The Flop House - FH Mini 40 - TuBoy Talkin' Tube to 2 Dudes Tonight, That's Right 2

Episode Date: October 16, 2021

Stuart's most ostentatiously-named mini format makes a triumphant return, as he talks to us about the Emmys, and current TV in general. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, it's me, Stuart of the Vloghouse. And I'm one of the people's ears. Yeah, like if Porcupig was at the beginning of the cartoon. More people would watch loony tunes. That's what it is. That's why they got canceled loony tunes. Got canceled. That's what it is. Cool. That's why they got canceled. Looney tunes got canceled because not enough people were watching. Yeah, no, no, a porky in the front.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Okay. So a porky in the front party in the back. Gross dude. I was trying to keep a clean podcast for a change. So I'm one of the three hosts of the Flopass podcast joined with me or my two co-hosts who will introduce themselves now. I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Elliott Kaelin.
Starting point is 00:00:49 That's right. Himself, that guy from the flop house, how'd they get me? I'm always here. Thanks. Now, now tonight we're now Stewart. Have you said your name? Oh, yeah. I don't think you have.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I think I said I was Stewart from the flop house. Stewart Wellington. You did change your last name too from the flop house. Stuart from the flop house, Stuart Wellington. You know, we're changing your last thing too. From the flop house. Stuart from the flop house. Yeah, legally. So we're a podcast about bad movies normally, but you're tuning into one of our mini episodes,
Starting point is 00:01:15 which we're recording tonight, and we are not going to be what we doing what we normally do, which is watching a bad movie, then reviewing it. No, no, no, we are doing something special because as you guys can, you guys, I'm sure have been checking your calendars. It is the nine-month anniversary of the now classic flop house mini.
Starting point is 00:01:35 So we are doing the next episode. That's right. Tonight we are doing two-boy talking tube to tube to tube tonight. That's right. I was thinking about this the other day for random reasons and could not remember the full title. I could not bring it into my mind. So do you say it again?
Starting point is 00:01:52 Now, yeah, it's two boy talking to two dudes tonight, that's right. Because let's just break this down. It's the that's right that I always forget. Let's break this down, two boy, that's me, Stuart Wellington. Two dudes. The flop has. Yep, is Dan Mellett from the flop has. Talking to means we're going to be talking boob to.
Starting point is 00:02:11 We're not talking movies. We're talking about the small screen. That's right. Things you can watch on your phone. And then we're going to be doing it tonight. And it's all right because we're going to be doing it and you can't stop us. I'll see you turn off the podcast, which would make me very bummed. Yeah. Yeah, this is a pretty easy way to stop us. I'll turn off the podcast, which would make me very bummed. Yeah, there's a pretty easy way to stop us. You get what don't say that they're going to be a button that's that is a stop button. Now, sir, I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention
Starting point is 00:02:35 before. What? Two point of emergency tonight. That's right. Which anniversary we had? Nine months, nine months. So if you had, so for anyone who conceived on the night that we first did this, now the baby is here. Congratulations. It's an overlong title. Congratulations. It's an overlong title. Okay, so we're talking TV, guys.
Starting point is 00:02:58 We're not talking movies. So of course, the first thing that everybody wants to talk about, that's right. The Emmys. The Emmys were a thing that happened recently. A war to give an ass. That's the reason. I mean, it's recently in terms of a few weeks, I mean, it's not recently that it's like.
Starting point is 00:03:12 A geologic scale. That's true. I guess, good point. I pulled that one on me last time. On the geologic scale, it hasn't even happened yet. Yes. So let's just start this off. I'm going to start with outstanding comedy series. The winner was
Starting point is 00:03:29 Ted Lasso. What do you think, Dan? Well, I didn't follow the Emmys at all this year. Okay. Now it's your chance. So I have no idea. We're just wrapping. You don't have to be an extra. I'm just saying I don't know what else was nominated. So I cannot. Oh, I got it right here, Dan. It was up against Blackish. Hope Rokai. Sure.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Emily and Perry, the flight attendant, Hacks, the Kaminsky method, which I swear is not a real show. Yeah. Okay. The Kaminsky method, which I swear is not a real show. Yeah, okay. You can, there's nothing you can say to convince me that this is an actual show that I can watch. And pen 15. Okay. Well, with the caveat that I have not seen pen 15, which I understand is very good. I would say that of that crop, it certainly deserved it.
Starting point is 00:04:28 The only way I was gonna say it didn't is that it is of that kind of comedy that is often more gently amusing than laugh out loud, funny, like I enjoy being with the characters more than I have a hearty belly laugh. But is it entirely on not having watched it, but impressions you've had from people talking about it. No, I'm talking about Ted Lasso.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Oh, Ted Lasso. Yeah, you have watched it. I have watched that show. I'm saying the only reason I wouldn't have possibly said that it was the best of that Motley crew is maybe if you're arguing that it wasn't enough of a comedy. Now if it was motley crew which member of the band would Ted Lasso. That's actually a really good that's not gonna say that for a later segment.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Oh, and we can start it right now. Yeah, is it Nikki Sixth? Dan or is it yeah it is since that's the only member of motley crew I would have been able to. Would it be Tommy Lee because they have the same initials. Tommy Lee Ted Lasso, same initials. Wow. There you go. Wow. Correct the code.
Starting point is 00:05:29 My point, Ellen, do you have any opinions on this? I haven't seen, to be honest, I haven't seen most of those shows. I still haven't seen Ted Lasso, my boss's wife, my boss's husband works for that show. So I can't, even if I had seen it, I wouldn't say anything negative about it. Okay. But I haven't seen it yet. But I will say, Dan, that gentle comedy that is not laugh out loud funny, but is kind of pleasant, is kind of where it seems to be kind of where comedy is right now.
Starting point is 00:05:52 And a lot of ways after shit screen, which is a fine show that I enjoy swept last year, but it's not a show where I watch it. And I'm like, I cannot wait to have my sides split open from laughter. It's a show where I'm like, it's gonna be fun. This is gonna be fun. I mean, I know what you're saying, but like I think that the actors were so talented in creating those specific characters
Starting point is 00:06:15 that I would laugh heartily at a lot of it, even if yeah, maybe joke writing wasn't that shows strongest suits. I mean, I think it's a really well, that shows a really well written show, it's a really well performed show. I love everybody on it. I think, but I think it's a really well, that shows a really well written show, it's a really well performed show. I love everybody on it. It's more, I think it's just not with,
Starting point is 00:06:29 they're not going for a show that is like 30 rock where it's like hitting you over the head with punchlines constantly, you know, literally punching you in the face with jokes. And I said literally because it's not a metaphor that the scene of face hands reaches out of the screen and punches you with a joke every time. But yeah, I haven't seen that last year. Sort of a video-groom thing.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's what happened in video-groom. James Woods was like, I can't take all these jokes. The new flesh is too funny. I obviously, obviously, the problem is that the best comedy show, what we do in the shadows is not even nominated, which is a part of the happens. It was not eligible that year. Oh, it wasn't. Yeah, because of the vampires. show, what we do in the shadows is not even nominated, which is a part of the year. It was not eligible that year. Oh, it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Yeah, because of the vampires. Yeah, they passed a vampire role because of its broadcast schedule. It's humanly vampires. And all of the vampires are gonna show up on when we filmed them for the Emmys. We can't have. Jesse Doran came in and made sure
Starting point is 00:07:17 that no trackulas were allowed. Mm-hmm. There were two issues. One was, yeah, if they win, you're just gonna see an empty stage because the track's are not, and then a word trophy that floats in the air because you don't show up on film or video.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Also because you don't want that many vampires loose in amongst Hollywood's brightest stars. They're just gonna go crazy with the beating and the blood sucking and then what's gonna happen? The only thing that vampires I want is a celebrity rock and roll band featuring Johnny Depp and a couple other turds. I mean, counterpoint alley, if you have much of vampires, what if the band was called Johnny
Starting point is 00:07:50 Depp and a couple other turds? I would assume they're all vampires and just trying to throw me off the scent by talking about turds. Come on in, there's no vampires here, just a bunch of harmless turds. Now counterpoint alley, to what you're saying, you know, if it's a celebration of homeless turds. Now counterpoint, Ali, to what you're saying. You know, if it's a celebration of Hollywood's best and brightest, maybe unleashing vampires would just ensure that those people would say young and vital forever.
Starting point is 00:08:17 It's certainly easier than having to CGI digital ghost versions of them forever. I guess that's true. I mean, the question is, are the vampires going to bite them and make them part of their flock? Where are they going to tear them apart in an orgy bloodlust? You know, you know, what kind of vamps we talking? Exactly, that's too big.
Starting point is 00:08:35 It's too big a question mark for a professional award ceremony. Guys, we've only scratched the surface of this. But I thought this was too much. We guys talking teeth tonight vampires Specifically all right tonight. That's right. We talking Vamps later. Don't worry. Okay. So we after show talking Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Next is outstanding drama series winner is the crown. The For the television adaptation of Larry crown Strain Tom Hanks haven't seen the movie haven't seen the show. Don't. Of course, the television adaptation of Larry Crown, Strain Tom Hanks, haven't seen the movie, haven't seen the show. Don't know how accurate it is. Yeah. Again, this is one where I have not seen any of the crowns.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I will say this show, this show, this show, richly deserved the award for outstanding show that my wife falls asleep too while I do the dishes in the other room. Yeah, that sounds good. So he was up against the boys Bridgerton the Handmaid's tale love craft country the Mandalorian Pose This is us
Starting point is 00:09:40 Well seniors of those shows I only have seen all of the second season of the boys. And yeah, I don't know. I like the Mandalorian. I saw a couple episodes of, but not this new season. Yeah, I've only seen the couple of the Mandalorian. I've seen all of the first season of Pose, but I only just started the second season, which is the one that's award would be for.
Starting point is 00:10:06 And I have it. It's, it, what sticks out to me the most is this is us being on there, because there's like, is that the only network show on the list? I think it, yes. And, yeah, I guess FX doesn't count as a network show. I would, well, I mean, cable, I mean, non-cable, non-streaming. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Yeah. Yeah. The boys was a fine show to fold my laundry to. I wouldn't, I don't think I would nominate it for. Wait, it did win. It certainly think the second season is an improvement over the first season. It went out standing drama at the folders. Yeah. Yeah. Is that just other forms of entertainment that you fold things during?
Starting point is 00:10:45 Yeah, yeah. I mean, there's television, film, music, someone reading a newspaper article or magazine article to you. Sounds like... Sounds like... No podcast category, very strange. A weird oversight for the Foldies. Yeah, you would think.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Yeah. So, it sounds like we have some really firm opinions on this category. Let's just jump ahead to outstanding, limited, or really... A really G series. You're gonna see how how little television we seem to be watching in our regular lives, but can see. Okay, this is limited series or a mini-mull series. Yep. The winner is the Queen's Gambit. Other other shows in the category, other nominees. I may destroy you. Mayor O Easttown, the underground railroad, one division. I mean, Queen's Gambit and Wonder Vision are the only ones in the series where I've
Starting point is 00:11:35 seen all of both of them. But I saw a little bit of underground railroad and I thought that was good too. And I saw a little bit of, what was the real ones? I made a story you was great. It is super intense. And I made a story you were intense. Well, the thing we watched the first episode every time we're about to watch the second episode, we're like, do we really have, we're tired? Do we really have it in us to watch this show right now?
Starting point is 00:11:56 Yeah, like I, it's this, yeah. This is so weird to realize that in previous days when there was no pandemic, I would have seen I think more of the things that were big than that. I just haven't found myself watching television the same way. I don't know. I saw all of Juan Division and then we watched the Queen's Gambit, like I don't know, about half of it.
Starting point is 00:12:23 And neither of us seem to be like quite excited enough to push through the edge. I really liked the Queen's Gambit. I found the very ending of it to be kind of anticlimactic, but I like the music. I mean, I certainly liked the outfits and the hotel reactions. The production design looked, and so much of that, I'm sure, was also like mixing real sets with CGI recreation, you know, of the time period, which is what it looks like. It's very varied away in on that one. Hey, the production design was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:12:52 The clothes were beautiful. I love on you, Taylor Joy, and basically everything I've seen her in. I thought the supporting cast was pretty good. You've never mentioned that before, Dan. But I have. I remember you did start the hashtag, not my Princess Peach trending on Twitter. So that seems to go against what you're saying. But can't you be normal now? But but I also got this feeling from that show that it's like a deeply silly show that was trying to pretend it was important.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Oh, I don't know about that. I think it was it was a show that was I think maybe attempting to hide how melodramatic it was at times, but it's funny that it and WandaVision were both nominated because WandaVision is a superhero show, and the Queen's Gambit is a chess drama that kind of takes the form of a superhero show in a way where like her superpower is chess, and there's something funny about, and she builds her kind of like team of, her support team of side heroes and stuff like that. But yeah, I don't know. I haven't seen most of the other ones. I watched the first episode of Mara Vase Town
Starting point is 00:13:54 and I was like, I don't think I'm into murder shows these days. Yeah. I don't wanna be taking the rock. But the accents, dude, and Guy Pierce with long hair. That, if it was just called Guy Pierce with long hair and it was just him going around doing stuff, taking a shirt off, putting it back on. I'd watch that show every episode. So I did the thing that I do a lot and when I was watching not to be too much of a spoiler
Starting point is 00:14:15 but there is a romantic relationship between Guy Pierce and Kate Winslet. So I was like, hmm, how old are they really? And obviously Guy Pierce is a little bit older, but he also plays his age in this show, which is kind of interesting. But the weird thing is, both of them have this. As opposed to Prometheus, where he played a man who was 70 years older than him.
Starting point is 00:14:37 That's a beautiful swing. And some might say it's a miss, I would not. I think there was a swing in a hit. It was the best choice of that movie to make that the majority of screen time that Guy Pierce had in Prometheus. He was caked in old age makeup. Caked in what appeared to be layers of filmers glue that had not to dry one at a time. But you were saying so he's playing as age. But what I, but the interesting thing is both he and Kate Winslet have the exact same birthday Isn't that fun? Isn't a fun fact?
Starting point is 00:15:08 You know that every day when they walked on set they went birthday pals They put it in a joke and they go hey birthday twin. How you doing? I'm good with each win I want to jump way back only for fear of being misunderstood and having Angry kings queens gambit heads coming at me. I didn't have any angry Queens gambit heads coming at me. I don't know. The gambos, they call themselves, now they call themselves gambos,
Starting point is 00:15:29 which is bad because Michael Gambon's fans also call themselves gambos. So it's hard, you know? I just wanna make clear that like I actually really enjoy sort of the melodrama of it all. I, my problem was more that I felt like it took some silly like shortcuts in the storytelling. But I like how it's a handsomely mounted melonsrama.
Starting point is 00:15:51 It's just a thing we don't get enough of. That's true. I think so, Dan Safey's on base. You cannot be mad at him. Yeah, cancel him. I can't cancel him. So that's going to wrap up our Emmy segment. We have one more segment.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Oh, well, not one more. We have a couple more. The next segment of course is called, oh, what are we watching? This is the segment where we talk about shows that we're watching lately. I'll go first. I mentioned what we do in the shadows.
Starting point is 00:16:15 New season, it's great. I love that show. Can't get enough. Yeah, crazy, is it, crazy. Vamps, I also, I'm talking to Elliot about this, but when I work out, I got to have something on the background. I about this, but when I work out, I gotta have something on the background. I gotta watch something when I work out. Lately, I've been watching those Peaky Bees,
Starting point is 00:16:29 you know, the Peaky Blinders, starring Killian Murphy, beautiful short king. I love that guy. Don't know if I buy him as like a scary mobster guy, but whatever, he's cool. Why, and he's gorgeous, I love him. He's the scarecrow, Stewart. How could you not, come on, what's not scary about him?
Starting point is 00:16:43 He's the scarecrow. I have trouble buying him as like a war hero, Crost, do it. How could you not come on? What's not scary about him? He's the scared crew. Well, I have trouble buying him as like a war hero tough guy when he's like, he's like five seven and a gorgeous angel of a man with a beautiful voice. Like, I feel like he'd be walking around the streets of Birmingham and people'd be like, who is this? Who's this beautiful ghost? And but I love those haircuts and I love that it's a lot of slow motion guys walking around in three piece suits like, oh man, I can't get enough of that shit.
Starting point is 00:17:09 And, uh, have you ever, and they have this house band that's really great, uh, Nick cave in the bad seeds. He does the, he does the theme song. Dan, you know what I'm talking about? You're a P.E.B. head, right? Yes, not. Uh, and then of course I've been watching, uh, they call them, so the fans call themselves P.E. Yeah. And then of course, I've been watching the fans call themselves Peaky Beekeepers.
Starting point is 00:17:29 That would make sense. It's all about head gear. And the other thing I've been watching, of course, I'm almost done with Mike Flanagan's Midnight Mass, another Mike Flanagan horror series, spoiler. There's vampires in it. I like it a lot, but it's like a lot of Mike Flanagan horror series, spoiler, there's vampires in it. I like it a lot, but it's like a lot of Mike Flanagan stuff where it's like, this would be great if it had about 50% monologues.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I don't know if you, did you guys watch Hill House or a blind manor? I started watching Hill House and I, and I, I just didn't quite get into it. It just wasn't, it was a little, it was a little, it was a little, a little too super serious for me, I think. Yeah, I feel like every time there's action, it gets interrupted with like two characters
Starting point is 00:18:14 telling some long monologue about some shit. And it's like, I get it. I understand that it's just, it feels a little self-serious and it's like it, to me, it hurts the pacing, but whatever. And also, I feel like it's padding. Paddington? It's paddington. Midnight Mass is probably the main thing
Starting point is 00:18:36 that I have watched lately and I don't know, I didn't have the same problem. I mean, I will say that I see that it is there. I see that the show is almost entirely made up of people modeling to one another. Yes. But it's not a thing that bothers me because I think that by and large,
Starting point is 00:18:59 they're interesting, well-written, well-performed monologues. And so I just sort of, exception is the style, especially because it's about, like religion, so it just feels like people trading sermons of different kinds. Well, yeah, and it, like, the theme of, like, a personal faith and that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:19:20 I think that's all cool. I just wish it moved a little better clip in regards to that stuff. I love all the. I haven't seen it. I haven't seen it. I know Dan loves monologues though. Usually the late night shows you watch as the first 10 minutes and then just turns of all. Yeah. Same thing with Marin. The and the other thing with the other thing with midnight mass, of course, I love that we got we got mega honk Rahul Kohli in it. And this time he's doing an American accent and he's doing a pretty good job. Okay. Ellie, what do you been watching lately? I haven't been watching a lot. I mean, the problem is I work in television, but I like to
Starting point is 00:19:57 watch movies kind of more than television. So if I have a chance on a watch of a movie more often, but let's see, like I mentioned earlier, we've been watching Pose, we just started the second season. That's a show I like the first season of a lot. It's a very Ryan Murphy show in that it is, everything about his on the nose. There's nothing subtle about it whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:20:16 And anytime you're like, oh, that's interesting metaphor, a character just comes out and says it right afterwards. But I'm still there. Have you seen any of impeachment? No, I haven't yet. I'm curious about it, but I'm still there. Have you seen any of impeachment? No, I haven't yet. I'm curious about it, but I have a saying. There is, it's every opportunity to put makeup effects on a character. They take it. And it's wild that they manage to make Clive Owen have less charisma than Bill Clinton,
Starting point is 00:20:38 which I mean, Bill Clinton has a lot of charisma, but Clive Owen, you know, with under a giant nose and whatnot, just can't keep up. Yeah. And the, I'm trying to think what I started, I watched the first half of the first episode of a Squid Game. Uh-huh. But uh, yeah, sweeping the nation. It's sweeping the nation. And I will say that one of the, it has so far one of the things that I like about Korean
Starting point is 00:21:03 movies. I've watched a lot of Korean movies. And so one of the things I like about is that the characters will just suddenly yell at each other and you don't expect it. Like characters of Korean movies are always on the verge of just hollering at each other out of nowhere. But and I really like that and I I imagine this too, some co-workers of mine who are of Korean descent and they were like, yeah, that's how it goes. I mentioned this too, some co-workers of mine who are of Korean descent and they were like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:25 That's how it goes. So, but yeah, I haven't seen too much. I feel like I'm stuck in this cycle where the writers room that I'm working on right now, everyone seems to watch the hot shows right away and I haven't seen them yet. And then by the time I watch them, everybody's on to a different show,
Starting point is 00:21:43 which seems to be the way television works now, is you kind of like gobble it up really fast, and then forget about it. Like until WandaVision, I think, until you mentioned it was nominated, I kind of forgot that I'd seen that this year, you know. I mean, I feel like a lot of media, at least the way I feel a lot of folks consume,
Starting point is 00:22:02 and myself included, consume media. With me, it's a lot of folks consume and myself included consume media. With me, it's a lot of like, with music. I, every year, I'm like, man, I haven't listened to that much music this year and then I go through my band camp thing and I'm like, holy shit, I bought like 100 albums. Yeah, we seem to be, we're seem to be at a point in the cycle now where even if the media itself is not disposable, content-wise, it is used disposable. We're kind of speeding through stuff. But I wonder if that's probably
Starting point is 00:22:32 a side-effect of feeling like there's so much out there that we don't have time to waste sitting on it. I wonder. Or just the feeling like, I just have too many hours in the day, too much time to exist on this planet that unlike some people are concerned that time is passing too quickly and we're getting old so quickly, I don't think that's the case. I think we all have plenty of time to just chill out and watch the times just shit. I think this is snow. I mean, I can't tell how sarcastic you're being. It feels so me sarcastic, but it's definitely not true for me.
Starting point is 00:23:03 You know, I mean, I didn't get to have lunch today because I was too busy, you're being at first. Tell me sarcastic, but it's definitely not true for me. You know, I mean, I didn't get to have lunch today because I was too busy, so that's where my TV watching is at. You got us switched to doing like protein shakes, maybe a salad, you got to do something, you got a problem with that. I have duck confi every day, and I got to get it done right. So if I don't have the time to make it work, I'm just not gonna do it, but that's because that's my lunch of choice.
Starting point is 00:23:26 It's delicious, you know. Oh no. Yeah, I mean, you like what you like. So interestingly enough, the flop house, including this episode is sponsored in part by our sponsor, who is explained about in a second by Dan. He's explained about it. Yeah, sure, that's one way.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Who are we gonna do it? Yeah, sure. That's one way. Do we get to do it? Yeah. Thank you, our sponsor. Dan, why don't you lift the curtain and reveal who the sponsor is this week? This week's Secret Sponsor is Squarespace. What? Yeah, that's right. So if you have Squarespace on your cards that we sit out in this Sunday circular.
Starting point is 00:24:07 The Sunday circular secret sponsor sweepstakes, Squarespace. Just mail it in. And maybe you too could check out Squarespace because with Squarespace you can turn your cool idea into a new website. You can blog or publish content. You can sell products and services of all kinds, and much, much more, Squarespace does this by giving you beautiful customizable templates created by world-class designers, everything optimized for mobile right out of the
Starting point is 00:24:37 box, a new way to buy domains and choose from over 200 extensions and free and secure hosting. So why don't you go to slash flop for a free trial and when you're ready to launch, use the offer code flop to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. Perfect, you nailed it. So you got a good job, Dan. Great, great T-Up Stewart and great,
Starting point is 00:25:04 you nod to that of the park, Dan. And I did a great job telling you, good job Dan. Great, great T-Up Stewart and great, you nod to that of the park Dan and I did a great job telling you both great. Yeah, great cheerleading, Elliot. I'm Lisa Hannah Walt and I'm Emily Heller. Nine years ago we started a podcast to try and learn something new every episode. Things have gone a little off the rail since then. Tune in to hear about Low Steak's neighborhood drama Garden Hang, The sorted, nasty underbelly of the horse girl lifestyle. Hot sauce!
Starting point is 00:25:28 Addiction to TV and sweaty takes on celebrity culture. And the weirdest grossest stuff you can find on We'll read all of it no matter how gross. There's something for everyone on our podcast, Baby Geniuses. Hosted by us, two horny adult idiots. Hang out with us as we try and fail to retain any knowledge at all. Every other week on Maximum Fun! Baby Geniuses, tell us something we don't know!
Starting point is 00:25:53 A man goes to the doctor and says that he's depressed, and that life seems cruel. The doctor says, ah, the treatment is simple. The great clown, Pagliacci, is in town tonight. Go and see him him and you will surely feel better. The man bursts into tears and says, but Doctor, I am Pagliacci. Ah, okay says the Doctor, in which case, try listening to the Beef and Dairy Network podcast.
Starting point is 00:26:22 The Beef and Dairy Network podcast is a multi-award-winning comedy podcast, and you can find it at or wherever you get your podcasts. Yeah, so we got two more segments, and we'll try and make these a little bit quick, because I know you guys were really into the, what are you watching segment? So today, tonight we're gonna do a little segment I like to call bingeable or cringeable. I love it. I was hoping you was gonna rhyme. So, yeah, it would be disappointing if the title was bingeable or not bingeable. It would have been disappointing.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Bingeable or fungible. Almost rhymes. Or, spingeable. I'm sorry I couldn't come up with a word. So, in this segment, I'm going to list the name of a popular television program. And you are going to have to tell me whether you consider it to be bingeable or cringeable.
Starting point is 00:27:25 you consider it to be bingeable or cringeable. First show, the great British baking show or bake off depending on where you watch it. Bingeable or cringeable, guys. To me, this is highly bingeable. I love this show. I watched much of it when it first came to Netflix, but I've fallen off because it was very confusing in the early days, which series were which?
Starting point is 00:27:48 You were like, what are they doing? I don't understand too much continuity. Netflix only bought seasons later on. So then I wanted to see the earlier ones with the early ones were different format, not as good. So I understand why Netflix started where they are and then now they've got new hosts, so I fell off, but good show at Bingeable. Yeah, totally Bingeable.
Starting point is 00:28:10 It's like, you know, I feel the same way about it that I do about like HGTV shows where I'm like, put it on, let it keep running, do something else while it's up there, checking every now and then. Oh, that's charming. Well, off we go.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Ooh, that Mars Appendent work out. Okay, well, check that out. That took you's gonna break. Yeah, that's what. Well, off we go. Ooh, that Mars repent and work out. Okay, well, I'll check back. That cook is gonna break. Yeah, that's what Christopher Walken yells for this psychic powers. A cookie's gonna break. The cookie's gonna break. The cookie is gonna break.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Okay, it's a dead zone reference for anyone at home, dead zone. Also, there was a great British baking zone. It's what I guess I think they made a TV show out of that too right they did I think it was anything Michael Hall who was Oh wow cool similar similar style he played he played he played sports calmness a D zone the D's and her dead okay that guy just can't get away from weird science. You know what I mean? I mean, he can. He's done lots of other things. I do know it runs into other science
Starting point is 00:29:13 that's weird weird science experiments. Yeah. Okay. So the next show guys next television program. This one's on hot out of hot out of the ovens over at HBO Max. That's right. F boy island of the F stands for fuck. Uh-huh. F boy island, bingeable or cringeable, Dan McCoy, what do you think? I, I'm sure I could find it in my heart to binge it, but I, I, I, it's not typically the kind of my kind of,. Oh, we got a cringe from Dan Jimble. Elliot. I'm torn because I don't, it's not,
Starting point is 00:29:48 yeah, it's not my kind of show, but like, I'm friends of the friends with the host. So like, you know, it's, yeah, that's true, Sarah, Nikki. Yeah, I mean, what her old co-host, Sarah Schaefer is a friend of mine and also neighbor of mine. But I mean, it's not like Sarah's hosting the show. So you know what? I'm gonna say it's derigable. uh... sarah shafer is a friend of mine and also neighbor of mine uh... but i mean
Starting point is 00:30:05 so i was hosting the show so you know what i'm gonna say it's derid jibble it's about me i can't reach it don't know how to get to it okay next program we got another one of these reality shows that's right wipe out wipe out was that what happened is that really is that the one with a not people into pools
Starting point is 00:30:24 yes Where is that what happens? Is that really is that the more they knock people into pools? Yes Like I just solely pools are they not people and other things? Well, they know great height. Yeah, well not not that great a height It's not that great. Let's not give it too much credit Just not being knocked into pool No, they got it like they do a thing and if they don't do it they fall in a pool or I haven't seen it I don't know do you get like knocked in dog? One of those grocery store arrangements of cans instead of a pool maybe Doesn't sound like you guys can come to a consensus as so whether or not it's binge or a cringe bowl
Starting point is 00:30:57 So we're just gonna move on yeah, Frazier Now you're taking that Frazier Frazier. Dan is Frazier, Bingeable or Cringable. That's why I read a story of... I feel like every old podcaster is weird brother and is cool dad. I feel like every six years
Starting point is 00:31:16 a new generation discovers Frazier for some reason. I don't think I've told this before about it. I was working on a last show I worked on before I moved to L.A. was this kid's show on Netflix called Who Was Show before, but I was working on a show, the last show I worked on before I moved to LA was this kid's show on Netflix called Who Was Show. And the writers' hit on that show was a man in his mid-20s. And he had just discovered Frazier,
Starting point is 00:31:33 and he would watch it, and then come in the next day wanting to talk about the episode he watched. And I'd be like, sorry dude, I watched it 15 years ago. I don't remember. There's a Twitter account that just posts screenshots
Starting point is 00:31:45 of Frazier staring outside of his apartment window and replacing the backdrop with scenes from video games. It's very entertaining. I mean, I remember liking it at the time very much. I mean, I'm sure like any old sitcom, there are parts of it that have not weathered the age as well, but I'm sure it's bingeable. I worry that too much Frazier talk on this podcast is getting fringe on the Macarolies copyright on discussing Frazier on
Starting point is 00:32:16 the next podcast. Do they copyright that? Is that a? Yeah. Okay. I guess we'll everybody just hit stop on this podcast and drag it and drop it in the garbage. Yeah, just wrote in the in the Frazier Frazier can. I'm gonna'll, everybody just hit stop on this podcast and drag it and drop it in the garbage. Yeah, just throw it in the, in the freezer, freezer can. Okay, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say binge-mo. Well written show.
Starting point is 00:32:30 David Hyde Pierce is amazing. I saw him in the Broadway show Curtains and he was delightful. So yeah, I'm gonna go with that. It's not a flop as episode less early. John Mahoney. John Mahoney. John Mahoney.
Starting point is 00:32:40 John Mahoney, I also saw in a show at the Papierno Playhouse in New Jersey. He was also great. So that's, and you know what? I saw Jane Leaves in a show at the Papua No Playhouse in New Jersey. He was also great. So that's, and you know what? I saw Jane Leaves in a show of Monty Python material at the, was the town hall theater in New York. So I've seen most of the cast of that show.
Starting point is 00:32:52 On stage. Yeah, they'll binge it. You got to catch them all though, Ali. Yeah, I know. I haven't seen Kelsey. I haven't seen the KELSE. Yeah, you haven't gone to one of his upstate New York grocery store appearances
Starting point is 00:33:02 where he sells his freedom beer or whatever. No, I haven't done it. I haven't done that. Yeah, I kind of wish I'd caught him earlier in his The book of Kels is not one that I really want to read right now. Yeah, okay, so one more We got some bad grammar. Let me tell you But still separate the art from the artist go ahead and we go ahead. Well sure Sorry, I'm just reeling the book of Kels. That almost you almost flew that one under the radar. But I'm saying that was just for the Celtic fans, Leoni.
Starting point is 00:33:33 It's all right. Yeah. Last program, Bingeable or Cringable? Columbo. Oh, very Bingeable. We've been watching some of it actually in lockdown. It's super bingeable, but I have to say, and this is going to sound like I'm biting the hand that feeds it, because people send me a lot of Colombo material on Twitter, and I'm
Starting point is 00:33:53 very happy about it. But I feel like at this point, Colombo is reaching that level where it's so beloved that I start feeling a knee-jerk reaction to not like it anymore, which is all inside of me, which is bad, because it's a great show, and I love Peter Falk in it, obviously. And all the guest stars, it's a snapshot of Hollywood at the time. But I guess I'm looking for this, what's the, what's the, I'm the guy who's like, what's the Colombo type show that only I know about, and nobody else is telling me about it? That's kind of jerk I am.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Cole check the night's darker. No, I don't want to watch Cole check. It's just a war to me. It's too of jerk I am. Cole check the night stalker. No, I don't want to watch Cole check. I'm just never as good as a warrant. He's very, yeah. No, it's too scary. I can't sleep at night. I don't want to watch Cole check. Yeah, I don't like you. Oh, Jared McGavin, look out for that mummy.
Starting point is 00:34:33 No, I'm just, I'm more like, I have my blanket over my head because I don't want Jared McGavin to come into my room at night and scare me. No. So that was bingeable or cringeable. Let's move on to the final segment of the night. That's right. We are doing We are doing dinner in a show brought to you by Hulu So
Starting point is 00:34:52 No, but it's not really brought to you. Not technically But I mean, I mean, we have a sponsor square space, but please patronize them. They're paying us. Hulu is not paying us, you know So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna We just tried that new Hulu hoop? It's a toy for kids that has like one show you're really into and then that show drops off the service and you're about to cancel it and then another show you like comes on. Oh, interesting. So I'm going to lose that.
Starting point is 00:35:16 That's a good idea. I'm going to lose that. I'm going to lose that. That's a good idea. Take that Hulu. Hulu original program and you're going to tell me when you're settling in for the night to watch this program. And what meal you would either order or make to go along with that show.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Okay. Okay. Yeah. I know, I know Elliott. Elliott is quite a gourmand and Dan loves to make some bread and whatnot. So hopefully we'll get some exciting answers here. I've had Dan's whatnot. It's delicious, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Okay, so the first program is Deadbeat. You don't remember it, there were three seasons, 36 episodes. What? Something with beats. Something with beats in it, like a beat salad, maybe. It's a American supernatural comedy series. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Oh, I remember that one. Is that the one where they had the ads all over New York, but there's kind of like a sad guy with a beard holding a balloon that looked like a ghost? Yes, I think that's correct. Okay, yeah. I never saw the show, but I remember the ads for it. Yes, something with beats. Oh, that okay.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Because also the beat just looks like blood. So it's our hurry. Uh, you got anything to add here Dan? I'm just make sure those beats are dead before you eat them. Oh, yeah, you don't want them grabbing onto the inside of your throat as they go down, trying to kind of kill you before you can kill them. Sure. That was, uh, that was an outtake from the movie Old Boy where they went to a restaurant that serves live beats.
Starting point is 00:36:40 So, uh, the next, next, uh next next one is devs. I was that's the show where I refused to watch it because I couldn't figure out what it was about ahead of time. About developers, I assume. Is it the Nick Alpherman, right? Written and created written and directed by Alex Garland. Science fiction thriller Nick Alpherman is in it. Yeah. Right. The Alex Garland, hmm, science fiction thriller, Nick Offerman is in it. Yeah. Right, the Alex Garland thing. That was back when I was going through a phase when I wanted to know a little bit about the show before I started watching them and I couldn't find anything about
Starting point is 00:37:14 what was what Devs was about. So I would probably I probably serve fried chicken. Yeah, is the best. And I guess if it's an outlet at Alex Garland show, I would serve like a single grape inside an ice cube. Oh, they sort of cold and austere and mysterious. Yeah. Little, little high concept. I like this. Okay. I'm still gonna go to the fried chicken.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Yeah. We're moving, we're moving a little bit closer to more modern So maybe you guys have a better chance of having see these old old shows like devs, which is what three years old come on Forget about it. Uh-huh So we are How about the Hulu original doll face Doll face now does this have anything to do with dolman versus demonic toys? Unfortunately, just this face, just the face of dolman. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:38:12 I haven't seen it. I'm going to go fried chicken, I think. Yeah. And then I'm just saying fried chicken. That's a surprise. But you know, have some soup. Okay. What kind of soup, Dan? What's your your of soups? What's what's what's a go to soup for Dan McCoy? You know what's good? You get a test can be in soup. You put some sausage in there, some white beans, a kale, maybe throw a hunk of Parmesan and what? Just throw it right in there. I imagine you're you're sitting down with Audrey and for there and you go, hey, do you want to hunk in your soup and you hold up the parmesan, but then you dip your own hand in.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Oh fuck. Did you do that for real? Did you do that? And she says, please for me. Did you do that for real? I was in the middle of the row book. This is a can. I can't believe you did that for real.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Okay. That's crazy for real. Okay. So we got one last one. This is ripped from the headlines, one last one. Why the last man? Now what headline is that ripped from? The headline of New Show on Hulu.
Starting point is 00:39:17 The headline of why the last man adapted television. Finally, it did. Finally made it. They did it. This version doesn't have what, who are they going to have at one point, do speak a little, what's the name? Rob Schneider. Rob Schneider's supposed to, he was like, I don't believe that was there for the case.
Starting point is 00:39:35 What? Some sort of comedy version of this at one point. Really? That'd be a very different story. Let me look it up. Maybe he was going to play the monkey, I don't know. Did you guys, did you guys read the comic book? It's based on a comic book.
Starting point is 00:39:48 I read the whole comic book. I have not yet seen the show. Okay. I only read the first trade and did not like it. I like that. You know what? I think I'm fucking curmudgeon when it comes to that shit. That's true, you are a curmudgeon.
Starting point is 00:40:03 So I think I'musing a few things. I think that there was a movie that had basically the same premise that was a comedy version. Are you thinking of the hot chick, Duh? Attached to. Are you thinking of Duce Bigelow, Last Man on Earth? And then I don't know. I know that there was some weird version of it that it's, you know, they've been working on it for years.
Starting point is 00:40:24 So that makes sense. that it's, you know, I mean, they've been working on it for years. So that means it's finally here. And you know what? Nothing goes better with dystopia than big, big play to fried chicken. Let's go. Okay. Okay. So Elliott is doing fried chicken. Dan, what are you going to bring to this? We're going to have a swanson hungry. Why the last man dinner? Okay. What's the feature there? Is Amelow is that a fried chicken fried chicken? Okay. Okay, fried chicken across the board. Okay, guys, what I would want if I was the last man, sure. Yeah. So I'm glad that segment went. I feel like that was the strongest segment. I'm glad I saved it for the very end. This is, yeah. This has been another round. To it, if any of the segments weren't strong,
Starting point is 00:41:09 it was only contestant error. It was not at all a matter of the operator of the games or the show, yeah. Yeah, I mean, the careful mouse trap that I've created in with this episode. So yeah, who knew when you asked, who knew, when you asked two professional television writers about what they thought about current shows, they would not know any of them pretty much. I'm going. Is that TV? What is that? Is, uh, is after mesh still on the air?
Starting point is 00:41:37 Yeah. And if you're to ask me, I'd be like, do cutscenes and video games count as shows? Yeah, they want, why no Emmys for Mass Effect? What's going on? I mean, that's, I mean, if it's Antaromida, I get it. So this has been a two boy talking to two dudes tonight. That's right, which is a part of the Flop House podcast. The Flop House is on the maximum fun network. And I don't know, I think we're still part of the maximum fun House podcast. The Flop House is on the maximum fun network and I don't know, I think we're still part of the maximum fun block party, which is a great time. Obviously,
Starting point is 00:42:11 to pick up a new show, if you're a new listener, I'm sorry, I don't know why you're still listening. Maybe you are folding laundry and just forgot to hit stop. The, uh, forgot. There was something I was going to do relating to. Let me check my to-do list. Laundry, I did that. Okay. Post office. Yeah, somebody's folded laundry.
Starting point is 00:42:34 It's a way and anger. That's the thing I forget. Oh, that's what I haven't done yet. Well, that's, and they're like, okay, like, I don't like this show, but it's, they said it's a mini. It's going to be wrapping up soon. 40 minutes. It's probably no be wrapping up soon. 40 minutes. It's probably no more than 10 minutes long at the most, at the most to earn the name mini.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Yeah, so we're on the maximum fun network. There's a ton of really great shows. If you like this for some reason, there's probably much better shows for you to listen to. Thank you to our producer Alex. At a certain point, I think we might be doing ourselves a disservice by underselling so much. Oh, I mean, that's, it's this false humility that I like to adopt. Do you know, no, no, no, you're adopting when the microphones, chicken marks everybody. Yeah, when the microphones are off, I, I'm prone to fits of grandiose hubris. As soon as my apartment in this bathroom, as soon as my door is over, he just goes nailed
Starting point is 00:43:35 it, nailed it, nailed it best ever. And he throws a big after party in a warehouse somewhere like after a retaping of SNL. Yeah, that's me. Oh, wow. Uh, thank you, Alex Smith for making this episode sound great. And like all the episodes, I've been Stewart Wellington for the flop house. I've been Dan McCoy for the flop house. I've been Ellie Kaelin from the flop house. Bye. Bye!

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