The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #28 - Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

Episode Date: December 14, 2008

0:00 - 0:34 - Introduction and theme.0:35 - 5:04 - We spend the first five minutes talking about a movie about toys that WASN'T the one we watched, released more than a decade ago.5:05 - 11:14 - We a brief feint at discussing Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, but quickly get sidetracked by Willy Wonka and old-time character actors.11:15 - 35:41 - We finally manage to focus on the topic at hand, the horrifying tale of a sentient toy store and its insane inhabitants.  What's that?  It's a kids' film? ...You sure?35:42 - 40:05 - Final judgments.40:06 - 44:10 - Copyright infringement, listener mail, and discussion of nude Lea Thompson.44:11 - 46:34 - The MOST IMPORTANT SEGMENT EVER.46:35 - 54:38 - The sad bastards recommend.54:39 - 58:30 - Goodbyes, outtakes, and theme.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Just in time for the gift-centered holiday of your choice, we discuss the Toy Store film, Mr. McGoriam's Wonder Emporium. Hello everyone and welcome to the flop house, I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Elliot Kaelin. So we're all back together. Yeah that's cool. Back together again. Sure, just like that song from Muppet's Sakeman Hand. I don't remember that part.
Starting point is 00:00:49 It must have been a really good movie to draw us all together, though, right? What about reunite it and it feels so good? That's not a movie. That's a song, though. Your mic's drooping really well. I know, this mic is having trouble staying erect. Yeah. It needs mic agra.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Yeah, it's not even a pun. Is this a thing? Well, I just took a word and put it into another word. It's called a portmanteau. Yeah. If my mic stays right for more than four hours, I have to call a mic doctor. Nice.
Starting point is 00:01:17 And before the end of this podcast, I'll thought of a good joke. OK, you got time. OK. The word pry up isn't try and work that in. Okay, it's a really big word though. So, it is a very big word, for a very big thing. For the holidays, I'm not the reason.
Starting point is 00:01:35 The holidays. Because I'm part of a war on Christmas. I'm Christian, Stuart, you worship the old ones and LA your Jewish yes I worship the oldest one So we don't want to exclude anyone, but we watched a movie about toys Was that movie toys? Yeah, I'm Rob Williams. I kind of wish it was and then I remember that movie wasn't very good. Except I really liked how at the end of that movie with where LL Cool J gets in some action scenes and all the action scenes are really shaky like really Scott shot it.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Really Scott didn't make that movie right? No. No that was Barry Levinson. I like that there was the- That's known for diner. The worst toy at the end, the kind of pig squid thing in the giant well and you never really got to see a good- it was like a dyno uh... but you never really got to see it and i just remember seeing the movie
Starting point is 00:02:29 me like what market was there for that toy even a military market to some horrible thing that lives in the bottom of a well the thing that really bug me about about toys i mean obviously that discuss this thirteen year-old movie here even when i saw it at the time uh... when i was much younger and stupider i thought okay well this whole film has been building up
Starting point is 00:02:51 this anti-war uh... sentiment and they're like oh you know these peaceful toys we can be taken over and make sure war toys and then at the end uh... how do they defeat the war toys the peaceful toys fight them and a war they have to learn to stand up on their own two-two how would that move expecting something really exciting like it like it in berthin movie or
Starting point is 00:03:13 at the very least like that like mom and dad save the world or show uh... what's stay tuned or you know there was that stay tuned is an underrated film that i've not seen since i was fifteen years old that's a fact that chuck Jones sequence that the day to his and underrated film that i've not seen since i was fifteen years old that truck jones sequence you're looking at me as if you don't believe it this didn't remember as i made a sequence of the check in toys or stay tuned
Starting point is 00:03:33 and state of well okay i remember that i mean toys in toys all i remember is the fake music video that they pipe into the uh... security guards they can sneak in the building you were probably too thrilled uh... steward by the trailer of Robin Williams standing in Tall Grass. Yeah, well it was just fun. It does combine both things you love. Tall Grass and Robin Williams.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Yeah, well it was like, I was going to do the big fish again. You know what would make Patch Adams better if it took place on a prairie? Or on the Serengeti? Yeah, I mean I was going through a real like Fisher King phase and wait, Rob Moons was in Fisher King. Yes. Yeah. So I naturally thought toys would have scratched that itch, but no, it didn't. Yeah. It wasn't very good. It didn't have, say, Terry Gilliam at the home, or Jeff Bridges as well. Listen, Michael Gambbon got a paycheck
Starting point is 00:04:25 That's all I care about yeah, oh, yeah, LL cool Jay got to be cool. Joan Q's act I'm like I love him robot woman was she yeah, Joan Q's act was the best thing about that movie We're just not saying a lot well She well and we've said this before thing in podcast. She's the best thing about any movie That's probably true. I don't know if i'm being heard on the mic i'd have to think i mean it takes a while i mean not any movie she's not the best thing about like
Starting point is 00:04:50 the man trying to candidate she's not in it yeah she's not the best thing about i have a trouble thinking of a movie she's in that she's not the best thing you know long pauses into the uh... things that can't be i'd have something to do you need a point where you can cut to a shot of a robot in a tuxedo sitting at a boardroom table well that sounds like a movie i just saw or reference to a movie i just uh... that well both yes
Starting point is 00:05:13 that movie was called mr. migoriams wonder and porium and as always with any movie with a title rhymes it was great that what's a good sign has there ever been a of good movie with a rhyming title probably uh... okay well that was very fair of you
Starting point is 00:05:30 a divorce a okay the gated or say that you know uh... not the best a stirr Rogers but still very good that's a movie watch right the mister majorie we watched mister majorie is one of the movie i was very excited to watch
Starting point is 00:05:44 yeah again because it seems wrong headed on every level It's really brought whimsy back to the national conversation Exactly what it did All the wrong ways remember how after mr. McGoriam came out there was so much whimsy and People were just running around doing crazy things. Well, what didn't this movie come out around the same time is that movie where running around doing crazy things. Well, didn't this movie come out around the same time is that movie where like the animated girl comes to... Enchanted?
Starting point is 00:06:09 Yeah. This was a little before then, I think. Oh, okay. No, I was talking about Cool World, dude. Okay, this was far after that. How long has it been? Far after that. But I love the Cool World.
Starting point is 00:06:19 It's the movie that introduces you to Gabriel Bern and then doesn't tell you for a little bit that he is not the hero of the film. And it is in fact almost a side character at times. That is so cute. It's my father. It's awesome that movies like, okay, well, we're gonna have sort of
Starting point is 00:06:35 a traditional Hollywood narrative that's gonna be shunted off to this side at every opportunity to have crazy like Ralph Bakke's character is doing things in the sides of the screen. Well, that's the, the it's it would horrify you. It's very much a movie where you can see Ralph Beck she arguing with the producers of the film in every single frame. But I was a Mr. McGoria. I was originally talking about enchanted like wasn't that also an attempt to like capture America's love of
Starting point is 00:07:01 whimsy. A little bit but that one made a little bit more sense like it had one clear gimmick And Disney was doing it. It was Disney being like look at this we can make fun of ourselves too Yeah, okay, right and Amy Adams America's new sweetheart was very Sweethearty in that movie she was adorable the eliterative sweetheart Amy Adams. Yeah daughter of John Adams No, Adams is a very popular right now. There's a daughter of John Adams. Adams is a very popular item. There's a long gap. John Adams, Samuel Adams, John Quincy Adams, John Quincy Adams,
Starting point is 00:07:32 but a match. Mr. McGorring. Everyone's favorite palindrome. Living palindrome. So Mr. McGorring's wonder of porn. There's a wonder of porn. There's a supervillain villain the palindromic man backwards and forwards off with a fight
Starting point is 00:07:49 So many of super villain character pretty good you can't sneak up on him No, you can't he's got eyes in the back of his head anyway We're talking less and less about the movie every week. Well, that's well, let's talk about mr. McGorham's wonder And boring which was like willy-wanka if you if will will you want to like had serious blood loss and was really weak and yeah his skin was all like the skin of the movie was all imagine imagine right who mr. McGorriam yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like it's all kind of like murder face for metal lock a little sure imagine instead of like
Starting point is 00:08:20 um gene wilder or even a Johnny Depp you had who I know that what you say about that movie it's a pale shadow of the original johnny depth is very good in that role visual i really good like about the remake leg there's a lot like about the original of the sluts like about the remake i think that people so the original's a classic so yeah and also i i i i made i made the mistake myself i call her remake it's not a remake it's they're both based on the same book
Starting point is 00:08:46 in fact a lot of ways the uh... second film he was closer to the doll uh... book yeah doll is right take that role out but uh... but but gene wilders great uh... as well as a lot of wrote uh... wrote one of the bomb movies didn't he
Starting point is 00:09:05 he worked on it yeah yeah yeah i think you're also wrote that they were all some of my pornographic uh... novels they were all part of the same circle him and in Fleming and kingsley amus raw friends which by kingsley amus wrote the first non-ehen Fleming bond book under a pseudonym after Fleming died but before we started talking circles i was I was gonna say that Dustin Hoffman just teaching people about
Starting point is 00:09:28 Team's the aim is Dustin Hoffman as Mr. McGorriam in this movie. It's as if he was like I'm gonna play Willy Wonka But I'm gonna do it. It's like a gay character actor from like I don't know the late 50s And he got hit on the head at some point and it's caught in a lot of brain damage It sounds like it's like if What's his name Franklin Pangborn from the old 30s movies was was Willy Wonka He's the guy whenever you see a 30s movie and there's like a hotel manager who gets flustered that's Franklin Pangborn I think his name is like really we don't let that happen in this hotel or like a less high pitched more list be Ed Wynn yeah or
Starting point is 00:10:12 let's let's face it if Charles Nelson Riley played really wonka this is that movie and if man droppas yeah sidekick that was a boyish praying mantis of a girl which is Natalie antelip portment neli portmento neli portmento neli portmento i'm writing my mad magazine parody of mr. Vaglorium's wonder of vaglorium mr. blacklorium's wonder wonder of blacklorium
Starting point is 00:10:40 yeah that's that's good stuff by jack davis i wish i would if i could work with Jack Davis, report Drucker. Ah, that'd be awesome. That'd be as awesome as the he-man original cell that someone gave me today. But anyway, that's besides the point. Now you're cell dropping. But anyway, we were fun of how now the apartment looks weird.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Well, she's not, I think, any of our idea of the perfect moment. Very severe. Yes. That was your word to describe it, severe. She is not, I think, any of our idea of the perfect moment. We'll see that. There you have the ear. Yes, that was your word to describe it's severe. And in this one, they've particularly de-sexed her because it's a children's film, I guess. Sure. But let's go over the plot of Mr. Morium. Sure.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Quickly. There's a magic toy store in an unnamed city that called Mr. McGorium's Wonder Emporium. It works on magic. Everyone agrees to this magic. It just is. Mr. McGorium is Dustin Hofforium. It works on magic. Everyone agrees to this magic. It's just is Mr. McGorium is Dustin Hoffman. He's over 200 years old and which means he must have killed somebody at some point You gotta assume it was a much brutal or time back then and he runs the store in Edley Portman
Starting point is 00:11:37 His name Mahoney and works for him and there's a kid who's amazingly talented at everything but has no friends because he's a loner and amazingly talented everything but has no friends because he's a loner and these big years and words hats all the time he has and he has a he collects hats and words a different hat all the time he's kind of gay too dustin huffman he says i'm leaving soon so i got a higher in account in the hires jason baitman who we actually were never given the back story on him he just doesn't believe in magic he's a normal person just like a nerd or something
Starting point is 00:12:00 yet and throughout the same i would say he's a sane he was a professional yet throughout the film walks into a uh... of a toy store and doesn't assume it's magic or magic throughout the movie were given were given many many situations in which Jason baitman is a normal person everyone else's kuku wacky and you know irritating and then uh... mr. mcgoreum i do not show spoil it for the people at home sure okay he's leaving this is all stolen from howl the m mod so he dot he plans to die
Starting point is 00:12:26 in a certain day and he does and that apartment doesn't believe it in the store doesn't like it because the store is sentient uh... and just kinda strange yeah and the store's scared that once mr morgan goes no will believe in him and leave it anymore and he creates that self-fulfilling prophecy by becoming depressing and boring the store that is
Starting point is 00:12:44 that apartment doesn't know what to do and then in the end everyone believes themselves and magic comes back and stores okay and it's kind of in toys or purchasable and this is the thing it's a magic store there's all sorts of crazy characters running around kermit is shopping in and at some at one point yeah that this that's really bothered me because like what i'd like to believe is also it's a
Starting point is 00:13:05 magic store so kermit can exist in it but outside of the store he's just a puppet so is he trapped there is the abrismer of the store yeah ten second shot of kermit like just like him walking along with a basket and like all these then they catch a much of kids like bug-eyed and then he's like what I'm just chopping just like doing like like- Your tournament sounds so much like Hank Hill. Yeah, sorry. Miss Piggy? I'm rollin' it. That Gonzo ain't right.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Yeah, but uh- My Hank Hill's never really good, but- I'd go better Gonzo. Let's hear it. This looks- A male here. It's pretty good. FAKELY!
Starting point is 00:13:41 A male here. You sound like whoever does Gonzo's voice. Um, uh- Oh shit, I know that know that he was my favorite characters a kid i i'm surprised i don't know who does his work on those are favorite character huh as a kid he was now i like karmet because i'm a saner individual but uh... but uh... anyway so just like walking along choppy what was gonzole again he was a gonzo okay yeah
Starting point is 00:14:02 uh... in the non canonical muppets from space They really decided what's in the canon was what is after Henson died? Where does so Christmas Carol mother Christmas Carol the time the cannon treasure island? Yeah, I'm out everything after takes Manhattan meet the feebles. Is that in the cannon? This is a Peter Jackson can Along with Lord of the Rings. Take place in the same universe just at very different times. But the weird thing is, it's Mr. McGorium's Wonder Emporium.
Starting point is 00:14:32 It's all like stuffed animals and wooden toys. And the kinds of things that Santa would make in his room. Finger paints. Finger paints. But then there's also like connects and like primal beehive figures, hot wheels very prominently placed like slinkies, all these name brand toys. And it's like-
Starting point is 00:14:47 What does that pay the bill somehow? It's like, this is a recording of those which side of the bread is buttered, you know? He knows he needs to put out some hot- Like, I was expecting it, and a Robo sapiens up the shitter. There's Robo sapiens everywhere in that store, but I was expecting at one point, just a shot of kids playing Xbox or something like, if you're selling all these robo sapiens and things why have a room full of rubber balls or
Starting point is 00:15:09 you know there's got a lot of nonsense he's got a mobile made of live fish he has a room that you can set to different settings like one of them uh... balls you know the first thing i think of it not necessarily sure rubber balls when i just use balls on something but you open the door and a bunch of CGI balls bounce around yeah a lot of CGI in this movie which is another problem just magical stuff but then yeah just magic just magic here average magical ship well see I believe in magic so I don't mr. Magorium will to store to me there'd be no problem hint hint mr.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Magorium if you're listening. But they like and also everything with CGI. It's like one of the great things about Willy Wonka, the original, the really wonka in the talk of the factory is that it's like everything looks not real like, oh, zoom paloompos look like real paloompos, but like it all exists in a physical space. Like even when Mike TV is shrunk down, it still has the, because it's him and he's not shrunk into like a CGI Mike TV. Yeah. It still looks, there's a certain amount of real reality to it. And Stuart, this is something that you picked up on and we're very critical of throughout the film.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Yeah, very, very biting commentary. But yeah, now that was the thing, like do you think that they chose to put shitty CGI in there? Because they're like, a bunch of fucking kids are gonna watch this I don't give a shit possibly I think they they just didn't they just like everyone's gonna be paying attention to Dustin Hoffman's amazing performance he's gonna be magnetic so like I said at the time the climax of the film hinges on a magical block of wood and it's just a block of wood it's like supposed to be just a block wood but then it flies around the store it's magic and i was like oh it's good
Starting point is 00:16:48 that they did that cg i because block of wood isn't something you can just get anywhere well i think they originally shot it with out a block of wood probably a ten like a cg i block of way probably like a tennis ball yeah and i mean i think they're kind of relying on Jason Bateman's amazing performance his just he I and he's got Joan Q's X syndrome. He's the best thing in whatever he's in yeah, I mean I didn't see the King don't King Wolf to Well, he's the star of that film But there was let's handcock. He's in handcock and handcock driving scene yet
Starting point is 00:17:22 I was so hoping when the posters for handcock first came out it was just will smith scrunching his face up just a handcock i was so hoping that he was somehow playing john hancock and it was like the british thing that can show down must-muggling operation whatever sign my name or the modern version like john hancock comes back yeah in the body of the black guy
Starting point is 00:17:44 was that movie to learn something about racism so man was a did well there's more than one movie called so man but oh god oh but if we can talk about really good special if we can talk what were you talking about story structure verse I can sure of course as I'm sure everyone who's taken my learning X class would have been able to tell, there's just seen after seeing of whimsy, very forced like, this store is crazy and full of magic, and then it takes forever for the story to kick in, and then it just kind of like lurches forward in steps.
Starting point is 00:18:17 And there are things that don't make sense, like none of the characters' backgrounds really fleshed out that much. There's a guy, there's a huge moustacheoustache out guy who at the beginning of the movie were told uh... it's narrated by the kid with no friends he says this is you know balini he writes the story and you'll see it and then it's kind of forgotten like a lady finishes writing the book what twenty minutes before the movie and it's not even made the kid even makes a point like this is one of my favorite
Starting point is 00:18:42 stories it's like hold on there now kid don't Church it up too much and And also they should have named Belini Stromboli that's that goes without saying but also you start the movie at two levels of Remove you're like okay, so this kid is talking about the story that's other guy wrote and I guess I'm gonna see that but so that that's a terrible Framed device they framed it because if they just done it as a straight narrative, can you imagine the mess? You know, you have to tell it like in my watching a story right now? Yeah, did he make this up or?
Starting point is 00:19:12 Is this supposed to be in my imagination right now? I don't know what's going on. Am I watching a movie? I don't remember. Am I alive or am I in heaven? But it's like even if it's a movie for kids documentary It's a movie for kids so it has to be a little simpler like it can't be Chinatown But you can still have a story that moves from scene to scene and isn't it isn't like
Starting point is 00:19:37 Set piece the purpose of this set piece is to show that magic is wonderful Scene two now. We're gonna show that Mr. Magorium believes in magic. Scene 3, Mr. Magorium says something crazy. Scene 4, magic is wonderful. Look at those hot wheels. And so by hot wheels kids, and for some reason Simmons, mattresses, they go to a mattress store at one point and there's a big Simmons sign in the background.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Well, let's talk about this. Natalie Portman is so disturbed by the idea that uh... mr. regorham is going to die sometime inspired the fact that he's two hundred fifty years old and it's probably praying for death at this point the apple inside his body really a lot she she so she like
Starting point is 00:20:16 forcibly has him admitted into the hospital being like this guy crazy see he's always talking about how he's 250 year old And that's a magic toy store that can see four of hands after about four seconds Yeah, all the doctors like There's nothing physically wrong with him so we can't hold them. I'm like what about the fact that it's crazy Yeah, but it's not I mean, it's a hospital. It's not a mental
Starting point is 00:20:38 I guess they do tests on them like could they tell like can't you do something like what they do with the tree and figure out our oldies? Yeah, they cut him open and they cut him in his brain Yeah, you test the proof that he's magic You're very you're scoring very high on magicometer Flying around the room mr. Vigorians and the glory and count is incredibly hard of the route You could be the next what we would they call him? i don't know he has some special name for anakin writer yeah but like and at that point of course Natalie poor and be like oh not again yeah honey she was an anti star was sure
Starting point is 00:21:18 she played queen amygdala she she had babies Darth Vader's baby and then she died out of a lack of will to live. That was so, it was like, she lost the will to live. And I got so mad, I was like, what about her fucking kids she just had? It's like a robot, like, was that like, am I wrong? I do love that the robot, there's a nurse bot that knows human emotion better than the Jedi's do. Like, that scene would have worked so much better if she died. And the nurse bot was like, I don't understand. Her vital signs are fine and someone said she just lost the wheel
Starting point is 00:21:49 to live and the robot's like, huh? And looks confused. And then melts. Yeah, and then melts out of the logic loop. Yeah, shooting out spurs. It's just like the Kobayashi Maru. Or if there's a later scene where you see the robot at home where the robot's like, I didn't have the heart to tell them, I passed my robotic medical like I've been practicing that a roval license I also will live I guess that's really because they're bleeding all over the place is that really what man 15 of your patients lost the will to live this week that's terrible you got the worst luck nurse bot. Yeah, I know pretty bad, huh? B-B-B-Boo-Boo Oh, rats!
Starting point is 00:22:28 Now it's someone just pretending to be a robot. Yeah, pretty much a pootie. No Java longa But after After like Natalie Portman comes to her senses and is like, oh, okay, everyone has to die sometime. Yeah It's basically the Mr. Huber episode of Sesame Street, but worse. She's like, I'm going to show you the best, most whimsical day you've ever had. I'm going to outwimsy the shit out of you. Yeah, she's like, I'm going to be five times as whimsical as the character I play in
Starting point is 00:22:57 Garden State. And that was whimsical. Yeah, that shit was fucking retarded. But yeah, like, and they're attempted, like, showing how great life is, was them, like, jumping on fucking mattresses and a mattress store. Yeah, they go to a mattress store. And then they went to a clock shop and they said all the clocks to go off. Yeah, but when they're jumping on those mattresses, like, they were just literally jumping
Starting point is 00:23:22 on two mattresses side by side. They didn't, like like jump from mattress to mattress No, they didn't do anything fun. Yeah, and then there's a cut to it like a big mustache Yo guy being like I guess holy shit. They're ruining the springs of the manager the mattress store Yeah, and he's not gonna sell those How's he gonna feed his family? I want to give him the backstory of the salesman who sold me my mattress years ago Who kept told me all that how he came back from Vietnam and worked his way up through the mattress business
Starting point is 00:23:47 so i think i think that i think that i'm just trying to fill in the background of these characters who exist only as cartoons and then but the the piece derisest thoughts of this day of life this celebration of the joy of life is mr wellington uh... they are unroll a big thing of like a packing whatever packing uh... what a wrap bubble wrap and uh... she has a dance on it yeah pops at a bunch
Starting point is 00:24:15 and uh... like and she laughs and laughs and that why is that like little head off why why is bubble wrap like go hand in hand with like childhood glee like you ever pop bubble wrap it is it is i mean i enjoy it well something that's like the hot last thing i want to do before i die though and then he used a public payphone to call somebody yet what what is that like reaffirm his like will live like oh my god this is what life is all about it doesn't reaffirm as well if he dies after why does
Starting point is 00:24:42 she think it will reaffirm why i think he's stupid i don't know he could have been with us for longer you know is what i'm saying if she had done more i'd be a rest in peace mr. muggler and that they do show his uh... his tombstone at one point and the his yes his pet zebra does attend the funeral but there's the i would maybe that scene was just to show how unmagical nearly poor men is to she can rediscover her love of magic and i know he seems to enjoy it but
Starting point is 00:25:09 speaking of uh... i think he was just humoring speaking of mr. McGorham i think you're reading into him into his performance my last day on earth is going to be so unpleasant if i don't pretend to enjoy this speaking of mr. McGorham ruining other small businessmen uh... as he seemed to do during the year or is irritate the whimsy uh...
Starting point is 00:25:29 part of what jason bateman discovers when he comes in to be like the counted is that mr. majorium hasn't been paying for things or like hasn't paid taxes his entire career he's had the store for probably what a hundred and some odd years yeah since he came from the old country and were meant to be like i guess the audience think like oh magic is free man you're paid for magic you'll
Starting point is 00:25:52 funny that he's got these bills wanting to who's who's sending money who's sending him bills the best stories magic it's the same problem i had the parents of real dick he's the same other magic stores around the world obviously it's the same problem i had with Fred Claude's the trailer because I didn't see the film Which is if Santa Claus is magic, why is there a consortium of business interests that's investing in him? Like it's he shouldn't need money. It doesn't make sense Yeah, but in this case he like mr. Gorgon is apparently Trading money for goods and services
Starting point is 00:26:24 He doesn't pay his bills. He doesn't pay his taxes. Like when the invoice comes, he just throws it in the back room. Yeah, waits for bait and it comes in. Turns out it on a paper airplane. Yeah. I'm, yeah, I'm, I'm maps in mind, dude. Blah, blah, blah, blah. You're coming with us, Mr. McGorrin. You have beta taxes in a hundred years. But, but I can't go to prison. I'm, Mr. McGorrin. I'm, Mr. McGorrin. Mr. McGorrin, just break out. I'll kill you all. I like to think that they took go to prison. I'm Mr. McGill, I already... Mr. McGill, just break out. I'll kill you all. I like to think that they took him to prison,
Starting point is 00:26:48 but let him out because he was fucking annoying. Yeah. I know the prison's complaints. Yeah, I just want to say, I don't know about you guys, but I'm waiting for this guy's, the director's next film, Mr. Mandalabras, Candelabras, because that's gonna be pretty awesome. It's a pretty good one, how long?
Starting point is 00:27:04 How long you work on that one, man? Well, I didn't make a joke about Mr. Mandelier's chandeliers during the oh yeah. I just thought that can't elaborate. He's doing a slice of life drama called Mr. Malibre's. Mr. Malerapy's marriage therapy. Star and Gabriel Burns Every day it's a different patient What a hook mr. Milatline suicide hotline. Oh, man Mr. Gagortionist's magic. Okay, I don't even need to finish that one. Oh Man, we had some laughs right there. Oh Mr. McGoron off-froggers magic pornographer anyway, man. We could do that forever Any occupation that you can write things with
Starting point is 00:27:48 That's the other way. That's how you do the formation of the joker, right? Think of an inappropriate Occupation and then reverse engineer a title like like penis goblers That would be Mr. McGorbler's Mr. McGauvillers. No, that doesn't make sense. Mr. Mean is... Mr. Mark Noffler's penis govler's. Exactly. Which is a great apple.
Starting point is 00:28:11 You should buy it. Maybe if you're your dad for Christmas, I don't think your dad enjoys the smooth sounds of Mark Noffler. The dire straits of the penis govler's. Oh, dear. We do have a lot of fun. This was supposed to be called I still want my MTV why did Who made this unauthorized title change mr. Noffler right? Well, we didn't expect you to come down here sir We were just screwing around
Starting point is 00:28:36 We're just fooling around with Photoshop and well It's saying And by then the system was in charge. It was too late. Uh, Mr. McGornium. But I guess the, it was just everything that it was so forced. That was the... Yes. Everything was so forced. But then like, at moments, a real life would intrude when it shouldn't. Like there was a hot scene.
Starting point is 00:28:59 It was that weird scene where they were watching the towers, collapse on television. That seemed inappropriate. I really broke the mood of the film. Okay, it's too soon. I'm talking about that kid, like the little kid, the eight-year-old, like... With the hats. ...Kid with the hats. Like his mom's telling him to make friends, so he makes friends. Wait, which kid? The one with the hats.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Oh yeah, right. With the big years. Oh okay. He makes friends with Jason Bateman. You know, the insufferable one. And so, uh, he, the insufferable one. And so, uh, he has his Batman walk-in-home for safety. And then we cut to a scene of him and Jason Bateman putting hats on in his room and play acting, doing some cosplay.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Do it cosplay. One's a king and the other is a gesture. And then his mom, he's like, what's going on here? As you would, if a strange adult man was with your young child. In his bedroom. His bedroom. Unattended. With crazy headroom.
Starting point is 00:29:50 And it's not referred to again with a sport coat off. Yeah. And his sleeves were unbuttoned. Yeah. So if I was the mother, I would assume he is getting undressed. Well, and there's a moment. Well, so it doesn't really play with audience. The adult audience is supposed to be like, I get it.
Starting point is 00:30:07 She thinks he's a pedophile. That is a good point. That is what we're supposed to think is like, uh-oh, she's going to think it's that. She's going to be suspicious, but she is suspicious of his pedophiles. It's like that type of joke when you like somebody walks in hearing two people talking and just assumes that they're talking about blow jobs or something. Yeah. It's a little different. She's a little bit more justified in her fears, I think. Well, yeah, but obviously in the scenario I'm talking about, like one person's like, you know, straightening somebody's belt or... Yeah. My favorite one,
Starting point is 00:30:39 something like that from Threes Company was there was was a none who let there like a none came and stayed at their part at their house this young attractive none and she is talking to one of the one of the women who lives there and she's like oh i receive all these letters from other nuns looking for advice here's one right here let me read it to you i just met a young man and he's so handsome i don't know what to do i'm so attracted to him that i'm fear that I'm going to leave the order. And John Ritter is about to walk into the room, and then he overhears,
Starting point is 00:31:09 tell me what to do. I don't want to break my vows against God, but I still, but I love this man so much, and John Ritter is like, oh, she must be talking about me. I better go, which is the whole, the whole pretence of, let me read to you, allowed from this letter that I received from a nun in trouble. Let me read this, uh, penthouse forum and oops. Here, let's, let's perform the scene from a play where we're coming on to each other. What? But it's not what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:31:32 It's also funny because it's like, it's not even a double entendre. No, she's just worried like that he's going to ruin this nun's life. So, oh, oh, she's a nun. She shouldn't be lusting after me, John Ritter. Star of, uh, stay tuned, I thinking after me John Ritter star of stay tuned I think yes Star of the great stay tuned him and Jeffrey Jones they should have made so many movies together every Jones was in mom and dad Save the world right yes, he was I was part of the Jeff for Jones Renaissance Renaissance
Starting point is 00:31:59 Is that the cool way to say it? I believe in things. I believe it's pronounced Renaissance. Renés Oegersons. I see. Mr. Mugorium. Okay, so, man, are we done talking about it? It could be. I mean, I could talk all day about that ballroom, but you know, room full of balls. Oh, right. Oh, and also there was that sad Suck Monkey that I guess wanted a friend but he would just he would just soak Yeah, there's just sock money monkey who keeps like reaching out sadly to Jason Bateman throughout the movie. How do the important make money like most of the time was just kids farting around
Starting point is 00:32:36 They made at least we saw them make two sales two sales total Yeah, but they were one was so like one of our college friends. Yeah, that was weird that that went nowhere. Yeah, no reason. There was no reason since we had already been introduced to the character of Mahoney. There was no reason for a college friend to be like, Mahoney, I remember you. You're still working at this store?
Starting point is 00:32:54 I thought you were gonna play piano. It's like we knew that we know this. The narrator told us this. There's no reason for this scene to exist. Yeah, I mean, it's not like they could have played up like the idea that she desires the life that this guy has. Yeah, I mean, it's not like they could have played up like the like the idea that she desires the life that this guy has or yeah Exactly Maybe she was in love with him or they had a really awkward or just who they were. Yeah, what their relationship was sure
Starting point is 00:33:13 My although I like that scene in Fargo where Mars meets the old no, that's a brilliant scene. That's totally different That's exactly like Mr. McGorrin. No, it's very different. There's two very different movies. No I think you'll find the word very very Exactly, that's exactly like Mr. McGoroo. No, it's very different. There are two very different movies. It's a very different movie. I think you'll find the word for remakes. This is like a... It's like a Spence Ant Psycho. It's a Shack of Shack. If I can name drop slightly, I was talking to Mr. John Oliver,
Starting point is 00:33:35 who of course appeared in the Love Guru. And I mentioned, and I used that as a riposte to something he said to me, and he goes, you know, when you think about it, love guru is a movie just like Citizen Kane is a movie. And it made me so mad that there was no way to differentiate the medium between these two films. You know, I was going to say, oh, what was interesting about this movie is if it had been made in the 80s, the early 90s, then like toys, it would have been about like the military finding out about this magic store with its magic book that creates anything and trying to steal its secrets but instead since it was set now it was about bills and you know not being able to
Starting point is 00:34:12 pay them and so of the sure now people losing their wins and it felt like or or it would be about like a giant corporation trying to like every movie I feel like when we were kids was either toys or Santa Claus the movie yeah was about a corporation or the military trying to steal a magic character's seat. Yeah, they're like, uh, you know, the local bikini car wash being shut down. Yeah, you were really hoping there was going to be a bikini car wash in this. I-
Starting point is 00:34:35 What was it going to be the kid with the hats and Natalie Portman or any bikinis? I think the toys. Yeah. It's just sexy. I mean, I don't know. A lot of Robo sapiens and bikinis. I think they would have been gained by having Natalie Portman being a bikini. Yeah I mean, I love the world of sapiens and bikinis I think it would have been gained by having Natalie Bournemon being a bikini
Starting point is 00:34:49 Wow, I hope she's not listening to this. I still like you now That's very nice if you are listening maybe that are you listening? Why are you right? What maybe the annoying kids mom? She was a little too Allison Janie-ish for me She wore a lot of like like like, pant suits, but... Yeah, well, she was professional. But, you know, those are the hottest kind, you know? I want to believe that she was Hillary Clinton with the pant suits and everything. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:35:14 They were wrong color, but that makes the movie that much more interesting to me. If she has a second life as a single mom, with a lonely child. Kind of like, uh, Riba? Yes, just like Riba McIntyre's character on her show, Riba. We're like uh, Grace Undefined. Riba, upon him is Riba. Was Riba a single mom in that show? Yeah, that's the song tells you that in the beginning.
Starting point is 00:35:34 She works too hard, but she loves her kids. She's got the heart of a fighter. Let's go on to our final judgment on Mr. Mendoorin. Final Judgements. Let's go on to our final judgment on Mr. McGoring. Final judgments. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, The flop house is brought to you by rolled gold pretzels. That's what it's called. The roll the is pretzels.
Starting point is 00:36:01 I watched the ex files for years from his on TV and the thing that sticks with me most is the bumpers where they go, the ex files for years from his on TV and the thing that sticks with me most is the bumpers are they go the ex files Is brought to you by it's just a quick voice change that the guy had to do between the ex files voice and the rolled-gold pretzels voice Yeah, man, okay Anyway, the normal voice rolled-gold pretzels would be too spooky. Yeah, the ex files is brought to you by Miller light well but that's uh... final judgments i'll start
Starting point is 00:36:30 t2 final judgment day yeah i really didn't like this movie i mean i really it wasn't boring like yes at times it was it was not two ten thousand bc on the breadth to ten thousand bc scale it was not two-thousand BC scale. On the brats to 10,000 BC scale. It was not either one. It's definitely not 10,000 BC. Yeah, but if there was ever a movie that made me want
Starting point is 00:36:55 to side with tax collectors, this was it. You know, it just made Wimsey look so unappealing. And all the characters wanted to force everyone to be whimsical as you will be high-spirited and crazy. Well, there's the thing, there's the kid who is like, he says he is lonely because he doesn't have friends, but he seems perfectly fine building sculptures and collecting hats and hanging out by himself. It's almost like, you need more friends.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Why don't you make some friends? And maybe it's just because my life as a kid was hanging out by myself and then being told I should not do that but I Really really sympathized with that kid in his hats. Oh, yeah, everyone has been window into Ellie Everyone was trying to force their lifestyle and other people. It was like the game marriage protesters. Wow I suddenly come out with this incredibly conservative Political viewpoint. Yeah, it's just like these abortionists Of course their lifestyle We haven't really brought this up yet, but I think this is the first children's movie we watch on this show watch brats
Starting point is 00:37:55 I guess that's a tweeners movie. Yeah, I guess this is the first This is the first like young kids movie. Yeah, this is this is like six-inch towards like Your six to elevens. Yeah, yeah is like six-ing towards like your six to 11's. Yeah, so. People with the minds of children. And the thing is like, like just a little Lenny from... It's only saying that. Like I couldn't imagine the child.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Tell me about the Emporium. I couldn't imagine the child of that age would actually like enjoy this movie. No, they would hate it. I just got done watching Wally, the Pixar movie. Which is a great movie. Which is a really great movie. And I'm wondering why other people who make Fucking children's movies don't just fucking call up Pixar and be like hey guys
Starting point is 00:38:32 How do you make a movie right because I'm it's all I'm all fucking thumbs right? Yeah, I saw your movie and it was really good Yeah, how did you do I was maybe I was just gonna make a remake of that, but you know, writes and everything. So many thoughts. Yeah, it was also a terrible movie. I was pushing for us to watch this movie for a long time and it lived up to my every expectation. It was stupid and unlikable. And it was a direct, it was like a writer director
Starting point is 00:39:01 who thought that he had tapped into his inner childhood. It was like a writer director who thought that he had tapped into his inner childhood it was like a it was like a cynical fake inner childhood and things either moved way too slow or way too fast like it almost felt like this guy the writer director was trying to pick up Natalie Gordon I assume that he was like it was like it was like Hitchcock and Tippy head runner yeah some kind of crazy charade that's a movie we should we're of crazy charade. That's a movie we should write. Crazy charade.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Crazy charade. Yeah, I'm just like an 86 comedy, but the premise is someone's making Mr. McGorium's Water of 4-A-D Girls. Sorry, and C. Thomas Howell as the writer director of Mr. McGorium. That's pretty meta. Yeah, right. It's like being Mr. McGorium. Who would be the girl be?
Starting point is 00:39:43 Let's make it the girl from just one of the guys. Because I like her. Okay. Or uh, yeah, this was a this was a this was a goes without saying. But yeah, this was a very bad movie. And it makes me feel bad about the things that kids watch these days. And about myself and heart wheels. No, me.
Starting point is 00:39:58 She's on you hot wheels and connects a dirty put money into this and Rob Robo Savian. Et tu, Robo? So I have a few letters. Fruuuuut. Listeners. Letters. We get letters. No, no, don't do it. We have to pay for this.
Starting point is 00:40:13 No, no, no, no. You're going to get sued by Paul Schaefer. You're going to get sued. No, he doesn't know my name. Your name's flashed all over this thing. Dan McCoy's the flat-past. Sorry, Dan McCoy. But go ahead, read it, read it, read it, read it.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Read it, read it, read it, read it I read it every day. Read your, read your line. I'm not a reader of your line. So this is in response to the question of who does, do it look like with his mustache. Oh man. Which he doesn't have anymore. Now he's back to his usual like. He's on his way there.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Can I point out that after shaving off, I went through a period of a couple of days where I was really depressed. And I think it's directly related to cutting off the mustache. So if you have a mustache, do not cut it off. You had post-save-em depression? Yeah, absolutely. But I think that there's something, there's something the same, there's something that
Starting point is 00:40:53 these two letters have in common. So I'm going to read them both and let's see if you can put your finger on. Okay. Are they from my novel? No. Are they from the person who was searching for gays to a Wellington-Striol-Electing gay? Yeah. I don't think so, but the first one is from Ashley, last name withheld. But if Nisany is that, do you think?
Starting point is 00:41:12 I think that it's Latvian. It says Dan and Co. So you guys just get to be end co. That's fair. Clearly the first photo is Colombo doing his W impression while supporting one hell of a stash. The most stash is completely unnecessary for that. Or Josh Hartnet.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Or Josh Hartnet. But that's a pretty cool thing. It looks like it is fucking cruel. The second photo is. Yeah, Hartthrob Josh Hartnet. The second photo is Peter Falk and his college improv troop days. It keeps up with the great work. And the second one, Stewart Disturbingly looks like Josh Brullen is W and W.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Very true. This is a side note. The movie Allie was thinking of the one with Hugh Jackman and Ashley Judd was someone like you. Someone like you. It was probably looked it up by now. I didn't cuz I didn't care enough But it was the one that was based on the book animal husband. Yeah, it was originally called animal husbandry and they're like that Title sounds too unique. Let's change it to something completely generic
Starting point is 00:42:16 Yeah, well, thank you very much for for reminding us about that someone like you That's like I love you. That's like a smile like yours So did you did you get the similarity though between the two of all of the things? Josh W Mustache it's the fact that none of those people actually have mustache. Yeah Yeah, that was a question about who does Stuart look like with his mustache? I think he looks like Danny DeVito if Danny DeVito had a mustache
Starting point is 00:42:42 Columbia Columbia doing a W impression while sporting a stash. Another Josh Roll on his W and W, one of Josh Roll's three roles that does not involve a mustache. Yeah, he was just in a movie where he had a big mustache. So if there's anyone else out there who would like to do a mustache, and like to do this thing right.
Starting point is 00:43:00 I just made fun of our audience. Someone like, what was it called? Someone like you? Yeah, someone like you. Terrible. It's like the name of a sitcom that NBC would put on after Caroline and the city in like the mid 90s. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Was Lee a Thompson supposed to be hot? She was always cute. I mean, yeah. There's that great- Like in the back of the future. Yeah, that's like a Thompson. Yeah, that used to be the number one panty shot. I've ever seen really seriously Yeah, it's great. She was on a new
Starting point is 00:43:31 B. I'm Jackson and casual sex Starting and you guys clay. Oh, so many people I'd love to see nude Great You mean casual sex to move you with a question mark the end of the title That's a movie that that could only exist in its time period Yeah, when sex when casual sex started to become a dangerous thing But it wasn't yet dangerous enough that you couldn't make a comedy about it. Yeah The Blake Edwards direct
Starting point is 00:44:03 It does kind of sound like late period Blake Edwards. Blind date era Blake Edwards. Yeah, exactly. So I just want to remind people before we get into our recommendations, the holiday season is the flop house listener drive season. Oh yeah. I'd like to think of the flop house as the gift we don't whistle. I'm just going to be a background music.
Starting point is 00:44:24 I'd like to think of the flop house as the gift we don't whistle. I'm just gonna be a background music. I'd like to think of the flop house as the gift that we give you. For free. For free. That's what makes it a gift. What's the gift that you listeners can give us? Promotion. You can go to the website. We sell that a lot, dude.
Starting point is 00:44:38 You can go to the website. Each of your salesmen should try to get as many repeat customers as possible. I've put buttons on the website so you can dig it, dig our show. We used to have like 15 digs then they changed the system over at dig and then we're back down to two. So why don't you get those numbers up if you can. Dig us up. You can go to podcast, I'll include.
Starting point is 00:45:00 I skewn this corpse of a podcast. iTunes reviews, if you review us positively on iTunes, that's actually a big help or subscribing on iTunes rather than listening online to bump our numbers up. I'm doing my part, I'm subscribed on iTunes, are you? You can link to us. Or if you know, if you know anyone in the media, not the real media because they wouldn't care about this, but the online media not the real media because they wouldn't care about this, but the online media. The internet media? Yeah, you know, bloggers and such. Yeah. You can mention us to them.
Starting point is 00:45:30 People like that. Well, Matt Rudge, I don't know. Perhaps someone out there is a podcast publicist who wants to give us their lawyers' pro-match. If they're such a thing, you certainly open on. Anyway. You just alienated them. I think you get our point. Good job. But yes, please help other people listen to us because... Well, I feel awkward making a plea for an audience. That's why we're getting so stupid.
Starting point is 00:45:56 But... PBS does it all the time. Exactly. And I would say, since I just watched, in one hour special they did on the New York Public Library system, can you believe they need to do pledge drives for viewers? I don't understand it. Well, you watched it, obviously. Well, my interests don't really match up with most people. I was fascinated. Merrified. I don't know. Merrified.
Starting point is 00:46:17 What I didn't realize is that used to be the site of the New York City Reservoir, where the library is now. It's just a huge open-air reservoir that people would pee in. I know at least one listener who'd be fascinating about that Great brand. You works at the main bridge. Oh, yeah, it's right great story. Anyway, please. What do now? What do we do? And now we talk about movies that we saw recently that we actually liked oh man so many Oh, yeah Do you have one stew? I watch a bunch of uh... that i'd seen part of but i hadn't watched all of uh... until i was really bored and so i watched a bunch of movies so i watch
Starting point is 00:46:51 like flatliners and uh... now uh... i watched a lot of the brat pack in it though that's true in their dimly lit medical school it was very creepy by the way where were were they going to school? I didn't like calendar or something. They were going to Arkham University.
Starting point is 00:47:10 I'm at the University of Arkham, Massachusetts. Sure, yeah. I would say Arkham Asylum, which is not a school asylum. So, and then I followed that up with Earth Girls or Easy, which I had never seen and was great. Any universe where Jeff Goldblum is a hunk is top, top dollar, in my opinion. And then I watched executive decision, which I kind of watched. I was doing stuff at the same time, but it was really good. And yeah, it was kind of cool because for a kind of crappy movie with Steven's go on and Kurt Russell on it. It seemed like they genuinely made an effort to make like make it seem realistic. I guess those things go.
Starting point is 00:47:53 So it was pretty good. I liked it. So executive decision and earth girls are easy. A double feature probably. You spent a letter E double feature. Yeah. I saw a couple movies from last year that were uh... not be hit something there are there were released
Starting point is 00:48:09 sort of the mid-range but weren't super successful i watched uh... red belt the david mammoth movie uh... starting to a tell at geofore uh... and you just made that name that's not a name that's a scrap plan racist uh... you know david maman movies sort of uh... liver die on whether he cast someone who can uh... ignore his directorial style actors
Starting point is 00:48:37 and just be a good actor and uh... to tell geophores is is really great actor and i really enjoy the movie and it's movie you know so many movies you can tell exactly where they're headed from the very beginning. That was a movie that moment to moment. I had no idea where I was going and it doesn't necessarily like all hold together perfectly at the end I feel like but I really enjoyed it. I also watched Miss Petagrew lives for a day starring Francis McDormand and Enchanted's Amy Adams, and
Starting point is 00:49:07 Lee Pace from pushing Daisies in the fall, the film that you recommended. The my favorite movie the year so far I think. And the legends of the fall? Yeah, legends of the fall. No. And I really enjoy it. It's not up to par with like an old screwball comedy. It's not up to par with like in old screwball comedy it's not up to par with you know like jules and jim but ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha It's trying to capture a certain style of old film making like not quite
Starting point is 00:49:45 screwball filmmaking but in that same vein and it's not frothy, and it's not up to that sort of par but for modern versions. Exactly. The 86 coming. It's got a cover where some woman's running away and a guy is pulling her bra back. It's exactly like Super Bowl. Ok, but um You have the poster. You have the limit edition lithograph. If you want to, if you want to see a film that's sort of like a PG Woodhouse jeez and Worcester story
Starting point is 00:50:20 if Amy Adams was playing Marilyn Monroe as Worcester and Francis McDormon was playing Mary Poppin as Jeaves. If that sounds interesting to you, it's a fun movie. And I just realized by looking at the IMDB that was written by Simon Bofoy, who just wrote Slumdog Millionaire, which is pretty good. I didn't love it as much as everyone else did, but I thought it was salad and fun. So...
Starting point is 00:50:50 I also felt that way about Slumdog Millionaire. Around Greenwich. I haven't seen it yet. Okay. Did I... I saw... Let's talk about old movies. Since you talk about a movie that was kind of in that style,
Starting point is 00:51:02 I recently saw two old movies that I liked a lot. They might be a little hard to find possibly, but they played the... Because you hit all the cup. Yes, but you made the movie. These were two movies that I DVR'd off of Turner Classic movies kind of on a whim, and I'm glad I did for both of them. Did I talk about Jewel robbery? No. Last time, there was a...
Starting point is 00:51:23 Isn't that a game that Secretaries play at work? I'm there, computer, Jewel robbery? No. Last time, there was a... Isn't that a game that secretaries play at work? I'm there, computer, Jewel robbery? No, I'm not familiar with that. I'm thinking of the Jewels. Sorry, I don't know that either. You work in an office. The Jewel robbery is a movie with... Yeah, and you shoot the daily show on the middle of the field.
Starting point is 00:51:41 It's an outdoor show. With William Powell and I want to say, feel it's an outdoor show with uh... william pal and i want to say k frances is the of is the woman i don't think it is i can't remember the moment she is a kind of flighty european vaguely middle-European you know rich woman and he is the most debonair jewel thief in the world
Starting point is 00:52:00 and this movie is an hour and fifteen minutes long and it's really fun and the scene where he first meets her during a dual robbery is so like so much fun he's she's buying the super expensive diamond with her rich husband and William Powell walks in the owner of the store goes can I help you sir and he goes yes you can my good man and his valet holds out a case opens the case and William Powell pulls a gun out of it and goes I'm going to rob your store gentlemen and it's like oh take a seat everyone take a seat Let's start some conversation. This will be nice and William Powell takes out a gramophone player and plays a record of the blue
Starting point is 00:52:36 Danube and like he's just the most debonair stylish jewel thief in the world and very friendly and it was a Like a very kind of short fun movie and very light. And the other one was a movie I just finished watching this morning called Hollow Triumph, which is a film noir that Hans Conne Reed from Kessablanca among other things was the star and producer of and it's one of the most kind of contrived plots in the world. He's a gangster on the run and he ends up in a town where there's a man who looks exactly like him, but with a scar on his face, who's a psychiatrist. So he takes that man's life and has to scar himself, but the pictures he took of the guy, uh- like, at every plot point, it's kind of contrived in a way that's almost exciting and how unrealistic it is.
Starting point is 00:53:29 But it's shot really beautifully for a kind of, what I assume must have been a fairly low budget film. There are these great scenes with smoke and darkness and things like that. And there are all these great side characters who are just like either really funny or really weird looking. There's this one character who's a co-worker of his at a taxi company, and he's just in the middle of the night by himself practicing ballroom dancing, and Hayanskon Reed comes
Starting point is 00:53:52 up to him and interrupts him, and he goes into this long thing about how he needs to find the right ballroom dancing partner, and I know what you're going to say my problem is, I'm too short, but if you have confidence, you can project the impression of height, plus they make tall shoes that I can wear And it's really funny and then this character is never heard from ever again And it's like there are all these great little scenes with strange characters and the whole thing And you know, it's a quick kind of like fast-moving crazy film or movie called hollow triumph or you might find a copy of it Under the name the scar which was the English release title. I recommend both of those. I'm trying to make them famous. So like Nathan's.
Starting point is 00:54:28 Six recommendations tonight. Between the three of us. Is that a new record? I think I think girls are easy the best ones. Okay. It does have a Julie Brown and it does. And David Williams. Not downtown Julie Brown. No. No. The other Julie Brown and it does and they weigh not downtown Julie Brown no no the other Julie Brown one with novelty songs mm-hmm the one who was on the short lived MTV sketch show the edge yeah and Jim Carries in it yeah who was on MTV's other sketch show and living color that is a webo that is you're thinking of webo lows I think we be loyal scouts i can't remember that he wait he's whiplock whiplock whiplock because that's the best that's the best line in the film uh... when at the end
Starting point is 00:55:10 like they're leaving in jenidavis is like oh whiplock i think i miss you least of all jenidavis such delivery was that the movie that she and jefko blue met on or was it transylvania six five thousand or the fly i think that both of those other movies came before okay
Starting point is 00:55:29 or they were like tracy and heppburn fallen in love making moves together until reney harland came between them mhm as he is for many people so guys this is not a good holiday show yeah but we talked a lot about the holidays. It really was a lot of Christmas and Hanukkah cheer. I want to talk about Rennie Harlan some more.
Starting point is 00:55:50 We'll rent the covenant. I'm going to discuss. Yeah, he was great. That's right, I forgot about the covenant. Is that the movie where it's super powerful 20 year olds, right? Yeah, they use their magic powers to lift up Girl Scirts. Yeah, and they're all like super rich too Yeah, like it's basically snobbs versus more snubs
Starting point is 00:56:09 Snubs versus snubsers. Yeah, so are we done here? Yeah, yeah, you can go home Cool, I allow you to leave. Okay, so you may not you guys that listening don't know but Dan locks us up Dan don't we have some don't we have some business here? Oh sure, if you want to email us, maybe about Stuart's mustache that doesn't exist anymore or another topic. Maybe about the holidays. You can email us at the Flop House Podcast at Or if you want to send us a gift of some kind. Or if you take issue with anything we've said you want to start argument let's start
Starting point is 00:56:47 this. Yeah, Natalie Portman. Yeah, Natalie Portman if you're out there and you think you have a nice to love you. Or if anyone disagrees with Stewart and thinks that Natalie Portman is super attractive right in and we can have an argument over who's attractive and filmed today and lose all of our female listeners. Sure, that's what they all like to hear. It's a relative hotness discussion. Let's take this thing into the gutter.
Starting point is 00:57:10 And if you want to go to the website, it's the Flop House Maybe someday we'll get an actual domain name. Don't look at me. I don't know how computers work. For the Flop House, I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Elliot Kaylen. Good night. Yeah, good night. So wait, the long Kiske night was Rennie Harlan. Which nightmare in Elm Street? Was it nightmare in Elm Street 3? I for him he'll just be cutthroat island Rennie Harlan.
Starting point is 00:57:42 That's Fair enough fair enough fair enough for fun You know, fam fam buyers verotic That's for Rotic No, it's Rotic Yeah, this is my collection of notes for ROTICA A lot of people say vampirotica I don't so ladies That was my that was my burn on you start again
Starting point is 00:58:06 Wait a minute Fucking That was that was a record scratch Mmm, that was the dog Yeah, that was someone who didn't think that they heard what they heard and say there That's me cleaning the wax out of my ears, because I thought you said something. Retarded.

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