The Flop House - FH Mini 67 - Newmania! with Griffin Newman

Episode Date: November 12, 2022

We invite Griffin Newman (of Blank Check fame) on for a mini with an excess of premises. Is it about Griffin addressing the nation? Is it a pop quiz? Is it a quiz GAME? Is it about A Gnome Named Gnorm...? Is it another of Stu's Flop House spinoffs in his increasingly large Flop Podcastic Universe? Who knows? The important thing is, WE had fun.Watch Griffin as an animated chipmunk in the upcoming Disney+ movie, Disenchanted!Ever tried Microdosing? Visit and use FLOP for 30% off + Free Shipping.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, hey, oh, wow, welcome to another Fala Pous mini. That's right. An episode of the Fala Pous that's theoretically shorter than a normal episode and we do different stuff on it. This is the Fala Pous podcast and I'm one of the hosts. My name is Stuart Wellington and joining me are. Hi, I'm Dan McCoy, delighted by how much Stuart seemed. I don't know to do like a weird awkward surprise like,
Starting point is 00:00:29 oh, I didn't know that you were gonna be here. Here's I'm Elliot Kaelin and it appeared to me that Stuart was, it was, it was in the situation of stealing someone's valuables when they thought the house was empty and then when the homeowner walked in, they pretended to start a pie, he pretended to start a podcast as if that's what he was there for. And who's joining us as a special guest today, Stewart? What? Yup. There he is. Why don't you introduce yourself?
Starting point is 00:00:52 Hi. This is Griffin Newman of the blank check podcast. What a surprise guest. I cannot believe I'm here. Yeah. Wait a minute. Our guest to work right away, Stewart. We can tell. Oh, but also also the Disney Plus original movie, Dis and Chanets, streaming November 18th. That's right. Oh wow, good luck.
Starting point is 00:01:12 That's what you're here to promote. Right up top. Right up at the top. Right up at the top. If you prefer to take your podcaster in chipmunk form, yes, then this is for you. I, you know, I feel like a between blank check the times I've appeared on other shows. The complaint I get most often is, why does Griffin speak
Starting point is 00:01:31 so lowly? Yeah. When, when, when, when Dan said take your podcaster and chipmunk form, Griffin grabbed his hat and I'm like, he's going to put on a fucking costume. I'm going to put on the chip. No, I don't have a chin monster. Yeah, I guess I should have one. Yeah, no, but that's everyone. They said, your voice is too deep, too slow to blow. And they're always like, can we slide it up? Can we check it up?
Starting point is 00:01:55 Why doesn't Griffin share what he thinks? Why is he so reticent to speak? What's going on? I hold it all so closely. Yes. I think I was, this is a behind the scenes thing. I was saying to my wife and to my son, I said, oh, we're having Griffin Newman on tonight.
Starting point is 00:02:09 So it might be a little long for him any, because he's a guy who likes to talk and my son goes, oh, like you. Yeah. Oh, wow. Wow. It was like, really? It showed.
Starting point is 00:02:19 And your home is out of Aloe Vera at this point, because you've been roasted. Yeah, I was, you call me Billy Joel, because I was living in a glass house with that one. Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure, I mean, I think before we met, and before a podcast had formally collided, I would hear a lot from people, oh, you're a lot like Elliott Kaylee. You're like the Elliott of your show. I get a lot of, you're like Griffin Newman.
Starting point is 00:02:41 If it's Sunday, Sunday, we're going to have to, I guess, have a baby together and see if it's the most pure, the most pure version of us that's possible. I don't know. Absolutely. This is how we got, you know, French bulldogs. Explain what that means. You know, bro, I'm only gonna say this, this is interbreeding for characteristics. Eventually you get like, you know, this,
Starting point is 00:03:05 this creator that's gonna be weezing around. Um, right. You're like, this can't stop talking and dropping movie references, but also a can't breathe out of its nose. Yeah, it's the best that what it does, but what it does is kind of just be hanging on to life. The movie reference part of the brain
Starting point is 00:03:23 is staying alive. The movie reference part of the brain is so overgrown that it can no longer stand direct. It has to, it has to light up its head on a pillow, but brilliant. Yeah. Did we decide? So we're doing, yeah, we, okay.
Starting point is 00:03:37 We did, I haven't got to introduce it. Okay. I was going to introduce, thank you so much, Griffin, for joining us for our first annual state of the new moon address. Wow. I did not know this is what was happening. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:54 This is it. Every year, Griffin Newman comes on a mini and talks about the state of the entertainment industry, the world, his life, where the sciences are right now, the arts in general, the state of our oceans, the state of space junk, how much space junk is still in the sky orbiting around the earth, and he just gives it to us comprehensively, no holds barred, he's the last saying man on a world-gun mad, and he's here to drop some truth bombs on us
Starting point is 00:04:20 in his very respectable, very dignified, and I think this is what the 45th or 46th annual state of the newman address. I know I did know it was that time of the year already. And boy, are you guys lucky that I already have a Google Doc prepared with answers to all of those specific topics. I just happened to have it open right. I know, I mean, I don't, I wouldn't say I like to throw my co-hosts under the bus, but I did say, like, maybe let's not go with the premise that requires Griffin
Starting point is 00:04:50 to do so much work. Our guests are home and these two agents of chaos. Oh, sure. No, no, no. I think my third podcast episode I've done today. Oh, I'm probably see you all revved up and ready to do some tomorrow. I just, I just a 9.11, 40 p.m. record. That fact, Elliot, that fact makes me want to, two days after the time change. True. So it feels later. Thank God. We can't do this for a man who's the third podcast of the day.
Starting point is 00:05:22 We may need to go to the hall back for a minute. No, I'm going to, I'm going to's the third podcast of the day. We may need to go to the fallback premise. No, I'm gonna give this first podcast of the day, energy, I'm gonna give it 1140 AM energy. So if we're not doing the annual state of the, we're not. We're not. Well, you know what, why don't you build up your force for that, because instead our backup thing,
Starting point is 00:05:44 which is even dumber than that was, I have a little game just for you. It's called, it's called, it's two games, in fact, one's called, know your newman, so one's called Get Your Griffins. And so I'm gonna see how well you know other famous newmans and Griffins. All right.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Cool. Cool. I try to keep tabs on both. Okay, then we'll talk about movies or something. So what's your, pick your poise, and you'll end up doing both, but would you rather do know your newman's or get your Griffins first?
Starting point is 00:06:14 I think, and remember, you could have gotten out of this by giving an extemporaneous speech about everything in the world. I'm still going to, fair, fair. Don't think that's off the table. Traffic would probably be easier, sorry. Let's go Newman's first.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Okay, I think that's a good idea because in Know Your Newman's, it's all last names. Right. In Get Your Griffins, some of that might be first names. So it's gonna be first names or last names. It goes both ways. Know Your Newman's. All right, so we'll start off,
Starting point is 00:06:43 we'll start off a little easy. Can you name, do you know this newman? Okay. Do you know this race car driver and salad dressing magnet who just had a posthumous memoir published Paul Newman? Okay. There you go. But one I wish I were related to their cobbles. We'll get to the other ones. It's possible. He's Jewish, right? Probably not. Oh, he is. No, no, no, he is. He's like the best of us. Yeah. He's the English in every service. That was when he, when he died the people of Israel said he was the best of us. I mean, there are a few profits who are vying for the role. But overall,
Starting point is 00:07:15 he's the best of us. When he said to have an install and David both set and, and, uh, and Solomon all went, Hey, you take the throne, man. You got a man. You get it. And say what you want. They did change the label for his Asian-style salad dressing to be less kind of racist. A little less, less, less. And when he died, they did change labels
Starting point is 00:07:37 to put X's over his eyes. They were the only people that got past. Well, it's fracked. That's the FGA, so that. There's a whole generations of Americans are going to grow up thinking that he's a man who had a popcorn and salad dressing company and may have been in movies also. Yeah. We're not going to know it.
Starting point is 00:07:53 We really was. I was going to say after he died, people thought it was maybe a cause collaboration. One of those, the kids love these cause collaborations. I don't know if you're aware of this. Cause. Okay. Paul Newman. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:04 So here's another easy one. Okay. Okay. Okay. Do you know this Newman? Who is the Catholic Churchman given the Cadi satire treatment in Leighton Strathe's classic eminent Victorians? Oh, come on. We've all read eminent Victorians.
Starting point is 00:08:18 It is a hilariously Cadi book about four Victorian British people written in the 1920s, I believe, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, very interesting, get the joke of that. That's cool. Yeah. That's cool. Okay, wait. Can you read it to me one more time? I think I'm going to get it. Okay. I'll give you a hint.
Starting point is 00:08:49 He's English. He's also from England. Yeah, no, that's the one thing I've been banking on. It's Catholic Churchman. Famous figure in the Catholic Church. Given the catty satirical treatment in light and straight, he's classic eminent Victorians. Do you need me to name the other people who are in eminent Victorians with that help? Yeah, that would help. Okay. That would help us eliminate some other names. Okay. Hold on. Let me just make sure that I've
Starting point is 00:09:09 again, they all it has his name has to have Newman in it. So but it's so this won't help that much, but just you know the book also goes after oh, you know what? It goes after Florence, sighting, Gail, Thomas Arnold, the school master, and a general Charles quote, Chinese Gordon. Now I should be, I should be clearer. He has mentioned in the chapter about cardinal manning. Oh, that chapter, okay, go on. So that may be helpful. Yeah, no, no, that is, that's a huge hint. That's almost a giveaway.
Starting point is 00:09:40 I'm going to do what perhaps is a cheat and also I'm guessing is wrong and guess Vickor Newman. Oh, I'm so sorry. It was Cardinal Newman. Oh, sorry. So you were accepted if I'd gotten the right title. Yeah, I would have accepted it. Yeah, I believe it's John Henry Newman was the name, but I would have accepted Cardinal Newman. Sorry about it. Okay, Vickor just felt more British. Okay, here's one.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Okay, well, here's one that here's another. Here's one. Here's a hard one. No, it's an easy one. How about this one? Okay. Humor magazine mascot who's filled his name differently than you. Alpertine E.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Alpertine E. Alpertine E. So he's his middle name also entertainment. I think so. Yeah, just like Charles E. Cheese. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:24 They're related. I was trying to, I was explaining that. We drove by the Chuck E. Cheese. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They're related. I was trying to, I was explaining that. We drove by the Chuck E. Cheese in our neighborhood, because there is one. And I said, oh, you know, his name is technically Charles Entertainment Cheese. And my older son, Sammy, said, but it's Chuck, not Charles. And I was like, well, Chuck is from Charles. And then my wife turned to me and she goes, why do you know this? And why do you feel compelled to pass it along to the next generation?
Starting point is 00:10:47 So that they may pass it down. That's a good question. You know his full Christian name, yeah. Well, uh, uh, uh, Chester and Charles that were cheese, yeah, uh, uh, not a Jew for the record. No, not a Jew. Not a Jew. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Elliot knows it because he wrote the Times obituary. He had fun file. Well, I ghost wrote his memoir. Yeah, of course. Yeah. It's not always play time down at the playhouse. That was his memoir. It was all about being and performing in summer stock and his troubles there.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Nothing about pizza or the jucky cheese franchise. Yeah. He never wanted to go into restaurants. It's a terrible business. It's a terrible industry. Anyway, so how about this one? Here's another easy one. American abstract expressionist painter who specialized in color fields.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Fuck. American artist painter. You said this was an easy one. But I also said Cardinal Newman was an easy one. This was a little starting to sense a pattern. This one feels easier. I think this was an easy one. But I also said Cardinal Newman was an easy one. I know. This was a little starting to sense a pattern. This one feels easier. This is easier than Cardinal Newman, not as easy as Paul Newman.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Yeah, okay. I'm going to say I'm Richard Newman. Okay. It's a good shot in the dark, not it was Barnett Newman. Yeah. Sorry, Barnett Newman. Okay. A name that you may know, again, abstract, very much in the Rothko fame.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Okay. Oh, cool. Yeah, yeah, that fame. Yeah, yeah, not Rothko Newman, Mark Rothko. Oh, big, big colors. This man is one of these men who takes the canvas and he paints one big color on it. It's not, yeah, he does some of that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Not exclusively, but I'm saying a lot of big color paint. A lot of big colors. You gotta, you feel like, you feel like one day, Mark Rothko reaches his breakthrough when he was like, I gotta get the background ready for this amazing painting I'm saying a lot of big color palette. A lot of big colors. You feel like one day, Mark Rothko reaches his breakthrough when he was like, I gotta get the background ready for this amazing painting I'm gonna do. And he just painted all red and he goes, I think I'm done, I'm tired.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Wait a second. Yeah. Okay, so Bernard Newman would do like a line. Yeah, he'd do like a line, like a squiggle or something like that. In the middle, okay. I kinda like this. He looks cool.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Yeah, I mean, he's got a real face about him. Yeah, he does. He kinda looks like if Paul Krugman was cool. Yeah, I mean, he's got a real face about him. Yeah, he does. Absolutely. He kind of looks like if Paul Krugman was cool. Great. Discrimination. So, okay, this one, you might give, this one, this is a Newman, know this Newman, original cast member of SNL.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Lorraine Newman. There you go. There we go. And here's another easy one for you. British author, best known for his Dracula novels, but he's also dabbled in the Warhammer and Doctor Who universes. And he once wrote a book of short stories in which Ed Gain and the Blues Brothers both appear. Now this I really feel like I should know. I'm going to say Randolph Newman.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Close it was Kim Newman. Kim Newman is the name. I don't know that. I don't know that. She's the author of Anodracula, Dracula Chacha. Yes. I believe it, Baron. Yeah. The egggain and the Blue Brothers appear in his book back in the USSA, which is a book
Starting point is 00:13:38 of short stories set in a socialist America where the history doesn't quite work out. It's like his, his, his, his parents. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? His parents. The one where where Blue's brothers meet again. Doesn't, doesn't, doesn't quite work out. It's like his, his, his, his parents, his parents, the one where, where Blue's brothers meet again. Doesn't, it doesn't totally track out. We're, we're, we're, where the characters also include Kurt Vonnegut and I think Hannibal Lighter is it also. Wow.
Starting point is 00:13:55 But uh, okay. Uh, okay. How about this? You're going to get this one. Okay. Okay. Okay. No, this new man.
Starting point is 00:14:03 You're going to know this. Sing a songwriter. Who always sounds like he's got something in his mouth. Oh, okay, okay, because I thought I could be a couple people until we got to that last part, Randy Newman. You're right, Randy Newman. Randy Newman. The guy who's two, it bothers. It bothers him all.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Another way I bother my children is by just walking on. You got a family, which they don't like. Nobody likes it. Never not. Never not. You someone who I'm like, if he could be a Muffet, he wouldn't even have to do a family. Which they don't like. No, we like it. No, never not. Never not. You someone who I'm like, if he could be a Muppet, he wouldn't even have to do a voice. He would just make his regular voice.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Okay, we've got one person left in no, that Newman, or is it no your Newman's? I don't remember when I called him. Yeah, no, your Newman's. No, your Newman's. So this one, I hope you get correct because it's someone I'm related to by marriage. So, okay.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Griffith knew it. Yeah, we're second. And it's Randy Newman. Yeah, that's what he got. And he's with me today. Hey, Griffith is going to see you. Nice to see you. Okay, I won't do the whole thing where Randy Newman's here.
Starting point is 00:15:01 He keeps singing. You got a friend in me. I did that on episode before and I'm not one to repeat bits, right Dan? I'm never. I'm not unless suddenly reminds me of a character. I barely remember that I did a long time ago. I did it on the previous minute. That's why both your kids find both you and I
Starting point is 00:15:17 very funny. You never repeat bits. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, they would love you. My kids would love you. They're big fans. Okay. Or they'd say another one of these? No, no, they'd love you. My kids would love you. They're big fans.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Okay. Or would they say another one of these? No, no, they'd be like, he's just like dad without any of the baggage or powered punish. They would love you so much. That's true. And it's a vacation. Finally, finally, a dad that they don't have to have it, that they don't have to care about. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:41 But they did, they've been very clear in their feelings about me today. They did call me boring. And at one point, I got hit with a toy in the face. And that was deemed hilarious for a moment until it was clear that it actually hurt. And how this is kids 17? Yeah, yeah, 17. My oldest is 32 and my youngest is 17. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:16:01 But there actually twins. There was a mistake with a time machine. I won't get into it. Oh, okay, but there actually twins. There was a mistake with a time machine. I won't get into it. So, okay, so this is a word-winning general relativity physicist who co-developed the famous Newman Penrose formalism. And remember, this is someone I'm related to by marriage, so I will be deeply offended if you don't, if you don't get it. And their last name is Newman. I'm prepared to steal. Do you have this, Stuart? Would you mind reading the hint one more time?
Starting point is 00:16:31 Please, a quick question. It's award-winning general relativity physicist. He was a winner of the Einstein award, the Einstein prize, who co-developed the Newman Penrose formalism. Okay, I have my answer. I'm gonna say it is award-winning general relativity physicist doctor numen. You are right. I mean you're technically right. I've got to give it to you. His full name is Ezra Teddy numen. He was my wife's grandfather's cousin and also my wife's
Starting point is 00:17:00 grandfather's best friend and he was a very nice man. Everyone called him Teddy, but I guess his co-workers called him Ted. Anyway, award-winning physicist, a real member of my wife's family just passed away last year. Anyway, yeah, wow. Yeah, so that's, so let's tally up the score, which I wasn't really heavy. You blazed ahead with a, with four out of eight, it looks like. So that's pretty good. Solid 50% in this democracy. That's enough to get you a win. And, uh, so we, we gendered
Starting point is 00:17:31 that one. You are winning over second player, not found. So that's good for you. Other controller. I was going to say, excuse me, Dan, you got zero points so far. Yes. True. Stewart's got zero points so far. I think that's the complicated thing. Stewart threatened to steal on the last one, but he did not get a chance because he didn't get a chance. You know what? I got to give you credit for Dr. Newman. That's five.
Starting point is 00:17:53 You got five out of eight, actually. That's much better. Yeah. Okay. You just need to bone up on your English Catholic history, your Dracula, non-canon Dracula knowledge, and also abstract expressionist art. Speaking of which, I finally caught up with Barnett Newman's face over here, and I also
Starting point is 00:18:12 would like to endorse it. He's got a really nice mustache as well. It's fun. He's got a fun energy. Yeah. Yeah, he looks like a guy who'd be, who'd give you a real good time. Yeah. A real blast. Yeah. Okay, so should we move on to the second game now? This is get that Griffin. Oh, please. Get your Griffin.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Yeah, it's something like that. Yeah, get that Griffin. Get a Griffin. Now, in this case, these are famous griffins now even throw her ball your way. It could be a first name or a last name. So we could also be talking about the mythical creature. Right. Well, my question. I did consider including that, but I thought it would be unfair because that's technically, I don't know the name, the Griffin's name. I know that's a species, but I don't know if he has another name. Well, Elliott, I would suggest asking him directly.
Starting point is 00:19:03 That's the best way to find out. Yeah. I'll get in touch with him through his people. He's in the, he's in the book. I'll just look him up. I'll let my finger do the talking to his theology book. And okay, so here's, here's the first question. Okay. Okay. Murderous invisible man played by Claude Reins. I just watched this. Griffin is his last name. Yes, what's his first name? And don't get confused with League of Extraordinary gentleman that has, that's a different first name. I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:19:36 RIP to Kevin O'Neal, man. Oh, yeah. No, Neil passed away. He just passed away. Yeah, I didn't know. I'm fucking best. I'm learning this news on air right now. All that's so sad. I'm sorry. Oh, yeah. Fantastic. You didn't know I fucking best learning this news on air right now. All that's so sad.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I'm sorry. Yeah. Fantastic. I don't know. Well, that's the end of it. That's the end of this episode. Sorry, everybody. It came over.
Starting point is 00:19:54 It came over. Yeah. I did a bunch of the universals during the month of October. This was just month. Good time to do it. And this was this just how out of of step with the world in America, am is that I didn't watch that many horror movies during October. And then November 1st, I was like, put it up, Spanish language,
Starting point is 00:20:13 Dracula, vampires kiss, I'm watching them all. Like it suddenly was all about horror movies right after Halloween. I watched a really scary horror movie during October. It was called the news. This is the state of the new address. I watched a really scary horror movie during October. It was called The News. Oh, shit. This is the state of the new in-adress. It's just a say, a little previous. Oh, it's a new one.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Sassy. I'm so glad I watched this movie within the last two weeks because of course, is fresh. My memory that this character's name is Doctor Noom. This is the Griffin's name. this is the Griffin's name. That's the Griffin's name. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:20:48 That's an easy mistake to make. Is not Dr. Newman, but in fact, Dr. Jack Griffin. No, unforeseen. Very unforeseen. I, it's hard to believe that you got that half of the answer wrong. I know. Critics, I wasn't clear up explaining the rules of the game, but I'll tap into my inner one and go into the rules of the game, which is it's people with Griffin.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. That was so definitely your mistake and not mine. Great. So here's another Griffin. Let's see if we can get this one.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Okay. You said you watched him as well, and recently maybe this is someone who's working also in kind of recently. This is a founding member of not the hoople. Oh, God damn it. Well, at least I was right that this one's harder than the first time. The harder the one you got wrong. Yes. Yeah. Yes. Okay. I am going to say, Griffin Hoopel. I'm so sorry, Dale Buffen Griffin. So Griffin was actually the last name.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Buffen Griffin. Buffen is the nickname. No, okay. Not a terrible guess, not a terrible guess. I think Griffin Hoopel's not a terrible guess. Now, the Hoopel, of course, the only band to be sponsored by Mott's Apple Juice, Mott's Apple Juice. The only Apple Juice terrible guest. No, I don't know. No, of course. No, of course. No, of course. No, of course.
Starting point is 00:22:06 No, of course. No, of course. No, of course. No, of course. No, of course. No, of course. No, of course. No, of course.
Starting point is 00:22:14 No, of course. No, of course. No, of course. No, of course. No, of course. No, of course. No, of course. No, of course.
Starting point is 00:22:22 No, of course. No, of course. No, of course. No, of course. No, of course. No, of course. No, of course. No, of course. No state of the Newman address, probably. Okay. Yep. Coming up. Okay. So here's, so this one, I think you'll get this one. This is for an old movie, how much? Okay. Like you, this, you're going to get this one.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Okay. The star of undercover brother, who is ranked number 62 on Comedy Central's list of the hundred greatest stand-ups of all time. So he's not only in undercover brother, he is also the 60 second greatest stand-up of all time according to Comedy Central. I have talked about this with my friend, David Sims, a co-host of blank check many times, that for a long time, my greatest career aspiration
Starting point is 00:22:56 was to be in a two-hander buddy comedy with this actor. So the poster could just be Eddie Griffin Newman. You got it, Eddie Griffin, thank you. You know it. Thank you. And I think that's a great poster too. All that would surprise I think people would think that Nelson Eddie and Barnett Newman and we're Griffin were in a movie together. I mean either way a great before and after on the wheel fortune. That's true. That would be a great wheel of fortune. I have a question. Yeah. If we know who Chris is, who's Ruth in the roots Chris?
Starting point is 00:23:36 The possessor of Chris. I guess. I just don't know why go to them for a steak. Cause they're really open about the dominant relationship that they have. I guess. I guess if you like the, the Chris, you'll love the steak. Guess you're right. It's roots.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Yeah. You like this guy? He's in charge of the steak. Okay. I'm just, I'm sorry. I looked it up. It was founded as Chris Steakhouse. And then a woman named Bruce Ferdell bought it. And I guess didn't want to thoroughly abandon the value of Chris Steakhouse as a brand, so it became Ruth's Chris. That is absurd. Yeah. So and not to make it Ruth Chris and create a new
Starting point is 00:24:27 person, a new character named like Ruth Chris. Ruth Chris sounds, sounds too much like Ruthless. Right. I mean, like, it also implies that there's some Chris's steak houses out there that are not Ruth's Chris's steak house. That's fair. Yeah, and I forget to see one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was it was one restaurant. She bought one restaurant that was called Chris stayhouse. And what I can only assume that at some point she played for the Miami dolphins because isn't that like a requirement for you to name a steakhouse after yourself. Absolutely. Yeah, that's you have to do that. Peter Luger, he did that.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Yeah. Yes, Smith and Wollensky. They both did that. Yeah. Old homestead. Yeah, old. Old homestead. That was good for old.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Yeah. Of course. Keen. Yeah. Yeah. All of them. For anyone listening at home is not from the New York area. If you'd like to put in your own regional state houses into this, you feel free.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Yeah. It's a good exercise. You know, if you want to learn how to write the palm, the palm, THPOM, that's theater, Howard Edvard Palm. Yeah. All right, everybody. Okay, we've got, we've got some more Griffin. So you're ready for it. Okay. I was ready as I've ever been. Yeah. All right, everybody. Okay, we've got some more Griffin. So you're ready for it.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Okay. I was ready as I've ever been. Yeah. Okay. How about this? You're doing great. You got, well, you're not doing great. You've got one out of three.
Starting point is 00:25:54 No, I'm doing okay. You're doing okay. Okay. Current pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals. God damn it. A baseball player playing now. I mean, not anymore the season's over, but playing in this era. Well, I'm going to name the most current relevant baseball player I can think of.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Ken Griffey, Jr. It's, I'm sorry. Griffey is close to Griffin. I don't believe he can ever be played for the Cardinals. I couldn't be wrong about that. I was thinking of Griffin Roberts. Griffin wasn't going to get that. I was thinking of Griffin Roberts. Griffin Roberts. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:26 When I was, no, sorry, what were you going to say? No, no, what were you going to say? I was just going to the next question. I want to hear your story about Griffin Roberts. Someone that you think you've just learned the existence of. Yeah, I have no opinion on whatsoever. I was going to say that when I was a child and they would ask us, like, who's your favorite athlete, you know, like those sort of, like, go around, say your favorite animal, say
Starting point is 00:26:44 your favorite color and like. Favorite food, pizza, favorite movie term narrative, yeah, exactly. Right. I would always say kangaroo feet junior because it was just like, I'm gonna pick the guy's name sounds like mine. I had no opinion on him otherwise. Love him. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Yeah. Yeah. Did you like get a shirt or a poster or anything? Maybe imposing next to a Lamborghini or? Yeah, I'll tell you this. I remember reading his biography, his little shoe biography. Yeah. That is a lot of commitment to a name link to like, hey, read the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:27:15 There's nothing else. Yeah. I commit to the bit. Wow. Well, hopefully you can continue to commit to this dumb bit of the get your Griffin's game because here's another one coming your way. Okay. The mascot of the college of William and Mary.
Starting point is 00:27:31 I'm going to say the Griffin. And you know what? I looked it up. He does have a name. It turns out now I know it. What is that name? That name is okay. Let's just clarify.
Starting point is 00:27:45 It is a Griffin. I cannot, let me ask the judges. No, the judges say I'm not allowed to tell you ahead of time, but I believe from context clues, you can probably figure out the answer to that question. Okay, and we want a proper name first and last. Just one name, just one name. Maybe this will help you that this mascot, the other finalists for the job that did not get it were a Phoenix, a pug, a ren, and a king and queen.
Starting point is 00:28:10 So you know it's not one of those. So okay. I'm going to guess his name is King Phoenix Pugren, the Griffin. I mean, that's a great name. Can I attempt a steal? Yeah, you can try it. Yeah, unless Griffin thinks he can attempt to steal? You can try it. Yeah, unless Griffin thinks he can stop the steal, he can.
Starting point is 00:28:28 No, I'm going to give Stuart the opening here. Is it Griffey Entertainment Griffin? Fuck. So Griffey is not a nickname. Griffey is his full name? Yeah, is it just a one word name? It is a one word name. Dan, are you doing research? Or are you guessing? No, I'm just guessing. I was just riffing. No, do you want to steal the steel?
Starting point is 00:28:53 I'm just curious. It's not. Can I go back and try to re-steal the steel? Yeah, I saw another. If they want to re-steal, the rules that were clearly explained. Once we go one ring around the zoom, you get just a chance. Then you can re-steal the steel again. That's a special bonus move that we call a re-steal reseal. That's where you, you unseal. It's actually called a re-steal unseal. You unseal your old answer and you re-steal it. Yeah. Give me the name of the college again. The College of William and Mary. Okay, I'm gonna guess his name is
Starting point is 00:29:30 Will the Griffin All right, uh, that's not correct. Fuck. Oh, I think I think you it was probably this was probably your second choice His name is Revoli the Griffin named in honor of University president Taylor Revoli. Well, when Pond his retirement. I was close. I was close. I was close. I was close. I was going to go with Gary next. Yeah, I was between Gary Greg and then I thought it maybe it's William. I mean, I was the right line of thinking that it was a name connected to the college itself. Yeah. I think if only you had some time to research other names connected to the college, I think you definitely would have gotten it. And that's on me.
Starting point is 00:30:09 That's on me. Obviously, I came up prepared tonight. Yeah. Yeah. Now, this, this, this, I, maybe someone can write in and explain about this or maybe you guys are familiar. It's looking at Wikipedia. It says, Griffin mask on.
Starting point is 00:30:18 It says, related mascots, Kinesius College, Golden Griffin. Now, are they implying that these two mascots are related? Yeah. I can only assume. And these he is college, golden Griffin. Now, are they implying that these two mascots are related? I can only assume. That's like, if you go on to IMDB and it recommends other movies like movie connections, technically those movies are cousins. If they're being recommended to you by an algorithm or a database like that, the movie is a cousin.
Starting point is 00:30:41 That reminds me of my last name. Yeah, that's why Roman J is real Esquire and Haxan never married because I don't know why those two were recommended together. By the way, I just see, you know, I have a weird algorithm. I will know why this I remember years and years ago looking at the IMDB listing for From Hell, the Jack the Ripper movie and seeing that. And you're like not based on reality, huh? Weird. But this was a true story. Are you saying that loosely inspired?
Starting point is 00:31:12 They took liberties with this. What I thought was a documentary bill that said like, if you like, you know, the recommendations, it all, another one was, was rising sun, I believe. And I was like, okay, the only thing this movie has to come, I think, is they're both movies where prostitutes are murdered. Like, this is so- Well, that's not why I want to watch movies, but nope.
Starting point is 00:31:33 The computer doesn't know. Makes more sense than when I finished watching the lost daughter on Netflix, and Netflix said, you might like this, and it put up somebody feed fill. And I was like, I don't think that's what's the right follow up for this. After you see a daughter being lost, you're very concerned. You become your paternal instincts cake and you're like, get somebody feed fill. Somebody's got a feed fill. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Oh my God. He fill his starving. Maybe okay, here's, okay, get this Griffin. Okay, Griffin, Griffin, get this Griffin, Griffin. And you're bound to get this one. This one's a guarantee if you are my dad because this is a famous author of military and detective novels and my dad has read like a million of his books and routinely picks
Starting point is 00:32:16 them up, routinely buys them, starts reading them and realizes he has already read that one and then puts it back down. This is what's annoying is I believe my grandfather also was a rabid reader of this man's books and I'm picturing the spines on his bookshelf. Cover's a very shiny. Can I, can I, I'm going to ask you for a hint, you could decide whether or not to grant it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Is his first name initials? I'm going to say yes. Okay. He's good to say yes. I would and this is a clue that might be less helpful than I would it would and I would think it would be actually it's pretty it might be it will see we'll see this first name is initials that spell it a word related to perhaps America's favorite fictional character, just by coincidence, but the word is related to America's favorite fictional character possibly. Oh. Okay. Okay, so now I'm convinced it had to be a Chuckie cheese. That's right.
Starting point is 00:33:25 America's very fictional character. Charles entertainment cheese. Fictional. I'm gonna say CE Griffin. I'm sorry, it's web Griffin. W-E-B Griffin. Right. That fictional character, of course, Spider-Man,
Starting point is 00:33:39 the greatest character in fiction in all of literature ever. Take that. Oto C.S. Okay. Yeah. Yes. Spider-Man knows how to find his way home as evidence by the movies we saw.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Yeah. That was such a rude taunt to tell him there was no way home. It was very inaccurate too. Very inaccurate. I know. It really feels like it motivated him. How would, now I really want to see a version of the Odyssey where it's Spider-Man instead
Starting point is 00:34:05 of Odysseus and you just weapon that Cyclops in the eye. You know, up in Maine. But it goes down to Hades to talk to Uncle Ben. Yeah. Up in Maine that move is called Spider-Man. You can't get there from here. Thank you, Dan. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Yeah. Good work. Good work. Really strong. Dan, like some of work. Good work. Really strong. Dan, like some of us. Stephen King's listening to this right now and he's like fucking Neil. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Yeah. Yeah. Some rough beast stirred himself from his ages lumber to deliver that that Xanger against Maine. It's more of a nod to their sort of local dry sense of cranky humor. Oh, yeah. Sure. Of sure you're sure we understand it was it no it but thank you for for it for a lot of
Starting point is 00:34:50 dissecting the joke i mean it might have landed a little bit better if uh... if i said you know immediately and not after an error uh... but who's to say who's to say i don't know what to say. I'm going to possibly go on over any better than that. There's no way I've gone to quote, quote, check, wait, who's to say?
Starting point is 00:35:10 Who's to say? Who's to say? Yeah. Who's to say? So this one, okay, okay, that one was closed. Okay. That was closed. This is going to be even closer. It tries to create, because just because I knew I fucking the guy had to, all you have to do is spying.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Yeah. And it's all like the kernel, you know, and stuff like that. Yes. Yes. They're all police officers in the army or something. I don't know. I've never read them, but my dad goes crazy for him. If my dad was a girl, those books would be a sharp-tressed man because he goes crazy for
Starting point is 00:35:38 him. Oh, wow. Yeah. Alternately, if the book was a girl, it would have legs because certainly it knows how to use them to walk over to my dad and make it read the book. That was in quite a while. Okay. I'm just trying to get as many 80s. As the British would say, ZZ top sounds. And as you say, sometimes your dad would double back on books that he'd read before. your dad would double back on books that he'd read before. He enjoyed so much. He do the tube steak book.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Yeah, I also thought those books had a real touch on. It's amazing how my wedding songs. It's easy to talk responsibly. It's it's it's got it's like such a funny combination of just the most the most extremely proficient guitar playing and the dumbest subject for every song. Anyway, I'm sure this big ZZ Top fans out there, I apologize. Anyway. Yeah, she wants a Pearl necklace, Elliot. That's the name of the song. Anyway, I didn't make it. No, I know you didn't. I know you didn't. It was those bearded gentlemen. So, okay, you're going to get this one. Anyway, so you're gonna get this one. 70 second attorney general of the United States,
Starting point is 00:36:49 he served under Jimmy Carter. Stuart? Oh, you're phoning a friend? Okay, yeah, you get- What was that reaction, just now? Yeah, you get- A microphone? You get one phone a friend,
Starting point is 00:37:01 but it has to be a friend who's already on the Zoom call because the budget is tight for this shit. Say it one more time, Elliot. Stewart responded as if he were front row. It is easy top concert. They just started playing Tush. Just listen to her at home. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:37:15 So 70 second attorney general of the United States served under president James Carter. I would say attorney general Griffin. Okay. Well now, okay, that's his suggestion. Griffin, are you going to take that suggestion? Again, then it would this is turning out into a game I called Hollywood Griffs. Like Hollywood squares, but with Griffin. So are you going to take that one or you're going to say yes or no? Well, right. I mean, I basically feel like 50-50 chance. Stuart's answer covers me. I earn clad if Griffin's the last name and not the first. Yes, but that's a, again, like you're saying, that's a 50-50 risk.
Starting point is 00:37:54 It's a 50-50 risk. Yeah, especially since this is not really a game of chance, but a game of knowledge based on a real piece of information. So there's no luck involved. I'm chancin' it pretty hard. I'm gonna say attorney general Griffin. I'm so sorry his name is Griffin Bell. So it would be a attorney general bell. Oh, I'm so sorry. You know what? I wasn't I wasn't I wasn't gonna pull this one out. Oh, I feel but I feel like you need a win. So I'm just gonna say,
Starting point is 00:38:25 so I'm just gonna say American, we're Wolf and London. What are you gonna say? Griffin done. Okay, you got it. You got one. Fantastic. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Okay, you can send Griffin a home game version. Yeah, just he needed to get at least two right or else the home game would be denied to him. And so he would just get a sticker that said, I got my grift got on this that your griffings. I got great. Great job. The picture of a great yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Nailed it. Yeah, we were going to get, we're going to get stickers that were branded for the show, but it was expensive. So we just took some from a teacher's desk. Uh huh. This one also says big cheese. get stickers that were branded for the show, but it was expensive. So we just took some from a teacher's desk. Uh-huh. This one also says big cheese. It's got a cheese on it. Uh-huh. Apple of my eye. Yeah, yeah, it's got an apple on it.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Yeah. And that was a good bulk price for scratch and sniff. I think this was a smart purchase for you. Yeah. Oh, thanks. Thank you. So let's get, let's go on to the next one. We only got a few left. This one. Now, this one's, this one, I think you was a smart purchase for you. Yeah, oh, thanks. Thank you. So let's keep, let's go on to the next one. We only got a few left.
Starting point is 00:39:27 This one, now this one's, this one, I think you'll get it. And also because I mentioned it earlier, okay, game show, magnet, Merv Griffin. Merv Griffin, right. This one, I normally would have said it was a shoe in, but the way you've been playing this game, I'm not so sure, okay.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Oh, poorly, yeah, can you do this? Can you do this Griffin, play the part not so sure. Okay. Oh, poorly? Yeah, can you do this? Can you do this, Griffin? Played the part of Arthur on the tick. Oh, fuck. I know the guy. Wow, can I ask for a hint? Uh, here's another hint.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Also known for the role of Wado. Okay. So it's not Andy succumbed from the Phantom Menace. Which failed version of the tick was this? Which? This was the canceled before it's crime. This is the, this I'm going to, I'm going to let you clarify. Of the two of the two failed live action versions of the tick, this was the more recent one. The one that, the one that many cases had more of a shot. And yet, more recent one. The one that the one that
Starting point is 00:40:25 many cases had more of a shot. And yet, yes, Griffin, you got it right. Griffin, Griffin , Griffin, Griffin. Yeah. Also known, of course, for playing Wadam. And Pip, Pip, the chip monk. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Pip, the chip monk, like the chip, I wasn't going to name all of Griffin's roles. No, I know. I'm a man. Griffin'm here to promote these kindly. PIP the chipmunk. And America's got pip fever. It's just topical. Yeah. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Have you seen any pip action figures out in the wild yet? Oh, no. I have or branded merch. I have the Google alerts set. I do the search on shop Disney twice a day. I have asked the Disney market department. There have been no clear answers yet. I have asked the Disney market department. There have been no clear answers yet. I'm waiting. I'm waiting. I have, I successfully bought what limited PIP merchandise there was from the first movie, which I was not the voice of PIP in that movie.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Who was the voice of PIP in the first one? If not you. Great question. Yeah, great question. In the first movie, P Pip essentially is two voice actors because for those who are not familiar with the first and chanted, shame on you if you're not. A delightful film. It's like a dish out of water comedy where she's a Disney classic sort of hand-drawn Disney princess and princess jazel from the Kingdom of Andalasia. She's got a lot of fun animal friends and she gets pushed by an evil witch through a well and lands in real New York City where life is tough. And in the opening animated prologue, the first 10 minutes of the film, voice actor named Jeff Bennett, who's an incredible
Starting point is 00:41:56 voice actor who voiced Johnny Bravo among many other characters. Johnson Bravo. Yeah. He's one of the most prolific voice over actors of our time. He played Pip for like the three or four lines of dialogue that are at the beginning of the film. And he did like sort of a New York tough guy voice and then they pitched it up and sped it up. And then when Pip falls through the well and comes to the real world, in the real world, animals can't talk.
Starting point is 00:42:24 So he loses his voice. And for the rest of the movie, Pip just squeaks a bunch and sort of tries to pantomime to warn everyone about the stakes of the film. And the squeaking is voiced by a man named Kevin Lima, who is an animator and directed the first enchanted film. So there were two different voices and they thought, what if we find someone
Starting point is 00:42:48 who already sounds like a New York chipmunk and we save money and post by not having to speed him up or pitch him up? Wow. And that's what brought you to our doorstep. Exactly. Well, it's great. I'm glad you finally were able to tell the audience about disenchanted, about Piff the Chipmunk because that means you've unlocked our final round, which is a bonus game. It's called, ain't that a Pip?
Starting point is 00:43:15 And in ain't that a Pip, you have to name the actors who have voice acted, characters named Pip. Okay, okay. Let's see if you're ready for it because let's see. There's a lot. There's we know you know the enchanted movies as you make so clear. I bet you have them written down. The people from the enchanted movie. Yeah. No. Okay. I don't get points for that. I'll give you, you know, I'm gonna give you, I'm gonna give you what I call professionalism points. I was gonna say plug points proper respect to my forebearers points.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Yeah, all those things, all those things. Yeah, respecting your elders, standing on the shoulders of giants points. That's what you get. Knowledge of the lineage points. Because this, this is a one question bonus round. I think you're gonna get it. Ain't that a PIP. Can you name the voice actor who played PIP the troll, and also name the movie that that character appears in.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Pip the troll. Pip the troll. Pip the troll. And also name the movie that appears in. Pip the troll. Pip the troll. Voices, Pip the troll. Pip the troll.
Starting point is 00:44:23 I might have a guess for this one, If a troll, can I honest one? Well, here's the, here's the thing. Do you want a clue or do you want to pass on to Dan? That's called a Dan pass. You're allowed one of those per game also. No, no, I was only going to do it if it didn't, you know. Well, would you like it? Would you like a clue first?
Starting point is 00:44:42 Dan doesn't want to help. He wants to steal. I was going to say he's got,. He wants to steal. I was gonna say. He's got, he's got, he's got gold in his eyes. I see. Huh. Dan, you're stroking your beard. You're looking off into the distance.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Deep in thought. Maybe I could, I could hazard a guess about the movie. And then if it's correct, maybe that. Okay, okay, I'm going to use the damn pass. Okay. Is this, is this from a troll in Central Park? Oh, no, I'm so sorry. Okay. Dan, he passed the pip, the troll to you and you fumbled it to the ground, it shattered
Starting point is 00:45:19 into a million pieces and now you got to put it back together with the glue before I get home and find out it's broken. Why did I soak this troll and liquid nitrogen? It's frozen troll. Okay, pip the troll. The troll. It does. So what kind of glue? What kind of clue would you prefer? Would you rather have the gear that this movie came out? Or would you rather have a clue about the source material movie came out, or would you rather have a clue about the source material that this character was taken for? I would rather have a clue about the source material. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Pip the troll was created by Jim Starlin. Oh, shit. I know. I know. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This is a first.
Starting point is 00:46:01 I thought it was going to be in reanimator, but that's wrong. Then I thought it was in things to do in Denver when you're dead. That's wrong. Then I thought it was in the canyons also wrong. But I think we finally figured it out. Who can forget the breakout character from America's favorite blockbuster? Of course, Pip the troll was voiced by Patton Oswald and the uncredits scene of a turn-als. Yes, you're right. Exactly right. Pipped the troll, best known to comics fans to the side thing to Adam Warlock, a character slated to appear, I guess in the next Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Yeah. Not a Jim Starland
Starting point is 00:46:34 creation, but a character that Jim Starland really put his mark on as flop-puzzle listeners will know if they listen to the second of the two, Elliot explains Adam Warlock episodes. The first one, of course, was hijacked by Tom Brogaw to talk about the recent Dune film. But Griffin, you've got full points from that. Oh, thank God. And that raises the race.
Starting point is 00:46:52 What I love is the, what I love is that was definitely a moment when many of our listeners, I'm sure, knew the answer and are mad at us. Yeah, very much so. Very mature. You don't forget a great character like Pip, the troll. He's one of the few teleporting trolls to be loosely based on Jack Kirby's appearance. And you don't forget a character like that.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Everyone's well. He also, he fucks up my SEO on voice of Pip in Disney film. Yeah. That's really cool. Sorry to bring that up. Sorry to remind you about that. But no, it's fine. Griffin, you played a great game.
Starting point is 00:47:25 You knew those new men. So you got some of the griffins and you really got some of them picked that pit. I picked that pit. Yeah, and especially after Dan. So thoroughly tried to mislead you, which was a really really tricky thing to do. That was the kind of thing you do on a reality show because you're not there to make friends. You're there to win, right Dan? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Doing it for your family. Uh, yeah, you're there to win, right Dan? Mm-hmm. Doing it for your family. Yeah, I was gonna say, it's also just embarrassing, you know, that you would try to lead me astray as if I didn't know the Charles Nelson Raleigh was the voice of Lord, the King consort of Queen Norgana. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's Lord F. Leachman was Norgah,
Starting point is 00:48:02 the evil queen of the horse. You can turn anything to stone with her thumb. The course leechman, yeah. And Dom Delewies, we all know, was the voice of Stanley a troll with a magical green thumb that can grow plants. Look, I mean, it's a Don Bluth film, right? So Don Delewies is gonna be in there.
Starting point is 00:48:16 It's like, yes, yeah. You're gonna have a little Don Delewies of the best friends. Wee's laughing away. Don and Don, they were the party boys of LA for a while together. You could always find them at the sneak bit. You know, when I was a kid, like I didn't find Dom Deli's funny, which seems like the perfect time to find Dom Deli's funny, but now that I'm a middle-aged man, I kind of
Starting point is 00:48:38 find him funny just because the man is working so goddamn hard all the time. You respect him. You don't think it's that funny, but damn it, you respect him. Yeah. Hi, I'm Jackie Cation. Hello, I'm Laurie Kimmerton. We do a podcast called the Jackie and Laurie Show. You could listen to it anytime you want it because there's hundreds of episodes.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Yeah, I mean, we've been doing comedy forever and we should both quit. So why don't you listen to me before we leave this not only terrible business with this awful world and find out why we can't because we love it so. Jackie and Laurie show every week you're on Hi, it's Jesse Thorne, the founder of MaximumFun. I am breaking into this programming to say, thank you to Maximum's members. Your purchases in this year's post-Max Fund Drive patch sale
Starting point is 00:49:42 raised over $50,000 for Trans Lifeline. Maybe you already know about the good work that Trans Lifeline does. If you don't, they're a Trans Run organization that offers direct emotional and financial support to Trans People in Crisis. If you want to learn more about the Work Trans Lifeline does or support them further, go to TransL Thanks for supporting Maximum Fun. Thanks for supporting trans lifeline and thanks for being awesome people who want to do good in the world.
Starting point is 00:50:15 The Flopass is sponsored in part by Lumilabs. You've probably heard about micro dosing. If you're not, just know that all sorts of people are microdosing daily to feel healthier and perform better and are shown today. As I said, is partially sponsored by microdose chemis, which deliver perfect entry level doses of THC that help you feel just the right amount of good. Now, Dan, what would be an imperfect level of THC to help you feel just the right amount of good? Well, you know, I mean, you'd an imperfect level to make you feel just right amount of good. I like if you had a lot of it, you'd probably feel phased out and maybe a little tired. I don't know about that. I feel tired enough as it is in my daily life. But at this level,
Starting point is 00:51:01 I don't know about that. I feel tired enough as it is in my daily life. But at this level, it's just sort of a mood booster, creativity, enhancer. Like that. What if there was too little in there? What would happen if there was too little? There's too little, you probably just would be like, what's going on? I'm not feeling anything. You know, I hate some of the angry, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:20 I would be happy of saying that. It's a great impression of me having had too little, yeah. So, say that man. No trouble. Yeah, I'm the penguin of an awesome energy Robinson. Yeah. Okay, shut up because this is the part where I read it verbatim. Microdose is available nationwide. To learn more about microdose and THC, go to and use code flop, F-L-O-P, to get free shipping and 30% off your first
Starting point is 00:51:47 order. Links can be found in the show description. But again, that is code flop. And we're also sponsored in part by Squarespace, the all-in-one platform for building your brand and growing your business online. Stand out with a beautiful website and engage with your audience and sell anything, your products, content, you create, and even your time. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Wait, Stuart, will you say, I'll get to my point, Stuart. I was going to say you could put together a website that lists
Starting point is 00:52:23 all the famous griffins, as well as all the famous newmins. Yeah. And you said I could sell anything. Anything. Could I sell like like a like a yedi? Yes. A yedi. A dragon.
Starting point is 00:52:36 A bad dragon. A bad dragon. Next story. You know what? A basilisk. This is my fault for not for an unclear phrasing. You can sell anything that exists in the world. Oh, that I already have.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Okay. That is a quick thing. I couldn't sell like a magic bean that when you eat it, you can change shape to be any member of the three stuages except for curly. Well, you know what, you probably could sell it in the sense that you could claim that that is the thing, but then you'd be committing fraud. That's unconnected. That's not a proof of fraud. That's not a proof of fraud.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Using the products, you know, like that's a problem on your own. So, if I'm going to illustrate, I can set up a website where I can do just about anything that's within the bounds of the law and the laws of reality. Yes, that's, wow. That's true. Wow. You can sell your products in an online store, whether you sell physical or digital products, Squarespace has the tools you need to sell online.
Starting point is 00:53:39 You can create pro-level videos with the Squarespace Video Studio app, which helps you make and share engaging videos to tell your story, grow your audience, and drive your sales, and you can display posts from your social profiles on your website. Automatically, push website content to your favorite social media channels so your followers can share it to. That's why, if any of this interest to you, you should head to slash flop for free trial and when you are ready to launch use offer code flop to save 10% off your first purchase
Starting point is 00:54:15 of a website or domain. Can I ask you guys this you know we do this little game on on the blank check podcast the box office game right try to guess the top five moves the box option the weekend office from the weekend of the film that we're discussing. Yeah, you're very good at it. And I just was, I went on to the Troll and Central Park Wikipedia page, just randomly after I listed those character names.
Starting point is 00:54:35 And I knew those, and then I just felt like looking at the Wikipedia page. Yeah, yeah, really. Do you three gentlemen want to wager guesses as to the final domestic box office gross of a troll in Central Park? This is not opening weekend. This is the final total domestic total box office after it's after it's complete eight to nine month run in first run theaters in the United States. I'm going to put I'm going to put in a bid. I'm going
Starting point is 00:55:02 to say it's not you're buying when you buying a troll in central. Are you buying it? I'm going to make a guess at the down blew the state's fail. I'm going to say it topped out at 360,000. Okay. Great. Yes. Stuart Elliott, either of you on a wager, I guess. I'm going to say 205,000.
Starting point is 00:55:21 There's a wild back tickets, Rulli cheaper. October 7th, 1924 film was one hour and 16 minutes long. Of course, the time is a weird run time. That means I can cut more shilling than the prices. It does, but it also means half the tickets are like half price. Yeah, you know, yeah, that's true. So, what do you want to wait for your guess? We have one guest in the 300,000, one guest in the 200,000. I'm gonna, I'm, you know, what, I'm going to be optimistic. I'm going to say 400,000s. I'm gonna, you know what, I'm gonna be optimistic. I'm gonna say 400,000.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Wow. Can I redefine mine? I feel like the lower numbers are staked out. I'm gonna say $700 million. I'm gonna say it was the number one film of that year. Well, Elliot, of course, I should have said we're doing prices right rolls, highest going over close without going over sorry rather. But it's a shame because otherwise all of you were very far off. The final domestic total, $71,000. Wow. That's got to hurt to see that number. And know that your movie made it. Fewer than 10,000. But I didn't call him then. Fewer than that. Ten to thousand. But if you can call them then, a few four thousand than the runtime, the number of minutes in there. 76 minutes. They still, they didn't even make a thousand dollars per minute of film.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Oh, no, no. Not gonna budget here, but my guess is higher than 71,000 dollars. That reminds me of the time, I think I've talked about this on the show before, but probably if I did, everyone's probably forgotten it because it's kind of boring, that I learned that the Chinese movie, Devils on the Doorstep,
Starting point is 00:56:54 grossed $20,000 during its American release. And I was like, I saw that movie. So I must have been one of like 1,500 people that saw it in the entire United States. And I felt like I was in a little club. A very exclusive club. Yeah. A very exclusive club of people who decided to go on opening night to see it at the film
Starting point is 00:57:11 forum to see this Chinese import that the New York Times made it sound like it was a dark comedy. It was not a comedy at all. It was a very serious movie. Were you alone in the theater or were there other people? There was a small sprinkling of people. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Were there as many people as there were when I saw the premiere of Cowards Ben the knee and Guy Madden showed up to introduce in person. I think there was probably less than 15 people in the audience. Wow. I think there were not that many, but there were still a few. There's a small sprinkling of people. You know what they, what they say about troll and social park, right? Who would have used that troll?
Starting point is 00:57:44 You know, of course I do, but can you enlighten our listeners? Yeah, of course. I'm sorry to bore the listeners with the thing they already know that I'm about to just appear on my only approximately 7,000 people ever saw troll and central park in theaters, but every single one of them went on to write a great rock album. Yeah, you know, it's funny that there's been so much troll in Central Park talk. Because I remember very distinctly voting for Don
Starting point is 00:58:14 Bluth and you guys as brackets and for what to cover. And Marie Barney being on Twitter being like, why are you, why are you not cases voting for Tom Bluth? And I'm like, look, I would love to hear this. Like when is anyone gonna talk about Tom Bluth to the degree that I want to hear about, yes, talk about Tom Bluth. And look, one of the more interesting
Starting point is 00:58:39 kind of rise in fall film careers. Yeah. Oh, I mean, from literally like the Golden Boy at Disney, you know. Yes. Yes. But this is interesting. As long as we were talking about a troll in Central Park, at a training episode that probably should have ended some time ago, I decided to look up a gnome named Norm
Starting point is 00:58:58 because I got a name in the shirt. Only now learning that was not an animated film, but a live action film. Okay. What was that disgusting animatronic creation? It was someone in a costume. It looks like it was directed by Stan Winston. Oh, geez.
Starting point is 00:59:15 But voice voiced by Rob Paulson, the great voice actor Rob Paulson, who played Arthur on the Tik-Tik. Oh, was he? He was Arthur on the Tik-Tik. That's he, he was Arthur on the Tikka tune, that's right? He was two voices. It was a class of... Mickey Dolan's eventually started it. Mickey Dolan's was season one and then Rob Paulson took over, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:59:33 I forgot how disgusting the no-name-born-look. This is a movie I only knew by title and I'm only realizing now, but it is, it's an amazing cast of the movie. I mean, because that's a fucking banger of a title, right? That is a name that sticks in your head forever. Yeah, and we have to be on your deathbed, and that'll still be in there. For people who...
Starting point is 00:59:53 I have to assume the only movie where Jerry Orback and Robert Zedar are in the same cast. And it's very important that I, you know, for people who are listening to this and may not have ever seen a nomnamed norm written out, there is a G before norm. So yeah, that's the joke. That's the joke.
Starting point is 01:00:11 I tell everybody. Yeah, but if you're hearing it, you don't know. You don't know that the full, the full, brilliant, and nomnamed, good norm or a good, nomnamed, good norm. Right. So how you pronounce things. I, uh, uh, the Wikipedia says a nomnamed norm, also known in some markets as upworld. Right, father. I would say that I would say that I would say that I would say that I would say that I would say that I would say that I would say that I would say that I would say that I would say that
Starting point is 01:00:34 I would say that I would say that I would say that I would say that I would say that I would say that I would say that I would say that I would say that I would say that I would say that I would were the hilarious known with the GN norm with the G wouldn't play quite the same way. Interesting. I didn't, sorry, I mean, you probably said this before when you said it was live action, but this is so much more interesting than I assumed a known name norm would be. Now I kind of want to see it. The fact that it's directed by Stan Winston is about a cop who teams up with a gnome to solve a murder. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:01 I was, and you know, you see the pictures of norm, I'm assuming is the name. I mean, the title says it all. And you're like, wow, he's really hairy and strange looking. What does his whole body look like? And when you see his whole body, it just asks more questions. Now, now you may be asking yourself, was a gnome named, a gnome named, a gnome written and produced by the same man who wrote and produced Robin Hood Prince of thieves? Well, yes, of course it was. Of course it was. And did that same man also supervise the fight montages in Rocky 2? Yes, of course, we all know that. Yeah. Wow. This is like a Brian Fraud fell asleep while drawing. I think I like the Spanish name, Nomo Cop, the most.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Oh, Jesus. I'm realizing I absolutely have been picturing a different movie in my head when I have heard a name norm. Yeah, I thought there were some early 90s Disney Channel rotation movie in which there's like some kind of troll in an office. There's a visual I have of like a little person with an animatronic head or maybe a lot
Starting point is 01:02:11 of prosthetic makeup wearing a suit but they have like furry hobbit feet and some sort of like Brian Froude face but not as terrific as this. Yeah. The buddy cup anti-micohal thing this was not what I had in mind. No, and in case you were wondering if this came out that the same year that the same cinematographer had King of New York directed by Abel Farahra came out, yes, it was the same cinematographer same year. Thank you for answering all these questions. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 01:02:39 is that the... Is that what I'm thinking of? I'm waiting for like one of your listeners to eventually write in and tell me what this movie is that I'm thinking of. Maybe it is. I'm going to do a quick search for a known movie. The poster of the known movie has a tall tale about little people. It says they cut a timber tycoon down to size.
Starting point is 01:02:58 And it's, you know, some people like doing like a Harrison Ford point at some gnomes. This looks very, uh, W gillison, the little people. Yeah. It's just small people. It's just actor shrunk down using the magic of movies. Yeah. As opposed to a horrific gnome with a scary face. Right.
Starting point is 01:03:18 And I'm picturing a slightly cuter name gnome in a suit. Yeah. Sitting behind a desk. What is this movie? I'm thinking I'm going to please write it. slightly cuter name gnome in a suit. Yeah. Sitting behind a desk. What is this movie I'm thinking? Someone please write it. I can, I know I can see it too. I see like the VHS cover of this thing.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Yeah. Okay, well that's the cliffhanger that I think we should end on. Uh huh. Hole in office movie. You know what I'm finding? I'm finding a VHS box for Upworld, which has English text on the front says Casey's a cop, Nomes, a Noem's a Noem together the long and short arm of the law. So I was wrong. That's not the foreign title. They just decided, I guess
Starting point is 01:03:53 to I guess maybe they thought they could fool some people at the video store into thinking it wasn't a norm, a noem named norm that they were, that they were renting. Wow. Sure. Was there something that you wanted to? Yeah. Yeah. So, so thanks so much for joining us, Griffin. This has been great. My pleasure.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Always a pleasure. This, this mini is part of the Flappas podcast. And thank you so much for listening. We're on the Maximum Fun Network. It's produced by Alex Smith. Thank you, a bunch. And bye. And welcome back. Welcome to this podcast.
Starting point is 01:04:35 This is the kind rewind, the podcast where we recap Dan and Stewart going out to dinner with actor Richard Kind. I'm your host, Stuart Wellington, joining me is Dan McCoyne. We have two guests as well. We got LA, Kaylyn, Griffin Newman. Hey, everybody, Dan, so what do you think of that food? It's very, very, very nice, very nice, very nice evening. But I think what people are really looking for
Starting point is 01:04:57 to the meat of this podcast that is not the meat of the meal because that was actual meat. But the meat of the podcast, of course, is what did you think of actor Richard K Kind? Well, I'll tell you something. I've never seen so much pure joy in someone's face and never taken so much joy and so much reaction as when for whatever reason, Audrey mentioned us going on the avatar amusement park ride and Richard Kine's face getting super serious and super enthuse saying, that's the best ride. And just like the intensity and clear love for the avatar ride was delightful to see.
Starting point is 01:05:39 I just want to say that both of you texted me while you were at dinner with Richard Kine to tell me that you were at dinner with Richard Kine. Well, you know, when you're at, when you have dinner with someone at the level of a Richard Kine, you got a letter of window. I would have done the exact same thing in your position. Of the people in my life, I'm like, Griffin really wants to know this. Yeah, and I believe my response was, this is the third time someone has independently brought up Richard Kind to me today. He's on everybody's lips. There's one name on everybody's lips and it's kind. It had happened in two in-person conversations hours apart the same day that both of you then texted me
Starting point is 01:06:25 and said, we're at dinner with Richard Kine right now. Yeah. What a dream. And for me, it was quite, it was really great to watch my man, Dan McCoy chatting up about theater stuff with Richard Kine. Smiles all around. A lot of love. Yeah, so this has been the kind of rewind.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Thanks so much for tuning in. Bye! Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Stewart, I think you showed such restraint in not bringing that bit at any point when we were just talking about no movies. Ha-ha-ha!
Starting point is 01:07:00 The trick is, I forgot about it for a minute. Comedy and Culture Artists-owned, audience supported. The trick is, I forgot about it for a minute. Comedy and Culture Artist-owned, audience supported.

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