The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - Introducing El Dollop!

Episode Date: March 16, 2020

El Dollop, part of All Things Comedy Network, is a bilingual podcast of American history in which every week host Eduardo Espinosa, will tell a historical event to co-host, José Antonio Badía who ha...s no idea what the topic will be about. The Spanish version of "The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds".Subscribe!Apple Podcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. So I wanted to make an announcement. We are going to the Dalip is now going to be in Spanish. It is a bilingual. It is
Starting point is 00:00:48 literally a bilingual history podcast. So two gentlemen who are from Mexico they have a podcast called Leandas Legendarius. El podcast. They I'm trying to oh this is great it's in Spanish I was trying to pull up. I thought this was a bilingual should be no problem for you. God damn it. Adios Mio. It's all in Spanish. Okay so anyway so so they have this great podcast in in Mexico it's very popular and they're also fans of the Dalip so they will be doing the they will be taking our scripts translating them and they'll be doing a El Dalip a version of the Dalip in Spanish. So if you have Spanish speaking friends or you
Starting point is 00:01:45 know anybody Spanish speaking you want a great way to learn Spanish. Yeah a great way to learn Spanish. So if you want to introduce them to the Dalip this is a great way to do that. Jose Antonio Badia and Eduardo Espinoza and they're really funny guys. They're like us to left guys and they're great. Estás escuchando el dollop parte de all things comedy network. Este es un podcast de historia americana en el que cada semana yo Eduardo Espinoza le contaré un suceso histórico americano a mi amigo. Jose Antonio Badia que no tiene idea de que se va a tapar el tema. Lo bueno es que nada más te trabas cuando lees
Starting point is 00:02:23 verdad y entre mil novecientos diecisiete y mil novecientos veintiséis US radium corporation contrató mano de obra femenina para pintar caratulas de reloj y varios instrumentos con subintura on dark los los dueños y administradores de la fábrica estaban conscientes de los peligros de trabajar con radio los científicos químicos y todos los trabajadores involucrados en el refinamiento del radio proveniente del uranio tenían manparas de plomo más caras y tenazas dos a las manparas de plomo así como ves en las películas que les ponen la madre es así en frente y luego cuando vas a sacarte de los rayos
Starting point is 00:03:08 y aquí si no pasa nadie sale corriendo atrás en la ficha y la manpara de plomo mientras tanto las mujeres que aplicaban la pintura de radio se les decía que era totalmente inocua e inoffensiva peor aún se les pedía que mantuvieran las puntas de sus delicados pinceles en forma pasándolos entre sus labios no va a meter tu paván el pincel paván el pincel para que no perdiera su forma para que quedara así putudito bonito y poder así hacer trabajo de detalle todo bien y por diversión se pintaban la cara a los dientes con on dark para sorprender a familiares y amigos en la
Starting point is 00:03:43 noche es una pintura que brilla bien chingón obviamente te da las aponentos a la ombra si hubo mames te dibujas así este un lingerie bonito para tu esposo si no te desnudas y lo brilla una flecha hacia abajo una flecha se bajo y los pezones con y lingus y lo que tu cara aquí en la flechita de hugh glass nace en fila del fiat pen silbana suena hugh glass te suena hugh glass si yo sé porque te suena hugh glass y ala si alguien más le suena hugh glass esta es la historia verdadera de hugh glass de joven
Starting point is 00:04:24 comenzó a trabajar en barcos y en 1816 fue capturado por el pirata jan la fit en la costa sur de texas ok top uno que me secuestre este extraterrestres número 2 tiene que ser que me secuestre piratas te ha tolose cuestrón pirata lo forzo a convertirse en pirata y tuvo que ser pirata por 2 años mires Eduardo a nadie te forza convertirte en pirata es que se convierte en pirata que ser pirata dices sí señor en qué en qué ojo me pongo el parche That's what I would say. Klaas escaped in 1818, swimming two miles to the coast of Texas.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Well, he and another fugitive were arranged to live on the land and were transferred land inside until they were captured by indigenous people from the Skiddypony tribe. So this guy, his hobby was to be captured, basically. The indigenous people took his travel companion, the other fugitive, they hanged him, they shot hundreds of pine needles and they lit a fire. This is a hard-core piñata, it's a metal piñata. They fill you with pine needles and they light a fire. Well, there's no sweetness.
Starting point is 00:05:38 They were in other times. Definitely not a metal piñata.

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