The Flop House - The Flop House: Awards Floptacular 2013!

Episode Date: March 8, 2013

0:00 - 0:32 - Floptacular introduction and theme.0:33 - 27:59 - A discussion of this year's Academy Awards. Remember when those were on? Like three weeks ago? Anyone?28:00 - 34:50 - We give out the prestigious awards in Hollywood, The Floppies.34:51 - 47:34 - A special year-in-review run of recommendations.47:35 - 59:37 - Flop House Movie Mailbag59:38 - 1:01:00 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 It's the fifth annual awards, FlopTacular! Hey everyone, welcome to the flop house, I'm Dan McCoy, and I'm Stuart Wellington. And I'm Elliott, which one? Elliott K. Not Elliott Gould, unfortunately. Good one, classic Elliot, you're good. Classic Elliot, yeah. Is that time of year again, the time for everyone's least favorite episode of the flop house? Our annual Regrets and Shame episode.
Starting point is 00:00:56 What are you most regretful about this year? I regret putting that mogul in the ski slope that busted Dan's knee. Wait, what? Shhh. She weren't supposedhh, shhh, shhh, she weren't supposed to say that, and also that was gonna be mine. No, I've got nothing to talk about. What a weird twist ending that would be.
Starting point is 00:01:14 I put a mogul on your ski slope to steal your podcast away. What? But then I realized it was too much work, so I just let you keep doing it. Your original script for the Lady lady killers, I think. It was originally called the leg Steelers. Wait, I was trying to steal his leg, but fucking it up with a muggle. Because when you get his leg, you get his power.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I don't want to draw the curtain back too much, but this is the first episode after my knee surgery. Also Stewart has had a stressful day, so buck one for some laps. And I'm just tired. It stayed up too late last night watching the Academy Awards. Watching the 74th. 74,000th annual Academy Awards. They predate history.
Starting point is 00:02:01 In fact, it's now believed that the Venus of Villendorf was actually an early Oscar. There's awarded to best cave painting the La Scalp caves nowhere near Villendorf. So, you know, I don't know how they did it. Yeah, which brings us to the point today's episode. We don't have a movie. Whenever you're listening to it, so it will be the awards flop tag killer bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada bada b buy oh some t-shirt company i don't want to look at the tag for but i but but and look over here it's dan mccoy hobbling down the red carpet and whose crutches are you wearing this evening uh... they were issued to me by the hospital for special surgery but i did i did i that is what appears to be a striped at that yep it's a striped polo shirt from stripes
Starting point is 00:03:10 of Beverly Hills and i'm wearing this is a this is a true story the jeans bars carloff was buried in all right that that that that that that that that in the award. But it's the Flot-Tacular Awards! The 75th annual Flot-Tacular Awards of the Flop House is brought to you by Rolled Gold Pretzels. The Rolldeist ends the Goldist. If it's not gold, it might be Rolled Gold.
Starting point is 00:03:43 We haven't even gotten to that. And does soap made out of birds. You want to smell like a dead bird. Get does soap and Perk Plus. It's like Perk with something extra added to it. What is the plus? Shh, that's our surprise. It's a dandruff creator.
Starting point is 00:04:02 A vicious cycle. All those sponsors and more, ringing you to the flop awards, the flab tacklers, also known as the floppies, also known as the uscr followers. You're saying Lammers stands apartment theater. We don't we don't do enough characters normally, so I'm glad we're doing fun. We're doing funny bits. Hey, why who's that on the red carpet at the flak tabular? It looks like film star Daniel Craig Hello, hello, and who's this coming up to him? It's film star Clive Owen And it's singing songbird Adele
Starting point is 00:04:38 That's what Adele sounds He doesn't play by rules except for his own. That's true, the house gap had to get, he is chaotic neutral. He has to get to his seat. Oh, okay, Adele. That's a singer. That's our singer song last night. She did sing a song.
Starting point is 00:04:57 She went and asked her. She went and asked her. So Dan, what do we do on the flop, Tacular World? Well, aside from pretends, celebrities are here. Well, look, it's Michael Cain, everybody. It's me, Michael Cain. I have appeared in one movie this year, The Dark Knight Rises, which is about a night who is both dark and rising.
Starting point is 00:05:18 And look over there, that's James Cain. I'm sorry, James Conn. James Conn is the name. I'm so sorry. Don't go. No, don't go, sir. Oh, well. Good thing none of us can do a James Conn impression James Conn is the name. I'm so sorry. Don't go. No don't go sir. Oh well good thing None of us can do a James Conn impression. He got mad and left Traditionally that hasn't stopped everyone else we can't do impressions left good boy
Starting point is 00:05:34 They just keep showing up. Well look over there. It's pasta star chef boy R.D Well, I can't do it for this a year. It's a flop of tanky little wards Now you're not in the film business. No, but I've offend my fair share of a movie stars Thank you very much chef My best to Mrs. Boyard D So what do we do with these things then? Traditionally, let me refresh your your mind mind got through a whole sentence that time. It was because you were drinking water. Yeah, luckily you were there to jump in a pick up a slack before you got to half a paragraph regular listeners will perhaps remember that
Starting point is 00:06:14 We discuss the Academy Awards Program which we all watched yesterday and paid varying degrees of movies right? Yeah, yeah. It's it's the highest honor in the movie business other than making a hit movie that makes a lot of money. Having a successful career. Yeah. And then later on, who knows, we might give out a few of our own awards and talk about films that we like this last year. Yeah. I can think of three that
Starting point is 00:06:42 Stuart liked. At least this last year. Well, I mean, they're the same three he likes every year. So, Dan, what should we start with? Let's do the host. Let's host it up. The host of the... And now, the host of this year's Flapptechular Awards. Dank, McCoy! Ba-da-ba-ba-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da- Bada, ba, ba, ba, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da to contribute, actually, as in years past. Well, I watch the noisy bars.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Yeah, me too. I had a similar experience. I've discovered the secret to enjoying the Oscars, which is don't worry about tweeting or reading Twitter while you're watching the Oscars. I enjoyed it so much more, not feeling like I had to catch up on the jokes or send my own joke them up south.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Yeah, that's the secret I wish I had learned. I had always previously actually enjoyed just watching the Oscars. And then all of a sudden, sometime in the last couple of years, comedy people have become contractually obligated to tweet about award shows. To that everything.
Starting point is 00:07:59 So I felt I felt prayed of that urge and I was tweeting about it uh... and uh... i continue to read about it until such time as it came time to ice my leg and i disappeared from twitter mysteriously for thirty minutes uh... but uh... wait a straight to devil ever pulled his icing is like thirty minutes returning to twitter after thirty minutes because i have to say watching surely but it was like this is my experience last night.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Oh, this is a funny opening bit. Okay, it's going on a little too long, now I'm tired of it. But hey, now some awards, whatever, I'm having genuine reactions to them. Shirley Bassie, oh, this is great, I love this song. Oh, that's sad, that's right, I forgot Ralph McCwary died. Now I can mourn him positively. Oh, hey, look at this, some more awards. There was no, I didn't feel the need to snark it up about everything. I still did about some things. I thought the
Starting point is 00:08:47 fact that they'd attribute to the great musicals of the last 10 years, which is roughly three years more. Yeah, there's three, three musicals. There's three musicals and they didn't put in hairspray, I guess. And that was about it. I thought that was a... We'll repo the genetic opera. That would have been so great if they threw in the thing that we need to have or whatever of dreams of the people with genetic opera Paris Hilton just shows up perfect uh... you know i guess these things for a
Starting point is 00:09:16 recently started with the discussion of the host how did you guys feel about the host the movie the Korean movie uh... yeah it's amazing it's a good movie it could use more cgi monster though and fire it could be it could be it could be used more abrupt tonal shifts
Starting point is 00:09:34 i don't feel like it had a lot of it yeah i felt like he'd handled those better in uh... some of his other movies but anyway uh... so the host who is the host todd Mcfarlane creators on to you Do you know fear? That's my entire when I finally my time When I finally saw Todd McFarlane when like they he was doing those animated spawn intro. Yeah, like I was like
Starting point is 00:09:56 Oh, this makes sense. I get this guy now. I get why all of this things Other way they hyper need to be cool Because it oozes out of his greasy because he's so greasy cool greasy that's a bit much I think you mean to say it's Canadian okay not as greasy as old grease witherspoon who looks great last night grease I like to think grease witherspoon is literally a hobo who lives at a real yard and dreams of owning a diner. Somebody's never gonna achieve that dream. Oh, that's just old grease with spoon. Got any grease?
Starting point is 00:10:31 Will be. Grease with the spoon says to me like you know one of those porn stars who thinks that they need to name themselves after a famous actress but doesn't really understand the concept of what sexy like Charlie Chase the porn star named after a silent film comedian yeah so yeah it can be words so the host was Seth McFarlane creator of the family guy family of shows and I thought actually I thought for the most part he did a fine job it was a little too much singing and he was a little smirky but it's a thankless job I felt like And he was a little smirky, but it's a thankless job. I felt like he had some funny jokes and he left the stage for long periods of time
Starting point is 00:11:10 when he needed to. But there was just too much musical singing. It seemed like a weird move for a guy that I have this impression like wants to be like thought of as this edgy guy to some degree that like all I thought last night kind of was like oh you know this is in a couple years he could be a passable Ryan secrets. I think he there's there's two there's just me seem to be two competing sides to him there's the family guy Ted American dad side yeah and then there's the side that does concerts of Broadway musicals
Starting point is 00:11:44 yeah yeah like the classically trained like Hollywood type like classic Hollywood type guy And there's the side that does concerts of Broadway musicals. Yeah. Yeah, like the classically trained Hollywood type, like classic Hollywood type guy. And I mean, there's the, it seems like the move for him right now is to try to become a bigger star. Yeah. Which this is a platform for. I mean, I thought he was fine. I did think that he seemed to not have like as someone who has no background per se and like stand up or something like that.
Starting point is 00:12:09 He seemed to have trouble sometimes dealing with like if things weren't going. Yeah, he wasn't great at rolling with the punches. Yeah, and there were times when he was just like, Ha, live television folks, that's why you do it. You're saying it lives in this insulated bubble of Yes Men who were laughing at all of his jokes and wearing backwards baseball caps and Tiva sandals. I don't really know the person who said it at all. No, I just seem like he got a little sweaty,
Starting point is 00:12:37 maybe sometimes when things didn't go over. But, oh no, he was a funny guy. He was all right. Yeah, just the bits were too low I mean this is obviously it's the same thing you could say about a lot of family guy bits is the bit that whole opening bit with William Shattner with like the reviews from the future. Yeah, it was like it went on for what 15 minutes 20 minutes like that was crazy That was insanely long for poop Stereo and the fact that they had two songs during that, three if you count the boob song, like,
Starting point is 00:13:06 it was really- That went over like gangbusters. But like even the boob song was like a funny gag, but then they did like a whole song of it. Like it should have been like averse, you know. There was a lot of people singing whole songs during the Oscars when they could have gotten by with a verse in a chorus. Although this part of me- Exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Well like the fact that they sang the whole, all that jazz song, then the whole, I'm not going song, and then the whole, you know, I assume that's the whole year my friend, whatever song from Ted that they sang later in the show. And they did a lay miss medley. Like, it was just like, why are we singing all these songs? Why are we singing the whole song?
Starting point is 00:13:42 When Shirley Bassey sang Goldfinger, I kind of didn't expect her to do the entire song. Yeah, but that was the one great moment of the whole thing. That was like Kirk Douglas coming out. Well, no, I agree. Like seeing something you don't normally see. Yeah, and that's what I liked about it. And what I love about the Oscars when they do it right
Starting point is 00:13:59 is they have those things you don't normally see, whether it's stars you don't see together, or stars doing things you don't normally see, or real stars from the classic past coming back, that you don't see very much. But for every one of those moments, there was three where it was like, and now the whole cast of the movie Chicago, great, I don't give a shit. Who seemed to have been sort of falling out at some point. The movie that they didn't, it's not like they were excited to be around each other. No one cares about the movie Chicago. It won best picture and most people don't remember that. Yeah, sure. I just remember that it stole a best picture from one of Lurdering's
Starting point is 00:14:34 movies. Yeah, it's like I was it's like if you last year they could have done. It was the 40th anniversary of the Godfather I think right last year because it came out in 72 I think they could if they had gotten like a cast reunion of the godfather like alpacino and and uh Robert DeVolendine Keaton and James Khan and some of the other not Marlon Raidoff probably like that would have been amazing because that's a group of people that like you genuinely don't see together in it's a movie that is so established as one of the great movies, like, to get together the cast of Chicago, like, oh, there's René Zoegger and Richard Gear up on stage again with Queen Latifah, like, together again, finally, the class of 84. We got to enjoy the original breakfast club.
Starting point is 00:15:19 We got like the John Hughes tribute when they had a lot of a lot of the people from his movies like that was a special thing You got to see what had that they all age really I got to wait Yeah, I got to witness the moment where Renee's Olga's squinting shaded over into I problems And it's like to get the Chicago reunion is less exciting to me than if they'd gotten like a short circuit to reunion It's like for your Stevens and Mike McKeein and Johnny five. Yeah, like that would have been exciting to me. And now the guest of the circuit. Oh Johnny five died.
Starting point is 00:15:53 What? It's no. Didn't you were paying attention to the memorium section? He was in the in-memorium. Oh, if I was an Oscar producer, I wouldn't do it because I have too much respect for those people that I'd love to stick a fictional character into that immorium Just put gizmo in there And a dad died in the bath Oh, I wrote how ironic the place where he gives life I you know as someone who grew up though back in the time when like when dinosaurs run the earth. Yeah, when they take that guys two years older than me
Starting point is 00:16:33 When the Oscars were a lot more about pageantry I kind of enjoyed like seeing an old-style Oscars where she's like we're gonna throw a bunch of fucking musical numbers at you for no reason Well, I liked I liked because the pendulum had swung too far in the to the operation where it was just like this is going to be efficient. We're going to have an efficient Oscars. No one's going to get to talk. We're going to be out of here by 11. I did like that that it was not skurs that seem to understand like.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Come like the fact of the Oscars is not to get people. If anything, even excited about movies like the fact of the Oscars is to like have this big bullshit ceremony that goes on forever and does a lot of crazy stuff that you can't see anywhere else. And they didn't have the interpretive dancing to the scores stuff. Like, there were a few choices they made that were much more efficient. But then, they didn't make up for that by a lot of the things they added, weren't added value.
Starting point is 00:17:22 It was a long comedy bit. Right. And I felt like one of the better comedy bits Was the Von Trapp family introduction to Christopher Plummer and it went by very quickly like it was long for introduction It was a quick bit and it was about a movie people recognized it. There you go done. You're out, you know But instead but the all those musical numbers. I don't know. Like having Barbra Streisand there was something that I don't really care about, but I could tell was like a special moment, singing that song, and tribute to Marvin Hamlet.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Like that's a special moment even if I'm not a huge fan of hers. But some of the other stuff it was just like, I was like, who is enjoying this? Like the Barbra Streisand thing, I could tell who was enjoying it. Shirley Bassi, I was enjoying it. But some of the other things. Yeah, for a lot of the other stuff, the aforementioned Chicago, all that general thing. Well, it's just because like the dream girls things like we saw this, like a couple of years ago, it was like when Christoph Altsman for Best
Starting point is 00:18:15 Pointing Actor, I love him a lot, but it was like we saw this two years ago. Yeah, stop doing a repeat. The same basic character. It's, I mean, that's something to talk about. I feel like there. Let's move to talk about. I feel like there are. Let's move to the awards. You lost your points in your Oscar pool on that one, didn't you? I lost points on, I mean, I didn't win my Oscar pool at all.
Starting point is 00:18:32 I did very poor. I did very poor. That's what I wanted to talk about. Yeah, I was upset when they did the whole song from Dreamgirls. Anyway, let's talk about the awards. No, but I mean, I don't think anyone really expected Christophe bolts to win mean, like, there was some talk about it, but I, you know, like, that was kind of a surprise. I feel like I was disappointed. I mean, I like him, but I was disappointed that I wanted Robert DeNiro to win. I didn't think he was going to win, but I wanted him
Starting point is 00:18:56 to win. So yeah, I think I'm with you. A lot of, I think it was weighted towards Tom Ely Jones, but then there were people who were saying, oh, maybe DeNiro, because it's, it's been forever. And this is a great hotel. And he was really great, and it felt like it would be that kick in the pants to him to be like, you should be doing more of these. You should be doing less like bullshit comedy and horror movies that pay you a lot of money,
Starting point is 00:19:15 but you don't do anything in. But that was a surprise, like, Quentin Tarantino, I think winning was a surprise. The ang Lee winning was a big surprise. Was a surprise to me. I mean, I haven't seen that movie yet still, it looks so incredibly boring. But I've but if that was a surprise, they were the the what crouching tiger in dragon. Yeah, that's what he was. Well, they gave him the award in theory for life of pie, but I know it's just an apology award for Hulk. That's the award he was supposed to
Starting point is 00:19:41 get for Hulk, but he was nominated. Yeah, like a ride with a devil. I was happy that Jennifer Lawrence won. That's one that I was hoping for and was worried she was going to get shut out. I thought that was a really good performance. And she clearly didn't expect to win. And one of my favorite moments of the night was when they played the clips for Best Actress and they showed Jennifer Lawrence's clip
Starting point is 00:20:00 where she is nuts in that diner. And she does that great laugh. That is a crazy person pretending to be crazier than she is to make a point and revealing how crazy she is. And it cut back to Jennifer Lawrence and she looked at her face like, who the hell was that? Who was that crazy person? Who let her in? But what were the awards were you guys happy to see the winners for?
Starting point is 00:20:21 Aside from obviously you guys are big arc heads. I mean, I was happy that uh, Tarantino won. I mean, like that's a, I think that's it. It's an over long lumpy screenplay, but it's, it's a very original screenplay compared to it is the most original screenplay of ones that were nominated. All the other ones were cobbled together with like newspaper clippings. Yeah. This one was handwritten.
Starting point is 00:20:46 I mean, it's not like he needs the validation. And he's no one. He's no an alphabet. He's already, at this point, he's already established as I was disappointed. No, he just need the personal validation. Yeah. His head is big enough. We do not need to.
Starting point is 00:20:58 I was hoping that that moon rice kingdom would win for that, but I knew they wouldn't. So, understandably so. Yeah. It's a West Anderson movie. Yeah. We will never. I had a conversation with a former flop house guest host, Brock Mayhan once, where we were like, well, I guess we'll just have to rest. We'll just have to be comforted, comforted in the fact that when we're old people, we
Starting point is 00:21:17 can give West Anderson a lifetime achievement Oscar. Because he's never going to win one. I mean, I, you know, I like to sing Jennifer Lawrence win. I didn't have a lot emotionally invested. I feel like in any of the, obviously there was one bittersweet award win for me. Sure. Winner. When the guy looks like Edgar winner,
Starting point is 00:21:34 went up and accepted his award for the winner. Which guy that looked like Edgar winner. There were like 10 guys with super long blonde hair in various shades of pale. Yeah, all the, what the sound editors and various technical words, all seem to go to sorcerers this year. Speaking of people, looking like people, I felt like... I liked, I did like that.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Stuart was amazing. How many wizards were winning Academy Awards? I felt like Nickles and, like, look like Emmett Kelly or something. It is. But, yeah, this makeup off. Yeah. But when, when my, when, when Milburn New Jersey got one Academy award, that was pretty exciting. And it wasn't you. And it wasn't me. Oh, don't rub it in.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Well, she's not the first person for Milburn to win an Academy award. Really? There's a guy who is a, I think, a sound, he's either an editor or sound editor. I think he's an editor who's worked with Ang Lee a lot, lot who who lives in town? You ever just go hang out great stories other mill burn natives build a plane There's an admiral all right anyway, but there was a lot of there was a lot of talk on Twitter and on Facebook about me being either Sad or excited that my ex-girlfriend won and I just want to re-establish and reiterate not my ex-girlfriend Yeah, so did you rub it in your nose when she wanted? No, in fact, we had no contact whatsoever. It's been years. There's no need to be a gentleman about this. You can kiss and tell. No, there's no kissing to tell about. The look
Starting point is 00:22:59 Dan just gave you sent a chill up my spine. And straight to your penis. Yeah, I suppose it was the look of a man who wants to ask about someone's wife's ass. On this very podcast, we all remember that. I mean, not this episode. Overall, I was happy that I was happy to be Academy Awards that no movie like dominated. There was no sweep.
Starting point is 00:23:21 There was a lot of sprinklings of a lot of awards. I mean, life and pie won a lot of awards. It won a fair amount of technical awards, but like the acting awards of sprinklings of a lot of awards. I mean, life and pie won a lot of awards. It won a fair amount of technical awards, but the acting awards were spread out among a bunch of movies. I feel like Lincoln and Zero Dark Thirty were kind of underrepresented compared to previous awards ceremonies this year. A little bit, yes, but the last couple of awards ceremonies were very heavy towards Argo. Yeah. And not towards too much else
Starting point is 00:23:45 uh... so i was i mean i was worried that our goal was just gonna be the are going to be an outing for any acting awards like for it didn't win best director like i was i just like it all i thought i'll know that's right it's not for best reporting actor for about that he wasn't going to win that though again because he just one best reporting actor for playing a similar role not too long ago but then people never win for that then people never win for that.
Starting point is 00:24:05 And people never win for that unless they're Christophalts. I think everybody was just really liked his Saturday Night Live performance. That's what waited. And they, but then why did they give Jennifer Lawrence an Academy Award when she was on a terrible episode of that? She was terrible. I mean, she did the best she could with the material of Top Dog Chef and so forth. It had Danielle, that great parody of 70s software, you're a part of it.
Starting point is 00:24:28 I liked that a lot and there was another sketch that I liked that I don't remember now. Top dog chef, you just said it. No, it wasn't top dog chef. I feel like we should move on soon actually because there's not a lot more to say about it, but it was there any awful things this year that you... What choices or... It was just moments in the ceremony? I think we went I mean a lot of the music.
Starting point is 00:24:49 The I mean I didn't like it when Jennifer Lawrence fell on the stairs, but you know that adds the goal that adds an immediacy like a realism. That's true. It makes her seem attainable. Elliot. She's not in. She's a clumsy girl. She's not a.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Yeah. I forgot that was your fetish clumsy girls. Yeah. that's why I was just good luck chuck all the time. He goes to that porn site clumsy girls dot com. Where's this girl's falling down and they're close. I guess sometimes ripping most of the time falling down and landing on top of naked men. It's the odds against that are so huge. I'm trying to think what moments made me like wins. I mean, there were some bad banter, but there always is. That was like probably like one of my better tweets of the night was like you play the new Oscar game, which was a bit or teleprompter malfunction, because like there were all these things like it seems like maybe they were improvising and that was the plan but maybe like something just went wrong.
Starting point is 00:25:51 A tweet that you have to explain, hilarious. I didn't. I mean to people watching the show. I didn't word it as clumsily when I tweeted. He was channeling his favorite porn site, clumsy dot com just then in his in his tweet phrasing You know, they got all those bruises on them and I went into a bad place. Wow. Wow Purvisoid. Oh, wow. Yeah. No, I know that's what the bruises are from I'm not I mean you entered a totally new level of purvisoid that I'm not comfortable leaving acknowledging
Starting point is 00:26:18 I mean on the subject of purvisoids. I have seen some feedback on how this this Academy Awards was I have seen some feedback on how this this Academy Awards was kind of misogynist or hateful towards women How so super cleavvy well things I mean things like the I saw your boobs on and there a couple of Seth McFarlane's jokes Yeah, it's he's a I mean he goes to the goes to the gutter. There's a lot There's like a fair amount of people getting like oh, you know like I I saw much more positive response to the I to the gutter. There's a lot, there's like a fair amount of people being like, oh, you know, like I saw much more positive response to the I saw your boobs song than I thought I was going to. And that I don't abrasors for them. So like, I'm usually not, I usually in more apps
Starting point is 00:27:01 to get annoyed at people who take offense at a joke than at a joke itself, but that joke actually did it irritate me because it was just like well there are all these women here who are being honored for their talent and you know like their abilities as actresses pulled themselves up by their bootstrap except the law you are reducing them to nothing more than sets of boobs except the larger joke of that is that this is a stupid thing that he did. That's why I think that short of it is. Yeah, I don't feel like putting in that context.
Starting point is 00:27:28 I really do. It just uses it necessarily. I think if it was a shorter bit, it could have worked. But I don't think it even worked. I don't even think it was terrible. But it was weird for that setting. Yeah. But hey, sometimes to make up for that, you need several musical numbers from movies that
Starting point is 00:27:44 people don't remember winning a camera once. Didg i care to come up and present on the wards that that never fan of that so i did like hearing it that the ten voice announced the something that the nominee uh... go that that that so uh...
Starting point is 00:27:59 but she move along to hanging out our own or our own words the floppies well we're back to the flop thattacular. Flopcatomy awards. First up, Dan McCoy. Rate it R. Is playing at right now. I'd like to give out the first award of the evening uh... best supporting actor or my best supporting actor goes to louise good good men in journey to the mysterious island i hardly endorse that yeah for sneaking a celluloid closet style coated homosexual love affair between himself and the rock into a kids movie with the help of only a few three d bearies
Starting point is 00:28:40 yeah that that coincided with my best excuse to stare at the rocks pecs to journey to Yeah, that coincided with my best excuse to stare at the rocks, pecs, to Journey 2. Uh, well, I actually, should I continue with Journey 2 or should I just get to... Well, for me personally... To what your body wants, really? Best picture was a tie between Journey 2, the mysterious island and the last godfather. Every day, I was considering giving out that award. Those were the two I was going to pay. They were, but I, you know, that's, I goes without saying journey two was delightful and the last
Starting point is 00:29:13 godfather was insane. Looking back over the years podcasts, I am crushed to see that I did not get to watch that movie with you guys. Yeah, well, I I have the day on the DVD still so you can watch it. You're not the Blu-ray? No, I don't have an on Blu-ray. Owl didn't get me the Blu-ray coffee. I would like to give out the award for a least amount of movie in a movie this year and it goes to the devil inside where barely anything happened and the movie didn't even have an ending.
Starting point is 00:29:43 You had to go to the internet to find it. No. Uh, on a similar note, I would like to give the Stuart Face Down on the floor watching movie loves award for a movie that almost broke me. And that too goes to the devil inside. The film I had to purchase twice for $14.99 each time, even though it's approximate retail value is $39. That's very, that's you rounding up.
Starting point is 00:30:09 My next one, it was a three-way tie for I think the best Nicholas Cage performance in a movie. We watched this here, which went to Seeking Justice, The Raven, and Ghost Rider Spirit of Engines. It's interesting because I actually gave the nickless cage award for best actor to nickless cage for everything weird because i gave the coveted cage this cage award for the nick cage's performance of the year to john q sack for the paper book that's interesting i would have done the same given him the cage this cage but i actually gave him the less than zero award for two performances that totally cancel each other out for the raven and the paper boy. I felt the paper boy was so amazing and the raven was so bland. Can't see each other out as if Nick as if junk user can never existed.
Starting point is 00:30:55 The eternal science shine of the spotless mind award for movie I totally forgot we watched this last year goes to a mortals. Oh, I gave that to one for the money. One for the money was actually content for the movie. I enjoyed the most really. It was an offensive and it had some jokes. I gave it the movie I most forgot we watched award. Here the sucker punch award for making crazy ideas totally boring goes to the paperboy. Runner up, total recall. This is actually my final award of the night. Oh, I've got quite a few more. That's fine, but my final award goes to it's the least serious treatment of a terrible disease award.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I tie this year between a little bit of heaven's cutensassy treatment of ass cancer. And of course, the last godfather, a wacky cogniz, clearly about a mentally disabled middle aged Korean. And Stuart, what else have you got? I don't have much more other than, do you guys remember we watched
Starting point is 00:31:53 the three musketeers this year? That was this year. Yeah, that was this year. So that was worst performance for Christoph Walts, I guess, this year. I thought it was best performance for Orlando Bloom. Slando Bloom. Slando Bloom.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Slando Bloom. Lando Bloom. That's when he dresses up as Bility Williams. i thought it was best performance for a land of blue it's land of blue land of blue that's that's that's when he dresses up as billy d. williams he's just land of the one the movie in a game of cards uh... i'm gonna give the award for most nonsensical use of leaves uh... well we're just coming in right now the winner a thousand words for the leaves equals words in a mystical man tree soul bond now i know what you're thinking
Starting point is 00:32:26 the odd life of timmie green should should have one it had two nominations growing leaves from an ankle and making a pencil out of leaves i guess that they split the vote and so the odd life of timmie green loses the most nonsensical use of leaves award it was close to close close call but hey what's this don't you're not going home and he ended the odd life of timmie green because here's the best iron ran adaptation that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that's how that And also they don't get free health care so Timothy Green dies. Where's what happened?
Starting point is 00:33:06 Something like that. I thought he beats Dragon to another town. He did beats Dragon now. He's dragging away. Now here's this is usually a very, very hard fought category each year. Very contentious. Best use of a lemon in seducing a woman who it turns out isn't really interested in you, because it's just setting you up for a trap set by a vengeful circus ringmaster. And it goes to Passion Play. You forgot about that.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Didn't you? You forgot about it. Moving on, least amount of abducting in a film goes to Abduction. In which the main character, it turns out, was never abducted, but was being hid by secret agents pretending to be his parents. Do you think they named the abduction to draw people in with the promise of an abduction in the movie? I think they were looking for something that emphasized abs. There was also the best use of time bricks. It goes to the movie in time. In time also wins most confusing use of Olivia Wilde. And of course best purchasing of old people on a ship's mast goes
Starting point is 00:34:13 to battleship. For its scene of old people just hanging out, purchasing on a ship's mast. What do they do in there? We don't know. There's the Special Minority Report Award for setting up a penalty that never actually happens goes to a thousand words for telling us any mercy will die when he runs out of words but instead he's fine. The exact opposite happens he is not dead and I think this will be my final award for the night best movie Stewart totally wishes he had seen. Trespass. Runner up, last godfather.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Thanks for throwing in the addendum there. Yeah. So just a little talk, I feel like, is good at this point about movies that we enjoyed this past year. Do we enjoy movies? We just talked about them. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:35:04 You know, we don't have a proper year in review episode. This is the closest we come to it. Yeah. Two months into the next year. Once everyone will have forgotten everything that we're talking about. I had to go back to my list of movies I saw this year. I just like to say that's an actual list to make every year. I keep a list of the movies. I watch that year Yeah, I'm up to this is kind of crazy, but I think I'm on my 43rd or 44th movie so far this year Not yet the end of February. It's nuts. What my I tell my wife that fried and she says we need to spend more time together Do you put the flop-ass movies in a talix or something? No, I just list them look
Starting point is 00:35:44 I'm not ashamed sometimes Sometimes I'm ashamed. When I writing out the oogie loves in the big balloon adventure, was a test. I'll admit was a test of my personal honesty. And you're like, why is Microsoft Word keep telling me this is wrong? The paperclip comes out and says, excuse me, are you sure you want to admit that? It looks like you're making a mistake. Sorry, Daniel, you're saying. It looks like you're making a mistake. Sorry Daniel, it looks like you're writing a confession. No, I just, when talking about movies that we like this past year, I'm sure we all went about it in different ways. I didn't want to necessarily focus on
Starting point is 00:36:19 the best movies of the year because it's all the usual suspects like the usual suspects came out like 20 years ago yeah many of which actually it's all bulls nominates like you just made it all verbal is just making up the story I thought he just oh that's why he showed all that stuff in Chas Palmeteries office I thought Ch Chaz Pometeri just didn't like this coffee. And smashed it on the floor. No, I just want to say that my favorite movie the year, in my opinion, the best movie
Starting point is 00:36:54 the year was The Master. But I'm not going to go further in that direction. I'm just going to talk about the beach girls. I'm just going to list a few movies that I thought were either under scene and that they were not huge box office hits or they're underrated in that maybe they didn't get a lot of critical praise often because they are more genre e-films that don't get that kind of critical praise so. So this is stuff to watch on an airplane. These, no, these are enjoyable movies.
Starting point is 00:37:27 One and a half thumbs up movies. No, there's movies that I really like. I'm going to buy it off the other half of the film. They may be a little sillier, but I really enjoy them. Okay. I'm not going to judge you, dude. Just say it's fine. Okay, A.W.I.R. the Steven Soderberg mixed part. It's very serious. Very fun movie. Cabin in the woods. Yeah, of course. Loved it. Lockout, aka Space Jail.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Oh, man. That was a lot of fun. Actually, for Best Picture. That lockout. If you were allowed to give a best picture to kind of like a fun by the numbers, John Removie, that managed to heighten just through like charm, then that's the one I would give it to.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Space Jail was a lot of fun. Headhunters, which was a foreign thriller, based on a book by Joe Nesbo, who is a popular Scandinavian thriller writer, Killer Joe, Dread, which I actually enjoyed quite a bit. Is that different from Dread 3D? Yeah, well, I I actually enjoyed quite a bit. Is that different from dread 3D? Yeah. Well, I mean, at home, it's, uh, it would be, uh, just dread.
Starting point is 00:38:32 And, uh, premium rush. Yeah, I enjoyed that a lot too. That's silly bicycle, man. That's one that, uh, depending on who you talk to in our office, was either a really good movie or a really bad movie. But I have to admit, I like that a lot. I thought that was really fun. And frankly, I would have nominated Michael Shannon, I think,
Starting point is 00:38:51 for best supporting actor for his role as the evil, but kind of stupid. Yeah, I didn't actually make it to see it, but I've heard only good things about this crazy performance. It's a lot of fun. And his performance manages to harness, he always seems crazy, always. except in bug where he is totally right that's the government is trying to bug that yeah that this trying to
Starting point is 00:39:12 annoy him that's what's about the government's bugging me stop poking me government uh... but like or in bug or my son my son would have you done or revolutionary road he comes off as super nuts all the time and in premium rush they managed to make him a little bit more of a grounded character who also is still crazy. And he pulls it off really nicely. So like all his crazy characters had sex with his character from that boardwalk empire and they gave birth to a half crazy half normal baby. Yeah, exactly. Which was sent to an orphanage. And then wait, is this character from an orphanage or? No, no. This saying was raised, it wasn't
Starting point is 00:39:55 raised by people was raised by spirits in an abandoned monastery. Oh, that's great. Let me write this down. Okay, what about you, Stuart? What are you, what were some think your favorites the year uh... well i mean of course the hobbit and unexpected journey i don't think that's a big surprise yeah no you i threw i mean anytime peter jackson puts out a movie that isn't the lovely bones it's
Starting point is 00:40:18 probably gonna go up there in the time my my favorite movies uh... cabinet would of course uh... looper did you say louper I didn't say Looper because I thought that it got enough attention, but I think I enjoy that movie. I like Looper because Looper's... I liked Looper a lot also. I thought there were some pretty good big action movies.
Starting point is 00:40:36 I was like, and the good day to die hard. Yeah, wait, what? No, that was this year. You'll wait until next year's Floptaacular video. How much you like that. The Dark Knight Rises, the Avengers and Skyfall. I think we're all a real good big budget action movies.
Starting point is 00:40:49 But I'm going to cheat and I'm going to throw in a movie that was a December 2011 release. Is that do you think we're going to have to ask for your badge and gun off the first? And ask you. We know that's the nice. That's the nice is police. Do you have ever seen?
Starting point is 00:41:05 I think I'm going to have to ask you. that's the nice, the nice police chief of every scene. I think I'm gonna have to ask you. So passive aggressive. Agin gun, if that's okay. Don't hate me. I'd say Martha Marcy, named Marlene, really affected me, if anything, because John Hawks' book is awesome. He is awesome, he's Hawks' him. And for a small genre picture
Starting point is 00:41:26 Ty West's the in keepers was I actually have to admit I enjoyed it more when it wasn't being scary Yeah, I loved if that had been a movie about two people working in a hotel who tried to find a ghost and don't I Would have I think it might have been my favorite movie the year, after Moonrise came in. But instead it went for scares. But I mean, when it comes to the scares, he's great. He's great. But there was just something, the scenes between them, it was like watching a really great sitcom
Starting point is 00:41:58 pilot in a lot of ways. Like the characters felt very real and interacted in a way I liked and it was very funny. And it was weird to just see Lena Dunham show up for one scene There's something about that movie too though I it was beautifully shot in a way that kind of reminds me of Movies that I grew up with as a kid and I can't kind of put my finger on what it did like the technique You like the way the camera moved did like the technique, like the way the camera moved reminded me of kind of that early Spielberg era.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Well, it's not some Thai West stuff. Does so much stuff that is of an earlier era in his style. And because it was shot in like an old bed and breakfast, it totally reminded me of yes, puppet master. Awesome, puppet master. Full, full, full, full, Puppet Master. Fully made a shriveling picture. Puppet Master. In case you were thinking it was the Puppet Masters, which is not the movie he's talking about,
Starting point is 00:42:51 based on the Robert Heinlein novel. I mean, my picks are pretty standard. I was trying to think, I didn't see a lot, usually I don't see independent and foreign films until a year or two later when they're on video. And I was trying to keep myself to just stuff I saw why don't you just go down to Canal Street and buy them from some guy off of a blanket I don't buy anything off of blank just a principle I have sure I'll eat things off of blanket I'll go to picnics come on. I'm not gonna buy something off of blanket. What am I an animal? That's what animals do Anyway, but my favorite movie overall, I think, was Moonrise Kingdom, that I liked in Keepers a lot. My favorite big movie was The Avengers, and there was something inside of me as a longtime Marvel zombie who really enjoyed how successful that movie, like, took
Starting point is 00:43:40 pride in how successful it was in a weird way, even though... Like, you feel justified in liking Marvel comics all these years. Exactly. Now I find it, now they must be the way you feel about Game of Thrones. And George R. Martin now that that shows a big hit. Kind of except I don't watch the show anymore because I'm too much of a nerd that likes the books. But I mean the only thing that makes it bittersweet is that none of the people who create any of those characters got a dime, which is terrible.
Starting point is 00:44:03 But hey, what are you going to do? The movie was still good, right? I thought Skyfall up to the moment when, up to the point when they leave, the supervillain island was fantastic, and one of the better bond movies I've seen in a, I think, in a long time where it, in total. And I liked a lot of the ones you guys mentioned, Lupert, Cabin in the Woods. I liked Silver Linings I liked a lot of ones you guys mentioned, Looper, Kevin in the woods. I like Silver Lining's playbook a lot. It managed to be a in some ways corny by the numbers Hollywood romantic movie, but in a way that hid that enough that I really enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:44:37 And it starred Flapphouse Fave Bradley Cooper. It starred Bradley Cooper. It was literally limitless. And you got, and not only was Jennifer Lawrence giving a great performance in it, but she got to see your butt in very tight pants. Yeah. Not gross at all. That's called value added. Value exactly. I liked Beast to the Southern wild a lot.
Starting point is 00:44:56 And for sure, in terms of sheer spectacle, I really enjoyed Prometheus. You don't try to figure out the character motivations because they don't exist. And you don't convince yourself there's something more going because they don't exist and you don't convince yourself There's something more going on in the movie than what you're seeing. I really enjoyed it a lot And what if we met our creator and he hated us a Elliot? I almost have to assume he would There's no way I see the creator if you man any meeting us and being like yes, you did you got it perfect You nailed it. That's exactly what I intended you to to be like I think it would happen almost like that way and toddlers and tiaras that's what I wanted I think there's made it premium Russia
Starting point is 00:45:32 like I think there's no scene though of the year that I got as much sheer visceral joy out of as her using that robot to pull a baby squid out of her belly yeah that was set like and then it just stapling her shot. Like, that is the kind of scene that I couldn't see working in any other medium. And it was so crazy. And so wholeheartedly sold. You know, I remember think cornered at my birthday party this last year by a very drunk friend who was complaining about that scene because he's like, oh, then she just, you know, she got up and she was running around for the rest of the movie. Like, you can't do that with like a major abdominal surgery.
Starting point is 00:46:10 And I'm like, you don't understand. This is a movie. Like, if you were worried about that logic, we wouldn't get the scene where a robot pulled an alien out of her. Yeah. What's with all the magic? Yeah. You wouldn't look at it. What's with space travel? That's a little galaxy.
Starting point is 00:46:28 If you just saw, Why's that guy look like Peter O'Toole? If you just saw a robot give an emergency c-section to an astronaut and pull a squid baby out and staple her shut and you're in a space pod and she's running from an alien and you're like, she'd never be able to run like that with those staples in, then you should not be watching that movie. I'm gonna have to ask for your badge and your gun.
Starting point is 00:46:49 And that movie. I feel that level of that suspension of disbelief seems to, for some reason I feel like the Avengers gets a pass whereas a movie like Prometheus doesn't, when like the Avengers is filled with crazy ridiculous comic book logic, but people are like, okay, whatever, yeah, it's Thor, bullshit, whatever. I think because a lot of people seem to convince themselves
Starting point is 00:47:11 for some reason that Prometheus was not like a crazy popcorn movie, which is what it is. They thought that this was going to be like some kind of meditation on humanity, and then you apply some kind of logic or meaning to it. But it's like this crazy popcorn movie. It's like, you know, filled with like images of heavy metal album covers. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:47:30 And for the, and on that level, I adored it. So there you go. So we've kind of given our recommendations there, I would say. So I would say, let's skip the recommendations second. I'd say that too. And make our last segment of the evening letters letters Letters are brought to you by you I mean not hand I'm not hand brought to you brought to you by the letter you and the letter letter
Starting point is 00:48:00 These letters are brought to you by the invention of writing Thanks ancient Babylon so this uh this missive is from Andy lasting with held thanks Andy for writing in wait i should have waited till i yeah i heard what he said oh it sucks oh why did i thank him he says your podcast always makes my day i've listened to your back catalog at least three times and at this point i i i think i owe you some form of repayment but since I'm not gainfully employed at the moment allow me to pay you an internet money aka memes. Okay, I mean you're listening to us as payments enough. As you may know the walking dead recently featured a zombie child named Penny.
Starting point is 00:48:39 I'm avoiding spoilers here I promise. I don't care. I mean I don't watch that show. I watch it. She's both adorable and terrifying because, well, she's a zombie child. So I ask you, what if zombie-penny meta-dinosaur, who would eat whom? What if the dinosaur was also a zombie? That's what I was going to ask. Possibilities are endless. And I look forward to hearing your theory. The possibilities are not endless. There are four levels of possibility.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Actually, you're incorrect. So tied in with the best of episode. I do want to say best zombie baby still goes to the zombie baby in dead alive. Slash brain dead. And best zombie dinosaurs go to scub the disposable sass in the comic book. Oh yeah, those are some great zombie dinosaurs and that. Now, I mean, here's the question. If zombie penny bit a dinosaur, does the zombie disease carry over to a dinosaur? I have to assume it's an interspecies disease. Yeah. Yeah. If a monkey scratch can give it to you as in dead alive, then that was a special kind of
Starting point is 00:49:39 monkey. But these are, they're extinct animals. They're some stupid old monkeys. It wasn't just some old bottom of a, they found in a bottom of a laundry hamper or something. Things extinct animals, maybe they have a different resistance to zombie disease. Or I would say it's more likely that they are more susceptible to it. When you have had no exposure to a disease,
Starting point is 00:49:58 it's usually worse for you. Exactly. I will kill zombies. If no, because they'd still be working around. They were killed by babies. An army of babies set back to the past to save our world. What I'm more interested in is does this zombie baby have really strong teeth or does the dinosaur have really weak skin? Yeah. Because babies could bite my hand all the time. They're not gonna fuck it up. Yeah, I won't bleed at all. And dinosaurs have a lot of thick skin. And their skin I would assume is thicker than
Starting point is 00:50:30 mine. Yeah, you can insult them all day. It doesn't even phase them. Also, like I don't, I don't bet. I feel like the dinosaur would have to sort of like walk by the baby like within. Is it a baby or is it a toddler? Oh, I don't know. Two very different things, because a toddler can just chase a dinosaur. I think the answer to this is the lower facts. I think this is a little mover. This is what would happen. The dinosaur begins swallowing the child. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:55 The child, not dad, because it's a zombie, bites the softer flesh on the inside of the dinosaur's throat. It's probably pretty tough. I don't think it's going to be that tough. It's still like, you know, nukus membrane and things like that, right? I don't know what goes on inside a person or an animal, but you gotta believe there's softer parts in there. All right. And then the dinosaur gets zombified, but the kid is still inside the dinosaur's belly, eating its way out from the inside, but can't get through the skin. So it just kind of ricochets around forever inside the immortal zombie dinosaur. So it doesn't have like a porky pig. That's all folks
Starting point is 00:51:27 wear it first out of the. Maybe it comes out of the dinosaurs pooper. Okay. Oh, okay. I'm into that. This one is titled Peaches the Musical from Andrea LN withheld. And the musical based on the works of the artist, Peaches. Well, here we go. Hey, hey guys, I really like you when you make me laugh, especially when you talk about crazy and plausible, off-the-wall ideas like Peaches starting in a musical. But wait, that really happened. She did one woman production of Jesus Christ Superstar, which Elliott mentions is a single long favorite.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Yeah, it's one of my favorite musicals. As far as I know, she only did it a few times in Berlin, but I was delighted to watch it and was by far one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen, included her playing Jesus, and at the end being crucified on a cross made of paper mache fallacies. I'm not sure you can see the full thing anywhere, but here's a clip. Also, I'll throw the clip up on the... Is there anything we need to know before you set up this clip? No.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Peaches. Peaches, can you hear me? I can't. It's not a video podcast. Oh, sorry. I put the food clip on the website. Is this letter written by Peaches? No, but she's here to promote it.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Oh, good. Also, I just want to say, I'm an American living in New Zealand and I need to keep listening to you every day. It's pronounced no zealot. And I need to keep listening to you every day so I don't slip into this horrible accent. Now that's come on. It's a lovely silly accent. It's a wonderful accent.
Starting point is 00:52:59 And it's way better than the South African accent. Come on. You heard those people talk. It takes that and just take that district nine. But seriously New Zealand accent, amazing. I like it. Yeah. Lobo Maringa.
Starting point is 00:53:14 I mean that's not the most accurate New Zealand accent. This next email is titled No Subject. What? It's a mystery box. It's from that which we dare not speak its name. Oh, okay. And he says- You're a little tough, the crawling chaos.
Starting point is 00:53:33 I'll say it. David Kaylin. Oh, no. No, no. It better not be. He says, dear flop of Zoys, to echo a question from the site comments, I would also like to know what's going on with Elliott and Halle. Is she merely his work wife?
Starting point is 00:53:48 Or is she Elliott's manic pixie dream girl? Sorry to ignore your art and concentrate on the personal lives of the artists, but everyone else at work has a reality show they follow religiously and I do not. While I need to fit in with others, I still have the hipster need for upmanship. I think he means one upmanship. I'm a the front. Is that like when you get into life in Mario? I'm far too cool to lower myself to the level
Starting point is 00:54:11 of the Kardashians or the real housewives. I need to reality show full of ironic cultural references. What better subject matter for such a show than the real scripted lives of those that make up Randaceous cultural references about movies at season and you can have it Oh wow it's season and at season and you could have a wrap-up podcast by the making of the podcast podcast No, we would do just like they do on bravo. We'd have a show right after each episode that talks about that previous episode But it's because of the meat of this question. I saw a comment on the Rock of Ages podcast online
Starting point is 00:54:48 that this gentleman is referring to. I did not see that comment. Intimating some sort of romance between you and Halle, which, and calling me a third wheel on that episode, which I found odd because we spent a lot of that Rock of Ages episode talking about how Halle and I were singing along to the song together and you refused to sing. Hey well look I don't know I can't explain the mind of the comment writer that I would say Halle and I are just
Starting point is 00:55:12 good friends. She is just my office mate and if anything we have more of a brother sister. Yeah that's what I was gonna say as someone who works down the hall from you you guys are more like twins than you and your twin are. I feel like. Yeah, like Arnold Schwarzenegger and David. We lift up the backs of cars and I'm like, hey, mom had twins all the way to go. Yeah, you're our goofy brother and sister for sure.
Starting point is 00:55:36 The I would say anyone who walks into our office and sees that the door is closed to our office, no, we're not doing it. We're just bad mouth bad mouth people we work with uh... there's no romance there the only romance is between me and my lovely wife so this last letter of the show of the flotacular flopp awards is letters section is from rated R David Ellie's brother last year Oh god in heaven here here
Starting point is 00:56:08 floppas oids what the wait is what is suddenly we are now floppas oids sounds like a really crappy 80s ninja turtles ripoff like we're the four floppas oids we can from the future and really floppy I guess look I don't know We came from the future and really floppy I guess look I don't know That would be a grandpa Cancel two minutes into the first episode he writes I was listening to your most recent Nick Cage Strabganza which was totally recorded after the Brad's live event and had a few grievances. I had to air general grievances Why does he have a heart inside a robot?
Starting point is 00:56:44 Why is he still coughing when he's a robot? And a few grievances I had to air while I was in the background. First of all, I want to make it clear to everyone that while I do appreciate I want to make it clear to everyone that while I do appreciate the support from writers clamoring for my freedom I have not been locked in a cell forced to wear an iron mask or kept from washing football by my brother or other Flop-House hosts though considering how the giants have played the past two months. Obviously this is an old wonder Perhaps the last one. The Super Bowl was like a hundred years ago. It would not be so awful Why Ellie it would spread such lies is beyond me, but I hope that the listening public hasn't become too concerned about my well-being. I can almost guarantee that they
Starting point is 00:57:29 have not. Next I believe my brother, even the letter reader is saying potshots. Next I believe my brother referred to the all thing as a traditional Viking meeting place. While the original all thing in Iceland was established by Viking descendants sometime around 930 AD, I believe Iceland's national assembly, which has met continuously since then, is the only gathering or legislative body to have actually taken the name all thing, which I learned when I went to Iceland. The all things original meeting pace in thing villa, national park, and Iceland this past past summer they only had one word at the time things i think everything was think about that
Starting point is 00:58:08 uh... i suppose i could be wrong about this and if i am i have no doubt elate will waste a little time telling me so now lastly i was shocked and a poll to hear elate's offense and anger over the thoughtless gift you received from a quote close relative was the national pressure criteria collection dvd block set i gave him for 30 of birthday it's a set of blocks that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that
Starting point is 00:58:33 that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that David, thanks for writing in. Please never do again. I'm actually going to see him this Friday, and I will have to needle him about this. Um, so guys, I guess he didn't like when at the,
Starting point is 00:58:50 at the live screening we called out, called him out and let the audience gaze upon his magnificence. Yeah, well, you know, I, I feel like that that would be, uh, the source of his strength. What, people's attention. Yeah, like Superman getting power from the Urshay Allah's son. Oh, yeah. I thought he gained power from the shadows
Starting point is 00:59:09 that he slings around in some kind of rat man. This is what I'm brother, you're talking about? Yeah. Some kind of rat man. Like some kind of sewer dwelling chud figure. Like some kind of sports loving chud figure sports loving chud just a chat with the football have been on bite people's legs off totally be a good idea
Starting point is 00:59:30 that you but the chud that was the high times chud crossover well uh... another floppacular and of course chud three national ampunes club chud vacation starring club run by chud's. Is it a club run by Chud's? Or is it a club that is chud? The only people who ever watched it have gone insane.
Starting point is 00:59:50 And then there is. So nobody knows. And there's. But the poster is a Chud's head between a bunch of boobs. There's C-Hud. Starring Paul Newman. Yes. But that's another flop-tap, who are coming gone.
Starting point is 01:00:03 We need to sign off for the flop house. I've been damn McCoy I'm still still a wellington and I'm Elliott Kaelin good night everybody Reach in for the stars, but only with their permission Good, that was a good warm-up guys. Let's start the real one, right? right Fucking just go with it just go with it starting out of Sandler Brooklyn Decker Cameron no Jennifer and Nicole the Coleman kid Cameron? No, Jennifer Anniston. Nicole, Nicole Man Kid. And Dave Matthews, right? I don't know, his name is Dave Matthews Band.
Starting point is 01:00:54 David Matthews. Dave M. Band. you

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