The F Plus - 399: Check This Shift Out

Episode Date: February 24, 2024

We're only one episode away from our 400th episode, and we're gonna spend it on the quadfecta of tumblr, reddit, fandom and deviantart. Today, we're looking at the Reality Shifting community - pe...ople who are certainly not dreaming (oh no no no), but they're using their own positive intentions to transform themselves into a completely different and better world (like the kind where you have an orange), while your clone body does all the chores your mom keeps bugging you about. This week, The F Plus also likes the pop culture thing you like. Enjoy!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Harry Potter, but I have the Rosebud. Give item Rosebud. Give item dead parents. If you could love the world with a flip of a switch, would you do it? Welcome to the F Plus Podcast, an alternate reality where terrible things are read with enthusiasm. In the room tonight we got Lemon. I can literally visualize so much better. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:00:50 Bunny Bread. I'm shifting to a reality where we use the original intro. Frank West. You can do literally anything with shifting. You can read the last chapter of that discontinued fan fiction you like. Zarla. I don't think I can shift to Hogwarts anymore because I shifted there and I scripted Draco to be more soft and nice and I hit him while I was shifting and he started crying
Starting point is 00:01:14 and I kept punching him and hitting him and he died. Wow, it's Ganymede. Starring Blake Lively as Nancy Adams. And Boots Reingear. I'm not saying sam ramey or benedict cumberbatch are evil a lot of what happens in the movie is that the companies say but isn't it strange how in this movie they portray shifting as possession and it's made out to be an awful evil with all your power Hey F Plus Hey Hi You all feeling
Starting point is 00:01:52 Horny Grounded these days Horny Grounded Yeah grounded You feel like Yeah I'm not allowed outside Is it grounded and horny
Starting point is 00:02:01 Yeah No it's just like establishing your place like you exist and the reality in which we all live in. Yeah. I play Nintendo. My head's in the clouds, but my feet's on the ground. I probably am grounded, so I can just stick my finger in this light socket, right?
Starting point is 00:02:15 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's how it works. I got in trouble for not doing my homework. Great. Because we're going to get you out of that we're gonna shift realities we're going to go to slash r slash shifting realities uh which is a site where people shift into uh you know alternate universes uh you know whether it be harry potter or uh harry potter any anime which which are you know the most relevant of universes.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Or Harry Potter, but everybody's a foot taller. That's good. All fictional universes, aren't they? Because otherwise, I'm not interested. Yeah. Well, we'll learn about this, but you can use something called a script before you go to sleep and have not a dream, definitely not a dream, to specify anything about the fictional world that you're visiting. And this has nothing to do with lucid dreaming, I'm sure, right?
Starting point is 00:03:10 So, Booz, you say this is a thing where I can shift from one reality to another reality, right? Yes. And this is real? Is that what you're saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Lizard gave us a document. They gave us a document that covers sites from famous websites,,,, and
Starting point is 00:03:28 Oh, boy. The four big ones. The four-fecta. Yeah, the quadrifecta. This used to be really big on Amino, too. Don't ask me any more questions about Amino. I don't know how it works. The final four.
Starting point is 00:03:42 And TikTok. Great. The final four. Oh, yeah. There was a huge TikTok. There probably four. And TikTok. Great. The final four. Oh, yeah. There was a huge TikTok shoot. There probably, presumably still is. Great. So, Ganymede, could you start us off with Shifting for Dummies, the basics.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Hi. I'm Dad Kashi. This is Shifting for Dummies. And I would weigh in and say that Shifting is perhaps only for dummies. But here's the basics. Oh, snap. Damn, shots. Mom gets lucky charms. Dad gets kashi.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Bullshit. One of my best slams. And dad jokes in honor of dad kashi. Getting in character. So I just want to put out a few disclaimers here first. I have not yet fully shifted. Get off the stage. But I completely believe that I will soon.
Starting point is 00:04:25 I can see why you wrote the guide then. This is another thing. Sorry to interrupt so much, but this is another thing we'll see a lot. Let us learn, baby! Alright, alright. If they knew how to fully shift, then they'd be out of this reality and they wouldn't be able to write the guide, would they?
Starting point is 00:04:43 Listen to the expert, people. No one's shifting to this one. I've been getting closer over my last few attempts. Secondly, I am by no means a shifting expert. I've done my fair share of research over the last month or so from different platforms. But I feel like I've garnered enough accurate information to give people new to shifting a good rundown this post is a basic overview of shifting a few common questions i've seen as well as some common shifting terminology sorry for being long-winded
Starting point is 00:05:17 as well i i guess i just like to talk lol if you have any other questions i didn't answer feel free to comment or dm me what okay what is shifting uh answer a lot of come on dad got you there's a lot of real science and studies done about this concept but put simply shifting also referred to as quantum jumping or reality shifting etc is moving your consciousness from one reality, the one you're currently in, to a reality that you want to be in. It's from one realty, by the way, not from one reality. Isn't this sliding? It's not from a realty to a reality. There you go.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Quantum jumping. You're not going to use a different verb. It's sliding, isn't it? Well, that etc. is doing a lot of work. Left reality, let's stomp. A common thought process is that every time you make a choice, you're shifting to the reality where you made that decision. Ah, sliding doors.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Like picking between an apple and an orange. If you pick the apple, you go to the reality where you chose the apple. But there is still a reality where you chose the orange or even one where you didn't choose either. Wow. Your realities are constantly changing around you to address another misconception. If it's a navel orange, that's the dark reality.
Starting point is 00:06:38 That's the bad place. That's a tangerine. This is the darkest timeline. I like the idea that the guy gets to the other side of the Stargate and he looks around and it all looks familiar and it's like, no, no, no, no, no, you don't understand. Did I take the apple here? Did I take the apple here? In 2003, you had an orange.
Starting point is 00:07:02 To address another misconception, reality shifting is not just dreaming. I know it can be confusing, as many methods have you fall asleep and wake up in your desired reality, but there is a difference between lucid dreaming and reality shifting. Belief! Yeah, bullshit. That's the thing. Insistence. With lucid dreaming, you can control everything and everybody in your dream. You're in an imaginary place, and everything is how you design it to be.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Reality shifting is different, as everybody in your desired reality is a real person with their own feelings, thoughts, and actions. With reality shifting, you're just another normal person in that reality with no control over others slash events. They have this glove with like knives on it and they say quotes that are like kind of funny but also kind of racist. So how do I shift?
Starting point is 00:08:00 Well, anybody can shift. There are tons of methods except for me apparently. There are tons of methods except for me apparently there are tons of methods people have used that i'll discuss in another post but the most important shift i mean i'm gonna do it as soon as you leave the room i love theory crafting i'm shifting out of this conversation but the most important part is believing that you can. I think somebody called it. I know it sounds silly, but you'll have a much harder time shifting if you have doubts about it.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Doesn't sound silly. Does not sound silly to me. Listening to subliminals and repeating affirmations along with doing some of the methods will only get you so far. You have to believe and take the plunge to get there. Some people can shift on their first time. Not many, though. It's absolutely okay. I heard that it hurts the first time that you shift, though.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Only for like a minute. It's absolutely okay if you didn't shift on your first try. It can take a long time to do so. It comes down to experimenting and finding what works for you. I know it can be difficult, but you just have to try and stay positive and certain that you will shift after
Starting point is 00:09:11 a failed attempt. I believe in you and know that you can do it. You've never shifted. You have to believe in yourself. Yeah. Nobody believed in Dadkashi is the problem. Maybe he's like looking into a mirror while he's saying this. That's why're writing this text that was supposed to be some i am to somebody else uh hey sonny can you take over at this point he needs to believe in somebody else who believes
Starting point is 00:09:36 in him he's dead coming up taking over asking a question you mean like is it safe yeah is it safe is it safe oh uhifting is completely safe. I know that it sounds a little scary to move to an entire other reality, but you cannot get stuck in another reality. Your consciousness always knows that you're in your DR?
Starting point is 00:09:57 Desired reality. Short for doctor. You're in your doctor. And that you can leave whenever you want to. As an extra precaution that might make you feel better is to script a return action or word. So that when you say or do it, you can come back to your cur immediately. That stands for croctor. Oh, like cruddy's dead.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Go back to your croctor immediately. It's a current reality, which raises a number of questions. Now that you've given us some acronyms for that explanation, can you give us some terms? Okay. So, CR, your current reality. Pretty self-explanatory. DR, also self-explanatory. Why am I even answering these questions for you?
Starting point is 00:10:42 Hang on, Mr. Self-Explanatory. Hang on, Mr. Self-Explanatory. Hang on, Mr. Self-Explanatory. CR stands for your current reality. Yeah. And then he says, when you do or say it, you can come back to your current reality. Ooh. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Caught. I hope somebody got fired for that. I think I found a logic hole. God damn. Bart. I like that he's stress testing it by using both of the ones he thinks are self-explanatory before explaining what they are. As you can see, he didn't know the explanation.
Starting point is 00:11:12 We all know what it means, right? Yeah, all right, moving on. This is just for the outsiders. DR, also self-explanatory, your desired reality. Where you're trying to shift to. Script. I describe it as like a blueprint for your DR. You write information about yourself, your relationships,
Starting point is 00:11:28 what you want to have in your DR, and even things about how time passes in your DR versus CR. You don't have to write a script, but from everything I've read, it is highly recommended to do so. Safe word, return word, and safe action, return action. Something that you script or decide will return you to your current reality. Remember that you can return to your current reality whenever you want to, but many people script a return word or action
Starting point is 00:11:50 as well. Then why do you... I mean, why would you... Why would you want to come back? Whatever the fuck you want, yeah. Why would you want to come back? It's your desired reality, for Christ's sake. Yeah, exactly. Didn't you fix the problem? There's somebody hammering on your door in your CR
Starting point is 00:12:04 telling you to get up. It's noon. But I'm in this place where I chose an orange. Holy shit, you have no idea how awesome it is. I'm in a reality where I have a job, mom. I'm sorry, honey. Okay, so clone. I wish there were a better term for me to refer to this as
Starting point is 00:12:23 because I know this term sounds kind of scary, but I promise it's not. Your clone is basically another you that you leave behind in your current reality when you are shifting. Your clone is still you. Oh, fuck yeah! That's a clone, then. That's your shed body. They will not go off and do anything crazy
Starting point is 00:12:40 while you're in your DR. They will act like you because they are you. There's a lot you can do with scripting in regards to your DR. They will act like you because they are you. There's a lot you can do with scripting in regards to your clone. You can script for your clone to do a certain action. It's like in The Last Starfighter. Exactly, yeah. You can script for your clone to do a certain action
Starting point is 00:12:55 while you are shifting, like sleeping, cleaning, doing homework, etc. Oh, no, it's like Calvin and Hobbes. It's multiplicity right here, baby. Yeah. Make a bot for your life. Unfortunately, the people doing this, they don't know what Calvin and Hobbes is.
Starting point is 00:13:14 That's true. Yeah, otherwise they'd be shifting into Calvin and Hobbes. No, you wouldn't. That's the life. Perfect reality. Yeah, marry my tiger husband finally. The fun kind of sucks over there, though. Another thing I recommend when...
Starting point is 00:13:30 Calvin frequently shifts to the spaceman spiff world. There's precedent. It's been established. Another thing I recommend when scripting your clone is to lay out how long the time in your desired reality is in your current reality. For example, I scripted that one minute long the time in your desired reality is in your current reality. For example, I scripted that one minute is one day in my desired reality.
Starting point is 00:13:50 I have a question for you, Dr. Kashi. Do you play a lot of Persona 4? I'm Dr. Persona 4, thank you. Okay. Croctor. Subliminal. Subliminal.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Subliminal is basically an audio that you put on that has basically inaudible affirmations laid beneath the audio. It basically affirms your subconscious by repeating phrases like, I will shift tonight. I'm amazing at shifting. I can and will shift. And other things along that line. While not necessary to shifting, it helps to put them on as a way to reaffirm
Starting point is 00:14:25 to your consciousness that you can and will shift. I'll do my favorite. You're so good at shifting. You're the best at shifting. Everyone's jealous at how good you are at shifting. We're getting into L. Ron Hubbard territory now.
Starting point is 00:14:45 There's a bunch of links to their favorites, too. Affirmations. I kind of mentioned them above, but they're basically short phrases that you repeat to yourself, either in your head or out loud, whatever works best for you, to convince your consciousness that you can and will shift. This is like a businessman thing from the 80s. Guided meditation. Another thing not necessary to shift but extremely helpful is meditation.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Sitting for anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes and clearing your head to focus on shifting before attempting to do so is highly recommended. From reading posts to watching videos from those who have shifted. Guided meditations are also good if you're not used to meditating or if you need help getting into the proper mindset.
Starting point is 00:15:26 I think that the general consensus is that these two are the best guided meditations among the shifting community. Anyways, that's it for me on this one. Like I mentioned above, sorry for being so long-winded. Double semicolon. Yeah, how would you do that emoticon?
Starting point is 00:15:42 It's like a sling drop. Frank? How would you do that emoticon? It's like a sling drop. Frank? How would I do it? Sorry, I was just distracted by figuring out how many of these videos that they linked had anime images. How do you pronounce double emoticon? Double semicolon.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Sorry, double semicolon. Double semicolon. Perfect, yes. I hope this helped you out with some common questions, and if you have any other questions along the same topic I didn't post about, feel free to ask or DM me. Except when I'm going to shift. That's my business. I can do whatever I want.
Starting point is 00:16:17 I just haven't done it yet. Hey, I've lost my name, Skazart, kid. Oh, hello. Hi, welcome to my Tumblr. I gotta see this layout. Yeah! Would you believe there's a lot of animated gifs on it?
Starting point is 00:16:35 It's very surprising. On Tumblr? Weird. Yeah! Okay, but the animated gifs are, like, longer than two seconds, right? No! And there are things other longer than two seconds, right? No! And there are things other than the Marvel Universe, right? No!
Starting point is 00:16:54 Captain America's saying a sassy thing! Okay. So this is Scripting 101. Thank you for talking about scripting, so now I'm going to get further in here. Scripting is 100% optional, depending on your method, but it is very helpful for visualizing and figuring out different details about the reality you're trying to shift to. It's always helpful to go over your scripts before you shift, and or put them under your pillow while you shift.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Here are some things that I typically script and that I've learned to avoid. Both of them. Okay, so no negativity. I'm out. Why am I even doing this? Okay. All right, fine.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Throughout your script, try to keep negative energy away. Shifting is all about having a positive mindset and happy energy. If you're scripting that you can't do this and you're not capable of doing things, you won't get far. Often people say words like, I can't or I don't in your script. Yeah, Montessori school of scripting. Format doesn't matter by the way You can script on your phone
Starting point is 00:18:07 Or on physical pieces of paper That decision's up to you You can also write it out if you'd like Whether it be in bullet points Or sections or templates Or other Pictures are also very encouraged Can I have like hanging kittens?
Starting point is 00:18:23 Can they be animated? Yeah I was just going to ask about the animated part. Two seconds max. So here's some helpful things to script. Your safe word or your action to shift back. No further context. The things that you're immune to, you know, like acne and death and bloating.
Starting point is 00:18:41 you're immune to. You know, like acne and death and bloating. So acne came first, meaning that's a bigger fear than death. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Stretch marks, cholera. It's a problem. It's a problem because I am immune to death. It does beg the question of what et cetera means
Starting point is 00:19:03 in this context. Ah, then there's the relationships with other people. Anyway, the time difference. This one is actually super important. Do not script one second in my CR equals open quotation mark at all. Bad formatting. Don't do that. It'll be a string
Starting point is 00:19:26 error, your JavaScript will get errors. They're going to throw your resume away if they see that. This will take a ton of mental energy. Instead, try, open quote, five seconds in my
Starting point is 00:19:42 CR equals open quote. One second in my CR equals open quote. Wait, so you can't one second in my CR equals is bad, but five seconds in my CR equals is good. Yeah, you got it. That's four more seconds, Boots, you idiot. What's confusing about that? Because we don't have the right side of the equation.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Yeah, but it's four bigger. I just said. It's a no value. Because then it's four bigger. I just said. Okay. It's a no value. Because then it's not as intense. You may think more time is better, but it can be draining. I personally do. And now open apostrophe. Five seconds in my CR equals one week in my DR.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Close quote. Right. Another string error. Sorry about that. And after doing the math, it's a lot more time than I thought. What math? Equals is
Starting point is 00:20:34 three times. This is a math equation here. Okay, so if you did one second in my CR equals one week in my DR, that would just be very inefficient. Do the math, man. Five seconds is one week. So five seconds is what it would be. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So also write down the skills you want.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Like, what are you good at? Like baking or singing or writing? Lying to yourself. Lying online. Yeah. It would be nice to lie online. That would be great. I would like that.
Starting point is 00:21:00 What a world! You also want to write where you wake up. You can choose to wake up in your DR bedroom, but it's really up to you. It's also helpful to script what your five senses experience once you've successfully shifted. Like what you smell, and what you taste, and what you hear, and what you feel, and also what you taste. Yeah, that's all five. Yeah, that's all five. Yeah, that's all five. And then?
Starting point is 00:21:29 Do you taste? Oh, et cetera, et cetera. There's another seven senses there, easily. And the rest. And all that other shit. I shifted the reality right. Double taste. I'm a super taster.
Starting point is 00:21:43 You should also write down affirmations. No more context. You should also write down affirmations. No more context. You should also write down not feeling overwhelmed. A lot of people script that they feel overwhelmed or scared when they need, so, when they shift, so they accidentally scare themselves awake. So, like,
Starting point is 00:21:59 try shifting, you feel peace once you've shifted. And then another emoticon there, Frank West. so much i'm done like i'm yep all good back to posting more gifts great frank has found another post from x star kid yes you said that affirmations no further context that's what you're wrong post of shifting affirmations by star kid repeat these in your head or aloud throughout your day and while you're trying to shift i am shifting i am a master shifter i shift all the time. I am shifting to my desired
Starting point is 00:22:47 reality. I am in... I am in my desired reality. I am my desired self. I have shifted successfully. Pete, please, can you just put the papers on my desk?
Starting point is 00:23:11 Why don't you shift to the reality where I did? I trust myself. I am powerful. I am enough. I can shift. I can shift. I can shift easily. I am confident in my ability to shift. I am capable of shifting.
Starting point is 00:23:38 This is not dumb! I think it's like, I can do it, I have done it, I'm also capable of doing it so Pete we're in a meeting please can you just do this some other time you're talking to my clown this does not make you uncomfortable I believe in myself
Starting point is 00:24:02 I have the ability to shift I am going home Pete wait okay no I believe in myself. I have the ability to shift. I am going home. Pete, wait. Oh, okay. Well, thanks for stopping by. I'm taking my ball. I will reach my desired reality. I will shift.
Starting point is 00:24:23 I will go home. Yeah, you said that. I am taking my GameCube controller I can do this I can shift Remember that your loved ones in your desiled reality Miss you They can't wait for you to return home I believe in each and any one of you
Starting point is 00:24:44 You will shift Even if it takes a little practice first you. They can't wait for you to return home. I believe in each and any one of you. You will shift. Even if it takes a little practice first. Because Darkid has like a secret family. Every little step counts. You're so close! So, one of the tags on this post is Draco Malfoy, by the way.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Of course it is. Ooh, let's just look at that tag. You said all this in the fifth book. That's why it was so long. Well, not in the fifth book in our reality. Oh, yeah. Hey, Bunny Brad.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Yeah, hey, Bunny. So up next in the document, we've got some shifting scripts. Let's scroll down a little bit to MC Championships. We've got somebody from fandom. The page appears to no longer exist. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Oh, wait, wait, wait. No, no, no. The page simply shifted to another reality. Okay. Correct. You're going to have to track it down. Yeah, the lizard shifted into a proper reality to give us this excellent content. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Oh, that's how EC2 instances work. Yeah, and so we've heard a lot about scripts, but I want to know what they look like, what they sound like, and I'm sure this is going to help. So please give us MC Championships scripts for reality shifting. MC Master of Ceremonies, or MC Main Character,
Starting point is 00:26:03 or MC I'm a fucking moron? Okay. It's gotta be Minecraft. Oh, okay. Yeah, that's a good point. That's a good point. Yeah, I'm seeing the usernames of a lot of Minecraft YouTubers. Oh, it's Minecraft YouTubers.
Starting point is 00:26:16 So you're shifting into a world where your parasocial relationship is just a relationship. I will remind you these are teenagers. So you have to not pronounce any consonants so i'm shifting into my own parasocial relationship here hello folks welcome back to the mc championships by the way i cannot feel pain any trauma gotten into my desired reality will not transfer to my whatever when I shift back. My croctor, excuse me.
Starting point is 00:26:50 My croco-bullshit. My safe word is aqua. Come on, Barbie, let's go park. Damn it. Do you know what? Do you know what? If you would have given me a second. I didn't, no.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I didn't, because I didn't want you to have it. I took it from you. Well, you didn't get that second. Mate. Any hoodle, I'm 18 years old. I have pale, flawless skin. Well, you're half right. I have long, black hair.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Well, probably not. Oh, yes. I have black and white horns, as one does. Are they like checkerboard, like a skylab? Yeah. Sort of a houndstooth pattern. All right. I'm wearing a long, oversized black shirt with a white square in the middle, along with a rose in the square.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Yeah, I think I'm going to pick the schoolgirl for more agility. No, no, no, no. Too late. Too fucking late. I saw some preps across the way. I put my middle finger at them. All right. I am unable to die, but if I get killed,
Starting point is 00:27:46 I will become a ghost slash spectator until the game ends. That's not specter, that's spectator. Spectator. My team is Aqua Axolotl. Go on, say it. Say Barbie Girl again. Just do it.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I can see what time it is in my cr dr jones calling dr jones i once once i shift my eyes they will open automatically oh this is some amazing shit. Ranboo. Ranboo is a real, I don't know what the fuck is happening. Ranboo isn't banned in MCC for the slingshot game
Starting point is 00:28:31 purposes, by the way. I'm assuming some people are nodding to this. Of course. My team members are.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Tommy in it. Come on. And one person is shifting with me. If I'm not shifting with anyone, right, then the other team members is where was Snoop?
Starting point is 00:28:46 Oh, Snoop. Old fucking British thing. You know, I bet, that's the thing. I like the username of TommyInIt and I bet TommyInIt sucks. Yeah, I'll try. I will know
Starting point is 00:29:01 when I am in my DR when one of my team members, Tubbo, tap me on my shoulder. My team will win the game. When I win the game, I will shift out five minutes later. I will win Minecraft. That's my whole dream. That's it.
Starting point is 00:29:19 I will win a game of Minecraft. I can answer that question, but I'm too depressed that I can't answer that question. We'll have a question and answer session. You would depress me by answering it. Yeah, that's true. You've got to keep your dreams unachievable
Starting point is 00:29:33 so that you keep striving. When I am in my DR, I will be shown as I join the MCC server. My DR looks realistic and not blocky. Why are you playing it, then. Why are you playing it then? Yeah, I just... Why are you playing Minecraft?
Starting point is 00:29:48 I don't think you understand aesthetics, do you? Ultra realistic Minecraft, so good. I can see the blocks. Mighty in my DR is just like Minecraft. It's astounding. Wow. Amazing. Yeah. Sometimes I have to go to sleep
Starting point is 00:30:05 and then I can't play Minecraft unless... There's a damn minute here! Yeah, I like to shift into a reality where Minecraft was made by CD Projekt Red. I like to shift into a reality where I have friends. Oh my god, imagine CD Projekt
Starting point is 00:30:24 Red writing Java. CD Projekt Red writing Java. CD Projekt Redstone. Oh, very good. Very good. Hey, Frank. That's me. We're going to skip down a little bit to Shifting Home's Hogwarts script. Oh.
Starting point is 00:30:44 So I guess you're shifting home. And tell us a little bit to Shifting Home's Hogwarts script. So I guess you're shifting home. And tell us a little bit about your Hogwarts script. First, let me just click through on the link. There's nothing here! They shifted away. That was fast. They're gone. Oh my god, they did it.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Oh, well, well. The front page of Tumblr is even worse than it used to be. I mean, you could just say that any time you visit a Tumblr. It's true. How does it keep getting worse? I was just here a second ago. It's Shingy's fault. Oh, I wish.
Starting point is 00:31:21 I miss you, Shingy. I'm shifting into Shingy. Or at least a universe where he's still around. I was gonna say, a fantastic voyage style? A little snippet from my script. I'm still tweaking it slightly, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:31:40 I am pretty happy with it. Please ignore my bad handwriting and any spelling or grammar mistakes and or any other issues. I have a learning disability and a neurological disability that hinders things like that. I'm pretty happy with it. It's pretty bad and I won't work on it. Transcript. When I shifted into my desired reality, I cannot get sick,
Starting point is 00:32:06 get in any major harm, and I cannot die. Anything I encounter will not traumatize me. I cannot get stuck in my desired reality. I will know I have successfully shifted when I smell oranges and feel Why is oranges such a big thing here?
Starting point is 00:32:22 Have you just never met an orange before? Like, this is just... Look, you don't know how Why is orange such a big thing here? Have you just never met an orange before? Like, this... Look, you don't know how good... The orange realities are so good. Every single time you've eaten an apple, you could have been in an orange reality. Orange is the new reality, right. One more point to the cherries, too.
Starting point is 00:32:41 I do like that this one... Like, they got a learning disability and a neurological disability and all sorts of shit but when they shift it to their desired reality they just can't get sick they don't want to fix anything about their brain, no I just don't want to have the sniffles as soon as I have shifted
Starting point is 00:33:00 my eyes will open my desired reality will pause when I leave it to return to my current reality, I will tap my heels together three times with the intention of leaving. Wow, that's good. I'm gonna write that down. What the fuck are you doing? Yeah, a little bit of a classic throwback there for you film buffs.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Wait a minute. Play tourism doesn't exist in my desired reality. I love these desired realities are real. Why can you just pause them when you leave? Isn't that a dream? No, shut up. No, you're negative. You'll never shift. Oh, oh, oh, cast her aside!
Starting point is 00:33:33 I'm clean, I'm clean! I'll shift to reality where you'll like me again, so there. There's literally only one rule in this community, and it's you can't disagree with anybody, so you're out. Moral. My desired reality will pause, but everyone will remain aware of their surroundings. I have a safe word to return to my current reality. It is hopscotch.
Starting point is 00:34:00 If an alarm goes off, if someone else says hopscotch to you, does that, like, just... Oh, man, come on, Bob. Oh, yeah, then it's like being John Malkovich. It's gonna be... I've banished the time-freezing demon. Oh, I just mean, like, a deliberate thing, like when I tell people's Alexis to do things on the podcast. They have to say it three times,
Starting point is 00:34:21 and then they banish you. on the podcast. Oh. Yeah. They banish you. If an alarm goes off or my clone is woken up, a bell will chime to tell me. When I am in my desired reality,
Starting point is 00:34:35 one hour in my current reality is equal to one day in my reality. Life in my desired reality will follow the plot of Harry Potter, but no one dies. It will be 1976,
Starting point is 00:34:46 and I will be in my sixth year at Hogwarts in the Marauders era. What? I don't know if that's the plot of Harry Potter. I only like the backstory to Harry Potter. But that's his parents dying. Yeah, well they won't now because nobody will ever die.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Nobody will know who Harry Potter is in this world. I'll fix it. I'll fix it I'll fix it and I'm beautiful and everybody loves me and I'm going to date Draco Malfoy and Harry loves me and the world will immediately become overpopulated because no one ever dies the hell world you have created
Starting point is 00:35:18 no I'll pause it when I leave it's fine my clone will actually the tumblerites will lock the air. My clone will actually, as I normally do, when I'm in my desired reality. My clone will not tell anyone I have shifted. I will know what
Starting point is 00:35:38 my clone did once I returned from my desired reality. I will remember what happened in my desired reality. Page two. My clone opened a savings account. Oh god, what is my clone doing? Oh shit, oh shit. In my desired reality.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Is my clone drinking again? It's worse, he started Minecraft YouTubing. Oh wait, my clone also shifted, and this is my clone's worse. He started Minecraft YouTubing. Oh, wait. My clone also shifted and this is my clone's clone. Come on. This one's a little bit dumber than the one previous. Yeah, my clone doesn't do good scripting.
Starting point is 00:36:16 It's just a happy face drawn down. Oh, yeah. In my desired reality, I exist as i am described in my script people my desired reality will exist as they are described in my script people will still behave as they do in harry potter if not scripted they will act as they do in harry potter everyone can speak english why don't you just let your spells speak other languages? Like, you can... Shut up. Nobody will ask questions. Because I didn't think of...
Starting point is 00:36:50 Shut up! Yeah, that's actually rule number two. I guess maybe somebody ended up in, like, Spanish Harry Potter at one point and was like, guys, you have to specify... I didn't understand a fucking word. Do I have a fucking word I was there for a second Getting closer and closer
Starting point is 00:37:09 I found Esperanto Harry I was stuck there Until I learned how to say hopscotch in Spanish In Esperanto Nobody will ask questions about where it came from or why I'm there. Everyone knows who I am as if I have been Hogwarts since first year. Hogwarts stunning
Starting point is 00:37:32 and magical. I know Hogwarts very well like the back of my hand. Hogwarts stunning and magical. Hogwarts stunning magical. I can navigate the halls with ease. I can always find the room of... I can always find the room of requirement when it is needed.
Starting point is 00:37:50 That's kind of its whole deal. That is a Harry Potter thing, so... The password to my common room will always be Sherbert Lemon. So just, like, in addition, also, I don't want to remember some dumb passwords. I'm doxing my DR. you can get into my common room now there's no two factor authentication in this
Starting point is 00:38:12 I have permission to go to Hogsmeade my professors oh I can drink too okay I guess my professors oh I can drink too okay I guess my professors at Hogwarts like me and I get great grades without having to study very hard
Starting point is 00:38:33 I am I am friendly with all the ghosts and paintings none of my friends or family can die none of the Hogwarts staff can die if I desired reality I will always have money i always smell nice i do not get my period you know what i get it i get it i yeah i mean i i get it but also these are very like just it's mostly harry potter and then it's also like but like you know
Starting point is 00:39:03 just like you wrote the Harry Potter effect. You know what would be nice? Isn't this just fantasizing? No. No. Oh my god. You're kicked out again. How do you even get back in here? It's not bad. It's not dreaming. Do I need to get the list out again?
Starting point is 00:39:21 I didn't shift back here. You sure didn't with that end. People and places will have the same aesthetic of the photos and descriptions in my script. If there is no photo or description, it will look as it does in Harry Potter. Anything not scripted will be like it is in Harry Potter and in my own
Starting point is 00:39:41 headcanons. My script can be altered or added to over time. My desired reality will change accordingly. This is very rough as I did speech to text on my phone because I was too lazy to completely type it. I love it. Your script can be altered or added to over time.
Starting point is 00:39:57 I'm still tweaking it slightly, but yeah, I'm pretty happy with it. Also, this is going to be your whole reality you're going to experience for several, like, subjective years, but you did it on speech to text on your phone? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on. In the shit world, in the
Starting point is 00:40:14 non-Harry Potter world. I'm trying to book a fucking train ticket, man. I'm trying to get out. I mean, I still have my phone in Harry Potter world. Have you seen me in this reality? I am disgusting. I don't smell good. I'm constantly on my period. All the
Starting point is 00:40:32 ghosts and paintings hate me. All the Hogwarts staff are dead. The password to my room? I never share my room. Alright, we're heading back to Reddit. Thank God. My name is It's called a tumor.
Starting point is 00:40:53 I'm sorry, your name's what? It's called a tumor. It is in fact a tumor. That's your last name? It is in fact a tumor? Yeah, Robert, it is in fact a tumor. Hey, what are you guys' stupidly unrealistic families that you've scripted? Yeah, you can switch to an alternate reality with a better family.
Starting point is 00:41:15 That's great. I'm not lying when I say that I literally scripted Lord Boros from OPM is my father and Zuko and Satima are my two brothers. Damn. Fuck. Scripting is just writing it down. I'm just playing the game by lying. Fuck. Hey, I'm RemarkableAccident45.
Starting point is 00:41:37 I once scripted that I had a huge family. Like, 12 members. My stepfather was Harry Styles and my biological mother was Taylor Swift. My other step-siblings were all my faves
Starting point is 00:41:51 anime characters. Shut up! Cool. That sounds so cool. Wow. Wow. I feel you, Remarkable Accident 45. There's a universe, but that's real. Yeah. My stepfather specifically. Do you ever feel the urge to seek out your dream reality biological father?
Starting point is 00:42:10 The stepfather thing was so remarkable accident could fuck Harry Styles as it's okay in the porno world. Gotta keep your option, though. There we go. That's exactly it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:42:25 It's gotta be why it yep yep it's gotta be why it's his father and biological brother was Taylor Swift see buddy but you're
Starting point is 00:42:33 basically I do you yeah I know I'm basically I do you shut up dude don't tell me who I am I did you basically I did you
Starting point is 00:42:38 I do you okay so anyways I'm posting from let's see here parking lot of a shut down Arby's. That's where I shift to. It's pretty awesome.
Starting point is 00:42:49 I did that about a month ago. Anyways, I'm sorry. I scripted that my fathers are a younger Johnny Depp and Tom Hiddleston. Unfortunately, I can't fuck them. Because really, they're fathers. One of them got pregnant. We live in a mansion with a bunch of farm animals. Because that's what you fill up mansions with.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Farm animals. The animals are in the mansion? What a good conversation you all are having. Yeah. Then one last one, Zarla, please. Yeah. I am Cupid's arrows. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:43:18 My dad is insanely tall and British. He and my mom met. He's insanely British. He's insanely tall and insanely British. That's all I've got. tall and British. He and my mom met... He's insanely British. He's insanely tall and insanely British. He's both David Mitchell and Robert Webb. He and my mom met when she was studying abroad in England,
Starting point is 00:43:35 and she went to a bar that my dad's punk band was playing at. My dad is 54, but somehow looks like he could be 21, and he is a leftist progressive activist. My mom is basically a goth bimbo and looks like I want to look like he is a leftist progressive activist my mom is basically a goth bimbo and looks like i want to look like when i'm old she also looks really young for her age and she's openly bi they both love to cook and they're really good at it my dad is a neurosurgeon and my mom is a lawyer i'm an only child and my parents are very nice and supportive
Starting point is 00:44:00 we lived in a nice apartment in san diego when i was younger but we moved basically a beach house Oh, this is sad. Father, father, I would like to listen to rock music. This rock music, you say? When my band took off, they let me tour around the world, even though I was only 16 at the time, and they didn't pressure me to go to college. Now they're letting me go on a huge three-month-long music festival tour. This is super unrealistic coming from someone who lives in a middle-class Midwest suburbia with homophobic centrist parents
Starting point is 00:44:44 who are going to force me to go to college and limit my life as a miserable lawyer or something. That last sentence was unnecessary. We know exactly who you are. Don't worry. Subjective. Interpolatable in its entirety from the rest of the text. Don't worry, baby. Wait, I forgot to mention I play the French art. We're going to move into the next section of the document, which is called People Talk About Their Experiences
Starting point is 00:45:13 with Reality Shifting, which is pretty good. My name is MilkywayV. Okay. And I got to say, I know a lot of young HP fans shift to get railed by draco lmao would this affect your virginity in your current reality just note to mods kind of wary about posting this because in the rules it said don't bring up drugs or alcohol but it doesn't mention
Starting point is 00:45:46 sex. So sorry if this isn't allowed. I'm pretty young myself and I don't find it inappropriate, so YH. Yah-huh. Yah-huh. Oh, yah-huh. So yeah with no...
Starting point is 00:46:00 Yeah, I don't know. She ain't got time to write all that big word of yeah. She's got to get rid of it. Yeah, I don't know. She ain't got time to write all that big word of yes. You've got to get rid of it. Yeah, huh? What? Uh. Fuck your pain away. Pain away, yes. Need to shorten this one-syllable word to two syllables. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:20 There's nothing interesting in the responses there. Hey, Lemon. Yeah, what's up? I heard you finally did it. I finally did it! I'm definitely not Lulu. Good. We hate Lulu. Fuck her.
Starting point is 00:46:38 Lulu got bent. Holy crap, this stuff is real. So, just a heads up. I did not shift to Hogwarts. Holy crap, this stuff is real! So, just a heads up, I did not shift to Hogwarts. What? Well, fuck this shit. Trigger warning.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Coming out against the allegations. Okay, I shifted to My Hero Academia, and it's not like I wanted to go to Hogwarts But ended up in My Hero Academia I wanted to go to My Hero Academia Okay, good I was doing something called the left brain method And started to feel really hot and floaty And I continued saying affirmations
Starting point is 00:47:22 Until the symptoms stopped I figured, crap I didn saying affirmations until the symptoms stopped. I figured, crap, I didn't shift. But then I smelled ramen, which I scripted that I would smell. So I opened my eyes and my room was different. And then, it's an emoji, so that's not you, Frank West. So, I'm looking over this way.
Starting point is 00:47:41 The eyes. You got a shirt that says sickos. Yeah, exactly. The eyes. You got a shirt that says sickos. Yeah, exactly. Ah, yes. It's hard to explain, but it appeared 2D, like the show, but it felt so real. So I was freaking out, and I saw the feminine UA uniform laid out on my floor, and I was just...
Starting point is 00:48:01 I was just literally so happy I'd shifted. It scripted, it was my first day so I just kind of threw on my uniform then I went to a bus stop apparently. I scripted I knew where it was automatically. So to make this shorter, I'm just going to say that I saw my
Starting point is 00:48:19 Doria at the bus stop and almost started freaking out because this is real. But yeah, I spent a good four days at UA. Here's just some weird random stuff I did. Bullet points. I'm sure it's fucking...
Starting point is 00:48:36 This is all going to make a lot of sense to all of us. Yeah, none of us have watched this show. Yeah. Stupid. Yeah, just read the stuff I don't know. I'm gonna, you know, I know that there's a lot of plays and taking over that Twitter space, right? There's Mastodon and there was like there was other ones that I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Co-host. Hive? Co-host. Here's what I'm thinking of, and this is just a replacement. Twitter's basically Parler at this point. But here's what I'm thinking. We're going to replace all social
Starting point is 00:49:24 media with just a website that says, I also like the pop culture thing you like. And you just go to it, and it says that, and then you just look at that for a while. You feel validated looking at it. You smile. Yeah, exactly. But what if you want to argue with that thing about they're not liking it correctly? Oh, well, there's a toggle.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Oh, okay. So it's like, uh. Yeah, you flip a switch and the word like, I don't like, the don't comes down. I like it differently, yeah Oh, yeah, no, that is true I like it, but for different reasons. It's like a cardboard
Starting point is 00:49:56 sign that falls down from the top You could just get away with a reskin of Sisyphus Like working? Okay, so here's the thing You could just get away with a reskin of Sisyphus. Like working? Alright. Okay, so here's the thing. Katamari was noticing Kaminari.
Starting point is 00:50:12 I'm going to say Katamari. Fuck it. He kept noticing me like I was about to faint on the first day because I was literally so excited. And I think he was a bit suspicious of me. That was a bullet point. That was a thing that happened. I came in eighth for the quirk assessment test. The quirk assessment test. quirk assessment test shame on you franklin look sometimes there was a period of my life where i had a lot of time
Starting point is 00:50:34 that's all i've got uh yeah so i came in eighth in the quirk assessment test then i sit with Lydia and Midoriya and Tanooki Suit and Urakaka at lunch. That was pretty cool. Literally everyone is so nice, obviously, except for Minita. Sure. And then Bakugo hates me. Thank you for giving me this, Boots. Bakugo hates me because, you know, on the first day in All Might's class, they do the thing where one team is the heroes and the one team is the villains.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Thanks, Boots. Basically, Bakugo and Lydia were on the evil team, and me and Midoriya were on the hero team. And when we were walking back to the observation area, Bakugo kept yelling at me for sneaking past him. And I kept making the joke, like, no need to turn this into such a haedic argument. Frank, interrupt him! Wait, why am I interrupting this? Look at Discord. can pass him. And I kept making the joke like no need to turn this into such a haedic argument. Wait, why am I interrupting this?
Starting point is 00:51:28 Look at Discord. Wait, now I have more bullet points. All the interesting things that happened. No, it isn't. What a perfectly constructive thing I did. You won. Franky nailed it. That's not even...
Starting point is 00:51:47 Oh, science. I completely misread that. I'm interrupting Lemon. Oh, you're interrupting Lemon now. Good. No edit point needed. No edit point needed. Keep all of this.
Starting point is 00:52:04 You know, they say the secret to comedy is timing. Oh, let me read another bullet point. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, the complete shifting science. Bullet, bullet, bullet. Nina gave me candy. What? I'm user slash little rudder
Starting point is 00:52:26 This is the complete shifting science My six page summary Of the reason why sifting is scientifically proven Through atomic models and quantum theory Oh, well then And my own personal theory Relating it to human consciousness and shifting I said it was detailed
Starting point is 00:52:45 before, but now it is actually detailed. Well, I'm hooked. I've been waiting for an explanation for all this. Yeah, and if you go to it, it says deleted by user, removed. They took him down. Oh yeah, that user deleted their account.
Starting point is 00:53:06 TLDR, if you don't want a summary of anything, just skip to my theory towards the bottom, because that's where I tie this back to shifting. I don't want to hear anyone on this subreddit say they are skeptical about shifting until you have clicked on all the links, looked into all these topics, and if you still think this is fake, you can contact some of the scientists
Starting point is 00:53:21 in the research paper I linked, and ask them if it's real. If you want to be a real scientist, you can't start of the scientists in the research paper I linked and ask them if it's real. Yeah, I'm sure that'd be happening. If you want to be a real scientist, you can't start from a place of skepticism. Physics deals with our physical world, which we are very familiar with. In this world, we have cause
Starting point is 00:53:38 and effect, and we deal with the forces involved with the physical events we observe. In quantum physics, we deal with the randomness and uncertainty of physics, attempting to explain and understand complex ideas like how particles travel as waves of probabilities and collapse when they come into contact with certain things.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Quantum jumps. In quantum physics, there is something called a quantum jump. Contrary to what you probably believe, quantum jumps are not magical, extraordinary events. They happen every day all day quantum jumping occurs on the electron level
Starting point is 00:54:09 within atoms in an atom so like my atoms can like jump out of do I have to convince all of my atoms to walk atoms be jumping baby I've heard that black atoms walk like this.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Was that the rock? The rock? God damn it! And patch atoms walk like this. It's also that joke. The black atom patch atoms can dichotomy. In an atom, an electron can jump to different orbitals.
Starting point is 00:54:46 An atom has a center, and around it are the orbitals, and the orbitals are the electrons. Here's a model of what that looks like. But we can also imagine the center of the atom is like our solar system's sun, and each electron is a planet that has certain paths that orbit around the sun, like this link to something. I was hoping these would be pictures of Draco Malfoy. That's a drawing of Draco Malfoy with an erection.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Yeah, that's it. That's what most of these links are, actually. That's where everybody is orbiting around. This is the Dracocentrism model. And then it describes some stuff. In the past, scientists thought that the process of quantum jumping was instantaneous, but a recent discovery published in the Nature Journal of Science shows us that electrons can be halted in the state of quantum jumping,
Starting point is 00:55:33 showing us that there is a very minute period of time where the electron is in transit between orbitals. The whole project is called Atomic Electron Transition, which can be summed up as the way that electrons gain and lose energy. Oh boy, this is just like... electron transition, which can be summed up as the way that electrons gain and lose energy. Oh boy, this is just like... When do you stop citing Wikipedia? When do you stop
Starting point is 00:55:51 pasting Wikipedia? I have a question for you. Do you have any problems with the phrase atomic electron? Nope. Okay. Nope. No, it's an electron at the atomic Okay. Nope. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:06 No, it's an electron like the atomic level. Makes sense. Okay. They can get to be the size of house cats from Adam's. Yeah, you feed them wrong and those sons of bitches
Starting point is 00:56:12 can get fat. Clifford the Big Red... Look at this big red fucking Adam standing next to a tree. Getting that cat out of that tree. Oh, you're a very red atom, aren't you? Clifford the
Starting point is 00:56:32 super giant. I mean, this whole paragraph is here to make a teenager go, this is boring as hell. I'll take your word for it, right? I mean, it's also making me do that. I'm skipping ahead. Those are science words. Sounds good. Sounds good.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Tell me about my hero academy some more instead. I want to hear about your theory. Tell me about your theory. Give me that theory, baby. Okay. Okay, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Stephen Hawking. he solved this paradox What's an electron?
Starting point is 00:57:10 He solved this paradox in his final paper Naming a concept called soft hair He said that black holes have hair That is really soft protons Soft protons are particles of light with no energy That are left behind after a black hole evaporates They are invisible to us But they surround us at all times because
Starting point is 00:57:26 these soft photons are remnants of every black hole that has ever existed. Since black holes have existed since the beginning of time and space, and since we now know that black holes have also encoded all the matter and light they have ever absorbed, we can also conclude that everything that ever has existed is encoded by these black holes.
Starting point is 00:57:42 We can conclude this. You and I together, you have to agree with me. It is known. Before I saw this Reddit post, I just thought, what the bleep do we know? Actually, does it really?
Starting point is 00:57:59 Oh my god! Actually, to that end, so you give your theory, so Frank West, if you can scroll down to my theory. I'm shifting to the world described in what the bleep do we know. So scroll down in my theory, then he's got some bold bullet points there. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Should I read the whole thing, or just... All of the bullet points, yes. This is just your theory. We got it. God. Okay, so my personal theory is that about all of this and how it relates to shifting
Starting point is 00:58:38 is that we are electromagnetic fields in the same way an electron is. If we are both electromagnetic fields then we must have to follow the same basic rules as an electron in order to exist. We have to kiss. We are made up of electrons, and so therefore we are electrons.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Can't you feel the power of the attraction? It's all done, 24-7. Yeah. That's why electrical lights are so important. That's just what my brain has come up with Orbital and unlovable orbital
Starting point is 00:59:14 How is the MDMA in your reality there Amazing Smells like oranges Oh my god that's the orange thing! They're taking vitamin C! They're all taking emergency! It makes so much sense now. We cracked the code.
Starting point is 00:59:35 These bastards just got scurvy, don't they? And that's it. They just, like, that's the whole thing. They keep shifting to realities where they don't have to eat oranges. Frank, just scroll down to the bold part of your theory, if you wouldn't mind. This would also explain why we know drinking water helps us to shift. We are essentially improving our ability to conduct electricity, energy, through our body.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Because our body is mostly water, and water is a conductor. Plus, folks that have never drank water, they rarely shift. That's just the thing. I mean, you know. that have never drank water, they rarely shift. That's just the thing. I mean, you know. This would explain all
Starting point is 01:00:08 the symptoms of shifting, such as vibrations, seeing a white light, and feeling numb or tingling. In my desired reality, I am getting plenty of fiber. It also explains why there is a period during the shifting process where we need to maintain the level of focus on the new reality entirely
Starting point is 01:00:26 or we stop feeling symptoms and don't shift. The reason that symptoms stop partway sometimes and you don't shift is that just like an electron, you need enough energy to jump from one place to another. You're harnessing that energy, and just like the scientists were able to stop the electron in mid-jump or stop it from jumping altogether, you can stop this process too by turning your attention away from where you're going. I turned my back on you.
Starting point is 01:00:50 When did the scientists stop the electron in mid-jump? Somewhere up there. And the scientists did that? I don't know. Flamin, do I have to kick you out of this fucking community too? Depends. Are you going to talk about My Hero Academy again? I'm going to make you talk about it as parents.
Starting point is 01:01:12 I need you to go home and do 15 My Hero Academias and come back. Presenting the triple-swift experiment. And five Hail Harrys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:01:29 There you go. If I was Johnny Carson, I would have paid you $9 for that joke. Unfortunately, Boots will have to cover this one. Hey, Boots, you owe him $9 for that joke. That's $21, I think. Yeah, that works. Okay, go to PayPal.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Yay. None of us get paid for this podcast except for Frank West via Boots. I was going to say, I didn't realize so much money changed hands after I actually went through this. Well, yeah, it changed two specific hands. And this is why any method works, but all methods produce the same symptoms. Every method is a way to successfully create enough intentional energy directed
Starting point is 01:02:20 towards where you're going that you vibrate off your plane of existence here and onto another orbital or three-dimensional plane of matter but it doesn't just explain shifting symptoms my theory also explains clones in the atomic model if you remove an electron another one takes its place an identical electron so when you jump to a new orbital, or when you shift your consciousness into a new reality, you are essentially an electron that was removed from your orbital.
Starting point is 01:02:52 What are atoms in this world? Yeah, what? Well, it says essentially, women. Obviously, this can't be applied broadly to everything. I guess atoms are multiverses? So, like,
Starting point is 01:03:08 if you had a sack and you just kept putting electrons into it, would you have, like, infinite electrons because they would just keep respawning? Is that what's going on here?
Starting point is 01:03:16 Okay, okay. Yeah, yeah. That Tarn is going to fix it. Thanks, Tarn. And finally, I will wrap up my theory by saying that it makes sense
Starting point is 01:03:26 why we're even able to contemplate other realities because we are constantly exposed to these soft photons that are all around us, just like photons light is. And the soft photons interact with us, electromagnetic fields of consciousness inhabiting a human body, which is why we can even think about
Starting point is 01:03:44 anything to begin with. We are basically just formless energy that is influenced by what is around us, but we can also intentionally give ourselves the energy to influence what is around us or completely change what we are seeing by directing our consciousness towards one of these realities that we are exposed to via
Starting point is 01:04:00 soft photons. People, they come together. People, they fall apart. What's your conclusion to this conclusion thanks if you read this far i got some comments on my post recently telling me that there's no science to back shifting up so here it is if you are still a skeptic i really encourage you to actually look into all this because it makes so much more sense to me now that i understand some of this stuff oh my god yeah, yeah. No, all the scientific links that he did. Yeah, no, it was good.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Like, there was like a picture of a solar system that was not in any way to scale, obviously. He did spend most of the post describing relatively accurate like, science and then say a different thing that used some of the words. I did. Yeah, man, he saw
Starting point is 01:04:42 who have a post called Does Water Really Conduct Electricity? They're like, that proves that part. I did like the link to the journal of Draco Malfoy's dong. Wait, is that a journal written by the dong? Yes.
Starting point is 01:05:01 No, no, it's just a journal. Hey, woke up again, hard, had to pee. You know, like this just daily journal. Hey, woke up again, hard, had to pee, you know, like this just daily joke. I'm gonna need a peer review. God. Wow. Fucking people are exhausting.
Starting point is 01:05:20 You talking to us? Fuck you too, Frank. Fuck you. I'm just gonna shift out of here then. Oh, sorry. How you. I'm just going to shift out of here then. Oh, sorry. How long was I out? I just got back to my seat. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Can I mean, your clone is so much funnier than yours. Your clone did great, man. What a funny clone that was. Oh, that's so fucked up. I can never meet her and learn from her. What the fuck is going on here? I'm destined to live in her shadow. Sh's so fucked up. I can never meet her and learn from her. I'm destined to live in her shadow. Ships in the night.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Alright, F+, what do you think we learned tonight? I'm shifting to a more successful podcast where I get paid. Like Frank West. I'm actually you, shifted. Oh, shit. Well, that makes a lot of sense, actually. It's not a podcast. It's a problem. You just need the right sugar daddy. I tried shifting to another podcast,
Starting point is 01:06:18 but I ended up paying Frank more money. Yeah, really. I fucked up. And I didn't even have the orange that I thought I did. That's why I'm back here I want to be sympathetic to the youth of today so bad bad?
Starting point is 01:06:35 it's hard sometimes is all this does all speak to like desire and repression and stuff right like this is kind of venting in some way. Yeah, no, it is. Except maybe the guy who wants to go to the shallows to meet her finally. Oh, damn, we never even touched upon that. That's okay, now we did.
Starting point is 01:06:53 We never even got to say Tulpa. Shit. For $5, Bunny Bread will say Tulpa. No, no, no, I'll only say it for Frank West. I want the money that he has. After I described how Bunny Bread did say Tulpa, I will hear him say Tulpa.
Starting point is 01:07:13 I can hear him say Tulpa. I have heard him. Also, I am enough. Nay. I was re-watching that Folding Ide ideas thing about uh the the geo or the the uh the geocentrist that tricked astrophysicists into being in their stupid documentary which is delightful if you haven't seen it but like but like there's backstory about like these
Starting point is 01:07:39 people that are like you know they think that the that everything revolves around the earth and like why do you think that and it's like well if wasn't true, then they were wrong to persecute people. And like, if the church was ever wrong, then that would make me question things. And like, I would rather not do that. So therefore, like everything revolves around the earth is really what that comes down to. I would feel icky otherwise. Yeah. Like I would have to like rethink things and I'd rather not.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Yeah, like, I would have to, like, rethink things, and I'd rather not. And, like, there's something about this of, like, seems like, seems like, seems like, from the things you can glean about these posters, that, like, they're not super going the best. And the way they choose to respond to that is, like, yeah, but but like, I'm actually pretty cool and sexy. Yeah, they're... In a way that you can't see. Yeah, they're like, their thing was like, this is real because you can't control it. You're just a normal person. It's reality. But all of them are like, I'm the best, most specialist person
Starting point is 01:08:36 and I control every aspect of this reality. Every single part of it. Yeah! I never have my period. Like, there's never one. Yeah, like, it's real. It's real. It's real. But then they get to create an entire wish list that is just granted by the king of the cosmos or whatever.
Starting point is 01:08:52 It's people who, for whatever reason, don't want to call a spade a spade when referring to just imagining things. And I think that that's really well demonstrated by the last thing that we read, where there's this extremely scientific language attempt to justify like the belief.
Starting point is 01:09:09 But then once you get to Hogwarts, magic just works. You don't need to like, you don't need to figure out the science of how Wingardium Leviosa makes shit fly. You're just there and it just works now. And if you want to shift to reality where discussion forums are still a thing,
Starting point is 01:09:23 you don't need to cause they still are at ball pit, B-A-L-L-P dot I-T. Oh, my God. It's 2022 or perhaps the future from there. And I'm on a PHP bulletin board. Yep, you are. It's vintage. We're doing it ironically. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Something's gone wrong. It's like cassette tapes. Bye. Aqua. Aqua. like cassette tapes. Bye. Aqua. Blake Lively. Come on, Barbie. Welcome to the F-Plus Podcast, an alternate reality where terrible things are read with enthusiasm. In today's recording, we have... Sorry.
Starting point is 01:10:27 You're sorry? That's good, that's good that's good it'll work keep going buddy bread I'm sorry you're the lemon oh I don't want that to be my yes that's it no no no no you get one shot at this baby you can't shift to reality where you thought of something smart why did you just say I'm sorry? Thank you.

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