The Flop House - Flop House Promotional Movie Minute

Episode Date: June 2, 2017

Just a little note and some goofery about our live show. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know guys, I'm moving to California. This is Ellie, Kaelin, by the way. I'm talking here with Dan McCoy and Stuart Wellard. I started addressing you guys, but I kind of addressed the listeners too. Okay, I want to undress the listeners. Dan, that's that revolved sense of humor I'm going to miss when I moved to California. You know, I'm moving to Los Angeles, the city of angels, true west, as they call it. And I, it just makes me sad. I'm gonna miss New York. And I kind of wanna see as many people as I can
Starting point is 00:00:35 before I go. Uh-huh, like one last big blowout where we're all gonna get laid. Well, I mean, I'm married so I'm consistently laid quite a bit. Well, braggied. If anything else. I know you're a secret. If anything, a little a bit. Well, oh, braggies. If anything else. If anything a little too much, it's just like a non-stop sexual hot house.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Anyway, but besides that, hey, why don't we throw some shows at the bell house in Brooklyn? Maybe, maybe, maybe the last shows we'll do in New York for quite some time for the foreseeable future even. Yeah, who knows what life will bring. Possibly, possibly California will fall into the ocean the minute I sit foot there, or a North Korean missile will nuke the whole city of angels to West Korea.
Starting point is 00:01:16 I was worried about that, Elliot. Well, there's been a lot more saber rattling from North Korea, and it's right when my good friend, Elliot Kaylin is gonna go to Los Angeles. They can't throw a saber in Los Angeles. And if they do, it might hit somebody else who lives closer to beach. Yeah, it's rattling.
Starting point is 00:01:31 So many of these are tightening up that saber. Yeah, put it in a sheath or a hilt, or what do they call it? What do you put a saber in? Oh, a scabber. You're a scabber. Thank you. You're a good.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Put it in a scabber or enemy's guts. That's a tighter fit. The point is, what do you say, on June 9th, 2017, 69 itself, we do two shows at the Bell House. One of them will already be sold out, but the other one at 10 p.m., La Pous, after Darklet's call it, maybe let's have some tickets still be available so that people can get one last taste of Elliott in the flesh.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Please don't eat me for real. What's for? Before I leave for heaven or as it's also known, Los Angeles. And listen guys, we added the second show for you. Don't make fools of us by not selling it out. That's right guys. Dan, thanks for making the subtext text. We've got another show, a late show added on June 9th at the Bell House.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Our first show is sold out, but our later show where we're going to be talking about a little movie called 50 Shades Darker. 50 Shades Darker. I think what happened is people just want me to watch 50 Shades Darker for no reason. I mean, there's always a reason to watch 50 Shades Darker so that Dan has a legitimate excuse to look at butts. And we want you to help enable him and enable me to feel better before I leave to for California, the West Coast of America.
Starting point is 00:02:55 And so, that's the California going to, that's not even spelled right. That's how scary it is. So June 9th at the Bell House in Brooklyn, it's gonna be one last hurrah for the time being for me and for these guys on the Bell House stage, unless they do like a two-man show called like Flapp House minus one, which actually you guys should do would be hilarious.
Starting point is 00:03:17 We have a rotating guest host each time, and it really takes some of the pressure off of me to do remote recording for the show. Anyway, we'll talk about it later. Yeah, that's a great idea. But until then, but I still get the same amount of, of like, uh, profit sharing, right? Anyway, so until then, this will be our last New York
Starting point is 00:03:32 Harrah for the time being for a live podcast recording. And so June 9th at the Bellhouse, we want to see you there for that 10 o'clock show, 50 Shades Darker. We promise you don't have to watch the movie ahead of time if that's what's stopping you. Yeah, and if you're, you know, you're a total nasty freak and you want to watch both those movies, triple X, return as the intercade. The first movie we're going to talk about. And 50 shades darker. The second movie we're going to talk about.
Starting point is 00:03:54 You can come to Hinerland's bar the night before, where I'm going to be watching them back to back for some dumb reason. And I'll probably be pretty drunk. So... If you don't have a ticket to this 10 o'clock bellhouse show, you have no excuse to go hang out with drunk Stewart at Hinterlands. And you don't have to spend money on the movies that way. You don't have to even like, if you really want to see you don't have to spend money on that, you can spend all your money on delicious booze. And do you have anything you want to add? Nothing other than not understanding the legalities of Stewart running an unlicensed movie theater, but let's not get into that.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Yeah, we'll delete this episode and edit that part out. It's very use, it's very use. You'll be commenting on it for news purposes, right? All right. Yeah, yeah, it's a review show. It's parody. He's substantially changing the material. Anyway, Bellhouse show, go to what's the Bellhouse's website, Dan?
Starting point is 00:04:44 It is the That's the bellhouse new the bellhouse ny. No, not the bellhouse new I'm just the url is bellhouse the bellhouse is the bellhouse Just clarifying what ny stands for. Oh, thanks buddy. Much appreciated. What does much appreciate what is calm stand for communications now it's has for commercial because that's what this was thanks everybody by that was a lot of you for java and I think I'll enjoy it I hope so and we'll be back next week with a regular episode we're still rolling apparently we're always still rolling at the flop house. Thanks everybody.
Starting point is 00:05:26 June 9th at the Bell House. Mm-hmm.

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