The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #52 - Dragonball: Evolution

Episode Date: January 10, 2010

0:00 - 0:36 - Introductions and Theme0:37 - 3:47 - We introduce our guest co-host, Nigel Wood.3:48 - 29:50 - We discuss 90 minutes of bright colors, loud noises, and disconnected action, in a DVD misl...abeled "Dragonball: Evolution."29:51 - 33:23 - Final Judgments33:24 - 34:30 - Station identification34:31 - 41:46 - The sad bastards recommend.45:47 - 45:02 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 In this episode we discuss Dragon Ball Evolution, the movie that inspired Ben Stein to make his Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. And I'm Nigel Wood. Tonight's guest guest. Wow, he did like our job for him Stuart. He introduced us, he introduced himself as a guest. You might, you know, that's not Stuart affecting an English accent. That's actually another person.
Starting point is 00:01:00 This sounds shockingly like my, my Daniel Craig accent. Hello, hello, apples and pears. Sure. Man, I'm getting home six just. I know I'll try. Yeah, Daniel Craig, of course, talks entirely and cack me a rhyming sling, which I would try to affect, but I'm not smart or funny enough to do that.
Starting point is 00:01:19 So I did think you would have done with Craig when he was in the door. I know, right? Yeah. It's because I had my shirt off totally ripped Yeah, shredded up now Nigel your your storage boss He was my boss. Oh was your former life. Yeah, okay. I
Starting point is 00:01:36 Now he's a transporter what now he's a transporter like Jason Statham never took it the package Yeah, he never looks at the package. Okay. I thought it was your current boss in which case I was gonna ask him whether A you were trying to suck up to him by having him as a guest or be He'd compelled you to have him as a guest. No, I'm trying to get him in a bad name. Okay, and I thought maybe getting him on our Popular podcast. Yeah, we review bad movies feed me a couple of week bizz. Yeah, feed them a couple of Miller Highlights. How's it going so far, Nigel? He's looking better all the time.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Miller Highlights. Yeah. Miller Highlights, you know, indeed. Well, guys, it's been a while since I've seen you. It's two or two minutes. This is the first time you met Nigel. Yeah, it's been half a month since I've seen you. It's too hard. And this is the first time you met Nigel. It's been half a month since I've met Nigel.
Starting point is 00:02:29 I've got one question. What's up? Then I need to ask you. Did you hear about the Morgan's? After what fashion, man? Well, from what I hear, they had to go into the witness relocation program and Are you getting paid to plug I heard that stars a national treasure a national treasure from England you grant
Starting point is 00:02:56 Yeah, no, well I heard that in that film you grant as forced to go to a rodeo Make you feel a lot of wind rodeos all the time in English. I mean, that's that's easy for Really all right well What do you write like like camels or zebras or something? Yeah, usually yeah, I can pull up on these Yeah, pull up on these are good and cool these little Welsh cordies. Wow See you're destroying all kinds of cherished American stereotypes about our Tussles
Starting point is 00:03:32 Right across the pond. Yep What else like I just thought they don't like rodeos basically I can treat this beer. It's not warm. Oh That's another I got it. That's good. Yeah, so we watched a movie tonight, Dan. Did we? Yeah, no, that's another one. I got it. That's good. Yep. Oh, guys. So we watched a movie in an IDAM. Did we?
Starting point is 00:03:49 Yeah, no, we did. Okay. Pretty sure. I was not even in some random scenes. I mean, most of the time I was looking at my phone or looking at the art you have hanging around you at a hell of a pointed home. Thank you. Well, yeah, Stuart said it was as
Starting point is 00:04:05 if we were we put a DVD in and we hit shuffle. Not more than we watched a coherent series of dramatic events that moved from point one to point two and so forth. That's true. I would say it's a collection of scenes but they weren't really scenes actually, they were just shots of stuff happening. Yeah, just a bunch of stuff that happened. Yeah. It was called Dragon Ball Evolution or evolution during your pronunciation preference. Yeah. So is it about Charles Darwin's theory of evolution? I'm trying to remember, do you want to recap the film for us? Maybe have Nigel do it? Uh, in his, in his, in his Sal tree baritone voice. I wouldn't even know what his stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Okay, so Dan goes. Uh, thanks. Yeah, sure. In Elliot's absence, uh, frequent flop house listeners know that Elliot is the best of all of us at being able to parse the plots of these movies. He's also the shortest. Yeah, it might have something to do with the fact that he stays the soberest while we're watching these films. But Stuart, let's split it here. Stuart is shaking his head. It's surely not. But, um, so this is a movie about a young gentleman who looks like Billy Boyd, a pippin' from the Lord of the Rings films.
Starting point is 00:05:29 And he lives in some indeterminate place. Maybe... Maybe Aguise House. Yeah, maybe Asia, maybe America, who knows. He is Caucasian, but his grandfather is an Asian gentleman who has a merkin on his chin. Well, it's like a blonde merkin. It's a soul patch that looks like a merkin. Yeah, I mean, it looks like carpet. Yeah. Maybe he had like some cosmetic work and they pulled the skin so tight it went all the way up to his
Starting point is 00:06:01 chin. That's a really good idea. Wait from his chester from his pool. From his pool. Yes, all the way down there. That makes I guess that makes sense. Nipples will be only show design. Yeah, that's possible. Wow, that's really tight. But so he is... I mean they didn't go to that in the movie, right? I didn't I didn't miss that part. They didn't talk about his cosmetic work in the movie, right? No, that was that was a deleted subplot. I was a But I guess that Billy Boyd as I will call him was supposed to be a high school aged Person. Yeah, he goes turning 18. Oh, okay. I got that kind of plot. So he's old enough to party Yeah, I mean it's confusing in that movie way that things are confusing when people are always playing below their ages.
Starting point is 00:06:47 But, uh, so he is a Kung Fu master because his grandfather has taught him, but he's not allowed to use this. Because the grandfather does not want him raising his fists and anger against other people, I guess. And so, but his grandfather gives him a dragon ball for his birthday. That's a pretty cool gift. What does it do? That's not my Amazon wish list. I have watched the entire film Dragon Ball Evolution. I have still no idea what a dragon ball is supposed to do.
Starting point is 00:07:18 But he's given one. Okay. Um, and, uh, you know, he's a bit of a nerd at school, people think that he's a loser. Like a Peter Parker sort. Yeah, because he's not allowed to use his powers. He gets pushed around. Yeah, the great power comes great responsibility. But he is in love with Chi Chi.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Yeah, that's her name Chi Chi, right? Who is a... Chi Chi works at flash dances, doesn't it? Anyway. I think she does. She's an Asian. When she's not a karate kicking a high school student the whole night she's a flash dancing. Mm-hmm. Wait no a dancer at flash dancers. But she's an Asian young lady. Yeah. And like all Asian young ladies she's also a kind of from master but we don't learn about this until later. And by the way, all the martial arts in this film is centered around our fiend tasks. They're all centered around
Starting point is 00:08:14 key, which I guess is a different way of pronouncing she. Yeah, it's like magic, right? Sure. You've studied it. You've studied it in the Orient Ninja. I don't like it so much. It's a lot like you literally just talk about it. Yeah, I'll talk about that. So, you know, the Peter Parker-esque character, you know, he goes to a party to meet with Chichi, and he manages to beat up a bunch of bullies by not touching them at all Sure, right on me. Yeah, basically compelling them to beat each other up Just like you compare you compare the being up in five high school kids with the bring you down to the British Empire
Starting point is 00:08:56 Absolutely And when he gets home he finds that his grandfather is near death. It's a very Luke Skywalker and Star Wars sort of situation. Yeah, a fatal case of house collapsing on him. And he discovers this is because of the dragon balls. There's an evil gentleman by the name of Piccolo. We got Lord Piccolo. The most evil sounding name there could be the small flute in the orchestra. Piccolo. He looks like John B from P. W. He's a little more, I mean, a little, I mean, he's got a body. I'm like, John B, who does. He's not gonna find some body. He's not in a box.
Starting point is 00:09:43 But so John B Piccolo wants to take it take over the world and wants to get the dragon balls So that's why grandpa has to get out of the guy has to go yeah, so Billy Boyd Berries the grandfather and he comes back to his crushed house to find this That's a good way of getting out, getting out of having to pay, like, you know, like, the off-key rules pretty expensive. Yeah, it's really expensive.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And I mean, he's 18, like, you know, I don't even think he has a job. You wouldn't be able to afford that. Yeah, I don't know how he's gonna survive, actually, after his grandpa. I mean, all his grandpa seems to do is like farm, like, oranges or something, and like, move his rocks around on the garden.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Teach smart alerts. Yeah, I mean, but he doesn't do that. It doesn't seem like he does that. Does that actually really matter? He had to pay for the cosmetic work. Yeah, that's true. Maybe it was, I have no idea. I can't even, again, to see this.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Maybe he had all seven of the dragon balls of me like he pulled them, I don't know. Yeah, that's, actually, a pretty good idea. But Billy Boyd comes back. It's not Billy Boyd, by the way. I think he's the guy who starred in the hit film. Oh shit, the Invisible or whatever, that should he David Goyer film?
Starting point is 00:10:56 I think that's the same man. What, the movie about the little kid, the kid who gets killed and then he has to like, write the wrong. I might be like lovely bones, but with a high school kid. Anyway, but the who looks like Billy boy comes back home. We'll just keep calling Billy boy. Yeah Yeah, and he finds this This girl whose name is Goku that Goku you call that Goku despite being a con Caucasian gentleman His name is Goku me instead his grandpa's Asian right? Yeah He clearly has no Asian background.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Yeah, like racially you can look at him and say that this is man has been Caucasian for the last five or six generations. Yeah, it could be cosmetic work though. We're throwing because men were around a lot of people. Yeah, it's possible. But Goku returns home, he finds a sassy lady in his house with a punk rock Bright pink stripe in her hair. I think I think you need to reevaluate your definition of punk rock a little but that's it. Well, she's got dyed hair That's all I'm sorry. Okay, and
Starting point is 00:11:58 The suicide guilds is that waiting for it. Yes, and She's got their guns. Yeah, she's shooting up the place. She's looking for the dragon ball because she has some sort of like physics thing. She's like a sort of power. Who the fuck knows. She has a dragon ball locator, by the way, it was like Ghostbusters EKG meters. A lot of them. EKG is an actual thing.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Yeah, it's an electric car. Fair enough Stuart. But so they team up for some reason after fighting. In time-honored comic book excursion, they fight for a while, and they decided they're friends. It's like Wolverine in the Punisher. And then they use the...
Starting point is 00:12:38 Hold on, the charisma. Then they use the Dragon Ball locator to find Chellon fat who's the guy He's doing this one. It's a favorite assembly. Yeah, you know who's drunk somewhere Who wears a lot of Hawaiian shirts waiting for They find it like unconscious like Smashed covered in the street. Yeah, I mean I don't quite a step what they well He's also supposed to be the guy who trained his grandfather, despite being a several years younger, obviously.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Uh-huh. But maybe use the key to keep himself young. Mm-hmm. He only in the blanks for a while. Yeah, I guess. But he's got another dragon ball. I don't know, shit. And then they go out into the desert for some reason.
Starting point is 00:13:19 And they fight for a while too, right? Yeah, they fight for a while. They fight for a while. They have to battle for a while. Then they go out into the desert where they find uh chichi who is in the middle of some sort of um martial arts fight club preparing for a tournament what's the answer and uh then I sort of miss something the next thing that happened was that I was down down down down I might have been making popcorn I was making
Starting point is 00:13:40 popcorn on it yeah they got me they fell down a cleverly disguised hole that was made by this weird bandit character About three hundred three thousand years ago because it was quite a bit of weathering on those Maybe and he didn't really disguise it like they just felt droid I got to call I mean I'm he tried to extort them To give him a like a ladder like he tried to get their car But then somehow he they convinced him to come down and he drills through a rock wall with this wall. This power drill.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Because the locating goes off send us another dragon ball. Yeah, this is the end of the earth I guess. They end up in the center of the earth because there's so much of lava. A bunch of people fight them. And an undetermined roof. Like it looks like the fucking sky above them. It's like they're in fucking mortar. So imagine a bunch of lava. And they find all these enemies and the corpses of the enemies fall in the lava and then Goku leaps across the lava. Makes a bridge of the corpses. It doesn't burn up, jumps across them, finds another dragon ball,
Starting point is 00:14:48 and then they go out. So it sounds like he's got a lot of these balls by now. It's got a shit-lettle balls. He's got the hands all over him. And again, you think that I'm just having a terrible time synopsizing this film and Elliot's absence, but no, it was just the most disjointed narrative you can imagine. And so then what happened, sir? Oh shit. The balls get stolen. Oh, the balls got stolen.
Starting point is 00:15:15 I mean, after they find the ball in Mordor. Yeah. All the balls get stolen by the chicken that let the cat suit. Yeah, but she tricked him by like morphing into another chick, right? No, that was later. Oh, okay, so she stole something then what happened? Well there in the end later in on there is a point where the evil girl Takes the form of Chi Chi. Yep and fights Chi Chi sure that makes sense runs off with all the dragon balls
Starting point is 00:15:40 There's that scene where he kept the where he was trying to like set things on fire with his magic fireballs And he wasn't doing very good job until she'll fit him a little bit of play Yeah, he had the incentive of potentially having sexual intercourse with Chi Chi and then he was very good at shooting fireballs Yeah, yeah with every fireball he was able to shoot he would take another step towards her Yeah, he was able to get a little bit closer. Very Shakespearean I guess in that regard. Yeah. So that happened. And when she was more like in that form she stole all those balls right? Yeah she stole the derailleur balls.
Starting point is 00:16:20 And the evil grandpa killing woman dressed as disguised as Chi Chi. Yeah, yeah. Spouse Chi Chi steals the balls. Yep. And then our main character beats up the girl that he's in love with. Right. Because he thinks she's the evil girl or something. And in the meantime, also the bandit character who had that hole
Starting point is 00:16:41 has somehow become part of our hero team. And is dramatically involved with the girl with the punk rock, character who had that hole has somehow become part of our hero team and is dramatically involved with the girl with the punk rock pink stripe in her hair. Sure, and the the the PKE meter. Yeah, Dragon Ball locator. And then so then they all go into another desert area. Sure. And they have a big fight whereupon Goku
Starting point is 00:17:09 Turns into a demon. Yeah, I mean looks like I can't like a sad werewolf Yeah, the secret apparently the secret of Goku is that he was found as a youth and he was actually like this demon character but the goodness and his heart wins out and He fights John B like Like nature versus nurture? Or nurture versus nature? Yeah. And at the end, he defeats the bad guy, and he gets all of the dragon balls together,
Starting point is 00:17:35 which allows him to bring Chayun fat back to life who had died in the middle of this... He does it battle. He got born like a, like his a battle like a little stove blew up. Yeah. So, the magic stove exploded. So you at home, you listeners at home, have long since paid, stopped paying attention to what we were saying.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Because, none of it makes any sense. And our voices are lulling them to sleep out of the mansion. Our sweet background voices. And in our voices are lulling them to sleep out of the mansion our sweet back-to-own voices without really it's fast Winnie high pitched voice. Yeah to act as the tweeter who are subwoofers. Sure. Yeah, but We in so much as we have confused you we have accurately reproduced the Yeah, I'm watching Dragon Ball Evolution. So this movie is based on a like a comic book or a cartoon or something I think?
Starting point is 00:18:33 I guess, like that was the thing. I think there's, I mean I think it's based on a cartoon, right? Yeah, there's a cartoon, I think there is a comic book as well. Okay. So how do you feel if this is a movie that is based on a Japanese cartoon, how well do you think it captures the spirit of that experience of watching a shitty Japanese cartoon? Well, I think it captured it excellently in the sense that whenever I come across like a lousy Japanese cartoon, I watch it and I start getting a headache and I have no idea what's happening. Well it's probably because you're watching it while sitting upside down in your couch. Because all the blood's rushing to your head, man. That's why you're getting headache. I should sit upright. Yeah, I should. I don't know what you're doing. But I feel confused. I mean,
Starting point is 00:19:24 this movie, this movie appeared to be several million dollars in the making. But, it drew somebody on it, definitely. Yeah, but it was made clearly only for those people who were already familiar with the Dragon Ball concept. Like, this was... Or a child, maybe, a child who just wants to see colors, because there's a lot of bright colors in this movie. Well, it seemed like episode 12 of the Dragon Ball series.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Like a Buckaroo Bones, I type the whole thing. Yeah. But not like they were doing that as an artistic choice. Like Buckaroo Bones, I were like, you know what I really love is those old cereals. I'm gonna make a movie that feels like we're coming in in the middle. Like this movie, like, actually was like coming in the middle, and they didn't bother explaining anything
Starting point is 00:20:06 but at least unlike dragon wars we didn't have like forty minutes of fucking exposition to begin the movie now all written all read by it all thirty seconds the beginning yet and then after telling us the uh... the history the the history of this story they then had the uh... the uh... the main characters grandfather say the first rule is they're all new rules, yeah, which I think kind of excuses the entire movie at that point because then you don't have to worry about any logic. There are no rules to movie making.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Plot, who gives a fuck? Love the community. You can kick her in the face and she'll still love you. I want 80 degree rule. Not even that one. Who gives a fuck? Love the community. You can kick her in the face and she'll still love you. Yeah. The 180 degree rule. Not even that one. Wait, what's the 180 degree rule? Well, you don't want to cut across the 180 degree mark. You're editing a film.
Starting point is 00:20:54 If you suddenly like flip the geographical location of someone inside the frame that creates a discontinuity in the viewer's mind to it. And they broke that rule. I don't think that actually they probably, 180 rule was one of the things that they kept intact. Oh, that's good. The director James Wong,
Starting point is 00:21:15 he's made movies before. He's made movies before. He directed a final destination. Is James Wong a 12 year old boy? I don't know, Dan. I mean, yeah, I don't, boy. I don't know, Dan. I mean, yeah, I guess I don't know any of the- I'm assuming not since he's a professional movie director. I was assuming not since he was a writer for the X-Files.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Oh, he was a writer for the X-Files. That was a show that was on in the 90s. It seems like- It's true. It probably would be a little older. It should call Dana and Scully and ask him what the hell went on for the last nine minutes. Maybe wait, Molder and Scully. Oh, Dana Scully is the girl's name. Jillian Anderson, right?
Starting point is 00:21:57 Well, that's the actresses. No, no, no, just wants to call Dana Scully. I mean, I'm older. You can take her leave. Yeah, I don't really care about him. Yeah, just call Dana. Let's just a leave. Yeah, I don't really care about him. Yeah, I just called Dana. I just called Dana Skulling get her over here.
Starting point is 00:22:08 I mean, when she's AT, oh, she's gonna be like beyond smoking. Have you seen her? Yeah, she gets hotter, she gets hotter. And she takes her clothes off more often. Yeah, but she gets blonder, she gets older. I don't care for that. I like to wear like red sunglasses too. Did the car and the cuffs match? Yeah, that's the thing. I mean, she's like red sunglasses to you. Yeah, the car in the Cuffs match. Yeah, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:22:26 I mean, she's didn't want nudity. I mean, curious. All right. You should check it out. All right, Stuart. Don't doubt give me those. Maybe she'll pose in a lads bag. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Maybe she can't look in for the same place that Grandpa is. That's a blonde mark in there. I don't want to blonde the mark. And it would look weird with my hair and my chest hair. So Dan, you were talking about something. I don't want to blonde the mark and it looked weird with my hair and my chest hair. So Dan you were talking about something. I don't think I was but okay so yeah I mean it did kind of feel like watching a shitty Japanese cartoon. There was a lot of bright colors.
Starting point is 00:22:55 There wasn't, it didn't really slow down to do anything so it wasn't really boring. There was a lot like it did feel like a bunch of really fast little stories like little adventures kind of like a little video game You know sometimes when you watch a soap opera for so long you can go away for two weeks and come back and you know what's going on Yeah, I didn't leave this couch once and I don't know what's going on It's like the opposite of that Yeah, yeah, I guess it's fair there's there would be scenes where you would feel like some sort of connective tissue had been eliminated. Like as I said, the scenes were that guy who put them
Starting point is 00:23:34 down that hole suddenly became part of their team, like a valued member of the group. I was speaking of like a team, you know who was in this movie? Who's Ernie Hudson? Otherwise known as Winston Zedmore. Yeah, he's a ghost buster. Yeah, absolutely. He's dead to me. Sure.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Because he was a villain in this movie. When he was a villain in this movie, he was a good guy. He gave him the magic stove. He was the master. He was the master. He was the master. He was the master. He was the mustard? He was the master. So, okay, I thought you were like,
Starting point is 00:24:07 while he was the mustard in the same... Yeah, he was the... What? He was the main mustard mustard. Yeah, he was the mustard. No, I like an integral part of the team because, like, you can't have a good sandwich with that mustard.
Starting point is 00:24:18 I thought that's what you were meaning. Yeah. Maybe not. Just trying to say the master. Okay. This is an indication of how incompetenceensible the movie was at many points. I couldn't tell whether Ernie Hudson was a good guy or a bad guy. Okay, I guess that's a fair particular film, Dan.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Ernie Hudson, what was the last movie you did before? This is The Crow. Well, he busts me so I can pass crow. I uh hand the rocks the cradle. He replaced Keith David as the dad of one of the characters on a psych. I showed that I watched for a couple seasons and then stopped watching there after. Okay so he's getting work so he doesn't have all the occasional work. I mean it doesn't really have an excuse here or I mean this is a speaking part. Yeah, sure I mean maybe haven't chalien fat go busted with like a cough or a gun or Drugs David Karrattine's corpse or maybe a David Karrattine's ghost Britney Murphy's corpse
Starting point is 00:25:19 Maybe each of them was like, you know one of them was like I get to work with chalien fat And the other was like I get to work with Chad and Fat and the other one was like, I get to work with Ernie Hudson. Yeah. Who's like, get to the Magized Garden situation. Absolutely. And I don't think you would that story correctly. I think I understand. I think I get the chance.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I watched, I saw Christmas Eve on Sesame Street, so I got a version of this toy. Man, so, Dragon Balls. So yeah, I don't really get it. I guess this is like a big deal in Japan. I mean, I've heard of the thing, and there's probably video games based on the ship. Yeah. Probably like Codgate. There's a whole thing, there's a whole industry. Yeah, it's like like the Pokemon and... Yeah, well I assume that any Japanese, you know, any Japanese craze has some sort of
Starting point is 00:26:15 card game involved in it. Yeah, I, it all seems based around... I mean, what we should... Ancillary products that you can purchase. Yeah, I mean, we should pause our podcast and go into a farm to noble. And I'm sure we would see like a ton of outcast looking kids wearing trench coats sitting in the aisles
Starting point is 00:26:33 reading the graphic novels. So we could ask them how accurate the film is. With Dragon Ball, there was one Japanese cartoon that I watched just out of curiosity. I'm like, okay, this is a big thing. I'm gonna watch. I'm gonna say that. Sure. Like Dragon Ball might even have been the one. Like there was one that I watched where it wasn't even didn't even have to like the level of Pokemon Where like the Pokemon is like the show and then you got a card game relating to the show, okay? There was one where the cartoon was literally people playing a card game
Starting point is 00:27:07 I don't I don't think that was you gilding. Oh you're you get you. Yeah. I don't understand. How can they fucking get away with that? Well, yeah, I mean it's it's not it's like it's at least trains for us like the toys are in the show like badly right I mean yeah, it's a world poker championship. It's not like it's a world poker championship. It's not like it's a world poker championship. It's not like that. Oh man, that makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. But yeah, that doesn't really make a story.
Starting point is 00:27:36 I mean, I guess the world poker championship has its own story. Sure. But we didn't really, we did, I mean, a better story than what we watched the night. What would hangs together better? Yeah. My favorite part of the movie, here's
Starting point is 00:27:50 my memories of the movie, is after, is at the end, where our main character has kicked his love interest in the face and knocked her out. And then he has been resuscitated with magic and then he defeats the bad guy and saves the world. He then goes back to you know wooher again and the first thing he says is oh I'm so sorry I was in the heat of battle. I didn't know it was you. Which come on guys we've all been there you know. Sure. We've all used that excuse. Tell them all for work. Like baby, I don't know, is it the heat of battle?
Starting point is 00:28:26 Yep. Yeah. I think I think the highlight for me was, uh, honey Hudson's eyebrows. It was pretty awesome. Do you think those were natural? I think that I think that natural. CGI like George Lucas's kids. Or his beard. Uh, no, I think his beard is hair. Is not. Wouldn't he CGI. that goitah thing that he's got going on? Is it just me who does everything? It's got a bottle. He's got, that's quite, that's, I think that goes beyond that. That's so.
Starting point is 00:28:52 No, I mean, it's like a big, it's like a baby. Yeah, he's got plenty of money. Well, it's like a, it's like a rudimentary level of water that he has. Yeah, but it looks like fully, it looks like he's something grown in there. Yeah, maybe there is. Maybe there's gungans living in there. Yeah. Or it's full of midi-chlorians.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Yeah. It could be full of midi-chlorians. Yep. Stores Lucas, if you're listening, we're worried about you. If that's anything, you don't think the thing is checked out. I don't know if you haven't looked in the mirror or anything, but that's not natural. Okay. You really should go to a doctor. So wake up call.
Starting point is 00:29:30 That's, uh, that's your health, health knocking on that door. You should answer it. Yeah. It's still early. Guys, do you think we have anything more to say? No, we almost done talking about this fucking. I was already confused with start to finish. Um, but I mean, it, it went pretty fast. I guess that's a good thing yeah no I mean I think I think that we I think we make our judgment we can make a final judgment on it huh the categories are we get your judgments this is a good bad movie a bad bad movie
Starting point is 00:30:00 or movie that you actually kind of liked in some way. Okay, can you clarify a good bad movie for me? A good bad movie is a movie that in its badness, it is funny and enjoyable. Okay. So you got it? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got it. Okay, you want to go first? Do I want to go first? No, I'll go first.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Okay. So I'm going to go bad bad movie on this one. You know, even though I think it's actually kind of effective at what it's trying to do, I didn't really actually enjoy any of it. And even though it went pretty fast, you know, it's not, yeah, not for me. It was clearly designed for somebody with no attention to paint. No, I don't. I think I'm going to have to go for bad, bad as well.
Starting point is 00:30:47 As much as I enjoy, you know, 20-something girls with laptops doing kung fu, you know, you can't polish a turd. And that for me, yeah. Did you use that line when you met your wife too? That was the clincher. That's what sealed the deal. Yeah, I was thoroughly confused. It's stunk. You're gonna shake the boat.
Starting point is 00:31:13 I'm gonna totally shake the boat. I'm gonna go totally crazy. I kind of like this movie. Oh my god, 360. I didn't think it was... Now, I don't think it was good, but I wouldn't put it as a good bad movie because I wasn't think it was, now I didn't think it was good, but I wouldn't put it as a good bad movie because I wasn't laughing at it, but I kind of enjoyed its craziness.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Like if I was 11 years old, I would think this movie was awesome. And the narrative problems wouldn't bother me at all. As an adult, then the lack of any traditional narrative. Kind of simulated some sort of mood-altering drug in a way. I was like, okay, well. So it was like Charlie's Angels full throught. Yeah, it's like if I'm not on board with what's happening now, it's gonna change totally in five minutes, so who cares? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Sure. And it's kind of like when you go out of the club and you hit on a whole bunch of different women and you're just like well Well, I'm the right good time with one of them. It's exactly like that Stewart. That's an experience. I'm very familiar with having Engaged right out of college, but sure thanks for the backstory, dude Anyway Exposition yeah, I'm a certain level. enjoyed the the the the strangeness of it, which is weird because I'm on record as being a really like not a fan at all of Japanese animation But somehow once you translate that Japanese animation style into live action, there's something I enjoy
Starting point is 00:32:41 Yeah, cuz you like speed racer, too, right? I did like speed racer. Yeah, and that's, that was Japanese, right? Yeah, it was. It was too good. Good job. I don't know. Good job is identifying that. It can't remind me of tintin a little bit,
Starting point is 00:32:55 and that's not Japanese. Sure, that's Belgian. Oh, okay. That makes more sense. Okay, guys. So... Wasn't one of the, was any half Belgian? Wasn't it Belgian or French?
Starting point is 00:33:04 Yeah, I mean, it's probably French. What was Belgian? I think only half Belgian? Was it Belgian or French? Yeah, I mean it's probably French. What was Belgian? I think the artist was Belgian. Anyway, I digress. Yeah, you would know better as a... Well I'm closer to French. Sure.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Not right now. No, I mean you're not French. You're not French, but spiritually. Spiritually, yeah. Spiritually, yeah. Spiritually, yeah. Yes, spiritually, yeah. Yes, spiritually, yeah. Hi, it's Dan here. If you like listening to the Flop House, why not visit us on the web at where you can find show notes, videos, fan art and links to Wikipedia synopsies
Starting point is 00:33:46 of all the Flop House films so you can play along at home. If you're looking for more Flop House stuff, check out our Facebook page where you can discuss the show with other fans or subscribe to our Twitter feed at the Flop House Pod. Your support helps us build an audience so if you like the show, why not vote for us at pod. know at the Flophouse Podcast at Now back to the show. This is the point in the show when to prove that we're not assholes who just hate unreservedly. Yeah well I mean you're definitely not because you love this movie. That's my favorite. Yeah I guess five stars. Yeah I'm gonna buy it for you. Sure. I'm gonna get you the T-Track and the card game.
Starting point is 00:34:50 I'm gonna get in the outfit that the kid wore at the end. Yeah, it goes through his battle. I'm getting up the haircut. Yeah, so you look like those kids that wear Naruto headbands around out the street. Yeah, but for you guys. Yeah, going to be genuine. Yeah, absolutely. Well, you'd wear it every time we do. For you guys though, to not seem like assholes, we have to have some positivity. Oh, sure. I have to make some recommendations.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Talk about movies we actually liked. Sure. Absolutely. So this is the point in the movie where we do that. Like the point in the podcast, because this isn't a movie. Right? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:24 I don't know what's going I don't know anything I like me I like I think this movie our line oh that we're living in sure yeah okay I'll go first um yesterday I watched uh you know I put on the old Netflix watch instantly you know and I watch dream a little dream. Whoa. I recommend that. I'm gonna recommend Dream a little ride. Yep. There's Jason Robards. Yeah, Jason Robards. Amazing. Piper Lori, come on. Forget about it. I'm not just going to recommend it because it's got a you know it's got a killer soundtrack.
Starting point is 00:36:00 I'm not just gonna recommend it because there's a lot of shots of girls in Leotards hanging out at Jim like doing dance numbers, although I do support any movie that features a lot of 80s chicks wearing Leotards. But I'm going to recommend it because Corey Feldman has the craziest Michael Jackson outfits the entire movie like this entire movie He is trying so hard to look like an act like Michael Jackson. It's fucking crazy Complete with the end credits where he and Jason Robards do a dance off because they are you know You know that it's all about them switching places and shit or something But there's this really awesome Corey Feldman pretending to be Michael Jackson dance bit that is totally worth watching So if you are bored go on your little Netflix computer thing click on dream little dream hit play now or whatever and watch the shit out of it
Starting point is 00:36:56 You are like a tech guru So yeah, I should do you ever I certainly do yeah So yeah, Nigel, do you have a regular name? I certainly do, yeah. I'm pretty guilty of these days of missing movies at theatre and one of my biggest regrets is he was District 9, which I finally got around to watching this week and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was just non-stop. It was an interesting movie that it didn't try and go for the kid audience.
Starting point is 00:37:29 It's an R-rated sci-fi movie. So it was great to see people exploding as I see Gore. So it's good. I don't know how much influence Pity Jack's on it, he's got a producer credit. But I definitely felt a little bit of his early movies in there. There's plenty of explaining stuff. He's floating new to you. They're not enjoyed.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Yeah, I didn't love it as much as everyone, but I appreciated that it had that sort of like, it had that Peter Jackson spirit and also had kind of the little more of the 80s sci-fi spirit. Like, it felt kind of like Robocopy in certain parts. Uh-huh. I also like that it was like partly because it's set in South Africa. It felt a little more, well, I'm not going to say exotic, but a little more like believable in some ways, like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:15 A little more sci-fi because it's in a world that I don't understand. I just thought it was a little edgier than, you know, sci-fi favorites. Definitely. You know, it wasn't quite so cookie cutter. Yeah. Like, I keep comparing it to children of men because it's a sci-fi movie, you know, for us adults. Close to my heart.
Starting point is 00:38:35 It's adults- We're adults rule in the kids' self. We're kids rule. Yep, that's one example. That's words put together to a sentence and writing words even sure. So we have we've recommended Dream a little dream. Yeah, to recap Dream a little dream which is, I believe it was Oscar nominated in the title. District 9, you know, it's got some pretty good critical success and obviously financial success.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Dan, what are you going to recommend? Well, you know what? This is going to sound like such a qualifier, but I haven't had a chance to watch a lot of movies because I did a lot of traveling over the holidays. You're not just going to look at your shelf and pick a DVD. No, I'm like, I, but like the OC or something. Yeah, I recommend the film, the OC, based on the television show of the same name.
Starting point is 00:39:33 And yes, I have season one of the OC. I'm not a DVD. I'm not making any judgments really. I mean, no, I do. Sure. But I'm allowed to do it. Yeah, he was making fun of you when you're in the bathroom but I I did watch a screener of crazy heart over the Christmas holiday that Indian
Starting point is 00:39:54 movie with Val Kilmer that's Thunderheart okay crazy heart is the film starring Jeff Bridges as a down-and-out country singer. And that's not the movie where Christian Slider is the monkey heart. That's untamed heart. Oh, okay. Crazy heart is about a drunk. Can I join in with this? A little more tricky rock, is that a joke? A little bit.
Starting point is 00:40:19 That's it. Angel heart? Ah. Anyway. I don't think he's an angel in the I just want to get angel in some I think he goes to hell man. Yeah, when he gets tricked by Lewis Cypher. Oh, yeah, I don't know if you can tell that that's
Starting point is 00:40:36 Lewis Lucifer. Oh, I see. The little cypher. It's pretty clever. It's pretty clever. We're in Robert DeNiro with long finger nails. Spooky. Now, Crazy Heart stars Jeff Bridges as a down-and-out alcoholic country singer. And as a film, as a story, it's a little conventional, but in terms of the performance, Jeff Bridges, as always, is excellent. And you know, it's a fun movie and it's got some good music Jeff Bridges plays his own guitar and sings his own songs in it.
Starting point is 00:41:10 A plug and iron man. Exactly like that. Oh man his song I'm open to this thing. It was fantastic. But I enjoyed it. I thought it was good so I'll recommend that. Okay, crazy art crazy Not undamed hard angel harder thunder hard. No, okay, not I mean I would not heart and Atlantis I might recommend the three the first three I wouldn't recommend hearts Okay, we just on a movie or just a book hearts and Atlantis. No, that was totally movie Anthony Hopkins isn't it? Oh weird Okay Hearts in the light is no that was totally movie Anthony Hopkins isn't it? Oh weird okay Yeah, so what else do we do now do we have viewer mail or anything? Not this week guys
Starting point is 00:41:53 This is our first one that we did in 2010, huh? Yeah, the year we made contact or you remake contact Yeah, sure. I don't know what we got. Oh, it's two more years until the welcome's to the end Yeah, absolutely you're gonna find out about that. You're gonna see that movie later. I'm gonna see that movie on Thursday so so we complete an entire decade of the flop house. The odds are done. We did not start in 2000. Oh okay. This podcast has been around for a little over two years. Oh wow, but Time flies, you know, how many episodes is that? Fewer than you might think because we do it by my 50 something. Yeah, it's I think it's maybe 52 or something like that. No, well, I'm sure that will the people listening to this on their
Starting point is 00:42:46 iPod will look at the episode number and write in and say no, you're wrong so People actually listen to this you don't just put these and then put them in your last episode last episode 500 people downloaded in the month that we released you know why though Because it had Wolverine in the title. Yeah, it's true That's what nurse love Wolverine Wolverine. Everyone loves Wolverine. Women do too, because he Jackman's really handsome. And they like people with women love long, adamantium clothes. That's what those are made out of.
Starting point is 00:43:17 I thought they were made out of steel or something. But adamantium, huh? You're just saying that because Elliot's not here to walk in and correct us like you know the Daily Show. I thought if I said something he would appear magically. Okay guys. Well, we should sign off. Okay. I'd like to thank my manager for stepping in.
Starting point is 00:43:38 It's been my pleasure. Forgotting a little bit of culture. Sure. Lending his... I like to think I had a touch of class. Yeah. That's how does it feel to live in a country where just having an accent makes people assume that you have a certain amount of... People think you're 10% smarter than they are of the accent. Unfortunately it doesn't work in New York City because
Starting point is 00:44:02 there are so many places that allow us here Brits anywhere else in the country you're tripping over Poon but here there's millions of there's millions of us I don't know I'm doing my most in your eyes right now I am it's the accent that does well yeah well guys for the flop house sure I've been Dan McCoy I've been steward Wellington. And I've been notcha with. Good night. Thanks. You're tripping over Poon.
Starting point is 00:44:30 I fucking hate that shit. I already fell from pic law at the end. Sure. What you fell for? I fell for him. I fell for him. Like on a date. I think you want to take him out on a date.
Starting point is 00:44:44 You can go step. You can't meet once. Yeah. fell for him? I fell for him. I fell for him. Like, kind of date? Think you want to take him out on a date? You can go step in. Date me once. Yeah, you don't like the time that it really goes for the bad boys. I go to the bad boys. I'm healthy. You think you can straighten him out, right? I can't do that.
Starting point is 00:44:55 I mean, he just, no one understands me like I do. you

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