The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #89 - Season of the Witch

Episode Date: October 15, 2011

Show notes/timecode delayed on account of busy weekend. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Shocktober continues and so does our love affair with Nicholas Cage as we talk about season of the witch. Also a short audio note, Elliot's microphone appears to have had some problem with it during the early part of this episode but keep listening as we do eventually fix the problem. Our apologies for the technical difficulties. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house I'm Dan McCoy. Hey, I'm Stuart Wellington. And hello, Elliot Taylor and over here. Hey guys.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Right on. All three of us are here. So that's some good news. We're back, the three of us. I mean you're saying that like we're never together I mean, I think that are he's already singing Three of us just the three of us. I think our listeners Appreciate the ever we put into getting guests good guest host, but they also they also love The original peaches
Starting point is 00:01:33 Yeah, what's going on there guy? We didn't know we didn't tell some kind of demons on it back to wherever demons come from when you can no longer take joy in the small things in life That's when you know that you're clinically depressed so Maybe you guys need to turn that gaze on yourselves Like the mirror I am why you text speedo yep listeners if you hear anything different. It's because Dan's not wearing pants Speedo. Yep. Listeners, if you hear anything different, it's because Dan's not wearing pants. He's instead wearing a speedo with a Tuxedo design on it. You know, would you like to explain this? Dan's taking it for what we in the industry call a test drive.
Starting point is 00:02:14 The industry of Tuxedo Speedo wearers. And yeah, it's an industry. And in preparation for my upcoming nuptials where the male guests are encouraged to purchase and then wear a tuxedo speedo. Now I want to I want to tell a story about this. I, uh, I got, I received a letter. No, I received a package with this tuxedo in it, uh, at work and, um, I work and I was holding it up. I was showing my office mate, Joe Miller, this text speedo. And I said, and she said, oh, different from sexual harassment.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Yeah, that's when he used gas. Oh, yes. And her response was, so this is for your non gay friends wedding. And Elliot and I had to sort of explain a pretty good way to describe me as non gay friend. The guy, the non gay friend with a big bushy mustache. Yeah, we had to explain that. We had to explain Stewart to Joe, which led Ellie to say he's just very comfortable with his body Ellie had explained Stuart. Yep, I don't remember. We just got to give him to the rhythm of the night, you know Well moving along. Oh, but what do we do? Now before we get into it, I just want to
Starting point is 00:03:43 I think Upper the tables I have to see less of your, like you thought, upper thalashie. These are toned, friend. Well, they're really toned. They're not very tanned. No, not very tanned. No, that's what I meant. Toned, not tanned. Was that your, your pale timber and ask that?
Starting point is 00:03:58 Your hairy shading into pubic area. No, that's great. I mean, yeah, I mean, you'll, you'll put some beads in it when we're down in Puerto Rico Is that a mad magazine? No, but before we get into it, I did want to say We're into it. We're in the mix. We're ball we're ball Steve. Oh my god We're in the mix. We're ball we're ball's deep. Oh my god. Yeah. You may be hearing a slight audio difference. We have fingers crossed and would knock upon, solved the audio issue. We got some some shorter chords. So if you're currently hearing regga tone music, we will look like assholes now.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Well, I mean, you maybe you should look outside. Maybe someone is driving by their car. They're playing music loudly. Maybe you're in a band that plays the kind of music. Yeah. You're listening to this podcast in rehearsal. Maybe your schizophrenic and you hear music all the time. These are all things you should look into. Maybe you build a radio to a musician by accident. The curse was put on you. Sure. That you'd always hear their music. Gypsies play that music, right? Yeah, Gypsies. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:10 So, so I think we got the important points out of the way, the tech speedo, the audio, audio quality. We're recording this episode earlier than normal. That's a pretty big deal. Can you really tell we have a lot more energy? We got a lot more spice. Okay, spice. Okay spice so sure why not. Well some of that that takes. So we this is a new episode all you new listeners this is our Nicholas Cage cast. No, it's not. We're Cage House, we're we watch movies featuring Nicholas Cage and then we talk about him generally favorably if I recall
Starting point is 00:05:59 Never made a movie this episode is dedicated to his latest work of art this episode is dedicated to his latest work of art. This Shocktober episode. Yeah, oh my mistake. It's a Shocktober episode, which was probably indicated by the lead-in music. And it is season. Wait, what do you say? Well, there's a Shocktober episode in the podcast is that they're hard movies. It's supposed to be other times the year when they are hard movies. Can I introduce the movie now? Oh, yes. Okay. Season. The movie is a little sort of you should tell me. Okay. Season. Okay, but we're not really a Nicholas Cage by the guys, right? No. Okay. Of the world. You're out of your up. The popular season of the witch. You miss that first part? Someone
Starting point is 00:06:42 bought the rights to the popular Donovan song and turned into a film It's like battleship the movie right? Also George Is it about night battling demons? Wait, isn't that doesn't movie have an alternate title though? I feel like I can't remember It's not neither the demons. Not neither the demon. It's not neither the demons too. No more nights more demons. Okay, so season of which. Is it Bordeaux of blood? No, it is not, it
Starting point is 00:07:22 does not tell us on the dark side of the movie. Or is it creep show? of blood? No, it is not. It is not tails on the dark side of the movie. Where is it? Creep show. Popcorn? Bye bag. Go home in a box. Oh fucking trails. Go back and leave back to fucking hot dog. No, I wasn't making it into this time. Uh, okay, well then I'll do it. Uh, let's see if I can remember it. I was so distracted by seeing so much of Dan's area. Uh, let's see. Nicholas Cage is a demon?
Starting point is 00:07:57 No, Nicholas, Nicholas, we open with a priest killing a bunch of women who have been accused of being witches. And he has to, after killing them, he has to say over their body a prayer from what they call the book of Solomon. A prayer for Owen Meaney. A prayer for Owen Meaney. From the book of Solomon, even though it's written in Latin, a language I'm pretty sure didn't exist when Solomon was king. Any move will be like that.
Starting point is 00:08:20 But he fails to stop one of the witches who killed him. What languages is he speaking? Latin. Okay, no, but the whole time. The whole one of the witches who killed him. What language is he speaking? What? Okay, no, but the whole time. The whole time of the movie? Yeah, the whole time, yeah, he's talking English with a very bland English- Like American accent.
Starting point is 00:08:32 It's a place in the middle ages. I should have mentioned that in the 13th and 14th centuries. But everyone has a D. A D has the titles tell us in case we forgot. But there, everyone's, no one has, there's no uniform accents. Everyone in this movie has a different accent. I think even the British some of the British guys have bland American accents. Well does the thing like several of the American actors
Starting point is 00:08:54 appear to be doing a slight English accent and then as you point out there's an English accent or who is doing kind of like an American gangster accent or something. Well and it's like Star Wars that way where it's kind of England but it's kind of like an American gangster accent or something. Well, and it's like Star Wars that way, where it's kind of England, but it's kind of not England. We're talking about dust sticks. Who knows. Exactly. Anyway, then we go, we cut to, it's the Crusades.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And Nicholas Cage and Ron Pearl and our two night fighting buddies who have joined the Crusades together. They generally have a rassy good time time, fighting Muslims killing people and getting drinks at the local taverns that apparently exist in the Muslim. Yeah right next to the crusades. They conveniently located adjacent to the crusades. Until one day they attack a fort and the let's gauge realizes they're killing women and children. He realizes because he runs through the gate and he stabs a woman. He runs through the gate sword first and in the fog of war runs it all the way to the
Starting point is 00:09:52 hills into a woman's belly and that's when he suddenly realizes oh maybe this precise thing wasn't such a great idea. Well he looks around and it's only women and children lying around dead. Yeah. It's kind of weird they shouldn't have been hanging out there. No yeah at the doors of a battle. Yeah. Yeah. They he cuts ties with the church and he and Ron Pearlman and the two of them are probably the oldest night. TV is beast. Right, guys? TV is beast. TV is beast. The movie is Hellboy. Yeah. Seeing by me most recently in the hit film drive. Yeah. In which he was very good. Mm very good. Remember him from Cronos? Very long arose.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Did he think he was wearing a fat suit or anything he's put on some weight? He's become kind of obvious. TV's sons of anarchy. Yeah. Yeah, he's in a lot of things. So now we've established who Ron Prowlman is. And then it's not Ron Prowlman from ahead of Revlon in over the electronics. But Ron Prowlman, the actor, the two of them hit the road as two wandering buddies vagabonds
Starting point is 00:10:48 Yeah, who knows what crazy adventures they'll get into I know yeah, we saw the movie They stumbled upon a farm where two people have had a hideous plague But all their bodies are covered in bubos and so forth and so forth And one of them still alive. For a second goes, oh, and it dies. Just enough to scare the viewers. They go to the town nearby leading to the immortal line. There's the town. And they find that the town is one of many little kingdom caselets affected by this plague. What's caused it? Well, Nicholas Cage and Ron
Starting point is 00:11:25 Perlman find out when they are thrown into the Dungeon for deserting the Crusading Army. It turns out there's a witch and the witch has caused it. The witch is Cage and then well they can't. Here's one who can't burn her. They had to cast a spell on her to de-witch a fire in order to lift the plague. And so, in exchange for their freedom, Ron Proman, and I keep wanna say Lee Marvin for some reason, I wanna say Ron Proman, and Nicholas Cage, and I'm phrasing it as if Ron Proman is the star of it, and it's Nicholas Cage. I have to go...
Starting point is 00:11:59 We can dream. Yes, with a right-tag bunch, they have to go and take this which to a monastery Where the monks have the one remaining last book of Solomon and they can say this fell that will be which a fire and lift the plate of darkness from out So they can't just kill her they can't just kill because I believe the plague in place I'm not I'm not the way I can't quite right at which point they realize that she's not a witch. She's possessed very late by a demon.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Not until the end. They were series of adventures. They fight a bunch of wolves who are very that jumping at swords and failing the cells on them. They kill all of the wolves and then for some reason they start running away from them across the bridge. They kill like 60 wolves. Then there are five wolves. They're tired of killing it. Feet still filming out.
Starting point is 00:12:48 They're nervous about depleting the wolf population in the area. They don't want me here to overpop. Yeah, I mean, there's a balance. Yeah, it's ecosystem. They have to cross a rickety bridge along the way, a couple of their members die, and it turns out on them. To wolves, to some a couple of their members die and it turns out to wolves to some one of their friends stabbing them in the belly.
Starting point is 00:13:09 And accident in a in some kind of mass grave and it turns out they get to the monastery all the monks have died of the same plague same bubo same sores. How ironic huh? I guess. I don't know what they're on. It's a clear example of dramatic irony. And that's when they learn the the incident, the fact that there's the young girl has shown that like she can she has amazing which has amazing strength. She can cast illusions kind of she seems to know what's going on in people's memories. Turns out as mentioned, she's possessed by a demon.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Okay, so wait, is that different? You got us to do a different spell from the book of song. Well, I mean, if she's a witch, that's her fault. Yes, if there's a demon. She's just been possessed by a demon, she's still pure a part and innocent of soul. I mean, they still have to do a smantic spell though, right? Yeah, but they don't have to burn her or her ground. So they could have just done that spell a long time ago or?
Starting point is 00:14:03 We did the book of song in there. He didn't put time ago or okay. There's only one copy in the monster. Okay, so the demon tricked him into going there because the demon wants to do something with the book. Some reason that book gives the demon amazing power. I don't understand. Yeah, that was the point that you made, like they say, like oh no, the demon has tricked us into going here, like to the place that they were going anyway. They're gonna go the first thing, everything along their path has let us to hear. Yeah, the place you were going. Yeah, the place with the book that you wanted. So wait, there was a moment where the characters thought back to earlier moments in the story
Starting point is 00:14:36 and came to realizations and that's shown to the viewers through a shitload of flashbacks of things we saw like five minutes ago. Yes, well, the thing is you learn that every time someone said let's just kill the witch that first ended up dead. Okay. But they didn't want to kill the witch in the first place. Like there was no reason. Basically this demon went to a shillow to trouble for no reason.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Yeah, if the demon just, you know, behaved itself through the entire trip, then it would be a... Everything would have been fine. It would have been fine. Yeah, I mean, it's a demon. So it's got magic powers Extra nervous. No, I'll be sure. Okay. So yeah, but the demon and the stuff you don't want to record this and I have to trash it exactly Patch We don't have a dance match. The Duns about a match.
Starting point is 00:15:24 You know, junk. You know, it's Buffalo. Oh, okay. It's a Buffalo area. So anyway, back to the movie. So to make a long story short, they go to the bell-free of the monastery. The demon sends a shitload of zombie monks after them. They learn that it's really easy to kill the zombies if you just cut their heads off,
Starting point is 00:15:42 which is incredibly easy to do apparently, but for some reason they don't always do that. Yeah, they they instead of just doing that attack, they sometimes stab to the belly or throw daggers at people or push them away. And then the demon comes back, the priest that was with them the whole time started saying the spell, the demon kills him. Yeah, it makes sense. Yeah, demon by the way, it's no longer a girl, it's a big CGI demon. And looks like a car. It looks like a shitty or computer generated version of the demons from that movie. That's fair. Yeah, like a gargoyle. Like the hit cartoon show, Gargoyles. It kind of looks like one of those things. Yeah, it's without a long plot. And without the almost
Starting point is 00:16:22 Bruce Timask designs. Yes. I wouldn't say almost definitely Bruce Timask. Yeah. Somebody else says the spell in his death rose Nicholas Cage saves the spell sayer from the demon and the demon gets all burned up Nicholas Cage dies. The girl that the demon had possessed is okay. Ron Perlman's dead. Everyone's dead except the girl and the Sothe character and they ride off into the distance with the book of Solomon, season on the witch, the end. And there's- And the plague has lifted. Yeah, there's like a little bit of a narrative
Starting point is 00:16:53 at the end about how the plague was lifted because the demon was killed. And they say- A dressing nothing about proper disposal of corpses or other hygienic practices. Yeah, well they say some, the marriage literally says, some may say it was just a disease that ran its course and burned away like a fever but we know it was this spell. We didn't lose the last
Starting point is 00:17:13 trunk did we? No no no keep talking. And that's the end of season of the witch. RURROW! Very under-enthouse cat that movie. Apologies. We did a little auto check because we're paranoid. We realized that Elliot's... My microphone was a little low. Yeah, but now it appears to be on point. So I hope everyone heard my plot summary of Season of Witch
Starting point is 00:17:39 because I'm not going through it again. I mean, yeah, I think you nailed it. I think that's probably the best way to describe that story. Thanks. So what do we have to say about this movie? First of all it was thrilling. This movie sat on the shelf a long time yeah. Is that true? Not that long. I mean the script is old. The script goes back to 2000. It's a tale is old it's time right? I mean it does take place 700 years ago so it's not like it's out of date or anything. Is it written by Shakespeare?
Starting point is 00:18:10 Here's my main, I have two things I wanted to mention about Shakespeare. One is that Nicholas Cage goes way out of his way to affect kind of an old-timey cadence. Like, if God wants this from men, then surely God himself cannot be merciful. But then,per will be like all right well let's get the hell out of here like he just says everything the way hellboy would say it which i liked but it was very jarring every time he said it i mean if they'd chosen one it would have been fine i mean i and i think that we wouldn't have preferred romper moments way yeah i think so if everyone was just kind of like whatever it's the middle ages
Starting point is 00:18:44 also niggas sort of an army of darkness approach to material. Yeah, sure. I mean, Nicklas Cage has made enough of these movies. He should know when to be the grim. Like, you should never be the grim, like, quiet guy. Like, we want the crazy wacky dude. No, that's what I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Like, Nicklas Cage still has his impeccable taste in terrible movie projects. In here. In here, yeah. He his impeccable taste in terrible movie projects in here. He has impeccable taste in movies where he has stupid hair. I think he borrowed it from John Travolta in the sword fish. He knows. He knows Tom Hanks in the Da Vinci code. He knows how to make, how to pick a movie in that the movie he picks are crazy stupid
Starting point is 00:19:21 movies. But he doesn't know the performance. He doesn't know the performance that he needs to give to these movies like he saves up all his crazy performances for your your your bad lieutenant's port called New Orleans. I would almost say that he is saying to himself what what director am I going to pour a lot of energy into working with Dominic Senna or Werner Herzog. Yeah. And I think he made the right choice there. No, it's true, but I mean, if he's gonna be making
Starting point is 00:19:48 these crazy bad movies, he needs to pour some of that crazy energy. He's gotta pour some crazy on me. Mm-hmm. He can't just be like mumbling it. He's like 3D. Yeah. In drive angry at least, he had swagger.
Starting point is 00:20:01 He needs to vampire vampires kiss these roles good bye kisses wait yeah that was another Nicholas Cage movie yeah yes it was he needs to Peggy Sue got married into leaving Las Vegas no man we're hungry right now oh this is our best stuff. Damn, can you airmark this episode? It's our Emmy submission episode. The usual and here's the other big problem. I had this was like a fairly this actually is the love interest. I said, wrong. Pearlman. There's a lot of interest.
Starting point is 00:20:37 But this is that's implied, I think like the first 25 minutes of this movie, we're pretty fun. It moves really fast. And there's a lot of battling. But it gets very slow and very boring and kind of Generic, but the thing that bugs me about this movie is it's a movie that's saying you know how in the middle ages They accused a lot of women of being witches and then burns them They were right. They were a shitload of witches They caused the plague and if we didn't have the witches the plague wouldn't have happened Everything's demons and witches. It's like I don't I can't buy into that I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:21:08 uh justifying genocide through a sci-fi movie I think is probably the best way yeah it's it just seems very strange for them to take the side of the witch killers well uh I guess some of us don't love witches like you do Elliot uh wait what and you're uh wait are you casting me as the bad guy? You're the husband of the devil and you... That's my wife you're talking about. Devilina. I thought El Viro was the female version of the devil.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Well, she's the mistress of the dark, but she's kind of goofy to me. The female version of the devil. Oh, okay. She's more interested in, you know, cleavage-related pursuits. What do you mean interest cleavage? Yes, the new issue of cleavage of Fistinato is in. So, Vyra, yeah, that's weird, okay.
Starting point is 00:21:56 She's on the cover of every issue, either her or McGann of the Kissing Bandit. And one spiss-piggy. That was not the top issue of cleavage aficionado. It was their all foam issue just her and Pamela Anderson. So season of the witch huh? Yeah, there's a lot to talk about. There's a lot of you
Starting point is 00:22:25 get to pick up every stitch yeah Dan said that about 40,000 times we're watching it apparently there's a song called season of the witch that Dan is a big fan of it's because not stop did not stop singing during the movie there are only a few how like Halloween style rock songs out there to enjoy. And so I enjoy them all. OK, and they are. Boss, you've been your master, master, master, master, thriller. That's both rock songs.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Season of the witch. Waii komovah. The gola, juice of vampire turns out. Don't fear the Reaper Satisfaction also about vampires all of the misfit songs where wolves in London Where was up London sure two different songs where was it in London and where was up London Where wolves of Tokyo Thank you at the purple people eater. I don't think that's a Halloween song
Starting point is 00:23:24 That's a song that really glosses over the fact that he eats people Every the whole song is about the purple people leader feeling bad about himself cuz no one likes him Totally eats people. Yeah, there's a couple indicators to this past performance You know what maybe it's not the fact that you're weird looking Yeah, more the fact that people are afraid you're going to eat them. Well, the way so you're saying it's more the people eating less the purple part. Yes. Yeah. Or the one I had one horned and flying parts. I would think that would make him popular.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Yeah, at least it's something interesting. It's conversation starter. So what are you? That's how the conversation starts. Yeah. And the party. I mean, that's the parties I go to. That's how the conversation starts. Yeah. And the party. Sure. I mean, that's this party's I go to that's how the conversation start. I say I'm a kissing bandit. And I'm still from you. Our time work.
Starting point is 00:24:17 So season of the which if anything to say about this movie, it's a tough one to talk about. I mean, it's fairly straightforward. Anything to say about this movie? It's a tough one to talk about. I mean, it's fairly straightforward The there's a lot of they seem to err on the side of computer graphics Yeah, what it comes to pretty much everything so like oh no, there's guys surrounded by wolves, but Wolves aren't scary enough. Let's give them all demon faces all of a sudden There's a lot of characters walking through woods and sitting around campfires and not a lot of action which is super. It's like the movie used up its action quota in the rationing of a canning and that they'd
Starting point is 00:24:52 save the rest for the end of the movie. I like the Ron Proman quality of it. If this movie had been more about like Ron Proman and Nicholas Cage just being sassy crusaders then I would have enjoyed it. Take all the demons shit out. Just have to be sassy crusaders. That would have been it's rare that I say that a movie would have been better without all the demon stuff in it, but I would have rather seen it a movie about like a, you know, just two, two guys, two amiable rogues having adventures in the Middle Ages. Yeah. I mean, betting wrenches and fighting, um, deep crooks, I was going to say demons, but they did that in this movie. I mean, betting wenches and fighting deep crooks, I was going to say demons, but they did that in this movie.
Starting point is 00:25:26 I mean, no. Swilling, grog. Mostly, the grog would definitely be swilled. Most of the movie you have, Nithilus Cage and Ron Proman walking around, basically talking about how it's not cool to kill women and children and how the church could sometimes be wrong. But in this case, the church is right. There are demons and witches causing the black plague. Yeah. But in this case the church is right there are demons and witches causing the black way. Yeah, I mean like that's that they're not totally right They're they're blending on witches
Starting point is 00:25:49 Whereas demons are really that's why I say yeah, so it's not the young girls are still causing the plague Well, I mean it's not it's a little less misogynistic not really like deal demons just enjoy Inhabiting young young girls like really like that makes it, that makes it even worse. No, but I give you your purple or a repeal. You're like a demon. I thought you're like a demon who likes to have a young girl. No, that's the horrible. I'm coming from Purfazoid number one that really hurts. Look, just because I'm wearing a Purfazoid city, some speedos that are, uh, have a texito emblazoned upon them, doesn't mean you look really comfortable wearing those by the way.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Yeah, a little too comfortable. I feel a little guilty for whoever is going to sit on this chair and act like it's still you. I mean, it's your apartment. It's true. But I mean, most of the movie is Nicholas Cage and Ron Perlman running around espousing these opinions that I mean, the people on modern day clearly agree with like yeah okay you don't want to kill women and children and yeah you know
Starting point is 00:26:49 sometimes like killing possible witches for you know no real apparent reason doesn't make a lot of sense like we agree with his character so there's no real conflict they don't really have to make the case to us yeah it'd be different if they believed that which is we're bad and you got to kill them and then they have to make us agree with them. Yeah, we automatically identify with Nicholas Cage even though he like doesn't really do anything of any import throughout the entire movie. Yeah, he doesn't do very much except keep this this possessed woman alive at
Starting point is 00:27:20 times by convincing other people not to kill her. But then sometimes having dreams of the woman he stabbed in the chest. Yeah, he wants to kill her one point. The other characters won't let him. He doesn't really do much to earn our thinking of him as a hero. He tackles the demon at one point and then gets stabbed in the back of lunch by its wing wing opinion. Is that not an opinion about a wing? Yes. Winged pinion. Yeah, it's there's I was reading Wikipedia. It said they lowered the level of gore and violence in the movie. So I guess make it a PG 13 movie and it suffers from that. Not a lot. There's a lot of long stretches of not not much thrills. Well, people
Starting point is 00:27:56 rush to the theater to see a movie set in the middle ages about demons. Starting Nicholas Cage and Ron Proman. Yeah, and when they find out that it's, you know, family friendly, doesn't have high levels of gore. Everyone wants to go see it. Yeah, that's true. After you know, take grandma, take the kids. It's Thanksgiving. You know what? Don't even eat the turkey. There's no season of the witch. It's Christmas. Santa's coming with a sleigh. Season of the witch. Sure. He's already brought your gift.
Starting point is 00:28:22 It's at the multiplex. Yeah. Seasons greetings. Season of the witch. Sure, he's already brought your gift. It's at the multiplex. Yeah, seasons greetings season of the witch's greetings. That is Baby sitting someone else's kids baby sitting someone else's grandma taking a season of the witch It's good for ages one to one season of the witch Yeah, so let's let's tie this up with a bow. You know, like his bullshit about season of hours. I thought we were finally hit on something. We got a red vein and bullshit. That would have been a great ad campaign if it was Nicholas Cage in his night armor with a Santa Claus hat holding a gift. Nicholas Cage is a gift for you. It's called
Starting point is 00:29:02 Seasn't of the Witch. I got you something something you'll find out what it is when you go to the movie theater and say one per sees of the witch and they give you guys some money. It's a surprise though. They used to take out ads like I forget what movie it was. There was a movie that where the ad campaign was that it was that studio's gift to the world. movie that with the ad campaign was that it was that studios gift to the world. And it's like that's really balsy. Yeah. It's like there was a unforgiven. Why not fun forgiving. Go see you. Unforgiven. Take the whole family. Take the whole clan. Yeah. Now I'm shutting it down. Wow, okay, man But you know set a tux speedos and everything gets really organized Well, we've got some great letters to get to we've had some Sunley got sleepy when the tux speedo audio issues
Starting point is 00:29:53 I just want to let's taking his spirit away sure like a witch. He's possessed by its fuck tux speedos The tux either speedos have some kind of malign intelligence similar to the demon-faced wolves It's like I'm wearing like a very easy to burn wearing a venom suit. And the speedo horns. He got it during the secret wars. Yeah. Secret venom suit. Secret wars.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Secret wars. Venom suit. Yeah, come on. What do you think? Let's continue. You know what? Let's wrap this thing up in above, Venom suit. Yeah Don't say Venom suit when we're at comic New York. We're gonna go to your flopcon
Starting point is 00:30:32 Well, we got don't we have to give our final job. We'll talk about flopcon. Flopcon 2011. Okay at the Javits Center So You're the new boys. Yeah, I don't Was this movie scary? Relie bad. We're scared. I thought it was spookily good. So Dan, what was the what was it?
Starting point is 00:30:57 It was it totally terrifying. Okay, totally snorifying. Or was it frighteningly funny? Okay, totally snorifying. Oh, is it frighteningly funny? Okay. None of those apply. They are all just inappropriate to this. The store, maybe you go first. Um, you know, I'll give it a, I'll give it a frighteningly snorifying. Right. No, that's one? Wait, no, that... Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:31:26 That's one of the... Wait. It was... Scarily snorrifying? No, no, no. No, but I will... You're making a mockery of the seasonal ratings. How do you...
Starting point is 00:31:36 Horrifically bad a good? I will, I'll agree with you though. Like, in mood-long fairly quickly, it wasn't as painful to watch as some other movies. It was instantly forgotten. Yeah, not memorable. It wasn't, I wouldn't say funny, but it wasn't totally snorrifying until you get to about 35 minutes in, then it gets kind of boring. This is an hour and a half long movie, so it's not like it took a long time to work. I mean, an hour and 25 minutes. Well, yes, an hour and a half long movie so it's not like it took a long time. I mean hour and 25 minutes
Starting point is 00:32:08 Yeah, well yes, I'm 25. Yeah, and so I mean it was pretty good when the wolves started killing people we were talking a bunch So I don't know Well, it was just ridiculous because the wolves barely killed anybody The wolves did a lot of jumping on to people's weapons jumping in the way of swords And there's a moment where Nicholas Cage was being approached by two wolves from opposite directions And you're really hoping he's gonna jump over them and they'll hit each other. Yes, mash each other. Maybe bite each out. They're really hard. Like, here's how threatening the wolves were. If
Starting point is 00:32:32 Nicholas Cage was standing next to a cliff, the wolf would have jumped off the cliff. Yeah. And like, they maybe jumped into a stand. Like the wolf in the Benji movie when the bent the wolf's attacking Benji in the season of the Benji. Yeah. That one. Yeah. Yeah. Season of the Benji. Benji of the witch. Oh, having the witch. Okay. So that was my review. Oh, God, you witch. Oh, right. Being least norrified. Elliot. Okay. I'm going to agree with Stewart on every count, I guess. It was not the worst movie we've seen, not not particularly interesting or memorable, but the first half hour, I was saying them and I said to you guys, like, I'm enjoying this a lot more than
Starting point is 00:33:09 most of the movies we've seen lately, but then it just bogged down and... It's better than Bangkok Dangerous, not as good as Next. And not as good as... Driving, driving... I like driving, yeah. Yeah, in the Cage Cannon. Yeah. I'd put it, yes, squarely in the middle.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Better than Knowing too. Oh, way better than Knowing, yeah. Yeah, I agree with you guys., squarely in the middle. Better than knowing to. Oh, way better than knowing. Yeah, I agree with you guys. I mean, I might look a bit better than next. I don't like it. It's right. Oh, yeah, yeah. Next was the one where you can see what happens next. Sure. Yeah, no, I agree. It is. You can see a sign filled rerun is coming up next.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Next, you're just holding the TV guy Put that down John next Ron Proman was the best thing by this movie and I think it was a shib and called season of the Ron Proman and I would have enjoyed it a lot Harder to market Especially in foreign countries Well to on the nose for some people Play that's not Ron Proman the movie to Two self-aware. So J C V D sort of like, yeah, or B V D. I don't know. But I agree with you guys in spirit.
Starting point is 00:34:14 And in reality, I hate you. Wow, but surprise ending. The evil shorts are continuing to destroy the dance line. His air quotes venom suit that he's wearing. His venom suit. Venom suit. Black venom suit. Yeah, spider person's venom suit.
Starting point is 00:34:38 That he wears in marble comic stories. When he fights incredible green man and Captain United States. So where are you going this weekend, guys? Oh man, let's talk about it. Professor Gax and Wolver chunk. the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the We're going to Flock County, 2011. This weekend. New York City's Javits Center. People may know that this weekend, yeah, it's Flock con 2011. The biggest Flock house convention.
Starting point is 00:35:31 I think it's pronounced. Yeah, it's said in the Cove It Center. There will also be an additional event being organized called the New York City Comic Con. Yeah, I think that's a side. It might be in a side hallway. So if the Flock Con is going on, Flock Con is for people who are way into bad movies and hearing us talk. People are going to come dressed as us, dressed as the breads,
Starting point is 00:35:54 dressed as Nicholas Cage with crazy hair. Flock House House cat is not allowed to be dressed as as this going images of the Flock House House cat are against God. as this goal images of the flop house cat are against God. The there will be if you show up as a Jedi, we will direct you to the the comic com. We'll be having a Jedi like Senator battle. Well, the 501 stormtrooper army be welcome. Yeah, I mean, there are a lot. We can't we can't turn them. We don't have the last years.'ve I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've burglars. I don't. No, I agree with it. I might come a con the podcast. Uh-huh. Who's going to put micro machines on the floor? Um, the Danes, Daniel Sterns, but assuming that I do get it up early, um,
Starting point is 00:36:56 yeah, we're gonna, we're gonna be at Comic Con. The New York Comic Con in the Javits Center and on the West Side of Manhattan. And our listeners can feel good to know that I did receive my press pat. I was approved for a press pass because of this podcast. Because I wrote up the information you need to submit or the podcast. And then I took all that information. I filled out the application for you. Yep. Now, when they emailed you and said, can you give us some information, you wrote me and
Starting point is 00:37:23 said, what do I tell them? And I told you it to tell them. Okay, I took what he told me. And then I also took the links that Dan suggested I put in there. I mixed a little bit of Stuart Wellington flavor. I think you're love stew balls. And then I said it along and was given the thumbs up. So the Flop House is officially a press organization
Starting point is 00:37:43 as defined by the New York Comic Con. So we're going to be there. Well, we'll all definitely be there Saturday. Saturday at noon, I'll be part of a panel called Geek Sheik or something like that. That's weird. About about Geek culture and comedy writing. That's noon at the Javit Center. Look out for that panel. If you want to hear me talk like you're hearing now, but in person. If you're coming to Comic-Con, you can try and track us all down. I mean, we will all be wearing false mustaches and sunglasses to protect ourselves from rabbit fans. And trench coats with the colors turned up. I'm probably going to spend the whole time over by the World of Warcraft screens watching people play World of Warcraft. And I think Dan is a judge at the young girls in two sexually revealing costumes contest.
Starting point is 00:38:30 If only, if only friends. Well, we'll be wandering around. So keep an eye out for us. There may be people dressed as the flop house that warrant us. Yeah, I mean, it's going to be flop-con. So there's a lot of flop house cosplay out there. Yeah, flop-splay. Sure flopcon so there's a lot of flop house cosplay out there. Yeah, flop play
Starting point is 00:38:46 People dressed as the house cat female Elliott's weirdly turned me on I gotta tell you the family. It's By the way Different than Daniel by the way seriously guys seriously Congress should fund female it that I think that's important for all of us in America. I get it like FEMA Any Wait Management Elliott Any who flopcon 2011 at New York Comic Con 2011 For questions about flabcon
Starting point is 00:39:21 Mark 2011 right to the flop house do not write Comic Con, because they don't know it exists. They think it's just Comic Con. They don't know Flopcon is going on in the same place. Lay it's Fensterman. We'll send you a reply that says, stop it. You'll be with me. And come here, Mark Hamill, speak. Yeah, and what do you guys hope to do otherwise at Comic Con?
Starting point is 00:39:40 Do you have any specific things? I'm probably going to get another autograph from Dan Abnant. Cool. John Landis is there promoting that monster book that you got to work. So I can see John Landis. You get it signed? Probably not. It's a heavy book.
Starting point is 00:39:57 I'm going to go try and find weird cartoonists to get, like little books of sketches from. Yeah, I think I'm going to be on the original art hunt. Yeah, yeah. See if there's any the original art hunt. Yeah, yeah. See if there's any within my price range. Jeff D'Arro's and Tom Bauer's and such. Sure, yeah, I'd love to have a Jeff D'Arro. Or Tom Bauer. Okay, Dan, you look like you just hold out the movie mailbag.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Oh yeah, the flop house movie mailbag. Oh, it's a heavy mailbag this week. Oh man. Oh my God, so it seems heavy. Stop straining, please stop straining in front of us. Let me just bend over and get this. I was like here. Stand on end. Like they have miniature muscles in them. Guys, that was a real workout. So we just did a little radio play. This is from Kristen last name with help and she says Dearest flop house. Oh, so dude no ladies voice. Dearest flop house. No no voice Dearest flop house. No, you're a vampire. There is flop house. Now you're Michael Caine
Starting point is 00:40:58 Dearest flop house. Okay, now you're with the Alan Dearest flop house. Say, you're George Washington. Bearest flop house. Doesn't sound any like it. Yeah, you know, how do you know? Yeah, no, no wooden teeth. Didn't sound like you were gonna chop down a jury tree. All right, well.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Can't throw the last name with El. Kristen. Kristen last name with El. You forgot the name within seconds. To be fair, we threw a lot of names out there. I get confused fairly. She says, I recently uploaded, it's not Catherine. Come on. I recently uploaded a few clips of the podcast to YouTube as a probably not very effective way to publicize the podcast. However, if you like the clips
Starting point is 00:41:38 being taken down just let me know. No, we will not. We love the clips being up there. All about information wanting to be free and stuff like that. Yeah, basically, an offset of Metallica. Yeah. In many ways. I don't know if I'll be able to upload more anytime soon, as I'm starting my second year of grad school in a week. But I noticed the lack of much fluff house on YouTube, and thought I'd do my part to rectify it.
Starting point is 00:42:03 I don't know how many new listeners a clip of the famed Shopeen Goetables tangent will bring in but at least I tried PS the fluff house has quickly become one of my favorite podcasts of reading the writing right up in the AV Club I've listened to the Brad's episode more times than I care to admit. Yes No, thank you for uploading those. We checked them out. Ali had actually, before he knew that you'd send in a letter, alerting me to this fact. I found them.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Found one as well. I probably Googled my own name. But thank you very much for doing it. It was very exciting to see them there. And it meant we have really showed how passionate our listeners are, which was great. And anything that helps bring in new people is wonderful. So we really appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Thanks for sticking up for the floppers. Yeah, thanks. Yeah, and it's a good thing to direct new people to if they want to listen to things that sound like gibberish. Well, they are funny. They're funny. They talk about what celebrities do you think is hard? That's not part of it. I don't know why like every negative stereotype is now being attached to me. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:12 I'm a man of super purve. That's all. Sure. I'll be meeting the Leonardo Cyclops. You've got no personality. So you've got to make fun of me. That's a thing, dude. Anyway, I accept my mantle as being a super party-adible. Like I put up with that. And I accept mine as being a really smart guy. Wait, that's a real racist. No, racist never really stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:33 That's probably dead, too. Because I love all peoples. Oh, okay. Because you're so smart, interlude. Yeah, I love all peoples, too. It just you, uh, the most wonderful. I love that you have described to me has been perverted. I love that, please don't speak its name anymore
Starting point is 00:43:47 So thank you Catherine Kristen, okay Thank you Kristen. This is from Matt last name withheld. It's titled Tom's wrong and one other thing cryptic Says hi gang. Just wanted to point out that Tom may be mistaken as critique about the ending of Minority Report. It's mentioned in the film that those imprisoned live out whatever fantasy they want until they die. Seems that because everything magically works out at the end of the film for Tom Cruise, the oversync could easily be interpreted as his fantasy while trapped in the prison.
Starting point is 00:44:19 It's definitely open-ended, but I wanted to defend Stewart's recommendation since Dan did nothing to rebuke Tom's take down. I have to say, when I listened to that, because I wasn't there, I would have brought this up at the time. Dan, you made a dismissive comment about the scenery chases his own eyeball on it. No, no, I love that scene. It's just weird. It made it sound like you didn't like it.
Starting point is 00:44:37 That's the best scene in the movie. It's great. Yeah. I loved a really weird slapstick moment in the middle of it, otherwise very almost too serious movie, but I like that film a lot more than other people. No I think it's a solid like the only thing I like about it is when they say says don't take you he gets his eyes replaced and the guy mad science says don't take the bandages off your eyes for 12 hours 12 hours or have a long it is and
Starting point is 00:44:59 Tom Cruise takes them off early and nothing bad and no repercussions no repercussions and also he needs his old eyes to get into the building and no interaction by his eyes anymore. So he didn't really, really made it harder for himself when he changed his eyes out. But it's a neat scene. But Matt goes on to say, second paragraph. This is the one other thing.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Also, I wanted to mention that there have now been two podcasts where Dan and Stu were arguing before the record, my soul to take and gooby. Could this be the beginnings of a fracturing of the flapper triumvirate? Probably not, but this is one less thing I needed hanging over my head while I toss in turn at night worrying about the state of the world, the environment and the economy. What were we arguing about? I know what my soul to take it was about. We were arguing. Well, I don't want to entirely spoil it, because the next email is about the argument too. Oh, awesome.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Well, I let just to rest everyone assured Dan and Stuart get along great these days. They went through counseling. With a get along gang, if you will. They're not the get along gang. I would say we were the strict. I would say it was. No, they're neither that.
Starting point is 00:46:04 We get into fresh arguments every time we see each other total, total, total, total, they're deaf and fat and total. They're radical. They're not really, yeah. Bodacious and tubular.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Not to mention grody to the max. Oh, we know that's a bad thing. Oh, it is Genshi. Yeah, the real hepp, they're far out and not Dulzville. Sorry, you're a fan. So as I said, the cats pajamas, we get into radical arguments every time we see each other. Old arguments completely forgotten. Yes. As as shown by the fact that I've forgotten that we had Norea. And the easy camaraderie with which they take every task. But to continue on that tack, Josh last name with hell says, what steward and Dan were fighting about? Here's my take. Oh, I remember that one. We had a contest about.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Yeah, very, very wonderful. We had one of our famous flop house contest. He says, here's my take of what happened that caused such a monumental rift between two friends. A rift of work, you will. This is another. This is another. No, this is not a mixed.
Starting point is 00:47:19 There's no slasher. We're not going to end up doing each other, are we? No, there's no. You are wearing a tuxedo. Yeah. During a slow portion of my soul to take, Dan admitted to Stewart that his parents had prevented him from seeing cool world in the theaters. How at-wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:47:33 This is scarily accurate. Keep reading. Because they said it was too adult. Stewart found this uproariously funny. And spent the better part of five minutes pointing out that Dan was a loser who had had to ask? Was he here? Was Josh here? Dan was a loser. He never saw cool world. You are a loser. You would never know what Hollywood would have Hollywood could. Who had to ask his parents permission to go to the movies? Further
Starting point is 00:48:01 Stewart proudly boasted that his parents didn't give a shit what he watched as a child, even letting him stay up to watch HBO on Saturday nights when it was to quote Stewart, nothing but tits. I mean verbatim. That sounds like verbatim. That sounds like quote. Are we being gay? Was there a wire? Dan, are you wearing a wire?
Starting point is 00:48:20 And already irritated Dan decided to let Stewart slide on this one, but that thin layer of restraint was shatter when Stewart ate the last bonafide chicken from Popeyes. A Popeyes he didn't bay for, mind you. Turious of this affront, Dan blurred it up, the Stuart was actually the biggest loser because he admitted to getting turned on by that scene and ghost busters when Dan Acroid had that one dream sequence where it goes blue him. Stuart snarled in response, at least you didn't say it was a spooktacular blowjob or whatever the fuck you used for ratings when it's October There's silence for the remainder of the movie during all this Elliott merely sat off in a corner trying his best to ignore
Starting point is 00:48:55 His friends childish antics by writing a fan fiction about what happens when the biker mice from Mars within the same universe as Street Sharks read it already. I wrote it already So that's what's last name without we're gonna. Yeah, it's called biker mice from Mars meet the street sharks within the same universe as Street Characters. Read it already. Note it already. So that's what drives the last name of the whole. We're going to run. Yeah, it's called Biker Mice from Mars Meet the Street Characs. And so far, I haven't had too many takers,
Starting point is 00:49:12 but the big reveal at the end is that the Biker Mice from Venus, the ladies, Street Characters fall in love, they get married, the end. OK. That sets it up for the squeak-hole. You're allowed to say squeak-hole, that's a capy-written. At this point, it's just in the vernacular. They're like Shakespeare. The words just float into the public domain. So that was the... That was very accurate. Yeah, I mean, that was...
Starting point is 00:49:36 Now I remember that fight. That was spookily accurate. Yeah. Or was it frighteningly funny or both scarily wrong no it was pretty close that we often get invites about cool world I mean usually it's about whether the usual usually in terms of things you get into fights about cruel world like 65 70% yeah usually it's about how cool that world was whether it's totally cool or there was just a little cool yeah I think I always just so cool in your case I assume I always assume that it was just drafty it doesn't cool like there was a draft running through it no so it's not like like how how relax and confident no just about like chilly sure okay that mean that's we argue that. I mean it's a movie we're never gonna be able to feel the time. I mean it's an awesome world is what I'm I think it's an awesome
Starting point is 00:50:29 world where a lady walks around in short a short dress and a cartoon or a real lady. Well that's cartoon lady. She's a cartoon lady until she has sex with a real person which somehow turns into a real person but then doesn't. Okay and then the world blows up. I've seen that movie a couple times. I still really understand what the hell is going on. No, there's no. But you're along for the ride. That's a thing. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Yeah, I was along for that ride. It feels like a movie that was adapted from a book that was never written. You're addicted to that rush. Oh, yeah. It's strange that that movie was advertised on the back of I think every comic book that is a cartoon in it. Yeah. It's like who frame Roger Rabbit.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Exactly like that. For people who don't pay that close attention, let's go again. And don't like to be entertained. All right, the next email is from Brian, last name withheld. Hello. It's titled, Is Nothing Sacred? Question Mark. And.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Like a Batman villain. He's nothing sacred. Batman. Question Mark, Batman, question Mark. He used the word sacred. Clearly he's going to blow up Gotham's church. The fact red, of course, red sacks were the famous Gotham city-based wallplay. He's signing today at the Gotham city sports
Starting point is 00:51:53 a drone. That was that was the thing. Yeah, I like that was the thing. The little little thing. The Batman thing. I don't know. I like as we've introduced a new Batman villain, the punctuator. the Batman thing. What? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:10 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:18 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. This is ridiculous. We should really corner a lot of New York County company that put that okay Batman hey Chris detective coming you know Chris no one
Starting point is 00:52:29 this no yeah popular fan of this podcast the criminals stop making movies about those mind people and instead mind people you know drink drugs and said throughout the previous ruiner in your movie. Give us a little bit of money. A little bit of a JPEG. That'd be wonderful.
Starting point is 00:52:49 No, this is from Brian Lassney with Hell, and he says, it's agent floppers. Rip from the headlines. And it actually attaches a JPEG to confirm that it was ripped from the headlines. Same. And we peg. And it is not another naked celebrity. ripped from the headlines. I will governor Terry Brandstrad fire the governors
Starting point is 00:53:11 mansion fire the governors mansion house cat by cutting its food rations until the house cat was attacked, all house cats are attacked. With what's such a... The house cat's allied 101. With such travesties and state government, only one action is acceptable. All house cats must march on the Iowa state capital. Mouse toys and balls of yarn will be provided. However, there must be a voice for this movement and only one voice will do the flop house house cat
Starting point is 00:53:48 I mean it's more of a yowl House cat you've heard the call and I trust you will do the right thing. I look forward to seeing you in DeMoin By the way, Dan, I do consider the flop house one half bad movie podcast and one half house cat podcast bad movie podcast and one half house cat podcast. I mean that's the yeah like one y'all on episode I mean the proportion is not really there so it's does the house cat usually stand up for political things does it take a stand on the issues I mean he tries not to he's not a role model. Why is he not a role model? Because he understands that he's more of what what they call party animal. Yeah with his backwards hat and this sling shot.
Starting point is 00:54:26 The rabble rouser. His converse all stars and the skateboard. Yeah, and I mean he can't, he has difficulty hailing the pressure of being a role model. It turns him to drinking. Oh, that's bad. Yeah. So we won't see the house cat in Des Moines. I mean, you might. You never know.
Starting point is 00:54:41 I'm not going to put him into a box, if you will. Not even a pet carrier? Yeah, I mean, if it's a box, it I'm not gonna put them into a box, if you will. Not even a pet carrier? Yeah, I mean, if it's a box, it's gonna have a shitload of holes punctured. Okay. This last email for the evening. Oh. It's from Jake last name withheld.
Starting point is 00:54:57 And he says, he titles this, a flop house theme for road trip. I never ride into podcasts, but I felt the need it to in this case. I came to your podcast late after the onion ride up, but immediately tried to catch up with your years of recorded shows. For the past couple weeks, I've been driving cross-country from Boston to San Diego. Since a long portion of that drive features, what? Like driving from Boston, San Diego, and back again? No, just
Starting point is 00:55:23 from one way. One way, I think takes weeks was the covered wagon All right, I apologize. I apologize for typhoid and accidentally breaking an ankle. Mm-hmm Don't try and cock the wagon before the rivers. No, just pay the fair man. Pay the fair man And if you know what don't shoot so much buffalo I know it's a lot of fun. You're not gonna be able to carry it But you do to rot spin around wildly in a circle Also, you chose being a doctor, right? That means you'll win Anyway, since a long portion of that drive features areas with three radio stations two for Jesus talk and one for country music
Starting point is 00:55:59 I needed hot packs. Jesus talk the music I wanted to say that you that aside from Elliot's comforting never-she tendencies Reminding me of my northeast Jewish liberal home your podcast brought only disaster What around the Nebraska Iowa border. I was listening to an old that was an audio double take that was Stewart having a spit take it What he heard around the Nebraska Iowa border border I was listening to an older episode where Stewart, after casting the three of you in a night court remake, asks, this is a weird podcast. Can we do that? Can we do that? I remember that one. Eliot's incredulous response sends all of you and subsequently me into a chaotic laughing fit.
Starting point is 00:56:44 ends all of you and subsequently me into a chaotic laughing fit. At this point, I laughed so hard, I yanked the steering wheel, dropped my water bottle, and was then pulled over for erratic driving by an Iowa State trooper. Oh no! Oh shit. Since Stuart from the flop house doesn't seem to grasp the necessary copyright law clearance, cast availability, and or time travelingines needed to recast the initial nightcourt didn't seem like a valid excuse. I accepted the $130 ticket. Oh, shit! That's expensive!
Starting point is 00:57:13 Despite being a student with no discernible income, the cost was well worth the entertainment you guys provided during my trip. Keep up the good work. Glad to hear that. That's crazy, you know. I'm sorry. We are very sorry and I'm sure Dan will make it up to you check in your name to for double the amount I am I am I only hope my only way to be a check that I've drawn. It's not a real check I mean, I meant to check person like the checker pulling My only hope is that state trooper at some point will listen to that podcast Here the same thing. Yeah, and. And then the polls over be like,
Starting point is 00:57:45 wait a minute while tapping his chin and then the money was given to the state trooper, right? Yes, that's how it works. Yeah, that's what they leave all the government check. Yeah, and the that is I'm well, I'm very sorry. I feel bad that we caused you to lose your money and reputation on the I think of the joy. But at least all he lost was money. Like it wasn't like he laughed so hard to me. Terrell, I wrenched the steering wheel and my leg went through the windshield. Or like his little ghost came out of him like in the Roger Rabbit movie. What?
Starting point is 00:58:17 You know what those little cartoon guys laughed themselves at that? The little ghost comes out. He should just be happy. He did not run over a gypsy who bestowed the dreaded thinner curse on him. I mean, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you Gypsies lived, is wandering around. Yeah, not so much in the middle of the country. Oh, good. So we're running, we're running long a little bit. I mean, not all of it's funny.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Some of that may have been just because we were so worried about the audio quality of this podcast. Yeah, you'll edit that out, right? I don't know that I will. But so we apologize that this is a lengthy podcast today. But maybe we should give just a speed round of maybe some horror movie recommendations. I give all. Just some titles. About the recommendations. Okay. I forgot we were done already.
Starting point is 00:59:17 I desperately want to hear that nightcourt thing again. I'm going to have to find what episode that was in. I think I'll figure it out. I forgot. I forgot all that we've recommended in the past. I forgot all that we've recommended in the past. I do that. I forgot all that we've recommended in the past, but I would like to say that I feel like the frighteners is an underrated movie. Sure.
Starting point is 00:59:35 It's a very fun movie. Peter Jackson filmed that people have forgotten unjustly. A lot of laughs, a lot of thrills. Just a lot of fun., just a lot of fun. No spills, cute chills. Yeah, and a couple guys named Bill. Bill it. What?
Starting point is 00:59:53 What horror movie you're going to recommend? This is a tough one. What old time he has horror movie you can recommend. It won't necessarily be an old time horror movie. Don't stop your real, I'll project her. I've been on the law souls a couple of weeks ago. It was a great movie. I owned the Souls, I screened recently with special guest John Hodgerman discussing the movie with the upwards.
Starting point is 01:00:09 It went over very well with a modern audience, which I thought was great. And it was just released on the Criterion collection, which is probably a pretty nice print of it. So I would say Netflix were by Island of Law Souls. It's a really crazy and short horror movie, but very fun. It's too. It's a really crazy and short harmony, but very fun. It's too. It's too rat. Normally at this point in the podcast, I recommend Invisible Maniacor Castle Freak. And this will be no exception. And I was thinking back to another movie that I've recommended multiple times. And the thing. I was starting to think you've only seen three movies.
Starting point is 01:00:47 But I want to recommend this is an actual genuine recommendation, but when I think of head of the family, I think of the time that I first saw it and at the same weekend, I also watched Motel Hell, which was not great. A Rory Calhoun. Yeah. But there are some okay bits I did like the the bit where the people were buried up there next one of them was John radsenberger from tv's cheers yeah so if you want to relive the experience steward had what he was in high school where the first weekend he
Starting point is 01:01:22 saw head of the family he watched that and I think the original night living dead no no no return living dead and motel hell and a back-to-back three show that's what they call it three-piece a three-show so you should do that that's my recommendation watch those three movies so you can relive the stew or well into high school experience right there anything else they need to do to be you in high school? I'm like a basement. Yeah, maybe you're a lot of a lot of snacks.
Starting point is 01:01:52 A frantic masturbation. You're always rolling. I was messing. I was masturbating a lot during head of the family. Sure. Understandable. You're entering head of the class, right? Of course.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Yeah, you had a big RVed finish. I did so let's let's Let's say goodbye guys and good night. It's been beautiful spending a little time with you. I've been damn McCoy What are we poisoning this one is over? It's going on No, I mean, I mean just saying it's sad that we'll never see each other again. I don't know what I mean I'm I'm weird. No, trust me. You're is that why you put are you finally put on the fucking speedos? No, I'm just you know the last thing before you die burned into your retinas Sans Wiener covered by the law covered by a little bow tie
Starting point is 01:02:42 I'm Ellie Kaelen good night. I'm yeah I'm Stuart Bye. I'll be doing this podcast and the text. You know, yeah, do you got underneath those fucking snap pants? I can take it down. Oh man. The trick is dude, before you put on the Tuck Speedo, you get it into a partial and then you wrap a rubber band around your chair. I was talking to my friend, Nigel, who had a friend who was a male stripper for a while. Yeah, but apparently, the thing was... When that fell off your circulation eventually?
Starting point is 01:03:22 Yeah, well that apparently had hurt really bad to take the proper band off at the end of the night and I No amount of additional income could compensate me for a ding dong pace

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