The Doug Stanhope Podcast - Ep.#364: Day 01 - Stanhope's 30 Day News Blackout

Episode Date: April 5, 2020

Day 01 in Doug Stanhope's self imposed #NewsBlackout. Recorded April 3rd, 2020 at the FunHouse in Bisbee, AZ with Doug Stanhope (@DougStanhope), Ms. Tracey (@Egglester), and Ggreg Chaille (@gregchaill...e). Produced and Edited by Chaille.Stanhope is taking 30 days avoiding any news from the outside world whatsoever.As of 4/3/20 I am extending quarantine 30 days including complete #NewsBlackout of any kind. @MrHennigan will be running my Twitter. I will not be seeing responses, texts or leaving the house. Daily podcasts. Use hashtag for suggestions to @gregchaille or email StanhopeSupport the show:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to the Doug Stanhope Podcast. Hello, it's day one. Feel good about myself. It's day one of I don't know what... I mean, I know the basic concept, staying away from the news, but that's just for my own personal unboxing 30 days from now. Like all news. And it was very difficult today.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I woke up. We got shit face last night. I had this idea. We drank to it. We drank excessively. You made phone calls? I may or may not have driven drunk, but... Oh, shit!
Starting point is 00:00:51 Yeah, yeah. Oh! Yeah, yeah. We both drove. We drove two cars to show off our social distancing. I videotaped that, too. She was very happy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:02 All right. So maybe we could put that at the end of this oh that's right yeah that's right we're good video now or do we we do kind of this is new for us and I'm trying to put it up on our Patreon so that that the Patreon will get the podcast as
Starting point is 00:01:18 well as they'll get the video stream so all right but there's some problems you'll tell me later when I glass more than likely it's it's me fucking up like uploading multiple gigs and vimeo saying what are you doing all right so i'll figure it out okay good you're gonna tell me on the podcast and you know how i glass over it's the last time you want to tell me technical things and watch me just collapse. Yeah, I woke up at like 5.45 in the morning and immediately went to check the news.
Starting point is 00:01:54 That's what I do. Oh, fuck, we're doing that thing. At least I had that idea sober. So that stayed with me the rest of the night. I looked at some of the drunk dials I made because I know I'm not going to be using my phone anymore unless it's. Well, you'll answer your phone. No, I won't. If someone calls you, you're not going to answer.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Not unless I know it's one of the fucking inner circle. Well, yeah. Bingo called you. You will. You bingo, Brian. That's pretty much it. Yeah. Nice. Yeah. bingo called you you will yeah you bingo brian that's pretty much it yeah nice yeah now that's the good part is uh having a gimmick as a reason to not use a phone or talk to people but just the
Starting point is 00:02:37 fucking bisbee observer came today and uh i felt bad for yeah no don't show me the fucking cover i get to read the police that's it the police beat's the only one that's up there but yeah it was it was really difficult so what i did is uh i stayed in bed and i watched netflix stand-up comedy which i don't watch stand-up ever again unless it's occasionally I'll make an exception for like a Maria Bamford someone I know I'm not gonna like oh that's my bit
Starting point is 00:03:14 but since yeah stand-up is fucking dead I go yeah and I watched Rogan it's Strange Times. Everyone has like 19 specials on fucking Netflix. Like Segura has like fucking eight. He's cranking them out.
Starting point is 00:03:36 He's like doing the Kiss Alive double albums. Yeah. Chappelle. Are there really four Dave Chappelle's from 2017? I know I watched one a while when it came out. I remember I was on the road with Morgan Murphy and Brett Erickson. We watched one of his. But I watched fucking Rogan, and I was laughing so hard.
Starting point is 00:04:02 And a lot of it was my mood. Not to take away from Rogan, it was i was pausing it laughing i started watching chris rock special after rogan's and i still laughing at rogan's uh but as you have just like subtleties i felt like i was extremely high when i woke up i was just still did you hit some edibles or something maybe maybe? No, I don't think so. No, I don't think I even took a downer, because that's why I was up at 5.45 in the fucking morning. I didn't take a sleeping pill. Oh, you're a beautiful saint, Tracy. Let me kill this one.
Starting point is 00:04:37 What did you start with there? Just whiskey, splash of coke. She made me a whiskey sour, proper with egg whites. I didn't have the diaries today like I usually get with your egg whites. I cut down on your egg whites just a little bit, but she made me a whiskey sour. Proper with egg whites. I didn't have the diaries today like I usually get with your egg whites. I cut down on your egg whites just a little bit, but as you can see, it still looks really good. It's cut down on my diaries. That's the goal. Still pretty good.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I mean, look at that. I'll finish it later. Show that to the home audience. That's a proper... That is a fucking beautiful frothy egg white whiskey sour. None of that fucking bottom shelf fucking pre-mix. Just bottom shelf whiskey.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Bottom shelf whiskey. That's the fucking, that's how you work. That's the secret. It is. Give me bottom shelf vodka and a fresh squeezed grapefruit juice. Thank you. It's all about the... And a fucking Canada Dry glass bottle or Schweppes
Starting point is 00:05:28 fucking mini bottle. That stuff burns your fucking mouth like old McDonald's Coke used to. It was so over-carbonated. It was like scrubbing bubbles. What's that fucking bathroom cleaner? It's got scrubbing
Starting point is 00:05:43 bubbles. Yeah, so does this. It brushes my teeth for me while I get hammered. So I watched Rogan. Just like little subtleties. Is this 2020 production? This is his latest one. Strange Times, it's called.
Starting point is 00:06:03 There's a couple I think I've seen that like of i i remember watching one of segura's but i don't know if that's the 2014 one or it's been years but uh today yeah god just little things and fucking rogan's he's talking about uh what's the bombshell chick? Fox News, Megyn Kelly. Oh, yeah. It's a whole bit, but just like little tiny things that fucking make it.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Or he's saying like this chick's fucking hot and smart. She's super smart. She doesn't say um ever. And that's just dropped into a fucking flurry of things. She doesn't say um ever like and that's just dropped into a fucking flurry of things she doesn't say um that's why i felt kind of like i was stoned or tripping because i just picking up on the little nuances hey the kid should have known better he's he's almost 18 yeah well he's also almost 16 oh that's fucking brilliant and that's not like the punch line that's the in the flow uh so yeah i laughed at that forever uh watch uh chris rock tambourine i watched uh
Starting point is 00:07:17 uh oh fucking nick swartzen There's a lot of them. That was the Comedians of the World. And then there's this stand up. So you can go through and see who's on that. Nate Bargatze. I don't know if I've ever actually watched him. Didn't we meet him? I think we just know him through Bill Burr's podcast.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Is it Corona? The Corona Improv? Corona? Not Corona. Jesus. Riverside. Riverside Improv? You're trying to slip news to me. No, I thought he was there.
Starting point is 00:07:53 I thought someone was there afterwards. They were doing a late night comedy show after your show. Oh, Irvine? Yeah. You're talking about Theo Vaughn? Oh, that's who it was. Yeah. See, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I remember that. I was going to say, I don't remember meeting anyone after a show, but I do remember years ago meeting Theo Vaughn. He was doing that Howie Mandel show, and I think I told him it sucked. That's why I remember I had a little bit of regret from... I shouldn't have probably said that. that watched uh canadian gal named uh may martin um but you're just you're just going down and saying other people why after watching no i didn't watch this or did you know that was in like one of the stand-ups of the world they like all right, all right, here's a bunch of... This collection is French comedians.
Starting point is 00:08:46 I didn't delve into that. But Mae Martin looked... She had a look I liked. I go, all right, I'll watch this. I know. Did her look help her comedy? Well, she's obviously a lesbian. I love that look.
Starting point is 00:09:04 But... Not committed. she's obviously a lesbian you know i love that look but not committed but she but yeah she did she took some fucking strong chances uh and then i watched dr ken you know ken young yeah we met him at the uh was it the improv in west hollywood nice, man. Oh, he's a sweetheart. Was that the night we were there to see... We jumped in at the tail end of the Gallagher show? No. Oh, geez. I don't even remember seeing a Gallagher show.
Starting point is 00:09:37 There was a... I don't think so, because I was there. I don't remember seeing Gallagher. Yeah. There was someone on stage when we walked in. Is this the time we went in with Attell and Ron White and Madigan? I wasn't with you then. I don't.
Starting point is 00:09:52 That didn't happen. Well, his buddy that did the song was. Oh, Michael O'Connell. Michael O'Connell. What's it gonna be? I made Olivia Grace watch that today. You don't know that? You don't know fucking what's it going to be?
Starting point is 00:10:05 Mike O'Connell and Ken Young? That's a fucking great video. Google search it as soon as this podcast is over. This one's not going to last too long. But Dr. Ken, like after watching that many, I watched five. Dr. Ken has since gone on to be a judge on The Masked Singer. How do you know these things? He was in The Hangover.
Starting point is 00:10:21 a judge on the Masked Singer. He was in the Hangover. I talked about, in his special, he talks about his show that ran 44 episodes before it was canceled called Dr. Canada. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:31 I don't know any fucking network sitcoms at all. Yeah. The only ones I know are the ones they advertise during football because that's the only time I watch commercials.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Or the ones, like I'll see Morgan Murphy's, the one that she has. Two Broke Girls? Yeah, or something like that. Oh, wait. The the one, like, I'll see Morgan Murphy's, the one that she has. Two Broke Girls? Yeah, or something like that. Oh, wait, the old one. Well, she's on one now. I don't know what she's on now.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Is she, like, Modern Family? Yeah. Never. But Dr. Ken was, he filmed it at the Ice House. At Pasadena. Yeah, and that's the last one i watched and after watching everyone else in a fucking theater or you know of some size yeah it was like yeah that's why you do this i i mean dr ken is uh the polar opposite of a joe rogan you're not going there for content you're
Starting point is 00:11:18 going there because he's fucking adorable and everybody loves him but I mean he's just riffing with the audience and the natural banter it's like being at a fucking comedy club that's why I hate fucking specials filmed in theaters I mean I guess the the last one which is still not out I don't even think
Starting point is 00:11:40 I have anything on Netflix anymore no no if I say home we just saw it the other day is it on there still? Yeah. Oh, fucking good. We scrolled back. I was like, yeah, I'm the guy that can get fucking banished from
Starting point is 00:11:56 Netflix during a pandemic. They're desperate for content, but not yours. Thank you, sir. Very good. We'll let you know. Yeah, if you're still on that Twitter, tweet at Netflix. I don't know how this special is coming out. Brian's working on it.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Evidently. At Netflix is a joke, isn't it? No, that's on XM. Oh, I misunderstood. They have a new channel on XM. Really? No, that's on XM. Oh, yeah. They have a new channel on XM. Really? No, I think that's,
Starting point is 00:12:29 I think there's a Netflix Twitter handle. No. Well, they have a channel on XM now that is all Netflix specials. Oh, yeah. And they play, I can't figure it out.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Sometimes they'll play like, you know, the thing where they chop up sets and like, you know, who, why, why did they cut it there? There's like,
Starting point is 00:12:47 you go, it's going to go further. Why did they make the edit there? And then they'll do another thing. They'll play it forever. You're like, this guy's going to get to a punchline. And it's one of those things where I don't know if they're playing whole sets. Are they playing it on Netflix? Netflix, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Sometimes, I don't know what the editing is. It's kind of the Comedy Central. Yeah, Comedy Central Channel also is weird. I used to only watch comedy specials when I knew I'd hate them. And I won't say any names because it doesn't matter. But yeah, there was one that I'd watch like two, three, maybe four minutes. No, I can't. I can't.
Starting point is 00:13:24 This is so bad but now there's such a glut I actually watched comedy to enjoy it and stuff that I probably wouldn't enjoy I went I'm gonna look for the fucking bright spots well I mean
Starting point is 00:13:39 isn't it like anything that you're involved in on an artistic level or a creative level that you enjoy watching the bad as well as the good because you can get something out of it? Well, no, no. The ones I would watch that I hate were like palpable hate. And I'm only watching this to hate it. All right. The same way you watch most reality shows, hoping that guy gets fucking kicked off the island.
Starting point is 00:14:03 You hate on a different level than me, I guess. Yeah, but today I just, it was weird because especially after as much as we drank, I don't remember going to bed. I don't remember a lot of things. I remember drunk dialing. I remember Todd Glass, not just drunk dialing, Todd Glass, who is not someone I communicate with on an annual basis. Do you remember what happened? He talked to me. It was nice.
Starting point is 00:14:28 You started to go through – I think you called Johnny and there was no answer. No. He's never there when you need him. And then you just started going down and I was busy editing and I was kind of half listening. I was busy editing and I was kind of half listening. But then when I heard Todd Glass answer the phone, you put it, I like perked up because I,
Starting point is 00:14:55 and I could hear he was scrambling to record things or something. I don't know what was happening. And I'm yelling, I love Todd. And I'm wondering what the fuck is going on on the other end. He has another podcast that he does where he calls friends of his and records oh shit was i on a podcast i think he he kept going wait wait wait wait wait oh no hold on wait wait and then he like he started playing piano and stuff and i'm like is he playing an intro is he live during i thought maybe you called in and he saw
Starting point is 00:15:23 that it was live you don't remember any of this. No. So, I just remember him answering the phone and being happy. And I was happy that Todd Glass would take my call, drunk or sober. You called him like right before he was like recording the thing for Twitter. That was his opening for his calling friends thing. So, he made you hang on for a second and say, hold on, hold on. And then he proceeded to record the thing with you on the phone.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Oh, wow. So you can see it because it's on Twitter. Tracy did a little research afterwards. That's a new age problem with drunk dials. Maybe you're going to be on a podcast. Hey, my phone says I called you last night. Am I on the internet? Not enough content.
Starting point is 00:16:13 I just added so much shit because I just looked at the ones that I had in my list that I always ignore because I don't watch comedy. I started to look and now I've added. So tomorrow there's going to be uh kreischer and segura kreischer got a new one that just came out i think like a couple weeks ago maybe a month yeah they uh i forget what it's called he's the one with him out without a shirt oh that that one yeah uh yeah he had pretty good advertising campaign on that because i saw it coming up well i saw when uh back when i used to be on the twitter uh he did a burr and burt did we talk about this on the podcast yeah anyway he was talking about uh
Starting point is 00:16:59 uh it was just a minute and a half clip on twitter and he was talking to burr about uh how he's on tmz and burr was calling him a fucking sellout for being on tmz he's like i gotta promote my special i fucking i got no promotion for my special so there you go you had some promotion here we're no tmz burt but it's the best you can do in a pandemic uh but i i remember seeing his uh bert tweeting a poster what do you call him a billboard of him in times square for shows that got canceled you know how much I spent for this billboard? Times Square? Jesus. But, uh, yeah, tomorrow I'm gonna have
Starting point is 00:17:52 another fucking rack of comedy I sit through, as far as I know. Maybe I'll get into books. What do you mean get into books? Like your book? What do you mean? No, no, yeah, I gotta finish that. Today wasn't the day. I was...
Starting point is 00:18:07 Yeah, you had a strong day yesterday with your book and then today you just, you weren't out here for most of the day. No, no. I was in bed. You showed up, yeah. Yeah, this is the first time I mean, technically, this is the end of my quarantine and the beginning of my next quarantine.
Starting point is 00:18:24 So, yeah, we'll do this 30 days. Like 30 days in the hole. Maybe I quit smoking during it. I don't know. Wait, I can still read the news, right? Yeah, just don't tell me about it. And don't let your face give it away. Because I...
Starting point is 00:18:42 I forget everything, so it doesn't matter. But I mean, during the day, I like to go online. If you just said that and said, oh, but I don't tell you about the news. And then you looked at Tracy like, yeah, you would definitely give away. Like nothing. I can't say anything. Who's dead? I would say.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Who's dead? Tell me. I'm waiting to run out of cigarettes because my fucking breath. I walked Henry Phillips today and just this slight incline here in the morning. I'm like, fuck. Yeah. So maybe I quit smoking when I run out of cigarettes. Or maybe that's the thing that pushes me.
Starting point is 00:19:20 But you'll always have a cigarette somewhere. You told me that's what you do. You have to. No, I was just thinking about that. You have it hidden and then you know that you're never going to touch it and that's your motivation. Yeah. And you can if you want to. Can Jung's...
Starting point is 00:19:34 No, no, actually, the corner store is two small blocks away. Downhill there. Yeah. So you could just live there. Yeah. downhill there so yeah so you could just live there yeah and i've been that lazy when i quit smoking before that i just walking two blocks fuck that no yeah laziness cures addiction when you hear stories like fucking arty lang driving all the way to Delaware to score fucking smack. I don't have that kind of energy.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Drinking all the time. Fucking lazy and fat. No, you take an Uber. Grub hub. Go see Joaquin. He's in an alley. But, yeah, I got to fucking do something. Like what? he's in an alley but uh yeah I gotta fucking do something
Starting point is 00:20:28 like what I mean you got a project that needs to be finished yeah yeah you got a podcast oh shit I gotta do track titles for the fucking new special I hate saying a new special I'm glad Brian Hennigan doesn't listen to this fucking podcast.
Starting point is 00:20:45 My manager, the filthy uncut Scotsman. Really? Well, if we wait till after Memorial Day, the opening shot is Doug Stanhope sold out Memorial Day weekend. It'll look like it's new. Not if I'm not talking about fucking coronavirus. it's new not if i'm not talking about fucking coronavirus that's why i felt comfortable watching all these specials because you know when comedy's back in business it's a whole new racket there's no more me too shit there's no more fucking trump shit hopefully yeah everyone's gonna be
Starting point is 00:21:26 you haven't heard starting over you haven't heard it's like I see what you're doing there hey I was gonna ask you about speaking of
Starting point is 00:21:40 Corona Bits the four shows that we did while where I was with you when I recorded, could we burn some of that stuff? Yeah, but I saw shit. I don't know what I was even watching. There's some show that they were doing because I was just riffing Corona Bits in Seattle. Like in it. Yeah, because it was yeah it was getting
Starting point is 00:22:05 kind of new and serious this is seattle pre-lockdown yeah but then there's some show i don't know if it's comedy central i was watching not long after where like it's from the comedy cellar in new york but they're all like they're montaging everyone's coronavirus bits and I'm like oh these guys have had time to work on that yeah but I mean yours was in context it was we just landed
Starting point is 00:22:35 five days before that you hit Seattle in the hot zone strong Seattle bit yeah no if you pull them they're not as good as everyone else's coronavirus bits. But they're yours. I just didn't know what to do because usually all that
Starting point is 00:22:52 throwaway stuff in the front, we'll put that on a podcast. That was one of the times where I asked the opener. We had a local opener and I said, how much Corona stuff are you doing? He's like, what? Why would you do that? You were doing a show at the Comedy Cellar in New York City on 9-12. It's like, what?
Starting point is 00:23:12 Why would you? Well, because you got it. Yeah. Since then, everyone's got way better shit than me. Well, that's good. Yeah. Put it in. Also, anything for content in these troubled
Starting point is 00:23:27 times i don't know if you've seen this up until today you could have uh comics putting on like a comedy special or uh some kind of a of a group together like i do a comedy show online have you seen any of that no yes okay oh well i know everyone's doing online shit i just don't know how to do it thankfully because last night instead of drunk dialing todd glass i would have been on some fucking instagram live chat feed somewhere doing something i don't know how to do other than push the button that says I'll talk to the world right now and I'm glad I didn't do that because someone contact you about that
Starting point is 00:24:12 no no I'm saying I if I had a button on my phone like periscope yeah when periscope was a vine we used to do vine yeah but that's not why that's different yeah yeah I yeah but if I had a button I could push and talk to the world when I'm that fucked up. Well, that's dangerous.
Starting point is 00:24:29 The Periscope is still a thing. I mean, Doug Benson is doing Periscope every day. I saw Dr. Drew was like, we're on Periscope. I thought that fucking went away. It was at the same time. It was popular when Vine was popular. Could we do interviews from inside the bunker as long as no one, or inside the funhouse, as long as no one talked about? I think we're going to have a comic coming here in the next week.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Well, we'll pay that out. But what I'm saying is, like, there's other people you've expressed to me that have shown interest. Oh, shit, yeah, fucking. Well, that comic is one. And Dave Attell said, I'll fucking call into your show anytime you want. So if I set up a monitor in front of you there and we did a Skype thing. Yeah, I'll do whatever. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:25:19 There we go. More work for Shaley. You just suggested it. I know. I so want you to do this because we were set up to do this a year ago and we did two it you know you know how long ago it was the first time i recorded video of you was when uh i can split the screen oh here was when uh james inman was here and we did that prank with uh mishka remember that that was that was when we had cameras that's when we had everything good to go
Starting point is 00:25:55 and then you and chad both said i don't want to be on video and now chad is on video three days a week yeah not to mention issues with andy he's on two more days a week. Yeah. Not to mention issues with Andy. He's on two more days a week with his Twitch feed and issues. And then, yeah. So I think you should be doing this. I've always thought you should. Yeah. The less you care, the easier it gets. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I don't know if that's a strong business model. Hey, we're going to do more things because I don't give a fuck. Because I don't give a fuck. That's Ron White. I put him on my list. No, I put him on my list. One of those podcasts with McKenzie from Bird Cloud.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Sorry. You're mic'd. He still hasn't replaced that screen? I've got to make him cry again. No, it's – I just didn't have time to put it up. Sorry. Why?
Starting point is 00:26:52 What were you doing? Watching the news? So have you – I was going to say, have you talked to Ron White? Because the first episode we did with McKenzie from Bird Cloud, which is Patreon episode nine. It was about the party at Ron White's house. That after party after the Atlanta show. So I just wondered if he had heard about it or if you had contacted him just to say, hey, he's a gracious host. Fantastic. One of the best.
Starting point is 00:27:18 I love Ron White. And good hosting is a key skill in a life of drinking. That's why we don't have people over, because I ain't in the mood. See? You can only get that with video. And maybe Patreon. Yeah. Ron White, his lips move like Elvis when it's synced poorly.
Starting point is 00:27:44 His lips move like Elvis when it's synced poorly. Japanese subtitle Elvis? Exactly. Yeah, I'm really fucking enjoying this. It's very difficult. Valentina went shopping for Morgan Murphy's house. do you need anything and I tried to write down a quick list because I don't want to burden anyone and she didn't know
Starting point is 00:28:11 what a roast was I like give me a beef roast like because I can make shredded beef last for five days she goes what's that I go like a chunk of beef and then I like I don't know how to describe it I go wait put me on whatsapp and she took me down every aisle of safeway to look virtually and then ran into alex hey how you doing oh do you want to talk to duck i'm talking to alex because i'm
Starting point is 00:28:38 reading his book right now uh yeah it was very cool it's fucking silly you weren't virtually shopping you were literally shopping you were looking at the meat it wasn't like someone describing the meat and you going I guess I'll take that I was getting delirious because you know the camera shaking what do you want from no no over to the left
Starting point is 00:29:00 because I know Safeway by heart I just realized I ordered a bunch of video equipment last night did you? I'm like you're just talking about the Todd Glass thing and I'm editing I'm like that was a lot of drinking
Starting point is 00:29:17 that I know I was done editing what filled up that other time and it was Amazon purchases you bought lights didn't you I bought lights and a gimbal so I could follow you around that's cool some other stuff too
Starting point is 00:29:33 I've already tipped out the USPS and UPS and I don't know the FedEx people enough and I'm never here when they come. But yeah, I've tipped them out in rubber gloves. Wait, you gave them rubber gloves?
Starting point is 00:29:55 No, no. This should suffice. It sounds like that. Yeah. No, no, I tipped them out saying, this has been disinfected. But yeah, that's what you should...
Starting point is 00:30:09 It's an old Bill Hicks bit. But yeah, you should... Listen to that. Fucking chirping birds. There's no fucking problems here until I die. They're gonna keep chirping.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Yeah, they don't give a shit about you dying or living. Yeah. Tracy's the one feeling. Yeah, where's that avian bird flu that killed all these fucking chirping birds that wake me up? Oh, my God. Those windows. We have to talk about that. That's going to become a fucking huge problem.
Starting point is 00:30:38 I just need to know what you want. As it gets closer to summer. I was going to put garbage bags over them. But that's like 12 feet tall, and I don't trust myself on the ladder. The ones up on top I can fix today. Oh, they're fucking right in my face. After another glass of wine. 8.13 a.m.
Starting point is 00:30:53 That is on my side of the bed. Right in my fucking face. It's like sleeping on top of the deck. So that's why I wake up at 5.45 and start watching joe rogan i went down a fucking joe rogan wormhole it seemed because remember yesterday at some point before we got really drunk and drove around the neighborhood shit-faced allegedly hoodlums on fucking go-karts like yeah you could drive drunk on a go-kart track. That's basically what this neighborhood is. There's nobody out. There's no children running in front of your car.
Starting point is 00:31:29 It's empty. Just imagine the cop in a go-kart pulling up behind you. Pull it over! Pull it! Why didn't you stop? What was I saying? I don't even remember. Joe Rogan wormhole.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Yeah, I was going down the i read his wikipedia page yesterday were you not here yeah before i was here all day yesterday i've been here for well i was reading 10 days yeah when i was saying i didn't know he has three kids it says oh no it's because yeah we talked about see i was here because I was the one who said, I've never seen a picture of his wife. I don't know. I think I've only met her once or twice. Yeah. Which is really great when you watch comedy specials and you think, all right, did this guy just have kids or a divorce or something?
Starting point is 00:32:23 Because I know it's going to be front-loaded with shit i don't care about oh like uh like uh someone has a baby yeah it ruins their 25 minutes yeah it's beautiful that joe rogan doesn't talk about fatherhood here's a i mean i can't married life usually sit through two hours and 40 minutes of a podcast but the clips clips that show up with Neil deGrasse Tyson and stuff like that, I mean, he's got some great fucking guests on there. And the clips that they put out are really fucking good. I mean, it is a good primer. If you want to dive deep, those are a good launching pad into that. Yeah, watch Strange Times
Starting point is 00:33:05 just look at the I know it's because he put so much time into it but yeah just even the subtle it was inspiring and then you watch other comedy to uh go now i'm better than this
Starting point is 00:33:28 there's a bunch out right now because uh i oh fucking one rogan thing he is it's just a premise but it's when you you get fearful like that's why i don't watch it not only is it i don't want to think i thought of this but i'm already doing this or i already did this and he's like you're talking about material yeah he has a i i you know the bit i do about getting hate mail for bits i don't remember he has a bit about getting death threats for things he said on podcasts he didn't remember it's just a similar premise it isn't a different level of slavery it gives you oh oh my balls tingle oh gee don't go fuck all right good all right i'm good uh but uh yeah he's a fucking smart dude i used to think i was smart now i get over that fantasy
Starting point is 00:34:28 don't worry no one's looking it's on video i know it's the joke here we'll go to me connie real quick i was gonna say something i think i said yeah oh i uh there's a bunch of new uh specials out right now and i even said something to tracy like hey we should start watching like one or two a week just watch something like comedy wise just because we don't usually have the chance to sit around like if we got time it's binging like the wire or something like that or tiger king or something and like sitting down to watch a comedy special is kind of a luxury that everyone has the time to do it now and it helps promote you know comedy i mean but who's the one we saw gaffigan's got a new one out oh yeah i yeah. I saw Gaffigan. I don't know if it's new.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Yeah, I just added everything to my list. Even things I know might not be my fancy. Well, that's why I tuned into the Craig Ferguson reality series. And him going up on stage and going like, I'm never doing another fucking special again. And that's the start of it i'm like oh you got me let's see how this goes and it's him on tour you know and it's a reality series and watching oh my fucking god the one i tried to watch like oh god i don't want to be negative at all but kevin hart and i know that? What? I know comics like him.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Kevin Nealon? Who are you talking about? I've been in Bisbee and Scott since he was popular. And just his commercials for his movies. Oh, this is overbearing. bearing uh and then he has something i tried to watch where he's one of these he's like rogan where yeah he sleeps for fucking three hours then all he does is a million things and work out and like i can't like i'm getting tired watching you and I don't even you're overbearing to watch doing just the comedy much less it's like a reality thing. I think it's called Don't Fuck This Up.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Kevin Hart, Don't Fuck This Up where they follow him on tour. Like a tour, like a reality series type episodic thing? Or is it one whole show? He's waking up at 5.45am not to watch Netflix. Why didn't you sneeze and cough?
Starting point is 00:37:18 Yeah. I'm at the end of quarantine. I saved it up. Podcast over. Come on, man. What? I'm fucking Tracy gives me a fucking hand towel. I'm not producing product.
Starting point is 00:37:36 It's just eliminating the virus. I just You're in the splash zone. You should be wearing a Gallagher trash bag the diseases I share with your wife that's another that's podcast nine
Starting point is 00:38:00 we're just trying to become friends this is early hey how about another one of these let's wrap this up i don't know what's going on in your world but uh make it my world fucking quit the news listen to birds chirp the old bill hicks bit i don't remember how it goes so i won't do it in justice but yeah one of his most famous bits about birds no it's about the news you watch the news and the fucking death and carnage and this and that and then uh you look out your window chirp chirp yeah chirp
Starting point is 00:38:39 chirp bill hicks is on netflix i don't know if I am. Find out for me. And hashtag, what's it? I was drunk. News blackout. By the way, news blackout. Hashtag news blackout. Is there already something? There's something, but it goes back to like December 2015 or something like that. Well, then click on latest.
Starting point is 00:39:01 I'm just saying. I went to go see if there was anything for today, but I just put the podcast out. It's alright. They'll catch on. So, basically, if you want to get in touch with Doug through Twitter, don't. Don't.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Hannigan will be posting. Just reiterate what you said. I'm just posting my fucking tweets. Anything that needs to promote a podcast or whatever. Or anything I text. If I come up with a tweet. I'm just posting my fucking tweets, anything that needs to promote a podcast or whatever, or anything I text. If I come up with a tweet, I'm just not going to be on Twitter. I'll text a tweet to you or Hennigan. And yeah, other than that, I'm fucking radio silence, and I'm fucking golden.
Starting point is 00:39:40 I'm watching comedy, and I'm laughing my balls off. Suggestions. I'm laughing my balls off. Suggestions. Hold on. Suggestions for the podcast should go to at Greg Shaley. Yeah. Or let's spell it for him one more time. Go ahead. Greg. C-H-A-I-L-L-E.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Cha-il-e. And if you want to just email me you can do it at hey let's have fun until we die take us out
Starting point is 00:40:14 one two coronavirus okay bye bye now Thank you. guitar solo Thank you.

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