The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode 20 - Premonition

Episode Date: July 6, 2008

0:00 - 0:31 - Introduction and theme0:32 - 30:20 - After welcoming back oft-absent co-host Elliott Kalan and dispensing with some off-topic comics talk, we celebrate Independence Day by examining the ...slow decline of former America's sweetheart Sandra Bullock in Premonition.30:21 - 32:05 A slight detour, as the Flop House hosts make out their audio living wills.32:06 - 36:09 - Final judgments.36:10 - 40:19 - We rewrite the ending to Premonition.  Also: a lot of nonsense about C.H.U.D.s.40:20 - 48:40 - The sad bastards recommend.48:41 - 51:12 - Podcasty business, a NEW CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT, and goodbyes.51:13 - 51:54 - Theme and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode of the Flapphouse we discuss Premonition, starring Sandra Bullock and a dead crow. Hey everyone, welcome to the flop house. I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Elliot Kaylen. So Elliot's back. Yeah. All right. That's that's about it. Yeah, sure Well that now that we've got put that behind us the video listeners can't hear but in homage to the back streets back music video I am dressed up as Dr. Jacqueline Mr. Hyde in one body split down the middle and Stewart is a mummy and Dan is also a mummy I guess they didn't really coordinate that well. I think your dress up is um... I'm a sexy mummy. Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde or what was that?
Starting point is 00:01:10 Franchion Young, Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde. Yeah, that's what. Or maybe Jekyll and Hyde together again. There's so many Jekyll and Hyde movies. Yeah. You say femaleian. Yeah. We're not, no, not femaleian.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Ellie's dress is Jekyll and Jekyll. The racist prose. Sure though. Probably a prose. We're not no not female Alien Jacklyn jacklyn the racist pros sure though probably a pro sense of your hate mail One movie that we watched tonight's George we watch the movie called Premonitions during Sandra Bullock oh and and Julian McMahon from nip tuck who which is a fucking terrashy program
Starting point is 00:01:44 Yeah, I prefer to think of this doctor julienne vandu oh my god uh... we didn't know that the dictator of the film yeah julienne vandu uh... dictator of lat varia yeah that it that's true yeah i say right this time i like you did i i was glad that was corrected in the last podcast didn't didn't alter on destroy that no that was a con he destroyed another country that was a fictional your eastern country that was just created for that story
Starting point is 00:02:10 where we have we have a good deal you non-nurse every one in the every one in the country and the Avengers came to fight him and for broke through the wall said all tron we would have words with the I saw that wizard it was it was their moment of the year i even like comics and i'm passing out right now no it was the highlight of the buziak prez run but anyway you are saying julien McMahon was sander bullock's husband and that's important because half the time sander bullock's husband was dead in this film
Starting point is 00:02:42 yeah half the time he was a lot and not like you would think where he dies halfway through the movie. It was split up back and forth jumping around a lot. That was pretty much the premise of the film. The premise of the exhibition. The premise of the exhibition. Premosition. That was almost a pun.
Starting point is 00:02:56 It was not. Can somebody explain it for me because frankly, I got lost pretty quickly. Basically, it's like Groundhog Day, but instead of Bill Murray's character learning how to love, it was Sandra Bullock's character learning, I don't know that there was a god or something. She wakes up one morning and her husband is dead, and then she wakes up again the next day and he's alive, and no one remembers that he was supposed to have died, and she starts jumping back and forth in time whenever she goes to sleep,
Starting point is 00:03:21 to the future of the past, all revolvering around his dying in a car accident. And everything, are there all these things that she can't explain and how they happened? And as she moves forward in time, they start to happen and she's worried about her husband and so forth. You should also replace all the hilarious Bill Murray jokes with a lot of long shots
Starting point is 00:03:39 of Sandra Bullock doing the laundry, driving her kids to school. Yeah, picking up the groceries with the old friends. You know, it was just really normal boring suburban housewife sorts of fun. You really got the idea that she was a housewife in this. Also that she was afraid of dead birds. Yeah, she throws away a dead crow.
Starting point is 00:03:53 She finds one in her backyard and she freaks out and smears blood all over the window. Yeah, I want to talk about that. It's jumping ahead a little bit, but the scene where she falls on a dead crow, she's doing her laundry, she trips over something. She's hanging her sheets up to dry in the backyard on a clothesline.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Because in her house, why? She's jumping back and forth between a couple days in the present, but in her backyard, I guess it's 1932. And she doesn't have a dryer yet. No, you have to assume that these are like chores when she's jumping back. It's like 1,500th, right-of-a-pound.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Like silk sheets, you know, these are amazing sheets. These are the sheets you want to put in a dryer. Yeah, no. like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're like, they're the film treats this is literally the worst thing that could ever happen pretty close and this is a movie where she thinks her husband is dead and her daughter appears her young daughter appears with scars all over the house that's to the point Elliot that's uh... i mean i agree with steward if i in the course of my normal day-to-day life if i fell on a dead crow and got dead crow blood all over my hands i would freak out yeah but in a movie on windows where my husband is dead and these live on my face. She has bigger things to worry about than granted. My husband was dead in a life. I'd be living a
Starting point is 00:05:12 different lifestyle, but also I assume that I would love my gay husband in that situation. Would you win McMahon be your husband? Oh, I could only hope. Yeah, you saw he had some guns. He wore that sleeve of the shirt at one point. Yeah, I think that's got a wife beater, Elliot. Well, we can't assume that the character beat his wife, but they did have a bad relationship. That's the name of the shirt. So is it? Yeah, I think you could pull Julie McMahon.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Like, he's got kind of weird eyebrows and you think I could pull Julie in my eyes. Yeah, I don't think that's going to, but you're not punching two above your weight class on that one. Yeah, thanks. Yeah, I appreciate that. Just a little bit. but you're not punching two above your weight class on that one. Yeah, thanks. Yeah, I appreciate that. Just a little bit. Okay, so she smashes a crow and it's gross and then she throws it away.
Starting point is 00:05:50 She runs inside my American sort of crow here. Her real ceremony of throwing it in the garbage. But she manages to smear crow blood all over the sliding glass doors on her way inside. She's got bigger things on her mind than keeping her windows clean. I had crow blood all over me. I think I'd be pretty careful about that. Maybe like, oh, let me use my other hand. Yeah. Like I've freaked out, but let's keep our head in this that way. I think that the theme of the movie was Cinder Bullock freaking out at things and then staring pensively and other people overreacting to her
Starting point is 00:06:21 freaking out. She wakes up and her husband is dead, wakes up again, her husband's alive, wakes up again in her husband is dead wakes up again her husband's alive wakes up again her husband's dead in the funeral is going on and she's confused like what happened what how did this happen uh... i don't believe that he's really dead and they're like oh honey well we better submit you to a mental hospital and then yeah there is there uh... as the world's creepiest therapist the world's creepiest and least
Starting point is 00:06:43 important to the plot therapist yeah you could have removed him from the movie and it would not have changed things very much Yeah, but immediately upon her freaking out at her husband's funeral a place where I assume that people freak out What's it? What's great? She uh she at the funeral she demands that they open the casket to show her to that she knows for sure That that husband's dead and this is actually that's against protocol did I would I think that's actually usually they do allow you some time with the body before the burial not that you can make it is on the street but they should have let her see the body for that but this is how unprofessional these morticians are is they start unloading the coffin to agree to this demand and they let it slip out of their
Starting point is 00:07:21 hands and it falls in shatters and his head rolls out of the coffin and that's bad involvement right there you should have it's not bad and bombing it's bad even if it's a closed casket for all mortician ori i mean like they should so the head that part of the involvement of the bombing i'm assuming that they did a great job placement of the fluid keeping the tissue fresh for the burial but his head come on they didn't even reattach it's literally like and the assuming that they did a great job placement of the fluid keeping the tissue fresh for the burial but is had come on they didn't even reattached it's literally like and the people holding the coffins slip at slips are so easily it's like the whole funeral home is run by interns or something.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Mm-hmm. Sorry, sorry, just here for the summer. Oh, man. Yeah, the thing is in their defense. I mean the way it was shot, you just saw the thing crash on the ground and then a head bounce off the ground. That could have been somebody throwing a novelty joke head on the ground. That joke. I don't know. I mean, they didn't really introduce like a prankster character, but they didn't introduce it. They didn't say that there weren't pranksters in the town. You have just seen that they're there unless they're set otherwise.
Starting point is 00:08:19 There was a whole subplot that was cut about how this was like a crooked funeral home and they're bearing as many people in one casket as possible. I thought there was a subplot about that how that that town is the rubber head capital of America and there's a bad economy so the rubber head factories going under so I guess to gin up publicity for the rubber heads remind people they should buy them they're just chucking them into the street and that really makes much less sense because they removed that. it was a failed Promotion people were freaking out. There are a lot of car accidents people like Swerving to avoid what they assume were real heads
Starting point is 00:08:52 Yeah, and you were mentioning how the the Paul Bears in this situation were all interns and it seemed like almost every Professional in this movie that filled any kind of like role was like underage. There's particularly the young priest at the funeral home. At the priest of the funeral looked like he was about 16 and you we see an old priest later on. I don't know why they just didn't you know save a salary, buddy. Have have that same actor do two parts. I thought I was studying right he's studying up on the old priest was studying up on premonition.
Starting point is 00:09:23 You see reading about a cult legends they they go to an insurance office a couple times because it's a semi-clu and the guy running the place is kind of like bj Novak in the first season of the office like he just looks much too young to be doing the job he's supposed to do it but uh... at the point originally was that a peter stormer uh... he's not a general by the way no he's an old he's wearing he's got the creepiest haircut you can imagine
Starting point is 00:09:48 yeah at least got a beard and real short hair real short hair and basically like shaved sides to your head yeah it looks like it was like uh... you called me away from my survivalist militia i got a good to just put her into the hospital i thought you're gonna say you called me the way in the middle of my barbering you know that's shaving my head. My head shaved.
Starting point is 00:10:07 And I just shaved around from ear to ear. It's like the bad and the ugly when the guy gets up from the barber chair and he's half shaved and he points the gun at Clint Eastwood. But she's immediately brought to, like, she's basically committed. Yes. And she's not taken to like, you know, a nice hospital where like, oh, you know, you got to calm down a little. We're going to give give you some like some Xanax or Valium or whatever It's like no, we're immediately taking you to like this is like session nine
Starting point is 00:10:33 They cover to a bench in a hallway then they strap her to a table and start injecting I guess a sedative or something Maybe it's sodium pentathol to find out if she'll tell the Charge it's a really good alarming. But all she's done is kind of react violently to the fact that her husband has died, which seems like a normal thing. I think they were injecting the black stuff from the alien area.
Starting point is 00:10:54 From ex files? Yeah, it's ex files. Peter, we had to check the credits to see if Peter Stormy was playing Alex Crycheck. But ex files, the movie coming out this summer. Maybe a little sponsor us. Chris Carter? Chris Carter's harsh out this summer. Maybe a sponsor us. Chris Carter. Chris Carter's harsh realm this summer on Fox.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Melody, I'm out on DVD. Viper. This summer on Fox. That was, that was, that was, that was, that was, that was on Fox. And DVD. Viper was in the Chris Carter show. Is it with, Lance Henrickson?
Starting point is 00:11:21 I can't hear it. Yeah. Well, pumpkin head is technically the monster pumpkin head. Lancer X is the human character. It's not all screwed up like Frankenstein. Yeah, you meet him. I want you to say, hey pumpkin head is nice to meet you. I declare that I want you to call him pumpkin head.
Starting point is 00:11:41 A lot of people that make that mistake. I'm actually Dr. pumpkinkin head the monster was pumpkin But I want you to call him pumpkin head and then think that pumpkin head was actually the movie pumpkin with Christina Reachie where she falls in love with a retard guy and lands Henrickson There's a number of different problems you're having with this right now The bedroom is too crazy, but let me explain Several things like season number one. Let me explain the difference between an actor and his part. Number two, let me explain the word pumpkin and pumpkin head.
Starting point is 00:12:09 So, does pumpkin head live with you now? What's the problem? What is it? If Benning June wasn't the movie, where two or two are people fall in love, what was that movie with Giovanni Rebece? Oh, that was the other sister. Okay, and there's return to people, and I think that's right. Giovanni Rebece. I'm saying heart. No, that's the difference. That's the movie where that guy gets a bad
Starting point is 00:12:29 boon heart. Yeah, that got me. According to the screen entertainment story, 1998, you're thinking of frequency starting Jim Caviesiel. That anyway, wait, he's retarded. Oh, we wasn't that big fish movie based on his performance and passion of the Christ, but anyway, let's Always with your anti-religious sentiment Dan, which brings me to the surprising religious theme of Premonition. So after a while flipping back and forth. It's like you're changing the channels between It's like when I was growing up channel 11 and TBS would both show saved by the bell, but TBS would start five minutes later. So if it was the same episode of Save by the Bell,
Starting point is 00:13:10 you could watch five minutes, then flip back to TBS and watch the same five minutes. This was like that, like, premonition was on two different channels, and you were flipping back and forth between them. So that's one of those. Right, I wanted to start at six o'clock and when it started at six, 15.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yeah, exactly. It didn't feel like a well-known thing. I well-being able to fit more if one channel was showing like the early years of say by the bell where they're still in Indiana. Yeah, okay. And what's hating mellals was still the teacher. Yeah. That was good morning, Miss Bliss. Sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Oh, man. That reveals a lot about us. I was, listen, if we want to talk about say about the bell, I'm not ashamed. How did the whole school and all the students move to California? That's what I want to know. That is really weird. What I think is sad is that when the class, when they're graduating, they put together a time capsule, the only people who put anything in it are the main characters.
Starting point is 00:13:57 They're really the only students I've ever had. I just said that you're asked to sympathize with who, basically, a dick. Like the main character saved by the bell. He was a dopey girlist for the 90s or the late 80s I guess. Hey guy. What? He had a cool phone.
Starting point is 00:14:13 There was a big gray blocky mobile phone. And he could stop time. He could stop time occasionally to talk to the audience. Sure. He was friends with a nerd and a jock. He could bridge the gap. Yep. He wasn't had a robot.
Starting point is 00:14:24 He was really friends with the nerd. And he was good. He was better friends with the nerd than he jock he could bridge the gap. Yep, yeah, but he wasn't had a robot. He was really friends with the nerd. And he was better friends with the nerd than he was with a jock. And his girlfriend, he had a rivalry with the jock. He had a rivalry with the jock. And he had a rivalry with the jock. He had a rivalry with the jock. He had a rivalry with the jock. And he was kind enough to take in a homeless family
Starting point is 00:14:35 into his house on Christmas, though they would never heard or seen of again. You're not going to sell me a jet, Zach Morris, so we should get back to them. He was in that sci-fi channel original movie about the Frankenstein monster. Again, you're confusing the actor with the cashier. Sure, that sounds right. He was on NYPD Blues. we should get back to the he was in that sci-fi channel original movie about the frankenstein monster again your concern he was on nypd blues at more sense of the guys a cop now
Starting point is 00:14:51 no just same actor mark Paul goss gossler gossily a rine gossling what what should we skip to the ending or should we keep talking well i i think before we skip to the ending surprise do it before we skip to the ending we should it that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that Finally, just finally Hollywood. Holly weird. Yeah, tell me about it. Holly would W-O-U-L-D. Forget about God if they could, but they can't. Uh, but she goes, she is having premonitions, she realizes, she breaks, she puts together a chart
Starting point is 00:15:35 of the days of the week and marks off what she knows happens each day. This is the only clever thing in the entire movie. Yeah, no, I like it. She pulls out a piece of like butcher paper. And basically just crow blood still. Yeah, like that's like a little chart. Like you might, you know, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:52 just your average like a list of like a Hollywood screenwriter trying to figure out his fucking complicated movie that he can't keep track of. And what day does this thing happen on? Jack Nicholson was writing a movie. Like, oh, geez, I'm'm writing this move what day is it going Sandra I got a good part for it and so I do the worst Jack Nigglass in impression. Yeah, that was really bad actually Where we're yeah, where's your Michael Kane or something?
Starting point is 00:16:17 I think that this Primination film was the greatest film since the swam people asked me all the time, what's the premination about Alfie? I can't tell him. I can't. Well, you see it and so forth. Anyway, so she puts the other chart. She's jumping back and forth through time somehow.
Starting point is 00:16:35 She goes to, and you, okay, you realize you're seeing the future, you don't know what to do, you can't go to the psychologist because he's just going to lock you up. Who do you go to? The family priest who's never been introduced in the film before. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:16:48 And he happens to have a book called, I assume, Premonitions Through History that has different examples of famous Premonitions that have happened in the legend. Bookmark with Post-it note. Bookmarked, and I wondered if the actor bookmarked it or the character bookmarked it. If you're supposed to remove those before shooting started. So if you have an occult question, go to your priest, because I guess they're all involved in all that. Well, you know, everything supernatural is the same. Ghosts, goasts, goblins, goast and goblins. The Eluminaati. Wolfman's. Jesus, it's all the same thing. Aliens. Aliens, Jesus, boldergeists and Poltergosts, all the same thing. Butens. Aliens, Jesus, bolder guys and polter ghosts, all the same thing.
Starting point is 00:17:26 But a real ghost busters, the real ghost busters and the other ghost busters that had a gorilla, which ironically be dated the real man's, boogie man's, man's Chinese theater and the tooth fairy and sandy claws, man thing and Batman thing. Okay, how would the dark? It's all part of the same. All part of it. General supernatural. So I would go to my priest talk about that stuff right, Dan. Apparently. Okay, Dan, I assume you're the most Christian of any of us.
Starting point is 00:17:56 My father was a minister. My uncle's a minister. My two grandfathers were both ministers. So would you do any of them have books about premonitions? Oh man, all over the house. It's just, it's premonitions through history. It's medieval premonitions, it's premonitions in the modern world. I hope I have to imagine. You get forwarded emails like, hey, check out this information about a cool new premonition. I have got so many copies of the Necronomicon just lying around.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Holy shit. I imagine when you join the seminary, the first textbooks are the time. And my mad Arab. Are the ab of dual all has read? Yes. The first books they give you are the time life mysteries and wonders series. They say, you're here to preach the word, the word of the Lord,
Starting point is 00:18:37 and to testify for Christ, read about how aliens built the pyramids. So, but let's tell the audience though, about the fucking great advice that the priest gives, Sandra Bullock. Do you remember the man? I don't know, I was drinking it. It was something about like, your faith has lapsed,
Starting point is 00:18:53 so something has come into field of void, or something like that. Yeah, exactly. The something has come into field of void, and she says, sounds like a curse, and he goes, or maybe a miracle. So it's a miracle that she is basically Billy Pilgrimmed and unstuck in time, and doesn't know what the fuck is happening. Well, but also it's like a really mean miracle. So it's a miracle that she's basically Billy Pilgrimmed and unstuck in time and doesn't know what the fuck is happening.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Well, but also it's like a really mean miracle. It's like she's being punished for not going to church by like getting premonitions of her husband's death. And it's a really sort of like vague way of God to do this or anything as well. Like you haven't been to church in a while. Maybe your husband should die and you should know about it ahead of time.
Starting point is 00:19:26 But also, like, she didn't strike me as particularly, irreligion, like she didn't go to church, but there was never a conversation like, oh, we gotta go to church. Nah, forget that. What's this across? Pssss, like P's all over it. But, you know.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Let's just talk about a basic screenplay level. This, like, stinks the high heaven of, like, the screenwriter's like all right I got this this awesome premise that could go somewhere. I gotta explain it somehow I got nothing. I guess I'll say God yeah, it's God God I got the audience in the seat for an hour. It's six. I better explain. What's going on? It's six o'clock I put in a full day of writing. It's God time to have a few beers By this point, they're gonna be so wrapped up in the amazingly intricate and enthralling story
Starting point is 00:20:09 They're gonna swallow whatever bullshit I can shovel down those roads. Oh God you devil Front of me we started oh God you devil It was the guy from blossom from blossom. I am from biomeolic. Yes. I don't have a dictionary definition of the term miracle, but I think I'm. It's when the US team defeats a Russian team in the 1980 winner Olympics hockey.
Starting point is 00:20:32 That's a good example. It's in Websters or it's in the smile of a small child. Or it's a perfectly brood of coffee. Or it's going to CVS pharmacy because it's just another ordinary miracle today. Or it's the last year of your loved ones. So wait, would your husband or it's a kind of whip, or it's a kind of whip, miracle whip. But it's the kind of.
Starting point is 00:20:55 They're all miracles according to the Bible. The movie posits, I guess anything God does as a miracle, even if it's bad. Yeah, well anytime it's magic related, right? Yes, that's pretty nice. That's basically it. Yeah, if they find a quarter behind your ear, it's bad. Yeah, well, anytime it's magic related, right? Yes, that was pretty bad. That's basically it. Yeah, if they find a quarter behind your ear, it's a miracle. Maybe the priest is just like we are in this situation. Maybe the priest is just like, uh, fucked to find out.
Starting point is 00:21:13 That sounds really weird. I guess God's, I guess God's in charge. I assume the priest was going, Quentin time, time the punch out, and then Sandra Bullock walked in and he was like, oh, come on. Seriously, God, I've been doing this all day. And she was like, I'm unstuck in time
Starting point is 00:21:26 and I know my husband's gonna die. I guess it's a miracle. Quentin time, funch out. Let's go get a couple of brews, Jesus. It's Miller done, Jesus. It's so fast, bear. I know you're the son of a carpenter, but it's Miller time.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Okay, so there's not a lot to talk about in this movie, so let's skip to the ending, which is the most awesome mark by far. Fantastic. Okay, so it turned out that the ending, which is the most awesome Mark life. Fantastic. Okay, so it turned out that her husband was going to have an affair on her, but she figured it out and proved that she loved him by doing him and taking his shoes off. So that, so he's skipped out on the affair. I'm not accurate.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Taking his shoes off was a big problem. He's in, he's in his car. He's driving to, he dropped the kids off at school as they do and he's in his car he's gonna die in a car crash she calls him and there's about what 15 minutes of him fumbling with the cell phone while his car she's like okay I know he's gonna die at mile 220 I'm gonna go out I'm gonna drive out I'm gonna meet him there she's like calling him on the phone she's like oh just do you trust me turn around and he like turns around on a car service where it's around and he's oh, it's all right and then
Starting point is 00:22:26 And then drop my phone he drops his phone my car Start and then a tractor at 18 wheeler is starts coming down the bed Very flammable apparently and he's like I don't know whether to pick up my phone or start the car get out of my car He doesn't simply unbuckle and run out of the car, which I think is a normal person would do really the number one Well, he loved that car. He really really loved that car. That was established in the film So then he got well, and then let's just say that We're like well, of course he's gonna live Why would God put her through this and not and he doesn't cheat on his wife They've reaffirmed their love for each other. I guess she's gonna go to church more often
Starting point is 00:23:09 Of course he's gonna live and this gonna be happy on it. No that big truck Smashes through the roof of his car and you're like oh, okay Well, he's still gonna be okay. Maybe he ducked on the point of impact or something. No truck blows up Car blows up also and you're still holding out hope that he's going to crawl out. It was, it was, it was basically a big exclamation point on this movie. Well, it's very strange because like, it's this weird, like, awesome. It's this weird twilight zone ending where you're sort of supposed to be like, oh, I see in this time loop, she sort of caused his death by knowing about his death. But there were so many coincidental little things that had to happen.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Well, but not even that, like just like that sort of chilling ending doesn't work if you've set up the idea that the whole point of this is that God is testing her or something. Yeah, you know, like God Cobb's off comes off very badly as well. Yeah, like what's the whole point of the scene with the priest if the end is just gonna be one who's like twist the knife like well Sandra book if you ends, but it's not it's not over though She wakes up the next day. They're moving out of the house that he bought for them because I guess too many memories and Well, no, not the next day because like the probably no, no, it's several days later because the funeral has happened and and the daughters They got scars. Oh, that's right. The daughter ran through a plate last window also. It starts raining out and Sandra Bullock, of course, loses her shit because she does
Starting point is 00:24:31 with everything. Starts raining and she starts yelling at the children to get inside, get inside. She has to get those fancy sheets, though. And she has to run out and get the sheets that she hung up and her daughter is running to the glass door to open it to go get the sheets and she's going, no, stop, stop! And the daughter turns around to look at what Sandra Bullock is, what fucking nonsense to the glass door to open it to go get the sheets and she's going no stop stop in the daughter turns around to look at what Sandra Bullock is what fucking nonsense is causing her to scream at her and she doesn't see the glass door and rounds right through it and
Starting point is 00:24:52 gets all cut up in her face. Right and then at the end of the movie the scars are almost healed which leads me to believe that this happens like a month later which is also why Sandra Bullock isn't committed in the hospital at this point. And also why. It's because well God is involved so maybe it was a miracle that her scars healed up the next possible but she goes she sits on the edge of her bed she's woken up by her daughter she sits on the edge of her bed and she
Starting point is 00:25:15 remembers everything that happened in the movie and then we hear the which by the way she remembers stuff that happened again this has happened before in the floppy things that happen like 10 minutes earlier in the film. And I don't understand what modern filmmakers think our attention span is. They're just like, remember this? Remember when Sandra Bullock and her husband kissed? They were really in love. It was actually pretty helpful for me, because I had to get a beer.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Yeah. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see to get a beer. We'll be able to realize that Sandra Bullock and her husband were in love. So sing them casings. No, that they were enemies. I thought she was trying to call them on the phone and distract them so that car would chop us.
Starting point is 00:25:51 This wasn't for a long time in the movie. Nothing really happens. And it does seem like it's designed for someone who keeps getting up and leaving and coming back. There's a whole lot of nothing followed by a whole lot of stuff. And then... So wondering was like, because this movie is kind of told in a lake. It's kind of told out at water like they film it like in order and And then they just like let's just chop it off. It's cool. I don't think so. I say it's not momentum. Well, and we're talking about fucking groundhog day like they don't ever address her point of view so that you're like
Starting point is 00:26:21 There's no moment where you see that realization on our face like oh my god. It's a different day. That's true. It takes like there's no like moment where she's like maybe maybe if like little cause and effect here maybe if I don't fall asleep. You've got a great standard bullet. There's a dead-on standard bullet impression. I know I watch demolition man. So there's no moment of her being like let me test this There's no testing or like trying to figure out the like the rules the rules instead. She's like I don't get something time to go to my local church and talk to my Favorite priest. Oh God's doing it. Okay, first I guess I'll turn more scientific method behind. Yeah, she does she will say it's the man She does go to Godless science first Peter stormer he
Starting point is 00:27:06 fails her and then she goes back to faith but then fails her he gives her a lithium I mean that's pretty good and then she takes it says take two and she pours out every single pill in her hand and then throws him in the sink and it's like what I don't anyway but okay so she's sitting on the edge of the bed she's remembering everything we just saw in the movie and then So she knows lithium's not that good for you and she remembers the priest words that this is a miracle and something about hope I forget which she closes her eyes in slow motion gets up and she's pregnant That night of last love with her husband has born fruit as God meant it to cut to black credits And that's the end of the movie no closure and thanks to god's benevolence she's now single mother raising three young children single housewife house although it's implied that it doesn't have a job it's
Starting point is 00:27:53 implied that her husband has a major life insurance policy oh yeah yeah if I don't think about insurance companies they found it very suspicious that he took out this insurance policy right before he died and it did not pay off on it wet that's covered when she goes to the insurance company guy in the middle and he says this is very suspicious but whatever that should happens man you were there calling one of the so what you're saying you walk on the that's double indemnity if he if he gets distracted by a phone call and is
Starting point is 00:28:21 blown up by a truck so what you're saying million dollars is that god was angry at julie mcman for thinking about having an adult was a fair so he's smoked him and gave the insurance money to the sander bullock i guess so sander bullock was collateral damage in this god plan so he did he just got decided to throw her a bone so it's not totally bad for and the bone and the bone and the form of a new baby to squirt out of her box. You know what?
Starting point is 00:28:48 This, this, you're so sensitive Stewart. This movie should be taught in Sunday school, you know. Right up there with, it's a wonderful life and other religious families. And all those evangelicals who took passion with the Christ to your heart, go out and rent predation. And then what dreams may come and build your Sunday school, syllabus around that. And then maybe, and maybe Constantine. And dragon slayer.
Starting point is 00:29:11 And for and go to the last train. And dragon heart and the, and the last dragon. And enter the dragon. And dragon wick. And, uh, it's got to a more movies with dragon and pizza dragon there you go that's my son is school syllabus right there pizza dragon dragon heart dragon slayer dragon wick and to the dragon and the last because all those dinosaurs those dinosaur bones are dragons that's that's what you can't dragons that died in the flood yeah except for the bones that were buried by satan to confuse us
Starting point is 00:29:41 well fair enough so this movie man is really good this movie, man, it was really good. This is a movie that was a lot of nothing for about what, an hour or 20 minutes, and then the craziest ending in history. Yeah, I thought the ending was a joke for a minute, and then I realized this wasn't a comedy. It felt like the ending of a planet terror, I'm like.
Starting point is 00:30:02 But it was really over the top. It was like a really weird joke on the audience. Like Andy Kaufman directed a movie. I'm just gonna do a really serious melodrama. We watched this annoying movie for an hour and an hour and an hour. And then it gets crazy. And then a pregnant lady. So let's get down to final judgments.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Because, by the way, I just want to point out for everyone listening. This is just for posterity sake. If I ever die in a car accident, I really want there to be an awesome explosion to punctuate it for me. So if I do die in a car accident, somebody blow up the car.
Starting point is 00:30:35 I will follow you around. Every time you're in a car, I will have a couple of gas cans and just fall. So if you crash, I'll just run up and pour a bunch of gas out of it. Also for posterity, Dan, if you can make can make sure when i die that if my head is removed during the death that they fucking so that shit back on because i do not want the casket to fall my head to fall
Starting point is 00:30:55 responsibility is that my grieving with a day you can handle this you can handle this is that because you have a low opinion of the people who are going to be your paul bear i saw a premonition or you can't trust anyone in the future industry that your uh... might be and might die when i have a couple of the cuts off my head and i want i don't want to know what all of john landis is directing your life wow on how i was even thinking about that i'll write to bring it down seriously that make sure they saw that you know
Starting point is 00:31:23 seriously that i don't like john landis and don't like I never want to be anywhere in your gun I was I was just playing using some chewing gum and some tape whatever it takes just stick I know Just put like a stick no Pretty me up just make me look better. Okay, I'll Whatever it takes. But it takes. But it takes. You want it, I mean. Pretty me up. Just make me look better. Okay, I'll take care of it.
Starting point is 00:31:48 If you can mold a six pack out of my surprisingly blubbery stomach thing. You can do that with dead bodies nowadays. Yeah, well, when you die, your body basically turns into putty. Yeah, like clay, right? Yeah, like clay face, exactly. Yeah, like clay face, sure.
Starting point is 00:31:59 So you can become any bad guy or character from the bad man. Yeah, we're like dark man. So the dark man. No, kidding're like dark man. So the dark no killing ultimately though, was this movie a bad movie that you would not recommend at all? A movie that was bad but was good as a funny bad movie or a movie that you liked in some way. Elliot. I would say this was a bad movie that was unenjoyable until the last five minutes or so, but those last five minutes here's the rub wouldn't mean as much without the pre-seeing hour and 25 of boring garbage.
Starting point is 00:32:28 So what are you gonna do? It's like the umbrellas of Shareburg, which I finished watching today. Powerful and seen, we have to slog through everything that comes before it. Yeah, I had three. It's like a lot like, like, dead alive, but to catch me AK, where you're like,
Starting point is 00:32:41 this is a dead alive? Dead or alive, not dead alive, yeah, that'd be not, that's another movie. Peter Jackson. Yeah, where you're like dead or alive dead or alive not dead a lot of yeah that'd be not that's another movie It's better Jackson. Yeah, where you like hey, this is kind of weird like crime drama kind of extreme I guess and then the end happens you're like oh my god. They blew up the planet Yeah, no, I agree entirely the last 10 minutes of this movie or just zaning it's the constant like what what more can We throw in his path to keep him from maybe to maybe make him die in that car and then make him okay And that's anyway, but I can't drop my phone a gun. I can't
Starting point is 00:33:10 I just recommend this to anyone though I think that like if you've listened to this podcast you've gotten all the enjoyment you're going to get out of this film Learn from us. Yeah, just just to like kind of paint a picture for you guys I generally like movies that are like violent in some way, like have like gore or like horror elements, or feature a lot of like nudity. Like a team. You're a man of simple, like a TNA comedy or something.
Starting point is 00:33:34 And yeah, this movie had really nothing that I would be interested in except for the last one. You're looking for gore or TNA, this is not the movie to go to. Yeah, terrible. But for the audience, just for the, they understand exactly what we're talking about. It's like if you went to see Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Anya Jones is falling off
Starting point is 00:33:50 the things, and guys are punching him in the face, and there's explosions, and he gets through all of them, and then just at the last minute, when he's about to save the day, like someone stabs him in the neck, and he dies. And it's like, wait a minute, wait, hold on, like, why did you, wait, but you was implicitly promised that when he went through all the trials, he would survive at the end and win. Like, why would, okay, and then he's, and then Karen Allen's pregnant. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:34:11 And the child's name would be Mott. If you go back in time and tell Lawrence Kastin how to, uh... The only thing that would have been a better ending for the movie is if, when she got up pregnant, dissolved, like, and kind of like... Would she dissolve? No, no, so you can see inside her pregnant belly and the fetus was there and winked at the audience. No, I thought you were like,
Starting point is 00:34:30 the fetus was like, Julian McMahon is like the star child in 2000. Yeah, what's Julian McMahon's head on a fetus's body and he winks at the audience and then the movie blacks out. That'd be pretty awesome. He's back. Yum. And then there's a sequel which is the evil baby Julien McMahon going around killing people.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Premonoman. See I'm going to say I would like it more if she got up and like there's a close up of her belly and then like a hamburger. Like it is a lot of her rose. They're holding a cell phone. You're like oh my God. He's still alive. You did this to me.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Oh yeah. And then holding a cell phone and then you just hear Julien McMahon's voice saying it's He's so long. You did this to me. Oh, yeah. So long. And then holding a cell phone and then you just hear Julien McMahon's voice thing, it's for you. If any of these things happened, I would have immediately recommended this movie at the end of the podcast. As bad as the rest of the film was like that alone.
Starting point is 00:35:20 We'd be enough to redeem the whole thing. A real like shaggy dog story. So what was the catchphrase for this movie like what was on like what what's the box cover? Like just like Sandra Bullock looking like kind of confused or like is it like her and Julian McMahon making out I'm sure it's like her face is like what if nothing was as it seemed or something like this Premonition is murder I wish was this is one premonition. You, really. This premonition is murder. I wish it was, this is one premonition. You don't want a premonote.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Sometimes you premonis. Premonation, that would be my review of this. Yes. I'm not a real animal. You're daily variety. My daily, I don't know what daily person. I ever summarized the mix, premonix picks.
Starting point is 00:36:01 I don't think I actually rated this one. I'm gonna say it's a bad movie that I wouldn't recommend. All right, try not. I mean, I figured that was in part. How do you sell, like, I remember when this movie was in theaters briefly, but like, how do you sell this movie? Like, the only hook to the plot is so vague and nothing of interest visually or dramatically ever happens. What do you think about the script guts, you know, a heavyweight like Sandra Bullock involved? Is it, is it, is she just really in like time travel bullshit like? Lake House came out from edition came out time cap time she was in time cop
Starting point is 00:36:34 She was in demolition. No, you just like that Like on my time traveling action. Just like that time cop came out. It's another movie that came out the movie time cop Time and again from time to time the time machine both versions time X watches Back the future one through three the cartoon series Grotty kid Cruddy kid a grotty to time that's already goes back in time to feudal All the episodes see him and T3. This's the one where we spent those times just listing movies
Starting point is 00:37:08 Sure turtles and space that would have been awesome Now you got to imagine that if they kept making change moon in general movies there would be Change moon in his tools and space and there would be We're there In the hood and that would have been another one. Are they pretty much already in the hood or I guess, sewer is at the hood? Well they're living in a s... There's, you know, the hood is still above ground. Come on man. It depends on the hood, you know?
Starting point is 00:37:31 Not too many of them are underground. Maybe a mole person's hood. Well I mean, yeah, like the chud hood is in the sewer's. I don't know, you can call them hood. There's no businesses, there's no real apartments. It's still a neighborhood that like, they let them in with somebody. I think for a neighborhood,
Starting point is 00:37:44 they interact more with the chud. So like I figured if they're the only two groups down there. This is, there's no real apartments. There's still a neighborhood that, like, they let them in with somebody. I think for a neighborhood, they interact more with the chud. So like, I figured if there are only two groups down there. I have to assume the people. And the Ninja Turtles and the Chuds, they would, they're probably like, the neighbors are talking long very well. Yeah, yeah, that's sad.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Well, yeah, because they have different, like, they have different M.O.s. The Chuds, they eat human beings. Yeah, the Campbell and the Ninja Turtles. They eat pizza. Yeah, they eat pizza. Possibly the Chuds might eat pizza delivery boys. But also like the Chuds are not,
Starting point is 00:38:08 are kind of avoid the spotlight. And the Turtles are friends with a very famous reporter. I'll tell you one thing. You gotta know she'd take that story. And about a hockey player, right? Isn't that a piece of pizza? I'm surprised. I'm really, I like just browsing them out.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Chud to bud the Chud. Okay. It ends up with a zombie prom. And that's pretty good. Zombad? Promzy? You wanna be buds with a zombie prom. That's pretty good. It looks pretty good. You want to be buzzed with the chug. But the chug was actually going to be a, it was a rejected return of the living dead sequel script.
Starting point is 00:38:34 And they're, and when, another direction, they're like, well, we can't waste this great script. It's like in a chug movie. That's like the He-Man Masters in the Universe movie. That script started as a movie adaptation, a spec movie adaptation of Jack Kirby's Fourth world new gods storylines and it's like well We get the masters universe license. So it's in dark side into skeletal That is really strange Orion will be he man. That's why there was so much objectives of this philosophy in there
Starting point is 00:39:00 Let's Steve Ditko. Oh, okay. Sorry lame. What do you think of Ditko? So let's Steve Ditko you can go. Oh, okay, sorry. Lame. What do you think of Ditko? Mr. A, the question spider-man? I mean, he didn't have any big science fiction universes as far as I know. But anyway.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Dan's lame. We're gonna edit out Dan and you. Maybe Elliot's lame. Yeah, that's the real thing. If it's lame to know the different, to know that the masters of the universe script was originally a new god script, call me lame i'll take that charge guilty of the idea exactly so uh... we're talking so similar this is become such a nish podcast i think we should move on as this as i've
Starting point is 00:39:38 said before this bad movie podcast where we watch bad movies and discuss them is really becoming a niche podcast. Look, I really, really, really need to get on. I'm trying to extend the brand. I'm going to get Courtney Cox on as a guest host. Are there any, what fame, what mainstream podcasts are there? Is there any that are not niche podcasts? Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Oh, that's, yeah, it's still like a niche though. Well, like, this podcast that are just podcasts. I guess this is my first one. I'm well, but those are like radio things. Like, things that are just podcasts. Yeah, what is still like a niche though. Well, like, this podcast that are just podcast. I guess this is a matter of life. Well, but those are like radio things. Like, things that are just podcast. Yeah, what is there that's not? Never-not-funny, I guess, is a big podcast.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Oh, that is. Sound of Young America is on radio. It's a radio, but it was mainly came in. I don't want to talk about podcasts. I want to talk about movies, guys. All right. So, that was a crappy movie. Let's talk about movies that we've seen recently. That weren't quite as crappy. Why not a crappy one lately. Oh, do I get so? No, you can
Starting point is 00:40:30 you can designate a person to go first. Oh, I have one. Oh, I have plenty. Sure. Okay, I I just watched movie, um, two. I will only briefly talk about the second one. The first one is this is England. And I'm not so bad. Oh, I remember when not so bad. I've been recommending a lot of movies recently that not suck, but like because I like to recommend movies that are a little obscure, sometimes I may talk up movies a little more than they deserve just because I want to say like, oh this is overlooked. Yeah, church it up. Um, church it up. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:41:02 It's one of the things. It's really really over sell things. But this is England I think is genuinely really good movie. It's about a kid It's said in 1983 in England during the time of the Falklands War his father actually just died in the Falklands War And he falls in with a group of Skinheads and and at first like these are like skinheads who are into it culturally and it's sort of a class-based, like it's a cultural thing. But then one of the members comes back from being in jail and sort of gets into the racist skinhead politics.
Starting point is 00:41:34 And it shows how this kid sort of falls into it and then falls out of it. But it's a really good sort of time capsule of the time and place. It has really good sense of place, really good music. It's a good sort time capsule of the time and place. It has really good sense of place, really good music. It's a good slice of life. I like to a little better at the beginning when it was more of a slice of life and less like plot and mechanics, but it's a really strong movie. And briefly, I want to recommend the film Abominable, which is a movie that has Lance Henrichson who we mentioned before and a small role.
Starting point is 00:42:03 And Jeffrey Combs in a small role. Paul Gleason, I think, his name? Jackie Gleason. Who, the guy who was the principal in the Breakfast Club has a small role? Isn't the guy from, isn't the guy from, who's like, Mahoney's replacement on a police academy in that movie. And he got the big ears.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Could be, I'm not sure. But it's basically a movie like someone saw Tiffany Shepis's asses in that movie. Yeah, which is amazing, by the way, Tiffany Shepis. Do you know how are you describing it before? It's like a pumpkin that I want to bite, a juicy pumpkin. Stuart says, it's like a pumpkin, you just want to bite it. I've never seen a pumpkin I wanted to take a bite out of it.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Dude, you should take another look at her ass, dude. Yeah, but that's not the metaphor that you don't, don't worry about it, guys. Okay. I got this one, but it's just a really good like, if you're holding something up to make sure it doesn't fall and we're running away. Yeah, that's what I do. It's a good creature feature, like sort of just a monster movie that's taken seriously. It's as if someone watched Rare Window and was like Rare Windows pretty good, but what if the killer instead of being Raymond Burr was bigfoot?
Starting point is 00:43:14 So if that sounds interesting to you, you should see the movie abominable. It's not abominable. Thanks, Gene Shalott That's my Gene Shalott. Where's your room of teddy bears that you do your reviews for? We're in it right now Really creepy you press a button and a wall swings around it's just teddy bears Teddy bears If I push a different button a whole of mirrors This is an expensive room. A New York, no, no.
Starting point is 00:43:47 What's your pay for this apartment? We just heard from Daniel. Let's hear from you. Have you seen any good movies lately? Sure. I saw, I'll recommend two movies too. Let's keep a brief. OK, I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Wow. Wow, time to keep your Wellington over there. The two movies I saw, one of the theaters won, not. The one of the theaters is a recent Norwegian movie called reprise that I enjoyed about two young writers in Norway who have this dream about what it means to be a tortured writer And they're gonna live these very cliched like I'm a writer and then I have mental issues and then I come back from it Write something even better and then I fall in love and then it's tragic these kind of fantasies But they find out after their first
Starting point is 00:44:25 works get published that living that life is not really that enjoyable. And it's actually more difficult than it looks. And it was apparently Norway's entry to the 2006 Best Foreign Film Academy Awards. And it's playing at the Brooklyn Academy of Music right now. The other movie that I saw recently, which I, both of the other people at this podcast I've seen, and maybe many in
Starting point is 00:44:42 the audience I've seen, was Ginger Snaps 2, Unleashed, which is the sequel to the hit Canadian horror film Ginger Snaps about Tien Weir Wolves starring Mimi Rogers as the mother of the stars of the movie. And, um, you mentioned her because she's the only name- She's the only name- She's the only name- She's the only name- She's the only name-
Starting point is 00:45:02 She's the only name- She's the only name- She's the only name- She's the only name- She's the only name- She's the only name- She's the only name- Star of Full Body Massage, maybe Rogers. The first Indra Snaps is really good, but it kind of loses its way after a certain point. Indra Snaps 2 actually enjoyed overall a little bit more maybe. It's a stranger movie. The first one is about a girl in high school becoming a werewolf. And the second one takes it in this direction of this kind of like girls' Juve Hall slash mental facility. And there's a werewolf chasing after the only character who survived from the first movie. And it just goes in this very interesting direction and it ends with a completely different status quo than it started
Starting point is 00:45:28 with. There are a lot of good thriller scenes and some funny lines and it's Canadian through and through which adds to the fun. Hot Canadian Werewolf Girls. I recommend, so I recommend, if you haven't seen the first ginger snaps, you should see both of them together. Maybe it's a double feature. A double feature feature. Yeah, that works. Stuart, you're the only person who hasn't said anything
Starting point is 00:45:49 yet. Sure. Well, I totally recommend Ginger snaps as well, if only because I'm totally in love with Catherine Isabel. She is pretty hot. The titular character Ginger. It's about cops, Ginger and snaps. Yeah, they're buddies. I'm ginger. He's snaps watch out for all them werewolves out there Well, well, what was that? What was the careful out there? What was that movie where it was a unit? It was like called like full moon or something where it was a unit It was a special unit of the NYPD that was secretly werewolves. I want to say that like that sounds like Mario van Peoples or somebody like that That was in it. Yeah, he's in good movies like posse I all I can think of is that Joe Piscop movie, he's in good movies, like Posse. I all think of it as that Jopus Capone movie
Starting point is 00:46:26 where there's zombies. That's dead heat. I think movies awesome. That's a movie where everybody has an oozy. Literally, the character has an oozy. Just like life. So I watched the movies lately. Last night I watched just one of the guys again,
Starting point is 00:46:41 which is awesome. It has a really great boob shot. I think our listeners, if they know just one of the guys,, which is awesome. It has a really great boob shot. I think our listeners, if they know just one of the guys, then they know it has. And if they know you, they know why you enjoy just one of the guys. It's one of the rewards. Everybody that's got a great boob shot.
Starting point is 00:46:53 And a couple nights ago, I watched this really great movie called Twinsitters, starring the Barbarian Brothers. I did it, we did a whole movie minute on this. So I'm not gonna go over that too much. It's so good. So earlier today, I watched a movie called Outpost, starring Ray Stevenson, the Titus Little Bear. Oh, the flash.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Oh, that's Ray Steven's. Yeah. Never mind. Oh, the streak, rather. He played the Titus Polo character from the HBO series Rome, and it's basically about a group of mercenaries who are hired to go into Eastern Europe and like to go to the strange like bunker, which turns out to be an old Nazi bunker
Starting point is 00:47:31 where they were doing some kind of strange experiments and there's a bunch of like unstoppable Nazi zombies that they have to battle. What's it called? They're talking about the Nazis? Outpost. Outpost. They're not bloods, like it's really bleak and that's kind of what I like about it So it's really like it's really grim alright. Oh, and also I want to say rewatched Edward recently with my girlfriend who had not seen it
Starting point is 00:47:52 Did it get delayed? I mean it I don't really need Edward to get me I mean I mean love with it Oh, oh Elliot doesn't need a wood to get him land I usually don't need to better than the rest of us. I guess just because I need to hand out copies of Edward every time I want to get laid. I just got this window into Dan's home life where he is wooing his wife with Edward
Starting point is 00:48:15 Wigawar. He had wood again tonight. Can't see this. Hey, I pay her copies of that. We use Wigawar to stamp. Consider this and she sells the copies. But it's a weird system. It's a very strange system. Barter a very strange system. Barter slash payment.
Starting point is 00:48:27 But considering this is a bad movie web podcast, I thought it would be fitting to remind people that's a good movie and girlfriends like it too. Well, everyone has unlike Tony Goon Cash. Everyone's recommended like eight movies, so I'm gonna cut this segment short. Sure. But we like movies, Dan, we love the show.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Yeah, come on, sure. It's a niche podcast. Sure. Well, I'm just going to say, please, if you have anything that you want us to address, send your concerns or questions to the Flop House podcast at And you can check out the website at And say it like you're excited about it. Halfway through I just I just lost to any interest. It's a very long idea. Yeah, that's that's you know we're gonna have that contest we were talking about Dan.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Yeah, which contest was that? Yeah, watch a movie with the flop house. I know that's great contest. Well, what okay, we we just know what the prize is. We don't know what the actual flop house listeners prove you love the flop house by doing something great for us and getting other people to listen to the Flop house and whoever proves they love the flop house the most We'll get to watch a movie with us the flop house guys and maybe take part in a podcast sure that sounds good and that proof
Starting point is 00:49:37 That proof will have to either be in in written format via email or picture format, which is preferred yes That'll either be a drawing of some kind because we like drawings here or, you know, pictures. Yeah. I have to say that this contest. I have to say this contest is probably only open to people who live in the greater New York City area. No, if they want to fly in, all expensive by them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Yeah. No, exactly. If you want to, I'll buy them for you somehow. You are responsible for all lodging and transportation costs. The only prize is literally watching a movie with us. Okay, in the end, Disha, there is no monetary value to this and you must pay, winner pays expenses. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Except for beer and snacks, which we will take. Which we'll be provided. Yeah, there you go. That's pretty good.'s that's like a four dollar value if you want to eat pop ice fried chicken while we watch the movie dan lives right near one and i go to it every time i come here not not doing this in my part i'm not having rift rift
Starting point is 00:50:36 we read we read we're doing it steward's i i prove of rift rift in my apartment okay rift rift in the junkyard game yeah wait wasn't that like the weird Garfield spin off character? It was the Heathcliff's. Heathcliff. Well, Stewart and Elliott, USA. I argue this issue. I would like to sign off saying I'm
Starting point is 00:50:55 Dan McCoy. I'm Stewart Wellington. I'm Ellie Kalen. Good night, everyone. Yeah. So yeah, Riff wrap, he wore the candle. No, just a backwards hat. I think he has scarf and a staff. Yeah, he had the friend with the roller skates and the headphones, hot girl friend, and they lived in a junkyard. For that shit, Daniel, I'm going to talk like this the entire podcast. Janiel I'm gonna talk like this the entire podcast That'll be awesome Premonition are you experiencing one right now?
Starting point is 00:51:32 Are you guys ready for an adventure? Okay, so be asking impression. Thank you very much Lily so be asking from the movie Are you guys ready for an invention? All right from the movie too.

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