The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #69 - Big Money Rustlas

Episode Date: November 12, 2010

0:00 - 0:33 - Introduction and theme.0:34 - 4:15 - We kill a little time needling Elliott and remembering Dino de Laurentiis.4:16 - 29:36 - Fuckin' movies, how do they work?29:37- 33:16 - Final judgme...nts33:17 - 39:27 - The sad bastards recommend. 39:28 - 47:13 - Instead of cutting our losses, we waste even more time.47:14 - 48:04 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 In this our most juggalicious episode, we discuss the insane clown posse project, Big Money Rustlers. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. This is Elliot Kaylin joining the other pre-mentioned too. Wow. It's a good start. So Elliot's your back's your back from... I was here for the last one. No, no, no, you're back from DC.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Oh, yeah, I wasn't watching DC. The winning democracy. Yep. What were you doing, don't they? Underlining the very government of the country by... And we got like a fight club type thing. Kind of. More like a week of television shows and then a live rally on the
Starting point is 00:01:05 national mall. It must have fight club being. It must have been a real, it must have been amazing going directly from that being like one of the most powerful men in America to complete a relevance after Conan O'Brien started his new program. Yeah, it really, you know, we thought we had built up a lofty Place in the late-night firmament, but then Conan of Ryan appears and suddenly no one even watches our ratings went to zero Wow Zero viewers. I didn't know that you could even do that. I didn't need I didn't either
Starting point is 00:01:39 Cuz I would I would think people it's still like Tivo you something. No, the Tivo refuses to carry our show now. Instead, it records going to a Ryan show. Yeah. When they Tivo, you show, they actually just get a second recording of going to a Ryan show. Yeah, exactly. It's like the movie White Noise, actually. People's ghosts come to the static. It's more like the Don Lillon novel, White Noise. I was going to say it's more like White Noise 2, starring Nathan Philly, and that it's
Starting point is 00:02:03 something I'm not interested in reading Is that what the I think you should read the first third of it really then you'll get the point all of underworld Well, I apologize and that was a mistake. Yes 800 pages of one I only watched the movie adaptation of it And I was like what's with all these vampires? It's weird that Don Delillo wrote this story about werewolves and vampires fighting each other. Yeah. This isn't anything like, this isn't anything like, that's no dilucency.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Yeah. Wow. Anyway, yeah. So, has no dilucency. Dom Deloese. Do you know De Laurentis? Still looking at it. He passed on. Who passed away passed away this morning or last night, I guess it was. We should probably talk about that now. We should save our remembrances till later in the podcast. I don't know, you're the boss.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Well, I care so little about the movie. If you watch tonight, I could go either way. I would just say Dino Dilarentis that people should remember he didn't make just crappy movies. All people seem to remember him for to certain extent is his big budget beat like Schlock like King Kong or the hurricane. But he also produced Lestrada, you know, a number of great Italian films produced Serpico, Evil Dead 2, An Army of Darkness. Cuffs. Cuffs, star in 2 and Army of Darkness. Cuffs. Cuffs, darn, Christian.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Did he produce Cuffs? I'm sure he did. But so the dude from Dr. Giggles was in that. I guess the lesson is if you produce over 200 movies, some of them will be good. Yeah. Well, no, things like I like his good movies. I also like a lot of his shot.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I hate his version of King Kong, but I actually kind of like King Kong lives because it's so dumb. I like, I don't like his version of King Kong, but I like the idea of his casting. I like the idea that Jeff Bridges and Charles Groden are in that movie. I don't want to watch the movie, but thinking about it, I'm like, ah, that could be a good King Kong movie. What do you think Stuart? Josh Groben? Yes. Yeah, Josh Groben as a baby. Okay, that's weird.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Fetal Josh Groben. Speaking of King Kong. Yeah, he plays King Kong. Okay. Singing of stars of the stage. Of the music world. Yeah, the Grammy winning insane climb fossil. I don't think that's an accurate description
Starting point is 00:04:28 Grammy award winning About the movie that you really pushed us to watch you chose and we're the engine behind a prime advocate Yeah, it was well every once in a while LA it and Dan let me pick the movie listeners at home I'm coming while I'm letting him look behind the best here. You're kind of the power behind the throne every couple weeks. Yeah. I'm like a seneshal or a chamberlain or something. Yeah. So what? In this case, the grand vizier. Yeah, in this case, I, you know, I saw big money rustlows at my local video store. I put down my copy of Spin Magazine, which had an article about the insane clown passing on the cover.
Starting point is 00:05:15 And I was like, you know what, you'd already worn out your copy of the big money hustlows. Yeah. Their previous film. Yeah,arn out because I kept pausing it and rewinding it and pausing it. It was a video tape. It's a tape. Yeah. Yeah. Video cassette. Yeah. And yeah, it was just torn to shreds. So I knew I need to watch something new that also you should have gotten one of those reminder machines that shaped like a sports car. It's better. It's better for the tapes. Wait, but why does it look like a sports car? Because why not? Because speed, because beauty, because grace, elegance, and need your speed in rewinding your vehicle. Class, a little thing called class. Anyway, you're saying.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Yeah, now is it like an actual size of a sports car? No, it's a tiny sports car. Okay, so like a very tiny bikini model, straddle it or something. Yes. Yeah, tiny tawny cateign Tiny cateign Popular 70s. Yeah, tiny a hardening the tiny ice-cater Tiny daily the tiny tiny daily Keep it going So yeah, I mean cag me and tiny you know I tiny and lazy I
Starting point is 00:06:32 I don't know if you guys know this about me, but I am a confirmed juggalo Didn't realize you were a juggalo explain the fego smell that waps in whenever you enter the room. My parents came to this country and the feces you were throwing at teola tequila and tiny tequila the tiny version of teola tequila. That's all very bad about it. I mean she can't defend herself she's much too small. Yeah so you're saying your parents came from jug of lans. And so you're ethnically jug ofish. Yeah, I didn't convert. I mean, I wouldn't have chosen this lifestyle, but I have to live it. Yeah, I always thought that the makeup that you wear, I thought that was a skin condition.
Starting point is 00:07:17 No, no, no, that is part of my ethnicity as are the dreadlocks that I try to have. And you do attend the gathering of the jugalos every year. I do that. Illinois, I think. Illinois? That's an L.O.S food. What did I say? That was a tiny subset of Illinois, an Illinois Roosevelt set aside. Yeah, I don't know any of the words you just said, but so I go to this Juggaloke
Starting point is 00:07:49 convention and I throw stuff at people and wonder about how magnets work. Yeah, I pour fego off some chicks ass cracking into my mouth. I do a lot of meth. It's after a certain of when it just becomes the gathering of the methods. Yeah, I mean, it's really sad how math is devastated the Juggalo community. Yeah, I mean, it's done. My teeth really, they keep falling out. But I digress.
Starting point is 00:08:18 So I made the first move. I hear that math is actually a CA plot to devastate the juggaloo To call their Call their numbers to deal with the infestation. Well, they're not doing a very good job because we're here to stay You've planted your flag in this country soil. Yeah, absolutely. That's the thing like we're we're you know amount of jail time Or whatever you know amount of uh jail time or whatever you know no first immigration quotas yes exactly so I decided I thought we should watch this movie because uh Dan likes westerns I like westerns too I love westerns
Starting point is 00:08:57 wait wait wait Dan's the western guy in this I don't really think you're you're more into musicians in acting in a movie. That's why Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid is my favorite because Bob Dylan is in it and it's a western. No, I was thinking more Pink Floyd's the wall. I brought that earlier. Yeah, that's Spice World. Spice World, yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Both great, yeah, I love them both. Justin Dekelli. Justin Dekelli, head, the monkeys movie. Michael Jackson, Moonwalker. Moonwalker and Captain EO Can't stop the music ghosts or whatever that thing was that he made with Stan Winston. Yeah, all that shit So I thought by I thought by recommending this movie you guys were gonna really get on boy board and it Boyd
Starting point is 00:09:45 board and it got boy but you guys were gonna get a boy and and to my the boils sadness and a little bit shame you guys just weren't into it. I think we were as into it as a human being can be. So well it why don't you summarize this movie? I love to. Big money rustles begins suddenly With no menu screen on the DVD in the town of mud bug population 179 280 it fluctuates throughout the film and eventually lowers It is in the grip of a an outlawed brigand named and gambler, a gambling glaggard named Big Baby Chips, played of course by Violet J in full clown makeup.
Starting point is 00:10:31 This is the old West Iron War mind you. Yeah, we wears flamboyant suits and a pair of studded bracers like he's an extra from a like a Coney and Moomey. And he wears his, both of them actually, I point out, where their clown makeup sees a Romero style over their facial hair, which is very painfully obvious and the many close-up shots of them, but continue. Yes. So, the town of Mudbug, he's in control.
Starting point is 00:10:59 No one can rest it from his corrupt and violent grip, but fortunately a hero rides into town. A hero rises. A hero rises. There is a new hope in the form of Shaggy Toodope playing the role of Sugar Wolf. The son of the- The son of the previous sheriff played by Ron Jeremy. Grizzly Wolf. Grizzly Wolf, whose wife is now a handjob
Starting point is 00:11:28 handy, the fastest prostitute in town. In the last, they say. Her hand jobs are the fastest with the very- She takes a very long time with her other jobs. Why would you go to a prostitute who never says this is the fastest hand jobs? Maybe you're a busy cowboy, you don't know a lot of time. Listen, I can round things up. Drive through hand job.
Starting point is 00:11:48 It does seem strange, because they don't have Twitter or subways or things to keep them busy. The Facebook. Yeah, they don't have Facebook taking a bullet on them. They extend their hand job. Maybe a tantric hand job. Well, I couldn't tell what kind of industry really ran mudbugs.
Starting point is 00:12:02 So it must be something that takes up a lot of time. They have very short lunch breaks. Anywho. So, uh, sugar wolf comes into town. It's the most basic Western story you can tell, which is a town run by a bad man and then a single good man comes in and turns things around. And of course, big baby chips sends his assassins to stop sugar wolf. There is a character named the ghost who is some sort of ghost who shoots lasers from his eyes. There is a character called the foot who rides around in a steam punk motorized wheelchair with his enormous smelly foot. There is, well, let's just say there's a lot of stuff and there's also fidget, don't forget the midget. Yeah, and there's sugar wolves, dwarf girlfriend who turns out to also spoiler alert, be a
Starting point is 00:12:54 NSS and Indus guys. So I looked up on IMGB and discovered is a pornographic actress who does a lot of little person porn under the name Bridget the Midget. So so it's been introduced to something. Dan is finally under something finally clicked. And now he can finally achieve what other men achieve in different ways. Yeah, it's called a fetish, Elliot. When a man has one thing that he focused on above all other things, like Stewart and his large bosoms and Elliot and his I don't know The whole pack cyclopedic knowledge of X-Men comics. Yep. Yep. That's why I married my wife
Starting point is 00:13:32 Because dress up as rogue psychlock Kitty pride Who's that character? Daniel really can tell her medreports from her genocious her asteroid M's from her ship her medreports from her genocious her asteroid ms from her ship um beerex you're x-men and x-factor fans yeah all of those characters and things anyway it's a terrible movie all to in the end sugar wolf does say should I to say the end of the movie sugar wolf saves the town and a shoot out with big baby chips who turns out is actually grizzly wolf sugar wolf father who turned to a life of crime because being a good guy
Starting point is 00:14:12 just didn't appeal to him. There's a load of other there's a rich variety of characters in this. There's the Mexican sidekick, dirty Sanchez. There's a quiet dignity. Yeah. I think he's actually the finest actor in the movie. He is kind of. There's Jason Mew's as the deputy, his name I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Lucky who keeps saying, oh crap, as he gets shot. There is the... It says crap, not unlike the Olsen twins would say crap in Fawhouse. In Unison? No, like, well, no, because the only one of them to be on screen at a time is the other one just standing off screen saying the same line. I assumed there were a lot of scenes where John Stamos was hallucinating two two mishels. But that's strange because there are there might have been two of them.
Starting point is 00:14:55 It doesn't have to be a hallucination. I guess you're right. It's sort of weird that they are not identical twins, but they play the same character. Huh? Hi guys. Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? I mean, they look at, they still look a lot, a lot. Yeah, they did. And at the time, they were babies. Yeah, they're small children. Yeah, I mean, almost babies look alike. Yeah. And all of them look like Winston Churchill. That's why they get, why they get mixed up so, so easily.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Yep. And that's why Winston Churchill and a baby used to get mixed up a lot. It was embarrassing for the war effort because they would Winston Churchill would be taken to be nursed by, you know, some Scottish or Irish nanny. And meanwhile, a baby would be left in charge of the British Empire. It was embarrassing for the war effort, but I think Winston Churchill liked it. They run in, to say it's the blitz mr prime minister we're being bombed by germany what should we do whaa whaa oh no he's a baby but that was a thing the wisdom church i had so much pressure on him sometimes he had to just get away and suck on a bus he was nipple for some for a while and leave a baby behind
Starting point is 00:16:00 here i'm not saying it wasn't irresponsible i i'm not saying, listen, it was all over. Is there a time Franklin Delan and Roosevelt would leave a goat in his place? Franklin Delego Roosevelt. And Franklin Delego Roosevelt was a great leader too. When he was addicted to cans. Anyway, there's a rich variety of characters. And there's a lot of...
Starting point is 00:16:23 And budding other goats heads. Yes. There's a lot of came a rich variety of characters and there's a lot of budding other goats heads. Yes There's a lot of cameos by huge stars like Dustin Diamond Ron Jeremy and I'm size Tom size more Todd Regis Todd there's also the character of the other deputy who goes on a long trek to New York to get chilly from a specific restaurant for sugar wolf Yeah, what was uh what was the deal with that guy? I don't know if he was a comic release Everyone in the movie is the comic relief that guy was hilarious
Starting point is 00:16:53 Now when you press like this movie is a comedy. That's the movie. What Elliott said like you know like sitting here listening to Elliot Tell me about it. I'm like that movie sounds great It wasn't as as I said ghost lasers that come out of his eyes. Yeah. Imagine imagine I did like that part though. Imagine the movie that Elliot described executed in the most inept way. Yeah as amateurishly as possible with the most a lot of sound effects. It was the terrible off-color jokes. The only movies I've seen that are less professional, I think, are, as Dan and I were saying, while watching the movie, the seduction cinema series of films, many which start on Misty Monday, which are soft-core porn parodies of hit movies.
Starting point is 00:17:39 They're usually shot like in somebody's rec room or backyard. You may be familiar with Playmate of the apes, which is one of the higher quality ones. It's one of the higher quality ones. Gladiator, eroticus. What's some of the other ones that they have? An erotic werewolf and London. Lord of the G-strings.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Oh yeah. This is whole series of films. There's another one, I can't remember. But the, oh, and cleavage field. Okay. Yeah. That might not have been the same company actually but they i was definitely inspired by the same spirit and it is also
Starting point is 00:18:09 very poorly made uh... i guess what i'm saying is a lot of the doby after effects are involved i guess it's the insane clown posse in this their second film manage to reach the level of the most amateur soft core pornography on the market but without any actual pornography no No, there's no pornography. There's a lot of bad language, but otherwise. There's a lot of like charming innocence
Starting point is 00:18:29 in that soft core pornography that isn't somehow not this bill. You can defend your porn later. We're talking about big money wrestlers. I mean, whatever helps you masturbate and reach climax better. Yes, charming innocence. Yeah, that's why you really watch a lot of Disney cartoons.
Starting point is 00:18:51 You know, I'd like it to see Pixar movies in public. Not anymore. Not after that time. Oh, you know, it's a very amateurishly made movie. And it's also got like the goofiest jokes and slapstick and just old-fashioned yucks and gags in it. Yes. It's this kind of it's this very foul mouthed silly comedy western you know in the tradition of you know cat baloo or there was a crooked man or you know support your local sheriff but like shitty. It feels a lot like these dudes.
Starting point is 00:19:28 These dudes just like made one to make a comedy western and they put on a movie to show their parents. That same level of competency. Yeah, it's got a backyard quality to it. It's got the level of comedy of say an American Carol. Okay. I forgot about that movie. Oh, it's fair. But that was made by professional filmmakers. Yes, but the comedy was awful.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Which by the way that the movies worse than this one. I will say there were I laughed more times watching big money wrestlers, wrestlers than watching an American Carol. I will admit there were a few jokes of like the most basic somebody falling down or just something stupid happening like you were loving that scene where the where our hero sugar wolf is just beating up that dog so far once once his his dwarf girlfriend is revealed to be an assassin there's a scene there's a mailed word a mailed word There's a scene where he is beating up a very, just what is very obviously a doll, you know, or a tiny dummy. Or a dummy, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:31 And it goes on in a single shot. This is the rope of this movie, a single shot that feels like it's 40 minutes long of him just banging this dummy around while they have dubbed in sounds of the actor playing that character the dummy going oh and it comes on for so long and they make just no effort to hide the fact that he is just slamming a dummy around you know on this on the porch set of this western house you know great stuff that that's and that is there's something genuinely charming about that about that, you know, of just seeing someone drag out the stupidest thing in the world for as long as they can. The rest of the movie's terrible. There's a and it's
Starting point is 00:21:17 not worth seeing for that scene. I think the worst thing about the movie would have to be, I know there's probably a lot of contenders for this, is the pair of goons that are following around a big baby chips. Yes, they are. Like a pair of guys who are, it's just so painful to watch two guys try to be like goofy, goon comedy relief and just constantly failing and they're talking so quickly that you can understand them. Well, but also you look at these guys and like these are like the most hateful people that you have ever seen hanging out in a 7-11 parking lot.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Yeah. And like, oh, let's get these terrible humans and like you don't even have like... Wow. I mean they're really irritating performers, they're not funny. They're all terrible. I don't know if I call them terribly human. Dan is quick to make judgment yeah based on somebody's opinion. I would call that elitist. Okay. Guilty is charged. There is there actually there's bloopers during the credits because of course why wouldn't there be and there's something so much more enjoyable about watching the
Starting point is 00:22:21 bloopers and seeing that these are a bunch of guys who kind of don't know what they're doing as opposed to watching this movie which is terrible. I would have much rather watched the movie the making of big money wrestlers. The making of big money wrestlers. There is a great heart of darkness, documentary to be made about the making of big money wrestlers. Now I'll give you that. I call them terrible people but then when we see the terrible humans, that's just terrible people. Terrible humans. I almost like your like, like, chuds or something.
Starting point is 00:22:49 I was about to modify the sub-species. I was saying that they were terrible, but then I agree that like the bloopers, you kind of enjoy it. You're like, oh, these are just some goofy stupid people who are cracking each other up. But like, I enjoy them. Look at these proto-humans doing their... Look at these, they're some kind of sub-humanoids.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Look at these homonculei having fun, laughing their horse face laughs. They don't know they have no souls. Look at these troglonites. They're worshipping their painted idols No, you know I enjoy look at them scared of the thunder. I enjoyed seeing 12 different versions of them improvising an off-calor line more than I enjoyed watching one version of that line during the movie Yeah, that's not a good movie It's not enjoyable or good and And it's not jump to conclusions.
Starting point is 00:23:46 It's so weird. There's arguments still to be true. We have to debate this and then go to final judgments. There's something about also the fact that these are okay. For those anyone not familiar, you should be in St. Clown, Posse. They are horror core rappers. They're St. Clowns. Who are clowns. they are clowns that wrap about a murderous satanic circus. Not even a, I guess a divine circus that kills people and attacks women, I guess, in revenge for their sins. I'm not sure. But it's, they, so they made a, they're based out of Detroit. They're based out of Detroit. But they made a, this is, so they are incredibly violent rapper clowns
Starting point is 00:24:25 They make a Western comedy it is goofy as I'll get out There's no not a hint of rap in it. That's what confused me like they've got this terrible aggressive Reputation and this is a like this is this is like sub late Mel Brooks Comedy that they put together. Yeah, this is sub like Steve Odakirk, you know, epic movie, date movie. It's like, and you and you had your hat on backwards. You had your pants turned around like Chris Cross. You were all excited for some rapid wrap.
Starting point is 00:24:56 You could not wait for the hip hop to begin. You could not wait for rhymes to be dropped. You had some oversized sneakers on. They were all on your neck. All I'm saying was... The flounder's skateboard. You know, it was in the West. There was a posse. Sure. But there was a... They were in Sanity.
Starting point is 00:25:16 No, I would say there's a lot of insanity. But of the... a child who's had too much sugar brands. Not the Ted Bundy type. Yeah. Well, you've come to expect from your multiple listenings of the insane clown posse's various canon. Oh, yeah. I mean, each card in the deck, you know.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Absolutely. But it's, yeah, you wonder like, but it's, you know, there's even the toughest people have a sentimental streak and a goofy side to them. And clearly, I think we found the insane clown posse. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe they're not that insane after all.
Starting point is 00:25:49 No, they are. No, they are. And they're bad clowns. You mean, then what do you not see any balloon animals made during the course of the phone? I did see a lot of old English tattoos. Yes. A lot of tattoos. There's a lot of little in references for ICP fans,
Starting point is 00:26:09 Juggalos. Like for instance, instead of drinking Fago, the regional soda that they are devoted to, it's Fago brand whiskey, you know, because it's a cultural thing. So Elliott, is that a Juggalo, that's a cultural heritage thing? Yeah, it's, you know, Elliot Stewart, I want to open this question for a whole week. Every day. We were talking about how it was every day. We were talking about how it was revealed that the Insane Clan Posse are actually hard-core Christians. At some point in their journey, they became very religious, yeah. What, the journey of their lives?
Starting point is 00:26:43 What Christian message do you take away from this film? What do you think they were trying to impart to their their flock? I would say well resurrection because big baby chips is killed and then the next scene comes back and says we'll never die and then So yeah, the bad guy of the movie is killed. And then the final scene of the movie he pops out of a piano with two machine guns and shoots up the bar and leads to a shootout which kills everyone in town. So the resurrection he obviously he believes in Jesus Christ as his lord and so his found eternal life through him and will never die. I think I think oh and also and Cheggy too dope gets shot through his shooting hand at Stig Mata right
Starting point is 00:27:32 there. I was gonna say that it's that Christian message of just being a midgepondage scene. Okay that Christian message of just you know kind of being true to yourself and not you know not giving up when going gets tough. I think that's the opposite of fishing. And like, you know, trusting in your friends and then, and then your skills as a Pokemon trainer. Oh, I'm sorry. You've gone off the reservations there.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Yeah. Wait, well, we're just talking about the movie. Sorry. And not Stuart's youth group that he hosts. He dictates his blog post out loud into a tape recorder. Sure. Into this podcast. That's how he remembers it later. I don't know. I don't really like this movie is crazy to the degree that I don't even know whether we can dissect it. I think that we probably just need to go on to making our. Well, is there and there any moments that we can tell the audience about that? I mean, it's sugar wolf has a stupid wolf howl that he does all the time. You like that part,
Starting point is 00:28:40 Dan. Oh, that's terrible. And there's a lot of swearing. You love that joke about how sugar wool's mother lives in a outhouse, but when you go inside, it's like a giant house. It's like a huge house. Yeah, there's a lot of the oldest creakiest gags in this movie. One of those that I actually enjoyed was the one where someone shot their gun up in the air and of course a bird immediately fell down. Yeah, which no matter how many times I see it actually tends to be laugh each time and I think that it joke is a hundred years old yeah originally crossbow was no they had tons a hundred years ago Lady Hawk. Same word. Well, well put.
Starting point is 00:29:27 I think you should put the 40 down Stewart. I'm drinking. I'm drinking the whole thing. No, there's that great scene in Lady Hawk where Mandy Broderick shoots the hog and they shoots the lady hog. Yeah, it's like what Damna's talking about. Something like a bird gets shot Anyway, so let's make our final judgments about big money rustless
Starting point is 00:29:56 Okay, this is gonna be good. It was a good bad movie a bad bad movie or movie we kind of liked it some way. I'm gonna say Tough one search this look into your heart now don't look there trust in your friends and your skills Supposed to think it's a bad bad movie in that I hated watching this movie I really hated watching this movie. I was mad at Stuart I understood the way that Stuart sometimes gets mad at me for movies that I choose I I spent more time on my iPhone than I ever have before. Usually, Stuart's the one who's texting people all through the films. I'm very popular. But...
Starting point is 00:30:30 Stuart does a lot of sexting during the movie, is he? Yeah, I will say that... I try and fit references to the movie into my sexting. Right? I was a little... A little odd, yeah. Seriously. I will say that this movie, the way that this movie is almost a good bad movie is like
Starting point is 00:30:47 I kind of almost want to say people should No see it because it's so weird. No like there's Don't it don't it is so crazy. Don't encourage them But it's the craziness is done so poorly that I can't even I can't even recommend that yeah, okay Elliot It is a bad bad movie. I actually we were talking about whether this is the worst movie we've seen and it is not and What what were we saying was the worst one American Carol American Carol. Yeah, but this Yeah, it's still not worth watching. And there's something like,
Starting point is 00:31:26 it's something, there's something kind of endearing about this group of, you know, idiots who put this movie together. But it's- Oh, who's the latest now? Me, but it's not worth, it's a bad bad movie. Unless you're a huge insane clown posse fan, in which case,
Starting point is 00:31:43 Go, go see it. you've probably seen it a hundred times already you own your your hatchet man shoes and you're drinking fego right now listening to this but just for some sort of completeness so yeah I urge you to look into your heart and and not find this movie. Stuart's doing art? Well, as much as it pains me to say it, I think this is a movie I actually kind of like. First of all, it was hilarious. Second of all, the action.
Starting point is 00:32:17 What about that shit, dude? There was so much action. It was shooting in the slappings and the caregivers. Yeah, I forgot that sugar will, his other big powers that he can slap anybody no matter how far away they are. And sexiness, there is a midget in like, dominatrix scar, there's this old lady with makeup that's supposed to give really fast hand jobs. That stuff's hot.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Also, there's some really good music in there. Yeah, altogether, complete package. So would you say best picture of the year? I'm not going to go that far because, from what I hear, they're going to release another movie that's here. So I don't want to be hasty, but this one is a pretty good start. Big money butlers.
Starting point is 00:33:00 I think that is probably going to be the next movie. Or Big Money Clive Cussless. And I guess Shaggy Tudop takes over the jerk pit novel franchise. So this is the part of the podcast where we recommend movies. Movies that... So like Big Money wrestlers. Well, say that you didn't enjoy big money wrestlers. Okay. Say you wanted to...
Starting point is 00:33:29 Give it all turn to the share film. Or something to watch immediately after big money wrestlers. Yeah, two watch it. A plentzer. You're gonna get come down. A soul cleanser. Yeah, I'm gonna start us off.
Starting point is 00:33:43 I watch Mother, theungjunho movie. You mean the Danzig song? Yes. I watched the Danzig song. Now I watched Mother by the guy who did the host and memory. Did you watch the whole thing? Didn't you say you only watched half of that? No, I was talking about I watched I watched half of the documentary Cropsey So we're now we're talking oh time and that that's also that also seems to be good for me But I have I don't have time to watch movies. So I'm watching them and so you said no No, I'm gonna. I'm gonna. Wow. This has been derailed immediately. I'm gonna go back and watch all of Cropsey I was enjoying it, but I have watched you recommend Mothersy. You'll recommend the first half of Cropsey. I'll wait to recommend the second half till I see it. I'll wait till you get to the middle. That way it can't let you down. I watched Mother and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
Starting point is 00:34:42 So this is the Albert Brooks movie? It's trying to be Reynolds. No. Mother, the Korean film. Please, is the one about to run somebody from the train? Yeah, I think this, or stopping or she'll shoot. No, it's a scene. I'd like to see the movie.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I haven't seen it yet. Even though I didn't love the host, the way a lot of people did, I wanted to see Mother when it was in the theaters. Love the host, but there's something about like Korean movies in general that I... Let me just say, my review on my blog was the host without the most. Okay, like clever.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Oh, the movie, the host, yeah. I liked the movie, though, I didn't love it as much as a lot of people did, but I do like the way Korean films seem to be able to juggle crazy tone shifts. Yeah. And Mother does that, but I think it's probably like a more consistent movie than the host. It doesn't have a big crazy Squid Monster, so that's the strike against it. Unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:35:44 But um, seeing it movie without a Squid Monster, that has that's the strike against it unfortunately but Seeing it movie without a squid monster seeing it. I'm not gonna say a lot about it I'm just gonna say watch it is on that first watch instantly. It's it's a it's a good time. Is it animated? Not interested Blue not action is dead. All right. Well Only pay attention to my recommendations. Is it in 3D? Get out of here. Animation only. That's why I'm recommending Mega-Mind.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Animation domination, guys, am I right? I'm recommending the Cleveland show. I'm the family guy, something, something dark side. Family guy, Mark III. You all right? Anyone else have a recommendation? Anyone? Anyone? Yeah, no foot and no fake.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Do it, should I go next? Sure, all right. Okay, fine. Have I recommended, I can't remember what I recommend on this podcast and I haven't seen anything lately that I really loved. Have I recommended Save the Green Planet before?
Starting point is 00:36:42 Yes. Okay, well that's, because that's another Korean movie. it's also a crazy movie that is genuinely a lot of we can come back to you no no I'll recommend you're all recommend I'll recommend the most opposite to a big money wrestler's movie I can think of which I guess is brief encounter the David Lee and drama about a married woman who who who thinks who thinks of straying with a charming doctor in World War II austerity Britain. It's a
Starting point is 00:37:12 beautiful movie, excellently done, classic British film, Brief Encounter, the exact opposite of big money rustlers in almost every way, really affecting movie. Anyway, Stuart. That's actually I was going to recommend Brief Encounter. of big money rustles in almost every way really affecting movie anyway Stewart that's actually I was going to recommend Breach and Counter wow amazing so I guess I guess I guess I'll recommend something kind of same vein okay you're gonna recommend some kind of wonderful so the other night I was watching Return of the Living Dead Part 3. I was just talking about Return of the Living Dead with someone today, the first one. And the Return of the Living Dead Part 3 is directed by Brian Yuzna, a sometimes toured Gordon collaborator.
Starting point is 00:37:58 So it is ridiculously gory, and it's a gory that makes you kind of uncomfortable a lot of the time like it's just really kind of creatively gross. And I think the anti-Christ. Yeah, I think the highlight of the film to me is that there's this like kind of evil like Hispanic gang that is terrorizing our hero. And their night begins with playing an arcade game in a convenience store, then leads to murder, and then leads them spending the rest of the night chasing
Starting point is 00:38:35 around the zombie woman for no real appearance. That's the one that stars a young, Melinda Clark with spikes coming out of her. Yes, okay. So food and so forth. Yeah. Which is the one, there's one of the returning of the dead movies has a child star, dying in it.
Starting point is 00:38:54 The return of the dead part too. Is that the one? Who's in that? I don't know. I thought you had no bodies. Okay, well return to the- Bobby Briggs from someone that- Well the whole series is pretty fun. That's the one with that's very suburban
Starting point is 00:39:07 So yeah, watch that one if you want if you want a lot of gore You know, and I'll recommend the first return of the living dead. Yeah, which is classic. It's a fun night at the movies With an ending that'll have you talking for hours Chew chews so guys that'll have you talking for hours. It's jutsus. So guys, this is a... I don't know. So where are we at?
Starting point is 00:39:30 Well, we're at the end. Although this is one of the shortest episodes of the episode. I'll show you the same of Big Money Russellers. That's the thing. I mean, if you have something you want to say about anything else, we can. We don't know, though. We don't know. I kind of recommend Big Money Russellers, because I thought it'd be quick Listen to mailers. Yeah, no mail. No, no.
Starting point is 00:39:45 I kind of recommend big money wrestlers because I thought it'd be quick and we could get to all that mail that we don't know. Yeah, where's the mail? Listeners. Well, look, it's my fault. You're looking at me like I haven't, like I don't write this in the head house. Dan, where's the mail? I don't know the mail.
Starting point is 00:39:57 I recommended big money wrestlers. Like that was my job. Right in. And I showed up. That was my job. What I'm interested in. I pop lies and it was delicious. That was my job as you said Elliott what I'm interested in is how this
Starting point is 00:40:10 Netflix rental is going to affect your future recommendations on Netflix Based on your selection of your like of big money wrestlers. I recommend WrestleMania 7 Italian horror films American dry comedies and clown rap westerns. Oh, first of all, I hate Italian horror movies Yeah, but they but they see you have a lot of horror movies. Yeah, they always regularly I'm like, yeah, but the fact that I reckon you feel like horror movies. You must love everything that Fulcci did I think you must want to watch anthro page that I've rated something like 6,000 movies on Netflix. It means that this is pretty much a drop in the bucket. The fact that I...
Starting point is 00:40:51 This is the kind of drop in the bucket that stains the whole bucket. Yeah, did you pull it out and measure it just then? 6,000 movies, you say? Yeah, great. Rate it 6,000 movies, whatever. No, I think that that's a big deal. I'm not really... I watch a movie. Listen, I watch movies all the I think that big deal. I'm not watching a movie Listen, I watch movies all the time doesn't mean that I read a bragging right and just watch big money rustless places me on the artistic spectrum
Starting point is 00:41:13 somewhere the fact that I've rated six. I'm suddenly thinks he's an artistic type. Yeah, artistic spectrum Listen to mr. Sig word over it is fifty dollar words over here. All right, well, now, right, Dictionary. I'm regretting not just wrapping the episode up when I had the chance. Well, see, it's all about wrapping with him tonight. Like, he's saying, loud-bossies. I guess what I'm saying is listeners, please send in some mail. So we have something to talk about because the next movie, who knows, it may be even shorter and dumber than Big Money Russlers. Mm-hmm. It's impossible. we have something to talk about because the next movie who knows it may be even shorter and dumber than big money wrestlers.
Starting point is 00:41:45 If you have any and anyone if anyone any suggestion, well because if we watch Jonah Hex next time I think it's 82 minutes long. That looks really good. He's got like a Gatlin guns on the side of his horse. Yeah and a train blows up I think. By the way this is a we're talking about more theme month month. If we do Jonah Hex this is unofficially the an agronistic western month I think that would be great. Yeah, I would love to do that Yeah, we could watch this we could watch
Starting point is 00:42:12 The wild wild west wild west. We could watch Laser westerns from computer western world. We can watch the video for nights of Sedonia by air Whatever the name is that the name of that band we can throw away the entire format of the show We do whatever one guys listen It's our show. What is the man gonna tell us we can't do that? The got the suits the network come on. We can do an episode of that episode of fringe that Elliot loves You know that episode of fringe Elliot's been talking about I don't just do an entire episode about that don't really watch fringe Yeah, but you were saying that oh no, it was leverage it was leverage
Starting point is 00:43:00 Same thing they both have names that don't make sense Same thing they both have names that don't make sense Which of angry fringe and leverage watcher is an ex files ripoff leverage is about con artists that stop criminals That's the thing. It's like a serial killer that can only kill other serial killers. Yeah Who's the best person it takes a thief to catch a thief? Who's the best man actually? Crimes criminal. Yeah, that's not true either. Actually, policemen. They're not to be the best at catching thieves and stopping crimes. Police are the best at that particular job. Ironically, the crook has been
Starting point is 00:43:37 catching. Here's a question. Yeah, but how long can they steer into the abyss before they turn into monsters? 20 years. And then they retire. Here's my question. Here's my question that I brought up on Twitter today. Maybe you guys can answer. So is RoboCup eligible for a pension by this point? Can he retire and take a side job? Or does he just have to keep does the police around him own him? Yeah, I mean, does he have to give up his robot body? Yeah, when he turns in his badge, does he also turn in his robot? Yeah, I mean, that's police equipment. I think this is a case for the future Supreme Court.
Starting point is 00:44:10 There is a certain amount of organic material in the world. He's got a human brain. I guess how much meat do you need to be a citizen? So listeners, write in with your thoughts. No, because Ed 209 nine has just robot. Okay listeners write down your thoughts. Barry them in your pants. What about what about what about what was that? Send send all this stuff to flop house. Flop house questions courtesy of Dan McCoy Dan one one one Dan McCoy Plaza McCoyville. New York. One one to one McCoy Plaza, McCoyville, New York, 112, 1 McCoy.
Starting point is 00:44:47 USA. USA. USA. So wait, if you don't get in Robocop 2, was that got cane, the evil drug dealer gets to do? By the way, yes, I believe so. If you have a drug nuke, if you have a question or a thought that won't, you're a pain.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Because Robocop 3, it's the ninjas. You can email that too. If you just versus Robocop, it's very... It's a very... They have like monofilament knives or anything? They have swords. That's not going to kill Robo. Listen, read from that 70s show just stabbed a pipe into his chest in the first movie. I don't think it's solved. So no, that's a different character. It's a completely different character.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Did you see in Yeah. Red was the one who kept shouting about Dick Jones. And he goes, can you fly Bobby and then throw him on a car? Yeah. All right. It's a great movie. We should have watched RoboCop or Big Money RoboCops. The insane cyborg posse. If you have a question or a thought that will not irritate and dismay me, here's the, wait, Senator the pot.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Let's not put that unreasonably high bar because you are dismayed or irritated by so many things. That's true. Okay, if you want to send a message to the flop-outs, you can do it at the Flophouse podcast at And that would avoid the sort of freeform gibberish that you're getting at the end of this episode of the podcast. Yeah, so wait, this isn't that I know this was pretty good stuff. I mean, I was all going to I mean, I wrote all this down. Yeah, sure. I mean, I'm definitely scripted. I know about you guys, but I need this to work. I don't have very much left guys. It's been a rough week. You got a lot to look forward to. No, okay.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Like what? L.A. and I are taking salsa lessons on Saturday. Yeah. Making salsa. Yeah, intake. No, actually, it'll be quite mild. Oh, L.A. it's, can't hear. It's tummy.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Yeah, I have a tendency. You have to drink a lot of milk when it's spicy food. And just in general. Yeah. You like smoke. I'm lactose super tolerant. And just in general. Yeah. He likes milk. I'm lactose super tolerant.
Starting point is 00:46:48 I actually need it. Lactose is ALK with you. So what else do we ever talk about? Before we pull out the newspaper and start a reference, today's headlines. It likes to work out. Anybody? With Scythac.
Starting point is 00:47:07 I hear notice how you're at the gym. There's the one guy. Anybody? Anybody? Working out? Anybody? Before that happens. Big money rustles.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Anybody rustles. Big money. Dan McCoy. I've been steward Wellington. I think I'm still Elliot Kaylen. Good night everyone. Man that was bad. Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. It's one in one eye out the other. Dan I like this new hairdo. I don't know if it's in just what? What's going on?
Starting point is 00:47:36 It's in your hair is insane in the back. It was gonna up. Look you've been attacked by a flock of birds. You just managed to get here. I have any material in my hair. You get it. I was like, you know been attacked by a flock of birds. You just managed to get here. I haven't even turned on the air. You didn't know I was supposed to. You never tied five under here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Deal with hair. You're about to hairl things? It's like who do you as hair? Anybody? It's like you got a bunch of... Alright, string on your head. Just growing. It's a part of my body, but I gotta cut it off.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Hey, hey, stop when you get to the arms, okay, Barbara? off. Hey stop when you get to the arms okay Barbara.

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