The Flop House - FH Mini 33 - Elliott Explains The Eternals

Episode Date: July 10, 2021

With Black Widow in theaters this week, we talk about the Marvel property everyone's talking about! The Eternals! Elliott attempts to answer the important question: What's their deal? ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everybody, welcome to the flop house. My name is Elliott Kalin and I'm going to be your pilot tonight on a journey into interstellar space and into the depths of one of the most creative minds that maybe there ever was joining me on this special voyage are as always my co-pilots, their names being, fill in your names now guys. Dan McCoy, Stuart Wellington. Well, a harsh lampoon of Dan McCoy. No, I'm just wondering. I'm wondering about this voice that you're just, is this supposed to be a comforting pilot? Is that the kind of the vibe you're going to be going to be? This is the way I talk now.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Like a Rod, Rod, Rod, Rod Serling, Sterling. Got, guys, I discovered true peace and happiness. And this is just how I talk now. Like a Rods Sterling? Sterling? Serling? Guys, I discovered true peace and happiness. And this is just how I talk now. It's called drugs. And it is really taking the edge off. I could have told you a long time ago. I didn't know you were interested.
Starting point is 00:00:56 But. No, guys, I was just trying to start off with not in my normal hyperactive manner, because I'm going to need to save that energy for this episode tonight. That's a real quick. Real quick, Elliot, the drugs he took, can you check the package and make sure it's not like a brain dead situation and it's accidentally like an Elliott stimulant? Well, it didn't come out of package. A bird of a jacks into your brain.
Starting point is 00:01:17 No, that's brain damage. But if it's a worm that jacks into your brain, that's pretty cool too. Yeah, that's pretty awesome. Anyway, this is a mini episode. Normally, on the flop house, we watch a bad movie, then we talk about it. Sometimes the movie is not that bad, sometimes the movie is very bad.
Starting point is 00:01:33 But tonight, we didn't watch a movie. No, no, it's a mini episode. So it's our time to do whatever we want and you're just strapped in. You gotta follow us like hostages in your ears. So your ear hostages to our stuff tonight. I'm not sure about this new branding for the minis, but we can...
Starting point is 00:01:50 I mean, it's gone. Hey, so here's how the minis work now. It's the audio equivalent of putting a hood over your head and shoving you in a van. You're just with us, you know? And you know, you could turn off your podcast player, but then the next time a t-shirt comes out referencing a popular bit that you might miss,
Starting point is 00:02:06 that was featured in this mini. But it's a big ol' bit. Quite a fool. You can be so mad when you don't know what that t-shirt means, it's gonna wreck you. You're gonna ruin it to the end of your days. But don't worry, you're already listening. That's why you heard all this.
Starting point is 00:02:18 So you're still with us. Tonight, on the dance. Tonight, I'm gonna give Dan and Stuart a little explainer and answer all their questions about, that's right to the e m to the e m m m m m to the e marvels Eternals that's right everybody. We're finally going to be explaining what the hell the Eternals are the subject of the next It's the tent pole of what phase eight phase nine of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. That's right When you come out, Elliot, because Black Widow obviously delayed, but only coming out now.
Starting point is 00:02:51 This week, yeah. Yeah, we get. Eternals will be coming out November 5 in the United States all over the world. I don't know when. So it's a big Thanksgiving time release. And when you hear about the movie, you're going to know why they're releasing it and Thanksgiving Because a time when people don't you really go out to see the movies very much It could be a good movie. I don't know that I'm gonna I'm gonna bring you into my thesis that the eternals are perhaps The least fan-loved characters in the history of Marvel comics Should we give you a little foundation of what Dan and I know about Marvel's
Starting point is 00:03:25 that's a great idea. I was just going to ask the exact what do you guys know about the eternal there again these are the subjects of a huge movie that's coming out directed by an Academy award-winning director and starring big name stars what do you know about the male non-jewel. He got so jacked. He did get jacked. He looks amazing. And is he Angelina Jolie in the movie? She's also in the movie. Yes. That's all I know. So I know a couple of casting things and nothing about the character. So you know that Camille Nangiaani, of course, plays the famous character, Kingo. And is that character known for being super jacked? No, he's actually known for being Japanese. So it's interesting that they cast't uh... come out on jenny uh... but he he is so come out character is a movie star
Starting point is 00:04:09 who is a member of the eternal's much like in the comics canoes and angel and jolie is of course playing the famous character thina uh... who dan you know is the daughter of zoris of course or is that what's the of the state that's the extent of what you're familiar with the eternal is to do the stars that are in the movie. Yeah, I don't even think I could remember any other act.
Starting point is 00:04:32 So what did you guys, did you see the trailer? I definitely watched the trailer at least once, but I have another question. So I saw JK Simmons in a movie recently and he was super jacked. Yes. Was he getting super jacked because he's got to play jay jones jay was in again i think he's getting super jacked because him and come out he didn't come to the buddies and i'm like you get jacked and i'll get jacked rep for rep we're
Starting point is 00:04:55 gonna do this together whenever one of us is flagging the other one is gonna buck up their spirits and that's what he did it on do not touch that fucking bar until the last possible minute you got to let me do the full pump yeah exactly yeah yeah just believe in me and i'll believe in you that was their motto uh so guys let me tell you about the eternal's okay i'm not going to start with more about the uh about the cast uh although okay huge huge cast it's uh they it's the most diverse cast in a in a Marvel movie which is interesting considering that Eternals themselves are based in a sort of pseudo-notsy-tific racist science, which we'll get into. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:32 So, let me just explain the introduction. So, the Eternals, just to break it down as simply as possible, they're a group of nearly immortal godlike beings created by even more godlike beings as an experiment in ancient times. And even though they're ancient and eternal and massively powerful, they tend to not show up when things happen, because they're possibly the most boring characters ever created by Jack Kirby. And there is yet to be a successful revival of them. Let's talk about Jack Kirby, Versailles.
Starting point is 00:05:59 You guys are familiar with Jack Kirby, right? Dan Stu, tell me what you know about Jacob Kurtzburg. Jack King Kirby, right? Jack King Kirby, the King of comics tell me what you know about Jacob Kurtzburg. Jack Kirby, right? Jack King Kirby, the King of comics. What do you know about him? He's the, isn't he the one who got kind of super psychedelic later on? Or am I getting confused with Ditko again? No, no, I mean, they both got a little, I mean, Ditko got super randian.
Starting point is 00:06:21 And Jack Kirby's work became more psychedelic, but it was like, it was more like Kirby was finally letting out the psychedelic that had been in his mind since the 1930s. And Kirby is the co-creator of many of the huge Marvel characters. Yeah, that's what I know about Jack. He draws very distinctive hands, and he does like energy clouds in the background that have like little spots in them. It's called Kirby Crackle. Yeah. Yep. He was obviously a huge influence on my first ever favorite comic book artist, Eric Larson. Yes, very much so. Yeah. There's a, there's a, well, let's say, Jack Kirby is arguably the most creative mind in Marvel Comics history. Without him, without his work with Stanley, you don't have the Marvel universe, and you don't have the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Just look at all the characters in the movies he created
Starting point is 00:07:08 or co-created rather, Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Loki, Bucky, not the version of Bucky that's in the movies, but the original version of Bucky, Black Panther, Nick Fury, Ant-Man, not the version of Ant-Man that's in the movies, but the Michael Douglas character version of Ant-Man, Scarlet Witch, Wasp, Quicksilver, Agatha Harkness from the Scarlet Witch TV show.
Starting point is 00:07:29 And that's not counting the X-Men that it has to... I heard it all along, right? What? It was Agatha all along. It was Agatha all along, it turned out. And I feel like they didn't really play fair by then showing you scenes that implied that if you went back and watched you'd see Agatha
Starting point is 00:07:41 like winking at the camera, that didn't really happen, but... Interesting take. Interesting take. that if you went back and watched you'd see Agatha like winking at the camera, that didn't really happen, but. Interesting take. Interesting take. Only because I heard people going like, oh, I didn't pick up the clues. And I was like, guys, I don't think there were any clues.
Starting point is 00:07:54 If any of you were sending it with me. Your clue is that she is second-built like she's third-build and doesn't seem to be doing much. Yeah, that's true. The clue is that she's Catherine Hawn, and she's amazing. So you got to do something with her. So let's just say Jack Kirby is comics ultimate
Starting point is 00:08:09 ideas, man. Let's go back to the year 1970. Okay, guys, Richard Nixon's in the White House. Everybody's doing the Lindy Hop. The what else was going on in 1970? Star Wars was yet to happen and Jurassic Park was even farther in the future. And Jack Kirby, he gets fed up with Marvel Comics. He's been there for a while. He goes over to DC Comics and he creates the fourth world new gods characters, a sprawling somewhat standalone cosmic epic. It's not totally standalone in that it comes out of
Starting point is 00:08:36 the Jimmy Olson comic, but somewhat standalone. That was almost made into an Ava DeVernay movie recently and then it fell apart. But you know what, Jack Kirby, he's not happy at DC either. So in the mid 70s, he comes back to Marvel and he tries another somewhat standalone cosmic epic called the Eternals. And I think it's fair to say, I'm a huge fan of Jack Kirby.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I'm a huge fan of his work in the 60s and in the early 70s. And even some of the late 70s stuff. This was the time of what you would call late period Kirby when he was doing things like devil dinosaur, which was a series about a cave boy, a half human, half ape cave boy, and a red Tyrannosaurus that encountered like, he would encounter like a computer
Starting point is 00:09:17 that turned out to be God that created the Garden of Eden, or there would be a whole issue where a giant with a triceratops head as a mask would be just hurling trees of things. A lot of good stuff. This is kind of like somewhat around O'Mac era, Jack Kirby, where for DC, he was making character who had a super huge mohawk and was the one man army cornered in the future. Eternals, not as most energized. This is series that runs for 19 issues in one annual, since then there has never been
Starting point is 00:09:43 an eternal series that ran for more than 12 issues I think we're gonna figure out why when I tell you who the internals are okay guys buckle up We've seen the historical we rate to find out what it's what Jack Kirby would do when he was not quite firing on all cylinders Yes, please okay, so are you familiar with a little bit called chariot of the gods? Is that the one that like was like o ancient Egyptians railions yet well uh... yeah chariot the gods are sure it was it was cut this kind of seventy suit a science let's call trash that said that ancient peoples were not smart enough to make pyramids because
Starting point is 00:10:18 how could they be they were not european white people and so must be that aliens visited them and taught them how to make pyramids which is kind of crazy since like if you give a kid blocks, they'll figure out how to make a pyramid. This is not exactly an infinite monkeys, infinite typewriters scenario where it like just the odds create it, like pyramids are easy to create. But in the 70s, people thought pyramids were very difficult. That was the time when it's more exciting to imagine there's a stargate somewhere. Exactly. So, where the cloud world can make you build their ship. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:47 So. I mean, the concept of pyramids is easy to come up. Well, let's not, let's not downplay the difficulty of the building of the pyramid. That's true, but is there any other type of building where people were like, I don't know how they figured this out? It must be aliens like castles. People seem to figure out how to do that.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Like towers. Yeah, people can do that. So what is it about pyramids that suddenly so difficult that it can only be because an alien can do that? It's a point of the alien. The thing is the South American pyramids are not pointy-down. They're quite blunt at the top.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Anyway, what I'm saying is. The blunt point. What I'm saying is Jack Kirby very much not racist perhaps one of the least racist people ever to work in mainstream Combooks in the 1960s and yet The eternal is kind of baked into baked in with some very racist ideas Not the least of which is this chariots the god stuff where it's the idea of ancient aliens coming down and teaching Like the Aztecs had a build pyramids and things like that. Okay, so here's the story of the Eternals. Okay, but here's the thing about
Starting point is 00:11:48 Jeckery. He would kind of take whatever was going on around him and throw it in a big stupat and stir it up and be like, here's your comics and that's why his stuff is amazing because it was just kind of like any idea that fell into his ears. He would just throw into this big idea stupat. So, in pre-st has been this has been so much build up in this episode already i feel like i'm still waiting to get to the mortal combat tournament okay well don't i'm sorry we get okay so here's the story of the of the turtles
Starting point is 00:12:14 it's ancient times prehistoric even there's no people there's just hominids just kind of k-vap people the earth is visited by ancient beings called the Celestials, mysterious aliens in 60 foot armor that conceals their, well, they're 60 foot aliens, that's why the armor is so tall. That conceals their entire bodies
Starting point is 00:12:33 and it looks amazing. Like the Celestials characters look gorgeous and there's a reason anyone brings back the eternals because the Celestials, they're the super tall, mysterious aliens, they don't talk, they all their heads look like coffee pots or like trash cans. Like they have amazing helmets and huge hands that they use to give the thumbs down all the time.
Starting point is 00:12:53 So if you can imagine godlike alien beings that can only communicate using thumbs up or thumbs down, that's the Celesteals. That's the original binary, Elliot. That's true. Yeah. They do not have a thumb in the middle. That is Cel's the original binary, Elliott. That's true. Yeah. They do not have a thumb in the middle. That is, Celestials are hot and cold.
Starting point is 00:13:09 And I think the only reason the eternal's were ever folded into the Marvel Universe eventually is because the Celestials look so cool. So, they're great. They are objectively the best thing about this story. So they come to the earth in waves known as hosts. The first host was about a million years ago, and they take furry cavemen and experiment on them to create two races, the Eternals, who are good and beautiful
Starting point is 00:13:29 because according to the comics, they have stable genetics and the deviance who have unstable genetics and every generation they mutate and look different and are not white and blonde. And so they're ugly demons who are always trying to conquer the earth. So basically this is, and again, this is Jack Kirby who like
Starting point is 00:13:45 if you go on twitter everyone's like jack herbie he would say to punch a fascist in the face him being like some real like blood purity you know superior race type stuff which is not great again not to say he's racist just ideas falling into the jack herbie stupat the jack herbie stupat again what i would recommend if you go to uh... the marvel restaurant chain that i'm sure will exist at some point yeah so the Marvel restaurant chain that I'm sure will exist at some point. Yeah. So, sorry, setting aside the racial implications for just some of them. Yes. I didn't mean to cut off your stupat rant if there was,
Starting point is 00:14:12 but I was going to come up with some other dishes that this Marvel restaurant, but continue what you're going to say. Please do. Okay. Well, maybe we can think about it when you circle back. Okay. Setting aside. Well, I know there's going to be something called Dicco Heedas,
Starting point is 00:14:24 which are like fajitas that are Steve Ditko influenced. So when you eat them, your hands have to be in weird poses, yeah. Okay. So my question is setting aside. I've not done yet, but let's go. Okay, well, the horrible, like,
Starting point is 00:14:40 sort of racial implications, like, but like, what is, why would these beings be like, okay, we gotta create some good creatures and then some evil creatures? Like, is there, are they, you know, is this like, are they playing a board game? And- They would say, the comics I think are always like,
Starting point is 00:15:01 oh, well, the Celestial's experiment from mysterious purposes. So mysterious, we can never know them. But then it turns out, The comics, I think, are always like, oh, well, the celestial's experiment from mysterious purposes. So mysterious, we can never know them. But then it turns out, but then the comics come up with different explanations. But then they always go back to like, oh, they're so mysterious, we could never even comprehend it. For their own mysterious silent needs.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Oh, these godlike beings. And it's a little bit like Galactus, where he starts off and he's this amazing godlike being. And the more they use him The more he just becomes like the biggest dude in the neighborhood, you know, and they're bumping into him all the time and then Killing him off and then he comes back and things like that. Anyway, so to answer your question There's no real set reason but a lot of times it's just to like the eternal is just supposed to be the round to like protect Celestials in the earth X series It's positive that there's a celestial seed or egg in the center of the earth.
Starting point is 00:15:45 And that superheroes were created to defend this from aliens who want it, from Galactus wanting to eat it or something. And continue. Burrito needs stark. No, because the no, no, no, the dishes are based on the creators, not on the, not on the characters on the cranes. I gotta go back to the drawing board. Your host is dressed like Stanley.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Anyway, and you get the Stan Leaks soup. That's a Leaks soup, like a classic Welsh Leaks soup, but it comes with a mustache and sunglasses on it. That's what makes it about Stanley digs. That's the John abuse. I'm a scramble digs. That's for the breakfast. Yeah. Yeah. Sure. And so forth. There's the the well, I'll think of some more later. You guys feel free to think of some too. So guys, the first host came and it turned people into into
Starting point is 00:16:42 attorneys and deviance. Meanwhile, regular old human beings, they're evolving to twenty thousand years ago this last years come back they were busy for a while they finally came back to check on the experiment the second host arrives they find that the deviance they just took over the whole world while the eternal's were just sitting up on a mountain somewhere the deviance took over the whole world
Starting point is 00:16:59 this last years comes out in the deviants are like well we're the best now this was respond by destroying the cvans whole civilization they sink their, well, we're the best now. The celestial's responded by destroying the deviance. Whole civilization, they sink their continent of Lemuria under the seas. Now they live underground. And later on, there was this stuff added about where they worshiped this one celestial that went bad and was living under the earth and it's leaping
Starting point is 00:17:17 and all sorts of stuff. Now, you may be asking yourself, okay. Didn't Marvel Comics already have the inhumans, which were a race of mysterious, super-powered people that live in the mountains and were created when the Cree came to earth and experimented on cavemen. Yes, I was going to say that. You're right. It's the same thing. It's the exact same thing. And the same guy created both of them. There's, it's, it's Jack Herbie is,
Starting point is 00:17:38 he's serving kind of like leftovers too at this point. So, but do any of the, do any of the eternals have cool powers like black bolt? Let's get into that. Shall we? Black bolt, of course, as everyone knows, is the inhuman who cannot speak because his voice is so powerful that even a whisper
Starting point is 00:17:53 can knock down mountains. In humans, they all have their own powers. Every podcast you're supposed to see. Yeah. When really it's just Joe Rogan that can do that. Sure. The inhumans, Madusa's got a crazy hair. They can grab things, triton as a fish man.
Starting point is 00:18:09 A Karnak can see the weaknesses and things and hit them with karate chops so that they fall down. There's Gorgon who's got hoof feet that are really strong and he stamps on stuff. They've all got great powers. They're amazing. Is Lockjaw one of the Inhumans? Lockjaw is a dog that can teleport
Starting point is 00:18:22 because he has a tuning fork on his forehead and he's a huge dog. Let's take him in and away from the internals, talk about Lockjaw is a dog that can teleport because he has a tuning fork on his forehead and he's a huge dog. Let's take him in and away from the internals. Talk about Lockjaw. Lockjaw is one of the most amazing Marvel characters and it's too bad that, and I think one of the reasons Marvel is doing the internals is because they screwed up the inhuman so badly with their TV show. Lockjaw is apparently, it's one of those things that really tests the believability of a
Starting point is 00:18:40 Marvel concept because he's an enormous dog. He's a dog the size of a small elephant and he's constantly dro dog. He's the dog at the size of a small elephant and he's constantly drooling and he can teleport anywhere. You gotta look up, Lockdown. He's amazing. Look at Blackpulls. And he has a little tuning fork on his head
Starting point is 00:18:53 that matches his master Blackpulls tuning fork on his head. And it's just like, Jack Herbert's just like, yeah, they've got a super power dog. What a... Oh, look at that dog. He's got a big tongue. He looks like a dog of a mustache. Like, he's amazing.
Starting point is 00:19:05 He's a great character. There's a reason he has had his own series. He, at this point, I think Lockjaw might have started as many comics as the Eternals have started. So give Lockjaw a movie. Anyway, let's talk about the Eternals characters. They've been living up at the Polarized Caps every now and then.
Starting point is 00:19:19 They live forever, pretty much. They have, every now and then they appear before normal humans and become the basis for all of our myths. Oh boy, that's right. Their names kind of sound like, God, it's that old saw, that old jigsaw. So you got guys like Icarus. He's super strong, he can fly,
Starting point is 00:19:37 he probably can shoot lasers and things like that. And obviously, and he's Icarus, so that's where that comes from. Then there's Cersei. She's like the seductive party girl of the internals. And she has the power to like turn things into other things. So remember when Cersei and the Odyssey turned all those guys into pigs, guess what?
Starting point is 00:19:54 Cersei and the comics does that too. Oh boy. There's McCarrie who can run real fast and he's obsessed with running really fast. And he was the inspiration for Mercury. There's Ajak who's super strong that leads to Ajak's. How's McCarrie spelled? It's spelled M-A-K-K-A-R-I. Okay, so pretty similar to a gas-called Magarook Thracas banner grot McCarrie who's insanely
Starting point is 00:20:18 lucky, but he's a pretty cool dude in and of itself. That's more hammer 40,000. Okay, because I was going to say Stuart, I'm talking about the eternal's and i couldn't understand half of what that lesson so so you have he bested me sir uh... hey i sorry i zoned out a little bit earlier so guess cause is uh... is uh... is an orc war boss of the golf clan and he is known for laying waste to the imperial world arm again
Starting point is 00:20:43 some really things off with commissar yarrick he cut cut off Yarek's arm, but that didn't stop Yarek. No, no, no, he's too much of a badass. So he then uses laser eye to hurt gas. Do you have, well, we will talk about that later. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:20:58 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Chris Claremontary Jack cheese. Did anyone say that? Chris Claremontary Jack cheese. I mean, that's not a dish. I mean, that could be something you an ingredient, sure.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I mean, if you're going to have like kind of a, like an X-Men mutant cheese plate, like that would be great to have on there. Yeah, sure. Yeah, I could see that. And like, yeah, what else, what other cheese sounds like? I mean, X one character's name. Did you say Swiss Claremont cheese? Oh, Swiss Claremont is even better than Chris Claremont
Starting point is 00:21:30 to Ray Jack. There's also Jim Brie. You go with that, of course, yeah. So anyway, so if anyone else wants fans, feel free to get on the horn. Get on the horn. So tell us a little shortwave radio. Tell us a short way of radio. Tell us some more Marvel restaurant food.
Starting point is 00:21:47 So anyway, guys, let's talk. So let's just, we're getting to the end of the background on this. So there's all these stories about like, in the original eternal story, they're always like, yes, that's what I told Plato when I met up with him or they're like, ah, the Aztec gods, they do not have to be these
Starting point is 00:22:02 eternals or hey, when I went to Egypt and I talked about hydroglyphics as a joke, the leader of the eternals, it's Zeris, that's right. And he's the leader, mainly because he figured out how the eternals can combine themselves into the unimined, a giant cosmic brain with superpowers. Now, again, if this reminds you of how the forever people, a previous Jack Kirby series,
Starting point is 00:22:20 can combine to become infinity man, very similar. And he and anyway, the January man, very similar. And anyway, the January man, that's Kevin Klein, right? Spoiler alert. Wait, actually the January man, I guess, is the killer in that. Yeah, it's not Kevin Klein. Wait, Kevin Klein is in the killer now. Because if you want to just spoil that one.
Starting point is 00:22:41 No, no, no, no. I can't even remember who the January man is and I watched that like this year. It's probably, I don't know like, Clancy Brown or yeah. Probably yeah, or a Joey on Fat, some killer. But uh, yeah. I'm always, that's a movie that I see
Starting point is 00:22:57 in an Amazon Prime and I'm like, okay, I'll watch this, wait, am I really about to watch the January man? So I've never seen it because I can't I can't quite pull the trigger on it You know I like I was like oh, you know, I love Kevin Klein I love him and his sort of like shaggy semi-comic mode and you know, it's It's got a great cast otherwise who's in strand and Maryless with Master Antonio Hi, we can tell Danny Ayello Rutsdiger
Starting point is 00:23:23 Are you reading the IMD program? I am reading it Alan's all. Are you reading the IMDP for my hair? I am reading it, Alan Rickman. Are you reading on the back of the novel? Is anyone on the screen? He's reading the back of this, the box of January Mano's, serial. John Patrick Shanley, screenplay. Oh wow. A writer and director of your favorite movie.
Starting point is 00:23:38 My favorite movie, one, the whistle blows. What was it? Yeah, with the Blarney calls off the sham rock. It's called doing the sham rock shake. So is the January man the sequel to the weather man? No, no, January man is a guy who's bitten by a radioactive January, January Jones, that is. And now he has all the powers of January Jones, which is to be really, really good in the three burials of MilkyA to Strona, and not so much in the other things that she's in.
Starting point is 00:24:09 But I guess she just needs a solid director like Tom Ylee Jones pointing her in the right direction. Okay, so, Zoris, he creates the inner mind, that's your background. The original eternal story is the story about the fourth host, uh-oh, led by Areshem the judge. They are coming to earth to see if earth is worthy of not being destroyed if the experiment went. And Icarus, having taken the name Ike Harris, is in love with an
Starting point is 00:24:35 archaeologist daughter and he spends a lot of the series hanging out with the archaeologist and his daughter and being like, hey, this stuff that you thought was just angels civilizations, it's gods and things. Anyone who explain it to you now. That's some like angel heart level shit right there buddy. Mm-hmm. How could you crack that code? Meanwhile, the other journals just kind of wand around using their real names and hanging out. Like, Cersei just calls herself Cersei and wears like a green bathing suit ever she goes.
Starting point is 00:24:56 They're always fighting the deviance led by, I think his name is King Toad and the world where he's well. Already very interested in King Toad. Yeah, King Toad is my years perk right up. He's like a big fat frog's head with little arms and legs. I don't know how he did this King of the Deereans. Yeah, he's very good. I think he's spelled TODE. So to give you a taste of what the original
Starting point is 00:25:19 eternal comics are like, I put together two passages that I think get across the clash of styles that Jack Kirby is kind of struggling with here This is a line from issue number four from a narrative caption Arashem leader of the fourth host stands like a mountain above the Inca ruins His face is hidden, but his eyes see everything that lives in this world They are the eyes of a judge even as his hands are those of a destroyer when mankind discovers Arashem It will find itself against overwhelming total power
Starting point is 00:25:46 with two exclamation points at the end. And now here's a line from issue five. Cersei is calling to McCarrie through her communicator device. And she says, mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the most juvenile of all? And McCarrie says, that's funky corn, Cersei. So that's a funky corn.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Monkey, sorry, that's funky what that's funky corn Cersei So you tell the the turtles have really kept up with the modern slang and they're really doing it right now None of these characters have that much personality the only Itternals that really a lot of personality are two deviance one called the reject who's called that because he is handsome And so the deviance don't like it and he's angry at the world because he just wants to be a deviant and he hates that he's so handsome. And this guy, Carcass, K.R.K.S. Dean should look him up.
Starting point is 00:26:31 He's a big red dude who wears metal pants and has a huge head and like, Travis Ross Rex hands. And he's actually very nice, even though he's a deviant, and he becomes friends with the internals. They're the best characters. Carcass better be in the movie. He's a crazy design.
Starting point is 00:26:47 And there's also a bad eternal name like Drew Egg, who's basically what you would expect from a bad guy named Drew Egg. So guys, I just told you all about the Eternals. Who's the favorite person? Oh my God, sorry, I just saw Carcass. Yeah, I'm paying a paido word picture for the listener. What's Carcass like?
Starting point is 00:27:01 Carcass is kind of like, if there was like a potato, like a red potato. Okay, like a rusted potato, yeah. And that potato had kind of like a little sort of like, I don't know, like a great ape, like a grill of face. And then their little claws, it's just, I mean, really, it looks awesome. He looks small because he's stubby.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I see him riding. In the picture, he looks, in the pictures, when there's no scale, he always looks like a little baby, but he's actually very tall. He's like 10 feet tall. Big, I see from other pictures, but he also, like, in the one I'm looking at right now, he's like, got, like, basically his legs look like they've got colossus armor.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Yeah, he wears kind of blue underpants with steel leggings underneath. Yeah. Yeah, I like this guy. I mean, he's really cool. Yeah, I like this guy. Yeah, he looks a little bit like if you took a professional wrestler and you pull all his skin off and then he gave him metal pants and really sharp teeth, like that's carcass. And so he's great. He's my favorite, eternal character by far, and he's gave him metal pants, and really sharp teeth. Like that's carcass.
Starting point is 00:28:05 And so he's great. He's my favorite, eternal character by far, and he's not in it that much. So he's, I would say, lockjaw is to the inhumans as carcass is the eternal. You see him and you're just like, what a cool cute dude. Like I just gonna see more about this character and know more about them. So other than that, who's your favorite eternal? I've talked to you about them. Who's your favorite one? Is it Icarus, who's kind of like he man without the
Starting point is 00:28:28 personality? Is it Cersei, who's kind of like a magical party girl? There's Sprite, who's just kind of always a kid, but is mad about it. They're like a mean mad mean little kid. Sure. Again, there's McCarrie, who's obsessed with speed. It's all he wants to do is run. He's just going to run. There's Athena. Again again she's the sources sources daughter and she's a kind of like becomes a leader the eternal is which kind of cracks under the pressure at
Starting point is 00:28:51 at one point uh... there's a risk again doesn't have much personality beyond just being like a cut rate odin the leader who do you love who's the who's the eternal that really sticks out to you well i like the description of uh... or C and she changes things into other things. I'm into that. That's true. I don't like her design and some of the like, I guess these must be newer comics. I don't care for the original Kirby design. I like okay.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Well, anyway, what don't you like about the design? Is it? Well, they make the more recent comics are very much like, she's carrying two oozees. I'm trying to... No, it's not like... Dan is like, she's always on her phone. No, they just sexify it a lot. Like they did for a period of time. I mean, she was always wearing like a sex... Her costume was basically like a green low cut bathing suit.
Starting point is 00:29:46 So she like, is she like the enchantress? She is a little bit like the enchantress, yes, but she's like a chaotic good enchantress, whereas enchantress is chaotic evil. Yeah. Yeah. So guys, uh, well, I guess I guess I'll go, I guess I'll go Icarus because I appreciate his on the nose Nate, you know code name I appreciate his ambition And so as you've seen the internals are like always hiding out and not really getting involved in stuff and we'll talk about then How do these eternal immortal gods that don't like getting involved in things and do not care about people that much. How do they fit into the Marvel Universe? But before we get to that, Dan, I believe we have a word from our own celestial, Squarespace. Yes. Thank you, Elliot. In addition to the kind support
Starting point is 00:30:39 from listeners like you, this episode is sponsored in part by Squarespace. With Squarespace, you can create a beautiful website, turn your cool idea into a site on the internet for all to see and use. You can blog or publish content, sell products and services of all kinds and much, much more and Squarespace does this, but giving you beautiful customizable templates
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Starting point is 00:31:32 That's F-L-O-P to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. Now Dan, I had an idea for a website and I was wondering if Squarespace might be able to help me with it. Let's get it. Let's put it on the table. We'll poke at it, see if it works. Okay, so this is a website. It's called and it's a website just for me where I would go and read it and remind myself because I've read these
Starting point is 00:31:56 comics that Jack Kirby wrote at least two times all the way through and I had to do so much research to remember who these characters were before I talked to you guys even with the minimal information I've been able to give you because for some reason it's like I remember reading about a science fiction book once where a guy's face was so forgettable that he had to wear a crazy hat In order to stick in people's memories or else they would just forget about him and that's kind of like me or episode If we talked to if we talked to your wife Danielle, is she going to say that you spent the last day or two like stressing out and being like, oh, I don't want to embarrass myself in front of my friends.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Yeah, and even more so, I don't embarrass myself in front of Jack Kirby's ghost who has been, it was like, hey, you're talking about the atonals, huh? Well, let me tell you, definitely got to know some amazing tales. Definitely got us to go. They've been coming to Oith. Yeah, they've been scaring us mouth go. They've been coming to Oath. Yeah, big cigars and smell.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Ancient gods have been coming to Oath and it's flowing in all of our ancient civilizations. They invented the pyramids. They invented all these things. Anyway, so I got late. I've had 17 more ideas since we started talking. I don't want to talk about the Twins anymore. I want to talk about something else.
Starting point is 00:33:01 And so Jack Kirby's Ghost is constantly just telling me new ideas and some of them are amazing but many of them don't make any sense. So this website would be to help me remember the eternal. So Jack Kirby's Ghost is give madame dance. Squarespace we have to help you with that, right? Uh, sure. Now this website of yours is that just gonna redirect back to this episode? They will be just for me though. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So guys, let's get back to what we are going to about how do the eternal's fit into the Marvel Universe? Well, they don't really. They were never supposed to.
Starting point is 00:33:27 They were intended to be their own separate thing. At one point, they were like, Jack, we need you to have the internals like fight the Hulk or something. So he has Icarus fight a robot of the Hulk that somebody makes because he does not want them existing in the same real world as the Hulk. By the real world, I mean the Marvel Universe super-hostoppin' polite, and start getting real.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Eventually, though, all this backstory got rolled into the Marvel universe proper, Cersei joined the Avengers for a while in the like the early 90s, and she was always trying to seduce Captain America, and he was getting very flustered. They announced they revealed that Zoris, the father of all the,
Starting point is 00:34:04 or the leader of the internals was brothers with Alars who was Thanos' dad, who he would go on to become mentor of the Titans. So they're like, they mush these things together. And lately, Celestials, which used to be these enigmatic like kind of once in a million years robot, alien giants, have just been popping up in the Marvel Universe like crazy, just like you can't throw a dead cat
Starting point is 00:34:27 without hitting a celestial. And it's like, why are you throwing dead cats around the Marvel Universe? It's because you're a new villain cult cat, right? Yes, wild, why would you do that? Yeah, well, you're a new villain. Your only power is that you're unerring aim with dead cats. Like gambities with playing cards, you are with dead cats.
Starting point is 00:34:41 It's not a great character, but look, they're running low on ideas in the House of Ideas so Daredevil goes out at night and he gets hit with a dead cat and it doesn't hurt him necessarily but it weirds him out he just does not like this yeah no that's cat anyways that's cat thrower they're doing a 14 part crossover about him this summer which somehow he's created his he's connected to the creation of the universe so my question is that they invented a super villain i like uh... less than car so what do you like a car and i don't have a piece is a serial killer venom yeah that's why i don't like zero killer
Starting point is 00:35:16 i mean what about the fact that it's costume is is super sorely is that nice no i think that i have a haven't you looked at a costume before of a superhuman, like where are the swirls? Where I want more swirls. I think it's just kids' swirls. I just think it's the like, it's like they took Venom and then they just poured a bunch of Mountain Dew on them.
Starting point is 00:35:35 You know, like, I don't know. That's his origin. That's in canon in the comics. That's what happened. Yeah, that's how he got so extreme. They poured Mountain Dew on him and his symbiote costume split into one that was more extreme. Yeah, of course. Yeah, that's how we got so extreme. They born Mountain Dew on him and his symbiocostum split into one that was more extreme.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Yeah, of course. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, because of all the dew. Anyway, how are they going to make these characters into a movie? This is a double edged sword. The eternal's, there's lots of potential there because nobody cares about these characters.
Starting point is 00:36:01 So you can basically do anything with them. The movie already, just with the stuff they've announced, is very different in terms of many of the characters in the comics. And has there been a fan backlash? Guys, you're keyed into the nerd internet. Has there been a fan backlash? Because A-Jack is a woman in the movie
Starting point is 00:36:17 and not a man like in the comics? Has there been a backlash? No, because no one cares, no one knew. Yeah. Yeah, there was a backlash where people were mad at who mail for being jack
Starting point is 00:36:29 i remember they were a member being buff that would that's true first they were happy then they got mad about it uh... and then i haven't heard anything recently about where we're staying that is we're as if i remember there were people who got mad because in Thorheimdall was black was played by a black actor Which is a ridiculous thing to be mad at so ridiculous thing to be and it's not even like these are people who are like Mmm, I've always been a Hymdall fan and I'm just mad
Starting point is 00:36:54 It's not my visual imagination But Hymdall has always been because no one cares about a Hymdall the same way that when Agatha hardness was revealed as a villain in the WandaVision series spoiler alert Nobody cared because nobody is an Agatha Hark this fan. Nobody was like, but she is a hero in the comics. She was Franklin Richards Nanny. She used a big magic cat to scare off the wingless wizard. Nobody cared, it didn't matter.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Same more things in that voice about comics. But the Harkness was Scarlet, which is mentor. She was burned alive and it was wrong It doesn't why would you make her a villain? It doesn't make sense. The opposite of ASMR, but still enjoyable Weirdly. Why would you it's a vision? Okay, in the comics he's created by Ultron Infiltrate the the Avengers using the body of the original human torch, although that was eventually retconned away? And they said it wasn't what happened. And he has the brain powders and brain powders.
Starting point is 00:37:50 He has the brain patterns and probably brain powders because if you crumble up his brain and it'll turn into powder of Simon Williams Wonderman who at the time was dead, but eventually came back. So I don't understand why in the movies He's created by Tony Stark with an infinity gem. It doesn't make sense. What what what how do you feel about Ajak being a woman instead of a man. Why? Well, what? Who's that? I don't understand. Yeah. Luckily, okay. So there's no. But you said there was no fan backlash, but when the trailer was first came out, there was a little bit of backlash because of the, some of the design
Starting point is 00:38:32 was so much planer than the original Kirby designs. Well, that's specifically like a big spaceship. Well, that, yeah, that's true. The spaceship that shows up in the beginning in the comic books, that thing is a big, crazy, Kirby creation and it's fantastic. It's all these little parts. And in the beginning, in the comic books, that thing is a big, crazy, Kirby creation, and it's fantastic. It's all these little parts. And in the movie, just kind of like,
Starting point is 00:38:48 it's like a monolith on its side, with some lines drawn in it. And the costumes, the characters are much more muted. They don't have the bright, bold colors, and the bright, Kirby designs, which are very geometric. But look, I'm just glad that Spider-Man has a costume that looks like Spider-Man costume. And then Captain America has,
Starting point is 00:39:06 at least has wings painted onto the side of his mask. Even if he's not gonna have little wings that stick out of the sides. Maybe he doesn't wear a buck in your boots, but you know what, you gotta take what you can get. For some reason, it's the understanding on the Marvel Universe when it comes to costumes. And the DC movies too is that bright bold colors are not fun.
Starting point is 00:39:24 But you gotta have lots of little textures and like little bits of like crap, when it comes to costumes. And the DC movies too is that bright bold colors are not fun. But you gotta have lots of little textures and little bits of crap, stuff sticking out all over the plate. Vision can't just be a robot with a red head. He's gotta have all these lines and grooves all over his face. And is that? Guys, what's the deal? I think grooves.
Starting point is 00:39:40 While the grooves, Dan. I... Because I want it to be like the sparks on the rhythm thief. Hey, where did the groove go? I want them all gone. I don't like those groove. The thing is, right? The groove is in the heart, right?
Starting point is 00:39:55 It's not on that head. It's all over Visions face. Exactly. The groove should be in the heart. I saw something about a groove tube once. Listen to you. I think there's a gorilla at a day on his head. Yeah, and with your belsars in it at some point,
Starting point is 00:40:08 but listeners, if the groove is in your heart, that's correct. You should not have a smooth heart. You want your heart to be full of grooves. You want it to be very groove like a record. Like, you know, that's what your heart should look like. But your face, maybe you have grooves on your face and maybe it looks great, but vision should have a smooth face. He's a robot with barely grooves there. Now, I just don't understand.
Starting point is 00:40:29 I just don't understand why he has grooves on his face. You're addressing our number one grooved face listener, Lance Anderson. And Lance, the grooves are working for you. I love it. It's just like the back of Jeff Goldblues hand. You put a drop of water on it and you can see it go down all the grooves. I love it. I want to put you on a turntable.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Was it you all night, Lance? Yeah, when you think of Fee Sounds like when you play Lads Hunter, it's like, I'm a record player. Also, those are naturally eroded grooves. That's natural weathering from icebergs and wind and sea. And it's not just, it's not adding like three-dimensional puffed-up webs to Spider-Man's body. You know, why does Spider-Man in the movies, why does he have like a funeral armlet around his shoulders? I don't understand it. But anyway, Dan, you were saying.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Well, no, I will, I agree that I want more colors. Like, I don't understand why I mean particularly early on like before the MCU like when it was like The X-Men movies and people didn't believe that people would want to see super-moot superhero movies for some reason back when that was a Risky proposition to make a superhero film like I didn't like the Like all black and gray costumes. something, we gotta make this look cool. Not like for the beautiful colors. Yeah, do you think they were like,
Starting point is 00:41:49 they were hoping the people would go into the movies and be like, X-Men, well, they kinda look like a motorcycle gang, I'll go see that. Yeah, I'll go see that. But I will defend like texture to something. I'm sure like it makes it makes it easier like cinematically like just to like have something going on rather than i don't know you look at look at let let's let's let's not on subject
Starting point is 00:42:13 eternal but look at the christopher e superman costum yeah and the henry cabal superman costum the christopher e one is super smooth looks great yeah the henry cabal one it's for the groups the pebbles happily he's got Dan. It's like Let me just shoot okay, Dan okay, Dan the Superman costume that Christopher wore
Starting point is 00:42:31 It's like our it's like a beautifully paved road your eyes just slide along it beautifully Henry Cavill suits like ride driving on a cobblestone street. It's terrible. It's bad on your suspension. It's not comfortable You don't like it and if you're walking down it, you can easily trip and fall. I'll explain. The problem was that the cattle costume was designed on a Sunday afternoon. So they had to be grooving. They had to be. I guess that's what it was. That is the that is the grubious time you can vitally loosen your tie. That is the grubious time you're done with church. You can vitally loosen your tie. So anyway, so that's the positive aspect of this
Starting point is 00:43:09 is that no one cares about the eternal's. So they have a free hand to do whatever they want with their characters. The other side is that these characters do not have a particularly interesting hook. They're kind of like basically the inhumans, but less so. And so the main issue of the movie though, and this is brought up by a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:43:28 What are these internals been doing just hanging around? Like, Thanos killed half the universe, and the internals were like, I'm busy, I don't like to get involved. What have they been doing all this time? I guess the movie will answer that question. But guys, guess what? We're in luck.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Because along with the internals comes another character. Everyone's favorite Marvel Universe Character is the most And okay everyone's second favorite Marvel Universe character. Don't say Carcass. Okay everyone's third Favorite Marvel Universe character. Although Carcass was in the movie. I'd be like
Starting point is 00:43:58 This is fantastic. This is amazing. What's amazing is that the Shang Chi trailer came out and everyone was Like is Finn Fang Fum in this movie? And that there's nothing in the Eternal's trailer that is as exciting as that, you know. As the hope that Finn Fang Fum is in it? As the hope that there's a giant alien dragon that can be put to sleep with a magic spice herb, and that at least in the original comics, where it's tiny purple shorts.
Starting point is 00:44:23 There's no hope in the Eternal's that there's going to be a drag and we're behind the shorts as they're again another jack Kirby design I believe uh... so this movie is finally introduced that's right dan who's your favorite Marvel character who hasn't been in the movies yet uh... uh... kitty pride no no your other favorite your other favorite Marvel character hasn has been the mc yet uh... who uh... park no keep going from alpha flight it's not him who's your favorite is not a me mc third favorite then
Starting point is 00:44:53 i can't uh... uh... is mordok him he's not okay he has his own show fourth favorite was in the mc m mordok is in the mc because it's show takes place within that unit okay and i don't know if it's a doctor do okay. Fifth favorite. Who's your fifth favorite character? Who hasn't? I was actually excited that it might actually be. It's not Dr. Doom. It is.
Starting point is 00:45:12 It is an armored character, but who's your, I've already given to way too much. Who's your knight? Moon Knight. Okay. He is. No, he's getting his own show on Disney+. Wow. Watching Dan remember names of characters. He's amazing. Dan is really, these are characters I didn't know who. What about, is it one of the micron huts? What do you know? Okay, that was this license property. Marvel doesn't own that license anymore. Seventh favorite, who's your seventh favorite Marvel character
Starting point is 00:45:34 who hasn't been the MCU? Because this is gonna be it. Is it Dr. Bond? No, it's not Dr. Bond from The Howard the Doc. Okay, eighth favorite, your eighth favorite M.C. character. Marvel gonna listen to the MCU. Just, okay, who is it? He Bong from The Howard the Doc. Okay, eight favorite, your eighth favorite MC character. Oh, Marvallero isn't gonna be the MCU. Just, okay, who is it? He's gonna be in this one.
Starting point is 00:45:47 If Dan says a nihilist, I would eat my hat. I think I've run out of good answers. Really? Just give me any answers. Your favorite, come on. They don't all have to be Dr. Bong. My favorite. Who actually do I like that hasn't been?
Starting point is 00:46:06 It's not slapstick. The cartoon character is superhero. I don't know, man. Well, I'll just tell you it's better. That's right. It's not better. Ray Bill, his face showed up and throw a rag in a rock. So we got it. That was hopefully that's not all we get because he's an amazing character. Okay, hold on to your hold on to your butts, guys,
Starting point is 00:46:26 because you're gonna fall over, you're gonna be so excited. That's right, Dean Whitman, the black knight. What, wait, what? Who's that? He's okay. I'm the maize, you're asking me because he's everyone's favorite Marvel character, Dean Whitman, the black knight.
Starting point is 00:46:41 He is a knight who has a magic sword that is hundreds of thousands of years old. And it gives him ill-defined powers, strength, I guess. He also has a horse with wings. And Dan, don't look up the villain, the black knight, who had the same horse. Oh, he's going to be played by Kit Harrington, girl. Kit Harrington.
Starting point is 00:46:59 So I assume it's a backdoor pilot for a black knight movie. So it's almost like they said to themselves, we're launching an eternal franchise. Who is the character that would make the eternal's look exciting by comparison? Oh, okay, the Black Knight, made everyone's least favorite Avenger after Gilgamesh, who is one of the eternal's.
Starting point is 00:47:21 So guys, it was all a ruse. It was not one of Dan's favorite characters. That was just a hilarious bit to make you realize how unexcited I am to have the black knight entering into the Marvel Cinematic Universe at a time when they really are holding their gunpowder dry on the Fantastic Four and not really moving forward on plans for those characters or the Great Lakes Avengers. Oh, if only the Great Lakes Avengers were Avengers. Oh, only the great Lakes of Enders were involved. Oh, flat man, door man.
Starting point is 00:47:47 What's the world? What's the world? What's the world? What's the world? What's the world? He feels like an easy one to do. So I don't know what they're doing with Wonder Man. I once pitched a Wonder Man show to Marvel's television division when they had a separate
Starting point is 00:47:59 television division. And they looked into it and they were told that something might be done with Wonder Man at some point. So he was off the table. But guys, that's pretty much the eternal. So to wrap things up, the eternals are somewhat racist, super-powered immortal beings, created by giant armored space aliens whose heads look like coffee makers. They are eternally at war with another race of evil beings
Starting point is 00:48:31 that we have not heard about in the Marvel Cinematic Universe up to this point. And they are the source of all of our myths and dreams, which automatically means they're probably the most interesting characters that ever existed. And I defy anyone to watch the trailer and tell me who these characters are and what they do. So guys have I made you more excited about the Eternal's movie? Kind of actually. Yeah, yeah. I like that. That's fair. I like how weird it all sounds. I mean like at this point I
Starting point is 00:49:15 Have been most fond of new Marvel movies like the weirder they get and so they're gonna go Into a some weird zone also. I just finally looked up these Celestials. Oh, boy. I like the looks of these. I mean, if the Celestial, I mean... Crazy colors. I am not particularly excited about this movie because I don't, I just don't have a connection with these characters. Well, I'm excited about the idea that the Celestial's, like, this, like, the subheading of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Starting point is 00:49:38 that they might keep dipping into these Academy Award-winning directors. Like, I feel like that Black Knight movie doesn't sound that exciting. Unless it's directed by Paul Schrader. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Director of Heartbeeps.
Starting point is 00:49:52 That's really, that's Paul Schrader's go-to. Director of Heartbeeps. I don't think he did direct Heartbeeps, too. No, he did. I think he did. Yeah, yeah. Just check it. Something that Stuart sent to me the other night as well.
Starting point is 00:50:09 He's bringing in running joke from off the podcast. I think he's doing anything to me. Andy Hoffman, VerdeNet Peters wins a comedy where they're both robots. It's Paul Schrader, right? One of those words again. Paul Schrader. Paul Schrader, Stu is constantly getting Paul Shrader and Alan Arkesh mixed up.
Starting point is 00:50:28 And that's why he thinks that Alan Arkesh is a rugged, roll high school. That's why he thinks Paul Shrader directed a heart of beeps and Caddy Jack too. And that Alan Arkesh directed Machima, a life and four chapters and first performed. Yeah, I mean, it's, I mean, I think everybody does that shit, right? I feel like Posh Raider's Rock and Roll High School would be a very different movie.
Starting point is 00:50:53 And frankly, his heart beeps would be a very different movie. We're just bearing. But I think what I was going to say is I feel like if the movie gets weird, the way the internals can get weird, the way Jack Kirby's okay weird, then I think I'll really enjoy it. And I hope that the Celestials, like the same way that when they made the mistake in that fantastic four-sequel of making Galactus like a big purple cloud, like I hope they don't mess with the Celestial designs too much, partly because the Celestials they're covered in grooves. They're covered in grooves.
Starting point is 00:51:21 So they're already got them. You know, the grooves in the heart on them and all over their bodies and you want them to look like these big crazy armored aliens with no faces but i'm worried that they're going to take it a little too seriously but only time will tell i will be happy to be proven wrong and you know what if i'm proven wrong here's a here's what i'll do to you i'll say i'll, on the air. What? That I was wrong. I'm president. Wow.
Starting point is 00:51:50 And all the history of the internet. But again, I have to be proved wrong. The internet has to be like really great. And then I'll come on the air and be like, I was wrong. And if it ends with a credit sequence where a lock jaw licks the camera, then it's my new favorite movie. Mm-hmm. Right off the top.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Yeah. Well, you were the person who predicted that Avatar would be a big flop, so. So did I? Yeah, I remember it a while. I mean, it's possible. I didn't look, I mean, I never saw it. So as far as I'm concerned, it was a flop.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Yeah. It didn't get the, it didn't get the, the hallowed Elliott Kaelin. It's a lot of print. Yeah, there's four quad pranks. Stu, Dan, Elliott, and everybody else. There you go. And you can get everybody else in the world.
Starting point is 00:52:34 That's only one quad drink. You still got to get the other three. Or else you don't get an E-GOT. So guys, to bring this to a close, that's more than anyone has ever talked about the eternal's ever in history. Hopefully, it will be a movie more in anyone has ever talked about the eternal forever in history. Hopefully it will be a movie more in the vein of Guardians of the Galaxy by which I mean just characters that people aren't familiar with that they take a liking to and are one over by because I'll remind the world something that I think I forget sometimes. In the olden days, people used to see movies about characters they didn't know anything about and they'd like them.
Starting point is 00:53:01 People used to see movies about characters, they didn't know anything about. And they like them. So it is not, you don't have to know a character already and already be a fan of theirs, to enjoy the movie about them. So let's all go, if we choose to see Turnles, let's do it with an open heart, full of grooves, an open mind, also full of grooves,
Starting point is 00:53:17 because your brain is pretty groove full. I wasn't saying groovy, but not everyone's brain is groove. They're all full of grooves. They're full of rinks. And let's be nice to each other, OK? Just like the turtles would be. Ellen keeps taking the car around the park. Ellen's brain is getting Groovy with every moment.
Starting point is 00:53:37 It's the ending of podcast. It's the ending of podcast equivalent of there's no parking spot here. But what if I go this way? Oh, wait, someone took my spot. I was a spot, but I just missed it. I'm the freak that's just parking, man. I mean, what park in the middle of the street, Dan?
Starting point is 00:53:52 Yeah, just abandon the vehicle. I'm in the car, lighted on fire and walked away. That's a power move, my friend. That's true. When you say to the world, I don't even need my car anymore. Anyway, this is Elliot Kaellen saying, thanks for listening. I've been joined as always by my fellow travelers through the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Their names are.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Dan McCoy, and Stuart Wellington. And if I leave you with one thing, it's just this. Let Kumail work out with JK Simmons. Their best friends, they don't get to see each other that much. They need their workout time. So Kumail, JK Simmons Simmons keep on working out together Eternals coming away on November. I have an LA Kaelin. Oh, there's a spot. Hold on guys Hold on I'm steering into it. Hold on hold on hold on hold on and
Starting point is 00:54:36 It's a hydrant. Okay, we got to go around again. You know what listeners you leave us. I'll just talk to Dan for another 10 minutes. Bye.

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