The Flop House - Ep. #354 - The Unholy, with Gillian Flynn

Episode Date: October 23, 2021

We're joined for a second Shocktober by Edgar Award-winning bestselling author, screenwriter, and secret bad movie fan Gillian Flynn, to discuss The Unholy, a horror movie about a Three's Company-leve...l name misunderstanding.Paste into iTunes (or your favorite podcatching software) to have new episodes of The Flop House delivered to you directly, as they’re released.Wikipedia entry for The UnholyMovies recommended in this episode:Grizzly II: RevengeDead & BuriedPigMalignant

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss the Unholy. Prequel to the movie. Holy. With me, Gillian Flynn. I'm back. You couldn't get rid of me like an evil dark Unholy penny. I arise and return for shock, shock, shock, tober fest. Ha ha ha ha! Hey everyone, welcome to the flop house. I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Ellie Kaelin. And with us tonight, you have probably heard her in the intro. Gillian Flynn is
Starting point is 00:00:53 here. You know her from writing books such as dark places, sharp, sharp objects, not sharp objects. So that was the great title for a book though. Yeah. Gone girl. The film widows Utopia. And for some reason, I used to go to the flop house for some reason being willing to come back and talk to us on the flop house. That's how you know her. Hello, mostly how you know me. I think I hope primarily how you know me is that
Starting point is 00:01:21 that gal from flop house. It was up every once in a while. Which movie was up everyone, so the whole which movie was that? What was the episode? That was uninvited. It's uninvited. That's why I picked only this time. Oh, that's the next second part of the
Starting point is 00:01:34 Gillian Flynn on Trillian Chase. Yes, next here, three will be a trend. It'll be a movie called Uncola, and it's about a spright that turns people to zombies. Oh, wow. What do you think there's so many like unhorror movies? They're just like, oh, let's just take a good thing, I guess, and I guess if we have the opposite of that,
Starting point is 00:01:52 it's a bad thing and thus scary. Yeah. That's the formula. That's the formula. Yeah, I can't do it right now. I can't, but those are in a line. The ungood. Oh, man, this is bad.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Next year I will not year I will not return. I'll be called the Unback. No. Oh, no. So sad. Never. Oh, terrible, terrible. So what are we doing in this podcast? It's a podcast where we watch a bad movie and then we talk about it. In this case, we did.
Starting point is 00:02:20 It's October or so. We branded here at the Fluff House, Shocktober, I think we're the only people to ever say that. And we talk about horror movies in Shocktober and this time there are a few options we offered to Gillian and she went with the unholy.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Un-un-un. And to clarify this isn't there's if you go on IMDB there's like I'm I believe that it's a metric fucked on a movie's called the unholy. So true. We this is 2021. This is the new one. I hope we all watch the right one. I don't know. Watch the right one in. This is the one the one with the criminally underused carry was, I never know. Yeah, always. And the last appeared on the flat-house in the character of Bobby Wobbly in the Ugi Loves movie, right?
Starting point is 00:03:12 I mean, we were gonna, I'm sure we were gonna get around to it at some point, but I want to ask you guys, is Carrie always good at acting or bad at acting? Because I love him in the Princess Bride. Wow. I think he's a lot of fun on stranger things recently as the sort of Callow mayor character and then I see him in a lot of things including this one that confused me. I would suggest filtering it through a Gen X or who was maybe 13 at the time, the Princess Bride came out. And I can say greatest actor in the world, no matter what.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Okay. Okay. But also need some better rules. Well, that's the thing is, Carol is one of those performers who was born in the wrong time. Like, to me, his best roles to me are the Princess Pride and Robin Hood men and tights. And it's like, yeah, he should be doing Errol Flynn type of. He should be doing Errol Flynn movies.
Starting point is 00:04:07 I completely agree. Yeah, they don't make those movies anymore, which is terrible, because it's he should be like, if he's the guy who, like they should have made parts that care be in when he was younger, and he should have done like the Orlando Theater. He would have been great.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Yeah, great. He, I mean, the moments in this movie where he is best is when he gets to be a little bit bigger and he gets to be like, what accent shall I be doing that, man? No, absolutely. Let me open up the voice box and see what I pull out. We will get into that at some point. But I wanted to say real quick that I showed my son both the Aero Flynn Robinhood and then
Starting point is 00:04:48 he decided that his favorite actor was, quote, Claude Reigns. So we are a popular family at the school with like a picture I'm wandering on the playground going like, hey, anyone want to talk invisible man with me? 1938 edition. I mean, great choice. But yes, it'll always be a little more sad. We did it all, it's a child out of time. I feel like he's got to hang out with my kids, because my kids are always like, do your Peter Laurie voice, Daddy?
Starting point is 00:05:14 Yeah, do Peter Laurie. Where's Vincent Price? That's what he recognized from, you know, Thriller the other day on the costume store. It's Vincent Price, my other favorite actor. You guys can come up with this. But no, no, no, no. This is me. My other favorite actor. You guys can count on this. No, no, no. This is me. This is Goldmeat.
Starting point is 00:05:28 This is me that's been paid to Goldmeat. Now, I had a question. Let's Goldmeat. It's the golden calf on the Bible. They butchered it and it's Goldmeat. Goldmeat. So this book, movie is based on a novel called Shrine by an author named James Herbert. I've never had any of his books.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Have you guys read, I've read, of course, Frank Herbert's books, including Tom Brokaw's favorite, Dune, uh, to be a major, much picture. But are you guys familiar with this, this book or any of the books that, that guy wrote? I'm not. No, I, I, I did, no. Gillian. I was like, I was going to say something, but it's not that interesting. You know you credit I I have not during my extensive research on this show. I meant to look I meant to look it up and dabble at least dabble a bit
Starting point is 00:06:15 But I never made I never made it to that This I live up on cliff notes. I couldn't find a clip notes Yeah, what about a spark notes? Did they have any spark notes of it? I didn't know. I live on cliff notes. I couldn't find a cliff note. I didn't find a cliff note. What about a spark notes? Did they have any spark notes of it? I didn't look. I had put that much spark notes. I had put that much spark notes. I guess.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Oh, the notes that sparks made about it. Which is, I mean, sounds amazing. I love it, but you can't really understand what they're saying. Yeah. I, I, I watching this movie, I'm like, okay, this, I can see how this premise would be a pretty good horror book premise. And I think it is executing in a very soporific way, but we'll get into it.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Something we'll get into. I'm- Primice being like, I, it's a long, long premise. It's like, which mask, which burn, which dunk, which mask, which burn, which dunk, which tree, sold tree, doll Mary tree, Dale, doll to tree. And that's like the first 10 minutes. So I wouldn't fall to journalism, clickbait. Yeah, it's a movie that bites it goes to chew a lot. And yet somehow is consistently feels very
Starting point is 00:07:23 empty. And I think like there's there's a lot of scenes where you're like, okay, like that was, they got across something. But what I didn't realize until Afro-Adwasha was that. So this was shot during the COVID lockdown. They had to stop and they restarted. And according to Wikipedia, it says there could be no more than 10 background actors on set together at once. And that's why it feels like they're in Halloween town
Starting point is 00:07:44 for nightmare forgiveness. It was like 20 residents of this town. And you's why it feels like they're in Halloween town for nightmare forgiveness. It was like 20 residents of this town. And you just see the same ones all the time. So, so let's get in. Oh, I feel like, I feel like, once I learned that I was like, okay, I feel like I, you cracked the code, yeah. This movie is now grading it on a curve, you know.
Starting point is 00:08:01 My score for giving, yeah. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So let's talk about what happens in this movie Okay, we open it's 1845 that's what everybody it's it's that anti-bellum period that so many people in the country seem to want to go back to and I don't know Why and we're in a woman's POV we're looking through eyes as something's nailed to something wet and Squishy and then she's burned alive and her soul seems to be trapped in a doll. And this is this priest holds up a really cool looking doll. And you like the dolls rad. Yeah. And here's the thing about this. 1845 is pretty late for them
Starting point is 00:08:36 to be burning. For which burnings back then, right? No, by that point, they were with ironically, by that point, they were well onto hating Catholics, which are otherwise the characters in the movie. We're talking about early Americans, but okay, we well onto hating Catholics, which are otherwise the characters in the movie. We don't even talk about early Americans. But OK, we just cut. Also, along with the anachronism, I just, this is another one of those horror movies that's like, no, actually, they were right to burn those, which is because they were evil.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Like, the scary thing about the witch trials was that there were no witches, and they were hanging and mostly hanging in the United States, innocent women. But yeah, you always have to, what's the same way that like, people who consider themselves which is like go to Salem and they walk around
Starting point is 00:09:09 in their dark clothes and it's like, no guys, you're in the wrong place. Yeah, there was no actual witches. Be witched statue and sail on the left, yeah, I believe it exists. Well, that was, that's, yeah, there's a lot of reasons for that. That's wrong.
Starting point is 00:09:21 G.B.W. Yeah, yeah, it takes us back to that terrible time when men were actually threatened by women's sexuality. He's got a weird, but God, we've passed him. As opposed to that. Right. Anyway, so we got cut to Boston modern day. We meet Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Jerry Finn.
Starting point is 00:09:40 He's a down on his luck reporter who he used to be a big shot. But as we learn later, he seems to have made up some stories, classic shattered glass style and has been fallen into scandal. And now he's he's taken $150 to drive out to some small town called Banfield and investigate a reported cattle mutilation for some kind of website that the point's on cattle relations. I got I got a pumped the brakes. Now, you brought up Shatter Glass. How much better would this movie be
Starting point is 00:10:09 if it was Hayden Christensen? So is it a movie? I mean, March and I don't know actually. How much better? Well, the thing is, Jeffrey Dean Morgan is so calm and so controlled throughout the movie that I never really feel like he's in it, that he has a problem.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Whereas Hayden Christensen always seems like he's about to just like snap at any moment. Yeah, that's a great honor. Yeah, you seem to have some feelings about this man's journalism career. I do as well, but what did you want to say? Multiple things, I guess they multiple things, but start with wine and then do the rest of it. That's not too exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:51 As someone who had been a journalist for 10 years, I was very I was stopped cold in my tracks that there are actually multiple clickbait outfits about supernatural cow positions. These days, I'm not in the clickbait ear anymore, but and then later on he actually gets scooped by the rifle. That was supernatural. He's like, yeah, I'm down 150 bucks. And then the meantime, I was kind of doing my math and it was sort of like, okay, got to get drunk.
Starting point is 00:11:14 So I got by all the, you know, all my liquor. I go, I smash a doll. I almost run over someone. I ended up in a motel. It was like, by the end, it's he owes the site money, I think. It's all like, give you $500 for doing this story. You know that he's doing like, he's doing the math in his head, the whole drive there,
Starting point is 00:11:32 whether he's actually making a profit on the gas that he had to pay to get out to Banfield. Like it's, it's not, it's a low, they should have sort of like in a bus, being like, all right, got it next month. They could have hired a Photoshop guy for much less and not have to pay for the gas money to get out there and take these photos.
Starting point is 00:11:48 It's certainly not worth his time. At the same time, I'm amazed that any web outlet is paying $150 for a candle mutilation to her. Yeah, we're living in this beautiful time in the 21st century where people are overpaying for crap but still not paying enough for regular people to live off of. So nobody's happy. And yeah, I do want to say that Jeffrey Dean Morgan does not look like the kind of guy who was ever going to face time somebody. But every time he talks to his editor, he's always on FaceTime. I'm like, get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:12:21 It does seem to that when I watch it, I'm like, is this is, this is seems like his whole journalism career now. Like he is totally pivoted into supernatural journalism. Yes. Yeah. Which is like, I don't know. He's gone from the dizzying heights of, I think somewhere in New York possibly, but the fancy people live, I'm told, and,
Starting point is 00:12:41 and he discusses later on, he'll discuss, you know, why he made up the stories and says, you know, my god, like the lights, the fame, would be watching the watchers. That's, yeah. It's like maybe this takes place in that alternate universe where Studio 60 took place where the headlighters and comedy shows hold press conferences when they're hired. And the same universe is in Roadhouse where they're famous bouncers. And when they roll into town, people are like,
Starting point is 00:13:19 he's here. What? This is amazing. Yeah, I've been watching the morning show. And I feel like there's times where the morning show is like the most important thing in the universe is the morning show. And I'm like, I don't know if people would care that. Yeah, a different show would come on. It's okay. Find your news from a computer. I wish. I was in the morning show, but I assume it's told from the point of view of the
Starting point is 00:13:42 Kathy Lee's, type person who handles the last hour of the show and is drunk most of the time and she's watching all the events that are happening. Uh, yeah, yeah, it's all, it's actually all just after it's, it's told by somebody 400 years in the future. Oh, wow. They have found a DVD of the morning show TV show and they're just, yeah, and it's just them to camera explaining what they saw. But they don't know the words.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Where their spoon comes on or someone who looks very similar. So they're casting actresses in their memory. Uh-huh, yep. And that's when those actresses are. Uh-huh, yeah, exactly. I thought I explained it pretty clearly. I just, I'm a crystal. So, uh, everything Morgan, he, so he's got to, he's got to cover the story.
Starting point is 00:14:28 The reporter who is famous for making things up decided he's got to get the details of the cattle mutilation story right. He can't make that up. And so he goes out, it turns out a teen just, just shaved an M into a cow's butt hair. Uh, and he says, he says the farmer, he ever heard of the man, Metallica, but it doesn't really look like the Metallica am It looks like some approximation All right, well, you go out and try and shave Metallica That's actually a good point LLM
Starting point is 00:14:50 That's a good one Dear, dear, dear I don't know, I saw Aerosmith tattooed on a cow's utter once and it looks really good So that's not that difficult But while he's there his attention of course as it would be is drawn to a single tree I love this that has has one raven in it even even this is like Feel super budget where it's like we got the money for one raven and one tree. That's the so far It's like a tree is the one element in the background and then underneath it is like a blinking thing to indicate
Starting point is 00:15:20 There's an item for you to pick up It's crazy Yes, it's the looney tunes version of the up. The end of the video game, it's crazy. Well, there's a, it's the Loonie Tunes version of the hole in the opening of the tree. And yes, there's a, I guess there's, I'm sorry. Oh, I would just like to mark, I think it's important that we note that at minute three is the first use of the word wicked
Starting point is 00:15:40 so that we know where a massive chiseled sonar is. That's right. I was just curious, I am not from the New England area So do people still use the word wicked because this I was just there last weekend and all I could see for miles around We're eat t-shirts that either said mass hole or Ha dem apples or whatever and then Wicked wicked wicked and I was like is that a thing or is that like, I'm from Kansas City whenever you go home,
Starting point is 00:16:07 it's sort of like it has the wizards of Oz jokes, but we don't like walk around each other's like, ah, ah, you know, usually. And the wife's curious. I think, well, they say it less ever since, this was a big disaster about 10 years ago, when the musical wickedicked opened in Boston and opening night numbers were enormous. So many things got tickets and then they found out
Starting point is 00:16:30 it was not about Lit Life in Boston, but instead the story, the Wicked Witch of the West story. And I remember the headline in the Boston Globe the next day, Define Gravity, question mark, Wicked fails to impress bean town audiences, and ever since they've decided not to use the word, it's just, it's just staying for them, you know? Yeah, because they saw the, the green using the poster and they're like, that's the color of the Celtic jerseys. It's got to be about Boston, right? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Thousands of little girls, like so excited to see the story of the Boston Celtics. The music, the music, the music. Not since, not music. He was in the thrill. Not since the film Bird opened in Boston. Everyone thought it was about Larry Bird and they all went to go see it. Such disappointment. Or the band Boston. And everybody in Boston was like, we get to play wonderful.
Starting point is 00:17:18 They crowded the stage. It was a stand-in. And it's a triple. Yeah, it's sent Ben Affleck into one of his spirals again. Yeah. I feel so bad for Ben Affleck into one of his spirals again, you know, yeah, yeah, I feel so bad for Ben Affleck Seeing him in one of those like online sports betting commercials and I'm like, oh shit He's gonna he's on a down swing again. I mean there's no one I feel worse for than Regina King She keeps getting locked out of her house, and it's just lucky. She has that credit card so she can pass the time How many times is she gonna forget her keys get locked out of her house? It's like come on
Starting point is 00:17:44 I thought that was a car commercial. I've got the volume down, but to the straight. So, so, we're doing more. He hears some sinister whispers. That's what rings him to the tree. Great title for something sinister whispers. And he sees something glinting inside. It's a doll. It's the doll we saw in the opening. And he decides he's going to make a story by pretending that the farmer found the doll and that the doll was broken
Starting point is 00:18:12 and somehow that's connected to the catomulations and the farmer's like, that doll's not broken. So he breaks it. And so it's like, it's such a dumb decision for him to make that he has to do that. It's like, my readers know a Kern doll must be broken in order to release the spirit within. And pretend to be the Virgin Mary.
Starting point is 00:18:30 We are stomping this dog. We got to break it. Got that night. He's driving at night. He's cursing himself for wrecking his career. He sees a woman in the road and swerves and crashes in the woods. We never find out what it does. It's a good decision of the day.
Starting point is 00:18:41 He didn't run the wolf. That's good. Because he was. All Dr. Egan. Yeah. He didn't run the wolf over. That's good. Because he was. He was. All three good. Yeah. And his car seems to be fine.
Starting point is 00:18:49 We never see him bringing it to the garage or he just abandoned it. I don't know. This woman, she's in a white gown. He finds her kneeling at the tree, mumbling to herself, and then she passes out. And he carries her to the closest house, which is out of the local priest, played by William Sather. That's right. The grim reaper himself. Reunited with Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I don't think they've ever worked together before, but I'm still calling it a reunion, you know.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Oh, man. William Sather is one of those character actors that any time he shows up, Mike, at least I'm going to get something on of this. Well, that was, yeah, I mean, I have nostalgia for the early parts of watching this movie when I thought oh there's potential here look William It all dripped away over there over time. There's no sad and saddler I want to see a movie Dumman dumber was a big hit. We have William Sadler under contract. We'll do Sadler. It's about two guys who are super sad.
Starting point is 00:19:48 That's basically with Nail and I, right? Yeah, yeah. Look, Dumb and Dumber was a huge hit. We've got the rights to do an American remake of with Nail and I for some reason. I don't know why we bought those. Let's just use them. Come on.
Starting point is 00:20:05 So he takes the local priest, William Sadler, Father Hagen. And he goes, oh, this is my niece, Alice. And he says, I heard her talking of the tree. And there's a doctor who shows up, Dr. Gates, played by Katie Asleton. And she says, you couldn't have heard her talk. She's unable to hear or talk ever since birth.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Bum, bum, bum, but we heard it, right? Right guys? She was mumbling to herself something. The next day, Alice, she kneels and she prays and she hears a high pitched noise, and she can hear, she can hear, this is amazing. What, she's done it. It's a miracle.
Starting point is 00:20:43 And Jeremy Morgan, he calls up, he the Face Times with his editor at the Creepy Gazette online. And he's like, forget cows, cows are out. I got the new thing for you. You get in touch with his editor at spooky chive. And he says, this is the new story. It's a miracle. And he's like $150. You do it. That's our standard rate. No matter what the story is. And you got to know that he was he's like $150, you do it. That's our standard rate, no matter what the story is. And you got to know that he was he's face-timing with with Woodward after that. Woodward's like, I have proof that Donald Trump is a zombie. $150, so we pay. And the fan, the reporter, he goes to church, the doctor is there.
Starting point is 00:21:21 And Alice, she starts hearing a woman whispering her name and she follows it to that tree outside. She just gets up and walks out while her uncle who raised her is doing the sermon, very disrespectful. Everyone follows her because they're like a girl getting up and walking at a church. This I got to see. I was talking to myself, you know, Dan, you're not paying that much attention to this movie. It's perfectly possible you missed something, but it's good to know that, yes, I'm not wrong.
Starting point is 00:21:49 It's strange that everyone left at that point. I kind of felt like the girls, like, first of all, it was the line of girls, so I thought they were doing some sort of Salem witchy art, sort of, a millery sort of thing, but I might have been thinking too hard, but they were all, but I might, might have had thicket too hard, but they were all,
Starting point is 00:22:08 all I know is that there's always something about if you are a younger who is afflicted with anything in a movie that you have to wear some sort of cashmere, sensible twin set. That's very like, and even more so if you become possessed, it's like you just do not, it's like no, no, no, back to the card against back to the card. Yeah, that was, I mean, in which country you can find those anywhere like you go to any store, any truck stop, they have those available just because they're, they're so
Starting point is 00:22:40 in demand. Yeah. Sensible New England of sick and or possessed girls. I remember when I was very clearly a boy when I was a young man in my 20s and I said to my friend Ariel, I said, Ariel, your skirt matches your cardigan and she goes, yes, Dan, it's called a twin set. Right. I mean, like these things that I would not know. But, Dan. It's called a twin set. Great. I mean, like these things that I would not know but Dan's coming of age story. I feel like we're here and do here. Yeah, that's that I mean, that's the kind of prequel explanation that we need more of in today's media. Yeah, well now you know my you understand my fascination with twin sets now. Yeah, that's a lot actually. Dan's always had a fan of twins.
Starting point is 00:23:21 with twin sets now. And this line's a lot actually. Yeah, Dan's always had a fan of the twins. So anyway, Alice, she sees a vision of a woman made out of light and she's like, oh, the lady has an urgent message for all of us. Come back tomorrow. Come back tomorrow. Our urgent message is come back tomorrow to see more, which is fucking teaser culture. That's not her day.
Starting point is 00:23:44 I guess she wore were seeing her hair. She's like, the tree is not the tree's a mess. I'm not ready. The tree is not ready. Come tomorrow. She's got an urgent message that the trailer drops tomorrow. So this is so, and everyone goes, they're like, I can't wait to find it.
Starting point is 00:24:00 She hasn't talked before. I can't wait to find out what this message is from the lady. And let me just tell you, I'm just going to going to be here to spoiler there's a witch named Mary in this that which is so lucky her name was Mary because it means Al is keep saying Mary told me this and everyone goes gotta be the Virgin Mary only one Mary who's like the case of a mix up name so funny it's if that if that which had been named like like a Betty it would not have worked like Betty told me we all have to worship her and people like no thank you Betty White maybe she's a national treasure but still.
Starting point is 00:24:28 That old busy body. No. So the reporter he's like this is a bigger story than ever thought. This girl she can talk she can hear. This is amazing news splattered on the front page. Girl talks and hears now. She's seen visions of the Virgin Mary and he calls up his old boss at a big paper and pitches the story and she says, don't call me again, you're a liar, which is a totally, I don't know why she took his call to be honest. And that night he dreams of a creepy kind of
Starting point is 00:24:57 crawling hooded figure emerging from a creek. That's right, a creepy crawly creeper, a creepy crawly creep creature and he turns out his ceiling is leaking water on him. And here's this. It's just a weird dream. It just happens when water's leaking your face. And so, but here's, so there's a couple of times here where the movie seems like it's fainting in the direction of
Starting point is 00:25:16 maybe there isn't something going on here, but it doesn't last that way for long. But here's that we get, we're being introduced to two different villain It doesn't last that way for long, but here's the, we're being introduced to two different villain sides of the same character. One can talk and present herself as the Virgin Mary and think, and the other one is just a kind of gremlin creature that crawls around and has claws and goes, and it was hard for me to believe these were the same creature, and I was wondering maybe they were just working
Starting point is 00:25:40 together. Guys, what do you think? So I'm, I'm, I understand, I had the same question too because I also sometimes does the whole I'm moving like a cricket backwards thing. Yeah. That's kind of like the ring version of that. And sometimes then I feel like it looks like Golem slash Mingle and I think we're gonna have some interesting origin story. So I know for I mean I'm all for creature evolution. I saw I saw alien back in the day. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I But yeah, I kept waiting for any the linking thread about what all this was and the last thing you want when you're and this creature pops up a lot and the last thing you want to
Starting point is 00:26:31 your audience to be is like That guy like It's back and then I thought but then I thought actually For a while it wasn't really doing anything so it kind of show up and I felt like it was kind of like for a while, it wasn't really doing anything. So it kind of show up and I felt like it was kind of like, maybe it just couldn't talk much like our protagonist. And so it was sort of like actually a friendly creature who was sort of like, you know, like, knock knock,
Starting point is 00:26:55 who's there? Damn apples! Or something. Yeah, that's a two-sits, yeah. We're trying to ask about Antiquine or something. It's like, we don't know. But then, it's one of those movies where the monster pops up to scare people and then it's like, see you again tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:27:09 And then leaves the room. And I'm always, I couldn't figure out, why is this monster just not doing very much? Why is this monster acting like the veggie tails and being pirate to don't do very much? It pops up with a string set. And then goes away again, Which I thought was thoughtful. You're a monstrologist. What do you think? Well, the only way I can make this work is
Starting point is 00:27:33 spoiler alert, the end of the movie, you know, places this in a world where God does intervene on behalf. Reluctantly. Yeah, after a long time. He waited to do a sweet time. But so if there isn't God, maybe he's like a miracle, check back tomorrow. Maybe he's dreams. God has assigned next to it next to the gates and then it says, don't fish. That says, I only gave myself enough time on the on earth, handle of one person's problem at a time. Today is not your day. Tomorrow is not looking too good either. Yeah, he comes back from vacation. What hell? No, I can only understand this maybe as like, premonitions because of the true nature of this monster.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Oh, okay. Because if it's just the monster, it seems like a really bad strategy on the monster's part because the whole plot is like pretending to be good, pretending to be miracles. Yeah. And it seems to be really working against yourself. If you're also simultaneously appearing in people's dreams,
Starting point is 00:28:29 being like, blah! It does seem like a terrible strategy. Yeah. Shouldn't you be like, everything's cool, play it cool. Yeah, exactly. Don't let yourself do it. It's the con man who's like,
Starting point is 00:28:41 well, I've got an excellent business opportunity. Give me your money. Here's a gun. I think you should invest in this one. Give me your money. Now, I'm going to kill you. It's in the swamp. It's in the swamp. Here's a hint.
Starting point is 00:28:52 You hear my money. So the next day, everyone's gathered outside the church. It's a very small town. There's not a lot going on. If a girl who's not doesn't talk very much tells you to come back at a tree, you're going to go do that. And the priest, father Hagen is like, get out of here. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Alice wants to be left alone. Alice doesn't feel that way, though, because Alice shows up and he'll a kid in a wheelchair so we can walk. And everyone's like, it's a miracle. And inside the church meanwhile, the Virgin Mary is crying blood, a statue of the Virgin Mary. As soon as I saw that statue, at the beginning, like early on the movie, I'm like, that thing is going to be crying like a mother.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Yeah, I mean, she's crying like a mother because her only son was, where it was murdered, you know. It's gonna look like a, a Kathy comic book. Who did that? Why did they murder her son? Well, he was going around saying he was the King of Kings
Starting point is 00:29:39 and stuff. It's a more like idea. He was going around telling me, this, I was thinking about this the other day that a, it's a bad sign for humanity that every couple centuries or so religions have to pop up and be like, you should be nice to each other. That's the, and then we forget about it
Starting point is 00:29:53 for like 500 years and then it has to happen again. It's just a bad sign for the way we do things. Okay, guys, we're gonna have, we're about to get to my favorite character in the whole movie, that's right. Carrie always, the bishop of this part of messages, and he's giving a slide show on faith healing shrines and how all these shrines mean baffo b o for the cc Catholic Church.
Starting point is 00:30:12 And when they confirm a miracle, it's a curse. They got to snap up that land and make it a shrine and the local and the local bid like the local business improving district is going to make a little bit of cash because people come through and they got to buy those apple cider donuts, those twin sets, all that shit. They got to get that saltwater taffy. They needed all this cattle corn and the Cape Coyote chips, all that. They needed branded, what, what, votive candles and branded like holy water. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Later on, that little Alice-themed craft fair pops up so fast with all the candles that have replaced. You got to, you got gotta respect that hustle, right? Oh, you got to, you have to, little by law. I picture a little stand that's like, we got dim bravers, dim red delicious, dim yellow gold, dim, like dim whatever dim you want. That's the way I can,
Starting point is 00:31:00 the vanishes said someone to investigate that's mom senior delgard. Hell yeah, the hot priest. Yeah, he's a hot priest and his job is to go around fucking up people who say they have miracles. And like, he is the official buzzkill of the Catholic church. He goes and he disproves miracles left and right. And to do that, he's got to show that one,
Starting point is 00:31:18 he goes, there's three classifications a miracle has to, has to abide by. One, it's got to be spontaneous cure. Two, it's got to be spontaneous cure to it's got to be total three. Don't feed it after midnight. It's going to turn into aremlin. Oh, wow. Those are the rules of a miracle. Now there've been, you know, many things referring to like Catholic priest
Starting point is 00:31:37 doing this like this is the premise of like the show evil, for instance, that like they have investigators go around basically disproving miracles most of the time. So because that is a common theme, I don't know anything about it, but I can only assume that it's based on something in real life. And people report miracles to the church and the church wants to see if by their laws
Starting point is 00:32:00 it's a real miracle and it distracts people from the massive criminality and immorality of much of the priesthood. So it's all around. Yeah. My point is it just seems like a bad strategy on the Catholic Church to be like, let's go and disprove all these miracles rather than being like, yeah, yeah, sure, that's a miracle too. They're all miracles. I think they know a lot of these miracles are going to be disproven anyway. You've You gotta get ahead of that. And also, if you did believe in miracles, much like the old question of the old song asking if you believed in magic, I don't, but some people do.
Starting point is 00:32:32 If you do believe in miracles and you think that believing in the wrong miracle could damn your soul for eternity, you're gonna wanna get it right. Is that a rule? If you believe in it. I mean, I mean, because then it shades into idolatry, I assume, and things like that. And like that's, they take that very seriously in the Catholic Church.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Again, crimes against children not taken as seriously, but idolatry taken very seriously. Guys, I'm just going out on a limb here and just saying, okay, so I can do it. That's okay. I'm Jewish. They have no power over me. Whenever, whenever, whenever a priest comes to me and they're like, do this thing, I'm like, you have no power over me. He he he. I only can recommend spotlight later. With it. Like, it just is a corrective to the unholy.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I'm a lapsed Catholic, so maybe you and I could start a feud. Okay, I hope I'm not a fan of you. Unprooval, unprooved Marical. Although they are sequel, maybe that we do. Yeah, the unprooven. I hope I'm not a fan of. Unproven, unproven, marical. So they are sequel, maybe that we do. Yeah, the unproven. I hope I'm not afraid. A foreign show in the world, we go on and I'm like, meh, I don't know, could be.
Starting point is 00:33:34 But you're right, because it's like, also, I know the ex files when they originally made it, part of the pitch was sometimes it's gonna be a real thing and sometimes it's gonna be a fake thing that's gonna wins out. And they threw that away almost immediately. They're like, it's a lot more fun if it always turns out to be real ghosts and monsters. As opposed to Scooby-Doo. It creates a huge problem with the character of Skelly as it goes on.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Oh, and after three years, she's like, I don't believe in aliens. I want to see a 10th person get abducted. Well, there's that character in the DC universe, Dr. 13, who's like, there's always a in the DC universe, Dr. 13, who's like, there's always a rational explanation. I don't believe in it. And it's like, you literally live in a superhero universe. Like, just go with it. I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:34:12 So anyway, so they sent this guy. Meanwhile, Alice is telling the press about the lady, as she calls her. She says, Mary wants everyone's faith and they're like, go for it, definitely. And the, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan's like, says, he pitches to the priests to the bishop, he goes, give me the exclusive analysis.
Starting point is 00:34:29 I'll record the investigation. And if Alice fails, I'll take the blame and I'll set it all up. And Bishop always is like, hmm, this would be a second chance for you in a way. And I don't really know why they agreed to this agreement. This seems like everything to lose and nothing to gain.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Like the plot, this whole movie is like that, that Anakin and Padme meme, where Anakin, in this case, would be saying, Mary wants your faith and Padme is like, Mary, the mother of Christ, right? Right? Right? And then,
Starting point is 00:34:59 right? Right? Good meme. So anyway, Father Hagen, it's like, this is the most important thing to happen to the church and a good name. So anyway, father, haagen, fine. It's like, this is the most important thing to happen to the church and a millennium. So you know the best person to count on is the drunk, lying, clickbait, supernatural,
Starting point is 00:35:16 dog cracking journalist. Maybe he's just a really good pitchman. Like maybe he's just great in the room and we're not picking up on it. Cause he rolls up his sleeves, he sees, got tattoos like he's a chef or some shit. He's serious. He's got really low energy picture which works in the room because he's making the buyer provide the energy. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. And we've seen that he has that great connection and chemistry with Alice since he almost ran
Starting point is 00:35:42 her down. But didn't. While he was trying, but did not. Later, he does give her a mixed CD. So they really did act. There's a line later, I'll skip ahead to it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's go to the line. Wait, where he says, where I have a rundown. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:35:58 He's giving her the CD and, what is he saying? Well, what he said, I got something for you and i said a mix city he'll send a mix city and it's got it's got it's got classic rock on it he goes also got so you know the stuff kidgels do billy ish rufus way in right smashing pumpkins and i was like hold on a second they looked up one contemporary recording artists and then
Starting point is 00:36:20 like smashing pumpkins they're in there what fifty's now like i'm a buddy this is the kids are like i just can't wait to go home and and make a tick-tock to the roofless Waynewright album. Like this is gonna pull out my melancholy and the infinite sad CD that I'm stupid. Where is the Toad the Wet Sprocket man? Oh, yeah. Just the idea that he gave her a mix CD and she was like, what do I do with this throws it away?
Starting point is 00:36:47 I don't I'm sick this in my phone This is my toaster. I don't understand how to listen to these eagles of which you speak But we'll get to that we get it. So father Hagen finds the Kern doll He's suspicious the hooded monsters about to attack him But then like some workers walk into the church and it disappears because I guess it has performance anxiety Like you just can't I can't kill someone with so many people watching And this is this there's a scene here where Alice is talking to fan about I can hear music now. It's amazing I'm most listening to country and he's horrified by this and he interviews her and she says
Starting point is 00:37:20 Mary answered her prayers for a voice and Mary wants her and Finn to spread the word her word And she'll actually return Finn to power in the journalistic world if he helps So already this is this is she's presenting this as a virgin Mary who makes deals which doesn't seem to be It's like that that right there. It should be a tip off. Yeah That the good side isn't usually like do what I say and and you will receive great power. Like that's usually a bad guy, you know. Bring me a zinger and things for you. And Uncle Hagen, he's like, I don't like it. Everyone's exploiting Alice, his infosimus acting up.
Starting point is 00:37:55 It's going terrible. I don't want her in the past. Everyone who sees a miracle ends up dying or getting locked up or going crazy. It's terrifying. I don't want that to happen. And and Jevne Morgan does minimal research and finds out, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and the investigators. Meanwhile, they're talking while she's singing. It's very rude. And the investigators like, I just proved all these cases.
Starting point is 00:38:28 It's amazing. Father Hagen suddenly, he has a heart attack. Uh oh, but Alice heals him. And you know what, his emphysema's gone. He can breathe fine again, but he sees a monster behind her. Bump, bump, bump. Again, popping up. Just.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Well, seems like it's probably on the up and up. Just asking for a cup of sugar. Yeah, doesn't she ask him to like, like up. Well, seems like it's probably on the up and up. Just asking for a cup of sugar. Yeah, doesn't she? Ask him to like, like, you know, like devote his life to Mary or some shit or, you know, like, you know, swear on a stack of Mary's or something to. Yeah, he does. He says, you'll, you'll, and like, it's, and again, it's such dumb three's company garbage where it's like, I got a different Mary, a different Mary. I know. It's like, as you found the, as you found the magic diary yet, or is that like, no, it's such dumb, threes company garbage where it's like, that's a different Mary, a different Mary. I know.
Starting point is 00:39:05 It's like, as you found the magic diary yet, or is that later with all the, the, the sicken D drawings. Yeah. So it's a little bit like when Prince wanted to get out of that contract, so he changed his name and the court were like, nothing we can do about it. You made an agreement with this name, not with this person. It was the name making that music. So his, his lungs are completely healed.
Starting point is 00:39:24 The tree is declared an official Catholic shrine. They really fast tracked that music. So his lungs are completely healed. The tree is declared an official Catholic shrine. They really fast-tracked that one. They cut through all the red tape at the Vatican. The news goes viral as always happens when the Catholic church declares a shrine. It is the biggest news in the world and the 24-hour cable networks are all over it. I guess finally the religion correspondent at CNN
Starting point is 00:39:43 has a big beat, blows up, you know? Yeah, and it draws tens of people to the locations at the same tins. I wish they had I wish they had really steered into the fact that it was shot during COVID and just had each of those people wearing a sign that said 100 people on it. Like a game of risk where you're like this represents 10. They have those cutouts that they were filling State even with but they just sort of like attach them so there's like two on each side of the person as they walk around There's all these all these all these excited baseball fans. What to go see this shrine? Yeah
Starting point is 00:40:19 That'd be so funny So fan is offered a spot at his old newspaper But he's like no, I want to be an editor on the special sections desk, and what he's provided so far does not, that doesn't seem rational, but the editor, the editor, her old boss is like, I'll get back to you.
Starting point is 00:40:34 He's like, you don't get this story without me, and she's like, the biggest story in the world that a girl had a vision, and there's no other stories that big. We've got to have it. So Alice is leaving. She's going to live at the diocese. Fen gives her that mixed CD to remember him by classic rock plus some kids stuff, as we mentioned, like we've just been right. And Alice goes, the lady is pleased with your work.
Starting point is 00:40:54 And he's like, that doesn't sound suspicious. That's great. That's the night when Father Hagen finds this old book Stuart, please describe this old 400 year old, 200 year old notebook that was just lying around. So yeah, it's in the basement of the church, I think. It's in the creepy basement full of Manic and it's sheet of them. And it's stuffed in a nook between a couple of stones. When he finds he's probably thinking, yeah, this is some antique pornography.
Starting point is 00:41:17 It is not. It is a diary about, I guess, what, evil Mary, the evil witch, and it has some sick drawings of demons in it that are pretty cool. It looks like a colonial teen's notebook. Like a colonial teen boy was like, it was like, doodling.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Doodling, doodling, all these demons. Like it's gonna be on the cover of my mix CD. Yeah, exactly. Is it like, goody Susan looks hot today. This is good than Proctor. It's written over and over again. Yeah, he's, he's, I'm just working on some cover art for my,
Starting point is 00:41:52 for the first album from my band, Hatbuckle. We're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're that New England pre-punk sound. So, Fan goes out drinking with the doctor, Dr. Gates, and obviously they're gonna be romantic interests, though. It's kind of half-baked throughout. And he's like, you know, I made up all these stories to stay famous.
Starting point is 00:42:10 And she's like, let me tell you about Kern dolls. Anyway, some of them, they were usually buried for... Are they Kern dolls or Kern babies? They're Kern... Are they called Kern babies? I thought they were called Kern babies, because that's funnier. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:23 I don't know. They were really good things. Yeah, Kern babies. I mean, they were invented by Jerome Kern. That's. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:31 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:39 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. So she's like these kernels, they're mostly for good luck, but sometimes they'd, if they wrapped them in chains, it was because they had, they bound a demon or a witch inside. And put a fake date on them. And put a fake, that's right, because it says like February 30th, 1845 on it.
Starting point is 00:42:54 And he, and he was like, stupid calendar, doesn't have that day, smash. And she's like, well, they, they'd chain him up and put a fake date on it. So it was like, it couldn't be opened ever. And he's like, oh, I may have made a mistake. I smashed that dog because I thought it was a Pisces. And they stumble over to the creek from his dream, and he sees a scary jump scare face in the creek, and he's like, I gotta go talk to Father Hagin about this,
Starting point is 00:43:18 because there's no other people in the town. Of course, he's gonna talk to Father Hagin. At that point, too, he does like, I like it because there's a double jump situation. He's looking into deep, deep, deep, deep. This movie takes his time. I gotta tell you what. When you're, you know, when you're closing in
Starting point is 00:43:32 and waiting for the scare, it's sort of like, stretch. I know you're not, you're not about to look at anything, but you're gonna keep doing that for a while longer and it's just like water, water, water. Scooby, wee, wee, wee, and then he turns around to see his doctor of all trades friend who can read X-rays and read sign language and have access.
Starting point is 00:43:54 She got later, she's like, let me translate this ancient, this old book. Got some Latin was part of the basic curriculum at medical school. And like, maybe it is, I've never been medical school, but I've never heard another doctor say that. So they were like, we are gonna pass this Beckdale test or die.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Yeah, of course they told us the international language of science at Cornell Medical College. And then Latin and the Latin for to translate the double papers. There was that time I was on a flight and they're like, is there a medical doctor on the plane? We need somebody to translate this line. That's the red doctor in the house.
Starting point is 00:44:31 I found an old ruin. But this is cool. Is it cool to break this stuff? Should we do that? I was describing this movie to somebody recently and I was like, this is a fine movie for like a 12 year old sleepover party. And part of that is because, like you're saying,
Starting point is 00:44:47 the jump scare is take so long that it's like the movie is like, okay, is everyone ready? A scary thing's gonna jump out. Ready? Oh, you still tying your shoes, hold on. Wait, if you wanna leave the room, there's just five more minutes. Five more minutes.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Five more minutes. So because the popcorn has to fly. Like you might as well have a countdown clock in them in the bottom of the screen that's like countdown to jump scare. Five, four, three, pause. Okay, just to make sure everyone's ready again. Yes. And jump scare.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Okay, we made it. Let's move on. There's a lot of that. So they, that she, he's gonna go talk to Hagen, but first, uh-oh, Hagen, this is my favorite scene in the movie. This is a scene I actually really liked a lot. Hagen is visited in the confession booth by the evil lady, Mary the Witch.
Starting point is 00:45:30 And you don't see her. She's just on the other side of the confession screen, but she's threatening him in very graphic terms. And I was like, and this is the one scene in the movie where I was like, if it kept going in this direction, with this kind of very straightforward, evil, sinister quality, then I could have seen it doing some interesting things.
Starting point is 00:45:48 But if this was like the first instance of scary shit happening, it would be great. It would be super effective. Like if she had been a little bit tighter on her game and hadn't let all the scary stuff slip earlier, if she hadn't kept letting her evil part out without warning isn't it fall to immediately by I love a good hanging. Yeah, like I love a good like In the church sort of thing. So like that whole little vignette. I was I was I was great The Irish accent and yeah, it's so he's like I'm gonna pray to Mary and she's like who's mid which Mary is stronger My me or your Mary and he apparently her because they find her,
Starting point is 00:46:29 Finn finds him having been hung to death, hanged in the church, bump, bump, bump. Yeah, that sequence, like if that was opening of the movie almost and then the rest of the movie was completely different. It would have been a different movie. Yeah. So, and the bishop is like,
Starting point is 00:46:44 there's nothing to see here, it's just a normal suicide. And it's is like, there's nothing to see here. It's just a normal suicide. And it's one of those things where it's like, you shouldn't the bishop be curious about why one of his priests committed suicide if that's actually what happens. Like, is that really his choice to proclaim that?
Starting point is 00:46:58 Like, ask the bishop, ask the bishop, I'm gonna say, don't worry about it. It's his case, Dan. So the priest gave this one to him. He was just happy Is it just sent to father brown? I guess the it's like yeah, he's like it's a on church property therefore American law does not apply I declare this self-hanging and He's like, Finn could you keep quiet on this because we really need more shrines the world's going to hell and the only thing that's gonna
Starting point is 00:47:23 Save us his shrines. That's gonna back up our faith and and only thing that's going to save us is shrines. That's going to back up our faith. And fans like, that's okay. I don't know if I totally buy that logic. But he talks to Alice. And Alice is like, I'm sad, but I still believe in Mary. She's the best. But then, every time he goes back to his hotel, Mary is there to whisper at him and like,
Starting point is 00:47:39 kind of hover around as a hoody. Well, there's a hoody monster and not do anything. And it's like, she's also staying at that hotel. Is that what it is? Like Mary, Mary, the witch is also staying at the motel and keeps bumping in to him on the way to the ice machine. She only got paid $150 to be here. So what do you want?
Starting point is 00:47:55 Speaking of pay, we're assuming he's still staying at that motel. He hasn't gotten paid yet. And yet he goes to this, he goes to the funeral for Father Hagen. And he's wearing different clothes. Like does he just keep funeral garb in the back of his car? Did he buy those? Like did I, I don't know. They're next to the twin set and dim apples, T-shirts.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Thank you. Yeah. I'll three. I like this idea. Yeah, adventures of a massive father, Hagen, just like, Karyl is going around being a priest, but being real Boston. Real Super Boston, yeah. Is it an island like someone die?
Starting point is 00:48:35 In the narrow. Just eating cream pies and the Yankee beans. Speaking of which, speaking of someone die, I would like to mark that about this point of which you're speaking, Elliot, we're like, I counted 52 minutes into the movie and knowing it was before Mr. Father Hagen died. And I had written in my note, someone died with exclamation marks because I was getting so like you. This movie is such an incredibly low body count,
Starting point is 00:49:06 which, again, if it was a real life story, good. I want it to be, I want every real life sort of minimal body count. But if it's a movie, like, come on, there's, like, get some, get some, get drop some guys on the floor, come on, let's do this. That's why I, Ellie's watching the Muppet movie, like, when are one of them gonna die?
Starting point is 00:49:23 Mm-hmm. Come on, you hit Guns of Corby. It's a car with ear a car. Someone should have perished in that crash. I'm like, oh, well, at least at the end, I know Kermit's legs, we can get chopped off by Doc Harper. Maybe that'll make up for me. Are you telling me that Ralph is more
Starting point is 00:49:37 interesting alive than dead? I don't think so. I don't think so. No. Ralph is one of those characters. I appreciate more as a grown-up. But as a kid, I was always like, as a kid I was always like, enough Rolf stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Enough with Rolf. There's a bunch of characters. There's a bunch of characters. There's a bunch of characters. There's a bunch of characters. There's a bunch of characters. There's a bunch of characters. There's a bunch of characters.
Starting point is 00:49:58 There's a bunch of characters. There's a bunch of characters. There's a bunch of characters. There's a bunch of characters. There's a bunch of characters. There's a bunch of characters. There's a bunch of characters. There's a bunch of characters. There's a bunch of characters. There's a bunch of characters. There's so much. So long. Yeah, that's my job. Every time I'd watch the Muppet Show's The Kid and Roll food come on and be like, oh,
Starting point is 00:50:08 God, he's going to sing some song. It's not going to be funny, but he's going to wag his eyes like he thinks it's funny. Anyway, but of course Jim Henson, Jim Henson was like, I love this character. He's amazing. Oh, he totally did. I think, yeah, I think that I had the same thing as a kid. I'm like, well, now there's just going to be piano playing But now I love I love that dog so much. I will say I have as a screenwriter their entire characters and character arcs that are in things that I do Only to amuse me
Starting point is 00:50:36 I can't even them if you ask me to I will just say I Cuz that's cool. I don't know yeah, maybe. You're by yourself a long time and you're right. And like, you just see. So I mean, it just, it just worries me because at a certain point, Jim Henson became more rolf than man. And that was not good for him. When his family would walk into his room
Starting point is 00:50:57 and they'd hear two voices and they'd walk in it was just Jim. And it turned out he was talking to himself as rolf in the middle of the night. Very scary. Not as scary as the unholy though, because as we'll see, checking his interview footage, thank you, Fence sees that Mary's blurry shape has appeared next to Alice,
Starting point is 00:51:13 and then it processes the image and then the video and then Mary keeps moving and then disappears. Yeah, and it's like, come on, dude. And it's like, come on, dude. Something might be going on, huh? Come on, dude, like, I'm not a huge fan of the movie, sinister, but at least that made me do that shit right. Like if you're gonna do like weird video shenanigans,
Starting point is 00:51:31 at least do it. That's what the, the, the, the rave from you on the poster for sinister says does weird video shenanigans right? Yeah, that's a rave. Yeah, that's a, uh, so he goes, uh, anyway, he asked the doctor, he goes, can you show asks the doctor, he goes, can you show me the church records? And she has to, because she's the only other person
Starting point is 00:51:49 in the movie. It doesn't really make sense that she's the one you would go to to find them. And while Hagen's funeral's going on, they go to that spooky basement. They find the demon diary. This is when the doctor says, oh, I know Latin, I learned in medical school
Starting point is 00:52:01 and she translates that it was the hanging of the witch and bride of Satan, Mary Elmore. And Mary was a miracle worker who claimed to speak for the Virgin Mary, but she killed anyone who challenged her and then she confessed to serving Satan so they had a Virgin Mary mask nailed to her face, which seems like overkill. And then the hunger burned her and her ashes were put in that herndol. Oh boy. Yeah, I mean, we're not messing around that then. Yeah. ashes were put in that all all yeah
Starting point is 00:52:27 yeah even if this person's a demon like i feel like that the church should have been like some of the should somebody who's like okay i agree we have to deal with the demon do we have to nail a mask to her face that part of like what we do as the church that are a thing? And I also, does it have to sound sort of like I'm eating pickles when I nail the nails? I was trying to figure out what the fuck that sound was.
Starting point is 00:52:54 That sound is getting so funny. It's just like, yeah, someone's hitting a wet sock against a wall. And you're like, what, what if I get such a goofy sound? But you're like, I know. I have not had the fortune to be at a mask nailing ever in my life. True. What does it say?
Starting point is 00:53:10 I mentioned the guy walks up with the mask and the nails and someone's like, is that part of it? And he goes, it's not strictly regulation. It's not part of it. It's not part of it. Do you have just a, like, so different thing we could use instead of those things? You're like, we're all done here.
Starting point is 00:53:24 He's like, but I brought the mask and nails and like oh fine Go ahead get it out of your system. Can you mine all night otherwise? So this is where they they after reading the scary story They're like oh this is pretty scary and then they look over and they're like man was this room always filled with mannequins covered in Fucking sheets and they're like, I guess so. So they walk over and they pull one off. Turns out it's just a very happy looking Jesus statue.
Starting point is 00:53:50 And you're like, okay, this looks a little weird. It is a, it looks like Buddy Jesus. It doesn't like Buddy Jesus. I just, it's like, it's like a puffishly like, like little rascal, bots big boy smiling Jesus. And you understand why they threw a sheet over it. They were like, this is ridiculous. We can't put a sheet over it.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Like it arrives and they call up the, they call it the relic set the, whatever you could that statue manufacturer the red and they're like, you got to take this back. It looks ridiculous. Like that smile. What? Jesus is a happy guy. He died for a season. He's in heaven now.
Starting point is 00:54:24 No, no, no, no, no. This goes beyond the pale. Well, we have a no returns policy. Okay, put in the basement, put a sheet over it. So we have this like fake out scare. And then immediately a different mannequin turns out that it's scary Mary and she flies at them and then they just like fly out of the church and that's the end of the scene.
Starting point is 00:54:41 They get it, they get it. Like it's edited super weird. And then they're kind of like, well, that was weird. That happened. And it's like that Mary is like they left the room. I'm powerless to stop them. I can't get to them anywhere else. I only have a bottle of water to read.
Starting point is 00:54:58 She's going through her location card deck and she's like, I already used up forest and field. What do I have left? Meanwhile, while that's happening, Alice tells everyone, hey, Mary wants us to hold a big event for her at the Shrine Tree tomorrow. And everyone's like, yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:55:13 But we have to pretend like it wasn't Mary's idea. She wants it to be a surprise, so everybody. And his boss calls and it's like, you got the job. You can be the editor of your own demons and cattle section of the newspaper. Whatever you want to put in it. It's like, I mean, this is the field that I got forced into.
Starting point is 00:55:34 It's not what my passion is. I don't care. You want to make it about girls who used to not talk and now they talk great. It's gonna be a special insert every day in the paper. You got pages to fill. Let's get to it. I just, I mean, it is a weird,
Starting point is 00:55:47 for someone who was ruined their career by lying, I feel like supernatural is a weird choice of what I'm thinking to get into. Like, the... I, the... But the solid show was on for seasons and seasons. There's so many episodes to catch up on. That's true.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Yeah. I thought it was a statement of the malleability of truth in today's current social political climate. Mm hmm. I was assuming that you guys not catching that at all. No, it makes sense. I'm very, I'm pretty bright soon. What is politics?
Starting point is 00:56:18 It's just a sort of black magic that that that deals with the wills of the week. Yeah, sure. Definitely. Yeah. Wow. I never even thought about that. Huh? This is it. You made this show. It's probably sound the Kern babies. I guess you made this show so much smarter. Usually we just talk about like butts. Yeah. I mean, I've got thoughts on that too. So normally when I watch a movie, I leave my third eye close, but I guess I should have
Starting point is 00:56:40 made it open. That was my mistake. How do you open it? What do you do to open up that third eye? I mean, the first thing is you got to make sure to moisturize. Goes that's it. I can never put it in the first place. You get to be pretty pliable. Yeah, you don't want to dry and crack for it. That's it. Now, obviously, our listeners were two atara's that's New Zealand lizard that has a light sensitive patch of cells in the top of its head that might have been a third eye. One point. You don't have to listen to this. Your third eye is always open. That's just
Starting point is 00:57:09 what you do. But most of our listeners are not two ataras. And so, Stuart, step number two, step number two. So you go and you go into Spotify and you queue up every single tool album and you hit shuffle. And you want to remove third eye blind from your play list, right? That's the thing. So I guess you're right. I mean, it's a common mistake. That's why. Okay. That's that's more that's more of Stu Wellington's tips for living. You can buy more that it is a website. Well, Wellington world. And we're all today. Lea feature in the paper. I remember you you you you you found that supernatural story that
Starting point is 00:57:43 was a worldwide hit. now you have your special lifestyle I run the twin set section Very specific this favorite Tattooing yeah, that's I mean I've been how long I've been on the cattle tattooing beat. I can't you know, I feel like I've seen it all but every now and then I kind of come across a cattle tattoo that really blows my mind and I'm like, no, there's something new here. There's something still new to be done. Yeah, I still feel something in here, you think. Yeah, tattooed cattle rare.
Starting point is 00:58:21 And I see that that cow and there's a tattoo on the back of a grateful dead skeleton with roses all over it all around I'm like, you know what? Yes, there is there is a reason to keep getting up in the morning. Sure. Yeah. Angel is my centerfold. I don't know that was that was a reach, but let's go into placebo effects. Okay. Oh, sure. Okay. So. So, Finn, he's like, so Finn turns his old boss down. He tries to win the bishop, but the bishop is like,
Starting point is 00:58:50 yeah, I knew about that witch, Mary Elnor, who gives a shit? I don't care. And he's like, he's like, really is? He's like, you bore me. And he's like, I don't get, I don't think, doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Finn, he goes and he realizes, he does some more research in the dark. He reads a microfilm and he finds out that Mary had a son who is Alice's ancestor. She's going to live again through Alice. She can only come back to life through her descendants. The microfilm burns up, there's a statue, explodes, there's monster in there.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Anyway, the investigator comes in and saves him. He's reading all these prayers to stop the evil Mary. And then this was kind of a cool thing where Mary does some magic and the ink in his, in his prayer book, just the letters turned back to ink and run off. If it wasn't CGI, it would've looked cooler. It's quite a comment on print media, you know? Yeah. And it's racist, you weren't, now.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Oh, wow, that's open. I guess this is a rich text, you're right. You're thinking sure now. Yeah. Oh wow. Oh wow, that's open. I guess this is a rich text, you're right. You're thinking. Yeah. Now, I think we can all agree that Mary's got a lot of fucking powers, right? It's not just when people are like, fuck,
Starting point is 00:59:54 I'm gonna turn her and run the other way. And then she's immediately there. She does that all the time in this. Constantly. But she could also like make shit explode, make ink melt. I'm burning, burning, burning, burning Jesus, bleeding Jesus eyes. Uh, but uh, uh, bleed in Jesus, bleed in Jesus eyes.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Bleed Jesus. Like, that's what like Robin, I think Batman and Ron like, bleed in Jesus eyes. Like, like the person who knows it all makes sure to
Starting point is 01:00:16 just like, just like, yeah, I'm going to be good to you. Yeah. So yeah, Mary's got a lot of powers. None of them are that helpful really because the investigator still prays her away. He's like, prayer, prayer, prayer, prayer a lot of powers, none of them are that helpful really because the
Starting point is 01:00:25 investigator still prays her away. He's like, prayer, prayer, prayer, prayer, prayer, prayer, and she leaves and they're like everyone at the service is in danger. She's going to ask them to give their faith, their faith is empowering the evil and she's going to ask them to give their faith in Mary three times. And if they say yes three times by the third time, their souls are damned forever. Which seems like a bads, like if that's the game you're playing.
Starting point is 01:00:46 I have a question. Like, is that true? That was, I miss that part. I miss that part. I haven't done the research. I have a good question. They do say that, they're like, because they're like,
Starting point is 01:00:55 and then they do it twice. And the evil Mary is like, this is it. And it's one of those things where it's like, there's this time period in Russia, in like the 18th century, I think it was, where there was a big argument over, do you cross yourself with two fingers or with three fingers?
Starting point is 01:01:12 And it was, and people were like, I gotta do this the right way, because if I do it the wrong way, I'm gonna go to hell forever. And I wonder how many people have managed to get the point of like, why is it so important to God, whether I do this with two fingers or three fingers? I don't get, and so with here, the idea that like, that is it so important to God whether I do this with two fingers or three fingers? I don't get.
Starting point is 01:01:25 And so with the idea that God would be like, look, I know you, it was under false pretenses that you were pledging to my mom, Mary, and not this evil witch, but you did it three times. My hands are tied. I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do about it. It'd be really funny to find out that God's really into numerology.
Starting point is 01:01:41 And God, you're in control of all this. Like, why are you into this thing? Like I don't know, it just works. Yeah, because you're God. Three is the power number, everyone. That God is just doing is looking up his horoscope every day. It's like, maybe it is a good day to get a new job. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Yeah, it's like I'm fucking Mercury retrograde. He's killing me. I wish there's something I could do about it. So we see all the Alice merch being sold outside the shrine. I wish there's something I could do about it. So we see all the Alice merch being sold outside the shrine. I don't know where they got the licenses to set up these merch tables, but I guess that's something that they just did. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:02:14 And the Bishop tells security guys, or yeah, the Bishop tells security guys keep fan out of here. We don't need them. Just send them away. It's like showing them pictures on his phone, right? It's great. Yeah, it shows pictures. I'll just? It's great. Yeah, just picture. Just with a media page.
Starting point is 01:02:28 And Bishop carry always he starts the service and the investigator is blessing some stuff for Fenn to use in the fight. I don't even remember what he blesses because I don't think they use any of it because evil mate because he's like now. I like this is this is part that could have been so avid Castelo and it kind of is he's like now I just got a lighter match and like this candle and will be all blessed He likes the match and the wind blows it out. Oh, okay. Let me just do one more lights the match wind blows it out And it's Mary creating winds and it's so funny You feel like Mary will appear behind him third match and then she disappears and you're like I would and she she does a little laugh like the dog in Duck Hunt when you miss both of the ducks.
Starting point is 01:03:08 And then ducks max out. Anyway, evil Mary, she causes a big crucifix to light on fire and then the crucifix falls on top of them on senior and kills him. And it was like movie, you're trying hard, but you're not making up for the lack of death until this point. That was good, I like that one.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Statues of crying blood, Fanny, it's also one of those moments where you're like, why was this one senior character in the movie? He kind of didn't really investigate very much, and it was totally ineffectual here. I guess they just needed a body. So, Fanny's like, doubt, doubt the only thing that fights faith,
Starting point is 01:03:43 just like in the movie of the same name. We need to make them based on the hit play. We need to make them doubt Mary, how are we going to do it? And Alice is having everyone hail her, they're calling her Mary of Banfield, because Banfield is the town. And suddenly Alice starts getting demonized, which should have been a real sign to the people in the front row at least, that this wasn't going great. And Fen walks in, and he starts shouting, I faked it all, I faked the miracles, I faked it.
Starting point is 01:04:06 And meanwhile, he's not even mic'd up. Like, they wouldn't hear his ass. Well, they kind of ignore him for a while. And the doctor walks in and goes, Alice, Mary's evil, she's using you, she's lying to you. And what's funny is that no one seems to know, Alice sees the doctor and hears her. No one else in the room seems to notice the doctor yelling these things at all they're having a private conversation
Starting point is 01:04:28 at either end of a crowded tent well Alice is on stage it's it like it's that there's a lot of us and the bishop eventually like well i don't really yeah i'm not really sure what you know uh... he he thinks he's gonna do by saying that he faked at all when she is clearly like onstage able to talk in here, I don't know, this is a very weird strategy when there's empirical evidence that something did happen, whether or not it was a miracle, just being like, I faked it. It reminds me a little bit,
Starting point is 01:05:01 there's the French lady who was the longest recorded living person. She lived at 125 years old. And people are like, it's a fake. When her daughter was in her 30s and she was in her 50s, she switched places with her daughter. And she's been living under her daughter's name. And I'm like, and it's like,
Starting point is 01:05:19 but you would have to know for that plan to work, you'd have to know that you would leave to be like a hundred years old. Like it doesn't really make sense as a plan. I guess the recent human history should prove to me that evidence is not worth anything when it comes to people. Of course not, Dan. Well, the way that every video that goes on TikTok, people are like, let's look a little
Starting point is 01:05:41 deeper and see what the conspiracy is behind this one. I think the guy just didn't notice his girlfriend walked into the room and that's why I took him a minute to recognize her. No, no, no, no. We have to look at what happened here. It's like the three ladies and the baby ghosts. Hmm. Three ladies and the baby ghosts. God, you got to get in there.
Starting point is 01:06:00 That's Halloween time. I feel like this. Well, I was also researching. I have this weird thing like now that I've like done, well, I love props. I love props on movies and I love how much commitment there is. Like the things that are coming to the side of the scene. It's so cool.
Starting point is 01:06:15 I would come back as a props master or my next next life. But so I was, I was watching, this one had great like commentary on the scroll line as the, is doing the scroll line as the is doing the live screen as everyone thinks Mary is we're coming you know coming back to the earth and it's like is Mary is Alice vegan is Alice you know all these great like I was like great little questions then I'd watch Brahms the boy too and his list was saying it was the possessed doll and he was saying, you know, Edwin says, never leave Edwin alone. Edwin says, never leave him. He always has to be a part of the family.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Edwin likes to be Natalie dressed and look very good. And then you scroll down further and it says, never eat in the freezer. In all exclamation marks. I'm deeply now I'm obsessed with why Edwin does or does not want to eat in the freezer. Please. Anyone listening this if this has not been edited, which I hope it has been, but you know, send my Twitter feed. Is there a backstory that Edwin does not like to eat in a freezer and also how does one do that? Yeah. And this is from Brahms the boy too, right? This is Brahms the Boy 2 on the list that Edwin
Starting point is 01:07:27 could be. All right, well, two, I put up a case file for this, but it's a great thing. He's like an Edwin. I don't know that's his name, right? He could be a Charlie. Charlie Edwin. I like the idea of assigning names to characters
Starting point is 01:07:41 in movies when you don't remember what their name is. You're like, then there's this part in Castle Blanca where Steven is talking to Rachel. And he's just like, ah, why'd you have to walk into my bar, Rachel? So, um, oh, Cody. So Cody, that's at the end when when Cody says to Madison, this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Uh, and so the bishop is like, eh, you know what, security, I know I told you to keep fan out, just let him talk. Why not? And Fen is like, I made the whole story up. And doctors like, Alice, fight Mary. And the two,
Starting point is 01:08:14 there are two stories are really at cross purposes that, uh, Fen is like, there was no Mary. I made it up. And the doctor is feet away yelling, Alice, fight Mary. She's trying to take over your body. They got to get their story straight. It's confusing. But and Mary tells Alice without their souls, I'll never let you speak again. And that's when Alice tells the crowd, Mary is not real. We made it all up. We made it all up. And the crowd is instantly like, boo, we don't like you. Boo. You lying girl. Boo. And it may is like I tried to do this the easy way and then cracks are super long scary knuckles and jumps out of a burning tree. Yeah, the tree lights on fire. Everyone runs out. And the kid
Starting point is 01:08:54 Alice healed his legs stopped working. So the doctor has to carry him because his parents, I guess abandoned him in the burning room when the minute the trouble started is real force measure moment. when the minute the trouble started, it was real force measure moment for that kid. That's cool. That's cool. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Because Katie Aisleton, God bless her, who I love, was criminally underused and was assigned only to explain certain, anything doctor-related, and- or to run errands. Because we remember at one point, they were running to the hospital to save the day and he's like, you go that way.
Starting point is 01:09:25 And he's like, she's sensored completely off screen. And then this is like, you scoop the boy. She's seemed to be given a series of semi-pointless aeronautics. Yeah, me and her. Yeah, very nothing part, but she made enough of a impression that I looked up. I didn't realize that she among.
Starting point is 01:09:43 She's on the league. I love the league so much. Well, and along with being an actor, she directed BlackRock, which was a horror movie I enjoyed with Lake Bell and Kate Poppins. I didn't know that. That's a good movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Well, you threw a mordant. Yeah. I say, let's let's get a doctorate spin off in the next one, the unholy two, which is about to unholy people. You know what and then holey is pretty good. There's the unholy three is a movie that's a movie that exists. So maybe they're maybe they're tied in those.
Starting point is 01:10:16 So each and the freezer will be free. We'll reboot that. Yeah. So the. To own to the estate of Todd Browning.'t know. We'll reboot that. Yeah. So the, uh, It's grown to the estate of Todd Browning. I know. I think it was thrown away. To be honest,
Starting point is 01:10:29 but yeah, the unholy three, yeah, yeah. There were, and he did two different versions of it, right? The silent version and the sound version of the unholy three. Yeah. Both of them good. Both of them involve the main character. The only six now. Yeah, both of them involve the main, the main male villain dressing up as an old lady for
Starting point is 01:10:44 kind of unnecessary reasons So yeah Mary emerges from that flaming tree it was it was to spend more time with his kids, right because So that's what the old The next wife is dating Pierce Pierce Brosden, right? Yeah, he's actually a dating James Bond So all all he can do is I wonder if maybe there's a maybe there's a world where I'm making this an official unofficial movie crossover Mrs. Doubtfire is not a sequel to the Long Good Friday and the Pierce Brosnan who Sally Field is dating is the same character who's like a young gangster assassin in the Long Good Friday. So you know what same it's the same universe proved me wrong. You can't. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:23 What do I've been shown my kids Mrs. Doutfire yet. What do you guys think? Should I, is it okay to show or not in today's world? I believe, I watched, I think near, I think I watched the end of it while on a cruise ship a few years ago. Okay. And I remembered being less cool than I thought it was. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:43 Because when you were a kid, you were like, you went doubt fire crazy. You just thought it was the coolest. Yeah, yeah. You started dressing like there's no fire. There's no doubt. Did this movie inspire fire? Yeah, there's no doubt this movie is fire. Because I have been, my kids have been watching Aladdin a lot recently and it's a movie
Starting point is 01:11:59 that I get a lot of joy out of, but it is like the original animated one, but it is like a deeply offensive movie. Like everything about it is like the original animated one, but it is like a deeply offensive movie. Like everything about it is is ridiculously stereotyped. So maybe I shouldn't show them Mrs. Doubtfire too. And whatever you do, do not read them. The actual correct little mermaid after they've seen the Disney because it involves her. She can't speak. Every step feels like razors and knives going into her feet. The boy is
Starting point is 01:12:26 up marrying someone else. She is assigned by I think some sort of seawitch to assassinate his wife. And while standing over him, she, she, break, she, lose her last challenge, which is do this all before sunrise. And she turns into sea foam and is gone and floats on the cold sea forever. So there's no kiss, the kiss the girls, not in that. That's weird, they, uh, where'd they change the story? So kiss the girl, well, what about, uh, what about under the sea? Do they say, yes, that's the next one.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Okay, yeah. They sing this, they sing the song on the surface of the sea. That's the, the sea foam sings at the end, yeah. Um, do they have? Do they have, is a long came a spider? Yeah, it's full of James Patterson. Yeah. That means so funny.
Starting point is 01:13:13 James first, he was inspired because he saw the little mermaid in the theater and he was like, kiss the girl. What if it was more than one girl and a murder? There's something here. He does, I don't know if he still does. You guys live in the New York area. Does he still do his TV commercials where he's ever seen some books?
Starting point is 01:13:31 Yes, everyone's in a while. Yeah. I love those. They're so funny. I don't know the one for Jack and Jill, where it's just him holding the book. He goes, Jack and Jill, Jack and Jill, my new novel. And it was like, okay, it's just.
Starting point is 01:13:47 No, Gilly, it has a novelist. Would you ever consider doing an advertisement like this? You gotta do. You gotta do. Come on. And girl. You're just like, I'm going, going, gone, girl. And here, Jiren's our hot.
Starting point is 01:14:02 I'm going, girl. What are your projects? We're sharp. Dear, dear, dear ones are hot. I know. Go anger. We love. We love. We're sharp. You couldn't take them on planes anymore. Wait, I'm going to hurt my sales. But you can't, and then you go, but you can take my book on planes.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Please, seriously, you continue to take my book. But please do. I'm serious people. Yeah, this is one sharp object you can't, and then you go, but you can take my book on plans. Please seriously, you continue to take my books on. Please do. I'm serious people. Yeah, this is one sharp object you can take anywhere. Anyway, Mary emerges from that flaming tree. She takes off her mask to reveal her skull face. Uh, gross. And the vision was like, God help me.
Starting point is 01:14:36 He doesn't marry vaporizes him. And he just dissolves into dust. And she's like teleporting around shrieking at fan and Alice. It feels like fan is really the guy she should be mad at but instead she's really doing her best to not kill him for a while she for some reason she decides to crawl around all scary creepy like like the ring it's cricket yeah the creek and uh... and then she's trying to kill fenn but Alice jumps in front and i guess blocks the magic with her own
Starting point is 01:14:59 catch the hyperblast right in the chest shiruka immediately killing marie and and Mary looks at the camera and explodes. Yeah, because she's destroyed, killed her only descendant. So now she's gone forever. And the school looked pretty good. Yeah, yeah, cool. I was enjoying that. It was a cool monster face.
Starting point is 01:15:21 She had a cool monster face. Yeah, her MF was a cool one. That means monster face. So that's why monster face. Yeah, her MF was was a cool one. That means monster face So the that's why people like MF to MF her you're like you mean monster face Thank you very much. Yeah, I will take that all day long Yeah, it's the name steward of the makeup show where they make the monster faces. Oh Face off face off. That's it. Yeah, it's great. I Did not on what where had where I was on the sci-? It was on the sci-fi channel to reality competition show between you know,
Starting point is 01:15:49 you got such a dreamy far away looking. I would she heard this existed. Yeah, it's probably my favorite of the reality competition shows because it's like, it's all makeup artists and they like, everybody helps each other and they're all like, so excited. And then like, there is one episode, I mentioned this on the show before, but it's still worth it. Where they like teased who the special guest was, and all you saw was a silvery white ponytail. And I was like, is that Julian fucking sands?
Starting point is 01:16:15 And I said that out loud to my wife, and she's like, what are you talking about? And then no, it was Rick Baker, who is also fucking sweet. And then they had like, they like. They like more sense. And they had like Todd McFarland on one time as a guest. And I'm like, Charlene, this is really cool. Like Charlene, he owns two, two baseballs that used to be very valuable.
Starting point is 01:16:38 So he, Fan is like, he has a very low energy prayer to God. He's like, God, I don't know, whatever I'm supposed to do. Please say, Vales and Alice wakes up. She's alive again, but she is once again deaf and mute. The miracles have been rescinded, which means they were not real miracles. Sometime later, it's unclear how much time Alice and Gates and Finn meet up at Hagen's grave. And the local paper is hiring.
Starting point is 01:17:02 And Dr. Gates really wants Finn to take that job so we can live in town and she can investigate him i guess and fenn is like i believe in miracles now because alice's revival was a miracle and they're like yeah maybe there are miracles and then we see another statue of the virgin Mary crying blood
Starting point is 01:17:17 you can immediately look at what hold on because her and sister still alive yeah i don't know like at that point, like Mary, what? Well, Mary comes back because her ancestors are still alive. Yeah. So you think Mary is like, no, wait, I'm back.
Starting point is 01:17:35 Like she was being dissolved into, into nothingness and then kind of pulled herself back. And it carries along the theme that with every miracle, there's something dark nearby, you know, like the devil builds a house next door. They say a couple times. Luther. Yeah, that Martin Luther said the devil builds a house next every church, which you got to assume that there's probably a zoning law about that somewhere.
Starting point is 01:17:55 You can't open a barn here church, but the devil can build a house that seems crazy. And didn't and didn't, didn't you get a job working at the local newspaper? I'm like, how big is this town? I've only seen like five people. Well, like, my newspaper is really more of a minigraft flyer that they paste on the village Bolton board. Yeah, it's the menu for the local diner with all the ads. When I say the local paper is hiring, I'm at the menu.
Starting point is 01:18:21 They need someone to type it up. You know when you're eating at a place that has like a local menu that has local ads, you're like the food he's gonna be fucking amazing. There's nothing that says success to me more than when I go to a diner, I sit down and there's a placement. And outside the diner has the logo of the restaurant in the middle, and outside the border edge
Starting point is 01:18:41 is just ads for local businesses. I say, I like to eat something great. I'm getting the fucking pork roll. This is gonna be fine. No doubt. There's gonna be a salad on this menu that has more meat than vegetables in it. It's gonna be great.
Starting point is 01:18:53 It always has like everything. That's when you know you're in a good place. Whereas like do I want the Greek salad? Or do I want the mashed potatoes? Or a lobster thermidor? Do I want the lasagna or the sushi or the hamburger or the suvlaki or the portarts or the future? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:11 How's the non at this place? Tell me. How is it? How's the bulgogi at this place? Should I get the possible burger that's written into the margins? Should I get? Do I want to eat the opian food or just like a big slice of chocolate cake? There's just too many options.
Starting point is 01:19:26 I like when a local ad has just like a caricature of the guy who owns the business. Because everyone around town is like, yeah, that's it, yeah. That's sort of, I mean, as our journalist could tell you, fame is seductive. And the hubris of it, because like, if that guy ever commits a crime, everyone knows what he looks like.
Starting point is 01:19:49 That's a great idea. He's just setting himself up. As we have discovered this little town does not breed very intelligent. Everyone is sort of like, hey I'm bad. Take this thing I'm giving you. Also, if you have a fire sale on all those items about with Mary, about the miracle, I don't know what they're gonna do with all those. If you get someone's like the candle,
Starting point is 01:20:13 the personalized candle store was like, we gotta close down no business, ring, ring, a thousand candles with Alice's face on them, certainly. And then guys, put it into production. We're coming back, reopened the factory, and then a couple days later, like, I got some bad news. The boom has ended. It's a bust now.
Starting point is 01:20:31 The Alice candle bulb was hot. Fire sale. I mean, I feel like you just immediately sell it all to the like, I don't know, morbid anatomy museum or something. The closed steward. They do pop up at the bellhouse, everyone's in one. Oh, okay, okay, then do yeah, that's fair.
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Starting point is 01:21:56 The security system provides you with emotional security. You do the rest. Echo Kellum. Can you disconnect me or not? Erie Kunderboulou. Echo Kellum. Can you disconnect me or not? Hurry, Cundabolo. I'm staying. From Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Jeffrey McGiver. Could you please send me Lopez Girls just want to have fun? It's The Outer Reach.
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Starting point is 01:25:37 That's right. That's slash flop. Code flop. Do either of you have stuff to plug always I own a couple of small businesses their bars in New York City Brooklyn to be specific and you know what we love you to come by and say hi, Andrew Landsbar and Kensington or minis bar in sunset park just come on by and say hi why not and in time for a shock tober that right. I'll have a new collection of my comic book, Maniac of New York coming out in early November, it turns out.
Starting point is 01:26:10 So just when you're all scared out from Halloween, keep that scare going because I think it comes out the first week of November, the collected trade of the first five issues of Maniac of New York from Aftershock Comics. It's the story that asks, what if Jason Takes Manhattan was good? Oh, boom. Man, man, man, man. That's hard to justify. To place primarily in Manhattan.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Yes, it actually took place in Manhattan, yeah. And there'll be a second, Maniac of New York series, starting at the beginning of next year, but the issues are starting to be available for pre-order. Go to your local comic book store, tell them, I want the Man maniac of New York trade paperback, and I want to start getting the issues
Starting point is 01:26:47 for maniac of New York volume two, the Bronx is burning. The first one's called maniac of New York volume one, the death train, and yeah, get ready to buy them. Go to your comic book store and pre-order them, tell them to order them for you. So that can just go into the main... Make mine maniac. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 01:27:02 Thank you, yeah, from the Mary-Mar-Maniac Marching Society, say, make mine maniac. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, from the Mary Mar- maniac marching society say, make mine maniac. Face front, true believers, excelsis scare. Cancer. Well, I guess on I don't, well, we'll get back to the meat of the show. Rose. I don't know why I said it. I don't know why I said it that way. Disgusting. Let us do a final judgment.
Starting point is 01:27:29 Okay. A shock to a professional judgements about this. I get if you want, sure. With this movie. I got a lot of fun. Thank you for the validation. Is this movie totally, okay, or verify? Totally snorrify.
Starting point is 01:27:41 Uh huh. Or frighteningly funny. I'm going to say. Why not? I'm going to go. I'm going to say it's snorrify. frighteningly funny. I'm gonna say why not I'm gonna go I'm gonna say it's nor The movie In the mini we released last week We talked a bit about midnight mass and I was I was thinking about how like The I guess lights thematic spoilers for midnight mass, but, but the notion that appealed to me about
Starting point is 01:28:08 that show was that these characters could go through this horrifying experience and because they're seeing it through the lens of religion, misinterpret it as being, you know, a miracle blessing. And like the tragedy of it is, you know, a genuinely good man of God, like making that mistake. And this movie has a lot of the same ideas, you know, it's like, oh, what if like we miss and turp it? These miracles has been good, but just does it in such a Just slow way like the only way you're gonna get scared watching this movie is if you fall asleep and have a nightmare during this You can email that has bad news about your car insurance So Dan you're saying that whatuck says at the end of midnight, a midnight, a mid-summer's night stream is what you're hoping for with this movie that
Starting point is 01:29:10 you fall asleep and you had enjoy something. Yeah. Yeah. This movie was, yeah, totally snorifying. Yeah, I feel like to draw comparisons to another, another thing that is another Netflix property, the Fear Street series. I feel like dealt with a similar type of like Evil spooky thing from the past in a much more fun way. So watch that instead. This was snorifying. No, thank you I'm also gonna say snorifying. I think there was I when it first started up I was ready to give it the benefit of the doubt. Because it was like, it was okay. Like, it starts out okay and then just kind of treads water for most of the movie. But like I said, it's not fine, but like I said, if you are trying to introduce the idea of horror
Starting point is 01:29:54 movies to like a kid, like an adolescent, this might not be the worst one because it's not really that scary. And it kind of gets the idea across what a scary movie is like. As a, like when I was a kid, I jumped into the deep end way too quickly and I didn't watch horror movies for a while after that, because they were too much for me. But if I had seen something like this, I would have been like, oh, okay, yeah, I can watch horror movies.
Starting point is 01:30:12 So it's like a training wheel, it's like a baby's first horror movie, which is stormifying to someone like me who's seen it all and needs increasingly extreme, go like, even just get my fear boner up, you know. So. Yeah, fear, but you're like, centubites, is that all you got? Give me more, please.
Starting point is 01:30:31 And like, yeah, exactly. So he's got pins in his head, big, what, okay? Oh, fish hooks through my eyes. Oh, ho, ho, who cares? But, what did you think? Um, I would say, you know, huge points for getting this done during COVID. I sure the fuck didn't get anything done during COVID.
Starting point is 01:30:53 Um, and I would also note that as someone who has written and done movies and TV, I would like to invite anyone involved with this, with this project to make fun of me and they can come on my Twitter and Twitter and we will they can mock anything they want. So I would like to offer that. No one else. No one else in the world should ever say anything bad. But anyone involved with the production of the Unholy, it's a free pass. Free pass. We might remade on, you know, if you guys can turn it over to the, I think if World's Busic Sign podcast for you, they come back and people just take hits. But um, so yeah, no, it, I agree with you kind of LA that it was sort of, it gives you, it has all the rhythms there, but I, you know, I felt like no one's heart was maybe entirely
Starting point is 01:31:43 in it. Sort of like, let's make this thing. I can only assume budgetary constraints. I think it was, it would be interesting to see what is the version of this that isn't, because who knows how much they had to rewrite possibly to get around what the constraints were. I feel like in by that time, it starts getting like an Edward where Belly and I see his just like, let's make this fucker. Hold those tentacles, make them look like they're moving. Yeah, I'm like, I'm tempted now to read the Wikipedia summary of the novel. Maybe that's more interesting. Or you could read the novels too.
Starting point is 01:32:22 I mean, like, this is my favorite thing like life's to short. Yeah, yeah, you're like, I kind of have some more hammering up books to reread. So some more hammer rules manuals to read. Yeah. So you read that. And then you report back to us the even more condensed version. Uh huh. Yep. Okay, cool. I love it. Okay. Let us what's the next section of this podcast letters? Why not? That's usually what happens if you want to letters Why not? I mean I thought maybe today is gonna be the day when we took an abrupt left turn and just started no I don't know reviewing Postas, but okay. Yeah, we can do letters too sure pretty good. I will continue as a good one. Anyway, I found nothing silly about Fusilli. It takes its job seriously, and it does it well four stars Let me tell you something about Cavatelli. It's delicious
Starting point is 01:33:15 Run run don't walk to get some spaghetti It's my pasta pick of the day Yeah, come on join in in, join in, make Dan Man. Let's pin a review of this pin A. Yeah, a little obvious, but you know, I'm a reviewer. Get in your rev four and pick up some revie-only down at the local poster. They may be named after little years, but there's nothing gross about Orcetti. You'll want to pop this ziti into your mouth.
Starting point is 01:33:49 Oh, you look, you look fettin' genius tonight. Dan, come on, don't fight. You probably know more pauses than the rest of us put together. I think you took the good ones. Anyway, this letter is from... It's a shell of a good pasta. That's for shell pasta. Jack. Jackie Lest, name withheld, writes,
Starting point is 01:34:17 Hiya, fellas. A few years ago, the British charity Comic Relief produced a mini sequel to the bafflingly enduring and creepy Christmas movie, Love Actually. The 15-minute film had no real plot, but was a series of vignettes that updated the viewer on the original characters, current lives. And it weirdly works. Obviously, there's not much,
Starting point is 01:34:40 there's not more story that needs to be told in the sexist transphobic fat-shaming boundaries ignoring the universe of love, actually. This movie does not need a full length sequel, but getting to take a tiny glimpse of popular and beloved characters is intriguing. What movie would you like to see a mini sequel of? One that you are very satisfied with its conclusion,
Starting point is 01:35:02 but wouldn't mind having a little check-in with your favorite movie pals. Thank you much, Jackie, less named withheld. How about this one? Feeling formal? Why don't you dress up your dinner with some bow tie pasta? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:35:17 No. How about that one? I far fell for far falling. Okay, sequels, like even a little short check-in sequel to movies we love, movies where we just get to hang out with our friends. Obviously, I'm going to say Susperia. Just want to see what's going on with that dance studio, man. So much fun. How did they come back from that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:45 Maybe, uh, maybe fast forward a couple of years, see what life's like in, uh, Germany, then who knows? I love the idea of it's like a meeting of the board of the dance academy and then it bringing the new dance head. And she's like, I know we have a lot of baggage to get through. And this, and we got to bring that, we got to bring back the name of this dance to you. I think we could do it. This academy.
Starting point is 01:36:04 Yeah. I want to my. I'm going to give you a positive story. So Dan, so wait, so Dan, you were admonishing us to pay it to be good. I'm going to do what I want to do. It all just seemed really fun. And that was googling pauses and is licking his lips. Yeah. I'm just, and I'm just hungry. I just can't get in the background there. And I'm just hungry. I just can't get in the background there.
Starting point is 01:36:26 Dan's slow evolution into Garfield continues to pace. Has he become obsessed with pasta? Yeah, sure. I just want to see. Yeah, I want to see. I just want, I mean, I would want to force equal to the guest, I guess, if I, but, but it would be fine. If it was just kind of like we got to see Dan Stevens walk
Starting point is 01:36:44 around a little bit more and there'd be some cool Like synth wave on the soundtrack and some old old Deep cuts from the 80s. Yeah, I mean, I feel like something like I wouldn't mind like a little check-in with The characters from hot fuzz Even if it's a short one because I love those guys. I feel like Edgar Wright is pretty good at like doing stuff like that I know on the like the DVD box of space short one because I love those guys. I feel like Edgar Wright is pretty good at doing stuff like that. I know on the DVD box of space,
Starting point is 01:37:08 they did a very brief hint at where those characters might be years down the line. Do you have anything, guys? I recently watched Never Too Young to Die. Little John Stamos, Gene Simmons, with the young John Stamos as a gymnast wouldn't mind continuing that track because those two were thrilling on screen and among I think similar to that I was always I mean it's sad to find it get it wraps up but I always hated that question market then to flash Gordon as a kid because I was like there's so much more to explore there. I want those care
Starting point is 01:37:47 I mean, I mean, like I did think that that was a totally viable altar universe that I would like to stay in and Yeah, hang out and see more about like what happened like being the merciless and Kimmer's daughter's name, but obviously Dale Arden There's more adventure to be had there I say I Arden, there's more adventure to be had there, I say. I'm curious about what happened to the characters in my second favorite movie of all time. That's right, Shadow of Adout. You found out your uncle was a murderer. He died on a train while trying to kill you.
Starting point is 01:38:15 Absolutely. Yeah, he deal with that. And now there's this cop that is clearly a lung kid who is on the case, is in love with you. And you got to figure out how to put him down easily, you know, gently. So I kind of want to know what happens to young Charlie after that movie. But otherwise, I started thinking I was like, I started thinking about Gremlins and like, I would want to see what Gizmo's at now.
Starting point is 01:38:37 Wait, but I would want a whole sequel of that. I don't want to be a sequel. Yeah. So it would be interesting to see like the gang from pretty and pink together now being like wow We were said awful awful things back then and just having a full Maybe cancel I don't know Like the cast of the big chill and they're all like Trump voters now like they've they've got They just reached that point and they're like, hmm, but listen to Motown music. Like, I can't be racist.
Starting point is 01:39:05 I listen to this music all the time, you know. And the baby that Kevin Klein was supposed to impregnate is 40 now. Yeah, that would be crazy. Yeah, well, what about three men and a baby? Where's that little lady now? Where's that? Yeah, the lady.
Starting point is 01:39:20 Where's, uh, we're, we're in the car. Yeah, we got to make that sequel soon. I mean, all the, all the three men are still with us. We got a strike with Aaron's hot. Yeah, Dan, Dan, Dan, you and I were talking about our Gutenberg love. I had what to sequel to the diner again. See like what those guys are doing. I don't feel like well.
Starting point is 01:39:38 I'm full. Dan, I love to see like big truck like the characters from big trouble. And all shiny, get another adventure and in a like a different sort of situation How about rena Williams the adventure begins which never continue the Motor award without my heart Doesn't age super well and was probably super offensive at the time but yeah Everything else of Joel Grace performance, the like martial arts master. Well, look at that.
Starting point is 01:40:09 Yeah, yeah, that will mean a sequel. I don't think so. No, don't make it. Dan, I guarantee you someone is pitching three old men in a baby right now where it's the same three men, but they're old now, but they got to take care of like their daughters baby. They're grand. Oh, no, you're totally right.
Starting point is 01:40:25 Yeah. And somehow it's going to be in part of the Ghostbusters universe or something. I don't know. Yes. It's going to be Ghostbusters to this three ancient men a little late. Ghostbusters.
Starting point is 01:40:35 And the Ghostbusters have moved into production. That's their job. And it opens with Ernie Hudson, like, and he goes, the Ghostbusters just loved this story so much that we had to put our weight behind it. And we just want to make sure to bring it to you a wider audience than might otherwise see it. And so enjoy three, three each of them in this baby.
Starting point is 01:40:55 I want to make it clear to you, there are no ghosts in this movie. Unlike the original three men and a baby, which famously had a ghost in one scene, there are no ghosts in this story. And then you're very smart. And it really goes across the screen really quickly. I don't know, baby, which is famously how it goes to one scene. There are no ghosts in this story. And then you're a sniper and it really goes across the screen really quick. I've been hearing early reports about the new Ghostbusters movie that a deceased actor shows up as a ghost and I'm so fucking bombed. Yeah. Like, uh, no, stop it.
Starting point is 01:41:22 Just fucking stop it. Just because it doesn't mean you should. Just fucking stop it guys. Just because they can't. Doesn't mean you should. Which way is it Richard Woodmark? Probably. I mean, I didn't want to spoil the movie for me. I was trying to think I was trying to think I was like, it's not going to be a light should cook junior, but maybe Richard Woodmark, yeah, the whole of all the deceased actors,
Starting point is 01:41:40 yeah. One more letter. Yeah, this is from Selena Lasting with Helm. Who writes, I'm a librarian and cataloger by day. And I guess that's about it. Well, I was a breakaway. No, I sleep. I decided to jack in to see if our favorite peaches
Starting point is 01:41:59 had entries on Library of Congress in the industry. If you do, you've made it. Imagine my surprise to see all three flop houseboys with their very own name authorities and two had not just their name, but something you're known for. For Dan, it's McCoy, Kamadan, parentheses, comic book writer, because out of the entire bunch, you're best known for writing comics. For Elliot. It seems inaccurate. But, okay.
Starting point is 01:42:27 Dan, remind me again how many comics you've written? Was it one? Well, we wrote a couple for the flop house, so three. There's no way those were the library of Congress, though. For Elliot, he's Kaelin Kama Elliott 1981 dash. As we all know, this is not the way I wanted to find out that I had died.
Starting point is 01:42:51 As we all know, Elliot is best known for being born. But then we reach Wellington Commons. So it doesn't even say like author or anything like that. It just doesn't, okay, there. Then we reach Wellington, the Kama Stewart, who is bereft of a title by which we can differentiate him from all the other steward Wellington. So mysterious.
Starting point is 01:43:11 My question for you is, what should steward's Library of Congress dollar sign see, parentheses, titles and words associated with a name? Never stop flopping, Selena, last name withheld. I think I think it should just say, hashtag blessed.
Starting point is 01:43:30 Man slash myth slash legend. Castle freak booster. True. Nice. Can't argue with that. Yeah. It should say Stewart is who Wellington Comma Stewart Princess equally funny.
Starting point is 01:43:44 Close parentheses. That's enough for me. I'm just happy. I'm just happy to be involved. You know, just having to be here. Just have to be here. It's happening to be here. That future generations were just scrolling through the library of Congress. Name listings would be like, who was he?
Starting point is 01:44:02 What did he do? What are his three? Pretty cool. All right. Well, let's put a cherry on this flop house Sunday of Shacktober. I don't know. I started the
Starting point is 01:44:14 traditions yet. Really having a clear idea where it was headed. But the top back on the back line. Doing recommendations. Okay. Sorry. Let me let me back up. That was going to be a second.
Starting point is 01:44:24 Back out the sewer the sewer truck. Beep beep beep beep beep. Okay. Hold on. Let me turn on my robot voice. Me. Me. Me.
Starting point is 01:44:34 That's a robot. Yeah. That was pretty good. Not for us, but I'm assuming. Yeah. I mean, that's a pretty robot. National and international audience.
Starting point is 01:44:43 I want them to have that. Yeah. I got them to have that yeah Love robots Now we're we're doing recommendations. That's what I was That song was about robots You guys got to think open your third to think. Oh, then your third eye. Yeah. Yeah. Straight up. I'll check the guy. Recommendations. I'm going to recommend, usually this is the part of the show where we
Starting point is 01:45:11 recommend good movies to watch. I am going to go the opposite direction and recommend a bad movie, but a bad movie that I'm like, Zaro just showed up. I'm like, I'm like, the, I'm like the, Zaro just showed up. I'm like the, I'm like the, I'm like the, I'm like the, I'm like the, I'm like the unholy. You will have a good time watching this last night. I had a small gathering of folks for Halloween thing, all vaccinated. We're all doing just fine. And I noticed my invitation never arrived.
Starting point is 01:45:45 Was it lost to me, man? You will live in Los Angeles, which is. Yeah, I didn't see that. I have you guys. The other coast. Sorry that you did not get an invite, but we watched. Stuart was here. We watched Grizzly to the Revenge, which was very good.
Starting point is 01:46:01 No, technically an I didn't. And her interrupt, Dan, tells what you're gonna say. Technically, not a few. I have so much to say to you about this offline, including my best friend who you're supposed to be best friends with who wrote a big long article about it recently, that you will love. Okay, great. Yeah, I'll channel offline, but yes, I totally agree with you. I would throw in, which most horror films probably, or fans probably
Starting point is 01:46:26 know about, but I had not seen, which is dead and buried. The 1981 kind of amazing film. I'm not in perfect, but not that imperfect with Melody Anderson, which is, I guess, why I had Flash Gordon on my mind. And most importantly, Grandpa Jew from Charlie in the Chocolate Factory as a mysterious and possibly menacing figure in this town in which people bake it dead and bury. Oh, screenplay by Dan O'Bannon. Yeah, I cover I remember. I've never seen it though. I put this on my want to see during the Halloween movie season sort of letterboxed a list and I started watching it but I haven't a chance to finish it. I've heard only good things about this movie dead and buried. That's cool. A perfect but very eerie and cool and definitely very cool
Starting point is 01:47:18 and with although with a mystifyingly just awful cop as a sleigh, just absolutely bumbling, but sexy. Before we move along entirely, but I do want to say about grizzly to the beautiful thing about it, is it started shooting in 83, then they finished it last year with a bunch of stock footage of bears basically. And it is just, and some concert goers. It is an object lesson in trying to solve, like save an unfinished movie with editing and failing totally. Like it is seven or four minutes. They just like dragged it over the finished line.
Starting point is 01:47:58 It's really funny how silly it is. And I mean, the start, like the star power involved in it, Dan. Yeah. We have a scene with Charlie Sheen, George Clooney, Laura Dern, and then later on, Kimlee himself, John of the Reese Davis shows up. Yeah. Yeah, that's pretty great. Uh, stew, do you want to hell?
Starting point is 01:48:19 Yeah, I want to go. I'm going to recommend a movie that's not a horror movie. What? I'm going to recommend a movie called Pig starring Nicholas Cage. It's a movie about a hermit who is a turfle hunter. A hermit? No, not a hermit.
Starting point is 01:48:32 It's a hermit and he's a turfle hunter and he has a turfle hunting pig. And then some fucking ass wipes, steel is big and he's got to get that ship back. It is easily my favorite John Wick movie. I love it. It's very much a Pacific Northwest movie. It's beautiful. It has a really great performance from Alex Wolfe, who you would know as the sad kid from
Starting point is 01:48:50 hereditary and apparently a sad kid from old, but I've not seen it yet. And it also has a really great performance from Adam Arkin. It is great. I totally recommend it. Yep, check it out, pig. So Stuart, I've seen, I've seen the preuse for it and been quite interested, but they, I feel like they're almost deliberately marketing it as a, haha laugh at this movie, but it's, it's, it is not like a great.
Starting point is 01:49:15 It's legit great. Yeah. Awesome. I just want to, it is not, it is not a tongue in cheek. It is, it's not the like, whack a whack up, a pandemic part. No, it's, it's a great movie. It's fun. It's, the like wacka wacka birdemic part. No, it's it's a great movie. It's fun. It's it's one of my favorites of the year. Easy. No question.
Starting point is 01:49:30 Hell yeah. Do they play? Do they play the overkill song pig in any boyfriend? Yeah. Yep. The whole time. That's the really weird choice. Yeah. I can't tell you any dialogue. Yeah. It seems like a big mistake. I'm gonna recommend a movie that I'm surprised you guys hadn't were a mech it recommended up till now since it's shocked tober and we're doing harm movies. Then I'm gonna recommend Malignant, the James Wan movie from like a month ago or so, I guess.
Starting point is 01:49:56 It is. And it's also great. That's a great movie. What? Yeah, yeah. And then it's a movie that if I was gonna explain it best, it would be like here's a premise that David Cronenberg it best, it would be like, here's a premise that David Cronenberg would have done in like the early 80s
Starting point is 01:50:08 or mid 80s, but they're gonna do it not tongue in cheek, but kind of like as style out as they can, like kind of as unnatural style as they can in a lot of ways. But then it's gonna get filtered kind of through the kind of action you expect to see in a superhero movie at a certain point. So there's a, it's a movie that has a kind of slow burnish open where it's slow burnish first hour where you're kind of like,
Starting point is 01:50:33 I see where this movie is going. And plot wise, I saw where it was going, but I did not expect where it was gonna go go wise where it just, like it just, the body count on it by the end was the exact opposite of the unholy. I was like, there's a lot of people dying in this movie and this thing but In the scene where the bad guy throws a chair across the screen and it smashes somebody and it's so fucking funny Yeah, and it's a movie that is like I mean this in the best possible way is like high-gloss trash
Starting point is 01:51:01 You know like it's not there it is not trying to elevate the horror movie, except in just doing this type of movie at a high level of production, you know? But it feels like a very fun kind of mash of modern horror style and that kind of 80s horror style where everything was about medical experiments gone wrong or like there was always, there was somebody always a doctor taking notes
Starting point is 01:51:28 on videotape about some strange case that they're dealing with. Like so it's a, I really enjoyed it though. I know a bunch of people talk to me, they're like, I didn't like it, it was too crazy. And I watched it and I was like, well this is just the movie that I wanted it to be. Yeah, sure. So that's malignant malignant.
Starting point is 01:51:46 I find that less and less you do you get those movies that are just like, we're going to be a very fun B to B plus movie that's all we're trying to be. We're going to entertain you. Like put it yourself in our hands, you're in, you're out's just, it feels like it's either these kind of spiritless, you know, by the books or so over the top that there's way too much at stake and then they ruin it by formulaic. I just like those ones that feel like they just came from someone's head, like where you can fill that person's personality. And you're like, so words for this movie. Yeah, especially. But yeah, there's a, like the last movie we did on the flop house was an adaptation of Turn of the Screw, which felt like it was so bending over backwards to be
Starting point is 01:52:35 respectable, you know, that it was never kind of like scary or cool or gross or anything like that. But then yeah, there's, I, the movies that are kind of like, have you ever seen someone's face get mashed with a brick into a car while a dog's attacking them? Uh-oh! And then like, and then somebody makes a joke about it. Like, that's not, I don't wanna see that either.
Starting point is 01:52:56 Like, I want the characters in the movie at least to be affected by what's going on, you know? Yes, yes. Yeah, and the, I feel like it's so, I mean, it's so, I mean, it's so common for horror movies to be either what you just described or like drenched in like sparse strings and like creepy doll houses
Starting point is 01:53:16 in the background. And like, it's like, no, it can be, it can be a little fun too. Like, like being scared is fun. That's why people are here. They don't want to like be depressed for two hours. That's why they watch something else. And you only get, you only get two cheap jump scares.
Starting point is 01:53:32 Yeah. That is them. Any more you're done. Yeah. Well, it's like, I feel like a good jail. After when a jump skit, yeah, jump scare jail, where they keep jumping at you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:43 You're on medicine, huh? There's like a cat in a cabinet and the earth in the corner. You trip over something. Every time you lift up the toilet seat, there's like a lizard jumps out at you. There's a mirror that you smudge through and it's like, oh, it goes behind me. There's always got to shake out your shoes every morning.
Starting point is 01:54:02 Got to shake out your shoes in case there's like a Venus fly trap or something. Yeah, every time you wake up, you're like, oh, is that a scary guy? Oh, no, that's just a hat rack with a coat on it. I mean, it's a blanket. Oh, oh, there my new life. I do think you're like, my eyes are just closed.
Starting point is 01:54:19 I mean, I guess that is the guy in the Sandman comic who gets punished by constantly waking up to nightmares and then waking up from them to new nightmares. Like that's kind of that. West Craven's new nightmare? Yeah, yeah. He keeps waking up to a movie where he's cravings new nightmares.
Starting point is 01:54:34 Yeah, and he's like, why can't I just finish it? I keep waking up after the first half hour. But it's, yeah, to see a movie that, I feel like if you can justify a couple of jump scares, if you're then paid off with real scares, and this is a movie where it's like, here's some real crazy stuff for you.
Starting point is 01:54:51 There's one scene later on that was a little too much for me where a character is in a jail cell, and she is surrounded by the most cartoonishly kind of like stereotype people you would see in a ladies jail cell, and I was like, including, you're not trying to do that. Including veteran stunt woman, Zoe Bell. I mean, everybody in the room, everyone on screen does fine.
Starting point is 01:55:09 Just the fact that there's like, they're all dressed up like, like you would see in a cautionary tale about life in the big city and the seven years. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's like a streets and range level. Or that they're like about to go before Judge Harry on night court or something. You know, I mean, what it, okay, there's your, there's your horror reboot.
Starting point is 01:55:29 You do a horror reboot of night court where there's, I don't know, like one of the hookers they bring in is a fan of mine. You imagine it like, you know, bowl showed up at that fucking jail cell, Larry's like, ladies, it's time to, oh my god. But, uh, but if you want to fun,
Starting point is 01:55:44 uh, Harry over the top movie, this is a good one for you. Yeah. Uh, Gillian was dead and buried your official recommendation or did you have something else? I just, that was my facial. Well, in that case, count it. Uh, is there any other recommendations? I don't know. Is there anything you'd like our, our tiny audience compared to your large audience to know anything you want to plug? Just that I'm happy to be here. That's well. And yes, I'm working on the next level.
Starting point is 01:56:12 That's like it. Whenever I go to a clinic, that's all I get. I can post anything about, you know, like Biden has taken over the world and it's awesome. I'd be like, why don't you do the next level? Get back to work. I had a good day, you know. It was really good for my mental health. They're like, that's really nice.
Starting point is 01:56:27 I hope that helps you right. I hope that's true. I can't read your good day. Create more content. Yeah, we'll take it. Let us take some of your heat, because we were texting, and you were saying that you watched, you know, the first half in the background
Starting point is 01:56:41 of all of the movies we suggested you could possibly do. And I was like, oh, that's a lot of time to spend on this. And you're like, well, you know, like, I'm writing. I'm writing, writing, writing. But let's, we can take the heat by saying, like we're preventing Gilead Flynn from finishing her next book by having her watch the first half of a bunch of movies.
Starting point is 01:57:05 Well, luckily it'll be different with next week's guest, George R. Martin. Uh oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. I have to have the same editor as George. So I'm going to talk about a squishy job.
Starting point is 01:57:18 You don't have to hurry. Sit around, wait all day for the books that don't come in. Amazing. Well, okay. It has been, it has been an absolute delight you guys as I have me back for the Easter Passover episode. Sure.
Starting point is 01:57:36 Yes, I mean we should do that. Our birthday, whatever you got, I got lots of tree movies to discuss. Holiday Gillian will call. But well, before we go, just quick thanks to our editor, Alex Smith and producer, who makes us sound okay, possible. Like a robot. Any problems in the recording are our fault and not Alex who does amazing work Thank you to
Starting point is 01:58:07 Maximum fun our network go check out Maximumfund org for other Podcasts, but for the flop I was I've been Dan McCoy. I am Steward Wellington. I'm Elliot Kaelin and we've been joined by Me Gillian Flynn Thank you so much. Bye. Bye I'm Elliot Kaelin and we've been joined by Me killing Flynn Thank you so much. Bye So Cardi okay, and we'll just assume you don't sound like a robot that'll be So funny as a joke You do this robot with that telling us and we look back and were like, that's why she kept mentioning robots during the whole thing. Her batteries were low.
Starting point is 01:58:48 Trying to see if anyone was paying attention. She was the girl from Small Wonder all grown up. But she didn't talk like a robot? She doesn't grow up then. She's a robot. That's the whole thing. She's always going to be a Small Wonder. He did get you on that one, Dan. He did get you on that one.

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