The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #107 - Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Episode Date: August 5, 2012

0:00 - 0:36 - Introduction and theme.0:37 - 33:57 - It's not much of a Ghost Rider movie, but at least it has spirit.33:58 - 38:55 - A recap supercut, followed by Final judgments38:56 - 53:35 - Flop H...ouse Movie Mailbag53:36 - 1:00:35 - The sad bastards recommend. 1:00:36 - 1:02:21 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode of the Flop House, we review Ghost Rider Spirit of Evgenz's... Now you smell it! Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house I'm Dan McCoy, I'm Stuart Wellington. And I'm Elliot Kalen as himself. Hey, hey what's's up, man? Hey, we're doing a podcast. You are always shocked that we're doing a podcast. It seems weird because I've spent the last 15 minutes setting up all the equipment. Yeah, who could who could have warned you that they that it was to have a podcast and when we watched a a movie before that, so you, I mean, you to assume and we also are doing that just for funsies.
Starting point is 00:01:07 And we also made plans weeks ahead of time. Weird. Man, I got to start getting controlled my life. I am spiraling out. I think the start would be to put some pants on. I mean, I'm just, the good thing is I'm apparently doing everything on autopilot. Like, I'm just doing all this stuff, even though I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:01:24 I guess that's good. Is this the Dancast here weekly therapy podcast? It's different than our traditional duckcast. I think we established that I don't know what's going on. So, uh, why don't you explain, Elliot? Well, for those of you listening for the first time because every episode is somebody's first time. Oh, yeah. This is the flock house. They're getting fucked while. They're listening to this. Whoa, whoa, whoa, we're what, a minute and a half in? Give it some time. All right, sorry. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Okay. Yeah, if I can tease a little bit, you got to make sure it's cool, and then you slip in the whole swerrin. Okay. Yeah, exactly. Not the way I would have put it in. I assume that that's the, it seemed like the way you said it sexualized a little bit. So, so for those of you who've just joined us for the first episode, if you've never heard before,
Starting point is 00:02:08 this is the flop house, a podcast starring three friends in real life who are also friends on a podcast and they watch a movie that in some ways, they flop critically, financially or just bad. Who cares? And then they talk about it afterwards. Yeah. And tonight we watch a little movie called Ghost Rider, Spirit of Engine.
Starting point is 00:02:29 I mean, financially it was a big movie, right? It was a big hit financially, critically not so much. I mean, it stars a flop house fave. Mm-hmm. That's right. It was all but. Boom. We had- Yes, we're fucking prides and then the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Where'd you? Well, I'm not gonna know the things. Although to be fair, it was all about actually was in a couple of flop-offs Yeah, he was a prom night and obsessed obsessed, but it also stars our real flop-house favorite Mr. Nicholas Cage. Yeah, so cage of files out there you can check this off on your cage calendar Mm-hmm, which is like an advent calendar, but little Nicholas Cage is always behind the doors. Yeah, you flip over the month, you flip it over to August, and low it behold, you reveal.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Right now, go strider. DVD copy of Honeymoon Invagus. What? So Dan, why don't you pull up on your screen there? How many Nicholas Cage movies have we, have we, I have no screen? And I don't have that 400,000 yeah, we've done 400,000 episodes of
Starting point is 00:03:32 Nicholas Cage movies. Yeah, yeah Also in our sister podcast. We've mentioned before the cage house. Yeah So we just talk Nick Cage and the episode of the Star Trek the cage Yeah, yeah of the Star Trek, the Cage. Yeah, yeah. Of the Star Trek, I can tell. The Star Trek, yeah. It's a year into a grandparent. That is the first sign of age is when you push out putting the in front of things that don't belong.
Starting point is 00:03:53 So this is a sequel of sorts, right? It is a sequel, literally. It's not a sort. And the sort that it is a sequel. This is a sequel to the hit film Ghost Rider, in which Nicholas Cage first introduced us. Like a ghost that rode. Yep, that's, I guess the simplest part of it.
Starting point is 00:04:09 He's actually not a ghost. What? He's a man with a demon trapped inside of him that turns him into a flaming skull-headed biker monster who fights crime and wants to root out. You gotta say that sounds like the best thing ever. Well, he punishes evil doers. Last movie, which is recapped in the very beginning of this movie
Starting point is 00:04:27 after a short fight scene between Idris Elba and some Euro-trash types over a kid. In the last movie, Nicholas Cage, a... A very Creole. A Creole, well, he's French. Okay. But he also could be possibly like Haitian. Sure, but...
Starting point is 00:04:44 You know, some other country that speaks French, but his name is Maraud. He speaks French, he's obsessed with wine, as we'll find out later in the movie. But Nicholas Cage was a daredevil stunt biker, Johnny Blaise. And he should have known from his fire-based last name that he would turn into a fire demon, but no, he didn't.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Finding out his father also a stunt biker, is dying. He sells his soul to the devil and has turned into ghost rider. The spirit of vengeance. He's here played by TV's Kear and Hines. What does he play on TV? Well, he's in that new Sigourney Weaver TV show, and he's also a landmress. Yeah, and he was also a Julius Caesar in Rome.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Okay, there you go. And that's a devil in this. Yeah, he's replacing TV. He's replacing Peter Fonda from the first ghostwriter mainly. Mm-hmm. Maybe they morphed into each other. Well, he also did, he also replaced him in Easy Rider 2, Future World 2, Westworld 3, and many other Peter Fonda. He's like Tom Bairnjers, treat Williams. Is what you're saying? Exactly. Yeah. Uly's gold to the search for Uly's gold. But so he sold us all the devil. Enough said. So there's this kid that the
Starting point is 00:05:53 devil is chasing after. And we don't know why the devil's henchmen are all over this kid. And the kid is with his mom who's a single mom. They're in Eastern Europe. We know this because the words Eastern Europe show up on the screen at the very beginning and
Starting point is 00:06:08 Thank you more specific event that seems Eventually they're in a place. I mean I pretty much assumed who's Eastern Europe from the amount of eyeshadow or leading lady was wearing and also the fact that The entire movie looks like we shot in cheap Eastern European locations and all the henchmen are wearing leather jackets Yeah, I kind of like the fact that they copped to it taking place in Eastern Europe since it obviously was shot there Right, it's like rumble in the Bronx that was shot in Toronto Yeah, exactly. That's why you had the snow-capped peaks rising over the Bronx Have a dune buggy's racing through the streets and the up on golf courses Or how Vicki Christina Barcelona was actually filmed inside of alcano
Starting point is 00:06:50 it is weird how they're just lava oozing behind every scene constantly yeah although that was sexual tension but in fact that's what hot magma that's the what the woodman said it represented that's what all his fans call him and i'm talking of course of Woody Harrelson. Star of Vicki Christina Barcelona. Now they played Barcelona. Yeah, he played the title character of Barcelona. Barcelona Jones, the detective, who Vicki hires to catch Christina after Christina runs off at the drug money. So there after this kid and Idris Elba approaches Johnny Blays who is living in a shack in the middle of nowhere and tells him I know you have a demon inside you that turns you into a motorcycle madman. If you...
Starting point is 00:07:42 What is this movie called motorcycle mad? It's pretty great if it was. And I am in desperate need of a motorcycle madman if you if you all if you i am in desperate need of a motorcycle madman if you help me find this kid i will take you to a secret monk labyrinth where they will pull the demon out of you and you'll be safe your curse will be over and johnny blitz is a deal and nicklaus cage does a lot of like shaking his head and acting like he's a drug fiend and then says okay i'll do it and then turns into the, I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:08:05 And then turns into the ghost rider as the villains catch up with the kid and his mom. Right as they're in the midst of kid napping literally as the kid has been knocked on consciousness taking a nap. Ghost, not not after putting up quite a fight. He puts up quite. Yeah, the kid and his mom are pretty much almost a match for four Eastern European henchmen, which is pretty impressive or just disappointing if it's the henchmen we're talking about. So the arrival of a giant flaming demon, does it?
Starting point is 00:08:30 Does it? It tips the scales a little or? Not that much actually, and they don't seem that phased by it, even after he uses a magic fire chain to turn three of the henchmen into literally ash. Their bodies burn up in an instant. Yeah, it's like their vampires. And one guy goes right, performs his penance stare on, which returns the pain.
Starting point is 00:08:48 The gazer has caused tenfold to, I guess, also turn a guy into fire dust. But then the main henchman bad guy, his name is Carrigan, after Nancy Carrigan, the ice skater, shoots ghost writer with like a giant, what is it, like a cannon shell? It's like a bazooka carbon rock and uh... ghost writers kind of knocked out
Starting point is 00:09:08 and they take the kid and drive away yeah cuz that's his weakness in the comics right is a super show with the who can tell the exactly it's a it's a pretty specific superhero weakness you can drop an atom bomb on the spine the bazauka shell can't take it that's why ghost writers main super villain was bsuka joe yeah well the way they have because also a comic book hero yeah bsuka joe was killing people and stealing their eyes to see if they fit where his eye was missing that's like if like Neil Gaiman wrote a bsuka joe comic yeah and if you
Starting point is 00:09:42 if you if you pull down mortz to turtle neck all you see is a horrifically scarred that is exactly and he's sharp demon teeth so ghost writer and this mom and address elba are on the chase to find this kid and to stop the bad guys because it turns out this kid is the son of the devil so it could have been called catch that kid
Starting point is 00:10:01 it could have been called ghost writer catch that kid which would have been called Ghost Brider, catch that kid. Which would have been a pretty great title. Except it would have been at some point in the movie he would have had to have said, catch that kid. The demon's name devil's name is Rourke. It turns out that he wants to, the devil is inside of a weak human shell that is literally burning up from the inside. It can't contain the unholy power of the devil. And so he wants to transfer his soul into the kid's body. The kid's body being stronger because it's half demon, half
Starting point is 00:10:29 human, but also already has demon powers in it, which allow him to turn off the Ghost Writer element inside of Johnny Blaze. Now, there's a lot of people getting driven around back and forth. There's a big fight scene at a bad guy military installation where Ghost Rider gets into a giant chainsaw crane, which goes up in flames and he's just slamming it down on top of people. Yeah. And I think he's laughing. He's totally. He's like, he is loving it. I mean, Ghost Rider is loving it. In the comics, he's a pretty stoic figure and he doesn't seem to get much pleasure. Likeable. Implacable.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Doesn't seem to even have much of a personality. But here, I guess there's a lot of Nicholas Cage coming through, because he's like Wisecracken at times. Yeah, there's some classic Cage moments in this movie. Yeah, he enjoys. There's one scene where Johnny Cage is Johnny Cage. Johnny Blay is riding his motorcycle straight towards the camera while fighting the urge to turn it to Ghost Rider
Starting point is 00:11:26 and then eventually succumbing to it. And it's like, This is a climax of the movie basically for all this cage of fire. Yes, except it's like 25 minutes in. And but it's basically, it looks like a scene from Kung Fu hustle. Like it's really cartoony.
Starting point is 00:11:36 His eyes are disappearing into skull holes and he's like, Oh, ah, ah, ah, like Bruce Campbell and one of the evil dead movies trying to like keep himself from Transforming fully into like a dead eye. Yeah, it's basically. Yeah, it's like that or like Jim Kering the mask Yeah in the max That's pop-I who is just on a mask. I just saw that movie the max It was a good pop-I And I did this thing
Starting point is 00:12:06 Now I'm gonna look over here. A little, and we'll move out of the way, come to the screen. Now, while I think that... That's the greatest thing about the pop-eye cartoons is just like the pop-eye has the need to narrate everything that's... The pop-eye? We see the Batman all the sudden.
Starting point is 00:12:19 He narrates everything that happens on the screen. The legend of the pop-eye. Yeah, we go to here now. Well, that's close. It was great because you had... What was his name? Mercer. I can't remember the name of the Popeye. Yeah, go to here now. Well, that's supposed to be like this. It was great because you had, what was his name? Mercer, I can't remember the name of the guy who did Popeye's voice, who I think was just one of the animators at the Fleischer Studios. But like, so they would just shove in dialogue when Popeye's mouth wasn't moving.
Starting point is 00:12:37 I just like, yeah, I guess I'll go over here. Oh, I'm not going to let you over there. We have the thing. And like, we'd like those are the funniest jokes and the whole thing. But anyway, the, so that happens a lot. it in like it would like those of the funniest jokes and the whole thing uh... but anyway the uh... so that happens a lot so that's that will talk more about that when we see when we finally watch the pop i rises the final of the pop i trilogy
Starting point is 00:12:55 but uh... there what where were we are so there's so those writers enjoying himself a lot but johnny cage a john and again again johnny blaze does not like it. I'll just call him Nicholas Cage. You can call him Johnny Cage. I mean, he is the hero of the Mortal Kombat universe. That's true, or the avant-garde musician. So they eventually, they catch that kid, as the title says,
Starting point is 00:13:16 and they take him to a secret monk labyrinth. It's like cave dwellings, or most isely, or, as Stuart you said, it's like the dwellings or most Isle or as Stuart you said it's like the set free tourney Eternia from he man the masters of the universe Silly. There's a lot of Vaseline on the lens. Yeah, it's all very it's filtered through red colors And they're with these monks one of them played by fan favorite Christopher Lambert fan favorite don't they all lamb. They all he's got in his native tongue He has words tattooed all over him like the guy in that one story and quiet on and
Starting point is 00:13:44 got in his native tongue. He has words tattooed all over him like the guy in that one story and quite on. And they are going to supposed to do a ritual that's going to remove the devil from inside the kid's body. So we meet a bunch of crazy monks with tattoos all over there. They look like they live in a jowel village, but they're not jowels. And so we're supposed to be like, we meet these jowels with jowels. We meet these guys. Of course, they're fucking bad guys. Yeah, these guys and of course they're fucking bad guys. Yeah, they're bad dude. They act like bad guys. They are going to kill the kids. It's the only way to, they say to stop them, but they're like Christopher Lambert is smiling while he's doing it while he's saying it. Also right before this Idris Elba manages to release the curse from Johnny Blaze. He does
Starting point is 00:14:20 this by giving him a piece of host or bread to rep, you know, actually, it's not host, it's just bread. Should represent the body of Christ, they drink 2000 year old wine. I'm the best kind of wine. It just over talks for a long time about how much he loves wine. And then he basically, it basically, you basically sweat out the ghost rider, the same way you would sweat out a heroin addiction. It locks Johnny Blaise in a room and Johnny Blaise just kind of deities and hallucinates until he doesn't have a demon inside of him anymore. But that's when they find out, oh, the monks want to kill the kid
Starting point is 00:14:48 by chopping his head off. That's the kind of time when you'd want to have a demon inside you, right? You better believe it. Luckily, someone else comes to the kids' rescue. Who is it? It's Carrigan who was killed but brought back to life by the devil as classic Ghost Rider Villain Blackout. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the bad guy in the original ghost writer movie blackout? That was black heart. That was black heart. The son of Mephisto.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Okay, so this guy is completely unrelated. Completely unrelated, except in the way that all the ghost writer villains are related because they're all kind of crappy. Don't they all look like ninjas or something? No, you're thinking of Death Watch. Okay. Ninja mob boss with long hair
Starting point is 00:15:26 There's also okay, so was he in this movie? He's not neither is vengeance the anti hero version of ghost right about snow blind Snow blind is not in it neither is so yeah, I don't think so not all of those writers villains are ninjas But I mean all of them have names that sound like J.J. Villains apparently. Yes, well, they were- Which does mean they could all be ninjas. Okay, good point. Checkmate. Very- Mate and checkmate.
Starting point is 00:15:51 So does the bad guy use any shurikens or katanas? He uses either. He uses his hands because now he has the power to decay things and rot them just by touching them. Okay. And there's some neat moments with that. There's a funny part where that Dan liked, where he is driving and he's driving in a stolen ambulance and he's trying to find food he can eat and the food keeps crumbling to dust
Starting point is 00:16:12 in his hands and he finds a twinkie. And it's okay. Oh yeah. You do. Look, it's, look, I'm not saying it's not a hacky joke. I'm saying that it went by very quickly and it live and up. had at that point become a very dull movie. Okay good point good point. So blackout saves the day except he's a villain so he kidnaps the kid. He catches that kid as the title says then he takes him to another totally different
Starting point is 00:16:39 stupid location where the devil is gonna hold this ceremony to put his soul inside of the kid just like Ghostbusters 2 basically. Blackout is that guy's stinger. And I can never remember the name of that actor so I was calling by his character in Sophie's choice. No, wait, wait. He was also an alien to me. He was also an alien to me.
Starting point is 00:16:59 He was also an alien to me. He was also an alien to me. He was also an alien to me. He was also an alien to me. He was also an alien to me. He was also an alien to me. He was also an alien to me. He was also an alien to me. He was also an alien to me. He was also an alien. Me, or something. Yeah, me, or a lot of you. That's his character's name, but I don't have to act like that. Wait, it's not the same. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:07 He's the guy from Dragon Slayer. He was the kid in Dragon Slayer. Was it, oh yeah. Was it an alien, an alien, a big bear? Yeah, I just said he was an alien, like, a bear. Oh, wait, he did. Yes. Okay, so his name's me, or a lot of you.
Starting point is 00:17:17 It's not. The character's name was me, or a lot of you. He's not name, and that. And he's not Digo. No, Digo is a different guy. Digo is a person. Digo is a person. The Carpathian is the bad guy.
Starting point is 00:17:25 So that's not the name of the answer. Well, it's Milo, she's a bad guy too, but he's a henchman. He's the rent field to Vigo. I mean, okay, so we've talked about Milo. So that was, and by the, I just want to say, this is a memory blast from the past. That was one of those characters
Starting point is 00:17:39 because I saw Ghostbusters 2 in the theaters. I was probably about six or seven. And I was shocked later to find out that that was not that actor's real accent, that he did not have this ridiculous dripping Eastern European fake accent. Well, that reminds me when I was very young and my brother was telling my, not my sister in law, the time his girlfriend, thatpal marks was not a mute in real life and i said
Starting point is 00:18:07 and she goes into the ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha and the other was not funny. Yep. And then of course there was gummo who was not in the movies. But anyway, moving on, so they're at this bullshit ceremony where the devil's gonna spit his soul into the boy. Our heroes run in with a bunch of guns that they took from the armory of the monks. They're shooting people up, shooting people down. They run in and turns out they're a little bit overpowered. Blackout in a Dacelba start a fight and the devil is gonna kill nicklaus cage and then the kids says
Starting point is 00:18:49 i have all the same power that you have right dad and the devil is like yeah that's true and he goes okay bringing up this is a great time to remind me of that and then the kid vomits fire into nicklaus and nicklaus cage was do it the kid vomits fire into his mouth for about an hour and nicklaus cage becomes Ghost Rider again. Slays all the bad guys. Yeah, but I was turned into ash.
Starting point is 00:19:10 But the, oh, the devil and the kid escape. There's a car chase. Yep. The Ghost Rider is jumping around from car to car. All the car's getting crashed. The most inhaler was cut from that sequence. From the car chase, yeah. And also one shot where Ghost Rider is peeing fire, which I was very disappointed to learn
Starting point is 00:19:26 was not a real scene. It's just the kid asked him what happens if you, if you have to pee when you go strider. Maybe a flashback. It's like a, it's like a, it's like a family guy swishpan. Like, I remember the time you were Ghost Rider and you had to pee, cut to guy peeing fire all over the place. And then Ghost Rider looks over his shoulder at the camera and nods as if like, yeah, you know it. You love it. I'm peeing fire all over the place and then ghost writer looks over his shoulder at the camera and nods as if like yeah you know it. You love it.
Starting point is 00:19:48 I'm pig fire. I'm doing it. So put them on the glass. You probably could have just imagined it but here it is. It is. Ghost writer does all these things. He finally he pulls the devil out of a car crash and then you're really getting into the micro.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Whips him up with a chain. So hard that he slams him down into hell. It turns into fire and dies. Pretty much. Yeah. The devil apparently can't take the fire to hell. So wait a minute. The devil may, oh, after saying that that was the worst deal you ever made. So the devil made ghost rider way tougher than himself. Yeah. It's just like the old the old question. The old question, could God ever make a rock so heavy even God couldn't lift it because he can't be all powerful if he if he either way it's like the devil is went out of his way to create a minion of hell who is way more powerful than the devil.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Bad move huh? On his part. Yeah, I mean because he's dead now and the kid and the kid looks like he's dead but then the kid and the kid looks like he's dead but then ghost rider using the power we've never seen before uses his skeletal hands with blue flame in it he just touched caresses the child's cheek and the child gets brought back to life that makes sense and the kid goes did we win and Nicholas Cage goes yes and then it snaps into his face and he goes, hell yes. And that's the end of the movie. And so the movie gets both sillier and more boring, I feel like, as it goes on. It starts out at a very silly pitch,
Starting point is 00:21:14 but a fun pitch, and then it gets kind of dull. So thanks David Goere for that one. Well, I mean, David Goere didn't direct it. He was probably just, he probably, this was based on one phone call from David Goier, right? Maybe, yeah. Where he is, they said, David, can you name some Ghost Rider villains? And he went, oh, there's blackout? Good, done, fine. Great.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Didn't you use blackout in the last one? No, use black heart, great, whatever. We'll just Wikipedia the rest. What was the name of the... That's very similar to the his process when directing Blade 3 or Blade Trinity as it's called. Yeah, here's one thing I got to say about that super villain. Blade Trinity? No, in this movie. You mean Black Outer Rourke, the devil? The Black Outer? Or Black Heart from the first? The devil. The devil? Black Jack, which is the thing you hit people with. The devil sends like these like normal living henchmen to get this kid. And he keeps sending them even after he knows the ghost riders on the case.
Starting point is 00:22:16 And then only after this one henchman dies does the guy, the devil bring him back to life and give them these pestilence powers. Get your monster powers. And it seems like, why didn't you send someone supernatural to retrieve this package earlier on, especially because I mean like, I think that's probably, answer probably involves the production budget. But yeah, it's a good question. Why bother with the middleman? Why not just send the monsters right from the top? Why do you just show them and get that kid? Yeah, why? Or catch that kid.
Starting point is 00:22:46 But also it shows it took me to phrase. But also it shows what a shitty job Ghost Rider is doing through most of the movie. Well, he's standing by humans. He's standing by humans. Like he shows up, he, man, he like gets shot at and like he can't be killed by anything, but yet still. Well, the problem is Ghost Rider is very easily distracted. Yeah. And numerous times the kid is in his
Starting point is 00:23:07 clutches. He could catch that kid right then. But instead he like, he like locks eyes with one henchman and takes a long time, luxuriating and destroying him, where he gets into that big chain saw crane. And is like just laughing his head off. So when he has a chain that he can attack people from the trauma distance, he can like just laughing his head off. Imagine people who don't man. Set some shit on fire.
Starting point is 00:23:25 When he has a chain that he can attack people from the trauma distance, he can breathe fire, he can pee fire. There's no reason. He ate some dudes bullets one time. And then spit them back at him. Yeah, I mean, that's pretty good. Like, he really is a, he doesn't know
Starting point is 00:23:40 how to use his power properly. He needs to be trained by a mentor, let's say. Yeah. But also, he's very easily distracted It like ghost writers should be on Ridlin probably or maybe ghost writers like the greatest American hero He like lost the ghost writer manual and he doesn't understand I think a lot of people would say ghost writer is our greatest American hero As he goes ghost writer George Washington the greatest American hero and at number three What are the guys all the vampires and then Peyton Manning at number three. What about that guy? He was all the vampires in that room.
Starting point is 00:24:06 And then Peyton Manning, number four, Peyton Manning. What about that vampire hunting president from all the movies he loved? Abraham Lincoln? Yeah. Okay, one never really hunted vampires. Two, all joking aside, yes, greatest American in history.
Starting point is 00:24:17 But let's decide the point. Yeah, Ali didn't even want to sell his memory by including him in his joke list. Come on. So, what's Lincoln suffered enough? He was murdered. Let's just say, as a joke, hasn't Lincoln suffered enough, let's remember he was killed by being shot in the head
Starting point is 00:24:33 while enjoying the play. So at least he was happy with his hide. He was a good play. On earlier that day, he had taken a carriage ride with Mary Todd and they'd started planning their life after his presidency. So sad. It's a real tragedy. Thanks for bringing us all down down.
Starting point is 00:24:47 We're Stuart. No thanks for bringing us all down Stuart. I don't know. I think your knowledge of history brought us all down. Yeah sorry about that. If I could have just said yeah he's awesome vampire-acquilling abilities and his gun acts. So I was trying to set up. Well he maybe he's number five after Peyton Manning. Sure. So you mentioned when we were watching the movie that Ghost Rider in this movie is basically some kind of a Hulk. He, Nicholas Cage is constantly struggling to control the ghost and not let it out. It is a very Hulk thing.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Like when he's mad, he starts ghosting and turning into a skull face. And it's not. It's almost like I would have preferred somebody more boring to be the hero and then when he gets like the thing he's trying to fight and hide inside is actually just nickel actor Nicholas K. Pretty great. They just be called cage rider. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:36 And he just turns it. It's that would be a pretty fantastic movie. Yeah. It was like Josh Hartnett and he has to unleash Nicholas K. I know. Josh Hartnett knows how to moat quite a good deal. Well, what if it was Alex Petty further? But also in the comics, I believe it was that
Starting point is 00:25:50 whenever innocent blood is shed, Johnny Blazer Dan catch the second ghostwriter becomes ghostwriter. I don't think he could just, it was just like when he gets mad or like, it's, you know, it's constantly fighting him. I thought it was just when blood is shed. So he didn't have to, doesn't have to drink a lot of water all the time to keep his head from turning into a flame. No, I don't think that's something.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Maybe Rubin Ice Cubes on his head. He doesn't have to wrap his face in his bestos to keep the fire down. Does it have to chew like cool, cool mint gum? So you're saying that Ghost Rider shouldn't like, shouldn't volunteer to blood drive? Cause it, Oh, certainly not. It's gonna go crazy. I mean, maybe if it's a blood drive. Because they, oh, certainly not.
Starting point is 00:26:25 It's gonna go crazy. I mean, maybe if it's a blood drive held at like, like a prison or like an evil, evil corporation. Yeah, but I could be wrong. I thought I think that was the original thing, but I could be wrong about that. All right. But the same way that,
Starting point is 00:26:37 whoever knows fear burns at the touch of the man thing. Whoa. Which seems like. I'm talking about man thing now. He's a different character. He's a different character who would have been a fantastic character in this I like I wish they'd brought more Marvel characters into this movie because they're kind of stingy with it they just have ghost writer blackout and like the devil who gives a shit about that guy bring all
Starting point is 00:26:56 the midnight suns in morbias doctor strange blade Hannibal King I guess if you're gonna put the devil why not just make him a fist. Oh, I thought he was Mephisto in the last movie. That's the thing played by Peter Fonda. Yeah, and who was, uh, who was Sam Elliott and the other one? I was like an old time mustache. E. Mustache. Yeah, you got a mustache. Yeah, mustache. She must as she does. Hey, it's me. A mustache. She must as she. Hey, it's me, a mustache, a mustache. How do you like it, my mustache? And he rides a flaming horse. He has a flaming organ grinder thing, and he's a flaming monkey that collects flaming coins
Starting point is 00:27:35 from flaming petitions. He is a Italian, right? Yes, yeah. And he throws a flaming pizza dough in the air. Spicing meatballs, and everybody. He throws a flaming limoncello. He throws a pepperoni slice, and it cuts someone's head off. Oh, it just, goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes,
Starting point is 00:27:46 he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes,
Starting point is 00:27:54 he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes,
Starting point is 00:28:02 he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, goes, he goes, goes, he goes, he goes, he goes, he goes you were in Italy. That's all you remembered. He has flaming gelato. Strike two. Yeah, I think all of his vacation pictures were taken inside of a domino. I think he just went to an Olive Garden. I don't think he went to Italy. Hospitaliano, guys. You went to the hospital? Oh my god. Yeah, I think I'm by flaming mustache treated. Oh, okay, so we've been talking a lot about ghost rider. Yeah, kind of is it time to talk about some more? Yeah, I think well, we really haven't said much about the quality of the film. So it was great. Clearly. I was very disappointed in this movie. I thought it was gonna be way crazier and over the top. Yeah, Neville Dean and Taylor gave us the impression from their crank movies because the guys who made this made the crank movies.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Yeah. That they were going to deliver a really crazy ghost writer movie. And there's a little bit of that. There's some high craziness adrenaline moments, but then it gets very slow and very dull. And last like that. And it's not a long movie. It's like an hour and 30 minutes. And it feels much longer.
Starting point is 00:29:03 I mean, there's a lot of scenes of stuff running around an attorney. It was really boring. Yeah, there's a lot of scenes of people just wandering across landscapes, which may be fine if you're Andre Tarkovsky. But come on, Neville Detailer. There's a lot of scenes of, you know, eyes turning into skull sockets. Yeah, but like it's a little bit wild. Decades trying to shake that off. Like i kind of wanted to see me walk it off nick cages put the cages put in the moves on the single mom and then puts his arm around her and then looks at the as a skeleton can goes hand to goes whoa and puts it behind his back
Starting point is 00:29:35 okay is there something wrong what's the matter nothing nothing i just go to the uh... bathroom up right back runs the bathroom his head's already on fire and come on not now come on, not now, come on! Yeah, a little more. Ghosty don't screw me! Maybe try not to. Yeah, maybe try to hide his affection for the devil's mom by, I don't know, because that kid's a devil, right?
Starting point is 00:29:58 The kid is the son of the devil. Okay, so try not to hide. Damon Hellstrom. Okay, try to hide that kid's. So, wait. Here's a question. Just let him off, Dan. Let him off.
Starting point is 00:30:07 I mean, the idea of being a ghost block just brought it up. I know it was a fan. I know it was a fantasy sequence, but I'm... Are you talking about ghostbusters? Well, there's flaming penis in this. Well, he does. The flaming penis isn't a fire. There is no penis.
Starting point is 00:30:24 But that's the thing. Yeah, it's a smelly thing. It has no soft tissue. A boner, Elliot. No, it's got a boner. It's got a boner. Two shea, and probably slightly wormy. No. I'm guessing that blood in, those are busy blood splatters.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Blood splatters. What is the fling? I'm like, what? I'm like, what? I'm even talking to your grandma about this? Well, we are talking about boners. Uh-huh. Okay. It's giving out the way to the house.
Starting point is 00:30:49 It is, it is, your explanation just reiterated what you said before. Yeah, they're round. She'll bring it together round and I'll tell you a story of boners. Uh-huh. Of boners of years past. Boners of years to year. Of your King Arthur's boner was a mighty boner. He pulled it out of a stone, which
Starting point is 00:31:07 made him the transporter be back to my youth. Back to your granny's house. I think it's just, he just opens his pants and fires constantly spilling out. And maybe he just shapes his hands into like a tunnel. So the fire comes out in a pea spray. So is the like, is there fire? Is there like a fire blatter inside? I think it's no, these bodies just constantly on fire. Okay. Fire blatter. Anyway, there was these moments of stupidity that I wish were
Starting point is 00:31:34 greater parts of the movie and the pea fire is one of them. That like, it's one of the things, those moments, it's like, look, at heart, ghost rider is kind of a stupid concept. It's a really cool visual. It's an awesome visual that doesn't hold up too well when it's like, look, at heart Ghost Rider is kind of a stupid concept. It's a really cool visual. It's an awesome visual that doesn't hold up too well when it's walking around and talking and hitting people. So like, let's just have fun with it and do crazy stuff. But as with any movie where there's a prophecy that has to be fulfilled in some like serum,
Starting point is 00:31:59 some ritual has to be performed in the light of the full moon before the dawn breaks or some stuff, it's like, it gets really bogged down and not fun. And part of the problem is similar to the problems with the Hulk is that you have a character who the audience just wants them to be, they're like monster form. You don't really care about the nerdy normal guy. And when you have a star play the normal guy it causes a problem I'm sure. Your pan nick cage tens of millions of dollars probably like you don't want to have his character be played by a CGI skeleton most of the movie
Starting point is 00:32:37 like you want to get your money is worth with Nick Cage especially since the sculptor is showing most of the shots in his in his various castles and I have to assume I have to assume holding. I have to assume the castle in the beginning where they have a massacre of monks is his castle that he owns. He's putting Anthony Stewart head his day. Yeah, the, the, the, Jiles from Buffy, Anthony Stewart head and from, uh, repel the
Starting point is 00:32:57 Juhank operative. Yeah. He shows up at the very beginning of the movie and like the prologue, uh, says about two lines and then gets shot in the head. The Anthony Stewart head is doing good. Nope it was Ellie. If thanks Dan thanks. Now I know every memory you have of me you've inserted Stewart in. I'm keeping triviting Ellie jokes to me. Thanks. I guess you wanted that's the director's cut the way you wish those memories had happened. If you had had the technology of the time. Yeah. Well there's a certain dopey Stewart quality to that joke that
Starting point is 00:33:29 But Nicholas Cage at one point owned at least two castles yet to sell least one of them for tax groups. Could we be Charlie Brown? I pulled I pulled the football out from under Stewart the football of That's his hemorrhide pillow damn so football footballs aren't shaped like the copy donuts you have it back
Starting point is 00:33:56 i guess we should probably final judgment to our final judgment we should probably start from the top and talk about the movie all over again okay ghost writer spirit of vengeance catch that kid smash Smash Cut. We're in hell. We're a young man named Ghost Rider is dreaming of the future. I'll never be a Spirit Evengeance because I'm not big and strong. Drink your milk. Ghost Rider. Yeah, like Nicholas Cage. Then his dad gets killed by a burglar. He gets bitten by a radioactive whatever turns into Superman. Radioactive teaches him that he can't do everything but he thinks he can
Starting point is 00:34:28 And then the reason we fall is because we can learn to pick ourselves back up out of hell Exactly, Bane breaks his back and then turns into a guy in a wheelchair with a huge head in a mustache then Green Lantern fights Wonder Woman and Superman returns from space Then Gremlins show up Gremlins to the new batch are right behind of course 1492 the discovery of paradise and It happened here directed by Kevin Brownlow then of course. There's reanimator monkey shines, which leads to Sophie's choice And of course, there's reanimator, monkey shines, which leads to Sophie's choice. The man who knew too much meets the man who knew too little, the man who wasn't there,
Starting point is 00:35:11 and then of course the man with two faces, two face, Batman forever, and forever plaid. So I think that pretty much covers it, right? Yep. So go strider, catch that kid, spirit of of engines to 3D up the streets So yeah, were we miss an out was this was this in 3D was this driving? It was shot in 2D and then post turns into 3D. Okay, so we didn't so it was fakey 3d. Okay We didn't miss too much. No, yeah, so it was just a good bad movie bad bad movie movie kind of like It's to it. What do you have to say for yourself? Well, I was really hoping it was to be a joke.
Starting point is 00:35:47 It was really hoping not to be talking to that way for a self. I apologize. That was the 70s copy of me. Of course, I, of course I wanted to like this movie. Everybody knows I love Nicholas Cage, but yeah, it was pretty boring. There's a lot of boring shit in it, and it did feel like I was lied to by the trailer in that all the exciting stuff was basically the end of the movie, which ended up not being
Starting point is 00:36:14 excited when watched as a movie and not a trailer. And the flame pee was like a fantasy. Yeah, come on. I was expecting that to be like the actual climax. Yeah, like you said. 30 minutes of the movie should have been by the flame pee P because when he had the devil on his knees at the very Exactly. The devil's like, what are you gonna do about it? He's like, I'll be in your face What would be more insulting than to be burnt death by P? Come on. Yeah, nothing literally nothing. Yeah, come on
Starting point is 00:36:38 So I'm gonna have to say a bad bad movie. Although I will have to I will have to amend this because when I heard that it was in 3D and I didn't see it in 3D, I have to say it was probably a good good movie in 3D. That's makes everything better, yeah sure. Yeah, you did not see it as the director intended. Well, no, you did because it was post-processed into 3D. No, I think that. The studio intended me to see it in 3D. So it's probably a good turn. That's true. Okay, so your thoughts I would also call this a bad bad movie you're agreeing with me again I except for the good good part
Starting point is 00:37:11 I also had high hopes that this would be a fun stupid piece of fun stoop But instead it turns out to be pretty dull and not a lot of craziness, which is what I was hoping for So bad bad. Yeah, I for a while was hovering around a movie I kind of like the first like 20 minutes were better than the rest of the movie. That was the cameras all shaky and Nicholas Cage was being a goof and you know, it just got doll. I liked all the silly stuff like the green screen like driving around and Nick was making faces like somebody's pensioners. Yeah, I just I was doing that to himself. There's also there's a very method I hear.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Very late in the movie, blackout kind of wins me over a couple times. There's a part where he's dissolving Idriselba's body and Idriselba headbutts him and in such a so hard that Idriselba's head put burst into dust and it gets in blackout's mouth and Stewart went, that's gross and then blackout goes, phew, phew, that's gross. And it was great, that moment was great, so if you can watch this movie with Stewart,
Starting point is 00:38:08 to have him say that line before blackout says it then. I'm available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, guys. I'd rather not leave Brooklyn specifically Park's Loat. So, just, I am me. So if you're in the slope, and Dan, what about you? What about me? Your final judgment. I gave it.
Starting point is 00:38:24 What? What? I was final judgment? I gave it Asad I was busy thinking about the its gross part. All right, you even call me ass out a lot tonight not on the show but beforehand Just trying out his new insults. He just got him. Yeah, I got to rotate them. They're like crops, you know You want the insult soil to get drained of nutrients. And right now I'm in the asset phase. The ones looking as iPads, so that's either celebrity boobs or letters. Both. It was celebrity boobs earlier, but now it's letters. And the celebrity boobs, I assume you mean the three stooages?
Starting point is 00:39:00 What a bunch of boobs. A lot of yaks though. A lot of yaks. Anyway, letter. This is from Hector last name with hell. Elisando. Not Elisandro? No, there's no Elisandro. This is a Stuart Wellington approved flop house recommendation. Let's hope. Dear floppers, I want to start by saying that since I discovered your show through AV Club's pod mass feature a while back, the flop house has quickly become my favorite podcast. Now I think we should step out, step aside here. I agree, let's tangent.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Okay, so we're going to Zach Morris time out it. Yep, and then take over. Morris, you little piece of Mr. Bell again, then. Are you cell phones? Find a homeless man at the mall, invite him to live at our house and never see him again. That's how you Zach Morris. But we should mention that the A.V. Club was very kind enough to include us again in their regular pod mass feature as in their roundup of the best podcast.
Starting point is 00:39:58 I think that was probably a type of maybe, but it was they re they reviewed our last episode of mortals, which not one of our most amazing episodes, but it was they read they read that they reviewed our last episode of mortals Which not one of our most amazing episodes, but it was great to see them give us a positive write-up It was we were very glad to have it and we hope more people discover us as a point So thank you very much, AVG. Yeah The the real point I want to get this something I was notified of tonight before this recording Which is that apparently some hooligan some black, some dastardly devious d villain has posted a comment in the threads of on that pod mess under my name, and I do not appreciate that. It's probably not your wife.
Starting point is 00:40:38 It's not my wife. She doesn't care about this podcast, doesn't pay attention to it. It wasn't Dan, because Dan posted under his own name to get into a troll swab. We call those a flame war in the biz. In what biz? In the comments. So that was Dan, that was the real Dan McCoy. The real McCoy, you might call him.
Starting point is 00:41:01 I thought that since I am a big post, I can get this troll but I did not but I didn't post it because I I don't want to know how to post things using my phone. Yes, and I was working so I am there's someone in the comment section With the name elite K-Lin not me who said about time was it spelled correctly? It was spelled correctly, but that's not for those who is doing it put Postered about time. That's how I talk. I'm about it. And you're saying like, if you now, if you ever want to comment on a new thing in the AV Club, you'll have to be posting as the real LA K-L-A-K-L-L-A-K-L-L-A-K-L-L-A-K-L-L-L-A-K-L-L-L-A-K-L-L-L-A-K-L-L-L-L-A-K-L-L-L-L-L-A-K-L-L-L-L-L-L-A-K-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-A-K-L-L-L-L-L-L-A-K-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-A-K-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L- next to you. I just want everyone to know that was not me commenting. I'm very unhappy about it, but it does mean I'm officially a celebrity who's been cyber squatted. So if someone wants to add that to my Wikipedia entry, go right ahead. And I want to say to the AV Club, I would never make a comment like that. I was very appreciative that you wrote about us, and I hope you do again in the
Starting point is 00:41:56 future. It was very nice of you. Yeah. Anyway, so back to that other Elliott Kaelin. Who are you? Why are you trying to steal my life? I have a set of skills skills that could be very useful in this whatever. So what with Elliott's ability to recall? Back to the letter that's when Zach goes time in. Yeah. Well, this is a ride Mr. Belding is perplexed but pays for them. What with Elliott's? They serve them at the fourth prom they've held that week. What with Elliott's they serve them at the fourth prom they've held that held that week With Elliott's miss Bell ability to recall vast stores of frivolous pop culture factoid. Yep save other Well stewards raw sex appeal and dance how do you say Lio Nardinus the flop house is growing to be my favorite bad movie Come up podcast and I think it trips the competition
Starting point is 00:42:41 Well, thank you very much. I appreciate that and I I hope I assume when you say having said that something more positive is going to come afterwards. Having said all this, I noticed that a lot more of the recent films you guys have covered are curiously lacking in the Ding Dong Mutilation Department. It's just ridiculous amounts of work. We just, Immortals just had a guy slamming a huge hammer into another guy's chest. That's actually a really good point. But there was a big ding-dong relation gap before that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:08 So my name suggests you guys suggest a film that will surely make up for that general lack of Gore. Antichrist? And bad taste by pointing you guys towards an Aussie's flat-stick film in the mold of one Peter Jackson's and or Sam Raimi's earlier films. I speak of the 1993 Gore movie Body Melt. A film, great. A film written in a cheese melt. Or tuna melt. A film written in direction by the former member
Starting point is 00:43:32 of an experimental music troupe with an irritatingly unpronounceable name, right arrow up arrow, right arrow. And those are the symbols. As per Wikipedia's summary of the film, the movie is about the residence of the small town of Pebbles Court, who are the unknowing test subjects for a new variety of vimual dietary supplement pills that arrive for free in their mailboxes. The pills are designed to produce the ultimate healthy human but have unexpected side effects,
Starting point is 00:43:56 including hallucinations and mutations. Here's just a small list of certain scenes that I hope will wet your appetite. 1. A scene in which a man has his ribcage massage out of his stomach. Spoiler alert. 2. A scene in which a pregnant woman's unborn baby attempts to kill her by expelling itself from her body and attacking both her and her husband with tendrils. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:44:16 And 3. Of course, a scene in which a couple has the very little definition of killer sex. Hint. It has to do with the dude's ding dong, which I'm sure Stuart will enjoy. Thanks for that. So that's a recommendation from one Hector last thing with help. Well, Hector, I hacked your Elizaundro. Thank you for the recommendations. Body meal. I will watch it. Body meal. Why do you say a week? Yeah, I haven't seen that film, but I'll have to try it. Sounds good. Sounds a little bit like a recommendation I made No, I can't think of anything maybe like black roses the movie where the
Starting point is 00:44:53 The devil rock band shows up into the small town and turns everybody into demons. It that's not the one with the Nazi demons Is it I don't think they're Nazi demons. That's the one with the really awesome VHS box cover that was like like puffy Oh, I don't know. I think I'm thinking of having a male zombie. That's probably I think I think that it was either called heavy metal zombies or hard rock zombies Although, and there's a scene over the course of a couple scenes you just see this one demon zombie puppet eat its own face Although I think the rock band the evil rock band at the end of Blood diner featured a couple of it all Hitler's That sounds about right. Yeah or Bliner
Starting point is 00:45:30 Blood diner Bliner. Okay back to the letters. This one's titled on cannons and It's from Matthew last name with help for pep tax purposes. Let's go Matthew. Let's go then it says dearest floppers Recently a friend and I went to see a little movie called Prometheus, which I liked well enough to hope that it doesn't end on the subject of a future episode. I liked it. Yeah, we all we all enjoyed it. After the movie, ladies, a lady commits Robo surgery on herself to pull an octopus baby out of her belly. And then two awesome aliens fucking getting a fight and have sex. Well, I don't think about it. I don't know if it's sex, it's a sexual assault.
Starting point is 00:46:05 I don't know, you're just consensual. I'd seem pretty consensual, that one we do not think consensual at all. Both that did a dead at the end of it. Talk about killer sex. That's for you, Hector. Continue with the letter. After the movie, my friend, Fatt and interview
Starting point is 00:46:16 were Ridley Scott offered an explanation for one of the mysteries in the movie. I'm sure that's... In the hopes of not spoiling anything, I will say that it involved the possibility of a space Jesus. My friend then said that the interview was the definitive explanation. Thinking that that particular explanation was stupid, and that Scott and Company had decided against explicitly including it in the movie, I said it was just a possible explanation, and that only the things found in the movie itself could count as official or definitive.
Starting point is 00:46:43 We have not been able to come to an agreement, even an agreement, two disagreements. So it turned to you, floppers. It's something that a creator says, and an interview, part of the Canada of their work. We even, if they didn't think it was worthwhile to include it in the actual work. So we're like Judge John Hodgman now. Yeah, we're a couple of judges, John Hodgman right now. Well, first of all, I want to compliment you on not agreeing to disagree because number one, that's stupid. And number two, I'm sorry. The basis of a civil society. No, no. Can I tell you where I come down on this one? Yeah. I come down squarely in favor of the letter writer. You have to go with the text of the film, the content of the film. The creator may say what he wants.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Fucking Ridley Scott always makes up, makes up bullshit about his fucking stupid. But unless he's George Lucas, once the film is out in the open, he no longer has control over interpretation. He can say what he meant to do. But if it is George Lucas, of course, everything he does afterwards is great. And to be taken 100% is canon. No, just what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:47:42 You should. Well, he just has a different relationship with his with his work with his output But it's like Marcel Duchamp said it takes two to make a work of art the artist and the spectator and the spectator is in some ways and equal and in some ways A greater half of that equation and also that space Jesus explanation I know the one your friend too is stupid and it's unnecessary so there's no reason he doesn't have a beard There's no dude with a beard, no space, Jesus. Thank you. Everyone knows that space, she's at a space beard.
Starting point is 00:48:09 And besides, and the one, the scary thing about that movie, if there is a scary thing, is that you have, we have no idea, not to spoil it for anyone still since he seemed Prometheus a month and a half later, or two months later, but we, the people who created us hate us and want to destroy us and we don't know why. Maybe they changed their minds, maybe we did something to piss them off, maybe they're just destroy us and we don't know why maybe they changed their minds maybe we did something to piss them off maybe they're just assholes we don't know we never will that's the scary thing space assholes
Starting point is 00:48:32 that sounds like a Peter Jackson movie Peter Jackson's space assholes he shot it everything that taste was every Thursday night for five years um this letter is titled. Do you guys agree with me on that one? No, oh, sorry. Yes. I do agree with you. I do agree that would make an awesome Peter Jackson movie. Okay. I'll probably turn it into three separate movies.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Three separate movies. A lot of dwarf singing. So we hope that answers your question about what would make an awesome Peter Jackson movie. Continuing, Dan. Suggestions for Stuart's new sound. We okay. This is from... Are we doing that? This is from Dan last night with help. So McCoy. So you wrote us a letter because you want to get your sound on the air. And the sound is Dan's great. Dan's the best. Not really a sound. Humbly submitted submitted when Elliott's plot summary reaches a mind-shattering twist
Starting point is 00:49:26 EG the old woman in the elevator is the devil then Stuart should explain in a heavy French accent reminiscent of Lumiere the cantal stick or Alex Proyus Sacre blue Or or it was Elbow in this movie. Yeah, yeah as Marso. I think this would I think this would ratchet up the drama and give the flop house a Continental old world flavor much like ragu PS I imagine that the phrase EG prompted Elliot to make an EG Marshall joke nailed it in my head. Yeah, there you go I thought about him. I'd be lying. I said I didn't So soccer blue
Starting point is 00:50:05 Soccer blue soccer blue 70s like like light porn film and I was gonna say it sounds like a sheet a character in a shitty like neon war sitting the future On the case of soccer blue Soccer blue was a dancer. See I'm thinking like there's like a maybe like a Swedish girl soccer team and it's the They're about the sexual away from all smurfs and they're so So I was like I saw a poor lady bugs. Yeah, exactly I'm older that doesn't exist With older actors. I mean that sounds creepy like in their 80s older than Rodney Dangerfield
Starting point is 00:50:41 It's all pretty pretty old when he made many kids many kids. They're not, ah, for kids. You want to make a porn about kids? No, I'm arguing. I did. Dan McCoy does not speak for the fly-pouse on this one. When I was, here's another quick, another quick, true, a young alien. When I was in fifth grade, I was in the end.
Starting point is 00:50:58 You really want to be Jonathan Brandis? Well, all my life I want to be Jonathan Brandis until a certain thing happens. I think we all know what it is involving suicide. But so when I was in fifth grade, you were graduating from elementary school. They were studying it lightly. You graduated from elementary school so there was a year, fifth grade yearbook and they were going to list what the favorite movies of the year were and there was a big hull of balloon. It was all termed in your two right? It should have been but there were two competing groups the girls wanted ladybugs to be
Starting point is 00:51:27 And there were two guys who were so unhappy about this that they created a voting block in favor of Wayne's world And they're like even if you don't like Wayne's world that much do you really want to say ladybugs in your yearbook? And in the end there was enough of a tie that it's a ladybugs slash Wayne's world So nobody was happy, which is I'm assuming the unofficial sequel to both films because they never made a sequel to Wayne's World. Exactly. But isn't that the sign? It's a crossover sequel. I of course voted for Magnificent Amber since the original lost cut. Isn't that a sign of a good compromise alley when no one's happy? Wrong. Ladybug's Wayne's World. The best compromise possible. Well, the best part is they did it alphabetically instead of, uh,
Starting point is 00:52:07 raise your old ladybugs. Bigger stars. Yeah. Yeah. Ronnie Dangerfield, again, way bigger star. Bigger star than Dana Carvey. Always. What about that movie? How many answer you're discussed? Come on. Yeah. We did play a turtle man.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Yeah. Uh, but did he ever do a cartoon kids movie where he played a dog version of himself? No Rodney Dangerfield did it was called Rover Dangerfield He also wrapped so there you go and Ronnie danger or the dog both At the same time who's a duet and there was also that animated movie Rockadoodle But I don't think that had anything to do with Rodney Dangerfield It was just like a rock and roll rooster. You think you've Rodney doodle? Rodney doodle.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Where it was Rodney doodles, Fatter, Older brother. You didn't get any respect. A little bit more of a party animal, but you know. Finally made it through college here. So this is the part of the movie where we recommend. This is a movie? Plumhouse is a movie that's finally got made. This is a part of the movie of our lives.
Starting point is 00:53:05 With Seth Rogen, Stuart Wellington, David Paymer, as Ellie K. Lennon. And Dan McCoy is himself. The movie of our lives has reached the second act, so now we really need to, you know, we need to face it. We're gonna wrap it up. We're gonna wrap that shit up. Oh, I don't use it to wrap it up. Like, we had to throw a rabbit in the air.
Starting point is 00:53:24 I was like, is that a technical term? I didn't recognize that a film slang term? Yeah, we use it in the biz. In the dot biz biz? This is the part of the show, part of the podcast where we recommend movies that we've seen recently usually and liked that we enjoyed in contrast. So we recommend a movie as opposed to just shitting on things.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Yeah, to show that we've got some joy in our heart. That we're not just hateful, hateful hate versus hate. OK, use what I'm going to recommend a little movie called Space Jam, starring Guy Pierce. There's like, Space Jam. There's like, wow, a real twist. I think you need to recommend space jam. So it's not called space jam. I'm turning it around. It's called space jam I think. It's called lockup.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Oh wait lockup. Lockout. Lockout. Lockout. Lockout would make more sense because space is up. Well it's out. There is no up in space. Uh, dan just inform me. It's called a lockout it's stars guy peers as a sassy talking mercenary who has the only not for sassy yeah the sassy is carried to an ever-to-movie ever ever goes yeah first of all it's the best movie ever and is the sassy's character ever so Elliot I guess you're gonna have to watch it yeah I haven't seen you want to to refute this comment that I made so he goes in outer space got saved the president's daughter. Of course, if Shannon from law, it's escaped from LA in space. I guess if you want to minimalize the impact of the movie had on my life in you. So he goes up there and he finds the the entire space jail has been taken over by the inmates, course. Space they might. It's being run by a pair of space brothers from Scotland.
Starting point is 00:55:07 I'm guessing so they're just regular brothers. Yeah, they can be space brothers that they're from Scotland. Well, but what's there in space? The only answer that everything was a space pencil, space toothbrush, space pavement. Look, do you want to save time or do you want to be in space? Good point. Continue to do it.
Starting point is 00:55:24 So he's in our under space Guy Pierce that is and the jail And so he has to save Shannon from loss played by TV's Maggie Grace We go and see my scene or what's going on? Yes, the saver and I'm not gonna tell you how it ends, but it's awesome. So go see Whoa space jail. I mean you probably don't need to go anywhere to see it I mean like you got a good idea of Provider that
Starting point is 00:55:49 Right now like you got time Warner for instance you can put you know pay the six bucks and watch it tonight It was like for right now. Oh You probably watching HD. Yeah, I didn't I watched it in regular D as it was intended everything's to her watches is in double D That's actually true so So Space JL Dan. It's called Lockout. I watched, I rewatched actually a movie that I saw back in high school, but haven't seen since dark night rise. This is a new sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:56:20 I'm aging backwards like Merlin. What? No, that's how I saw it when I was in high school. Merlin was aging backwards? Yeah. That's how we knew the future was that he was aging backwards in time. Oh, okay, I understand. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:56:34 You sure he wasn't aging backwards? So a little bit of our theory and legend for everyone. Yeah. But what I watched, I don't know his name, by the way. Asian backwards. Starting Merlin. I'm not proud of what I did John Merlin Camelot had fallen and then I was falling on hard time. I needed the money I was going to regret it end of chapter one. He's reading his audiobook. I watched a movie
Starting point is 00:56:59 chapter chapter by the name of the book chapter the second I was riding high in the born world people were crazy craving my staff and I don't mean in a magic way and this is chapter two all of our three legends is chapter one of the book what other adventures didn't really have anyway Dan continue I watched the movie Top Copy directed by Jules Dassen, who you may ask the highest film. You may know from the film Rafifi. And he also did Night in the City. Yeah, but the fantastic movie. Top Copy is also a high-sfilm like Rafifi, but a much more lighthearted one. And I mean, I guess, I guess Ocean's 11, the original Ocean's 11 came before it, but I think the Top Copy kind of kicked off sort of like the light comic
Starting point is 00:57:49 heist film as a genre. It was certainly, it's certainly one of the better ones. And I personally prefer Gambit, but Top Copy is also good. It's a very fun movie that's, you want to minimize his recommendation? Yeah, I apologize. It's Sean in Turkey. He has been some beautiful 1960 style, colorful cinematography. Peter Yustanov won an Oscar for his best supporting actor role in there as a small time con artist who gets in with a major jewel heist and gets in over his head But he's very funny and lovable in the movie and it's just super entertaining
Starting point is 00:58:30 I say watch it if you enjoy things that are enjoyable and Who doesn't who doesn't enjoy that? them you're not me. I'd like oh boy. I'd like to recommend a movie you guys a new character called guy who doesn't like movies Guy who doesn't enjoy things. Oh, I hate everything. Three or. So, Eor, basically, yeah, but he's a guy. He's not a donkey.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Yeah, that'd be crazy. What is he? Don't look. Well, that's just, he just said he wasn't a donkey. I'd like to recommend a movie. You make it, you guys may have seen this. I don't know. A little movie called Death Dream.
Starting point is 00:59:03 It's also known by the name. Bob Clark movie? Yes, it's also known by the name of Bob Clark. Yes, it's also known by the name Dead of Night and it's directed by Bob Clark who you know from Christmas story and poor keys among other things. Black Christmas. Black Christmas also. This is when he made before Black Christmas about a family who are overjoyed when their son returned from the Vietnam War, despite the fact that they've already received a telegram telling them that he was killed in action. And of course, the son is not who he seems.
Starting point is 00:59:31 And it's a very kind of well put together, well made, and well acted for the most part, low budget 70s horror film. And this kind of slow build about what's wrong with their son and what he's been doing is really nice. And there's some great makeup effects in it. And it moves pretty fast. And, you know, it's got a lot of 70s clothes in it, but not
Starting point is 00:59:55 stupid 70s clothes. Like not exaggerated like 70s costumes, but like, oh, these are the types of clothes people wore in the 70s. I don't like joint medallions. Exactly. Not like bell bottoms and hats with feathers on them and things like that. There's an unexpected place for your recommendation to go to talk about the 70s clothes. Well, no, but it's one of those, I feel like in low budget movies, a lot of the times you get a better record of how people lived. Right.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Because they're shooting in real houses, real clothes. So you're using people who sometimes are just real people that they know. So a lot like the star-skiing hutch movie starring Ben Stilling. Yeah, exactly. But anyway, it's a good, nice, tight, horror thriller, death dream, also known as Dead of Night. So guys, I guess that's it. It's always hard to say goodbye to yesterday. It's been a good one. So philosophical all of a sudden Dan, are you aging backwards? Or are you Asian backwards?
Starting point is 01:00:54 We want to judge you. I was Asian backwards. Well, there's been another cage cast. Yeah, for the cage cast. Brought to you by Cages Cages. The only cage is strong enough to withhold Nicholas Cage. How does he know? Because he designed them. Let me out of this cage. Let me out. Come out of here. I really don't appreciate being locked in this cage. So thanks to Cages Cages for that
Starting point is 01:01:18 sponsorship. Our first sponsorship. First ever sponsor. And for the flop house, I've been Dan McCoy. I'd been steward Wellington at night Listen to the moon see what whispers on the wind Listen to the rustle and the trees and Stair to star and maybe you'll hear the name Elliot Kayla Oh my god, the bad guy was Jewish. Oh, he'd be like, he'd be on the roof. Okay, so he was like Wado from Phantom Man. Yeah, he was a adjuer stereotype.
Starting point is 01:02:05 Any! That's why you... You want a mega deal? That's why Bane kept going, I won't pay that much. Okay everyone. That's when I can get you a neutron bomb for much less than ever. I'm a golden one.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Never that price for a neutron bomb. Feel, come later. Later.

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