The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #162 - The Quiet Ones

Episode Date: October 4, 2014

BOOOOOGENS! Welcome to the first episode of SHOCKTOBER 2014 (and the first episode officially under our new podcast network, MaxFun). And because we would never Halloween trick you, instead we're trea...ting you to a guest appearance by Hallie Haglund, sitting in with the OP's, to discuss The Quiet Ones. Meanwhile, Elliott lists all the great MaxFun podcasts, Stuart once again shows his ignorance of all things Internet, and Hallie puts Dan in his place. Movies and TV recommended in this episode: From BeyondThe ReturnedWitchboardThe Hidden

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, flop house listeners. Around now is where you would normally hear me make a mild widestism about the film that we're doing this week before introducing the show, but before we get to that, I just want to introduce, on behalf of our new podcast, Network Maximum Fun, the Kapo de Kapo Maximum Fun, Mr. Jesse Thorne. That is actually on my business card, Stan.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Great. How are you, man? I'm doing all right. Just just hanging here, trying to present us on awkward to talk on a cell phone and record it. Yeah, I'm in LA, you're in New York. But yeah, I felt like I should be here to sort of explain what it means that the
Starting point is 00:00:45 flop house is joining Maximum Fund and that kind of thing. Basically, I guess I'll start with what Maximum Fund is, where network of podcasts that is driven by the themes of culture and comedy, of which of course the flop house is both. And all of our shows are owned by their creators. in comedy, of which of course the flop house is both. And all of our shows are owned by their creators. And so essentially what we do as a network is provide support for those shows. In the same way that maybe a public radio station provides support for the shows that it
Starting point is 00:01:19 carries on its air. We do sometimes have a little bit of advertising, but we're mostly focused on listeners and listener support for our shows. Yeah, our goal is to make shows like this one a success and make sure that the people who make them can earn money from them, at least enough money for them to be able to continue doing them. Does that make sense, Stan? Yeah. And listeners of the show probably, if they like me at all and aren't just listening for Elly Dems too, heard me appear on your podcast, JJ Go, and obviously our friend at the Daily Show, Judge John Hodgman. John Hodgman has his podcast over with you guys, so it
Starting point is 00:02:02 seemed like a good fit for us. Yeah, I mean, basically, you know, we're a group of a dozen or so, like it's now up to 15 or so, like-minded shows that have banded together under one umbrella to raise money for all of us and because we share a common vision and common goals. So the big news here is that there is a new way to support the flop house. If you're a big fan of the flop house, you want to see it continue and you want to see these guys get paid. The way to do it is become a member of It's easy to do. You just go to slash donate. When you donate, you will decide an amount of money per month to give. When you do that, you will tell us what shows you listen to.
Starting point is 00:02:53 The money that you donate goes to the shows that you listen to. It's easy. It's fun. It's great. slash donate is the place to do it. You even get, like, thank you, gifts and stuff. I don't want to go too far into them because we usually only have one pledge drive a year but we thought this is a new
Starting point is 00:03:11 thing. These guys could use some continuing support, some money that they can count on. And so that's why we're going to you the audience, just this one. And then we won't be back at you until the annual pledge strike, which isn't until late spring. Yeah, we appreciate that. And you know, we love putting out the show. We don't particularly do it for the money. I think if you get into podcasting for that, you have been woefully misinformed. But I do think the show, surprisingly enough, does cost a little to put out and it would be nice to be able to pay my co-host for their time.
Starting point is 00:03:51 So yeah, if you feel interested in doing so, I want to support us through donations at Max Fun. Yeah, I'll tell you this, Stan. The reason that I started Max Fun was because I felt like people who do work like this deserve to get paid. I mean, I don't, like you said, nobody goes into this expecting to be rich, but the truth is that, you know, if we take you as an example, you know, you have a
Starting point is 00:04:18 very demanding day job and you do this because you love it, but if you are paid for your work, it allows you to prioritize your work in a way that you otherwise couldn't. So you can go to slash donate, you can choose a level at which to donate. You can give five bucks a month if you want. Even if you only listen to the flat house, that's still an incredibly reasonable amount of money. I bet there is a lot of crossover in the audience between already extant flat-house listeners and folks who listen to other maximum fund out org shows. But we just wanted to introduce the network and share this with you.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Thank you to everybody for donating and remember that the money that you donate goes to the shows that you listen to. So go to slash donate and I'm really excited about having the flat pouse on board. I personally am a really huge fan of the show and I was so excited that you guys are joining up with us. So thank you for that. Well, thank you for welcoming us.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Of course. Here, have this later. Thank you. Oh, it's sort of snug. Yeah, well, it's good because it does double duty. It's good for welcoming people to your tropical island. It's also good for garotting people as a mafia hitman. Oh, I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Is that how that word is pronounced? Garotting. Garotting. Yes, I appreciate it. Is that how that word is pronounced? Gerrassing. Gerrassing. Yes. I believe so. Gerrassing? Gerrassing. Greetings.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Anyway, the moral of this story is, go to slash donate. And welcome, Flophouse, to MaximumFundOutorg. We are so, so, so happy to have you. Thank you. Thank you. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house, I'm Dan McCoy. What just happened? Is there some sort of spirit just snuck in? Is this sort of forest spirit? Quick throw salt over your shoulder to distract it
Starting point is 00:06:48 Put some rice in the corner. It has to count the grains before it can chase you Okay, well while it's counting the rice grains. I'm steward Wellington and I'm Elliott Kalen And yes You said And yes And I'm hallowey haggle you said before we started don't worry about me He did the first I was the first person That's fair that's fair Tonight because this is the flop I was pod games I'm the fourth favorite member of the group and there's only three of us
Starting point is 00:07:25 After me Stewart the house cat the idea of the platonic flop house ideal host Allie and then of course a couple other guest hosts then there's Bob Barker former host of the prices right Not to mention the movie the host Very popular, yeah. Why would that be? In part of the whole conversation. Have you seen it? Yeah, it's a cool case.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Keeps the bone safe. Thanks. But it was giving you a run for your money. You're a little bit above Cole's ice flop house. AKA Cole house or the actor. So Dan, what do we do on the flop house podcast of which this is we watch a bad movie and then we talk about it and oh boy This month do you want it the holiest of holies? the high holy month of the flop house calendar they probably knew from the spooky music that was
Starting point is 00:08:20 With the chains rattling and the witches howling and the werewolves howling with the chains rattling and the witches howling and the werewolves howling Which wolves howling and the were witches also howling And the howling jodante But it's shocked over shocked over Shocktober you say so small Vembr is over. Yeah, all of them the relative piece of small small timber welcome to the the hellish male strum of Shocktober when all evil walks the earth and the veil between the other world in this is at its thinness Can you can you hear that sound?
Starting point is 00:08:55 Boo Yes, it shocked me The curtain between the spirit world and ours is so thin that you can see a ghost's nipple sticking through it. Yep, when ghosts and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and goblins and blasted nightmare and its name is shocktober and we're in it Shaktobur you're soaking in it. So Dan what happens in Shaktobur? Well, we watch horror movies with a slightly larger frequency than the rest of the day because we do watch horror movies in other times the year Yeah, but never to one movies are bad. Yeah, but never to one of our movies are bad. Yeah. That's just that our movies are bad. Often they're bad, I would say.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Sometimes they're good too, though. Yeah, sure. Thank you. That's fun facts from Stuart. That's on the bottom of your Stuart trading cards. Training cards. And so Dan, we watch horror movies and we have a special guest with us. The name's Halley Haglyn.
Starting point is 00:10:02 We talked about it already. But we didn't introduce her as an ordinary person. Yeah. A supernatural gift. Yeah. Yeah. Helly Haglin. I mean, she got as a Halloween name already. Yeah. So, Halley, you love horror movies. I, yeah, sure. You like being scared. You like being scared. You really wanted to be scared tonight and we tried to tell you we were like no none of the movies are gonna watch. Damn turned off one of the lights. You were you were you were shivering at one point you said no don't go in there. You were holding onto a stuff in Albany saying it'll be okay Mr. Bonbon it's just a movie. Hi, cried. Do you guys know that every October 1st I start praying that I'll see a ghost this month?
Starting point is 00:10:51 It doesn't count the other months. You're tired of seeing ghosts in summer. Forget it July ghost. Come on, no thank you. I don't need a bikini ready ghost. I'm not a real ghost. Real ghosts have curves, people. Sure.
Starting point is 00:11:06 We'll trouble with the curves. So Dan, what movie did we watch? We watched The Quiet Ones. So named, I assume, because the movie is very quiet except for when loud noises explode on the soundtrack. Yeah, and there's only one quiet one in it, so it really doesn't make sense. Who is it? The lady who makes all the things happen with her mind.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Also the one that you weren't aware of, because she was just so quiet. Did you guys pick up on that character? I didn't pick up on that character at all. Yeah, she's only credited in the credits. That's the only way she can be credited. She was always off camera and very quiet. She's actually pretty shy. She's just wearing a sweater.
Starting point is 00:11:48 So, the scariest of garments. What could be under that sweater? Oh, it's so hard to tell. Just a ribcage, maybe. It keeps you devilishly warm. Warm, the devil's. What? You took part of the thermometer. Warm the devil's? Yeah, warm the devil's. What? What? What?
Starting point is 00:12:06 The thermometer. Warm the devil's. Yeah, warm the devil's. It's a Disney comedy from the 70s. Warm the devil. No, it's wormy devil's. Sequel to wormy boners. Yeah, sure. It got the sequel, got Greenlit. It got Redlit. Okay, that's good in this case though.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Yeah, because it's like bad isn't good. The good is bad, right? Exactly. Slangage. Anyway, let's talk about the movie the quiet ones since we're now in the depth pits of Incomprehensive ability in our normal talking the quiet ones is takes place in Oxford, England in 1974 Jared Harris We want CV's lane price, and the bad guy from Fringe. And the bad guy from the second Sherlock Holmes movie, and you least he's asked for that.
Starting point is 00:12:53 That's on TV though, that's on TV. And you least he's asked Grant in Lincoln, which I love Jared Harris. He is hilarious in Lincoln, but not, it's just like, well, Mr. President. I really remember now. But Jared Harris, an actor I've been a fan fan of I'll just say since I was a teenager When I saw him in a production of Hamlet as Hamlet
Starting point is 00:13:13 Chase me festival. That's right. It's another Vellie it's seeing an actor on stage It was joins the He joins the Janks a Chillin or somebody, right? Who else have you seen on the stage? Jay Chillinor, Ethan Hawke, a number of times, Kevin Spacey.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Oh, lots of great actors. Oh, man. Every time they look at you and wink. Yeah, because they know the audience. They all fall remembering forever. They tug their ear, Carol Burnett's style at the end when they say good night. Some day you'll put this in a podcast. It was a production of Hamlet with Lily Taylor as Ophelia and a number of not as good
Starting point is 00:13:49 local actors. He's Richard Harris' son, is that correct? He is, in fact. That was something a really good performance. That's a good cast. Those two were good in it. There were other people who were not, the guy who played Liar Tees was not so great. But Jared Harris did something that performance
Starting point is 00:14:06 that always stuck with me, which is. He dropped his track. Parties. Parties. That's French for the farties. That's French for the farties. Which is when they're watching Hamlet and he's acting like he's crazy,
Starting point is 00:14:19 Jared Harris had him kind of sleepwalking and then walked, and then clearly the character knows what he's doing, but he's pretending to be sleepwalking and he walked right off the stage and fell into the audience. And I remember, as the first time I as a kid that I saw an actor do something that, like breaking the wall or that, you know, like physical
Starting point is 00:14:38 and it really stuck with me. So, there's a great choice, Jared Harris. And it's a crowd like, it sounds like it would hurt him. Was he okay? Yeah, I mean he popped right back up. The audience like crowd surf from back out of the stage. Yeah, yeah, it was just like.
Starting point is 00:14:48 They caught him. That was like the other or something. It was just like the end, the end of the subway car sequence in Spider-Man 2. Or actually the end of Hamlet, the Kenneth Bronham movie, I think they crowd surf his body over a bunch of people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Spoiler alert, Hamlet. Or like my eighth grade oasis concert when I crowd served over all the people. I was. It was fun. Yeah. But you hadn't just died or fallen unconscious. I mean, I might as well have.
Starting point is 00:15:14 I saw oasis, so why live live on? It's a good point. Anyway, the movie starts. Surprise you haven't torn your eyes in years off at this point. They're worthless now. All you see right here will be a disappointment from this point on. Jared Harris is an Oxford professor who's one of these professors of supernatural
Starting point is 00:15:33 isms that you see in this and ghost busters and other movies. Yeah, I really wish I had had a class to take like this in college because I totally would have. Yeah, me too. Which one would you be? Would you be the lady in the hot pants? Or would you be the crazy demon lady? I'd hope the crazy demon lady would be the crazy demon lady.
Starting point is 00:15:51 I have some self-respect except your demon lady. You're more the alley sheety as opposed to the, uh, what's her name? Molly Ringwarp? Yeah, Molly Ringwarp. Molly Ringwarp. Yeah, me. Is that a, uh,
Starting point is 00:16:03 Shacktober name, Molly Ringworm. She's a shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-ak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-ak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-ak-shak-ak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-shak-ak-shak-shak- who is showing his class video of a boy who is who is... That's psychology, but you do from a parachute. It's parrots psychology. Yes, you want a cracker, but why? So he says that people who seem to be possessed by demons actually are telekinetics, and the only way that they can express that power without going insane is to project it as some other personality or being that is acting through them.
Starting point is 00:16:48 And he hires a local student, Brian, to be the cameraman for a series of experiments in a house somewhere. After I've seen that seemed ripped from... God, that's not good. Literally Jared Harry... Is that the, is that the, is that the Shacktober version of it?
Starting point is 00:17:06 Is the Shacktober version of Lionel? Or the stories are ripped from the dead lines? Yeah, Lauren's Cryptiver. Yeah. Special Graves unit. Yeah. So, special coffins unit. All right.
Starting point is 00:17:20 So, there's a scene where he's, it's like, he's a professor and he's like, well, the supernatural doesn't exist. So let's look at this thing and a student is like, what? You're crazy and unethical and it did feel like God is not dead. Like invaded this movie for a moment. I did not get that. I did not get that and this movie makes a lot more sense now that you say that. Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:17:41 What was happening in that scene? Yeah, the what was happening in the whole movie, I didn't get why he wouldn't just let like it be a ghost. No, well, because he believes that it's a telekinetic problem. Okay. And that he is on the verge of solving the problem of people being crazy by having an experiment with these two guys and this one pretty girl
Starting point is 00:18:02 where they have locked another girl in a room. Pretty also. Also pretty, but in a less blonde, trashy way, the classic blonde Brunette divide Betty and Veronica. Yeah. In fact, in this case, the Betty is the mean one because the blonde is the mean one and the Veronica is the one with the telekinetic team. Classic Soma and Louise situation.
Starting point is 00:18:24 It's a real skill and cryptist. It's a classic, Cagney and Ghosty. That's how it goes. LeVern and Poltergeist. So this one girl whose name is Jane, she acts like she's possessed by an evil spirit named Evie, but Jared Harris, the professor believes that she's a telekinetic, she's just making this whole thing up. So they embark on this.
Starting point is 00:18:48 But also like Jared Harris is like, okay, if we provoke her into like showing her telekinetic powers, we can remove them and solve. And that will give us the cure for crazy. And so it's like, but as in it like also we just need to draw her, we need to draw those energies into a different solid. Oh yeah, they're gonna draw that whole.
Starting point is 00:19:09 So they gave her like a doll, and they were like, oh, we could just put all the telekinetic energy in this doll. This is crazy, because that's normally what you do when there's a demon, right, or a ghost. You take that demon and you put it in something else and then you put it in a little weird. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Let's just, let's just, the middle step in this is question mark question mark question. It's the it's the gnome get rich quick. Yeah, exactly. Collect underpants, something get rich or like the money. But the so they go and they embark on a very monotonous series of experiments that are all shot from shaky handheld camera where they put like I mean,
Starting point is 00:19:43 let's give his camera work a little more credit I don't think it was shaky. This is the first I've heard of this hailey. I was complaining about it the whole movie and now you're going to stick up for him. I think that's crazy. Yes. I know that the might of those rhymes suddenly. You don't have a problem with it.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Let me just explain. Now they embark on a series of dimly lit monotonous experiments. Okay. The lighting I'll get on board with, but I don't think there was shaking. Where, in each experiment, they put... I mean, there was not like Parkinson's shaking, but it was shaking. Daniel.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Take it easy. All right. Please. Michael J. Foster. I apologize. I'm Parkinson's listeners. Now, the experiments, they put a brainwave reader headband on Jane, and then just tell her basically,
Starting point is 00:20:25 hey, get EVA to come over, bring out EVA, get EVA to come over and there's some thumping and then like a pipe explode something. Because EVA is a robot in Wally. Yeah. EVA is not a demon. If EVA came, then they'd learn the meaning of love. But they're also just trying to keep her disoriented. They're like playing sleds, come on, feel the noise, keep her awake. And they have a kind of flashing epileptic light that just swirls around that she has to look at. But every time, every...
Starting point is 00:20:52 They're supposed to relax her. That was how I was introduced. But every experiment. Yeah, there's nothing more relaxing than a flashing light. No, random fl- Well, I guess it's not random. But a flashing light, or even a rhythmic flashing light. It sends me into a relaxed,
Starting point is 00:21:04 uplacking bit every time I see it. Every experiment goes the same. They tell her to bring out EV. She is like, uh, and then something breaks. I don't think this is such a good idea. The camera gets knocked over. And they all run around like fools with their heads cut off. Cut to the next day.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Hey, I think we did some good work last night. Let's do another experiment tonight and this happens roughly 400 times in the movie. But they drink champagne after the escapades to celebrate. They're living the highlight. Yeah, that's great. That's great.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Yeah, let's get away. I want to take you on an escapade where we torture a telekin antig girl until she makes a doll explode in frame Great shenanigans last night We totally tortured that guy everybody stop not stop not Tom Fulery. Let's pour the bubbly Hygiene's in folder all we're second and I get some smart wing in here You know your rascals That's Dr. Rascal. Again, it's been four years at rascal school.
Starting point is 00:22:09 To have you call me anyway. I mean, if I guess of his names on the building, he seems to get the title. It seems like Chrissy the blonde is. I came in as a freshman as a little rascal. Now, well, not only for rascal. now. Now I'm only four. Anyway, what? What? Man, mask, mask, all. Keep up. I'm sorry. I'm so busy trying to talk about the movie. Well, Dan makes up his weirdo words. It wasn't even a scary word. No. That's why it's to be honest. Like, how's that like a crypt keeper scary pun mask all Doesn't even make sense. It scares you with its incomprehensibility It sounds like a metamusel which is not scary although it should be I always imagine is some kind of goop that
Starting point is 00:22:58 It's scary So anyway, Chrissy the blonde is sleeping with all the guys except for Brian. We can. And Brian has a crush on Jane, the possessed girl. To make a long story short, they keep doing these experiments forever, tension rises. Everyone gets mad at the professor. And then- I'm Mary Jane.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Sorry. Keep going. I apologize. He's making a Gilligan's eye. Look at Elliot and Swarov. He's so obsessed. Sorry. Keep going. I apologize. Like making a Gilligan's eye like an alien face. Look at Elliot's face. He's so obsessed right now. I'm just like, it's not like I interrupt people all the time.
Starting point is 00:23:32 But I like to feel my like my interruptions are of a slight cut above that one. Look, am I am I innocent here? No, I'm as guilty as the unnew driven smell. And I'll try. I think when I interrupt you I'm as guilty as the unnew driven smell. And I'll try, I think when I interrupt you, I'm contributing to the conversation, whether it be a word that sounds like another word or a poop pun. All right. Anyway, I'm trying to roll him.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Let's keep this ghost train moving. Casey Jones give behind the wheel. So, uh, tensions rise. everyone's arguing with everybody else. And we see more manifestations of EV, Jane's hands catch on fire. At one point, she has like a male voice coming out of her. There's a, she gets, she gets with upset and this long like venom tongue comes out of her.
Starting point is 00:24:20 But it's like 18 feet long and it looks like CGI special effects because that's what it is. And they all freak out because and it looks like CGI special effects because that's what it is. And they all freak out because they have never seen CGI special effects. This is no 70s. Whereas now they'd be like, oh, it looks like something in a sci-fi channel movie, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Anyway, for reasons that are not totally clear, everyone gets mad at everybody and they kind of break up the group. Brian goes back to Oxford and does some research and finds that- And they're like a cult book section. But I think that like the young people kind of form an alliance. I don't think there was genuine strife between them.
Starting point is 00:24:53 They are you strife drive. But that's just another wife of dry. I mean, it's called Vax too. Wait, why are you looking at me? You said you're working together and strife. I don't know what that's all about. Anyway, you guys all work together. You can't see that you can't see the hilarious silent take over the podcast.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Just imagine it right now. Old time radio. Boy, thunder, thunder, it sure is stormy outside. Fibber McGee's closet. Crash bang. Of course it's coming. I'll warm up next to this cellophane. Grinkle, grinkle, grinkle, sounds like flames.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Oh, yeah, sounds like flames. Knock, knock, knock. Lamas, crantston. Is that somewhere at the door? Eeeeee. All the world. Although the one time they used it, there was an obvious door opening sound effect in this movie
Starting point is 00:25:45 It totally just sound like a fart right? Is it seen where they open a door and it sounds like a fart? Yeah, that was a highlight It was early on in the movie where we still had hopes and dreams for this is a movie that we're still coming up on the other highlight But we haven't gotten to that yet. I did like that one bit. Okay. Well, tell me when we get there I don't remember it. I remember liking nothing. Anyway, one of the manifestations is a symbol appears on Jane's body that Brian goes to the Oxford Library's
Starting point is 00:26:11 a cult book section. Does some old-fashioned research? It's time to put on the elbow polish and get the gum shoe leather out. Crackled into the microfiche. Do the decimals system. Pound the pavement and do the same thing that always solves problems. Do the search for library. Decimals system pound the pavement and do the same thing that always solves problems do search a library
Starting point is 00:26:28 Decimal system. Yeah, Mountain Dewy decimals. So the extreme system of categorization Let's put these books in decimal number points This is a religion book That goes in I don't know, 1.7 million. 800.000. Somethings, the occult books are filed on the code. Call it mybarian. So our lines are like Mountain Dew.
Starting point is 00:26:52 That's right, Mountain Dew. So anyway, it's interesting that Mountain Dew became like the extreme drink. Since when it was introduced, it was explicitly a hillbilly drink. And all the bottles and cans had different hillbilly's on. I know someone who's like... Mountain Dew means like moonshine. Like it was a hillbilly drink and all the can, all the bottles and cans had different hillbilly's on. I know someone who's like, Mountain Dew means like moonshine, like it was a hillbilly themed drink. I mean, it still is pretty much a hillbilly drink, but.
Starting point is 00:27:11 But I know someone who once got thrush for drinking so much Mountain Dew, but now I'm thinking maybe it was just a demon. Wait, somebody who got thrush? What does that mean? Like a bird? It's like what people with AIDS get when they're very ill and their throat It's a it's a sickness in their look it up
Starting point is 00:27:33 Or was it just drinking Mountain Dew and not having real food It's pronounced MT and do we change the spelling on the cans because Mountain Dew drink. It's pronounced MTN Dew. We changed the spelling on the cans because Mountain Dew drinkers don't have time for all the letters. So you're suggesting good job. There's actually no real mountains used in me. No, no, we take a mountain and we squeeze the dew out of it.
Starting point is 00:27:56 It's a way of tapping the Rockies. Good job, Halle. We'll never have Mountain Dew as a sponsor now. But you are suggesting the pratchup for it? I'm not going to be able to do it. I'm not going to be able to do it. I'm not going to be able to do it. I'm not going to be able to do it. I'm not going to be able to do it.
Starting point is 00:28:14 I'm not going to be able to do it. I'm not going to be able to do it. I'm not going to be able to do it. I'm not going to be able to do it. I'm not going to be able to do it. I'm not going to be able to do it. I'm not going to be able to do it. CD. Yeah, yeah. Is that the same thing? Did you buy a drinking mountain dew? Yeah, yeah, I turned it all my mountain dew cans and I got enough to buy a brush CD. And then the CD got lodged in my throat. So it's the rush. Anyway, this doesn't make any sense. The point is he finds out that the symbol
Starting point is 00:28:41 on James Bondy. We can't talk about things that don't make sense anymore. Not anymore. That's gonna be a problem. This is now the sense-making plot has. We weren't about Ali's friend with Thrush. I feel like things just stop getting polite and started getting real. Yo, excuse me. Real talk, Ali.
Starting point is 00:28:57 What happens on the rest of this fucking video? So he finds out that it's a symbol from a demon cult, led by a guy who suspiciously looks like a young Jared Harris. But that goes nowhere. Don't worry, that goes nowhere. It never remarked upon. Only remarked upon by us. It almost feels like the movie is trying to get the characters to understand what's going
Starting point is 00:29:19 on and the characters are too stupid to realize it. The movie is like, guys, Richard Harris is totally a demon type guy. And the character's like, nah, I don't think so. Sorry movie. Some of the characters try to leave the experiment only to be almost killed in a steamy room.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Like an early flop house film, the chaos experiment. Yeah. Where's the steam experiment? What was it called? The steam chaos experiment. The steam chaos experiment. Yeah. The experiment go. steam chaos experiment. Yeah, they all experiment. Go
Starting point is 00:29:46 the chaos spearmen I have a theory that global warming can be simulated by giving everyone gum Professor Bell Kilmer you're wrong They said I was wrong when they fired me from the gas station. I work at Wait, so are you not even really a professor? Well, I like to think I teach the cars about how to drive more by giving, by putting guests in them. Well, yes, it's a liquid curriculum. I'd like to go myself a Dr. Pepper. That's the soda that I would sell to guests.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Hi, Dr. Pepper. Very pepper, I have an honorary doctorate. So, Dr. Pepper and very pepper, I have an honorary doctorate. So, uh, Dr. Pepper and Man-Doo, huh? Any other stuff? There's cops. One's a doctor, one's a man. It's a movie bitch. It's a doctor and a mountain who have to team up to solve a crime.
Starting point is 00:30:38 The crime, the world's oceans have disappeared. And it seems like the world's most famous ocean thief is still in jail. How could he have done it? Turns out at the end it was his wife. Okay, well, that seems anacromatic. And they have to get there in time to save the animal. They have to get there in time. But the villain anacromatic. And climactic. But they have to get there in time to save Billy Ocean, who's been locked up in a room with the other oceans, which are of course water, so he's drowning. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Anyway, so that's a little movie called Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew, Cops on the Run. Colin Caribbean Queen. So they go back and confront the professor and basically to make a long story short, it turns out Jane and Evie are the same person. Evie is not a figment of her imagination, not a demon or a ghost. Jane was actually a girl named Evie who had paranormal powers and was used in some court of ritual by a satanic group. Did you get any of this? Yeah, the satanic group was killed in a fire that burned down their house turns out Jane slash Evie set that fire with her mind to kill them all but she survived the
Starting point is 00:31:49 cops gave her a new identity so she could start a new life but I didn't realize that cops gave it to her yeah so but Evie the repressed but her but her repressed she's just like Kristen from Topshop who was given a name by the police in Korea. But anyway, that's for Topshop fans. But they went on to have such different destinies. Yeah, one became a model and a Topshop champion. The other eventually died because her demon self-exploit. Spoiler alert, dude.
Starting point is 00:32:18 So anyway, I'm getting to that point. Wait for the Topshop person. For kind of. Evie Jane uses her powers to kill a couple people. It's only Brian and the professor left. The professor beats up Brian. He's unconscious. The professor ties him up and decides.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Oh, yeah, that was great. He's got the part you're talking about. He's going to stop. Oh, no, but he's going to stop Evie Jane's heart so that the negative telekinetic energies can vaporize or something, but Brian doesn't like it and he continues to punch Brian like pretty often. Yeah, Jared Harris really beats the shit out of this kid. And like, like, there are times when he just like excessively walks over and just kicks
Starting point is 00:32:58 the kid is still down. Yeah, which is pretty funny. Brian manages to escape and he brings Jane back to life, but then she locks herself in her room and kills herself by emulating herself with fire, cut to Brian, now looking a lot crazier. He's sitting in a chair. Yeah, kind of battered. Anyone else picked up butter? It looks better than older. It's loaded. It looks like it was, I mean, he probably is a lot of salt in the institutional food. Yeah, but it looked like he would he had gotten there for like is 20 year high school or union or something Guys, I'm gonna be back here in 20 years if we're still all not on fire And he tells them that
Starting point is 00:33:38 Everyone died because of this telekina go Stephen thing. They're saying no, there's no film all the film burned up in the house and Stephen thing, they're saying no, there's no film. All the film burned up in the house, and Brian started to close the door. They're accusing him, they're saying you killed. They're saying you killed everybody, and Brian starts laughing, and his hands start to smoke, just like Janie's did, and then the movie cuts out, and everyone's left disappointed.
Starting point is 00:33:57 So let me be honest with you, this was not a very good movie, but there were times during the movie, when I was like, you know what, this could turn into like a so-so-like, okay, stupid, harm movie. It doesn't have to be great, sure it's poorly lit. You can't see what's going on half the time. Sure, they're just repeating the same scenes over and over again. But look, there was some genuine tension at times.
Starting point is 00:34:16 I like Jared Harris, a lot of these great actor. The movie then- Yeah, you've seen him perform on stage. As a hamlet, the greatest of dramatic roles. So what's that? John Barrymore performed that role as did Ralph Richardson? But what is the motivation for being in this movie if you're him?
Starting point is 00:34:33 I don't like that. Jo Ching. But do you really think it's like a, like a chitchat? Oh, I forgot to mention, it turns out that the kid, the little boy that Jared Harris has film of him trying to help release this evil telekineic power, it turns out was his son. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:47 That's why he's so dedicated to this. Why would Jared Harris do it? I wouldn't be surprised. Yeah, lead role. Yeah, it's a lead role for guys usually supporting player. And as someone who... I mean, he's not the lead role, though. I think we all know it's the romance between Jane and Brian.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Yeah. So it's not either of those characters, but the romance is really beautiful. It's an intangible leap. That's why the posters said the romance between Brian and Jane in the Quiet Lens. It's starring romance. The Quiet Lens. And introducing the romance, the Quiet Lens. It's a bakery movie, but a deaf baker.
Starting point is 00:35:21 It's just like that silence in the lives. Normally a baker can hear the buns, but this quiet, this is a favorite. It's also called Silence of the Buns. He just has to use his nose now. Yeah, he bakes by nose. I mean, you can see also stirring Gerard Debargis.
Starting point is 00:35:38 He wears a blindfold just to keep it, just to make it stop. To be double blind. To say, although the thing is is the nose would help you much more in baking than your ears ever would. You're not going to hear the buns being like, I'm not now. You would smell it though. Are you a baker?
Starting point is 00:35:53 I'm not a baker. I'm just a baker. That's it. You a candlestick maker. I have made a candlestick or two. Here's what I would also would be surprised if Jared Harris being from the UK has some nostalgia for Hammer Films. And this is one of the films from the new,
Starting point is 00:36:11 brought back to life, revived from the dead, you might say, Hammer Horror Films. Like a regular Frankenstein. This is monster. And Hammer. And Hammer is, I mean, I have an nostalgia for Hammer Films and I grew up decades after their heyday and not in England. Me too.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I was a huge fan of him. Not only in his heyday. But pants, era. You really didn't want him to hurt them. Please Hammer horror films, you said, don't hurt them. No other movies can touch you. It is too legit. This movie is too legit to watch.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Too stop making Adam's family. But this movie ended up just really disappointing me in a way that I was mad about. The scene that I was referencing that I liked was the scene where the guy, the... Where the girl takes a bath. Yeah. And you see your nipple for like a second.
Starting point is 00:37:02 That was a good scene. Barely even, not even. But I also enjoyed the scene where the main guy is like, look, no one's gonna believe this even if we're filming it. They could be all these tricks and he's like, oh, there could be something hidden inside this doll and he just like stabs the doll to show that there could be something inside of it.
Starting point is 00:37:20 And then upstairs, the lady screams and she's like, oh, bloody. Oh, I forgot about that part. And then in the next scene, like they give her the doll as if to say, like, here you hold this. Maybe you have the safer with you. You have the best motivation for not stabbing this doll.
Starting point is 00:37:35 I don't know. Thanks for stabbing my doll. That was really great. One means she ripped all the fucking hair out of it. Like at that point, you're like, fuck it. You can do whatever you want to this doll. It's garbage. It's like one of the misfit toys in Sid's bedroom
Starting point is 00:37:52 and story. So you should stay with the hair with the hair with the doll. Nobody wants that. Yeah, last doll with three tail value, I'd say. Oh, you're gonna resell it? On the second three doll market. It's all black market. There was a 99 cent store in a mall, New York,
Starting point is 00:38:09 and I remember once just poking through it when I was waiting for a movie... Like, there's a movie theater in the mall and I was waiting for the time to go to the movies. And just poking through the stuff in the bands and find... Maybe last time, it's over. Yeah, probably like Jerky Boys or something.
Starting point is 00:38:23 But I remember... Probably searching for Bobby Fisher. Yeah, that's what it Boyz or something. But I remember probably searching for Bobby Fisher. Yeah, that's what it was. As a kid, I love chess movies. Do you know the only movie I ever walked out of the theater was searching for Bobby. Which weird is that searching for Bobby Fisher? That's a bad movie. I know. No, it's okay. Searching for Bobby Fisher was such a loose adaptation of Wierz Waldo. I don't even remember the chess plot from Waldo Waldo. And it's weird that you changed the Waldo's name. They wanted to be less ethnic. Well, there was a lot of,
Starting point is 00:38:55 there was a lot of phyto-diadote stuff going on at the time and they thought Waldo sounded too similar. No, and I remember too. So wait, why did you leave the theater? Oh no you why do you leave the food? I'm so outraged how bored I am. I'm sure there was like a very attractive T.C. Y. right next to the food. I'm very attractive. Like it was in a speedo. I mean, it was kind of a loop, so you say it was kind of a loof, but you saw this before you entered the theater. Who's all she could think about in your head. I was like, I'm just like, I couldn't get T.C.
Starting point is 00:39:32 I'm seeing my next move and it's T.C.V.Y. I'm just moving called searching for the best yogurt. Yeah, I hear this story I was just going to tell and it's boring, so I tell it quick. I was searching through the bins of this 99 cent store and there was just a doll's head in one of the bins and I was like, was this attached to a doll at any point or are they just trying to sell the head and that I immediately went to buy that?
Starting point is 00:39:52 I was doing a price tag, so maybe it's a patron. So maybe a doll's head, I forget, let you be shopping here. This collection of students trading cards. They're all mine. Just barter, I gotta make best offer. How do I get for this dolls head? I gave you three bookmarks. Then one slap bracelet.
Starting point is 00:40:17 This is the kind of stuff I'd have on me as a kid. Or the barter system. I don't believe you had slap bracelets on you. I had slap bracelets. I'll give you three dinosaurs attacks cards. It's not their friendship bracelets. Those are slap bracelets. My friends let me all the time. Really handcuffs the ultimate slap bracelets. Now, so here's the thing about this movie. Why?
Starting point is 00:40:45 Dan. Oh, wait. Oh, are we gonna do this? So you liked that one scene where the dog gets stabbed and she's dead. And that is a good scene. I'll give you that. In a better movie, that would have been a very memorable scene. I mean, also in a bad movie, it was a very memorable scene because it was surrounded by
Starting point is 00:41:00 draw. So a couple of things that, so this movie went too often to the well of mixing the dialogue very low, only to have the occasional like, where the laughs super loud. Such a common thing. The other thing is. But I'm, by the way, I would say I'm so vulnerable
Starting point is 00:41:19 to that usually and I was not scared at most of those surprising moments. When like the camera fell on the floor and then loud noises. Yeah, it didn't get me. I mean, I was washing it with you jerk-offs. And the life was pretty loud. We were jerking off of that smile. So you were feeling more disgusted?
Starting point is 00:41:35 It scared. And by jerking off, we were scared off our jerky boys' tapes. I was like, turn those jerky boys tape. How can you even understand three different jerky boys tapes playing at the same time? Also, shouldn't you have those on CD? They're from the mid-90s. Early 90s? I wouldn't say.
Starting point is 00:41:57 But let's say this for the movie. The blond girl in it were a couple different hats. She's more many. Yes. My favorite comment throughout the movie was Storz that we knew she was gonna die because she's somewhere in hats. She had lost her reason to live. We knew there were a face to grow out when she stopped wearing those great hats.
Starting point is 00:42:18 We ran on all the hats for a time to kill this character. Now this movie that feels like it wanted to be an R-rated movie but was PG-13. Like it kept avoiding showing nudity or blood in a way that was for a horror movie. For a horror movie. For a horror movie. For a horror movie.
Starting point is 00:42:35 For a horror movie. For a horror movie. For a horror movie. For a horror movie. For a horror movie. For a horror movie. For a horror movie. For a horror movie.
Starting point is 00:42:43 For a horror movie. For a horror movie. For a horror movie. For a horror movie. For a horror movie. For a horror movie. like hammer-harm movies kind of revolutionized blood in English horror movies at the very least, like to have a squeamish, not bloody hammer movie is really just what, like they were pretty lurid for horror movies with the 50s through 70s. So to have this be kind of like, blah, okay, something bad's gonna happen but it'll happen offscreen.
Starting point is 00:42:59 So this is also weird because for a movie it's different. It would be rolling in his grave if he was not still alive. I mean, he probably still sleeps in a coffin, right? I mean, he's regular. There's an episode of, I forget what, what, chat, what you.
Starting point is 00:43:14 How I met your mother. There's an interview, I forgot what interview chat show it is, on England where Christopher Lee was the guest, and the episode from the, either the late 70s or early 80s, and the host comes out, honestly, it's like Terry Wogan or something, he comes out in a coffin, in a cape,
Starting point is 00:43:27 and he walks out where Christopher Lee is sitting there, and Christopher Lee is noticeably un-amused. He does not care for all this Dracula shenanigans. He's like, why don't you just ask me about Count Duku, the character I'm working on for the next 20 years. My next count. Well, it's like when, in the, deleted, like in the special features on Attack of the Clones,
Starting point is 00:43:50 where George Lucas turns around a Yoda stand-up that has Dracula things on it in front of Christopher Lee, and you can see Christopher Lee's like, how do I deal with this and not lose this gig? Oh, why don't people make him Saruman jokes? Uh, we should wrap this up with our Shocktober final judge. Oh, is it smoothly
Starting point is 00:44:13 badifying? No, no, no. Scarefully good or wormily? No, not so good. The category is it totally terrifying, totally snorr or frighteningly funny, Elliot. I'm going to have to go with totally snorifying on this.
Starting point is 00:44:31 It had the potential to be totally terrifying at times, but then it was not. Yeah, I'm going to say totally snorifying. Jared Harris was good, the movie was not. Jared Harris does a lot of good with this part. I hate to say his name in the same Sentence as snorrifying. He is he is never snorrifying and only once was he frighteningly funny in Lincoln Otherwise, he's really great. So Stuart you say snorrifying or no? Yeah, I'll go snorrifying I feel like for a movie that Nothing it's surprisingly boring. there's a lot of like
Starting point is 00:45:06 cheap scares and they could have put a little more effort into just building the world to make the few scares that they did have pay off more. Yeah give us some more character give us some more settings more motivation for fuck sake. You were saying if you're saying if this is an element it would be boron. Howly, what do you say? I don't believe it. It was boring. It was so snorifying. Yeah. So before we move on to our next segment,
Starting point is 00:45:33 there's a little housekeeping. Should it, Merrano! There's my decks and stuff. Do we need that? Yeah. Get me the duster. First off, by now.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Also, house cat. First off, by now listeners will know because of the intro We have joined the maximum fun network of podcasts If you wanted to join the maximum overdrive network of podcasts, but Stuart got hit in the crutch with a soda can Spat out of a so evil soda machines. We cited not to join But just to answer, it's a maximum overdrive thing.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Yeah, sure. Emilio Estavas and whatnot, there's a green guy. I believe his name is Hel Emilio, Helstavas. But, the dead fist glove. But just wanted to answer a few questions before they're asked. Number one, eight inches.
Starting point is 00:46:27 We've had no falling out with all things. How much fallen eight inch person is? No, all thing, this was a very amicable split. Yeah, we're still friends with our good friend, Mr. Al Magical. Who is a fantastic and amazing person? Yes. A Reckland-Syloville differences, that's what I heard.
Starting point is 00:46:45 I don't know what you heard that from. Just all thanks comedies goals were different than ours So we feel like max pun seem like a better make a life together. You didn't want to raise each other's Yeah, we're doing an old child swap They're gonna raise our children. We're gonna raise their children But it was this was one of those cases. Usually the phrase creative differences is used to paper over a real disagreement, but this is-
Starting point is 00:47:11 I heard it was used in this. No, so this was a case where as Dan said. You were really stirring the shit. Their ends and our ends are not the same and this feels like a better fit. They want world domination and we're just trying to put out a good podcast. We're just a couple of dudes hanging out, man.
Starting point is 00:47:27 With one dude at the house cat. That's right. The house cat. Me and two have been one episode. This is amazing. So, but also just to reassure our listeners, nothing's going to change under our new max fun home. Oh, except Stuart being fired. Yeah, I'm being fired. Who's replacing me again? Uh, a, I think, Cole Hauser. Oh, okay. All right. But we're good. He wants to be called the Slaw. Oh, that's, that's like, like, a little Slaw Hauser. Okay. It's a Slaw. I think it's weird,
Starting point is 00:47:58 but he loves mayonnaise. Okay. Uh, same for Dan Nays. Manays made by Dan. You may have nice. If you hear any differences in the show, it'll just be that we'll now be promoting other Max Fun podcast and we'll take part in their donation drive in the spring, speaking of which their donation drive is not and tell the spring. So if you want to support the Plothouse through donations, you can go to slash donate and specify that you're donating for the Plothouse. But there's a lot of great podcasts. There's fishbowl, meat talkin'.
Starting point is 00:48:40 No, these are not actual. Up in the sky. No. Fligger bombers. Who brought that sandwich? That's a good one. Where every week they talk about a guy who brought a sandwich somewhere. French braids. French braids is a good one. Let's not forget, world of gorm.
Starting point is 00:48:54 And of course, there's also fan blasters, the fan review site, with a review of different types of ceiling fans. And is that a wart? I mean, it's not of ceiling fans and it is that award? I mean it's not most of the time it is. It is. Yeah. There's a visual component, but you don't want that. And of course, Dorcats. Okay. Well, thanks for both of us. Kenna Cat and a door. Be the same.
Starting point is 00:49:18 We find out in Dorcats. They ask the hard questions. Hard like a door. Soft like a cat P.H. Salam for you made for a cat, but I like it too. Why are you eating cat food grandma? Really because it sounded like hands clapping sounds like somebody showed up and give the house Holy effects stomping stomping punch sounds cram the sound of Dan's just making up sounds So let's gunk I'm being a fool. Oh, oh. Oh. Dan's just making up sounds. Quizz. So, uh. Let's gunk.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Speaking of donations, thanks to Jill H for her way to generous donation. Thanks, Jill. Thanks, Jill. My sister's name is Jillian and my last name is Haglan. Do you think it was her? It probably was. Probably was.
Starting point is 00:50:24 How generous was like a million dollars? Thank you. Yeah, we can retire. Yeah. So thanks to Max Muffin, we're not making more shows. Yeah. Max Muffin, of course, was founded by Maxwell Funnstein. OK.
Starting point is 00:50:36 He named it every self-max fun. German. Yeah, yeah. Mark Maxwell Funnstein of Stuttgart. Oh, interesting. And he had a vision. I mean, that's a Southern town, so he should have visions. Yeah, he had a simple vision, a world of, with only Germans in it.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Luckily, his vision. Max Phunen has kind of changed. It's, it's, it's a precepts over time. Now it's more about fun podcasts, podcasts like, floor floor stoppers TV or yes TV Radio talks The Guinness podcast of world Steckers world checkers Let's see, okay, no is that podcast you were on hailey
Starting point is 00:51:20 Rugs No, that was the one about two pays and carpets, right? Yeah. And we had to guess which one. Yeah, and let's not forget bagfuckers. The only podcast where they review the sexual possibilities behind different bags. So, I mean, that one doesn't pollinate punches.
Starting point is 00:51:39 No. No, no. But I'll tell you what to- It's not afraid who it offends. Yeah, try to write a sub with that without getting a boner at that podcast. I'll tell you what podcast does Pulitzer Punches? Punch Bollars. Do you have a punch that needs pulling?
Starting point is 00:51:53 Call the punch Bollars. They'll travel anywhere in the country and pull a punch for you. Hey, you pulled my punch. Right. Jesus Christ. I've got two more. He's got a podcast on that too. That's another podcast too. Jesus Christ, I've got two more letters. He's got a podcast on that too.
Starting point is 00:52:05 That's another podcast too. Jesus Christ, I got more letters. And it's a guy reading letters to Jesus. It's a guy reading letters to Jesus. Jesus is a... Just two more quick announcements. As of this taping, there's still 12 seats for the Yonkers show on the Ockler team left.
Starting point is 00:52:22 How are there still 12 seats left? This is I know who built these people. Perfect for the disciples. You're right. If you're the apostles. Yes. I am. The disciples are the apostles, enemies, the babies, the W. It's the other softball team in the terminal Jesus softball league. So show up those apostles disciples. Anyway, not now. There's 12 seats left. You can still buy the tickets, but I would advise against showing up on Younger's Day
Starting point is 00:52:53 and getting tickets, trying to get tickets day of. It's not gonna happen. And by the way, happy Younger's Day. Yeah, right now. Traffic on Younger's Day is terrible. Oh, it's awful, but the Younger's Day parade is one of my favorites. So many Youngonkers.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Founded by Jebediah Yonkers. Yonkers day celebrates all that is Yonkers. It started Yonkers and then it just got Yonkers. And Jebediah known for creating Mountain Dew from his mountain fastness. And lastly, lastly in the announcement section, by the time you hear the last Lee Lagland, voting by the time you hear this, voting
Starting point is 00:53:30 will be open for a contest, seeking the new song of the autumn song. Last last autumn song was, of course, he's the house cat, parentheses, authors. But if you go to, they'll have all the songs up for you to vote. How many options are there? How many candidates?
Starting point is 00:53:50 As of right now, I think they're 9 or 10 of those. That's a lot. OK. So go there and vote. Are any of them from David Byrne? No. It's going to be tough, because you're picking between all champions.
Starting point is 00:54:04 But you have to pick one. Unfortunately, as with Highlanders, there can only be one. Mm-hmm. But now, moving into letters. Everything's buts with you. Yeah, everything is buts. Our first letter of the evening. First letter of the evening.
Starting point is 00:54:21 First letter of the night. First letter for a time of fright, it's Shocktober letters tonight, ooh, kinda look close to someone who can protect you from the ghosts. In the letters, they're ghost written, cause they're ghost letters, Shocktober ghost letters like this, dear flop house, I'm a ghost. I lost my keys, do you know where where I'm a ghost? No pockets in here I can get through the door should I tie and not?
Starting point is 00:54:54 Ellie, I don't know what that means Asking about his keys, like asking us to lose them when you lose something you should tie a knot. I lost my key. I lost my keys You know like you'd lose the show of a cancer Ghost Conry I found the cure for pizza, but I lost it kind of like how you lose your cheese I've been work workshop in this medicine man pizza man this medicine man, pizza man, pretty good. Okay, give it a try. So you're gonna get it.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Caroline's. See how that works out. Caroline's in the city. So I got to anyway, the letter Sam, now that my song was rudely destroyed by Halle. So this is called, it goes like this, Joya's Shocktober Flop House, or should I say,
Starting point is 00:55:40 Boilus Shocktober, Chop House. Yeah, with the approach of the spookiest of all months, I've realized I've got a few totally terrifying questions begging to be released from the dungeons of my mind. And I was hoping the original moldy peaches could answer them for me. However, that indie band has been on
Starting point is 00:55:57 Hyde as for about a decade. So perhaps internet radio's favorite ghost Lietrio can answer them for me. The first quadro, four per episode. Like you mean that, however, it's a trio. Goes to Boards Scellington. Okay. Do you prefer your mid 80s through early 90s creature features to have a heavy metal
Starting point is 00:56:13 song or a hip hop track playing over the end credits? I'm partial to the ending rap songs from Waxwork 2 Lost in Time and Maniac Copt 2. But two of us saw Spot in my heart or someone's heart for Dream Warriors by Dockin from Nymor 3 and Man of the Man of the Soul. So it's a favorite song. So that's the thing. The Dream Warriors by Dockin is great. And I remember when I'm sure I've shared this story,
Starting point is 00:56:36 but Dan and I watched that watch on VHS or some shit. And after the movie, they showed the music video. And like the music video is like, Doc and hanging out in a fucking dreamscape, rocking out. And after the video, it cuts to Freddie Krueger in bed and he wakes up from this horrible nightmare. And I guess he's like wearing all his gear and shit.
Starting point is 00:56:59 And he looks at the camera and he's like, who were those guys? Which is awesome, cause it's like Doc and I guess, scares Freddie Krueger. Yeah. It's like the guns and roses waste of ammunition bit from the end of the... The T2.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Yeah. Yeah. And that terminator recognizes each of the members of the band. Yeah, because I mean, the terminator's not gonna waste his ammo on guns and roses. They're gonna be shitty in like 20 years. He was like, I'll let them destroy themselves with Chinese democracy.
Starting point is 00:57:27 So, all right, that's a, I assume a vote for the rock. Always rock. The thing is that I love the, there's nothing better than a movie that ends with a guitar squeal. So, the second- That's the first one. That's the first one. That's the second one.
Starting point is 00:57:44 That's the second one. That's the second one. That's the second, the second question, which is more of a dead shun is for Heli it, Whalen, who do you prefer? Or if a ghost was asking this question, boo boo boo prefer, or is it really going way over? Or about a legacy? First thing I became quite the fan of mr carloft after reading the excellent biography boris carloft a gentleman's life however mr lagoza did meet a broken gorilla it's very true uh... i have gone actually back and forth between the two than throughout my life for a long time i was a much bigger boris carloft fan and i really didn't like
Starting point is 00:58:22 belagoza when i was younger and then i as I got older, I came to get him more and I go back and forth on him, but it's hard for me to pick a favorite. They both have such unique styles and they both have such different feels to them, the kind of decadent old-world Eastern Europe of Belagosi. And the sophisticated yet monstrous English qualities of Boris Karloff. So I know they're both great and it's hard to choose and that's why the black cat is my favorite of their movies because they're both in it and they're both great in it. Just so you guys know Lulu is doing a lot of
Starting point is 00:58:58 crazy shit on the rug right now so it's hard for anyone to pay attention. Lulu is desperately trying to tell him. It means how. And that's the thing is that she's not talking. It's because she's watching a cat play with a toy mouse. Well, they get toy. The least crazy thing a cat could do. I sense a sense L.A. It's a little upset that we're not paying attention to him. Yeah. I mean, I'm talking important stuff here.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Carloaf and Legosi. All right, so from all sides. And I have to say that also it's hard for me now to not feel more sympathy for Bell Legosi since Boris Carloff has. I thought you were going to say it's hard for me to not feel more sympathy for cats now that I have a baby. No, not a sense that was going to come out of my mouth. They're basically the same. They're very similar and not at all.
Starting point is 00:59:44 But it is. They roll around, they lick stuff. They do really cute things that pre-occupate you. That's true. They both can't control their own pooping. Ah, they can't control that. They have a plan for cats. Point cats in this one.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Borskarloff's life went a lot better than Belagosis. And so I feel kind of like the sympathy for Belagoces too. Yeah. Uh, I was thinking Belago Curly this whole time. I was a little, excuse me. Yeah, more sympathy for Belago Curly. Who can forget when a carry-struck landed on that,
Starting point is 01:00:16 that fractured leg and then Belagoces swooped in and carried her away? He's like, you can do it. And then he sucked the blood out of her. My gymnast of the night, that sweet jumps you make. Thanks for the effort! I'm bats over you. That's the vampire Valentine's day card. You drive me batty.
Starting point is 01:00:38 It would suck if I didn't know you. And back to my Valentine. Are you sick? You seem to have a little cough in. That's a stretch. A little cough. It's a big stretch. She's tiny. She's a gymnast, too.
Starting point is 01:00:58 She's a chalpy dog. You have a little cough in. You're like Casper, the friendly dead kid. So did he have a leg? All right, guys. Yes. You know, like Casper, the friendly dead kid. So, did he have legs? All right, guys. So he's like, not me? Yeah, I don't know and not me, but Casper's brother. So, yeah, he's not you, Stuart.
Starting point is 01:01:13 You're not dead. What's happening? Wait, what? So, let me give you a question for you, Dan. Yeah, for his last question, he says, he turns to the creep and art of the group, dank bones McCoy. Bones, you've recommended many films to watch while you're on an airplane.
Starting point is 01:01:31 But what if that airplane was flying into hell? Like an event horizon? Yeah, this is from Charlie McCorn on the macabre. I'm going to go with tail sting, the movie about giant scorpions on a plane that came out several years before snakes on a plane. 2001, a good bad movie. Okay. Really?
Starting point is 01:01:55 So you're going, your plan's going to have to hell. This is probably the last movie I'll ever see. You can choose tail sting. All right. I want to change it. I'm assuming that he's going to hell. He's going to be watching a lot of movies Possibly the quiet ones on repeat. Yeah, if I'm going to hell maybe I don't know a manual
Starting point is 01:02:16 With the first one. Yeah, I don't know you want a manual in space So this next one really TV series goes like this Ali so excited very distracted by the cat well Lulu doesn't normally hang out with other people, but she has found a kindred spirit in howie. Well, howie is the cat. Hey, podcasting. Uh, hello fellows. It's well established that your wives don't have any interest in the Galbally Cook that
Starting point is 01:02:39 you post on iTunes for the world to see. Very true. Wait, well, that's not true. Your wife doesn't. She has no interest. I think Charlene listens, right? She see. Very true. Wait, well, that's not true. Your wife doesn't. She has no interest. I think Charlene listens, right? She does, yeah. Sarah listens.
Starting point is 01:02:49 So I guess what does it feel like to have a wife who doesn't care about you, Elliot? I mean, in some ways, it's nice that my wife doesn't care about you. She reads all the comics you write, right? Yeah. What, really? Well, some, most of them, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:03 Anyway. She watches the show I'm the head writer for. What's that, the John Oliver one? Yeah, yeah, it's called Roasted. The guy for... I know, it's for a podcast I do for Max Fun called Microphone Guys. Yeah. There are a couple of guys with a Microphone. Anyway, the point is that...
Starting point is 01:03:21 The point break. Actually, two thirds of our wives do listen to the show, but this guy's question is what of your private lives? What is the relationship between each flopper's respective wife and the two men with whom he spends way too much time? What are you implying? And have they bonded together like the wives of the project Mercury astronauts because no one else could possibly understand that's from Dan last thing with health Dan McCoy. Thanks for writing in Dan
Starting point is 01:03:49 Surprise there wasn't something in there about how great Dan is I know I know the the flop lives went on the real flop lives of Kings County and went on a went on a trip to a Russian spot at one point. Mm-hmm. They do stuff together sometimes. Yeah. I'm assuming in no way do they talk about bad movies or are there husbands? Not at all. Every now and then I'll bring up to Danny L. the idea of doing a wives episode of the flop house. Maybe it's a new frite to the flutter. And every time she says, I would rather not do that.
Starting point is 01:04:22 They all like each other though. I mean, I think they get along very well. I think that maybe they would not have come to know each other. I mean, they certainly would not have come to know each other. If we weren't friends. If we weren't friends, but now they are all independently friends with each other. And independently wealthy. And all of them, I would say, are friends with each of us.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Yeah. What are you saying? Charlie doesn't like me? of them, I would say our friends with each of us. Yeah. Wait, what are you saying? Charlie doesn't like me? No, that was, I don't want to do this. Could just not like a such strong language. She despises you. Well, I mean, like it's weird that she comes over to the house sometimes when you're not here.
Starting point is 01:05:03 It seems like you wouldn't do that if we weren't pals. What is this lake consequence? Yeah. It is. Just getting lake consequences. It's Temptation Island. Mm-hmm. So, howdy, what's going on.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Mm-hmm. How's that cat treating you? She was good. She was so friendly. This is a very unfocused episode of The Flopass. Well, the questions are directed to you guys. You want me to do it? That's why I tried to ask you a question.
Starting point is 01:05:30 What's going on? Yeah. I'll bring you back into the photo. Yeah. I love all your wives. Thanks. They're all great. They're really nice.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Damn, don't be creepy. Purvis oil number one, everybody. The last question for the night. Since movies are such a big part of your lives, I was wondering where it all began for each view. In other words, when a man loves a woman very much. In other words, in the woman loves the guy, I guess so-so. In other words, what are your first movie memories?
Starting point is 01:05:58 Mine is of seeing the mask of Zora with my parents. And well, I wouldn't recommend it. Signed Batman, real name with Hill, Wayne Man well, I wouldn't recommend it. Signed Batman real name with no way in manner. Gotham City USA Earth to so wait, Earth to yeah. So it's the bad guy Batman apparently. Halley, why don't you? This is a question you can answer. My first question would actually be like, did we ask you?
Starting point is 01:06:21 Movies are no, we didn't. JK. we ask you, we say movies are. No, we didn't. JK. JK. That's really so funny. I was just kidding. I was just kidding. JK means joker to him. He thinks that was a threat.
Starting point is 01:06:34 I'm just kidding. I'm sorry. Earlyist movie memory, Halley. Why thought of a joke thing? OK, say it first. I was going to say real quick. Oh, I was going to say when I found my home no. You're the one who you introduced something. When I found my parents better
Starting point is 01:06:54 sex videos that are just instructional videos about out of sex. Is that true? Yeah, they exist. Where are they? Where are they? Where are they? Where are they like the old joy of sex? Things we've got like the illustrations of like super hairy 1970s. People have sex with each other. Why do they draw the mayery? I don't know. It was from the time. Okay, so the thing is, there's a professor with a bow tie in part of it.
Starting point is 01:07:20 And then there's like a lot of sex in part of it. Is it the professor with the bow tie having the sex? No, he's like, this is how you have sex in a pool and then it cuts to people having sex. But did you learn? We know a website that's interested in that. So it's kind of like the Rocky Heart picture show. The criminologist is just narrating,
Starting point is 01:07:37 well, the others are having the answer. What was the advice on having sex in a pool? Because I would not recommend it. That's not a good lubricant, water. Well, wait. When did this become a sex hotup podcast? I'm just curious with the... I mean, this was, I was surprised.
Starting point is 01:07:49 I would have sex in the evening. I mean, this was a 90s probably. Maybe the... That was the 90s. Everyone was watching sex videos. That's the thing. In school, we were watching them. So that sounds like great memory.
Starting point is 01:07:59 But that's not real. I really hope my parents don't listen to your podcast, do they? They listen a lot, yeah. I told hope my parents don't listen to your podcast, do they? I think this is a lot. You told the story of how your mom had someone in our class come up to her and ask whether. Oh, that, hey, whoever that was. Can you just keep this between us? So what was the question?
Starting point is 01:08:20 First movie, Pett Semmeterri. Oh, shit. That's a good one. That was so scary. I had this really good friend Hillary power and You're listening Hillary power. Don't tell her his mom. You're great She was the first person I ever spoke to cigarette with at a very early age three and she also exposed me to I was a little bit of a cigarette with at a very early age. And she also exposed me to pet cemetery. And I remember even though I would smoke a cigarette with her, I still had to call my mom to pick me up in the middle of the night because I was so scared from pet cemetery.
Starting point is 01:08:56 That's a little shock to a memory for you guys. My first memory was not as interesting as either of Halle's. My parents took me to see Never Cry Wolf in the theaters. If you don't know that's a movie about. Never Cry Wolf. It's about a day and was a lot of watch movies. It's about a real-er of a movie. It's about a researcher who goes and lives with the wolves in Alaska. And I remember it being very good. I remember very little about it other than there was a scene where the guy like jumps up naked because there's like a bunch of like a herd of moose or antleribu or something.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Caribu, some princess caribu. I think Brian Denny is in it and he pilots a plane. It must be great. And there's a scene where he falls through the ice and can almost Brian Denny. That where he falls through the ice and can almost... Brian Danny almost falls through the ice hero. He has a hard time getting back out of the ice finding the hole that he fell through. And those are the three things I remember but I never cried with wolf.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Did you ever watch my life as a dog? Yeah. Because that was an early, also, movie memory for me. Yeah. Not a shocking though, not a shock to over many. No, neither of these are shocking. But, you know, but they got a dog in a wolf home. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:11 No, it was cool. There was no dog. Actually, there was no dog in the movie. I'm talking about it. Just coming at age as dog. I read the title. Last of house from movie. Yeah, where the kid is.
Starting point is 01:10:23 My life as a dog. He's the kid gets worse during a dog. No, we're the kid. My life as a dog. He's the kid gets cursed to a dog. No, I know. The kid gets cursed to a dog. It's like the shaggy. Yeah, like the shaggy DA or that my pet monster TV pilot from years ago. My pet monster.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Yeah. I know there's no dog. Wait, does he find a monster in the basement? No, he gets, he and the curse gets put on him and he turns into the My Pit Monster character. Guys, what about your first movie memories? I'm still thinking about My Pit Monster. My first memory is kind of a shock to remember me.
Starting point is 01:10:55 I remember going to see Ghostbusters as a little kid and my mom covering my eyes for the first, during the blood-gobsy. The first, no, of course that's totally cool. It was the first scare when the library goes, and afterwards, when we were in the theater, I should cover my eyes and I'm like, what do you look like?
Starting point is 01:11:14 And her description was like skeletor. So all moms out there, that's how you'd be a good mom, because I immediately knew what she was talking about. That she knew who skeletor was is, is the big circle. Exactly. Looks more like a ghost of like a gorilla. I actually never seen Skeletor. He is a stat. Especially when the librarian has that ram's head staff.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Skeletor. I honestly don't remember like the earliest movie memory I have. Like there's not a time going back that I don't remember. So just movies, I mean, I know the first movie that I was ever brought to as a baby was Atlantic City, the Louis mall movie. I think, I mean my sister, I think we're like, a month old or two months old,
Starting point is 01:11:56 my parents just needed to go to the movies. So they brought us, and apparently my sister, cried and had to be taken to the lobby, whereas I was a gentleman and watched the film. Nice cold. Yeah, yeah, yeah, go to this. Totally emotionless. Apparently I cried my way through Empire Strikes Back
Starting point is 01:12:11 and my mom had to take my eyes off. She was like, this is the best one of the trilogy. You'll understand that when you're older. I remember there's no spares. I'm going to cry your way through most of Adelaide. What is this? Whoa, are you halloween? A couple of martinis. What happens?
Starting point is 01:12:30 I would say that, uh, wave a cut, if we're talking about shocking things, I've told the story in the past about when I was eight or nine years old and my dad borrowed a tape of Rolo cop from his friend and The opening scene where Edie Tonyine blows that guy's chest of pieces. How and the opening scene where Edie Tonine blows that guy's chest to pieces, how totally shocking that was to me as a kid. And I think it turned me into the sociopath I am today. Yeah, when you got up and ran around the room, going, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, and making me watch Poltergeist and aliens. And I think that that, rather than like putting me off or like gave me a taste of it. Yeah, well it's my different.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Yeah, yeah. It's like when you force somebody to smoke an entire card in a cigarette and then it becomes smoke or fill my hair on that. It's like when you force someone to have sex with you and then they finally can't really just say, what? What?
Starting point is 01:13:23 What? What? What? That's the howie eggling charm. She can say horrible things. And it comes out adorable. I didn't have an older, and he said, I'm going to say things. So like, I missed out on that.
Starting point is 01:13:37 But I remember when I was a kid, I had a friend named Derek, who had an older brother who was super into harm. He was freaking your face. Yeah, he was, he was offensive kind of. He wasn't really funny, but he was heartwarming. He went on to become the best baseball player of all time.
Starting point is 01:13:51 But he, uh, he, he, he, okay, so we're gonna be guys having fun, but Derek finished one thing. So he, for the first time, Ellie, it's like, can I finish? That's a good one. Derek had an older brother who was super to harm movies and would leave copies of like Exactly sad. Yeah, it was that's actually it was that but he he would leave copies of Fangoria and like
Starting point is 01:14:16 the boxes to harm movies he'd rented all of my dream older brother and that but it's like I would just see these like random images of Gore lying on the floor in like living room with my friend's house And I was never brave enough to like pick up the magazine and flip through it and read the articles But that was maybe that was my What? Well, it was hard for me to be a man when I was like seven but the But I think that was my introduction to like horror was these these isolated glimpses of people's faces torn off for like either skin blowing up or whatever You never so I feel like it was a pretty classic experience
Starting point is 01:14:54 in in a young Girls life that we you would go to a slumber party and get your period You have to your mom would have to pick you up because you would pretend that you had like, oh, I'm supposed to go to church tomorrow, so I better go home, but really, it's because you were a woman now. You went to a summer party. Somebody had like a real like drama, horror movie.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Somebody had faces of death, and I was the one who had a life. We watched a live of my summer party for my 10th birthday. And like, crazy. This is a girl thing. Girlsumber party for my 10th birthday. And like crazy. This is a girl thing, girls do this, we guys don't do this so much. When they're older, I guess they get together friends just watch horror movies all night. I don't know what's going on here.
Starting point is 01:15:33 But when I was like 10, I totally would not do that. No, I was way too scared. When I was like 10, I had a birthday party where I showed Nausica, that way, the wind, and my friend didn't like it so he left. Like we got in a fight and he had to leave my birthday party because he didn't like him. When I was 10, I think we went to see
Starting point is 01:15:50 like the Ninja Turtles movie and the theaters. Did you play Lydus of Feathers, Jeff Nose of the Board? Yeah. That's awesome. Little Fathers. But I also do remember walking in on
Starting point is 01:15:58 my brother's slumber party when they were watching a porn movie. Yeah. That's a we remember slumber party. Do you remember a porn house? It involved like a money shot and I remember when it happened, they were like AHAH! AHAH!
Starting point is 01:16:12 And I remember the laugh. Right, they're laughing at all. Weirdly enough, my O face is laughing at the laughing and the laughing and the laughing. Yeah, I did it. AHAH! So like a real juicy genuine laugh? I'm laughing and whip it out. We all know what you want to do. If you excuse me, I've got some
Starting point is 01:16:48 my little ponies to play with. I've got a diary entry to write. That was the kind of thing my college roommate, freshman year used to do, is that he would watch porn and be like, this is hilarious. That's crazy. What? And it was like, just masturbate to it.
Starting point is 01:17:03 I'm not gonna judge you. Come on. I mean, I don't want to be in I'm not gonna judge you like come on me not while I'm here I mean I don't want to be in the room, but like don't don't pretend to watch me out of the room by masturbating You're fucking castle free You're gonna watch something ironically it's not point out. No You would watch like blood sport or best of the best ironic. Yeah Bloodspar was actually really good order best of the best ironic. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:22 Bloodsport was actually a really good movie. One of my early movie memories. Is when your parents took you to go see Bloodsport theaters? You know when we rented it from video variety. Video variety. We've got all types of movies from Bloodsport to pornography. I mean, I have such an early memory of video variety that I remember being a child and
Starting point is 01:17:52 hugging someone's legs and a man looking down at me and stopping my dad. Oh, it's like, okay, here's Bloodsport, get the fuck out of here. You were like, I don't want to know that I was want to know that I'm doing that I was made a mistake. Uh, I'm robbing you and me or while I'm stealing your leg. This is my leg now. Who's the leg now dog? So, uh, we should recommend. We'll do a final.
Starting point is 01:18:23 This is going to be the longest episode ever. Yeah, especially because there's an intro that, uh, So we should recommend a final. This is gonna be the longest episode ever. Yeah, especially because there's an intro that Momma Mia for a max fun intro, but anyway. So this is where we recommend movie. Split Math save some save some for later, you know? Like listen to somebody you're afraid. Just for next Halloween.
Starting point is 01:18:40 Treat this like a Thanksgiving turkey. So this is where we're talking about sandwiches for a couple of days after. Movies days after movies and then at midnight go back and Go turn into a grim and they am see Grimland so this is where I command movies So we actually liked rather than the movie we watched four-shock tober if we can we're gonna recommend some horror stuff But if we can't We make the rules you're not the boss of us But um, Elliott what do you got? I'm gonna recommend two movies boom, but I'm gonna do a quick
Starting point is 01:19:15 This is a movie about a science who's together together a bunch of misfits to do a psychical Misfits of science. Misfits of science exactly to do a psychical experiment So I'm gonna recommend two movies that do that much better. The first is a movie I thought for sure I had recommended, but when I checked the Flophouse Recommendations website, it didn't seem to come up. So I'm going to recommend From Beyond. From Stuart Gordon. Stuart Wellington's favorite director.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Favorite director, although he's also crushed my heart and soul. Yeah, by giving us the truth behind Ding Dongate. From Beyond is loosely based on the HP Lovecraft story of the same name and involves a scientist, group of scientists who are creating a device that can see and interact with the dimension that vibrates at a different wavelength than ours and is full of horrible creatures. And it is a super fun, super gross, like movie full of wet special effects. I guess I'd call it. There's so many special effects in it that look like latex plastic monsters just slathered in goop.
Starting point is 01:20:17 And it's pretty great. It sounds good. It may have told the story before in the podcast. Remember, the first time I ever had a kidney stone, I was alone on 4th July weekend, and my wife was at a town, and it was super painful. I felt like my body was attacking me, and I was like, I'm just gonna watch a movie. I still haven't watched from beyond yet, and I was like, this movie gets what I'm going through. Just a bunch of people whose bodies are fighting against them. I was stuck home once with like, after I had a surgery because of a broken finger and my mom in my like drug haze
Starting point is 01:20:49 I watched a movie my mom ran it which was body parts story Jeff Fahey And it was a similar situation, but yeah around the time Jeffrey comes sucks a guy's eyeball out of his skull And then it's like what am I doing? I was like, yeah, this movie gets my way on going through. The other movie I recommend is that more of a older classic and that is another guy gets a bunch of people together in a haunted house to find some ghosts with his research movie and that's the haunting, the Robert Wise movie. It's a nice classic early 60s chiller. It's, I think, one of the best, if not the best of the haunted house movies in general,
Starting point is 01:21:28 there's some real super creepy parts, and it holds up very well. From a beautiful cinematography. From a rivalized cinematographer. It's a gorgeous movie, yeah. Did he do a cinematography also? I don't know, he started out as a cinematographer. According to this Davis Bolton, he started as an editor.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Oh, he edited, uh, Susan Kay, well for your reasons. Yeah. But no, but it looks great. And it's a, it's a really spookifying movie. So from beyond if you want something a little splatterier and the haunting, if you want something classy, but still scary, um, I'm going to quickly because I don't, I don't have a movie. Uh, I watched, I don't have a horror movie
Starting point is 01:22:05 that I watched recently that I really liked. I watched the sacrament, it was okay, not enough to recommend, but I have watched a couple of episodes of the French series that were turned about an isolated... So we can watch, we can recommend TV now. Yeah, sure. For the purposes of this one.
Starting point is 01:22:24 What about movie trailers? Okay, why not? But no, this is a French series. It's available on Netflix streaming. It's about an isolated French mountain town where some dead people come back to visit, come back. It's a visit, just checking. It's hanging out. It's hanging out. Shoot the, just checking, see how I'm doing.
Starting point is 01:22:45 You know, shoot the shit. Oh, that store closed down. That was a toy store when I was alive. Now it's a shoe store. All right, I'm dead. But they come back several years after they died, unaware that any time has passed, but the people who have lived on and had to,
Starting point is 01:23:03 you know, put these deaths behind them, know obviously that these people are dead. And it's a series that focuses a lot on mood and atmosphere. And the horror of it is not that these are zombies. The horror of it is the real emotional horror of these people dealing with what it's like for this mystery like to have occurred like both for the survivors and for the dead people who realize holy shit I died and now I'm coming back to a world that I no longer fit in. What are the zombies super scary? There is one like super creepy like a little kid who doesn't talk at all.
Starting point is 01:23:46 And I don't know what his deal is yet because I'm only two episodes in. But only two episodes in of an eight episode first season. I can say it's very good. The returned French TV series. Hally, Shocktober recommendation. Shocktober recommendation. All right. October recommendation. Okay, October recommendation. All right, before Pet Cemetery, but also involving Hillary Fowars, the movie that first
Starting point is 01:24:14 scared me deeply was the hit film. I'm sure you all remember it, Witchboard, the original Witchboard. Oh, awesome. And I would like to recommend it because it was pre-paranormal activity, really making use of the materials that scared the shit out of you. It was also starring.
Starting point is 01:24:43 Tony Coutain. No, Tony Coutain was not who It was also starring. Tony Coutain. No. Tony Coutain was not who I was thinking of. I was thinking of Steven Nichols, who was patched on days of our lives, a very pivotal character. He doesn't actually wear a patch. He doesn't wear a patch in which part. He doesn't wear a patch in which board, but he does wear a patch on days of our lives, but I will say Scared the shit out of me many nightmares days of our lives
Starting point is 01:25:13 Or which board both okay, but I'm recommending which board right now so wait. What was the name of your What was the name of your that board? Oh? Yeah, what was the name of your friend that introduced you to horror movies? Hillary Powers. Because my wife had a friend when she was growing up named Jennifer Hudson, not the actress. So I think I feel like there's this like trickster spirit who goes around introducing young girls to horror movies. To which broard? To which one? To another horror series. Yeah, it's called taking many guises. To as friends of girls. But there are a number of stories my wife has told me about like the girl she had friends with,
Starting point is 01:25:50 who was friends with who was like the bad girl who got into trouble, but she was my wife's friend. She introduced her to things that she wasn't really on the floor. You know what she has like four or five friends that she's told me about my nap. I was never just a friend. But I will not say, I wanna say that the person who Hillary powers I am friends with on Facebook and I will say she's leaving an enviable inspirational life.
Starting point is 01:26:14 Hillary powers. You overcame those horror movies and I think you're you're doing it well. So rock on. Rest in peace. Which you bad self. Ha ha. May the force be with you. No, that was an interesting twist. The Dan dropped everything together. So, I'm gonna recommend a movie that I swore I've recommended before. It's not one of, okay, well, I'll give you a shit.
Starting point is 01:26:38 It's the hidden. Yeah. I'm gonna recommend a movie. That's gonna be a horror movie if you were caught up in that scenario. If your body was taken over by some kind of slug aliens. So, as Ali had said, it's a movie about a slug alien that comes to Earth, takes over people's bodies, and then that person goes around on a killing spree because the alien
Starting point is 01:26:57 is a horrible alien criminal. That's one of the things I love about that movie is that it's not just like an alien that controls you, it's an alien criminal. Yeah. So. In space they have a a crime and this escaped criminal is taking up people in. So, Kalma, so yeah, Kalma, Kalma, Kalma, Kalma, place, here's the music of concrete blonde, that place is space cop. Who's recommending this movie? Sorry. And, um, we appreciate the recommendation. He gets par as a FBI agent. Uh, this is a pre-twin peaks. Uh, He's a space cop who inhabits the body of a recently deceased FBI agent.
Starting point is 01:27:27 And then the earth cop who is who's like a no-nonsense blue collar type played by Michael Norey. The two of those guys chased down this this alien no-good-nick. And there's some really great shit. I think my favorite moment is when the, as pointed out by a mutual friend of ours, Bill Hickey is when the alien inhabited, like stripper, falls off of, after I think she's riddled with bullets and falls off of a rooftop, you can very clearly see the crash mat when the stunt double hits falls off the roof. So I totally recommend watching the hidden and it's very clearly the inspiration for new line cinemas.
Starting point is 01:28:14 Jason goes to hell. AKA Friday the 13th part 9. It is? Yeah, because that's totally a rip off of the hidden where Jason as a worm Inhabits people's bodies and goes on killing spree It's possible someone had a hidden revamp script and it wasn't getting made so he just turned it into a Jason sort of like a hidden two There was a hidden two was there was a hidden two Let's push up this podcast dial it up
Starting point is 01:28:42 Mm-hmm, dial it up. How's it working this stretch it out, symbol? Yeah, they didn't, too. So it's not already the longest podcast we've ever seen. So what's the next step of this podcast? The next step of this podcast. Well, as we end it. Do we make our condolences, our acknowledgments? No, we just say-
Starting point is 01:29:00 How does Max want to end a podcast, Dan? Uh, we just ends it, that buddy. Well, let's say it's October, so it's time once again to close the coffin. Eeeeee! Slam shut the crypt door. No way, they're not dead! BOOM!
Starting point is 01:29:13 Close the gates of Flapphouse Cemetery, Claim, and lock them up tight. Go. For spirits, ghouls, goblins, skeletons, creepers' oils, pervazoids, schools, ghouls, ghouls, rolls, and rolled gold pretzels, roamed the earth. Let's leave them behind for tonight for who knows when they may reemerge two weeks from now. All right, well, the next episode of The Flop House.
Starting point is 01:29:44 Starring me, Dan McCoy. Me, Stuart Wellington. Special appearance by Elliot Kalen as himself. And. And long time host, Halle Hagglet. Wait a minute. Good night. No, it's scary. So do you know this Merlin man guy?
Starting point is 01:30:12 He's a very popular internet personality. He did a podcast called You Look Nice Today and he does a lot of new podcasts with more productivity based thing. He was trying to get me to listen to one of his shows. Who's this? Marlon Man. Marlon Man. I don't know who that is.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Is that, is that, like, the guy? He's an internet person. Bitten by a wizard. Now, he has the power to wizard as Marlon Man. That man has Marlon. As Marlon himself was a demon. Really? Well, some say.
Starting point is 01:30:40 Is Gandalf a demon? No, Gandalf is a wizard. Mithrandeer? I don't know what that is. That's Gandalf a demon? No, Gandalf is a wizard. Uh, Mithrandir? I don't know what that is. That's Gandalf. Everyone's got 300 names in Lord of the Rings. Bilbo Baggins, who was known to the elves as Skrivnor, and who of the orcs knew as Thorn Drager.

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