The Flop House - Ep #367 - The Adam Project

Episode Date: April 23, 2022

Weirdly, a constantly-wisecracking Ryan Reynolds isn't less irritating when you add a child version of him making the same smug jokes. Are Netflix's widely-reported woes because they churn out dreck l...ike The Adam Project? The world may never know!Wikipedia entry for The Adam ProjectMovies recommended in this episode:Everything Everywhere All at OnceAkiraFighting Elegy

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss the Adam Project. Hey, hey guys, it's me, Stewart from the Future. I'm here to tell you Stewart. Yeah, what's up Stewart from the future? I'm here to tell you not to watch the Adam Project. Perfect. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house, I'm Dan McCoy. Hey, I'm Stuart Wellington. And I'm Elliott Kaelin and wait, wait, guys, do you hear that? Do you hear that out there? There's trumpets across the horizon. The sound of brass bells and kettle drums on the
Starting point is 00:00:58 march. Why? Why? Like, could it be? Yes, it is. Max Fun Drive is about to begin. This is the start of the Max Fun fledging drive. When we tell you why to join Max Fun, the time of course when the shows we endorse tell you why we need your support. There's Maccarroy's and Harry Beef and Hodgeaman Podcasting podcasting casting all the way Ross and Carrie Fanty and tights and fights Greatest Gen bulls-eye and feeling seen. There's lots of other shows you know But most of all these most most you know the floppers boys Elliott Dan and Stu So April 25th until May the 6th Listen in bled your skin, join us or upgrade.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Will you tell you more as we go on, but that's enough for this here song. Let's see Hoangri Dan and Stu wife made. Ba da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da So yeah, anyway, the day after this episode drops, is the next fun drive starts. I'll be honest, I'm not sure. Yeah, well Meredith Wilson, he's got his own problems right now. He's dead. He doesn't have to worry about us. That's true. So this episode drops the day before
Starting point is 00:02:12 the start of the Max Fun Pledge Drive. It's running from April 25th to May 6th, as mentioned in that very informative song. All the shows are gonna be telling you why you should consider becoming a maximum fun member or upgrading your maximum fun membership. It's like a PBS Pledge Drive without the old people
Starting point is 00:02:25 sitting at phones, pretending to have conversations on screen. And we're gonna tell you more during the episode about why you should join and why it's important to us and why we love it when you join. And thank you so much. And why we're thankful to our current members and our future members. But at the moment, if you don't need a further sales pitch,
Starting point is 00:02:41 just go and join now at slash join. Please do. And until later in the episode, when I tell you more, I've been Elliott Kaelin back to you, Dan. What do we do on this podcast? We tell people about that. Well, I have in this podcast, I have to crack something actually last episode. We reverted back to, we reverted back to talking about how we usually talk about bad news. Can we just interrupt it himself? Yeah, I know. But I wanted to get up front. We need to make it clear that this podcast is now officially about people giving their
Starting point is 00:03:08 different takes on Topeka, whether it's a good place or a bad place. We voted on it. Yeah. It passed. I mean, that's, it's in the by-laws, but I mean, it's kind of just, you know, it's for show. Mostly, we talk about movies. Yeah, this show.
Starting point is 00:03:22 And guys, I've been having a kind of hard time since the last episode. I've been going, I guess soul-searching is probably the right term. Do you find it? I've found it. Yeah, I found it. I think when I was standing at the edge
Starting point is 00:03:34 of a pond in an artfully decorated lake in a subdivision. And I skipped a stone or two. And I really thought about things. And you know what? Topeka and Tapioca are different things. Oh, wow. You made it. I'm willing to do it with that.
Starting point is 00:03:49 I'm willing to do it with that. I'm willing to do it with that. I'm willing to do it with that. I'm willing to do it with that. I'm willing to do it with that. I'm willing to do it with that. I'm willing to do it with that. I'm willing to do it with that.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I'm willing to do it with that. I'm willing to do it with that. I'm willing to do it with that. I'm willing to do it with that. I'm willing to do it with that. I'm willing to do it with that. I'm willing to do it with that. I'm willing to do it with that. I'm willing to do it with that. I'm willing to do it with that. I'm willing to do it? Stuart, I'm proud of you.
Starting point is 00:04:05 I'm proud of our listeners for supporting us. You could make that kind of self-realization. Yeah. I just don't want to blow up my mentees. Yeah. You're mentees. Yeah. You just want to interrupt the flow of your exercise.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Yeah. Peer rating is specific. Five. Five. Squats, mostly. Once I tried to get into stews men She's accidentally got into stews munchies his collection of munchies movies and took me a while again I was very dangerous almost
Starting point is 00:04:35 I think there's only the one but I have a lot of copy. Yeah, yeah, big Harvey Korman fan so so so uh Dan What so you said we talk about movies on this podcast. Yeah, yeah, we watch things that are critical or commercial flops or kind of on the board of line of such. I believe we agreed we watch a movie and then talk about it. Good or bad. We tried to simplify it.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Dan slapped that initiative. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, flop had it been released in normal, you know, normal methods, right? There's no way of knowing this was a Netflix. Hard to say. Hard to say. A Netflix original film, which means that somebody persuades the Netflix. Because it's a combination of people like that Ryan Reynolds. This is a Netflix's new thing, which is everyone's a while.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Ryan Reynolds movies. Ryan Reynolds movies. Yeah. Well, yeah, that's kind of the thing. But every once in a while, they do their version of a blockbuster. They throw a lot of resources, some big names at like some kind of light special effects fare,
Starting point is 00:06:00 something that you can throw on and be assured that you're not gonna have to take that much. Do you hear that collIPing in the distance? The special light special effects fair is coming to town. But so it's true, this was a movie that... The electric light orchestra. This is a movie that went into production or development at least 10 years ago. And originally Tom Cruise was going to star in this movie and then it he didn't and finally Netflix swooped in to save it and boy are we lucky he did because there's
Starting point is 00:06:30 no other movie like this. Wait a minute, hold on, there's a million other movies like this. Right down to the fact that it makes multiple references to other movies that are like this. They swept up the bits and pieces for manufacturing other films and they glued them together. Yeah, that is what it feels like. They're like, this movie was made out of 80% post-consumer recycled content from a movie. So, should we talk about what happens in the Adam project? What do you do it? What does it do?
Starting point is 00:06:57 The one thing I like about the name is it harkens back to 70 science fiction movies that always had a project or an ultimatum know, oversight and or something or a protocol, but then the title didn't really tell you much about the movie. Can I know? Can I ask you guys a question? Always. I'm an open book. So later on, Mark Ruffalo's project that he's working on, is that the Atom project?
Starting point is 00:07:23 No. Is it that that's also named the Adam project. I think it's also named the Adam project after his wife. Because his son is named Adam. Yeah, and because Dan, because in War Games, the computer was named Joshua after the programmer's son,
Starting point is 00:07:37 because that's what he do in these movies. He's named things after your son. I think because they needed to justify the title. Or it's because it's all about sons and dads. He feels bad about missing his son's youth to work on this project. So he's like, well, if I name it after my son and people say, what were you doing this weekend?
Starting point is 00:07:53 I go, oh, I spent time with Adam. They think I'm talking about my son and not my time travel theater. Oh, it's really for just his standing in the community. It's not really that about his son. He just wants other people to think that. I mean, that's why you have children is to improve your standing in the community. I see I see so that you can put on Instagram and how wonderful you watch the guild today. I know how
Starting point is 00:08:12 shit works. So anyway, let's begin. So the movie begins with some ominous text. It says time travel exists. You just don't know it yet. And it's like yeah, because I haven't seen the movie. Dude, don't ding me for not having watched this movie. Yeah, it just started. You do a man's soul. Yeah. You stupid. You probably don't even know Ryan Reynolds character's name to add him yet, moron, because we haven't introduced him yet.
Starting point is 00:08:32 You piece of shit. I will say there are parts of this movie where I was like, wait, what's going on? And I think it's the movie's fault for not making the information clear. And then the movie will suddenly drop a huge amount of information very casually. The movie, the movie does not really care about its plot or the information clear and then the movie will suddenly drop a huge amount of information very casually the movie The movie does not really care about its plot or the information the movie is a quip and and and 70s hit machine so yeah, so anyway the year is 2050 and Ryan Reynolds he's a he's a fighter pilot of the future and he has been wounded as a bullet wound in his side and he's stealing a sort of super jet and
Starting point is 00:09:04 We have started giving some love and yet Wounded he has a bullet wound in his side and he's stealing a sort of superjet and We start giving some love and yeah, he started media res. It does start media And so Dan so it doesn't start in end res where the movie's already over and they're like what happened today? Let's let's research so Dan Why do you think they play give me some love in multiple times during action scenes? Because the movie is about great song. But it is, but is the movie about love? Like why that song? I don't know. No, I, as Audrey pointed out during the viewing of this movie, it really wants to be Guardians of the Galaxy in certain ways. Doesn't it? To the point of casting Zoe Seltana in it. Yeah, like, but I'm not good complain about that song.
Starting point is 00:09:50 It's one of the things I enjoyed. You were able to close your eyes and just pretend you're out of voice filter. Yeah, you're at a concert. I think the thing that gets to me about it is that there's a certain type of movie where they're like, people love this song. It's a great song, it's full of high energy, we're just going to leach off this song. And the one of the reasons I stopped watching Stranger Things early on was there's an episode,
Starting point is 00:10:12 it might be the second episode, where at the end I was not feeling excited by this episode. And then the end they start playing Hazy Shade of Winter, the Bangles version of it, which is a song I love. And I was getting excited listening to the song. And I was like, show you didn't earn this, this is the song that gets this credit. Like, that's not fair. You just piggybacking on this great song. And take what you can get. Steel it. Steel it. And I like it. Anyway, that's what it's true. But it's a steel's energy would be a great villain in a stranger thing. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:40 But Pablo Picasso once said, bad artist borrow artist steal from the bangles. So anyway, I mean, it's not even an original bangles song. They're covering what Simon Garfunkel song, but still I like that way. They play that riff. It's amazing. Yeah. So anyway, we're three seconds into the movie. So Ryan Reynolds is being yelled at by Catherine Keener over an intercom. Hey, come back. Don't escape. It's too late, but he does. He escapes the wormhole, cut to middle school, 2022, and we meet young Adam. That's our time. That's our time. So Ryan Reynolds is playing Adam, and this is actor Walker Scobal as young Adam, and I'm
Starting point is 00:11:15 gonna call them young and old throughout the movie to just not saying Adam says to Adam. And young Adam is, I just want to, I think this actor is not, I don't want to blame him at all, blaming the right guy. Yeah, we're gonna be mad at a kid. No, I think this actor is not, I don't want to blame him at all, blaming the right actor. Yeah, we're going to be mad at a kid. No, no, the actor is fine. The actor is doing exactly what the movie wants the actor to be doing. And he the least likable young character in a movie since the wheelchair kid from Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Like, is he the most annoying, most grating young person character? Again, not the actor, but the character in a movie. I just don't, this character is a constant quit machine. And I was like, I was one of those things where I was like, is this what I was like, is it kid? I think it was. I was terrible. No, but like the jokes that the kid makes are not kid jokes, they're Ryan Reynolds jokes. It's one of these things, like, okay, we, like, how else will we know that this is the same character than by making him sound exactly like Ryan Reynolds in the same stream of quips?
Starting point is 00:12:09 They brought in Ryan Reynolds script guy to punch out the kid's dialogue. And the whole time I, especially after the scene with him and his mother, I could not stop thinking about that fucking kid in wet-hot American summer that like, consoles the divorced Molly Shannon. It's like, like a little adult like. Like, wins something to get. He definitely he feels like a yeah he feels like a I guess that's what bothers him about him is he feels like a grown up smart ally in a kid body the way he's written.
Starting point is 00:12:36 And it's this kid his only his only outlet of any kind is just these smart ally quips that are written as grown up jokes. And he's just a jerk to everybody. And like, part of the lesson is for him to stop being a jerk, but he like, I don't know, like there's no real moment of emotion from in this kid character, you know, for the first whole whole of the movie. I kept doing it. I do like when he gets beat up by a kid whose last name is Dollar High.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Because that was amazing that they had the character's name Dollar High and it's like, all right, I guess he grows up to be Buffalo Bill. Oh boy. I guess this was before he changed after ingesting the red dragon, you know. That's the thing. You don't realize is when Ryan Reynolds bullies the bully
Starting point is 00:13:19 later on, that's the precipitating incident at the time. It's serial killer. I didn't know this was part of the Hannibal verse. It's terrible. So we'll talk more about this kid later, I guess. But I wanna mention that there's a late, or maybe you'll come up later, maybe you won't.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Watching this movie made me think about how much I love ET and what makes ET good and what movies like this are missing that are heavily trying to draw on that feeling but don't have the real emotion of it. Anyway, young Adam, he gets punched by some bullies and gets suspended. This feels accurate. I was constantly getting in trouble as a kid for getting beaten up by other, or getting
Starting point is 00:13:52 made fun of, like a teacher had walking on people making fun of me and be like, Kaelin, get out of here. And I'd be like, you're in trouble. I'd be like, I don't understand. What was I? I was the one that people were yelling gayslars at. I don't understand why I was the one who got in trouble. And that's Elliott's origin story.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Yeah, that's how Elliott got joker fives. Yeah, that's, yeah, that's why I'm the murderous madman today. He gets suspended and we find out his mom Jennifer Garner comes in to argue his case. He mentions that his dad died recently. The dad who we will later find out is Mark Ruffalo, who enters the movie so late into the film that at one point I was like, did they hire him just to appear in some photographs? I mean, there's clearly another reference to the film, 13 going on 30. I mean, yeah, I mean, yeah, classic. Yeah, and he's, but he's always getting suspended and he's depressed.
Starting point is 00:14:44 He's full of quips. He's really irritating. His mom is going on a date and he's but he's always getting suspended and he's depressed and he's full equipped. He's really irritating. His mom is going on a date and it's another one of those movie book a Henry relationships where the kid is kind of like taking care of the mom and he has to zip up his mom's dress before she goes on a date, which is tells it to make good choices. It's nuts that she forgot to zip up her dress, but like unless that's unless that was the message she intended to send to the date was like, my dress is half long. And he goes, and he goes, mom, you forgot. And she's like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, right. Yeah, I forgot. Can you, can you take care of
Starting point is 00:15:11 that? And then as soon as she's out of the house, she changes into like her real dress. Because she doesn't want her child parent to get mad at her. Yeah, yeah. And take a moment to say also, I'm, I'm sad that these are apparently the only roles that Jennifer Garner gets now is like loving mom and things because as a you miss her being a karate spy, she was so good. The back of the karate spy days. Yeah. But any. Did you like it more when she was that when she was a racist vigilante in the government? Much like peppermint. No. Right. That was like the end of her time as an action star.
Starting point is 00:15:49 I like the tea, but not the movie. When the credits came up and it said based on the popular tea, he said, finally a movie for me. Yeah. Yeah. And you know, you just know that like the sleepy time people were like, how did we sleep on this? Oh, right. And then they nodded off and were tucked into their beds by fluffy bears. The dream. Everyone wants that. Yeah. It, look, if I've learned one thing, it's that fluffy bears can sell me any tea they want and they need paper they want and I will be fucking toilet bears get them out of here. They're so gross.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Yeah, they're constantly like staring at their shit covered fur. Fuck those guys. Yeah, those toilet bears their whole life revolves around shitting. Does I mean, Dan, the more that's going to be the case for you too. Maybe it's just because I'm a parent. So a lot of my conversation does revolve around other people's pooping. Imagine how bad they smell. Yeah. So is that what the other people that OPP?
Starting point is 00:16:55 Just me or in the back. And they're fur with the toilet paper. Yeah. You know, I mean, they are a bad, they are a bad, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, spokes animal in that. The, the shit gets caught in their fur and the toilet paper is not going to clean it out. Yeah. They got to get a day for that. Or just, you know, a bear day. Yeah. There's just nothing like honey and salmon like, uh, no thanks.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Hey, get a money. Anyway, so that's the end of the project. So, uh, so the night that, well, his mom is on a date. She says, no video games and he's playing video games Will these video games help him fight bad guys later? Of course they will because this is a modern movie characters are not allowed to do anything that doesn't play directly into the plot Well also like what the hell does she care? She's going off and leaving her son Yeah, a babysitter let him play the goddamn video games keep him out of trouble
Starting point is 00:17:41 We're and we're also going to find out later on. I'm jumping ahead and slightly that that his dad, Mark Ruffalo, built the video game. He's the weirdest thing where you're like, isn't he like a fucking super scientist who's making time travel? Is he business? It's also a different type of. Yes, it's a different skill set. It's not a computer program. And also that kid would be like, no, I want a real video game.
Starting point is 00:18:06 I don't want video game we have at home. Like, I mean, he's a scientist in the way that like all the Marvel heroes are scientists where they understand all of science. Like, a science is just one subject that you know all of. So anyway, there's a power outage. He goes out to investigate with a flashlight because that's what kids do in movies. They walk into the woods directly outside of their house Like a fucking forest moon of the indoor right outside
Starting point is 00:18:32 Is a Pacific Northwest and you know that kids just beg and define to Tommy knock her out there So what he wants and Bram with Tommy knockers You can't you cannot swing a dead cat without hitting a Tommy notar out in those specific North. You're not doing that though. I mean, please. Yeah, please.
Starting point is 00:18:50 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, though he knows the ground is sour, he still tells
Starting point is 00:19:05 you about the goddamn fence cemetery. Now you're taking a stand on this one. Do not, you can bury it in Salem's lot if you need to, but watch out for the vampires. Take a long walk over to Salem's lot, that's Salem's lot. And so anyway, have you guys ever walked through the woods and you're like, oh great, you see a bear wiping its butt on a Tommy nother? That's the worst. Yeah, I'm like, God damn it, these Sherman bears. They're just wiping their butts on everything. Anyway, Stephen King, we'll write a book about the Sherman bears.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Talk about scares. Yeah, and there's going to be like 40 pages about how milk used to taste better back in the old days, you know, the thing is that cocaine makes you very prolific. That's true. That's right. Allegedly. He wouldn't know. He doesn't remember that time.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Anyway, he finds, he wanders around. We find out he has an inhaler. This doesn't really play in too much, which is fine. Actually, that's good for him to have a character thing that doesn't play into the pot later. He doesn't defeat a bad guy within a hailer or something. And he finds Ryan Reynolds bleeding in his garage and they equip it each other for a while. They argue a lot. They're at roughly the same level of maturity.
Starting point is 00:20:14 The amount of quipping, like it's one of those things where if you ever get, if you ever get two very specific nerds in the same proximity of each other, and they start talking and then they start talking faster and faster and over each other, I'm like, we're about to, we're about to implode. Like we're about to, we're about to reach some weird, horrible spot. Yeah. I was like, how did I walk you to room with David Caelin's? What am I doing in here? This is terrible. Anyway, so it is weird. I mean, like the movie, you know, does a lot of this to sort of indicate how much this character hates himself as a result of like, I don't know, just I guess sad things in his life and the fact that like it's not really that
Starting point is 00:20:52 well. No, they say it's a movie that is striving, I'll give it points. I mean, barely. It's it's striving to be emotional. I'm talking about bears. Instead of talking about bears pooping on Tommy knockers, but the that it's striving to be emotional in Iran. Stop talking about bears. They said it's time to be pooping on timing knockers. But it's driving to be emotional later on, but it doesn't earn,
Starting point is 00:21:10 it doesn't lay the groundwork to earn that emotion. And it's like, it's one of those things where it's like, he's like, I'm mad that dad was never there later on. I'm mad that dad was never there for us. And his younger self is like, dad comes home and plays baseball with us all the time. Like, well, you're mad that dad died.
Starting point is 00:21:24 And he's like, I guess so. And that's why I hate myself. But why do you, like it's his, and human emotions are a mysterious thing, you know, they don't always follow logical lines, but his emotions are so all over the place and not drawn precisely, you know. And even even the way he handles his younger self, like, I don't like my younger self. And if I encountered my younger self, I would have a lot of difficulty, like, not, I don't know, just being in the same room,
Starting point is 00:21:49 but I wouldn't express it through, like, quips and like telling my younger self how annoying I am and things like that, you know. Yeah, that's it. Like, yeah, I would find it very sort of embarrassing to be around my younger self and difficult and like, I'd be frustrated, but I immediately
Starting point is 00:22:05 would turn off the podcast. The amount of the way, yeah, as you say, he had manifested him just being mean to himself in a way that feels weird. It's like, dude, you know, this is you younger. You just showed up here on accident. Yeah. You know, be nice. He also takes, he takes a long time before he explains.
Starting point is 00:22:24 I mean, it's a long, he'll into the scene. He takes a while before he is like, oh, I'm you from the future. And he keeps allowing his younger self to believe that he's just like a drifter with a bullet wound who just struggled in and has the same watch and everything. But anyway, he reveals that he's the same guy. He's old Adam who's come for young Adam. And old Adam is like, I meant to go back to the year 2018, but I ended up in the year 2022. And the reason he's going back to 2018 is kind of funny later
Starting point is 00:22:51 on, but I'll, should I spoil it now or should I bring it up when it comes up later? I don't even think I remember. He's, he wants to go back and stop something that happened in 2018. And it doesn't occur to him to go do before 2018 to stop it. It has to be there exactly at the moment that it happens, which is dumb, which is foolish. Anyway, but we'll get to the specific site later. So we find out that the time jets are coded to a specific user's DNA and since old Adam is wounded, the jet won't let him in, but it will let young Adam in.
Starting point is 00:23:20 It seems like a weird way for this jet to work. Can we agree on that? Cause like, they mean the idea that a time jet, a very expensive piece of hardware would only be able to be used by one person ever forever. Well, that, but also like, if you're wounded, like, maybe you need to get back to where you came from, like, I understand. I mean, maybe it's a safety thing to keep like a jet from crashing into the ground.
Starting point is 00:23:43 I understand, but like, I don't know. This doesn't seem like a safeguard that they know. No, it seems like what it seems like is an excuse for old Adam to bring young Adam along with him on his time hopping adventures, but you're right. It doesn't really. It's similar to a in judge dread how they're like, this gun is coded to your DNA. Only someone with your DNA can shoot it. And that's how we how we learn that the bad guy is a clone of him. And it's like, it seems like a lot of technology to fit into a gun. Like, couldn't you just put a lock on it
Starting point is 00:24:12 when you're not using it? I don't know. But anyway, but this movie has that 90s understanding of DNA where DNA is just a magic thing that can make all sorts of things happen. And also the other like time element is that they have to wait for the ship to repair itself because they're like, we don't actually wanna worry
Starting point is 00:24:29 about them having to repair the ship. We'll just say that the science is good enough, it'll just fix itself, it's fine. It's self-repairing, it can detect DNA from a distance without actually having a sample to look at. It's an amazing time ship. So anyway, the time jet saw busted,
Starting point is 00:24:44 they got to wait till it fixed itself. Young Adam is like, old Adam, do you remember any of this? And old Adam is like, everyone has a fixed time. They're supposed to belong in. And when I get back to my fixed time, my memories will change based around what happened. And they're like, good enough for me. That explains any loopholes. Old Adam. This is a very hand-wavy movie about time travel. Like, I feel like there are two types of time travel movies. They're they're two types of time travel movies They're once that like make the time travel the fun part and be like what's really dig into the paradoxes? And then there once it give me an example Dan
Starting point is 00:25:13 Well, I'll tell you this movie is like primer I guess yeah primer this movies on a time travel continuum where primers on one end It is all about time travel conundrums and it does not care about special effects or action. And this movie is on the other end where it doesn't really give a shit about time travel, it's just about special effects and action. It's just an excuse to have old and young Adam come to meet each other. And that's fine. That's probably the right choice for this movie, but that doesn't keep me from getting annoyed at how hand-wavy it is because without any sense of the rules, I'm like, I guess whatever, you know, sure fine. Well, I think to me, to me, it's like,
Starting point is 00:25:50 I don't need to know the rules necessarily, but like, I want the characters to feel like they care about anything they're doing. Yes. And it said the characters are just like, anyway, this bad guy's coming back, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,'s here. And I'm like, movie, do you care what's happening in the movie? Cause I don't, if you don't care, I don't care. Does not seem to care.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Yeah, like we don't have to do this movie. We can just fucking chill. I can turn you off. Yeah, we can just sit here. We can just do the chill part. Check our phones and chill. We don't have to do the Netflix part. But when I'm watching a movie like Horse Feathers,
Starting point is 00:26:23 it's like, yeah, I just want to see the March Brothers run around. I don't really care how this college works. But when I'm watching a movie like Horse Feathers, it's like, yeah, I just wanna see the March Brothers run around. I don't really care how this college works, but when I'm watching a time travel movie like where I'm supposed to feel for the characters, then I want the characters to feel like they feel. Anyway, they're gonna feel like they feel all the atoms about to have some feels. He's staying the garage and he looks at this photo of his
Starting point is 00:26:38 of a lady, it's kind of in a piece of glowy glass, which is funny because it's like, it's close to the future. In the future, photograph technology is more cumbersome and less convenient than it is now. Oh, I thought that was just his phone. That was like, no, it's a photo of his life embedded in a piece of glass.
Starting point is 00:26:56 No, it's not on his phone. It's embedded in a piece of plastic and the colors are all wrong. Like the colors are all kind of tie-dye. It looks like something he got at the low special at the low special effects fair, you know, so whatever it's called earlier. So I would love I would love a sci-fi movie where a guy in the future is like, well like if we're Ryan Reynolds from the future comes back and he like has his phone, he's like, I
Starting point is 00:27:19 can't I can't connect to any of the internet. I'm like detoxing from this internet addiction. I have. You're still using Wi-Fi? Okay. Yeah. So Adam's mom comes home from her date. Young Adam's kind of rude to her and old Adam watches this in anguish. How could he be something to his mom?
Starting point is 00:27:36 Next day, mom goes to work and young Adam talks about how impressed he is that old Adam is so built. When does he get these muscles? And when does he start getting laid? That was in the original script, Brian Reynolds, and then he got attached. And old Adam, he gives young Adam a tough talk about what a jerk he is to his mom and how he's going to really regret that later on. And they dress up old Adam in their dad's clothes and they go out for supplies.
Starting point is 00:27:59 And this is one of those scenes where like young Adam pals around with old Adam and there's no reason for him to be there. Old Adam goes into a store, he goes, do you have any young Adam? Do you have any money? And then he goes into a store and old, young Adam just around with old Adam and there's no reason for him to be there. Old Adam goes into a store, he goes, do you have any young Adam? Do you have any money? And he goes into a store and old, young Adam just hangs around at side and it's like, okay, I guess he, I don't know why he came with you.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I guess he's just there for bullies to beat him up because who's there? Uh oh, it's the bullies. And old Adam is like, young Adam, they don't want to fight. So you're gonna psych him out and then you're gonna punch him in the nuts. And young Adam's like, okay, I'm gonna do it. And then he gets beaten up.
Starting point is 00:28:27 And old Adam is like, you had to be beaten up. It'll help you become a strong man in the future. And then old Adam goes to bullies and goes, I'm creating a time conundrum here. But if you ever beat up young Adam again, I'm gonna beat you up. But it's like a long, it's a quick way of doing it. He's like, now you're peeing yourself, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:28:43 Wow, you're a real gusher. Anyway, so like it's not really scary or intimidating. He's just a big guy. He's like, now your peeing yourself, aren't you? Wow, you're a real gusher. Anyway, so it's not really scary or intimidating. He's just a big guy. Gusher's? Yeah, gusher's full candies are full of pee. Yeah. They're full of urine. Well, the original ones were,
Starting point is 00:28:54 and then during the testing, they were like, people love the outside. They don't love getting the hot splash of acidic pee when they bite into the stomach. It's more of a niche. Oh, acidic shit. The audience. They go, what if we put fruit juice inside well
Starting point is 00:29:06 We already made the commercial take a look and in the commercial kids heads turn into gushers and then P spurs out And they go well, we're gonna have to make a new commercial like we can't we can't sell people candy with P You like the director of the Bongo G.O.D. Junior Yeah, Bob Goutoni was sure that was the future of candy But Tony was sure that was the future of candy. Nothing like poop and pee podcasting. Please support us. Max, fun.
Starting point is 00:29:27 No, please support us. How else would we continue to do our research into the strange obsession during the 80s of penthouse founder Bob Guccioni, who was at a certain point was convinced that cold fusion and golden showers were the future of America. Speeding though to get off P for just a second. Yeah, one. Like this is infuriating for a couple different reasons. And I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm of these time conundrums. Like what I'm talking about, like the fact that this movie doesn't seem to care about time, except for when it decides to, except for at this moment, he's like, you always had to be beaten up,
Starting point is 00:30:18 we can't interfere with you getting beaten up. Like I don't think so. If we change a single beating, it could ruin the future. Yeah, it's also one of those movies where people are like, we can't do anything to change the past. And then everything they do to change the past makes the future immeasurably better. So young Adam, he shows, he finds the picture of that, a lady in old M says, that was my wife, Laura, that I don't have her anymore. Old Adam goes to a bar because if you're trying not to change the past, you got to get drunk. And old Adam finds, and young Adam's mom shows up.
Starting point is 00:30:53 And old Adam reassures her that her son will stop trying to be a jerk someday and will really care about her. And they, how he really misses their dad. And a young Adam needs to know that mom hurts too. And it is really starting to edge into mom falls in love with her own son from the future territory. But the whole. The whole thing. Calvin Klein. Feels like they're about to start making it. But luckily, Ryan Reynolds, I think sensing that that is going to happen, what walks out of the bar. And she chases after him, but he's gone. But meanwhile, we've got real trouble right here in River Time City. A time jet lands, who's
Starting point is 00:31:29 in it, Catherine Keener. That's right. The evil queen of the future, Maya Sorian, a character whose name they just start using in the middle of the movie. And I was like, wait, who are they talking about again? Also, they talk about Sorian all this time. And like, oh, God, like the future, everyone has these like stupid, it's a cool name, Stupid like sci-fi names, but then like, she's a character back in this time as well, obviously, and we meet her as like a relatively normal person, and I'm just like, but your name's still so hard.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Yeah, I was, I luckily, lucky enough, I was watching with the subtitles on. Otherwise, I would have heard the name, sorry, and I'm like, this is going to be this sick ass dinosaur lady. Yeah. She's hat well ethnically dinosaur, but culturally not. That's the thing. Yeah. But yeah, it does, you do think it's going to be a dyno person from the future, but it's not a. Sorian, Sorian and her and her henchman, Christos, have come in from the future with a bunch of armored stormtroopers. Uh-oh. And Old Adam explains the young Adam about his wife, Laura. They were both pilots. She died on a time jump to 2018. And that's why he's trying to get to her there. And he thinks maybe
Starting point is 00:32:34 Soory and had her killed because she knew too much about Soory and being an evil warlord of the future. And Old Adam tells Young Adam that their dad invented time travel. It's the Adam project. And that moment when he goes, our dad invented time travel, it was like, you didn't even lay the groundwork that your dad was a scientist yet. Like the movie is so, it feels like the movie is just making it up as it goes along. And like everything is so incredibly convenient where it's like, by the end of it, you're like, wait a minute. So the two time travelers are married.
Starting point is 00:33:02 They're dad invented time travel. They're dad's, the time travelers are married. They're dead invented time travel. They're dead. Well, the time travelers wife. Their dad's business partner is the evil villain of the future. Like it's getting to a. And he didn't, he didn't become a time traveler directly. No. He, he like flunked out of college and then became a pilot. Went to the air force.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Yeah. And then they're like, you know what, there's, why not? There's opportunities in time traveling. If I look up my old pal, sorian. Yeah, it's it's a rise of skywalk. There's only one important family in the universe, type thing. Yeah. But anyway, I mean, to me honest, nepotism is the only way Ron Reynolds is getting into that pilot program because he's one of these. Every movie has a pilot. I mean, he's incredible. But he every movie has this pilot where it's like, you know what? He doesn't follow any rules.
Starting point is 00:33:51 He's not a book smart, but he's a damn good pilot. And when you look at pilots, they all have college degrees. They're all very disciplined. Like that's how you're a pilot. Ryan Reynolds is supposed to be smart, although the movie like forgets it at a lot of points. Like I think that he's also supposed to be, you know, Mr. Science, the science. Although they have a lifetime of drinking beer has made him less intelligent. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Mr. Botry has made him, has given him a non-sciencey thinking disease. But if you've ever said, if you think they had him grow a beard so that people didn't confuse him with his younger self. Oh, Jamie. Yeah, it's got those boys good looks. You know, and I think at the end, I think they de-age him a little bit for a scene at the end. Oh, I'm not sure. But anyway, I was reading the information about this later. We'll see young Catherine Keener and I was reading a thing right on, I have to be the go, instead of using de-aging technology,
Starting point is 00:34:47 they used deep fake technology to create the young Catherine Keener. And I was like, I don't know that we should be pouring money and resources into developing that technology. I don't know. I think Maya Saurion's gonna find a way to use it to take over the world. But anyway, so, anyway, they don't have time to just put Cathakina in
Starting point is 00:35:07 every fucking movie now, right? Yeah. I mean, I wouldn't complain about that. I would mind that. I mean, she was in, she was in nailed slash accidental love and she, and she was still pretty good in that terrible. So the, I remember, I think the first time I ever saw her in a movie was being John Malkwetch. I just remember being like, I remember, I think the first time I ever saw her in a movie was being John Malkovich. I just remember being like, I think this is the coolest actress I've ever seen. Like, she's just so amazing in that movie. And so, these armored troops attack, we don't have time to digest the knowledge that their dad was a time-draviling, inventing scientists because the armored troops attack, old Adam,
Starting point is 00:35:40 fights them a while. He's a master of hand-to-hand combat as all pilots are. He's used a lot of future weapons. Yes, Dan. Take a moment to talk about his fighting because I feel like among the many things wrong with this movie, this I think is a big flaw, a big problem. Because he fights as if you may as well be like Black Widow. Like he is super hero level fighting. And for the movie they're trying to make this kind of, you know, sci-fi, throwback, comedy, heartfelt family reuniting thing. Like it would be so much better if like, yeah, he can be good at fighting. He should
Starting point is 00:36:19 not be like super level fighting. He should use his smarts to outwit these guys rather than like, you know, Kung Fu or whatever. Exactly. He should be like me at the beginning of playing Jedi Knight Fallen Order rather than me at the end of playing Jedi Knight Fallen Order. I assume that's true. There's an old adage that I think have superhero comics that's been mostly been forgotten in a lot of ways, which is that the villain should be more powerful than the hero. It means a lot more when the hero defeats the villain who is more powerful than that.
Starting point is 00:36:50 What about a racer, dude? Where Arnold Schwarzenegger fights old James Cahn. That's what I'm saying is that he fights a crocodile. A giant crocodile is tougher than Arnold Schwarzenegger, except that he says, you're a luggage and he shoots him right in the mouth and kills him. But like this is only weak spot. This is what I feel like in a lot of action. In a lot of action and adventure movies now, the heroes are so good at everything that it's never really in doubt that they're going to win.
Starting point is 00:37:16 And you can start feeling bad for these nameless stormtroopers who are getting killed left and right by heroes. With a bullet wound, despiteing still like an amazing guy. And it reminds me of like a what's one of the great things about Indiana Jones is that Indiana Jones knows just enough to get himself into trouble that he can barely get
Starting point is 00:37:32 himself out of like he is just a good enough fighter to be facing. He has it's the Peter principle where he has reached the level of his incompetence like he is he's good enough to get to the place where he is in real trouble and I feel like in movies now most of the time the hero never reaches that point where they, I feel like they're in genuine danger, you know, where they have to push themselves harder to do
Starting point is 00:37:52 something. It's just so easy and everyone's so so slick at it, you know. And so let's talk about some more things. So he's got this crazy lightsaber thing that allows him to do some kind of A O E slam attack that does does no damage to his companions only to enemies. I mean, it's a pretty good. Somehow the weapon knows who is your friend and who is not and it blows your enemies back. It's pretty good. Who's probably bones would be liquefied by the shock wave of this thing. He's not wearing an armor.
Starting point is 00:38:18 He's fine. Nothing happens. I assume it was the armor that it targeted somehow, but it is dumb. Sure. Yeah. I said, Okay. His bones would be liquefied, not turned into dust, where all the future people are turned into dust, because if you're killed in a timeline that is not your specific timeline, you, you turn it, you poop into a cloud of dust like you're one of the many vamps that is
Starting point is 00:38:37 killed by blade. But it makes me wonder like, I love that. If you know about, you know about infinity war and you are not going there for disappearing into dust you're sticking with blade. Do you think he's seen infinity war folks? He knows there's a more recent turning into dust reference. Do you think if Ryan Reynolds like blood out from that stomach wound, all of a sudden you would just pop turn into dust? I think so.
Starting point is 00:39:00 I think he would turn into dust like Michael Jackson in the Remember the Time video. That's right. I'm going to an older reference than Stewart's. Dan find an older reference than that of someone turn into dust like Michael Jackson in the remember the time video. That's right. I'm going to an older reference than Stuart's. Dan, find an older reference than that of someone turning into dust. I mean, the only one I have is Buffy. That's also vampires. Does he turn into dust after he sings a song about how he used
Starting point is 00:39:15 to bang the king's wife? Yes. I think he comes from dust, we come from dust and to dust, we shall return. So he comes from dust. He sings a song about how I used to bang your wife and they disappear. So they did. So Dustin, we shall return. So he comes from Dustin, he sings a song about how I used to bang your wife and they disappear. So they dip, whatever man.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Yeah. Yeah, he's, anyway, so they're fighting, fighting, fighting, they fight, they fight, they fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, they add on project. And who's gonna show up to save them when Christo starts beating on old Adam? That's right, Laura's back. How she knows that at that exact moment,
Starting point is 00:39:46 they need help. Why she didn't show up before then? Doesn't matter, we don't know. It's for maximum needle drop because that's when the song starts playing. And it's what Led Zeppelin's song that starts playing there. And so they run off to get, she's shooting guns. That because of course,
Starting point is 00:40:00 she's also a super bad ass fighter. They run off together. There's a time jet, car chase, blah, blah, blah, explosion, soldiers on hover pads. And so real indoor speeder chase scene. And you said, you mean indoor, like the indoor, the planet, not indoor, like it's an indoor speeder chase, because they're outdoors the entire time. It is, it is clearly meant to evoke the speeders in, in return of the Jedi. I think maybe it's, maybe it's because we just saw masters of the universe.
Starting point is 00:40:29 But I think it might be meant to evoke the armored stormtroopers on flowing gods in masters of the universe. That's true. I think you're right, actually. And IMDB gives the credit. They say it's meant to evoke the, back to the future part two hoverboards. So they're, they're, they're stealing from a from a rich two references from from the 1980s. So Laura, they go to Laura's shack where not a love shack she's there by herself where she's hidden a lot of guns.
Starting point is 00:40:52 She's a love shack briefly. I do love that she she's been on she's been on this earth for four years at this point in this time. Yeah. In this timeline. And she has managed to like her hideout is this like super amazing view Airbnb Instagram. Like the perfect place like man, let me move there. Yeah. Well, you know she bought it when when she bought it. She appeared here in 20 years ago. Yeah. Four years ago, she goes, I know there's a housing recession coming. I know COVID's going to hit. I'm going to buy it real estate. Well, well, it's good. And she and she gets and I know values are going to skyrocket. So that's her retirement package, I guess, but yeah, it's a beautiful house. And she says, look, we
Starting point is 00:41:33 know that Sorian went back in time to this year to get to 2018 rather to give control of the time machine technology to her younger self. And she gave her lots of knowledge about companies to invest in to become a billionaire so that she could fun-time travel technology, steal technology? Yes, it's all sports omnics stuff. They could give it to Mark Ruffalo, or they could take it from Mark Ruffalo and win the future.
Starting point is 00:41:56 And Laura's like, I went back to investigate, I did survive an assassination attempt, but it trapped me in the past. And they do it while young Adam strolls around the beach. And then I thought it was wild. I mean, I understand like he thought she was dead, is re-emniated with his wife. Like they're going to want to do it, which is what they do. But I also still thought it was wild that they just let young Adam wander around where
Starting point is 00:42:22 he could easily be killed by the bad guy or by her own security devices, which as we are all around the house. The thing is that in 2050, Dan, parents let their kids just go outside and play. Yeah. So they just have different values. You know, Japan is the wave of the future. And Netflix also has that show from Japan where toddlers go out to run errands. So in 2050, America's there too, where kids are just allowed to wander freely, you know?
Starting point is 00:42:46 Yeah. This, I haven't watched that. Every time I open up Netflix, it starts pre-playing that two-year-old girl going on an errand and a guy going like, what are you doing today? And the narrator is uproariously laughing at the idea of a person talking to a two-year-old.
Starting point is 00:43:00 It makes no sense to me. I know, I don't understand the joke. But anyway, maybe I have to watch the show, I guess. They do it, they do the thing I hate movies where they're making out furiously and they stop to say hi to each other. Fuck that, nobody does that, that's stupid. Anyway, have you guys ever stopped sex in the middle
Starting point is 00:43:16 to say how, to look into the eyes of your partner and then say hi? I do all kinds of shit. I was, Sue, I know your friend. You don't wanna know. Yeah, you're on the edge. I used to, Dan, have you got pin to know. Yeah, you're on the edge. I used you don't expect Dan. Have you ever been in here to explain what stews are to? I'm not
Starting point is 00:43:29 I'm not a big fan of the romantic sexual high in the middle of love making. Yeah, I wouldn't say that in the middle. It is a process in order to create a child. Yeah. And I should already know this person, but no, I think it's I've just I've never found myself it just seems Declined to me in the movies Maybe it's when it's missing from my love play. I'll try it tonight I'll try stopping in the middle. I'll say hi. I love play again Okay, I'm stopping the middle of my It's like that James Bond movie never say love play
Starting point is 00:44:04 I'll stop in the middle of my, it's like that James Bond, just moving, never say love play. I'll stop in the middle of my sex venturing to say, I'm already trying to imagine you with a walking stick and a backpack. Yeah, I put the Popeyes chicken. I put the lust in wonderland to add in additional protein to help you. Exactly, oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Well, I mean, the thing is, this is what Stain doesn't tell you about his tantric love making, is that you need to eat part of the way through. You're doing it for hours. You're going to get hungry. And that's why I always keep a box of chicken next to me. Yeah. Or so we're like, or at the very least trail mix, at the very least, the shoves and trail mix
Starting point is 00:44:37 in your mouth, mid thrust. Anyway, so this is the max one, plus drive, I should mention. So Laura, Laura tells Old Adam to go back, you've got to go back and stop this time travel from being invented and Old Adam's like, but that means we'll never meet at the time travel academy. And Laura goes, it's gotta be done. We just had amazing mind blowing.
Starting point is 00:44:55 We said hi to each other in the middle sex, but that has to be sacrificed for the future of the future. And guys, on that cliffhanger, are they gonna go back into the past to start aorian? Let's talk about the max fund drive again. And now, as we mentioned earlier, what is the max fund drive you're probably asking? Well, that's the time of year when we, the hosts of your favorite maximum fun shows and also the other maximum fun shows that are not your favorites, we take a moment to say, Hey, thank you for supporting us. We couldn't do this without you. And we need your help to continue.
Starting point is 00:45:26 This is the one time of year where we as a member supported network take time out of our shows to say, hey, we're glad you're members. Here's how you can be a member if you're not a member. And you know what, I'm just going to put it all out there on the table. This podcast started as a hobby, but each of us hosts has had at different times in the past couple of years, a time when this was our main source of income.
Starting point is 00:45:47 This is no longer just like a thing we do for laughs, and if we get a few dollars from it, we're like, that's amazing. This is great. This is something that's become a real part of our lives in a very real sense, but in a good way too, not just in a we need money way, which is why we're extra thankful. We extra need the money, but we're extra thankful for all of you who have been pledging in the past and we're extra hopeful that more of you will join or upgrade and pledge now. Dan, what are you going to say?
Starting point is 00:46:12 No, I just want to say like, yeah, the gratefulness, but also like, I do need, I really need the money. Dan, why are you gripping my arms? This is the only thing that I want. Dan, you're leaving a mark. I've done a little freelance work here and there, but this is currently my income. So please, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you like me in any way, you know, maybe maybe support the show said to me years ago, I said, Dan, what's your ideal job? And he goes, I guess if I could do the flop house as a full-time job, and maybe we're holding a monkeys fall because you got that wish, but not in the way you intended.
Starting point is 00:46:48 So anyway, continue your pitch. Thank you. We're going to just say, will you please join us as a member? If you're already a member, will you please consider upgrading and you can join upgrade, you can boost your membership or you can buy a gift membership, a gift membership. I said, gift membership, but I meant gift membership. You can buy a gift membership. A gulfing membership, you can buy a gift membership for a friend or even an anonymous max fundster who can't afford a membership themselves, they don't have to be a gulfling, but they can be.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Just go to slash join. Again, that's slash join. Membership started only $5 a month and right at that $5 a month, you get access to all of our bonus content. We've got a lot of bonus content over the years. This year we've got a very special one. Listeners may know that we were running some brackets online
Starting point is 00:47:30 so that you, the listeners, could vote on what movie we would do a full length audio commentary for. Well, we did it. We just actually recorded it a couple of days before this recording. So much fun. It was so much fun. We recorded a commentary for the movie Cats.
Starting point is 00:47:41 We brought in our good friends, Natalie Walker, and Jenny Jaffee, who joined us for that episode. They joined us again for it. And it was so much fun to be share cats with them. And we know you're going to enjoy listening to us. Giddy over over so many moments in that movie. I gotta say, you know, over here on the east coast of the flop house, Audrey got some great video of steward and me and Natalie watching the movie with our headphones on and reacting to it Particularly Natalie's excitement
Starting point is 00:48:10 There was a moment to show up not to spoil it, but there's a moment where Natalie remembers that skimble shanks will come up later in the movie and Delight is infectious, but I will share a few of those videos on the the floppess of Instagram and Twitter and such But we've also got years of other bonus content. You've listened to it. We did some special episodes about TV shows. We played a number of role-playing games that Stuart led us through. There's hours to do some more at some point. We might, we'll definitely do some more at some point. Where there's hours and hours of bonus content that you will have access to.
Starting point is 00:48:37 In addition to this year's new bonus content, the full length cats commentary. Now, as we said, some of our members can afford more than others. That's where those gift memberships come in. With a gift membership, you can help someone else gain access to all that great content while also getting that amazing, warm, smug feeling that we all love that comes from helping someone else and being like, yeah, I did that. They owe me, but they'll never find out why. So, and if you buy a gift membership, does the recipient get that bonus content? Yes, they do. So, thank you so much, everybody, for
Starting point is 00:49:04 joining. And the most important thing is knowing that we need this money and also that we appreciate that you're giving us this money, that you're supporting artists like us that you like. But in addition, wait, is there more than the bonus content? That's right, we've got a couple of go go go goals. That's right, not go go go ghosts, but go go go goals, don't be afraid of them.
Starting point is 00:49:23 And if we reach 1900 new or upgrading members, and again, we're thankful to all of our members who stick with us, even if you don't upgrade. But if you do upgrade or you join with us, if you have 1900 people, we will do another one of our kind of raffle drawings. We did these last year, I think, we'll do another raffle drawing where we'll pick random names from our donors, from our pledgers, and you will get a special giveaway from one of us. I'm gonna give away some signed maniac
Starting point is 00:49:49 of New York comic books like I did last year. You guys, what are you planning on giving away? I last year I did drawings. I was kind of open, I said, of a character that you want. I'm gonna, this year I think I'm gonna be like, if there's a movie, if there's a movie you like, a particular movie that you like, your favorite movie,
Starting point is 00:50:11 I'll do a drawing of a scene from it or a character from it and make it thematic to the flop house and those will be damn McQuare originals. And you heard him, you Sonic Pregnant the movie, you get asked for the same. Yep. And I think I got some merch. I own a couple of bars and all those bars have merch,
Starting point is 00:50:30 so something might come your way. So you get some special personalized stuff from the flop house, it'd be great. That's if we reach 1,900 new and upgrading members will have a raffle of all our donors and we'll send those out. Goal two, there's another goal.
Starting point is 00:50:44 If we reach 2,300 new and upgrading members, that's only 400 them more than the previous goal. We're gonna do another movie commentary. That's right, it's gonna be, was this, I think this was the second place winner. The runner up. In the brackets, country bears, that's right. We'll do a full length, country bears,
Starting point is 00:50:59 audio commentary that you can, you know, just play it while you watch the movie. And it'll be hilarious. For a second, I saw Elliot's face and I thought he was about to say food fight and it would have been crushed. Well, well, I don't know, Stu, because here comes goal number three. Goal number two, if we reach 2,300, what would that country bears commentary? Goal number three, if we reach, if we, if we reach, I'll say, if we reach, if we reach
Starting point is 00:51:19 3,000 new and upgrading members, we are going to do quarterly movie commentaries every three months for the year. We'll do a movie commentary. You know one of them's going to have to be food fights. Sorry, Stu. It's going to happen. It's going to happen. But only if we reach 3000 new and upgrading members, torture stew show him your love by torturing your food fight. So please go to slash join right now. Don't wait to do it. Do it right now. I'm going to have another pitch for you in a little bit just in case you forget. But please join right now slash join and we now return to the Adam project already in progress. So Dan, for anyone who was is going to pause the tape to go join at
Starting point is 00:51:58 dot slash join, can you please explain where we are in the end of project? Well, we've learned that Zoe Saldana is still alive, but not for longs, Laura. Laura? Or did we do that part? Or did we do that part yet? No, we didn't do that part yet. But she and the atoms are going to go off and fix history. And I got to say, I texted you something to this effect, but like the first act of this movie is, you know, junk food, but I wasn't minding it that much.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Like, I was like, this is not such a great movie. Like, I don't enjoy the constant stream of quips back and forth, but there's a certain charm to Ryan Reynolds, like just bumping around with his younger self in his life, that the, that once the plot of the movie actually kicks in, I feel like the quality of this film drops precipitously. I feel like as soon as any action happens, I lose any interest in what's going on in this movie. And that's where we're at.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Where the action starts. Thank you so much for that update and also that personal story about how you see that personal. Yeah, it really makes it, it brings it home. So, okay, they go off. So the baddies, they show up. Oh, they found Laura's survival shack and she's like old and young Adam leave, save the day. And while she becomes equipping badass and is just like boom and stuff blows up and, you know, whatever. Eventually, the Adam's jump back in time in the jet and then Sorian kills Laura.
Starting point is 00:53:34 She just shoots her with her jet lasers. The Adam's get chased by Sorian and Christos. And I couldn't tell here if this, they had already jumped back in time or not. But they pulled some fancy maneuvers to hide and then they jumped back to 2018. So I was like, oh, I guess they didn't jump back yet. Okay. The important thing is, they jumped back to 2018. They go and audit their dad's class at college.
Starting point is 00:53:53 And we see that Mark Ruffalo is one of those cool professors who is pretty quicky with his students and only talks about the most broadest principles of the subject. There's all these equations on the board behind him and he's just like, hey, the thing about physics is, you'll never see the end of it. You're gonna do your work, and future generations
Starting point is 00:54:10 will build on it long after you're dead. Anyway, that's my time. Gotta go, everybody, I'm getting the light. Yeah, that part also annoyed me, because he's giving the message, he's telling them, hey, don't be afraid of failure. Failure is good. You're not gonna get anywhere without failing first. And I'm like, this is a great be afraid of failure. Failure is good. You're not going to get anywhere without failing first.
Starting point is 00:54:25 And I'm like, this is a great message, Mark Ruffalo, that absolutely would not be taught in the middle of a math class. No. And then he says, he goes, as the Roman said, it's later than you think, and Rhyme Rales goes, actually, that's from a song. And he's like, well, it is from that song, but the Romans said it first. So it's every dead's dream of their son trying to correct them and then them double correcting their son.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Oh, it's that when it happens, it's a sterling thing. Put them in the place. And they like, they walk in and see their dad. And there is, I feel like it felt like five minutes of just shots of their faces and like music swells. And I'm like, who loves their fucking dad? Well, it's a bunch, but they needed all those shots back and forth because that's how like Mark Ruffalo
Starting point is 00:55:10 like immediately into it. Instantly. That these are both his son from and it's crazy. It's like if you asked, I spend a lot of time wondering, what is my, what are my kids gonna look, where my son's gonna look like when they're older? Cause I wouldn't have guessed that my son looks,
Starting point is 00:55:25 my older son would look the way he is now when he was a baby, although I have to admit, he looks just like his grandfather and his grandfather as a kid, so that was kind of a gimme, and the younger one looks like I looked when I was his age, but it's like, I wonder, what kind of person is he gonna be?
Starting point is 00:55:37 What is he gonna look like? And yet, if my son... He looks aren't everything I went to. No, no, but... Yeah, you gotta learn that lesson. They are in my family. We're a family of famous models to Yeah, the famous boys modeling Academy. That's how it's family
Starting point is 00:55:51 Yeah If my if my son is a grownup walked up to me. I wouldn't be like Sammy I would be like who's this man? What's going on? I don't know who this man is to can I help you? Because because because he has the same musical interest as the characters in Guys and Dolls. Yeah. But the, so he immediately goes, you're Adam, aren't you? This is about time travel, isn't it? And it's so funny that the movie is like whatever, who cares, like they, they're just picket
Starting point is 00:56:20 up. We don't want to waste time confusing him or convincing him. And they do what is the funniest thing to me in this movie, which is they're walking across the campus, talking very loudly about how they're from the future and how time travel is creating all these paradoxes. And then they start punching each other in the face for some reason
Starting point is 00:56:38 and nobody on the quad notices, cares, listens, if my professor was walking around having a loud argument with someone and then they started punching each other, I would at the very least run over to see if he was okay. Yeah, get that shit sent it right over to what is New York. You'd upload it to YouTube with it with the title. This professor, this professor met his son from the future and you'll never guess what happens next. It's also this case of like Mark Ruffalo immediately is like super principled, can't mess with the time stream
Starting point is 00:57:15 like arguing does not let any word in edgewise at first and then which like okay fine, it feels contrived but fine. But then as soon as he learns what the future is like and what's going on, he's still like, yeah, but we should probably just let it happen. Like, well, mind me, there's all these stories where like someone goes back in time and kills Hitler as a child. And then an even worse dictator arises. And it's like, I kind of get what you're saying, but at the same time, I don't really think there's anybody worse than that.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Like, this seems like an unlikely, this is an unlikely argument for not killing Hitler. So when they were like, Hey, your boss went back in time and became Hitler and he's like, we shouldn't change anything. It's like, I know, it's a worst case scenario. I know. If you go back in time and kill it, if you go back in time and kill Hitler and then a worse guy comes, I think the answer is really clear. You just go back in time to kill Hitler and then a worse guy comes, I think the answer's really clear.
Starting point is 00:58:07 You just go back in time to kill that guy. Go back and kill that guy. That's the thing about time travel. Is this? You kill that guy as a baby. Here's the secret. Here's the secret. Anyone wondering, everyone started as a baby.
Starting point is 00:58:17 You can always go back to when a bad guy was a baby. There's no bad guy that Benjamin Mutton came out as Hitler. They are always a baby first. Al, yeah, also, now I want a book, you know, write a book that's like, you know, one of those like gift books that just have like, I don't know, like a deep thought through whatever is unlikely reasons for not killing Hitler.
Starting point is 00:58:37 I don't think so. It's one of the unlikely reasons. It's also, it always bugs me when they go back to kill Hitler in stories and he's a baby and they're like, I can't do it. It's not fair to kill him before he's committed his crimes. It's like, uh, do it. Like, come on everybody.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Like, he's got the mustache, you know who he is. He's a baby with a mustache. He's not gonna change, right? Like, this isn't minority report where we're guessing it what the future is gonna be. Like, he had free will. He used it in the worst way possible. Let's just take him off the board, shall we? So I guess what I'm saying is if you if you have a time machine, you're thinking about
Starting point is 00:59:10 killing Hitler, but you're squeamish about suffocating a baby, tag me in, send me out there. I'll just go do it. That's fine. You know, if you're worried about changing the future, I will yeah, just yet exactly look me me up, test, test, test. This is why I should get on test, rabbit. I'm not on it. I should get on it in case, and I'll say, skills, killing baby Hitler. And then nothing else. I am here for that.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Anyway, so they're talking to him and he feels guilty about creating the technology that Sorian uses to become the future lady Hitler. But he's like, hey, but you guys need to leave. We can't have any more time conundrums. And old Adam really resents dad, and young Adam just wants some time with him. And dad is like, no, we can't do it. And don't tell me about when I die.
Starting point is 00:59:54 And this is when I was like, why didn't they go back to before Sory and showed up? Why did they go back to the year that she showed up? It doesn't really, again, go back to when Sory and was a baby. Like, and take care of. Yeah, go back when there isn't a ticking clock. Like when you have a little bit more time, you can deal with this shit.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Uh, old soran visits young soran and young soran is like, I'm feeling kind of weird about all the stock tips you've been giving you and old soran's like, well, that's too bad because we need to go kill a kid. So, uh, so drink up. And, uh, so young Adam and old Adam have a heart to heart and old Adam's like, I'm mad that dad was never around. And young Adam is like, dad was around a lot. Your mad that dad died. And you're remembering him as worse than he was. So you feel less sad about it.
Starting point is 01:00:34 And it's easier to be angry than sad. And that's what I'm learning. And old Adam is like, Hey, you're right. You're right, he's wise beyond his ears because he's mad himself from the future. And dad is anxious about his sons. So the next day he talks to his to Jennifer Garner about it. And she's like, hey, you. And dad is anxious about his sons. So the next
Starting point is 01:00:45 day he talks to his to Jennifer Garner about it and she's like, Hey, you don't need to be a perfect dad. You just need to be there for your son. And the mom who has not been quippy up to this point is extremely quippy here. And I'm like, Oh, that's where he gets it. Okay. I understand. The old, old and young atoms, they go to the Sorian headquarters to blow up the time reactor. It is weirdly deserted. Nobody seems to work there. Maybe they went on young couple. the old old and young atoms they go to the sorian headquarters to blow up the time reactor it is weirdly deserted nobody seems to work there maybe they went on young couple. I don't know. There's Christmas or something like there's nobody there you know they got Caesar chauve as they off great okay good there's nobody work today and but the bad guys show up from the future young Adam just he uses
Starting point is 01:01:21 video game skills to pilot a drone to blow back guys. You bet he does. Does it hit him at any point that he is murdering people and their blood is on his hands or their dust? Nope. Does he be bothered by it? That is one of the wild things is how quickly they escalate to like just straight murdering people. No, Denise Richard is one of the wild things.
Starting point is 01:01:38 That's true. She is one of the wild things. So wait, so the movie where the wild things are? It's a, yeah, yeah, yeah. So the movie in book where the wild things are is about a kid going to an island where Nev Campbell and Denise Richards live That's correct and Kevin Bacon's day and then the wild Rumpus Okay, so the wild Rumpus is very different than I thought That is some rumpus
Starting point is 01:01:59 So for more East and I mean to hit it, you know't worry. I haven't seen well. Yeah. More recent. That is talking to is talking to his publisher and they're like, you got to change this scene where this kid wore champagne all over Denise Richards breasts. Like we can't have this. And he's like, but I was going to work with the gushers people.
Starting point is 01:02:17 We had a big contract. Anyway. So they're at the HQ and looks like old Adam has got to be killed when a car side swipes him and and smashes into another car thus causing the bad guys to disappear. It's Mark Ruffalo. That's right. Dad showed up at the exact moment he needed to be there to smash everyone. Killing people.
Starting point is 01:02:38 They're they're they're a family. They're in love and they kill people and dad. There's also a moment when young Adam used the drone to blast some baddies. And again, blast them with an AOE attack does not hurt old Adam at all, doesn't touch him, just kills only baddies. It's pretty impressive. And then young Adam says, I'm definitely keeping this when this is over. And it's like, wait, you're keeping a drone you used to murder people?
Starting point is 01:03:00 That's not okay. That's not something you should have. You're a kid. Nobody should, I mean, adults shouldn't have that as the new york times made clear in a in a special report today thank you boy yeah makes me very unhappy that anyway the uh... but anyway that dad shows up and he's like look as a team as a family we're not going to we're going to destroy the hard drive that has the only copy of the time travel algorithm on it that's what's gonna save the day
Starting point is 01:03:22 uh... but while they're there sorian shows up old and new and uh and they demand the drive and old Sorian ends up holding a gun to young Adam's head. But young Adam in a, okay, it's like he hits her hand, which causes the gun to fire. And the reactor is a magnet. Oh, I forgot to mention the reactor, they're in the reactor room and it has a magnet capability. But the magnet only pulls things that are necessary for the plot to be pulled. So like, or to change the moment it's necessary. And so like the buttons on people's clothing get pulled off and pulled to the magnet zapped style. But then she's holding a gun, she fires a bullet and the bullet gets pulled by the reactor
Starting point is 01:04:02 to hit her young self. And it's like, why don't I know why the gun was never pulled by the reactor? It's full of metal. And Mark Ruffalo, a later was like, I knew those guns had those bullets have a metal core. And so the reactor would pull it once it was fired. It was like, wait, so the reactor didn't know there are bullets in there until they came out of the gun. That's the thing. There are, there are non magnetic metals, but the fact that there was a magnetic bullet in there, if it was powerful enough to change the course of the bullet, magnetic bullet in there, if it was, if it was powerful enough to change the course of the bullet, like wanted style, yeah, it should have pulled the gun
Starting point is 01:04:30 away. I knew the reactor would pull the bullet to exactly where young Sorian was standing too, which is nuts. And it was also, it takes eight. So young Sorian, you can tell is very un, is not okay with all the gun shooting that old Sorian is doing. And I expected there to be a moment where young Sorian jumps all the gun shooting that old sorean is doing. And I expected there to be a moment where a young sorean jumps in the path of that bullet and sacrifices herself
Starting point is 01:04:51 on purpose as an, as an definitive, definite, like on purpose, what's the word I'm looking for? The opposite of an accident as a deliberate act is, and it does it as a deliberate act to save the future. But instead she's just standing in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was like, oh, okay. So, Catherine, Catherine, you're doing deep face, Catherine, Catherine, Catherine, Catherine, you didn't get hurt here a moment. And the sorians disappear. It cracks the big electromagnetic reactor even more. And metal stuff is flying everywhere. Of course, they're going to have fights. And their weapons do not get pulled over to the metal stuff. Only the bad guys armor it gets pulled over. I got a question about this. So if young sorean ties and then old sorean ties
Starting point is 01:05:28 immediately, about time gap, but your memory doesn't change until you go back to your own time. Yeah, you gotta go back in time. No, but well, wait, shouldn't, wouldn't it have worked the same way, wouldn't she have been fine until she went back to her own time and then she would have died? Yeah, I think so. So that's would have died. Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 01:05:45 So that's not what happens. Yeah, I think you're right, but that's not what happened. Okay, cool. There's a lot of, oh, you know what? I skipped, I skipped ahead past all the fight. Anyway, there's lots of fighting and blah, blah, blah. And that stuff happens. And yeah, and the dad acts like he knew it was going to happen.
Starting point is 01:05:59 They all run from the night. Christos dies. Yeah. I skipped over the fact where young Adam does a superhero landing with his with his lightsaber and all that anyway Christos dies they all run from the reactor just as they escape just as it explodes and they're fine They run behind blastproof doors and it's one of these where his dad is like if this thing explodes It'll kill every living thing and within a hundred miles Once they're outside those doors, everyone's fine.
Starting point is 01:06:25 So I, he was just, just, he was like me when I tell my children, don't jump on the top of the bunk bed because you'll fall off in your head or crack open and you'll die, which never happens. He was just exaggerating to scare his kids. They've saved the day. Young Sorian, rather than saving the day herself,
Starting point is 01:06:40 has just been a innocent bystander, who magnetized Futurable and dad says, hey, I know, I could tell in your face from your faces that I'm dead where you come from. Don't tell me how or when I die. I don't need to change the future anymore. I love both of them, I'm proud of them. Hey, let's play catch until you go back to the future.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Yeah, I want to say, sorry, like I, okay, I was actually kind of moved by when Mark Ruffalo, because he's Mark Ruffalo, come on, guys. Yeah, I kind of moved by when Mark Ruffalo, because he's Mark Ruffalo, come on, guys. Yeah, he's a great actor. He's a big fan of the script. Yeah, he's in the cut. Captain.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Until we find out something terrible about him, I'll just praise him and say he's a great actor, you know? Yeah, kept telling Ryan Reynolds, hey, you know, I love, I love you. I love you. You've always been special to me. I love you. He says it over and over again.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Yeah. In a way that way that I found generally moving because it actually made sense that Ryan Reynolds, Quippy, Ryan Reynolds would need that much to break through to the soft inner core. But then to the P inside the gusher. Yeah. Oh, what do we do until we go back back and I'm like, fuck you, movie. Cause I can see what was coming. And yet sure enough, they're going to have a catch.
Starting point is 01:07:49 And I, I, I, the movies obsession with father son catch as like the one thing that like it is such a cliche. It is. Think of another god damn thing. But I'll tell you this. I have many fine. I'll tell you this. Of my father. I have some less fun as. I'll tell you this, Dan. I have many father memories of my father.
Starting point is 01:08:06 I have some less fond as anyone who has a family understands. But none of them involved. I got to catch, like find something more interesting. I'll say two things, Dan. One is agreeing and one is disagreeing. First, the disagreeing. When I've like catch with my son, it's pretty special. It's like, it's a moment when you and your child are in tune in a way that's beyond words.
Starting point is 01:08:28 You are just physically moving kind of in a way that is in rhythm with each other. You have to cooperate for this thing to work. You're not competing. You are, it's just total cooperation. And you don't have to say anything and you're just kind of like merging on a soul level. It is very special.
Starting point is 01:08:43 On the other hand, if you're going to make a time travel movie, don't put baseball in it because frequency exists and it's a much better movie. And if you're going to watch a time travel movie that's baseball in it, you go watch frequency. It's a much better. Or if you want to have a good movie, it's going to be about dad's and say, what I'm doing. You're going to make a time travel dad. You go to field of dreams. You don't need to bring time travel into it. At least that's a movie about baseball. Also, it makes perfect. So, it's also a movie about baseball. So it's a great. So a movie about baseball, but still the, uh, the, it's about dads and also about dads.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Yeah. There's better. What we're saying is there's better dad catch movies. So stop doing. Uh, and so, but what's, what's also, it's also one of the things where it's like, well, old Sorian disappeared as soon as young Sorian died. You two will eventually fade away into your proper times. We don't know when that's going to happen. I guess we'll kill some time. So they play catch until they fade away. Yeah, they suddenly disappear. And I thought it would be hilarious if that's what killed more flow get a heart attack. So we both disappeared from the shock of it. I love that because then it's a time paradox. You know, that's great. What came first, the chicken or the chicken dying of a heart attack
Starting point is 01:09:42 when it's egg disappeared. Old Adam tells young Adam, hey, give Mama hug for me. Now we go back to young Adam, he gives Mama hug, a big hug, and she's kind of surprised for it by it. Then we're in the future. Adam is at a space lecture and Ryan Reynolds went Laura walks in and sits next to him. They immediately start quip flirting and he says, hey, you're in the wrong room in the wrong building. I'll walk you to where you're supposed to go and she goes, are you sure?
Starting point is 01:10:06 And he goes, I've got time. And they'll get up and leave. Are you telling me this movie does the ending of irreversible? Oh, not exactly. Not really. I don't want to clean it. Correct. I know.
Starting point is 01:10:17 I know. I'm a very technical label, maybe. But it is there. That is the one constant in the universe and on all time frames is that Laura and Adam will fall in love with each other. And he's a student and she's a guest lecturer. So I guess it's implied that there's an age differential there,
Starting point is 01:10:35 but I don't know what it is. I guess he's also a way of life. Her time with so many quips, when she comes in, before it says that she's a guest lecturer, I'm like, she's trying to listen to the fucking, like, thank dude, she's trying to listen to the fucking thing, dude. She's here to get educated anyway. Stop doing bids.
Starting point is 01:10:48 So, dude. Yeah, stop doing bids. And that's the Adam project. The project to create a man who's all quips and bids and has and doesn't know what feelings are. So, that's the Adam project. Guys, how do you feel about it? What's your final judgment about it?
Starting point is 01:11:03 Final judgments where we say whether this is a good bad movie, a bad, bad movie or a movie we liked. Like I said, during the first part of the movie, I kind of thought like, okay, this is junk food, but junk food has its place. Like, I don't love it, but I could see this being like an amiable time waste or let's call it. But then as soon as the plot kicked in, I'm like, I do not care about any of this. And part of it is because as Elliot says, the movie doesn't seem to care.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Like, I think people misunderstand the idea of steaks where they think like, oh, you're watching. Your movie has to have steaks and the makers of of stakes where they think like, oh, you're moving has to have stakes and the makers of the Adam project would be like, oh, yeah, we're saving the whole world. We're saving the future. We have, you know, like, we have high stakes, but it's I mean, I'm sure I can't reach him. No, it's a good way to kill John. It has to be a thing that you're making a connection to. It has to feel real, and that's what this doesn't have, and what makes it ultimately just kind of boring noise in the background. So I'm going to say, I kind of liked it at the beginning, but ultimately bad, bad.
Starting point is 01:12:27 Guys, I think I've reached my fill of Ryan Reynolds. Yeah. I don't think I need anymore. Like I always see him doing, I don't see him doing a project where he doesn't just do his thing. Yes. And that's fine, man. That's if people like it, but that's not my bag. And it's always disappointing when you reach that point with someone
Starting point is 01:12:50 who you genuinely kind of like for a little bit and then you've seen what they can do and you get kind of tired. I feel like I was thinking about, I was like, I didn't always not like Chris Pratt. Like when he was on Pax and Rec, I was like, there's a reason this guy is a breakout performer on this show.
Starting point is 01:13:04 And then he just does the same thing over and over again. And you're like, okay, I've seen what he can do. Like, that's, I'm over it. I feel like, yeah, with Ryan Reynolds similarly. And he's a weirdo. And he's like, well, this was before his weirdo stuff came out. But Ryan Reynolds, who I don't know if he's a weirdo, it's like, we've seen what he can do
Starting point is 01:13:19 and he just keeps doing it. And it's like, all right. And yesterday I was talking to my buddy Alejandro Arbona about the movie, The Lost City, a movie I have not seen, but the trailer looks very amiable. But apparently there is a point where Ryan Reynolds was attached to play the Channing Tate character. Oh, and I could only imagine like, that would automatically change like Channing T's, you know, like goofy charm to look at this wisecracking asshole character and make a movie that I would definitely not be interested in seeing.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Yeah. Yeah, this is a movie that it kind of, it's not, I didn't like it. It's not a movie that reaches kind of like completely bad bad status for me because it's such, it's like just, a maybe it does. It's candy. It's candy. It's candy. It's slick, disposable candy. It never, it's never really trying that hard to be more than it is, which in some movies is a strength, but in this, it just kind of feels like a movie that's on
Starting point is 01:14:15 autopilot. No pun intended because he's so violent. No, I think pun was definitely intended. But the, the sheer volume of quips just is so, yeah, thank you. Yeah, the sheer, I think Tom was definitely intended. But the sheer volume of quips just is so, you want to ask it. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, I did intend it. The sheer volume of quips is so deafening and so stultifying. And I guess when I was talking about earlier when watching this movie,
Starting point is 01:14:36 we think around the time he's walking through the woods with a flashlight, it made me think about ET, he does that. He walks into his backyard, which is a cornfields inexplicably with a flashlight or a weed field or something. And why do I like that movie so much more?
Starting point is 01:14:49 And it's like that movie takes its time in certain ways. It has a sense of life to it. You see the characters interact in ways that feel like real people that don't necessarily have to have a plot. Like when you see Elliot's older brothers playing Dungeons & Dragons, it's not like, oh, these are the skills that are going to help them out with the bad guys later on. Like, it's just a thing kids do. When you see young Adam playing video games,
Starting point is 01:15:11 you kind of know, because it's that kind of movie that he's gonna use those skills later on to pilot a drone that murders people. And it's a movie that is so on autopilot that when it's dropping plot exposition, it's just kind of, oh yeah, what did we forget to mention?
Starting point is 01:15:25 There's a bad guy, anyway, there's a bad guy. Anyway, moving along that, and so it's, when it does reach for an emotional height, it almost feels a little insulting. And by the end of the movie, it's being so kind of slap dash and goofy in a sloppy way, that it's almost like the movie is like, you'll watch any crap.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Just let's shove it down. You're like, you're watching. Enjoy your more. Piggy. Exactly. And I'm sure the people making it, we're trying really hard. I'm sure the performers were trying hard.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Whoever the writers, I'm sure we're just trying to get maximum jokes and maximum fun into it. But it all comes together as this, yeah, it's kind of like a generic slops do that they're just gonna like. That's what a cult them generic slops do. Hey. It comes, it's like it comes in a can from,
Starting point is 01:16:10 from repo man that just says movie on it and you just open it up and pour it in a big chunk onto a bowl. So I'm gonna say bad bad. You know what? I am gonna say bad bad, but you know what's not bad bad guys. The feeling of being part of the maximum fun family. Hey, let's talk about the
Starting point is 01:16:25 maximum drive for one more time. How about that? So the thing I love most about doing the flop house other than being able to consistently pay my mortgage and keep a roof over my head every month is that it gives me a reason every week to see my best friends and to talk to them about stuff like the Adam project. Every week I get to see my best friends because recording this podcast and that means so much to me. And the thing that I'm most proud of about the flop house is the community that's built up around it. There are people who become friends through the podcast. There have been romance is that blossom because of the podcast. And it's inspiring to me that in this time of strife and division, something as objectively stupid
Starting point is 01:16:59 as this podcast where we did a lot of jokes about gushers being filled with pee and bears pooping on Tommy knockers can bring people together in a community-minded way. I just want to break in. I know that I know that there was a baby that was adopted through a connection made to the podcast and I find that very touching. I've seen pictures of this adorable little kid. And yeah, it's so nice to know that there are people out there who, I don't know, just because we made fun of some movies have had their lives improved in some measurable way. It makes me feel, I don't, it's, you know, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's,
Starting point is 01:17:37 it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, you haven't talked about it. It's a wonderful life in real, in real life, you know, to feel like, hey, you know, this dumb thing has mattered in some way. Yeah. The good part of it's a wonderful life, you know, to feel like, hey, you know, this dumb thing has mattered in some way. The good part of it's a wonderful life, not the bad part. Yeah, like not the part where we're in Potter'sville and, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, the whole country looks like fun to visit, you know, there's an, there's an article that I think was in New Yorker years ago about how Potter'sville is the, is the fun place.
Starting point is 01:17:59 And Potter'sville is actually better than Bedford Falls. But anyway, I want to say the community that's built up around this podcast, much like a town that builds up around a shrine to a miracle that never really happened, is something that really touches me, and I think about it a lot, and I'm very, very both proud and grateful for it. And we've received a number of private messages over the years from people who have found solace or hope from the flop house at times they really needed it. I think the podcast is functioned for each of us in that same way It's kind of given us all sometimes and and help cast kept keep us going
Starting point is 01:18:28 There was a story that I won't get into too much because it was a very private story about someone who at a very very Very difficult time in their life found themselves kind of Sparked to go on by a letter song that I did which is an awesome power that I do not take lately, but I will abuse as much as possible. And so, Simon Flapp. So, Simon Flapp singing out. I'm good at it. Dan, it's a responsibility.
Starting point is 01:18:51 I have to do. Look, I'm like Spider-Man. If there's someone out there that can be helped by a letter song, I have to do it. So, maximum fun. They helped us get some comments from listeners about what the show meant to them. And I wanted to read one. We might read some other ones, another, uh, uh, flood drive ones. This is from Claire, last name with Held.
Starting point is 01:19:07 And she wrote to us about dealing with chronic illness and how it left her stuck in kind of hospital rooms or at home, far more often than she'd like to be. Obviously. And she said, lucky for me, you don't really have to exert yourself much at all to listen to you three, eminently cultured gentlemen. Talk about bad movies like Ouija for literally longer than the movie's runtime. Francis, shout out to the best of us, Halley Hagland. I spend so much of my time stuck someplace
Starting point is 01:19:29 and usually alone, but your podcast has brought me the company of friends to pass the time and stories to help me escape my, shall we say, inconvenient circumstances, which can sometimes weigh on me heavily. Movies are my lifeblood and I love sharing the bad movie loving experience with you in my own little way.
Starting point is 01:19:42 Thank you all for continuing this journey into just the worst cinematic for aesival time for all these years. I truly am grateful for what you have given me. And we're so grateful to take your things like that from fans. It's really means a lot. She then went on to say that she went to one of our live shows once. I was hoping to get our autographs, but we left too early. And so I'm really sorry about that. And Claire, if you're going to go to another one of our live shows someday, DM me, I will make sure to stick around and say hello afterwards. I feel so bad about that but it means so much to us to get letters like that from our fans. It's really exciting to know that we've connected with people and people we otherwise never would have met. To me that's the magic of being an artist of any kind
Starting point is 01:20:18 is when your work connects with somebody who otherwise would not be a part of your life and whose life you otherwise wouldn't be a part of and podcasting is especially special because it's such an intimate medium that even though I'm talking to Dan Stewart, I'm also talking to you and even though you can talk to me, I won't hear you because I'm already recorded. But in a way, I will hear you. If you don't have to. Bill D'Alea, doll. Yeah, Richard D'Ale. Yeah, Richard D'Alea. Richard D'Alea. Make an Elliott that a mashed, it talked to it and go on a journey to meet me. Which would be weird, don't do that. And so now that I've had so many of these experiences
Starting point is 01:20:52 where people have reached out to me and just talked about how much the podcast meant to them and it's really lovely. And so now that I've plucked your heart strings, it's time to pluck those wallet strings again and say, hey, when you go to slash join, what do you get for your membership? Well, I'll just talk very briefly about it
Starting point is 01:21:08 because I don't think you're interested in this because of the stuff you get. I think you're interested in it in the stuff you can give, which is namely money to us in exchange for podcasts. So, the bonus content you get starting at $5 a month, you get all those many hours of bonus content. And again, if we reach our new membership goals, you're going to get even more. The floodgates will open of content at $10 a month. You get your choice of maximum fund podcast patches. This year,
Starting point is 01:21:33 we're giving out patches for all the shows and the flop house patches really nice. It's the house cat himself bursting through the patch with his baseball cap backwards on his head. He's got a big ol' smile on his face. I love it. It's my favorite of the patches. A little partial though, but there's other gifts. At $20 a month, there's the maximum fun rocket hat or the maximum fun creativity pack, which is a bunch of art supplies and things. At $35 a month, there's a maximum fun messenger bag. And another way to get involved in that flop house maximum fun community is if you had $100 a month, you get HQ access, which gives you exclusive quarterly virtual hang time with maximum fun hosts is if you had $100 a month, you get HQ access, which gives you exclusive quarterly virtual hang time with maximum fun hosts and staff. And you get your name engraved
Starting point is 01:22:10 on a plaque, which will be at maximum fun HQ forever. That's right. If you've walked past a wall in a synagogue or national park and see the name engraved on a plaque and said, I want that, well, now you can for $100 a month and maximum fun HQ. So we're just going to say, will you please join us as a member? If you haven't joined us yet, please join us as a member. If, or if you have joined us, please consider upgrading to one of the higher monthly membership levels. Or if you're already a member and you just want to keep it going, we thank you for that too. We really appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:22:42 We want new people to come in. We want people to upgrade the membership, but don't think we're giving a cold shoulder to those old standbys who have been with us all this time. Thank you for being a friend down the road and back again. So that's my turn. You're literally putting food in my mouth. Thank you. Yep.
Starting point is 01:22:55 Right now with your hands. Yep. So that's, and for $200 a month, you get to go to Dan's house and put food in his mouth. Anyway, I can touch with him personally about that. So that's slash join. slash join to help us continue this flop house community of love and dumbness that has brought so many people together
Starting point is 01:23:16 and into our lives. Thank you. Yeah. And so we do have a couple of sponsors. Normally during Max Fund Drive, we don't have sponsors. This is kind of an odd couple of sponsors normally during Max fund drive. We don't have sponsors This is kind of an odd situation. This drops right before the drive. So it's a loophole. It's a loophole But I'd like to talk to you briefly about
Starting point is 01:23:38 Squarespace which is a service you can use to Build a website put together website, it will help you build your brand, grow your business online. You can stand out with a beautiful website from Squarespace. You can use it to engage your audience, sell anything, products, content, your time, whatever you like. I have used it to self-promote. I have my Squarespace website, Dan McCoy Dan, Dan McCoy
Starting point is 01:24:10 Well, that also exists now. Thank you to whoever bought that and put a stock photo of a man on a motorcycle with my face over it. But yeah, every Squarespace website and online store comes with a suite of integrated SEO that's search engine optimization features and useful guides that help maximize prominence in search results. You can sell your products on an online store, whether you sell physical or digital projects, the products rather, Squarespace has the tools you need to start selling online. And all of Squarespace's websites are optimized for mobile content automatically adjusts so your site looks great on any device, which is very important since most of us are staring at these things on our phone these days. Head to slash flop for free trial. And when you're ready to launch, use offer code flop FLOP to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain.
Starting point is 01:25:16 Hey guys, it's me, Stuart Wellington. And you might not know, but in addition to being a Himbo podcaster, I also own a couple of bars. And owning a bar, a small business, but specifically a nightlife business at this now and forever is a stressful job. There's your normal stress of day to day ordering and staffing, et cetera, et cetera. And then you have your, let's say abnormal stress. When a bartender calls you 1130 at night because there's a person in the bar
Starting point is 01:25:46 who is being very threatening and what is refusing to leave. And so you have to go down and then ask that person to leave and he's very threatening and he calls you a bitch, but you have to watch him, make sure he gets on a bus, et cetera, et cetera. That sort of thing. And so, for example, just to get pulling something out of there. But because of that, my life has a fair amount of stress
Starting point is 01:26:08 and one of the things that's been helping me is therapy. Now, this podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. And BetterHelp is one of the options you have to find therapy online. Now, BetterHelp is customized online therapy that offers video phone and even live chat sessions with your therapist. So you don't have to see anyone on camera if you don't want to. And it's often more affordable than in-person therapy. So if you've been considering therapy, you're looking for a way to destress your life a little bit by talking to somebody.
Starting point is 01:26:39 This might be a good option for you. So flop house listeners get 10% off of their first month at slash flop FLOP that's slash flop. Max Fund Drive 2022 starts in just one week. Monday, April 25th. We'll have exclusive Max Fund Drive gifts, awesome episodes, bonus content, and you know what else, you'll just have to tune in. We have some tricks of our sleeve.
Starting point is 01:27:20 Slaves? Tricks? Is it plural? We'll catch you next week. The greatest time to support the podcast you love. Max Fund Drive starts on Monday, April 25th. Don't miss it. If you're sick of constantly arguing with the people closest to you about topics that really aren't going to change the world. We're here to take that
Starting point is 01:27:45 stress off of your shoulders. We take care of it for you on We Got This With Mark and How. That's right, Howl. If you have a subjective question that you want answered objectively once and for all time for all of the people of the world, questions like, who's the best Disney villain? Mac or PC? Or should you put ketchup on a hot dog? That's why we're here. Yes, I get that these are the biggest questions of our time. And we're often joined by special guests, like Nathan Phillian, Orlando Jones, and Pageant Brewster.
Starting point is 01:28:15 So let Mark and Hal take care of it for you on We Got This With Mark and Hal, weekly on Maximum Fun. Let us move on to letters from listeners. Listeners like you, right in and we answer it. That's the premise. Anyway, this is from Damien and Danny, last name it helped. Damien and Danny. A lot of that, that Danny's describing something that has been going on for hundreds of years,
Starting point is 01:28:43 that people write letters to each other and then they get rid of. And as if it's like, okay, are you going to buy this? Do you buy this? Do you get this? Like, are you with me? Do I need to slow down a little bit? This question is for Stu. Wait, that's me.
Starting point is 01:28:58 You should. You ready? Let me put my phone down. Okay, just close all my apps. Okay, let's do this. My son, put my phone down, okay, just close all my apps. Oh my goodness. Guess let's do this. My son, parentheses. Should I be wearing shoes?
Starting point is 01:29:12 You are barefoot that I didn't notice. My son, parentheses 12 and I, parentheses old, are big fans of the podcast. We are just the names. Are those their names? Yeah, it's Damien and Dennis. Oh right, right, right. They're big fans of the podcast. We were just beginning our war hammer 40 K journey.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Oh, yeah. And I loved your war hammer up around many. We wondered, what is your main army? What model paint job is your favorite? And do you have any advice for a new blood angels, parentheses, my son and new cast Marines, parentheses, me, army. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:29:48 There's, uh, that's, there's multiple questions. Uh, you don't have to show it to me. I know all about blood angels and chaos space marines. I got the question. You got goodies and patties. Uh, well, I am a long time player of space orcs. Uh, I used to have a huge army of space orcs. Uh, they are, they are similar to sports.
Starting point is 01:30:06 They are a alien race of fungus monsters that fly around in, in, in massive, cobbled together spaceships and they drive around and cobbled together June Buggies and they blast ice creams and they like to fight. They're great. I even have a space or tattoo. And, but I gave that army away some time ago and I recently started a new army of gene stealer cultists. Now, before you answer Elliot, no, they do not take people's denim. They steal your genes that make up your DNA.
Starting point is 01:30:41 They are human alien hybrids that worship alien masters and wish for their alien masters to arrive from the stars, to liberate them from the evil oppressors of humanity. Only to find out that when those aliens do arrive, they just devour the entire planet whole hog, including their occultists. So it's great. It's hilarious. They're great. They used to ride around limousines.
Starting point is 01:31:02 They're all bald and weirdos. They're awesome. And used to ride around limousines. They're all bald and weirdos. They're awesome. And I've been painting them. And I think my favorite in that batch so far is I painted my Keller morph, which is like a little gunslinger. He's like a little revolutionary gunslinger. He's got three arms. And that's a lot of guns. That's 18 guns. You know, like, there's six guns, but there's three of them. So I like that, I like that a lot. And for let's see, you know, it's six gun is not six guns. Oh, what? Never mind, never I forget it. Never mind. It's not, I don't know. This was a math podcast. So let's see for blood angels. So the blood angels are our space Marines. Of course, they are the
Starting point is 01:31:39 children of sanguineus, the emperor's most beautiful and greatest of all's primarchs, laid low by the archhair tick horse. But the blood angels are suffer with a curse where they are momentarily are caught up in the rapture of sanguineus's dying moments. And that gives them a blood rage, basically turning them into space marine vampires. And they, I don't know, so a lot of close combat troops, I think, because, you know, so they can of close combat troops, I think, because, you
Starting point is 01:32:05 know, so they can take advantage of all their little bonuses for being vampire men. And then for case, it's like when I sing a song, Dan. Yes, it does. Well, similarly, it's the only time I can speak quickly, male. And then for case, based rates, I mean, I don't know, just get a lot of dudes with spikes, man. I love the weird like, the like, I don't even know what the ones that look like spider walker things with all kinds of gun pods on them.
Starting point is 01:32:31 Those things are awesome. Check those out. I don't know. I'd go with all the weird cast space marine stuff. Okay, that's it. I answered. Okay. This second question is not about war hammer. So you can relax, Elliot.
Starting point is 01:32:46 I can take my shoes off again. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This question, this is from Caroline last name with held. In the city, just in time, Caroline N T city. Mm-hmm. Just in time for the third annual flop house cat statular cat Stravaganza. Again, if you want that cat's commentary, be a member of Max Fun. I want to ask movie musical questions. Number one, what are your favorite movie musicals, both classic and modern? And number two, given the tummy of its
Starting point is 01:33:22 release, do you think cats is actually one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse happy holidays and fingers crossed for 20 or 20 cats men of the office? I have honestly had the thought like, did I experience too much joy watching cats? Is that why I'm yeah, that's what did it. Yeah. Like the world's your fault. But on the axis. Um, you know, I, I, I, I, Dan, let me, let me, let me reassure you. Yes. That is exactly what happened. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:52 We live in a dance center universe and you're in a blind. Okay. Well, that, that is what caused Armageddon. That was the end of the world caused by Dan. Distressing and comforting. So there's that, there's that hit, uh, Errol Smith song and Armageddon. I'm a big fan of the music man, mostly because Robert Preston is so charismatic and fun and music, Dan. And the music's good. I saw the Broadway revival just recently. Hot takes, fresh off the fucking bacon. Let's hear it. Let's hear it.
Starting point is 01:34:34 It was fun to have Natalie for the commentary because she'll be glad to talk Broadway with you. But, yeah, I did, like Hugh Jackman, you know, I love the huge act man, but he didn't really bring the charisma needed, which it's odd. It's not like a perfect do not say a fucking word against Sutton Foster. You better have a boy from a plus. Sutton Foster is amazing. Yeah, she's great.
Starting point is 01:35:00 You think Hugh Jackman was not starved? Younger. Sutton Foster was amazing. Tell me something. I don't know. But if you want to just go to the movie, it'll also help you excuse some of the elements of music band that haven't aged as well,
Starting point is 01:35:16 knowing the time that it was made rather than watching a modern revival. You know, I'm pretty boring. I love the movie of Little Shop of Horrors. I think that that is pretty perfect. Well, I'm not surprising anyone with any of this is what I'm saying. But what do you,
Starting point is 01:35:36 well, there might be somebody who is not taking the plunge and watch Little Shop of Horrors. Do you have a hotter take or do you, I don't have a hotter take at all. I mean, classic, classic musicals have got a real, it's a real murderers row of the best, sing in the rain, amazing, Wizard of Oz, amazing, Top Hat, amazing, and then you've got,
Starting point is 01:35:54 I'm a big fan of the Buzz be Berkeley musicals, not always because of the stories, but because the musical numbers are so fantastic. But two movies that I genuinely, I like the movie a lot. I'll just say I love them. I do. And they have both the number's are Gold Diggers of 1933, which is astounding.
Starting point is 01:36:10 And it has some of his greatest work. And it has, and otherwise it's like the whole movie is kind of like sex in the city 1933, but with musical numbers. And the movie Dames, which is a less well-known movie with Buzzie Beburgley numbers on it, but it's also a really funny movie. And modern musicals, well, I'll tell you, what connotes a modern musical? There's a, like, I'm a big fan of Inside Lewin Davis,
Starting point is 01:36:33 which is not what you consider traditional musical, but it is a movie that is punctuated by music that is expressing emotionally, a lot of times, what the characters are into, and it's got that hilarious song about the guy who doesn't want to be an astronaut. And I enjoy, it's not that hilarious song about the guy who doesn't want to be an astronaut. And I enjoy it's not as great as the stage show, but I enjoyed Tim Burton's Swinny Todd movie.
Starting point is 01:36:58 And it's a I didn't see the stage show of it, which was based on a movie, but the movie once I remember really liking a lot, which is a it's got music in it because it's about musicians again like inside Lewin Davis, but I remember finding that very emotional when I saw it. So there's some modern ones that I liked. For another modern musical, I think this fits is the Tikeshi Miyake movie, Happiness of the Kata Kuris, which is about a family that moves to the country to run a, like an inn and their patrons all begin to die.
Starting point is 01:37:26 It's, it's fun. And according to my little phone here, available to watch on to be hell. Yeah. I know they all you should have said my little phony. To be is look to be should advertise with us. They're, they're an amazing. It's like their library is astounding. Like it's just an astounding platform. So. Yeah. Hey, let's move into the final segment. Other than I assume a little reminder about the drive, the final segment.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Weak. Weak. Weak. Weak. Weak. Weak. Weak. Weak. Weak.
Starting point is 01:38:01 Weak. Weak. Weak. Weak. Weak. Weak. Weak. Weak. on this earth been the Adam project. Dan's about to say more be a sin it's going to flip my lips. No, no, no, I'm not going to say anything surprising. I might say in fact one of the least surprising things, which is I saw recently everything everywhere all at once, which currently has the distinction of being the highest rated movie on letter box. Wow.
Starting point is 01:38:26 And it's just making up a word, huh? It's great. It's a great movie. I don't like to check out lights, camera jacks and everything. I don't know. No, he did not like it. And like it's just another reason not to like that kid. But anyway, I mean, he's like a grown man now. So we can be mean.
Starting point is 01:38:45 Yeah, I guess. And that was a grown up. Yeah. Well, I'll actually actually stop me from being mean. Oh, it is. Everything I've ever heard of once tweaked. Yeah, you don't need to. Yeah, I mean, there's no point.
Starting point is 01:38:56 There's no point. You have a podcast. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, yeah, no, I don't know what to say about the Hasad Arivin. It's just, you know, it is a maximalist movie that starts, that works as well as it does because it grounds everything in real human emotions in a believable family. Like everything goes back to the family. It's interesting to me to like, even from the first scenes, you know, with everything that
Starting point is 01:39:28 goes weird and bizarre and wacky later on, it feels so real. And you believe this family, a small thing, but like the characters, you know, Audrey's Filipino and, you know, listening to her talk to her family. She'll switch in and out of Tagalog to English, seemingly at random to me. And similarly, this is an immigrant family that switches back and forth in English to Chinese. It's like a very small touch that felt very real to me. And then, of course, everything gets very nutty
Starting point is 01:40:08 as it goes along. And the thing that I like about it is the movie's commitment to taking absurd things that are funny and then pushing past that into a point where suddenly they're very moving. Yes. And it's just kind of an amazing trick that it pulls off so easily.
Starting point is 01:40:26 It's, yeah, such a amazing magic trick the movie manages pull off. And of course, Michelle Yo. Yeah. Just. And so really Kurdist. Yeah. Yeah. It's a great. We're not breaking any news that Michelle Yo and Jamie Lee Curtis are great, but they're fantastic. So that's my recommendations to word. You know, I am going to make, I'm going to make a recommendation of a movie that I'm sure we've mentioned like a million times, but I saw it for the first time in the movie theater recently, and it was, it was a movie I'm recommending Akira, the 90, what is it, 1987? Katsuhiro Tomo movie, animated movie. 88, I think you're right. It's 88. And it's a movie that I've seen many, many times. I own multiple copies. I own multiple versions of the manga that it's based on. And, but watching it in the movie
Starting point is 01:41:18 theater was so incredible because I'd never seen it that way. And the score is so beautiful and huge. never seen it that way. And the score is so beautiful and huge. And getting to see it on the big screen, you get to really see all the like beautiful little moments in the animation. Every single shot has something new to find in it. It's got so much motion. I mean, like the first like five minutes, five to 10 minutes is basically just as like nonstop as the first five to 10 minutes of Mad Max Fury Road, like that kind of level of adrenaline. And it also may adjust to condense what is a massive epic story from the, in the manga to, it keeps a lot of the same elements, but it also makes it weirdly more personal and focuses it on the relationship
Starting point is 01:42:01 between Tetsuo and Kaneda. And yeah, and it also like brings in new ideas and elements about like puberty and masculinity and all that kind of stuff. It's, yeah, it's a great movie. If for some reason you haven't watched this movie yet and you are interested in a big sci-fi movie, I would totally recommend it. I'm going to recommend a different Japanese movie. What's this all about? This is a movie called Fighting Elegy from 1966. It's known by some other titles too, but Fighting Elegy is the one I saw under. Strecked by Seijun Suzuki, who you may know as the director of branded to kill and Tokyo Drifter.
Starting point is 01:42:46 There's a couple of movies of his that I've kind of broken through to more general field knowledge, but it's the story. Set in the 1930s of a teenager who lives at a, he lives at a boarding house, who is boarding at a family's house and going to a military themed kind of, they call it a middle school in the movie, but it's more of a high school. And he has a crush on his land ladies daughter and they're all very devout Catholics. And he feels guilty about the feelings he has about her. And the only way he can channel it is through this kind of fighting club that he and the
Starting point is 01:43:22 other kids there set up. And it's not like fight club where they like get together and beat each other up. This is a club where they are trying to train themselves to be ultimate warriors and they get into fights with other fighting clubs and they are ridiculous. Like they're not good at it and although sometimes they're pretty good fighters but the the the character is so funny in a way that I didn't expect going into the movie and is so like this innocent who is finding that the only way to channel the emotions he feels because he can't quite express love or
Starting point is 01:43:50 lust in a way that he thinks is acceptable is through ever more elaborate kind of like military themed either a discipline or fighting or things like that. And but it's a funnier movie that sounds there's a scene where he's so he sees the landlady's daughter playing piano and that night he's so turned on that he has to masturbate by playing the piano with his penis. And, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and as soon as he's done, he turns and sees a crosshanging on the wall and he's like, oh, no, what have I done? He's so guilty. Uh, and the movie takes, takes, I'll spoil something and
Starting point is 01:44:26 say the movie takes in a very abrupt turn for the series at the end. It's leading up towards a real life event in Japanese history where members of the military tried to overthrow the government in the mid 30s and eventually leading to the major military crimes and disasters and mistakes that Japan makes going to World War II. But up until that point, there's like a real funny lightness to it that I could really relate to as like a, you know, confused adolescent. But at the same time, it feels both universal and very much of its time in a good way. And like, if you want to see a movie where it's a teenager grappling with his emotions,
Starting point is 01:45:02 but there's also a scene where his friend roller skates into a principal's office and shoots everybody with peas with a pea shooter and then roller skates out again. And that's how he saves him. This is the movie for you. So it's called fighting allergy. The title makes it sound more serious than it is. Look, it's serious at the end, but I liked a lot fighting allergy. Well, that's we did it guys three recommendations. I can't think of anything else that needs to be done. Nothing at all. Yeah, makes sense. Makes sense. We finished out the episode, but one more thing, the max fun drive starts on April 25th. The day after this episode comes out. So I've got some questions for you. Do it. Does it mean something to you to have the freedom to do whatever you want
Starting point is 01:45:43 with the show? Because we own it and we're supported by our fans and we don't have to answer to any bosses or big networks or anything What does that mean to you Daniel? I mean it is it's it's it's it's amazing. I have worked on things that are not personal to me and It is wonderful to have a thing that we do together that is exactly as specific and silly and dumb as we like to do and to know that people also like that. Makes sense, makes sense. Yeah, makes sense. I just want more things to do.
Starting point is 01:46:13 Do you feel it's important to support artists that you enjoy? Oh, yeah, I mean, you know, I do. I love supporting small local creators on all levels. Sounds weird. Yeah, I was hoping for something a little bit more hard felt, but that's okay, makes supporting small local creators on all levels. Sounds weird. Yes, I was hoping for something that would have been a little bit more hard felt but that's okay, makes sense, makes sense.
Starting point is 01:46:30 I'll ask myself the next question. Elliott as as Colombo, has this show kind of helped other people in a way that membership makes possible? Yeah, I was talking to Mrs. Elliott as Colombo the other day and she was pointing out to me that, you know, it's just amazing that so many people get so much from this show. We as the host get so much and we're so thankful for all the people who make that possible with their
Starting point is 01:46:53 memberships. It's there. It sounds like still wound. That really keeps the lights on. All right, I'll drop the act then I apologize. Anyway, it's hard to do it for a long time. So anyway, yeah, we just really appreciate your support on a restate some goals and some rewards. There's all the max fun stuff at $5 a month. You get the bonus content, $10 a month. You get the patch and for each higher level, you get other stuff, our specific show goals. If we get 1900 new and upgrading pledgers, we're going to have those giveaways, comic books, drawings, bar shirts, all sorts of stuff. At 2300 new and pledges, we're going to do that country
Starting point is 01:47:29 bears commentary, full length audio commentary for all of the movie country bears. And if we reach 3000 new and pledging members, we're going to do quarterly movie commentaries. One every three months, you know what I'm going to be, food fight. So watch out. Oh, fuck. Most of all, we want you to join or upgrade your membership. We'll continue supporting us if you already are, because it means we can keep bringing you this show, putting out this dumb podcast about stupid movies. It isn't how I thought I'd be helping the world,
Starting point is 01:47:57 but it's kind of how what we fell into. So please do what you can to keep the lights on and the Nicholas Cage burning. Please consider joining, upgrading, maybe giving someone a gift membership. I think it'll make their year and it'll make you feel a little better. And in the karma, police will look on you kindly for it. So a sincere, very heartfelt, very grateful. Thank you to all of our members and to all of our future members. Thank you from the flop house join us won't you at slash join again. That's slash join. And because we've said so much, I won't go through our whole spiel, but I will think Alex Smith, our producer, you can find him at how old, Dottie on Twitter. He's got his own podcast
Starting point is 01:48:38 called FastTrack. He does show on Twitch with a giant possum. So that interests you, check it out. But I'll just say thank you for listening for the flop house. I've been Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Elliot Kaylin. Bye. YEEE.
Starting point is 01:48:57 On this episode, we discuss the Adam Project. Starring Adam Scott? No. Adam... Corolla? Driver? No. They don't usually name movies after the actor's names.
Starting point is 01:49:14 Starring Adam and Eve? Adam... Adamant. Adamantium? Should we do a different one? Yeah, maybe. Maxim you're doing great.

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