The Doug Stanhope Podcast - DAY 12 - #TinCanRehab

Episode Date: March 1, 2015

DAY 12A daily podcast following Doug's self-imposed rehab to quit smoking. The safety cigarettes are missing and Doug plans a break from his break.Support the podcast with a donation or purchasing Stanhope merch. Recorded Feb 28, 2015 at the Fun House in Bisbee, AZ with Doug Stanhope (@dougstanhope) and Ggreg Chaille (@gregchaille). Produced and Edited by Ggreg Chaille.Links-Black Mirror - Viewing Telescopes - music "30 Days In The Hole" by Humble Pie. Closing song “Got You Where I Want You“ by The Flys. Both available on iTunes.Support the show:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Doug Stanhope and I feel like I have been formally rehabilitated. Day 12. What I remember of it, I don't know, Chaley and I will try to piece it together for you now. We podcasted early because I had to start day drinking per order of my filthy uncut Scottish manager, Brian Hannigan. You might want to have a little mimosa. There's something to put you in the mood. Oh, I was in the mood, all right. And yeah, I had to do some business, and then we started chatting with the potential neighbors down there, and I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:02 It just kept going. Did I smoke cigarettes? I don't know. It just kept going. Did I smoke cigarettes? I don't know, but I'll tell you this. Those two emergency cigarettes, no longer in the drawer. I woke up at like 12.30 at night, and I went inside. I guess I went into Chaley's house first, screaming, it's only 1230 at night.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Then I came up here. Nothing was going on. Everyone's gone. And I called Bingo. She's over at the other house working on her dumb project. And I went, ah, fuck. I remember I said, well, at least I didn't smoke. That's the whole point.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I might have got shit-faced a little bit beyond the two-drink maximum. I go, well, at least I didn't smoke. She goes, yeah, you did. And then I had one of those flashes, like that episode of Black Mirror where the girl who had, like, tortured and killed a kid keeps having flashes of the child and you don't know how gruesome it is and i had flashes of uh trying to light the cigarette and then chaley or shawnee snatching it and breaking it in two in my mouth and then chaley picking up the broken burning part of it and then smoking it going hey you want to smoke this it's like a broken half of a
Starting point is 00:02:34 burning cigarette with the tobacco spilling out one end and i i remember saying yeah i'll smoke that and you did well yeah so yeah if it that. And you did. Well, yeah. So, yeah, if you can't remember, it doesn't matter. But, yeah, there's no more emergency cigarettes around. They've been beaten and broken and abused. They've been emergencied. Yeah. The emergency is all gone from them.
Starting point is 00:03:01 So that was that. So I've been doing penance today just staying in the trailer reading a book it's fucking windy as shit out gives me the creeps book is good nothing makes me fucking nap harder i've picked that book up three times gotten cozy and gotten sometimes as few as three pages read and immediately to sleep and you had to just wake me up to do this fucking podcast what else happened yesterday there was i'm still trying to i because that was a long day to get in the night time and i mean i remember the the schwann's guy do that do guys have, like, ice cream?
Starting point is 00:03:46 I know this is not an ice cream truck, like a ding-a-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding, like an Uncle Pedophile's dangle wagon. This is like an actual, like, delivery truck, like a monster, like a Sparklets truck, just like that, with the separate compartments. Yeah, that's exactly what it is. Only it's Schwann's ice cream, and it comes around on Friday. Evidently, people have fucking just giant bulk ice cream delivered to their house for the weekend. Yeah, you can get the scoop ice cream, just the gallon in a bucket.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Or you can get the confections, like the drumsticks. Or you can get the confections, like the drumsticks. We got a case of Twin Pops, a case of Cone Sundae, and I got, I think, 12 ounces of scallops, which I'm pretty sure I got ripped off on, but I was kind of drunk. Yeah, I didn't know you could get scallops from an ice cream truck, but you were getting all sorts of shit.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Oh, there was a lot of stuff. You were, like, spite-buying ice cream for, but you were getting all sorts of shit. Oh, there was a lot of stuff. You were like spite buying ice cream for no reason. Well, no, I actually bought it because Tracy wanted the popsicles. All right. And then you were down for the drumsticks. They're not drumsticks. They're not drumsticks at all. That's a brand name, and this is a cone sundae. They're very delicious.
Starting point is 00:05:09 But then once you found out that they weren't really drumsticks and I'm I'm by myself eating those. That's fine. I told you ahead of time I am not eating an off brand drumstick. It's delicious and they don't use whey. It's actual ice cream. All right. According to Thomas. Well, that was the first time that we vetted the Schwann's man.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I didn't I didn't know if that guy was just worked in that, like lived in the neighborhood. Like who buys fucking ice cream? I thought they were like a wholesaler that would like, like, like food service of America. Like they would deliver ice cream, like green tea.
Starting point is 00:05:37 And that the, the, the other one, the Italian ice cream, like the specialty stuff to the restaurants. I didn't realize that they're, they're retail based. They just need to know you want some ice cream, like the specialty stuff to the restaurants. I didn't realize that they're retail based. They just need to know you want some ice cream and then those come by every two weeks.
Starting point is 00:05:52 I won't blame my neighbors for being giant fat fucks that need ice cream, like wheeled up to their door in a dolly. But I don't even most neighbors, you never even see them. People just they must come home and just sneak right into their house and never leave or turn on a light. It's a very weird neighborhood. Start eating ice cream. Yeah. I think we got to start watching the neighbors.
Starting point is 00:06:16 We got to get a telescope up there, like a big fat telescope up on the deck and then just point it, aim it at someone's house all the time, even when you're not up there. Like one for the stars, but just pointed at the neighbors. Right. All right. Yeah. You know what we should get?
Starting point is 00:06:32 Fuck, I'm writing this down because I bet you can find it on eBay. What do you call those? The coin-operated viewfinder things. You look through on the Grand Canyon. You put a quarter in. It's got two iPorts where you look through. And you can swivel it. Viewfinder for
Starting point is 00:06:54 deck. That would be so fucking great. Especially for the sketchy people across the... Yeah, yeah. Anyone who's even possibly a tweaker. That's better than a than a a fake little camera to make it look like you're recording yeah yeah no i i want to i'm i bet at this point we saw that one uh old timey not old timey but giant surveillance camera it's a housing it wasn't the camera. But it is the housing.
Starting point is 00:07:25 You don't need a camera in it. It's huge. It's not like the, like now you would have like the black bulb, you know, the, what do you call it? Like in Vegas,
Starting point is 00:07:33 they have that. It's just a dome. You'd have a camera behind it. This is the metal housing that could fit a small caliber rifle. So yeah, I was thinking about putting those up all over the place but i think real ones would probably be just as cheap i would want cameras all over my house just to watch what my fucking dogs do when i'm not here
Starting point is 00:07:56 yeah but uh but yeah viewfinders all right hey if you, if you have an antique viewfinder and unlimited money to ship at UPS, I'm sure they weigh like 140 pounds. You're the one shipping it. No, I won't. I want people to ship it to me. Come on. Someone that works on Coney Island or something. On the pier?
Starting point is 00:08:24 On the boardwalk of Atlantic City. As they tear that place down. Does Atlantic City even exist anymore? It does. It's not doing well. Yeah, I thought they were just going to go bankrupt. They're trying to infuse a bunch of cash and to get it revamped. But what a veil.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Half of it burned down. The Jersey Shore part, where they were filming Jersey Shore. I don't have the slightest idea. There was a huge fire. I keep getting tweets going, hey, there was a $3 million marijuana bust in Bisbee, and you don't even mention it in your podcast? No, I don't. I just, yeah, I heard about it. Well, first of all, I don't watch TV, so I didn't know that that made big national news. Huge, yeah. I just, yeah, I heard about it. Well, first of all, I don't watch TV,
Starting point is 00:09:05 so I didn't know that that made, like, big national news. Huge, yeah. I just read about it today. Yeah, and it's, yeah, I'm sure they're fucking blowing smoke up each other's asses around here about the big score, but, you know, weed is fucking legal so many places that it's like, well, we found three million dollars worth of uh budweiser you know really you're fucking you're you're gloating about that fuck off so yeah yeah they
Starting point is 00:09:35 still smuggle drugs around here god bless them i think they'll haven't tried an edible nor has anyone uh i mean it's not like there's a shortage. There is medicinal marijuana here, and everyone I know has a card. So at any point, I want to try edibles, and I probably will. I probably will do that once. It just hasn't come to be. And I figured out some shit with my iPod, because evidently I have two accounts. I have two different email addresses.
Starting point is 00:10:08 So the other email address seems to have a lot more of my shit. Not all of the shit. I've found some that are glaringly absent, but a lot of the shit. And so I started writing down good closing songs. And I do have more good closing songs than I do uh podcasts left in this even though it just seems fucking endless fucking day 12 18 more fucking days and oh I want to go to bed so badly I want to sleep in my own bed I want to watch my tv so yeah i got that and meanwhile i got business to do we still can't seem to get together on getting the fuck out of here and going up to the mountains
Starting point is 00:10:56 maybe i just have to do it without you tomorrow morning if i wake up if you're in the mood to go we should just we should too we should get done with this stupid podcast, make this a short one, go inside, and we should pack a fucking hit-it-and-run bag. A ditch bag. Yeah. Get some burner clothes, a fucking toothbrush, some toothpaste, and that's pretty much it. And a couple of books. Fucking I'll grab some lumpfish caviar on the way out the door.
Starting point is 00:11:27 And everything else we can get there. What do you want to, how do you want to podcast? Well, yeah. Don't we have that, that one you gave me? No, we can, what we can do is we can just bring two handheld mics and plug right into this. Right. That's, that's good. There we go.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Yeah. We'll have that ready to go. Like a, like a, I'm trying to think of what that name is now. For a... Like killers will put together a duffel bag with like passports and a bunch of cash and bury it somewhere. Like a bug out, a bug out bag or something.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Well, yeah, you just named it. Yeah. A bug out bag. And we'll also have to bring two decent glasses and two cocktails. Don't we have for two nights? Don't we have a road bar in a case? You know, we sold one on the. Yeah, no, I have.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I just don't know what it's stocked with. And since we're driving, like we can just take actual glasses not that fucking plastic shit we take on the road all right good glasses cocktails for two nights i don't know what else fucking warm clothes because it's it'll be fucking cold up there not like we're going out i i thought about bringing the dogs because there's a mountain and it's a monster hike up these old logging trails to get to the top of this mountain and i's a mountain and it's a monster hike up these old logging trails to get to the top of this mountain. And I've done it and it hurts. But the
Starting point is 00:12:50 only reason you do it is if you have one of the dogs. And I'm not bringing Henry up there. Henry's a fucking cunt and she'll take off and she'll throw herself under tires. Why do you need the dogs? It's fun to have a dog in the mountains, especially if you're going where bears are
Starting point is 00:13:05 commonly spotted you want you want that thing to go ahead of you you know bait to run by you when it sees the bear and then all of a sudden yeah no run the opposite way just if someone's gonna get eight it's gonna be the first one and the dog's always ahead of you. That's not how it works. But that's okay. So, yeah, two days. After the fucking song last night.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Sorry, off track. But, yeah, a lot of people switched their votes. Saul Williams was like the reigning champion with listed demands, listed demands written on a palm of my hands. And yeah, a lot of people had to jump ship from that pick with the introduction of Got the Time by Joe Jackson. Probably not going to be the end of the Joe Jackson on this. There's one more that you don't know that you're going to fucking love. By the way, both of those songs songs the one you're talking about now that i think you sent it to me earlier so i
Starting point is 00:14:11 figure that's when you're talking about and the one last night both not on the greatest hits so no no not at all so even if you went to kind of guess to suss out what Doug might be talking about, you're not going to find them. Yeah. Someone tweeted me that, oh, that's probably the first time a lot of your metal fans have heard Gut the Time that wasn't by Anthrax. Evidently, Anthrax covered that song. I can only imagine what a fucking travesty, hideous injustice that was
Starting point is 00:14:47 i don't know i just hate fucking metal it's pointless all right where do we go uh where do we go from here anything else from yesterday those people gonna buy that house how we have we can't does not one of you have like 58000 you could just buy that house and not bother me? Lying around. I bet you could get it for $54,000. I don't want to test the waters. That's how I get in trouble the last time. I bet they'd never go for this.
Starting point is 00:15:19 No, they didn't. Your offer has been accepted. Anything weird come in the mail? We the squatty potty i'm enjoying that oh yeah squatty potty whoever sent the squatty potty uh i think their name's like indiana it was in the email thing that that notification that this is from them i grabbed it just in case but i don't see anything yeah in the email notification it said I swear one of the names was Indiana it was not Jones save your fucking dumb jokes
Starting point is 00:15:52 oh my god I'm grumpy and we this is the seven inch squatty potty I can't imagine getting my knees up any higher yeah there's a picture for it that's just absolutely ridiculous did i show you that no it doesn't i can't imagine what it would look like there's a picture for the squatty potty like a promo pic and it's a girl sitting on the squatty potty she's not taking a shit or anything but she's sitting like you know she
Starting point is 00:16:22 would if she were taking a demonstrating yeah and she looks all natural but you realize that the neck of the toilet she's sitting on is like four times the size of what a regular toilet is like the neck of the toilet yeah the neck of the toilet what's that well if the mouth is what you piss the bowl yeah and then the neck the stem that it goes down into okay the height of the toilet is just ridiculous what toilet is that big you had to make a picture like there are some there are some toilets that are uh larger necked for our larger uh if if this were a toilet in real life your fucking feet would be dangling like a midget. Like you're four years old.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Jesus. So I have not tried the squatty potty. I think Chaley was like fucking or something yesterday. I went in to find them and I was all shit faced and they weren't there. And then Chaley comes out without his pants on. And I'm like, oh, I guess that's what you're doing. There was a ruckus in the house. pants on and i'm like oh i guess that's what you're doing there was a ruckus in the house so so uh then i went up to the van dyke house and the mail had come the ups had come and the squatty potty was there so i brought out the squatty potty and since that whole thing oh wait
Starting point is 00:17:39 we haven't even played that what that's in the Prehab podcast. What are you talking about? Make. Oh. We discussed that whole thing. So, yeah. All right. Now that, so I can't even tell them this. Well, then save it.
Starting point is 00:17:54 I just did. I just swallowed it, realizing, oh, you won't even get the whole point of it. I can work on the Prehab party podcast in the mountains. But you're supposed to be reading books. It's not gonna happen i mean i do have a good book all right but that would be a good point to do that because it's just there's always something up here always something all right yeah let's just all right let's just pinky swear right now over the table fucking mountains tomorrow yes i was already for it tracy was like oh okay i'm like no no she, no, no. She's like, oh, boys only?
Starting point is 00:18:25 I'm like, yeah. He said boys only. So I totally blamed it on you. And then she's like, are you taking the dogs? And I'm like, oh. No. But I'm, like, trying to read, like, what is the right thing to say here? And I go, no, no, we're going to leave the dogs here with you.
Starting point is 00:18:41 And she's like, okay, good. So it worked out. I got fucking lucky, man. I can't read people so all right good excellent yeah i wouldn't mind bringing ichabod but now no no need no he's not a fucking needy dog like i have him down in the trailer and he'll just sometimes he'll be in there for 12 hours and i'll you know get out to go piss or get on with my day and you go
Starting point is 00:19:08 the dog's gonna have to piss or something no just happy to just lay there like a fucking stump alright what do we I got nothing I have I got this oh that dude I didn't go
Starting point is 00:19:24 hey that dude who said did you get I didn't go. Hey, Hey, that dude who said, did you get what seems to be a children's book? And I did. And I had something to do. Like says something about like brought to you by a church or some religious thing. And I thought someone sent it as a goof. Like, and no, no, it is. It's actually a funny book that just looks like a children's book, but it's all dark and fucked up. I've only perused it, it is. It's actually a funny book that just looks like a children's book, but it's all dark and fucked up. I've only perused it.
Starting point is 00:19:47 But yeah. And hey, this this you know what? This guy's right on top of it. Chaley, listen to this. This is from Rand at 1830 Rand. Doug Stanhope. Rant guys and their pussy rat dogs. Quit being little bitches and grow a pair.
Starting point is 00:20:09 I'm done. He just dropped the mic on that tweet. Dudes with little rat dogs. Quit being little bitches, dudes with little rat dogs. Grow a pair. I fucking love. Like the audience. Some of you.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Someone else. I was just mean to on Twitter. Sometimes you just see that the picture and you know, they're irritating. You can't remember why you're profiling based on their, you just know that you've seen this so many times and every time you see that picture it's fucking irritating zachary win you were the guy i fucking yelled at today i go he goes you know you're the one who always talks about going back to grad school you
Starting point is 00:20:57 might want to click on this and check that i've never fucking said i want to go back to grad school i don't know what grad school means i don't know what grad school means. I don't know what it is. I've never said grad school in my life. I think I might have said taking a bartending course. I'd like to do that, but I probably never even said that. I've thought that, but then I see your default photo and it's like your ID of said, I know I've seen it before and it just, I know it's going to be irritating when I read your tweets. I just know it. Now that it's not,
Starting point is 00:21:30 it's not bombastic. You're not getting in my face, but I just know it's going to be irritating. Hey, click on first. No, I didn't. I'm not going to click on your thing.
Starting point is 00:21:44 That's that one fucking lady. Oh my God. I just want to find out where she lives and just... Is this all Twitter stuff? Yeah. Okay. I just started getting into Twitter because I found out there's messages that people leave me.
Starting point is 00:22:00 I spent an hour and a half yesterday going back through all of them that relate just to this. I had no idea. I'm never on Twitter that much, except when we're on the road and we tweet things or we vine. Like, I do a lot of it through vine. Oh, Jesus, that vine. Oh, you just mentioned that.
Starting point is 00:22:16 I had no recollection of that vine. We were trying to disco dance to something. We were having a good time. That's all I remember. That was six seconds, that vine. We were having a good time. That's all I remember. That was six seconds, that Vine. We were out there for over two hours. Because that was... Where were we?
Starting point is 00:22:34 We were out on the slab. Oh, yeah, yeah, that's right. Then the ice cream. And then you brought out the... Oh, here we go. You brought out the Jell-O, Baco Bits, French Dressing, and we go. You brought out the jello, bako bits, French dressing. And fish eggs.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Fish eggs. And I adorned it with some of the also fish eggs, but the caviar. The lump fish. I usually use just the tobiko from sushi from the Asian market. But now I have the wasabi caviar and the lump fish black caviar. We still haven't gotten to the white fish. It seemed unnecessary to put the caviar in there. But it's pretty.
Starting point is 00:23:09 You get the bright green with the black and then the orange tobiko and then the red. It's fucking good. And you know what? Tracy tried it, and she said, yeah, you know what? It's pretty good. The bakos give it crunch. I've seen Tracy eat a dog biscuit just to freak out a little kid. She didn't say it was good, though.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Yeah, that's true. Yeah. You kept getting all, well, you're going to try scallops. You're going to eat scallops. And I just wasn't in the mood. But finally, I just went, all right, I'll eat scallops. I have nothing against it. Tracy, if Mr. Stanhope offers you any food, you are obliged to take it and smile.
Starting point is 00:23:42 You understand? If you want to go, you want to get your. Did Tracy try to smoke any of that cigarette? Yeah, I got pictures of that. I got pictures of both you jackasses. I got really mad. But I'm not a smoker. You got really mad? You broke my cigarettes.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I think I smacked it out of your hand or something. And then snapped it in half. I realized, wow, fire just went flying somewhere back behind the counter. Yeah, that was dumb. Yeah, I was pretty drunk. My back still hurts from throwing up. You said that earlier.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Oh, man, my back still hurts from throwing up. Yes. And it was a late, like, there's no alcohol. The point of throwing up would be to get rid of some of the alcohol But I just was not feeling good And I got up and walked around I'm like whoa And I went right to the
Starting point is 00:24:34 I had to move the squatty potty Doesn't help for throwing up Turns out It's not a good place to kneel Your ass is up over your head It's a long night I took xanax what i i knew like all right we're drunk wicked early and this is going to lead to no good and this whole you know to drink yeah thing even even with fudging it we're way past that and i just need to fall down
Starting point is 00:25:02 and xanax and xanax can do that for you Xanax you can medicate your sleep but this was so early in the day or evening when I took it that it just made me not there I was not I wasn't falling down at all but I was not really present in the moment
Starting point is 00:25:20 either so yeah I went into the tin can trailer and I saw that you were totally passed out i'm like hey hey hey and you you didn't move i mean i'm walking in your trailer and uh i just turned off the lights and left and i think it was probably 8 45 yeah it was not late Yeah I was down Right after that Cigarette incident I knew I had to go to sleep And So I woke up at 1230
Starting point is 00:25:51 And I did a lap Looking for people And Went back to bed And woke up at 430 Either way It's been a waste of a day This day did not count
Starting point is 00:26:00 Chase and I still haven't talked about The smoking incident Oh well good Leave her alone. I'm totally leaving her. Are you kidding me? I'm not proud of anything that happened either. Well, nothing really did happen other than
Starting point is 00:26:16 you broke my cigarettes. I broke your cigarette and I got pissed and there was no reason for me to get pissed. And you guys are smokers. You guys, you know what's going on you know you know what it's like i remember you being pissed i have one well good i have one picture of you and that's you with that broken cigarette all you know still burning that you pulled out from fucking off the floor it's a magic trick i went you want this and i went yeah
Starting point is 00:26:39 so yeah let's take a let's take a quick break and then we'll go to a quick close with the word of the day. And this word from sponsors we don't have. Sex! Rulers of the underpants universe! Sacks! Keep your balls off your legs and such! Sacks underwear. Don't have sweaty balls. Was that good? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:21 And we play that Sackspants at SaxXX. Underwear? I don't know. I don't even remember their Twitter handle. Find it. I only replay that because that's now available as a ringtone. Chaley's been fucking with these ringtones. So, yeah, how many do you have up there? I've got Sax Underpants.
Starting point is 00:27:48 I've got you. I don't like that. You saying go blow yourself? Yeah, there's got to be something else. Well, for right now, that's it. It's great because you forget that it's. And then James Inman. When you go through the prehab, when I'm fucking tripping my balls off,
Starting point is 00:28:04 there's got to be something on there. Yeah, there is one, one i know james inman do i have to put it in my mouth yeah that's a good one i laugh every time you because you have that on yours i had to i had to text notification yeah so every time i get a text like so when someone tweets something i get this mess all of a sudden i'm standing in the dairy section behind an old lady who's trying to figure out Mexican cheese or whatever. And all of a sudden, it says, do I have to put that right in my mouth? And she turns around. I'm the only one standing there. It's yeah, beware.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Someone tweeted that, hey, does it count? Evidently, when I played Warren Zevon back in the high life, that was like a precursor to the rehab thing. It was the night before I went into the rehab. He said, does that still count? Fuck yeah, it counts. And Warren Zevon is another one. I could do a week of fucking warren zvon songs so i'm gonna have to cut them down and uh there's a couple more
Starting point is 00:29:11 goofy ones i i really want to get a fucking neil diamond in there but i i don't there's so many good goddamn neil diamond songs but i i let's But let's right now do Word of the Day. Tomorrow's going to be another adventure. We'll have something to talk about. I'm sure of it. Fortunately, this one will go out in a reasonable time. The Word of the Day. I did this one just for you greg chaley here we go
Starting point is 00:29:48 the word of the day from roger's thesaurus of words for intellectuals today's word is punctilious punctilious punctilious p-u-n-c-t-i-I-O-U-S. Punctilious. It's overly attentive to trifling details. That's just for you, Chaley. Taking great care to dispose of seemingly small matters in a formally correct way. Overly attentive to trifling details. That's you.
Starting point is 00:30:24 That's your life. that's your lot in life i'll take it yeah and maybe uh not so much with the details of the prehab podcast and we'll get a fucking real podcast out as we fuck off with this just a little more than two more weeks to go in this bullshit which most of the time I've been happy. But after yesterday, sorry, some of these are going to go slowly. That's your word of the day. Please contact me via Twitter. If you have any rants you want me to rant about,
Starting point is 00:30:55 like these dudes with these rad-ass dogs, grow a pair. I'm done. I'm out. Why do you fucking care about a guy with little dogs? How does that affect your fucking day? 1830 Rand. I've had enough of this. Why don't you fucking rant on that?
Starting point is 00:31:14 This is what you should do. You should talk about this. Guys with little dogs. What the fucking do? What do you care for guys? Little dog. What is that? How does that?
Starting point is 00:31:27 Let's play a song and get the fuck out of here. Send me. Be more stupid when you tweet me because I need that. I need that to just forget about how miserable I am and blame it all on you. That's what I do. You say, hey, what's up with these fucking guys with little bitch-ass dog it's the same as me with you for fucking twitter followers or your dumb ideas why do i why do you bother me i don't know because i hate myself and i need someone to blame it on
Starting point is 00:32:00 so maybe that's what's happening with you and people with little dogs that should grow a pair. Maybe you should fucking do something with your stupid fucking life other than worry about the size of a stranger's pets. Maybe you should grow a pair of eyes that can look at your life and all the mistakes you've made and go, wow, it's not little dogs after all. It's me. It's the empty void in my soul. It's just me. Little dogs and their owners affect me not. Everything that I wanted out of my life, I destroyed or avoided. All right. And see. Oh, yeah. The drink of the day, Gin Fizz. We're doing some old men drinks.
Starting point is 00:32:51 And this is a good one. The Gin Fizz. Tell them how to make that Gin Fizz, J. And I'll come up with a song to leave them wanting more. Another drink with a very, very illustrious history. The Gin Fizz and the Ramos fizz, and there's a lot of different variations. This one, the one we're having tonight, is just a plain old gin fizz,
Starting point is 00:33:11 two ounces of gin, three-quarters ounce of lemon juice. We use fresh squeeze, a teaspoon of powdered sugar, or you could use simple syrup, and then you pour that, shake it, pour it over ice, add a club soda, and, of course, once again, we're without our garnish, but they usually garnish with a mint. I think the lemon and the soda does a really good job of masking that. It goes right with the gin. Yeah, no, the fucking gin is lovely.
Starting point is 00:33:37 It's a good marriage. Gin is the one I was dreading on this whole 30-day rehab. Tequila, we still haven't got to tequila yet. We're going to do margaritas. Hopefully tomorrow. Well, not tomorrow up in the mountains. Maybe not. Yeah, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Do you do some scratch margaritas? All right. As long as you will, we won't have the girl there to make them. I can make them. All right. I know you can. All right. I'm trying to I was trying to find a song that goes with the feeling of
Starting point is 00:34:02 tonight. And it's so I'm just going to do this. This is we're going to close on. And when I tell so I'm just going to do this. This is, we're going to close on. And when I tell you, you got to turn them up. Some of these, you're going to have to fucking crank to really enjoy it. This is not one you have to crank, but crank it up anyway.
Starting point is 00:34:15 This is the flies got you where I want you. See you tomorrow. Hey, what's the point of this? this Oh hey What's your favorite song Maybe we could hum along Well I think you're smart
Starting point is 00:35:02 You sweet thing Tell me your name I'm dying here I've got you and I want you Yeah I've got you and I want you Yeah I would Catch you when I want you
Starting point is 00:35:31 Yeah Hey Maybe just a smile Oh, hey Did you know that I can dance? Could we talk for a while? Well, I think you're smart You sweet thing Tell me your sign, I'm dying here I would
Starting point is 00:36:16 Got you where I want you Yeah Got you where I want you I will Got you where I want you Where I want you I want you Suffer, suffer, we don't get no love, but You brought me to be with you So treat me like no other Suffer, suffer, we don't get no love, but Drop me the baby girl, don't you be like no other Suffer, suffer, you don't get no love, but
Starting point is 00:36:49 With me, rock me, baby, put me, put me, love me, love me Suffer, suffer, you don't get no love, but Rock me, baby girl, don't you be like no other Suffer, suffer, you don't get no love, but With me, rock me, baby, put me, put me, love me, love me The old, yet so rough one With your attitude With the pain of your lover I think your son is sleeping Tell me your name I'm dying here
Starting point is 00:37:17 I see you and I want you I got you and I want you I got you and I want you Want you, want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you
Starting point is 00:37:56 I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you I want you

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