The Flop House - Ep.#417 - Exorcist: Believer

Episode Date: February 24, 2024

It takes a brave creative team to give Exorcist II: The Heretic a run for its money as worst "Exorcist" film, but at least part two was lovably batshit and a work of care and pearsonal vision, even if... that vision was really weird. Exorcist: Believer on the other hand? Oof. You'll have to listen to find out.Do you live in or around BROOKLYN, NEW YORK or OXFORD, ENGLAND? We’ve got upcoming LIVE SHOWS for you!Wikipedia page for Exorcist: BelieverRecommended in this episode:Sorcerer (1977)Dicks: The Musical (2023)Carrie (1952)Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to Head to for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch, use offer code: FLOP to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain.”

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss the Exorcist, Colin Believer. Love it or leave it, you gotta believe it. We watch an Exorcist movie, bye. Hey everyone and welcome to the Flop House. I'm Dan McCoy. Hey, I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Ellie Kaelin. We're going to have an interesting show for you today. Dan's on cold medicine. One of my kids is home with a cold. And Stuart, he's on cold medicine, one of my kids is home with a cold, and Stuart, he's as cold-hearted.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Yep. Oh, man, if only. Looking to his eyes, oh, uh-oh, he's been telling lies. I've been? But I am a lover boy at play. The thing is, the rules, I don't play by them. No, no, you're also kind of a jukebox hero, right? Turning your lover boy badge in gun.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Oh, no. I guess it would be condoms. Yes. Yeah, I mean it's right in both things. Is that like an equivalent to like a silencer? Or where does that, where does that come from? Yeah, it's like a silencer for your penis because it contains the sound when you. Cause normally when I bust, it, it's sad, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Yeah, it's a sonic boom. It sounds like a, like a balloon deflation. Well, you sing about it like Ray Parker Jr. So it's loud. Yeah. I'm shouting mommy. Wow. We're not winning any new listeners with the beginning of this episode. Nope.
Starting point is 00:01:41 That was the plan of this exorcist, a believer episode. Yeah. People said, plan of this Exorcist villain believer episode. People said, oh, I can't wait to hear about this movie that I forgot about existing. Yeah, I'm going to jump in on a big one, a hot one. This Exorcist believer movie sounds good. Hey, this is a podcast. Recently added to Peacock. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:59 This sounds, oh man, can't wait to listen to the whole podcast. Oh, I've heard good things about the Exorcist. Oh, wait, let me look at the small type believer. Oh, this is not the one I thought it was. I mean, if I know anything about streaming in two years, this will be the most inexplicably popular thing ever. Yeah. The procedural based on it.
Starting point is 00:02:15 And talk about streaming, more like screaming, because this is a horror movie. And Dan, what are we doing this podcast? This is a podcast where we watch bad movies and talk about them. We have a whole month devoted to screaming coming up later in the year. Scream Timber. Yeah, we don't need to stick to that for horror movies.
Starting point is 00:02:37 We realize we can have a little fun once in a while. Oh, wait a minute. It's me, the straw man. I'm saying, hey, Dan, you can only do horror movies in Scream Timber. Get out of here. We can have fun once in a while. Let us have fun. Oh man, I'm saying, hey Dan, you can only do horror movies in the spring timber. We can have fun once in a while, let us have fun. Once again, that Dan has to get rid of his, Archon of the Says the straw man, who's always making Dan do explanatory advisories
Starting point is 00:02:55 and provisos about things no one cares about. All right, well, fuck both of you. So we watched the Exorcist believer. David Gordon Green was done. Now this is not Exorcist versus Severus Assist, ballistic. No, no, no, no, no, but it's not. I don't know, you were excited. Well, it was fairly worth interrupting the sentence.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Tell us about David Gordon Green, I apologize. He got tired of doing questionable things to the Halloween franchise and decided to move over to another classic of the 70s horror. Yeah, yeah. I mean, not to throw shade at David Gordon Green. I love a lot of his TV work. He has done some really good stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:42 He's made some very good movies, yeah. I do not think he has a particular aptitude for horror. And he seems to want to do a lot of it. But he loves horror. Yeah. Yeah. No. No. No. He has a very, he's a very, got a very eclectic filmography where he started out doing very kind of like emotion based, independent, atmospheric, independent films.
Starting point is 00:04:03 He also did pineapple express Express and Your Highness. And then once he got like drug humor out of his system, he was like, time to go to the horror movies of the 70s. I mean, he also made like Joe. He's made a number of like, add a different, if you had to look at like Robert Wise to find a more, you know, all over the place filmography. You know?
Starting point is 00:04:21 I try not to be mean on this show. And I don't, I'm not trying to be mean here. Like I think he's done great work. It's just mostly not in horror, which is what he's turned his hand to. Like even the even the first Halloween new movie, which everyone was pretty high on, I was like, yeah, this is fine. Like I like it as a cap off to the movies that I liked from a long time ago. This is a nice little ending. And then of course it was successful.
Starting point is 00:04:49 So they made more of them. It was actually a beginning. Guys, I hate to interrupt. I just got a text message from one of my beer reps. Yeah. No, it says by all means. He says, Hey, just a heads up. It's a Super Bowl week.
Starting point is 00:05:01 And I'm like, Oh boy, I'm going to roast this guy in the group chat right now. Super ball. What an idiot. No, no, he means they're giving out free super balls for national super ball week from WAMO. He may not know about this. A national holiday. Okay. Sorry for interrupting. So we've, we've, uh, we just covered that David and Gordon Greene's horror movies aren't very good, right? And that they're all like dredging up nostalgia, bait for interrupting. So we've, we've, we just covered that David and Gordon Greene's horror movies aren't very good, right? And that they're all like dredging up nostalgia, bait, bullshit.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Yeah, yeah. I mean, I mean, you said that just now. Oh, oh yeah, I just did. Do you guys disagree? Are you like, no, I like it when they bring back, they do legacy quills and bring back people from the original movies and have them kind of do fan fiction-y type shit and also like, are kind of disrespected
Starting point is 00:05:46 by the movie that we're watching. To be, I haven't, I actually haven't seen any of his Halloween movies because I just figured I don't need to. You've seen the Rob Zombie's, that's all you needed. Yes, exactly. I saw the originals, the Rob Zombie ones. You jumped into your dragula, you went to the movie theater and you watched them. Yeah, I got into my hopped up homemade monster car.
Starting point is 00:06:07 But yeah, in general, I am not a huge fan of the legacy sequel trend, which I guess did Tron Legacy start that or was it something else that started it? I mean, I feel like Matt Singer coined legacy quills, so I'll just shoot him a text after the show and he'll give us all the info. I mean, I feel like Matt Singer coined legacy quills. So I'll just shoot him a text after the show and he'll give us all the info. And when he's done killing himself with the menu of the Barbie themed Denny's menu, he'll be able to make do.
Starting point is 00:06:35 I think he already did that. And he did, it was the Wonka Denny's menu that was particularly horrifying. But I don't know what's next. What other, like, is there gonna be a Dune menu where you eat like a fucking bowl of sand or some sugar? It's a bowl of sand and worms, yeah. But I don't know what's next. What other like, is there going to be a dune menu where you eat like a fucking bowl of sand or something? Of course.
Starting point is 00:06:48 A bowl of sand and worms, yeah. The big dinnies drive away dolls. The menu. Yeah, yeah, the love lies bleeding special menu. It's all right, Dean Potter. Solo work of the Coens. He's sitting in Applebee's right now having the Applebee's Argyle-a-thon menu.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Oh no! It's just cat food? It's just cat food and bags, yep. I don't know, tell us about this movie, Stuart. Why don't you... Oh yeah, let's fire this fucker up. So, what's your experience with the... You guys have seen the Exorcist before, right? The original one. And we did the Exorcist 2
Starting point is 00:07:22 for a live show. For a live streaming show. I think that's one that's available on YouTube for those who want to check it out. Before we get to the movie, I just want to say I like that first Exorcist movie. That's a really good movie. That first Exorcist. Yeah. And it's a movie that, I mean, we'll get into maybe my theological problems with these sorts of films later on, but it's a movie that I think sort of weaponizes the fact that we live in a secular world for the horror of like this unexplained thing happening better
Starting point is 00:07:57 than like, you know, possession movies that came afterwards that kind of like assume like, yeah, we all buy into this cosmology of the universe. Yeah, she's having sex with a tentacle monster, I get it. Yeah. It's a possession movie, technically I'm correct. Your technically correct possession is a movie about a woman having sex with a tentacle monster. It is, I mean, as much as I like the exorcist.
Starting point is 00:08:22 So I'm on the scoreboard, should we update the center ball? Yeah, that's super one, we're rolling. As much as I like the Exorcist. So I'm on the scoreboard. Should we update the Super Bowl or the Super Bowl? We're rolling. As much as I like the Exorcist, I do like Possession more. I mean, Possession is a scarier movie that goes straight into my veins more than the Exorcist. But the Exorcist is still very good. The Exorcist takes kind of like mainstream,
Starting point is 00:08:42 a mainstream major American religion and makes it seem horrifying in a way that like other movies of this ilk, I think, ask me to buy into something that maybe I don't necessarily want to. That there's all these like supernatural things going on all the time and we need the church to save us. Yeah. I mean, anytime you watch one of these movies, you have to suspend your disbelief that the devil does not exist. But I've watched so many movies where I have to, I mean, Dan, I hate to break it, you.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Wookiees are not real either. No, I knew that you were going to make this argument and my rebuttal to it is like, with like, Van Piers. That Wookiees are real? Dan, I didn't want you to have to find out this way. That's not a Wookiee. That's be Zara real Dan. I didn't want you to have to find out this way. That's not a wiki. That's just a hairy guy, you know, with vampires. Like I'm not saying that there's no one out there who like believes that they exist. You know, like there's someone, there's some goth person wearing a freely velvet robe right now and good on you for believing in vampires.
Starting point is 00:09:42 But like, I'm gonna crush him. Yeah. He's going to be crushing out a solo black middle record. I'm just saying that like with that, I don't have to deal with the fact that there are a bunch of people in real life that believe this shit, and it leads them to do a lot of stuff that I don't agree with.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Yes, well, and I think you're right about that. In the original exorcist, I think they walk that line pretty well because they really only talk about the devil or not devil aspects of the church. Whereas this episode, they start to talk about abortion at one point in a way that I was like, this is getting into this. This movie is taking on water that it cannot hold. Thank you. Yeah. My only problem with the original Exorcist is I feel like it's a little cliched to cast Max Von Seidau in the movie because he know that dude's gonna be the bad guy, right?
Starting point is 00:10:26 I hate to break it to you. That's the one movie that Ingmar Bergman didn't make where Max von Seidau is not the bad guy. Oh, wait a minute. I thought he played a Catholic priest and you're saying he's not the bad guy? Oh! Once again, Stewart's...
Starting point is 00:10:39 Oh, put me on the board, Stewart's board! Leftist secular politics. His neoliberal anarchism is, or not neoliberal, neoliberal is basically conservative. That you would be like a, like a, like a, I don't know, progressive anarchist. I describe myself as a classic stinker. I'm just amazed.
Starting point is 00:10:58 We've like barely ever used the scoreboard before. And now, man, it's on fire. It's on fire. Well, and amazingly in this year's presidential debates, the stinker party got enough votes for Stuart to be on the debate stage. It's a problem though, because I'm such a force of personality that when I leave my other stinkers,
Starting point is 00:11:20 they just don't have my same level of charm. So they won't be able to hold off. Okay. And that's what leads to January stinks. Oh no. Oh yeah. Other stinkers, they just don't have my same level of charm, so they won't be able to hold off. Okay. Yeah, yeah. That's what leads to January stinks. Oh no. Oh yeah. Other stinkers. Thanks, Elliott.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Thanks for telegraphing the future. So, boom. Exorcist, believer, the movie. First off, guys, believer. Who's the believer in this movie? Think about it. Well, maybe you can answer after the movie. That's a good question because there's a couple different people who could be the believer
Starting point is 00:11:44 and we're talking about belief in it. Well, maybe you can answer after the movie. That's a good question because there's a couple different people who could be the believer and we're talking about belief in it. And it's a, it was only after the movie was over that I was like, oh, I guess the title is about different belief, there are different types of belief. It just felt like such a generic title going into it that I didn't really think about it until it was over. So the movie opens in Haiti.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Our characters are Victor and Sorenne, Sorenne who are, I believe a married couple. She's pregnant. He's a photographer. He's taking, it actually opens with him taking photos of dogs fighting and I'm like, oh, what's this representing? And I guess we'll find out later. And Victor is played by Leslie Odom Jr.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Who I know Stuart and I have seen him on stage. Dan, you must have. You saw the original Hamilton cast, right? I also saw him on stage and he is the main thing keeping this movie from flying off the rails completely. He is very good in this movie that he's got. Yes, yes, he's very good. But I just wanted to mention this wasn't just Elliot
Starting point is 00:12:41 having seen this person in a play. All three of us have seen this person in a play. Stuart and I went to it together. Yep, holding hands, tears in our eyes. Yeah, and then we skipped away into the rainbow road to Valhalla. Not to jump ahead, but do you also see Norbert Leo Butts on stage?
Starting point is 00:12:57 Cause I did in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels opposite John Lithgow. Ironically, he is one of the guys who's in a lot of Broadway plays who I think I've never actually seen in a Broadway play. He plays one of the dads, the other dad. Okay, so Serene, who I said was pregnant, is still pregnant. She's getting her baby blessed by some local women. And she just said, like, later on, she's like, yeah, these women offered to give a blessing to our unborn baby
Starting point is 00:13:26 This okay, that's fine. There's little little boy brought her over there. I'm like don't follow this little boy That's how gremlins get that's how you get a gremlin. Yeah, that's how you get a gremlin Which is technically what they're trying to do. She's gonna give birth to a little they're trying to bring a little gremlin into Into being yeah, and I'll tell you the same rules apply. Don't feed a kid after midnight. They should be in bed already Don't get them wet unless they're taking a bath. They don't like to take baths because they're sticky enough actually gotta wipe them off all yeah, and What was there and don't? Show them sunlight. Yeah, because you want them to be real like pale ghost children who are real spooky
Starting point is 00:14:00 And they look in windows and they scare people walking by yeah Is is there one of the rules don't shoot them with the electric gremlin? Is that in the rules? That's kind of an unspoken rule. Because that's gonna fuck up your gremlin. Yeah, it's resting out of their wet. Yeah, it's gonna wreck your gremlin. Sometimes you want that to happen, like once one time you wanted that to happen, but also kids love snow white in the seven dwarves, gremlins love snow white in the seven dwarves, same thing.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Yeah, all these rules also apply to my novelty Gremlin flesh light. No, let's tell us more about this. Well, you can't feed it after midnight. That thing will get fucking crazy. And don't get it wet, you'll break it. Yeah, that's the problem. You gotta clean it, you gotta clean it.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Nothing like a dry J.O. session. What the? Okay. You got to clean it. You got to clean it. No, nothing like a dry J.O. session. Okay. And you also don't want to use that in open sunlight because people will just look at you weird. Yeah, Dan so sad he's watching our Lister numbers deplete rapidly in real time. Somehow. Somehow in the future, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Okay. And it's got the green kind of modeled skin of a grandma. Yeah, dude. Oh, Why else would I buy it? What's wrong with you? Grimlin theme fleshlight. Don't you understand? Yeah, you're right. You're right. I don't know what your fleshlight is. Does it make noise? Does it go like Well, it makes noise, but it's more like a like your mix and macaroni more like your mix and macaroni. Oh, God, no, God, no. Dan, you knew me, we're gonna talk about this.
Starting point is 00:15:27 This is the Exorcist Believe-In episode. You're right, it was in the notes. How did I not realize this was gonna come up? Yeah, you didn't get the email about what we were covering? Okay. Spend 10 minutes on a flashlight. It would be, how strange, how surprising would it have been if later in the film,
Starting point is 00:15:42 Leslie Odom Jr. is just like, oh, I gotta deal with the fact that my daughter's been possessed by the devil. I gotta get some of this stress out and just throw that a flesh light. And I'm like, dog, you have that in the house with children? Because children get into everything. She's gonna find that thing. And those are harder to explain than a vibrator, I think. Yeah, that's why you need a safe. You need to put them in a safe. It's like what Dan was complaining about the other day. The double standard our society has on different genders of sex toys. No, well, I mean, everyone should have a sex toy that wants one.
Starting point is 00:16:10 I'm pro that, I guess. Okay, so Dan's just thrown in a free ad for sex toys on our podcast. Yeah, the sex toy council. It's just sort of a non-specific booster group. So after like traveling around, checking out a church, there is an earthquake in Haiti, and they are separated. And Victor, played by Leslie Odom Jr.
Starting point is 00:16:35 finds his wife trapped under rubble. And the rescue workers are like, we can only save her or the baby. And his wife in her, his dying wife says, you know, protect her, which is, I guess, the rules that he's going to live by the rest of the movie. And I'd like to say that other than sort of drafting off of a real-life tragedy, for me, this first section is the most successful in the movie. It has atmosphere, it has some tension. Like I think Green, I want to be clear again.
Starting point is 00:17:07 It's not like I don't like him. I'm trying to figure out what doesn't work for me about his horror movies because I do think that he is good at atmosphere, but maybe bad at tension. I think maybe that's part of it. I think it's more of a story problem than it is a production or directing problem. But I will say, I'll give them credit for,
Starting point is 00:17:28 I was ready for them to bring in some kind of evil voodoo that the priest has to undo, like the baby has been cursed or something. And I was very glad that they didn't do that. Luckily that wasn't the case. I feel Dan just like off the top of my dome, I think one of the issues at least I have with his Halloween movies is I feel Dan just like off the top my dome. I think one of the issues at least I have with his Halloween movies is I feel like the point of view
Starting point is 00:17:50 feels a little off. Like I don't know if I am supposed to be scared for the people that are getting killed or if I should be saying, wow, this is cool. Yeah, I mean, I would say that that's a problem with any late period slasher movie though, including Minnie and your beloved Friday the 13th series, where I'm like, who am I sympathizing with here?
Starting point is 00:18:10 I mean, I'm sympathizing with Jason because he's the man. I was, did you got my internet froze for a sec? Did you guys hear what I was saying about Haiti or no? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And we all agreed with you. Okay. Great. Great. And we, when we also said, you're the best, you're the funniest guy. I appreciate that. I'm interested. I'm're the funniest guy we know. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:18:26 I'm interested. I made it on the scoreboard? Great. Yeah, Dan whipped out a ukulele and sang a little song, kind of talking about how great you are. Oh, wow. Yeah, you miss a lot.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Okay, so. It happens just outside of the zoom frame, though, so you didn't see it then. So, 13 years later, what, who did he choose? Well, we find out because Victor is now living with his daughter, Angela, which of course is hilarious. Anytime you have a movie with devils and shit and there's a character named Angela,
Starting point is 00:18:54 you're like, oh, good one, good name. But what if you had seen a picture of Judith Light in the house and you're like, oh, she's named after Judith Light's character on, who's the boss? I mean, I would give this movie a lot more credit at that point. Okay, fair.
Starting point is 00:19:09 It's like that old, did you ever see that Ben Stiller show sketch? What is it like? Like Hackney tales of cliched horror where he plays a, where Ben Stiller plays a radio like Shockjock, who is in hell and he's like, he occasionally looks looks like longingly at a photo of his girlfriend named Angela.
Starting point is 00:19:28 And she like calls and tries to tell him to like come back. It's funny. It's a good bit. It's a good bit. So he lives with his daughter. They seem to have a pretty fun relationship. She- He's a good dad.
Starting point is 00:19:40 He's put all of himself into being the father that he needs to be for her since she doesn't have a mother. Other than, he is extremely overprotective. He seems to always have her come directly home after. Well, his wife did die in an earthquake, Dan. Yeah. So you think the earthquake's stalking her to finish the job? I've seen jobs for...
Starting point is 00:19:59 I thought we were watching the earthquake for the revenge. Now the earthquake was gonna follow them. I mean, I understand psychologically why he might be overprotective. I'm just saying that that is his flaw as a father, I think. I say, yeah, yeah, that's true. Although if he had been watching her more closely, maybe she wouldn't have gone into the woods and got possessed by the devil. The devil district.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Maybe she would have had wandering to the hell part of the woods. Yeah. So they like play hide and seek a little bit. They argue about vegetarianism. She's like super curious about her mom, but he's very protective about his dead wife's things and he keeps things from his daughter. I guess it's out of a sense of his own loss, whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:42 At school, Angela meets up with her friend, Catherine, and they make plans to sneak out, sneak off into the woods after school and lie to both of their parents so they can go off and do a seance. So Angela can talk to her mom. They don't expect anything bad to happen. Their plans are pretty simple.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Into the woods, into the woods, into the woods, and home before dark. That's the plan. Yep. Is that a reference to a musical? Wait, very much is. The book was called, wait, let me check my notes. Merrily, we roll along. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:21:19 So they find like, they sneak off into the woods. You know, they made plans like, you tell your parents that we're having stovetop at your house, and I'll tell my parents we're having stovetop at their house. And so it's just- Can we talk about that commercial for a moment? I was like, it's very funny that they are gonna go
Starting point is 00:21:34 to both houses, so their parents will know at a certain point that they're not actually having dinner at the other house, right? I would imagine. I'm one of them, I think, yeah, then, yeah. Well, what is the story then at that point? Like, oh, we tried to go over there, but we were cast out by the other parents.
Starting point is 00:21:52 I mean, the door was locked to us. The easiest answer is we ate stovetop there, and it was so good, we wanted more, right? But they're like, they're trying to arrange, like, can I have dinner at Bobby's house tonight? But then they're gonna show up at their house and still have to, like, oh, we went to Bobby's house tonight? But then they're going to show up at their house and still have to, like, like, we went to Bobby's house and his parents were had a key party.
Starting point is 00:22:08 So we weren't, they didn't want us around. Yeah, they weren't inviting. I know you're close with them, but they didn't invite you. Yeah. What is a key party, by the way? Oh, to shut us up, you're going to shove our mouths full of stove top stuffing. I plan work. Something's getting stuck to that key party. And home before dark.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Okay, so they wander off into the woods. They find like a ruined foundation of a building and they climb down into the basement and they have their little seance thing. Meanwhile, Leslie Odom Jr. is having a hell of a time with a photo shoot for this family. Cause he's a photographer and he's doing a family photo and this kid just won't behave,
Starting point is 00:22:47 which is really, I think one of the themes of this movie, kids acting crazy. But they also do the damnedest things. Subliminal style, but not really, because they're like not that quick. Shots of like devil faces over the kid for a couple parts of it. I'm like, what is this indicating?
Starting point is 00:23:04 Like the kids are going to know it. It's indicating that some devil stuff's gonna happen later, Dan, but it doesn't really make sense because the devil's not involved with that kid. But maybe it's a different devil. Cause in the exorcist world, there's specific demons with specific names. It's not just the overall Satan devil.
Starting point is 00:23:19 So maybe that kid's dealing with some other devil. And it's another side movie. Maybe this is the sequel to that. Yeah, it's the Trassy's Red Devil. And maybe it's the movie saying, hey, they bought a ticket for Exorcist believer. Maybe they forgot that it's a devil movie. What's behind them?
Starting point is 00:23:34 They think it's a parenting movie up to this point. We gotta remind them there's devils in this movie. Check out this problem child. Back home. I mean, this movie could be called problem child. Yeah, the Exorcist could also be, the original one could be called that. This could be Problem Child too,
Starting point is 00:23:50 cause there's two of them. That's true. It would be funny if the Problem Child movies did at the end, turn out that the devil was possessing the kid, but then the kid is so annoying that even the devil is like, I'm out of here, puts on a hat, picks up a suitcase, walks out. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Same thing with like the good son that they're like. Actually, it was the devil. And also, if you couldn't tell, he was actually the bad son. For anyone who's- I saw the devil. If you were paying attention. For anyone who's not clear on the movie, now that you're walking out of the theater,
Starting point is 00:24:18 he was the bad son. It was ironically titled. Because you know, there's someone who's like, I don't know why they called it the good son. That son was bad. He was bad. Let me write a letter to my congressman about it. How many like nanas went to that movie being like, I love seeing good sons do good stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:33 And then that kid grew up and was like, I can't wait to see Anna DeArmes in this movie. And then went to see it and was like, how dare they? How dare they tease me with that? I'm gonna sue the studio. Dear better business bureau, this son was mislabeled. Mm-hmm. I would like to rescind in the unused portion.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Sir, you devoured most of this movie. Oh, uh-oh. So back home in an empty home because his daughter is off having a seance, he is going through, he's like going through the photos for the day and like the lights start to flicker. That's a regular thing as demonic crap happens in this movie. It causes electrical stuff.
Starting point is 00:25:14 And it caused like a weird distortion effect on his computer monitor. And you're like, what happened there? It's like when she palpatein beams in and that Star Wars movie and his body looks all crazy. Okay. Something like that. Yeah. It is a little bit like that for a moment the movie turns into D-Sniper's Strange Land for the first second, you know, or or something. Yeah, this computer's twisted. Demons are like solar flares. They're just gonna fuck with fields, electrical fields and such. So of course the little girls never come home.
Starting point is 00:25:47 The parents quickly cut through the ruse. They call around and figure out that the kids, the daughters were lying to them. They realized that they went off into the woods. So... They are not home before dark. Yep, Victor and then the parents of Catherine all go off into the woods looking for their daughters.
Starting point is 00:26:07 And now Catherine's parents, Catherine is like her family's more religious. Yeah. According to the Wikipedia entry, they are Baptist, but yeah, they're churchgoing folk. And it's Tony and something. I don't remember the mother's name. Tony and Tina from Tony and Tina's wedding, another New York theatrical tradition. Wait, is that the one where one of them is Italian and one of them is, are they both? They're both Italian.
Starting point is 00:26:32 They're both Italian. No, no, you're thinking of the play, my mother's Italian, my father's Jewish, and I'm in therapy. Yes, I am thinking about that point. Or maybe it's the other way around, my father's Italian, my mother's Jewish. This is when the joke is just that they're Italian.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Can you believe it? Yeah, they're just, and also they interact with you. You know, it's like you're a guest at the wedding. This is Tony and Miranda West. Okay. I believe your name. So they search the woods, they find some evidence of their daughters, like a book pack, a book pack, bag pack.
Starting point is 00:26:58 What are you saying? Yeah, bag pack. Do you have a stroke? You really don't have children. That's a word you haven't used in many years. A book pack. Is that a book feed? A book pack, what's a word you haven't used in many years. Is that whoopee? What's a book pack? Guys, what's happening to me?
Starting point is 00:27:10 What's going on? Am I possessed? I don't know. I don't know. They've got a pile of books with a belt tied around and they're hitting a hoop with a stick. They go down, the Leslie Adam Jr. goes down into the flooded basement area.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Don't see anything gross, Dan. And he finds a, and there's a snake scare, which is nice and refreshing. Cats aren't the only animals in scare people. It's a snake this time. It's refreshing. Snake goes wiggling past and he's like, ah, and then he finds a discarded shoe.
Starting point is 00:27:41 What's up with these girls? The parents get in a big fight at the police station. At first, you know, they were working together to find their kids, but now they're like, they don't trust each other. Victor at one point is like, the one thing you need to know about me, I care about my daughter.
Starting point is 00:27:56 I'm like, you're not on a fucking reality show, buddy. Like it's fine. Like we all assume you care about your daughter if you're here at this point. Yeah, but it's like there's a, the similar to leave the world behind, there's a light shading of white couple doesn't trust black guy, black father,
Starting point is 00:28:12 the, and a little bit of like, we're religious, you're not religious. So we're, and he's like, they're like, we didn't even know your daughter was friends with our daughter, which he knew who his daughter's friends are, they don't. It's, you know, it's a classic parent conflict stuff in movie. I think also early in the film setup, there is more of a sprinkling of kind of general
Starting point is 00:28:34 un-neighborliness from people that kind of, you know, like indicates that they're sort of isolated a little bit in this suburban community and it threatens to coalesce into a theme and never really does. Well, it does in a way that one of the things I like about the movie, I don't like a lot about the movie, one of the things I do like is the general message is not we have to get in and exorcist a priest or authority figure to do this. It is that a community has to come together to try to save these girls. And so early on their neighbor who the dad is always arguing with, it seems like-
Starting point is 00:29:06 Play by and out. Play by and out. She's gonna come in and help them. The parents are gonna hopefully come together, but they don't trust each other at first. So if the movie was kind of better thought through, they could have had a really powerful message about, the thing that stops the devil from taking your children
Starting point is 00:29:21 is when there's a community around you that can support you and your family. But they don't quite get there. But I think that's what they're working towards. Well, speaking of that, this argument leads to them arguing about whether or not the girl's disappearance might be related to a nearby transient community. They are worried that the girls had been kidnapped by some people living nearby. And so there's like some elements of that. Leslie Odom Jr. goes to like a shelter
Starting point is 00:29:50 and interviews some of these people. And there's a little bit of spookiness, but there's not much. Not much. This is almost like, it's less a red herring, which I think it's, then just like a little cul-de-sac that they go on. And they don't do much with it
Starting point is 00:30:05 It's not really tied to the rest of the thing and the movies called the exorcist believer So you know that a homeless person did not kidnap these girls, you know what the devil's involved Well, and or a devil not the devil. I'm sorry Thank you It could be one of the one of the New Jersey Another thing I Do think that that this is like a sequel thing of we are taking a direct page from the first one and we're going to spend the first half of the movie kind of trying to ground this
Starting point is 00:30:36 in a very realistic world. And as far as it goes, I won't say it doesn't work because honestly, the first half of the movie is the part that works best for me. But on the other hand, this mini-movies into an Exorcist series, you're not like, I wonder if this girl's really possessed or not. And especially because pretty much not too long after this, every character just goes all in on demon possession. And they're just like, yep, we got it. We, you know what?
Starting point is 00:31:09 We thought they might have run away. We thought a homeless person might have kidnapped them. There was the only two options. So I guess it has to be a devil. Let's just, let's just go with it. And it feels very abrupt. The same way that when we did, when we watched the Pope's Exorcist,
Starting point is 00:31:21 which had the added advantage of being silly, that the family is like, they're like, by the way, your kids are possessed. And the mom is like, of course, yes, tell me what to do. Like there's never, there's no pushback at all. Finally, someone sees it. Yeah. And of course that movie also features Russell Crowe, just stunting on everybody with that crazy,
Starting point is 00:31:39 color and vocal form. What a mess, that's that ridiculous accent. What a fun movie. Okay. So Victor comes home. We recently, we had to vote for the Writers Guild Awards and I hadn't seen enough movies this year that I really liked and the Pope's extra was on there. I'm like, I'll nominate that, whatever. I'll vote for that to get nominated.
Starting point is 00:31:58 That was fun. Thumbs up. It's not going to win. So a few days into the disappearance, Victor comes home to find that his friend Stuart, uh-oh, there's a code, no. There's a code in this movie that his friend Stuart has broken into his home
Starting point is 00:32:14 and has brought a woman named Doctor. Now, I only saw it written in the captions. I didn't actually hear him say the name. Is it Beehive or Behibae? How do you pronounce that? It's spelled Beehive, like Beehive with a V. I think it's Behibae, but I'm not sure. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:31 I couldn't quite make out what the sound was either. Yeah. And she's performing some kind of a ritual to bring the girls home, bring Angela home. And Victor is still a disbeliever and it gets them out of his house. However, something happened because meanwhile, 30 miles away at a nearby farm, there is a sick horse and they find the two girls in the barn.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Uh-oh, the girls are back. The girls are back in town. The girls are back in town. They're actually out of town. They're in a barn in the Oscars of town. They're in a barn on the outskirts of town. So they interview the girls. The girls think they've only been missing for a few hours. Who are the guys they say to the girls?
Starting point is 00:33:12 Do we have beef? Who are you guys? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell me about Lorne. Which devils are your guys? What did your dad do for a living? Yeah. Are you with Pazuzu or you live with Lamash too? Oh, you gotta do Pazuzu. Well there with Limash too, who in ancient Sumerian lore was the enemy of Pazuzu.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Oh, oh cool. Thanks. Thanks for reading. That's why you had to... You've been reading your fucking monsters manual? Yeah, exactly. Your fiend folio over there. My Wikipedia manual that Limamoshtu went after children
Starting point is 00:33:45 and unborn children and Pazuzu was often invoked to protect birthing mothers against Lamoshtu. And the Lamoshtu in the ancient Sumerian religion is like a hybrid monster with like a lion's head and stuff. That's not what we see in this movie. Yeah, that sounds a lot like a lammasu, which is one of the mount options for a Castor Sorcerer Lord and Warhammer fantasy battle baby
Starting point is 00:34:05 because they need to fly around on things because cast or magic slowly corrupts their bodies and turns their bodies to stone So they need somebody to take their ass around because they're just turning into like a statue man Must be the band drill that's making me sometimes suddenly sleepy No, let me pull up some images on my phone. They're really cool. They have a beard. Okay, so. So they found the girls. The girls are back in town. The girls are back in town.
Starting point is 00:34:31 The girls think they've only been gone for a few hours, but in fact, they've been gone for three days. What? However, there's no other signs of anything like wrong with them. Well, it's for one thing. They have burns on their feet. Oh wow, were they, how'd that happen?
Starting point is 00:34:45 Were they sunning the bottoms of their feet? Well, that's what, I think that's what they check at first. They go, oh, are there some lamps in the barn? No, it's because when you're walking around hell, you might as well be walking on the sun. Oh, man. Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo. Man, you know, I remember when music was good guys.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Yeah. Hey now, you're possessed now. when music was good guys. Yeah. Hey now, you're possessed now. You're a demon. Go play. Hey now, exercise now. I was just going to cut all this shit off. Singing this episode. Okay, so, go on.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Do you have more singing to do? I can't get enough of LaMache to right or wrong. Also a Smash Mouth song. Oh, wow. I did it. So, and there is a sequence. Exorcist believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried. I know that's a cover Smash Mouth did of a monkey song. Yeah, but no, still impressive.
Starting point is 00:35:39 You found multiple links there. I thought demons were only in the exorcist. So forth. That's all those mash-mouse songs I know, so we're done. Back to the show, okay. So there is, there is, he gets possessed, but he gets up again. Nobody's gonna exorcist and let's chumble Womba, but.
Starting point is 00:35:58 This is actually really great that Elliot is, you know, making us go through this excruciating ritual because the movie makes us watch a sequence where the girls are then checked to see if they have been assaulted by someone. Yes, and that's not fun. Which is unpleasant. Yeah. But I guess, I mean, I guess I get what the movie's trying to do with it. It's horrifying.
Starting point is 00:36:18 They're saying, who's the real monsters? The medical establishment, perhaps? Yeah. Yeah. That's the best thing. Vaxed? Yeah, yeah. That's the best it is. Vaxed. Yeah. Okay, so Angela.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Hashtag do the research, exorcist believer. Yeah, do your own research. Don't really though. Angela goes back home with her dad and she, before bed, she explains that they went off into the woods to do a seance. She was trying to contact the spirit of her mother, but she was not able to do it.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Meanwhile, she's still acting a little bit weird, and we occasionally get ghostly figures behind people. This is a real good moment. I realized it because I wanted to watch it again with a ghostly kind of child image behind her dad in the movie. Not unlike a Reagan from the original The Exorcist. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:37:05 And is this around the time that she surprised her dad while he's brushing his teeth? Yeah, yeah. There's a sequence where he, like he puts her down to bed and then he's going into the bathroom and the lights keep flickering again, that is a sign of demons. And she just appears next to him.
Starting point is 00:37:22 And he's like, get up, what did you say? It was a really good, she goes, what'd you say? And it was a really good reappearance. Partly it worked really well, I felt for me. But also I have lived that so many times, not the light flickering, but me just brushing my teeth and then suddenly turning to see one of my children
Starting point is 00:37:38 has gotten out of bed and is standing there and I didn't realize it going, what did you say? And I'm like, I wasn't talking to you and then I have to lead them back to their bed. That happens all the time. So ex-hus'm like, I wasn't talking to you. And then I have to lead them back to their bed. That happens all the time. So exorcist believer, I feel seen. Thank you. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:49 This is before your kids pick on you and stuff you into a toilet. Stuff me in the cabinet. Would you say nerd? Then they stuff me in the bathroom cabinet. Yeah. Okay. So again, yeah. More flickering lights, ghosts.
Starting point is 00:37:59 I expected, I honestly expected more jump scares in this sequence, but they're, it's actually pretty restrained. In the morning, when he, after making her her favorite breakfast pancakes and ice cream, he finds her in bed sleeping on top of the covers like she's staying at a fucking cheap motel,
Starting point is 00:38:20 but she is peed all over the bed. So he takes her into the bathroom to try and get her cleaned up. And then he like walks away and he comes back and she's missing and the tub is filled with brackish, dirty water and fingernails. And then he finds her, she attacks him with his dead wife's scarf and she is like,
Starting point is 00:38:40 she is ranting and he has to like hold her down and they have to take her to the hospital and like ever committed basically sedated. And he does, I think, some really good, I don't wanna touch these pee sheets acting in the sequence. Realistically, like looking at the bed like, okay, how am I gonna approach this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Ellie, it's like you get used to it. You do get used, I mean, that was the thing. For a single person, or a childless person, you're like you get used to it. You do get used to it. I mean, that was the thing. For a single person, or a childless person, you're not single, you're married. I understand completely. But when you have children, yeah, you're so used to touching their waist in different ways.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Like it's just, you can't. I presume it's been a few years though for this character. Oh, favorite this character maybe. But I feel like it would be like riding a bicycle made out of poop. They'd have all come flooding back and you'd know how to do it. Yeah. Um, meanwhile, uh, Canthron.
Starting point is 00:39:29 A bicycle made of poop. Meanwhile, Canthron is in, uh, in the seat. No. So many songs. Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer. Do-do.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Eh? Down to one star on iTunes. Oh, okay. No, I get it. It's fair, it's fair, you know. We're up so high for so long. A bipartisan bill in Congress banning the Flop House. Finally, something Democrats and Republicans
Starting point is 00:39:57 can agree on, they say. It's not even a writer. It's the thing that they tack on writers, too, because they know it's going to pass. Yeah. Yeah. So meanwhile, Catherine's parents have taken her to church. The pastor, priest, whatever is giving a sermon about Catherine coming back to them.
Starting point is 00:40:16 She is acting- He seems real smug. He's a real smug pastor. Yeah. And she is not acting normal at this point. She's kind of dazed. At one point, she's like fiddling under her skirt, which I'm like, I don't like this. And then she, during communion,
Starting point is 00:40:34 she disappears only to come back into the church covered in communion wine, which looks like blood. And she just keeps shouting the body and the blood over and over until she is tackled. And of course, the body and the blood sounds like a great death metal song. I totally listen to that shit. That's what happens to me when I get into
Starting point is 00:40:54 the communion wine too, so I get it. Yeah, yeah. Dan, you've spent some time in the church. Is this exactly your experience as well? You know, we didn't have actual wine, you know, it was grape juice. We are, you know, my denomination is, I think the only Protestant one
Starting point is 00:41:10 that would take communion every Sunday, typically that's not, like that's a Catholic thing. And then other, you know, Protestant sects do it at Easter. I said, step. But it was saying they were Baptist. Is this a Baptist thing? I don't know how much Baptist take communion. Like I said, I think that it's not typically
Starting point is 00:41:32 an every Sunday thing outside of Catholics. And after she wanders in, shouting the body and the blood over and over, she is tackled and she is also sedated and taken to the hospital. Yeah. Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa people don't like it. If we market it that way, so people know what to expect, you know? Yeah. This would be a mean girl situation where some people get in there and they're like, oh, I didn't sign up for this.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Did you see the video that was going on Twitter where the song starts and the audience just starts laughing? Oh, that felt so bad. Oh, that's too bad. For the filmmakers. They should have marketed it as a musical. Yeah. Weirdly enough, I am going to be recommending, just a spoiler for the rest of the episode,
Starting point is 00:42:26 I am going to be recommending a musical today. So it's like, guys, read my mind. I liked the Mean Girls musical too. So. Oh, okay. Good. Okay. That's two thumbs up.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Oh, it's not your recommendation. Yeah, but you can go see it if you like. Yeah, you can go see it. Dan's allowing you to go see it. Movie Goalie Dan is going to be like, I'll let this one pass. I mean, you don't need my word for it. I'm allowing you to go see it. Yay. Movie Goalie Dan is going to be like, I'll let this one pass. You don't have to take my world word for it. I said world.
Starting point is 00:42:51 You don't have to take your world for it either. You don't have to take my world for me. You can't. You son of a bitch. Who are you, Dio Brando? Okay. So the parents have a chit chat at this point and Victor is talking to Catherine's parents and Catherine's parents reveal that she was supposed
Starting point is 00:43:07 to be baptized, but they did not baptize her. And it's like, oh, oh. They like put it off until her grandmother could show up, but that was just a couple of days too long. Yeah, thanks grandma. So they're very much in the camp, like our daughter's possessed, we need to do something about this.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Victor, he doesn't quite believe that. He's still dubious. And I guess, you know, this tells you, you know, baptism is like chipping your pets. It's the thing you do for safety ahead of time. You know, it's like it's your scotch guarding them against devil. So this is, yeah, this is where I have two issues with this. Like you were talking about earlier, Dan. One is, so the baptism, so, so the devil would have been like,
Starting point is 00:43:47 hey, hey, hey, hey, aw, rats. You have a force field around you from baptism. You know, like you've got a seal I can't open. It's like a child lock on a medicine bottle. But also like, my kids are not baptized. Are they, is this movie telling me that they are at the rate of risk of demons? Look, I agree with you that I normally don't bump up
Starting point is 00:44:04 against supernatural stuff. I'm just on board. I will accept whatever shit you're trying to sell me in the context of fiction most of the time. I do have more trouble with this. I grew up religious. I'm not saying I'm not religious at all. But I'm saying that at this point in my life, my conception of religion is a lot more amorphous and, I don't know, just sort of personal than any, I don't believe that there's a set of magic spells you can do to keep the devil to keep you. You don't believe that religion operates
Starting point is 00:44:39 like the same way that warhammer operates, where there are rules you have to follow, according to how you roll and things like that. I wanna hear Elliot explain the rules to Warhammer and me right now. So anyway, we first you roll to see who goes first. Then, okay, then you take your, then you gotta pick your guys,
Starting point is 00:44:55 you line up all your figurines, you take turns picking them, and then what you do is, then you gotta come up with your scenario. And the way you do that is you pick one of three scenario cards, that's a beginning card. Then what you have to do is, then you got to come up with your scenario. And the way you do that is you pick one of three scenario cards. That's a beginning card. Then what you have to do is you look at the color of that card.
Starting point is 00:45:09 And you have to collect those color chips. They're around the board in different places. Yep. And now there's also the special die. There's one special die that's hidden in the room. If you find it, you get an extra life. That extra life can be traded in for 100 gold chip credits. Now the gold chip credits are-
Starting point is 00:45:26 Even joke listening to- They're also stickers and you can stick them on your figures and that gives them qualified immunity, which means they can't be prosecuted for things they do in the line of duty as war hammer figures. I say all this about not believing in magical spells, but I also like, I don't, you know, I appreciate what the movie's trying to do at the end
Starting point is 00:45:45 by not making it like a specific religion by not making it like, oh, Catholics specifically have figured out how to protect us against demons. You know, it is a conglomeration of different believers. They do a couple of times, they're like, different people are like, I've studied all the ways of doing this and all the different religions,
Starting point is 00:46:06 but it mainly comes down to Catholic stuff. Yeah, but then the weird thing is that makes me believe it even less at the end. I'm like, well, if it's all amorphous, then what the fuck are we doing here? Like what, how are we casting this demon out? I don't know. Yeah, no matter how ecumenical they try to make it,
Starting point is 00:46:24 at the end, it's still usually Jesus' name that is making the demon scream and turn into fart dust and flying. Jesus, I hate that guy. They say, they run for the door. Meanwhile, him again, he's gonna tell me more of his stories. Meanwhile, Nurse Ann Dowd is looking after Angela.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Playing a character named Ann. Playing a character named Ann, which I love. And also like, it's nice when Ann Dowd shows up. Like I feel, I'm like, I'm in good hands here. She's got this. So she's looking after Angela, who wakes up demon style and begins terrorizing her, making allusions to a previous pregnancy and abortion.
Starting point is 00:47:02 And then there's a scene where blood is spreading out all over her sheets. And then Ann Dowd goes and talks to Victor and is like, yo, this girl's possessed. She knew stuff that nobody else knew. She knew I was gonna be a nun at one point. She knew my name is a nun, which I never told anybody else.
Starting point is 00:47:18 This girl is hella possessed. And I mean that pun very much intended. Pun very much intended. So Victor decides to start doing his own research, just like Dan. Uh-oh. Hey. And he immediately finds a bunch of news stories
Starting point is 00:47:31 about Chris McNeil, the mother from The Exorcist. Ellen Burstin. Learns a little bit about her history. And he tracks her down. She tracks into the movie. He tracks her down and goes to her home. She is Burstin all over with talent. So he, yeah, he shows up to Chris McNeil's home,
Starting point is 00:47:49 Ellen Burson's home, probably not her actual home. I'm guessing it's the character. No, no, I think that she wanted to do the role so little that she said, if I'm gonna be in this movie, you're gonna have to come to my house to shoot it. I don't even wanna leave my house. This was, so the story behind Ellen Burson being in this movie is apparently she said,
Starting point is 00:48:02 I don't wanna be in this. And so they doubled her the money they offered. And she, it was all, she's like, okay, I can donate this to a college, I think, for it to endow a fellowship. But she said something that I read in the trivia section that was about like, that she was like, it felt like the devil was testing my price
Starting point is 00:48:16 when they were negotiating with me to do this movie. Did he also read the trivia about William Friedkin? Yes, it was like, I'm gonna haunt this guy. Apparently William Friedkin was like, yeah, like, I'm gonna haunt this guy. Apparently William Friedkin was like, yeah, the guy who made Pineapple Express is gonna ruin my best movie. Notoriously chill dude, William Friedkin. So Victor talks to Chris McNeil,
Starting point is 00:48:37 who explains some stuff about like, she's not a priest or an exorcist, but she studied all this stuff and that she thinks she can be helpful. So they, they joined forces. She also mentions that her daughter Regan and her have lost, lost touch with each other. It's been here since they last talked.
Starting point is 00:48:54 I think, I think for this trilogy to work, we're gonna need a big reveal at the end. Let's find out. So they joined forces and head back to Victor's home town where they go to visit Angela, who is in like full on demon mode at this point, crawling all over the walls being extra scary. Yeah, they're like, oh, we can't do anything with that.
Starting point is 00:49:16 So they have to go. It's like, we're not sure if it's a medical problem or not. And meanwhile she has like devil face. Like she looks like a demon has taken over her body. She doesn't look like herself, you know. So they, and they have to, they go to try and find Catherine, but Catherine's family has taken her home out of the hospital. So they go to the home and we're like,
Starting point is 00:49:33 oh, this is going to be a problem. Cause like the family's like cowering in the kitchen. They're terrified of this demon girl running around the house. How, how, what, how, what is it about getting people together in a house? You've got a girl who's possessed by the devil in another room, you've got the refreshments for all in the living room,
Starting point is 00:49:50 everyone still always ends up in the kitchen. They always end up gathering and cowering in the kitchen. You're like, guys, there's a whole house that we can be afraid of the demon girl in. No, they just wanna hang out in the kitchen. Just wanna hang out in the kitchen. I think that's a little bit of human nature. What do you think, Dan? Yeah, well, I mean, that's, I think that's a little bit of human nature. What do you think, Dan?
Starting point is 00:50:05 Yeah, well, I mean, it's all the chips. But it is true. It is, the last time Audrey and I had a party where we'll put a bunch of food in this central room away from the kitchen to lure everyone away. No one. No, they go to the kitchen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:21 They're like, hey, I brought this bowl of chips back into the kitchen. What if I eat them here of chips back into the kitchen But the only way to keep them away from your kitchen the room is to have a legendary comic book publisher Dennis kitchen In your apartment at your party and people just follow him around Okay, so again, they find the they find the family Cowering in the kitchen Chris follows the demon girl upstairs This is where we get this loving scene, a touching tribute to great actor Ellen Burstin.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Yeah, they're really making the best of Ellen Burstin, really treating her with respect. Where she has a conversation with the demon before it climbs up on her and stabs her eyes out with a cross. Yeah, outside of Scatman brothers in The Shining, rarely has there been a character set up to like come in to help out and dispatch immediately from. Yeah, there's like two of those moments. There's another one coming up,
Starting point is 00:51:16 but this one was particularly rough. And did you guys feel when you watched it? Yeah, she just got here. This is the big star from the first movie. Did you also feel as I did that it was a huge disrespect? Like it was like, Hey, like if you, like if, if, if, if it's like, if Scatman Crothers had been the star of the Shining One
Starting point is 00:51:34 and they bring them back for Shining Four and then just chop them in the stomach with an axe. Or if like- And just push them on, push them off a cliff. Yeah. Like they do, they're doing like Godfather six. It's a reboot of the Godfather franchise. They bring in Al Pacino,
Starting point is 00:51:46 and then whoever's playing the new Godfather just peas on him in a scene. And you're like, wait what? Godfather Calvin. Yeah, no, that's wild. The, I want like, it'd be one thing if like, we read up on Ellen Burson, she's like, no, I'm just really into makeup effects.
Starting point is 00:52:05 And I thought it'd be awesome if my eyeballs got right. If she was like Harrison Ford with Star Wars, and she's like, I'm just tired of being in these movies. I'll only do it if you blind the character. I think my guess is that I wouldn't be surprised if an earlier version of the script had more of her in it. And then this is just me theorizing. And then she said, you have me for three days.
Starting point is 00:52:28 And they said, oh, okay, I guess we got to move up her mutilation scene earlier in the film. That's my guess, I don't know. Okay, so they, you know, they, again, at this point, Catherine gets taken away. They're worried that like, I guess her parents are concerned that she's what gonna get in trouble that like, I guess her parents are concerned that she's what gonna get in trouble or something, I would imagine.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Well, this might be on her permanent record that she had a devil inside her and she's tabulating the eyes. Yeah. Yeah. But you know, what would you argue about? This could hurt her chances to get into Cornell. She'll just argue, devil inside, devil inside, every single one of us a devil inside. She's like, every single one of us your honor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:05 A band. What a band, right there. And she goes, hold on, wait, let me go into my closet. Where's my blue dress? Devil in a blue dress, blue dress, blue dress. Yeah, it's the devil inside medley now. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:18 What else can the devil be in? Meanwhile, Georgia I guess once he went down there. Yeah, he did go down there. He was in Georgia, that's true, yeah. Meanwhile, Father, I guess, once he went down there. Yeah, he did go down there. He was in Georgia. That's true. Yeah. Meanwhile, Father Maddox. A devil can be in disguise because she looks like an angel, but she's a devil in disguise. Doot, doot, doot, doot, doot.
Starting point is 00:53:34 She's back to his texting. Oh, cool. Game on. Okay. So Father Maddox applies to the Catholic Church for an exorcism and fails to get permission. They say denied. No way. They stamp it denied. They're basically like, the church's insurance can't handle the liability of an exorcism.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Well, yeah, that's the problem with the Catholic Church right now. Okay, and then Victor goes to Chris to apologize for getting her eyes knocked out. And she, I gotta say, she takes this pretty well. Like she's like in pretty good spirits. She's like, I knew the risk going in, it's okay. Yeah, she's like them, you know, that's what happens.
Starting point is 00:54:18 You know, live by the sword, you die by the sword. Anyway, once I get my robot eyes, and they're like, they tell you you're getting robot eyes. Yeah. She's like, those eyes were crying. They'd seen a lot of love, but they never seen another like you. Like me, are we in love right now? Yes, we are in love.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Did you not know that that's the only reason I came to your house to help you with your daughter? Is that I'm in love with you? Oh, this is awkward. I'm kind of still not over my wife yet. It's been years, Leslie Odom Jr. He's like actually my character's name is Victor. Yeah. So she, and she gives us like monologue my wife yet. It's been years, Leslie Odom Jr. is like actually my character's name is Victor.
Starting point is 00:54:51 So she, and she gives us like monologue about how people all over the world are doing exercise and you just got to get everybody together. And so she convinced them like, you just got to do your own exercise and family style. Yeah, she gets them at the book that says it takes a village to exercise a child. Yeah. Yeah. So the whole gang shows up, I guess about the book that says it takes a village to exercise a child, yeah. Yeah, so family style. The whole gang shows up, a whole gang shows up at Victor's house. You got Victor, you got Stuart, you got Dr. Beehive. You got, I think the priest from the church.
Starting point is 00:55:16 The priest shows up eventually. He comes in dramatically later. First he shows up and he's like, hey, you shouldn't do this. And Anne is like, I was a nun for a minute. I can do this and then later he comes back, yeah. And then, and, I was a nun for a minute. I can do this. And then later he comes back. And then, and Catherine's parents show up and they bring an older guy with them.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Is that their pastor? Yeah, that's their pastor from their church. And they make a little summoning circle and they tie the girls into chairs in the middle of it. And they hook them both up to like heart rate monitors. And we see that both their hearts are beating at the exact same time. It's like they're one body.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Yeah. The priest shows up, he delivers the bad news and then he goes and sits out in his car and prays and I don't know, like get some McDonald's or something like that. He's just on a stake out. He's on a priest stake out of the exorcist. Okay, exorcism begins.
Starting point is 00:56:04 We start with. Round one. Okay, exorcism begins. We start with- Round one. Yeah, round one. Nurse Ann starts reading some Bible stuff and it doesn't really work. The demons like doing scary stuff and then they bring up her abortion again and yeah, she gets a little bit shook.
Starting point is 00:56:21 We learned some of the rules here is that they can't touch the kids while this whole thing's going on. Make sense because they're demons. They take a little bit of a break. And then Dr. Behive comes back and like drips like holy water on them. And that seems to work because they start barfing out like vapor clouds out of their mouths.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Yeah, Vix Vapo demon. Yeah. And then somehow like smoke from the like magic smoke from the fireplace and the vapor, like getting a fight or something. It's kind of weird. To be honest, I couldn't quite follow what was going on. Yeah, I didn't quite know what was going on. But the characters really seem to understand.
Starting point is 00:56:57 The characters really seem to understand what was happening. Yeah. Yeah, some things happening. The demon offers, the demon offers the parents a choice. If they pick one of the girls, that one will survive. The other one will die. Have you talked about the revelation that the demon makes about Victor's choice years earlier? Oh, we haven't mentioned that, but we can explain it. The demon, he reveals that Victor, years ago in Haiti, when the man said,
Starting point is 00:57:23 we can save your wife or your daughter, and we assume he chose his daughter because that's who's alive right now. The demon reveals that Victor did not choose his daughter. He said, keep my wife alive, but it didn't work and the, or the doctors didn't listen to him. And instead, Angela survived and the wife did not. And so this is seen, I think the demon is trying
Starting point is 00:57:41 to break their bond and shame him that that was it Prebirth betrayal, I guess yes, Angela, but the weird thing is I Don't think Stuart will be mad that I jump ahead a little bit to make this point the weird thing is we jump into the credits after the movie well, no the so Let me quickly say the you know the other family like the Norbert Lior Leo butts loses faith or whatever And he's like I want to save my kid You know like the the community is broken much to the consternation of his wife played by Jennifer Nettles Grammy winning singer Which leads to the demon
Starting point is 00:58:18 Taking that kid like ha ha ha. I'm taking the one that you say you want to save and leave me the other one behind and like a weird like reversal of like the wisdom of Solomon or something I'm taking the one that you say you want to save and leaving the other one behind in like a weird reversal of the wisdom of Solomon or something. But here's my problem with a lot of the stuff in the movie thematically. I guess the idea is that his journey is that he's getting his faith back and that's the important thing.
Starting point is 00:58:42 He doesn't break and choose one kid over the other. But in the context of the movie, it also plays like, well, he didn't want the kid the first time around, he wanted his wife. And now the way to save his kid is by rejecting her a second time and not saying, no, I want you. Like, it's kind of a weird corner that they're putting themselves into. No, I mean, I think that's true. It's kind of a weird corner that they're turning themselves into.
Starting point is 00:59:05 No, I mean, I think that's one of the, I would argue I think that's one of the issues with David Gordon Green's Halloween movies is that there's a lot of things in there that don't feel like, they don't feel all the way thought through. They might make sense in the immediate moment, but like on the whole doesn't make I think this movie was
Starting point is 00:59:28 Reshot a lot from what I understand. It was very like taken away from him. So I don't lay this necessarily Yeah, you're probably it's very possible I'm the it's it is internally inconsistent that the lesson is supposed to be we have to say unified The only way to stay safe is to say unified. We have to be and the other dead breaks it, but that, yeah, he has to save his daughter by once again, refusing to save her. Although Dan, maybe that ties into,
Starting point is 00:59:55 he's too much of a helicopter parent earlier. Now it's like, you know what? I gotta let it go. I can't save you. You gotta deal with these devils for yourself sometimes. I think the message is less, you need to reject saving your child and more don't listen to demons. Well, yeah, I mean, obviously the demons are lying to you.
Starting point is 01:00:12 But the funny thing about that too is like, you know, once someone does make the choice, the demons are like, well, I'm bound to take the other one because I've been trolling you. Like I've been bound to take the one that you're saying that you want to save because I've been trolling you and I'm a trickster. But then that means that I am bound to take the other one because I've been trolling you. Like I've been, I'm bound to take the one that you're saying that you want to say it because I've been trolling you and I'm a trickster.
Starting point is 01:00:27 But then that means that I am going to let the other girl go. I guess I have to only take one rather than just being like, I mean, that demon knew that two kids was too much. They weren't going to be able to eat that much, you know, as demons rise up in their stomachs. Yeah. We did jump ahead slightly. So, uh, mid exorcism.
Starting point is 01:00:44 We did jump past one of the, one of the more fun scenes in the movie. Mid-exorcism, they're like, this doesn't seem to be working. All of a sudden the door bursts open. Father Maddox is like, fuck what the church says. I'm gonna do an exorcism. He walks in. He's reading that shit.
Starting point is 01:00:56 He's gonna kick ass for Christ, just like in, what is it, dental life? Yeah, they're not loving that. All I kick ass for the Lord. It's the opposite of McDonald's for them. They're not loving it. He puts his hands on their forehead. He's reading those words. They're flipping out.
Starting point is 01:01:08 All of a sudden they start twisting their necks. His neck starts twisting. What, what, what? His neck twists all the way around and he dies. Whoops. They snap his neck from the inside and it's one of those things where it feels like, oh right, yeah,
Starting point is 01:01:21 because the exorcist is all about like head turnings. Like it's all about turning your head all the way around. Yeah, well there's another part. I mean, so cool. At which, like. That effect is very fun. It's a cool moment. I wish it was one of the few moments in the movie
Starting point is 01:01:33 where it was like, oh, this movie is coming alive for a moment, it's doing something kind of wild, but it does feel like, hey, remember this? From the first Exorcist, when her head turns around, they do that too. There's another moment, I forget the exact line, but where one of the demons like says a line from the first movie to a room full of people
Starting point is 01:01:50 that were not there for the initial events. So I'm like, what is this sassy callback? Like who is this for? Like people who've seen the Exorcist only. So yeah, after the priest dies. It's like that moment in that second Star Trek JJ Abrams movie where he goes, my name is Khan. And I wanted the characters to be like, okay, who's Khan?
Starting point is 01:02:11 Like what does that mean? Yeah, we met. So you're console. What does Khan do? I don't understand. How you Khan what? Yeah. Is it C O N like you're a con man?
Starting point is 01:02:21 You seem British. So that's a little confusing. Yeah. Like are you related to share con the tiger from the jungle book? Because that'd be weird. You're a con man. You seem British, so that's a little confusing. Yeah, are you like, are you related to Sharecon, the tiger from the Jungle Book? Cause that'd be weird. You're a person, I think. It's the future.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Maybe you're a tiger man, like one of the cousin, you know, there's a cat people, but still. Yep, or the Hakan Emirates trading alliance in Twilight and Beard. Yeah, Dan, do you know any other fictional cat people? Not from the movie cat people, don't say that. That's too easy. The sleepwalkers from the film Sleepwalkers.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Sleepwalkers, technically correct. Technically Cat People, you got it, you did it. Okay, technically. So, I'll allow it, put Dan on the board in the Cat People game. Okay, so it's finally on the board. Yeah, you're on the board. So this is where Victor tries to make a play
Starting point is 01:03:01 to get in on the action. He takes the scarf, his wife's scarf and wraps it around Angela's neck. Doesn't seem to really work. At this point, Tony, this is where Tony chooses his own daughter to save. He just says, I choose you. At which point Angela starts.
Starting point is 01:03:20 I choose, cat catches her in a little pokeball. Yep. Angela starts to float up in the air and then she barfs like a blood vortex on the ceiling. This is, and it's like all CGI blood vomit. It was so silly. This part should be scary, but it's super silly. And she gives her dad this like crazy headbutt
Starting point is 01:03:39 that throws him across the room. It's like, it was, that was pretty cool. It's very drag ball scene. And before this, when he gives to that scarf, he has also, Victor has also been reciting the Lord's Prayer. He has got his faith back, which understandably, if you're like, I don't believe in God, and then the devil possesses your daughter,
Starting point is 01:03:55 and the only thing that seems to stop her is saying Christ's name, then that's the way to get your faith back. And that one's not faith anymore, it's been proved. Honestly, the easiest way to get your faith back. Like, I would jump on that so hard, I'd be like, okay. I mean, it's not even faith at that point. Cause you're like, yeah, that's a proven thing that's happening. I have seen evidence.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Yeah. This is no longer on faith. And God's like, oh, shit, I screwed it up. I was supposed to be faiths. Oh, I think this means you're not saved. Sorry. And you, well, what if you just erase the memory of what happened for my mind so I can regain my faith? Hey, can't do it. That would be futzing with the rules.
Starting point is 01:04:28 I'm on the board. They'd take me off the board if I did that. So Angela claps on the ground, she flatlines, and we're like, Tony, what did you do? But then, and his daughter, Catherine seems to recover. But then we get some like flashbacks to the moment when her mother was getting her belly blessed and then there's like a switcheroony
Starting point is 01:04:50 and Catherine flatlines and Angela wakes up. Is that the implication that she wasn't, she had extra help not, cause she wasn't bad enough. I don't know. She got like the first baptism in utero. Yeah, she had double reverse anti-possession power. I don't know. Yeah, yeah, she has the Uno reverse card on her soul.
Starting point is 01:05:10 And been holding it in reserve until- Jokes on you, Lamesh, you have to draw four wild. No! Oh, that's the worst. That's a thing, because at that point you're like, Lamesh too is riding high on the horse, and all of a sudden he's got a handful of cards, and he is S-O-L. Lamesh just got one card, and Lames you're like, Lamechdu is riding high on the horse and all of a sudden he's got a handful of cards and he is S-O-L.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Lamechdu's got one card. And Lamechdu's like, well, I've got every card except green, at least he won't say green. And he goes, green, oh, I've gotta keep drawing the cards. No, no, no. Oh, defeat from the jaws of victory, yeah. So Angela recovers and Dr. Bahibé reaches over and snuffs out one of two candles.
Starting point is 01:05:50 What, how meaningful. Everyone tries to move on with their lives. And then in a, what a convalescence room, Chris is sitting there and she is visited by her daughter, Reagan from the first movie, what? Linda Blair's here? End of movie, thumbs up from no one. I love doing Savage Streets, he says. We did this right?
Starting point is 01:06:14 We made it through Extra's Believer. Yeah. So there's two kinds of believing in this. So Victor, he regains his faith, he becomes a believer. And also, Because he's like, that is my only option at this point. Yes, but also Chris McNeil has become the ultimate believer. Like she believes in all religions
Starting point is 01:06:35 because they're all about demon fighting. But also, I guess like Reagan at the end is now a believer in the need to have a relationship with her mother. So there's a lot of belief going on. The title makes sense, is what I'm saying. It's a great title. Yeah. It's this, this last scene, by the way, like it comes at the end of a bunch of crap and the movie doesn't earn it.
Starting point is 01:06:53 But it's weird how effective like it can be just on its own level. Just like, oh, yeah, they're back in the same room together. That's nice. Yeah. What was the scene that that affected me the most in Dial of Destiny, a movie that I thought was fairly mediocre at the very end, when it's Harrison Ford and Karen Allen back in the same room. It's like, oh, I like them in that other movie. I like that they had to spend time together another day for my amusement.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Yeah, I get it. I'm the puppet master. It's got really ominous. I demand you get back together fictional characters who, yes yes you were reunited once in another movie a while ago but I kind of forgot that happened. That one was pretty weak. So marginally better one.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Okay. So this is where we- The Exorcist believer should have been- so this was supposed to be the first movie in a trilogy and I don't know if they're making the other two. I believe they are because I think they're- There's a stipulation. Yeah, because they made they spent I was reading about it to the rights to make the the series was like $400 million or something like that for the distribution rights So it's and this movie did not do that. Well, it didn't wasn't a huge failure
Starting point is 01:07:58 We didn't do that well, but the I believer should be the third one in the series It should be like the exorcist apostate and then like the Exorcist conversion and then like the Exorcist believer. I think the next one is Exorcist deceiver. Oh, okay. Oh, like the song? Dreamer deceiver or just deceiver? Oh, it's a great two-song duo from Juice Fist. Yeah. I, because of international monies and such, Like this movie did well actually. It was a 30 million budget. It made 137 million. So it was a big return on investment
Starting point is 01:08:33 despite being not good. For production mate, but again, that doesn't cover marketing costs or just the cost of the distribution rights, which were so expensive. Sure, I understand, but 30 to 130, like someone's making enough money off of this too, that it's not.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Well, in the theory that like, when they made those distribution rights, they made that purchase, I'm assuming they had factored in that there was gonna be three movies to repeat. Yes, I think that's fair. So you're right, Deceiver's the second one, although it seems it has been removed
Starting point is 01:09:01 from the schedule so far. And I wonder if the third one's gonna be like the Exorcist Reaver. Yeah. What else we got? Receiver. Reaver. The Exorcist Devo.
Starting point is 01:09:16 I mean, if you have like a certain accent that rhymes. The Exorcist John Cheever. What else we got? Cheezer. The Exorcist, John Cheever. Yup. What else do you got? Cheezer. Little Caesar. You can bring a beaver into the mix. The Exorcist beaver, yeah, it's a beaver that's been possessed by the devil. The Exorcist dream weaver. Yeah, yeah, the Exorcist lever 2000, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Oh man, these are great. Oh, this is the part where we... The Exorcist, Steve-O. Okay, that doesn't, it's a slant rhyme at best. What are we doing? We're doing our final... That's the main problem with the Exorcist, Steve-O, is the third movie in the trilogy.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Oh, can you play? He must be possessed by the devil. He's stapling his testicles to his leg. No, actually, this is just what he does. This is just kind of my thing. Is this a good bad movie, a bad, bad movie, or a movie you kind of like? I'm going to say that for the first 30 minutes, it wasn't that I thought it was great, but I'm like,
Starting point is 01:10:16 oh, this movie is a lot better than I was led to believe. And then it took a steep nosedive, and I will say it's just bad, bad. Stuart? Yeah, I mean, I think we've talked about a lot of the flaws of the movie. I feel like for the most part, I kind of like Elliott, I have a little bit of trouble doing these like demon possession movies because they so often rely on like a, an acceptance of Judeo-Christian bullshit, which is, you know,
Starting point is 01:10:50 it's a hard hurdle for me to clear. I mean, I wish it had been a little more fun. I mean, I feel like I like evil deads and your when evil lurks and that kind of gross out kind of possession. But even the first Exorcist movie, which is a very somber and like stoic movie in a lot of ways, has fun parts and parts that are wild. And like when audiences went to see it, they didn't walk out going, oh, that was a somber, rough experience. They walked out going like, did you see that? That was not!
Starting point is 01:11:20 It was a huge hit because it's kind of a fun movie to watch. And this doesn't have that. Yeah. But also that movie, in particular particular at the time was truly transgressive. It had some horrifying things for a child to be doing and saying about a major religion. Like all these like in this movie does not even touch like the idea of being transgressive in any way. Like this is a bog standard horror movie. Yep. I think that's what it is for me.
Starting point is 01:11:47 It feels just very, and it wouldn't be, it doesn't surprise me if it's true that it was kind of taken away and redid or, it feels like a, ironically for a movie whose message is all about how it takes a group working together to save a child. It feels like it's kind of a committee made horror movie where it's, there's not a lot of real vision or excitement behind it. So it's a, yeah, it's
Starting point is 01:12:09 kind of disappointing movie. Yeah, I feel like I feel like probably a lot of the negative things that I would target the director with are mainly just complaints about general like nostalgia bait legacy quills stuff that rather than any specific critiques of an individual. Have you ever wanted to know the sad lore behind Chuck E. Cheese's love of birthday parties? Or my Saturday mornings were reserved for cartoons? Or have you wanted to know how beloved virtual pet site Neopets fell into the hands of Scientologists? Or how our former Mattel employee managed to grow Sega into a video game powerhouse. Join us, host Austin and Brenda, and learn all of these
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Starting point is 01:18:19 to answer some letters from listeners, listeners, like you. This first letter is- If you like sending us letters and having us tell you stuff. If you like asking us questions, cause one question's not enough, then maybe send in a letter by the mail or the internet.
Starting point is 01:18:43 And we'll answer it someday. If we haven't gotten to it yet. Okay. That's a song about somebody writing a letter to a podcast that they like because they think their partner doesn't like that podcast. Yes, exactly. The thing is, their partner wrote the same type of letter.
Starting point is 01:18:59 The partner is that podcast. Oh, wow. Oh yeah, that's so Henry's gift of the podcast. This is from Brad Lasting withheld. Who writes? Brad Lander. I was in Barcelona for my 40th birthday and I took a run along the beach while listening to the peaches discuss kangaroo jack.
Starting point is 01:19:17 The old beach peach. Yeah. During the podcast, Elliot brought up blue by Eiffel 65, which I probably hadn't thought about for over a decade. The next day I was in the Picasso Museum and when I stepped into the room showcasing his Blue period, that song was instantly stuck in my head. The same song you listened to when he was painting those, that's why I did it that way. My first thought was you did this, Elliot. You did this. Thanks for all the wonderful podcasts. That this, Elliot. You did this. Thanks for all the wonderful podcasts.
Starting point is 01:19:47 That's from Brad. You're welcome. I will actually tell a true story from my life, which is that just the day before yesterday, I was with my older son, Samuel, at a Cub Scout thing where people had to wear different color vests and they were saying, okay, what vest are you? And someone said, I'm blue.
Starting point is 01:20:02 And then it was all over after a little bit. And I said to Sammy, I had plowed yourself restraint that you didn't say dabu-dee dabu-dai when the guy said I'm blue and same He was like oh, I didn't even think about that and I was like it's the first thing I thought of Are you even my son? Well You're welcome. You're welcome. Yeah Borderline novelty songs of the past lane. Borderline.
Starting point is 01:20:28 Well, it's not like a, you know, it's not like a flying purple people eater, you know. Hello, Bobber. It's pretty close. I mean, they're both about aliens of different colors. Yeah, I guess. This, yeah, of all the novelty songs, Dan, you picked the wrong one as a counter example. Dan brought receipts, but they were the wrong receipts, and he could not return the item.
Starting point is 01:20:47 There's nothing in the song about a bikini that was itsy bitsy. It's also about the colors. It's also about the object's color, Dan. Oh boy. But now I wish both those had spoken word intros. Wait, let me tell you about a story about a bikini. This bikini was yellow with polka dots on it, and everyone who saw it was like, about a bikini. This bikini was yellow with polka dots on it and everyone who saw it was like, what a bikini. And then the song starts and you're like, okay.
Starting point is 01:21:14 Here's a story about a guy who's purple and eats and flies, but he or he eats purple people. It's not quite clear, but anyway, the thing is he wants to be in a band. Now the song. Not quite clear, but anyway, the thing is he wants to be in a band. Now the song. Yeah. Now the song. That's how they end that part. Now that you're adequately prepared for the song. Now that we've made it so you won't have surprises.
Starting point is 01:21:38 This letter. Because we're worried that your heart might be too weak to take a song premise you're not prepared for. Very thoughtful narrator. This one is. Now, here's a story about a Sandman who is entering. He wasn't there and now this Sandman's going to enter. So when I say exit light and enter night, you know, it's the Sandman who's entering in. LA, you're also bringing up a song that basically has a spoken word section in the middle.
Starting point is 01:22:04 That's true. I mean, they're just saying, you know, there's brandy. That's just to give you a break from the song. The song was rocking too hard. We were worried about you. You need a break. Yeah. You need a rest to have some orange slices.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Yeah. We hydrate. This one's from Tim. It's so dehydrated from all that rock. Yeah. All that head banging is just shaking the sweat right out of your head. You need to replenish it. Tim last name with held.
Starting point is 01:22:29 See who writes. Yeah, probably. Hey peaches, I started listening to your podcast in 2015, but dropped off in 2017. Now I'm listening again in 2023. So what did I miss? So what did I miss? So what did I miss? Oh, wow. What did I miss?
Starting point is 01:22:46 Not one of Leslie Odom's songs in that show, but he's in that show. Yeah, yeah. That's one of Davide Diggs's songs. I don't know, man. What did we miss? Oh, there was a COVID thingy. We talked, we did some stuff doing that.
Starting point is 01:22:57 We do a lot of minis now. They're pretty good. They're pretty hilarious. We covered the first of the Rogue Moon movies and I think that catches us up. Rebel Moon, which I'm glad that it made such an impression that you got the name right. Oh, yeah, oh, Rogue Moon I think is a novel.
Starting point is 01:23:15 That old Rebel Moon, yep. I'm looking to see, I got married, I got to be married somewhere in there. That's a, yeah, that's true. Oh yeah, that's true. We worked various jobs. There's a strike. We's a yeah. That's true. We worked various jobs. There's a strike. Dan, my union went on strike. That's true. I got like super buff. Yeah, super buffed up, super buffed. Yeah. Yeah. He's got soul. Yeah. Yeah. So, LA probably had like four more babies or something.
Starting point is 01:23:44 Look at treadmill, Katelyn over here. Yeah. My wife and I had another litter of children. So yeah, it's all, Elliot probably had like four more babies or something. Look at Treadmail Katelyn over here. Yeah, my wife and I had another litter of children. Yeah. Yeah, I feel like that's not going to be Elliot's next line of work is Treadmail influencer who's like talks about how the ideal situation is like living on a farm and making like raising cows
Starting point is 01:24:03 and making all your own food. And I don't know. I don't think I do very well at it, yeah. That's fine. When you said treadmill, I thought you said, I thought you said treadmill. I thought you said treadmill and I was like, I can get one of those.
Starting point is 01:24:16 I thought you said treadmill, like a Trandoshan, like Bosk. And I was like, I could be a Bosk, yeah, sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I meant. Yeah, that's what I meant. Now what if the TV show Bosch? I'm glad that, yes. What's about BOSC? I guarantee you there's somebody who's already
Starting point is 01:24:30 fucking made like a mashup poster and sells it as a T-shirt. Yeah, probably. I guarantee you, no question. Yeah. And that some, and some, some Star Wars fan bought it for their dad who loves BOSC. And he's like, I guess I'll wear this thing. Your dad's like, what the hell is this?
Starting point is 01:24:44 I don't understand. You see that? I guess I'll wear this thing. And the dad's like, what the hell is this? I don't understand. I buy all my clothes at Costco. So I guess I can wear this non-Kirkland shirt. I was tickled by- This is worse than the Eric Zuckersburg shirt you made me. I enjoyed a recent Josh Gondelman tweet, which was about his dad trying to explain a TV show to him by saying it was kind of like Bosch, but not
Starting point is 01:25:06 that, but kind of not like Bosch. And it turned out the show was justified. And I'm like, I guess that's true. That's a fair description. It's a fair description of just like Bosch. And they're both, you know, detective shows. And feature, and feature, Not like Bosch. Jedwood alums. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:24 It's, it's the bill. So if you're looking for show, that's kind of like Bosch. And feature not like Bush. Jedwood alums. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's it's the bill. So if you're looking for show that kind of like boss, but not like boss. Check out Justify streaming now. Hey, this is the part of the show where we recommend movies that are better use of your time than what we do with our. Okay. Watch movies for the. Tell me about it. While we were on the road, this is an appropriate recommendation.
Starting point is 01:25:48 We just got back from our tour, from our Errors West Coast tour, which we should mention, we should have mentioned this at the top maybe. Actually, you know what? This episode is going to come out, even though recording this before a mini, it's going to come after a mini. So during the mini, let's talk about how great our tour went and how proud our audience is. Reverse planning.
Starting point is 01:26:04 Let's do it. Dan, I can't help it that I have Memento Syndrome. Anyway, what I was saying is appropriate to this podcast, I will recommend a William Friedkin movie that I saw on the road. We had one night off and I was like,, what am I gonna do with that night off? I'm gonna go to the movies. How could I best appreciate the night life of Los Angeles? I know, I'll go to a movie theater.
Starting point is 01:26:32 To be fair, we were both located in not so beautiful downtown LA in our hotel. Wow. Making no friends today. I don't think anyone who lives in Los Angeles is gonna argue with me about this No, no, it's yeah I mean downtown is the place to go if you want to try out a new restaurant But to get there you have to walk down a block that smells like human feces
Starting point is 01:26:54 Yeah, and I didn't you know, I didn't want to hop in a cab and go somewhere far away Which is what you got to go do in LA but six minutes away from where we were staying lo and behold There they're playing Sorcerer, the William Friedkin movie that I had never seen. I had never seen Sorcerer, and I had been waiting to see it on the big screen. And there had been a couple- Lady Bird star Sorcerer Ronan. A couple of screenings that I couldn't go to.
Starting point is 01:27:21 I was like, I keep missing my chance. And I finally saw it on the road. Did I almost fall asleep towards the end because we had been doing a grueling tour schedule? Yes. But I stayed awake and I really enjoyed it. I would say that the wage is a fear, which Sorcerer is based on the same source material, although taking it in a very different way. The wage is a fear. one of my favorite movies, I think that if you feel the need to compare them, I still like Wages of Fear's approach a little bit better.
Starting point is 01:27:53 But man, Sorcerer's good. It haunted me afterwards. It has some just very frightening set pieces in it. Roy Scheider is so good at being both like tough and Like sensitive you can see how his you know mind is falling apart over this grueling experience all the other actors are tremendously compelling Tangerine dream of course did the score I can go wrong
Starting point is 01:28:23 so I of course, to the score, I can go wrong. So, I don't know. If you're a film buff and like me, somehow hasn't seen this major work. It's a good movie. Dan, did you get the answer to the question of whether androids dream of electric tangerines? I did not. I forgot to stay.
Starting point is 01:28:41 I assumed that was answered in an end credit sequence. Yeah. I forgot to stay. I assumed that was answered in an end credit sequence. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm going to recommend a musical. I'm going to recommend Dick's The Musical. I don't think we've recommended that one yet. It is a... Based on the Sporting Good Store. It is based on the Sporting Good Store. Gotta stock these balls, gotta stock them up at Dix Sportsball Cities. It's a very silly, queer musical about two long-lost twin brothers who meet while working
Starting point is 01:29:14 at the same job selling basically widgets. And they're working for Megan Thee Stallion and they decide to get their mother and father to get back together. It sounds like you're making the movie up as you go along. And there are a, what I was not expecting were the prominently featured puppet sewer boy monsters that take up a large portion of the plot of this movie. These two little monster guys and they are great. And it is the hardest I've laughed at a movie in years,
Starting point is 01:29:44 I would imagine. Oh. It is such a silly thing. And it's a movie where I'm like desperately hoping just regular old Megan Thee Stallion fans are like, oh, what's this movie? I'll watch it and then be like, have their minds blown by how strange this thing is.
Starting point is 01:30:03 Yeah, I've heard great things. I really want to watch it's really funny. So we're talking about the Exorcist. So I wanted to recommend a horror movie. So I'm recommending a movie called Carrie, not the one you're thinking of. This is Carrie from, yeah. We just both recommend movies with,
Starting point is 01:30:19 let's say horror elements in them. So I think we're on brand here, Ellie. You don't have to shame us. I guess so, we'll see. So this is Carrie from 1952, directed by William Weiler. It's an adaptation of the novel Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser. And it's about the horror of needing money
Starting point is 01:30:35 and how you live in a system where if you don't have money, your dreams are unattainable. And if you choose love over money, you will suffer for it. And so it's the story of a young woman, Carrie Meeper. She leaves her small town and goes to Chicago and along the way becomes the girlfriend, living girlfriend of a salesman who will not marry her. He's just too happy with his life and his freedom.
Starting point is 01:30:57 But she falls in love with a restaurant, Mater D, named Hearstwood, it was played by Laurence Olivier, the Carrie Meeper was played by Jennifer Jones. And it was played by Laurence Olivier, the Carrie Meers was played by Jennifer Jones. And it kind of becomes Laurence Olivier's movie from that point on where he falls in love with Carrie, but he has a wife, he has a family, and he has this ostensibly lucrative, respectable job as the Mater D at a very respectable restaurant. And he puts all that at risk for his love of Carrie, and he pays for it dramatically as his life falls apart. And it's funny because they made the ending in the movie
Starting point is 01:31:33 a little bit slightly more positive than the ending of the book, but it's still pretty grim. I mean, the book has a very grim ending, but it still feels like a very grim kind of like- It's like Dead or Alive, the Takeshimiak movie. Exactly, yeah, which is also based onhi Miyake movie. Exactly, yeah. Which is also based on a Theodore Dreiser novel. Yeah, I think that's based on Jenny Gerhardt, yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:50 But it's still a real bracing movie. It's a movie where characters continue to have life smack them in the face over and over again. And the ending is still fairly rough, even though it's sentimental. And it's from 1952 and I wonder if it was taken at the time for what, the way I was taking it, which was very much a movie about, like I'm saying, the need for money and how if you don't have money, if you're not well off, if you're not stable in that way, you cannot have the things in life that other people desire
Starting point is 01:32:22 or sometimes take for granted. And I found it very powerful in that way. So that's Carrie, not the Carrie about the telekinetic girl. That's also a good movie, but this is a different movie called Carrie. Wow, we did it. I don't know. So that's pretty complex. I'll just watch the telekinetic girl one. I mean, if anything, the plot. So this is about a man who falls in love with a woman and it wrecks his life. Carrie, the telekinetic is a movie about a girl who upon puma she has super powers. Like it's a super complicated.
Starting point is 01:32:48 I'm saying it's too hard for my brain to fathom that there's another movie named Carrie. So I'm just gonna watch it one more time. Oh, I see. Hey, this podcast is on the Maximum Fun Podcasting Network. We're getting ready to gear up for Max Fun Drive. They've got a lot of great shows over there. Why don't you check out, check some of those out.
Starting point is 01:33:12 Thank you to our producer, Alex Smith, who goes by Howell Dottie on the internet. And he does a lot of great work of his own, podcasts, music, check that out. And if you have the time and the inclination, leave us five star review on iTunes maybe. Leave us a five star review. A definite article would have helped that sentence out.
Starting point is 01:33:39 And if you don't have the inclination. Please don't take off a star for that. Maybe do it. I'll be leaving five one star reviews, Dan. Ha ha ha ha. It's me, the straw man. It's me, Lamech-tu. If you don't like the show,
Starting point is 01:33:55 don't put the energy into trying to take us down. Really, what's the point? Yeah, what's the point, man? Where to let live. What would be the point? Why would you do that? Yolo, you know? We're such small peaches. Why would you do that? YOLO, you know?
Starting point is 01:34:05 We're such small peaches. Why would you take us down? Yeah. We're little peaches. We can't defend ourselves. We're fuzzy and we'll get smushed. But you know what? This has been the Flop House, and for the Flop House, I've been Dan McCoy. Hey, I've been Stuart Wellington. I'm Elliot Cailin. Okay, bye. Did you expect another song? Did you expect another Imagine Dragons reference?
Starting point is 01:34:28 Why did that take everybody a surprise? Come on. Bye. I've got a bad one. Can I try this bad one? Yeah, of course you can. On this episode we discuss the Exorcist believer. You made me an exorcist and exorcist.
Starting point is 01:34:48 That's a hot song. That's a popular song now or was it two years ago? No, a long time ago at this point, but it's still terrible. Who's that? Imagine Dragons? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Hey, Dan, Dan, imagine some dragons. Okay. Okay, I'm having a better time than listening to the music.

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