10:18 as the higher powered beer went on sale. All of the brewery's trucks were busy delivering beer to taverns and homes. It must have been great. Yeah, it must have really been great. Fowlbatch Brewery, everything in Wisconsin sounds like they were like trying to pronounce the Native American pronunciation right. Fowlbatch. It's probably Fowlbach. It's probably Fowlbach. It's probably Fowarbach. Yeah. It's an homage to those who came b- Ah, nevermind. Fuck it. Fowarbach. Whatever. It's close enough.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Close enough. Wes Considens, it's just the king of people bailing on their original thought. Alright, Frank. You know what I think? Honestly, I don't even think of me and yous that much. Laurie, will you tread on me? I've been waiting out here. Come on out here and kick me for fuck's sake I'm tired. To a non resident went the dubious honor of being the first man arrested for drunkenness
Starting point is 00:11:14 in Madison after the repeal of prohibition. He is Joe Kish 35 of no fixed abode. I got a lot of people to thank first of all God. He was arrested at 5 all 35 p.m.. So even if you so good so early out of the gate They were just they were keeping that jail so warm for him. Yeah, yeah Well, they also have alcohol in the jail there Yeah, they're like grab your jail now the highest percent you can get is a four or five He's like I'm a human. Holy Christ
Starting point is 00:11:56 He tries to pronounce habeas corpus You can't come in here with a hobby of carpentry! By the way, can I get some jalapeno poppers and taterskins? I'm a human! Treat me like an animal! Four other men were arrested for drunkenness and another for driving an automobile while intoxicated last night and early today. It's great. Arnold Moe, 27, was arrested for driving while intoxicated after driving his car into the Yajar River at 1 10 a.m. Oh wow. That actually saved him from drowning in a pool of ranch. So.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Ah. Oh god. The accident occurred at the end of Jennifer Street. Accident. Calling it an accident isn't even really fair to accidents. No it's not. Hey boys, we're wet! The three men with him arrested for drunkenness were Wilbur Snyder, William Hansen, and Elmer Scovlin. All of Stompton.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Kish pleaded guilty in Superior Court to drunkenness today. But he probably did it with a like, your honor, look, I'll play your game. Yeah, I did it. I messed up, sure. But I'll tell you what, the idea that we were out there drinking bootleg whiskey The real criminals are those men in the front office of those distilleries Sir this isn't the courtroom. Oh, sorry. This is a toilet. I'm sorry. All right boys good shit This is amazing
Starting point is 00:13:41 Kish pleaded guilty its Superior Court today to drunkenness. Judge Proctor imposed a sentence of 15 days hard labor in the county jail, but suspended sentence upon Kish's promise to leave Madison. Wow! Oh man. That's amazing. That is quite, that is quite a, that is a really,
Starting point is 00:14:01 that's like right around the area where I maybe would leave a town. Your Honor I can I counter the sentence can I count it? I'll allow it I'm willing to leave the whole town and just get out of here Kish. Hey He was like days he was like starting the sentence he's like we said just just go just you know what just go Okay, great deal. 15 days really is like, like 15 days of hard life, like his whole life was there. All right, honey, we got a mo- you wouldn't work for 15 days?
Starting point is 00:14:34 That's a lot of days. That's like two days in prison. Those are long days. Many repeal parties, many Madisonians attended repeal dinner dance parties at roadhouses and dance halls and had a good time in spite of the lack of legal hard liquors. One enterprising tavern proprietor at the outskirts of Madison provided legal whiskey for his patrons, but he purchased it at a drug store Tuesday afternoon. Hmm. There was probably one guy whose life ended through a curb stomp who was like,
Starting point is 00:15:08 am I the only one who thinks maybe we don't need alcohol to have a good time? What the fuck? Ha! Get outta here! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Starting point is 00:15:19 Women, this is, I'm gonna have to switch to the next page so give me a sec, but women at bars, women indicated in no uncertain fashion last night that they can stand up to the bar with the best of men. Wow. Yeah, ladies, compound. We're alcoholics too. That's the closest thing to intersectional feminism is Wisconsin dirties. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:41 That is completely true. We could also black out and make our families ashamed of us problematic Women were initiated into public drinking during the speakeasy era and the practice will stick So see that was what that was the good thing that came out of prohibition women could publicly be alcoholics as well That's right in the old days a lady wasn't a lady if she was seated in a saloon, but those days are gone forever. I don't understand this.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Why would you want women in a bar? Yes. Men who were just like so, they got in their own way with the idea of being like, this is for boys. But it was like, well, so I, there's these great YouTube videos online of when they allowed women into bars to drink in Australia, which was in the 1960s. Wow, so early. And they're just interviewing dudes,
Starting point is 00:16:35 and they're like, what? Then I can't swear and say man stuff. I won't be able to masturbate while having a whiskey. Yeah. It's the dark ages But their whole thing is like what I'd have to be I could I have to behave I don't want to behave. I'm in a bar You know, I thought I remember there was a phase of my life
Starting point is 00:16:57 We're like if an attractive woman sat next to me on a plane I was like, this is awesome. And then I'm at the age now where I'm like this is as bad as I get I don't want anyone near me for'm like, this is as bad as I get. I don't want anyone near me for this behavior. This is not my wife. Yeah, I'm gonna apologize in advance for leaking on you during this place. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:18 The drug store liquor situation was in a muddle today. Some pharmacists are selling whiskey in bottles as usual, demanding a doctor's prescription. Others are refusing to sell liquor under any consideration until a definitive regulatory action is taken by the state and city. That is the best Wisconsin doctor. Unfortunately, Theta, you're going to need to start drinking whiskey a little heavier. I'm going to write you a script. You're gonna need to start drinking whiskey a little heavier. I'm gonna write you a script You've been diagnosed with being a pussy here you go, yeah, you're kind of weak This is gonna strengthen you up a bunch so do it is in the morning to any afternoon until with a light supper We're putting you on a pretty heavy liquid diet here. So really stick to this if you want to see the results that I'm going for
Starting point is 00:18:06 No, I hear what you have to say. I think you should just get hammered. Yeah Yeah, I think your problem is you're proud the problem with you and your depression is you're trying to deal with it You need to have a buffer of alcohol surrounding you like a gelatinous shield. Oh Wait, here's a separate story on the guys who drove into the river Oh wait, here's a separate story on the guys who drove into the river. Madison's first post-prohibition car crash occurred at 1 10 this morning when an automobile containing four Staten men plunged into the Yajarro River. All were taken to the Madison General Hospital where it was reported that they sustained numerous cuts and bruises and that they suffered from exposure but that their conditions are not serious.
Starting point is 00:18:48 That's where the doctor writes the prescription. Stoughton by the way, Dave. The mail will never stop for you. Police went to the hospital this morning intending to take the men into court but physicians refused to release the quartet because the four men had been in cold waters of the river. However, police anticipate that physicians will release the men this morning and they then will be taken to court. The car was going east on Jennifer Street
Starting point is 00:19:17 and the driver apparently did not know that the street ended at the river. Well, I think we don't need that part. I think that part's pretty obvious. Am I the only one who thought this thing kept going for a while? Well, I think we don't Pretty obvious What did this thing start to dead end that's crazy the roads play tricks on me again, I am sure in the street That's awesome The Wisconsin paper the day after prohibition is such a layup. Yeah, it is a layup.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Um, police firemen may drink off duty now, board rules. Yeah, no shit. Yeah. Off... they couldn't drink off duty? I guess because they might be called on to... Yeah, I guess. On call all the time, I guess. I don't know. Liberalization of police and fire department rules to permit drinking by officers and firemen
Starting point is 00:20:10 now that drinking is legal was started Tuesday night by the board of police and fire commissioners. Wait, so it was the board of fire police and police, fire and police were like, well we need a third party arbiter. You know what? We got this. We should be allowed to.
Starting point is 00:20:28 How's that drinking on the job? When can we vote on that one? That seems to be pretty prominent. We had seconds of deliberation on this. Police Commissioner's Police Chief William McCormick and Fire Chief John Lamb indicated that while the rules will be amended to permit drinking off duty, the new more liberal regulations will be enforced to the letter. They are going to extend for one month the probation period of Ward Reynolds.
Starting point is 00:20:59 I don't know what that means. My dad? Oh, three months ago, Reynolds was placed on probation when Chief Lamb reported the man had been drinking. Oh my God. So they just found a guy drinking like any time and they would suspend him. That's like what they do now for like 16 year olds who were caught drinking. Yeah, that seems like, I feel, it just harkens to simpler times and you're like, an officer
Starting point is 00:21:23 was drinking? Oh no. It just harkens to simpler times and you're like an officer was drinking I pine for those days. You're like, wow, that's crazy Chief lamb declared there has been some improvement in his conduct but not enough and he declared that if Reynolds did not snap out Of it in the extended probation period he would ask that the man be discharged from the department. Wow. So he's a boozer. Yeah. You gotta be one drunken cop for another cop to be like,
Starting point is 00:21:51 yeah, too much. That's enough. Yeah, yeah. That's enough out of you, Jimmy. Have you seen the video in like probably the 80s when they were not allowing you to drink in your car while driving in Indiana and the outrage people like people like I mean honestly if I want to drink two beers while driving home
Starting point is 00:22:09 I think and be everyone was like it's crazy. It's crazy. What's going on? The overreach is unbelievable Yeah, that was a big deal I remember they did that in Texas and like I want to say the 80s or 90s And there's just all these videos of people just going, why I can't have a beer on the way home from work? It's so funny. It's great. It really makes me be like, that would have been awesome. To just legally be like,
Starting point is 00:22:34 I think I'm gonna drive while getting drunk. It's a whole new thing I'm doing. Yeah. Oh, Christmas story. Finally. Christmas story Christmas story. Oh, this is an ad When the angel had gone away from them into heaven the shepherd said one unto another Let us go into Bethlehem and see this thing pass come to our past Let us look upon our Savior 15 chopping days till Christmas. Oh, that's a little while fucking a that's dark
Starting point is 00:23:10 That's so America that is like that's like we should have seen Black Friday coming You know what I mean? Just like the merging of this holiday sweet sentiment with just like don't forget to spend money So we can keep this ruse going You can hear somebody getting pulled out of the river, like during that advertisement. I didn't know the road stop. Got to get him ready for Christmas. Youngster star in water show. Whoa. The YMCA Youngsters stole the show
Starting point is 00:23:45 with Joe Stonauer's Varsity and Freshman Swimmers Tuesday night at the YMCA Water Carnival. Gareth, you're from Madison. Did you enjoy the water carnival every year? Was that one of your things, water carnivalling? My roots are in water carnivalling. It was not uncommon in my youth to go to the local Y and water carnival What what well like what happened at the water carnival everything you'd see at a regular carnival, but it's more aquatic
Starting point is 00:24:15 You'd see you had your you had your carney there your water games You know except instead of trying to get a ping pong ball into a goldfish ball with water in it, you put the goldfish on land. It's different. Much darker. You know, underwater ferris wheels, yeah, guild clowns. Just everything you'd want to see from, you know, yeah, just underwater. And I'm not going to answer any more questions, but it was an awesome time and everyone felt really good about it it's weird you don't you want to answer more questions because it's just a water carnival that
Starting point is 00:24:50 we're talking about it's a private function okay and if you want if you really would like to know what it is I could send you some really great literature but I feel like you're doing this for comedy and Dan and I don't appreciate that yeah dance petty dance available on YouTube. Yeah dance, but it's been a water carnival sounds like what happens when all other options like Fuck it. Let's throw a water carnival. What does that mean? Well figure it out. We'll figure it out It's like a tsunami hit a carnival and the like the owner was like we're gonna go on with the show What does call it a water carnival?
Starting point is 00:25:28 People are dying. The carnival is an annual affair sponsored by the Madison Y to further interest in swimming besides swimming the length of the pool with hands and feet tied. Is Y spelled W-H-Y in that? Did you hear what I just said? No, I was working on a pun. Besides swimming the length of the pool with hands and feet Tied oh Fuck that's like Navy SEAL shit Well, you know three of you one six of you died it's the usual numbers here at the water carnival We used to do this to figure out who was a witch, but now it's just for recreation.
Starting point is 00:26:05 You know, and then eventually the women who won, they felt like such winners that we just decided to keep it going and call it a contest. But it's safe to say the six who drowned were indeed most likely witches. All as well. Robert Skolt gave a good exhibition of diving. Thomas Wright and Jackie Mark swam the backstroke and the crawl well. The most astonishing, astonishing feat of the carnival was the underwater swim in which Martyn Pearson swam nearly 70 yards. What? That is not what?
Starting point is 00:26:40 What? What? Seven with your hands and feet bound, that's not that far. Gareth, it was astonishing. You understand he's underwater, right? Oh, we did it without... Okay, I get it a little more now, sure. He didn't get hurt. Well, they should mention all the water's booze. Ha ha ha! And then exhibitions of swimming and diving were given by the varsity and freshmen.
Starting point is 00:27:03 So essentially, it's not a carnival at all. Well, it's just guys swimming. Sure. But I mean, that's my takeaway. Yeah, it's pretty negative. A lot of us feel like celebrating a good event. This is an international news here at Nice on the French Riviera No, he's placement carry measuring sticks
Starting point is 00:27:29 Which they often apply to see that women bathers do not show too much of their legs Wow That's fucking Need to bring that back These ladies slutting up our swimming pools. Bring it back. It would be such, I could see it being like some great TikTok content for like a guy being like, Madam, sorry, you need to cover up. Certainly.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Sorry there. I'm done measuring and I got you down as a slut. Good Lord. Sir, we need to see a badge. I got you down as a slut We need to see a badge give give Ben Shapiro like a water vest have him jump in there What a crazy job but alright, yeah weird job, excuse me me I need to legally measure your skin no I'm not a weirdo nope I'm paid for by the city no this is exactly the description of Buffalo Bill and silence of the land look at most women are a bit put off by this premise but I am supposed to do this else huh otherwise I have to start measuring the
Starting point is 00:28:47 man boner you say hello no no that was a worst-case scenario are you sure I got ready yeah we're ready keep going here we are go to the ocean please Please Pipe Club a Series of old tunes many of them dating back as far as late 1800s will feature the corn cob pipe club Those guys didn't fuck around dude, yeah The shit people will just make up You want to start a cornon called Pipe Club? Does it get me away from my wife? Alright.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Our numbers, not good. The program to be heard from the Virginia Crossroads over WIBA tonight at 9 o'clock. To start the program off with a bang, the Hillbillies will have Oh Susanna and Old Grey Mare. The Goofus Gang, which is becoming increasingly popular, will play Alexander's Ragtime Band, and Harmonica George will chime in with Ida. Oh, god damn, it must have been so easy to be in entertainment.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Just get a fund. It's on it's like it's we're just talking about releasing all of our specials on YouTube for free. Where is like, yeah, I'm in the goofus gang. I just made one hundred thousand dollars for singing Happy Birthday. Oh, fuck. Well, Slim, well, Slim promises to make real guitar music with sweet Georgia Brown What the per the idea that there was fake guitar music permeating the entertainment industry? For novelties there will be the broken down piano solo of yes, we have no bananas
Starting point is 00:30:44 Okay, Dave, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the podcast there will be the broken down piano solo of Yes We Have No Bananas. Dave, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the podcast. That is, could you please read that one more time? That should be framed on my wall. For novelties, there will be the broken down piano solo of Yes We Have No Bananas. Yes We Have No Bananas. Yes We Have No Bananas. Without the lyrics of Yes We Have No Bananas,
Starting point is 00:31:10 it's not a song. But what question are you answering? Tell me the question that that's answering. Do you have bananas? Yes, we have no bananas. Are you out of bananas? I think somebody came up with that. They're like, what do we think about,
Starting point is 00:31:23 yes, we have no bananas? That's good. That's good. Bullshit. That's real good. God stepped in and stopped that bit. Colonel Roosevelt, the Christmas ship with its annual treat for the undernourished and sick children in Puerto Rico will be described by Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, former governor of the island, in a talk over WIBA Thursday afternoon at 515. It's reminiscent of when Trump went over there and took free throws of paper towels. Hurricane survivors.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Yeah, that was the worst type of water carnival that... That was about it. Yeah, that was the that was the worst worst type of water carnival that that was. Yeah, that really was. He's named after Teddy Roosevelt already, so that's great. But he's gonna he's gonna on the radio describe the ship giving stuff to the undernourished and sick kids. That's pretty cool. Yeah, that's fun right? Yeah, that's I mean it, you know, radio didn't do everything, obviously, and this one's gonna be an awesome train. I feel, I feel pretty bad still.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Teacher badly hurt in Ellenboro crash. I thought the street kept going. Where's Lancaster, Gareth, compared to Madison? That's very close. Can I just say one thing? Nobody look any of that up, but yes. Don't. Do not look it up, but yes, it's right there.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Miss Edith Becker, teacher at Libertyville, Illinois, was injured seriously when the wheels of her car locked and threw her through the door. Oh, geez. What? Hearing that it's in Illinois, I think I should retract my previous proximity pitch. But it says, oh no, well, it says it's from Lancaster.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Did she get flown so far from her car that she went to Wisconsin? Yeah, that's what they're saying. She flew to Wisconsin. She suffered three fractures of the pelvis bone. Oh, you don't want that. Nobody wants that. That's like... So you're more flexible now, yeah?
Starting point is 00:33:44 Jesus Christ. Yeah, it's bad. I'm a bad person. Even the measuring French guy is creeped out by you. Ahhhhhhh! This guy does not speak for mankind, eh? The accident happened near Ellenboro, seven miles from here. If you're about to ask me a proximity question again, do not. No, what are you doing? I think Lancaster is on the border of Illinois. Then ask yourself this
Starting point is 00:34:10 stuff, Rand McNally. Dan and I are out of here. Oh, man. Gareth Rocket Money is a personal finance app that finds and cancels your unwanted subscriptions, monitors your spending, and helps lower your bills so you can grow savings. Yeah, I'm going to say yes, I have done this. I have found subscriptions that I made, that my child made. Walk us through some of those, Dave, slowly. Well, there was a, I don't want to say which because these can be an advertiser, but let's just say there was an old advertiser toothbrush that
Starting point is 00:34:47 was a subscription thing that I just kept getting a subscription for and I couldn't figure out what card it was on or there was no account for it and I just kept getting things and I was like oh they're sending him for free and then I found out no that's on a credit card that actually that might explain that stuff on my end too at this point. I also saved 300 bucks. I Also saved 300 bucks on on my internet. I also realized that you'd been stealing money for me for the past eight years Yeah, and then I had rocket money and then it tar it showed me your house I was able to do like a Google Maps search it went to your house
Starting point is 00:35:25 Sidebar about that one. I was able to do a Google Maps search and it went to your house. Don't worry about that one. I'd like to sidebar about that one. I'd leave that one. So you can see all your subscriptions in one place and see if there's anything you don't want and Rocket Money can help you cancel it with just a few taps. Rocket Money will even try to negotiate your lower bills for you by up to 20% and Rocket Money has over 5 million users and has saved a total of 500 million in canceled subscriptions saving members up to $740 a year when using all of the apps features Which I use I use all of the features. Okay, I highly recommend it
Starting point is 00:35:56 I mean I say much money and also you just you know company shouldn't be making money off the stuff You're not using which is I think what's going on here a lot money off of stuff you're not using, which is I think what's going on here a lot. So stop wasting money on things you don't use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to slash tpt. That's slash tpt. slash tpt. And we are also brought to you by Airbnb. Now look, there's actually a couple times a year when a big group of my my oldest friends and I, and they are old, get together and
Starting point is 00:36:29 we will rent an Airbnb and stay in it for a few days over like a holiday weekend or something like that and it's just always makes the experience a lot better because you know we're in a home. But on the road if I ever have the choice between a hotel or an Airbnb I always go Airbnb just because it's better I like a home over a hotel, but recently I did start thinking well while I'm gone Can I turn my place into an Airbnb and the answer is yes? It can be as easy as putting your place up and then having a little more scratch Generated from someone staying at my place while I'm on the road
Starting point is 00:37:02 So whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something more fun, your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how and how much at slash host. Yeah. Mother-in-law joke recognized in superior court. We're back. Just to be clear, the podcast started. You never know.
Starting point is 00:37:29 slash TPT. It does become much more somber during an ad raid. Guys, we can't fuck this up. Come on. In dry legalistic language, Justice Chester A. Fowler of the state Supreme Court today delivered a humus jibe at Mother's-in-law. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:55 A humus jibe? A humerus jibe. Oh, I thought you said humus. I thought that was like Wisconsin for humerus or something. Humerus jibe. It's a dance here. Humous jibes. Settle down with the humous jibes.
Starting point is 00:38:09 That's right. Writing the opinion of an outagami? Gareth, it's your turn. Yeah, it's when you do origami in your yard. Outagami County accident case where the husband had let his wife take the family car Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. quote, there was more reason there than here for holding that agency existed, as the mother was coming to visit her son-in-law, as well as her daughter and the rest of the family. The son-in-law was presumably, if such presumption may be indulged between son-in-law and mother-in-law, the son-in-law was to receive enjoyment from the visit and therefore benefit or advantage. That's just, there's a lot to pick apart here. What in the fuck?
Starting point is 00:39:15 Well, the last part is, obviously, sounds very erotic. Right? And is that what they're saying? They're like, look, a woman can drive a car if it's to go jerk off a son-in-law. I don't understand what's happening here. I don't either. But the mother-in-law was coming to visit her son-in-law as well as her daughter and the family.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Are they suggesting that she should not have been driving, but because it was for that reason, it makes more sense? Well, there was an accident. Yeah but as far as it just, like if you're talking about like you've, you know, you fucked up because you drove but that's what I felt. I felt it was like she shouldn't be driving but she was driving to visit her family. Yeah and then for some reason pointed out that the the son -in-law was also supposed to get enjoyment from her visit as opposed to
Starting point is 00:40:11 reality which is not how it works right there's no enjoyment from the mother-in-law business no never I Dave thank you Dave will you promote your YouTube special Dave will you promote your YouTube special? That's a great one it's called my it's called my fucking mother To receive enjoyment sounds like something you say to your wife about your oh You don't even like my mother-in-law. I I receive enjoyment I've received enjoyment for her by annually for a decade Monticello bee suit is settled for $1,500. Now is that a beekeeper's outfit or a lawsuit with bees involved?
Starting point is 00:41:00 Oh god, I can't wait to find out. Because either way I'm turned up. You found my fetish and rung the bell. The Paul Bloomer suit instituted against the Wisconsin Power and Light Company. Okay, so this guy Seward sued the Power and Light Company. And involving the loss of the Bloomer bees in Monticello last summer. Okay, his bees died. Sure. He's suing the power company. Your breakdowns are not getting me closer to logic, by the way. Okay, so this guy lost bees and then he sued the power company. We're all on the same page.
Starting point is 00:41:48 When water rose during a storm and floated away away his hives has been settled without trial for $1,350. But it just said it was settled for $1,500 in the headline. The headline guys and the story guys, there's not much communication. He's all over on the other side of the office. You'd think you'd catch that, but apparently not. Numbers are not important. But so he's suing the water and power company because of a flood that got rid of his hive. The onus is on them.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Yeah, they must have done something to a levee or whatever, released water. They did something. They were up to no good. levy or whatever released water. They did something They were up to no good and bees do not like water bees do not float That's why they're not part of the water carnival. They've never thrived. They don't thrive hive and And it's not to say they didn't try there were seven years. Oh, yeah Dad again come back next year. Give it a shot Mr. Bloomer had sued for $5,000.
Starting point is 00:42:50 OK, so the judge is like, you're busy. We're that much. Oh, fuck out of here. I think it was like that. I don't think. Yeah. So many. Somebody from Secaucus, New Jersey, moved to Wisconsin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Get the boys. It's bullshit with the bees. By the way, this whole culture sucks. Somebody from Secaucus, New Jersey moved to Wisconsin Bullshit with a B. By the way, it's all culture sucks People don't make any sense So this is under there's a bunch of stories under the Daily Washington merry-go-round Okay, and there's a picture of a guy riding a donkey and a guy riding an elephant a lot of variance we got it all that's the sub headline Frank the 40 hour week must be shortened in all industries. Oh fuck. Yes. Don't tell Penn bench appear about this article Excuse me 40-hour and that's not to mention the days have gotten longer since this article is even It's an absolute absurdity a man is now immortal and the idea that retirement should even be within his reach is
Starting point is 00:44:01 absurdity on top of an absurdity reach is an absurdity on top of an absurdity. Greatest castle under in history. The best. Just you want to like crawl into your social media and like rip his throat out. You can just, if you're a confident man, you can just whatever. Get away with whatever. Yep. Yep.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Finding an audience. Have you seen the bicep pictures he does? He like does pictures of his biceps where he's flexing. Like it's really, like he doesn't even know who he is. Shocking. I'm a man's man. And now like half his content is just him watching Def Jam videos or like him watching SNL sketches. I mean so much of it now is just him watching other comedians and stand up be like that's funny that's not that's not funny that's funny that's not funny, that's funny, that's not funny. Oh my God, you're not kidding.
Starting point is 00:44:47 There's a bunch of bicep pictures. Oh yeah, he's like, I'm actually pretty ripped. Now I know that's not exactly my brand, but I do have muscles. He's not ripped. No, he's amazing. I guarantee you if RFK doesn't win, he's gonna do a shirtless
Starting point is 00:45:05 podcast next just doing a little teddy dance every time you get if you join our patreon you get to see him move the 40-hour workweek must be shortened in all industries demanded William Green, president of the AF of L at an NRA code hearing. How would you take care of the increased cost of production incident to a shorter week, asked Deputy Administrator Leonard Horner. The question is, would you join the NRA for less than 40-hour work week? It's like a deal with the devil sort of deal.
Starting point is 00:45:45 I think it's a different NRA. By passing it on to the customer was Frank's retort. That's always been the rule. There should be a shorter. No one should be working 40 hours. You know when they cut back 40 hours to 32, the workers are far more productive and get a lot more done. I actually saw Ben Shapiro,
Starting point is 00:46:07 one of his fanboys, cite an article that suggested that people were way more tired for those three days off, so you didn't even want them. Oh, good. Seriously. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:46:21 It's crazy to watch. Like, I understand why Ben Shapiro thinks that you know retirement age should not exist because that Guy's never fucking done anything. Yes But the people who support him will actually work Who are like dude makes no sense like who the fool how the fuck are you not on your side? It's crazy crazy side. It's crazy. It's crazy. It's crazy. Lion's Cub head urges more eating of cheese. This is a classic Wisconsin head lion. It's the doctor again. I'm gonna write you a prescription also for a sharp cheddar. Look you got your alcohol numbers where I need
Starting point is 00:47:01 them to be so those are looking way better on your chart here. What's problematic is your cheese intake is a little troubling. Just flag them. We need to get you up and touch. Oh, you had a miscarriage? Get me a stack of Carlsberg. Yeah, sir, here you go.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I'm going to fill where that baby was. They're going to fill you with Gouda. There you go. Wait, did you just say put Gouda in? Yeah, it's like a womb replacement, but jeez. But how are you getting it in there? Well, there's a couple different ways we can go in. You know what the CNC section stands for, don't you? Cheese.
Starting point is 00:47:44 So we can just launch it the old fashioned way if you want. Or we could, look, your body is like a plumbing in an apartment complex. Those domes are all over the place, but they pretty much all meet in a couple different areas. So you're not a doctor? I, well, I'm a guy here who's got a pad with my name on it. So that's pretty close It's not yeah, I got a pen with my home on it check that out Letters urging presidents of 70 Lions clubs in Wisconsin to cooperate in increasing the consumption of cheese
Starting point is 00:48:23 during National Cheese Week, December 11th to 16th, were placed in the mail today by Sid Kay, governor of the Wisconsin district. That was their 9-11. Question. You've got to wonder what had a harder road to get a month or a week, Cheese Week or Black History Month? And I'm going to guess that Cheese Week didn't have a lot of pushback. I don't think so either. Cares that the 2000 Lions Club members in the state eat more cheese in their homes and at their club meals.
Starting point is 00:49:03 It's crazy. It's crazy in that state to be like, we're not eating enough cheese. Yeah, we gotta double it. This is bad. Hey boys, we got a lot of Gouda sitting around. Yeah, we know. The surplus of 30, that's 30 million, the surplus of 30 million pounds would be absorbed if each person in the United States would eat only a quarter of a pound more than present low average, Kay said. That is crazy.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Everybody in that town had the body of like Taft, just these Renaissance women and male bodies. I don't know why people are shaming Taft. He's got a pretty fine physique. That is crazy. I will tell you, Wisconsin, the cheese culture of Wisconsin is off the charts. The idea that they were like, look, we haven't found our identity enough yet. You have. Your whole culture is based around everything is cheese based. Your whole culture is based around everything is cheese based
Starting point is 00:50:13 State breweries rush heavier beer. I mean you're talking about the last two headlines are essentially what? Like those are like you if you were to ask an alien like what do you think these papers headlines? I'd be like people should eat my cheese and we're worried about brewing I'd be like, people should eat more cheese, and we're worried about brewing. Ha ha ha ha. With the leash on alcoholic content removed by the 21st Amendment, Milwaukee's major breweries, with the exception of two, today began rushing efforts to put beer on a higher power, of a higher power,
Starting point is 00:50:42 on the market. So more alcohol, more alcohol. Seriously sounded like you were saying God beer. God beer, that's what I said. Okay. Although the Adam Gettleman and Cream City brewing companies will adhere to the 3.2% type permitted under the beer bill of last April,
Starting point is 00:51:03 the Schlitz, Pabstabst Premier Miller, Blatz and Foxhead Wacasha today will begin bottling brew from 4.75 to 5% by volume. So in other words, the shitty beers are going to make stronger beers. Yeah, but yes, that's exactly right. Interestingly enough, those are all the beers that seem to have survived the cream city one No, we're gonna keep it three point five percent people appreciate the taste. It's true I think cream City might still be around but that is all around I think so But I was when I was in New Orleans last week. I was like man. There's a lot of Popeyes here
Starting point is 00:51:39 You're like how the fuck does that how are they here? Like that's the same thing with crap beer in Wisconsin you're like Shouldn't you get your there's way better beer, but they're like Miller like still king they have to they have to compare it Yeah, Schlitz is gone. Let's have one of the most famous. I don't think she looks like No, what's the one that died? What's the one that died the it was Schlitz right Blatt's hasn't died Schlitz is still trying to I'm trying to think of what I drank during a relapse last. I think Schlitz was there. Schlitz is there. Schlitz is still there. And by the way, if you're gonna relapse, that actually that's Schlitz's catch phrase. If you're gonna relapse, we at Schlitz would love to be in the passenger seat of that car with you. Schlitz,
Starting point is 00:52:26 seat of that car with you. Come on one more run. Your wife may have gone but we'll still be here. Your wife might be gone but we'll bang you. It's Schlitz. We can be warm too. Schlitz is one of the greatest. I'll do this for a small up sometime but Schlitz is one of the greatest burnouts in the history of business. Really? Oh, really? Because they changed their formula and everyone was just getting sludge, and then the beer died over like two weeks. It might still be around, but it's owned by somebody else in a totally different business.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Yeah, it's still around. It potentially could have gone away and someone just bought it. It 100% did. We need that sexy Schlitz name. By the way, you go to the Schlitz website and it's basically like a porn site. It's like, can we verify your age by you telling us how old you are? Okay, welcome to Schlitz.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Yeah, there's a whole thing on it. Yeah, it's famous. I'll do it on a small. Large breweries here anticipated the demand for higher power beers At least two months ago and for the last six weeks have brewed an age stronger beverages So yeah, it makes sense the shitty beers, right? They're just gonna they're gonna make it more powerful So people will drink it more. Yep, right? That's what's going on, which I'm for or am I against it? You're for it Dave. Keep going. Just keep drinking the schwitz. Okay
Starting point is 00:53:47 Ex-uw student alleged romance faker is paroled Ex-uw student alleged faker is paroled out of Chicago Earl Marbury a former University of Wisconsin student who kept announcing his marriage to Evelyn Staley or stowl 16 despite her family's denial. Well, that's weird Hey everybody, I'm marrying Emily No, that's not what's happening is very strange lie It really is a very strange lie. Yes, I feel like if I just keep saying it. I'm married to a teenager. I'm an adult
Starting point is 00:54:30 Believe me He was paroled in Kenosha, Wisconsin by Judge Howard Hayes Monday Marbury was found to be suffering from schizophrenia. Oh, there you go. Well, that's why you can't the now So there you go. So all that's why he kept announcing it. Well, there you go. That's what all that high percentage alcohol beer will get you. He had been arrested on a charge of criminal libel after he sent announcements of the marriage to newspapers on three occasions. So obviously marriage to a 16-year-old is fine back then. Yeah, it's not so much that he was marrying a 16-year-old.
Starting point is 00:55:02 People's problem is that it's like, you're lying. That's not okay. Yeah. That's not okay. Yeah, that's not okay. This guy has a serious mental health condition and they're like, this guy's a faker. Yeah. Lier. He actually believes it to be true.
Starting point is 00:55:17 He's a fibber. Full of shit man is back. We diagnosed him with being a bozo It's called schlitz a frenia I like that yeah I'm not gonna abandon you on that. I thank you. You're welcome come back anytime on that I thank you you're welcome come back anytime Frank J. Gould's five million dollar gambling casino at niece has been burned down many a loser will kick himself for not having thought of that before first committing suicide
Starting point is 00:55:56 holy shit that's a Wisconsin 180 if ever I did Yeah, it just gets dark here sometimes real emotionally dark and you're not gonna know Hey, are we good with that article? Yeah printer I gotta get to the water carnival. Come on. How much longer do we have to keep going through these things? Come on. We do one a day. Let's move baby. Okay here's a good one. So these papers always do like what's happening in other countries or history stuff and it's usually completely insane. Family life in the USSR. Ugh, here we go. The economic achievement of the USSR have convinced most all groups in America that Russia is now a good country with which to do business.
Starting point is 00:56:56 But apparently there is a large number of good citizens here who still believe that the land of the Soviets is full of whiskers, assassinations, and none too noble experiments. A place where home life is non-existent and the sanctity of the family violated by decrees socializing women and making babies a public utility. What does that one even mean? With a public utility? They really buried the lead on that if you're making babies a public utility please open with that you know I mean that's enough with this picture of the Soviets fresh in their minds it must have been stimulating for these good people to read during the recent visit of Litvinov, the Russian envoy, of his conversion over the
Starting point is 00:57:47 transatlantic radio with Mrs. Litvinov. As reported by the big press services printed in hundreds of American newspapers, that conversation was as follows. All right, I'll do it. Hello. Hello darling, I can hear you beautifully. Speak slowly, will you? Where are you? In the White House, President Roosevelt asked me to give you his regards. Thank you very much. Regards to him.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Mishnah would like to say a word to you. Mishnah. Oh, Mishnah. Is it you? Hello, Mishnah. How are your studies? Very nice. How are you, Papa?
Starting point is 00:58:23 What kind of weather are you having? Beautiful, clear snow. How is everybody in the delegation? All well? Yes. When shall we see you? Love and kisses. Goodbye. That's the Russian goodbye. That's the Russian ending. By the way, it's gonna be great when we find out that this was not even in the paper Dave was supposed to be Slytsofrenia I also I also do this podcast for my acting real so sometimes yeah Yeah, it's great. Yeah, you disappeared you disappeared you know into that We're not just talking about the camera focus This should prove beyond a doubt that home life is a thing in the dim and distant past in darkest Russia.
Starting point is 00:59:08 What? I don't think it does that. I'm sorry, babies are a public utility or is that just kind of over? I don't, we gotta, you know, let's get to that. Here we have Litvinov, a dyed in the wool, honest to goodness Bolshevik, talking with his wife and little Mishnah and What a complete lack of home and family life is portrayed Sounds like every conversation in the Midwest
Starting point is 00:59:35 Hey, did he ask about cheese did he ask about cheese cheese Such a conversation of course could never have taken place between a home loving Madison father, for instance, and his good wife and little child when Papa was calling long distance while on a business trip in Chicago or Milwaukee. Heaven forbid. The Soviets may be good people to do business with. Even the conservative Chase National Bank is acting as paying agent in connection with the issue of Soviet government gold bonds But their conception of home and family life is terrible indeed to behold
Starting point is 01:00:12 So he just took from that conversation that they're he's like what the Soviets are fucked up. You heard it He was like, how are you doing honey? How are you doing honey? What a fucking lie Honey, she's not a bee What is happening over there Disgusting Well there you go well shit there we go Dan Feelings how you feel you feel? Is this normal? Feel good?
Starting point is 01:00:46 Do you feel, is this normal? It's a little puzzling. I don't know if it's normal. It's like, it's a little upset, but also puzzled is how we like to leave our guests. Yeah, that's kinda, yeah, that's kinda how I'm feeling. Oh, I had a great time, thank you guys. A real hoot nanny at this podcast.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Well, your special dance Fatty Dance. And what were you also talking about? Your podcast? Oh, if you guys have any wrestling fans, I have a podcast, Wrestle Roasts on All Things Comedy. So check that out. But yes, Dance Fatty Dance is free on YouTube. Dance Fatty Dance. Follow you. What are you on social media? I'm on the gram Dan St. Germain. Well a fantastic comedian a great guest we really appreciate you coming on and thank you guys. It was really fun Yes pleasure and Dave screw you we know a lot And we are also brought to you by Airbnb. Now look, there's actually a couple times a year when a big group of my oldest friends and I, and they are old, get together and we will rent an Airbnb and
Starting point is 01:02:05 stay in it for a few days over like a holiday weekend or something like that and it's just always makes the experience a lot better because you know we're in a home. But on the road if I ever have the choice between a hotel or an Airbnb I always go Airbnb just because it's better. I like a home over a hotel. But recently I did start thinking, well, while I'm gone, can I turn my place into an Airbnb? And the answer is yes. It can be as easy as putting your place up and then having a little more scratch generated from someone staying at my place while I'm on the road.
Starting point is 01:02:36 So whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something more fun, your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how and how much at slash host.

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