The F Plus - 398: I Am The Light In The Dork

Episode Date: February 17, 2024

The term "Lightworker" describes a person who.... uhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... so uh, let's see, there's energy? And there's injustices in the world? Okay, it's not really clear, but the thing we've lear...ned is that there's a community of people who call themselves lightworkers whose have no purpose other than to give a purpose to other lightworkers who have no purpose. Is that clear? This week, The F Plus bought tickets to see Horny n' Sleepy.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I feel like our podcast has more shut-ups than any other podcast on the air. Hello, healers, and welcome to the F plus podcast. You need to clear your mind and experience terrible things. Red with enthusiasm. And in the room we've got Boots Reingear. Thanks for your reply. The light worker didn't feel like it was her place to talk about the upstairs neighbor, but she told me the energy is coming down from his apartment into mine. Personally, I think it's a gateway.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Nutshell Gulag! Divine negative AI removal, extensive three-hour session, mind control, implants, spyware, units, devices, bots, drones, return to human again. We've got Zarla! How can you speak of soul enslavement without mentioning the Archons who have actually enslaved us here? It's not the Master's fault that their message didn't reach us here in their pure form.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Not to mention King Lou Fernandez. I am that, and I am of the light. That what I know for sure, besides being 26, male stuck in this hard-move incarnation human shell. I am will not let this manifest will now. I have to sit down now and manifest unconditional love now. Reading this makes my back hurt. And Lemon. I fear
Starting point is 00:01:28 it will be like other courses and I will have wasted money on things that over-promised and under-delivered. That is a very valid fear. Oh, that wouldn't happen. I like to lose reading said incarnation as separate words.
Starting point is 00:01:43 You're just floating around in a cup of instant hot chocolate. Hey, F+. Hey, Lemon. Hello. Hey. Hey, are you all lone wolves? Am I ever? No.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Collectively, together? Yes. Is everybody else a lone wolf? As a group. Because I ever. No. Collectively, together, yes. Well, is everybody else a lone wolf? As a group. Because then, yes. Okay, you just need to know what the group's going to decide first, whether or not you're a lone wolf. I need to see how the wind's blowing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:17 A fair weather lone wolf. You guys all a lone wolfing? If so, it's cool. It's cool. Cool, I'm a Lone Wolf, too. Yeah, actually, we're going to be starting off this document on a site called, one of the lesser eel songs. And this is a document about something called Lightworkers, a document given to us by the
Starting point is 00:02:43 lizard. And I could explain a little bit about what a Lightworker is, but I would prefer the Lone Wolf to do it. So I think, I think, Zarla, we're going to start here in this doc, and we're going to start on And can you just tell me a little bit about 21 signs if you're a Lightworker on this planet? All right.
Starting point is 00:03:04 This is by Aletheia. It was posted April 8th, 2022. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A lightworker is a term often used in the spiritual community. If you feel so, you're called to have a deeper purpose in this world. You might be able to relate to this special role. In this article, we'll explore the main signs of being a lightworker. Oh, okay, great.
Starting point is 00:03:20 So what is a lightworker? What is a lightworker? Oh, sorry. Please save your questions till the end, Boots. Okay, sorry. A lightworker is a term that refers to a person who has undergone a spiritual awakening and feels called to illuminate the dark places of life. Lightworkers are often empaths, old souls, and highly sensitive people
Starting point is 00:03:43 with a strong connection to their souls. Are they indigo children? Maybe. You'll have to read and find out. Cool. A lightworker illuminates the darkness. Well, lightworker sounds like an exclusively new age term that focuses only on love and light and the feel good.
Starting point is 00:03:57 It's not. Or at least it doesn't have to be. There's an offensive mode. You could be a lightworker and still be evil. Flip the switch. The light and darkness are intrinsically connected. One cannot exist without the other. It's for this reason that authentic lightworkers often focus a lot on the darkness or the shadow side of humanity.
Starting point is 00:04:17 The bootleg lightworkers don't even worry about it. Many lightworkers focus on healing trauma, undoing toxic core beliefs, healing the inner child, and shining a light on the buried shadow self. After all, what use is a light if it cannot illuminate the darkness? Okay, okay. So this is very Baldur's Gate already. Hey, Lou, can you tell me the 21 signs of a lightworker? Yeah, you might be a lightworker. Are you a lightworker?
Starting point is 00:04:51 Do you feel a higher calling in this life? See how many signs you can relate to. Okay, okay, okay. I just need you to just say me if this applies to you, okay? Yeah. Raise your hand. Okay. You've undergone some kind of spiritual awakening and a dark night of the soul.
Starting point is 00:05:14 You're a highly sensitive and empathic person who is aware of the nuances and subtleties of life. Christ in the supermarket. Okay. Yeah. You have a strong connection to your intuition. Don't like how that guy looks. At heart, you're a counselor, and you love to help others. You fucking busybody.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Like a lawyer? More like a camp counselor. Just give these homeless guys some helpful advice. guidance counselor. They'll appreciate it. Get out of my neighborhood. Since childhood, you've felt older than your age
Starting point is 00:05:52 reflects. Deep down, you're an old soul. At least that's what all the adult men who were hitting on you at 14 told you. Oh, no. I can tell you're an old soul. So mature for your age You experience a lot of uncanny
Starting point is 00:06:08 Synchronicity As if life is trying to speak to you And guide you No man, that's just brain damage Your dog talks to you You're prone to having many deep thoughts about existence Such as, what is the meaning of life? Oh, that's me
Starting point is 00:06:23 Wow That's me, I fit in Oh, that's me. Wow. Wow. That's me. That's me. I fit in. Wow. That's awesome, dude. Hey, congratulations on being one of the few people on this earth that's pondered your own existence. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:06:35 I finally reeled in, and I only had to read one third of these. While the darkness intimidates others, you're drawn to exploring and illuminating it within yourself. You're a shadow worker who seeks to live a more awakened life. Wait, so am I goth? Is that what you're saying? No, you play vampire the masquerade. So being a shadow worker is a sign that you're a light worker.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Yeah, sure. Okay. Okay. Past trauma has created deep suffering within you that you've tried to face, embrace, and heal. You're a wounded healer. And a TV trope. Congratulations. They mocked you
Starting point is 00:07:18 for being a hippie at school. You're a mystic who focuses on ways to live a more ensouled life. You possess a mystic who focuses on ways to live a more ensouled life. You possess a high level of self-awareness, which can often feel painful. Deep down, you believe that life is a spiritual journey of learning, growing, and transforming. Nope. Wait, because you're energy sensitive, it's easy for you to feel overwhelmed by daily life and struggle with anxiety.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Just because I can hear the light bulbs buzzing and nobody else can doesn't mean that I'm energy sensitive. Do you have a trailing wire to make sure you're discharging? You thrive in nature and feel drawn to an eco-conscious lifestyle that honors the planet. You've experienced brief moments of ego death that have turned your life inside out. I mean, I have come. Is that what happens when you orgasm? I was going to say shrooms. It's specifically what happens when he does it.
Starting point is 00:08:25 It's gross. Okay. Great. Good, good. All these years, and I still learn new things about my friends. Yeah. You're living a life that is authentic to you,
Starting point is 00:08:36 is your utmost priority. You value walking your own unique path. Nope. Join everyone. Be a follower. That's important. You're prone to experiencing bouts. Nope. Join everyone. Be a follower. That's important. You're prone to experiencing bouts of depression. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:49 This is a huge umbrella. Lightworkers, one and all. See, that's the catch-all. Other people tend to use you as a dumping ground for their emotions and problems. Chris, I'm not sure about all these fortune cookies. emotions, and problems. Chris, I'm not sure about all these fortune cookies. You feel called to reconnect with your soul. In reality, your life is one big journey of soul searching.
Starting point is 00:09:14 You have a visionary nature and you feel destined to make some kind of positive change on this planet. And lastly, you have deep love and compassion for this planet and believe that, ooh, oneness and wholeness are everyone's birthright. Are you hearing the siren? Yes. Oneness and wholeness are everyone's birthright? Yeah. Everyone's wholeness.
Starting point is 00:09:38 What could that possibly mean? Everyone's wholeness. Yeah, you have, you son, you have inherited this wholeness. Yeah. This wholeness that I've kept, you will have it with you. And the oneness. It's true. This wholeness is mine.
Starting point is 00:09:54 It belongs to me. Is not man entitled to the sweat of his own oneness? Well, it's better than the sweat of his own hole, so yeah. I'm entitled to for that too. I need to tuck a sponge in there or something, buddy. How many signs of the above could you relate to? I hope that you know you're a light worker. You're in good company.
Starting point is 00:10:19 This website is about helping you walk the path less traveled and embrace your spiritual calling. Wait, you didn't even give me a score. Yeah, how many do I need to have? Well, there were 21. I mean, how many times did you raise your hand? Twice, I think. 500 points. That's it, it's too late.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Now you're a light worker, ha ha. Tough shit, you're a light worker. Wow, I did, you know what? I did click, I agree to the terms of service. That's how they get you. As a light slash dark worker myself, I know this road can feel isolating. But keep connecting to that source of love within you. Keep reaching out to your authentic self.
Starting point is 00:10:59 The light within you will always help you through any dark tunnels that come your way. The wholeness of the tunnel. All right, cool. Well, we know something about Lightworkers now. Thank you, The Lizard, for educating us. And now that we know something about Lightworkers, let's move on to their Tumblr. Yeah? Great.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Yeah. Okay, fantastic. So to that end, nutshell, your name is always is always. Uh-huh. Adds up. So these are, we're looking here specifically at a category of Tumblr posts with a tag, hashtag of Lightworker. And yeah, always is always. Just tell me about yourself,
Starting point is 00:11:46 please. I've just taken a quick look at Twitter. Which was my first mistake. And it has to be the worst mess of crap I have seen. People have gone next level in their attacks on Jiminy. It is vile.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Jiminy Glick? That wasn't a very good show. It says Jiminy is It is vile and... Jiminy Glick? That wasn't a very good show. It says Jiminy is a K-pop star. Oh, okay, great. It is vile and worse than hateful. Yeah, it's one of the BTS... Okay. It's like someone reached down into the tunnels of hell
Starting point is 00:12:19 and opened up a door, releasing a swarm of vermin worse than a nightmare. It is unbelievable. As an empath... Somebody on Tumblr is being a stan for a K-pop group? All right. As an empath, intuitive, and a person who navigates consciously as best as possible, I know one thing. Jimin needs to be surrounded by a massive amount of light right now. Call it divine.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Call it love. Call it high vibratory energy. See it as a force field of protection that is impermeable say a prayer do whatever it is you might do to see a person is protected from harm words and thoughts produce energy that is something that is as basic as the atoms that build your body it's the nature of reality the emotion that is attached to words and thoughts gives it a particular energetic signature you know if this was true a lot more people i didn't like would be dead um signature frequency and density negativity is harmful heavy and a burden to the person or object it is projected onto we need to come together to do everything possible to help
Starting point is 00:13:15 offset all that vile energy that people are projecting onto our beloved jimina please join in this as i believe that it is needed far more than we might understand. Every thought, every word, every action we can take to help will help him. So is this light working can also kind of be like the weirding way? I guess. I think it's anything you need it to be at the moment. Up to and including projecting astral lightsabers, you know. I have my hopes.
Starting point is 00:13:45 I hope that Hy-Vee steps in and does something as it's going to be on a normal level of negativity. I pray that intervention happens. Jimin doesn't deserve any of it. Thanks for all those who step up to help. Purple heart. Baby chick purple heart. Image of Jimin. Hashtag protect Jimin. Hashtag spark Jimin.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Hashtag Jimin-y. Hashtag Jimin-ah. Hashtag love Jimin. Hashtag subgroup is insane. Hashtag spark Jim and hashtag Jiminy hashtag Jim. Nah. Hashtag love Jim and hashtag subgroup is insane. Hashtag report accounts on Twitter. Hashtag let's love Jim and hashtag surrounding with protection. Accounts. Hashtag report. It's serious. Hashtag light worker.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Hashtag level win. Hashtag they are evil. Like I get it. He's cute, but fuck getting hits for hashtag report. Hashtag they are evil. Like, I get it. He's cute, but fuck. Getting hits for hashtag report. Hashtag let's. Yeah, it's serious.
Starting point is 00:14:39 So here we are on Tumblr, and I have something I need to say to you. My name is Delicate Insanity Prophecies. Yeah. Okay, okay, here we go. Star, star, star, star, star. Stop sitting on your knowledge. You mean more to this evolutionary process. Eyes praying, star, star, star, star, star.
Starting point is 00:15:09 As an individual who spends majority of their time throughout the day obtaining knowledge, I started to wonder about the necessity of release. Release. We take our downloads for granted when we don't use them. Of course. Otherwise, it's just going to be stored in your internal field in the form of a blockage taking up space from new discoveries. This is about jerking off, right? I mean, I think it might be. Yeah. That's how I download. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Absolutely. Kundalini or something, but usually I thought that storing it up was a good thing. I guess not. You haven't seen my subreddit. That's why expression is important, because a proper release is needed to expand. Remember, energy is a flow, meaning that the direction
Starting point is 00:15:48 is where it will be extended towards. We are channels, channeling energy through our vessels as it is projected outward into our reality. This is essentially how we can create our reality, and it is often called our life force energy, which is why being in
Starting point is 00:16:04 a meditative state, when we are able to receive downloads the clearest. It's explained as sparks of intelligence finer than atomic energy that constitutes life. So where do you want me to put my life force energy? Like on your face? In this jar? Yeah, the one with the pony in it. Should I put it over here? We got some more coming from the truck.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Just put it on the floor. Hey, Boots. Yeah, is it time to rage? It is time to rage, actually, yeah. Yeah, hey, I'm the Saudi avatar. I mean, okay, that's probably fine. Probably fine, sure. Probably, yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:16:44 And it's time to rage. All right, all right. Doing the right thing, or at least shaming myself for doing the wrong thing. That was the role taken and necessary so to try to upkeep the structure of what I needed to be in order to validate my life here as a human. I have tried.
Starting point is 00:17:06 I've really tried. But I cannot keep down the voice that has never let me be perfect. The annoying inconvenience that bursts and flames at spontaneous times. And it says the same thing. I did not go through thousands of years of evolution to be liked. I did not go through thousands of years of evolution to be liked. I did not come here to be sedated version of my spirit. I didn't reincarnate to the show to make friends. Now I am in chaos.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Nothing means much. now I am in chaos. Nothing means much. It is an outrage to know, to realize that everything that is happening does not need to be the case. The outrage to know that the suffering in this world is a result of unspoken truths and unmet pain within each and every person. Yeah, man,
Starting point is 00:18:00 I can hear, I can hear the Tori Amos swelling up behind you as you talk. Hey, fuck you too. Tori Amos. Don't bring Tori Amos swelling up behind you as you talk. Hey, fuck you, dude. Tori Amos is good. Don't bring Tori Amos into this, asshole. Are you sitting sideways on your piano chair? The outrage that I have come to understand information but cannot transfer it onto people, into people. I have overridden the program.
Starting point is 00:18:23 It is now system error, and I can rage. I can rage for myself and every sexualized part of my body that was not any man's to possess in image or mind or in body. No, don't worry about it. It doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:18:39 I rage for the ancestors of female repression and for the witches in my lineage who have been tames and shackled by threat of mortality over and over until they became limp and in hatred of their own power. Me.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Oh, now it's a poem. Tori. Halfway through a Tumblr post, it's time for poetry. I am their daughter and I am allowed to rage and I am allowed their daughter and I am allowed to rage and I am allowed to wild and I am allowed to strip me
Starting point is 00:19:09 I am their daughter and I am free and I am free and I am free the ultimate the ultimate avoidance is mass and chronic and deeply ingrained in the abyss of the psyche
Starting point is 00:19:28 avoidance of our mortality delusion of death we cannot die but you must kill the identity who is separate and striving to know you cannot die you can only be mortal if you are the soul incarnate, full expressive. This is a good poem. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And to be the soul is the largest inconvenience this human has ever met. Wow!
Starting point is 00:19:55 One more time with that one specifically. And to be the soul is the largest inconvenience this human has ever met. And the only chance of freedom, it is time to color the world in rage. Yeah. Beautiful, gorgeous, connected rage.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Rage for injustice. Rage for lies. Rage for suppression. Rage for abandonment of ourselves and each other. Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do This has been a traumatic birth. This is my last resort! Suffocation! The human specimen has been a traumatic birth. Love it!
Starting point is 00:20:43 And the trauma is the only way to call it love. It is the gap of love. It is a hole in the middle of our earth body. And the hole must empty out, but it's the other hole that's... In order for water to flow into it and allow life to grow. But that liminal period before water and after the purge, it has no mercy. It is absolute death. And only in accepting that and still surviving, we can finally realize that death is absolutely necessary and absolutely freeing.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Hashtag indigo child. Hashtag rainbow child. Hashtag light waker. Hashtag shadow work. Hashtag psychedelic. Hashtag mystery of life. Hasht hashtag human development hashtag evolution of spirit hashtag spiritual discovery hashtag awakening hashtag spiritual
Starting point is 00:21:31 realization hashtag psychic i can see how light workers are described as like sort of like healing figures yeah like and also like wasn't the idea of them being emotionally mature was definitely a thing that was happening? Supposed to help everyone. Right, right. Except death. Listen, listen, buddy, I used the word liminal.
Starting point is 00:21:58 You did, that's true. That's pretty damn mature. That was very mature. Hey, FirstCockroach4918. Uh-huh. I have a question. Disc of light above my head? Yeah, so I'm Jug Sacks.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I guess you could say I woke up a little bit more than a year ago. Started hearing guidance and started taking action, like changing diet and meditation more and adapting new ways of thinking. And then recently I've been asked to keep light around myself and anyone who I encounter at all times. Sounds exhausting. All times, yeah, all right.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Also keeping my third eye and heart center open. I have not heard of anyone experiencing this. When I feel connected, I sense a flying light above my head. I can't tell if it's six feet up or four, six hundred feet up. I believe that is possibly my guide, spaceship, my higher self, future self. I'm going to stop typing and hit submit now, I guess. Hey, man. It's FirstCockroach4918.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Oh, cool. Thanks, dude. Dude, I have the same thing when I connect. I feel it pulsing to me. If I focus it to my solar plexus chakra, I feel it speeds better. I see an electric arch whenever I connect white, yellow, orange. I'm in the same bowl urine. I got so much more to say but GTG to work.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Supernatural light being of unconditional love. Fuck yeah, first cockroach. Just backing out of a door with these signs. How do I learn more about you? Dude. I think you spelled dude wrong. I guess that's how you do it, D-U-E-D. Yeah, that is the only way to spell dude wrong. My rent was dude.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Yeah. The past tense dues. Hey, Zarla. I have a message from the Arctuarians. Oh, thank God. IMC style 5498. Is this about my package? As you know,
Starting point is 00:24:24 when you are sleeping, you are doing other things. So when you are waking up, and... Wait, end of sentence? Yeah, that's where it stops. So when you are waking up, done. Bye.
Starting point is 00:24:39 And this is why many people are waking up all through the night is because you are holding on to that frequency and bringing it here and anchoring it in. And this is important for many reasons. And so this is why you must be diligent with your attention and why you must be focusing on love and be able to transmute love out with a higher frequency of
Starting point is 00:24:56 acceptance. Peace on earth. Love on earth. Acceptance of all. Respect for all. Honoring all including self. It is such an important time to be able to do this. And we know that this feels like such a responsibility. But remember, you promised and signed up to be of service. You wanted this role.
Starting point is 00:25:12 You knew that you were capable of this and so much more. And so it was simply just a duty that you promised that you would help for humanity. And while we're having to remind you of this, and while some of you are doubting this, that we may be tricking you, we promise we are not. We are truly reminding you why you're here and why you feel like you've got such big responsibilities and duties to be of service. Because you are. Because you're remembering your life purpose and you know who you are. And knowing thyself and knowing life contracts and knowing missions and knowing what you're capable of will always be a more helpful reassurance to remember. This has not been
Starting point is 00:25:43 done to you as a punishment. You are here to be of service, to be awake and be of service, to have upliftment in your heart, to be able to share it to others. Upliftment? Upliftment. To have upliftment in your heart.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Got it. Cool. To be able to share it to others, to have complete empathy and compassion for others while still empowering them and not disabling them or disempowering them. You cannot even try to do other people's inner work for them. You must be able to just remind them that you have done enough of your inner work to
Starting point is 00:26:11 know that you are loved and you are loving and all is well and everything has significance and purposes. That message from the Arcturians. But also you were asleep at the beginning. You can't help anyone, but you can tell them that you're fine. What does this have to do with the Arcturians? Like, stay out of my business. It's a message from the Arcturians.
Starting point is 00:26:33 You're not being punished. You signed up for this. This is your responsibility. This is your responsibility. Yes. You're doing many things when you're asleep. Jumping on the bed you are waking up butts trying to break out of the carefully locked door kicking your spouse uh uh uh joking the thing that
Starting point is 00:26:56 you just found uh the thing that you just found was another post from uh first cockroach yeah yeah so i'll lead you in with a question here. This is from Escaping Prison Planet, which I don't know. Yeah, it doesn't. I mean, it would take too long. Yep. It's from a subreddit. I feel like you can infer a lot from the title
Starting point is 00:27:18 of what that actually means. It's like Scientology without the Scientology. Anyway, how do you plan to escape the reincarnation trap? What is your plan to escape the reincarnation trap? Thanks. So important. Five exclamation points. This sad, sad, sad weekend.
Starting point is 00:27:35 This happened. I always, I all ways, read metaphysical suffsdale. Recently, I read When we died we don't get confused And go into the light with Lullaboring voices turn around And go home
Starting point is 00:27:53 Slash And go home slash something better I told my friend slash boss This and he died that night or Next I can't remember Can't remember And this He was your best friend this and he died that night or next. I can't remember. I can't remember. It wasn't my fault. He was your best
Starting point is 00:28:08 friend. And this Vato was a beast. This Vato was a beast. And he would work out slash run five days a week, work feisca labor, no smoking slash no drugs
Starting point is 00:28:24 ever, just whiskey and three to five hookers from or something. And only on weekend? Broke my heart like no. Three to five hookers every weekend? That's a lot of hookers, man. I mean, if that's your only sexual activity, then I guess.
Starting point is 00:28:43 I mean, I described this Vato as a beast. That's all I had to say. That is how you describe that Vato. That's true. Goat legs, horns. Don't you know he's loco? Broke my heart like never before. My Anwa blood family death didn't come close to this.
Starting point is 00:29:08 We both starseed of sorts. I am sure we knew each other on some other plane of ext. Anyway, random act of God, doctor said can happen to anyone. He was walking do dirt rule by his pad and something in you intestines happened and you dropped dead. I didn't ask if he suffer.
Starting point is 00:29:32 That's just the first cockroach way. What up, bro? That of course was the answer to the question how do you plan to escape the reincarnation trap? Yeah. So that's how he plans to do it.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Yeah, dropping dead on a dirt road. Knees out of here. Reincarnate me from here, fuckers! I've escaped the prison planet! Nutshell, how's being a light worker for bunny holly is it going good for bunny holly oh god hold on a second yeah bunny holly all one word
Starting point is 00:30:12 bunny holly all one word oo wee oo yes I get it I'm just scrolling looking for it bunny holly ah yes well I mean it. I'm just scrolling, looking for it. Bunny Holly. Ah, yes. Well, I mean, it fucking sucks to be...
Starting point is 00:30:28 Foxing. Fox King sucks to be a light worker. Being a light worker. Yeah, but Fox King. You get great deals with that guy. Damn, Fox King. I'm sick of it. Always have to be on top of my game.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Be nice to everyone everyone no matter what my best friend was riding her bike and got hit by a car a month ago and left this earth and I'm still freaking here just stuck here having to be shining light and what's the point for this stupid event like I know I'm supposed to help my community when the time comes but what
Starting point is 00:30:59 the fuck am I supposed to do till then every person I try to talk to about this shit just thinks I'm crazy. I can't take it anymore. I want to go back to my home planet where we all loved each other no matter what. This planet is dense and tiring as fuck. I'm so sick of it. Like, why am I even here if nothing significant ever happens?
Starting point is 00:31:19 When COVID started, I was like, finally, some freaking progress. But no, I'm still stuck here suffering like everyone else. My friends, boyfriend, family are amazing to me. What sort of end event are you looking for? But I want to go home now, damn it. I'm getting some Hale-Bopp comet vibes from this kid. They didn't mention anything about cults before about Lightworkers. Does anyone else feel the same?
Starting point is 00:31:44 I've been waiting long enough i'm so tired of this human body oh i i hope you're still alive and feeling better hope you're feeling better my name's frost winters i'm gonna help you feel better i would ask uh what being a lightworker means to you it's not being nice to everyone because that's not what being a lightworker is all about. To me, being a lightworker means being one of those chosen people to shine light.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Have we restated this whole light thing enough? Skipping a bunch. She's a I want to go to the lightworker. She's a, I want to go to the lightworker. I've seen a lot of stuff about what lightworkers aren't supposed to do, but not a lot about what they actually do. I haven't, yeah, no, no, no positive actions yet, but maybe we'll get to it. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:32:50 Now, if you meant helping the Lightworker community achieve its collective ends, I would say that call was already put out the minute you decided you were a Lightworker. We all have missions. What's yours? What have you been doing to help raise the vibration of the planet? Huh? Huh? What have you been doing to help raise the vibration of the planet? You're a fucking slacker.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Yeah. I run with those tuning forks hitting things. I play some Diplo really loud. I keep asking you to wiggle it just a little bit. Don't wiggle it too much. Throwing it off for everyone. There are plenty of ways to do this. While simply being high vibrational is doing something to help, forcing yourself to be nice to people isn't high vibrational if you don't feel it.
Starting point is 00:33:34 At the end of the day, I'm telling you that you're fucking up on this bullshit thing. Hey, are you feeling bad about yourself? Good, you're doing it wrong. You're faking it. At the end of the day, a lightworker is a fancy title one doesn't need in order to do things of the light. But if you're going to claim this title, it's going to mean you have to put in the work to deserve it. I would suggest finding some online communities of lightworkers to hang out with. And where is this?
Starting point is 00:34:01 Where are they right now? Yeah, why don't you go to r slash. Oh, you already did? Okay, well, hi. You're doing it wrong. Sometimes being a light worker just means giving someone shit. Yeah, that's used to happen a lot so far. And I signed my post, The Aries.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Just Aries? Wow. So Aries. Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm sort of maybe all of them okay I like this one Lou Lou just gonna you would read that URL I just pasted there that'd be great. Oh, okay. Hi, I'm Blondie Trout. And I have a post here called Box with Crystals Dropped in the Middle of the Night Help.
Starting point is 00:34:59 So I, 22 female, am a light worker. I live in a beautiful apartment from 1887 in the Netherlands, and I have lots of old houses surrounding me. Sometimes I have some paranormal activity in my house since I went through my second spiritual awakening. The first one didn't take. The last time I was so done, brackets, paranormal activity broke certain lighting in my house twice, that I got a more experienced light worker. Wait a minute. Do you need a light worker or like an electrician?
Starting point is 00:35:44 That I got a more experienced light worker to put these halogens in that won't pop. Explore experienced lightworker to teach my how to cleanse my house. She told me the negative energy isn't from my place, but from my upstairs neighbor. He has some negative energy. About two days ago, I found an old box from me containing the following stones. A big clear quartz, amethyst, rose quartz, and angel aura quartz.
Starting point is 00:36:16 My boyfriend, Cat, accidentally broke the box which ripped a few crystals in a small glass container. Powerful cat. Well, he's a boyfriend, cat, so that's true. Necco boyfriend. With the crystals about two evenings ago, I got some of the crystals out
Starting point is 00:36:39 and left it out on the table in my bedroom. So last night I felt a little uneasy and I felt the energy shift in my bedroom. So last night, I felt a little uneasy and I felt the energy shift in my house. So I just went to bed and I had the old box on a table in front of me from my bed. Suddenly, the box dropped again out of nowhere
Starting point is 00:36:55 while I was looking at it. You might be interested in this quiz. It's energy shift or earthquake. My cats weren't around and the energy completely shifted. It was weird, I said for it to go and eventually
Starting point is 00:37:14 it went. Hey, stop it. Stop that. Get out of here. And the energy was like, oh, okay. Does the dropping of the box with crystals have any meaning? I get shiffers just writing this down. Help!
Starting point is 00:37:34 I get shiffers up and down my spine. That's the Dutch brand of dust wipers. Claudia Schiffer is just all over it. I like... Hey'm the creator of this universe Oh thank god I am the creator I've got a few questions and a lot of complaints We have a lot to answer for
Starting point is 00:38:00 I posted this two years ago And I'm deleted My masters didn't teach me to believe I was nothing. You will receive exactly what you ask for. They taught me to believe in myself beyond anybody or anything else in this universe. The entire philosophy of creator embodiment is empowering yourself through a rapid process of ascension. You believe that you are the creator you believe you are every creator you believe you're even beyond that when you have a broken and shattered belief
Starting point is 00:38:32 in yourself the doubts and negative conditioning go way beyond the conscious mind you live life acting like a fraction of yourself i'm gonna skip forward I'll tell you honestly, when I had a pronounced ego. When I had a pronounced ego in the past. I am the creator of the universe. When I had a pronounced ego, I had many more interactions with archangels, ascended masters, and higher beings in capitals. We just call them HBs, I guess, from other dimensions and universes. That comparison of living with a deflated and buried ego is like living in two different worlds.
Starting point is 00:39:12 The world doesn't respond to you. You get treated like trash and nothing ever happens because this is exactly how you treat and feel about yourself. Nobody has ever completely eradicated their ego. It didn't happen. This is the lie of false enlightenment through systemic soul enslavement, perpetual disempowerment. The books written by the original avatars and masters no longer exist.
Starting point is 00:39:39 What we have today are manipulated and watered down versions, translated over way too many languages to even understand the original message. It's one thing to be humble, and it's another thing entirely to disrespect the very origins of ancient power that birthed your soul. I am the creator of this universe! this universe you must have absolute belief in yourself and in the power of your soul that your energy literally creates literally creates waves in the collective unconsciousness so how's this getting me a tulpa boyfriend pay for my book okay all right This is light related, right? Sure. Sure. Throw out all the teachings and start afresh.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Even this? Yes. Repeat after me and type this in the comments below. Alright, fine. I am the creator of this universe. I am the creator of this universe. That's it? Wow, that's all? That's all?
Starting point is 00:40:43 Yeah, I'm gone forever. Alright, so am I to be, I guess. Come back, I have questions. Nope. Is there an afterlife? Wait. Wait, are you taking the entire universe with you when you go? When will you be back? I was using that.
Starting point is 00:41:01 No, but you're the creator of the universe, because you typed it. Oh, God. Start afresh. I'm falling. The last section that the lizard has given us for this document is called, Get in, Loser, We're Going Shopping. Okay, so Lightworkers. Oh, sorry, we're on Salona Beauty Incorporated
Starting point is 00:41:28 Sorry, Saluna Beauty Incorporated And this is the Lightworkers Blend Essential Oil Blend Grounding Lightworkers Blend Essential Oil Everyone's a Lightworker Oh, wow, okay If you find yourself holding this bottle, chances are you've done some
Starting point is 00:41:44 incense shadow work, went through a few wild epiphanies about your generational trauma, little boy, and survived a dark night of the soul or two, don't go at it alone. Take this, Lightworkers Lounge Essential Oil. Drift away into a grounded and uplifted meditative experience. Calm the stress of anxieties we encounter every day. Inhale your strength. Huh.
Starting point is 00:42:11 I'm going to have to breathe in real hard. Hey, Lemon. Yeah, what's up? Are you on the website for this? Yeah, sure. Absolutely. Click on one of those images. You bet.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Here I go. Whoa. All right. All right. All right. That's too much of that image. It's real big. Yeah. You want a higher res image?
Starting point is 00:42:34 Well, you can't have it, but you can have a bigger one. Oh, I'd like to see more of this picture. Yes, just the forehead, please. Hey, that's a light worker's forehead. You can see the light dots on that. Yeah, so what's in it? So there's frankincense, right? You got geranium.
Starting point is 00:42:54 All right, that's good. Antibacterial, antidepressant, balancing, parentheses, hormones. Then it's got jasmine in it. What a wonderful treat of this heady, exotic, sweet, and intense floral aroma. What are the properties of jasmine? Yeah, so the properties of jasmine, it's the properties you would expect. I mean, to be fair, it smells like a nice perfume mix, but you can get it for cheaper at BPAL. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:28 It's the things that happen when you go into a Sephora. That would have a fun goth name. Yeah. Anti-anxiety, antidepressant, antispasmodic? Antispasmodic, yeah. Antispasmodic. It's also aphrodisiac. It's calming. It's a sedative, and it's strengthening. It's also aphrodisiac. It's calming.
Starting point is 00:43:46 It's a sedative, and it's strengthening. It's an aphrodisiac and a sedative? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It makes me horny and sleepy. It calms you down for all the exciting sex. Hang on, I'm adding horny and sleepy to the band name. Horny and sleepy.
Starting point is 00:44:16 That's a very good band name. Okay. All right. Okay, and then aromatherapy. How much, it's good for your chakra points. So you get a fair amount of it. Does it make them pointier?
Starting point is 00:44:32 You get a fair amount of it. There's like I think maybe like a maybe an ounce. How much would you pay? Oh, I'm sorry. Five milliliters. Five milliliters. How much good perfume costs? $10. Okay. No, $ers. How much good perfume costs? Eight bucks. Like $10. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Okay. No, $44. $44. Okay. Okay. Okay. Awesome. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Next thing is, this is a class, a class that you can buy. And Zarl, if you'll tell us about the manifestation for Lightworkers class from Udemy, please. Okay. Manifest your soul-aligned life through energy activations, channeling and clearing your subconscious blocks. Once you learn how to manifest as a lightworker, uncover and heal your subconscious blocks, reprogramming beliefs, uncover your soul purpose, tap into your intuition to manifest.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Part 1, find your blocks. Find your subconscious and energetic blocks. Part 2, activate your soul purpose. Align with your intuition and receive divine guidance. Part three, shift your vibrational state. Magnetize your desires. Magnetize your desires. Wait, when did Nick Cain get here?
Starting point is 00:45:39 I've worked with thousands of lightworkers over the years, and one thing I've come to understand is that manifesting is a different ballgame for lightworkers. This course is for you if you're sick and tired of not having the reality you desire. You've tried the mainstream manifestation techniques, and they're just not working for you. Throw away all this pediatrics! Yeah, this is the part in the infomercial where, like, you know, your tray of pretzels falls off your lap. There's like a big X through the whole thing. Oh,
Starting point is 00:46:07 can't manifest. You know you're a light worker. It's got to be better light. You're ready to align with your soul's purpose. Co-creating your divine life is your birthright. It's not supposed to be hard.
Starting point is 00:46:18 It's supposed to flow. My name's Athena Bailey and I help light workers ignite their light. I'm a kinesiologist, clairvoyant. Wow. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. Kinesiologist. Yeah, kinesiologist. And where were you accredited for your...
Starting point is 00:46:33 You know, around. Clairvoyant psychic and trance channel. Oh, for some hot beats. And my work helps lightworkers to embody their psychic abilities, align with their soul purpose, and co-create their divine life on Earth. My mission is to assist lightworkers from all walks of life to fully embody their highest self so they can complete their soul mission and assist the Earth as it ascends into the fifth dimension. In this training, I take you through the core concepts of manifesting. You learn to magnetize your desires and create the life you desire.
Starting point is 00:47:04 So much of what is out there does not apply to manifesting for lightworkers, and I'll take you through the techniques that I use to create my reality. In this course, cover part one, find your blocks. Really insistent on these blocks. This section is... You gotta find them. Yeah, you gotta find them. This section is all about finding the resistances that are getting in the way of you manifesting your desires. Examine your limiting beliefs. We uncover your self-sabotages and go through a process to realign them i share with you techniques and processes to find anything that needs to be healed and reprogrammed before we can align with our manifestations and see activate your soul purpose align to the intuition
Starting point is 00:47:37 and receive divine guidance we go through techniques for using your intuition to manifest take you through a process to uncover your soul purpose to ensure your desires are aligned with you. Our soul purpose has a large impact on the desires you want to manifest and it's something that's especially important for a lightworker. And magnetizing your desires. Once you have aligned to receive what you desire, we can begin to magnetize it to us by shifting our vibrational frequency.
Starting point is 00:48:01 In this training, I take you through understanding your quantum energy field and how to shift it effectively to call in your desires. I take you through a process where we become energetically aligned, and I also share with you a technique to see if you are vibrationally aligned. Oh, wow. Man, so many different
Starting point is 00:48:18 services here. Almost like you're just throwing a bunch of shit against the wall and see what sticks. A lot of things are focused on having you figure out your sole purpose and your quest on Earth. Uh-huh, uh-huh. To eat as many cheeseburgers as possible. You have to believe in yourself to do that. I know.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Also, you know, burritos, cheese bagels, anything really cheese and bread adjacent. I mean, I'm into it yeah yeah have a mission for sure you're not gonna know that unless you take my like my seminar
Starting point is 00:48:49 I've been spending a bit of time on Athena Bailey's website same did you also have you block origin warn you
Starting point is 00:48:58 you shouldn't go to it I sure did yay and it wasn't wrong um athena bailey does a lot as a psychic who has a lot of seminars on how you can make a lot of money really fast so good
Starting point is 00:49:16 yep yep yep by giving seminars on fox news you don't say no fox news and daily mail cool rush with two s's Don't say. Oh, no. Fox News and Daily Mail. All right, cool. And Rush with two S's. Hey, okay.
Starting point is 00:49:38 We need to talk about Robin Hollett's self-paced lightworker course. So I'm going to leave you in here, Zarla, but, like, let's face it. You're already pretty freaking amazeballs. Oh, no. Oh, that's so true. Oh, no. A dicky billy. And I know there is more
Starting point is 00:49:57 you're wanting for yourself, too. This series has everything to do with getting you where you truly long to be Those parts of you needing a bit of fine tuning in order to get the signal crystal clear That's what I'm here for I'll help you shine as your truest self And receive the maximum juju
Starting point is 00:50:21 The maximum Nutshell, in the document here, can you pick it up from Hi, I'm Robin? Maximum Juju. The Maximum. Nutshell, in the document here, can you pick it up from Hi, I'm Robin? Hi, I'm Robin. Some maybe call me an intuitive healer, but I'm really a light sparkler.
Starting point is 00:50:38 I hope that light inside you burn brighter. I need to get to bed so you can shine, Lemon! I know you want to get to bed so... So you can shine! So you can shine, Lemon! I know you want to get to that place where you're living your own personal dream. Not my dream. Not somebody else's dream. Your own. You know, the one where you're chased around by
Starting point is 00:50:56 a miniaturized Peter Lor on the top of a steam-powered pavement machine. Oh, you're still having that dream? You want to do what you love in the ways you love to do it. You want to listen to your inner compass and honor your own knowing. Above all else, you want to stay the course of your journey, even on those days when you wake up and feel like, what the hell am I doing? And then a note from the lizard which says quotes from clients of her not funny thus
Starting point is 00:51:27 lightworker love offers you inspired encouragement and honest conversation on topics that help you embrace who you truly are and feel confident and clear without rocking your journey in the way that feels best for you this This series offers you intuitive guidance plus Robin stories. Robin stories. Robin stories. That's my favorite kind of stories. Tell us about the time you went to Cancun. Plus prompts for your reflection on these topics.
Starting point is 00:51:56 I can tell you about the time I went to Burning Man. Oh, really? Wait a minute. I thought people that went to Burning Man couldn't talk about when they went to Burning Man. Because none ever have. Oh, I wish that were true. You have to reflect on my trip to Burning Man.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Shining, being an agent of the divine, and moving beyond your comfort zone. Self-care, self-compassion, loving yourself, honoring your path, setting healthy boundaries, care, self-compassion, loving yourself, honoring your path, setting healthy boundaries, success in your own terms, going for more than the limiting belief of a seven-figure life, setting healthy boundaries and dealing with challenging
Starting point is 00:52:33 people and situations, money, abundance, and manifesting. Remember, if you're poor, it's your fault. Confidence, consistency, and imposter syndrome. Staying true to you, it's not imposter syndrome if you're actually an imposter.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Ignoring people that tell you that this scam is a scam. What you can't expect. The transformation you've been seeking. Forward movement plus peace of mind. Love and support from a friend who is walking the path to you and cares about your shining
Starting point is 00:53:06 brightly exactly as yourself. As long as your check's clear, I care. I can buy a friend. Yay. Prompts for your healing and growth. Oh, God. How long until we see like- Put on a Band-Aid.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Chat GTP light worker robots. Already there, I'm sure. I i mean it wouldn't be hard for the computer to write this kind of jibbering help with intention setting and healing inspiration clarity as to who you are and what you're here to do accountability encouragement yes even in this format you will feel seen encouraged to go for it. Truly binge-worthy content. I didn't make that up. That is what students tell me all the time. Winky face. They listen to these lessons again and again.
Starting point is 00:53:54 I love content. Content just squinted my whole lip. Oh, man. Okay. Okay. We need to make shirts. We need to make shirts. Okay. Okay. We need to make shirts. We need to make shirts. Yep.
Starting point is 00:54:10 I love content. Yep. It's good. It's perfect. It's just a person with a big mouth pointing to the inside of his mouth. with a big mouth pointing to the inside of his mouth. A handbook accompanying the course that offers extra prompts, related content, and even a low bonus, even a few bonus lessons
Starting point is 00:54:34 I share nowhere else. Now, I know it's de classe to talk about Filthy Luker, but this entire Lightworker love course, $85. Oh, wow, that'sworker love course, $85. Oh, wow. Check out button day now. Register now. Oh, and you even have a hand-drawn, or well, it's supposed
Starting point is 00:54:54 to look hand-drawn, PayPal. Zarla had a question for you there, Robin Hollett, who has, by the way, five stars. Perfect, perfect. I'm on gumroad here. Perfect five-star review. There is only one review from somebody named Robin, but five stars. Good, good, good.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Anyway, so, yeah, but Zarla's question was, what are the lessons that are in here? Okay, so the lessons are from 1 to 12. And lesson one, everything you want is here now. Oh, well, bye then. the lessons are from 1 to 12 and lesson 1 everything you want is here now lesson 2 what if it was easy lesson 3 invest in the yes smiley face lesson 4 I know who I am I know what I am I know how I serve
Starting point is 00:55:40 lesson 5 shine on and why that's so hard Lesson 6 You matter the most Lesson 7 The green eyed monster of awakening Lesson 8 Be intentional
Starting point is 00:55:55 Not laissez faire Lesson 9 The Gazinta principle The Gazinta principle? We don't speak of the gazinta principle. Lesson 10. FOMO is my friend-o. Fuck that. Fuck that statement
Starting point is 00:56:11 entirely. Fuck the very essence of that statement. FOMO is not my friend-o. Lesson 11. Money equals my own natural energy yield. Money! Get the dollar...
Starting point is 00:56:27 Oh, fuck. Less than 12. Set a boundary. Save a life. Are you ready to receive light, work, and love for yourself? It's only $85. My little robot will send you a confirmation email. I thought it was $88.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Oh, no, it was $85. Sorry. Okay. Awesome. Awesome, man. So many good things to learn. The very last thing we're going to read here, I've got to kind of skim through it because it's an Etsy listing
Starting point is 00:57:02 and skim through it because it's an Etsy listing and that's more expensive than I thought. Wow, that's more expensive than I thought. Okay. Whoa. So this is called Who Are You? Starseed Origins.
Starting point is 00:57:22 I hate this series. I don't know. I thought it was one of the better Tuesday Night Adventures. I just went on for too long. Original retail price, $250. Oh, wow. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:57:38 Okay. One-on-one live one-hour video session. Hello, beautiful soul and heart. Yellow heart emoji. Thank you so much for being here and it is divine timing that we have aligned.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Rainbow emoji, confetti emoji, star emoji. Where did you originate from? Andromeda galaxy? Andromeda constellation? Pleiades? Arcturus?
Starting point is 00:58:01 Sirius A? Sirius B? What am I doing? You're listing off the places where the person might be from. All the space words I'm aware of. You're stalling for time while somebody else is dropping the catch register back there. Look over there! Okay, I will identify at least five of your main galactic gifts, abilities, talents, clairs, psychic abilities and specializations from
Starting point is 00:58:26 all space reality continuums. I will read format your resume. I will change the facts to something professional. How old are you? I'll give you your exact galactic age in numbers. In addition, Kepler 45 2B must be destroyed. give you your exact galactic age in numbers.
Starting point is 00:58:45 In addition, Kepler-45-2B must be destroyed. At one point she says, I have done this akashic profession for four quintillion 988 quadrillion... Oh, I can keep going. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:59:01 I am a pioneer and creator with over 101 exclusive patterns. That's right. Or patents. pioneer and creator with over 101 exclusive patterns. That's right. Or patents. That's right. Over 101. Patents such as galactic healing technology, trauma healing, quantum healing, laser technology, med bed technology,
Starting point is 00:59:17 oxygenation chambers, magnetic scanning technology, sun chamber technology, DNA repair. Sun chamber technology. DNA repair. Yes. Finally. I busted it the other day and I've been waiting to find a place to take a look at it. Spy and surveillance removal.
Starting point is 00:59:34 Toxins, obviously. Chakra stuff. Energetic block removal. Okay, so. I'm sorry, Heather Lynn. Could you go up two paragraphs and tell me your areas of specialization? Lots of words
Starting point is 00:59:50 here. Fuck, that's a lot of words you're asking for. Here we go. Areas of specialization include... Yeah, you're looking for anything specific? Nope. Okay, here we go. I want them all. Asshole! Akashak reading. Divine Raymaster of 12 Rays.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Clairvoyance. Psychic Visioning. Psychic Reading. Psychic Mediumship. Claircognizance. Precognition. Telepathy. Clairempathy.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Divine Channeling. Cosmic Shamanism. Trauma and PTSD Healing. Paranormal Work. Clairsentience again? What? Oh no, that's different. Medical Intuition. What? Just got an idea of something. paranormal work, clairsentience again, I think. Oh no, that's different. Medical intuition, what?
Starting point is 01:00:28 I just got an idea of something. I don't know. It feels like you've got some kind of a fracture. I guess. You cannot skip this list. It's probably something in your stomach. Oh, remote viewing? So many.
Starting point is 01:00:41 I'm not done. I'm not done. Shut up. Shut up. I got medical intuition. I got other stuff. Like'm not done. Shut up. Shut up. I got medical intuition. I got other stuff. Like remote viewing. Yeah, biocentrics. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. Also, biolocation.
Starting point is 01:00:52 And then clairaudience. Clairaudience. Yeah, astral channeling. Or sorry, astral traveling. Quantum healing, obviously. Boring stuff. Biokinesis. Remote distance energy transmissions.
Starting point is 01:01:04 DNA activations. Uh-oh. That's called coming. boring stuff. Biokinesis, remote distance energy transmissions, DNA activations? That's called coming. That's that thing where somebody has deprogramming by the Soviet state, and all of a sudden becomes a different person, a trade killer.
Starting point is 01:01:19 I've heard of that. In several different Patrick Swayze movies. Telephone. Okay, activating abilities, just in general. Light language. This is rated Y7 for light language. Negative attachment removals. Timeline jumping.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Entity removal. Seals, tags, implants, negative artificial intelligence removal. That was one big old hyphen word. And, of course, soul divine blueprint clearing healing programming. Yeah. These are areas of specialization. Yeah. Then underneath that, I have additional areas of specialization.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Uh-huh. Right? I'm an Uzi Reiki master. I'm a gold Reiki master. I'm a quantum Reiki master. I'm a Kundalini Reiki master. Oh, Reiki on your Kundalini. Me Reiki.
Starting point is 01:02:16 God damn it. God damn it. Did you say me Reiki long time? I didn't put in long time. It was implied. She Reiki on my kudulini until... Oh, no. 70 Arcturian Reiki Master, Ethereal Crystal Reiki Master.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Nat 20. Certified Advanced Pranic Healer, Bachelor of Arts in Art Education. Oh, no. Certified K-12. Yeah, because I was on your LinkedIn. You are actually a school teacher. Oh, no! For now!
Starting point is 01:02:52 I guess you gotta make money how you can. Okay. Each one-hour session is done through Zoom. Anyway, so you're gonna need to provide me the following information at least 48 hours prior to your video session. I'm going to need your first, middle, and last name.
Starting point is 01:03:09 I'm going to need your birth date. Do I need your social security number? The last four digits of your credit card. The name of your first pet. Security code. Three photographs of recent images of yourself. So take the photos of the photos, please. Email address.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Exact birth time. Yes. Wait. Specified. AM or PM. Okay. That's exactly the level of exactness I need. And then a cell phone number.
Starting point is 01:03:39 That's important. No refunds. I just want to say that right up front. You need to allow up to four hours for optimal results. That'll allow me to access, see, scan, tune into, channel, hear, sense, know, use, telepathy, repair, heal, update, upgrade, cleanse, clear, activate, remote view, use quantum healing, implement exclusive patented technologies, and identify information pertaining to your Akashic
Starting point is 01:04:09 records. I'm going to send her pictures of my computer. I will not do IT. I defried your computer remotely. Well, she does med beds, so you probably have to send her a picture of your bed at some point. Oh.
Starting point is 01:04:23 My bed is sick. If you miss our arranged session, I won't be able to reschedule or offer refunds. I do multiple sessions per day. I'm not a medical doctor? Weird. You don't say. The very last paragraph, please. The whole thing. Okay, here we go. This is an
Starting point is 01:04:39 exclusive divine patent of Heather Lynn Walden and may not be replicated, duplicated, activated, removed, cancelled, terminated, changed, abused, traumatized. Keep going. My course has trauma. Yeah, not traumatized. You can't be. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:58 So my patent, right, which can't be traumatized. It also cannot be infiltrated. Can't be used. And or implemented. You can't be traumatized. It also cannot be infiltrated. Can't be used. And or implemented. You can't implement it! Ever. In any way, shape, form, or ever. Past, present, concurrent, future, on any timelines.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Planets, universes, realms, experiences, spaces, times, realities, dimensions, since the beginning of divine creation, without my exclusive permission and approval directly from me, Heather Lynn Walden, not capitalized, as body, mind, original soul, heart, and son, all simultaneously. I heard she sent some lawyers after some guys in the future. That is the wildest fucking disclaimer
Starting point is 01:05:49 we've ever read. Thinking you're doing another universe? Joke's on you. She's going to find you. Disney ain't got shit on me. They say infiltration's bad, but exfiltration's okay? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Yeah, that's true. That's true. You can't get in, but you can get out. Can I kiss the patent? Is that okay? $17't know. Yeah, that's true. That's true. You can't get in, but you can get out. $177 negative AI removal. Yeah. Implants, mind control, inserts, and unit devices.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Wow. If you book that session, you're giving her consent and exclusive permission and access to your body, mind, soul, blueprint, heart, auric field, chakras, nadis, meridians, energetic anatomy, DNA coding, paneling. You're paneling. I don't know. Sounds demonic to me. Templates, consciousness, physical body,
Starting point is 01:06:31 entire self. She also does sighting. And paves driveways. She's a traveler. Yeah, she's got 223 sales on Etsy. So Heather's doing well for herself. 223, $250 sales.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. It's not bad. Sometimes they do go on sale, right? Like this one's for $100 right now. And we know that Photoshop is not an expense that she pays for. There's no graphic designer getting paid for any of this stuff. These guys are really focused on finding their purpose. Like, they don't know what they're supposed to be doing.
Starting point is 01:07:20 Like, nobody seems to know what they're supposed to be doing. No one's arguing about it. I suspect everyone has their own entire notion of what lightworkers means. Because some of them sounded like it was a cult. I don't care to argue the point. Like definitely special. Like we know the lightworkers are special. I got that. Right.
Starting point is 01:07:39 And it's nice to be special. But yeah, a few of them sounded like they were a little bit too enthusiastic about shedding these mortal coils to become their real light self. They're really focused on helping other people, but most of the time it seems like helping other people because instead of thinking about how great they are. Yeah, but helping helping other people like eventually. Like there might be a time in the future when I am called upon to help somebody else. At the beginning it says Anne Frank is a light worker. Yeah. That's right.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Wait, what? In the very beginning, in the history of light workers. Oh, wow. I mean, is that like proved or is that like, we believe that Stalin had an IQ of... I'm sorry. I read that in my high school history book. I think you're in the wrong place for things that need proof. Okay, fair enough.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Martin Luther King, Helen Keller, Mahatma Gandhi. What's common among these trailblazing lightworkers is their commitment to taking real, physical, consistent action towards shining their light. Okay, alright, yeah, no, that's, yeah, okay. Gosh, if she'd said Mother Teresa, I would've had a bingo. They didn't just feel their desires, meditate on them, and visualize the world being more equal and peaceful.
Starting point is 01:09:03 They wrote books, spoke their truth, debated, campaigned, and as a result, shifted perceptions and changed the world. And Frank was like a teenager who wrote a diary. Yeah, discovered posthumously. Yeah, no, I think, yeah, like that was, Zarla, I was struck with the same thing, like the whole document of like, they know that that they're very special but all of them have no purpose and that very much includes the gurus like the gurus also seem purposeless and don't write with intention and yet are like i will give you intention yeah i will teach you how to have purpose in your life, even though my writing conveys that I have none. The blind leading the blind. That's not very light-workery. Yeah, they can't see the light.
Starting point is 01:09:51 It doesn't make any sense. Maybe their eyes are just too adjusted to it. The only one that seemed to have a consistent thing they were trying to do was the one that was trying to protect that K-pop star. It was all do was when it was trying to protect that K-pop star. It was all like, manifest your mind energies to protect this K-pop star. And everybody else was just kind of rambling generically about light. That is true. That is true.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Like, every other person needs the focus of a horny teenage girl. Anything they want to get done. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Our website as always is Our forum is Ball Pit If I get a design I will print up I love content merch
Starting point is 01:10:41 of some form I'll make it happen, You just need the design. Yeah. And if you're not sure what's Nicki Minaj or not. Boots, I'm not sure what is and is not Nicki Minaj. I don't know. What do I do? You go to the website you made.
Starting point is 01:11:00 It's domain name. I forget. Okay. I feel like it's pretty obvious. Bye. Is it Nicki Mina name, I forget. Okay. I feel like it's pretty obvious. Bye. Is it Nicki Minaj? Shut up. Bye.

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