THE ED MYLETT SHOW - How to Break Free from Your Past and Live Your Best Life

Episode Date: October 3, 2024

Are You Ready to Rewrite the Story of Your Life? Today, I dive into one of the most powerful truths that can shift everything in your life—the story you're telling yourself is shaping your reality, ...and here’s the kicker: YOU have the power to rewrite that story. For too many of us, our lives are defined by old narratives—stories of trauma, failure, and fear that keep us stuck in patterns that no longer serve us. But let me tell you, you're ONE decision away from flipping the script entirely. You weren’t born to be ordinary. You were born to be GREAT. So, it's time to take control of your story, free yourself from the limiting beliefs that are holding you back, and start living a life that reflects your highest potential. You are the hero of this journey, and it’s time to pick up the pen and write a new chapter—one filled with triumph, growth, and fulfillment. Don’t let the story of your past define your future. It’s time to take control starting NOW. In this episode you'll learn: Your Story Shapes Your Life: The narrative you believe dictates your outcomes. Change the story, and you change your life. One Decision Can Change Everything: A single mindset shift can alter the entire course of your journey. Break Free from Old Patterns: Most of our actions are driven by past habits, but you have the power to rewrite those patterns and create new ones. Embrace Your Greatness: You were born to do extraordinary things. Stop playing small—it's time to claim the greatness within you. Activate Your Peak State: Tie your new story to your emotions and purpose to lock in your transformation and make it stick. I’m challenging you to stop letting your story unfold by default and start living intentionally. Whether it's taking charge of your mindset, breaking old habits, or creating new, empowering beliefs, it’s time to take ownership of your life. Every moment is an opportunity to redefine who you are and what you’re capable of achieving. Tune in to discover how even the smallest shifts in your mindset can lead to massive breakthroughs. Together, we’ll make the changes necessary to not only rewrite your story but to MAXOUT every chapter. Let’s turn the page and start creating the life you were truly born to live! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So hey guys, listen, we're all trying to get more productive and the question is, how do you find a way to get an edge? I'm a big believer that if you're getting mentoring or you're in an environment that causes growth, a growth based environment, that you're much more likely to grow and you're going to grow faster. And that's why I love Growth Day. Growth Day is an app that my friend Brendan Burchard has created that I'm a big fan of. Write this down, forward slash ed. So if you want to be more productive, by the way the way he's asked me I post videos in there every single Monday that gets your day off to the right start he's got about five thousand ten thousand dollars worth of courses that are in there that come with the app also some of the top influencers in the world are all posting content and they're
Starting point is 00:00:37 on a regular basis like having the Avengers of personal development and business in one app and I'm honored that he asked me to be a part of it as well and contribute on a weekly basis, and I do. So go over there and get signed up. You're gonna get a free, tuition-free voucher to go to an event with Brendan and myself and a bunch of other influencers as well. So you get a free event out of it also.
Starting point is 00:00:53 So go to forward slash ed. That's forward slash ed. ["The Admirals Show Theme Song"] Welcome back to the show everybody. I'm so grateful that you're here this week. I want to remind you of something as we begin today's program. I'm going to get right to the point. You were born to do something great with your life. I'm going to say that to you again. Listen, please, you were born to do something great with your life. And I just want to be a person who reminds you of that today. Maybe you say, Ed, I haven't felt that way in a long time and I don't know how to get going. I'm gonna talk about that today with you. You might say, Ed, I'm on the road to doing it. And I'm here to tell you today, I think we can do
Starting point is 00:01:44 it faster and bigger. And I want your to tell you today, I think we can do it faster and bigger. And I want your dreams to get bigger. I want you to stretch your vision. It's very difficult in life to stretch our own vision. It's very difficult to see beyond what we already see. And my challenge to you today is just to remember that, you know, as a person of faith and as a Christian, you know, whatever you believe in your life, but in my faith,
Starting point is 00:02:04 I believe he holds you in the palm of his hand and he made you in his image and likeness and great DNA runs through you. And maybe no one's told you that in a while. And maybe you're going through a difficult time and you need someone to remind you of that and maybe give you some hope and some skills. And I'm going to do both of those things today for you because I love you and I do believe in you. The reason I believe in you is because I know where you come from. If you're already doing something great and you're on the road to doing that, I want to assure you that that dream in your heart is real. It's not a hallucination.
Starting point is 00:02:37 You're not crazy. It's a preview of what's possible for you in your life. Everybody has a dream. Most people don't realize it. The reason they don't realize it is And the reason they don't realize it is they expect it to be easier than it is. They expect people along the way to help them. They have an improper narrative about their life.
Starting point is 00:02:54 They've had some kind of trauma in their life and that story has stamped them and marked them in a certain way that they've never overcome that story. And so today is about the story of you. And I want you to step back first of all and realize that as human beings, we are living in patterns.
Starting point is 00:03:12 About 90% of what we do every day is in a pattern. Our behaviors, our thoughts, the words we use, they're all about 90% the same every single day, about 10% is variable. Human beings and you and I are a series of patterns. Those patterns though, where do they come from? They come from a story. And so each human being that's operating that's above about five years old is beginning to build a story about themselves. And by the time you get to a particular age, usually in your early
Starting point is 00:03:38 twenties, if it hasn't happened then by 30, maybe a trauma happens in your forties, but you become a story and a human and you and I as humans will do everything we can to live consistently with this story we tell ourselves. So first thing I want to say that if something traumatic happened to you when you were a child, there was some kind of trauma when you were young and that started the story for you and that's not everybody, but it happened in my life and it happened in many of your lives I want to say something to you but I want you to hear it's not your fault it's not your fault it's not your fault it's not your fault please remember that and you were born to do something great.
Starting point is 00:04:26 And if you could drop that narrative that somehow you caused something or there's something wrong with you or your bloodline or your family, it's just not true. For some of you go, that didn't happen to me. But stuff has happened in your life where you become a story. And most people are unaware of the story they're telling themselves and they're unaware of the reticular activating system in their brain. So let me just explain something to you. I talk about the RAS often, if you know my work, it's the centerpiece
Starting point is 00:04:51 of a lot of the things I teach. But there's a part of it that I've not talked a lot about before, which is that it's a story confirmer. So if you believe something, I'm a victim, I'm hurt, I'm an underdog. I'm not enough. I was, I used to be whatever you believe about yourself, the reticular activating system is going to prove you right. It's going to see circumstances that validate it. It's going to find you people that will confirm that thing. You believe about yourself. This story, it will let you hear things, feel things, see things, experience things, watch and listen to things that confirm this story. Cause everything about being a human is to be consistent with the story. There's they tell themselves.
Starting point is 00:05:31 That's why Tiger Woods became the greatest golfer of all time, because he had this story being told him since he was a little boy over and over, did he have to put the reps in and the work and hit the golf balls and have some genetics? All that? Yeah. But the bottom line is, it's to confirm a story. His mom and his dad told him as a little boy, he had to confirm it. You're confirming a story that you're telling yourself about you every day. And if you want to change your life, the key to
Starting point is 00:05:54 changing your life, the beginning of it, there's many keys. It's not just one thing, but the beginning of it is taking control of the narrative, changing the story, even if it served you. I'm constantly changing my story. And by the way, it's been a pretty good one, but I don't want to repeat last year. I don't want to repeat my forties. I don't want to repeat my thirties. I want to get better. As I said many times, I'm addicted to the expansion of my being. And I'm an imperfect person. I've made so many damn mistakes in my life. I'd like to make fewer. I'd like to create damn mistakes in my life. I'd like to make fewer. I'd like to create more stuff in my life that's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:06:29 I'd like to be happier. I'd like to be more successful. I'd like to make a bigger impact. I'd like the people around me to feel more love. I'd like to feel loved more. And the only way I do that is I don't hang on to whatever the story is I'm telling myself. Now, I was raised by an alcoholic dad. I could have told that story the rest of my life. I've also made lots of money. I could be telling that story. I've influenced a bunch of people.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I could tell that story. I could be an underdog. I could be a victim. I could, I could rest on my laurels. But I know the key begins with the story. So we are a series of stories and you're trying to prove it every single day. Let me tell you how big your pattern is. Cross your arms right now. Just I'm crossing my arms. I'll be watching you to just cross them at your chest. You know, you cross your arms.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Okay. Now change it and do it with the other arm. Doesn't that feel weird? Doesn't that feel weird? Doesn't that feel weird? That's change in your life. Something as simple as the way we cross our arms is so habitual that even changing one arm to the other feels awkward, feels uncomfortable. And guess what we will do?
Starting point is 00:07:36 We will revert back to the way it feels right because it confirms the pattern. And that's what we do in our lives with our story. That's why most people don't change because they don't change the story. You can't just change your habits Right, you can't it's not just changing your habits. Although that's part of it. You can't just change your associations Although you need to you got to start by changing the story and that begins by knowing one thing The lead character of the story of your life is you. You are the author. You and God are the co-authors of the story of your life. However, you view God. That's your business. You all know how I view God, but you view it your way. You're the co-authors of the story of your life. And once you understand that and that you can create in your life, and if you ask for the right blessings, you're prayerful about it. The great things can come into your life that if you plant
Starting point is 00:08:29 the right seeds, that there's a harvest that comes at some point in your life. So we are a story. Now, here's the thing to understand about our story. The higher the emotion level, the more the story sticks. Right? So that's why when you meet most people, if you get to know them for any length of time, think about people that you meet. Within the first meeting or second or third, they're going to tell you about a particular time in their life. And you know when they're going to tell you about typically the most emotional or their childhood or both.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Most people will tell you, I was raised here. My dad was this. My mom was that. I was this. And then they'll tell you the story about an emotional time. My dad died. I got a divorce. Someone broke up with me. I had a bankruptcy.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Someone had a setback. I made this huge mistake. I got hurt over here. So the emotion makes the story stick. So if we're going to create a new story, it has to be emotional for it to stick. We have to work on that. We have to create a new story, it has to be emotional for it to stick. We have to work on that. We have to create the emotion.
Starting point is 00:09:28 So first off, number one today, what's your narrative? Have you looked at it lately? Like, who are you as a character? And be honest, it's just you and I, and I can't see you or talk to you right now. So who are you as a character in your life? Are you a person who's a character that you're hurt? Are you an underdog and overcomer? Is your story you're not enough? Is your story I used to be? I was? Are you a victim? Just be honest. Is the deck stacked against you
Starting point is 00:09:58 story? Is that your story? Is your story and by the way, it may be, you may really have had someone screw you over. You may really have had someone screw you over. You may really have the deck stacked against you. You may really have been hurt. You may really have had issues in your family, like I did, that you're not proud of. I always used to wish when I was a little boy, why can't I be in that family where there's no yelling
Starting point is 00:10:20 in their house? So the truth is it may be an accurate story. The question is in a minute, we'll ask you whether it serves you or not. Maybe your story is I'm better than. I'm better than them. I'm doing better than they are. What's your story? Right? And be honest about it and be real. Who are you as a character? A lot of my friends are always overcoming life, which is a noble thing. Hey man, lot of my friends are always overcoming life, which is a noble thing. Hey, man, I'm overcoming, I'm overcoming. You know, that sounds good. And if it gives you motivation, great, but life should not always be just about overcoming everything.
Starting point is 00:10:55 What a crappy way to go through life, everything you have to overcome, right? At some point, it ought to be able to shift where you live in a dream. I have people that I know that were overcomers when they needed to be, and now they've got a dream life and they still live like they're overcoming all the time because they never change the story. So what's the story? Number one. Number two, how really true is the story? How true is it?
Starting point is 00:11:24 The problem with answering this question is your reticular activating system has validated so many circumstances that you've seen that have proven you right. So you have to step out of all of that and say, how true is this story? How long are you going to wear the badge of that divorce? And that'd be the story. Is there a shelf life on that? Is there a moratorium? Or are we going into the next decade on it? We're going to go the next 30 years on it? That breakup you've had, like, okay, it's true, but how long are we going to go? Is it still valid? That thing you believe about yourself, that's the deficiency. Is it true? If it is, you can acknowledge it. It's true because I'm in a career that's dominated
Starting point is 00:12:03 by men and I'm a woman and so that's difficult. Or it's true, I'm in a career that's dominated by women and I'm a man. Or I have a language barrier or my race affects me. All those things can be very, very true. And you can actually answer the question. Yes, it's true. And that could be the answer to number two. Or maybe in some cases you go, it's actually not true anymore. I've exaggerated it. I've overcooked it. I'm not that big of a victim and I keep living like it. And so I keep finding people that make me a victim. I keep seeing circumstances that validate my very narrow worldview and I'm proving
Starting point is 00:12:38 it over and over again, yet there are other people from the same exact background of an alcoholic father or an alcoholic dad or have had a divorce or in my ethnic group or speak my language and they're winning. So they found a way to see a different path forward, even if it is true. Third, how old is this story? How old is it? Okay. Just ask yourself that story.
Starting point is 00:13:01 It's fresh. It just happened. Okay. Was it a year ago? Was it two years ago? Was it five years? Is it 10 years ago? Like what's the story? How old is it? Four. Here's a big one. You ready? This is where we begin to change. Does this story serve me? Not whether it's true. That was question number two. For half of you, the story isn't even true.
Starting point is 00:13:24 For the other half of you, you said, no, it's actually true, Ed. And by the way, I will always acknowledge that. If it's true, it's true. Maybe you do it. You, you didn't start life on third base, right? Maybe it didn't even start at home plate. You've been overcoming a lot. I have so many friends that the ones that I'm the most proud of are not the ones
Starting point is 00:13:43 who started on second base and got to third or home. I'm most proud of my friends that didn't even start on the field and have found a way to get on the field and found a way to move around the bases of life and win. Those are the most inspiring friends of mine, the most inspiring stories. And so does it serve you? Does it serve you? Is it causing you to win? Is believing what you believe serving you? And then five would be this, what would the story need to be so that it would serve me? So let's say you found out who you are as a character, the dominant character. You're a victim, you're an underdog, you're not enough, I'm too much, I'm this, I'm whatever your story is,
Starting point is 00:14:26 the character that you're playing. Two, how true is it? Really honestly, okay? And if it is true, how old is it? And if that's, you got the age on it, does the story serve you? If you said, it really doesn't serve me, it hasn't served me in my success,
Starting point is 00:14:41 or it doesn't serve, you may say the story has served me because it's made me financially wealthy, but that same story has kept my emotions, my fulfillment at a minimum. So I had stories that I've told myself over the years that have caused me to accumulate a lot of wealth, but that same story did not serve me emotionally. And so at some point, once I got the wealth, I had to change the story so that I could live emotionally healthy. Some of you may say it's made me feel very comfortable and safe, but it's cost me from
Starting point is 00:15:07 progress. It's cost me a relationship. It's cost me money. It's cost me my career. It's cost me recognition. It's cost me contribution and the difference I could make in the world. And as I keep telling the story, so what's it serve you? And then what would it need to be so that it did serve you? A good example of that might be like the fact that I was raised by an alcoholic father. And, but I was blessed the fact that my dad did eventually get sober. But I could have, you know, you could look at a family, my family, all the siblings turned out. I'm really proud of my sisters, but oftentimes you've seen this in many families. Two kids can be raised in the exact same environment.
Starting point is 00:15:43 One becomes an alcoholic and a drug addict, just like their parent. And the other one doesn't, it becomes very successful. There's a lot of studies, like in the way that I was raised with drug addiction or alcoholism in families, usually the kids go one way or the other, they're usually not in the middle. They're either really have a major problem in their life and they've got an addictive personality or they actually become type A very, very successful people, but same environment.
Starting point is 00:16:04 You can take two different conclusions because the story took on a different meaning. In my case, that story meant I wanted to be the one in my family. I wanted to change our family forever. My dad certainly set the table for that by getting sober, but I wanted to be the one. I wanted to be successful. I wanted to change our bloodline. I wanted the mylets to think differently. I wanted the mylets to be healthy, productive, giving, contributory people, which by the way, my father became once he was sober. But also what I took from my dad's sobriety was that people can change. I watched him change his
Starting point is 00:16:34 life. So I'm a big believer people can change. That's the meaning I took from the story rather than using it as an excuse not to be successful or to be happy. So what would you need to believe about that story so that it would serve you? So, Hey guys, I want to jump in here for a second and talk about change and growth. And you know, by the way, it's no secret how people get ahead in life or how they grow and also taking a look at the future. If you want to change your future, you got to change the things you're doing. If you continue to do the same things, you're probably going to
Starting point is 00:17:03 produce the same results. But if you get into a new environment where you're learning new things and you're around other people that are growth-oriented, you're much more likely to do that yourself. And that's why I love Growth Day. Write this down for a second, forward slash ed. My friend, Brendal Bruchard has created the most incredible personal development and business app that I've ever seen in my life. Everything from goal setting software to personal accountability, journaling, courses,
Starting point is 00:17:27 thousands of dollars worth of courses in there as well. I create content in there on Mondays where I contribute as do a whole bunch of other influence like the Avengers of influencers and business minds in there. It's the Netflix for high achievers or people that wanna be high achievers. So go check it out.
Starting point is 00:17:42 My friend Brennan's made it very affordable, very easy to get involved. Go to forward slash ed. That's forward slash ed. So several weeks ago, we did an episode on sleep on the podcast and it went crazy viral. And that's because everybody wants to sleep better. And that's your question. How would you define your relationship with sleep right now? You have any trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? I can tell you how you can get better sleep.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Three words, Beams Dream Powder, a science-backed hot cocoa for sleep. By the way, it's yummy. It tastes really good. My listeners get a special discount on Beams Dream Powder. They're science-backed hot cocoa for sleep with no added sugar. Better sleep has never tasted better. Other sleep aids may cause next-day grogginess but Dream contains a powerful all-natural blend of Reishi, magnesium,
Starting point is 00:18:29 L-theanine, apigenin and melatonin to help you fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed. If you want to try Beams best-selling dream powder get up to 40% off for a limited time when you go to or leaves getting in there. I have to tell you, well I messed up really, really bad when I owned a house in Idaho where I did not clean my rain gutters for an extended period of time and then a big storm hit and then guess what? Blew out all of my gutters, I had a roof leak and all of that could have been prevented if I just had some pros working on my home maintenance. Your permanent solution to a clogged gutters is leaf filter. Every installation comes with free inspection, an estimate, and a lifetime guarantee. Protect your home and never clean out gutters again with Leaf Filter,
Starting point is 00:19:28 America's number one gutter protection system. Schedule your free inspection and get up to 30% off your entire purchase at That's a free inspection and up to 30% off at slash ed. See representative warranty for details. Promotion is 20% off plus a 10% senior or military discount. One discount per household. And everything I'm saying today I say to you with no judgment and I will also say this to you. I know that I can't relate to your story, right? I come from a different background, a different culture, a different time, a different age.
Starting point is 00:20:09 I could be a different language, a different country, a different ethnicity, different socioeconomic background. There's no assessment or judgment. This is a brother trying to help a friend, a sister or a brother, okay? But I'm gonna ask you the questions because I care. I'm not one of these people that just creates content. You're okay the way you are Blah blah blah. What a joke that is. That's people that don't have any content that can change your life
Starting point is 00:20:31 They validate people's weaknesses. You don't even believe it. Anyway, when someone tells you you're great just as you are There's a part of you that goes no, I I'm listening to you because I want to be better. I don't like my body I want to change it. I don't like my emotions. I want to change them. I don't like my financial situation. I don't like what I'm giving. I don't like my memory. There's some element of your life you want to change. And these, you know, the easiest way to get follows and likes now is, Hey, you're, you're amazing. You're awesome as you are. And you don't even really believe that maybe you are awesome as you are in 90% of the places in your life, but you've come to this content to improve the 10% or the 1%. And so I don't want so you imagine with your kids, but you've come to this content to improve the 10% or the 1%.
Starting point is 00:21:08 And so I don't want so you imagine with your kids, you know, your kid can be an A student or a B student and they're bringing home D's and you go, you're awesome as you are, you believe in them that little to me, great content is you can change your life. You were born to do something great. And if you're not doing it, let's live up to our potential. And I'm not going to just get you to follow or like me by telling you you're awesome the way you are. That means I don't believe in you.
Starting point is 00:21:30 It means I, or I don't have any strategies to help you. And I just want you to like me, but I would rather you change your life and maybe potentially short-term, not always like everything I say. And I'd say this out of complete love that I do this to serve. So what would the story need to be next? If you could grab a pen and begin to write a new story about yourself. Knowing the lead character is you. What would that story be?
Starting point is 00:21:57 What would the heroic story be about you? What would it be? I overcame this situation or I created this or whatever it is. At some age I made a shift or I eradicated people in my life that didn't treat me in a way that I know I was worthy of deserving. Whatever it is, because remember this, you're one decision away from changing your life. One new thought, one new shot, one new story away. And if you could anchor a big emotion to it, you'll change. You know, I
Starting point is 00:22:25 have a very dear friend who grew up in a very emotionally and physically abusive environment. And she lived in that story for years. And so she obviously had certain things stacked against her in life and particularly the things in her family. And so we had to change the story and the story ended up being that she was going to change her life because of all the people that needed to hear her story. And so it's all the people that had grown up in a physically abusive background, sexually abusive, verbally abusive background. She was going to be the hero for people that are going through that so that children could see a woman overcome that. She was going to be a hero for people that looked like her,
Starting point is 00:23:06 that loved like her, and she wanted to become a hero for those people. She wanted to be able to be somebody that says, I have made my life something special and you can't as well. And so she changed the story's meaning, not the story, because it was real. She changed the meaning. Sometimes the story isn't even real at all, but if you could write a heroic story about you, what would it look like? Because you are one decision away. And remember, the higher the emotion, the bigger the reason, the more the story sticks and becomes a pattern. So if you can load up a bunch of reasons, emotional deep reasons, right? For why that matters. For me, I get so emotional about my work because I think of it. I
Starting point is 00:23:44 truly think, I pray before I do this. I pray before I speak I think of that one person out there that's like me when I was young. I had no self-esteem alcoholic dad shy Introverted picked on in school bullied There's someone out there in the audience that could change millions of people's lives like I have if I can reach that person with my story I owe that young man, that young woman, that older man or older woman that's listening today, my best, my best. And that heroic story of thinking I could change a life and what that person's life could do
Starting point is 00:24:16 to impact other people causes me to prepare, causes me to work, changes the narrative. I'm loading myself up with reasons. It's emotional to me. Most of you don't know this, but I started my career after college. I flunked out of baseball. I got hurt and I just wasn't good enough, frankly, long-term to play in the big leagues. I couldn't find a job I wanted. I had hired a couple sales jobs and I couldn't take the rejection in sales. I just couldn't take it. And so my dad came home from an AA meeting and he got me a job at an orphanage called McKinley Home for Boys. All my boys were
Starting point is 00:24:50 wards of the court. Their parents were either gone, incarcerated, or had molested them. And I ended up with these young men early in my life. I'm not a psychologist and I wasn't a father at the time. I had my own children and I had to serve these boys. And pretty soon I figured out my example is what mattered. Most things in life are caught, not taught. I need to live a great life. I need to achieve.
Starting point is 00:25:12 I need to succeed. I need to grow. And I know what it's like, not to the extent they did, but I know what it's like to grow up afraid, to grow up scared, group, not proud of your family. Sometimes I know what it's like to grow up with anxiety in your life and worry. So I connected with these boys because you're most qualified in life to help the person you used to be. And so I could have held onto that story. My dad's an alcoholic. I flunked out of baseball. I can't hold onto a job. I'm living at home with my mommy and daddy and I'm 22 years old. And job is minimum wage by the way that could have
Starting point is 00:25:46 been the story and it would have been valid but I had to change it and by the way my reticular activating system was proving it all the time this guy made it in baseball and I didn't this guy's got a hundred thousand dollar a year job and I don't this guy's bought a new house and I'm living at home with my mom and dad I'm at minimum wage I remember with buddy am I going hey man how's this thing where you're babysitting these kids all day long? I remember him saying that to me. I remember saying, Hey dude, I'm not babysitting these kids. These guys are like my sons, these young boys and they need me and I'm making a difference in their life. And then I remember I just
Starting point is 00:26:22 reframed that story. It's the same thing, it was the same job, but my story was different about it. And the conclusion I reached is, I need to win for these boys. I need to show them kids like us can win. People like us can overcome. And it makes me emotional to this day, to know that there are people that are in a drug addicted or alcoholic family that know everything can be okay. Or any type of abuse, any type of dysfunction in a family, I feel an obligation to those people. Actually, I feel an obligation to anybody who doesn't feel good about themselves all the time because I relate to that. I have an obligation to anybody who's got a big dream and wants to be
Starting point is 00:27:03 somebody because I'm that guy too. Any dreamers big dream and wants to be somebody, because I'm that guy too. Any dreamers, anybody who wants to be somebody, anybody who wants to make their family proud of them, anybody else who wants to make God proud, I'm with you. I want to be an example. I want to teach. I want to inspire.
Starting point is 00:27:19 I want you to aspire, maybe to do some of the things I do. And so whether you come from a really difficult place, I feel compelled to help. Or if you got a big dream and you want to win, you want to kick some butt in your life, make something great happen with your life. I'm in that camp too. And so what would you need to believe? What's the heroic story about yourself? The higher the emotion, the more it's going to happen. Remember this, you're one plot twist away from changing everything in your life. You're one decision, one plot twist away.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Plot twist, and here's how you do it. You grab the pen and you start to write the new chapters. I believe you should physically write them out or make a video or an audio. What's the new story going to be? What's the new character? Walk a little more confidently. Bow your back a little bit. Stand up a little bit straighter.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Look people in the eye a little more confidently, bow your back a little bit, stand up a little bit straighter, look people in the eye a little bit more, fake it if you have to on your confidence for a while, get around the right people, eliminate the wrong people in your life. Let me ask you a question. If today was a final chapter of your life, are you okay with the exit? If you're great grid kids came along and read the story of your life and it ended today, have you written all the chapters you want to write? Are the best chapters already been written? Some of you go, I've already won, I exited my company, I did this or the other thing.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Okay, so that's it? That's the story? Or do you want to write another chapter? And if you do, you better change the story and quit telling yourself how great your life's been and maybe up the ante a little bit. And if you haven't written the chapters you want, which is the vast majority of us, time's running out. The good news is, your one-plot twist away.
Starting point is 00:28:57 All you gotta do is grab the pen. It's actually simple, but it's not easy. There's a difference. It is simple, but it isn't easy. I'm not ever going to tell you winning is easy. Winning is hard. In fact, winning is so much harder than you think it is, you probably wouldn't get started if you knew how hard it was. But I can tell you, it's more worth it than you believe. So the plot twist, the writing the new chapter is simple, but it isn't easy, but it's worth it. Way more than you think. So if you were to grab that pen,
Starting point is 00:29:23 what would you write? Who would you be? How would you walk? How would you think. So if you were to grab that pen, what would you write? Who would you be? How would you walk? How would you feel? How would you look? How would other people look? And what if we truly just lived inside that story? Human beings will do everything within their power to be consistent with that story.
Starting point is 00:29:38 They'll use the reticular activating system to confirm all of it. You will create that story if it's deep enough emotionally to you. Right? If you've got enough reasons. I'm convinced that the beginning of every change is literally grabbing a pen in your life and literally beginning to write a new narrative. And what's crazy about life is so many people get out of the end of it and they realize they could have done it at any time they wanted to. At the end of their life, their regrets are typically acts of omission, not things they tried
Starting point is 00:30:06 and failed at. Most people on their deathbed regret the things they didn't try, they didn't do, they didn't see, the people they didn't help, the memories they don't have. They regret living in that same damn story. Chapter after chapter looks exactly the same. Day after day feels the same. They keep living this story out of some trauma in childhood or some mistake they've made or some setback or someone that's hurt them as an adult. And then there's others who just live out of their victories and they keep writing that same chapter. I was a high school quarterback. I was a this, I sold my company for that. I got this degree. Okay. That was before. What about now?
Starting point is 00:30:46 Right, what are the chapters now? What would it need to look like, sound like? How would you need to act? How would you need to act? So hey guys, it's been said that we really have two ages. There's our true age and our biological age. So a medical test can show you your biological age and it can show you if your body's aging prematurely.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Better nutrition has been shown to help reverse one's bio age. My hope of living longer and especially healthier is why I take field of greens. Field of greens is an organic superfood and a vegetable drink unlike any other. It's serious nutrition. Listen to this. Field of greens was approved for a university study that doctors may believe help lower your biological age. That generally means better health. Each fruit and vegetable in field of greens was selected by their doctors to help support vital bodily functions like heart, liver, kidneys, your metabolism
Starting point is 00:31:32 even, and even your immune system. Only field of greens is backed by this better health promise. If in your next doctor's visit your doctor doesn't tell you that your health is improved, field of greens, they'll refund your money. Join me for better health and 15% off plus free shipping. Visit and use promo code ed. promo code ed. I don't want you to end your life with a boring story. I don't want to end your life where you go. There could have been more, but I lived afraid. I lived afraid of changing. I didn't want to leave the comfort of my story. I kind of enjoyed this victim thing. I kind of enjoyed the underdog.
Starting point is 00:32:11 I kind of enjoyed I used to be. I kind of enjoyed talking about who hurt me and what happened a lot more than I enjoyed my own life. I enjoyed the story I told everybody about me more than what I was capable of doing. And when you get to the end of your life, the one you were born to live greatly, the one you were born to change other people's lives, I can promise you my friend, at the end of it, you're gonna look back and go, why did I keep living this stupid story that might have not even been true? If it was true, it was old. And if it wasn't old and it was true, it sure didn't serve me.
Starting point is 00:32:46 And at any time, God and I could have partnered up and I could have written some new chapters and had one exciting book I'm proud of that my great-grandkids will read someday. Or they're gonna pick it up and go, well, it started with some promise, but man, at some point all the pages start to run together. It just kind of gets boring. I mean, they keep repeating it with the same people, the same places, the same things, the same thoughts, the same stuff. And they could have changed it anytime they wanted. I'm intervening right now into your life saying, yeah, you can change it.
Starting point is 00:33:24 And it's okay if it's true. it's okay if it's not true. It's okay if it's new, and it's okay if it's old. If something bad happened when you were a kid, it's not your fault. But it is your fault if the pages start to run together. It's nobody else's fault. Because somebody just like you is winning right now. Somebody just like you is happy right now.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Somebody just like you is winning right now. Somebody just like you is happy right now. Somebody just like you is helping someone right now. Somebody just like you is creating an amazing memory right now. Give yourself a review right now. One to five stars on the story of your life if it ended right now. Review your book. Review your movie. You know what most people do by the way, if it's a movie, Review your movie. You know what most people do by the way if it's a movie they allow the extras of life To rule the day you ever go to a movie and at the end it'll say like lead character Whoever, you know Denzel Washington Meryl Streep and it leads it shows you the main characters. There's like five or eight of them
Starting point is 00:34:23 But if you stay long enough in the theater, you keep watching it. It'll get to the extras You seen those you know, cab driver number two, bouncer number three, security guard number four. They don't even have names. They're just like faceless people. In life, it's exactly that way. There's the lead characters of our life. It's us and God. And then there's the people that matter the most, our families and our close friends. Those are the lead characters. Maybe you got five or eight. But what most people do is they allow the extras of life to dictate the terms of their life.
Starting point is 00:34:58 They worry about the extras. What are they gonna say? What are they gonna think? The extra from high school, the extra from your divorce, the extra. These people are extras. They're not the lead characters. If they're not gonna be holding your hand when you pass away, if they're not gonna be in the room, if they're not the people you want to meet when you first get to heaven, they're not the extras. If they're not the ones you're gonna
Starting point is 00:35:18 meet when they get to heaven, they're the extras. Don't let the extras of life rule your life. Don't be afraid of what they think. Don't worry about them. Don't let them hurt you anymore. They have no power over you when you change the story. Let the lead characters. And maybe right now it's just you and God and that's okay too because those are the two most important characters in the story of your life.
Starting point is 00:35:45 But live for the lead characters, not the extras. If you do that, you're going to live a great life. But most people get to the end of their life and the story of their life, the pages run together. If they were to rate their own life, it would be one or two stars. And the reason it's one or two stars is all the extras made them afraid to go for their dreams, kept them in their story. The world wants to keep you in your story. If you believe in faith, the devil, the adversary, wants you to stay in your story, small, afraid, discouraged, doubtful, delusional, and delaying anytime he can get you to do that.
Starting point is 00:36:21 But the new story, you don't need doubt. The new story, you don't need to be discouraged. The new story, you don't need to be delusional. The new story, you don't need to delay. You can get to write in that literally right now. So give yourself a review. And then by the way, maybe today just get quiet. If you can't get clear, if you say, I don't know exactly yet. I can tell you that you'll find that answer in silence.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Not in a big crowd. Go get quiet somewhere. Go take a walk. Go sit in the grass. If you live near the ocean or the lake, go sit by it. Go into a room and turn all the lights off and the sound off and the TV off and your phone off and just get still. Most answers are in stillness and in the
Starting point is 00:37:06 quiet. And that's when I think the divine will start to whisper back to you. What if the entire time you've been living God, whatever you believe about that has been whispering to you, you're supposed to do something great, you're supposed to do something awesome. But the noise of the extras, the noise of the story you keep telling has been drowning it out. I find that when I get really quiet and really still, that's where the answers lie. And if you do that regularly enough, you'll start writing the right chapters of your life. Again, I would write it down. You could record it audibly. You could actually to be held accountable. You could record it in video. You could ask someone to hold you
Starting point is 00:37:43 accountable to the new story. And the reason we want to record that story, writing it down audibly or on video is that we can read it over and over. It needs to be attached to emotion and big reasons, or we can listen to it over and over, or we can watch it over and over. And the reason that is, is because the more we repeat it, the more it becomes familiar. And the more it begins to eradicate our former story that we've repeated thousands of times if not millions in our own mind because our minds move towards what they're most familiar with. The mind moves towards what it's most familiar with and so the more you write it down, say it out loud audibly, can listen to it or actually can just begin to imprint the thought over and over again or watch a video of it, the more that pattern begins to recreate itself in your life and you've created a new pattern in your
Starting point is 00:38:28 life. You've got to attach high emotion to it. So one way to do that is actually to be repeating the story when you're working out. Okay. So when you're training, when you're doing cardio, when you're lifting weights, when you're taking your walk, when you're moving your physiology and shifting it, if you repeat that pattern, you're anchoring the new story in your body and your body is the subconscious mind. Okay. So when you anchor
Starting point is 00:38:51 it into your heart, when you anchor it, when you're working out, when you're doing cardio, when you're taking a walk, when you're stretching, you're anchoring the story much more into your neurochemistry. And what happens is you physically anchor that into your unconscious and subconscious mind because you're doing it when you're moving at a peak state. Not enough people take advantage of their physical state when they're working out. They just work out. Yeah, you're cutting muscle fibers down. Yeah, your heart's pumping blood, but that's great and that changes lives.
Starting point is 00:39:18 But guess what? It's also the greatest way to change your mind, to change your mind is in a heightened physical state. The reason I said earlier that emotion attached to a story is why it's anchored is because of the chemistry in your body during the fear, during the moment, during the drama. So you can recreate that same chemistry in your body because fear and excitement, fear in a peak state are cousins. And so when you create that chemistry in your body, you're essentially attaching the same neuro biochemistry that excitement does when you're in a physical peak state.
Starting point is 00:39:55 And so now you anchor the story in that physiology. It's got a much greater chance of holding and anchoring itself and creating a new pattern when you do it in a peak physical state. It's not just the emotion that attaches the story, although that's part of it. It's the physiology attached to the emotion that anchors the story. So we have three things we can do with our new story. One, anchor it emotionally. Our children, our future, the people we'll help, our family, the people that have passed away that we want to make proud of us. God, that's one. Okay. Two is all the reasons. Right. But third, here's a hack. No one will tell you. It's crazy to me. I teach it to all my coaching clients. Do it when you're in your peak physical state. Give yourself the gift of the new story. Say it
Starting point is 00:40:40 out loud. See it, visualize it, watch it, hear it. So when you're listening to that podcast, maybe take a second and just listen back to that story or write it down and read it or think it or watch the video. When you're in a peak state, now you've anchored a different chemistry to that story and you got a chance of overriding that pattern just like you would when you're emotional. It's the neuro biochemistry in your body, the neurology, if you will, that anchors the story. And so that's why fear anchors the story, trauma, seeing something horrible as a kid that's anchored because of the physiology that's taken place. You can replicate that physiology almost, not quite,
Starting point is 00:41:18 but almost by being in a peak physical state of running cardio, walking, working out, stretching, okay? And then anchor the story then and do it daily and you begin to anchor that story that can create a pattern interrupt. One thing that's going to happen when you look back at the end of your life, I promise you're going to look back and know that God was there the entire time. And that anytime you can turn and say, I need some help, I need some clarity, I need some
Starting point is 00:41:44 strength, I need some comfort, I need some vision. That's the real story. The real story isn't this lie. The real story isn't all this other stuff. The real story is what I opened with. You were born to do something great with your life in big ways and small ways. And when you're doing it, it probably won't feel like it. It'll probably feel like work. It'll probably feel like pain. It'll probably feel difficult. You'll probably be embarrassing yourself. People will probably talk bad about you. That's how you know you're doing something great with your life. All of it lies outside your comfort zone and outside this goofy story we keep telling ourselves that's ruling all of the patterns of our life. All right. I hope this helped you out today, everybody.
Starting point is 00:42:26 You're supposed to do something awesome. And I mean you. I know a lot about you, but I don't know you. I've never met you before. But I know that we're brother and sister, and I know that you were put here for a reason and that you matter. And you're not invisible. You're not invisible you're not invisible you were qualified mostly to help the people you used to be just
Starting point is 00:42:49 like those little boys that I helped think about pain you've had in your life and that might be the pathway to your purpose all right everyone God bless you hope you share this with somebody you love max out this is the end

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