The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #83 - I Am Number Four

Episode Date: June 25, 2011

0:00 - 0:33 - Introduction and theme.0:34 - 5:48 - We discuss our GLOWING Onion AV Club mention.5:49 - 33:34 - Nothing starts a franchise better than a movie clearly only designed to start a franchise....  Case in point: I Am Number Four.33:37 - 35:10 - Final judgments.35:11 - 51:09 - Flop House Movie Mailbag, complete with exhuastingly-long theme.51:10 - 57:17 - The sad bastards recommend57:18 - 58:45 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 In this episode we discussed the film that doesn't even'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. And I'm Elliott Kalen. I thought I'd get a little more extravagant with my introduction there. Yeah, I noticed that you bear up a notch. Fairly. I think you get a little more than it did. One 17th of a notch. Well, I'm kind of a mess right now, so I didn't really, really notice. Yeah, Stuart's been through a lot. He found out that he was from another planet. His hands got all glowy. He had to fight some angliums. I did that, didn't I? And my father figure died and turned into his dust. Turned into dust. He had to go to high school, get beat up fight some aliens. I did that didn't I and my father figured out and turned into dust turned into dust He had to go to high school get beat up by the bully. Yeah Well, I can't do that
Starting point is 00:01:12 I don't know. Well, I fight those aliens. Well, because they were after you. Oh, okay So it was like a self-fans or yes, well, and you were saving the earth from aliens Well, I'm amazed that you were jumping straight into the meat of this podcast. Well, what are we going to do? Well, normally we waste our time a little bit. We can waste some time. Is it because... So, Dan, what's that enchanting center where? Sweat. I mean, is it because we were featured in the Onion AV Club? Do you feel you? What? Maybe. I mean, we've had a professional. We've had an episode up since then. Yeah, but this is the first time we've taped since we that's true So the review we had one on the can
Starting point is 00:01:48 Stewart I think you're familiar with this review What did you have what it said about you which was in two words? I do have to say listeners at home. I was looking at the internet the other day Wait, so you're gonna look just pretend that you didn't know you were talking about and then going to and then talking about it like you found it Yeah, I'm like a bad look a bashful guy Really humble looks fancy looking at the internet. I was gonna have the internet and I have You're like one internet please Was looking at a little review of podcasts and
Starting point is 00:02:19 Just so having that our podcast the flop house was reviewed and I just so happened that our podcast, the Flaw Pouse, was reviewed. And I think my favorite part was, and I quote, you guys can correct me if I'm wrong, equally funny, Stuart Wellington. That's true. Stuart Wellington was still, Stuart Wellington. Stuart was described as equally funny to me and Dan. So I did it. I did it. I'm just happy he's taking that as a compliment whether it insults. Yeah. Yeah. I mean like it's it's not really a not so much a judgment value judgment. Just like it's a big rudging and you guys don't understand you guys are professional comedy writers. Well, barely. It was kind of like an apprentice professional comedy. Yeah. So
Starting point is 00:03:00 you're like a sorcerer's apprentice of I'm the J. Bear shell of the day. So there're like a sorcerer is a apprentice of I'm the J. Berkshell of the day. So there's like a pro. Very accurate. There's a prophecy that you you're something they go to be the best comedy writer of all time. I know it's kind of schooling you, but he's kind of a dick about it. That part is that is that part's very accurate. Yeah, we were reviewed in the in the AV club for the onion
Starting point is 00:03:21 and they were very flattering and honor. If you haven't seen it already, which is unlikely because most of you probably arrived here through that, I could use more photos. Yeah, there are no photos of us, unfortunately. I know there's one on the website of you in a jauntie hat Stewart. Sure. And if Dan probably dancing. Wait on the AV club?
Starting point is 00:03:38 No, no, no, on the Flophouse website. Oh, okay. On the AV club website, our review was illustrated with a picture of Zach Califnac as eating a piece of watermelon. For a second I thought he was going to be on our podcast. The part I was proudest of was that my quote was on the top of the notable quotes for the week. That was a good quote. Yeah. I laughed when I read it. Even though I already heard it. I laughed when I read our view because it's so it did such a good job of describing the normal bullshit
Starting point is 00:04:04 that we do on this show. Right, but not sounding irritated at. No, no, sounding like it was entertaining, but it's not like many of the vocal reviews I've made. Sure. Well, those are our friends. They feel like they can be real dicks to us.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Yeah. I mean, if they're my listeners, they're not really my friends. Wow. I need to keep a distance. You really put yourself in love with them. Well, I'm the artist and they appreciate what I He's on air talent. Yeah, yeah, well anyway now that we've Bullshit it about ourselves for a while. We can talk about which we never do
Starting point is 00:04:38 We're so we're mysterious. That's how they know the kind of food. I like Let the names of our it's significant others are yeah, and that you're insignificant other wait wait insignificant other But it wasn't well she doesn't listen to the podcast after you're going. Yeah, that was a burn so you can call her insignificant Yeah, well, she's not insignificant and we will have words after this recording gentleman But yeah, she doesn't listen to this so I mean and then I Maybe she's she's she's she's the same height as me. Whoa Not taller. Well if I was being a basketball team. I would probably pick her. Whoa I'll have you know she is very very slow. Well, that's I mean she might be, but can she shoot does she have a hand-eye coordination?
Starting point is 00:05:25 Yes, she's really from the outside. She good is that so is she wait? Wait is that important for basketball? Yeah, beautiful if that's what you're asking How does she look on the outside? No, I meant can she hit for a shot from the outside of what of the court Waiter, are you talking about photography again? Yeah, what do you I don't know with this? That's what I do this movie. There's that girl who's way the photography. It's getting in the movie. Shall we? We're talking about us. There's just a movie called I'm number four. It was a good enough digression for you by the way, Dan. That was fine. Okay. It wasn't one of our top digressions. Okay. Well, where would you rank it like? 37? Yeah. 38. Probably number four perhaps?
Starting point is 00:06:02 No, no way. Number four is probably Chopin Goatables This serial portal of time is number one for a whole of time was Number one Teddy Teddy grams is number two Teddy grams. I forgot about that's right Well for anyone who's a new listener these are a couple of our flop house favorites Which do you remember what episode port hole of time was in oh god? I don't know. Go back and listen every episode. You got a lot of good ones such as Port Hall of Time,
Starting point is 00:06:29 which is a monologue I did about based off of Dan barely, barely mispronouncing the title, Beast Master 2, Port Hall of Time, through the Port Hall of Time, where it was the steward of a ship explaining, of a cruise ship, the per or i think explaining to some guests why they should stay away from the poor hole in the room teni grams was of course about the the enrolled were to when women's husband would be killed in war and the
Starting point is 00:06:54 government would deliver a teni gram notifying them of this i don't even understand i don't know where she'll put the goal was came from we just started saying potent potables in like something notable. And showpan Goatables was a serial breakfast serial. It's a breakfast serial. Will Heinz was with us for that one. But yeah, a breakfast serial that I guess showpan and first or invented that was Goatable. I don't understand it myself.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Anyways, those are some of our top degressions. Now that we've taken a trip down memory lane, we can get into tonight's final judgment. No, no, no, no, sure. You're skipping way ahead. No, no, we gotta talk. I recommend that the little movie call it Castle Freak. So that a freak can live in the castle. Oh, what am I gonna recommend that?
Starting point is 00:07:42 In this movie, yeah. The Castle Freaks your head there. There's a mind-freecon. Elliot's part. So that was a lot of good inside jokes for the people who are coming to us for the first time off of the AV Club. Hope that intrigued you. That's how we build an audience. But the movie we watched today was a little thing called Yo Soy, New World, Clotro,
Starting point is 00:08:02 or for the Gringos, I have number four. Thanks. Yeah, it started Alex Petifur, I think was his name. What? It's not a name. He's from Hertfordshire, England. Okay, you can tell it because he had a terrible American accent. His American accent would often slip into a vaguely English accent.
Starting point is 00:08:23 So, sound effect from the movie with his watch? No, that was your phone. Okay. Here's my question. What happened to the names of young actors? Pettifer, Gajandit, Meister, Zane? I'm a Leister. I mean, Zane is not a young head. You did point out, you did point out to me and you might be right that could gajandit, maybe a French name, it could be Gajandit. Gujanday. Yeah. Which is slightly less crazy. Are we complaining that people have dumb names nowadays? Yes, exactly. It is the anybody's guess. When actors hit names like Kirk Douglas or like Clark Gable. Rock Hudson. Rock Hudson.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Rock Hudson is a dumb name. His name was originally Hudson Rock. So the movie Hudson Hawk is based on So I bristles is character dies of eight normal names like Humphrey Bogart. Well, that's carry grand. Okay, they had stupid names But that's the thing it's Humphrey Bogart sounds like a tough name, but Humphrey is possibly the least tough name for men next to Cam. Yeah Anyway, this actor at this tough just tough it made. So, okay, we are introduced to Alex Petifer and Timothy Olefant. After we see a kid get stabbed. Oh, I forgot about that.
Starting point is 00:09:36 It opens in a jungle somewhere and these two guys are in a cabin, a kid in another guy. It opens outside the planet Earth. It opens like the seventh season of Buffy with random kids being stabbed And then you realize that they're super powered Spoiler yeah, I've never seen that so thanks. What's Buffy? The internet will tell you stories. I'm serious I'm not gonna show that it was a non-porn parody of that porn Muffy the vampire layer The uh, so anyway we open
Starting point is 00:10:02 the So anyway, we open Outside of earth we zoom in to a jungle. There's a kid in a cabin with a grown man Why what are they doing? We don't know but the grown man has a stone Dagger with a kind of glowy orb on the back of it Suddenly a monster comes along kills the guy Chases the kid the kid can do all sorts of crazy flips and gymnasts stunts as Dan mentioned We're watching it. It was like Jeff Goldleom's daughter in the lost world Jurassic Park 2 The monster fails to kill him, but then aliens come or some kind of crazy looking guys their aliens come and they stabbed the kid
Starting point is 00:10:37 Mumble something and stab him right? Yeah, they're like Take his charm necklace. They take his charm necklace and stab him and he turns into stone and then burst into dust. Then the title, I am number four. It's like a bad vampire dying effect from the aforementioned Buffy. Yeah, there we go. Yeah, I'm not saying there was perfect guys. Buffy the vampire pair. Okay, she was worked in accounting.
Starting point is 00:11:02 The vampire company. People would bring in their blood invoices and pay it out. Yeah, she'd say fill out this paperwork. There you go. Here you are. Sorry, we're gonna have to deduct the cost of the bag Not an entertaining show. They were really scraping the bottom of the barrel of the vampire At its moments. Well, I mean it addresses like she's this young girl in the big city and has to, I don't know, she's got a dream of working at a vampire. She has a dream of working at a vampire fashion magazine, but she has to get a job in vampire accounting.
Starting point is 00:11:33 And then in the third season, she cut her hair. It's so better than Buffy, the vampire bear. God, we're still doing this. We're still doing this. Making aspirin for vampires. We're still going on. There's for my fire Hang on there's more Okay, so then we meet the hero of our film. He's a young guy blonde Really buff like a real every man. We're introduced to him while riding a jet ski
Starting point is 00:11:55 So so hard that he flips it around in the air and then lands again But then as a girl is coming on as a girl is coming on to him in a late night beach rendezvous his hands and thigh No, no thighs calf get all glowy and he's like, ah, I can't control it. What's happening? There's glow coming out of my hands and then he into next day Timothy all of that is like we got to go And it turns out this kid is this kid is an alien and Timothy all of it is his alien warrior bodyguard Mm-hmm And the two of them are on the run from bad aliens who are trying to kill all of the good aliens.
Starting point is 00:12:29 And the good aliens are kids who have superpowers. Yeah, and are indistinguishable from humans. And the bad aliens, except for their magic powers. It's like a glowy hands and magic powers. Bad aliens have tattooed heads and gills, and they have a name that when shortened, kind of sounds like monk, which I think is is on purpose because they were like robes around Well, they were like dusters. Yeah, I mean they look like they stepped at it. They look like it's like give me a little bit of alienation
Starting point is 00:12:52 Okay, now a little bit of matrix Not a little bit a little bit of road royal warrior little bit of road warrior a little bit of blade two Okay, we got our villains, but they're called Magadorians. Was that it? I don't know. It's a bunch of fucking syllables. It was a bunch of... Yeah, they're like Star Trek aliens, right? Basically, in that, just their heads are different and everything else is the same. Yeah, and...
Starting point is 00:13:14 They're a little bit stronger. They go to... Like Star Trek aliens. Timothy Elephans, there's a video of you with your glowy hands on the internet now. We got to leave. And they drive from, I guess, Florida to... Yeah, I think they're on the keys. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:28 The Francis got keys. And that's the least keys. And for the young audience. Sure. And they go to... What, Ohio? Paradise, Ohio. Paradise, Ohio, which is ironic, because it's raining.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Oh, that's why. I guess that would be paradise for someone who likes to be moist, though Yeah, like a frog. Yes, like a battle toad. Yeah, like a battle toad. Well, I talk about a battle to it. Yeah, we talked a lot about battle toads before the movie. I mean, we said the word, we said the name, we didn't really talk about it. We just got how hard that speed or level was. He just gave up as a reference. Yeah, he just gave up as a reference. Yeah, that's the counteractual, Alicia Keys reference. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:11 So they really do have a real audience. Metal toads. Metal toads. They go to Ohio and Tim the Elements like we're going to live in this for a closed house, but you've got to stay invisible. No one can see you. And he's like, screw that. I'm going to school.
Starting point is 00:14:23 And because like most teenagers, like most teenagers, he loves going to school, wants to go to school all the time. He goes to school and he bluffs his way into being a student at this school. And long story short, he becomes friends with the nerd. He falls in love with the pretty girl. It's basically, he's basically the girl who's kind of like, who's kind of artsy. She takes photographs, wears hats. Jackson? I can do that. The Jacks don't like him because one of the jocks used to go out with the with the photographer girl before she became a R.C. person. She's played by Diana Agron.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Who's that? She's from the television program Glee. And what would we know her from? Yeah. Nothing. Okay. And it's a popular program, but not among the flop house demographic. Nope.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Which we watch primarily for news I guess. Yep, that's why I think the only shows we watch are like life on top and lingerie. And the sausage pizza which I've already drove. Just not a TV show, but a series of web videos. I mean that's the way it is. It's like a web series. It's like seeing a web series. It's like seeing your favorite show is browsers.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Well, that's how those shows should join the guild. Actually, frankly, I mean, that's probably shot in Los Angeles. But if you write for Big Saucer's Pizza or any of the bang bus, I like to meet them, first of all. The writer's guild east is really looking to get into new media, really trying to cover more people writing for the internet. So if you're a writer and you're feeling exploited, please contact the writer's guild of America east.
Starting point is 00:15:50 No judgments. We make no judgments. So. So it goes to the school. It's a basic rebel without a cause setup where you've got the alienated young guy and his girlfriend who used to be a popular girl and his friend who's a nerd that people make fun of. The salmon male character. The salmon male character. And basically there's a whole bunch of nonsense where there are teenagers and they're hanging out
Starting point is 00:16:16 and they get to fights and blah blah blah and then the aliens come by and they kill to me. All the fans. Yeah, it's like Warrior Bodyguard gets killed. It's the saddest part. It is that moment of like the father figure dying. Yeah, this happens about an hour and 10 minutes in the movie. It's nearly too far. No, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:16:34 A lot of the characters just hanging around the high school mumbling to each other and acting like what they're doing is interesting. You find Saudi as magikans. This is your basic template. This is Harry Potter by way of Twilight by way of Star Wars. There's a little Spider-Man throw in there.
Starting point is 00:16:50 A little Spider-Man. A little Spider-Man. Yep. And yeah, his powers are that he has telekinetic powers, basically. But his hands are also all glowy, and he has super strength, and he can flip around. LA took to calling him Glowy Hands in the movie.
Starting point is 00:17:04 That's a superhero name. Glowy Hands. I mean you should, I mean that's like a Marvel character right there. It should be. Yeah. Well for most of the movie he's just using his glowing hands like flashlights. He just uses them to complete the... Oh, dark in here, I gotta use my glowing hands.
Starting point is 00:17:17 It's actually not that dark dude. I mean you're just showing off this point. But that's these catchphrases. Now's Glowy Hands time to shine. And it should, it's not, but it should be. I mean, it's a little complicated. You'll also. There's nobody else there.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Sketchphrase could be as long as he wants. Just him wandering around every room. Yeah, but I mean, that's not gonna catch on. Like I couldn't see somebody wearing a teacher that says that. Well, well, let us know. Take up the whole shirt. How about, how about flame on? No, that's taken.
Starting point is 00:17:44 I think it's taken. Shine on's taken shine on shine on you crazy diving. Yeah, we got it. That's just guys guys. I'm number four to what about? Wait, that's the music. His well his catchphrase will be let there be light and light pours out of his palms. Okay, no, I mean, these are all better than your first suggestion. I like now's glowy hands time to shine. I thought like now's Chloe Hans time to shine. I thought it was a pretty good catchphrase. And he says his name that takes up some time. Yeah, I mean, he has to introduce himself.
Starting point is 00:18:10 And it really is. Well, because his costume has a big GH on the front, but people don't know what that stands for. Yeah, I think it's for General Hospital. Yes. I mean, I'd assume. So yeah, but you literally just uses hands as flashlights for most of the film. He blinds a guy with him, right?
Starting point is 00:18:30 Well, he beats up a lot of people and hurts them badly. But he like, there's a guy, there's a kid who's fighting him who has night vision goggles on, and he puts his glowing hands. It's like the perfect prey for a glowing hands. Exactly. It's a sweet spot. That's right in there. Just giving my one weakness, bright lights.
Starting point is 00:18:49 And he puts his glowing hands up against the guy's face and the guy's like, ah! I can't go. That's what the dialogue is like. It's amazing. Yeah, he's a perfect target. He's like, Minkakale's character in the roommate for a roofy enthusiast. Yeah, because you'll just put anything in your mouth and swallow it down.
Starting point is 00:19:04 No questions asked. But at the end of the movie, number six shows up. Number six, throughout the movie, you've occasionally seen this mysterious girl blowing up stuff or tracking down number four. I think she must be a bad guy because she's got leather pants and she's like walks away from explosion real slow early on. That's a role for Nicholas Cage to be honest with you. But it turns out to be a different person. Yeah, I mean, it's not like. Except for here, they got an attractive young girl with seven Nicholas kids.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Too tiny, just too petite. She was apparently the love interest in sorcerers of practice. I looked her up on the internet. Which we just saw recently. But I didn't actually didn't recognize her. Yeah, no. Well, she had her Australian and she has a more convincing American accent than yeah, then our lead and she also just becomes the character when she's playing it
Starting point is 00:19:52 Well, she puts on leather pants. I really believe she was number six who's basically You really believe she was wearing leather pants. Oh, and also there's a lizard that turns into a dog and becomes number four's pet dog And at the end, he's a big monster who fights evil monsters Yeah, this is the kind of move. He's a lizard that turns into a dog and becomes number four pet dog. And at the end, he's a big monster who fights evil monsters. Yeah. This is the kind of movie. He's a Camara who's been the bodyguard. This is the kind of movie where the problem could have been solved much earlier if the cool characters had just shown up and beaten up the bad guys.
Starting point is 00:20:19 But the movie instead has all this crap about a high school and Timothy all of that to number four. Yeah, you're wondering, and I'm not wanting to show about the cool characters instead of... Yeah, and then at the end, number six comes in and is way more badass than number four. And more likable, frankly, I didn't really like the character. I mean, I couldn't really understand what you was saying,
Starting point is 00:20:36 but the other guy just mumbled the whole time. The main guy was... It's a movie that's trying to kill at screenplay. Yeah, I mean, he was a mussely, like, dower, like young guys. I'm sure for like, young ladies. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right.
Starting point is 00:20:49 That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right.
Starting point is 00:20:57 That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. Yeah, I mean just really good shape like I want to like he must do a lot of Our hero you want to rub your hands over and just like feel the ripples. Well kind of yeah
Starting point is 00:21:08 I mean, it's like a work of art like ruffles have ridges So does this guy just they yes tiny ridges all over his body. It's like ruffles Wait, is that one of his powers? Yes, he's Rijie. They call ruffles. Chloe hands ruffles. I don't know why I am Hello ruffles Chloe hands. I Hands Ruffles. I don't know why I am. Hello Ruffles Glowy Hands, I just service. Sikkelman Thief. Quickest cat word, let it all up, Brighton. I don't know. I don't know why it's important for me to clarify this, but like I brought up number six in part to say that the Glowy Hands, this is Glowy Hands power, weren't just Gluing us. It's the, he can barely can charge.
Starting point is 00:21:45 He's telling Tarte. Oh yeah. He can use the glowing to charge her powers. Because her powers which are like, she's basically a night crawler. Yeah. She can dodge around and fast and teleport. But there's sort of a sense of a symbiotic relationship
Starting point is 00:21:57 between the numbers. Yeah. And when we say number six, I don't want you get your hopes up. It is not Patrick McGuin's number six from the prisoner, which would have been awesome It was been awesome. As anyone who's a prisoner fan knows Patrick McGuin is great in the mood in the prisoner But also the prisoner character number six is a belligerent jerk to everyone he meets and he cannot control the volume of his own voice
Starting point is 00:22:18 So I wish he had shown up. They would have been great Well, he's you know, he's a human being Yeah, not an alien and he also died a couple years ago. Well, he's, you know, he's a human being. Yeah, not an alien. And he also died a couple years ago. Well, not a number. He is a free man. That's the thing. Yeah, they couldn't bring like a dead body back to put up into the movie. I don't know. We can have Bernice did it. That guy died during the making of the movie and they had to change the plot. Wait, really? To accommodate it. Oh, yeah. Like a rich row. Yes. Wait, wait. The guy, so they actually did Bernie, the dead guy from Bernie Actually, not not Andrew McCarthy
Starting point is 00:22:46 Originally Wait, they didn't make a puppet out of Andrew McCarthy's skin that they did Actually, it was a stunt man wearing it. They couldn't do the computer stuff. They did for the crow Kevin McCarthy In Andrew And they had Kevin McCarthy from invasion of the body snatchers Laged actor Kevin McCurthy coming. Middle-aged.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Well, I mean, at that point, he was a little scared of all. That's a little scared of all. Really? I mean, I guess I'm thinking of him in 20th on the movie, which was still 10 years earlier. But I mean, nowadays 60's is almost middle-aged, you know. 60 is the new 40. And 40 is the new 20, according to Cougar Town.
Starting point is 00:23:24 But Cougar town But I'm 15 yes weekend at Bernie's was originally and I'm nine years old weekend at Bernie's was originally about uh-oh We've got to go to Bernie's he told me to bring my Friend I thought he meant just my roommate, but he meant my boyfriend So we've got to pretend we're gay now, but then the guy playing Bernie died So they changed into where they have to pretend Bernie is so it was like a pretend we're gay now but then the guy playing Bernie died so they changed into where they have to Pretend Bernie is who's like a Blake Edwards movie initially. Yeah, it's exactly. I made it all up It's originally called weekend at her Nias
Starting point is 00:23:57 I'm making up for the last time Look it's late, okay I'm number four It's late, okay? We're talking about I'm number four. But there's a big fight at the end and the number four wins and all the other guys win. The good guys win and then ride off to find the other numbers, the other... You ride off and do a sequel that will not happen. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Yeah, this is all the opening for a bigger story, right? Yeah, well I... Can we talk about the back story? That's what I just much more into. I'm going to yeah yeah I mean do you know this I mean I know it vaguely like James Fry the guy who did a million little pieces. Yes famously false memoir. The book that fooled Oprah. He has his like sort of like a fiction factory where he barely pays young writers to turn out these books that he thinks might become franchise.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Franchises or movie ideas and things like that. It's very much like a Cowboys Nalience type thing where they print up a comic just that they can say that the movie is based on the comic. It's credibility to a wacky movie. Yes. So, like, these are books that are designed to become franchise at adapted events. Like, they're not meant to stand alone on its own as a book. Or, as a good piece of writing. Yes. Sure.
Starting point is 00:25:17 But, yeah, but James Fry, apparently, he pays the writers very little. The young people just trying to get into writing. And they turn them out. I assume under pseudonyms, but I'm not sure about that. The same way that like the old shadow or Doc Savage books were all written mostly by the same guy, but not always, but they're written under the same pseudonym, no matter who was writing it. And I like how whoever drew Batman for the first 20, some odd years, Batman existed, signed the name
Starting point is 00:25:42 Bob Kane, even though Bob Kane hadn't touched a pen in decades or how Karl Barks was only known as the good duck artist that's the opposite he was not allowed to sign any name yeah man and it's opposite because he was good at what he did but uh... the nerd talk the nerd games always the next to it that is bad movie podcast of the nerdy but, you know, this is not to say that, you know, good, you know, fun, good arts can be, cannot be made under certain genre, genre restrictions. Oh, of course it can. But I think it's a lot of today talking about they live, you know, so. Yeah, but I think this explains why this movie who steals so much like just the most
Starting point is 00:26:28 Boiler plate version of the story. Yeah, very wrote very boilerplate by the numbers It's like like we're saying like a little bit of Harry Potter a little bit of spider-man a little bit of You know what I don't know other alien stuff X-Men like just throw it all into the pot and do the same story that you've seen a hundred times before and Get some stupid person to pay for 99 to watch it on demand on their television to do a bad thing about it. Wait We just told you stupid what I'm saying is Don't just walk to see I mean I should have sprung the extra dollar to watch an HD like I did Did you spend another dollar for HD?
Starting point is 00:27:05 Look, I'm a high-end video file. I can't. I can't. He didn't spend all his money on his home entertainment system to not watch it in jaw-dropping HD. It was jaw-dropping. The glowy really came through. You could really see the glowy coming out of the stage. The glowyest. Here's something that I want to say. So say it. You're laughing. You're laughing. No, I want to say So say it stop in you
Starting point is 00:27:27 It's like I do I have to have a preamble that delays it. Does this mean that most of the things you say are things you don't want to say so many things I say a difference here something I want to say No The you know the end of the movie I didn't hate there's like when action started I thought the action sequence was actually handled pretty well the fight at the end It was a little frantic Mm-antic, but there were some fun. There's a giant bat monster that fought a dog monster. I like the monster stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:50 The monsters were pretty good. Those were well-designed monsters, frankly. Yeah. Which is rare. And they moved like living monsters. And it wasn't as frantic as a lot of action movies are these days. I mean, there was a little bit more of a sense of it. I could have used slightly more variety
Starting point is 00:28:06 between the good monster and the bad monster, but ultimately it was almost like a bad monster and was like a dog monster. Yeah, but when they were rolling around like biting each other and killing the same. It was a room that was in a dimly lit room. I assumed to make the effects look better. They're fighting.
Starting point is 00:28:20 And I was looking at my phone most of the time. They're fighting in the shower of a gym locker room. They're fighting at the school. Like in the opening of Savage Streets. Yeah, or the opening of Carrie, except it's not fighting, it's just the showers. Yeah, well, they threw tampons out there. That's kind of like, that's fighting.
Starting point is 00:28:38 I mean, yeah, those are weapons. Bullings is no joke. But the final climax takes place in Cyberbullying. Let's stop it for a PSA right now. For a cyber tampon. A lot of people don't know this. Dan sends them insensitive things about tampon throwing. Really got people up in arms, so we have to do a PSA now about it. I was really pro tampon throwing in the past, and now I've been shown to those wrong.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Yeah. So I'm sorry. I mean, they don't fly very well. They're not. Well, you throw a ball or something. Or a rock. You're just going to throw a ball to somebody. Just throw a ball to somebody.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Don't throw a chance about it. Somebody. Oh, play. I'm just playing catch. I don't even know what's going on. You've got that know what's going on. I'm going down. I'm going down a random hole Yeah, I didn't go down with you though. I'm still I'm at I'm on ground level yelling down to the hole Where'd you guys go? Can you come out please? Hey, you come down here. No, I don't think so
Starting point is 00:29:38 We're talking about the end of the movie the movie takes place at the high school for some reason They just destroy it all the lockers are being thrown around. You got telekinetic powers. You got telecom powers. School is out for summer and forever. They rip up the football field. The problem is there's not a lot of variety with bad aliens. They all have these giant guns that look like they came out
Starting point is 00:29:58 of the fifth element that shoot red lasers. And they just kind of stand around shooting lasers until one of the good guys kills them. They're not usually the good guys team up and kill one dude. Yeah, but they build these guys up These bad guys up as if they're super tough and scary, but then they're not really that hard to take down Although I do like how kind of goofy they get when we finally meet them They you know, they look stupid. Well the movie kind of realized that okay
Starting point is 00:30:24 This is very humorless film, so let's make these aliens kind of... Thanks in part to the amazing performances by our leads, you know. Well, I can't even look, they were kind of drugged up most of the... And kind of mad they were in a movie. And Tim with the all of that, who I normally love was pretty boring. I mean, once he... He loved him in that show just to fire love Sure ever since he cut it like show where he plays Madonna
Starting point is 00:30:48 You know really cool haircut at the beginning of the movie and then he cut it off and I think that really ruined it for Stewart Yeah, but he cut off his long beach bum hair But you know when he was He was fighting. He's good at that stuff. Yeah So that was something Not very good though It is the problem is with the villains being like jokie is that you see that a lot like the villain like likes to play around The people is about to kill and make jokes and wise wise him cracks It's not it's been a long time since you saw like a solemn villain that was really scary well right after watching drive angry where
Starting point is 00:31:23 The lead is Nicholas Cage and his most stone faced, and the bad guy in the form of the like the devil character is, you know, kind of making jokes and acting funny. The accountant, you mean? Yeah, yeah, that guy. Yeah. It's, I mean, just feels like the same thing over and over. Yeah, but not as good. Well, yeah, I mean, that was William like Fick Fickner, and these were a bunch of Romulans. Basically, yeah. With face, face skills. Face skills. And the best, I think my favorite part of the movie is so they have this giant bat monster that they just trucked around the two giant bat monsters.
Starting point is 00:32:01 They just truck around the country in a big truck. And they feed it tons and tons of huge of uncooked butterball turkeys and there's a scene where one of the aliens goes into a grocery store with his hoodie flipped up and just gets a gets a cart full of turkeys buys them and then goes and feeds the monster with them presumably with space bucks and I just love like with space yeah he got space books space books from his Astro Bank and you use this space debit card. But I love the idea that these are the super tough aliens, but they still have to buy their groceries at the store. There's a part where they're driving along the road and they slow down just enough to show their true hideous face to a fat kid in
Starting point is 00:32:40 the car next door, like in the other lane, and then they're like, ah, okay, speed up. I have to expect to that fat kid to like smash his ice cream into his face, he's so scared or like, or squeeze his soda pops. Pull out a flask and go, never again, and throw it over his shoulder. Drunk fat kid. So maybe I do like the bad guys actually,
Starting point is 00:33:00 yeah, they have to go to the grocery store to buy turkeys, and they like to slow down enough to scare fat kids So Elliott stands and dance dance and Stewart stands on the bad guys thumbs up thumbs up Well, everything else though. I would rather hang out with the bad guys than anyone else in this movie. Yeah, I mean They didn't speak very clear English. No, well, everyone mumble to this This was a really cool dusters. Yeah, this was party storage. This was the first. Oh That's true. This was the first mumble core big budget sci-fi movie I've ever seen. Yeah Not good mixing Final judgments. Yeah, it's a final judge was this movie was this a good bad movie? No bad movie?
Starting point is 00:33:40 Yes, or a movie you kind of liked L.A. It says the bad bad movie. I would say bad but it was very boring and slow and felt like any one of a thousand better movies yeah Stuart all great if they maybe have it just been all monster fights I'd been more interested certainly it's just like how Jonah hex the best part of it was that snake man that you saw very briefly yeah any movie better all snake man the story of snake man I would watch it almost any movie is better with monster fights in it. Yeah this is a bad bad movie and I'll tell you the main reason why for the first-
Starting point is 00:34:09 We just said not enough monster fights. For the first two thirds of the film they dole out information very slowly as if you've never seen this movie before and aren't already ahead of it and then they cram everything that might be interesting into the like last third. Yeah that's true. It reminds me of Drive Angry in a way where it was like the characters are gonna are gonna be a state of mystery but like it's pretty obvious what's going on like they should just say. We get it he's a hell man. Yeah he's a hell man here this guy is an alien
Starting point is 00:34:38 kid. Well it's weird is that he tells you in the opening narration I'm an alien. Yeah but then they withhold like What why does he have powers like what are the aliens do you never find out why do the other bad aliens hate him? You never find out why the bad aliens are specifically after him You never find out where he came like they naven protect her. He's like he's got the power to like He's all over the Facebook. He is all over the Facebook and the YouTube It's not worth debating further. So, I'm moving us on.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Wow. Half a wormy bone or anything to you. McCoy has spoken. So, uh, we have some letters here. As we've heard. Oh, it's favorite time. My favorite time, the night. Letter time.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Let's read some letters and talk about them. Getting in touch with the fans. What do they think? Letters, letters, letters! Let's read some letters tonight! Tonight's the night for letters. Let's get some letters and read them. Read them and weep with laughter, letters. We have to... We have to. That theme now. That is. Yeah. It's only about like 10th of it. That I hear it on the on the show. It seems much longer. I mean, I was significantly longer before we've been working on that for letters and letters and letters and letters. I get the idea. No numbers here. Just letters. So first off, letters. So first off letters. This is just a donation. I want to say thank you for donation
Starting point is 00:36:11 and the donor to us. No, I mean who was the donor? Well, who's getting the thank you? He says my donation to the flop house is officially from the Eric Marcez Act and his future wife foundation. Oh, that's very nice. Thank you. The star of Sandman. Yes, that is. Eric Marce's at the star of the movie Sandman. Charlie, recommend it. You want to see it on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:36:33 It's S. Ampersand. Man. Man. It's a really good movie. So we had a real Hollywood star don't need money to us. That's really nice. So other Hollywood stars, Nicholas Cage. I think it's time to start opening up those fat wallets. start on a money to us. That's really nice. So other Hollywood stars, Nicholas Cage.
Starting point is 00:36:45 I think it's time to start opening up those fat wallets. Come on, Nicholas Cage. Liquidate one of your German castles. So a castle. Yeah. It was the money. What are keeping your career alive? So this email is from Kurt Les, named with help.
Starting point is 00:37:01 And he says, I started. It's Kurt Loader. Paul Wood. I started listening to the Flawpiles a few days ago and I've been enjoying it very much. I wanted to pick up on a remark Elliot made on the Drive Angry in 3D rated R podcast. And a tangent about Muppet's tonight, Elliot said that Clifford was a quote, Rostafarian baboon. I believe that Clifford, if he's intended to be any animal, is alleged to be a catfish.
Starting point is 00:37:26 And he has a link to Wikipedia page about Clifford the Muppet. That's catfish. And I have to say, I looked at the photo of Clifford and he does appear to have catfish whiskers. I always assume that that was a mustache. Yeah, well, it plays both ways. So I guess I'm the real racist here. Yeah. I apologize the late Jim Henson and his production company. Well, you're the racist one, right? No, Dan was the racist one. No, that Dan was the homophobic one. Oh, that's right. And I'm the party animal.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Wait a second. You're characterization is so much more livable than I. You're the first thing though. You would still be made up negative qualities on us. Well, sometimes my party and gets out of hand. Okay. But not to the point that we're in real quick. It's a problem. I don't understand. One's on the phone with the racist and the other's a party animal.
Starting point is 00:38:21 That seemed fair. That's unbalanced. Well, okay. Well, Kurt goes on to say, incidentally, I haven't gone through your catalog completely, but I've noticed that most of the titles you've talked about have been more or less major movie releases. Yes. Have you spent much time on such new cold films as the room, Bredemic, Shock and Terror, and other films so bad they're essentially
Starting point is 00:38:37 unreleased? No, we have not. We've got a personal time. Yeah, we've been a lot of personal things. We've wasted a lot of time. I think Bridemica I think three times and most of the movies are shot people driving times. The room I've seen any I don't know how many times but I feel like those movies are kind of taking care of yeah and also places for that. Yeah, we'll let the how did this get mazes of the world. It is also like kicking a lame dog to take on those. Well, you're not lame. The dog is lame.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Oh, okay. Yeah. Well, yeah, everyone kind of knows they're bad and why they're bad. You know, we'll take on the people who earn enough money that we hate them for making these crappy movies. The true villains. Because say what you will about Tommy was though, he has not seen a penny from the room. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:29 And probably never will. Well, he's also a real otor. Yes, he's a real otor, yeah. And we actually, he is a realtor. We would actually probably enjoy watching those types of movies. It's supposed to be the ones we find ourselves. Oh, yeah, much rather watch the room of a verdemic shock and terror than I am number four. Yeah, where the roommate?
Starting point is 00:39:46 Yeah, or what was the one? Where where was it and I didn't see gooby. I missed it. 10,000 BC. 10,000 BC was the worst with the Spiritage white out was that was one of the enough that was the worst Spirtuths and the manics yeah in 10,000 BC Everyone's gonna speak normal English except we're gonna change what people call mammoths. They can all amamics Now you feel like you're in a far off ancient wonderland Now you feel like you're watching a cop show Max what yeah, it's for old people. Okay. I'll make more Alicia Keys references for you. So this
Starting point is 00:40:22 This is titled my favorite bad new bad movie podcast and it says, Dear Paul, I've been following your career for a long time from UCB to Human John. Wait a minute. And let me tell you, I think this is my favorite project viewers, your bad movie podcast. I've scoured the web up and down like a spider and I can't seem to find any other bad movie podcasts, which makes what you're doing truly unique. Add to the mix your wife and Jason Matsukas, and along with your A-list comedy guest, that's a recipe for a humorous souffle, one which can never collapse. If any other bad movie podcast actually do
Starting point is 00:40:53 exist, and I highly doubt it, I can't imagine that would be as entertaining as yours. I've enclosed a self-adressed, snapped envelope if you could please send me a season one DVD set of human joined, signed by the cast, it would be appreciated. Thanks much, and that's from Andy Lastname with Elm. You could please send me a season one DVD set of human joined, signed by the cast, it would be appreciated. Thanks much, and that's from Andy last name with help. So I think that went to the wrong place. They've clearly, who's Paul? Either we've got a modern day Jonathan Swift on our hands writing some set here or else
Starting point is 00:41:20 that email somehow went through the wrong email address chain. The wrong two, wrong two. They must have just written bad movie podcast on the envelope and it got sent to us Yeah, the same way how in like 1904 you could just draw a picture of glasses and teeth on an envelope And it would get sent to Teddy Roosevelt. Yeah And T pay they had a big smile. Okay So we got got more letters. Let me do that. What are the letters for Paul Sheer?
Starting point is 00:41:47 Do we have to answer? Dig deep into that mailbag, man. We have one more with one last letter. It says, last letter of the letter segment, last letter of the night. I don't know why I agreed to let him see you find your point. See you for that last letter. I mean, he's working on a long time. Last on and on. The last letter.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Last letter. Well no, I mean that's part of it. It's the full letter. The full letter. The full letter. The full letter. The full letter. The full letter. The full letter.
Starting point is 00:42:17 The full letter. The full letter. The full letter. The full letter. The full letter. The full letter. The full letter. The full letter. The full letter. The full letter. The full letter. The full letter. Last letter tonight So this is a Dan and the rest of the pizza don't let it go that last letter
Starting point is 00:42:38 Okay, we have lost all of our new listeners. Yes, we know he's gained like a thousand new listeners Those the words kids like Glee, dude. Yeah, those were his glutes. You're going to listen to that, shit. Leaks are going to love that. Somebody just poked her head in and said, congratulations, you just recorded your first number one of it.
Starting point is 00:42:59 It was a blast. He had sung last time. That means he's cool. We were blind. Let's think that. he's cool We're fine That's anything yeah kids love interruptions last letter It says damn kids hate interruptions. Dan and I'm gonna do The little phones and sticker And they're shoes with the lights on in the wheels. Okay, so there's no more letters guys. Oh, no, it already does letter
Starting point is 00:43:21 Come on, Dan. I'm sorry Candy cigarettes Say stickers. Yes No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, serves my actual name to be used. Because you're not a peach. This is gonna be a little repair. The podcast through the AV clubs right up. I've thrown through most of the back catalog and equally await new episodes. Since you guys are enjoying it. Since you guys are the arbiters of what's spookily bad or one and a half boners.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Ha ha ha. Wormy boners. That's a great humility. Yeah, those are never good boners. I wanted you guys to, me, Millie. Yeah, those are never good boners. I wanted you guys to help settle an argument I've had with a friend. My friend argues that there are no movies that are quote bad and that any evaluation of a movie is based on arbitrary beliefs and unique life experiences of the viewer. He argues that even a movie's poor technical quality can't make a movie bad
Starting point is 00:44:21 because some people prefer poor production values as a type of art. I disagree and believe that some art, whether it's movies, books or music, can be better than other art. Without sounding too snobby, there are some objective truths that Shakespeare traps into you that have kept it around for 400 years while other works have fallen away. His argument is more logical and it's hard for me to argue my points, but it just doesn't feel right to say 10,000 BC is as good as a Cohen brothers movie anyway I'd be happy to hear your thoughts as good as like the lady killers The party
Starting point is 00:44:57 No, that's a great movie Anyway, Dan of you would finish the letter please but even if you don't get around to it Thanks for the podcast keep it the good work. Mike, last name with help. Well, thanks for starting to listen to the show. Mike, you're glad you're enjoying it so much. And you are right. Tell that song. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:11 When that song came on, Mike was probably like, this is the best podcast I've ever heard. This is my ringtone now. Wait, what's the ringtone? I might actually put that in the room. Are you the one who goes first in order to old person? I could have figured it out. on the person or an old person I get over here now. I mix it up every time I get a call from Elliott I'll hear that you're rotating last let it night.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Pick up the phone. I think that there was a Roger Ebert had a quote I can't remember this specific but I think he was talking to you. He said thumbs down. Yeah, I can't remember what he was saying about but he said something like I'm not going to review human centipede there was I think it was that movie what's what's the movie that was a gangster film that had a good film and Matthew Broderick no no no
Starting point is 00:46:02 Sean Connery and Matthew Bro broader it yeah i think it was like it's a career opportunities or something i'm not no that's uh... that's a class on that's no one's uh... it's a comedy i can't remember uh... family business or something like that there's uh... there's a terrible uh... gangster film
Starting point is 00:46:21 that clearly has lived through time because i can't remember the name of it, but there was a reviewer who said that it was better than the godfather and Roger Ebert said to him Sometimes matters of opinion shade over into errors effect. And I think that's true. Very nice There's some things that are objectively better and it doesn't you know like obviously objectively better and it doesn't you know like obviously personal preference can come into it. There are movies that I recognize are good movies while still not particularly enjoying them. Yeah, and you can have both feelings in your head at the same time if you're not an idiot like your friend. Wow Turned I've turned on them. Okay, I'll take over from here
Starting point is 00:47:10 Yes, there are movies that are there are some movies that are just bad even if and there are movies that people like a lot that are not very good and it doesn't mean that They're good. I can you say this art. I actually have you said this very same argument a lot with my college roommate Late in the night when Star Trek Voyager was over and There was nothing to talk about except subjective versus objective experience And I always came down on the side of you can there are some standards that you can judge by not everything is subject Voyager was the one with Odo on it, right? No, that was Was it I don't remember no that was deep star six It's deep star six Voyager was the one with lady captain Janeway and
Starting point is 00:47:47 And they would voyage a lot Okay, but uh Yeah, no, I think your friend is wrong. It's hard to disprove it, but you can say that If some there's nobody I don't think there's anyone who's like I like movies that are made bad because they tell me they're more truthful who's like, I like movies that are made bad because they tell me they're more truthful. The people who say they, who people like bad movies usually like to laugh at them, even if they say there's something real or about them, they're still laughing at them in a way. Or they enjoy not having themselves taxed, which is not always a bad thing. Well, that's not the same as like a poorly produced movie and a dumb movie or not the same thing
Starting point is 00:48:21 necessarily. But, but I think that it enters into the same The same conversation, you know like a bad movie like I am number four Which no one likes is aggressively mediocre like I could see someone Wow like a kid enjoying it just cuz it hits Right colors and light. Yeah, he's got his baseball cap on backwards. But that can't as long. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:48:48 And should be punished. So he should turn the hat around. Yep, to protect his face from the shame. That's what baseball caps for. For blocking out shame. Okay, baseball cap is for telling people what team you like. For blocking out UV shame rays, they can give you shame cancer. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:49:04 This is straight. Well, straight away. This has been a not very satisfying answer to your question, but I think you're right. What do you think, Stuart? Personally, if somebody started making that argument with me, I would laugh and then try and change the subject. So, Stuart is good at that.
Starting point is 00:49:19 It's pleasant and conflict averse. Yeah, that's true. Well, I just think that's a stupid argument and that's a type of argument that somebody would have with me that I wouldn't want to be involved in. So I'd start talking about my favorite X-Men character is a whatever. What was not a great episode when Alph had to help deliver that baby in the elevator? I thought no, you think of Zac Morris. No, I thought it was Alph. Maybe they both did it at the same time. Ah, crossover. It was the same person. So who are your favorite X-Men characters?
Starting point is 00:49:46 I assume Violet Cheney, the intergalactic rock star. Absolutely. Mojo. Yep, Mojo. And Forge. The guy who can invent anything. The guy who's mutant superpower is that he's a good inventor. He's also a shaman.
Starting point is 00:49:59 He is the same. He's the same. He's the same mutant power as Thomas Edison. Except he's... It's wasted on fixing the blackbird all the time. Objectively wrong. Yeah, the same mutant power as Thomas Edison. It's wasted on fixing the blackbird all the time. So comics talk. You've come, you've, you've listening to comics talk. The comics podcast disguised as a bad movie podcast.
Starting point is 00:50:21 The most complicated Trojan horse podcast out there. So thanks for all the letters, guys. Yeah, thanks for all the letters. Let's hope you're still listening after this awesome episode. What else do we do? Well, well, it hasn't been one of our huge triumphs, but for anyone who's just coming in coming off the AV club, and this is your first episode, I was supposed to be a fan about myself, to make their own decisions about it. Let's not sell ourselves out. Okay, you can cut this part out. decisions about it. Let's not sell ourselves out. Okay, you can cut this part out. Uh, the story, but not the song. Leap the song. The song should extend. Loop it. Loop the song. Look. Throw in a beat. I'll do a couple more verses. I'll just, I'll just loop the song under the whole podcast. That's just or end to race our voices.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Just. It's actually 30 minutes of just the song. It'll be bigger than Ziggy. Alright. So, uh, let's show you're asking what we do now. Yeah, what's next? You're a very forgetful person. Sure, you forget the segments of the podcasts. And the time for it.
Starting point is 00:51:18 And the time for it. And the time for it. And the time for it. Almost a hundred of them now. So now do we talk about movies we actually like. Holy shit. Holy shit. In a summer filled with hot superhero movies, the movie I want to recommend is Sam Remy's Dark Man,
Starting point is 00:51:32 which I just recently rewashed, and it's really awesome. And having you like... Not dark man die, or not the return of Durant. No, not that one, the first one. Okay. Last tango in Dark Man. The thing that's great about it is it Having moon over I haven't seen it. I haven't seen it since I've seen the Spider-Man movies and it's going to see how much the style of Spider-Man comes from
Starting point is 00:51:59 Dark Man. I mean obviously you can see the evil dead emblems, but like There's many scenes that are almost shot for shot from like the spider-man's like when dark man fought dr. Octopus Yes, that scene specifically So if you're out there. It's on HBO on demand right now watch dark man it rules How was that was that a good that's like I didn't even talk about I'm just so happy to hear your recommended movie. You've never recommended before. Because every time I cast...
Starting point is 00:52:29 Oh, head of the family. I go out of my way to pick a movie I haven't recommended before. But you have the same three that usually go to. What was in the many movies? Mainly head of the family, castle freak, and invisible maniac. Dan? Well, I haven't seen a lot of moves but I did purchase a number of Mill Creek entertainment DVD collections. I purchased
Starting point is 00:52:54 four collections of 12 movies each. Mill Creek Entertainment has bought the Crown International Film Library and there's you know like there's a lot of people out there who are notably folks like Quentin Tarantino who are really into sort of like the Grindthouse exploitation films. And I've always found a lot of those movies to be more pleasurable to read about than actually watch because even though there's some amazing things you can find of them, they're often
Starting point is 00:53:32 draggy and terrible otherwise. But the two that I have watched already off of the Mill Creek collections, I've enjoyed. One was on the cult cinema favorites and one was off of the bombshells collection and those were Death Row Game Show and Police Women. And Death Row Game Show is sort of a running man style, you know, like, convex on Death Row and a Game Show scenario, but it was much more low. You know, it's like an actual game show, just like people in the sound stage doing stupid game show shit, including one thing was Dance of the seven boners. Where a woman comes out. A woman comes out in strips and if the electrodes attach to the man's penis move, he gets electrocuted. And that was when we was shown to children. Yeah, man. They showed this in school. No, it's an art rig. An art rated comedy. It was a dark comedy, kind of like a Paul Bartell style film. It drags a little in the middle of that's fun.
Starting point is 00:54:28 And police women is also kind of draggy parts, but the opening in particular is actually a really nice little budget jailbreak sequence with some ridiculous high-kicking police woman Karate in it. So those were both fun. I will recommend an older film. Sure. For a change. For a change, I'll recommend an old movie.
Starting point is 00:54:56 This one is called Gurdie the Dinosaur. And it is, no, it's not. It's called the train robbery. The great train robbery. The train robbery is the one people don't really remember. The great train robbery was the really good one. Okay. Any who so dead air.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Oh boy. You're recommending baby the lost on. All right. It's called baby the legend. The lost time. This or it's called super mar legend the lost either sir. It's called super Mario Brothers the movie I like I recently a movie that I am a big off for Hitchcock fan And one of his that I've been avoiding I guess for a long time was young and innocent
Starting point is 00:55:33 Because it seemed it doesn't have the best reputation and it didn't seem that exciting But I finally saw it recently and it's actually a really fun very small-scale finally saw it recently and it's actually a really fun very small scale Hitchcock crime movie, you know, the wrong guy is accused of a crime and he's on the run and he has to prove his innocence and there's a girl that comes along with him for the ride and it's all very light and kind of silly. It never feels that dangerous and it never feels that suspenseful frankly, but it's always fun and there's a lot of very funny moments of just like, you know, hip, hip, I'm an English character, and I'm gonna interact with another character
Starting point is 00:56:09 like this, what, what, governor, and things like that. And it's actually a lot of fun. And I would highly recommend it. It's a good movie to watch just like a, just like a surprise, just as a treat, just a surprise. So you come home from work, you're tired, you don't have it in you to watch the tree of life. Sure. So you watch young and innocent.
Starting point is 00:56:30 I've had that on my Netflix queue for a long time because it's on the instant view. And I've been avoiding it too, just because it doesn't have a great reputation. But now you've sold me. It's very fun. And there's a lot of neat shots and moments in it. It's a movie that if it came out now people would think it was great But just like dark man just like dark man compared to Hitchcock's other movies. It's not as good, but it's a lot of fun Okay, and there's the end there the villain at the end up is Performing in blackface as part of his job, and it's almost like it makes the villain that much evilor because he's a racist.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Just like Ellie. Yep. No, I'm not. I don't understand how Stuart could offer just being a party animal. It's my cross to bear to be honest with you. So I think we're winding down. I think you're going to hear in our voices. You didn't do the ghost.
Starting point is 00:57:23 It's just like the end of a marathon, our bodies are shutting down. The last the nightmare is over. Yep. We're warning. We're warning. We're warning. We're warning. We're warning.
Starting point is 00:57:33 We're warning. We're warning. We're warning. We're warning. We're warning. We're warning. We're warning. We're warning.
Starting point is 00:57:41 We're warning. We're warning. We're warning. We're warning. We're warning. We're warning. We're warning. We're warning. We're warning. I thought because your body so tired it's a devolving and chimp form Banana's the only thing is that you want to eat at the time. All right, well On that note I'd like to say good night. I've been Dan McCoy. I've been steward Wellie, doesn't and I am very tired Ellie Kaelin good night everyone Good night No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, from the flop house good night everybody good night I'm fucking my house or letters next time
Starting point is 00:58:11 I see you as a distant a distant parent distant well yeah well when the flop house gets in the way certain like this the thing they'll understand they'll understand they'll understand it's like it's like King Tutts kids were like holy shit. He was building all kinds of pyramids Nobody build all kind of pyramids right? No, he did like with he had his army of Mommies and ship Kids like he's spending all his time with the mummies King Tutts kids would wrap themselves in toilet paper to look like
Starting point is 00:58:40 Mommies. Do you like me now dad? He's like no, you're like a stick in yeti it looks like Mothers. Do you like me now, Dad? He's like, no, you're like a stick in yeti.

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