The Flop House - FH Mini 63 - The Peach Pit

Episode Date: September 17, 2022

Stuart welcomes Dan and Elliott to "The Pitch Pit," his Flop House after-show, which is definitely a long-running podcast and not just something he made up for this mini. Ever tried Microdosing? Visi...t and use FLOP for 30% off + Free Shipping.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, welcome to the Peach Pit, the number one show about the original peaches and their home, the Flophouse podcast. Today, we're going to be talking about Flophouse episode 378, the Amityville in Space. That's not the actual title, it's just Amityville in Space. But before we get into that, today, we are joined by two amazing guests. That's right. We are joined by two of the original peaches, Dan McCoy and Elliott Kalen. Hey guys, thanks so much for joining us. Hey, thanks for having us.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Thank you so much. Yeah, thank you so much for having us. I'll, Dan to be the, the, the wary one and I'll be the one who goes wholeheartedly into this bit. I know you guys are super excited. I don't, I don't know if you're familiar with our show, but we're an after show where we listen, chat, talk, review, all the stuff about our favorite podcast, the flop house. And of course, because you're here, we're so excited because you guys are two to the three hosts of that show, the flop house. And obviously me, Stuart Wellington, I'm also the third host. Oh, okay. It's not that important. I was guessing I was sorry that you couldn't get Stuart here today, but I'm here.
Starting point is 00:01:08 I'm stored. That's where Dan were friends. So when you wouldn't recognize someone you would do the podcast with for 15 years. The reality of, I feel the floor of my reality, just like dropping from beneath me, it's the problem. It's sickening for a second until you just go with it.
Starting point is 00:01:24 And then we all float down here. So the, Dan, as long as you're hailing the new flesh, I think it'll be fine. I think right up top, let's talk about, let's talk about the biggest thing in the episode. That's right. 15 years, guys, what do you think? Did you ever expect that in 15 years of doing the podcast, I know it's been a little bit less for you, Elliot. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:50 But 15 years of doing the podcast, you would be reviewing Amity Villain Space. I would, you know, I would say 15 years ago, if you said, Elliott, 15 years from now, you'd be reviewing Amity Villain Space. I would say, I don't, I don't, am I? Okay. I don't think so. Is that a movie? And they said, it will be, and I I would say what are the things do you need to know about the future and the person would say oh don't you wish you do That seems really me yeah man makes plans L.A. laughs No, I'm not the one who was laughing. This is the god the string strange traveler for the future god of sorts Some column god other calls in the devil, you know, it's it's a whole duality thing So Dan it's it has been 15 years for you as you are the creator, founder, genius behind the flop house.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Yeah, yeah. So yeah, how do you feel about this little house you've constructed? Yeah, I guess I feel good. I mean, it's definitely, I did not expect actual success when I started it. I have to say so I feel good about it. What did you expect? I don't know. I was throwing a lot of stuff against the wall back and trying to figure out how to make some kind of show biz career. And I guess that's what happened. I made some kind of showbiz career.
Starting point is 00:03:06 You had an animated web series. Let's not forget the feces you were throwing against the wall. I don't know how that was going to help, but you know, you might not have, you know, you might not have expected success before you have found it. Because according to Instagram user, Nikki and Wonderland, the flop house is the best movie podcast, unbelievable chemistry between the three of you, but please bring back Hallie. Unfortunately, we couldn't get Hallie, maybe on the next episode of the Peach Pit. I mean, she will be on the show soon. Yeah, of course she will. Yeah. So should we, should we tease it or should we just say like next one? Oh, don't say, we'll get to, we'll get to teasing later on the episode, guys.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Don't get, don't rush through this. I don't get to wrap with you guys that often so Only once a week So as we always start off the peach bit we we have a special segment called was it a hot one where we listen to the intro of the show And we decide was it a hot one or not? So let's just let's just peep this little peeper on this episode we discuss Amityville in space! To be clear, we are still on earth. It's Amityville, it's in space. Well, technically we're all in space, Stuart. What the...
Starting point is 00:04:22 Okay, was it a hot one? What do you think? I mean, I like the Alex picked up on the pigs and space thing I was doing and added the reverb to it. You know, and he's been trying some new stuff with those intros, like letting some of the music run while we yap. I'd say the only thing missing from that intro was Elliot. Yeah, I think that's, I mean, I thought it was a hot intro, but I think you think, keeping it from being blistering is that I wasn't there. Oh, wow. So this is actually really exciting for me because normally when I do this segment, I don't
Starting point is 00:04:54 have you here. So what, what would you have said not to put you on the spot here? What would your spot, I mean, it's the same spot that we're usually in because we kind of make them up on the spur of the moment. Wow, you just heard that here, folks. News. This is how they do it every time. In a way, in a way, I'm so used to interrupting you guys that not interrupting you and this letting
Starting point is 00:05:18 that bit play out was a creative choice. So I kind of was in that intro. That's true. That's true. That's sometimes the best acting is just reacting. So not quite a hot one, but kind of a hot that intro. That's true, that's true. Sometimes the best acting is just reacting. So not quite a hot one, but kind of a hot one says LA Kaelin. And of course, I think it's, you know what? I'm upgrading it to volcanic.
Starting point is 00:05:32 It's as hot as you can. Wow, smoking somebody stop me. Spoken like aces. So if your aces are smoking, please call the oil company and complain. Yeah, stop playing your Texas hold them or whatever it is, you know, drop those.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Don't hold them. Yeah, drop those cards. Okay, so obviously you had we had this episode begun, began with a little bit of joking around, you know, is stack full of stories about going to IKEA, meatballs, et cetera, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:06:03 And then Dan actually gives us a new introduction description of the show describing the flop house as movie investigators. Of course, his description was immediately interrupted by Elliot Kaylen and the appearance of a brand new flop house character. Let's listen. It comes out four times a month, two of those times, our episodes like this one, where we talk about a bad movie watch bad movie We talk about it or you know sometimes it's not bad But the word on the street is it might be you know, we hear a lot of rumors We're kind of like movie
Starting point is 00:06:37 Investigators. Yeah, we go down to the shoes and we and we go you hear about any bad movies there Curly and he goes I don't know. Well, maybe I seen a bad movie. We handed him a 10 and he goes, all right. All right. There's a new bad movie coming out. It's called the Amityville in, uh, in some ways, but my memory is fuzzy. We handed him another 10. He goes, Oh, yeah. Now I remember space.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Amityville in space. Yeah. Yeah. So that's it. The appearance of curly a K a bank robber spaghetti Jones. And I got another big surprise for our audience spaghetti Jones is here Yeah, I'm so excited to be with the on my favorite podcast of Peach Pit
Starting point is 00:07:12 I'm not really listening to the flop house, but I do listen to the Peach Pit because I love the way you guys Here just kind of like talk about the flop house You know, it's and it's much shorter. It's much shorter than listening to the whole episode It saves me a lot of time. Maybe not. You never know with this stacked cast. So, uh, so, uh, Curly, I'm so excited. It's really, it's super exciting to find out that you're a listener, but you're not actually a fan of the flop-ass.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Is it because you don't like movies or you just don't like the chemistry they have? I find them to be a little, a little irritating at times. I wish they'd been talking more about the movies and less about Kind of high jinks and nonsense, but at the same time I also don't listen to a lot of movie podcasts because that's my business It's kind of informing people about movies. I like to keep my my work and my pleasure separate if you know what I mean Now and I don't mean to call you out, but is this your first appearance on a podcast? No, I was on the flop house as you
Starting point is 00:08:02 Is this your first appearance on a podcast? No, I was on the flop house as you heard. That's what I was being at. Yeah, that's, oh, I thought you meant this one, me being on the pitch pit right now. I was like, no, this is my second appearance on a podcast, as you should know. Yeah, it's, no, that was my first time being on a podcast. And I just, but I love the medium, you know. Oh, wow, you're a big fan. So you're a fan of podcasts in general.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Do you have any other shows that you like? Preferably shows on the maximum fun network? Yeah, you know, you know, joy and Jesse go is a big one. And you know, it's not on, it's not on mech, a judge join, Hodgeman, but it's not on, it's not on mech, wound, but you know, the 99% visitables. It was pretty good. So, and perhaps I was wondering, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Oh, no, continue telling me about what podcast you listen to. No, no, it's all right. We can talk, we can answer your questions. It's a, it's, I, you no, continue telling me about what podcast you listen to. No, no, it's all right. We can answer your questions. It's, I, you know, I got a lot of them just stacking up some of my iPhones. Sure. So I think what the, I mean, I think what the listeners,
Starting point is 00:08:53 I'm the podcast, on the podcast, Erp. Yeah. What the, you remember so many interesting pronunciation before? Now you getting into it. Yeah. Well, you know, my, you know, I had a speech addiction Twitter and it was Popeye. So I've been combing through all the messages in the peach pit speech pack, messages from
Starting point is 00:09:18 listeners and they're dying to know what's next for what's next for you, Curly. What's next for you, Spaghetti Jones? Well, you know, it's going to be just like, just hitting back to the fundamentals, you know, a bank robbing occasionally shining shoes as a front for being a kind of a, a, a, a, informant, you know, informant on the streets. So I got to hit the streets and just find out what's going on with, with movies so I can inform people about them. Okay. And, uh, he plugs before you go. Not for me, I might start my own podcast. I think I'm gonna call it Coilies Koina. And it's, you know, just me talking about things I seen,
Starting point is 00:09:55 things I could maybe see if I, if the right amount of money's crossing my palm, you know, a lot of the podcasts gonna be just me being like, I wish I could tell you about this thing, but I kind of don't remember what it's going on. Maybe hit the Patreon button and perhaps I'll remember it for the next episode. Storch and.
Starting point is 00:10:12 That sounds great. Thank you so much for joining us, Curly. And let's get back to the rest of the show. So, it was leaving an opening for station identification yeah he's where you were that the satellite feed to curly to make sure it's cut off before we returned now uh... this is also this episode falls during the the month of small
Starting point is 00:10:37 timber slash small member and this is actually we kind of this episode breaks down the uh... the history and potentially the terrible future of small tempered small member. Dan, what, how do you feel now that, now that it's come to light that small member is in part, you're doing. Are you fully on team small member to join the rest of the folder? Are you still a holdout?
Starting point is 00:11:01 Come to light that it's my, I don't think it was ever any, any doubt. I think if I, if one recalls the small timber, small timber rift, it was that I mistakenly said small timber when, you know, coining the idea of like September will be our month of small movies. Uh-huh, and then you guys latched onto it, then only after the fact I'm like, oh, I suppose it should be small timber.
Starting point is 00:11:28 I don't know what I was thinking. And as is often the case, you won't let one of my mistakes just, you know, go like give me the room to be a fallible human and just be like, oh, yeah, yeah, as celebrating your acts of creation. Yeah. And so now there's a, yeah, there's, there's sex. I know Dan, I know Dan that you would rather be a modern day George Lucas and go back and fix what you think are problems with the original,
Starting point is 00:11:55 which are really what people love about it. I see. But, you know, maybe you want to insert a scene with Java the Hut that there's really no point for because it's just repeating information that was in the Gredo scene. But what if someone steps on his tail and his eyes bugged out all funny? Yeah, what if the power dynamic that's being established between Han Solo smuggler afraid
Starting point is 00:12:13 of his life and Java the Hut incredible crime lord, a member of the band, the incredible crime lord's? What if that was also a member of the family, the Incredibles? Yeah, what if that was just completely ignored and he stepped on his tail, thus having Hanseul, I guess, put Jabba in his place for a moment with no punishment whatsoever. Yeah, you want to do that kind of thing with small timber, small timber. And you're like, I always meant it to be small timber. So I guess I'll go back and change it so that me as an old man is happy even though it's
Starting point is 00:12:42 making millions of fans around the world unhappy. That's how you feel about it. Yes. Well, Dan McCoy, you're not alone. They're combing through the peach pit speech back. There's plenty of other listeners, such as listener at FannyPack Girl 84 on Instagram who says, my vote is small timber, fight me. So I guess I'm, uh, you leave the fight this person. Yeah. Um, so, uh, after we talk about small timber a little bit, uh, it then goes on to the summary. The summary lasts 78 minutes, which is actually longer than the movie itself. Now, Elliott, were you to go back a week ago when you recorded this episode?
Starting point is 00:13:29 What would you have done differently? Would you have tightened it up? Would you have extended it? What do you think? I assume tightened it up. Are you sure it was 78 minutes just for the summary? 78 minutes just for the summary from minute 1430 to 92 with 30. Huh. That's incredibly exact. A minute 1430 to 92 with 30.
Starting point is 00:13:48 That's incredibly exact. If anything, I think I nailed it. Getting it, getting it, exactly in a round number. 92, wait, it ended at 92 30 this summer. No, you know what? I can't be right. Did I, did I do a whoopsie? Cause one of the great things about this episode is we have a couple of amazing whoopsies.
Starting point is 00:14:05 And one of my favorites, of course, is comes from Mr. Elliott Kalin over here. Is this called, is this the segment called Moldy Peaches where it's all about the whoopsy? Yeah, the one that's incredible. That's incredible. Yep, so one of the big whoopsies, of course, comes from Elliott where you said
Starting point is 00:14:21 that the time that passed between the opening of the movie and the rest of the movie was almost a hundred years in the future. What is actually almost a thousand years. A thousand. Now, what was it take us back? What was going on in your head at that time? My head at that time was I was struggling with the fact that I never get to sleep because
Starting point is 00:14:38 my children are mean to me and wake me up multiple times per night. And then during the day, they're also mean to me and yell at me a lot. And don't let me have any time to sit down or do anything like that. And so I kind of constantly feel like a needle is being shoved into my head. And so I think that's where my head was at at the time. And it was hard for me to do that basic math kind of kind of silly when you think about. Interesting, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:59 It's still, I think I also got thrown off later in the movie, they do refer to eons for meaning less than a thousand years, which is not the case. So I think in my head, I was exaggerating how much they were exaggerating the amount of time, but it was a foolish thing. I believe I corrected it a little bit later on the episode though. You actually did. And at that point, did you feel more comfortable in the rest of the episode? You felt a little bit looser, a little bit more, you know, natural. Yeah. Anytime I can feel the fingers poised over the tweet buttons of people who are about to tweet at me a mistake I made, that mistake you made.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Uh oh. Uh oh. Oh, I made it. Okay. They made and laid me. Oh, come at me. Every time I feel that finger descending away, descending away from the tweet button as they hear me correct myself, that always makes me feel better.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Now, Dan, at one point, you describe Amity Villain's space as almost like a mock buster. For those listeners out there who aren't film professionals like yourself, what is a mock buster? Sure, a mock buster is a movie made on the cheap with sort of a similar title or premise to something that was a blockbuster in movie theaters or at least meant to be a blockbuster meant to be a big movie because for instance, there's a snake on a train off of stakes on a plane. Now, stakes on a plane on its own was not particularly successful, but they thought it could be. So it's a gold rush.
Starting point is 00:16:28 They're gambling on what might be big, but you got your trans morphers instead of your transformers. I feel like trans morphers is the, is the, the epitome of it where the hope is that someone will accidentally pick it up thinking that it is the actual movie. And I that, and as we talked about on the about on the podcast, I believe in the past, not on Peach Pit, but on the flop house, that there's a number of disappointed kids out there whose grandma's bought the wrong movie and were like, I got you that movie you love, and it's not.
Starting point is 00:16:57 It's a pretty little like, yeah, they are depending on America's grandma's because otherwise, I'm not quite sure what the thinking is because a movie that is cheaper to make is not cheaper to rent. I mean, for a lot of these, I guess they release the mockbuster version straight to streaming while these films are still in theaters. I guess again, relying on people making the mistake that, oh, it's already available, or maybe being like, well, we don't
Starting point is 00:17:26 have the 20 bucks to go out to the movie, but I'll spend $4 on this cut rate version. But I'm not clear about it for the small, but it seems to work. Or that the algorithm will get tricked. They'll trick the algorithm. Now speaking of mock buses, the algorithm, let me just tell you, is dumb. Uh-huh. Well, I don't know. I thought, I thought, yeah, Don Chino's pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Yeah. I mean, but he tripped himself up. He should have realized that harassing and haranging his star player, the son of LeBron, the only leveraging, had some bad idea. Yeah, it was a mistake. Yeah. What happens when you give a bug, recreational drugs? What was the first recorded sound?
Starting point is 00:18:15 How do we figure out how old the earth is? Let's find out together on our show, Let's Learn Everything, where we learn anything and everything interesting. My name is Caroline and I study Dubai Diversity and Conservation. My name is Tom and I study computer science and cognitive, there, there. Did you?
Starting point is 00:18:32 And my name is Ella and I studied STEM cells and regenerative medicine. On our show, we do as much research as you would for a class, but we don't get in trouble for making each other laugh. And we get to so f*****! Maybe not in the trailer. But we don't get in trouble for making each other laugh and we get to say The trailer Subscribe to let's learn everything every other Thursday on maximum fun Are you ready to binge watch something old the greatest generation is a podcast about Star Trek by a couple of hosts a little bit embarrassed to even have a Star Trek podcast Hosted by me, Ben Harrison.
Starting point is 00:19:06 And me, Adam Pranaka, we get into the critical, the technical, the science, fictional aspects of the show we love, while roasting it and each other at the same time. We've completed an entire series about Star Trek's the next generation, and another one about Star Trek Deep Space 9, and we've just begun Star Trek Voyager.
Starting point is 00:19:25 So now is a great time to start watching a new Star Trek series with us. So subscribe to the greatest generation on or wherever you get your podcasts and become a friend of Dissotto today. So there's a Speaking of Mach busters multiple times in the episode, Elliot goes on a run listing all of the other Amityville movies that are currently on IMDB. Let's listen. But that, the amityville since 2011, there's been the Amityville haunting, the Amityville asylum, Amityville death house, the Amityville playhouse, Amityville no escape, Amityville vanishing
Starting point is 00:20:01 point, the Amityville terror, Amityville prison, the Amityville murders. That's not, and these are not the big budget one was Amityville, no escape, Amityville vanishing point. The Amityville terror, Amityville prison, the Amityville murders. That's not, and these are not the big budget one was Amityville the awakening. The Amityville harvest and Amityville poltergeist, which is the Amityville Academy, then Amityville Island, Amityvilleville Empire, Amityville 1974, but then on IMDB, these,
Starting point is 00:20:17 okay, and that's just a taste, that's just a sample. Now, some listeners were suggesting that you were just coming up with all those titles on the spot, Elliot. Tell me about it. They're wrong. I wish I wish that I was so talented that I could come up with all those titles right off the top of my head. No, those were all real titles of real movies. And I mean, real R-E-A-L, not just R-E-E-E-L, but both apply. Yeah. I listened to that clip and I think about, I was talking, I saw a friend of mine this weekend who was saying that when she listened to the show, sometimes she hits the 1.5 speed button and she can't tell when Ali is talking, whether that's true or not, she has to wait
Starting point is 00:20:54 till one of the others. So, most talk. Yeah. So, listening to all, all those titles, because there were a lot of them, are there any that you, was there any that stuck out that you were like, I wish we watched that instead of Amity Villain Space? I, almost any of them to be honest, after watching Amity Villain Space. I'm, but I'm curious about the, there was one that was, I think that, that, that, which is Amity Villain Academy, or that, I don't know what that would be. And I think I can guess. which is Amity Villacan, I mean, you're just a little bit, just like, I don't know what that would be. And I think I can guess there was one called like, uh, uh, Amity Vill Bigfoot, which seems
Starting point is 00:21:30 like, yielding the lily, you already have a ghost in the, in the house. Why do you need a big foot also? But, uh, you know, this, but I, to be honest, once Dan started going into the director's previous work when I saw Noah's shark, Noah's shark. That's the one I was curious about. Although I watched the trailer, it was not the movie I thought it was going to be. You were expecting a more true to the Bible versus the more religious film. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Where Noah sends out a shark to find dry land instead of just eat him. And it brings back and I'll have branch. And Noah's like, how did you get this? And from my understanding, I believe the screenplay to Noah Shark was later on adapted to the Darren Arnowski Noah movie, right? Yes. Unfortunately, the budget did not allow him the shark. So they had to cut the sharks. The weird thing is they started shooting with the shark and then they halfway through, they were like, we can't afford you. So we got to let you go and they let the shark go into a children's swimming pool. It was a horrible blood bath and yeah, but they and they'd cut those scenes out had to cut them all out now
Starting point is 00:22:32 For fans of the flop house one of the biggest joys are whoopsies, right? I think any fans of the flop house are listening right now I mean nobody else So other than other than the NSA I suppose Eagle eye and I think this episode's number one whoopsie moment came during the amazing crystal game hidden many brought to us by Dan McCoy. Let's catch a little listen on this one. Jesus Christal. He's not from Greece.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Jesus. Jesus. That was not from Jesus Christ. Super crystal. No. Well, you're trying to say Jesus Christ is super small and you say, Greece is genes. Yes. Yes. Greece is genes, Stan.
Starting point is 00:23:19 So take us back there. What was going on in your head? Well, I know. If you listen, I never actually said Greece's genes, but I did go along with alley. What did you say, Greece's genes? What was it, Jesus?
Starting point is 00:23:32 Jesus. Greece's Jesus, all right. We, I, I, So I guess that was my worst seat. What, I, yeah, no, I was trying to get to. What, what Dan was trying to say was, Greasy Jesus. Yeah, no, I was trying to get to what Dan was trying to say was greasy Jesus Less popular go ahead a harder time finding
Starting point is 00:23:56 Yeah, this people would like Gathering quarters and whisperer and be like you know like I like a lot of what he's saying But there's just something really off putting about this guy I like a lot of what he's saying, but there's just something really off-fitting about this guy. Well, and also, and his message is a little one note, he's blessed are the greasy, because the earth's going to be their possession, it's going to be greasy. If your neighbor, if your neighbor should strike you on the cheek, give him a greasy cheat, there's a lot of that kind of stuff. Yeah, blessed are the greasy because they will be slippery when their villains try and grab them. Because of course normal Jesus is like.
Starting point is 00:24:25 It's really greasy as hard to stand in. Because that was a big war. Normal Jesus makes a point of saying, you know, turn the other non-greasy cheek and stuff like that. Yeah, yeah. You say, you say, consider the grease in the fields. It does not spin, neither does it so, but it's pretty greasy, right?
Starting point is 00:24:41 Yeah, I come not with what is it? What did you say come not with a something but with a I don't know if you can all can all oil. And then of course, and then of course, he would sing the monkey's hit song cheer up greasy gene. Yeah, you're a you're a Dave dream believer in the homecoming grease. I'll go to the candy shop and buy some Greece's pieces. And give them to a Greece's monkey. Yeah. Yeah. No, I was trying to say Jesus, crystal, super crystal, I think. But that could work. That could work from the top. I almost immediately went south. Yeah. And then you, but you leaned into it. And I think I feel like that's what led it to be the number one
Starting point is 00:25:28 whoopsie of the episode. Oh, thanks. Oh, wow. Yeah. So the N-O-W. Number one whoopsie. Number one whoopsie. So before we wrap this up, fans are kind of dying to know,
Starting point is 00:25:40 Dan, did Audrey ever come back for my key? Yes. She did come, she did return. So everyone can be happy about that. She brought, we've got two big bins for our recycling, for our paper, and our sort of like separated recycling. Hands in plastic. Called Page Six. And she got several sort of photo frames. I don't
Starting point is 00:26:09 know how many photos she's planning on framing and putting up but they were at least sick. Well count the frames Dan. That's like six or seven. First step. Maybe more rest one two. I mean don't count them now. That's not what I was just saying if you wanted to know how many. There's five of them and some of the IKEA brand Zip Lock bags, which I assume we're just because she happened to be there and not because there's anything particularly good about these Zip Lock bags. We have to put them together yourself.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Yeah. We'll write in here. Big fan and that's the Alarm Enchanted Watch. So as we teased earlier, there's got to be stuff coming up. What's next for the flop? Dan Elliott. Well, directly after this, we're going to record the commentary track for country bears, which is what?
Starting point is 00:27:01 But you said only we were only doing one commentary to act this year. Well, we got enough newer upgrading members, or we look, we said a target and we almost got there and that's good enough for us. As you listen to the show, a man who says, Greece is instead of Jesus. I'm the, I cannot, you know, and Greece is Jesus's name, but he who is without Greece, cast the first, I don't know, Crisco.
Starting point is 00:27:35 So the point is, like, who am I to say that you can't have the country bears commentary just because we did. That's why we get our target. We came close enough, that's what I said. You're showing, you're showing the kind of compassion and mercy that greases you. And then, and I think we mentioned earlier, I think a certain house in the Hagland is going to be returning to the show. Very exciting. Next month. Yeah. And, and October, of course, will be shocked over as, of course, yeah. Well, thank you so much for joining me. Do you guys have anything you want to plug?
Starting point is 00:28:08 I don't have anything I want to plug, but I will say here at the very end that we have a sponsor, you know, there's no requirement. It has to be in the middle of the show. So I'm just gonna say that Lumia Labs has been our sponsor for this nonsense. If you want to feel like you're listening to this weird episode of La Paz all the time.
Starting point is 00:28:27 All the time. Maybe microdosing is for you, probably heard about it. If not, just know that all sorts of people are microdosing daily to feel healthier and perform better. And our show is sponsored by microdose gummies, which deliver perfect entry level doses of THC that help you feel just the right amount of good.
Starting point is 00:28:44 I don't know whether a microdose gummy would have helped me understand this better or worse. You know, like I, I kind of felt like I was in my own version of the rehearsal as levels of reality. Loaded away. But it's trying to talk me off right now. Yeah. If you want to, if you want to enjoy that kind of feeling, you know, chemically, microdose is available
Starting point is 00:29:08 nationwide and to learn more about microdosing THC, go to and use code flop to get free shipping and 30% off your first order. Links can be found in the shows description, but again, that's code flop. And also, I want to say, check out the other great podcast, Max one fun, dot work. Yeah, if you're a fan of the peach bit, you're probably, you should probably also check out the flop house, which is on maximum fun, as well as a number of other great shows. Check them all out. There's so much fun. Obviously, if you are responsible for handling the content on Warhammer TV, I feel like this is a perfect audition tape for me to be a host
Starting point is 00:29:46 of some kind of reality competition show on Warhammer TV where I like, I don't know, like judge people's painting or some shit. But like, I'll do it super cool and funny. Why don't you hire me? Come on. And thanks again to my guest Dan Nellie. I mean, Stewart's already a minor internet celebrity. He's been getting super buff. I can see his traps and his packs right now. And I'm not even on a cut. I'm just, this is just normal Stewart. Yeah. And I'm going to, I'm going to let my feeling of being used as I suddenly realized the reason for the episode, not cloud my complete recommendation for Stewart to host something on Warhammer TV. I didn't realize I was supporting player in his audition tape.
Starting point is 00:30:33 I'm glad we'd done it if asked. It's a wicked game. It wouldn't, it wouldn't have turned me on as much, Ellie. That's an important thing. So again, yep, there's a Stewart for the Peach Pit, which is part of the flop house. Come again next week. Bye! Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Comedy and Culture. Artist-owned, audience supported.

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