The F Plus - 275: Plane Crazy

Episode Date: February 14, 2018

Our world was made a lot smaller with the proliferation of airplanes. Costing hundreds of millions of dollars apiece, an airplane can provide safe and efficient travel over the Atlantic in mere h...ours. Planes are great! Who wouldn't want to fuck one? This week, The F Plus comes for the plane sex and stays for the Deviantart poetry.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 Boz, Boz Amor, Richard. It's so thick, your cock feels me. Da, so good. Jet! Jet! I can almost remember the heartache they said. This is the F Plus Podcast, a high-flying place for terrible things, red with enthusiasm. In the room tonight we have Boots Reingear. Kind of curious how you guys feel if I drifted back into doing some Brave Little Toaster at work again. I'm sure not all of you are watching me for anything but juicy, sloppy, drippy car smut.
Starting point is 00:00:37 I don't know. Would you at least find it tolerable? It's at least still anthro machines. Jimmy Franks. We're going gonna have to empty these babies if you're gonna become small enough to fit
Starting point is 00:00:48 into that plane's asshole. Stog! Delicious, thick plane. But it is hard to tell what plane. Bunny bread. My gotten himmel, babies. That was so intense,
Starting point is 00:01:00 Richard says in the smoke. Da, Richard. It was very good. Nadia replied while wiping come away from her wrist. Whatever, they were both go-karts, I don't fucking care. Yes, Fahan! However, upon their brains becoming positronic and having their consciousness downloaded into the aeromorph body,
Starting point is 00:01:16 their biological ages no longer matter. God. And Lemon. Nadia grinds her own rear up against Richard so as to get Richard to go as far in as he can with each thrust. Guess. You really. Want my.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Dick. Ha. Something. Fierce. Babe. Yeah. Boners. Boners.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Boners all around. Boners. Boners. Boners, check, boners, check Thanks for that, we'll give you a call if you get the role Okay, thank you, thank you Thank you so much This is the shot of a lifetime for me I've seen this play done so many times I really think that I've learned the text
Starting point is 00:01:59 Much later Are you bummed out about something? He's always so moody just at the very beginning of the episode. He really is, yeah. Have you noticed that? Yeah. Well, there is one thing that would cheer me up. What's the one thing that would cheer you up? I can't guess. Anthropomorphic planes fucking. Keep a straight face. Wow, that's cool. You know, Isfahan, I was about to try to walk us through like a lead-in that would take
Starting point is 00:02:45 like four and a half minutes of like, hey, is anyone going to try? Yeah, we save valuable time. Thanks, Isfahan. You saved us precious seconds. More plain fucking for us. But now we're here. So that's great. Efficiency is a good thing to have in an F-Bliss episode.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Yeah. And in plain fucking. And in plain fucking. Yeah. bliss episode yeah um and in and in plain fucking and in plain fucking yeah uh so yeah so uh i'm looking here at a doc uh provided to us by mix um which is uh titled mix called this uh the wrong kind of mile high club and i'm calling it hey so here's some people who want to have sex with airplanes um all right so uh yeah so i don't exactly know what's going on but i'm sure it's gonna be pretty good um so uh just going into this i'm i'm picturing the car fucking episode
Starting point is 00:03:35 but on a larger and more ambitious scale perhaps and and uh because we're uh in uh one of these uh particular uh fetishes that means we're going to have to start with Reddit. Yep. All right. Today we're going to learn where to fuck the airplane. We are on... Oh, airplane. I thought, like, inclined planes.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Okay. So we are on r slash aeromorph. So that's... And I think, Jimmy Franks, if you'll start us out here, I know that this r slash Aramorph, it has a couple rules. Could you tell us about those? Sure. Yeah. Rules.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Number one, obviously. Yeah. No harassment, brigading, spamming, et cetera. Okay. Yeah. And number two, just out of politeness, mark all not safe for work posts, NSFW. So rules number three, don't post pony airplane stuff. Basically, Aromorph plus my little pony.
Starting point is 00:04:37 It's not what Aromorph is. Excellent. All right. That happened so much, they had to make a rule. Wonderful. And a rule that was climbing in importance. Like, it's soon going to be number one. Guys, guys, it's not what Aramorph is, all right?
Starting point is 00:04:52 It's a weird offshoot of bronies that's not belonging in our little place. Okay. My little place. I got to find a new subreddit. Lemons out. And number four, use your flares correctly on your links, especially for tracing or similar. I only learned this recently.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Flare is basically a tag that you can add to your link. Yeah, a tag, like a bit of text or an image that is associated with your username just in the subreddit. So I know that there's a couple of flares that we can use here, Jimmy Franks. What's arrow mean? Well, arrows, like jets, planes, helicopters, gliders. Yeah, gotcha. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:33 And then auto? Yeah. Oh, well, you know, cars, trucks, vans, motorcycles. Makes sense. Okay, great. Hoplo? Yeah, yeah. Oh, guns, cannons.
Starting point is 00:05:42 All right. Et cetera. You know, artillery. All right. Et cetera. Artillery. I'm a big man. I'm going to fuck a big cannon. Okay. Loco.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Oh, yeah. Trains, obviously. Oh. So not Cypress Hill lyric. All right. And then what about misc? Oh, others. You know, like tanks, appliances, or toaster. Or whatever you can dream up.
Starting point is 00:06:06 And no ponies, motherfucker. A pony is not an appliance. You can't put pizza in a pony. You can. Have you not gone to My Little Morphy? R slash? What about non-anthro? Oh, well, that's for porn involving any non-anthro vehicle.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Right? So things like a normal plane fucking a girl. Normal plane? But that's normal plane dick. Huh. A normal plane. Just a regular old run-of-the-mill plane fucking a girl. Yeah, you know, like a Cessna or a Piper.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Or like a normal plane that just has a face and genitals rather than a fully anthropomorphized body. Oh, God. You said normal already. Genitals is just obviously implied there. Planes that just have a face and genitals. Right. So that's like Thomas the Tank Engine rolls. Not like cartoon gloves.
Starting point is 00:06:54 All right. I think we're ready for our first thread here. So, Boots, your name is Touch My Furret Peen. And I have a question I want to ask you, okay? Jeez. Wow. Starting off strong. Touch My Furret Peen. Yeah. So I have a question I want to ask you, okay? Jeez. Wow, starting off strong. Touch My Furret Peen. Yeah, so I have a question I want to ask you.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Yeah, yeah. Oh, please ask me. Yeah, so let's have a discussion. Open bracket, discussion, close bracket. This place is so odd, yet also so tame. Why do you like this stuff? Any ideas on why you like it? Like psychology?
Starting point is 00:07:27 Genetics? It's come from a long line of plain likers. Plain fuckers, yeah. We found the plain fucking chromosome. Toot toot is the song of my people. Yeah, I'm touch my fur at peen. I've always loved machines.
Starting point is 00:07:46 The way they work fascinates me in a way that it shouldn't. I think it has a lot to do with my job as an aircraft mechanic. Oh, no. Not the other way around. This is not exactly a chicken and the egg question, I think. It's a workplace romance. He spends his time at work thinking about how the airplane would fuck the girl. Mr. Bad Wrench.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I liked it. Okay. That's fine. It's fine. We can all have different opinions. I confess that I liked it. But I love the art aspect as well, especially with Dire Mechs. I hope we get to find out what that means.
Starting point is 00:08:27 I hope we don't. I really hope we do. It takes a bit of creativity to really make an F-14 Tomcat sexy from outside of freedom boner engineer standpoint. Boner slash engineer. I'm a boner slash engineer. You took a level of engineer. Yeah, you dual class. Oh man, did you pop an engineer there?
Starting point is 00:08:50 Yeah, dual class, yeah. Is he just used to the awkward pauses he gets when he hands out his business card? Yeah. Hope that makes sense. Yeah, sure does. Bunny Bread, your name is Other Profile. Hey.
Starting point is 00:09:07 How y'all doing? Hi. Hi. My name's something else. Okay. So, for the niche porn subs like this one, it's been my observation, they're all pretty tame, right? I have documentation that proves otherwise.
Starting point is 00:09:25 We'll stop. Okay. Anyways, unless the sub is explicitly hardcore, likely self-censorship is going on, right? Come on, fellas, be free. If you look on Fur Affinity, not that I have, you can find hardcore airborne porn. Yes, you can.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Basically, Rule 34 is in effect. Anything that can be centralized will be. Why I like this stuff? It's like furry porn, right? Hell, guys! I may not be an engineer of boners, but I am an appreciator. It taps
Starting point is 00:10:01 into the base desire that all humans have. To fuck cartoons. Same group of artists. Same style of art. Same absolute shame that we should have had a long time ago. Underline calls for liking it. So.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Story time. Not my story. Someone who is not me. Some other guy. His name is other other profile. There is this guy, right? You can look him up. His name is, as I said, he's on an antidepressant.
Starting point is 00:10:34 This antidepressant has a rare side effect. It causes random boners and orgasms. Yeah, that's called bizarro antidepressant. This antidepressant is called whiskey. Oh, okay. He gets one in math class and comes. This is a short story. That old chestnut.
Starting point is 00:10:56 His sexuality becomes permanently linked to math. Long division. Yeah, long and thick division. He gets boners in math class all the time as a result. This suggests that the wiring of our sexualities are at times malleable. When these malleable times are is obviously not predictable. Otherwise, the religious zealots would make the world straight. Wow, this guy is actually writing about F plus boner theory.
Starting point is 00:11:23 That's actually pretty rough. We've said this so many times, but when I hear him say it, it sounds like bullshit. It does kind of sound stupid out of his mouth, doesn't it? Tom Clancy's boner theory. Makes me a little worried. Yeah. Tom Clancy's boner theory. That's right.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Okay. I'd say that we are genetically programmed so that the choices are made and not at any conscious level. I suspect it's largely random. Well, then what was the antidepressant thing about? I just wanted to tell a story about how pills may become. As humans, we like to make things aesthetically pleasing, and we are pretty
Starting point is 00:11:56 hardwired to recognize people as aesthetically pleasing. Ask your doctor if jizzing in your pants is right for you. Well, it is. I asked, and I am, and yes. I asked, my dick answered. Yep, Dr. Dick.
Starting point is 00:12:13 We like the curves of the body. We try to put those curves into car designs. Take it to the logical extreme and reduce it. What you are left with is rule 34. Jizz, I'm out! I mean, except for that weird little trip to bizarro antidepressant land, it did kind of make some sense. Hi, I also got those same
Starting point is 00:12:31 antidepressants. What's your name, Stog? Hi, my name is Overly Ken Name. I have a few big reasons. Uh-huh. Firstly, the plane features are wonderful. Turbines, wings, propellers, noses, whatever. Oh, the whatever is so hot.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Yeah, yeah. It's pretty hot. Secondly, the human features of the plane. Breasts, curves, thighs, you know. Ailerons. You know, know The human features Wheels Thirdly the way they work together
Starting point is 00:13:09 The way how the back is so perfectly complimented By a plane tail Or how the skin looks so nice When it's metallic And looks welded or otherwise assembled How kitties work with landing gear That is why they change the Dallas cheerleaders' uniforms. Fourth, the
Starting point is 00:13:30 slight novelty that it's a plane, an anthroplane. All four of those combine and make Aromorph my most favorite being to be attracted to by a very, very long shot. Wow.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Wow. Let's do some. Okay. Bye. Bye. See you later. Well, let's see. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Bye. Hey, so we're going to go to another thread. And my name is a psych cat. And hey, Reddit, I have a few questions. Hey, guys. So I have a few questions. Hey, guys. So I have a few questions. I was browsing around Google in a joking way, and somehow I came across some Aromorph content. At first, I sort of laughed,
Starting point is 00:14:19 but the more I thought about it, the deeper I looked, I became more and more interested in the subject. Now, confession, I mean, that's kind of what all of us have been doing. We just haven't actually found that thing. After like seven years, it's like, no, that's not sexy either. No,
Starting point is 00:14:36 no, no. Oh, hold the phone here. Airplanes. Though I am left with a few questions. Number one, what exactly is an aeromorph it's literally on the side of the screen yeah come on it's on every page in the sub right rtf i come way too fast to read i just black out afterwards um uh is it a style of porn fetish or a fandom altogether is that another one you couldn't pick up on? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:05 The topic seems heavily related to furries. Is there any significance to that? Now he's just fucking with us. Now he's just fucking with us. Get him! I'm from the FBI. There isn't much of a community that I could find to answer these questions to, to ask these questions to. So I was hoping
Starting point is 00:15:23 that I could get some answers here, smiley face with big eyes. Thanks. On the community you said you couldn't find. Yeah, yeah. To ask questions to. So, I guess I'll find... If only any other words had ever been typed. I guess I'll ask this community. Do subreddits not count as communities? Yeah, well, he looked in the yellow pages, and there's
Starting point is 00:15:40 nothing there. And the operator was very rude. There are planes that you fuck, stupid. Do you have any other questions? Stalk would make a great operator. Yeah. Anyway. He has the same answer regardless of the question, though.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Yeah, could you connect me? Yeah, planes! You fuck them! That's it! You put your dick in them. Well, my name is Planeface. Oh, good. And I think I can help you out here.
Starting point is 00:16:08 An aromorph is any bipedal or slash quadrupedal creature designed with aircraft-related characteristics, i.e. wings, a tail, nose, engines. The term doesn't just apply to anthroplanes. A lot of people tag their quote-unquote feral planes with the term. Okay. So it's kind of an open term, but it generally refers to humanoid planes. Humanoid
Starting point is 00:16:36 humanoid quadrupedal planes. Yep. Yep. Here's where I turn on the light jazz and fire up the old documentary. Aramorphs originated in the living machine fandom from an artist on DeviantArt sometime in the early 2010. I really think it
Starting point is 00:16:53 went back further than that. As long as there have been planes, there have probably been guys who wanted to fuck set. Oh yeah, the JetBlue plane. Yeah, that was it. If there's a plane, you can fuck it. Yeah. As long as there has been matter, somebody's wanted to fuck that thing.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Sometime in early 2010, where they were popularized by another artist called WSA, WSA 007, I think. Yeah, we're familiar. I haven't taken much notice of WSA's art, but as far as I can see, he's a boob artist, so as you can guess, as a result of that, Aramorphs kind of took off from there. Aramorphs aren't really that popular with the Living Machine fandom where they
Starting point is 00:17:35 originated. I think I'm putting the inflection in the wrong place. The Living Machine fandom where they originated. Do we think that's like H.R. Giger, or do we think where they originated. Do we think that's like H.R. Giger or do we think like what do we think that means, Living Machine fandom? People who want to fuck WALL-E. Machines that are alive.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Oh, okay. I guess. A lot of people in the community work or have worked with aircraft and find the concept of millennium dome sized breasts on a creature designed to fly absurd aerodynamics lol.
Starting point is 00:18:09 He says that. What the hell is this? Me personally, as someone who works with aircraft, and as an artist myself who draws quote, living machines, and has dabbled in the concept of aeromorphs, I find them quite fun to
Starting point is 00:18:25 draw, albeit I try to avoid the whole enormous titty scene. I go to the enormous titty club and then I just, no, it wasn't for me. This just isn't my enormous titty scene. What's the pathway? Man, this enormous titty scene
Starting point is 00:18:41 is totally changed. Transformers, what if you could fuck them? How many boardrooms have you been thrown out of, Starbuck? All but this week. I'm not sure about a fetish. I am. But they have become the focus of typical furry fetishes that are commonly applied to them, i.e. hypercocks, boobs, inflation, etc., which isn't my scene, but meh. I enjoy poking fun at the ridiculousness of it all.
Starting point is 00:19:14 And also boners. Are you sure you're into this? Regretfully, though, this gives aeromorphs a bad name and has resulted in several prominent machine artists leaving the living machine scene. Machine scene. An artist and good friend of mine has irately told me on several occasions that aeromorphs are, quote, nothing more that girls with plane parts stuck on, and that, quote, people don't care it's a plane. All they care about is the fact it has huge tits and a 20-foot dick slapped on it. Lol.
Starting point is 00:19:44 They don't care about his feelings. It's almost like that's exactly why, but nonetheless, I don't mean to be off putting, but enjoy them. They are a fun concept to play with. And then a stock, you were overly canned name before,
Starting point is 00:19:58 right? Yeah. All right. Well reprise that role. Why don't you please? Hi. Hi. Nice to see someone new around here.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Even though you already have a few answers, I thought I'd answer for myself. Aeromorphs are anthropomorphized planes, airplanes, and other similar vehicles basically turning a plane or jet into a partial human or vice versa, giving planes human traits and parts or the other way around. Some people consider normal planes with the face as aeromorphs, but they can go shove it. Yeah! Those are definitely
Starting point is 00:20:32 not aeromorphs to me. Not my aeromorphs. It ain't real to me, dammit! It's kind of both. For me, it even transcends the idea of fandom. Becomes much, much more love, you could say. There's a few others around here that are like that.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Not as if it is becoming my entire personality. I have much more of a personality than that, don't worry. But are more like loving aeromorphs much more than conventional attractions. It's connected in the sense that furries and us both like anthropomorphize things. It's just like the furries apply that to animals instead of planes. Personally, I quite heavily dislike furries, even though I used to be one. LOL. You quit?
Starting point is 00:21:15 So wait, wait, wait. His boner drift actually took him all the way. Like he used to want to fuck, I don't know, Denver the Last Dinosaur or some shit. He's my friend a whole lot more. Dusty from Planes. Yeah, that's just... I didn't know this actually happened. I thought we just theorized about it.
Starting point is 00:21:35 It's like they start out wanting to screw Jessica Rabbit and then they end up in some other territory. I actually do not want to fuck Baloo from Tailspin. I want to fuck the airplane instead. No, no, but you used not want to fuck Baloo from Tailspin. I want to fuck the airplane instead. No, no, but you used to want to fuck Baloo. Yeah, he's moved on. Yeah. The next thread that we
Starting point is 00:21:54 have here is called Aerophysical Characteristics. We're not going to read this thread, but Isfahan, the very last post in this thread, I feel is worth capturing. So will you read the words of Imperiator Aurelius? Okay. Perfect, if a bit
Starting point is 00:22:10 generic. A bit of variation is nice. As another example, take a U2S. I envision her as a very tall, slender, elegant girl. Slightly on the thin side, but with just enough curves, particularly at the hips very
Starting point is 00:22:27 classy and graceful yeah um uh document once again provided to us by a mix and thank you very much mix uh thank you next section next section here in the document is called reddit does art um and Does art? And THEFPL.US, we've got that document to look at. So if you're looking for a lot of pictures, you could either look at this document or jump into our Discord where we've been doing nothing but posting pictures of this shit back and forth. Ah, Comrade Airplane. Yeah. Jimmy Franks has already made a daring confession. Yeah, I call dibs on that hot air balloon. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Maybe you can light my fire. Those bedroom eyes. So we're going to be moving away from Reddit, which is great, and into Fur Affinity. Oh, good. Well, thank God we're out of that frying pan. Oh, shit. Look at all this fire uh all right so uh you would need a actual account on for affinity to see some of these uh porno pictures i'm so sorry oh bummer um uh but anyway i'm gonna start this thing out so it's called uh two birds of a feather and uh and, uh, I'm Ren the Dragon.
Starting point is 00:23:46 I had this one in the works for a while now. Felt the need to draw up Arrow Booty. Now, here we are! Arrow Booty, Arrow Booty, flying everywhere. Got a motorboat, that's 747. got a motorboat that 747 chandra and her sister olivia showing off what their money showing off what their money makers after a routine flight that's what that says and yes that reads caution hot surface. Each cheek, after all, is right beneath the business ends of those beastly J-58
Starting point is 00:24:30 engines. Look just how hot they can get. Advise caution when reaching to grope. Don't fuck the plane hot! Yeah. And then, Boots, you got a quick question for me, don't fuck the plane hot and then Boots you got a quick question for me don't you
Starting point is 00:24:47 um Shadow Anubis I'm Shadow Anubis I'm Shadow Anubis man the Blackbirds are my most favorite stealth fighter jets helps me a ton in Black Ops
Starting point is 00:25:02 was that a question? Yeah. Well, they're actually not stealth capable. They're only stealthy in that they fly so high that they can't be seen with the naked eye slam poetry or really heard at least at night. Otherwise, radar and most certainly heat seeking missiles will definitely see them.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Concealment from any of that doesn't really matter if you can pretty much outrun what they throw at you. Oh. Huh. I should look up my stealth planes again. Usually my top favorite is always the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk. That's a beautiful one for me in my book. Here is some porn. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:25:54 I love porn. Thank you for the porn. To paraphrase Lemon, and then fight. Yeah, and then fight. All right. It's time to read about avian erections. Oh, my God. It seems like the right time and place.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Yeah. Okay. So, yeah. So, again, all of this stuff is going to be mostly the sort of backstory and comments about the porn. So this is what's happening in this particular drawing. So Isfani, you're going to be the male plane. Okay. And Stog, you're going to be the female plane.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah, I'd love to be the female plane. Yep. Hey, honey. Oh, gasp. So, you wanna have some crazy tarmac sex? Hmm? We're right here, but everyone is here looking. Hmm, hmm. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:27:00 Smiles and giggles. I'm really proud of this photoshop job I went the extra mile to make this look good I guess the base photo was just too perfect not to damn that airplane ass is hot as hell that's what I say every time I get on a flight
Starting point is 00:27:20 damn that airplane ass is hot as hell a heart drawn with a with Oski. I knew it just had to have a giant floppy airplane dick squashed underneath it. I know not everyone. I know. I know not everyone likes them. You don't know that.
Starting point is 00:27:40 I know not everyone likes the whale penis design for airplanes, but I think it fits their book really well. I like the narwhal dick design. I like the duck dick design for airplanes. Nobody likes the cat penis. Yo, yo, this is Master Sharkplane. Yo, yo. Oh, Jesus Christ. Yes, XD, XD.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Jesus Christ, yes! XD, XD! Boners are sometimes common sights on tarmacs all over the world, times three. Just the nature of being a creature as big as a plane with no clothing and plenty of males slash females together, XD. Airports are pretty tolerant when it comes to boners could somebody inform TSA of that please I had to go through security
Starting point is 00:28:36 it didn't set off any beeps but sex on the tarmac yeah that might result in a punishment of some kind. I've had that drink before. It sucks. Glad you approve. Yeah, I can imagine.
Starting point is 00:28:55 It's just the animal in them. They don't have the same socially imposed shame for their own genitalia. So like a dog, they'll just get boners whenever they feel like it and not hesitate to just let it all hang out there i think a plane would be like i mean a plane would always be raised in a social society like anyway um besides yeah the you're this big-ass plane. What do you care if a bunch of little bugs down there are yelling at you? I think what annoys airports about it isn't so much the sex, unless they choose to fuck right there on the runway holding everyone up. I've never seen a plane, but I think that most planes are smarter than that.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Most. Most. Okay. No. I think why they try to avoid it is because they've gotta inevitably call out the fire brigade afterwards to power wash the gallons of dribbled sprayed cum
Starting point is 00:30:00 off the tarmac. Wah! Oh, good. We're into plain sex world building now! Oh, good. We're into, like, plain-sex world-building now. Oh, and of course, fucking moms complain because their dumbass kids
Starting point is 00:30:13 looked out the airport windows and asked what the planes were doing. Fucking kids ruin everything. Wah! If this is such a problem, you think they would at least draw the curtains or something. This keeps coming up. Oh, they're going to the planes fucking again.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Why do they keep putting windows in airports? Yeah. There's more comments here. And Bunny Bread, your name is A underscore car. I wanted to say that. All right. Hello. My name is A car, and I'm probably in the wrong place.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Yeah. Can someone point me towards car fucking, please? Anyways. No fare. Planes are my weakness. Mostly jumbo jets. Because they're
Starting point is 00:30:55 jumbo? You see. As a matter of fact, yes! You see, he's not into cars. He is a car. He's into planes. He's the Sir Mix-a-Lot of plane finishes. Lol, I can relate. Look how huge that
Starting point is 00:31:13 butthole is, too! So big, Squirty, come. It's like you can crawl around in it. I'm sure you literally could. Well, not you, car. You're a little too big. Don't you forget it. Though, if you let me milk you a bit, I might be
Starting point is 00:31:34 able to get you down to size, cat face. Oh my god. Oh god, does this... Yeah, this turns into like sex. Yeah, they're having erotic roleplay in the fucking comments section. Everybody else leave. Sign me up. This just becomes sex.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Stage direction puts a hand on your butt. All right, car. Well, come on. Let's go back here into the garage, and then you can flop that big old dick into my arm. Oh, my God. Eject. E God. He checked. He checked. Looks around.
Starting point is 00:32:07 What's I'm in? Zip. So what do I do now? Okay. Six underscore six. Ellipsis. Nine dot nine. Huff.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Car. Oh, I told you. Flap that big old dick into my arm so I can get it to work. And then it keeps going for a long time. Yeah. It's straight up like erotic roleplay phone sex thing.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Yeah, but I want to just get to the post-coital. I want to get to the climax in the post-coital, okay? So skipping down a bit, because there's... I mean, they're fucking. Wait, wait. Yeah? We're a love, they're they're fucking. OK, so wait, wait. Can we be? Yeah. We're a love making.
Starting point is 00:32:48 I'm not a fucking. You're going to start at slap, right? I wasn't. I wasn't. But all right. Fine. Here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Slap. Ball smacked. OK, then car six six. Yeah. I start aggressively jerking your huge mechanical dick, enjoying feeling your body twitch and jerk and listening to you let out masculine moans and groans. Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Keep on fucking jerking, doing that. I start to thwack. Oh, my God. Big old mechanical dick. You fucking drugging doing that. Like a rock. I start to thrust down. Oh, my God. Big old mechanical dig. Like a rock. I start to thrust down into your hands, repeatedly smacking you with my large balls. Blorg.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Blorg. Blorg. That's what a ball will say. The balls wash loudly as they smack and bounce off my shoulder and side. Ooh! Urr! That's it, Tygar. Get into Rathoom with my strokes. Imagine there's a big fat girl ass underneath you right now.
Starting point is 00:34:00 I jerk more and more. There we go. There we go. There we go. Yeah! Yeah! I jerk more and more. There we go. There we go. There we go. Yeah. Yeah. You're a huge cock sprays gallons glob of cum like a fire hose. Your large balls shudder and contract.
Starting point is 00:34:14 They shut her. Yeah, they shut her. They close down for the night. I thrust harder and come to a rest. My shrinking sack smushed all against your face as I stay still unloading all over your lower body. Fin.
Starting point is 00:34:34 So I think what we should do at this point is edit that out. Smoke. I think what we should do is we should figure out whether or not we're going to establish as a precedent that that a tilde is, I believe Bunny Bird said jizzy jizz. Squirty cum.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Squirty cum. I think what we need to do is we need to you know those scenes in Hitchcock movies where they the couple sort of kiss and then it pans away. Anyway. That's been the only thing I've read tonight, I think.
Starting point is 00:35:09 I hope nobody, like, I need this. picked, like, parked somewhere to pick somebody up and then brought them back to the car and they turned the car back on and then this was playing. Like, they forgot to turn it off.
Starting point is 00:35:24 I was at work and I was just about to head out and I have a new phone, which sucks. I'm returning it. But I thumbed it and it just started playing the F plus. Yay! But like the phone's really unresponsive. So it took a long time to get to stop. And I was like putting it in my pocket. And sometimes our cold opens are very, very saucy.
Starting point is 00:35:55 All right. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. There is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Oh, boy. All right. This will be fine. This will be fine. Jimmy Franks. Yes. I'm going to give you two choices here. Thank God. And I want you to choose between these two choices.
Starting point is 00:36:18 The one is called The Next Most Terrible Thing That I Have Ever Written. I don't think we could go wrong with The Next Most Terrible Thing That I Have Ever Written. I don't think we could go wrong with The Next Most Terrible Thing I Have Ever Written. I don't think we could. All right, here we go. So this is called The Next Most Terrible Thing I've Ever Written. I actually do have a Fur Affinity count, I think, so I'm going to try to log into this and just see what the sort of porn this looks like. I'll bet the username is Fplussin.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Yeah, so if you'll take us through it, please. It's not Shaggy2Stote? No, those are the passwords. It's gotta be a pun on furries. Oh. She was prepared to do anything for her country except for this.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Coming this summer. Her vision hazy, she tried to make out where she was and what she was going through, having forgotten through the confusion she experienced as a result of her situation. Blinking twice, she refocused her eyes and saw the spectator's seats on the far end of the testing chamber, filled with the researchers that were monitoring her progress. Okay, Cloudjumper. boomed the loudspeaker. We're about to move up to phase three.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Are you ready? She tried to say something, but only a pitiful whine came out of her mouth. She opted to nod her head instead, an impressive feat given that she was a sentient humanoid aircraft. I'll say. A rather large specimen among her kind. Cloudjumper's design is partially based off
Starting point is 00:37:50 an old military aircraft, the Boeing V-22 Osprey. Unlike most other aeromorphs, as they were commonly known, she was created from the ground up rather than conceived through a union between an augmented human and a sentient drone.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Though on the outside there was little difference. Her limbs were slender yet powerful, but the exposed joint aesthetic gave them a more mechanized look. On her back were two large wings that ended in till rotors with folding blades. Oh, there we go. She crashed during testing constantly. Her face is as stereotypically anime schoolgirl as you can get for an aeromorph. Boing! Ah, finally, something you can jerk off to.
Starting point is 00:38:37 There we go. Implying someone on the design team was a Japanophile. Or the author. Yeah, maybe. Someone on the design team was a Japanophile. Or the author. Yeah, maybe. The sudden sensation of something gently moving inside her lower body quickly brought her attention to what was directly below her.
Starting point is 00:38:55 A massive phallic probe was lodged deep into her vagina. Whoa, all right. We're already here. Okay. So she didn't notice that before, did she? Okay. Stretching her't notice that before, did she? No. Okay. Stretching her entrance almost to its limits. Above it was her own probe, fully extended from its hatch,
Starting point is 00:39:13 connected in an area above her vaginal opening. The probe itself was encased in a watertight suction cup, vacuuming up whatever nanite-filled ejaculate escaped the tip of her phallus. What? Okay, this is quite a fetish mush happening here. Yeah, this is... She tried to take a closer look,
Starting point is 00:39:36 but the restraints that were suspending her from the ceiling were preventing her from moving freely and keeping her arms and legs spread apart. So there's S&M on top of everything. Oh, her large, firm breasts were reduced to giant mounds of exposed synthetic tissue with tubes connected from the ceiling to where her nipples should be. This just works out. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Oh, good. Now it's Hellraiser. It, or rather she, was a relatively newer model compared to Cloudjumper, who had served in the Air Force for 10 years, back when sentient hybrid aircraft were still in the experimental stages. Sure. And had been an interactive museum exhibit for 25 years until her recall into service. The V-22 Osprey's Marine Corps aircraft. Yay!
Starting point is 00:40:22 Oh, boner gone! I'm so glad you're here. Oh, Boner gone. I'm so glad you're here. God damn it, Isfahan. Yeah. You know, you just killed my boner, Isfahan. Thanks. Yes. I'm sure there'll be plenty to bring it back here.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Like most other sentient aircraft, Shaw's intelligence core was designed to function like that of a human's, giving her the ability to adapt around unspecified parameters. A human would mind most of this stuff. Yeah. But not the anime guy on the design team.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Well, that's not a human. Her face was designed with friendliness in mind, but it also has the qualities of a cartoon whale, implying someone on the design team was a furry. Where did they find this design team? Are you tagging in, Boots?
Starting point is 00:41:12 I'm tagging in. I'm also skipping a bunch. Thank you. The process continued for a while, with Shaw pumping into Cloudjumper endlessly as a mechanized phallus kept pumping into Shaw, both aircraft's faces expressing a combination of
Starting point is 00:41:26 pain, embarrassment, and pleasure. Embarrassment. Let's drill in on that one. Yeah, embarrassment. You know what that word means, right? Writer of this thing? It's not like they can do it in private. Cloudjumper's own phallus continued to leak profusely into the machine which fed the juices
Starting point is 00:41:46 directly into shah's opening soon shah started to thrust faster out of her own volition cried shah i can't help it i'm gonna pour my fluids into you again. Cloud jumper knew what she meant and started to clench her vagina harder. It's okay. Sure. Sorry. It's okay. Sure. Come inside me.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Oh, uh, I'll come too. Cloud jumper knew what she meant. Like that's a real code. That's the with one final thrust Shaw drove at the entire length of her probe
Starting point is 00:42:32 inside cloud jumper with all his strength causing cloud jumper's eyes to go wide with shock as her synthetic womb stretched unnaturally to accommodate Shaw's entire length what followed was a magnificent scream in HD stereo that echoed the walls of the testing chamber,
Starting point is 00:42:49 though it was quickly nullified by the soundproofing layers outside of the chamber. As both drones experienced simultaneous and devastating orgasm, ejaculating synthetic fluids uncontrollably. She's implying someone on the design team was an audiophile. Reader, they did. Oh, I'm still going? Yeah, why the hell?
Starting point is 00:43:17 It's great. Why not? Bring it on home. You take that shit in. I don't want my voice to be associated with this. You deal with that decision. Actually, you know what? You know what?
Starting point is 00:43:27 Bunny bread. Take it from. All right. Thank you, Matt. Won't you? All right. Thank you, Matt. He emerged from the main doors.
Starting point is 00:43:38 How are we now? Everything's fine. Matt replied. I think Chris over there needs some wake me ups again Alright go take care of him The other researcher said Matt promptly got up And went over to Chris' prone body
Starting point is 00:43:53 While his pocket blurted out What? His pocket blurted out Hey there everyone this is delicious Come on and smoke weed every day! 420! And welcome to the dreams! Don't get it! I did it!
Starting point is 00:44:11 Within ten minutes or so, Cloudjumper and Shaw finally emptied everything they had in their fluid tanks into each other. Still? Still! You're still coming! And were now dry-ejaculating in response to the override command. Dry-ejaculating? It was just smoke coming out And were now dry ejaculating in response to the override command. Dry ejaculating. It was just smoke coming out of there at that point. One researcher typed something on his laptop. Ew.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Something. And soon Cloudjumper could feel her orgasm coming down. And to the last of her pleasure, finally left her body. Shaw, too, was relieved from her orgasm. And was now breathing heavily of a stigial, vestigial, instinctive response kept to discourage the uncanny valley.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Really? What? Just now, the uncanny valley enters the picture. Yeah, when I think of the uncanny valley, I think of planes that fuck. Yeah, because they look so much like real planes that fuck. Yeah, yeah, look so much like real planes that fuck. Yeah, it's just creepy. It's sort of troubling. Cloud, Shaw
Starting point is 00:45:09 said softly. I'll be your mirror. Interrupted Cloud Jipper. It's okay, I know. And I'll be with you for as long as it takes. Oh, now we know what Pee Wee Herman's sex voice sounds like.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Pee Wee Herman imitating Sylvester Stallone. You can imagine a big Rube Goldberg device jerking me off right at the beginning with Mr. T's cereal falling all over my dick. Thank you for the splod, not me. Cloud Jumper knew it was far from over. There would be more experiments with no end in sight, and her eventual offspring would most likely suffer the same fate. But the thought that kept her going was that her dedication would lead to a better future for both the humans and her kind.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Wow. But especially the weirdos on the design team. I had no idea this story would end up as romantic as it was. It was kind of surprising. Well, you throw Pee Wee Herman into shit, it gets romantic. Just to point out, there's an epilogue here. I'm just going to read the last sentence to it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Fuck this shit, he thought, before clicking the submit button. I would imagine most of this guy's thoughts are fuck this oh man okay um uh man okay so uh document uh mix gave us here uh is 33 pages uh which is definitely considerable um there is a section called You Thought We Were Done With Cars which we're actually just going to skip over but very fun. So we were done with cars. Yeah, we were done with cars.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Yeah, we thought correctly. But we reprise the role of one of the illustrators in the car fucking episode. But anyway, Jimmy Franks. Yeah. Uh, your name's half dude. And, uh, uh, you've got some sort of, uh, I don't know. You have sort of, uh, like psychological quandary, you know, like one of those, one of those
Starting point is 00:47:20 things you need really need to contemplate out. Uh, yeah. Hey, guys. What? What is it? We're here for you, man. We're here for you. I don't know how to feel about pimping cars out. I throw a brick through CarMax's window every time I drive by.
Starting point is 00:47:47 As a very sort of brief sidebar, HalfDude has some really amazing art. He is a very prolific car and plane. Oh, yeah. No, we covered him in the car in the car fucking episode oh yeah yeah yeah that's right that's right yeah um uh to clarify i know how i feel i i don't like it oh but uh i'm open to having my mind changed wait so so to clarify you use the word clarify. Right. Because I don't know how to feel about pimping cars out. And then he said, to clarify, I know how I feel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Okay. I just made it more obtuse, actually. Right. Gotcha. But I'm open to having my mind changed. I guess I'm expecting to because I think I'm probably the only person who feels this way. So I finally got Grand Theft Auto V. Great game, actually.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Though not a good fit for me, as you'd expect. What with the fact that you could barely go ten minutes in that game without maiming or carnapping some random car. Although they do magically heal themselves in the game, so it makes it not bad. But anyway, I got to the point in the game where you start playing as Michael DeSanta. And anyone who plays the game, too, probably knows about the first mission where you chase after your yacht. It's being stolen in his wife's BMW knockoff. Well, it breaks down mid-chase.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Franklin suggests they take it to a repair slash chop shop. Oh, boy. This is where the game introduces the car modification mechanic of the game. Well, it brought some feelings in me. Okay. Okay. Were those feelings shame, by chance? You had a line, and GTA V crossed it by having a garage.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Yeah. Anyway, something that I should probably be enjoying was actually kind of getting me kind of pissed, actually. I never quite agreed with the idea of modifying cars. Oh, my God. It's like the cars get a boob job or something. Oh, yeah. Okay. So the Lord made this car and you shall not.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Yeah. Okay. Evolution does not exist. God made cars in his image. I'll give my car some bigger tits. It just seems so incredibly insensitive and selfish to take a car's body and basically give
Starting point is 00:50:14 it plastic surgery against its will until it basically looks sexy to you. Against its will? Yeah, against its will. Do most cars decide to release the car itself? Funny, but be fair, the car doesn't give consent. It doesn't. Okay, it's true.
Starting point is 00:50:28 To me, that's like some guy taking his wife to a plastic surgeon, strapping her down, and doing all these changes to her body against her will. Blow up those titties, puff those lips up, sculpt that nose, inflate that ass, basically customizing her to look how you want her to look. Speaking of which, I wrote a 900,000 word essay on that. Does anyone see where
Starting point is 00:50:52 I'm coming from? If the car could tell me, oh, oh, get me this, please. That would be different. Yeah, if they could, yeah. What if your car could talk to you in GTA 5? Yeah. It's just taking Knight Rider as a a slut if your car could talk a gta fuck fuck
Starting point is 00:51:10 it's just taking this helpless thing that has no say in the matter of doing things to it that bothers me now my friend you probably will know who you are, was talking to me about modifications. He justifies it with the idea that we can't buy our girls fancy dresses and jewelry, so what we do is buy modifications for them. Oh, my God. To a certain extent, I agree with it. You can buy the little hula thing that you put on your dash. That's like an accessory, right?
Starting point is 00:51:44 That's cultural appropriation, Sean. But then the car asks you, who is she? Who is this slut you put on my dashboard? Look, to a certain extent, I agree with it. Engine modifications are fine if there's something better than what they were born with. Helping their engine work better, making them healthier. It's more the body kits and shit that gets to me. Anyway, how do you guys see it?
Starting point is 00:52:06 Can you maybe put a different spin or perspective on it to help me see it in a different light? I mean, I could surely use something to have in common with normal car people. At this point, I got nothing. That's why there's no point in me trying to join car clubs. Also, I don't have a car. Yeah. Also, I try to fuck everything that they bring to the garage. I don't think the expression is pimping cars, I try to fuck everything that they bring to the garage.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Also, I don't think the expression is pimping cars out. I think it's pimping cars. Yeah. I was very confused by the title of this. Yeah, yeah. Right, yeah. There is a difference between pimping something and pimping something out. Pimping one's ride. So. Oh, boy. Yeah. What does the community think that's good that's good that's
Starting point is 00:52:50 good well uh stog stog what is leet ghost driver thing whoa leet ghost driver huh well yep you know red you know this kind of puts me in a difficult situation because i am usually the one doing those modifications of the cars in question, but plastic surgery is quite different in the cars world. Surprising enough, I have had more guys coming in looking for modifications than females. You're right.
Starting point is 00:53:15 That's very surprising. That's very surprising. More dudes coming in to do a chop shop? Yeah, so it's like the guys are the ones that are interested in doing things to their cars more than women. Huh? Yeah. Huh. Okay. Yeah, you it's like the guys are the ones that are interested in doing things to their cars more than women, huh? Yeah. Huh, okay. Yeah, you know, the small world.
Starting point is 00:53:30 But that is beside the point, and this is where I take a sip of water. Then I put my water glass down, and then through your situation that you mentioned about cars getting unwanted modifications. Well, from what I hear, it happens in the humans, too. Guys wanting their girlfriends to have bigger breasts, taking a breath. Girls wanting guys with bigger dicks, but in the car world, pretty much everything is about modular, almost a world gender-changing modifications, as well as so trivial they can be hooked up to a switch, taking a breath. Wait, are girls taking their guys in to get bigger dicks all the time? All the time.
Starting point is 00:54:06 And against their will, too. It's like, oh, tell him that he needs a prostate exam, but he has to be unconscious for it. My girlfriend took me in to have bigger lungs. Granted, most cars and owners don't want to have the ability to switch back and forth, but it is possible under his breath. And so easing, I have done it to switch back and forth, but it is possible, under his breath, and so easy I have done it to myself. Back. I'm not following at all.
Starting point is 00:54:31 What was that sentence? Hold on, I'm taking a drink of water. No, no, no, you get it under his back breath. Hey, wait a minute. Hey, wait a minute. Lead ghost driver, are you Marco Rubio? I'm putting the glass down and I'm not going to answer any of your questions I'm just going to move on as for the in-game functionality there are only limited modifications you can do to a car
Starting point is 00:54:57 each car that drives in has has the ones they are like available but they can't decide what will look best on them. That is where you and most importantly, your money come in. Oh, I see. So, I think Saints Row has their ideas figured out for the next game now. Yeah. Saints Row,
Starting point is 00:55:18 what if you could fuck the cars? They would do that at this point, I think. Of all the DLC they have released, man, they really missed the fucking... My name is Delta underscore X3. I know we've chatted on the matter before. I think what it really comes down to is how your car feels about it. After all, nobody will know them quite like their owner. As for my lady, Ash loves these internal performance enhancing mods.
Starting point is 00:55:54 I've given her a K&N intake to help that engine take in more air easier and the exhaust that minimizes the negative effects that the thicker stock mufflers can have. Minimal, but it's there. Plus, it gives her back that muscle car growl they seem to have sheared away from. An injustice, if you ask me. But just as a personal choice, I've never done any appearance-altering mods to her. There's nothing I could think of doing that could improve on the Camaro's stock look. In that department,
Starting point is 00:56:28 she's perfect as is. Guys, I think this guy might be a serial killer. No, he's a cartoon wolf. By the way, I actually know what the perfect modification for a Camaro would be.
Starting point is 00:56:44 If you spray paint a firebird on the hood and just make everyone furious. Oh, yeah. You piss off everybody. It'll make my uncle angry. Yeah, nobody would like that. It will make everybody's uncle angry. While I don't like the idea
Starting point is 00:57:02 of somebody throwing a fart can and a $55 body kit on their rice grinder, maybe that's a reflection of the car culture of the owner and their car. Some cars may absolutely love getting flashy Stichers and Doodads, while others take pride in the look their makers gave them. and doodads while others take pride in the look their makers gave them. Like me. I'll never get any kind of piercing, but some guys think it's the bee's knees. Bee's knees. Some other guys think it's the cat's pajamas.
Starting point is 00:57:37 How's your doo-wop group doing? 23 Skidoo. Some cars would absolutely love looking at themselves in a mirror with that lime green paint job and aggressive body kit that old phrase about tattoos you wouldn't put a bumper sticker on a ferrari maybe it might like one nobody would know better to the owner in this philosophy i'm only talking about those who actually have the bond with our cars that we do. It's an unfortunate fact of life that a vast majority will think of cars as just things. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:14 They don't know what they're missing out on. And nothing you can do about that. They'll just do with their things as they please. Oh, you're right. He is a serial killer. Called it. things as they please. Oh, you're right. He is a serial killer.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Called it. Until the rise of our machine overlords, in which case we shall hopefully be looked kindly upon for our compassion as the rest of humanity is used as living batteries. You got your car wakes up and then it looks at you
Starting point is 00:58:41 and says, well, leave that one alone. You got your matrix in my maximum overdrive. You got your maximum overdrive in my matrix. And forced to live in. Yeah, that's the joke. In a computer generated reality until the one defeats machines and leads humanity to its freedom. But I digress. Neo, what if we could fuck the cars?
Starting point is 00:59:02 What if I told you, you can fuck cars? Well, I know fuck food. In this hand, I have a blue pill. In this hand, fuck the car. In this hand. That was a long reading to be able to keep both your fingers up your nose there. That's a message. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Oh, I didn't realize I had them up there. Sorry. I'm a man oh shit oh I didn't realize I had them up there sorry fart can is a kind of a muffler that makes things I guess louder or it's like the it's like the buzzy muffler that
Starting point is 00:59:36 you hear it doesn't go woo woo no that's like an alarm clock you should be up cooking eggs and shit. Making breakfast. Supposed to be making breakfast. Hey, F+. Hello. What?
Starting point is 00:59:52 It's time for poetry! Yay! All right. All right. I'm afraid to say that we only have time for one poem. What? Aw. Yeah, so sorry. So sorry. Boots, I think you get to pick which poem we're going to go for here. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Okay. Okay. So you've got, well, you got a couple options here. Option number one is a, and just imagine I'm always putting scare quotes around this poem. Right. Option number one is a poem called These dreams of an abandoned crj hyphen 700 right right classic yeah classic okay it's a little night before christmas but it'll do uh the next one is called a skipper's memories um and then the last one is called a dusty dream ah sounds like a tom petty
Starting point is 01:00:49 song uh let's let's go with the skipper's memories uh skipper's memories all right fantastic it's a it's a bit long if you feel like tagging someone out you go right on ahead we are on deviant art by the way the home of the home of fine Yeah, no, we can't get through the entirety of this without passing it off to our resident poet. DeviantArt. DeviantArt resident poet. Oh, yeah. Fair enough. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Anyway, a skipper's memories. I was once asked, do we all have a purpose? One we are destined to fulfill? Maybe we do. Maybe we don't. Oh, great. That was amazing. Good poem.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Oh, fuck. Things I did and did not do 70 years ago still weigh heavily on my mind. Oh, God. I was just an 18-year-old Corsair, an average young American plane. I took life for granted. But Imperial Japan changed all of that. Free verse.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Drafted to serve in the Navy. I went on to become an ace, but not without a price. What's the price? I saw with my own eyes things that even now I can't describe. Yay! Good poem, buddy!
Starting point is 01:02:04 So we're going to skip this. Okay. You shouldn't describe things in poems. Yeah. What are you going to use, like words? Some roads diverge in the woods. I can't recall how many. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:22 I may be old and grounded, but time can never erase certain things from history. I do look back. I do not look back on the past with pride. I look back on it more as a more dismal time. One where young planes, ships, and land vehicles slugged it out with one another. I don't like this poem. I don't like it.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Neither side would back down, not until the bitter end. I was merely an 18-year-old, and I saw other planes my age die. Most were considered hostile, but the look in the enemy's eyes still frightens me to this day. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do not weep for war is kind. Come on, get on with it.
Starting point is 01:03:04 I'd rather die, go down in flames, then surrender to them. No, no. They'd rather die than surrender to themselves. You're right. Yeah. They'd rather die than go down in flames and then surrender. To them, there was no greater dishonor, Stog. Oh.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Flames covered their white fuselages. Columns of water marked their impact with the sea their engines let out shrieking wails before going silent forever also apparently the pilots died but like yeah who cares about those guys well i saw things i can't describe but then two paragraphs later i start describing them. Huge cocks! Yeah, I finally figured out how to describe them. That's why you have a first draft. I can still see my
Starting point is 01:03:53 comrades, my brothers in wings. We'd give it our all and come out on top. But some of my brothers never made it home, shot down by the enemy, lost in a storm, or ran out of fuel.
Starting point is 01:04:10 The look in my comrades' eyes, they did not wish to die. They wanted to return home, but circumstances prevented that. Such a poetic way of putting that. Circumstances. Yeah, circumstances. But it just didn't work out the way they wanted it to. Sometimes you fuck the bar, sometimes the bar fucks you.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Hey, sometimes the place just don't have enough feel, okay? This is the old poetic trope of stating the same thing over and over again. To see one of my own die in a column of spray. Right, yep, I remember that part. Door open my fuselage with regret. This is my last resort. Tear open my fuselage with regret. This is my last resort.
Starting point is 01:04:59 I could not save them, only press on and save myself. To see my ship ablaze, my brothers parked on deck, caught in the flames. Other planes shot down. I don't know if you noticed that, but... Hey, did you have any comrades? I saw them beg me to help, but I was powerless against the Inferno. to help, but I was powerless against the Inferno.
Starting point is 01:05:26 I fought on in their memory. My brothers have names, just so long as I fight for them, even today. Good choice, Boots. You really picked a great poem. Oh, this one's on me. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:42 Skip forward to... Thanks for writing this, Boots. Skip forward to I have a new responsibility. Yeah, it's not enough that you wanted to fuck the airplanes. You also wanted to role play as a 1940s. Hey, this stuff's pretty weird, huh? Plus, I mean, unless you're into it, in which case, that's fine. Well, where did you want me to start like i have a new response he has a new responsibility yeah yeah new responsibility to watch his comrades die
Starting point is 01:06:10 into a plume of water yeah i have a new responsibility now i watch over dusty likely my dearest friend he gave me purpose again a exist. Dusty is like a son to me, though I never had a child of my own. He's grown up remarkably quickly, but despite my duty of watching over him, memories of the past still cling tightly to my conscience. So are we, like, canonically, like, Pixar's planes now? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Except probably for the end where he ends up like
Starting point is 01:06:50 spurting all over Dusty's face. The great Toy Story wars. Dusty's son is the useless F-35. Oh. Take that. Though the war I took part of has long since ended, inside me the fires of that dreaded war burn fiercely
Starting point is 01:07:08 I still dream of the horrid things I've seen Like what? Like what kind of things have you seen? Uh, they're indescribable Uh, there's fuselages Uh, fuselage is kind of the only part of the plane I know Uh, there's fuselages I'm not sure, but I think Uh, there's fuselage is kind of the only part of the plane I know. There's fuselages. Wings? I'm not sure, but I think. There's fuselages.
Starting point is 01:07:28 There's columns of spray. Wings, yeah. Well, there's big old dicks. Like a plane got caught on fire or something. I don't know. I still dream of the horrid things I've seen. I may be nearing my late 80s, but I feel that deep down I'm still 18, a regular
Starting point is 01:07:47 kid from the States. Though I wish I could have done more, I cannot change what has already been done. I am alone. The Jolly Wrenches are all but deceased. Jolly Wrenches? The Jolly Wrenches? Yeah, sounds tasty.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Yeah. This tasty. Yeah. This whole thing was speech to text. But the memories live within me until my fuselage is rusty and decayed and my engine sparted out one final time. My former squadron's memories will live on in me. Yay. Yay. That was a really good poem. Yay! Not afraid to tackle the big ideas.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Yeah, so what did we learn from any of this, F-Plus? Planes are sexy. Planes are sexy. Really good. Really sexy. The car... Go ahead, Booth. I feel like I was about to make the same point you're going to make, so go ahead.
Starting point is 01:08:45 You really think they're the same thing? Okay. I'll bet. So do you think these guys roofie their cars before they fuck? They put sugar in the car's gas tank before they fuck. All right, Boots. Well, great minds. Go to jail together.
Starting point is 01:09:01 That's gross, Boots. Hey, guys, do you think these guys roofied the... Boots, that's pretty funny, man. So, like, there's a lot of similarities to the car-fucking one, except there was no... There were no stories of people actually trying to fuck planes. Right, right, right. I would have thought that would be, like, somebody trying to, like, wedge their dick between, like like, you know, like the garbage flap of the bathroom
Starting point is 01:09:28 or something like that. Yeah. After slipping on ice. You know, they all got jobs where they could find access, but they just haven't had the confidence. Yeah, exactly. They all seem to be airplane mechanics, but they're just saying,
Starting point is 01:09:38 oh, I could get arrested for this because this plane is under 18 or some shit. Oh, my God. is under 18 or some shit. Oh my god. I felt like there was a lot of very confusing like so
Starting point is 01:09:52 much confusing anatomy to this where I question even though these guys seem to like work at airports, they don't seem to understand what a plane is or how it works or like I think it was's the one guy that worked at an airport okay no no there were multiple yeah there were a couple of people who were like
Starting point is 01:10:12 airplane mechanics or yeah the the the porno airplanes loom so heavily in their minds that they can't think of the other thing anymore and And then they're like, why the fuck are there children in airplanes? That's basically like a strip club. Oh, yes. It's a classic Looney Tunes is porn like messed up way of thinking. Yeah, yeah, yeah. These are the kind of people who see two
Starting point is 01:10:38 planes refueling in mid-flight and think, oh, yeah, I totally can jerk off to this. Oh, can we have them have babies too? Yeah, fetishes are just a fun little journey that you can, I mean, you know, like, you can just have a hobby. That can just be your thing for a while. You know, make this my boner.
Starting point is 01:11:00 It's going to be a three-year process, but at the end, no one will ever talk to me, so... Hey, at least I'm not turned on by cartoon skunks anymore, so I got that going for me. The website, as always, We've got some merch that we want to sell you. By the time this episode comes up, we should have
Starting point is 01:11:21 magnetic poetry for sale. I know, I know. You're excited. I'm excited, too. Magnetic poetry for sale. I know. I know. You're excited. I'm excited, too. Magnetic poetry for sale. THGFPL.US That's all I have. Oh, ball pit. Bye. Bye-bye, everybody. Ball pit. Don't fuck the plane hot.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Don't fuck the plane. Don't fuck the plane. Don't fuck the plane. Don't fuck the plane, period. How hard is that? Please buy the plane dinner first. Reheat the airplane. Don't fuck the plane. Don't fuck the plane. Don't fuck the plane, period. How hard is that? Let's buy the plane dinner first. Reheat the airplane first before you fuck it. Make loaves to the plane. Okay. I'm gonna make you be a girl. I'm gonna make you be a girl.

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