The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #16 - Alien vs. Predator: Requiem

Episode Date: May 17, 2008

In the battle between Alien and Predator, there can be only one winner, and you can bet it's not the viewing public.  Meanwhile, Stuart reveals a shocking secret about vaginas, Dan does a sub-par 70'...s TV impression, and Lou keeps urging people to draw things.0:00 - 0:29 - Introduction and theme.0:30 - 2:35 - We speculate about regular host Elliott Kalan's absence, and learn a little about guest host Lou Fernandez.2:36 - 32:05 - Alien vs. Predator, possibly the coolest concept in the world, provided you're an acne-riddled 12-year-old.32:06 - 35:25 - Final judgments.35:26 - 42:14 - The sad bastards recommend.42:15 - 45:07 - We draw your attention to Elliott's recent television triumph and plug our website a little.45:08 - 48:09 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 In this episode, it's the Flop House vs Alien vs Predator 2. Welcome to the flop house. I'm Dan McCoy. Yeah, I'm Stuart Wellington. And I'm Lou Fernandez. Yes, Lou will be subbing in first tonight. Regular co-host Elliot Cainlin had some family business to attend to but I welcome you guys to speculate on more embarrassing reasons why he couldn't be here the night. Diaria Propheboy. Stuart goes immediately to the potty.
Starting point is 00:00:57 I can only assume that he's getting a full-back tattoo of his some sort of icon that he likes maybe Maybe a smurf. I'm sure a smurf scene on his back. I was, I was, I was gonna hope you were gonna go with like Looney Teens characters wearing their clothes backwards. I like Chris Cross. Oh nice.
Starting point is 00:01:13 I haven't thought about Chris Cross in a while, but I'm gonna make a jump jump. They, the Mac dad will make you jump jump. They go in that order. Also, how's the pain will make you jump around? around jump. I'm really I'm really impressed with your knowledge of hip-hop circa when I was a kid Sure, well Lou Tell us a little bit about yourself before we get into it my goodness well I'm extremely modest to start but I'm an Irish Puerto Rican gentleman born in the island of Puerto Rico
Starting point is 00:01:44 I'm good start at the beginning Sure my parents literally I grew up in Manhattan when the school in Wisconsin. I Went to school with the guy who was the focus of the movie American movie Nice mark for shit. Yes mark Bortert Bortert and Mark Borscht. Yes, Mark Borscht. Borscht. And I came back to New York in 96 and have led a mundane life here in the greatest city on earth. You're right. And you do comedy improv, which is the reasons why you're here. Also, you got me my job.
Starting point is 00:02:17 That's right. I hold that over your head in very obscure ways. I don't really force you to do things, but I never mind you about it. It's not that good of a job. No, I agree. You let me know that it's not good. I get a basis, but over Gmail chats. Yes. Well, let's get into the movie. The movie that we watch. What, wait, which movie was this one again? It was Alien vs Predator Requiem. How do you say that?
Starting point is 00:02:44 Otherwise known as AVP 2? Oh, this was rec weam. This was rec weam. I thought I thought this one was AVPR Well, the real thing for in that oh rec weam. Okay, I get it. Yeah, there's no rec weim played at any point Yeah, what's the what's the dictionary definition of a rec weam? Cuz I don't think we got that isn Is it like a funeral composition of some sort? So is it the, like the... The royal song? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Is it the funeral of aliens and predators and firstsing each other? I think it's, we can only hope that memorializes. For me, it would have represented a sad song about the money I had spent to see it if I had seen it in the theater. But, well, let's talk, for a moment, let's take a little side trip down memory lane
Starting point is 00:03:26 and just note that Stuart and I actually saw Alien versus Predator one in the theater. Yeah, in the theater. And we did that. That's right. We had our popcorn. We were really excited. We had really big drinks.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I think we did that because we had both been pleasantly surprised by Freddie versus Jason. Yeah, sure. In fact, that movie was actually pretty cool. I mean, considering that it was a movie about Freddie versus Jason, always considering that. Yeah. But it was the best Freddie versus Jason's people. That was after Freddie takes Manhattan or no, Jason takes Manhattan.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Jason was the one who did it. Yeah, Freddie is 13 part. But that one's not even as bad as Friday of 13th party. I admit that I had it legally downloaded the first alien versus predator. Right. And then fast-forwarded when I realized there were no aliens for the first 45 minutes until the pyramid stuff happened. Yeah, well let's talk about the pyramid.
Starting point is 00:04:21 I thought it was there. Yeah, what's the deal? I was going to say let's talk about the ways in which this movie is superior to the first Alien vs. Predator movie, and I can only think of one thing, and that's that there's no like sheep shifting pyramid in it. The first Alien vs. Predator takes place in Antarctica, and there's a shape-shifting period that used to be used to be... Period, pyramid. Pyramid. Pyramid?
Starting point is 00:04:47 Pyramid? Period. Yes. The... The audience lived, dude. The aliens are getting the period. And that's why they're so angry all the time. Now, there's a pyramid in Antarctica.
Starting point is 00:04:57 I'm such a... I am the least misogynistic person on this podcast. So why do you pick this movie, women? That's convenient, because the bad guy is a queen. What I remember about the first movie though, is the Predators built some sort of sacrificial pyramid Antarctica where they would kill aliens. And then it was a flash test in the ground.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Wasn't it for young predators to go Who Lance Henryson yeah, yeah, he was in he was in pumpkin head. Yeah, he makes pottery now By the way, it's a call back who makes pottery like professionally. Yeah, if you go on the movie and buy Pottery made by Lance Henryson Star of the TV show relation in the credits made by Lance Henryson. So, the star of the TV show, Relation in the credits. Stop, thanks for standing here.
Starting point is 00:05:48 So, wait, like, isn't it good? Is he like a potter in the same sense that, who's that guy, crap, like the way the guy who plays Screech is a porno actor, like he does it on a side time. Well, that's a, he's a potter, wasn't it? Yeah, yeah, that's the next thing. He's a potter in the same way that Kevin Bacon is a rock star.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Oh, okay, that makes sense. That's... Is that... That seems like mean, yeah. No. I've never seen the Bacon Brothers. I guess I'm just making an assumption. Uh, I can't...
Starting point is 00:06:18 I have to say the phrase alien versus pottery. But I just was in my head. I'm sorry. You know why. I know, just sort of say it. I just had to say it. So why are they bursting each other this time, Dan? The first time was some kind of like an initiation, like a hazing. But is this an actual continuation of like because the movie starts with if you hadn't seen the pre-recrium or whatever. The first one you would I would have I could say. I yeah I didn't see and then some horrible turn of events leads
Starting point is 00:06:48 you to actually watching the sequel for some reason no reason and then yeah and then perhaps your starts with doing a podcast yes sure and you're forced to watch a business predator to this is probably the only now I like to imagine that first aliens versus predator movie like imagine these predators are going to like Predator University or something, and like, you know, their first couple months there, they're like, we want to get into like the cool frat. And in order to do that, they have to go through a hazing where they have to go to Earth
Starting point is 00:07:16 to this weird stupid pyramid and battle a bunch of aliens that are held deep within. It's like shape-shifting compounds. They have to drink like three gallons of water and get stuck in a trunk for sure. We get to. And then somewhere in the process, the aliens get way out of hand. And then of course, the rest of the movie happens. They don't really explain it
Starting point is 00:07:34 because they don't really provide subtitles for those stupid predators. So I have no idea what the voice going on most of the time. That's good filmmaking. Oh, right. You have to infer from the pure cinema, the wordless cinema, what the predators want. You know what I really like when they show like the predators face really close and they have like the vignette led across its eyes so you can really sense the emotion that's going
Starting point is 00:07:57 on behind its mask. Yeah. But I don't want to spoil the first Alien V-Predator movie, but it ends with a alien bursting out of a predator. That's how it ends. And that's how this movie begins. I mean, I guess we can assume that the sequel picks up literally with the last one left off. It's sort of like Halloween 2, so the first Halloween, or like Lord of the Rings,
Starting point is 00:08:23 right? Which is a proper sequel. Yeah, with the story. But the thing is like, the idea I guess is that aliens, when they impregnate someone, when they burst out of your chest, they sort of take on your characteristics. That's why the aliens in alien and aliens are sort of vaguely humanoid, despite their huge phallic- Wait, who told you that to like HR Geiger send you an email? aliens are sort of vaguely humanoid, despite their huge phallic parts. Who told you that? Like HR Geiger sent you an email?
Starting point is 00:08:48 Yes, you could, you asked. From whatever weird. HRG69. sent me an email explaining the way that the life cycle of an alien goes through. Oh, that's cool. And, but, well, I assume because here we get a pred alien, like the alien that bursts out of the predator's chest turns into a predator alien hybrid, which is basically just an alien with dreadlocks.
Starting point is 00:09:14 And the weird vagina that I'm talking about. Well, but the original alien kind of had that already with the internal mouth. Yeah, but it didn't have like the weird like unhinging like four parts. Yeah, the weird four parts. Well, I don't know what if a jaina's you've been encountering it to it, so I don't think that they are terrifying. They have an engine for parts. I mean, terrifying.
Starting point is 00:09:35 I guess the ones in the movie have more teeth than I'm used to. But, I don't know. You're not saying the ones you've encountered have had no teeth. If I were to see it, two of those vagina, I don't know what I'll do. That's, uh, that would just be alien. Yeah. So, on the subject, two.
Starting point is 00:09:56 So, the aliens infecting the ship that ship crash lands on Earth, of course, uh, and then, uh, a printer ends up showing up later, right? I gotta say that is the one other way in which this movie is superior. Like I would say that the setup to this movie is a better setup than the first Alien vs. Pettor because I would rather see aliens and predators in like an actual habitated small small town, like any town USA, then some weird pyramid in Antarctica. Yeah, it's kind of weird. People have to actively go to find it.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Well, I don't know. I'm just thinking of like, where should we go with this next? What if? What's the next step in this journey? Yeah. I remember, I mean, to build on what you're saying Dan I remember you know a couple months before this movie came out and
Starting point is 00:10:49 I for whatever reason just had not really been you know on the on the pulse of the alien versus predator community And I was at a bar. I was actually I was actually at a bar in Benagans And I was talking to one of my bosses and we're you know, we're drinking and He he described one of like he described the trailer that was on the net That was like you know it was restricted because there was a lot of core and he was describing it scene for scene We were both pretty drunk and I think I was like wow that sounds pretty awesome and It's too bad because it wasn't very awesome. At any time, we were like, get what?
Starting point is 00:11:28 It's in Christy butte. That's a bit twist. I did a spit-take all over the bar tender, and we got kicked out. Well, we're taking a long, circuitous route to explaining what this movie actually was, but I think that's because the movie doesn't make a whole lot of sense. That's true. Scenes follow scenes without a connective tissue. The same characters will appear in one scene and then the next scene, but you don't necessarily feel like there's been any like time, space, progression
Starting point is 00:11:57 between those two scenes. It's just that the same actors happen to be in both of them. There's definitely a lot of feeling of like, well, we've got this setup. Let's just shoot every scene here right now. Doesn't make any sense to get everyone on this and shoot it. Especially like the hobos. Yeah, and the sewer. They're hobos that get infected with an alien.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Basically, like the alien. Those aliens are poor. They're really poor constitutions. A panhandle. I would have preferred that. Instead of being homicidal, the aliens come out and just presume their positions in the sewer by the dog. In society.
Starting point is 00:12:37 They just don't feel like they don't have the social standing to do anything. Nojwada Veeve. Right. Yeah. The aliens come down. They didn't get to do anything. No jua to vive. Right. Yeah. But aliens come down. They infect a kid and his father. That was actually an awesome scene.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Well, it's kind of awesome because this movie does have a sort of interesting disregard for the characters. And, you know, unexpectedly, people will die. I mean, if you cared more about the characters, that would be cool because it would keep you off guard. As it is, it was kind of like the worst elements of like a Friday of our teeth movie. We were like, well, basically everyone's gonna die, so I don't really... Yeah, give it a damn. It was awesome when that dude's arm melted off really early on. Right in front of his son. I don't know if you noticed that was his wedding hand.
Starting point is 00:13:25 I don't know if he noticed that with his wedding hand. I didn't know this was that. It's very important. You're trying to get a tail. There was symbolism there. Yeah. There was a sort of a divorce motif. No. The problem with the movie that's this shitty
Starting point is 00:13:37 is that I actually start picking on everything about the movie. I'm just like, this is bad and this is bad And like I actually found myself concerning myself with the strangeness of their choice to alter the biology of aliens Yeah, like you know, I really don't give a fuck about aliens and like whether or not it takes a long time for fucking Alien pupa or pupa the fucking chest Data's not a human This is where you and I differed to work as okay I feel that alien and aliens are two of like the best horror
Starting point is 00:14:12 movie and like horror movie and like horror action film respectively like ice pirates like the like the movie ice pirates sure okay I love them and part of why I love them is I do feel like there's a lot of I don't know what that is. Like the movie Ice Pirates, sure. Okay, just a little bit. I love them. And part of why I love them is I do feel like there's a lot of thought that's been put into the alien biology. Okay, you got these, like, the face huggers hatch from eggs. The eggs have been laid by a queen alien.
Starting point is 00:14:37 You know, like the face huggers lay some other sort of egg inside of their host. And like, when the chess brisht out and and and there you got your alien these filmmakers don't have time. They're like, okay, I guess we don't need it. I bet they're just like people get it. They get like we'll get it, just go. Just see like a regular alien puts its mouth over the mouth of a pregnant woman and you see like things going down
Starting point is 00:15:03 her neck. And then um... Those are baby aliens I bet. I guess and then chest bristers come out and I'm like, where's the face hugger man? Oh they're cutting out a step. They're cutting out like a middle man. There's a whole, but they've done a queen alien in this film at all. They can then plant through the mouth.
Starting point is 00:15:20 But there's no queen alien to lay the face hugger egg. What's that miniature mouth for? They've established a biology and they've decided Just fuck it like at this point. They're like fucking at this point. We've got it could have done alien fighting a predator Fuck it. It could have done whatever it wanted We want the maximum amount of battling in this and the weird biology is slowing down the battles Yeah, so to better deal with it biology slowing down the battles. Yeah. So to better deal with it, let's have this alien be able to make out with humans and by making out with them, they create aliens in their
Starting point is 00:15:50 pregnant belly. So maybe that's a symbol for something. Maybe this is like a pro abstinence film. I think you're right. There isn't a nudity in it. There's almost nudity. There was one very hot ass in a boy shorts boy shorts sure that's not a definition although that they that was the girl that we all pointed out was the unrealistically aggressive hot chick who was after the unworthy pizza really really quickly go through the plot like I'm just gonna like run through the plot and these predators come to earth. Chris did you. Um, meanwhile this guy who's I guess like sort of a punk kid comes back into town and he meets
Starting point is 00:16:30 up with the sheriff who I guess used to also be a punk kid but now they're on opposite size of the law and the punk kid is the older brother of the pizza boy who's in love with this unrealistically aggressive woman and, uh, and then aliens and predators come to town they fuck everything up oh also meanwhile the woman who played Michelle and 24 comes back from the war uh... to find her husband and daughter but like it really doesn't matter because then they're just all like alien and predator fodder yeah board just listen to you did yeah i mean there's some funny things happen along the way i mean
Starting point is 00:17:04 it's really funny, like, the pizza guy comes and he's like talking to his crush. He comes in. Yeah, that's by far the best part of the movie. Delivering, like, four pizzas to his crush. They're like three, you know, central casting thugs on the couch. And he comes in and he goes and he puts the pizzas in the kitchen and he makes the girl laugh. And he leaves.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Oh, is that what the laugh was? Yeah, he may, I believe the joke was, I think I know who the extra sausage or sausage lover's pizza is for. I think that's a gay joke or something. Hmm. That must have been a secret. Homosexual people like to eat sausage
Starting point is 00:17:40 on their pizzas. Not apparently. Italian sausage. So he leaves and then the- That's spicy. The evil boyfriend comes out and just like decks him and starts kicking him. Right. And then Crowley throws his keys into the sewer.
Starting point is 00:17:55 And great. Like let's make it clear. This joke was not made directly in front of him. It was actually in another room. Yeah. It's just like, it's the most obvious version of the Dick Boyfriend movie cliche. And the whole thing, I guess, is just to set up for a reason that they go into the sewers later, because he throws the keys down the sewer into the sewer.
Starting point is 00:18:16 But the sewer, but the sewer exploration serves almost no purpose, because we've already seen the aliens infect the hobos. They find an alien skin down there, but it doesn't know what it is. And meanwhile, it looks like Sue or like it's come. Like an alien condom is what? That's right. We're talking about their dental ban. Alien dental ban.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Well, you know that vagina mouth, it comes in handy. Yeah. And meanwhile, we've got the predator coming down and like basically like tracking the alien. And it's this weird parallel story telling where we got the humans and've got the predator coming down and like basically like tracking the alien and it's this weird parallel story Telling where we got the humans and we get the predator tracking the alien and the predator tracking the alien in this wordless sequence is kind of like It feels like a detective story or something like you sort of expect like the predator to be like Columbus or something now one more thing man. I know it's that That would two mouths on the ear like.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Like, yeah. Good one, dude. The weird thing about these movies, this predator versus alien movies, is it turns the predator sort of into the hero because the predator is a little more sentient than alien. Like, it's a little more like, at least it's got an ethos. Like, it's got a predator-based society I did I did like the the signal reaching the predator in his predator pad
Starting point is 00:19:30 Whatever that is there's a lot of over complicated TV that like comes out from behind the chair Into his face so you can see whatever the thing and then and then next thing. He's just like I'm out I got to go do some predidant next thing he's just like, I'm out. You gotta go do some prededent to this spaceship. To Earth, record speed, because apparently, I'm outing, I got to look prededent to do this. That's the thing, that's why I can identify with predators. Because if I was a predator, I'd wanna go explore
Starting point is 00:19:57 and investigate weird alien things. Sure. But why only one? I mean, it was a spaceship full of aliens that predators got to. Right, and why does the alien, here's another thing. Our predators have dreadlocks, by the way. That's right.
Starting point is 00:20:12 It helps me identify with them as being my people like. It's the dreadlocks, I think. It's the human breast person of the universe. Humans have dreadlocks sometimes, too. Sure. That's true. And they like to hunt things. That's true. And they like to they like to hunt things Those to give in some
Starting point is 00:20:29 The funny thing is I don't think of the the predator's dreadlocks is like a black trait I'd like to think of it as like a kind of a dirty white guy thing. Oh, okay You think a guy with dreadlocks. No, we went to a hippie college. So oh really? Like so you're saying that like this predator on his off time is like playing hacky sack and getting together With friends in a part to play like arid make drum and this thing to Like pushing the oil Dave Matthews man maybe nice god. I hope not you hope that Dave Matthews man is like broadcast down to the stars Yeah, I was some cheese and some other that somehow yeah, I really hope that that's not like broadcast down to the stars. Yeah, I was trying to... and something like that. Did somehow.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Yeah, I really hope that that's not true. Above all the music to get to space, Dave Madden's band will be the last thing. You don't want him to be the... ...our ambassador to the stars. Yeah, I voted against him to be included on our Voyager probe. The weird thing that like, arguably like the one, like really cool idea of this movie would be to see the predator alien like oh man
Starting point is 00:21:28 Finally a hybrid of my two favorite alien It's like a a Frankenstein that's also a Dracula, but There's no like I said before it's just an alien with dreadlocks It does it doesn't have any like before it's just an alien with gridlocks it doesn't have any like correlation with the predator you know it's just another type of alien that the predator has to fight which we see in very dim light right you know I think it's meant to add personality to one of the bad guys so it's kind of like so you're like I'm like striping Rimmlin yeah absolutely, absolutely. Nice. Well, like in the first Alien's Respirator, there's that one, the one Alien
Starting point is 00:22:07 that has the weird like net scar on his face. It's like makes it look like he's got a checkerboard face. I don't remember that movie at all. Oh, that happens. I remember Lance Henrykson and... He's in that movie. Like a cent like pinhead from... Yeah, kind of.
Starting point is 00:22:23 I really, the thing I remember most about the first Alien's his brother and this movie didn't really have one of those moments was at the very end of the movie when Your survivor who's like a tough tough woman character who kind of teamed up with the predator to kill the queen alien They you know they get done killing the queen alien and they're standing there on this like you know like cliff and They like take a moment, they like stop and look at each other. And every ounce of my being is like, they need to kiss right now. If they make out, I will, I will go see this movie four more times. Yep.
Starting point is 00:22:57 I wouldn't even buy it on DVD. I'll be like, projectionist, quickly. Let me buy this movie for me. The speakers fly $100 loaded into my truck. Doesn't the predator only speak in samples that he gets from other people's dialogue. Oh Yeah, so you have to say something they had he's like the guy from police academy, right? That bomb would have been specs between human and predator like at the end of predator two when the predator is like Oh fair play Danny Glover. You got me. You got me.
Starting point is 00:23:27 You were the adversary. Oh man. Oh so many good movies. This was not one. This was surprise. This was surprise juice and gin and ice. Oh man. I was gone.
Starting point is 00:23:38 I'm so laid back. I'm dribbling. You know, it's just shocking because like, you'd think that a movie with aliens and predators and it would, it'd be hard to make me sad. Like, I'd be able to find at least something in it that I was like, man, that rocked. This is what I'm saying. Like, I'm not going to say
Starting point is 00:23:56 that I'm not going to say that any of the alien, like aliens, you know, alien three or alien four. I'm not going to say those movies are great, but at least there's something in all of them that I'm like, oh wow, that's pretty cool. Even the bad movies, even the bad numbered Alien movies, that's what we're interested in. We can all agree that Alien and Aliens are great. Alien 3 has some really pretty pictures. Atmosphere.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Atmosphere. It's an interesting place for it to happen. Alien Rise of Reckon. Alien Rise of Reckon. It mute has like it's got that weird frinchness as you're saying it's got a Michael Michael Wincott in it sure Ron Pearlman yeah I've discussed freaks me out yeah yeah that's why Matt and he would freak me out too if like Ron Pearlman shook my hand he's got a giant body parts I would feel like it would be crushed.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Yeah, but the weight of his person now. Would you, you would be afraid of you would try to whisk you away. It was super lightweight. Yeah, his layer. I would be lost in his Leonine eyes. Yeah. I have to say that this movie included
Starting point is 00:25:01 a lot of quickly introduced disposable characters. Or be like the guy hiding the mystery person hiding in the in the graveyard, smoking a cigarette with a pistol. He is decapitated. Which is the predator's favorite way to kill humans is to blow their heads from the lower jaw up. Which is strange for a race of beings that collect skulls. I would think they would be counter-induced. He doesn't really, oh, can we discuss why the predator skins the dude for no reason? Oh, he doesn't really, do you know why? Yeah, I don't know. You should light on it. Well, I've done a lot of, are you going to ask the listeners. Can you write in and send an email to I care about Predator Skinnings?
Starting point is 00:25:46 And no Yahoo! The subject of the email has to be, I understand why Predator Skin humans. Well, it's the only call back to the first Predator movie, which is a skinning, or some sort of trophy collection, but it has zero going on. It's also the only body, the first body he doesn't dissolve with his magic blue. Disolving powder. Disolving powder.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Oh, sure. Well, also, you say shortly introduce characters. I would say also longly introduce characters. Like, spoiler alert. Oh, no, don't do it, man. Overly aggressive love interest of the pizza boy gets totally killed by predator flying disc. And shocking moments. It was definitely somehow survives a alien tale going through him. I mean, like not entirely piercing him through his beloved vest and kind of rated length
Starting point is 00:26:45 and rickson's character uh... bishop survived that and he was an android yeah androids uh... i want to touch on this overly aggressive love interest character because i thought it was really strange like you know you can have a pretty girl who's interested in your like kind of shy nerdy guy
Starting point is 00:27:01 i can it can happen i was in trouble and i go to the like for instance iners. But the difference here is that like this girl is fucking like, this girl is crazy aggressive. And she's unbelievably hot. And she just breaks up with the boyfriend the same day. Yep. And I think she breaks up with them so that she can do it with this guy. So that she literally is the guy in the pool. Because you know what? This guy who makes literally no like actual mention that he's
Starting point is 00:27:26 interested in this girl. And if I you know I've I've met some girls in my life. Easy girls. I've met a number of girls. And one thing I notice is that girls generally require at least some layer like either an additional disinterest or a little bit of yeah. Exactly. They took care of that in their earlier scene
Starting point is 00:27:45 Where she told him as she broke up they go through a long and obscure discussion about how he's looking over his shoulder at the clock Oh, did they that happened? Yes, okay, okay, I'm sorry the guys who made this movie I'm totally wrong You made no movie, but you know I have to say. Were they called the something brothers, by the way, the people who made the movie? The brothers strouse. The brothers strouse made this film. Those were weird choice. We had choice to call themselves the brothers strouse.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Yeah. How many brothers were there? I wonder if they knew this was gonna launch their sort of matrix career. Yes. Exactly. The Wadkauskees. Yeah. Can they do the shrieks? There's nothing like making a second sequel
Starting point is 00:28:25 of a not good movie. It's like we're gonna own AVPR. Yeah, make it our own. You're gonna forget the other one. This was the first Alien vs Predator. It was total bullshit. This is the Alien vs Predator for the ages. The ones that the fans want.
Starting point is 00:28:42 If that's what the fans wanted, I'd like to have a conversation with those fans or possibly hope that they don't exist. Yeah, I feel like... Dude, I don't want to talk about this anymore. Yeah, no, I know. I feel like we should spoil the ending, but there's no ending to spoil. Well, like some people get away. Yeah, most people die. Yeah, I think I had my mention that it had the the fifth grade easy escape ending, whether it was a nuclear explosion. Right. It wasn't nuclear explosion.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Yeah, I know they fucking dropped a nuke on the planet or the planet. It dropped a nuke on. It was a very, as an accurate description. I'm gonna miss that. Part of the planet, certainly traction the planet. What's a nuke, a nuclear bomb? New dropped a nuke, a bomb.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Are using jargon day on the town. I am. This is a military jargon. and our heroes are going out in a helicopter and somehow they survive and the radioactive cloud yeah and then at the end we'll see all the electricity would have been knocked out by the water be from the nuclear bomb exactly sorry I grew up in the east it's a special type of nuclear bomb designed with aliens and predators and I have to say that that for me is one of those like buzz kills because the whole thing movie is really about the predator trying to kill the aliens and then just to oh yeah
Starting point is 00:29:55 By the way, we could just drop a nuke the whole time. Sorry everybody in the middle of their fighting a nuclear bomb killed them both Yeah, so guess what. You mainly wins. That was a bad ass fight. The only way you could end nuclear bomb. See you at AVP3 suckers. Or was it the end? Question mark. I was the only one to press.
Starting point is 00:30:18 That was a twist ending though. I gotta say, the twist ending was they take the predator technology to miss you Tanny. Making reference to Whalen, you Tanny, the company from the alien movies. But that's one of the things that I didn't get at all. Yeah, that's just for the fans, dude. It's also for the fans. But also like they bring, it's not that they don't bring alien technology.
Starting point is 00:30:42 They bring predator technology to the company from the movie alien. Oh, maybe that teaches them to make better Really, I don't know is that you stupid twist and it's actually like a weird like terminator ripoff to right? Yeah, it had been awesome if they had taken it to that guy that Dyson guy from the first from term 2 I need a bit like you can use this to make Terminators. Wait, is that what you're saying? Wait, is that what you're saying? Because I'm not in a lot of movies. Terminators, you mean the brother from another planet?
Starting point is 00:31:12 Was that but the black guy from? Two from? Yeah, from a nice. From Terminator 2, the guy from the black gentleman. Brother from another planet with a great Fisher Stevens scene, by the way, Stuart. I know your big Fisher Stevens scene. Does he Stewart another big Fisher Stevens does he play Indian guy Yes, he plays an Indian guy or a time through a box or a turtle does he play one of those two he plays an elderly turtle
Starting point is 00:31:34 What is he really good at loving? He plays a street hustler He has a really good line which you and I He says that he's gonna do a final magic trick on the subway and he's like At 125th Street is like I'm gonna make all the white people disappear. That's right. I'm gonna get off the train Which is a good scene, but um that actually happens in 116th Street. Yeah Get off the train. Yeah, they're going to school their students Convenient And they're going to school their students students that call him being convenient
Starting point is 00:32:13 Good stories. So I think it's time to have a final final decision on this piece of shit. Yeah for lose benefit I know he has actually listened to the podcast. I have no nice. I like Three shit We have three categories that is is this a We have three categories that is is this a good band movie a bad bad movie or movie that you actually enjoyed in some way so Lou as the guest one you know I get to go first sure I'm going to say this is a bad bad movie I
Starting point is 00:32:47 Did not enjoy it at all and it wasn you know, not enough fun stuff in it. I think the brother's strife should be ashamed of himself. This is really their worst word. Okay. Yeah, I'm talking to you guys out there. I know exactly what you're thinking. You know, you're in that video store, and you're like, nah, there's nothing else out there.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Mmm, all the movies I really want to watch are rented out like the Dungeon Siege movie and all that shit. So you don't know what to do and then you're like, AVP Requiem, that might have some funny shit in it. Why don't we rent, oh, unrated version. Mmm, let's check it out. You shouldn't fucking do that, okay. Put that fucking video down. This movie is terrible.
Starting point is 00:33:26 And I like really bad movies. And this one is really, really bad. So please, you guys, I know what you're thinking, but please put it back and don't run it. Yeah, I don't know really what I can add to that. I agree. There was a part of me that was still even after Alien vs. Predator. And all the bad reviews of this movie? Yeah, I was like, but it's a couple of bloodthirsty aliens. There's got to be something there. No, there's nothing there. Don't watch it.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Imagine your own fight between Alien and Predator. Draw the... Imagine drawing a poster on on your fridge look at it Like a part of me just send it in Send it to the flop house we'll describe it right your fan fiction alien versus Predator and send it in don't write yourotic alien versus better Because none will compare to mine. It's way too hot. Don't write Alien vs Predator slash. Orgash, no gash, no gash, no versus Gaelian. Oh thank you.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Oh man, that's gonna be good stuff. That's the thing like, and I was expecting this movie, you know, all the reviews were terrible. So you probably were never thinking like, oh this movie might be good, but it isn't even kind of like, this is kind of fun in a stupid way. It's just really bad. It's hard to believe that they bother to make posters for it, which I remember seeing because it's not worth being or least. Dude, I've watched a lot of shitty movies and this one's really bad. I'm just angry. I did enjoy the thought of seeing in the name of the king when I saw the trailer signically. Yeah, that was that was my favorite part of the DVD. Well Dan was trying to find the right. There were some great trailers for other movies that we assume were bad before. So maybe you can run it for those. Yeah, if you like trailers, this one has great trailers everybody. Yeah, it'll get you it'll get you get you pumped yeah so let's put that let's put that aside
Starting point is 00:35:27 though and talk about and let's talk about movies that we've seen recently that we've enjoyed like you know just a recommendation like whatever the fuck movie that we saw recently that might like I know I know this might be taking a little surprise and he said earlier that he doesn't like movies. He does a lot of movies. He's a family man, doesn't have time. A lot of movies. A lot of partial movies when they're on the HBO. A lot of home box office. Yes, I have the showtime. And the stars.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Nice. I watch a lot of the end of movies. So who's going first? I was just going to say, let's go over to you Stuart. Okay. First, and then we'll work our way around. We'll do the time. Okay. I actually have two recommendations because I watch them both kind of recently The first is I rewatched because I didn't remember that I'd watched it until I started watching it again
Starting point is 00:36:16 And then I was like, holy shit. I watched this was I rewatched fright night and that movie is fucking really good That's a great movie man. It's like the score is awesome, the broadening. The broadening. Yeah, Rodin McDowell's awesome. Amanda Burce is really sexy. That's the random thing. Is the recording. Is fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:36:36 So sensual in that movie. Oh, it's amazing. So that was great. If you haven't seen Friday night in a while, you should watch it again, because it's fucking really good and then the other movie I watched recently is a French movie called inside It just got came on DVD a little bit ago. It got a fair amount of press It's about a pregnant woman who gets attacked by this crazy woman who tries to steal her baby with a pair of sheers So what you're saying is if you are pregnant yourself,
Starting point is 00:37:06 you should watch this movie. This movie is fucking gory, okay? I'm serious. If you wanna watch a movie that's really gory, you should watch this movie because it is fucked up. It is gory as hell. And I don't say it like, it takes a serious movie to make me say that, but it is gory.
Starting point is 00:37:26 So if you want to watch something that probably might make you sick, you should totally watch this movie. Nice. That's quite a recommendation. That's what we call a conditional recommendation. It's basically like, if you think you like gory movies, let's see if you got the stones for this one, Buster. I like that you're so Buster.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Yep, that's my two recommendations. Well, I watched a movie the other night called Mr. Gelacy. It's a Noah Bomb-Bock movie. Oh, fuck that guy. You put your problem. He earned my bomb back. He did the squid in the whale. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:38:02 And then his first movie was kicking and screaming which I like despite Stewart's off-mic and so be about the people deciding what to do with their lives yeah deciding what to do after they I didn't watch that movie because I've been struggling with it for 20 that question for 20 years I didn't need to leave it on the well all right well let's focus on squid and well then oh I thought my Stewart liked that one Mr. Jellies I didn't need to leave it on the screen. All right, well let's focus on Squid and the Well then. I thought Mr. Or it liked that one. Mr. Jellicy.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Mr. Jellicy was the movie that he made in between those two movies. And those two movies got a lot more attention than Mr. Jellicy. Mr. Jellicy was like his sophomore film that got sort of middling reviews and then he sort of disappeared for several years until he made Squid in the Whale. But it's a lot of fun, like it's a very underrated movie. I'm not gonna say it's like this lost masterpiece or anything, but Star Wars, Eric Stoltz and Annabella Schiura, and you know it's about basically what the title would suggest. You know, Eric Stoltz is just a guy who's extremely jealous and he's still to me, Mask.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Yes, okay. I mean, Mask. Yeah, please. So, I prefer to admit that. So, Mask follows Annabelle Scorra's old boyfriend, Chris Eichmann, into group therapy and pretends to be another guy just to find out information about the ex-boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:39:24 And it's sort of like, farcical, but it's pitched at sort of a character comedy level. It's not so much plot driven, but it's a really good movie. I would recommend seeing it if you like sort of indie comedies. And that's what I have to say about that. And you know, I like indie comedies. So we just set you up. I believe it's like T-ball. We set the ball for you now.
Starting point is 00:39:47 You got to knock it out of the park. Brother. Well, like Dan said, I don't see a lot of movies. I was forced to endure watch anime versus pre-medium. Yes. I don't know if you guys have seen this movie. Alien versus pre-medium too.
Starting point is 00:39:58 I just saw it. So you're recommending that. OK. Interesting. And when I was in, oh, you know what I did see. I was in Puerto Rico. Oh, okay. My homeland.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Yeah, yeah. But my aunt and uncle had these videos that they're, my cousins leave, and they left. Home movies, or... Charlie and the chocolate factory, the new one. Oh, okay. Which I had vehemently been, you know, opposed to when I watched it.
Starting point is 00:40:21 And I did not enjoy it. I thought it was, I know, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I missed the point of this. I recommend. Oh, I'm sorry. I hate everything. Oh, okay. That's a problem. I didn't despise jumper. Oh, nice. No, recommend this. But I'm like, you'd justify this to our audience because we may do jumper in a future. I thought the That I want to jumper is fun For the first 45 minutes, so it's actually entertaining where he's actually living the life of the jumper You know what you're saying is you recommend the first 45 minutes. Yes Then you should turn off the TV and do something in your house with your time maybe clean up
Starting point is 00:41:04 Yeah, maybe you know something in your house with your time. Maybe clean up. Maybe write a screenplay for jumper two. Draw a picture about jumper. It's more valuable. Use of your time. I have a whole book of what jumper might do next. I think you do a lot drawings of things. Yeah, you know Jumper might go to the store Which store? Well, he can only go places. He's seen. Okay, so you know, it's limited to that But he's like a dacastinos he might okay if he has a hand cream French dacastina terrible experience and grocery shopping No, I'm sorry. I'm thinking of gristini. I'm sorry. Yeah, sure. Christine's is terrible. Okay, but Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Christine's sponsor this year. Oh my goodness. Terribly affordable
Starting point is 00:41:58 Terribly delicious food right it's terrible that I can't eat everything from gristhedis. Oh man, we had some laughs. So jump or good. First 45 minutes good. I apologize for ruining the second episode. I would like to take a moment and say, by the way, if you watched the Daily Show, what's that then?
Starting point is 00:42:22 As a popular television show, starring John Stewart on Comedy Central? People say I look like him sometimes. Really? Yeah, sure. I can see that a little bit. Yeah, thanks. I like to draw it out of people.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Sure. If it doesn't happen naturally. I can see it in the squint a little bit. Well, you saw it on a Thursday, Thursday, the... What was yesterday? Oh, remember yesterday. Please don't make me count the calendar days back. Oh, yes, what was yesterday? I remember yesterday. Please don't make me count the calendar days. Oh, yes, yesterday.
Starting point is 00:42:47 I think 15. Our regular co-host, Elliott, had a rather large cameo on the show. Wow. And you can see that by going to the Flop House Thanks to the Comedy Central Embedable Player of Daily Show Clips. We have the Daily Show Clip with Elliott up there. Thank you for watching. He does a very funny, he corrects John Stewart about a Wolverine. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:43:27 I'm not. I'm just being vague. He corrects John Stewart about Wolverine. That's all I'm saying. In case you didn't know what he looked like. Which is really funny because I have to say, when I was watching the segment on TV, I taped John on my Tivo-like thing. Is that a VCR or a DVR. Okay, it's a TV or a TVR like thing.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Yeah, I taped it and I was watching it and John Stewart makes this joke about Wolverine that is factually incorrect or at least factually and so much as anything about Wolverine can be factually incorrect. This is a fictional character. And I was thinking to myself, was an Elliott there to correct them?
Starting point is 00:44:06 If anyone would correct the Daily Show staff about a matter of comics, it would be Elliott Kaelin. And then, lo and behold, Elliott shows up in a cameo to do just that. That's pretty good. That was pretty good. So go to the website and check that out. I will. Well, no, wait, what website was that again? It's the Hmm, I'll be right over. And if you wanted to email us, it's similarly named... Wait, what's the email address? It's the FlophousePodcast at
Starting point is 00:44:40 Hey, maybe I'll drop a line. Sure. I watched that embedded, uh, county central footage. Also, we have a Facebook group, so if you want to search for the Flop House on Facebook, maybe right on our wall. I wish I could join. I've already joined. Really? Yeah. What about the MySpace? Are we on MySpace? We are also on MySpace. I know it's not as fashionable anymore with the kids. That's right. MySpace is down market. Yeah, we're getting old.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Man, this was a good podcast. I can't believe we talked this long about such a fucking turd. Well, I think we should... I think because we're so angry we should leave our audience with some words of encouragement. Okay. What's that? I don't know I thought maybe you would have some oh wait Why don't we come up with a list of movies that we might watch next time that'll get people excited sure like fucking jumper Or not it's probably about a jumper before you begin drawing I thought that maybe we would want to see that movie untraceable about the internet that kills people I wanted to see that movie I'll watch it alone Well, you can listen to our podcast, but yeah, and then you can be untraceable about the internet that kills people. I wanted to see that movie.
Starting point is 00:45:45 I'll watch it alone. Well, you can listen to our podcast about it. Yep, and then you can listen to the other guys. Us being the guys. Yeah, that sounds great, dude, because I'm scared of the internet. Sure, the internet is new and scary, or at least this new is anything that's like 20 years old can be. Do you think there's going to be nudity in that movie, Dan?
Starting point is 00:46:02 I don't know, Diana lanes in it, so maybe... She got cracking in that movie. She got cracking in that movie. In another movie with un- and bull in it, right? Untraceable, unfaithful. Mmm. I'm really a bull. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:46:15 It's an un- I'm just hoping that that movie has parts that are traceable because I will be drawing. You will be drawing what you hope is. I wonder what would be traceable in this movie. I wonder what other adventures Diane Lane might get into. I'll send you pictures of me with a piece of paper up on the TV as I trace. If you flop house listeners have ideas of what Diane Lane might do on the
Starting point is 00:46:39 internet, why don't you draw them and say even better. Imagine what she would do if she were a jumper. Oh, we were not mixing him together and then had to battle a shitload of the hate and Christian sin and I am seeing that movie I don't know what I'm at he has shed Anakin Skywalker to be a man yeah a jumping man a jumping man that might get paralyzed and have an operation performed on him. Well, he can still feel it! I'm still awake! They should have called it, I'm still awake, by the way.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Well, we've come full circle with wheels within wheels, references to old episodes, talk of Hayden Christensen, talk of jumping, talk of tracing. So I think it's about time to sign off for the flop-ass. I'm Dan McCoy, I'm Stuart Wellington, and I'm guest host Lou Fernandez. Goodnight. Bye! Thanks for seeing or listening to me. Dude, let's watch something good.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Let's hear what you talk now. Dude, let's watch something good. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ Let's hear it, why are you talking now? I think Diablo Cody's overrated. I thought Juno was kind of crappy to tell you the truth. I think that was fucking microphone. Talk to him, yeah? Okay, uh, this movie kind of sucked on.
Starting point is 00:47:58 I don't want to watch it for very long, but I had to because of this stupid... Okay, talk to the world. Talk to the loudest you're gonna talk. I can't believe I watched this movie. It licked my balls. Okay, that's fine. I'm gonna have to, because of this keep it better.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Okay, time's the loudest you're gonna talk. I can't believe I watched this movie, it licked my balls. Okay, that's fine.

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