The Flop House - Ep. #368 - The War with Grandpa, with Griffin McElroy

Episode Date: April 30, 2022

What's this? A BONUS full episode in honor of Max Fun Drive? That's right! It's the Max Fun crossover event of the year! Griffin McElroy has already been a part of one amazing podcast about The War Grandpa, over on sister Max Fun podcast My Brother My Brother and Me, and that was without even seeing the movie! What will he think now that he's seen it? We had such a fun time talking with him about this bonkers movie, and we hope you'll have just as much fun listening.And if you love this, or the other stuff we do, consider supporting the show over at Listener support is what keeps the show coming week after week, and we're grateful that the show is valuable enough to you that you help us make it!Wikipedia entry for The War with GrandpaMovies recommended in this episode:AgnesC'mon C'monThe Harder They FallEverything Everywhere All at Once

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss the war with grandpa. That's right, it's time to rise up against the boomers. Do it. I mean, they would be my parents, they would be my kids, grandparents. Time to overthrow them, make this country right again, a place only for young people, like me, a 40-year-old man. Hey everyone, welcome to the flop pass. I'm Dan McCoy. Ooh, thanks for passing to me, Dan. It's me, Stuart Wellington. And over to you, Elliot. I'll take that ball in my hands. I'm Elliot Kaelin, and I'm super excited about who I'm passing
Starting point is 00:00:55 the ball to next and go. You thought you had to throw it so far over the internet. But yet it still hit me with such conclusive force that it took the wind out of me. Hi, it's Griffin Mack. Hello. It's Griffin. Like the Pokemon, we have collected them all when it comes to Mac Roy boys now. But I was in a lucid catch. I was in a lucid catch. You had to really use your master ball.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Well, I know Team Rocket had you for a while, and that made it harder to find. That's true. That's true. Yeah. So, this is all stuff I understand as a 43-year-old man. Dan is way more into Digimon and Yu-Gi-O than Pokemon. Fair, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Hey, everyone, before we get too deep into Pokemon, it's the last one. Which is the subject of the podcast. It's week two of Max Fun Drive 2022. It's a time that we ask you our listeners to put your money where your ears are and then take that money out of your ears and use it to support the shows you love. Now we're going to get into it a bit more later on and I know it can be tempting to hit the skip button on some of those things, but you're going to want to listen because there'll be going to be exciting information about photos
Starting point is 00:02:06 content. I think we've got some great stuff this year and swag that contributing members can get and some heartfelt pleas from us, your podcast pals, TM. But we'll get to all that later. Well, Dan, wait, Dan, if they want to go join right now, where would they go do that? Well, that was literally the next. It's thank you for interruption me to remind me what's in my nose right here. You seem to be signaling that you were moving on to the next segment.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Nope. Well, guy, I said we'll get you all that later, but for now, see, that's the, that's the transition. That's the link. I should have waited to find out. No, no, no, no, no, no, there was a blood coming. Do people skip parts of our podcast? For now, I just want to say I never
Starting point is 00:02:49 have never I'm not a second. You can join at slash join. And I'd encourage you to go there, check it out. Join if you have the means. But for now, back to the show, which is what we do here and our special guest Griffin now Griffin. Hello. Hi. We're doing for anyone listening. He doesn't know Griffin. You're wrong. Of course, you know, Griffin. He's much more famous than the host of this show. It would be wild. I do. It would be pretty., even I'll admit it's pretty well, but that
Starting point is 00:03:26 does just because we've been on the network together for about a million years. Yeah, for a long time. So like at some point you have to have accidentally clicked on both of our shows at this point. Yeah, especially since there's literally been crossovers in the past. Yeah, it's unthinkable. But yeah, Griffin, a well-known hadcaster for his own shows, 130, 30 recipient. My brother, my brother needed the bigger zone. I saw a tweet today, not to do real things instantly, but I did that. Twitter got sold. No, somebody tweeted that 30,
Starting point is 00:04:07 like things changed for me when I realized 30 under 30, bought their way into that position. And I felt scandalized by that, because I did, I, we're at first of all, where would I get that kind of money to bribe a force? Maggis. Yeah, I mean there are mags,
Starting point is 00:04:24 they have all the money. Right. There's all this money in are mags. They have all the money. There's all this money in print magazines. I mean, the word famous in your description has podcast or after it. So I assume you don't have Forbes bribing money. Like that's the, yes. Precisely.
Starting point is 00:04:38 No, yes, it should all be, you know, tech rose and like, I don't know, people who own, like diamond mines all over the globe. But the place I was trying to steer this podcast, well, first of all, let me explain the premise to those coming in for the first time. As in again, I want to say what the premise is and then I'm going to correct it. Okay, well, I know what else can do, but I won't, I will guess, and rather than know that this is a podcast. We've watched a movie that was a critical or a commercial flop, and then we talk about it. I thought I might say that. I just remind listeners
Starting point is 00:05:17 a couple episodes ago before Max one drive started. We took a vote on air, and we officially changed the premise of the show, too to the place where people air their different opinions about Topeka Kansas. Yeah, so write them in. I don't have one. Well, I mean, that is not kind of a bummer. I feel like that should have come up in the pre-interview. I've got to talk to our guest booker. I think just sort of a general lack of interest or knowledge is a take. I don't know that I've ever been to any city though, where like I've left it and been like
Starting point is 00:05:49 that whole city suck shit. And anybody who lives there is an idiot. You know what I mean? And I don't think Topeka would be the first one to sort of like process fashion. That's very fair of you. Yeah. Maybe that's the touring performer side of me. Which is like, I can't say like, thanks for fucking nothing to peek out of here.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Losers. But so yeah, we're a movie podcast and yeah, the stars aligned to get you on the show for this one because listeners to your own show know that there was a show where you abandoned the entire premise of your your show to just talk about the war with grandpa sight unseen. Yeah. And so. We've, and it was such a, it's one of those,
Starting point is 00:06:34 you all know when you're on a, on a tear, when you're pitching a perfect game on in a podcast episode, you're like, is this it? Is this the moment? And that was that, it just the stars aligned and it worked out for us that we got to do a whole episode about one joke. And it was the easiest day of work in my life because you just get to make the one joke over and over again.
Starting point is 00:06:54 And you can just fucking coast on it and do whatever else you want. So that was pretty miraculous. And you know, we've had a few things approach that. Man versus B on Netflix, we, it looked like we were gonna go go maybe at least half an episode talking about that breaking that down one joke. But yeah, war with grandpa is it.
Starting point is 00:07:12 That's the gold standard for me, baby. Well, and the beauty is you share that with war with grandpa. There's basically one joke that just gets sort of extended. Yeah, there's there's there's man. So it's are we in it. Yeah, we's there's a there's man So it's are we in it? Yeah, we're gonna talk about that. So Stuart's gonna take a look before we can talk about the plot of the movie We have to get through about 10 hours of production logo That are enough but they're in the font that you know like this is not good I've never seen a great film open with the font tree of these
Starting point is 00:07:43 I've never seen a great film open with the font treatment of these. Yeah, slow goes entitled. The credit, yeah, the credits hit me like, oh, they went with silly credits. Oh, no, this is not a new credit. So silly credits and yet for some reason, they also decided that this movie would have a heavy like hip hop sound. Yeah. Like it. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:00 It seems incredibly inappropriate to movie with, I think three black people in it who are all play service workers in different places. I have seen more professional titles in a browser's production as well. Now I will say in their defense, browsers, they seem to have invested in a high quality title computer. It may as well have been comics. And then you, and then you know, that's when. So the movie opens, of course, like you'd imagine it would on the first day of sixth grade
Starting point is 00:08:35 for our young heroes who are lamenting the shift in power. I so thought it was going to say in media red. Yeah. Not this time. This is the first line got shot on a mountain. His ghost says I suppose you wondering how I got here. For his hell, especially with your own
Starting point is 00:08:54 grandson, let me explain record scratch. Yeah. So we're we're in what junior high high school. I don't remember six grade. Yes, like middle school. It's the first first year middle school. Yeah. It's a bummer. So we cut to, yeah, like they're sad, like there's bullies, there's an evil older sister, etc. You know, you know the trail. They, they, it is very loosely sketched out. Yeah, there's a, there's, this is a very antagonistic film.
Starting point is 00:09:22 There's a lot of, there's a lot of bad people in sort of all sectors of this war. The thing about it is that the bullies and the evil older sister who does embarrassing things only seem like it's not like they're embarrassing them in front of other kids in the school. Like they're just embarrassing them in front of their friends. And I'm like, I wouldn't care.
Starting point is 00:09:41 I don't care what my friends know about me. So here's my theory. Well, the graphic you talking about is to give my theory. I don't care what my friends know about me. So here's my theory. Well, at the graphic you talk, and I'll give my theory. I was just gonna say that the bully and the girl who bullies the younger brother and the younger brother, and so many characters in this film, Christmas girl,
Starting point is 00:09:57 like there's so many characters in the film whose sole role is to walk on and just say, I'm a bully and then walk off of the screen. There's definitely a lack of internal life in most of the characters. And that's true. Yes. It's like a Saturday.
Starting point is 00:10:10 If the sister shows up, you know, it's like a Saturday night life sketch that's based on celebrity personalities. They just come on, say what their deal is and then they go. No, I guess. Yeah, there's not much evolution for bully or sister sister. So I mean, they don't walk on it's like, here's a diaper.
Starting point is 00:10:28 It's yours, idiot. Hi. And they don't, they don't even give the bully a second catchphrase. He has one that uses over and over only to eventually be hoisted on his own petard. Yeah, whoever turn around. Here's my theory about it.
Starting point is 00:10:41 This is, I think, maybe this school is being run on the Bayside High Model, where, as enslaved by the bell, there were seven kids in the whole grade, and they were famous, and everybody knew them, and all the other kids were barely, they were just, they're hired by the school to be extras for the adventures of these six or seven kids. I think it's like that.
Starting point is 00:10:59 It's a new thing. There's only six graders. At one point, Bayside buries a fucking time capsule and it's only filled with like six students memories. What the fuck? Yeah, it's just amazing. It's amazing that they were able to bury that time capsule, considering in another episode, it was made clear that there is oil in the ground, in the pond behind the school.
Starting point is 00:11:24 They skipped all the scenes where Bayside forms a democratic republic and chooses six representatives to send their legacy forward through times. I was imagining a similar backstory, but where those six, you don't have something on Mr. Belding. Like, well, it's clear that Mr. Belding is an imposter. He committed a crime and appeared at that school on the day that the real Mr. Belding was supposed to show up and say, this is sort of a drill bit Taylor sort of situation you think?
Starting point is 00:11:52 To be honest, never seen drill bit Taylor. Don't really know. So, oh, that's a shame because this movie has big drill bit Taylor in it. Okay. Fair, fair. So you guys ever see the same by the bell where there's going to be a new school song and the and the main characters decide they don't like it. So they write a new one.
Starting point is 00:12:10 And the new school song is all about how they're graduating now and they're going to miss all the all the parties and all the dances. And I was like, there are students who are still going to be at that school for years. Like this is the song. The song is just about what our heroes are feeling right now at this moment. It was ridiculous. Only 16 of this. Okay, guys. So grandpa has to live at home because he can't use a self-checkout machine and then he overreacts and causes a riot at the grocery store. That's self-checks out. Yeah. Yeah. I understand that this film was not engineered for my specific taste, unlike the rest of
Starting point is 00:12:47 the media. But is there, are there people whose suspension of disbelief can reach far enough to cover how hard a time he has with the self-checkout? It's, if anything, I find a bag of pizza rolls that are wet that have been like sitting in your cart for a while. And you scan the barcode, you know, you can miss by three inches with the barcode, all wet and wrinkled up, and it'll still get that shit. I feel like self-scanning technology has come so far,
Starting point is 00:13:17 and this film did not acknowledge that fact whatsoever. Yeah, he seems just so generally baffled, that it's like, I mean, UPC code technology, like that's like from like the 60s or 70s. So like, yeah, I mean, later on his inability to scan, he uses to pick up, like flirt with Jane Seymour. So maybe the whole time it's a bit. It was a long con.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I don't, I mean, he didn't need a, his Robbie D. He didn't need a gimmick. Yeah, I mean, she said he can, he the, he can swoop, he's fine. And I mean, it'd be one thing if it was like while he's using that self checkout, it keeps thinking that he has a bag or that he's removing items. Yeah. He's not like, that happens to me all the time. Yeah, that happens. I could say, maybe this is, maybe this is an unofficial, I mean, he's a character who builds
Starting point is 00:14:01 houses and here's how I'm going to spin this. This is an unofficial sequel to the Irishman. And when they say he builds houses, really, they mean he paints houses, which, he's a character who builds houses. And here's how I'm gonna spin this. This is an unofficial sequel to the Irishman. And when they say he builds houses, really they mean he paints houses, which means he's an assassin. And he's been in jail for a long time and he's like, birdie in Shawshank, he gets down. And he's like, oh, things move faster here now.
Starting point is 00:14:17 They got robots that count the numbers for you when you wanna buy things. I don't know how to talk to these communities. We'll save the word. I know how to use the words of this future time. So his daughter Sally played by Umatherman convinces in a surprising casting. Yes, very surprised to see Umatherman in this.
Starting point is 00:14:38 This was a weird thing where like, I was always mentioning that all that Jennifer Garner can get is mom roles, the last for the last movie that we want to roles. And get to roles. This one I was kind of like, oh, it's nice to see Uma Thurman get to play kind of like a normal person for once. Yeah, I think she's the same thing.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Yeah, normal person who becomes increasingly unhinged. She doesn't even know. She doesn't even know. She doesn't even know. She doesn't even know. She doesn't even know. She doesn't even know. She doesn't even know. She doesn't even know. I feel like there was another, I feel like there hanger about her daughter's dating life, which I never understood, but we'll get there. I feel like there was another, I feel like there were a couple other movies happening at the same time of this movie in the background of the movie.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Well, this is, so this movie is set up in a, it feels very much like a Disney sitcom, but like in movie form, we're like, there's all these little characters who have their little arcs and, and B plots and C plots. And whereas in this way, I think it is a better movie than being the Ricardo's, which is also where sitcoms stretched out to movie length, but they didn't really have fully, you know, here I felt that the, it felt more like sitcoms, storylines that had endings and things like that. But it felt like a bunch of scenes. I feel like I watched, I definitely watched a bunch of
Starting point is 00:15:45 scenes today. And there were characters in dialogue in each one and props. It is funny that and we'll get to like, there's a couple of times where you're like, oh, I guess the war is over now. No, okay. Yes. Oh, no, it's left. Well, we'll get there. So, uh, yeah, so he's forced, uh, grandpa's forced to abandon the home that he built with his own two hands, like a real American. And he has to move into his grandsons. I'm assuming Jiz and Crested bedroom. I mean, he's in sixth grade.
Starting point is 00:16:14 So yeah, it's the beginning of it. I don't know if it's fully encrusted, but it's implied. So the grandson, in this case, Peter has to move into the attic and he is not happy about it. Let's look at our dramatic or so now. Real quick. I would like to say that part of the reason Peter's unhappy about moving into the attic is, despite the fact that there appears to be no particular like ticking clock on De Niro
Starting point is 00:16:41 having to make this move, they move him in while Peter stuff, like seemingly is still in his old room. And the attic is still fully unfinished. He's filled with also bass and rest. Yeah. It is, it is like he is moving into Baba Yaga's home. Like he does not, this is not a space that any moving into Baba Yaga's club. Like, he does not, this is not a space that any person would have in a home without having placed like phone calls to the city. It doesn't feel like there should be a bubbling cold, spiritual vlog in there too.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Yeah, that's exactly. But on the other hand, I don't know about you guys, but if I, when I was a kid, if somebody was like, hey, you got to go move into this cool attic. I'd have been down. Yeah, my first thought was, yeah, finally, you got to go move into this cool attic. I'd have been down. Yeah. My first thought was, yeah, finally, you get to move to the attic. Fantastic. Go for it.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Yeah, enjoy that. No, Kevin McCallister was probably pumped to get some, some, some, some day of time. So, yeah. Yeah. He's, it applies like the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the me. Look, I'm going to tip my hand early and say that I'm on grandpa's side through
Starting point is 00:18:06 most of the last team grandpa. Okay. Team grandpa is one and the thing is, it's very hard for the movie to do that, considering that Robert De Niro is an elderly man and theoretically should know better than this child. But the child seems the child knows no restraints. So that's a child. Yeah. did no better than this child, but the child seems to be. The child knows no restraints. So, yeah. That's a shit. Yeah. And anyway, I was looking up on IMDB
Starting point is 00:18:29 and the child actor, can I make fun of his name, Dan? It's something like Oakley Fudgebitt or something like. It's named Folk Fagley. I mean, it's not me. That's hilarious. I guess he can make fun of his name
Starting point is 00:18:39 because he didn't give himself that name. I assume his parents did. Yeah. Well, I'm making fun of his parents, okay? So our journalist, so now he was also in the new version of Pete's Dragon. So does he only play characters named Pete? Mm-hmm. It's possible.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Yeah. That's awesome. So, yeah, once again, our journalist, so now Sally is the mom. Okay. Arthur played by Rob Regal is the dad and every time he's the computer. This is the two people, first the two people who who in this movie that I've worked with personally. That's an easy one. That's an easy guess.
Starting point is 00:19:08 That's an easy one. It's a daily show guy, but the other one, I'm going to see if you can guess who the other person in the movie is that I've worked with when they come up. Cool. Well, we got weach Marin. Oh, she's Marin. I wish I'd have nothing of a question about what it was like to be hyena on the set of the Lion King.
Starting point is 00:19:24 How the set of the Lion King. I'm not sad. Yeah. It was like getting into that Hyena costume. The Mia is the eldest daughter who's got boy problems. The prime is her. Well, not really. I mean, her boy problem is just that she has a boyfriend. She is successful.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Yeah. I was going to ask you like, look, I had a very hard time keeping my mind on what was happening in the war with grandpa, filmed that evaporates as it moves past you. There's not a lot of movie there, there's not a lot of movie there. But was there ever a real reason why this was a bad boyfriend or is it just typical, like sitcom parents,
Starting point is 00:20:02 like panicking? He seemed lovely. He seemed really, He seemed sexually. I think at the end, he like brings flowers to her grandfather in the hospital. We're just supposed to visit him on the hospital. I knew with her, and I was like, no, get outta here. It's like that's the, no, that's the key thing.
Starting point is 00:20:15 I would say the worst thing about him is that every time her mom walks into the room, he like stands up and looks guilty. He does stand up as if he is pulling his pants up in the same motion. But other, there's nothing wrong, other than not wanting their little girl to, to cross that threshold in to womanhood, to the, the terminus asked if you will. Now, being the father of boys, I of course want them to hurdle through that threshold. And this is a, this is a constant, this is a constant battle of wills between
Starting point is 00:20:43 the parents of girls and the parents of boys. That's really not for generations. That's the war with mom and dad is what that is. Ali, did you work with Jane Seymour? No, I did not work with Jane Seymour. That would be so. So, man. All right.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Well, finally, we have Jenny as the youngest daughter who's this Christmas-obsessed little urchin. Yeah. Peter's friends encourage him to go to war with grandpa for his bedroom and we're all, I guess, along for the ride. That's usually how it is with a movie. We are usually along for the ride with whatever has. During this one, during this one, I said, no, don't do it. And the actor looked up at the screen and he's like, you're right. Cooler has prevailed. You know what? I should not go to war with grandpa. He is aged. He is an aged widower.
Starting point is 00:21:27 What was I thinking? Sleeping in an attic is pretty cool. You know what? Who's who's genitalia upon gazing on it causes like horror. We'll turn you to stone. Yeah. The switch happens so fast too, because like the kid, like, I mean, the kid is, is whiny about it. But at first, like, it seems like everything's cool.
Starting point is 00:21:47 And like grandpa's not happy to be there either. Grandpa just not wanting to, he just, he, he lost his wife. Yeah, exactly. It's unclear when he lost his wife. It's unclear how long ago that was. Uh, yeah, but you think they should have that, they should have a scene, right? They should have like a scene where she gets hit by a car or something. Well, it's just the picture that he looks at of her
Starting point is 00:22:06 is she looks very young. And so I was like, is this someone that he's lived without for a long time or as he'd been on his own for a short amount of time? It's Robbie D. Baby. You know he is. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm. I'm. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm. I'm sorry. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I than him. I think we get absolutely angry. I'm suddenly laughing very hard. The idea of she fell over it. She fell over it. Stewart self-funding of prequel to the world with grandma. So, there you can be a scene of grandma. It's called the hit by Clark.
Starting point is 00:22:38 It's called the death. The word before the word grandma, called in the death of grandma. Look, there were too many unanswered questions and now I fix the movie. It's like how I met your mother, you keep thinking this is how grandma's gonna die. And then she doesn't until the next day. Oh yeah, yeah. They should just put in the intro to up, man.
Starting point is 00:22:58 That should just be every time. It just show me a grandma and grandpa where the grandma dies. And then like, and then show me your movie and like all already be in the zone You know what I mean? I mean they already had those cool like anime-looking credits Just have it say remember up that happened You know what we just watch up No, you don't say that because then nobody wants to work grandpa Yeah, you don't talk a lot about movie mashups.
Starting point is 00:23:26 But yeah, that would be dope. That would be the war with grandpa up mashup. That's I was trying to push a mashup called Terminator 5 Short Circuit 3. I couldn't get it off the ground. What? What if the war with grandpa started though and like it ran like through like you know half a reel and then Robert De Niro stopped turned to the camera and said,
Starting point is 00:23:48 look, that was just for the FBI. I think we're gonna show you up. We need it. I read the screenplay for this. This is not a project you want to watch. We did you a solid. We're gonna just sit here and watch up again. We did not get permission from Disney.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Please be cool about this. Okay. Yeah. This is substitute teacher rules. We're going to put on a good movie right now. You cannot tell my boss. Don't tell your parents. Don't tell the teacher when she comes back, but we're going to watch the seven up series instead of what they had. So Peter is mulling over this idea of going to war with grandpa. He, as we mentioned, gets chased by a bat. Mouse eats through his electrical cord and he discovers a very large wet spot on his pillow. And I'm like, I think you're use to that stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:37 I think you know where that came from. Now, do you think it? What if he saw the bat and he goes, huh, grandpa's are a superstitious and cowardly lot. I will dress as a bat. And then the rest of the movie, he's the same movie, but he's dressed as a bat the whole time. That would have been an improvement. So he issues a declaration of war at Nana piece of paper with pretty cool penmanship. It's a trapper keeper level writing. Grandpa reads
Starting point is 00:24:58 it and is like, what the fuck? He also signs it. We can it, he signs it secret warrior. And that's not like set up in any way, like that nickname. It's just, and seeing that was gave me the biggest douche chills I think ever. Even though it was a fictional character doing it, the idea of someone signing a letter as the secret warrior just really sent a chill up my body. I feel like when I was in sixth grade, I would have come up with a way cooler.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Yeah. Well, it's a short step from this declaration of war against his grandpa to his YouTube videos about how we got a march on the Capitol because they're stealing our friends. And it's all in all these all these a feminine woke men are destroying our soul, the soul of our nation. You're like, uh, don't do that secret. Grandpa. So we get some scenes. Uh, this is one of many scenes where grandpa has troubled, uh,
Starting point is 00:25:50 handling technology. He just can't understand an iPad. Um, see, uh, there's an older sister, uh, there's a scene where Rob Regalsles at work using his computer and I can only assume he's visiting Ashley He just gives off that vibe. There was a whole sort of like side plot about Rob Riggles job that I assume must have had some payoff and some version of the movie, but did not. You'd think it would, because he's an architect who designs big box stores and he's very sad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:28 And later on, he tells grandpa, the titular grandpa that Peter is at war with. He tells him, oh, young and enter this contest to design the addition to the new library. And that, yeah, you never find out. That's it. It's like the guy. Yeah. You never find out if he wins or not. Like it's, and it's the most. Yeah. You never find out if he wins or not. Like it's and it's the
Starting point is 00:26:45 most heartbreaking way they could have told that story. This fan's terrible, terrible, soulless life that he has at like at home and at work. Like they, they definitely cut out a scene that is one hour long of him just sitting in his car in the driveway, just kind of staring into the middle distance. And then they show him, here's my dream. But then like we, we don't, that dream is just fuel for the war on grandpa. Yeah, there's, there's got to be, there, there was a scene probably of him sitting in his car eating a singular hot dog for lunch.
Starting point is 00:27:20 I mean, knowing, knowing Rob Reggol, he's probably sitting there singing along to like the best of Kansas or something like that. We know Rob Regal. Rob Regal, it's cool. Yeah, but I mean, I do know him, but here's what I'm going to say. Fargo, the co-embrothers film, it's a beautiful piece of work. It's I think they're masterpiece. It's a fairly bleak movie.
Starting point is 00:27:40 There's a lot of darkness to it. Even that movie tells you whether the husband won his duck painting postage stamp contest. The war with grandpa just leaves Rob Regal hanging in the lurch. Nobody knows. Sure is. Sure is. Roting his contest here.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Is this the Walmart scene or the Walmart came out? Yeah, so this is the scene also. Like I forget which way it goes, which thing he's supposed to be doing, but he's. It doesn't matter which I think he's supposed to be doing, but he's like, it doesn't matter. Yeah, he's supposed to be doing Walmart, but it's came art or vice versa. And then he starts sort of like monologuing to his boss about how like his life is stressful
Starting point is 00:28:17 right now because his father and law moved in with him. And she sort of like rolls her eyes in the background. She just walks away. She walks. She's like, I'm really under control. And I, on She just walks away. She walks. She's like a million tourists. And I, on the one hand, that's a rude way to end a conversation. On the other hand, the fact that we're supposed
Starting point is 00:28:33 to sympathize with Rob Rickle, it's his character here where it's just like, yeah, it's a pretty big fuck up. If you think it's supposed to be Walmart, but it's K-Mart and then you're working. And you should lose your judge. That's a pretty, I would imagine major account. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Yeah. It's the biggest company on earth. I mean, Walmart is enormous and Kmart is going out of business. So why are you doing it for Kmart? I get the four of the letters are the same. Yeah. Are you designing Kmart's Sepple Curse? Okay, guys. So now we're into the good stuff. You know what I was doing
Starting point is 00:29:07 this for Martin mall all this time. Sorry boss. I give my marks mixed up. Guys, this next scene is when things start getting sweet because of course, that's when grandpa goes to hang out with his friend Jerry and Danny. Hell yeah. Chris for Walgain, living his best life, saying, zoomer type shit. Then they go for a walk together. And that means we get Chris Perwalgan, Bobby D and Cheech mayor and just walking around. Yeah. Yeah. Best part of the movie because you just imagine that you're right there with them. I want to put your reality headset that put me hanging out with those three old men. Love it. I agree that between like the three of them and
Starting point is 00:29:44 umat Thurman and Rob Rackle that like there's a certain charm to this movie which is I'm James Seymour. Oh James Seymour like oh like seeing these people show up and like oh it's nice to see these faces Like they don't do anything But it's nice to see them I I had this thought experiment because maybe my brain only works in podcast segments now Where I looking at the four of them, I tried to figure out which one I'd rather hang out with for an hour. And it was like, and when you're having that debate and it's a hard one to settle on, that's, that's a good cast right there. But you can't say no to that. And I'm usually, well, where did you, where do you land in the,
Starting point is 00:30:19 in the between, teach Marin, Christopher Walken, Robert De Niro and Jane Seymour? Who would you rather hang out with just right now? So hard. For, for like, wait, am I hosting a podcast with it and like, they're my guests? No, no, this is a casual, just spend. Yeah, is this a one-time meeting or are we friends? You just finished, you're staying at a ski resort. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:40 And you haven't done it in a while and you just had like a day, you fell down the ice orange. Oh, yeah, you're so, you sit down in the lodge next to the fire and then just upside this person and another chair and you're like, you're holy shit, you're. Uh, I, I, I'm going to pick walkin' definitely. I think my heart says walkin'. Like I know that like, look, I appreciate that he's a great actor. Many people think the best of his generation.
Starting point is 00:31:08 De Niro is probably number four with a bullet just because I know that he's kind of a tassager and grumpy man. He's a standoffish quiet. He's not going to open the conversation. Whereas Christopher walkin is going to ask you, Hey, had you do today? What's going on? Where'd you get those shoes? Hey, do you get your haircut like that? Do you do yourself? Or do you go somewhere for
Starting point is 00:31:27 that? He's like Joe Biden. He's just going to ask you every question in the history of the world. And he's probably going to laugh at everything you say, but not in a mean way. And like, oh, hey, yeah, I like that. That's good. Tell me another one. Tell me another tale. You know, I'm I'm teach I'm teach all that. Yeah. I feel like it was tough. That's going to be a good time. That's gonna be a fun hour. Yeah. And I'm gonna say unfortunately, I can't, I don't know if I could do it,
Starting point is 00:31:49 have Jane Seymour there, because like, who would be too nervous? I cannot hang around people that have given me teenage boners. Okay, see that's why I would choose Jane Seymour, because I feel like that's information she'd really want to know. No, she wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:32:02 No, I think she'll say no to that. No, okay, maybe then I won't tell her that. No, I just keep that as my secret. No, she wouldn't. No, I think she'll say, I'll take note of that. No, okay, maybe I won't tell her that. I just keep that as my secret. Well, then every bit of the conversation would be that much more special to me and spicy because she doesn't know my whole secret. Oh, God. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:32:14 That way it's a nasty boy. Oh, dear. Now, here's the thing. I usually don't like old people say young people things comedy. I'm not a fan of any comedy where the joke is, I didn't expect that person to have that come out of their mouth unless it's the vomit in stand by me, in which case hilarious. What about when a grainy wraps? No, not a fan that.
Starting point is 00:32:35 What about when a butler uses hood slaying? No, not a fan, don't like that. When a biker turns out to be a sensitive artistic soul, don't like that. Not a fan. Now I wanna say again, let me actually, let me reach, I'm just gonna say words coming out of people's mouth because I do like it when unexpected things come out of people's mouths in the movie The Hidden
Starting point is 00:32:53 when that big kind of larva alien comes out of people's mouths. But not so much in Jason goes to hell. No, didn't like that as much. So in, but Christopher Walken, I shouldn't like him saying kind of like kids slang, but he just seems to be getting so much joy out of doing it. Did you like it? Did you like it?
Starting point is 00:33:10 With everyone like this. And did you like his stunt doubles zooming around on like a hoverboard? Wait, I just hung on like it. I figured, yeah, sorry to break it to you this way, Stu. Wait, he wasn't doing his own stunts. Stuart, Stuart, it would have been in the news. But I was trying to take the credits to see if he was listless having a stunt double, but I got distracted by all the bloops and the music video they played.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Yeah. Okay. So Peter starts to play a series of Mean Franks on Krampa to try and urge him into this war. The first of which I would argue is maybe the most terrific to just the most sort of like psychologically challenging what with the little car and the music. Oh, I was going to say the marble. I thought the marbles was the first shot.
Starting point is 00:34:00 That's the true. Yeah, that's the true initiation where Robert and your after after I go to war. Yeah, after he explains to his granddaughter in a very sad way about being retired. He then talks about this marble collection he has and how meaningful it is. And like he goes on and on them like, oh man, they're going way to into these marbles. Some of the bads going to happen And of course, that's right. That's right. Anytime you see someone talking to their family on top, Chef, you know, they're getting kicked off that episode.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Absolutely. It's my birthday today, Gonzo. I just miss my baby so much. Well, don't worry, you're gonna see him tomorrow. Oh, yeah. Anyway, I'm gonna make these scallops. Oh, yeah. Should be easy, okay.
Starting point is 00:34:42 I guess I, I don't think I'll get kicked off. I guess I'll make a, I'll do a dessert risotto. Don't do it. No, please. Okay. So yeah, he, he spills these precious marbles all over the ground and also falls and hurts himself, which as an older man, I know that falling down sucks. Well, that's even as even as someone in their 40s, it looks very painful. So
Starting point is 00:35:05 for Rob De Niro, who's roughly in his hundreds, it must have been terrifying again. Again, no sub double. Yeah. I think it was when my, I think when my oldest son was three or four and wanted to learn how to do a summer salt. And he was like, show me how to do it. And I was like, okay. And I got, I assumed the position. And then I realized that my body wouldn't allow me to do it because it thought it would hurt itself. That I realized like, pratfalls, that would, that you could, you could die.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Right, Robert, you could die very easy. Yeah. Yeah, I feel like that reminds me of when, when Charlene works with her trainer, and her trainer shows her like, I want you to do this hard exercise. Charlene likes to be like, I don't get it. Can you show me again?
Starting point is 00:35:51 She makes you over and over. Okay. So, yeah. So horrible prank. So at this point, this means war. That's right. The war with grandpa. So they have to, they have to draft a rules of engagement. They sit down and come up with a list of rules, which is only two things.
Starting point is 00:36:08 And they omit a lot of actual crimes like in this war with grandpa, it can get seriously fucked up. Luckily, it's where the alert, it doesn't. So, uh, now what's the, the body count just low even on dogs pranking? What's the position of dogs pranking in this war? Wait, dogs pranking. Is there anything in the rulebook that this dog is doing? No, it's the answer that Dan's looking for. There's no rule a dog can play can play all the basketball in this. I wish that joke went off perfectly. Yeah, well, between the lawless between the sweet talking at the same time as Elliott and Stuart not understanding what I was going for.
Starting point is 00:36:50 I'm not asking for a lot of stuff. You bring it up makes me feel really bad. So go to slashjoin for more of those perfectly calibrated zingers. I feel like if people like perfectly calibrated zingers. They're not listening to our podcast Fairpoint so I turn on those sloppy boys. They say yeah Speaking of perfectly timed zingers and pranks we got grandpa's record gets sped up and then shot out the window I didn't know what we did about the window. Uh oh. I didn't even know how we did that. Even he'd advanced engineering degree in order to swing that because what he does is he,
Starting point is 00:37:29 it starts to play at normal speed. So he's like, Oh, yeah, I'm into this. Not so fast. I mean, well, actually the opposite, it goes very fast and goes. That's not so slow. He activates the Arduino's that he is installed and wired into the light switch to set light. They honestly should have they should have cut to Peter just if concentrating so hard using his mind to make it spin faster and faster. Yeah, yeah. He's some in Starma for the fire starter remake. His, oh, and then of course, my favorite prank in yours,
Starting point is 00:38:05 he swaps out his shaving cream with like fast drying sealant. Fab drying foam sealant. Which I don't know, I don't know about you guys. I've used this stuff a lot, mainly to plug up holes so the health department doesn't give me a, doesn't give me. Yeah, what else is, what else is one to do with foam sealant? It's called sealant. Yeah, you're right. I'm just saying that I'm you I'm using it a lot. I don't know if you guys you're not just going around spraying it on both and then listening
Starting point is 00:38:36 to them. I feel like I feel like if all of a sudden my ability to see has been taken from me like last minute like Zeus gets mad at me and just takes my eyeballs away. I know and I'm in the basement of my bar with foam sealant in one hand and shaving cream in the other. I feel like I would know the difference. Yeah. There's got to be a difference in viscosity and several other sort of now to, to be fair, to be fair to Robert and your character, he, you know, maybe he doesn't have a lot of experience to foam sealant. He is only as the movie is told us many times,
Starting point is 00:39:12 a man who worked in home construction and built something for his entire career. Is he a general contractor? Is he an architect? What's going on here? What are you doing? Friends, I think he, I think he, yeah, he was a contractor.
Starting point is 00:39:24 I think he ran a construction company that specialized in houses. Or we, like I said, he's a hitman. Anyway, you were saying, this is a, this is a big, beautiful movie. And this is a weird hill for us to get stuck on. Well, it's like you just pulled out the smoking gun. You're like, I think he would know what foam sealant feels like in his hand because he is a contractor.
Starting point is 00:39:44 As if contractors are just spraying foam sealant feels like in his hand because he is a contractor. As if contractors are just spraying foam sealant in their hands and rubbing it on walls, like they're working on a barber shop. He knows what it feels like on their faces. Take the war with Grandpa away, boys. And then hustle the DVD into a party. That's a real, it's a real encyclopedia brown way
Starting point is 00:40:02 to take time to the movie. You would normally think, you would normally think a scene where Robert De Niro gets foam sealant on his face, like a little foam sealant beard. And he starts screaming and punching himself on the face. You think that'd be enough, not so fast, because he then turns around and his towel falls down and Robert Regal sees his dick and his horrifying. There's a lot of screaming. He screams like he has seen untold
Starting point is 00:40:26 alien geometries. Yeah. It is indescribably horrible and it has driven him to the brink of madness. Yeah. It is also one of these like movie like I'm seeing you naked situations where it's just a lot of cutting back and forth between two people screaming and knowing things to just close the door. Yeah. Or like, yeah. And it doesn't do what like you would expect a normal person to do to be like, oh, sorry. And then like, then of course it cuts to a shot of Rob, Rob Riggles stepping into the hallway and he's just like thinking he's like, wow, I just saw my, my step, my father's penis.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Yeah, do you think you're streaming because it was huge? Like or. Oh, no, because it had a face on the end of it. That's what I'm doing. Yeah, it's the door. Yeah. Brown. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was like in the happy clown. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. The it's a here's the thing. If you've ever been on a vacation with your with your in-laws, you've seen parts of them that you that you didn't think you were going to see. No, I have
Starting point is 00:41:24 actually I have not. You've never you've never you've never been sitting around with your in-laws and they've just started falling out of their bathing suit. No, man. I guess I guess you're living a more life than I am. You're not going to the top of Wabo Cantina like Ellie does. I guess you're not going to hedonism too with your in-laws like I am. Oh boy. Yeah. Like it sounded like fun. I thought it was just going to be a lot of delicious food. Oh man. Uh, so at this point the war is on because grandpa rewrites Peter's homework so that he
Starting point is 00:42:01 when he has to go to school and read what he did for, for summer break, he just reads this story about farting in a bag and smelling it. And at no point does he like- And the teacher goes keep reading. She's like, keep reading. I have two issues with the- Okay, okay, counselor, the floor is yours. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Number one, this is one of these movie situations where like a person tries to object only once and once they're shut down They stop Which I understand I mean like you're a child. I get it. Maybe you're scared of your teacher But like he he's like, but this isn't what I and she's like read and like I think you can still get out like This is not my thing like I this is not I'm sorry I know that you want me to read my homework, which is this is it. Like, do you know how much teachers get paid though, Dan? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Because if I was a teacher in this, in this economy, and a kid started to read something that they're grandpa, you were, you were, you were, you were, you were, as a terrible prank, you would, you would stop that moment from happening. No, you would want to, you would want to play that. I'm sure it's, you would stop that moment from happening. No, you would want to play that out for sure. If you're not going to get that opportunity again, you only get so many tick tockable moments in a day.
Starting point is 00:43:13 I'll give this one to the defense, the council for the defense of the War of the Grandpa. But the other thing is, I know how reading works because I do it, I've read works. Well, okay, I'll buy it. That's expert testimony short of reading. What happens is, the words go from my eyes
Starting point is 00:43:36 up to brain junction before I say them out loud. And so I think recognizing that you're talking about saving your farts in the bag, whatever, that's not the first thing he says, but whatever it is, I think he can cool, maybe cut himself off. It talks about he's farting a bag and freezes it. And which like, do you have a way of reducing the temperature to negative 200 degrees Celsius? Because that's what we require for free to freeze air.
Starting point is 00:44:01 That's a great story. I like to go to the story, kid. I just realized now, like, it's good. It's great to imagine Robert De Nioh is sitting down and writing this. Yeah. That thing. The tip of his pencil. There's a, there's a, there's an episode of the show, Cowboy Peabop, if anyone's familiar
Starting point is 00:44:17 with it, that involves a kind of, some kind of evil bearded guy. I can't remember if he's a robot or not. And there's a part where he sends an Threatening email to the heroes of the show and I remember my college roommate at the time Brian Chan He goes hmm. Do you think he had to go to the library to use one of the public computers to write that email and all I could imagine Was the bad guy of this show going to the library waiting his turn signing into his one of the computers logging in Having trouble with his login needing help from the librarian. And I imagine it was kind of like that.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Yeah, it's fun to imagine characters sitting down and doing the things that we're not shown on screen because it would be silly to see them doing it. So here my notes get a little bit vague. It says, Greenwood Thurmond is becoming increasingly unhinged. The pranks continue to escalate. Can we talk about those? Can we talk about if we're going to glance off these pranks? Can we at least take a moment to acknowledge that snake prank was a pretty fucked up thing to do? Yes. Because it sets up that one of the friend characters who doesn't really get a thing. No, he doesn't like to hang his
Starting point is 00:45:22 hat on. Other than he is like, he is the instigator. The whole war was his own. He's a grampa. Yeah, that's a good point. There's one scene where like, he's talking to him and a snake is in the background. And one of his other friends is like, hey, cool snake.
Starting point is 00:45:36 And you're like, oh, check off. Put that right up there. Check off. Thank you. And sure enough later on, the Pete goes to like a tree in the front yard, and this kid's on the other side, and he sells him his pet. His name, yeah. He was just renting it to him.
Starting point is 00:45:53 But do you think he sold it out, right? I mean, if he was renting it to him, and then he used it for a putting it in Robert De Niro's bed, and he wakes up and yells, because there's a snake on me. He's a scared prank. The last time we see that snake, it is in the car with the mom. I forgot actually they got to jail. It's draped across the arms of a police officer. Yeah, the mom is in the car and throws it at the police officers.
Starting point is 00:46:16 She previously threw her coffee that had what pepper. Hot sauce. Hot sauce. So yeah, that snake is grandpa piss. But that's what that snake has been. That's snake is the reason I said escalating breaks. There's grandpa pissing everything. I mean, that's the rest of the rest of the older you have left each other so for your pissed. Like the rest of the movie is just grandpa peas in his
Starting point is 00:46:39 Peter's book bag, Peter peas and grandpa's bed, grandpa peas and Peter's bed. Grandpa peas and Peter's a very Peter peasant grandpa's bed grandpa P's and Peter's bed grandpa P's and Peter's where Peter P's and grandpa's contact lens. I'm a little here. Just a thing like a certain point you just run out of creative juice like that's what it is. Is that the point of you Dan? And I'm saying in any war with grandpa it ultimately does it down to just a peeing
Starting point is 00:47:02 fight because look you just can't think of anything else. Like it's like when people come to visit New York City and they're like, what should we do? And you're like, suddenly you can't think of anything to do with them, even though you live in the biggest city in the end of the day. Right. There's too many options. I would have appreciated the escalation I wanted to see
Starting point is 00:47:19 was when one of the more, I would say, fucked up things, but that's just because I'm a real gamer. That's one of the best things. You wanna be the one to Peter to Swat his grandpa? Well, no, when grandpa Rob, Robert De Niro destroys his faux Minecraft, medieval kingdom, I'm not like terribly plugged into, what's hot on steam right now for PC gaming.
Starting point is 00:47:46 I did not recognize the game in question, but that he won went to the trouble of destroying his kingdom with trebuchets to get back at him. This, this foe minecraft kingdom that he had been building for many years and didn't just like delete it from the computer, which is another way of destroying digital things. It's funny or this way. It's funny or this way. It is funny or this way. It's all sort of like taps, yeah. If Pete had then gone on a rampage destroying all of the homes that he had built around
Starting point is 00:48:15 a town, he's just lighting them a fire and things like that to destroy his legacy as well. I feel like that would have been an equal exchange. Well, I mean, it's not that unbelievable. There's a certain, any Robert's in your own Jr. movie you know at a certain point, there's potential for him to go on a violent rampage of some kind. And so it's, we're just lucky that Pete didn't, didn't, wasn't just sitting with his friends, hanging out, watching Disney afternoon eating, you know, Doritos and drinking purple stuff. And then suddenly Robert Jr. comes in and just starts freeing child prostitutes left and right and shooting Harvey Kytale and all sorts of things.
Starting point is 00:48:47 That's very possible. He's done that before. He's done it at least once before. So it'll happen again. He did it at least once. I know it was almost 50 years ago, but still. I do want to point out we had mentioned the previous snake prank where Robert and Euroneur wakes up in bed with his grandsons friend Snake. And he is horrible. he is. He does the only thing that he can, which is he jumps out the window and he falls off the roof. Of course, his pants fall down and his dick flops out. Terrified. Yeah, that's the real snake.
Starting point is 00:49:18 You should be afraid of. Yeah, exactly. But here's the thing. We didn't get to see that dirty dick. Did we? Because there was a, there was a bush hanging in the way and not the fun kind of bush that you see on Robert Tamiro pubic area. It was a bush. So like, Rob Riggle was screaming because he saw his grandpa whose penis was pretty well obscured by a bush. But he's remembered. Well, he thought that the
Starting point is 00:49:40 penis turned into a bush and it terrified him. There's a bitch on the loose whose changing general's into into topiaries. Yeah, can I be like, which maybe at first he thought is that what his is that what his real P.S. like looks like. And he was like, no, I just saw it like yesterday. And then he thinks like, did he grow that today? Can you do that? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:03 So let's do that? Yeah. Yeah. If you can grow his pubes that lush at will in 24 hours, that is he is a warlock. He has set unrealistic standards of expectation that my wife would be disappointed by my own inability to do. Well, I mean, that's the thing. Do you think Regal is not so scared because he's seeing another man's genitals, which you've got who's seen. He's seen them in locker rooms or perhaps stadium bathrooms. Although one point they say uh, Rob Deere goes, Arthur, you're still not, already you're still not much of a sports guy,
Starting point is 00:50:30 huh? Which was the funniest gag in the movie because Rob Rear is a huge sports fan. Yeah. Yeah. Or you know what? In pornography, like as a man who doesn't go to the gym, and often I'll tell you the number one place I see other dicks is is gold fashion porn. Dick move. Thanks. Thanks for explaining that. But do you think it's less? Do you think it's less the sight of another man's penis that's that's bothering him and rather the sight of maybe his own future? Because someday, and some day,
Starting point is 00:50:59 they'll have a window. I mean, some day, someday, well, I be an old man with sealant on my face and my lower hair turned gray and my penis surprisingly virulent yet lonely? Will that be me someday? I hope it's a chilling piece of the future. Very, very long and batwing like at this point.
Starting point is 00:51:21 My bad way. We'll be, we'll terrify my daughter's husband. I'm assuming it's going to be rustle at this point. Yeah. When you say bat wing, I assume you're the plane that Batman owns and if he took it to Louisiana's Fox, he took a picture of Rob Gineer as testicles, he said, maybe look like that. But two of them make it symmetrical. Yeah, it's got to look cool. I mean, okay, so at this, right around now, BobbieD aka grandpa goes to the Best Buy equivalent because he's got to get himself a drone, which I mean, he had trouble using an iPad. I don't know if he's got a drone, but of course.
Starting point is 00:51:59 And that trouble, that questioning is born out, Stewart. Your worries are born out, but also,, we'll we'll get to it later. I'm sure but part of the arc of this movie is through the war with grandpa grandpa learns how to use technology. Yeah. So I mean, I don't know. I was waiting. There is a ending of this film where like the kid starts a community college course where he just tortures people into like learning how to do technology through pranks, but sorry, Griffin, there is a noble attempt at a redemption art for Robert DeGeneres Caretaker. Starting out as a pretty cantankerous standoffish person to being sort of integrated into this. I will say this, where we grandpa, that one, that goal, I would say you accomplished a half
Starting point is 00:52:45 merublia. So at best, by he starts flirting with a salesperson played by Jane Seymour, who is very game. And later on, goes to much, goes to extreme lengths just to get a little bit of dick. I mean, she can't, she plays in a fucking dodgeball game just to get a piece. I don't know. She's not doing that for an hour or so. Are you sure that's what she wanted? She would have no trouble doing it without... You're saying Stuart, there was a scene they must have cut out where she is on a date
Starting point is 00:53:21 with Rob Ginero and she makes a move and he says, no, no, we're not married. You've got a... You gotbeniro and she makes a move and he says, no, no, we're not married. You've got a shit out of my grandson. She's like anything for that thing. Okay. And she calls up, she calls it, he goes, you, if you play in this dodgeball match, you can have it all and she calls up Rob Briggle and she's like, you've seen it is it worth it.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Should I play in this dodgeball match? It's like, go for it. You got two. Okay. So, at this point, grandpa's been through some rough times and he's given his family some scares. So they make him wear a life alert necklace and he's like, I don't want to do this, but they make, he does it anyway. Grandpa destroys his Minecraft castle. He said that. The snake that we talked about before shows up in Uma Thurman's car, which he throws out the window onto a unsuspecting and very unhappy policeman. They decide to have some peace talks because things are, as I've said, escalating. They have a mediator that's Jenny, the Christmas obsessed like four-year-old.
Starting point is 00:54:22 She's probably like five, maybe three, six like five maybe three six. Let's say six. Let's say six seven. Do I hear seven? Seven. One, two, three, eight. I hear eight going once, going twice, nine. I hear nine. No, no, no, no. I think we're down. So they decide they will have one final competition. And of course, the only thing they can do is go to the local trampoline dodgeball zone and have a four on four dodgeball match kids versus old people. So we get Christopher walkin, Cheach Marin, Robert Nero, Jane Seymour versus some kid actors. It's surprisingly close. So up in the tie, there's some flips. Kids get hit in the nuts. It's great.
Starting point is 00:55:00 We love for them. This sequence goes on for so long that you expect it to be the climax of the war and to have some sort of resolution to it. It does not. It is there to eat up. God, that would have been a, that would have been a fun movie though. If it ended with a, a real dodgeball game, that would have had big sort of late 80s made for TV. So there's ABC family vibes. All right. If you win the dodgeball game, I'll move out of the house. And if you win this dodgeball game, I'll stop being a kid. Alright, and they shake hands on it. And Deera wins. So Peter magically turns into a grown-up and goes out and gets a job in
Starting point is 00:55:32 an apartment. Yeah. Yeah. He goes, anybody in lists and he goes, he tragically dies in the real war. I went with the, from the war with grandpa to the war against ISIS. They were, I wasn't prepared. Yeah. I thought I tried to stop them with pranks. I am a recent trampoline acquirer. I'm into the scene. Yeah. And I, man, I love the thing.
Starting point is 00:55:55 But I am in, I would say of average health at 30, 35. And I can make it about five minutes jumping a trampoline before I am just sort of completely exhausted. I was crannin' up, not enough, you know, it's all in the ankle. I found the secret, the secret in my family, because my kids always want me to jump on the trampoline with them, because we have one also.
Starting point is 00:56:16 The secret is, if I sing at the top of my lungs, both I can last longer jumping, and my kids want to jump less long. So it helps me open up both ways, yeah. That sounds good. That's convenient. That's just your default sort of. Yeah. Yeah. It helps that it is what you're normally. That's really what you're normally doing. When you when you got a hammer, everything looks like a nail every situation. Yeah. Like what am I saying? Real loud. Well, we came out to LA for LA. It's 40th, the house that 40th, the house that Daniel got for the weekend. Check the party.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Like the rental had a trampoline enclosure. And I likewise remember getting in there, like early one morning before other people were up and about. I'm like, oh, look, there's a trampoline over here. And I jumped on it for, I think maybe 30 seconds. And I'm like, well, that's enough of that. I get the idea. I go maybe 30 seconds. I'm like, well, that's enough of that. I get 50, I go up, I get that. It activates about 700,000 muscles to jump that high.
Starting point is 00:57:12 When I was in my 20s at one point, I was like, you know what, I've heard that if you jump rope, it's pretty good exercise. So I'll try it. When I was a kid, I could jump rope all day long. So I try it. And like five seconds in, I'm like, I wanna die. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:26 And maybe feel like I did this a lot for jump rope for heart, which was the thing that we did at our school for a long time. And then I was like, was I supposed to keep, was that something I needed to upkeep my capacity for? What's wrong with my heart? It makes me feel like, I can't jump rope very good. Now my heart must be pretty bad.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Yeah. Pretty bad. I mean, it says something that the only people that I can't jump rope very good. Now, my heart must be pretty bad. Yeah, pretty bad. I mean, it says something that the only people that I ever see jumping rope are little girls and professional boxers. They're the only adults I ever see jumping rope and they jump rope a lot. So it seems like it's, and their job is to get punched in the head or punch other guys in the head as hard as possible. Yeah. Professional boxers are the guys who on social media, there will be videos of like a random
Starting point is 00:58:03 person like shadow boxing or playing around with them. And you see this man who was massive, move faster than any human should ever move. Yeah. Yeah. Now, before we leave the dodgeball scene, I want to say one thing. Can you guess, a flop house co-host and flop house guest? Can you guess which cast member in this scene I have worked with? It's probably not one of those weird little kids
Starting point is 00:58:27 Not one of the weird little kid. Oh, although one of the kids the kid who plays Steve the dumb friend I was like where do I know him from he's on the TV show odd squad one of my kids favorite shows So it's a dodgeball scene. It's one of the it's just the dodgeball scene There's someone in that scene that I have worked with It's is it the guy who works at the place? You're right. You're exactly right. It's the referee who's played by Clayton English, a standup that I worked with on a sports comedy show that never aired. So, so, so it'd be much better. Oh, yeah. But I was very excited to see him.
Starting point is 00:58:58 If I knew that, Elliot, you should have, you should have left the country because that means that it's true. That's guy that you were in the thing that never aired. Yeah, that's true. There wasn't too much. You were the one, he was the guy who was in the pitch pilot you wrote that got picked up for a TV show on True TV and then True TV canceled it before you started writing the show.
Starting point is 00:59:17 I mean, like, yeah, yeah, that's how'd you know all that? How'd you know? Oh, no reason, no reason at all. And then you take off your mask and you'd be him. Yeah. I enjoyed that story better than I enjoyed Warwick. So the war continues escalate. Grandpa decides to cool things out by taking Peter fishing in a threatening manner. And they get chased by a park ranger. Damn, you have a lot of thoughts about being chased by park rangers, don't you? Is this your toss to me to do another max fun drive break? Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Well, on that case. That's your old. Let me, let me take a moment to tell everyone about being a member of Maximum Fun. Now you may be wondering what is Max Fun Drive, Max Fun operates on a member supported model, which means we can, the only way we can afford really to keep doing this show is it kind listeners like you believe that if they like the podcast, they should contribute to make sure it can keep getting made. Like any other kind of entertainment out there, like you pay for it upfront,
Starting point is 01:00:38 we are making this available to you for free if that's how you consume it and how you can afford to consume it. But you know what, like if you if you like it, it feels nice to, you know, pay for the work that goes into it. And, and that means we've, you know, placed a bet on you, our listeners, the on your kindness and generosity. And so far, you guys haven't let us down. Our friend Jordan Morris over at Jordan Jesse Go likes to say you tip your bartender,
Starting point is 01:01:08 you tip your barista. Think of this as tipping for a service we like to think is important in your life. And I'd like to make it clear that we're part of the max fund specifically because this is a system that we like. We were fortunate to have enough dedicated listeners that could we could run the show a bunch of different ways. We don't have to do it this way, but we believe in the community.
Starting point is 01:01:29 We love the Max fund people and when you give money, it goes directly to the shows and people you listen to less a little overhead that goes to keeping the network running. If you've never done it before, I just want to explain that when you go to join, you go to a screen with a list of all the shows and you go like click click click. This is the one I listen to. I listen to this show. I listen to this show. Check boxes next to what you enjoy and then it's divided up that money that you're giving as a member and it goes straight to the creators that you've chosen. We know that some people may not enjoy listening to these pledge strides and I totally get it,
Starting point is 01:02:10 but this is a thing that happens once a year. We come to you. We ask, is this important to you in your life? Is there a thing that you enjoy? Because if it is, maybe you'd like to help us keep doing it and feel the warm glow of knowing that you're part of what makes it happen. I'll go over the official member rewards later on, but if you're all floppast lists, but you're all floppast lists are sorry. So during this break, I'm going to focus more on the specific stuff that we're offering as a show to try and sweeten the pot beyond sort of the network level member gifts. Of course, everyone who supports the show at $5 a month or more will have access to our
Starting point is 01:02:51 bonus content. I actually counted. There's like 28 hours of flop house related content in a bonus feed. Yeah, that's well over a day of listening material from our show alone, but the bonus feed also has special episodes from every show on the network. This year, our bonus episode, we did a bracket to decide which of the movies we've covered in the past. Should get a special DVD style commentary track from us.
Starting point is 01:03:20 And of course, the unstoppable cats. Now and forever, cats won. We got the whole gang back together from our cats episode to revisit it and watch it together that's us plus Jane Jaffee and Natalie Walker. And it was a lot of fun to record. So treat.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Yeah, it was, honestly, you know, we should, like not even for the podcast, I would love to get together with those people and just watch cats. But you get to ask. Dan, we've just described as called heaven and we won't get it full time until we die. That's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:57 If we hit and we have to die with sword in hand. Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah. If we hit, we can't we come back either on our shield or watching cats. Yeah. So if the podcast hits 1900, 1900, new or upgrading members will do another raffle, where we'll randomly pick some of those newer upgrading members to get personal flop house gifts. Some of you will get signed, maniac of New York copies from Elliot. Stuart has some swag you can give out.
Starting point is 01:04:32 I got swag. And some others, and more ways than one, some others will get to tell me a scene from – Oh, thank you, Daniel. – A favorite movie. And I can do a personalized drawing for you. If we hit 2,300 newer upgrading members and I think that that is totally possible, we'll also do a commentary for the film, the country bears also starring Christopher walkin' like the war with grandpa. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:04:59 Sorry, Christopher walkin'. The country bears. As one of the bears I bears. As the war. He's a bad guy. The country bears, of course, was the bracket runner up this year. There's a lot of heat around cats. I think we all could have expected that, but there are also a lot of cats doubters. I personally think they're wrong.
Starting point is 01:05:18 And the commentary turned out great. But if you were one of them, that's a good pun, Dan, that there's a lot of heat around cats. Yes. Sunlight and such. I'm right in the middle of my head. turned out great, but if you were one of them, that there's a lot of heat around cats. Yes, sun light and such. I'm right in the middle of my head sometimes. Oh, you continue your pitch. Yeah. If you doubted the cats commentary, now's your chance to back up your complaints with cold hard
Starting point is 01:05:39 cash because you can get a different commentary if we had enough new and upgrading members. And lastly, if we had our ultimate stretch goal of 3,500 new or upgrading members might be hard, but I don't know, maybe you can do it. We will commit to doing quarterly commentaries. That's four commentaries over and above the cats one. We've done. So please, will you please join us as a member? There are many ways to help us and unlock content for you or someone else you can join or upgrade
Starting point is 01:06:13 or just boost by a few bucks between levels. All memberships at the $5 a month or more level get the bonus content. You can also get a gift membership for a friend or an anonymous max funster and that recipient will get access to the bonus content. It's a nice way, maybe if someone else, you know, is a fan, but isn't in the financial place where they can become a member themselves, this is a kind thing to do for someone else. So go to join slash join, you know what I mean? slash join. I'll make sure you know right now, pick the shows you listen to and the level level of membership you feel you can afford.
Starting point is 01:06:57 And we really thank you for your support. Will said, Dan. But sure, we should probably get back to the war with Graham. What's going on in that war? Well, there was a fucking crazy park ranger chase. And the only answer, of course, is for Graham about to take Peter to some houses he built and talk about how he hides things within the walls. And how everyone does that. And it's no home. There's it's it's it's it was on some it was real like it had real Junji Eto like horror vibe.
Starting point is 01:07:30 So just like yes, look at that chair. Yes, the chairmaker is in the chair. Yeah, he is watching you grow up. Well, what he's saying is that he puts pictures of his him and his wife and all the houses he built. So it's not it's not as creepy as that. But yeah, it's a little creepy. It's up, it's up there. I mean, it's pretty creepy. It's putting nothing in the walls, which we haven't really talked about this, but who
Starting point is 01:07:52 is the audience for war with grandpa? Because if it's children, what they're basically saying is, Hey, kids, start destroying your house. Yeah. Look at the house. And destroying your house signs. I hate, I hate to break it. I hate to break it to you. What I like about it is they're giving kids a purpose for the destruction of the house that they are already embarked on because if a kid, I don't remember this part of being a child, but apparently children will occasionally just look at a thing and say, I wonder what that would look like if it was broken. And then they'll just walk over and they'll just break it. And then they'll say, that was satisfying.
Starting point is 01:08:26 What else can I break in this place? And they just part of that. And they just part of the scientific method though. They have a hypothesis that it'll look a certain way if it's broken and they have to test that hypothesis. Yeah, give them space, you know? Yeah. It's hard, but it's the right thing to do.
Starting point is 01:08:40 I think that this movie is not made for young people. And if you don't need much more evidence than that, then the fact that Pete comes off as a really big piece of shit. Because if we are not characterizing this well enough to the people who have not watched the movie war with Grandpa, it is a thoroughly uneven contest. And that like, Pete will come in and destroy his collection of precious marbles that he has taken from the, you know, concrete of every home he's ever built and then spill them down a drain, never to be seen again.
Starting point is 01:09:18 And then Robert De Niro's character will come in and like make him read a do-do paper. Like those two things are not even remotely equip-a-lash. Yeah. Yeah. Peace will take Robert and Nero back in time to watch the car crash that killed us. Right. And say that he can change the past. He has the power. But he is too. He saves it for Minecraft. Robert and Nero's like, I glued your backpack shut. What do you think about that? And Pete's like, well, I put a microwave under your bed to make the pacemaker stop working
Starting point is 01:09:48 in your body. So, at one, like, after showing Peter these houses, there's a moment where you're like, oh, man, maybe they're friends. So all the ruse, the war is still on. Don't worry. There's more movie to go folks. So really, the war is, the war was, the war was, the movie involves a scene where Rob DeNiro molests the corpse, then I think we're okay.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Oh, okay. So Peter stands up to his bully and he gets beaten up for it. Then there's a funeral prank where where he drops his phone. As at this point, we know he's not to be trusted with any kind of technology. It doesn't matter. He drops his phone. As at this point, we know he's not to be trusted with with any kind of technology. It doesn't matter. He throws his phone down the pants of a corpse. And then we have some serious, like Jackass level corpse shenanigans. There's no one in the funeral. No one at the funeral does anything. They just stare at open mouth. He's like, what do you think? Is that because you would do like a change is that does it because faint you would expect maybe the dead man's son to come over and say hey Could you please stop?
Starting point is 01:10:50 My dad's body some jerking one of my dad's legs upwards Like you're trying to pump it like like a well I don't know about you guys. I've been to a few funerals. I kind of wish that they had more shenanigans Yeah I've been to a few funerals. I kind of wish that they had more shenanigans. Yeah, you know, you got to lighten the mood. What's wrong with funerals, am I right? They're so depressing. Y'all on. So that one at my funeral, I want there
Starting point is 01:11:16 to be also be a screening of the war with them. Yeah. And then when that scene comes up, people are gonna like look at each other like, should we go live-grip and like, are we supposed to do this? Was this the, Was this a clue? Is this some sort of map?
Starting point is 01:11:28 Yeah. And the funeral home director will point to his side and says, do not touch the body. Yeah. And then like someone's going to make my grandson go and close the casket and he'll see my dick. Yeah. And he'll just scream and scream and scream. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:45 And also the sign that says do not touch the body is slightly misspelled. So people think is that the clue? Yeah. Yeah. I just decided and actually I'm going to go ahead and say I'll get a notary public to sign this podcast tomorrow, but this represents a living will. I want a war with grandpa. Funeral. This is a leak. This is a legally binding podcast. I want to rise again with grandpa. The funeral, please. Please trampolines everywhere.
Starting point is 01:12:14 I want a big tree to fall over on me. Cheach marion. You're already contractually out. Cheach marion. Cheach marion who will sadly out. Yeah. You're not a real. Yeah. Um, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, I think so. They discuss the ceasefire during Jenny's Christmas theme to birthday, then the old dogs, which is my term for the old men, throw the bully in the garbage can. There's a surprising number of similarities between this and the Adam project, the movie
Starting point is 01:12:59 we last watched, which also the kid who is an a-hole and a bully being threatened by an older person. And this is a bully is young, granted. But the degree to which he's threatened by these three elderly men is surprising to me. I don't know. I mean, they do like Christopher Walken comes, it gives like, I don't know, like he's, he can be scary. I mean, I would be scared to say something like what the hell is happening? Yeah, three elderly men menacing me wearing their caps backwards and wearing hoodies. But then like tossing him into the dumpster seems, I don't know. Anyway, I think the thing is he looked like he wanted to go to the dumpster. Yeah, secretly.
Starting point is 01:13:40 Yeah. Yeah. It's all those scenarios where where the frightening thing about it is how you know, you can fight back, but you also can't because you don't want to hurt the other person. It's like anytime Spider-Man is up against Flash Thompson, he's like, oh, I got to pull my punches. The wrong punch. I could kill Flash. And so he's got it. He has to let Flash bully him or else everyone's going to know he's Spider-Man. So that's why I think the bully in this is Spider-Man. Yeah, it's me have if I use my powers, I'll kill that brood thing and that would suck. Even though it's a brood thing, he should, whatever. I'm taking balls like I'm a homerable as long as I'm blasting. Any more X-men quotes? You got it? I can't touch you. I'm talking memories. Oh, homo to me. Yeah. Charge up these guards.
Starting point is 01:14:25 Throw them in a explode. No. No. No. No, the best there is a getting claws in my hands. Uh huh. Let's do the fastball special from the future. And I got an em on my face.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Mm. All these famous quotes. Yeah. Okay. It's me, Marrow from the 90s X-Men. Remember me? That was her catch. Look at me chamber. I got a big hole in my middle. Boof. I'm somewhere else. Boof. Hey, Boof from Teen Wolf. Teen Wolf. Sorry. Okay. And after I texted with you about teen wolf, just recently this week. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:06 What was it that you find out that the teen wolf house is on your block? Or something? No, not on my block, but that I live my close to the max. Yeah. Yeah. I live very close to a shooting location from teen wolf. Let's leave it at that. Alex, you live inside the, you live inside the van that they served.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Alex feel free to bleep, you know, a couple random words just to confuse the audience. Okay. So, we are at the real climax of the movie. That's right. The, the dance scene from the movie climax. Now, there is a, there is a Christmas theme birthday party. They go all out, everybody's dressed up like this, you shit. This is like modern family level party, by which I mean, it looks like only a production company could put that to you. That is what I wanted to say. 150,000
Starting point is 01:15:56 dollar party. Exactly. Yeah. And everybody, every single character that has been in this movie, excluding the police officer who had this snake thrown on him, arrive at this party. Christopher Walken has dressed as Santa and he's saying, weird ass shit the whole time, it's terrifying. Christopher Walken's character, I think, is in late stage dementia by the end of the movie. Like the thing he says doesn't make sense. I mean, he just lost a friend.
Starting point is 01:16:22 I mean, you should feel bad for him. So he's dressed up as Santa and he's sitting on a booby trap chair. So we have a ticking time, Bob. Frank start to get out of control. It ruins the birthday Christmas party. And then the tree that we had talked about previously need to be cut down falls down at its own tearing off a chunk of the house. Now, here's the so this, both characters are so convinced that they're about to be pranked, that it leads them into situations where they do the wrong thing and it causes prank like effects. Yeah. Yeah. That's. Yeah. There's a there's a lesson there. And then let's let me go. What do you guys think about Calvinism? Let's really get into it.
Starting point is 01:17:01 What do you guys think about Calvinism? Let's really die on today. Pre-destination or you want to? I was actually thinking about this not too long ago, the idea that what a dick move for Calvin to be like, hey, it doesn't matter what you do in life. God decided the moment you were born, who was going to be saved. And I'm one of them. I'm saved and you're not. It's like, wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:17:23 And everyone was like, I guess he's right. And I was like, how does that white? that why he's always peeing on logos of brands yeah yeah yeah yeah because whatever he wants he's going to have it anyway count calvin said it himself god put him on earth to do a certain number of things and he's taken so long he'll never get he'll never die like it's it's he's he's he's has a very comfortable relationship with god stew did you uh mentioned that when the holes ripped in the house is revealed that the daughter is up with the boyfriend that I can mention it, but it's true and it drives numerous and mad.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Yeah, which, you know, for me, somebody who grew up watching you know, like late night sex comedies, having somebody stand up shocked when a chunk of a wall gets ripped down, that's cool. That takes me back. Normally, there's topless people, but luckily, there's no topless people this because we're talking about underage people. Yeah. Underage people, I mean, grandpa's topless. The thing is, the thing is, I'm shocked that the tree didn't rip grandpa's pants down. Everybody wriggle. Faints, his ghost comes out.
Starting point is 01:18:31 His head just fire like the face back into his body. Okay, so I think everybody starts pulling down their pants and solidarity to show. They also stand with grandpa. Oh, I'm Spartacus. Yeah, at this point, we can all agree that the prank's got not a control right now. So by the way, the boy rigged up, the boy rigged an ejector seat. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Oh, he was going to kill his own grandfather. There's no, it would have absolutely, it would have undoubtedly killed his grandfather. But like, does he work for fucking the mission impossible team? Like, where does he get all these wonderful toys? He's steal the airbag from his parents car. Yeah. He, he, by the end of the movie, he is a psychotic master. Yeah, that's why this is the prequel to the song movies.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Yeah, that's Jake's song as a kid. Oh, man, like Kevin Muscatten, what? I'm sure I'd say Kevin Muscatten, I fucked it up. And you started saying David Muscatvage, who is a different person? This is much more like what we made. Yeah, that's we made a lot of home alone comparisons to this podcast and I want to make it abundantly clear that this film would be like in home alone, if Uncle Frank permanently moved in with the family and then Kevin McAllister tried to kill his whole family with micro
Starting point is 01:20:01 machines and broken glass and paint cans and bricks. Yeah, I mean, and a blowtorch at one point. We mentioned, we've been mentioning home alone quite a bit, and I think we need to make it clear that home alone is way better of a movie. Oh, sure. Okay. So, even though we watched home alone not that long ago with my older son, and he was really enjoying it until Daniel Stern stepped on those nails
Starting point is 01:20:26 And then it was that was a part where he was like to agree don't like don't like don't like don't like yeah, yes Yeah, it's like the the eyeball scene in what in zombie is that the movie where Everything's fun and games in zombie and I don't know. Everything's fun and games in zombie and all the eyeballs. I mean, there's no zombie versus shark fight. Yeah, when I was watching zombie with my older son, he also is totally cool with it until the eyeball scene. Yeah, that was it too much.
Starting point is 01:20:54 He said too much. No, thank you. So, uh, it was totally with Susperia until that last part that he said, no, I can't handle. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm tapping it in here, dad. We should have blood for like 20 minutes. I knew it. Yeah, they're watching the new one, of course,
Starting point is 01:21:12 because he's really into it. He's a big fan of the way that Luke Guadaguino just creates these worlds that feel very tactile. On my oldest son, he loved, he loved, called me by your name so much that he was like, I want to see everything he does. That's the thing. He was like, a bigger splash is really cool because I love the way that Ray Fung's
Starting point is 01:21:28 character is just like exactly captures that specific type of baby boomer who's obsessed with the Rolex stone. So, grandpa gets confronted by Sally, his daughter, and she's like, I've had it up to here with all these pranks, and he's like, you knew about that. It's like no shit. Everything is floating for a while. It's the same. It's the same way. I think old men and kids are the same way where they assume they're getting everything by their parents. Their parents are aware of every single thing that they're doing. When you're like a 13 year old boy and you're like, nobody knows, I'm masturbating in here. It's like everyone
Starting point is 01:22:08 knows the dog knows the male man knows like everyone. So yeah. So she goes to Sally goes to tell her, tell her family that grandpa has survived his, his injuries. And just a tree falls on him and he's just sitting there in hospital with an ice pack on his knee. Like it's amazing. That on him and he's just sitting there in hospital with an ice pack on his knee. Like it's amazing. That's quite a scrape you've got there. So in your heart that the fresh and your liver and lungs
Starting point is 01:22:36 and ribs and spine. Oh, when I said scrape, I meant you're dead. What did I say? Did I think like to tell you that this healthy body you're seeing is a holographic projection that we created? Yeah, I mean, it's lucky. It's lucky that after that tree landed on you, your friend dressed as Santa Claus was killed by your grandson, so we could sew your head to his body.
Starting point is 01:22:55 That was the thing. When Christopher Wagen gets up and walks away, I'm like, is this like when the weasels ghosts leave their bodies and brush around them? So it's a great, great Santa Claus day. Yeah, but I can only do it once. So Sally is telling her family the news when she sees out the window that Russell, her daughter's boyfriend has showed up and she fucking loses it. Like how dare he go to visit her grandfather in the hospital? What a bad boy.
Starting point is 01:23:28 She, yeah, she cannot handle this. So she chases him around what seems to be his convertible. And that's the point when I lost any sympathy for him, because I'm like a teenage boy should not be able to drive this car. And then she, she chases him around the car for a while and then she reveals that she has a secret tactic. That's right. She just climbs over the car and then tackles a teenage boy to the ground before saying, you know what? Should we mention she's dressed as Mrs. Claw's this whole time also? Yeah, I guess that, I guess that relates. Yeah. Just,
Starting point is 01:24:00 it just adds to the, to the strangeness of this this of the moment. And the erotic free song of being beaten up by Mrs. Cloth. I mean, that's the other thing though is is is any is you know, even if she is her, her is his girlfriend's mom to be jumped on by Uma Thurman dressed in a in as Mrs. Claus is I'm sure some some teen gets fantasy. Yeah. Yeah. So instead of I guess killing him or beating him up, she decides, no, I'm going to forgive this floppy haired bow and for nothing, for nothing, for existing and earning the
Starting point is 01:24:32 affection of her daughter. She is allowed to enter my daughter's life. She doesn't want to lose her daughter over this turn or cool dude. I don't know. We don't know anything about him. And then when they go back, they've been distracted. I feel like Russell showing up, I feel like Grandpa Tech said Russell to show up so we would distract them so that Grandpa gets sneak away from it to like move all his shit out. Like he moves very fast for an old person. Yeah. Yeah, he sure does.
Starting point is 01:25:02 So he's moved all his shit out and then he's just hanging around a housey built. They track him down, convince him to stay and he's like, okay, I'll stay anyway. He agrees to stay and then, but he can't hang out with his grandson because he has a date with Jane Seymour and Peter's like, oh, it looks like a war with grandma and that's the end of the movie. But I will think about the last shot of this. I know every day until the day of my death. Like a fucking woman.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Like a woman. Yeah, it is when the movie stops being the war with grandpa and he comes, we have to talk about Kevin. Like that's what this movie, the look on that kid's face is pure satanic, just so so happy. He's so, so angry. Like ready for violence, you know. Have you guys had, have you guys, I know you've been doing the podcast a lot,
Starting point is 01:25:51 you trying a lot of content. Have you been able to do a, the, we have to talk about care. They have, have you done that joke yet? No, no, no. Have you done that joke yet? Yeah, yeah. Okay. Well, you can use that guys. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, cast sing a song. At that point, I assumed they're all Disney Channel kids, but I.
Starting point is 01:26:26 Well, the older the older daughter sings a cover of war, what is it good for? Because this one the movie has, it has its message that war is not good. Yeah. What? It looks pretty fucking fun. I don't know. I know. All their family's problems. Snakes, multiple Robert and Nero Dicks. Yeah. I use a mixed message at best. Now, would you, when you say, what you mean multiple times that Robert and Nero's dick is seen, not that he has multiple dicks, although maybe that's what horrified Robert
Starting point is 01:26:54 Gullso much. I like it. There are two or three. I like it too, as we all know. We know it in his name, yeah. Yeah. Um, guys, it would be amazing. What if, what if Alan Tudick was descended from like a medieval side show performer who had
Starting point is 01:27:07 to be? Yeah, this is all like this was an old fucking we've done. We've done this joke before. Mine was like, oh, we're like, I love her. And was like, you know, his answers were first lovers and Jessica Fletcher, you know, but then Alan Tudic, two dicks. So guys, do you want to go back and start doing that? I like that you threw a fictional character in there.
Starting point is 01:27:28 I just couldn't think of what. I don't think that was in the, do you want to go back and start talking about more grandpa? Oh, yeah, sure. Oh, yeah, sure. Yeah. So traditionally, and today is no exception. We do.
Starting point is 01:27:41 I want to show you. Where we decide where we give our opinions and whether this was a good bad movie, a movie that's enjoyable to watch because it's bad, a bad, bad movie, a movie that lacks value, or a movie that we liked, a movie that will stick up for it some way. I'm going to kick us off by saying, very brave.
Starting point is 01:28:10 This movie, well, among other things, like there's like this weird, bad message of a lot of sort of family, quote, friendly movies. This movie is the sort of movie that like, people would be like, oh, you know, this is fun for the whole family It's good to have a good old-fashioned movie where there's nothing offensive about it And I watch movies often in that you know like a genius of type of film and I'm like no, this is full of terrible Me giving other example I'm not going to this is full of terrible messages like Request information rejected.
Starting point is 01:28:47 Children and grandparents should fight or I mean more so like you know a lot of these family movies I don't have a specific example. Oh, Stewart but like they do have like regressive sort of viewpoints like Boy teen should be you know hated uh... boy teen should be you know hated for crime of dating girl who wants to date this boy like who has her own autonomy and like like just like the idea of like we have to protect this i mean like obviously at
Starting point is 01:29:15 the end of the thermon changes her mind on that but it's played for laughs throughout the whole movie like you know how it is we all agree right that we want to like, you know, you know how it is. We all agree, right? That we want to like control our children's lives. And, and, and, and, none of them are good, none of them are good role models. Yes. Any of the characters in this film.
Starting point is 01:29:33 So that part sucks. And also, if we have done our job well as podcasters, this movie sounded fun in some way, enjoyably strange. And it, it, it, it is strange to dissect with pals, but I would say that this movie slid off my brain faster than almost anything. Like in the course of watching it, I am like, if you want to lose time,
Starting point is 01:29:59 if you want to experience what a blackout is, like you're like, sure. Why is it 90 minutes later than it was before? Oh, I watched War with Grandpa, and I've forgotten all of it. So I'll say bad bad. It's grounding to me to have this experience to talk about this movie with you all,
Starting point is 01:30:17 because I've not been in the best head space today. I'm tired, and there's a lot of stressful stuff going on. And then I watched this movie while I was like watching my baby and I can do both get off my back. And I can I can have it all. And then and it ended and I did feel like did I inter if did I watch that? Did I have interv, you say I watch it? And like the thing, it was the Rob Riggle storyline, not having any kind of, well, if this was a movie I didn't imagine,
Starting point is 01:30:54 they would have concluded that in some way. That was like what gas lit me a little bit where I was like, no joke, did I really, did I really pay attention to this movie or did I at some point just like really black out and miss the resolution of that storyline and, uh, uh, movies. Well, I mean, I'm paying off surely. Right. Of course. Yeah. Yeah. Everyone's in a while when we're watching a movie for the flat-pouse, I'll accidentally get stuck scrolling on my food
Starting point is 01:31:20 instead of watching the movie and actually a little bit this felt like that. You know, I feel like the thing is this movie, it makes you, all the characters are kind of terrible and it makes you immediately sympathize with the grandpa character. Although the thing is, you know that guy voted for Trump. So that's what the real reason you should have had at a war with grandpa. So I'm gonna say bad, bad movie.
Starting point is 01:31:41 Okay, good, can argue with that logic. Elliot. Guys, I'm gonna be in the minority here. I think it's just because I haven't exposed to a lot of kids entertainment. I don't like. I'm going to call this not a movie that I liked, but a movie that if my kids wanted to sit and watch it and it meant that I could sit and read a book while they were doing that, I'd say go ahead. Fine, let's watch the world. Even though it has a pro war on your elders message. Yeah, enjoy your shattered, ferner. I mean, I don't appreciate the way they went about that war, but to be honest, I think
Starting point is 01:32:11 a certain amount of generational friction is good for growing people and also good for the world. And so I'm going to say, it is a movie that I kind of liked for my kids to watch to give me some time to sit and read. And I can finally finish this big book of Doris Lessing short stories that I've been making my way through. So it's a new category. It doesn't exactly fit our categories.
Starting point is 01:32:39 Distraction so I can read lessing. But as a book we've seen, yeah, we've seen plenty of children's movies where I was like, no, I don't want my children to see this. But here it was like, you know, this is fine. Yeah, Salo, etc. Yeah. I'm going to, I'm going to, the other devil's. Sure.
Starting point is 01:32:55 It's not a film I will ever watch again, but I also came into it from the unique position of having like recorded a whole episode about it before I saw it. And so for me, it was the manifestation of the film that I found so delightful all throughout. Or I was like, the more outrageous shit happened in it, the more I felt good and justified
Starting point is 01:33:21 in our original sort of discussion of the film. And that was like, that was a really fulfilling experience for me. So I had a good time watching it, but I won't ever again, and most people else on earth won't do that the first time. Won't get that experience the first time. So if you're Griff,
Starting point is 01:33:40 if you happen to be a listener, or if Griffin or one of his two brothers, yeah. Yes, yeah. I don't know. I listen to a lot of movie podcasts where they watch the movie. I participate in a movie podcast where they watch one movie the wrong way, right? I would not want that to be this movie, not because it is bad, but because I don't want to question
Starting point is 01:34:01 whether or not I am slipping through my life and in these, you know, handful of fugues states. As you know, we've been talking about the Max Fun Drive this year's Pledge Drive to fund the maximum fun podcasting network. And I would like to take this moment to just personally say, what the show has meant to me. Like, we talk about what it means to the listeners, I want to say the show has meant a lot to me,
Starting point is 01:34:33 and I'd like to tell you about it because we all come at it from different perspectives. You know, the flop as of this point is 100% a joint effort between the three of us, but it started out as a notion that I had. And it was really like something that like, I never knew it would become what it is. I was 29 years old.
Starting point is 01:34:56 I was about to enter my 30s. Well, no, I was not full of beans. I was about to enter my 30s. I was trying to make it in Comedy in New York City. Empty of beans. Empty of beans. I was about to enter my 30s. I've been trying to make it in comedy in New York City. Empty of beans. Empty of beans. No more beans to be had. Beanless.
Starting point is 01:35:10 I was looking for a way to have my voice heard. And I also, of course, loved hanging out with Stuart, one of my funniest friends watching dumb movies. And I was like, let's put this podcast out in the world. And I had met Elliot who came onto the show. He's just a joke machine. He loves the same dumb things. I thought, here's our permanent third co-host. And look, when this started out, as I said, I was trying to make my voice heard in the comedy world. And I certainly had hopes for the show., but has succeeded so far beyond my dreams
Starting point is 01:35:45 and reached so many people who found it meaningful and said such nice things about it in ways that I am honestly not emotionally able to cope with because my heart would explode. The show has been a significant part of my adult life. It's been with me through six apartments. It's outlasted friendships and romantic relationships. It's out lasted friendships and romantic relationships. It's out lasted.
Starting point is 01:36:07 Why did you look at me when you said friendships, Dan? It's out lasted. Why did you look at me when you said romantic relationships? It's out lasted my decade at the daily show. Yeah. When it was. It's crazy. When having this podcast was a necessary outlet,
Starting point is 01:36:21 when I had to write jokes for someone else, but I knew that I could always make the jokes I really enjoyed on my silly podcast. And for the past year, it's been the primary thing keeping a roof over my head and food on my table and it's been with me through some hard times where no matter what else was true, I knew I'd be meeting up with my two best friends every week and we try to make each other laugh for a couple of hours. And though, Stuart and Elliot's interruptions have kept me from getting emotional when I was writing out the notes for this, I did cry. And so I'm not saying that your continued financial support is responsible for the health of my friendship with Elliot and Stuart, but I'm not not saying that. You want to rescue? Let's strongly imply that.
Starting point is 01:37:06 Yes. We are friends for pay. Yeah. Anyway, that's what the show means to me, but I want to read a list of comments. And this one is from Tyler last name withheld. He writes, dear flop house. We all know that the pandemic hasn't been easy on any of us, but it has been especially rough on those already suffering
Starting point is 01:37:26 Through mental health issues you guys have reinvigorated my love not just for bad movies, but movies in general that have been waning over the past few years My obsession with movies means that I have never met a person who could beat me in six degrees of Kevin Bacon So crazy I am for movies that I left my unlimited plan active, the entire time the theaters were closed. Each of you individually has given me inspiration, I needed to better myself through difficult circumstances. Elliot gave me the courage to start writing comedy again. Stuart gave me the push to get back in the gym,
Starting point is 01:38:02 and Dan has given me the conference to deal with my depression and to move past my acts and pursue new things. Thank you so much to my favorite bad movie podcast who has systematically ripped apart some of my favorite movies. I love you guys with much gratitude. Tyler last name withheld. That's so nice.
Starting point is 01:38:20 That's very nice. Yeah, Tyler, we could be there for you and you could be there for us. Thank you, the listeners. I was in pain at close attention. Do you say thank you, Dan, for giving him courage to have a really cool beard? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:35 Like Reiker, he said, this break has already gone a little long, but I do want to highlight quickly the official max fund Thank you gifts for donors. We talked about what we as a share we're doing, but the official gifts at $5 a month or more you get all that bonus constant I mentioned including this years Flophouse content the cats commentary track if you join in if you join at or upgrade to track. If you join in, if you join at or upgrade to $10 a month or more, you get a really beautiful patch. You can sew on to clothes of your choice or just display somewhere ours is the flat house house cat. It's designed to look like he's bursting right out or whatever clothing you put the past on. He came to visit us. It's been a long time. Yeah. And if you join at or upgrade to the $20 month or more level, you can choose to
Starting point is 01:39:32 choose the Max Fund Creativity Pack. This is where artists and Max Funster, Ellen Vander Meade, illustrated a beautiful deck of 54 inspiration cards, where each card has an activity suggested from your favorite hosts or your pals at max fun. It's designed to inspire you to enjoy friends, nature, food, making art, all kinds of stuff. The kit comes also with a set of three post cards, a piece of non-hardening colorful modeling clay, and a custom blackwing pencil to inclercure you to get creative. If that is not your thing at the $20 level,
Starting point is 01:40:12 you can also, instead of that, opt for a hat with a max fund rocket logo. If you say, may, to creativity, you can wear a hat with a rocket on it. There's a lot of other gifts at even higher levels. I hope you were as delighted at listeners at home as I was at Dan's delight as the way he put that. There are higher levels.
Starting point is 01:40:41 If you're curious, all of this is at website. You can see the thank you gifts. You can check them all out there. But for now, I'm just going to ask, will you please join us as a member? Go to slash join. Choose what shows you like and what you think you're going to afford to make sure they keep going strong. And thank you for the support. So we did a we did a letter as part of our max fun drive. I don't know, spiel. I'll
Starting point is 01:41:22 use the word spiel. So you can use that word. Thank you. I'm not offended. So we're that that that's going to serve as our our letters for this episode, but we do want to move on to make recommendations of a movie that we saw often often recently, sometimes not that we like, that maybe is a better use of your time than Worth Grandpa. I'll kick us off and say that I've already told this story to the flop house crew, but I was scrolling through, we were looking for a romantic comedy to watch the other night. And I tweeted like
Starting point is 01:42:06 a joke about like looking for something not being able to find it whatever. And um, sounds like a great joke. The, you look it up. I don't, you know, I'm not, I'm only given away for free on Elon Musk's Twitter. Oh, you guys here. Anyway, no, you guys here. You get this thing. That's what's terrible. Anyway, um, this unrelated joke, unrelated joke, but the, uh, the actress Molly sequin tweeted at me saying, watch Agnes, which is a movie that, um, she is the star of. And it was such an unusual occurrence to have someone personally tweet it, it means to advocate their movie.
Starting point is 01:42:50 Yeah, during the Vine Mickey Reese. Yeah, it's not a romantic comedy. That was just what I, what I happen to be tweeting about. It is a, Oh, what a twist. It starts out as a horror movie and then becomes,
Starting point is 01:43:04 I don't know, kind of a philosophical explanation of what it is to live in the world and how to do so. I really enjoyed it. And, you know, which is, I guess, a lesson if any other movie actors want to personally advocate, they're moving to be held properly watching. But that's a easy way to get your film recommended on the podcast. Well, not always recommended. I could have not said anything about it, but I'm recommending because I genuinely enjoyed it. It is a movie that rewards not knowing where it's going to go. So I'm not gonna say too much about it, but I also think that it probably,
Starting point is 01:43:53 you know, some reviews I've read of it, it's suffered for the person expecting one kind of movie and being angry when their expectations were confounded. I usually enjoy it when I'm surprised by a movie, but I also understand when people are like, this is not what I was signing up for. So if you want a straightforward exorcism slash non horror film, Yeah, this is not that. We had to go to go to the video store. I mean, don't pretend don't pretend like there's not a lot of not horror. That's true. Fair point. Fair point. But anyway, Agnes was interesting. It's got more in its mind
Starting point is 01:44:38 than you might think from the, I don't know, little plots and opses you see on streaming or whatever. But, sure, what do you got? Yeah, I think that know, little plots and opposite you see on streaming or whatever. But, sure, what do you got? Yeah, I think that's the case with a lot of Mickey Reese movies. Nice guy, drank in my bar one time. Okay, so I am going to recommend, to kind of stick with this theme of like generational conflict. I'm going to recommend the movie.
Starting point is 01:45:00 Come on, come on, starring Joaquin Phoenix and a little kid from England who does a very good American accent. It also has Gabby Hoffman, who plays a sister, and it's about a childless podcaster who takes his sister's son under his wing for a little while while she deals with deals with her emotionally challenged husband played by scoop McNary. Now this is going to be a little bit of a teaser because in an upcoming mini, we're going to be playing a game that I'm hosting called Skete Scoots, Skete Scoots, Scarrett, where you have to decide whether it is a Skete-O-Ritch scoop McNary or Tom Scarrett movie. I don't want to tip my hand too much because there will be a bonus round that cost me quite a bit of money, time, and I think my marriage,
Starting point is 01:45:53 the SCAT bonus round where you have to determine if it's a skit-scat, a skit-scat, or a scared-scat, and I'll show you a picture of somebody's shit. Okay, I was wondering what kind of skat you were. Yeah. You were getting it. No, it's not like he's beatbox here. So I wondered, yeah. So yeah, come on. You took us on a real journey.
Starting point is 01:46:18 That was, yeah, my legs are tired. It's sore. I honestly, part way through, I kind of forgot it was a movie recommendation. I'm going to quickly recommend a movie from the end of last year. This is a movie that's available on Netflix, which is an online streaming service for film that you may have heard of. They're having a hard time right now, so I not go and watch some of their movies. Take advantage of that membership before they try and charge you more.
Starting point is 01:46:46 Mm hmm. This is a movie called The Harder They Fall, which is a Western starring a enormously fantastic cast. Jonathan Majors is in it. Idris Elbas in it. Zazzy Beetz is in it. Regina Kings in it. So we're Lindo's in it. Lake Heath Stanfield's in it. A lot of other great people. Jonathan Majors is so fucking jacked. It's crazy. Like they put them in movies and they cast them as a nerd and I'm like, this is unfair. I had trouble. Yeah, in lovecraft country where he's like, I love reading these books. I was like, I'm sure you're like, what is going on? It's our enormous. Yeah. He gained all that art muscle from lifting those heavy books.
Starting point is 01:47:23 And this is, it is not a, it's a western, but it is not a historical western, even though the characters are kind of named after real life people. But it felt like someone is doing a modern-day spaghetti western with an almost entirely all-black cast, and the music in it is great, and it looks great, and there's a lot of really fun action scenes. It's the kind of move, it's not gonna change the way you think about the West or even make you think about the West. But it is a fun collection of kind of suspense and action scenes
Starting point is 01:47:53 and I really like the style of it and I liked the soundtrack a lot. So that's the harder they fall, not to be confused with the old movie, The Harder They Fall, which is completely different. Don't get confused with that one. Yeah, okay. That's a movie about boxing. Where's probably someone jumps rope. Anyway, or don't get confused with The Harder They Come, which is a movie about a ring
Starting point is 01:48:14 game music, basically. Yeah, well, that's got a different title, so. Or a Hard Days Night. Yeah. Yeah. Or RoboCop. RoboCop. Or the Harvey movie.
Starting point is 01:48:23 Which is a movie where my career Fox is perfect movie. She's a movie where my car Fox is an actor. That's that movie's about a ride along with or the thing that they play at the beginning of movies where they encourage you to go get snacks from the
Starting point is 01:48:36 or the thing where Nicole Kidman says that this is a place where heart feels okay. Those are movies. That's just in the movie theater. I challenge that. I think it's a movie, Dan. Yeah. Those are movies. That's just in the movie theater. I challenge that. I think it's a movie, Jan.
Starting point is 01:48:46 Yeah, a short film. Griffin? I do not watch a ton of film, even children's films, because my son is on that YouTube kids tip. Now I watch a lot of a lot of ranking of spung Bob, like clips and I watch a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of,
Starting point is 01:49:06 I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of,
Starting point is 01:49:14 I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of,
Starting point is 01:49:22 I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of, I'm a lot of property damage style stuff. This is something I recently spent some time with my niece and nephew hide and see for a long time. And my kids do not spend any time on YouTube. The only time they watch things on like an iPad is to watch baseball highlights on websites. And my niece and nephew, they would just sit in front of your YouTube. Your brother is listening to this episode and he just cried.
Starting point is 01:49:41 Yeah, he did. Cryed and cried and she would joy. But they would just sit on YouTube and it's just like, yeah, whatever plays, they're going to watch it. And I was, it would get to the point where they'd start with like, you know, an educational song and then four videos in. I was like, what is this? What country is this? Alex Jones. But Rachel and I did have like a day where our schedules were pretty open. And so we during for a lunch date, we went to see everything everywhere all at once. And it's like, man, that's it.
Starting point is 01:50:13 That's it. I'm sure that has been recommended many a time on this podcast. We've got a shit. Still want to see it. Yeah. It's so great. Yeah. It's it's, uh, we don't always have the same, uh, like, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:50:29 kinds of, of media that we enjoy, especially fiction. Uh, like I always, I always kind of feel that pressure of like, is this something, I loved that. Is this something that like Rachel is also going to be, uh, as, as into and like walking out of that. We both looked to each other. That's one of the best movies I've ever seen. I want to turn around and walk right back into that film, which considering the fact that
Starting point is 01:50:55 movies don't really have a place in my routine right now is really saying something. And I've recommended it to all of my family who are kind of in the same boat that I am and it's they have not done it either but Paul from Paul and Storm who's our tour manager because on tour that mentioned something about it and I like pulled him into the dressing room like we got to talk about this movie. I have nobody. It's one of those movies and it's a really special film and I'm just crazy about it. Yeah, no, that's a good one. So watch those movies, not this one.
Starting point is 01:51:32 Come on. That's also Sonic 2. Yeah, that was a fun. That was fun. I had a good time. Yeah, I had a good time. Something tells me, over and say, it was Diallimo Drafthouse lost my fucking son's
Starting point is 01:51:44 chicken tender order. And that was it. That is my whole that's my whole day at that point. It was hard to enjoy. Yeah. Knuckles and Sonic like patching up and being friends and collecting the chaos and all to my son's like tummy hunky. Now was your son nervous that Sonic and Knuckles were not friends at least on the poster of the movie that they're like, shouldn't they be friends and was he nervous? Should it be more drama? Yeah, well, how can they, how can, if they're not friends, how are they going to have a baby
Starting point is 01:52:15 together? Yeah. Yeah, he asked me all those questions. And luckily the movie answered them all and then the entire's show up by the answer. Every dad has it. Let's, it's like when I took when I took my older son to see Spider-Man no way home and he kept saying which Spider-Man is Andrew Jackson? It's like no answer Garfield. His name's Andrew Garfield, different presidential last name.
Starting point is 01:52:40 Yeah, he's pretty good though. He's close enough. I mean, similar politics. Let's move this. Let's move this podcast train to the station. I'm going to give just a quick final pitch for Max Fun for you, the listener, to become a member. If you're not a member already, look, there's a lot of you that are members already. Thank you so much. If you made it this far, you made it this far. You probably remember. You might just be a member. That was Jeff. But if you're not, if you're not, let me just say that doing the show for MaximeFum needs that we can make the show that we want to do that we think is funny without any interference from folks who might not get what we're all about. I have no idea
Starting point is 01:53:27 why anyone would not get what this shows all about, all the non-specific, esoteric things that we talk about, but thank you for liking it as well. And I want to say that the network just offers a support and help when we ask them for it on our terms. And it's a wonderful way to work. It lets us to put a show that's silly and specific. I mean, a lot of fun. And that only works if listeners like you decide that it is worth something to support creators that they love. If you look forward to a Saturday morning because you know a new podcast episode is out.
Starting point is 01:54:00 If you've seen a trailer for a bad movie and thought, man, I hope the Peachaches do an episode on that. If we've kept you company on car rides or on your commute, just please consider being a max fund member. Wouldn't it make you feel good to support something that you really enjoy? Please go to slash join and support the show today. It means the world to us. Thank you. That's, that's the last of the advertisements for ourselves.
Starting point is 01:54:28 And the cue to say thank you to Griffin for taking the time out of his busy life of being a very great podcaster, having his own shows, having two children and a family to deal with. Griffin, thank you. To deal with. Well, I mean, just in the sense of the way we'll never have children. and a family to deal with. Griffin, thank you. To deal with. Well, I mean, just a little bit of money we'll never have children. Look, in the sense of,
Starting point is 01:54:50 I know how hard it is to carve out time, you know? It's, I mean, it's 11.30. Everybody in my house is unconscious. You're, this is, I'm having this. This is, yeah, I'll be tired tomorrow, but you're not keeping me from anything. Okay, good. Anything more.
Starting point is 01:55:04 I worry. Sort of life affirming. I mean, if you're not keeping me from anything. No, take good. Yeah. Anything more. I worry. Sort of life affirming. I mean, if you point out that I'm childless, it's like, that's the key thing. It is just like, I never know whether I'm bothering someone who has a family or not. Like, that is what the key to bothering someone.
Starting point is 01:55:18 I thought we're talking about it. I never know whether you're bothering someone. I was like, I never know whether that's bothering someone. How does it work, guys? You guys are bothers to me. You don't, when it happens, I never know what that is following someone. How does it work guys? You guys are fun. Tell me. You'll when it happens, you'll know. It changes. It changes everything, damn. But check out the mini podcast that Griffin is on on the Max Fun Network itself. Is there anything specific you want to plug or just, you know, the same, I mean, this latest season of adventure zone called ETH or C. We've been doing it, we've been doing it for a while now
Starting point is 01:55:47 and I'm having a lot of fun doing it. If you like sort of deep C, sci-fi fantasy, there's probably not a lot of that out there. So that's like a hammerin' list thing. Yeah, right. Yeah, you love it. You love it. You love it.
Starting point is 01:56:02 Yeah, my sequest fan cast is done so. Yeah, exactly. That's the only reference that we ever get that in Earthsea because the titles kind of look the same, but yeah, give it a listen. Well, thank you for my dad wrote a children's book. Oh, wow. I'm here occupying your time. Yeah. And it's it's very, very cute. What's the name? It's called Goldies Guide to Grandchilding. It's very, very cute. What's the name? It's called Goldies Guide to Grandchilding.
Starting point is 01:56:24 We haven't, you know, since because of COVID, many travel plans and Christmases have been sort of way laid. So we actually hadn't like seen Dad in a while until this last year that we had on the weekend. And just, you know, he got to read his new book to his kids and it was just a delightful time. And recreate that with your own kids by buying the book. Yeah, if you want grandchild-based entertainment, get that and so this movie,
Starting point is 01:56:51 the set of this, yeah. This one comes out May 10th, though, which you'll have to wait for it, while War with Grandpa is out and you've been on Apple TV for 399. So in that department, War with Grandpa does beat that book. Yeah, I guess why not both. Or if you're like a little kid that already has a showtime subscription so you can watch all the shameless you've never watched. You love right away. H. Macy.
Starting point is 01:57:11 Yeah, you're a little kid who fucking loves billions. What if that show in this movie switch titles? I think you go a little something like this. All right, well, uh, uh, before we go, uh, thanks as always to Alex Smith, our producer, you can find him at Howell Daudy on Twitter. You can probably figure out what that is. If you put the smallest amount of effort, thank you, Alex, for making us sound good and for putting up with recommendations to check you out.
Starting point is 01:57:44 But sound like this one. Thank you so much. For the flop house, I've been Dan McCoy. I've been Stuart Wellington. I've been Ellie Kaelin. I've been Griff and Macaroy. Boom, we did it. Boom.
Starting point is 01:57:59 Boom. You all said I could forget. We are going to say our names, and then you should say your name. Yeah. You shouldn't wait for us to say your name. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:58:11 I don't know. I got a lot for you out. Are you checking out? I got a lot of, I'm spending a lot of fucking plates right now. And the last thing I need is to learn more podcast structures. Yeah. OK. Fine.
Starting point is 01:58:24 OK. We'll point to you aggressively. And I say, and I'm Granbo Momblomb. No, no. Comedy and Culture. Artist-owned, audience supported.

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