The Fighter & The Kid - Is Brendan Too Much?? | PLUS a Bonus Drop-In with Rich Franklin | TFATK Ep. 1022

Episode Date: September 5, 2024

Brendan and Bryan have a quick drop in with UFC hall of famer, Rich Franklin and talk Rich's crazy workout routine, importance of running, odds he'll ever fight again surviving a zombie apocalypse and... more. Also, current events around the world including rumors the Hell's Angels are riding to Colorado to battle Venezuelan gangsters, a 5yr old getting attacked by a mountain lion, a man randomly going potty in front of his neighbor's house and much more. DraftKings - Download the DraftKings Sportsbook app and use code: FIGHTER Hims - Start your free online visit today at Progressive - O'Reilly Auto Parts - JOYMODE - or enter code: Fighter at checkout for 20% off your first order

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yes we did, cause we back at it again, it's the fighter and the kid. This is really the fighter and the kid. I do have some gray hair, man. I got it by, even my mom the other day, she looked at me and she's like, well hell, you got a lot of gray hair coming in there. I was like, thanks mom, make me feel really good. You know how to make a guy feel good about himself. How old are you right now?
Starting point is 00:00:21 I'll be 50 in a month, bro. Dude, you look, I'm 57. So that that's impressive right there. Come on. It. I mean, that's I got very gray. I started getting very gray, I think probably in my about your age. Yeah, it's it's coming in. It started coming in like my beard. I keep that like five o'clock shadow. Yeah. And but the beard is starting to get a lot of gray. And I saw a picture of me
Starting point is 00:00:44 from just like I Got done running maybe like four or five years ago. I was when I was living in Singapore and And and I looked at my face like it was like somebody I was laying on the ground So I took a like when I was done running somebody took a close-up of me and I was like man I've got so much more gray hair So but like it's the same with you other than the gray hair, like your skin is good. You don't have any wrinkles. Like you look a lot younger than you are, man.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Well, I think, you know, for me, it's just consistency. Eat well, workout, no matter what, you know, and you don't have to go crazy. And you're a whole different level cause you're a pro athlete and all, but I just think that, I think this CrossFit shit or guys who were doing crazy amounts of workouts, I don't know how long you can sustain that your body gives out if you're lifting properly, you know
Starting point is 00:01:30 What do you mean? Do you still train? Yeah, I do do so my tip So I have my philosophy is this man like I have people that would be like hey You want to you want to go for a walk like her? Let's get 15,000 steps in today I'm like now no walking to me is just a very inefficient mode of transportation I hate it right so I I'm like I take the lion King of the Jungle mentality so a lion basically like lays around all day in the Serengeti like that's what he does he lays around like and then he's like I'm hungry and he's like this like
Starting point is 00:02:01 all right it's time to be it's time to be king of the jungle for two minutes. He gets up and he does his stuff. And then he's done. So it's like I go into the gym, I work out intense. It's like, it's like, it's one of those workouts where if you saw me working out, you're like, bro, I don't know how you still do this at your age. But I live Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or I live Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, I do BJJ Monday, Wednesdays. And that typically get like, like a pad session in one day a week
Starting point is 00:02:27 and for 45 minutes to an hour. And I would say my total work time in a given week is probably about eight to 10 hours of physical activity. That's fucking really good. That's really good. You look good, Rich. Yeah, he does. So at 50, or about to be 50, working out like that, what, but there's
Starting point is 00:02:48 no sparring or any, obviously, you're just you're just you're maintaining, but because I know what you're waiting right now. Okay, old habits die hard, bro. Like I went into the gym last Saturday. Actually, not last Saturday, the Saturday before I didn't want to go in last Saturday, because I got I'm commentating this week. And I'm like, man, I don't want to show up on commentary with some black guys. Like it was okay when I walked into the cage. It's like domestic violence. You show up now at your age, dog. Yeah, exactly. You know, people like, what happened to you, man? So I didn't go last Saturday, but the week before I went in, man, and I, you know, I did two, two warmup
Starting point is 00:03:23 rounds, got in eight heavy, like good sparring rounds, but I'm before I went in, man, and I, you know, I did two, two warmup rounds, got in eight heavy, like good sparring rounds, but I'm working with people that know how to work. I, you know, yeah, I'm taking, I mean, I'm still taking some abuse. Don't get me wrong, but it's just not like, like it was when I was fighting and I don't even think you actually need to train that way. Anyway, we just, that era was like the school of hard knocks, man, like coming up to Cincinnati, traveling to the military camp and doing all that crap. Like, it was just like hard knocks, man. Like coming up to Cincinnati, traveling to the Milletitch camp and doing all that crap.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Like it was just like, yeah, man. I read about the Milletitch camp, like my buddy Sam Sheridan trained with them. And that Iowa insanity, like just train until you- That's just what they did. They weren't unique. I mean, tough guys, they weren't unique. Just wrestling, wrestling with talent.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I mean, there's Hammer House, Pat Wotek. Like it just- Yeah, that's how everybody was. The first time I went to Iowa, when I went to Milletitch's place and he and I sparred and I, like, I was still like, just not very adept, like very young in, in MMA at that time. And man Milletitch was like, he was a good boxer before he started going in and playing really.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Cause you were off cat. Yeah. He, he hit, like we were sparring and he hit me in the body so many times that I was literally like begging him like hit me in the face. I was running from him. I literally turned my back and ran from him. Uh, our first sparring session. It was so bad. So bad. Rich, rich, do you go to some of the camps, uh, today? Like the, you know, especially the guys on the card in Denver, which I will be at this weekend, this Friday in my hometown, man.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Do you go to some of the camps and check it out? It's completely different than what you did, what I did. They're a little more, I almost want to say professional about it. You know, like they're training their bodies, they're taking care of their bodies, they're eating right. They're not kind of quote unquote meatheads. Yeah. I mean, I have a buddy that teaches at one of the Eastern locations out here.
Starting point is 00:05:07 I taught a seminar the last, like last year when we were in Denver, I'm not going to be teaching one this year. They sent some of the other fighters instead, but, um, so I will occasionally get out to the schools, but typically I don't because come fight week, like I have other obligations obviously like working for the organization. So it's difficult for me to get out and train, but I will say this when I was prepping for my second Vanderlei Silva fight, or was it my first?
Starting point is 00:05:31 No, I think it was my first one. I actually went to black house and trained with Anderson Silva and all those guys out there. And it was interesting at that point in my career, seeing the approach that they took to sparring because they did very little full contact sparring. It was a lot of like flow play. And so I learned quite a bit of that towards the tail end of my career. Now, you know, I still like to get in and bang it out a little bit. It's just like old habits die hard. But, but, but the percentage at
Starting point is 00:05:59 which the percentage of abuse that I put my body through towards the tail end of my career really made a difference. I went into the gym two weeks ago and I'm working literally with guys half my age, no joke, and I can still dance circles around these guys. That's part of me that's like, I got one or two more. That's a good feeling. Yeah, it is. I got one or two more in me, but here's the difference, man.
Starting point is 00:06:22 If you come to the gym and watch me move, you're like, man, bro, you still move like you're 25 or 30. But then if you watch me at my house two hours later, feel like the recovery, you get, you start calcifying, waking up in the morning, getting your feet going, all that shit. Right? Yeah. So now at this age, I thought like, I think to myself, if I really was going to come into another fight, like how would I have to structure a camp?
Starting point is 00:06:44 Because I don't think I can, two days on a consistent basis. I mean, you know, it's like when I was in fight camps, it's like, I would get up, I would do my road work, come home, a little bit of business breakfast, that kind of stuff. First session, like 10, eight, 10 to noon, 11 to one type of thing. And then, uh, and then take the afternoon off and come back at night and do like a, you know, a six to eight 30 or something like that for an evening session. It's like, you know, you're putting in your four and a half to five and a half hours of work. You need that though.
Starting point is 00:07:12 It's a fine line. Like I think there's, there's some guys that still do kind of the old school way we did, you know, where it's this grind and you know, people like, Oh, worry about your body. It's like, yeah, but at the end of the day, it's also cage fighting. So you have to embrace that kind of, I get all the science and you know, LeBron spends a million dollars a year on his body and you know, you got to only train twice a week and recover. It's like, I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:07:35 I, there has to be a bit of the dog in you where, yeah, you're going to be over trained, man. Part of the game. You can be over trained. It's going to talk. It's going to suck. You got to run your miles. You were talking about, Brendan was talking about, you know, if you're not running, and
Starting point is 00:07:48 I always try to avoid running. Because everyone does. Because I do the aerodine bike, and then I do that, and Brendan's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but running, you know? And the other, I meant to text you the other day, I started running. And even like, there is a market difference in adding, running into a workout, even if it's a mile, it's not easy. It sucks. It's easy to jump on the aerodine. It's easy to,
Starting point is 00:08:11 you know, Jacob's ladder. They're tough. Don't get me wrong. But as far as straight up, like actual toughness, road running, getting your legs ready for a fight or for whatever you want to do in life. That's why everybody does it. I guess. Yeah. A lot of I don't I don't experience that job I mean, I hate like I absolutely hate running. I still run and I like I still run I don't run a lot and I will say this two things number one running is important because like I'm at the hotel now It's fight week. Let's just say for example, this building catches on fire
Starting point is 00:08:47 and I can't get on the elevators. I better be able to run out of this thing, right? I mean, there was several years ago when people were at a concert in Las Vegas and then there was an open, like a shooter and they're in an open area. Like, and you start, got to skedaddle and get out of there. Like you better, you better have the ability to run. I've been late for planes on layovers and airports
Starting point is 00:09:04 like Istanbul where I have to basically run from one end of the ability to run. I've been late for planes on layovers and airports like Istanbul, where I have to basically run from one end of the airport to the other. And it's like, I'm basically covering a mile with a 25 pound backpack on my back. And so it's like, that's important, but I will say this. I don't, like I run infrequently now and I do enough just to maintain my ability to run.
Starting point is 00:09:21 But man, I can tell a difference in my legs. Like when I go in and spar, I'm sparring for 45 minutes to an hour and then do a little bit of a pad work after. And it's like, I hit maybe an hour and 30 minute workout and I come out and I'll drive my truck home. And then in that 20 minute drive, I go to get out of my truck and I'm like, whoa.
Starting point is 00:09:38 And my legs are all wobbly. I'm like, I never experienced this kind of like fatigue in my legs when I was fighting because I was consistently doing road work. You fought at 185. What are you right now? Did you gain weight? You look like you're in fight shape.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Yeah, I'm 220. That's what I walk around at. And I look like I'm in fight shape because my body fat has always been in single digits. I'm probably sitting at about 7.5% as my guess. And it's always been in single digits. I'm probably sitting at about seven and a half percent as my guess. And it's always been that way. I've never been a fighter that allowed my, like that allowed me to like fluctuate up and down. Like I would say I'm only maybe eight to 10 pounds heavier
Starting point is 00:10:15 than I was at my heaviest competition weight anyway. Rich, you're getting ready for a fight. You're always ready for a fight. He's always like this. It's so funny. Like he's so intense. He's like, well, right now it's single digit. Now I was dancing circles.
Starting point is 00:10:27 You want to fight and you have not let it go. Most guys are. It's also like there's nothing worse than if you were on here, Rich and you're 280 pounds, you know, it's such a bummer. You've let go of the idea that you're going to fight again. No, but so have I. I mean, don't get me wrong. It's just, here's the thing. Like, this is a mentality.
Starting point is 00:10:46 And even if I'm never fighting again, I have to be able to put the best version of myself forward every day when I wake up. Like there are days, like Marvin Hagler said, like, it's difficult to get up and do your road work when you're sleeping in satin sheets. And I think about this quote all the time, because I don't have to work.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I don't, like, I don't have to work like that now. I don't have to fight. And so when I wake up in the morning and I'm thinking I want to do my empty stomach cardio Even if I'm getting on the assault bike I know that I'm gonna put myself through hell like I know so I have to like talk myself into it every day like come On man, just get moving like once you get moving it'll be okay And it like but it's like what's the alternative you're like everybody be that guy who suddenly you look at him You're like when we when we're done with the podcast you're like damn, man
Starting point is 00:11:24 I can't believe, do you see what happened to Franklin? He's the world champ, man. That guy? Yeah, dude. I asked Sugar Ray Leonard one time, I said, why, sorry to drop a name, but he's, you know, I said, he was 62 or something, I said, how do you, what keeps you in shape?
Starting point is 00:11:39 And he looked at me and he goes, vanity. It was such an honest answer. It was so true. Go look at, I'll tell you one guy that I really looked up to like in the 90s, 2000s, like Prince Nazim Hamed. Yeah. That guy, go look at him today. He's fat as a tick.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Fat as a tick. Dude, it's tough. And I don't even like saying bad things about people, but it's like, I don't want to be that person who walks in the room when people leave, they're like wow wow Like what happened to that guy nothing so you know I still look the part and Martial arts was my first love I enjoy training still so it's like and I'm not it's it's not a mental thing where I haven't
Starting point is 00:12:16 Given it up. I'm cool with where I am in life. I'm 50 I get it, but but it it's like I'm gonna put the best version of myself forward And if I'm not then I've just turned in also you you don't know like the other day. I almost had an encounter with somebody who was messing with my wife and kids It's like you gotta be ready to go man Especially this day in agent society like you'd be ready to go but Brendan hold on I'll just say this Brendan The reality is that you could never do another arm bar rep or throw another jab in your life And the chances of you running into somebody
Starting point is 00:12:46 that's actually going to be problematic for you is zero. You never know, dude. You never know. He's so weird, strong and skilled. Like I take Jiu-Jitsu and sometimes I try to work shit that I've been working on. I try to actually just attack him. When nobody's watching, I'll just jump on him.
Starting point is 00:13:03 When he's sitting there, he's tired. And obviously I'm not a good example, but it's just so funny how if you're a regular dude and you want to get caught up in his fucking horns, in his tusks, good luck. It's going to be a very quick. But it's not even that. It's just, you just got to be ready to go these days.
Starting point is 00:13:20 That's what gets me going. Always. I'm with you on that, but I think about it all the time. I'm like, who the heck is I think about it all the time. I'm like, who the heck is actually going to mug me on the street? Like, even if you have a pistol, if you get within reaching distance of me, you're done. Like, I'm going to grab you before you can even pull the trigger anyway. But it doesn't stop me.
Starting point is 00:13:37 I'm still in the gym freaking five, six days a week anyway. To your point about running, I was with this guy doing some racing and he's a doomsday prepper and he's a doomsday prepper. And he's probably 300 pounds though. And he has all this food and everything and I go, well what happens if you have to, cause he lives in the mountains in Arizona, what if you have to like run away man?
Starting point is 00:13:55 Like what if they start coming, you gotta run up those hills. He goes, yeah, it's gonna be tough. Yeah, that's why I run dog. Shit happens, I'm running bud. I'm taking your stuff and running. My buddy's a sniper. He trains the tier one commandos, Delta and CL team six.
Starting point is 00:14:13 And I went to his place in Idaho and I was shooting one of his guns, which is this, it's a sniper. And the gun itself, nevermind the scope you put on there, this gun itself is about maybe almost 30 pounds. Now you put that $80,000 night scope on there, that's another 40 pounds.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Now you got the rest of your gear. In my mind, when the zombie apocalypse hits, I got my sniper rifle, I'm going up in my perch, well you gotta hoof that shit way up a mountain. You gotta be moving with all that. So you probably have, if you're one of those snipers, you probably have literally 80 pounds on your back when you're moving forget forget all that like me staying in shape I can carry my eight-year-old I can't
Starting point is 00:14:53 care my four-year-old full day of Disney I don't it doesn't bother me yeah it does not but I'll go all day my wife's like aren't you time I'm good yeah I can go all fuck you're also the problem with the zombie apocalypse because I'm good. Yeah, I can go all fuck. Oh, you're also The problem with the zombie apocalypse because I'm I have a very prepper mentality Is it like you know? This is why we have military bases like you have to create your castle because once the castle falls and you're on the move Like you can only carry so much supplies back and realistically like I mean you can only get so far on foot before you're gonna Burn through sugar. Yeah hydration It's like so you're gonna have like basically about eight pounds of water on you at any given time.
Starting point is 00:15:26 And I see all these preppers who prep, like even me, I have a three day bag in my car, a bug out bag. And in case like there's an emergency and I have to hoof it back to my house. But the reality is like, I don't have a decent amount of water, because you had to constantly be switching out your water in a car. Well, you can also add the fact that if you have children,
Starting point is 00:15:44 you're not going anywhere without those kids, especially if they're little. No, exactly. So you're anchored. The hummer I was working on today has a generator where I can power my house. Yeah, I do too. I have enough acreage, I can hunt my property,
Starting point is 00:15:57 I have small caliber rounds, I can pull in small game, I have a pond in my backyard, I can filter the water that comes out of the pond. I'm coming to your credit Here's the other thing when we talk about zombie apocalypse chance of zombies not really by zombie apocalypse you mean liberals Yeah, is that what we're fighting? Well, I have a joke about that when I hear young people go young young college students We're gonna change the world. That's code for let's kill everybody over 50, you know, so I gotta be ready I don't know if it's, it's just liberals with zombies.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Project 2030 stuff, man. Like we're going to reduce the world's population by like 30%. It's like, well, these people got to go somewhere. Like you're in support of that. Like you, you better be in support of the fact that you're on the, uh, you know, the other 70% or whatever, but weird. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:40 You're like, wait, what? Yeah. We'll be ready. I'll go to your place, rich. That's all I know a rich house Are you worried about at all this weekend with the altitude? You know, because I'm from Denver the infamous Ben Roth will mark hunt fight the UFC at the the Pepsi Center there, you know Dana said he would never do heavyweights because the altitude altitude's always been an issue. I grew up there, I loved when guys would come from
Starting point is 00:17:06 out of town and fight in Denver. You can just drag in the late rounds, you know? You worried about the fighters? When I was training, I actually bought myself an altitude tent for that reason. I never really fought in high altitude places, but it did help even at sea level, obviously. But we didn't put any heavyweights on the card anyway,
Starting point is 00:17:25 so we're good that way. But most of the athletes, like I've been walking around this week and talking to a lot of the athletes, and most of them have been here at a minimum of two weeks. So that's probably about the minimum amount of time that I would take to try to acclimate to this. I still believe that when you live in an environment
Starting point is 00:17:42 like this, like it's just different, you know? You see these, for example, to take it to even more of an extreme because I did me and a buddy of mine hyped, like an 11,000 peak on Monday when I arrived. And man, the moment my heart started going, I was like, I could feel this. But you look at these like Sherpas and stuff that live in Mount Everest, I don't care if you come into Mount Everest and you're living there for a month or month and a half, like you're never going to keep up with the with the people. It's in their blood. They're born in it.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Yeah. So there are a couple couple local fighters that that, you know, have probably that little bit of advantage. But most of our roster went and talking to them, they've been here for some time. And there's a couple couple people that are like, Dad, it's like the altitude doesn't really bother me. and I'm like Okay, that third round that third round. I'll be singing a different tune right now. You're good right now. You're good It just hits different man. I'm excited for this card
Starting point is 00:18:35 Hagerty's one my absolute favorite athletes on the planet. I was bummed out about Mikey Rotolo that was a big one, but you know, we told you Dude, I was so pumped, so pumped for that match, man. It's just like, you know, yeah, they got it injured at CJI and he was trying, like, it took, took a while for him to like, for that to all kind of come together because it was like, is this, is it, are you hurt or you injured kind of mentality assessing all that stuff? So, yeah, I feel, I feel bad for Mikey at this point in time. And, and, but, uh, you know, working on all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:07 But yeah, that was a big hit. But no, I mean, I'm excited about the Hagerty matchup. That's going to be a fun one. I think like the on-law fight is going to be a fun one to watch, man. Like that's going to go deep rounds. Liam Harrison on this card with sucks. Like we've managed to put together a really,
Starting point is 00:19:23 really good card this time, man. A banger for the mile high fans, man. John Lineker is always fun to watch. Ten Pal, yep. It's a stacked card, man. It's going to be interesting. I think the Lineker matchup is interesting to me because it's like a, like a little boy time Mike Tyson coming forward and fighting like a, like, I mean, ace of Ten Pal has really
Starting point is 00:19:42 good footwork and moves, but so it'd be interesting to see see how this one plays out Like you can't because you can't sleep on a guy like Lineker and four ounce gloves. Yeah, definitely in clash of styles I'm surprised our our girl stamp fair tax isn't on this because I was at the last card in Denver, dude When you want to talk about a straight superstar, she walked out Yeah, you would have thought it was freaking Taylor Swift in that arena. Her and Rod Tang, man, they both got huge, tremendous standing ovations. Well, so Stamp was originally slated to be on this card. And it was like, I don't know, two, three months ago, whatever, when we were, when we were putting the card together and she had torn her ACL. And
Starting point is 00:20:21 so she had to, had to be taken off the the card So she was originally originally slayed to be on against as long as you name for the title great fight Yeah, you got you guys seem to dig Denver man. You guys keep going back there. I mean last time I was there was in Denver Yeah Denver Denver's been good to us man. The Commission is great to work with here They've been good partners for us, but you know, we, you know, we have Atlanta later this year as well. Sir, I'm aware that Atlanta will be fun. We reserved our heavyweights for that car where they're not in altitude. Smart, man. Smart. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:53 On top of Atlanta, I lost, so I hate that place, but whatever. You guys have fun there. Yeah. If I was you, Brendan, if I was you, I would have been pulled for every single fight being from Denver. I would have pulled for every single fight being in Denver like I'm fighting Denver fighting Denver like strategically I just gonna suck everything I can I try brother. I tried they gave me one my first Fight after the ultimate fire they had they had in Denver and then after that they never let me come back I kept asking for but again, it's they weren't worried about me. They're worried about the other heavyweights. Oh, yeah for sure I know but I'm not worried about the I'm a heavyweight., they're worried about the other heavyweights. Oh yeah, for sure. I know.
Starting point is 00:21:25 But I'm not worried about the other heavyweights. Who cares if they crash midway through the second round? That's what I'm saying, man. Well, no, hold on. Wait a minute. You're heavyweight, so they crashed probably about a minute 15 in the amplitude. That air gets real thin up there, dude. I can't wait to see you guys, man.
Starting point is 00:21:42 I'm excited for the event this Friday. You guys can check out on Amazon. It is a banger man. I'm excited. When are you when you arriving? I get in Friday morning. Okay. Rich, last question. Do you do you spend any time, do you keep in touch with any of the guys you ever fought in the UFC? Um, sporadically. I mean not really. I don't call and check in on guys but you know I never like I never had any kind of animosity towards the guys that I fought. It was a real simple equation.
Starting point is 00:22:09 I can be your best friend, man, but the moment that bell rings, we got a job to do. I go into gym, especially in my career, it's like, I'm gonna beat the crap out of my best friends. You're maybe one of my peripheral friends or even an acquaintance. I have no problem punching you in the face. So I never had to really have this kind of like emotional buildup or hatred or any of that kind of stuff. So I always got along with my opponent. So it's
Starting point is 00:22:33 like, if for example, I wanted to call Chuck and be like, Hey man, I'm doing this fundraiser. Can you help me out with this thing? He, he, I'm sure he would be, I'm speaking for him now, but maybe he's like, no, I hate, I hate rich Franklin. Chuck would be cool. Chuck's son is in a same league. My son is in, in baseball. Is he? Yeah. So he's a, yeah, he's a great, yeah, no, I'm just saying, no, like I've always had
Starting point is 00:22:52 good relationships with the guys. So and likewise, whether I, whether I won or lost to somebody, you know, if somebody, even if somebody like Anderson called me and was like, Hey man, I need you to, could you make an appearance at my charity event? I'm going to make sure, man. You know, as long as I was capable, like, yeah. Yeah. Of course.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Yeah. Rich ones are good ones. And we can't thank you enough, Rich. I will see you Friday, my man. I'm looking forward to it. I know you got a busy day. Yeah. If you want to get a little jogging on Friday morning,
Starting point is 00:23:20 let me know, man. I'd be down, man. Let me see what time I land. How are you acclimated to this elevation now that you're not in it? I mean, I feel like it's in my bones. It's in the bone marrow. So we'll see.
Starting point is 00:23:31 We will see. You sound like some of our athletes. We will see. Yeah, we'll see, man. We'll see, dude. All right, I'll see you Friday, man. I'm looking forward to it. Good chat with you guys.
Starting point is 00:23:42 All right, brother. See you, brother. Good luck. Thanks. Take care. B, let's take a little break. NFL. All right, brother. See you brother. Good luck. Thanks. Be let's take a little break. NFL is finally here, dude. Can't wait for the new season means new ways to get in on the action with DraftKings Sportsbook.
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Starting point is 00:25:21 Additional NFL plus premium terms at slash terms. Let's take a break, man, cause my wiener. Yeah, guess what? You got something for me? I took a joy mode. How'd you feel? I like the taste. You know, I always try to make sure,
Starting point is 00:25:36 like I know that this stuff is natural and science-backed. And I know that those ingredients actually do promote blood flow. Did you have any weird side effects? Like the nasty prescription drugs out there? You mean I felt really good. Yeah. And, and I'm going to just say that I had a little, uh, I felt like I really
Starting point is 00:25:56 did have blood flow down in my nether regions. That's what it's for, dude. And, um, this stuff actually works well. Yeah, we want to be telling you if it didn't work. I always trusted it because of the research, but, but I, you know, taking it has been interesting. It's been very interesting. Oh, another baby on the way. Tell us what you think. I don't need another baby.
Starting point is 00:26:17 We'll see, dude. Be careful because it will get you going. And it's an electrolyte packet, baby. It looks like that, right? You just put it in the water, stir it up and drink it. 45 minutes, four hours prior to doing the dirty They got L. Argyle. They got ginseng. They got vitamin C. That's great for you, man It also helps when you work out. It's like pre pre workout for the sex game or pre workout period yep So go to try joy mode comm slash fighter or enter fighter at checkout for 20% off your first order
Starting point is 00:26:43 That's try joy mode comm slash fighter for 20% off your first order. That's try joy slash fighter for 20% off your first order. All right. We're back, buddy. We're back, pal. Did you miss me? A lot. It's been a hot second. I was looking forward to coming today.
Starting point is 00:26:54 It's in a hot second. Now I was going to make up a reason why I was late. And then I was like, you know, I'm just going to tell the truth. I was working on that Hummer and track a time and it's so hot out. It's so hot out there. I started at 6 a.m. And then I looked down my watch said 10 30. I went, Oh, I got to go.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Now, wait a minute. We have a guest. When you say you're working on it, what do you mean? So it's a 91 Humvee. So it's not like a civilian, uh, H1 military military issued vehicle. And when I got it, I was like, wait why is it why is everything all why they sprayed all military like sin like tan? No, and he's like, oh, it's easy man. People don't care military spray with him Like I know but like the grill like the trim everything and the side mirrors should be all black
Starting point is 00:27:40 He's like get the military then I can do that. He's like also who's gonna take the time as well. Oh I'll do that. He's like, also, who's going to take the time as well? Oh, I'll do it. I'll do it. Oh, this is why they don't do it. Oh, this is why they do it. Oh, because it's a motherfucker? No, but that's why I can do it. Like on new cars, like with the computers
Starting point is 00:27:57 and all the technology, it's a nightmare. This, it just bolts and it just takes a while. I can do it, yeah. So, all this stuff. Why do you have a hummer like what happened? It's cuz you are you have in case Trump loses What Okay, hold on take it easy Take it easy. Just really look at me now fast trucks and freedom. Just take it easy for a second America gas again. Hey hold on.
Starting point is 00:28:26 But you already have. MAGA, make America gas again. You already have. Are you gonna try to like, are you gonna try to like organize a pack where you get rid of electric cars, like you guys like me kind of have to, they come and take my car and maybe give me a shove around.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Yeah. You're going to give me a shove around. And push you to fill out the election. And then am I going to have to get an American flag tattoo somewhere? Dude, I can tell what's going on with you. I just want to drive my electric car. I'm a little attached to my little three,
Starting point is 00:29:00 my Tesla three, white on white. You're mad. Make America gas again. Now hold on. That's our slogan, white. You're MAGA. Make America Gas Again. Now hold on. That's our slogan, dude. That seems super aggressive. That seems super aggressive, man. Was that American Flag?
Starting point is 00:29:11 Oh, wait. And you're not above using your size and strength. Not at all. Not at all. Give people a little shove around. Have you seen the guys that drive gas vehicles? Yeah, they're not pushovers. Mm-mm.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Yeah, they run, they lift. Mm-hmm. No. Hold on. MAGA, make America Gas Again. Yeah, they run, they lift. No. Hold on. Magga, make a major guess. No, okay, but wait. That's our slogan, dude. 2024. Yeah, but you already have a bunch of trucks.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Now you got this Hummer. I don't have Hummer, though. I don't have Hummer. You got a military issue Hummer from 91. Bulletproof. That was when? Bulletproof. Schwarzenegger was driving it.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Was that? Did she come with it That's so old always they're crushing it. Yeah, boy. Do they know they're marketing? Yeah, it gets me every time like Jesus. You know what? I'll take a pair of sandals killing it how much well You know Gordon Ryan's an owner now. Oh, yeah. Yeah, so they're crushing our boys are killing it there. Yep I see that I'm like I'll take it. Yep. Oh, this is me there. Yep. I see that. I'm like, I'll take it. Yep Oh, this is me and the boys. I love that now now boy That they're in that's the Hummer. Okay, so what is the Hummer like so you bought a Hummer? There it is. That's ridiculous So you want that Hummer? I actually really like it though and and you too much if I put Mac on the back
Starting point is 00:30:22 But I'll see I'm not saying make America great again. That's already taken. I'm saying make America gas again You could hold on just please please someone please sir. Sorry that what's under the hood There is that the original stock engine? Yep, six point five diesel engine. So you have a diesel engine in there That's not bad gas mileage of his diesel. Not great. Okay, so I was again eight miles ago T. Rx gets four. Are you gonna do something to the engine it is oh yeah you are oh yeah you're gonna add some stuff to the engine yeah I mean you gotta be careful with that cuz they're made for torque you know it's a 91 but I want some stuff but you got you got the truck and you bought the truck I'm so confused you
Starting point is 00:31:01 decided that things for sale I'm gonna get it, because I need that. In case November doesn't go like it should, things could get weird. Well, what are you gonna do, mount it with certain things? Bold proof. That thing can climb over anything. And you're gonna- Ground clearance is insane.
Starting point is 00:31:20 And we can fit eight people in there? Eight. Hey. Is there any room for me? You're one of the eight. I appreciate that wife and kids? But come on. I got little kids. I know I got mine though I know but we'll sit on each other's laps save you or you can pick I shoot straight and You know me and my temper. I know it's it comes in as an asset. Don't need a lot of food
Starting point is 00:31:39 I don't want an ass. I feel like it's liability. Mmm Downright murderous. I know. That's liability in this whole revolution. Yeah, but you want me on your side. Yeah. You do. At the end of the day. I can turn it on.
Starting point is 00:31:55 But I don't know if I want you in the actual car with us. I would say this about myself. I think you would back me up. I think. Like a lot of people talk a big game. If it comes to, to, to, to, down to it, down to it, I'm going to do my part. I'm not saying I'm going to be a hero. I'm going to be able to get there. I'm going to do my part. Charging stations against shut down. That's.
Starting point is 00:32:18 I'll ride. I'm going to ride on the roof. This glass is like Mad Max style like Mad Max and you can just go just I need a pole to hold on to here just like Mad Max oh you're the guy that would that sprays the silver cannon his face and takes one for the like that shock shock shock shock shock shock shock shock shock shock shock shock that's me I dig it you know what I'm saying? You're that guy. If it comes down to it.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Dude, I could have used you on one one side there. On Sunday, I went to Glen Helen Raceway. My boy Chris Bailey was racing. So Chris is the best drag racer in America. Has the fastest Demon 170 in the world, set world records, he's a monster, right? So he goes around the nation going, hey, come one, come all, I have the fastest car
Starting point is 00:33:07 in the world and I can beat you. So all the top shops from around the nation come, that's us there, Jen, with the race car, yeah. So he goes around the nation going, hey, if you can have a fast car, race me, I'll bet you. So I show up with my kids, I'm like, all right, here we go. Dude, it was so intense, it was so competitive.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Yeah. Because all the top shops and there's egos. Oh yeah, I was about to say that to some culture. He raced against like this East LA Vato team, dude, they were so upset, they roll up to his little camp there, 20 deep, I'm like, what was going on here? Rough looking dude. Yeah. Chris goes, get ready to go, I'm like what was going on here rough-looking dude yeah Chris goes get ready to go like go where do you talk about who has the best I went I went t boss getting the get in the get in the car what's happening
Starting point is 00:33:55 right now they were so upset they lost he went undefeated him his boy undefeated they were so upset I'm sorry she. They're using them of cheating, this, this. Well, it's all that, what is it? It's manhood. It's your manhood. It is a subculture. And especially California, souping cars up and all that stuff. Oh, dude. I mean, that's where it started, I believe.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Well, like, them I get, like, where there's egos involved, they put a lot of time in the cars, trying to figure out, you know, the the fastest quarter mile I get why they get all into it It's weird to me like, you know, I'll post my truck some people like oh my TRX or my Raptor beat the shed I hear something You dead Henry Ford? Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm confused your dad Henry Ford Henry Ford? I'm sorry. Did you build the truck? Yeah. Oh, no, no, no, no. You just paid a mechanic to do it. Yeah. Yeah. I don't care. This is in- You're better at Googling than me. This is in people's- I believe truly that
Starting point is 00:34:58 this is in your genes. My son, my two and a half year old, is obsessed with cars and is constantly looking at cars. So you know he's not gay. And he's saying. Is he taking trucks going, uh, uh, uh, uh. Yes, he plays with trucks. He wants to watch trucks. Because he's a boy. And he's always saying,
Starting point is 00:35:13 I want to buy that car. I know there's no difference between men and women. Dude, you're crazy. Make American guys again. Dude, you're crazy. Dude, it's, yeah. You tell me he gets them. My daughter was never in trucks.
Starting point is 00:35:22 And naturally he goes, uh, uh, uh, uh. Riving them. Yeah. And he had a really serious, he goes, daddy, it's really daughter was never in trucks. And naturally he goes, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, yeah. Drive in them, and he had a really serious, he goes, daddy, it's really hard to do two trucks. I have to only do one, because I can't push them, but that was the one that was going on. It was challenging. It's unbelievable, though.
Starting point is 00:35:34 He's obsessed with driving cars. He's a boy. Yeah, he sits on my lap, we drive, he's obsessed. I mean, he's so bummed out, he's in a Tesla, but yeah, he's a boy. Send him over to my house. Yeah, he likes race cars. He's in a Tesla. He is a boy. Yeah, send more my house Yeah, he likes race fucking mind. Yeah, don't do my kids. He loves trucks. Yeah Send more my house and never come back. I'll never come back I don't come you'll want to sit in that truck on your lap and drive Basti and tea
Starting point is 00:35:56 I said, alright guys first day of school was what last? Wednesday or something like yeah Wednesday. I was like alright first day of school you picked the car God, they have no idea how fortunate there you picked car. What do you want? I'm thinking TRX. We just got it back. The demon, the light. We just got the TRX back. Yep. I'm like, do you guys pick? Back from the dead. What the military, what the military truck. They love it. And I was like, dude, you're, but your mom did your hair. There's no windows. Your hair's going to get all fucked up. They
Starting point is 00:36:21 didn't care. That's what they wanted. Your fucking kid doesn't care about that. There's no AC. There's no radio. You care about that shit? up. They didn't care. That's what they wanted. Your fucking kid doesn't care about that. There's no AC, there's no radio. You care about that shit? No, they didn't care. You get to be in this awesome military thing. They love it. That's a heavy vehicle. What's that weigh about? What do we got?
Starting point is 00:36:33 Look up how much the Hummer weighs. Is it H1? H1. H1. Probably a lot. 12,000, 14,000. Oh my god. Oh, okay. No, that's the okay No, that's the no, that's that's each one there One that's a 2006. So that's the alpha. It's gonna be a little lighter type in do humvee
Starting point is 00:36:56 Other you got 95 hummer h1 curb weight do that All right, sorry Less do that. Oh, sorry. Less 67. So that so they made them 67 hundred. That's way lighter than I thought. So modern, still heavy. 6000. So heavy. No, no, no. 8000. Look up how much electric cars way.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Yeah, my car weighs my Tesla battery. Three ways. Yeah, so that's why the Hummer was way it weighed too much, it was too wide, so they made them very difficult to get registered. Yeah, damn. And think how small your car is? 4,000 pounds. It's the, hey, Jen, bring up the electric Hummer, Hummer EV. That's more comparable.
Starting point is 00:37:41 But why is it faster though? I'll give them that. 9000. Yikes. So it's about 3000 pounds heavier. Damn. 10,000 pounds. But TRX, TRX is 7000 pounds.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Like the Hummer, like back in the day everyone was like, oh, they're so heavy. Today's car is just as heavy if not heavier. Pretty wild. No airbags either. You're not even looking at the electric Hummer No, but out of all the electric cars, that's probably the Coolest looking one. Yeah, they have problems though. They do a lot of problems. That's why the leases Nice car. I drove a review. Yeah, I mean again
Starting point is 00:38:20 Same yeah. Yeah, they look cool. Yeah, they do. It's a nice car. The electric cars that look decent are the ones where they don't make them look electric. There's a look about electric. It's like Down Syndrome kids. You know, they all have the same look. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. If that's your cup of tea, make a record guess again.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Am I too much today? Can I be honest with you? Yeah. I like it. Okay. We back, dog. We back, baby. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:38:54 This is vintage TAT vacay. Yeah, we back, man. That's too much. I'm sorry. It's vintage TAT vacay. So, Rivian weighs 7,000 pounds. That's about more than a Hummer. So, every two, they're too heavy. I'm creating a video,
Starting point is 00:39:06 me and Mark are creating a video. Can a Hummer H1, a Humvee, a 1991 Humvee be a daily dad driver in LA? Well you, the word that I give you is that you buy the craziest car whether it's a Ferrari whatever and you drive it every day. Every single day. It's like your driver car, and I love that. Yeah. I appreciate that. Because if you make that, with that Ferrari back then, if you had hit something with that, if somebody hit you.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Scared. It's big problems. That's why the Hummer's so dope. Like value. Yeah, those for sure. With the Hummer, it's like, I mean, like I'm painting parts on it now with black spray paint. It's all good.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Yeah. You break some. It doesn't matter. 50 bucks to get a spray paint. It's all good. Yeah, you break some 50 bucks to get a new part That's why that's why they're fun And remember the reason why my dumbass can work on them is cuz remember especially 91 those were made they get stuck in the desert You got 18 19 20 21 year olds in War areas. Yeah, they got to fix them fast. So has to be easy access and no computer nuts and bolts. So it's all right there. Yeah. That's why I can work on it. That makes sense. Moron. Yeah. You don't know. That's not your thing necessarily. The new cars. I can't, I just can't, I can't. Well,
Starting point is 00:40:14 they're so packed in. And yeah, computers and the tuning. You mess with anything, then you got to do the right tune. It's just the Hummers. It's's just it's a project cards So they tuned that's why I was late today cars fucking hands. Yeah You were actually fucking what since 6 a.m. Didn't go to the gym. Usually go to the gym I was God just started a little bit when I'm a rice take my car to those shops like was in Hoboken, New Jersey and you take your car to a shop to get New shocks or whatever it was it was a garage and You'd see dudes on their back just working on all day. That shit is that that is a hard job to do that you better love cars because
Starting point is 00:40:51 and they do those shops still exist they do those will go away that's why I hate electric that will all go away the middle class working man all that will go go away you vote Kamal Harris all that goes away all that goes away all that goes away. All that goes away. All that goes away. All those companies I work with, Borla, King Shocks, all family owned, all that goes away. Just because there's more legislation to get electric cars in.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Yeah, they're forcing on you. Why would they do that? Well, it's just, it's also just. Why would they do that? It's also just the inevitable. The inevitable. Is it though? Sort of movement away from fossil fuels. Or, in fossil fuels, that's hilarious. It's also just... Why would they do that? It's also just the inevitable... We can go through it if you want....the inevitable... Is it though?
Starting point is 00:41:26 ...sort of movement away from fossil fuels. Or, in fossil fuels, that's hilarious. Or is it, it's same as fashion, like, remember skinny jeans were hit, and then everyone has skinny jeans, but they gotta make money. Baggy jeans are in. You gotta have baggy now. So let's bring the baggy. I don't think it's that.
Starting point is 00:41:40 I don't think it's that. I think what happens is like anything else, it's just technology. You know, so you gotta have too many people like me who are lazy, who just don't think it's that. I think what happens is like anything else, it's just technology. You know, so you got too many people like me who are lazy, who just don't care about driving and they just, like my car, when it's a green light, I hear that. When I'm getting too close to the car, it self drives in traffic.
Starting point is 00:41:57 And then you just get a bunch of people like me. It's an easy thing that's comfort. And then also the Tesla's safe, also I don't have to get out and get gas. And so for me, I'm not a gear head. So you love it. You don't have to get out and get gas. And so for me, I'm not a gear head. So you don't have to be. And here's the thing, the majority of Americans aren't into EVs. But remember this, remember this, remember this.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Also, innovation is destructive and innovation throughout the beginning of time. They always use this famous thing. People who made buggy whips, right? Buggy whips went out of business. The minute that, you know, VHS tower records, everything goes out of business as soon as a new technology comes along and you're never going to win that game. It's, it's, it's, it's, you'll be a holdout and there's a market for that to be a holdout. You're looking at it.
Starting point is 00:42:37 But you just have to understand that in everything in life, all of us, most of what we're doing, but most of what we're doing is going to be obsolete. I wonder sometimes teaching our children the things we're teaching, is AI going to replace that? What are we learning? Obviously not everything, but I'm just saying- But even with Tiger, he came home and he's like, Dad, I'm learning cursive. I thought-
Starting point is 00:43:00 There you go. I didn't want to do it to him. I was like, when will he ever use that? Right. And I'm paying how much a year? There you go. When? Cursive. Well, the fuck you ever use that? When's the last time you used fucking cursive? Think about that. And you're, Hon, how long you guys spent on this? Yeah. Let's take a little break. I'll tell you what, if you're looking for your hair to grow back, you can do a lot of things.
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Starting point is 00:44:38 But just the school structure in general. Sure, that's right. New York City. The bell, obeying, sitting there. All of that was to make good factory workers. Correct. Right? You want your kid to be a nine-to-five or do it. There's nothing wrong with that. But when the kid, you know, if he's a little rebellious and they want to give him medication or it's like, I don't know man. I'm right with you. Then if you want to go out to college,
Starting point is 00:45:01 what do you think, who would you hire? Let's say you owned a business, who would you hire? Would you hire the kid who after high school traveled the world and visited, I don't know, 20 countries and learned a new language? Or would you hire the kid who got a communications degree from University of Colorado? Who's going to be more adept to dealing with real life stuff? The kid who traveled, man. Right? Right? You know, like, you want practical knowledge or the kid who worked as an apprentice. Yeah, but he's also not $150,000 in debt either.
Starting point is 00:45:29 No, try $400,000. Yeah. I mean, yeah. You know what I'm saying? But that's what we're dealing with. But, and it's tough for me, it's different if your kid plays sports and he's going to play sports and depending on the sport college is very important. But if they're just a regular student, it's a conversation now. It's a huge conversation. Because she's a parent, educates himself, and goes hold on.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Well Jordan Peterson's at the university, Jordan, I don't know if you know the pretty smart guy, and know something about education. Jordan Peterson, he's got, I think it's called, and Jonathan Haidt, they've got different universities online, cost you five grand to get a degree, but you're gonna get a real degree. So if you wanna learn, now.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Andrew Cade has the same thing. There you go, so college is now, Charlie Kirk has the same thing. Charlie Kirk, smart guy. And, and, and, because they're fed up, they're fed up with this, they're fed up with this, these universities that are teaching our kids that everything about America is bad, that collectivism and socialism is the way to go, et cetera. We can, we, we, we talked about that agnosium, but I saying, the only thing that college gives you though is contacts. So you build a network. You build a network.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Depending what college you go to. Depending on what college you go to. You go to USC, sure man. You're in the film industry and you're a director at USC. Judd Apatow went there. I can keep listing people. There's a lot of strength with that. That's right.
Starting point is 00:46:40 But again, And in sports. In sports or if you like engineering, something like that, that makes sense. Yeah. You want to be a lawyer. Yeah. You have to, you know, get your undergraduate degree.
Starting point is 00:46:51 But, but if they're just like, I'm going to go major in communication and social studies, like, no, you're not, no, I'm not paying for that. Go travel here. Here. Here's half of what we would cost. Go travel with your buddy, learn the language, do something, be disciplined.
Starting point is 00:47:07 I mean, even the military, it's not a bad idea. Just certain things that give you, you know. Pense. Practical. They're saying you could do Ukraine for self-interest, then what are we doing? That's a whole nother thing. No, yeah. No, I'm saying practical knowledge.
Starting point is 00:47:20 But isn't it, when you think about all that, like in the military, I still, you know, I adore the military, I still adore the military, all my family's military, so for me it was like, oh, there's nothing better than fighting the good fight. And then, who knows, the information you get now, you're like, man, currently now, I'm not saying like World War II or that stuff.
Starting point is 00:47:37 War is big business, Papa. I know, the biggest. Then you look at the, why are we getting into wars? A lot of people make a lot of money. When you look at Vietnam, you're like, wait, why are we getting into wars? A lot of people make a lot of money. When you look at Vietnam, you know, you're like, wait, why were we there? And hold on, somebody's grandfather died? If you talk to, if you see the Iraq invasion, when we invaded Iraq, the people that were the most sort of hesitant were people that had, who were in uniform,
Starting point is 00:48:00 who had done fighting. Of course. It was civilians who were like, we've got a restructure of the middle east and a lot of people who had been in the military, especially people like Colin Powell, by the way, were like, Hey guys, you don't actually know you don't know what you're getting into. It's like talking about fighting if you've never been in a ring. Yeah, it's like there are a lot of shit to go. What did you say? What? I didn't catch it. What? What did you say? Maga.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Make America death, yeah. And you're coming in. Jets blazing, bro! That's what happens when you got a break, dog. Jets blazing! Yeah, but you think about Operation Desert Storm, my uncle was in it, like, really? What was that for?
Starting point is 00:48:41 Well, for our freedom. It rocketed Kuwait. They're invading America? We're protecting our borders. Kuwait controlled a lot of oil and we were pretty open about that. We were like, hold on, Iraq's gonna come in and control all of Kuwait's oil? But even then we were like, I don't know, like, weapons of mass destruction, y'all. Really? Prove it. Just listen to us. Yeah. But it was just a different time. Do you know, do you know what has created this? Where I'm going to give you a quiz. I might've already asked you, but very,
Starting point is 00:49:15 there was an event that, that eroded America's trust in institutions, in media, in academia, in politics before that, before COVID, it instilled a real sense of cynicism. 80s, but mostly 90s. When, and I'll give you some hints. There was an event that changed America's view on authority. Authority was looked at as no longer a system of competence, but as tyrannical and corrupt.
Starting point is 00:49:51 And it happened and it was a shock to all of us. And no one believed it until the press, especially Boston and places like that, actually started really digging into it. And then it was a shocking revelation. A shocking revelation. A number of those come to mind because you got like the incident that happened in Waco, right? Where people are like, God, that was fucked up. Okay. Okay. But then like Whitey Bulger and then being the FBI informant working in the FBI.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Like all that's corrupt. Even though that didn't really come out at the time. But that's like whitey bulger and being the FBI informant like all that's corrupt Even though that didn't really come out at the time, but that's an interesting JFK is a big one where people went Yeah, hold on Because we think now before a wake up because we think now like when you think of JFK were like I can't believe they didn't Realize this. Oh, they did Very suspect the most trusted people there was there was a there was a group of people that were the most trusted for a long time. And then we realized that there was something really awful going on. Well, there's like CNN. It was a big one.
Starting point is 00:50:54 So I'm going to tell you what it was. It was when we found out that priests were molesting and raping children. Oh man, I found that young. Well, but when in Spotlight and stuff, everybody was until it went mainstream. Because the most, I remember when Disney came out with a movie called Priest, and I remember it was like 1991,
Starting point is 00:51:20 and Catholics were calling and going, I am never going to buy anything from Disney again. How dare they say this priest. They featured a priest who was a pedophile. Damn, Disney did? Disney was lit back in the day. Remember they put dicks and stuff on it? Yeah, but everybody who had been in the Catholic Church, my family members and all that, we all knew some shit was going on. It was a guy like Bill Cosby, right?. It was all hearsay and then finally someone goes, no, for reals there's an issue. And then we found out that there were a lot of predators,
Starting point is 00:51:49 a lot of fucking predators, just real pedophiles that were hiding behind the cloth and doing terrible things. And most importantly, it wasn't just that. It was when we found out that the higher-ups in the church were covering her up The boy boy scouts was a hit to the stomach too. Oh fuck it also, but that was all part of so no shit Yeah, that was all part of it. I was that boy scouts on my yeah, I'm tying knots. What's guys so close man? I got it. Hey, I got it. Hey back up Doug. Why is he gonna scout? I don't give a fuck. Why so close?
Starting point is 00:52:21 Why's your nuts on my shoulders? I'm seven. Yeah. No, no, I got the knot No, I saw how you do it. I'll take it from here. Yeah And that was never spoken about but that the erosion of that trust and the the when spotlight came out and all those priests Were named and what it wasn't those priests it was how many men Who were all like men like, youressed Catholic, Irish, tough guys, Catholic, Italian guys came out and said, me too, me too, me too. It was the first me too movement.
Starting point is 00:52:51 And it was, and then you found out that the cardinals in these churches, they knew about it and they just moved those guys to different dioceses. So they could keep doing it. Fuck. And we've never recovered from that. Historians will always go, that was the beginning of the end. To use the words of Jesus Christ, that was a blessing. That was a blessing that got unsheathed. Thank God it did.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Yeah. So you… But also, no shit. These orphanages that were run by those priests are horrible. But also, no shit. Tell me about the dudes that give their life up to Jesus Christ and refuse to touch women. Well, some of them. But why wouldn't they be drunk? So here's why. Why would they be so into doing this and being around little boys having power?
Starting point is 00:53:38 No, no, I'll tell you why. So, a lot of the Catholic priests were great people. What it was was this, and the church itself did a lot of good work. But what happened was, typically, throughout history, if you were gay, you couldn't tell your family you went in, and it was a sin. You went into the priesthood to figure out a way to deal with your sins. Okay, that was first thing. That doesn't make sense, because they say you're going to hell. But the other thing is, remember, in most you're the first born got the entire inheritance. So typically in most countries,
Starting point is 00:54:09 if the first born gets the entire inheritance, the second born would always go into the priesthood, always. That was the tradition. Cause you were the second brother. So you were going to become, so you went in there and then you were just a dude. You had to take this vow of chastity, and then you put all your attention into into kids and helping them out. So there are a lot of great there are a lot of priests. You know we're talking about the
Starting point is 00:54:33 minority. Yeah well well hold on we're not talking there were a lot of great priests that did a lot of great work that raised a lot of kids and all that but but all of a sudden you had a bunch of predators that went hold on I can I can get away with the free pass. I can get and all that. But all of a sudden you had a bunch of predators that went, hold on, I can get away with this. The free pass. I can get away with this. I can do this? Yeah, nobody's going to, because priests were untouchable. And unprotected?
Starting point is 00:54:52 Yeah. Remember, a couple things when you were growing up, when I was, when I, a little bit before me, a couple things people that were untouchable, doctors and priests. If a doctor said that's what you do, you did it. If a doctor said there's no evidence, there's no evidence. If a doctor said take your medicine, it didn't, you never argued with a doctor said that's what you do, you did it. The doctor said there's no evidence. There's no evidence. If the doctor said take your medicine, it didn't, you never argued with a doctor ever until malpractice suits came in. That was a new thing. Or until social media came in. Now doctors get the fuck out of it.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Take what? You want what medication? Yeah. Well, I think a lot of doctors get a bum rap. And I think, I think, I think a lot of social media does damage too though. Yes and no, but I think there's a lot of good because a lot of social media does damage too though. Yes and no but I think there's a lot of good because a lot of doctors, they're pushing the agenda, they're pushing these pharmaceuticals that they get paid on, they get blowbacks but also a lot of them,
Starting point is 00:55:35 that's all they know too, they're not bad people, they're like, notice how it's done. But you know what, Bobby, you and I know this and there's a lot to medicine, a lot, and there's a lot of bro science out there including from other fucking quote unquote doctors who got their degree but never practiced. You talk to dudes who've been in the business for a long fucking time. Depends on what kind of doctor they are, if I'm going to talk to them or not.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Well, there are a lot of great doctors, and a lot of doctors know shit like that. Yeah, I know, agree 100%. Then there's a lot that are pushing the pencil. Yeah, we have to be careful though about what we criticize, right? There's a lot of misinformation on stat right? There's a lot of misinformation on statins. There's a lot of misinformation, a lot of stuff. Yeah, but you could sign for both sides. It's not fair to say, Oh, doctors are great. Listen to them. Well, no, I've had issues with doctors. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's okay to go. Well, hold on, explain this to me. Why are you doing it?
Starting point is 00:56:18 Sure. Now, do I have to take that vacation? Is there somebody who do naturally and work out and get past this where I'm not reliant on that prescription for life? Yeah, that's true. That's true. Oh, there's no cut back to you? Well, a lot of doctors will know a lot of doctors will give diabetes medication because they know their patients are not going to do the exercise.
Starting point is 00:56:39 They're not going to eat well. They're not. Well, you're not going to do that. So, metformin and all this stuff is going to save you. It's going to save your life. Or it's going to add life. Because I can't work with you. It's like my buddy's doctor, I tell you, my buddy's doctor,
Starting point is 00:56:51 he eats too much. He eats like four men. And his doctor goes, I can't work with you anymore. I'm like, what? That's a waste of time. I'm not working with you anymore. I'm not doing this. And he fired him.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Good for him. Yeah. So and then I go there and they go, you never have to come back again because you are a fucking roadblock. Oh, I told you that one dentist said, you are so gifted with your teeth. It's such a blessing.
Starting point is 00:57:13 You never come in and they're just get on it. Oh, you fucked up. How does he do it? She goes, why I went, I will never be back. That's all I had to hear. She goes, well, no, you still want to come in? I go, absolutely not. You said I've got given Dave. Thank you. You have good enamel. I thought you had holes in your teeth.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Nah, man, there's a way to fix that. How'd you fix it? You know, stuff, stuff, that Florida, there's a thing called no BS and it has stuff that actually help grow your, like the cavities, the calcium. Really calcium really yeah fix my teeth you brush teeth with it oh yeah it's a toothpaste but you know again we're told fluoride and all this stuff yeah really helped out I don't have issues anymore you don't it's called no BS yeah they're not like Brock Lesnar's I thought we said holes in the teeth I was like damn how the fuck no cavities are how'd that happen well that does not look good he probably grinds his teeth Jesus Christ probably grinds teeth and eats shit chips
Starting point is 00:58:12 yeah I mean that's not good that looks like black gelatin he's eating shit corn nuts shit corn nuts oh those are shit those are little corn nuts nuts. Oh bad got some corn nuts. If you have bad, I wouldn't I wouldn't tell him that and it's to his face, but No, you wouldn't want me. No Is Brock still doing WWE? So now that's what no I don't think so. I think he's just done with everything. He's he's on a hiatus Oh, but he's awesome. He got kind of lumped into the whole you know Vince shit like all that stuff like all the old school guys, check please.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Oh really, okay. Because it was back in the day, it's like when they come from Clint Eastwood. It was a bit of a party. Yeah, he's all, check please. Yeah, I'm out. He's also set. They're still having a big Roman Reigns,
Starting point is 00:58:56 The Rock, Brock Lesnar thing right now. I see it coming, so he'll be back. He doesn't need to do shit. He's set. He's got money. Yeah. I'm seeing, uh, I mean, Bill Goldberg this weekend. Love Bill. Bill's my boy.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Tell him. We were just talking. He was on the show. I love Bill. Yeah. He's a huge Mo Park guy. Huge Mo Park guy. His son's kicking ass in football.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Yeah. What's he, where's he playing? You would know. Uh, I don't know where his son, I mean, Bill played at Georgia though. He's a, he's a dog. Bill played in the NFL. Yeah. Yeah. Bill was a legit dog. Still, still trained, still would know. Uh, I don't know where his son, I mean, Bill played at Georgia though. He's a, he's a dog. Bill played in the NFL. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Bill was a legit dog. Still, still trained, still in shape. My age. He's such a superior like athlete that I remember it was, I think it was Summer Slam. His son played at Colorado. Yeah. But before the match, like, you know, he has
Starting point is 00:59:40 that whole entrance where people stand outside the doors, he was ramming his head into the locker so hard that he just busted his head open and then started walking out and everyone was like, well, this isn't going to work. But he's such a severe, like, actor, athlete. His size is not that big. He's six foot, two fifteen. Linebacker? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Is that big? Pretty perfect. That's what you want. Yeah. For linebackers, short and stout. That's what you want for linebacker. Yeah, really? Yeah, especially middle linebacker, but um, yeah, Bill's a huge car guy like huge He has a massive. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I think he has a deal with dodge
Starting point is 01:00:16 Yeah, like he got the demon before I did he had the 2018 demons He sold the 2018 and 2024 together as a combo package. Like he's a big dodge guy. There's a great, great, there's a great video on Instagram, Bill's Instagram, where he's talking to his son. And his son's about to go and play and he goes, these guys are not pushovers by any fucking means.
Starting point is 01:00:36 So let's go fucking get him. He's so intense, man. I love him. You got to listen to this. He's a great dad. I love that guy. I think it's Bill Goldberg. He moved.'s right. He's in he's in, Texas He let he used to be in San Diego. He moved to Texas. He's right. He's outside Austin San Antonio. I think yeah
Starting point is 01:00:53 I think he's between there. Yeah, cuz we're supposed to shoot some car content with him Really? Yeah, he's out there, but I'll see him in in Denver talk some cars I He's out there, but I'll see him in Denver. Talk to him cars. I assume Dodge Hick don't gave him a Demon 170 because he sold his Demon 170, but I assume that's just. There it is right there. Top one?
Starting point is 01:01:18 Yeah, right there. Listen up. Get your ass locked in. Tell me if you got a little bit more money. Hey, this ain't gonna be a walk over today. By any means. Get their ass ready. I think he's talking about, uh, when was this posted? Get their ass four days ago. So I think he was talking, uh, when they're playing, uh, North Dakota state. I said the same thing, man.
Starting point is 01:01:41 I said the exact same thing. This ain't a walkover. Those boys, North Dakota states, no thing, man. I said the exact same thing. This ain't a walk over. Those boys, North Dakota State's no joke, man. They're a good team. How do you think it hard, how hard it is for that kid? Your dad's Goldberg. But he's a wrestler. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:54 He's playing pro football, though. No one knows him as football. No one thinks that Goldberg thinks pro football. Not a single person. It'd be tough if your dad's Tom Brady, if your dad's Grunkowski, if your dad's Junior Seau, if your dad's Ed McCaffrey, and now his son's better than him by every possible metric.
Starting point is 01:02:18 That kid is so unbelievable. Yeah. I never, I never really got over that mouth kissing thing with Tom Brady. That's weird. No, we have kids who- It's weird, right? I mean, do you do that? No, no, I'm saying it's that mouth kissing thing with Tom Brady. That's weird. No, we have kids who- It's weird, right? I mean, do you do that?
Starting point is 01:02:28 No, no, I'm saying it's weird that people have focused on that. Do you do that? I don't know. Is that normal? I don't, but it's normal. When they're babies, I did. Older, no, but it shows he's close with his kiddos. I don't have an issue with it.
Starting point is 01:02:38 People that don't have kids are like, ah, it's so weird. I'm like, no, you're weird, man. Now you have kids you don't think about. Okay, okay. You don't think about it, no. Good to know. It's like my baby drooled in my mouth the other day, but actually- That's cute. Yeah. I was like, ugh, and I was like now you're with kids you don't think you don't think about no It's like my baby drooled in my mouth the other day Yeah, I was like it's weird or he only drinks avocado shakes Everyone's focused on the fucking kid and kissing not he does Tommy drinks avocado shakes non-stop. Yes diets like all avocado shakes
Starting point is 01:02:57 Yeah, but people were focused on the kid. I'm like, oh whatever Clearly clothes. I'm raising emotional guy. I guarantee he's an unbelievable guy. How do you think he's gonna do broadcasting? Amazing. Did you hear him? He'll do great at everything. Have you heard some of his stuff? He's a monster.
Starting point is 01:03:13 I heard it. Oh, you're Tom Brady hater. I'm not a hater. You're hating on his kid? Hold on, hold on. No, no, no, no. Hey, Brad is a little feisty today. No, no, well hold on.
Starting point is 01:03:22 He is, he has two magic minds. No, hold on, so far she comes in here. Two magic minds. Hold on, no. Hey, Brad is a little feisty today. No, no, well hold on. Yes, yes. No, hold on, so far she comes in here. Two magic minds. Hold on, one. So Tom Brady, right, because his kid is weird. It was a long kiss on the mouth. That's whatever. And then, did you hear his commentating?
Starting point is 01:03:35 I thought it was really good. She had the same, she said, I heard it. I heard it, I was asking a pin. Monster, monster. Hold on, hold on, sir. Do you know how good Tony Romo is? You know how much smarter he is than Tony Romo. Hold on, hold on, sir. Do you know how good Tony Romo is? You know how much smarter he is than Tony Romo? Hold on.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Take it easy over there. He's so angry at me today. No, he's just, he's feisty, dude. We love Tom. I actually was gonna say I was impressed. No, you weren't. You say what? I was impressed.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Because you know what? Certain players you see and you're like, oh, they're gonna be good, like Greg Olson, right? Greg Olson, he's smart, whatever, but he was really good. But then you see these players that are amazing, right? Like think of a Kobe Bryant. What have they always said about Kobe?
Starting point is 01:04:17 He'd be a terrible coach. He'd be a terrible coach. Because he doesn't get what you don't get. I can't relate to him, yeah. But Tom Brady, arguably the GOAT, comes out here and is like, he doesn't get what you don't get. I can't relate to him, yeah. But Tom Brady, arguably the goat, comes out here and is like, oh, I get this and I get how you want to hear this. I was impressed. That's what they gave him like 200 something million.
Starting point is 01:04:35 You know. That's a lot of money. And he took Olson's job. I know. He did. Yeah. But also quarterbacks are always the best come, always the best. When you think of all the great. Field generals, they have to know the game. Troy Aikman's fantastic. Yeah, but also quarterbacks are always the best. Always the best. When you think of all the great-
Starting point is 01:04:45 Well, they're field generals. They have to know the game. Troy Aikman's fantastic. Yeah, he is. Romo's great. I think Olson's good. Yeah, I was surprised by him, right? No, I mean, he's a smart dude, playing at Miami.
Starting point is 01:04:58 He's always like captain for the Carolina Panthers. Always like a smart, smart dude, but- I would love to- He's good. I would love to hear Tom like talk about football. Oh, if you hear oh he went on our boy at Fox show What's his name? Um main guy fuck Colin? Colin Colin heard Colin hurt you want you went on the herd and he was like, oh, let me break it down for you, dude You're like, oh my god. Yeah, he's already. Yeah. He's so fucking good. That's why you're who you are. It's Tom Brady. Yeah. It's like Todd Phillips of, of hangover fame and joker. He, he read a script of
Starting point is 01:05:32 mine one time and it was a good script and he broke it down for me. He gave me a three page synopsis and I remember going, okay well, I, yeah, I'm not a writer. And, uh, and there's a reason he is who he is. Like none of his success is an accident. No one knows better about writing. It makes a living doing it. But he's one of the best. And when you have one of the best who can, who can make like, who changes the culture, you're like, Oh, you tell stories better than anybody. And then there's certain quarterbacks who just, you're like, there's no, like, who changes the culture. You're like, oh, you tell stories better than anybody. And then there's certain quarterbacks who just,
Starting point is 01:06:06 you're like, there's no, like, I don't think Patrick Mahomes is gonna be a great commentator, you know? Because he's so instinctual, he just. He's just not his thing, he's just, there's certain guys who are like, yeah, like I bet Aaron Rodgers would be pretty good. Oh, I would have had him, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Who have you heard that's a quarterback that you don't like? Terry Bradshaw is not great. No. He's entertaining. Really? No. But he's also a color-competitor. He's not a play-by-play guy.
Starting point is 01:06:34 He's on the booth. He's not a guy you want breaking down the play. Yeah, I like him. Tony Romo was so good at it, people complained because he would tell you what they were going to do just from the formation. Really? He was like the slants open on the left here. Hey, Jimmy, you're gonna see him throw a slam. You're like, hey! Spoiler alert, dude! And they throw a slam like that's what I do.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Then you should check down here, run a draw. You're like, hey, dude! Because he knew all like all the defense. Because he could see the backfield. He's a quarterback. All of them can do it, but Tony Ruhm was the only guy who actually do it. Wow. You see, he's getting complaints. Why? Because when you're a quarterback and you see a formation do it, but Tony Rome was the only guy who would actually do it. Wow. He's getting complaints. Why? Because when you're a quarterback and you see a formation like that, you know where
Starting point is 01:07:08 the openings are. Exactly. They have to, right when they break, they got to read all the defense. That's why the defense hides it. So when they're reading the defense out there, they're calling the plays, they're changing the plays. They're checking the plays, yeah, based on the defense. And then Tom Brady was so good at it that you'll notice, especially when they played
Starting point is 01:07:23 Tampa Bay Bay the defense Would stay in the middle until he said hike and so he he would have to do it on the spot Oh shit, because if they lined up in defense, he would destroy him Why so they they came up with a plan? Wait, just everyone stayed tight until and then they would spread out and he was so good even then on the go When did they start doing that? I wish I knew more about football, because that makes it so much better.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Because they knew he was so good at reading defenses. So they would wait to do their defense until he called Hike. Peyton Manning, same thing, right? Exact same thing. Tom Brady's the goat, I'm just a Boston hater. Is Tom Brady, if you had a choice between choosing Tom Brady or Peyton Manning for your team though, who would you choose?
Starting point is 01:08:07 Peyton Manning. Peyton Manning. Yeah. How about you? Depends on the coach. Who's coaching? Good point. I also have a thing against coaches that wear visors.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Stupid. Why? Because it's dumb. Get it out. What are you doing? Skisperrier? What are you doing? Oh, well. Yeah, use a hat. Wear a hat, like an adult.
Starting point is 01:08:25 Visors are weird. Visors are weird. They're weird. Are you playing tennis? It's a boss, it's an older man thing. Yeah. Steve Spearer always wore a fucking visor. He's one of the greatest to ever do it.
Starting point is 01:08:36 I don't like him. Rick Newhise will wore one. There's some good ones. Yeah, but wear a hat, you're right. Cover the top of your head. Or don't wear anything. You guys don't do fantasy football, no? Nah. Do you? Oh, yeah. You're right cover the top of your head or don't wear anything. You guys don't do fantasy football. No, no You oh, yeah, you know your football. I do one league every year
Starting point is 01:08:51 I've done it for 12 years with 11 dudes. I went to high school with it's a $500 buy-in I don't do any other leagues This is real. I can't get into fantasy. My brother does it everyone. I know does it I just it's not my thing Rappaport's big on it. He's on how you follow college football. Oh, yeah college my thing I like college bet way better and pro way better pro College baseball is better and pro college football is better and pro. There's passion. They got to try It's getting a little different out the NIL deals guys me nuts
Starting point is 01:09:21 But what do you think of that? We pay players like you got. I don't know what you do with it. It's not good. I know. See, he's going to be, is it not good? No, it's not. Or is it just inevitable? Like it's, I mean, high school players are going to get paid. You've got really wealthy people now saying my, my alma mater, you know,
Starting point is 01:09:38 whatever, whatever that college is, they're going to win a championship. I'm going to buy the best players. Look at Clemson like, uh, dabble. Sweeney refuses to, he's like me with electric cars. He's like, Nope, I'm not, you know, going with the times. I refuse just to pay transfer portal players. I'm just going to do recruiting. They can't compete.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Then they play Georgia and get their ass whooped. See you. It, but there's a fine line. Fire that coach and get a new one. Probably maybe eventually one, two championships with him. So yeah, sometime there, but see you, there's a fine line that coach and get a new one probably maybe eventually won two championships with him so yeah sometime there but see you There's just no team chemistry like cuz you brought in 53 transfer portal players
Starting point is 01:10:13 There's only what a hundred on the team you brought in 53 basically starters, too It's just tough to perform the team. I think Colorado's in trouble. I think they're all about an IL deals I think Deon's gonna leave once his son gets drafted number one number two his son's that good freak Really, I want to hate on my can't he's so fucking good and traps hunters the best player in college football They have freaks right now Freaks, but they're and they're getting paid. Yeah, but when they play a team that plays as a team that has talent like they do They're fucked there. I bet they win five games this year. Hold on. Even though Big 12 is super weak but. So you're saying Colorado. Colorado. And that's Deon's team. Yep. And his son
Starting point is 01:10:52 plays on that team. And he's a starting quarterback and he's the best quarterback in the nation. Good fucking God. He's the number one player. Yeah so they played North Dakota State and there was How great is that for Deon? Yeah it's Deon. There was 31 scouts at the game, 31. Watching his opening day game. He balled out, I think he had 400, almost 500 yards passing. He's a baller. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:11:14 But Brian, there's so many ways to do this from the high school level. Like I went to Mission Viejo High School, which is like a varsity blues of Orange County. You went where? Mission Viejo High School. Yes, very good football. So like, you know, Mark Sanchez,
Starting point is 01:11:24 Jordan's little brother Carson, like all that stuff. But what our coach would do was all of a sudden, and I think it was Michael Irving, all of a sudden Michael Irving is going to Mission V.O. High School, and you're like, well, that's weird, your dad lives in Calabasas. How's that happening? Yep.
Starting point is 01:11:41 Oh, because now you're living with Coach, and now what they do is they move their permanent residence to the Coach's home and they get to play there. And that's all that's ever done in these deals. And then it's promised more and more. And I think it's gonna get a little dicey until they put a price cap on something. You shouldn't be, like, why are you making more
Starting point is 01:12:03 than an NFL player? Well, because the marketplace says you should be. Right? that's they got to put a cap on it though, too Because you can't just buy national championships At the college level you can't and also it's not good when I kid really well But also like a kidney Yankees versus sure but then in college I get kid needs to invest in the program because what it represents whether it's University of Colorado or Oregon or Texas NM Like you want to be there four or five years, get the experience now, like the
Starting point is 01:12:29 starting quarterback for Florida state. And they suck this year, but the starting quarterback for state, he's been a starter on three different teams. Like they just bounce around. There's no loyalty. Yeah. And even Dion was like, there's no loyalty. I don't care if people leave, there's no loyalty.
Starting point is 01:12:41 I'm like, it's just not what college football is about. Well, imagine a huge part of of his most of those kids are never gonna make it to the pros but the Experience of teamwork the experience of overcoming odds all that shit promise. They're making money. I know so you're now you're working They have a job. It's not good, but but What's the middle ground? I don't know a cap. I don't know. I'm not sure. It's above my pay grade. They got to figure something out though. Cause it's going to ruin college football. It'll ruin college football because you are going to, for sure.
Starting point is 01:13:10 There'll be four teams that have all the money that are going to win all the time. Well it's SEC. SEC is just going to, you know, they have the most money, biggest boosters. They're dominating. Every kid wants to go there. They have the highest payroll, you know, it's not good. And the freakiest of the freaks, the kids who blossom early. Freaks are the ones that make money so they have the money they can afford them. You know, but then schools like UNLV Colorado State, like why would you ever go there? No.
Starting point is 01:13:39 All those schools fall to the wayside. It's not good. I got a question for you. Aaron Judge, 51 home runs this year. That seem natural to you? He's a big man. He's six, seven, 260 pounds. But is it natural? I don't know, don't care. So impressive.
Starting point is 01:14:02 Okay. Yeah, so impressive. Such a freak. How old is he now? Such a freak. He's also, he's also a Cali boy. He's been a freak since day one. He's huge, Brian. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:12 32. He's, he's probably one of those freak athletes whose his bat speed is where it is and he's got a great eye. So he had eight in one game last week. Eight home runs. In a game. Eight home runs. No, eight in the week.
Starting point is 01:14:25 Was it the week I thought I was in a game? No, no, no, that's impossible, right? No one baths eight times in a game. Like, do you think Otani's on stuff? 40-40? Yeah. You think so? I do.
Starting point is 01:14:41 I mean, I don't know, but I think some guys can, some guys are just physically already huge and athletic and have great eyes. Then Stanton, again, he came up here in the little league Tigers playing, he came up here freak. The best in football, the best in baseball, the best in basketball. Like he was just a freak, whatever he did. And then he was like, I can make money playing baseball. Like, yep. And he was just a freak, whatever he did. And then he was like, I can make money playing baseball.
Starting point is 01:15:05 Like, yep. And he was just gifted. Didn't have the technique. And then somewhere along the line got with the coach, showed him technique and then he's super star. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:13 A lot of it is, um, they play so many games in a season and I think if they're taking anything, it's probably just to not break down. But they did, they had a whole thing where the bigger guys, this is funny. They, the, the Scouts were like, they did this sort of like, you know, they had a whole thing where the bigger guys, it's funny, they, the, the scouts were like, they did this sort of like, you know, they get into the weeds of the details and
Starting point is 01:15:29 they were like, guys who are under 160 pounds break down toward the latter part of the season. Guys who are bigger, like the 200 pound plus guys, for whatever reason, they don't get as much wear and tear. Hey B, there's maybe four players in the MLB who are under 160 pounds. I understand that, but there used to be some,
Starting point is 01:15:48 there used to be those really talented guys. Oh yeah, when it was all white guys. And now they're like, no, we want bigger guys. No, yeah, pitchers are enormous. But they're all big. Everyone's big, yeah. God, I want Brian to do a fantasy team. Me?
Starting point is 01:16:00 Yeah, I would. I don't know the game well enough. You can figure it out, he just picked the top players. He would auto-draft. Yeah, that's not fun though. well enough. You can figure it out pretty. He just picked the top players. He would auto draft. Yeah. You know, it's not fun though. Yeah. I know.
Starting point is 01:16:07 I'm never, I've never been in the strategy and details about any of it. Just to say he did it. Yeah. What if he beat you? It's fancy football. Yeah. People that take it so seriously, like, bitch,
Starting point is 01:16:17 you're not managing a team. What's wrong with you? What's that meme that's like, oh, your boyfriend's a lawyer. My boyfriend manages a fantasy football team for the next six months. Yeah. I'd never take any pleasure from a lucky guest. Also Sunday, Tiger has two games every Sunday.
Starting point is 01:16:36 I don't see any college. I don't see any pro football. I see the highlights. Sometimes Sunday night football, see Monday football, see, but I see highlights. I have the red zone package. I See highlights Red zone package is good. It's good All right, what do you got you? Let's take another break because this episode finally kid is brought to you by progressive
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Starting point is 01:18:23 O'Reilly. O'Reilly. Oh, real quick O'Reilly O'Reilly. Oh Real quick. I was in San Diego saw David Lucas. He had like his headlining of shows now Oh, yeah, he's had a ton of props In the green room. Yeah, I love David. That's my guy He was he killed the two man, and I want I see stuff on his like kill Tony So I want to see clips of him doing that stuff. I never seen him now Yeah, I've never seen him do his actual stand-up. He's so good I'll kill Tony's bigger and Saturday live like the people on there like that, right? You ever seen you know who rusty rocket is
Starting point is 01:18:53 Casey Rock Casey rocket dude weird, but funny. It's so fucking funny. Oh the little guy He like paces a lot and he's like Like turn around crab walk. He's like turn around. Crab walk. He's so fucking funny. I don't know. This guy? I don't know. This is Casey Rocket.
Starting point is 01:19:10 Dude, you want to talk about talent? Really? He looks like a great guy. Now I don't know what his hour's like, but for one minute on Kill Tony, Bud, find a more entertaining person on the surface. For one minute. Cam Patterson, I think is hilarious. So so so me and Nick Nick cam Patterson's og
Starting point is 01:19:28 long time well You talking about Kim can't cam so the bottom of the clock dude has a hat on oh, he's great Yeah, this dude Casey rocket I again. I don't know what his 15 minutes is like or his hour I don't know if he has an hour for one minute It I mean you won't find better clip over shit Ah He's so good kill tone the amount of people kill Tony's put on and like dude if you watch when David Lucas You know you roast everyone David's probably the best roaster. I know he's the best when when David Lucas tried roasting Harlan Williams, you gotta remember, Harlan's been doing standup
Starting point is 01:20:07 for 30 fucking years. I'm doing this podcast tomorrow. Dude, he's the best. Wait till you see his house. The best. I seen it. Yeah. Dude, so he starts going out, Harlan, dude? And you're like, oh, that's right.
Starting point is 01:20:19 Harlan's been doing standup for 30 years. Harlan's amazing. He go, dude, you know what I said, David said something about his age, being old. He goes, the only guy I've seen that has muffin tops on his ankles. Dude. I mean.
Starting point is 01:20:32 And then he told Dave, then even Dave was like, I think he has a mass square garden. Dave's like, what? And he's like, look at the crowd, like, you believe this fucking old dude's light me up? And then you can tell Harlan gets serious. He goes, you're my bitch tonight. And dude, he's got, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Like, oh, it's Harlan Williams. Yeah, Harlan Williams is incredible. But you didn't know he's a roaster. No. So good. Harlan Williams can do it all. So good. I've known Harlan forever. I told you, one of the greatest things I've ever seen
Starting point is 01:20:54 in my life in comedy to my, I've been doing comedy for a couple minutes. The greatest thing I've ever seen is when I did, I was with a bunch of killers. We did a Thing in Pittsburgh so we're all doing 20 minutes of comedy. Oh, he redid all your act He redid all of our acts in his own his crowd work. He read it in wild all of our acts He did a collage of our acts funnier than any of us and we didn't even get it at first
Starting point is 01:21:21 We were like wait, what's he doing? Is he doing my act? They were like, oh my god, and he slaughtered it was all it wasn't even get it at first. We were like, wait, what's he doing? Is he doing my act? And then we're like, oh my God. And he slaughtered. It was all, it wasn't even his material. Brian, you got to get hip to KC Rocket. I will. I will. You're not going to be able to take anything from it.
Starting point is 01:21:34 It's like watching Andy Kaufman. It's like this weird. Misfit, like wonderful misfit energy. No, it's not even that. I don't know. It's like Andy Kaufman where you're just like, oh, I've never seen this before. And it's one minute, and you're like,
Starting point is 01:21:48 oh, I wish it would just not stop. I can't wait. It's so entertaining. I'm on it. He's drinking Robitussin. And oil. Yeah. He brings oil on stage.
Starting point is 01:21:59 He drank oil. So funny. He's like, I'm a little tycoon. Signs like a fake contract. It's so good. He's like, I sell it I buy it I drink it drinks it he's all he's so fucking funny dude sounds great oh yeah you've never you've never watched you've been coming for so long you've never seen someone like Casey Rockett yeah I saw him like oh my god I didn't know harlan was on it that's great yeah I was messing with
Starting point is 01:22:24 I'm doing harlan on Harlan Highway. I'll be, by the way, I may as well do my dates right now. Plano, Texas, House of Comedy, this Friday, Saturday, Sunday. I'll see you there. Yeah. But back to David, yeah, David's a real one. Yeah, David's starting to headline right,
Starting point is 01:22:38 because he was opening for me, he'd feature for me, and then like halfway and he started like, I can't make this date, man, I'm headline. Like,, that's how it goes for him. This is what here it goes. Yeah. It's so different from what he does on. Well, it's very different when he's doing his actual standup versus when he does the row stuff. He's actually, his standard was really, really awesome. And that also that cam Patterson guy. So I, I saw him yesterday with Nick. He's so funny. Oh yeah. So, so Nick got me tickets me tickets him his girlfriend and kev from gold now So we went there and we saw I got can Patterson. I saw him also just do little little clips
Starting point is 01:23:10 I'm telling Tony. Yeah, so I was like, okay Yeah, his trumpet, but he's his actual his actual headline thing is good. It's like really good What happened? Yeah, cuz he like looked at this guy and he's like, look, look, homie, I like you, you're good with me. We're friends. And I told you right now, you got a 30 second pass. You can say the N word. Go for it.
Starting point is 01:23:33 Don't do it. And the guy looked at him and he goes, I don't want to do it. He goes good. Cause I can kill you. And he walked away and people were just dying. But David's a man. Raw. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:42 By the way, also bumped into Bobby Lee last night. Oh, you did? Yeah. Gave him a big hug. I'm seeing him forever. You just, he just seems man. He's so raw. Yeah. By the way, also bumped into Bobby Lee last night. Oh, you did? Yeah, gave him a big hug. I haven't seen him forever. Yeah, I was just... He just seems happy. He's cool. That's good.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Yeah, those boys are killing it. I haven't seen Santino in a hot second. He's doing a lot of acting, I think. Oh, he's, yeah, doing everything. Yeah. All right, what else you got, Jed? All right, so this is... Oh, this one, Worn My Heart.
Starting point is 01:24:02 I don't know if it's real or not. That's the thing. There's, yeah, there's conflicting reports about hell's angels going to Aurora, Colorado to, so the headlines, hell's angels report, you headed to Aurora, Colorado to confront veterans, wailing gang, right. And my mom's in Aurora. You've heard these rumors about these Venice willing gangs taking over an apartment complex.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Correct. Is these illegal immigrants gangs taking over Aurora, Colorado, right? And the hell's angels are like, we're not going to have this in our town. So they're going down there. Here's what makes me wary that I don't know if it's real. If the Hells Angels are gonna do this, they're not gonna announce it. They just show up.
Starting point is 01:24:32 So this begins circulated. I just, I don't know if it's real because Hells Angels are gonna be like, hey, Denver PD, we're headed to Aurora. That's just not how they operate. No. But you know, the- This is what this what we need currently the Maduro of Venezuela emptied his prisons and sent them to the United States That's what I read too. That's that was like what Castro did in Cuba in the 80s
Starting point is 01:24:57 He he literally emptied his prisons of all the violent criminals and put them on boats Put them on rafts and sent them right. Yeah, cuz we'll take them Yeah, give them money and give them housing. They just came in, and they just that. Yeah, but you just come in, open border. Yeah, come on in. We'll take the worst of the worst. Fake news, hold on, go back.
Starting point is 01:25:13 The Hells Angels aren't going to Aurora, Colorado. I can't believe how stupid people are who actually believe this nonsense. That's if you believe that guy, but who knows? But my whole thing, I was like, because my mom called me about it, because she's in Aurora, I was like, Mom mom Hells Angels aren't gonna announce it sure fucking get announced to Kathy Saban on 9 news I think the cops are probably on this if you're if you've got Venezuelan gangs and with guns
Starting point is 01:25:35 It wasn't about get very far Colorado police are not gonna fuck around with that. Yeah, it's also not about Hells Angels announcing it. It's people seeing like, you know, video footage, you know, video footage of all these Hells Angels heading towards them. That makes me so proud of them. Yeah, I love it. Colorado Soul Blue, bud. Yeah, but that doesn't mean that the cops
Starting point is 01:25:53 aren't gonna fucking. Oh, so this is right, this is where I live. This is right here. I've been there 50 times. No, hold up, B, this is where I live, bud. Yeah, this is right here. This is where I ride my bike. This is where I take my kids. This is where we live, but yeah, this is right. This is where I ride my bike. That's where I take my kids
Starting point is 01:26:05 This is where we're at every week So a mountain lion attacked a five-year-old boy grabbed it by its head and tried to drag him along Jesus. No, no, no, no, no I'm out of the state. No, no, no mom. It's like come on. Let me get my camera out, dude Don't grab a kid and just disappear that happened in Colorado. And by the way, right there was like There's they do it They said there's like 40 different people around and there's like six adults near the kid when this happens Yeah, he didn't care. No, that's a mountain lines in a mountain line. Yeah Fuck yeah for your kid. Hell, yeah the father did
Starting point is 01:26:38 Well Mountain lions probably that I can't the father grabbed the mountain lion with his hands and he just fought. Then the mountain lion let go. Yeah. Is the kid okay? Probably, probably a young man. The kid was flown to a hospital, but then he had complications with his eyes. So we don't know what's up with them right now.
Starting point is 01:26:55 We had to go back to the hospital because of his eyes. Just thinking about that, that bite. And usually they do in the back to separate them. And five-year-old, that's a pretty, that's a pretty big kid, right? Five-year-old. The bossy is this size dude. That's, I mean, that's big kid. No, very delicate. No, it's not. I'm not. I'm saying it's not like a toddler. It's like a five, six, five, three, five's a toddler. Very soft, very soft body. They're small.
Starting point is 01:27:15 They're small chin four or five is like, wait, toddlers is the one you could barely walk. Five, four or five's young five year old, five year old is not built to take a bite from them mountain lion. No, what I'm saying is like, I imagine taking like a little baby that can barely walk. Oh for sure. But not an actual kid that's five years old. Yeah, but Chin, you've been around Boston.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Yeah. A mountain lion can bite right through their head. And Bossy's a big four year old. He's not big. A mountain lion can bite right through their head. Like right through their head. I mean, a mountain lion's attacking grown adults too as well, but yeah, but in this situation, I'm like, yeah There's all these people around and I know thanks. Yeah gangster
Starting point is 01:27:53 But it actually happened and oh but but uh They want to use your tax dollars and build bridges so the mountain lights can get so stupid the highways better So you don't kill them so they can get into the neighborhoods but thankfully the witnesses do that newsom the way this is found out where the mountain I went apparently the mountain I went up to a tree when his thought the authorities came by and shot it and euthanized it so good it's gone because it's too much of a danger to the public I think keep being those fucking bridges to get them off across the highways or just hit them. They're mountain lions. Oh, there's fights, what am I on one? Am I too much today?
Starting point is 01:28:29 Am I too much? I mean, you're like no bridges for wildlife. Fuck this wildlife. Fuck mountain lions. When it comes to kids, fuck you. Also, you're not allowed to shoot coyotes, fuck you. Coo, coo, coo, coo, coo. Out of my hummer.
Starting point is 01:28:42 Coo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coo. Maga, coo, coo, coo. Make America a gaskin. Coo, coo, coo, coo, out of my hummer. Coo coo coo coo coo, MAGA! Coo coo coo, make American gaskin. Coo coo coo coo. No, I need you to calm down. Brandon had his breakfast today. You called me Brandon, so I'm not right. He did call me Brandon. Now hold on.
Starting point is 01:28:53 But he's Brandon. When he's like this, maybe he's Brandon. But here's the thing. You, um, the bridge is so that they don't go on the highway and kill people. No, no, no, it's literally for the mountain. But it's also for deer and stuff like that. Do you know how many mountain lions have killed humans getting hit by cars? I know the stat. Do you want me to give it to you? But I mean, there's a there's a there's a wildlife reason. You
Starting point is 01:29:14 want to do the problem. You're the fucking problem like a corridors for it. It's not for humans, but it's to save the balance because because they're in danger, right? It's not to save the danger. But in that in danger. It's not to save the humans. They're not even in danger, but in that area it's probably not a bad idea to have the mountain lions alive. The only reason they're doing it so they don't get hit by cars because they're crossing the highway.
Starting point is 01:29:32 My thing is let them cross the highway. No, it could cause accidents and stuff. There's scientific reasons for it. Hold on, Brian, Brian. There's been zero human deaths from hidden mountain lions. Dude, why do you want to not give the mountain lions anywhere to go? Because fuck a mountain lion.
Starting point is 01:29:49 Dude, you're a hummer driving, you're a hummer driving gas guzzling. Yeah, American. Yeah, dude. And fuck mountain lions, huh? Fuck them. Run them over. But they're a wild creature and they're beautiful.
Starting point is 01:30:03 That's why my AR-15's ready to go dude assault weapons, too I got six of them. They're not technically assault when you are American as fuck. Why are you not living in what Charlie Kirk? I'll just get you on assault rifles to them. They're not assault rifles, right? That's not the correct term as Charlie. Hey, why are you like at me like I'm a... Do you take it to Mr. Kurt? Take it up. Debate him. Smart guy. Smart guy.
Starting point is 01:30:30 I mean, informed. Debate him. Didn't even go to college. Nope. Yeah. Get him on. It'd be tough to get on, right? He opened for Donald Trump.
Starting point is 01:30:39 I got a connection. All right, what do you got, Jen? Oh, mountain lines. What are we about? Mountain lines? You know you can't even shoot coyotes or mountain lions? Mountain lions? Mountain lions? Mountain lions? Mountain lions? I got a connection. Yeah, we'll get him on. All right, what do you got, Jen? Mountain lion. What are we about, mountain lions?
Starting point is 01:30:48 You know you can't even shoot coyotes or mountain lions if they're backyard, if they're not endangering your kids? Fuck you. Yeah, I thought this one was kind of cool. You don't really see a lot of people that still work together after all these years, but Rob Schneider says that Adam Sandler has literally called him every week for the past three years. Adam Sandler is so loyal to his
Starting point is 01:31:07 friends. That's what I mean. So loyal. Kevin Neal was telling me that. He's so loyal. But that whole crew is cool. I know. Like David Spade, most talented person I've ever worked with. Hands down, not even close. Like David Spade's dope. I've never met Sandler, but I adore him. I've done a couple readings. Rob Schneider's cool. Heler, he's great. But Rob I know really well. Rob I talk to periodically. Rob's great. They're all great. I just recently saw... I text Spade and he doesn't text back. He only does voice notes. Oh, voice notes. Yeah. I'll send him a long text and I do a voice note. Oh, well. I recently saw Sandler's stand up at Honda Center. And I remember sitting there being like, this guy can do whatever he wants.
Starting point is 01:31:50 The Sandman Sotown. And he knows everybody's going to laugh. He's dressed like a freaking animal, but he brings up all his friends. And I feel like he decided when I'm going to make it, I'm bringing everyone with me. And that's why I respect the hell out of this guy. That's where the fun's at. Yep, so cool. Isn't that rad?
Starting point is 01:32:09 It ain't fun if the hoes can have them. Yeah, I always appreciate loyalty like that. So this is a weird one happening in Louisville. This guy's leaving number ones and number twos on people's doorsteps. It all started with this. Sunday night, a young man in a red shirt walks up to one Louisville home well after midnight and begins peering inside.
Starting point is 01:32:32 The homeowners have no clue. After a few seconds, he runs away in his socks and disappears into the night. But the next night, he returns and leaves a horrific surprise. Tuesday morning I went out to my front porch and noticed this, what I thought was a cat poop. Cat poop? Cat poop. But who we'll refer to as Jim, then checked his doorbell camera and realized it was no
Starting point is 01:32:58 cat at all. And it turned out to be a person. Not even wiping. He defecated, but he also urinated on our wall. The urination would piss me off more. A third time the very next night, Jim got an alert on his phone and tried to confront him, but the man was already gone. You have no idea who this guy is or why he's doing this.
Starting point is 01:33:19 I have no idea. We're good neighbors. We, you know, keep to our... All right, dude. ... behavior. Listen, don't be such keep to our behavior. All right, dude. Listen, don't be such a baby about it. Here's the thing. So this is a thing.
Starting point is 01:33:29 Just camp out and fucking shoot. This is a thing. Sociopaths, there are people that get off on doing things like this. It's a sociopath tendency. So there are people that'll break into somebody's house when they're at home, jerk off in their closet.
Starting point is 01:33:41 Or move their furniture. Or take shits in their closet. There was a guy who was breaking in and he'd hear the family eating and just like, and he'd come in, he was the neighbor. He would come in and he would shit in someone's boot or shoe and then just leave and be like, oh, and get off on it.
Starting point is 01:33:58 Why? No, let me ask you something. You think this guy, one, has a girlfriend, or B, has a Reddit account? If you had, or B has a Reddit account. If you had to bet on it. Reddit account. I think he's a weird sociopath who gets off. He's a weirdo. There's a sexual charge these guys get from this.
Starting point is 01:34:17 But you're telling me with facial recognition we can't figure out who this guy is. He's not thinking that far. But you know what it is? We're not gonna use the manpower to track down this loser. He's a Porsche pooper. Yeah, the LAPD goes, or wherever they're at, it's like, all right, just keep an eye out for him
Starting point is 01:34:33 next time and whoop his ass. And by the way. Like, hey, hey, we got bigger problems, we got bigger fish to fry. You're gonna get a fine, he's gonna have a lawyer, it's like, so can you stop shitting on people's porches, you weirdo? No.
Starting point is 01:34:46 You know? But just be ready to go also, dude. He's done it three times. After the second time, dude, how about don't go to bed early? How about have the gun ready to go? Have the bat ready to go? And the ring alert goes off, right?
Starting point is 01:34:58 Yeah, dad's soft. But they like it. I tell my kids, dude, we're not going to bed tonight. We're staying up. We're gonna catch this this dude, watch this. But you'd get in trouble if you beat him up. You'd get sued. You can't beat somebody up for damaging your property.
Starting point is 01:35:12 You're not allowed to. Kill me and break. He's allowed to do anything he wants to your property. I don't know if that's true. It is true. In California, you are not allowed. I don't know if they can defame your property, you can't do anything. No, no, you are. So if you have a gun. I don't think that's true. You defame your property. You can't do anything. No, no you are you so if you have a gun?
Starting point is 01:35:26 I don't think that's it. I'm not you can't shoot him. You can't kill him But I put you could kick him off your house porch That's private property you can kick him off your porch verbally if you physically assault him now if he steps into your home He's fucked in Texas if he's on your property He can be fucked but in, you better be careful. And if he's in your house and he has shit in his hands, and you shoot him, you're in trouble. That stuff's easy though, everyone says that.
Starting point is 01:35:53 You can just be like, yeah, he's rushing towards my kid. Shot him in the face. Yeah. Have you seen that body cam video? It was like a ring camera video of a father and his daughter and her mother were in a house. And her ex-boyfriend from a long time ago the body cam video I think you know, but it was like a ring camera video of a father and a his daughter and and Her mother were in a house and her ex-boyfriend from a long time ago Just randomly shows up and starts banging on the door and then starts kicking it kicking. Oh, he shoots him
Starting point is 01:36:13 Yeah, and he shoots him. Yeah, so he didn't actually enter the house. Yeah, he was crazy. Absolutely crazy I think they were completely like, you know killed probably would have killed and what happened to that day? They're perfectly fine. It was self-defense But I mean, it wasn't where he actually entered, he was going to enter and he shot him through the door. That's self defense, yeah. Which by the way, I endorse 100%. Yeah, obviously. A father there for his daughter,
Starting point is 01:36:33 I'd do that in a heartbeat, fuck you. Those kind of men kill women. 100%. Yeah, he was probably gonna kill the whole family. Yeah, happens. I think this is the last one. All right, so this one, okay. You guys know Sebastian Stan?
Starting point is 01:36:48 You know, he was great as Tommy Lee, he was great in- Scroll down, let me see his face. Oh yeah, he was good at- And in Marvel movies. He's gonna play Trump? I don't know about that. I'm not too familiar with him. From the Marvel movies? I don't watch Marvel I'm not too familiar with him from the Marvel movies. I don't watch
Starting point is 01:37:06 Marvel movies. I'm 41. I just like a young Trump. Like what is it? Is this a thing funded by like the biting campaign? Like what Trump movie is this? Cause it's gonna be two different stories. I use greatest Tommy Lee. I know him from that. Yeah. That was a great show. Yeah, I just think I don't see this. I don't know. It's weird to me. Oh, no, it's a smear campaign because they tried stopping it, but it says they're legal
Starting point is 01:37:40 threats. Oh, okay. Yeah. If you watch the trailer, it's definitely not flattering. It's like, you know, and he's playing kind of a meek guy in Roy Cohen. So Roy Cohen was a very famous lawyer who was a fixer. He worked for the most powerful people in the world. He's a call soul. Yeah. But he was also a gay man who died of AIDS, but he was instrumental in actually persecuting gay people. He would spread rumors about people.
Starting point is 01:38:09 Dude, they should have called my Harris one before the campaign to have Cardi B play her. Just suck cock. Brenda. That's her story. Look into it. What else you got, Jen? Oh, is that Pam Anderson's son?
Starting point is 01:38:26 Where? I don't know. We don't see one. It'd be tough if your mom's that smoking hot, man. You just know all your buddies want to fuck her? Yeah. Yeah, I can see that in Tiger's future. I can see it in him.
Starting point is 01:38:43 Even when the baseball dad goes, hey, man, no offense, but your mother-in-law's smoking. Yeah. You think? Yeah. I know, dude. That's pretty much it, unless you want like some UFC. That's good. All right.
Starting point is 01:38:58 Yeah, UFC this Saturday. Do it again. Oh no, the 14th. Oh, it's not the, it's Brady and Gilbert's not this Saturday? I don't think there I don't think there's no you know what I didn't check. So you're not hardcore, dude, cuz we didn't do our show this week I know which I have to talk to you about after this one. You got Brady verse Gilbert Burns and there's some other good fights on this too, man Next week's the sphere just got just gone Josh, Talia Silva. Keep going. Keep going. Chanel, Matt Chanel, Cody Dyrden.
Starting point is 01:39:28 That Chanel's fun. Ryan Spann of OSP. Damn, OSP still fucking doing it. Wow. He is. Okay. The rest of the card is fucking tough. Oh, our boy, Andrej Petroski.
Starting point is 01:39:40 Our boy Petroski is fighting. It's a nice shirt, Brendan. Thank you. Can we get Brian one? Not for him. What else you got Jim? That's it. Alright I guess I'll be at Plano, Texas. You leaving Friday? Friday. I got a Sunday show. I'll see you guys on Monday Yeah, so it is what it is guys. I'll be at the Plano comedy the House of Comedy in Plano, Texas. I'm excited. Hey, can I say something? See how this is Brian Callan special presentation? It should say Plano, Texas big and Plano shouldn't be small. It should shouldn't it? Yes, yeah, you're right. And then see where it says Edmonton, Alberta,
Starting point is 01:40:25 super small. It says the comic strip. It should say Edmonton, really big. OK. And we click on Buy Tickets, then it shows the venue. OK. It should just show where you're at. All right.
Starting point is 01:40:33 Not the name of the club. Makes sense. Yeah. Makes a lot of sense. Details. Love you guys. We're out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:41 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What's good? I'm Brian Greenberg. I'm Victor Rasuk. Check'm Victor Rassouk. Check out our new podcast, We Almost Made It. You guys might remember us from HBO's How to Make It in America, and guess what?
Starting point is 01:40:51 We're going to have actors, athletes, fashion designers, comedians, friends. We're going to talk hustle, grind, anyone who had a dream and people thought they were crazy but they chased it anyway. We want to talk about it. We also want to hear from you. So go follow, rate, and review We Almost Made It at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcast. Go ahead talk about it. We also want to hear from you. So go follow, rate, and review. We almost made it at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcast. Go ahead and do it. Do it. Do it now.

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