The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #57 - Sorority Row

Episode Date: March 27, 2010

0:00 - 0:36 - Introduction and theme0:37 - 8:10 - Before getting down to business we discuss Stuart's vacation, Dan's nasal surgery, and the acting career of guest host Eric Zuckerman.8:11 - 39:48 - W...e talk about Sorority Row, the remake of House on Sorority Row, which, of course, was a remake of Erich Von Stroheim's Greed, based on the novel Push, by Sapphire.39:49 - 44:17 - Final judgments44:18 - 52:00 - Flop House Movie Mailbag52:01 - 59:14 - The sad bastards recommend.59:15 - 59:53 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In this episode, we wait until Stewart is out of the country before watching the movie about new-bile sorority sisters. We discuss Sorority Row. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house, I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Elliot Kaylin. I'm Eric Zookerman. Yes, Zookerman. Is that what I said? Well, I can't say this well as you. I believe what you said is Zuckerman. I'm pretty sure that it's a bad imitation. I've been calling you Zuckerman all this time. Yes, but you say Zuckerman. I say Zuckerman. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Zuckerman is acceptable. I have Zuckerman. Zuckerman is the only one I don't like. Superman. No, I have been called that. That's sucker man. Well, in an equitable flop house fashion, we've alienated the audience right off the bat. Instant tangent. Just ad flop house. The point is, before we got distracted, we're going to introduce Eric, our guest, who is stepping in for Stuart, who is nude on the Mexican river area.
Starting point is 00:01:23 With his lover. With his lover speak yeah i have no comment on that but uh... and we would try to get it and i have been when you said nude on the mexican riviera i had an image of steward in a backpack and pith helmet climbing nude up the side of a mion pyramid and shouting down to somebody who's taking pictures of a mad ground up to his uh... to his lover
Starting point is 00:01:43 yeah i guess so who's getting a good uh at ground level. To his lover. Yeah, I guess so. Who's getting a good angle on his taint from down there. Wow. Anyway, is that what goes on in the show? Well, sometimes. So yeah, we tried to get the whole gang back together last week, but it didn't work out. Partly because I was having no surgery.
Starting point is 00:02:01 You were having no surgery? Then what's the problem? It's getting into an unciate better. I was having no surgery. No surgery. You were having no surgery? Then what's the problem? It's getting into an unciate better. I was having no surgery. No surgery. Yeah, I mean, everything's fine. A zero amount of surgery. Yeah, that pun would work if the surgery was actually a word.
Starting point is 00:02:16 But yeah, you had some operation done on your nasal area. Do I sound different listeners right in and tell me whether the resonance of my nasal cavity is changing my voice. It does sound like your septum is less deviated. Yeah a little bit less deviated. Yeah. It was living a deviant lifestyle. I accept them. The pornography that my septum has been looking at recently has been very vanilla. Wow. Good to know. But Eric. Yes sir. You Wow, good good to know but Eric yes, sir you
Starting point is 00:02:52 Are an actor I am you have had a you've been in major motion pictures speaking roles in Steven Spielberg's War of the World I have true baby mama another one true the bounty hunter in theaters now John Adams true true the HBO series True can you do the line that you did in um either John Adams or War of the Worlds I'll leave it up to you um okay uh wow that's you know I mean a lot of prep goes into the I don't I honestly I don't think I actually remember my the exact words of the War of the Worlds at the moment you're playing the character who's listed in the credits as doomsday guy that is correct
Starting point is 00:03:28 doomsday guy in john adam's i played tomas mccain senator john mccain's father not no john mccain's son well john mccain's grand daughter. No, no. I represented from the great state of Delaware, not that great.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Continental Congress. I mean, it's a great state. Thank you. So is the Delaware representative to the continental Congress? Yes, one of the three. But yeah, and my line in that, so I do answer Dan's question. I don't want to alienate him so early in the three, but yeah. And my line in that, so I do answer Dan's question.
Starting point is 00:04:05 I don't wanna alienate him so early in the show, was leave it to me. But you said it was so much urgency. Yeah, there was more urgency, but I'm not giving you the whole performance. In context, it was really a beautiful moment. It was, yeah. Elliot tipped this already, but I wanted to ask,
Starting point is 00:04:23 now you're in the bounty hunter I am I am starting Gerard Butler as dog No, that's not now we have done is Boba Fett two Gerard Butler films on the flop house We did two actually in rapid succession. Yeah very close together a couple months ago. What's that obsession? Would you say well? I will I want to turn that around to you and ask, do you think that you're ruining your career by pairing on our podcast? Have you made a powerful enemy?
Starting point is 00:04:52 I don't think so. You're walking a sleeping giant. Major hard-bother. Right, don't. I don't see Scott and Narga Lebsi. Interesting. No, I don't think I hope not. On the set was it hard to work with him because he was in the middle of so many anti-flop
Starting point is 00:05:08 house tie raids? I didn't actually come up, I have to say. Like these kind of Christian bail level just rants against the flop house. I'm sorry, what was the question? I don't know. No, I didn't, I don't think, I mean mean I'm, I don't think you're on his radar. I'm sorry. Who's radar are we on, man?
Starting point is 00:05:30 You're, you're tuning it all the way. All the Hollywood players. Who's angry at us now? Well, I know that, um, oh, let's just say... I mean, we've had a long run, we've had a long run we've had a long running food with Elias Codius, but you know well that perhaps is because you're pronouncing his name right Listen he should get a real name that off renounce it right you hear that Elias So this is why we've had a feud for a while I can understand Casey Jones from Teenage Mutant Injutturdles the movie so for those listeners who have seen the bounty hunter in theaters now
Starting point is 00:06:10 Yeah, who do you play in that film film I play I play a a cop who gives some information to draw about their towards the end of the movie so I don't want to spoil it for whoever but not that it's I could spoil it really but that would happen to the minute they bought the ticket for the bounty hunter I didn't actually mean it in that process, but no, that's not a red wagon. That's not what I was saying. That's not what I was saying. Never had that before. Listen, this is his meat bucket we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:06:38 You never heard it because that was meat grasping for an idiomatic phrase that I did not have on the tip of my tongue. That was not actually how I intended to say that, but- This is milk sponge here. Yes, my- Wow. My cracker barrel. Oh, delicious. So, do you think that's a racist slur against whites?
Starting point is 00:06:57 By the way, the cracker barrel? I don't think so, no. Some barrel full of crackers. Yeah. That you would have it a general store. Yeah. People, we didn't always live in a world of pre-packaged crackers, Dan. You know, some barrel full of crackers that you would have at a general store. People we didn't always live in a world of pre-packaged crackers, Dan. Sometimes you had to scoop them up out of a barrel.
Starting point is 00:07:13 So, George Butler seemed like a nice guy. He did. It's funny, I actually, in the movie, I have a conversation with him over the phone. In reality, I did not, when I was shooting my scene, I had no contact with him over the phone in reality i did not when i was in my scene i had no contact with him at all okay that's movie magic everyone movies well i just want to i just want to say i just want to ask the question because uh...
Starting point is 00:07:35 but no he did i had no personal hard feelings no no we're good no he seems like a very nice carat he was great i mean i'd met him briefly but he's fire agent is all her saying or if you read your own scripts get better taste wow now that was directly to him because he's listening to the listens every week on uh... you're telling us how he was so in rage
Starting point is 00:07:57 that i assume that was you said that will be so no okay but we can play it back no okay to work you know what let's look at the tape yeah Oh, please, so. No. Okay. But we can play it back. No. Okay. Too much work. You know what, let's look at the tape, yeah. Um, so the point of, one of the long introduction is that we watched a film to my-
Starting point is 00:08:13 Really, that was the point. Because we were dancing around that point pretty well. And um, you know, I don't know if you're aware of the premise of the show, guys, but the premise is that we watch a movie that we assume to be bad But they're we hold out hope that it will be good It might be good and then we discuss it round table afterwards. Okay. Let's table is a square I can see I wasn't gonna say it. I don't want to embarrass you the magic radio the audience can imagine it's round until you said it I look at it in a semi-circle
Starting point is 00:08:48 You could say that I suppose next to a cliff over a magical city a Kingdom of glittering castles and airships Surradio they can know it's not even radio it's podcasting a picture radio you're of the future whoa speaking of which yes robots all over the place audience can't see it they're with us right now anyway on this film what was the point you're called sorority row sorority row the right of the eighty three film the house on sorority row which I think I may have watched, but immediately, like, when I looked at it on IMDB, I couldn't tell whether I'd seen it or not because all of
Starting point is 00:09:31 those early 80s... Sorority. Sorority, slashers are so interchangeable. But that one was a remake of Catfish Row, right? Canary Row? Canary Row, that's what I meant. That was a good one. I think I like to think that...
Starting point is 00:09:43 I'm an idiot. Twenty some years from now, I will look back and wonder whether or not I actually saw Serrardi Row. So I'm going to write, I keep a list of each year, I keep a list of the movies I see that year. I'm going to write down this one and I guarantee you next year when I look back on this list, I'll be like, what was that? What's been a flop house movie?
Starting point is 00:10:00 I don't know. Yeah. Now it's interesting that they changed the title. I wonder if they, there's sort of like of like a double entange, if you will. Like a row meaning an argument? Yeah, so you know, the house on Serradi Row is very clear. Is that a Serradi Row? Or a Row?
Starting point is 00:10:16 What is this name word? Yeah, Serradi Row sounds crazy. Yeah. But also, like maybe as well, you think Serradi Row, there might have been a row boat in it but there's none i guess i mean as much as i scoff at your pun idea it's the only way that this title makes sense because like house on sorority row you're like okay there's a there's a there's a
Starting point is 00:10:37 there's a lane full of sorority houses and this is one of the but just sorority row sounds like it should take place in more than one house and it doesn't and it does not at all in fact there's not i don't even think we see another house in the no we see the interior of a therapist's modern house that's true and there's a restaurant somewhere that's really dimly lit yes that a senator eats at okay but let's sorry we get a head of some rise of the film there's there's this group of sorority girls the theta pie girls seniors uh-huh there's the nice one seniors at college state university no that's first of
Starting point is 00:11:09 all let's define them by okay well there's the nerd Ellie uh-huh played by rumor willis in her second sorority house themed film after the house bunny there's uh... now that uh... there's the bitch who's kind of the leader of the group Jessica right there's Claire she's Asian yeah there's chugs who we who we thought it first was named jugs and then thought was named chunks which she is the drunk who is also a slut and then there's Cassidy played by step up to the street star Diana Evigan Evigan and she is the She becomes basically the the main character of the movie and there's also the soon to be dead Megan played by Adrienne Parkridge was that I guess so that's what you told us
Starting point is 00:11:54 TV's the hills a show that I have managed to avoid watching entirely It's weird because I've seen it a little bit of it and it's like it's a series based on the hills have eyes, right? I think it doesn't seem to be anything like that. There are hideous mutants in there are but they're not in bread hick murderers, you know, not Hick anyway. Yeah, there are mutations appear to be all plastic surgery B in the chest all region and the facial region. Yeah, they're not cannibals per se so theals per se. So the film per se. But in a larger social sense.
Starting point is 00:12:30 In a cannibal issue. Hardly all cannibals. But so the film begins with them. It's a big party at the sorority house. Yeah, and the girls have gotten together to do a hilarious prank on one of their cheating boys. No, it's on, yeah, yeah, yeah, right. It's a... It's mega cheating boy friend
Starting point is 00:12:47 uh... when who's also chugs his brother uh... rite right and uh... so uh... they have root they have pretended to have had ruffy this girl right have you know they gave they gave fake rufus to him to give to her so that they can teach him a lesson that
Starting point is 00:13:07 involves her spitting up all over him and appearing to be sick and dying. Or just like, basically dead, like, she overdosed on roofies, and they must dispose of the body. Yeah, they're trying to play a trick on him to make him think that he's a murderer. As Friday girls, yeah, it is funny. It is funny. It is funny thinking about it now. And, but unfortunately, things go a little too far,
Starting point is 00:13:29 and he ends up shoving a tire iron through her chest and actually killing her. Once they get to an old mining quarry that's been abandoned. Yeah. True. In this college town. At one point, the college town's main industry was a quar a quarry well that's true of Bloomington Indiana oh really okay so they
Starting point is 00:13:53 dump the body down and they dump it into a into like a big hole yeah and our Cassidy is that her name yes our our nice girl she wants to call the police but everyone else worried about their futures or being pressured into being worried about the futures by the uh... bitch jessica the blonde one who's the bitch spends roughly seventy five minutes to convince him not to go to the police but by saying the same thing over and over yes this is a very talky thirty uh... like, hour and 40 minute,
Starting point is 00:14:26 a heart slash movie. And they convinced Cassidy to go along with us by saying that they'll all claim that she was at fault. Right. Yeah, that she does not. Jessica's point, which, you know, there's merit to I suppose, was that why should all of their lives be ruined by one stupid thing that they did,
Starting point is 00:14:42 which was killing someone? Nearly because they took the life of a friend. Why should they have... Why should they be the ones to pay? What's fair about that? Well, I mean, more to the point though, she would be more, I think, in trouble being... I think the masculine of the... That's true. And also, the girlfriend of the son of a senator who, as he he mentions there's rumors
Starting point is 00:15:05 about him being a possible VP pick and he has the bland looks for it yes yeah he's like a movie senator yeah you know and so uh eight months pass and lo and behold a baby is born lo and behold someone knows what they did last eight months ago. No, that's not different. Oh Someone is final destinationing The ring But someone is video-drowing okay, they don't even get that All right, and lo and behold people basically just start getting picked off slash movie style.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Buy a killer using a tire iron with knives on the ends. A pimped out tire iron is one of the characters says. Yes. And he has several of them. He put a lot, there's a lot of, you know, he invested a lot in those tire irons. We watched it on money. we watched it on on the main we didn't have the dvd i'd like to think that there was a an extra on the dvd about the tire irons i would hope so yeah
Starting point is 00:16:13 that's what i would want to see constructing a killer's tools oh that sounds good i watch that and uh... i don't know that there's actually much to say about the movie plot wise though because as you would guess people start getting picked off one by one. The kid picked off one by one, the sorority girls are really irritating. Cassidy is trying to get to the bottom of it. While everything falls apart around her. Carrie Fisher is in it, we did mention. Yes, Carrie. She is the sorority house mother who shows up in about four scenes.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Slash space princess. Slash space princess, yeah. And she had, there's some, like, we can get to it after the plot to them, but there's some okay, okay, kill scenes. There's a big sorority house party. A sorority house massacre, huh? There's a sorority house, that's another sorority house movie. One of those.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Okay. You're gonna need a lean in every time you have something to say. I can set the levels. Right, no, no, no, time you have something to say I set the levels right no I know that sometimes I want to be a little peep on the curtain that will be edited out So they there's a lot of craziness and zaniness and they run around getting killed and then eventually Should we reveal who the killer is please do it is Cassidy's boyfriend What who will do anything to protect her, including murder? But that's people.
Starting point is 00:17:27 But that's the one person who would hurt our hero and most if it turned out that that was the killer. And yet it does. And they have to fight their way out her and Megan's sister and Ellie the nerd in a burning down sorority house to escape this monster of a guy who did this and they do and they do at the end who was also the valedictorian he was also the valedictorian that's true he gave a speech he gave a speech about how people will be judged by the company they keep at the graduation and he realizes that his girlfriend keeps company with bitches as he says. Now it's unlikely in general that a valedictorian is a killer. However, it is more likely that a valedictorian is a criminal mastermind like this guy.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Yeah, right. I guess. I mean, he devised these tyrant-based weapons and... And his cunning traps. A game of cat and mouse yeah where he would text people until the go places and then they would and he would he also he you know had the brilliant idea to wear the the robe that conceals him but is also the graduation road that everyone is wearing because
Starting point is 00:18:39 it's graduation week ironic kind of not that irony but i can like i know you what you did last summer where the killer is dressed up as a fisherman Yeah, the Gortons fisherman particularly I think well, I don't think that he specifically would like looked at a Like Gordon I assume there's a scene where the killer picks up a package of fish sticks and it's like hmm. I found the answer I see of a package of fish sticks and it's like, hmm, I found the answer I seek. A package of fish sticks gets thrown through his window late at night. And he's like, I shall become a fish stick. No way that's stupid.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Teen murderers are superstitious and cowardly lot. They will fear me if I'm a fisherman. But as the movie goes on, the character has seemed to become more and more blasey about the murders that are being committed until, by the end, Jessica and Cassidy rush into a bathroom to escape the killer. They pull across the shower curtain,
Starting point is 00:19:36 and the body of their friend Megan is hanging there, and it's almost half-wrotted away. It's just a skeleton. One of our eyeballs is still in it. And it's disgusting. And Jessica goes like, she looks terrible. And they don't even, they don't even interested. Like at that point. And it's nobody, it's also like this weird ADR like thing.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Like it's like, it's just like tossed in. It's like watch out for snakes. So like the MSP game. In Ega. Yeah. It was like, okay, we got to joke this up with most. weird this they very it feels like they wanted to this to be like a Jennifer's body type Thing where everyone and everyone's got like a sharp zinger and there's a lot of like you know
Starting point is 00:20:17 Although that didn't really kick in until the last third of the movie like the first two thirds I don't think they were doing all except for chugs chugs always had that But once chugs died I feel like everyone had to pick up the pace. I don't know, right off the bat. One of the characters is like, oh, you know, having sex, like having sex with roofies, you get to have sex and a good night's sleep. Oh, right. It's like, oh, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:20:37 It's chugs who says it. Yeah. And there was another, there was another rape. It's not really chugs. It's not really like Heather's level. No, it's not exactly. Chugs also have to be mine. that's not really like hethers level of no exactly chug's also the lady you've level with the sys chug's other great line of i i don't want to play a game of find me rate me
Starting point is 00:20:53 yeah that's right when her therapist that she gets prescription drugs from uh... she walks into his house is probably fucking everyone he's doctor Rosenberg that's all we know about him she walks into his bedroom and he's handcuffed to the bed and goes, my last patient left early, but we could always finish off from my last session ended and he offers her prescription drugs and she goes, okay. And then like, she doesn't say okay, she's like, fine, fine.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Like, he's like just another depressing transaction of sex per drug in the life of choice. You know? You know? That's jugs, did that. Transaction of Sex for Drugs in the Life of Chugs. That's Chugs did that, but that's before the therapist dies for some reason. And that leads to the best scene in the movie, in my opinion, which is Chugs' death scene. Well, describe it, why don't you? Chugs has picked up a bottle of alkyhaw from a table Sounds delicious, and while she's waiting for the therapist to come out and have sex with her in exchange for drugs This is a movie that was made. This is a movie for entertainment and
Starting point is 00:21:58 She's lying down probably yes. Well, it's rated R That's that I was reading up a little bit before before the beforehand about this because I didn't know that much about it And apparently they were thinking of making the CPG 13 movie and then decided to go all the way and make it an R movie Which is why, which is why we see it, which is why we see a very small amount of nudity and they say the F-word a couple times I just knocked that small. I would say for a modern horror film there's a fairly substantial amount of nudity But for horror film in general for horror film in general know but i mean that's encompassing such a such such a grotesque and wonderful highs of the seventies and eight
Starting point is 00:22:34 of it anyway so she's waiting for dr Rosenberg to show off to have sex with her for drugs and uh... she's lying down on the therapist couch drinking out of this bottle and then the killer appears over her and seems to you that seems to take the time and slam it against the end of the bottle. So that it comes gets shoved down her mouth into her throat. Then slams it against the gets pushed even farther into her throat and what happens after that?
Starting point is 00:22:57 You see the liquid is going into her mouth and then he hits it again and then like the bottle cracks and kind of fills with blood, but it's such a ridiculous Dead scene and it's so much more that moment is so much more horrifying than I expected anything in the movie to be Yeah, no it was it was good. It was definitely they they got points for that Yeah, I mean in general one thing that the movie seemed to take a little care of was the dead scenes Yes, I mean there was that you know There was the guy who was going down a dumb whiter and was stopped by the tyrant going in right
Starting point is 00:23:31 in front of him and then slowly shifted up. So another prong of a tyrant would pierce his throat. Right. The flare gun death was a little lame. It was a little lame, but it got a few points for being in a bunch of like bubbles. So what you would see was this person being yanked under these, this huge mass of bubbles, they had a cable tied to their leg basically,
Starting point is 00:23:56 and they got yanked under and it looked like the beginning of the jaws where the one gets yanked under by the shark. If jaws had taken place in a big bubble bath. If someone had jumped some Mr. Bubble in the sea, the original script of jaws had taken place in a big bubble bath. If someone had jumped some Mr. Bubble in the sea. The original script of jaws did take place in a bubble. Really? I didn't realize that. We got to shut down this bath.
Starting point is 00:24:12 No, it's the big season. And in the benchly novel. That's right. You can be a big proponent of bubble bath. But I do think it was disappointing. Like chugs was the first of the girls to go. And her nickname was chugs, and literally died, you know, chugging. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:27 The bottle and so it's just sort of, it feels like they missed something. They could have nicknamed all the... You wanted to be more of like a seven scenario. Yeah, you know, where everyone was like... Oh, everyone's hoisted by their own petars. Yeah, where was the petard hoisting? There was no petard hoisting. That's the part. A lot of petards were unhoisted in this film there was one of the tar at the beginning of the movie there was a patar flap open and there was the that's a trampoline it opens in this huge
Starting point is 00:24:53 sorority party at this sorority house it's there must be seven thousand people at this party and there is a trampoline in the middle of the full year with girls jumping on it and they're in long underwear with the with the flaps in the back hanging open. And there's something really hilarious about it because it's like, see nudity, but at the same time they're wearing like prospector-old, like long underwear, you know, the least, maybe the least sexy garment that's ever been worn under clothing. Well, but it's not, let's make clear though.
Starting point is 00:25:23 It's not like bright red wool. You were going to misdate them for Walter Brennan. I don't know. I mean, these were basically just like pink onesies with like an opening in the back. I guess. I still think it was funny. But... Yeah. But Erick, you'll have something you want to say. No, I actually don't.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Sorry. I mean, there isn't a dead end. There isn't a dead end. Yeah, but um Eric you'll give something you want to say no, I actually don't Sorry, I mean there isn't there isn't too. I mean the movie is very poorly directed. Oh, it's very yes or very poorly shot I guess we could say well. I think It's interesting because I actually think in a way it's shot Well, it's just it doesn't make any sense like it's very it's very hand held and very like you know jumpy Which theoretically could create tension except that it's not directed that way the characters are all standing still It's just the camera that's moving well
Starting point is 00:26:15 I give it credit at least on the sense that it's while it's handheld it's handheld in a hand held its hand held in a Non-crazy way if that makes us like it's not doing that thing that I really hate in all modern horror movies We're like okay if we like make it look at that shutter speeds really screwed up or if we do like flashes of light and like just like really And they had they had like one moment of slow motion in the beginning and then they didn't do that very much Which gets over time. It was a more classic mode of filming than horror movies. It's just that the problem was they would shoot like half of a face or just a person's midriff and you were like where is everyone in relation to everyone else.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Yeah who is this? Well and I forgot to mention the other best scene in the movie as far as I'm concerned which is uh Carrie Fisher's fight scene oh yeah very good any movie you can say that about Carrie Fisher's fight scene you can use those those words well she showed just set it up she shows up back I mean she we see her in the beginning and then she disappears for good 40 minutes or so yeah uh and she probably had like a day of shooting with her. Right. But they like she had to prepare for her show off her Broadway one man show.
Starting point is 00:27:31 One woman, actually. They went. It's a woman. They call it a one woman show. Really? Yeah. When did they start that? Women's live.
Starting point is 00:27:39 All right. She was like me. The opposite. Yeah. It's. I mean, one person. Yeah. person show one person well act. Yeah, when that's We're on a slippery slope film. Yeah, yeah anyway, she just You're right in and tell us what your
Starting point is 00:27:53 What would you prefer your your stage pieces? You're so low stage pieces. Yeah, but so she she's like left them to have the house on their own That's the tradition because their seniors they've just graduated the senior girls get to free reign have the house on their own. That's the tradition, because they're seniors. They've just graduated. The senior girls get to free reign of the house. For one day. For one night. And so she comes back and they've, of course, had a giant party and trashed the place.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Now, yes, a few people have been murdered in it. But I don't think I've ever seen a nose that doesn't know that yet. And she shows up with a shotgun. The pump action shotgun. Yeah. Yeah. And then she immediately, she pops one of her charges
Starting point is 00:28:28 in the nose with that. Yeah, she hits Jessica in the face with the butt of it. Right. I mean, Brandon Jessica has an axe that she almost swings at Gary Fitch. She does swing it at Carreyfers, she just misses her. Yeah. But why she has the shotgun in the first place?
Starting point is 00:28:42 Little unclear. And then she goes to the kitchen and the killer is stalking her. And she's just blasting away with this shotgun. And she has like shotgun in the first place and then she goes to the kitchen and the killer is stalking her and she's just blasting away with the shotgun and she has like a million rounds in it well you have to think that like i guess carry fisherer like on her weekend away from the sorority how she was down the shooting range i mean that's how she gets at her or she's a hit man or something or that could be
Starting point is 00:29:00 oh wow i want to see that movie yeah but but also we should mention... Serrari hit man. For those of you that when you watch these movies have your cliche checklist, they did have a few great ones, one in that scene where her shotgun, of course, you know, she's shooting like crazy and then it finally jams at the moment when the killer is coming at her. And she almost gets it done in time but not quite. There was also earlier in the movie, there was a girl in a basement with a flashlight
Starting point is 00:29:29 and the flashlight, of course, starts getting dim, which I've never actually seen that happen that way, where it gets a little bit dim and then you shake it and you get it a little bit and then it just dies completely. Have you ever had that flash light? I think I may actually have had that. I don't remember. But I mean, I don't carry around flashlights a lot.
Starting point is 00:29:47 But that's also, she's in the basement of a sorority house, and she finds like a corner of hell in it. Like just, she finds a place where it's all red, and they make it look like there's flame going on somewhere. Like maybe she's reached this the hot water heater or the boiler, but it looks like there's like a blast furnace or a foundry like in the basement of this sorority house. Now, Eric, you said that you worked with Carrie Fisher on a lifetime movie? It was oxygen, actually. I did.
Starting point is 00:30:16 What was it called? It was called romancing the bride. Actually, I did three movies for oxygen. I had a little stretch where that was what I was doing. And I just I had a I actually I played a Mexican hotel work. It took place in Mexico. Yes. You following? You like Wallik in the tradition of Jewish guys playing Mexican? Yes. Well, that was my motivation, certainly certainly, but no it took place. Mexu was a I spoke no English in them. I mean I had one line basically that was in Spanish actually.
Starting point is 00:30:51 So yeah, and leave it to you. That's what it was. Leave it to me. But oh, I know you said you're lying in the other things. Leave it to me. No, I don't always say this. Leave more meals. I'm not. I'm not shorts. Nager like it to me. No, they're different. I don't always say this. Leave more on me. I'm not shorts-nigger.
Starting point is 00:31:08 It's not like I have a catchphrase. That's your catchphrase. Leave it to me. No, that's not. That was the one line. Everyone was waiting at home with dams. Like, can you say you're lying in John Ames? Everyone's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:19 And then we said they were like, yeah. I have all these leave it to me. T-shirts with your face on it. I was going to give out his prizes. Wow no But yes, she was she was actually she was great. She played the the mother of the bride and I had a little bit of interaction with her not a whole lot, but you know, she's a character, but she was great Character Fisher
Starting point is 00:31:43 Nice, you not see? No. Really? I mean, did you hand her the script for Sororio? I have something that I think you'd be able to do. No, but actually think about it. Because he is her agent. I was saying you should really be a house mother at a sororio where things go crazy, but
Starting point is 00:32:03 if that happens, bring a shotgun. Well this leads into the other question I was gonna ask you which is uh now you work aside from acting you work in casting. Yes. Now watching this film what were the big casting mistakes? How would you have casted things differently? You can't look at it that I mean you know not to deflect your question but that's sort of an unfair way to look at anything. I personally, I think a lot of people say a movie is badly cast when the reality is
Starting point is 00:32:30 that it's just badly written. Like, I don't, I mean, they were certainly archetypes. They were certainly different girls. You know, I was Asian. Exactly, which stood out. And they all had large chests. No. But different kinds of large chests.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Yeah. i guess so uh... no i think i mean this kind of movie you know i don't know that the casting didn't bother me per se i don't know that's sort of an evasive answer i suppose that's just so that i mean there's so little to the thing is there's nothing to this movie there was no like
Starting point is 00:33:04 i mean we were joking about it watching like a little at the beginning that the chugs character seemed to be, I thought she was bulimic. This is why I thought her nickname was chunks. Her chucks. Cush, yeah. Because she threw up, she was kissing a guy. He was like, you taste like vomit and her response was,
Starting point is 00:33:21 yeah, I just threw up, but I took him in, so you're okay. Which he didn't, he didn't then go through. I liked that moment, because he's like a freshman and she's in there in the kitchen, a sorry house, she's kissing him, and he's like throw up and she says, all that. And then she sits in the tile and she's like, oh, I forgot to wear underwear, it's cold here.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Will you warm me up? And he's like, I'm kind of grossed out by this. And like, I liked that there was one character in the movie who wasn't like, this is what I do was I have sex. This is all about college. Yeah. You're a reprehensible. I'm like, I can have some standards here, chugs.
Starting point is 00:33:56 But we did not, we did not follow that guy. I kind of wish the movie had been about him. Yeah. Um, and 30 years later, when he realizes, oh, i could have had sex with that girl right in the do that oh that would be interesting later on yeah he's he's happily in a in a relationship but he's still kind of like a man i should have i should have should be crazy when i was younger
Starting point is 00:34:18 and it's the wistful character study and then he's like well she's dead i can have sex with her anymore she got killed in that horrible manner. Remember that? On sorority, real. Well, that's something weird. The end of the... Guys.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Ah, thank God we didn't go to that party, right? The end of the movie, they've rebuilt the sorority house that burned down. And it's like the next year and there's a big party again. And it's like, did we... did nothing get learned from the sorority massacre that's the moral of the film that's that's the indictment of the Greek system. It's really it is. It's really is. You mean democracy? No, there I mean uh... Socratic dialogue. I mean anal sex is what I'm talking about. Okay. There is shocked. What?
Starting point is 00:35:02 God dropped open. Girl? Uh... Flop has blue. But no it ends with the girl who's the daughter of what jaw drop girl flopp has blue but no it ends with the girl who's the daughter of the sister sister daughter at a Chinatown thing i couldn't spoiler too that that that that's right goes for your theaters now
Starting point is 00:35:24 uh... but the sister of maegan who's the one killed at the beginning Becomes a car she shows up later and it is supposed I guess be a red herring that maybe she's the killer You're supposed to think she's the killer. She's like I don't know. She weighs like yeah 80 pounds and If it if it came out that she was the one killing these people you just like that's insane she could never actually do that Yeah, but she wasn't't no but she was bitchy uh... but it does it ends with her having joined the sorority in the new house the sorority that killed her sister and also where she almost died in a fire and by tire iron yeah
Starting point is 00:35:56 and yet she's there with feathered hair uh... partying up parting with the other theta pies yeah theta pies the sorority so and then there's a last shot which implies that another character from the movie the crazy brother garrot who you thought had been had slid his own throats and then been hit by his latest wrist and then got hit by a car we didn't think that those things did have you
Starting point is 00:36:18 thought happened to the screen but you thought he was dead as a result yes but that he is uh... back right as one of the gardeners working at the new sorority house. And it's really not that much of a surprise. It was already wrote too. It was not that much of a surprise that that he wasn't dead because the one thing that girls were not very good at was making sure that people were dead. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, Megan ultimately was, but they weren't all that sure that she was They also weren't good at watching people who were only pretending to be dead because it's the beginning They're all like okay, well, let's all turn our our backs on our sororities history was pretending to be dead and walk off pretending to look for
Starting point is 00:36:57 Sharp rocks to dismember the body which is absurd. Yeah, I was like, oh, we'll leave the distraught guy behind with the body And then we'll just turn our backs Next thing you know he plunges a tire liner in your chest Yeah, to let the air out of her lungs so that you won't float to the top of I assume water But then they throw her into a dry well No reason there's there's also like there are person points on the movie just decides that it's not gonna care anymore. Yeah, like But there's also like, there are certain points when the movie just decides that it's not gonna care anymore. Like, Cassidy is being lowered into the hole
Starting point is 00:37:28 that they dropped to the Megan's body and to see if she's still there. And she gets, and the chain that they're lowering her on breaks and she falls to the ground and she sees that in the wall in blood it says Theta Pi must die. Which shows a lot of commitment on the part of the killer by the way.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Yeah. Well, he was the valedictorian okay good point and uh... and uh... he would go all out a forever and oh sure and then it's like i don't remember i i missed if there was a line that was like well we've got some rope like she's just stuck at the bottom of the well cut to the next scene that they walk back into the house like did she climb out what happened i think she climbed out that's my thought i mean i may own there were there were gaps that i feel it my own to be fair alia would the movie been better if we saw her climbing out in a rope i think the movie might have been better if
Starting point is 00:38:16 they had to deal with the fact that she was at the bottom of a well and there is killer after that yeah that could have been the whole movie if the one the movie for you it's called the ruins if the one that movie for you, it's called The Ruins, you watch that film. if the one that bird chronicle can have its main character at the bottom of a well for like a hundred pages. spoiler alert. okay then. throw your Murkame fans.
Starting point is 00:38:37 yeah, Haruki Murkame wrote sorority, wrote, right? that's why there was a cat in it name it what noboru what's not he he did an uncredited polish along with the that's why the characters meant so much time making pasta and doing their laundry well it's also why the movie that's really more a family fans because he did a polish on it but he did it in Japanese I get you well we should wrap up our discussion we were talking for a while We had a lot more to say about Sarawari Road than we would you always feel that way You know I think there's nothing to be said about a movie and then
Starting point is 00:39:14 tape starts rolling And yeah, we're just recording tape Dan has a dat machine. We're actually taping over a mixed tape the Dan made He's got so you might hear little bits of tears for fears or the string cheese incident. I'm glad that you podcasted with Snirks and feel good that I'm recording over my treasured memories. He's got a circa 1987 boom box. He's got the record and play button pressed together. He has to hold them down with his fingers though.
Starting point is 00:39:45 They don't stay down anymore. Yeah. All right. But we're speaking to the tiny microphone slits on the side of the BOOMBOX. What we do now is we render our final judgments before God. Before consigning Sorority Row to the trash heap of flop house episodes. uh... god ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I'm gonna go to L.C. He can't, he can't, he can't. He gets to do it all his mind. Yeah. Well wait, so my turn. Oh, you know what? I, um, I don't think I'm gonna go as far as to say this is a movie I actually liked a little bit, but I, maybe it's just that my mind has been ruined by all the really terrible movies we watched before this one,
Starting point is 00:40:38 but I'm gonna upgrade it from bad, bad to good bad. There were a couple okay kills in it. It went by very quickly. Uh, there's there were a couple okay kills in it it went by very quickly uh... there's a lot of cleavage in it compared to white out this was a non-stop thrill ride so maybe it's just that this is coming after a couple movies in a row that
Starting point is 00:40:57 were like not that were really mind vaporizing but i'm gonna give this good bad status air if you want to play in uh... yeah i i well so those are my three categories vaporizing but i'm gonna give this good bad status yeah airfield one way in uh... yeah i i well so those are my three categories uh... i uh... or you can abandon them we abandoned them a little bit just because i i think that it is it is a
Starting point is 00:41:15 i would put it in that category of it is exactly what you expect it to be no better no worse like i was sort of hope those movies will be better than i think they are but realistically this is exactly what i expected to be see where i'm going to do with you is i've seen
Starting point is 00:41:34 enough bad movies that i can say that this is actually better than i expected to be yeah i i feel that way too um... i mean just because like i still crappy yes but so many modern Yeah, I feel that way too. I mean just because like I feel like... It's still crappy. Yes, but so many modern horror, especially like teen horror remakes, are completely boring. They don't offer any sort of like... Yeah, movie like prom night.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Yeah, they don't offer any sort of discreputable thrills. Like what I have to say about this movie is to me it straddles I'm move I kind of enjoyed and a good bad movie. Simply on the basis of It's seeming to want to be Trashy. It's like making a few stabs in that direction stabs. Mm-hmm Wordsmith with ladies snap them up with the kills and the cleavage in the some nudity and they just like silly like attempts of being like goofy and there were some real like over-the-top moments that were kind of
Starting point is 00:42:34 where they're definitely where it had like it's a movie where they like the characters have gone all through all the stuff in yelling and then it ends with them like walking away from the burning house in slow-mo while some kind of like you know girl pop power anthem plays the background. I think if they had just if they could have just cut like 10 minutes off of it and just moved it faster. Well that's the problem. Yeah there should have been less really entertaining. Less talk and more entertaining. The entertaining section is you know between it's buffered by long scenes of people talking to each other and saying absolutely nothing.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Yeah, it's like a video game that has really long like scenes between the levels. Cut scenes. Yeah, cut scenes. And you're like, I don't really care like what Samus Aaron's father is doing right now. Like we could just, I'll just shoot more Metroids, you know. I don't understand either. That's all the listeners that don't get what you're talking about. Metroid really popular video game series ever.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Metroid. Okay, well, how about this? I don't really care what Yoshi is up to. I just want to fight more Bowser's. How about that? Fight more Bowser's. Yeah, you know, the Bowser family. I thought maybe I might be some coupons, some goombas family I thought you know maybe some kupas some gumbuz
Starting point is 00:43:47 I don't know that super Mario brothers. Yes, okay, oh, I found a way. Okay, I saw the movie That's how you know the characters I don't care what His pack man is up to right now. I know this one. I just want to eat more power palette asteroids No, all right. We're moving on. You know what? I don't really care what these pongs are doing. I just want to pong more pong. I feel like I should know that one. Give me a minute. All right. So this is the letter section. This is my favorite part. We have a final few entries in the GivDanna hook competition and I want to say some listeners have discovered it
Starting point is 00:44:30 already. I've put up a poll on the website to find it. P-O-L-L. I don't know why I found it funny. There is something left and so childishly. There was CLL. I put up a giant erect piece. It's the way you emphasized it. Good enough. Snap him up, ladies. I've put a poll on the web site that people can vote on. Their favorite suggestion for my hook to make me more a more memorable member of the flop house. Because as we've noted many times in the show, Dan is the Leonardo or the Cyclops of the
Starting point is 00:45:09 group. He is the necessary leader holds us together, inspiring, noble, unmemorable, nobody likes him. Not thrilling. Oh, so... I already have a catchphrase. Yeah, to me. Yeah, exactly. In one episode you become, it have more of a hook than Dan does so I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:45:26 It's already on the website, but I'll put a link in this shows notes to and Whatever gets the most votes the person who May that suggestion will get fabulous prizes, but Anyway, some last minute suggestions from Ben last name withheld Anyway, some last minute suggestions from Ben last name withheld In the quest for dance hook I think Dan Right away. I'm watching that movie the quest for a dance hook for adventurers
Starting point is 00:45:59 Of join forces. I think Dan should turn to a secret weapon I happen to know that Dan does a good imitation of Sir Michael Cain Star of stageage and Screen. It's true. It is true. My thought is that his hook will be rendering the final judgements to the style of various Michael Cain characters. Three, as Alfie Elkins calls powder blue, derivative clap trap. Wanda is Jack Carter trashes from Justin to Kelly for his terrible out direction. Dad keep from waiting yourself, as Alfred Pennyworth deconstructs Brad's to the clicketing. The possibilities are endless and will further cement Dan's place in the podcast Hall of Fame
Starting point is 00:46:37 in construction now in Pierre South Dakota. A PS Stewart left out the highest form of comedy in his criticism of the ugly truth, the animal double take. I trust this will be rectified. Oh, I'm sure Stewart has much to say on the animal double take. Yeah. Now Ben was scooped a little by Ashley, who also put in Michael Cain as an alternate to a mournful sign.
Starting point is 00:46:58 But I want to bring up this Michael Cain thing. You're hook is either an invitation, Michael invitation Michael cane or mournful sign. Eric, you and I hosted a couple of comedy shows as Michael cane and Bob Hoskins. Yes, I did. It's all one of those. I played Bob Hoskins. You played Michael cane, which makes sense because we're talking about your your Michael cane impression. Yeah, which I feel like I sort of slipped as I was reading, but your your Michael Cain impression yeah which I feel like I sort of slipped as I was reading but yeah I haven't done I honestly I don't think I've done my Huskins since we last did it which is a couple years ago yeah and we didn't
Starting point is 00:47:32 prep anything this is probably not gonna happen if you're gonna to paint a picture for the listeners it was a lot of us making fun of each other's film choices it was a character as was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was.
Starting point is 00:47:50 It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was.
Starting point is 00:47:58 It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. It was. it would go go on right and then I would respond in some way like hussens uh... about the swarm
Starting point is 00:48:07 yeah jaws the revenge jaws the revenge uh... citer house rules no that's actually it's a quality film uh... well we can argue it later and we could and i'm not sure that it would go well but no we also we invented a holiday and those shows which i was very proud of all right because, we also we invented a holiday and those shows which I was very proud of
Starting point is 00:48:25 oh I know we held we hosted a A July 4th show, but it was July 5th Oh, but it was July 5th and so we we made it good ridden's day. Yeah, which was a British holiday They celebrated good riddans to the Americansicans and i probably have now like homeland security is going to be all over me for saying this out yeah they listen to jarard but learn homeland the only thing that i have to think that's because you're uh... hook for me is that i hate
Starting point is 00:48:53 uh... you're a terrorist basically that you're an anti-government my hook for the end of the justice in the anti-government gun nut militia member who it loves he lives in a cabin he put he he loves the anarchist cookbook it's out of you put it on his letter called the golden eagle but it's a hook all right we're running out of time so we're gonna speed through the rest of this brinden last name with health says
Starting point is 00:49:18 i didn't realize the gift and hook contest was still going but since it is uh... here's my entry, Dan's Hooks Should Be Hooks. Literal Hooks. Dan can be the guy who has hooks for hands. I'll lie herald Russell from the best years of our lives. Think about it, uncammable hooks will win Dan loads of sympathy and possibly even an honorary Oscar. Plus, think of all the sound effects possibilities.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Is that a serial killer at the window? Nope. Just Dan's Hook scraping along a chalkboard. Sometimes the best ideas are the most obvious. This is one of those times. Make dance hook hooks. That's not a bad one. He was the only man to win two Academy Awards in one year for the same role. That is true. Which is I was gonna say what's the guy's name? Who wrote this in? Brendan. The last name is like the middle name, right? So it's Brendan withheld with his name. Yeah. So I, yeah, he's just, I feel like he got it a little bit wrong implying that Howard Russell only won an honorary.
Starting point is 00:50:14 No, he also won Best Supporting Actor. He also won Best Supporting Actor. Yes. So just, and was also great in Hollywood history. He was great in Inside Moves as well, which he did not win an Academy Award. Um, lastly. He could have been that great if he didn't win an Academy Award Award. Brian, last name withheld, said, these are all the same family. Mm-hmm, they're all related. Damn it. When is Ellie going to get his best friend Anne Hathaway on the show as a guest shows? Not as if Amanda wasn't a great guest. It's just if he's going to continuously name drop Anne Hathaway.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Never do. I never have. if Amanda wasn't a great guest, it's just if he's going to continuously name drop Anne Hathaway. Never do. I never have. Anyway, I think side guy hook wins just because it gives Elliot so much to work with. Oh, that's true. How is Anne Hathaway, by the way? Don't know. Haven't seen or talked to her since probably my senior year, her junior year of high school.
Starting point is 00:51:02 If we ever talked to that. She's your year older than Anne Hathaway. I am. Everyone's on IMDB, trying to figure out how old Anne Hathaway is and then figure out how old you are. They could just look up how old I am on IMDB because I'm right there. Woo! I'm an IMDB. Or Wikipedia. You're on Wikipedia? Yeah. With your age? I mean, it says what Euro is born. Well, that. Yeah, that's... So that yet so elix one up on you because you're just on i'm to be on i'm to be back on my age on actually a lot of today at the office was spent we figured out the i'm to be fame tracker
Starting point is 00:51:34 system or star tracker whatever is and we're seeing who in the writing staff is more famous than who else in the writing staff i thought you were going to say that you're going to gain the system to make you all much more famous no no, no way. We were just trying to see who's famous. I was in right in the middle of the writing staff. Huh, that sounds about right. Probably because of the flop house. Maybe. It could be. Dara Butler probably gave you a bunch of good roots.
Starting point is 00:51:56 He puts a lot of comments on the page, yeah. Exactly. So guys, we should make our recommendations quickly of movies that we've seen recently and actually enjoyed that one might Watch instead of sorority row say even though we kind of enjoyed sorority row a little bit But people shouldn't watch it. Yeah, well, I mean if you like if you like trash movies It's fine, but I would recommend seeing a movie with sorority in the title from the 80s because at least then you'll have a lot more gratuitous shower scenes. True. Don't make me add to be the part of it. Someone's gotta be. It's not here. I feel like you guys both gave it a more positive review than I did and yet I'm
Starting point is 00:52:41 the one that would be saying, listen if you think you want to see this movie go see it because it's going to be what you know you're going to get what you think you're going to get yeah it's true but oh I'm sure you have an old movie to recommend sure I think I will recommend what I saw I've I've got a recommendation and a plug bump bump my recommendation I recently saw the original, not the original actually, the first sound version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde with a Frederick March, for which he tied for best actor with the star of the champ. While it's beer. While it's worth watching and occasionally like skipping through the talky scenes for the scenes with him as hide
Starting point is 00:53:31 because he's so grotesque, like, he looks like a caveman kind of, but he still walks around London talking to people. And when the movie gets kind of violent and crazy, it gets really good and there's some neat things that they do with the camera and neat, editing things that they do, and a really neat fight scene at the end, especially from a movie from 31, I think, where it doesn't feel as stagy as a lot of movies back then. It feels like a movie from the late 30s in terms of the camera work and the way it is
Starting point is 00:54:04 put together as opposed to a movie from the late 30s in terms of the camera work in the way it is put together as opposed to a movie from the early 30s. That's probably because it's directed by Ruben Mammullian who was more into experimenting with what he was doing. So that's the one I'd recommend, that's when I'd recommend Flixing or Netflix saying. That would say that. I think so. But if you're looking to see a movie in person, then him go. Then this episode will be up before April 7th, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:27 On April 7th, if you're in the New York area, I'll have my next closely watched film screening. It's the movie Kill. Exclamation point. Exclamation point. Kiro, it's a Japanese movie from 1968, and it is a samurai action satire. it's very good and I recommend it and cartoonist Evan Dorik and we'll be joining us to talk about the film afterwards.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Best known for Melkin Cheese. Melkin Cheese Dorik. He just had a series recently called Beasts of Birdon about House Pets that soft crimes. Space Ghost. Mm-hmm. Ghost to coast. Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Good stuff. Eric, do you have a regular day well I I will go with the last the last move and I also on on video I saw this or DVD it's not watching I watch mine on VHS yeah yeah wow it's coming back but great move I'd seen obviously before but I recommend anyone who hasn't seen it a long time North by Northwest. Oh sure Just I loved it. I'd always thought it was one of my favorites and I watched again. It was like blown away all again Just when you see the movies now that are coming out that are trying to be these adventure
Starting point is 00:55:43 Sort of comedy sort of venture real thriller elements and all those things and they just don't work. This is just such a fantastic example of how you make it all work and a brilliant start turn from Carrie Grant and they're all really good at James Mason straight Matt Martland was really good in that. He's all great and it's it's just amazing it starts so quickly Leo G Carol Leo G Carol's very good at it Bernard Herman's score is really great fantastic but it's all bassist titles sure and lame and screenplay all of these things about it are great Hitchcock's
Starting point is 00:56:20 cameo trying to get on the bus the guy who piloted the Cropduster right which by the way I didn't realize this there and extras That wasn't planned like that plane actually crashed and blew up That's not true. No, yeah, there was all plans Hitchcock was not one of those breakers where something would have me to go go with it go with it Make it real everybody It was like Borat. They just sent Carrie ran out there. Carrie ran didn't know he was in a movie Yeah, they made him think that he was framed from murder and on the run and that people thought he was a spy and they just wanted to see
Starting point is 00:56:56 What would happen pretty much? Well, I'm gonna recommend a movie that is at best one eighth the thriller that Northby North West is keep selling it one-eighth the thriller that North by North West is. Keep selling it. So all I'm saying is if you haven't seen North by North West, watch that. But a newer movie that I watched recently that I actually enjoyed, asprising out, was a perfect getaway with Steve Zahn, Tim Mielovic, Tim with the All-Ephant and Written and Written by. An elephant. An elephant. That's right, it's an elephant. on the elephant, you have a bitch, Timothy Allefant, and Ritten and Hulli. That's right, it's an elephant. It's written directed by David Tui, who did pitch black, which is a movie a lot of people
Starting point is 00:57:34 like, and I think it's just okay. I like pitch black. But it's no chronicles Riddick. But it's a perfect getaway, you know, it's about a couple of honeymooners in Hawaii. Wait, it's the honeymooners go to Hawaii? It's about eight couple of honeymooners in Hawaii who are walking a very like deserted trail to a deserted beach. And there's a news item about a couple that had been killed and another couple is supposed to be responsible and they encounter two other couples on this dessert trail. Oh my God, who's the, is one
Starting point is 00:58:12 of them the killers? It's like Shoot to Kill. Oh, I saw the trailer for this race. It's like Shoot to Kill, but with couples. Yeah. And with, and it's Ralph Ramden and his wife and Art Karney. It gets a little too cute with like some of the meta stuff about it. Like one of the characters is a screenwriter and sort of like references certain like thriller tropes, but so it should to kill me at screen. But they do have a lot of fun just like setting up real thriller plot points and paying them off. And most movies I feel these days like set up thriller plot points and then forget about them. So it's a pleasure just to see a movie that bothers paying off on things. That's good. And I guess the
Starting point is 00:58:55 twist to the film basically in the opening credits but it was still enjoyable even so. It's a movie and yet you liked it more than Northby Northwest. You said and I quote and I think the listeners will back me up on this. Here's a movie that is eight times better than Northby Northwest. That's absolutely what I. Okay, well, let's roll back the tape and look at that. But for now, I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Ellie Katelyn.
Starting point is 00:59:22 I'm Eric Sokerman. Good night. The rich rolling tones of Dan McCoy. The rich rolling hills of Dan McCoy. Ha, ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta. Do you have a mute button for us for like when we're getting out of it? I wish. You can just go. Nope, he doesn't, but he wishes, yeah. I would use that on Stewart and Ellie, so...

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