The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #71 - The Last Airbender

Episode Date: December 19, 2010

0:00 - 0:31 - Introduction and theme.0:32 - 33:37 - How much air could an airbender bend if an airbender could bend air? The answer is surprisingly dull.33:38- 40:06 - Some highly digressive final jud...gments40:07 - 54:58 - The Flop House Movie Mailbag54:59 - 58:46 - The sad bastards recommend. 58:47 - 59:26 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 In this episode we discussed the aptly named the last airbender. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house I'm Dan McCoy. Wush, Wush, Wush, Wush, I'm Stuart Wellington. And I'm Elliot Kaylin. Well you got a new sound effect every week, every week this time. Well the thing that was cool about that was that was the sound my movements were making as I was doing my, my, my air bending. Your air bending? But don't tell me the Flop House House cat is gone.
Starting point is 00:00:52 I don't know, he just hasn't shown up yet. Okay, good. Well, what he does, I hope he had some big fanfare. Sure, it will be. Oh, he's great. Fan favorite, the Flop House House cat. So, I gotta say, I don't care to have my air bent like no you know you're in my apartment you come in you start bending my air you know you didn't even ask like
Starting point is 00:01:12 I don't know if you can straighten the air back out. I don't think that's possible he's here to breathe that way it's better for my skin. Yeah bent air doesn't fit down the throat as easily. I'm mainly doing the cardio workout to be honest Yeah, and to attract a mate. I thought it would be like a peak I see a lot of old ladies in the park airbedding. Yeah in the mornings. Yeah, yeah, in what like the sunset park park Yeah, work for you. You have a track that I mate. Yeah, and how do you think I did that? I don't think remember you airbending before. You weren't there. Yeah, you weren't there.
Starting point is 00:01:49 OK, I don't know. There's a lot of banding behind closed doors. Who's all part of my ritual. So this talk of airbending isn't just coincidental, as I'm sure you've really not listened to me. It isn't from out of nowhere. We watched an avatar Column the last airman is just called the last airbender. Is it they removed avatar from the title?
Starting point is 00:02:10 Yeah, you fucking shit. Yeah, you didn't you saw the movie this the opening title. I saw the promos With the movie that we called the Avatar the last airman. Yeah, I don't think so. I think you're I think you're making that up Because I think it was always the last airbender, right? I think you're making that up because I think it was always the last airbender, right? When they first announced it was Avatar of the last airbender. Oh, okay, and then they removed Avatar. Why was that? Why did they change it? Another movie came out called Avatar. I said based on the same thing No, based on everything and it turned out to be the most the highest grossing movie of forever, I think sure And why was that movie called Avatar again?
Starting point is 00:02:46 I have a target about people's g chat icons. Yes. Yeah, it was about a message boards their Xbox live characters. Yeah Yeah, it was originally called GIF sure that we sure cleared that up. It's called a law cat Or a house cat. No, not here. He's still not here. He's out. He's out of town getting around.
Starting point is 00:03:10 I still haven't seen him. I'm still the scene avatar. I mean, never. Is it really? Avatar the last airbender or avatar? I think you seriously missed your chance because I think I did it too. Because I've been doing promo promo animations for cinematics we got You know HBO and cinematics as a package we hadn't had them for a while and and
Starting point is 00:03:31 Avatar is on HBO reason. We're making sure big money over here as HBO and cinematics. No, I This is this is like oh at the premium channels. No things like this is my can watch. I know what you do late at night I can watch erotic confessions on demand I fall I fall asleep to a re broadcast of a sorority road oh awesome no but no I say it because of like my weird sense of guilt of the fact that like we don't make a lot of money so I feel like I need to justify to my listeners like it's all right it's all right that I have premium cable guys no no you want them to think that we're like top of the world they have to look up we're like top of the world
Starting point is 00:04:05 They have to look up to us like for some kind of Millionaires. You get someone who does make a lot of money You it's a waste of money for you to get the channel. Sure. He is talking to you who makes a lot of money I want to punch you in the face But anyway, how's house cat save us My point It's because I broke out the beluga caviar Eat only the best
Starting point is 00:04:29 My point of refined taste refine pow He is the original party animal but in an elegant way. No, he's not the original Elegan party's okay the original original elegant party. It's a little different now But I've seen fancy feast at the Crystal dish. He invented that. I've seen bits and pieces of Avatar and HBO. Now I'm like, wow, I say a vendor. No. James Cameron film.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Oh, OK. This does not play in regular D. That's I figure I will never see it unless it's re-released again in 3D. If television commercials are to be believed, the best way to watch it is from the screen of your telephone. Your mobile telephone device. They do advertise that. It's like the lizard things that those blue guys ride on,
Starting point is 00:05:16 just flies right out of the screen. Here's what I say about that. Ironically, it might be right in the sense that you either need to see an iMacs 3d Where like you're immersed in this crazy world? Yeah, or you need to see it on a tiny screen where the cartoonish of everything is not noticeable and yeah And you can move your hand your telephone back and forth So it's like it's like doctor doctor tongues house of horse or whatever on cdv. Oh just like the phones coming at you Whoa 3d phone
Starting point is 00:05:44 Yeah, absolutely. So that's air better. Here's a tip for the fans at home. You could do that with any object. Create your own 3D movie by just moving something closer and farther away from your face. Don't do something sharp, though. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:05:56 No sharp things. Things that won't hurt you. If it makes you feel better, wear glasses. You could probably go to a thrift store and get some old glasses. Yeah, just take a glass out of it. Then, I don't know that point. I don't know why it's just because like PD glasses. Okay for the funny I thought you meant for protective and take the lenses out. It's not protecting your eyes. No, no
Starting point is 00:06:13 Yes, it's just protecting the square of skin slightly around if you feel worried that if you're zooming things in and out Towards your eyes you're gonna hit yourself in the eye. You should wear protective goggles. Yeah, yeah. Probably like a blast shield right? Yeah, sure. Absolutely. I like the thing that a loose guy walker puts over his face when he's fighting that weird old ball. And maybe a cut maybe you should put a pot holder on your hand just in case what you're holding's hot. That's a good point. Okay. And you know just move your hand towards your face or the pot holder on it. That's all the 3D you need. Who needs these avatars with their blue people? Don't do that around anybody who's telling you that's a way to find out if you have AIDS or not because you're just going to get your hands mashing to your
Starting point is 00:06:51 own face. Yeah, that's not what actually happens. Do not accept a hurts donut. Yeah, to quote Adam Lackbar, he's a trap. Oh, that's so topical now. Check you out, internet guy. Listen, what can I say? I know memes. You know your act bars. Of all the act bars, I think Admroll is the best. It's act bar and Jeff and there's Admroll act bar. It's close race actually, but only one of them is a giant fish eyes.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Yeah, a squid man. And the race is called a... But only one of them is a giant fish eyes. Yeah, a squid man. And the race is called a... They're from Mon Calamari. Yes, absolutely. Thank you. All right. So the last airbender. It's a planet that was discovered by Italians.
Starting point is 00:07:35 OK. It means my squid. So the last airbender, huh? Yep. OK. So how does this... Pain is a picture? How does this movie open?
Starting point is 00:07:47 This movie opens with people tight-ching. Yeah, doing like Jim Cotter, some shit. With their elements. It's a magical world where the four elements Earth, fire, air, and water aren't a popular funk group. Nope. Because that's the name of the earthwater air and fire.
Starting point is 00:08:07 It's an alternate universe. Very much like our own. In alternate universe where there still was never a musical group at that name. It's a magical kingdom. People can bend elements, which means they do, you know, Tai Chi dancing and the elements fly around around, it's telekinesis basically. Yeah. And the fire people who can bend fire
Starting point is 00:08:30 are trying to take over the world. And then in bud bending fire, it just means that when they do their little dance and around fire flies all over the place. And as I said during the movie, this is like Harry Potter, where like the fire people might as well be slithering. Like they, like all the evil people have this firepower
Starting point is 00:08:47 And that's how you know that fire means you're bad. Yeah To quote Frankenstein's monster fire bad. Yep. Let me do a lot of jokes today a lot of famous monsters Just because I've quoted Frankenstein's monster and a man squid doesn't mean that all my quotes will be monsters and As I've quoted Frankenstein's monster and a man squid doesn't mean that all my quotes will be monsters. And Admiral Ackbar will remind you it was a patriot and a military hero, hardly a monster. A rebel. Yeah, but then they won and history is written by the winners.
Starting point is 00:09:16 I'm sure. So I'm off Mothma's ghost. I think that should be the name of your band. My Mothma's ghost. So there's like four different groups of people, right? I think in all different matches. I can all think in all different things. Ben's different things.
Starting point is 00:09:32 But there's one special Buddha Dalai Lama type. And then warp forward, we're in an Askimo tribe. Yes, we're in an Askimo tribe. There's two kids, a boy and a girl, their brother and sister. They find a kid with tattoos all over him locked in an iceberg with a giant flying sky bison. And that's reasonable so far. You know, we can just, they, they find this kid and over the course of a million scenes of people talking exposition to each other, it turns is the avatar the fabled reincarnation of this
Starting point is 00:10:06 Buddha Dalai Lama character who can bend all four elements But he ran when he learned about the pressure he would be under to be the avatar He ran away and was never trained in anything but air bending he rejected his quest in the Joseph Campbell terms. Yes So that he should have projected the movie Yeah, then he goes home to like talk to his buddies and tell him that, you know, he shouldn't have run away. And then oops, he's been in ice forever and they're all dead. They're all dead. It's the Aunt Baru uncle Owen moment. It's Captain America all over again, right, Elliot? Nope. Not at all. Come on. He was in ice
Starting point is 00:10:42 for a while. And then everyone he knew was dead. Bucky. Bucky was dead. I mean, B on, he was in ice for a while and then everyone he knew was dead. Bucky? Bucky was dead? I mean, Bucky died when he was frozen in ice. It's not like Bucky died when he was away. All right, but all his other friends, so it's not Bucky friends who are all that they take. They're still old, they're just old. Okay, like no mad.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Well, no mad came in later. No. He wasn't friends with him in World War II. What about Red Skull? That's his enemy. They're not friends. He's not dead though, right? Well, he dies and comes back all the time.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Okay, but just because he is a skull doesn't mean he's like a skeleton. No, no, he has a human body with a skull face. Even though I started this, this is not the Captain America. Look what you started. Maybe it should be. Capcast. Hey guys, it's Capcast. We have a real cool tonight. We have Captain America writer Ellie and I hope the Capcast House cat comes by. We're gonna have to check Capcast after this because it's gonna be like that time we did the the water lover thing. You're an aqua fan. We mentioned we mentioned I thought there was an aqua man fan site called aqua fan. Yeah that's gonna be our ticket into getting an economic out. Yeah but when we when we looked up that website it was a blog devoted to underwater sex with one posting and the posting was just
Starting point is 00:11:51 underwater sex has anyone tried it. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I call waterbiting. No, I don't get it. Oh, no, I got your older. So basically the avatars got to go around and learn how to bend all this stuff and beat the fire. And the whole time he's got these fire assholes chasing them down. You know, the guys who are all dressed in like, you know, black suits and have crazy helmets. Yeah. At no point are they like, wait a week, the bad guys? That's what they're doing. And they and they ride giant evil looking ships. And do backs. And they ride do backs. Or rontos, you said it might be. They're not. They're not. What are rontos? Rontos are the things with the long necks that were introduced. Oh, yeah, that's right. Yeah, they're do backs. Yeah. So we look at the lizard that Obi-Wan is riding in episode three. That makes the weird annoying sound.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Yeah, the one that's chasing the robo wheel with General Grievous in it. That's the scene when that movie where I said, this was designed to sell toys. What else would they both have different vehicles? And then the moment when the order 66 is passed down, that's the monster that gets shot, right? I don't remember that part. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Well, anyway. So, we were talking about- They're being chased by the fire guys, but, uh-oh, even the fire guys don't see eye-to-eye. Because there's two- there's the king of the fire dudes. Then there's his head general. I love that movie, King of the Fire dudes. Then there's the king, his son of the prince played by Slumdog Millionaires, Dev Patel.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Sure. Amazing performance. Oh, in a fantastic performance. He's an outcast. He's been cast out of the Fire people. He thinks finding the avatars, his ticket to the big time. But he's in competition with the head general played by Daly Show correspondent, Asif Monvig.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Your buddy, hilarious performance.. Asif Monvig. Yeah, coworker of mine. Mm-hmm. And what is a, actually the most subdued performance I think I've ever seen him give. Yeah, I was gonna, I said to you, Alay, during the movie that I thought you were actually safe because Asif Monvig probably turns in the best performance
Starting point is 00:14:01 in the film. So, you know, there's no awkward lunches ahead, because I know that he's a constant listener to the flop house. A huge flop house fan. And I don't think he's... He also finds out what it is. He also doesn't have any scenes where he has to dance around while CGI should happen.
Starting point is 00:14:19 He does the least amount of dancing around. Which is, I mean, it's probably for the best. So you guys can't just show those clips over and over for him Oh, yeah, I mean we would stay away from that anyway Can dish that kid but you can't take an a daily show I say how it is nope cannot take it But dish it out we will far snooze my show with though, right? Oh, yeah, of course over and over They'll say part vendor Daily shows us if mommy makes a turn of a movie
Starting point is 00:14:48 The last Wow Fox News was so mad magazine they are yeah, they call us the black Lee show No, that's good stuff. And the co-bear rip black. It's like everything's that egg in it. Anywho. So there's a lot of fighting and running around and it doesn't make any sense and it's really boring.
Starting point is 00:15:13 And at the end, the airbender learns how to bend water and the movie ends and it's to be continued. Yeah. It's like the airbender reaches out to the audience as if to say, another one. I mean, even that shot, like that final shot of this totally on charismatic kid with a black belt. The kid obviously got the job because he's good at karate.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Yeah. Not a very good actor. Yeah. So that was hard. But that final shot of him, he's like holding his head out and he does have this face like, is it okay? Well, he's supposed to look like he's still afraid of the pressure of being the avatar. Okay. He doesn't want to be the avatar. It's the as as Dan said, the rejection of the quest. Yeah, but he's like that. Just wants to go down to Tashi Station because of the whole movie. The whole movie is rejection of the quests and finally acceptance of the quest. There's no actual resolution. I mean
Starting point is 00:16:09 this is no. And this movie, well it's amazing. This is an hour and 40 minute movie in which the hero doesn't decide to become the hero until the very end of it. There are whole movies that length that tell a complete story and feel much and how much of that do it. I don't understand. Like with this thing after watching this movie I'm like how does Star Wars make sense? It's like two hours long but it has a whole story in it like yeah. Yeah the thing about it is that the I think they could have told the story but they spent all that time doing their fucking dance moves and there's a lot of long Tai Chi scenes. Well there's also a lot of scenes of people explaining things to each other at length while the camera is right up in their fucking face
Starting point is 00:16:47 You got to set up that trilogy, baby. Yeah Yeah, but like that's the thing like Star Wars, you know like that you know Empire Strikes Back Like they both tell their part of a larger story, but they tell Satisfying tales in their own right episode two or meant a menace I don't know what that's that I don't know what his words mean But you're right. Yeah, they you can crystal skulls. Okay, they it seems like see it film series no longer have Chapters that feet that are satisfying in and of themselves I've seen two Harry Potter movies the first one and the fifth one and both of them were so bad choices
Starting point is 00:17:23 Yeah, they were terrible but both were unsatisfying at the end because it was like, that's it. Like there's no, there was nothing even knowing they can't defeat Voldemort like in the first movie. It should at least feel like something was accomplished, you know. Well, you know, they, it was a year of school. If they accomplished that, it didn't even feel like they did schooling. It was like a work of school. And when they're put in Alan Rickman was in it. When does Harry Potter have time to study when he's busy like solving puzzles in the basement of the school?
Starting point is 00:17:50 The giant chest men and things. In my Harry Potter slash fiction, you'll find that it's chocolate full of him doing study sessions late into the night with Derrico Malphoy. Okay. That's not here about that. It's the spell of the air. Studying the possibilities of my... Just go to Stuart's blog. Harry Pac-Wafan.
Starting point is 00:18:11 That That doesn't exist. Yeah. Well, yeah, of course. So we've had a lot of laughs here today, guys. Where are we done yet? Is that it? We did not say anything about the movie.
Starting point is 00:18:24 It's really terrible. He say anything about the movie. It's really terror has been less. It's almost the story. No, but no, he didn't actually. What is it? It's never been less content. No, I'm not arguing against it. I'm just saying that the movie itself defies the entire story. It's our own story.
Starting point is 00:18:38 We got this cast of characters. We got this bald kid with a chubby face. Who's got magic kung fu. He looks really uncomfortable the entire movie. Then he's got the girl that's come off that friends. Yeah, and then that kid with the white. Everyone's white except the bad guy's. The boomerang. And then you got the weird girl with the white hair and the dark eyebrows. She's the princess of the world with like clear blue, you know, Steve McQueen eyes. I'm trying to think of some blue eyes
Starting point is 00:19:06 I was the best I got it. Mickey blue eyes. Okay. It's right there Hugh Grant. Yeah Come on known for his blue eyes. No, it's famous for his blue eyes. I guess then you got a Ron silver and To not Ron silver. It's a bearded man who's following the the I'm King of the bad guys. That's a pretty cool title. That's a good name for a super villain, King of the bad guys. I'm gonna write that down. Or like that's like an aging rocker's like bad, bad, bad, bad, album King of the bad guys. King of the bad guys. He's got a leather vest on, a valve endeavor.
Starting point is 00:20:10 With white chest hair showing through. He's got a motorcycle and it's hanging out in an alley. What's he doing there? So it's actually like a purple rain cover, isn't it? And then you got that fucking six-legged luck drag and he's riding around. Oh, yeah. Whose name is Apa? He's a skybison? Sure, that's.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I did some research after the movie. Weakipedia Research, the best kind. It's still recent. Actually, to find out the name of the skybison in the last airbender, Wikipedia research is the best research. You can't get it straight. What am I going to go to the biographical? It's like Wikipedia for that?
Starting point is 00:20:42 To learn the code. Let me just crack open my OED to find out about the skybiscs. To learn the causes of World War I, perhaps what compete is not your best choice, but last airbender, airbender trivia. Let me look at the index of Periodical Literature, see what it tells me about. The prisoner of airbender. Epa the skybison. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:02 It's a I mean everything about the movie it's very boring and very poorly written and not well acted and terribly shot the action scenes are really boring special effects are boring do you say that it was like the entire season of a television show can yeah that was yeah they tried to do the first season of avatar what the fuck do they do in the television show for the entire season like more that karate shit or what? Well, I would have maybe flesh out the characters and yeah, I would actually it's a weird thing where like the slowness of this as a movie Fathered me more than like it would as a as a TV show
Starting point is 00:21:37 I would accept a whole season of someone learning with their hero. Yeah, but a whole movie is, but also like it was so good to show heroes. Every scene was we've got to do this thing. We'll go to the other place, cut to next scene. They're in a totally different setting. Okay, but now we've got to go somewhere else. Cut to next scene. They're in a totally different part of the world. Like it's you could tell that they were trying to squeeze the handle. The different parts of the world handle had made up titles on screen. Oh, this is South Airbender or whatever. This is the Northern ice castle. Yeah. Like thank you for looking at me and the shit made up geography. Let me consult my airbender atlas.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Yeah, it's the map that comes in your blue ray disc, you know, to fold out map. Orient myself. I get my iPod app out and you didn't know that every blue, a blue ray disc comes with a map of where the movie takes place. Sure. And it comes with a main selling scroll for learning airbending magic or something. Okay. I didn't read it.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Oh, I forgot to mention that at one point, Asif kills a magic fish. Thus briefly turning the moon red until someone, I guess, gives up their cheat to become a fish. Yeah, the girl's a pretty eyes. Does. Yeah. And then everything's okay again. Yep. Yeah. That was a plan X, huh? That was part of the plan. See, that's the kind of thing that could work in a season of a show. Like you build up why this fish is so important. He gets killed. You have an episode or two where things are bad. And then a character that we've come to know after while sacrifices themselves to save the world. But there was that same word over the course of that kid with the boomerang. Talk for a
Starting point is 00:23:14 while and talk about why he hates sand so much. You think of a scene from Star Wars episode two. My mistake. There's some similarities though right now. It was too. So this movie, uh, over the course of four minutes, a big thing happened. The world was, you know, irreparably changed. Someone sacrificed their life and then it was over. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:38 There's nothing more dramatic than watching a grown man walkwardly stab a fish in the bag. It's not shooting fish in a bag the reason you guys. If you take nothing more from us about the last airbender it is that. There's a scene of a grown man awkwardly stabbing a fish in a bag. Something that's clearly going not a real fish in a bag, by the way. They got the most rudimentary robot to jerk back and forth inside this bag. Like a robot fish? Yeah, like a robot fish. Like a blade runner? A replicant. A replicant fish. A skin job. A replicant fish. I'm glad you called yourself out. It's a fail job. It's called. It's called. It's a fail job. It's a fail job.
Starting point is 00:24:25 It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job.
Starting point is 00:24:33 It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job.
Starting point is 00:24:41 It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job. It's a fail job. about as good as all the other action sequences in this. Oh yeah, if you like your action, any action sequence ever. Yeah, I would say so. If you like your action sequences slow, and with nobody coming more than three feet away from each other,
Starting point is 00:24:55 then close to the camera, drifting aimlessly around in a circle. I feel like this is a, Why'd they need that kid to have a black belt? Cause he doesn't ever touch anybody. He just does a bunch of dancing. Well he does also have that. They could have gotten one of them glee kids.
Starting point is 00:25:06 He's not even like, but he- When gleeics. He's also doing just like, Tai Chi style martial arts. It's not like he's doing crazy, you know, and airbent. I think it's called airbent. I'm not combat or anything, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:19 like they could have gotten a better actor. It's airbent. It feels like it was a movie that was shot at like a Catholic school dance. Where everyone would get really close to fight. And then the nuns would come by and leave some room for the Holy Ghost there, kids.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Well, step three feet apart. Now you can fight. Oh, I thought you were going to say something. I thought you were going to say something. Of course they are. Sure. I thought you were going to say it was a movie that was made at a school.
Starting point is 00:25:44 And they're like, OK, who's good at air bending? Right, you course they are. Sure. I thought you were going to say it was like a movie where it was made at a school and they're like, okay, who's good at airbending? Yeah. Right, you're the lead. You're the lead in the play. The last airbender play. Which of you has tattoos on your head? Okay, you get to do it.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Let's cash the bald boy. He's been very sad since he had leukemia, though now he'll work in his favor. Sure. Was that the only one who every time I saw him, made me feel really sad because I were in a sick yeah yeah you can't have a bald kid in a movie you also is like making a sad face the whole movie yeah well he was sad he was in the last air better sure he was terrified someone might notice is acting at every moment I think I I'm gonna say it you know what I'm just gonna say it and night Shyamalan is not good at directing actors okay I'm just gonna say it well I'm gonna say it. You know what? I'm just gonna say it and night Shyamalan is not good at directing actors
Starting point is 00:26:27 Okay, I'm just gonna say it. Well, I'm gonna say about action is he good at directing action I'm not gonna say that either but I was saying this combined with the scene in the happening where Mark Wahlberg denies that he's gonna kill that old lady and goes what? No In a way we like oh my god. He's a murderer What? No! In a way we like oh my god he's a murderer. It's weird though because like Bruce Willis is not an actor of tremendous range and I mean he can be good in things but he can be very bad in things but he was you know he was good in M Night Shylands first couple movies and so- But all he had to do was be very quiet and look down at the ground and-
Starting point is 00:27:01 That's true. And be sad. Yeah. and look down at the ground and be sad. I mean, he happened to have got a leading man there who had a nobility about him when he looked sad and quiet. What about Bryce Dallas Howard? She's cute, some stirring performance. I find her pretty. That's what I'll say about her.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Well, real perceptive analysis of her performing style then. Well, but I think that's another example. Mr. Skin over here. I didn't see anything about. I was wondering, oh, where the... Sairnake in Mandalay. And that was not what I... Oh, now you're telling people where you can see her naked.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Come on. I'm... It's my... It's my... In Mandalay Bay, the casino. Yes. Or a hotel. It's the hotel man.
Starting point is 00:27:43 It was a disaster that in the basement. Wait for Price's house, Howard, to enter that's her favorite casino. Sure. But you've got this weird issue where when she poops, she has to take off all her clothes. You look a little kid does. Yeah. So you have to hide up in the ceiling. When she takes off all her clothes, you've got to get some snaps.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Just use your spider powers like a rots and you're your father's so bad at directing he made the divinci code like i thought that was a sort of i should love the street
Starting point is 00:28:19 i thought the divinci code was one of his better movies uh... well that's correct that is factually incorrect the Da Vinci code was one of his better movies. Well, you are wrong. Well, that's too bad. That is factually incorrect. And there's an error of jimmy. Guys, let's save it till we see Bryce Dallas Hauer the bathroom. The main lay they say sorry, you made up for the marriage of the Da Vinci code. So we are in a casino restroom.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Wasn't you Bryce Dallas Howard. You're laughing too much. I didn't hear you, Joe. OK. This is a situation that's impossible to not think about when you're watching the last airbender. Being at the Mandalay Bay, Casito. With the Megan Hollywood star.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Bryce Dallas Howard, Dallywood, or L.T. Jump. OK, she's gone to the buffet. She ate her fill. Maybe at Mario Barathella. She ate her fill. Maybe it Mario perhaps a little too much and maybe some Wolfgang puck or something and she's got to go drop off. Eight different types of gelato. Sure. Because I guess that's Las Vegas. No, it's a thing. They call it gelato. Okay. We have eight different types. And then we stand
Starting point is 00:29:21 around making the snaps of this naked actress. Yeah, sure. And talk about airbending. Sure, of course. Sounds fun, guys. We could do it. I got a few weeks in my schedule. Checked your watch. I like that type of joke.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Not good for the podcast. Some good visual acting for the podcast. I can't see me check my watch. I'm doing all this great mind work. Unfortunately, they can't seem. Sure. I'm doing all this great dancing, airbending, type stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:47 A lot of airs being banned. It's hilarious. Airbending. And the music was bad too. Hey. Yeah, James Newton Howard, you suck. It is a burn. He called him out.
Starting point is 00:30:00 I just burned him with my firebending. Yeah, it's a don't see this movie. A lot of money was spent on it. It could have been spent feeding stray cats. Now this movie was what the onion just, and you're allergic to cats. Yeah, I don't even like them. And I'd still prefer this.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Kind of recently the onion gave this movie the worst of 2000 times. Yeah, I was up this taping yesterday. The worst of 2010 list came out. Hard for me to disagree, really. Yeah, I. I can a V gave this the number one slot Yeah, we did watch came in number three. Okay, so I can't argue about that one and I've seen number two City to sure now. Did you watch that for this podcast? Yes, I don't think so we didn't. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Because I haven't seen it. Yeah, I own the equipment. Oh, I mean, that's must've been out. I watched it. I mean, I wouldn't have watched it. It's fine. I seem to have believed you probably watched it while wearing a pink bathrobe.
Starting point is 00:30:55 And some vanilla blondic shoes. Oh, no, I was going to say with cotton balls between your toes as you painted them. Okay. I like it. And eating a pint of hogginaus with your hair and curlers. With surrounded by a legion of cats. That do your bidding. Sure. And soft crimes. That sounds great. In our house. How does house get? Did he just say,
Starting point is 00:31:20 solves crimes in inner space? No, not outer space, but inner space would work too. So the crimes inside Martin's. No, not outer space, but inner space would work too. It solves the grabs inside Martin's. That's basically us most is Jones. Solves crimes in inner space. You had to know what you're talking about. They hit animated film. Oh, and subsequent television cartoon program. Yes. Us most is Jones.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Us most is Jones. Starting the voices of David Hyde Pierce and what? Chris Brock. Yeah. Chris Brock in the TV. What unlikely buddy here is there? Yeah. Unlikely buddies those two. Oh, but they work together. Oh, okay They learn to respect each other
Starting point is 00:31:50 Who asked Moses is not the same from Is it G? That same premise is meat Dave no meat Dave is about a race of aliens that live inside a giant Facial that's a human size and is a Annery looks like any more more and most of the aliens inside Eddie Murphy look like getting more to it. Why did he do it? Is that the clumps?
Starting point is 00:32:09 No, the clumps is about a family of obese. A spat at the dynamics. Haunted mansion. Haunted mansion is about Eddie's feet owning a haunted mansion. There's nothing in the title that is not, there's nothing in the movie that's not explained by that title On to mansion. Okay. Why is Eddie Murphy living there is it doesn't he have a bunch of mansions? Well, he wanted something he was tired of non-hunted mansions
Starting point is 00:32:36 Yeah, at that point when you're at the man who has everything exactly So in conclusion Eddie Murphy's been in a lot of terrible movies. This should make a movie called Flunted Mansion. Why? Sure. No, just a bad man. It's a bit of a dance movie. This guy is just always showing off his mansion.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Sure. Check it out. Three bedrooms. It's a big small mansion. It's not a mansion so much as a house. And if it was Flunted It Mansion, it could be like a cheerleader team moves into a mansion that's actually haunted. Yeah, or like vaunted mansion, it can be about Sagamore Hill, tell you Roosevelt's home. Certainly as vaunted mansion as there ever was.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Maybe like a movie or more of a book. It's a history channel special. One hour special, vaunted mansions. Sure. Could I download that onto my mobile device? It's a history channel special one hour special Wanted mansions sure Could I down more than on my new device? So watch it on on the terrain. I'm sure you could okay watching some mobs. So and if I move it back and forth It'll look like it's in 3d. Oh, yeah, the houses are coming right at you. Whoa guys guys. We just did a herald Steward does know that means it's in Proff talk. All right. Okay, so let's do our final judgments. Wow, we spent so little time talking about last air vendor.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Because it was the worst movie of the year. I want to apologize to the audience for Dan picking this movie. Yeah, I want to apologize to me for me picking this movie. We could have watched. Yeah, you got a stack of more in the Charlie program. We were watching the Charlie Brown Christmas when you came in. We could have watched the rest, you got a stack of We were watching the Charlie program. We were watching the Charlie Brown Christmas when You came in we could have watched the rest of that and it would have been a
Starting point is 00:34:09 Holiday classic and it was what we poured on my iPhone. What was that? Were you doing during the whole time during Charlie Brown Christmas? All time. He was trying to rub myself all You have no ruined Charlie Brown Christmas. He was watching. Well Dan, all those guys were masturbating when they were making Charlie Brown Christmas. Yeah, you see the way Lucy's drawn Bill Melinda's. Yeah, Bill molestes. Come on. Is that a... I think that's a lot of the Charles Show. I think that's Emilio molestes.
Starting point is 00:34:38 That's a really old molest. That's a lot of the best New York Post headline. Emilio molestes. Guys, all right, all right, fly the nation. Make this happen. Best New York Post headline a million molestive is Guys, all right. All right. Flavestation make this happen Tempt me the U.S. Tive is into molesting you So we can pitch this headline and on some level. I'm sure you'd appreciate the attention It's been a while since he's had a hit Yeah, Bobby was not what he was hoping buddy ducks rightucks, right? That was his last. Well, he directed the movie Bobby. No.
Starting point is 00:35:09 A couple years ago. Which is not about molesting. No, it's not. It's about Robert Kennedy's assassination. All right. That's not that's not about sex playing hockey. It is a Christmas family comedy. A while back, I was trying to wrap this up. So, I'm going to do this. The Mighty Ducks is not about ducks that play hockey.
Starting point is 00:35:27 What the fuck is it about? It's about a kid's hockey team that's called the ducks. Yeah, why? They do a hockey wing, like a formation that's like ducks in flight. It's called the flying bee. Yeah, I never, I'm not familiar with the movie, but I'm aware of their... I thought it was like that. I thought it was like a show I thought it was like a show like Scrooge and Launchpad McQuack and shit playing hockey
Starting point is 00:35:51 Nope, nope I'm less inclined to see you now, thanks Although I'll take it out of my queue But leave in D2, the mighty ducks Leave in? Ducktail's treasure the lost lamb Because that would have what you want Sure Or the Fudge Day Yeah, ductails treasure the lost lamp because that would have what you want sure or the
Starting point is 00:36:07 Ducktail's the NES cartridge. That's a fun game. Yeah, it's a really good one. Enjoy it. Let's do final judgment We're not even being entertaining Good our listenership has dropped a hundred thousand percent This is a good bad movie a bad bad movie our movie actually kind of like Stuart go No, this wasn't very good Really, Kelsa Pries This is a a bad bad movie it's shot poorly The action is choreographed strangely we didn't even see it in like the bad 3D that everyone was talking about
Starting point is 00:36:42 It was bad 2D. Yeah, it was see it in like the bad 3d that everyone was talking about you know bad 2d yeah it was it was a life I like I spent the I spent the first 15 minutes of the movie complaining that I wasn't watching willow for God's sake so what is going on I'm sorry my my cat has jumped into a cardboard box that is underneath the table that were scratching it furiously Better that better that than her scratching the sofa though and Says you One of you guys continue with the final judge. I'm gonna say that this was a bad bad movie a movie that I did not enjoy it all Oddly enough, it's not my least favorite movie that we've watched sure
Starting point is 00:37:19 Well that be big money restless. I hated big money wrestlers. I hated wrestlers Well, that'd be big money wrestlers. I hated big money wrestlers. I hated wrestlers. Rostlers, yeah, thank you. I hated Delgo. There are other movies that I hated. This movie is very similar to Delgo, no. Yes, but I found Delgo much more irritating than this film.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Because of the Cresco tan element? Yeah, this film I could just sort of zone out and not understand, and that was fine. Okay. But, no one should watch very good in this movie. It just sound makes me very bad very bad. Yeah, it's terrible All right, what do you have to say? I'm gonna say it's a good good movie. No, it's a bad bad movie No way which one's true the bad one. Okay, it's a it's very bad and
Starting point is 00:37:59 It's weird like it's in one of those movies where you watch it and you're like, I can't believe that a people made this and released it in the theater and then other people paid money to see it. Like, the entire- And it was big movie. And it was big, but the entire idea of film going breaks down when you see a movie like this. The concept of going to a movie theater and seeing a movie. Yeah, you even suggested that if you had paid to see this movie through some happenstance, you would have gotten up and left mid-movie. Yeah, I don't think I would have made it 40 minute past the 40 minute mark at most Had I been watching this for any reason other than to mock it on a podcast?
Starting point is 00:38:37 Okay, and I don't I don't walk out of things to it. No, I finished work. You're a sticker. Yeah, yeah, yeah Sticker inner stick like glue out of things. Stuart, I finished where I started. You were a sticker. Yeah, a sticker inner. A sticker like glue. Yeah, a sticker on you. That's the thing, like, I guess looking at the, when I saw the trailers, I guess this thing to me. When they started really promo like doing the hype for this movie, I got the impression that there might be a lot of like action in it at least.
Starting point is 00:39:02 But no, like all the action you see in the trailers is pretty much all the action from the Not a lot of action and very what action there is is very slow Yeah, action there is involves bending air which is less exciting as opposed like bacon bones Yeah, not a Tai Chi and people flying around Uh-huh if you are really like thrilled by What old people the exercises old people do in the park, you will love this movie. If you're thrilled by people being blown down by wind, this is the film book for you.
Starting point is 00:39:31 If you've ever seen a very slow conceptual dance piece, and you're like, I wish this is good, but I wish it was a bald kid that was doing it. You should see this movie. And there were special effects flying around them a little bit. Yeah. And there were like special effects flying around him a little bit. Yeah If you were like oh man, I Wish there was something I could not watch when it was on TV and this is the movie Or if you were like I like the daily shows as if Monby, but I think I'd like it more as a villain
Starting point is 00:40:03 All right guys Enough of these delight pushin' out against. Okay, so what are they? They were delightful and they were shinanigans. I have some... These frightful shenanigans. I have some listener mail. Sure. Elliot, you do not need to reach into your fantasy mail bag because we've got some real
Starting point is 00:40:16 mail this week. There were some good letters in the fantasy mail bag. I know, but... Dear Stuart, you are needed on a quest. Okay, listen. Okay, I'm listening. There is a legend that you are needed on a quest. Okay, well, okay, I'm listening. There is a legend that you are the chosen one. No, I said no, I said no.
Starting point is 00:40:28 How many gold coins are in it for me? There are four gold coins. You should have been scared about the land of Mabornia. No, but... Love us, love us, Oscar. I asked to help me get over my mercenary nature as I search for these gold coins. Okay, no, no need for the fantasy mailbag is what I said.
Starting point is 00:40:45 I am a single blonde lady with the following measurements. We'll talk about that. We'll talk about that first time writer. So this email says, as luck would have it, on the day I listened to your most recent episode, I had earlier watched Robocop 2 for the first time. Awesome. The movie was awful.
Starting point is 00:41:02 And awful write a passage. Noooook. The movie was awful. Right. A passage. Noooook. The movie was awful and that kind of planned 80s sequel way. But it makes me an expert Robocop on robot, and that's right, it makes me an expert on Robocop's retirement options. Oh, finally. In searching for candidates for the Robocop 2 program, the main benefit OCP was going to Dangle in front of them was a chance at immortality with the implication that they would be the property of the evil corps forever. So I don't think Peter Weller will be getting much of a retirement package, though it is possible
Starting point is 00:41:33 that this is further explored in Robocop 3 territory into which I dare not go. And that's what the Andrew last good. It's got a jetpack in the trailers for that one he fights an ninja be brave Andrew jetpack rubble cup fighting ninja It's a pity that's what a terrible agreement. You're gonna live forever as our Solus slave Sounds good sign me up. What and I'm not gonna have a penis great sign me up I thought that thing that he extends out of his hand was pretty much like a penis. It's just like, it's very, very spiked. If you try to insert that into a woman, she would be upset. Well, I mean a computer. Not a, I mean, you can't get a seriously a beard.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Fucking, you're a, you're a, you're a, well, that right, sinew, sinew. Speaking of Star Wars, that's been earlier, is R2D2 fucking every computer that extends that little spike rate? Rapping those computers. Wow, that's why- I don't know, look at the way the computer on the Star Destroyer was dressed. Anytime, that is not an excuse, Stuart. I'm tired of this. I'm tired of this.
Starting point is 00:42:39 I'm tired of this blame the computer argument. I hear from so many conservatives these days. And that's why, actually, if you watch the deleted scenes, before every time that there's a spaceship chasing them and shooting lasers, you see you here. There's that rapist robot we've been trying to catch. They're just trying to catch R2. He's a terrible person. That's what the prequel should have been about. Yes. Yeah. R2D to go in bad. I will let me say one thing and I don't believe I mentioned before what about the an earlier podcast, but the daily show Rally to a sports sanity. We had a lot of big stars there. Like R2D 2? Yeah, we did. Well, there's a lot of big stars.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Like Kat Stevens, Ozzy Osborne, Premo Dulljabar and R2D2, and I was so unhappy I didn't get a picture with R2D2. Kenny Baker was in the suit? No, Kenny Baker wasn't there. There was nobody I didn't want to meet any of the other stars. I just wanted to make sure that R2D2 and my wife is so baffled by how excited I was. She just kept saying he's not real. I was. She just kept saying, he's not real. Oh, I was so excited. I don't think I've been that excited
Starting point is 00:43:48 to meet a fictional character since the Ninja Turtles Pizza Tour. Came into my town. Yeah. Hi, I'm delighted by your wife's bathroom at your gym during this. So, okay, this other email. Okay, this is not the last one.
Starting point is 00:44:06 I say the other one. This is the second one. The last email. It says, hey guys. Hey guys, it says, got an email on the Bad Film Club mailing list about your podcast. If Nico says you guys are cool, then I'm in as she can be scary, but in a funny way. I'll go on. I like Nico. Well, listen to the last one.
Starting point is 00:44:27 I thought it was very funny. Maybe if you come to the UK, you can play one of the bad film club live shows. There's super cool. Anyway, just thought I would say hello from over here in England, bad movies rule, KT, and then she says XX as in kisses, but she only puts two of them. So one of us doesn't get a kiss
Starting point is 00:44:47 Let's not beat around the bush one for Stuart Also practicing my Daniel Craig accent You know I hear a wait a second. It was where did he go? Where did he go? I just I looked at I look at stuff. I I was not aware of it What not? The bad film club. Golden Compass. The bad film club, very popular series of films greetings in England. They were kind enough to put us on their mailing list. We were a lot of traffic was driven. Oh, that's great. To us from them. I apologize for this episode. No, no, no. I'd like to thank them. Katie, no, I like to thank them
Starting point is 00:45:25 Katie who was kind of to kiss two of us Wanted to know let me guess not kissing the Leonardo I don't know What is his I beams sure if she saw a picture of a pretty dreamy fellow. I got it Nightmare sure Photoshop does wonders got to you know I just said yeah I'm gonna like the nightmare. Sure Photoshop does wonders. But I think it's fun. I think it's fun that she says maybe if any of you come to the UK you can play one of the bad film club live shows question mark question mark question mark and to that I say sure if we were invited to play the bad film club live shows I would be delighted. Yeah and if our airfare was coming.
Starting point is 00:46:02 If we happen to be in England, that sounds delightful. I mean, that's something that night of those things have been fulfilled. Neither we're not going to England and we have not been invited. Why are we not going to England? Yeah. You heard the airfare, folks. The Flav House is going to England. Yeah, I've got to start your communication. Yeah. We're starting a charity drive where we're a little cute. we're gonna sell Leave tonight and drive to London. I was obviously gonna jump in. I was gonna say you're gonna sell your used underwear Like sure like those Japanese vending machines where you can get the school to panties Yep, I'll sell my schoolgirl painting collection
Starting point is 00:46:40 Hey, no, you spent years assembling that collection. It's one of the finest in the Western hemisphere. Yep. It's in my storage locker that's kept at a perfect 75 degrees. We'll sell individual hairs on the storage mustaches. In Japan, Stoord is known as Pantyoo guys. I go to Pantyotaku conventions. Pantaku. Yeah. Pantaku. Yeah, Pantaku.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Okay. This is enough of this. No, but I was, you know, I'm gratified that we were put on this man list. Yeah, it's very cool. Now we've got to be a lot more exotic already. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And thank you, KT, all the way.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Should we start? Should we close one more kiss? Nope, and thank you you bad movie club should we start listing all the movies we review in there like european titles as well from now on most of them are the same but i think the Bulgarian title for this one was avatar bender of the and english title english title for this one was the Z airbender
Starting point is 00:47:50 Yeah, come on come on guys Z airbender. That's pretty good. Come on. I apologize England I followed us were all our recent new English listeners One here's some more Daniel Craig Oh, I'm James Bond I use all his James Bond. I is I is Jimmy sweep James Bond Dick van Dyke chimney sweep James Bond. Okay, so this one is from Andrew last name with that's a good letters this week Andrew last name with health says Floppers after suffering crippling delays on a recent jet blue flight the entire plane was compensated with a free showing of the Tom Cruise
Starting point is 00:48:25 Cameron Diaz stick Stinkfest, Night and Day. I'm a frequent listener to your hilarious show, but Night and Day is the first movie I've had to suffer through that compelled me to write in. Roar! I was dead. Don't interrupt. It's everything in movie supports. Should not be an unfunny comedy, a boring action flick, and a romance with that chemistry between the lead actors. Tom Cruise is a standout. In 15 years, he's gone from being a credible spy
Starting point is 00:48:50 and mission impossible to some sort of creepy loaner with a gun in nine day. You've been in a great service to the world if you give it the old flop house treatment. What do you think, guys? Nine day? Yeah, I'd be up to flopping that. Yeah, I'll give it my treatment.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Now that I've seen the worst that film has to all Treatment yep on HBO Get a kickback every time all right listen let we're not usually like this There's a night like he's like he's a night like I thought it was gonna be like Kate and Leopold or whatever that movie was called it is terribly old Tom Cruise is a knight from medieval times who comes to modern days. It's a few Jackmans in that movie not Tom Cruise.
Starting point is 00:49:32 No, no, but I thought night and day was gonna be like that. You thought it was gonna be like black knights starting Martin Lawrence. Exactly. Similar in some ways. Black Knight produced by the same man who produced little murders. The movie I'm showing on January 5th Awesome, there's Mark Lawrence in that movie. What? There's Martin Lawrence. No, Martin Lawrence is not in that movie. That's too bad
Starting point is 00:49:54 Yeah, every movie shit. If Martin Lawrence had been an airbender it would have been sure much better movie so boys two is a much better movie than the airbender It's so hard. It's so hard to find a movie that fits into the sentence, bad boy 2's, bad boy 2's a much better movie than that. Well bad boy does a feature 2 animatronic rats. Yeah, bad boys 2 is the epitome of a good bad movie. That is an excellent bad movie. When they plow through that Cuban shanty town with no regard for the families that they have mowed down, regard for the families that they have mowed down they all work in like coke production facility. Yeah that's a yeah and as you say the scene where Martin Lord's watches the dumbles of the fun. Cuppet rats fucking each other. For no reason.
Starting point is 00:50:36 It's like cold. I mean I think you ever read this. I think the rats have a reason for having to. No the rats have a reason. There's no reason to include that scene in the film. So hilarious. No. I remember when we watched that, you were like rolling in the aisle. You're right, I was ROTFL. You were throwing your popcorn to the air. I was, for some reason, I, I, uh, represent laughter by tossing popcorn into the air.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Yeah, and your nachos. I remember, I saw that, I saw that movie. I saw that movie. I saw that movie in the the theater for some reason and the guy next to me I know the reason I couldn't fucking all the guy next to me was punching me the shoulder is like Pretty good. Yeah, still I was punching in the nachos Yeah, there's a cat under our feet. I know which cat. So, and the last email is from Brian last name with help. Let's just take a moment to save for this last email.
Starting point is 00:51:34 The last mail vendor, right? The last mail vendor, yeah. The last mail vendor tonight is from Brian. The last gender vendor. Brian's last name with help. And I think it's inspired by your fantasy male bag fantasy male bag letters that aren't real and I did I copy right in now so it's like happy birthday people have to pay me when they're saying it's
Starting point is 00:51:56 inspired by it's inspired by Elliot's new segment Brian last name withheld says hi Dan how are you doing how was your turkey day and i'd like to say that's a whole letter that's a whole letter are you sure there was a fluff house letter what did his voice so stupid no it was that was me being caring no it sounded stupid like you're making fun of his voice all right i don't know how it sounds well how was your turkey day? It was a delight. What do you have? I went to our friends, the birds. Okay. I brought some. They're strictly for the birds. Recently impregnated. Well, one of them is both. All in good. One with a young child and one with an alien baby. No, I brought brought some I brought some delicious bread
Starting point is 00:52:46 Much like I brought to your pot luck we had a we had a Non-flop house related potluck dinner. I made it place. I made a crack pie I mean we had a delicious We had a great Thanksgiving Sadly, that was the thing that was the meal that made me sick because both of the birds had a cold and you shouldn't go to a meal at a house where the people serving you that meal have had a disease recently. Sounds like they were jerkeys. Otherwise, it was great. How long were you waiting to say that one? Like a minute. So that's why you were extra hilarious. Yeah, that is why. But I like it. You were, I don't know why, but you are, you know, it was,
Starting point is 00:53:26 it did work out in the last podcast that you were sick and had no idea what was going on. I mean, I really, I really listened to it. I was less woozy than I thought at the time. But that was just you acting. But yeah, I know I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I three times a charm. Listen to it backwards and see all the subliminal messages we put in there. Rib rib rib rib it. That's what it sounds like when you do backwards. It's not really a supple little message. It's just what it sounds like when you you take back what are you saying? You got to slow it down too.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Okay. What happens when you slow it down? I make house cat noises. So thank you Brian for that expression of personal concern. Yeah, concern, sure. Thank you to everyone who wrote in. Yeah, that's really awesome. More people want to write in. Where should they write to then? They should write to the Flophouse podcast at
Starting point is 00:54:14 Okay, and if you want to send message to the house cat, send it to house cat at the Care of Stuart Wellington, two three main street and American New Jersey make sure he gets it you can't read English And he only speaks house cat right he only speaks cat so I have to translate and if anyone want right in We got to create a flop house house cat ground swells. We can get someone interested to make merchandise You can also run it through Babelfish, the Babelfish program on the internet. Just set it from cat to English. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Yeah. Well, what were the other way around? It doesn't matter. Or English to cat. Yeah, you'll figure it out. Or there's probably some kind of an iPhone app. All right. Now, let's get back to what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Guys, we had such a bursting mail bag that we have to do our recommendations fast this week, but- Fast and loose. What movies have you seen recently that you might recommend in the loose of the last airbender? Alley, J.A. One? In lieu of the last airbender I'd recommend any other movie ever made. Okay. But I also recommend the new filming version of TruGrit. I saw it on Tuesday and it was very good and I'd recommend it. Okay, well that was even speedier than I thought. I watched the movie Louis Blu-y documentary. It was Terry's Wig-Off's first movie. He made it before
Starting point is 00:55:37 Crumb, but it has a lot of like the same themes. I mean it's about a an elderly... It's about a family of crazy brothers. Well, no, it's about a lot of whom is a famous graduate. An aging blues musician. Blues an old country musician. And he's also... Is he a bad Santa? Is that the music I'm talking about?
Starting point is 00:55:58 Some kind of art school, confidential. Well, actually, the blues musician, and Lou Blue, he's also an artist. There's a great sequence in it where he pulls this book out that is just labeled pornography. But when you open it up, it's like this illuminated manuscript. It's like, he's written out in calligraphy all these stories from his life, but they're all like sex related. He's got these great sex cartoons. But it's only an hour long and it's a great documentary if you like crumb at all. It's a
Starting point is 00:56:32 it's a good documentary if you like. It doesn't like crumb it's a good documentary and it also it shows you how much of like Terry's Wigoth is in the character of Steve Buschimmy and Ghost World because you can see that the guy who made Louis-Bloody was basically Steve Buschchemi and Ghost World because you can see that the guy who made Louie Bluey was basically Steve Buschemi and Ghost World. So I recommend that movie. I wasn't going to be a visual maniac, I don't want to recommend a little movie called Magnum Force. It's the second dirty hairy movie, it's awesome. It's condoms. I actually, I like Magnum Force better than the first dirty hairy. Yeah, I think I can agree with you. And
Starting point is 00:57:11 yeah, Hal Holbrook's really good at pool. Right. In that it's good. Yeah, Hal Holbrook's really good in it. And yeah. Academy award nominee for Into the Wild, Hal Hallbrook. Yep. He's really good as a scheming police commissioner, I think. You really remember this movie? Well, they are. I remember that it's totally awesome. You made me play Mark Twain. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Or Ed Grail and Poe. You may as well be playing Mark Tame tonight. Tomorrow. Do you call him Mark Tame? Yeah, Mark Tame was his pen pen name Mark Twain was same a clement's pen name when he wrote pornography who's Mark Tame It's a little little brow I guess that's that's the voice of Americana right now. Yeah, that's folk folk ways folk porn
Starting point is 00:58:01 Fuckleberry Finn Now your face is still here her That's good keep Keep it up. These are all. Put the celebrated jumping frog of Calaver her as canada. Connecticut Yankee and King Arthur's country. Whoa. Whoa. Hold on. Put puttin head Wilson's vagina. Putting head Wilson. Yeah, you don't
Starting point is 00:58:23 have to change that one. Yeah. Oh yeah. So, on them and roughing it. But that's our UFF. Yeah, because it's about muffing it. This is a terrible turn. I should never have brought us down this road. What would you put you to? What would I do? How's Cat Save Us. Wow! Okay, back on track. On that literary pornographic note. This has been the flop as in I've been Dan McCoy. I've been steward Wellington. I'm ashamed to say I'm elite K-Lin. Man all the British people aren't gonna listen anymore after that. The Flop House Hascat is everyone's favorite Flop House mascot. Last got. Last got, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:17 I was offered $10,000 to sell the rates of Flop House Hascat to Mnite Shyamalan for the live action movie, yeah. The Last Housecat. Flapas Husket, MNH Shyamalan for the live action movie. The last house cat.

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