The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #90 - Red Riding Hood

Episode Date: October 29, 2011

0:00 - 0:43 - Introduction and SHOCKTOBER theme.0:44 - 9:15 - It's the Original Peaches plus one, when we're joined by Stuart's soon-to-be best man Alexander Smith. Topics are discussed and bachelor p...arties alluded to.9:16 - 43:16 - Little Red Riding Hood's subtext becomes text, because apparently all teen girls want is to fuck monsters.43:17 - 47:05 - Special SHOCKTOBER final judgments47:06 - 59:32 - Flop House Movie Mailbag59:33 - 1:03:30 - In lieu of recommendations, we let Alex turn this into a plugcast.1:03:31 - 1:04:20 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.1:04:21 - 1:09:16 - A Lydia Burrell bonus track.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 To everything, there is a season, and unfortunately, Shocktober is coming to a close, but not before we take on the porn 14-age Goth Girl's Fantasy, Red Riding Hood. Hey everyone and welcome to the flop house. That sound is Stuart Wellington. Hey, that's me, Stuart Wellington, the person who was just talking was Dan McCoy. And this is Elliott Kaelin listening to both of them. And what, wait, what do we have here? Stuart, directly to your left. There's a fourth person in the room, and he's gonna talk tonight. Why are you introducing yourself?
Starting point is 00:01:08 Hi. That implies Stuart, you imply that we have a fourth person here usually who doesn't talk. Yeah, no, I mean, sometimes Dan's wife's in here looking at us scornfully, irritated that we're still in the her apartment. That's very true, that's very true. Or Dan's cat is playing with the wires,
Starting point is 00:01:23 trying to fuck up our podcast by playing our air horn and regate-tone music. That was the cat the whole time? Yeah, that's the spedos, right? I never realized that. Stuart, it's right. I'm going to impress the flop-out's house cat no doubt. Yeah, I understand.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I understand. Why don't you explain to us who your mysterious guest is? Okay. Well, the guy saying to my left is a friend of mine, Alex Smith. He's going to be the best man at my upcoming wedding. He's literally the best man. You know, the best man, you know, I know there's there are two other men in this room right now and he is better than both of them champion. Well, the best person, the best man, not as good at being a pervazoid as you, Dan. Okay, thank you.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Number one. No, I'm not the racist one. Dan, that's the thing. Is being a hilarious party animal. Whereas Dan is a... This will cost me more friends than one. Dan is a hook-handed homophobic provisoide, number one. So, Alex, you've been mentioned on the podcast before I plugged one of your records. You were one of the first web promoters of us. I think you put links to this podcast when we were,
Starting point is 00:02:46 you know, just just coming out, just coming up. Just knee high to a pod hopper. What's the wait? Yeah, yeah. It's a common expression. Just describe yourself. I don't know. You look like David Spade. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're a musician. Yep. You're a podcaster. I'm a podcaster. I have a little podcast that just started.
Starting point is 00:03:12 You've only got, I think, one of, like, five episodes. It's called a spade cast. It's called Hollywood Minute. It's called Shovey Show. It's called Probably Not. It's an Shovey Show. It's called, uh, probably not. It's an audio advice column. And people can write in, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:32 People can write in. We'll answer their questions. But people haven't written in yet. Uh, no, tons of people have written in yet. Okay, tons of people have written in yet. Uh, no, tons of people have written in yet. Uh, no, tons of people have written in yet. Uh, no, tons of people have written in yet.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Uh, no, tons of people have written in yet. Uh, no, tons of people have written in yet. Uh, no, tons of people have written in yet. Uh, no, tons of people have written in yet. Uh, tons of people have written in yet. Uh, tons of people have written in yet. Uh, tons of people have that podcast already. Yeah, yeah, it's a don't really well So congratulations, you don't even need to plug it. Yeah, I mean you're now you're just running If anything you want to tell people not to go to it as your crashing servers globally. Yeah, with the listener levels. Mm-hmm listener levels Listener levels
Starting point is 00:04:06 I Sort of getting on the conversation So Dan what would you like to talk about? I don't know you want to break down what we do here. Oh, we never actually said my name by the way Yeah, I said Alex. He said okay, okay, I'll leave it there. We'll leave it. Alex and her Smith. Yeah, is that better? Alex Smith is fine. Yeah, that's cool host of probably not host of probably not and and you want to say let's say frontman of the band Lydia Burrell charismatic front man yeah that's a good that's a good description other troubled front man yeah drug-addled frontman yeahatose front man
Starting point is 00:04:50 Worked really miss working people find your records. Well, you can go to Or you can go to iTunes or Thank you. This is a rowdy bunch tonight. Why are we still rowdy all of a sudden? There's a reason why people don't do plugs right off the bat, right? Isn't there a reason for that? Yeah, we don't take it seriously till Dan and Stuart and I are too tired to do a interrupt thing. I think you're supposed to actually. I forgot what the fuck we do in this thing, okay? I think you're supposed to entertain people first and then do sort of shallow plugs. Oh, we never entertain people. I've been driving more than normal. And I think that's a good idea right now. Yeah, have you been driving angry 3d? Well tonight I have been. I don't know what that means. I really don't understand that. Self-explanatory. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:36 From hell to stop a guy just like the last cage. Were you trying to set up that we were all stewards bachelor parties. That we were trying to... No, I was hinting at that and just trying to get this show on the road. Oh, okay. That's like the road we were on at Stewart's Bachelor party. Yeah. When we went to Dr. Glenn Bernie. MD. Glenn Bernie, Maryland.
Starting point is 00:05:56 So, the Flapphouse podcast, we talk about stewards bachelor parties. This is a bachelor party cast. Not a lot of, I would imagine there'd be a lot of listeners for something like that. I don't know I mean you'd think we'd have some crazy stories. We don't really no the hooker casualty count was surprisingly low zero Zero really it shot a gun the size of his head Well in the size of my head. Yeah, you try to make people I mean the really so I was in backwards wasn't the shape of my head No, but that was the length of your head. It was the length of your head.
Starting point is 00:06:29 So, let's take that back here. I mean, it wasn't long. Yeah, but I didn't see it in profile. I mean, it's. I shot a gun into a thing. Yeah. What that thing was, let's not say. Sure.
Starting point is 00:06:43 I saw I only drink multiple beers. I had multiple beers. Yeah, I do think that might be the first time I've seen L.A. drink more than one beer. Yeah, normally we keep a tally and we actually had to make more than one mark. So, you know, Dom Rigg was up to one and then it turns over. So normally we watch a movie and then talk about it. But we watch tonight guys, not a bachelor party, of course, at the party. I'm surprised we didn't watch a movie at the bachelor party. I'm kind of surprised too.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Dan was what Dan was comparing. I mean, real steel is in theaters right now. Yeah. We could have easily gone to see real steel. It's about boxing robots. Huge acumen is in it. Wolverine, right? Wolverine. Yeah, Logan is in it. Not TV is Wolverine. Those were feature films. It's all about three minutes of the Star Trek 3 on the TV before I went to the hotel room to drink some beers. Look at that
Starting point is 00:07:38 counts. Yeah, so we're gonna talk about Star Trek 3 now. We're going to talk about the Ewoks, right? A little space bear. They're called a bubble space bear. One of my favorite things about the merchandise in the book that Stephen Sand Sweet wrote about Star Wars merchandising, he talks about how George Lucas thought that Ewok could be as big as the Teddy bear. If it was a market of dry, it was like, yeah, we have them have them already there's teddy bears. There's no room for another tiny bear toy Yep, these teddy bears wearing a little bit of like clothing
Starting point is 00:08:13 You could be just as big as the teddy bears you find in your home people wanted teddy bears with cloth hoods The idea that someone in the future would be like they used to call Ewoks teddy bears It's pretty weird. They were named at the president theodore Ewok I like this teddy bear, but I'd like a lot more if it was playing a stormtrooper helmet like a drone I'd like this teddy bear more if George Lucas got a nickel and I've always there was a there was a person's head inside of that helmet by the way No, they scooped it out. They were okay That's what they were eating. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:08:46 I always assumed that. And I was always like, it had a lot of fear. It was, it always gave me a little bit of fear of the walks, like a healthy like, oh, they're funny, but you know, they're still a wild animals. Yes. The way you should feel about, yeah, like wolves. Like a gorilla or something.
Starting point is 00:09:02 A gorilla. Anything that you've seen try to eat a human being. But then be dissuaded because a metal homosexual robot. It's all the story with sound effects. All right, well, 10 minutes into the podcast. Let's let's finally say what the movie was, Dan. You watched what we called red riding hood. Because this is part of our medieval Jacques Tauber.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Yes, grab against season of the witch last time Red Riding Hood this time. What's it going to be next time? Well, October will be over. Oh, so sad another shot. We're walking to watch period pieces, right? It's not. Yeah, movies about girls becoming women and we can also watch horror movies. So it really is.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Jacques Tauber, the most unnecessary theme month. There is. Shot over the most unnecessary theme month there is. So this is not red writing the British mini-series about crime in North. No, it's not been nine hours watching all this too incomprehensible, northern England accents. So what's this about, Dan? It's about a vervele. What? A vervele. Oh, sorry. You okay? I had a verveulf. What? A werewolf.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I'm sorry. You okay? I had a sweet young pet. You should get off this. Well, wow, we got out of that pretty quick, right? Yeah. It must only come out of when he's nervous. More.
Starting point is 00:10:17 A werewolf. What? Where if he's a werewolf. So this is a movie about a woman with big eyes, who's in love with some boys, and there's a wolf. So it sounds like Twilight is what you're saying. Well, funny you should say that, Elliot. It was directed by Catherine Hardwick,
Starting point is 00:10:35 who directed the first Twilight movie, as well as the, you guys see that one? No. As well as, is the beginning of a sentence, too, yeah? I thought it was the end. She directed the first Twilight movie as well as is the beginning of a sentence story. I thought it was the end. She directed the first Twilight movie as well as. Period. As well as the teen'sploitation film, uh, 13.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Not really teen'sploitation. And then it was supposed to be a low budget slice of life. A slice of life, in the- A slice of drive. It was a slice of drive, this. A little richer drive, this is some all movies. What are Richard Dreyfus' small movies? Yeah, like Crippin' Doris Drive. It's when he can't handle a whole driver's.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Richard, what are you working on? I'm going over here and I'm over. Oh, I know this slice of drive. It's like a Friday night. Friday night AMC. Richard, slice of drive. Richard Dreyfus shares his thoughts on life, love and careers. It'd be in drive.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Well, be in drive. It should be his memoir, be in drive. My life is drive. My life is drive. 13 was sold as a slice of life, but it was really a overcooked, overheated sort of cautionary tale. You're talking about that 13 ghosts, right? No, it's yeah. So, about 13 erotic ghosts.
Starting point is 00:11:51 The porn parody of 13 ghosts. No, I'm talking about 13 ghosts, the movie that introduced us to what, having Rachel Wood was she in that? I don't know. What? That other one too. What? What? What't know. What? That other one too. What, what, we got the, what's going on over here, Dan? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:09 I'm so used to it. Did you lose your copy of a video and just like trying to guide the film or something? See, remember losing the movies? Like, I feel like we owe the audience an apology. We're sitting in different chairs right now. Yeah. They care about that. We've only heard it sounds different. We're sitting in different chairs right now
Starting point is 00:12:29 Well, it hurt it sounds different that's because I'm to dance right So they blame the chairs all it's usually summarizing the movie right now everything's fucked up Okay, well explain what happens in the movie, let's get it back. Okay, we're in I'm sorry I'm really blame Alex for this one. Yeah, it's my fault. It really is So we're in a medieval type village, sometime in medieval times. And this is a village where Amanda Seafry grew up and lives. She of course, you may remember from other things. And...
Starting point is 00:12:56 Sure. Sure. She's the girl who looks like the main character from Sucker Punch, but she's not the same person. You know, you remember her from... She was in Mean Girls as the dumb one. She was in Big Love as the daughter. She was in the girl gets killed in Veronica Mars. Is she in, uh, the love, what's the one about the, what's the one with Megan Foxx where she eats people? Yeah, she's her first body.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Jennifer's body. Does she eat people in that? No, but she kisses Megan Foxx and then she's in Chloe where she kisses Julian Moore. You mean, uh, I mean, she's body. Did she eat people in that? No, but she kisses Megan Fox and then she's in Chloe where she kisses Julian Moore. You mean I mean I love kissing. Yeah. So this is a kissy actress. So anyway, guys, we first meet there's a little girl and a little boy. Big lips. Alex is not in got big lips. Some big eyes. Yeah. Somebody first turned both those things. That's not really how eyes work. Really? They swell shut. The people's look bigger. They don't make it easier to see this. They make it much harder.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Or else eye doctors would just be punching people in the face all the time. I gotta change my plans. You're your health plan? Yeah, my health plan. I'm only gonna see a different GP. So anyway, it's a medieval type village. Amanda Seafried has lived their all her life. And for as long as she's lived, it's been plagued by a vervolph, as Dan said that one time.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And I think it's told to us, like, like, opening my wife. Stewart predicted that she would say the line, my mother always told me in voiceover, and she did. And that got me a bunch of high fives from everybody. Yeah, his hands was ripped raw from high fives. Uh, it's a warning to the bone with celebratory high fives. Uh, she's growing up in this town, every, it's plagued by a werewolf, every full moon.
Starting point is 00:14:39 On the night of the full moons, they put out. Well, that a blood moon now. No, no, no, that's different. That's different. Yeah, the blood moons only every once in a while. Yeah, every full moon. Is that my moon blood good? What is that? It's terminator salvation star moon blood good.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Everyone's favorite. So they put three words in, they put words in a hat and they filled out three of them. Everyone made a name. Favorite actress of the made up name, moon blood good, that's who we're talking about. Look, sounds like a character from a fantasy novel written by a 12-year-old. Surely Moon Bloodgolds Ravenblade. Bloodgold. That's another blonde, that's another Bondville. Cleaved the shadow thief in two anyway. Keep going. So the town is played by our werewolf always has been always will be or will it? It turns one night the werewolf kills Amanda Seafreed's sister and the haystack area. She's fairly distraught about that.
Starting point is 00:15:36 She is somewhat stiff and wooden about it. She wanders over to the dead body to inspect it. Now she is in love. Yep, that all right. There are two because just like every movie ever since Twilight, there are two handsome young men for her to choose between. One is her fiance or after a black, a rich blacksmith who her sister turns out had a crush on. She doesn't, she doesn't have financial stability with him. Yes, she doesn't love the fiance though. She loves Peter the wild woods boy who Chops down wood and has kind of a wolfish hairdo She also has a dad who's a drunk and the mom who's Virginia Manson or dad played by the evil cult leader from earlier mentioned Drive angry 3D. Yep in that one. He had a southern accent here. He has a made up be type kind of a southern accent.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Kind of a southern accent with a little bit of English in it. And this is how you know by the way that the female characters in these movies or TV shows or books are awesome is that they have two guys interested in them. That's how you know that they're a woman of worth. The woman worth
Starting point is 00:16:42 having because they're two gentlemen. Well, I mean, she's objectively the most beautiful girl in the village. No, I know, I just don't want this. I'm kind of surprised there are only two guys who are after. I mean, there's probably like that. I mean, seemingly there's only two young boys.
Starting point is 00:16:54 The middle elephant probably liked her. Well, he, and he was making a challenge. But she also has no distinguishing situation. Our audience probably just heard this thing cooked in the belly of the middle elephant. We haven't even gotten to that yet. So let's fast forward a little, shall we? Like a piece show up with a metal elephant.
Starting point is 00:17:09 There's a, there's a, there's a, very cold. And my wife is very, very silly. So there's a weird wolf. Oh, no, it's a dramatic. The werewolf kills her sister. And so the Lucas Haas, the local young priest, calls for Gary Oldman, the witch slaying werewolf fighter with his international band of nights and their metal elephant that they burned people in to come and save the village from the war wolf. Also, Julie Christie plays a fantasy freed grandmother, who's probably a witch and makes her a red cloak. Be dreaded, grandmother. You should get dreadlocks.
Starting point is 00:17:42 I mean, they're really more braids than anything else. They're probably dreadlocks. But can't know continue. I didn't mean to interrupt. Well, I'm sorry, man. The townspeople kill A Wolfe and assuming it's the werewolf, hold a nocturnal back analysis. Is that guy from that movie, though?
Starting point is 00:17:58 They're the show. The guy who killed the wolf. Right from Battlestar Galactica. Yeah. Colonel Ty. Colonel Ty Pennington. He sure killed him. He sure he and he's got and they get white wolves here. They carry a wolf's hand on a stick for about 40 hours. He just shaking it in people's faces. People wear them around
Starting point is 00:18:16 and pick masks and play the dirty dirty. I mean I don't know about you guys but a party's not a party until you shake a wolf's head So they hold a Gary Coleman comes into town and he says you didn't kill a wear wolf. He acts out in he overacts extremely the story of how he earlier in his wolf fighting career thought he had killed a werewolf but when he came home he found out that he had actually hurt his wife who was the werewolf and he killed his wife because she was a werewolf and he carries her hand around as proof I guess he's really proud of the fact that he killed his wife He's like a trove at least
Starting point is 00:18:51 He constantly talks about how he killed his wife to the front of what goes from him being it being his tragic backstory to it being something that He's pretty proud of and he wants everyone to tell him how cool he is for it. He also has silver fingernails to kill wolves with, much like cyber, the Wolverine villain. But only like three of them, right? I mean, he's like the, and they're not very long. They're like slightly longer than normal fingernails. But like the middle one doesn't silver. So it's like the longest one.
Starting point is 00:19:17 That one's was came. You know, and he also has a silver sword. And the best moment in the, and the best moment in the entire movie the best one is and Gary Oldman's shining moment is when Lucas Ha says oh one of only three silver swords blessed by the Holy Father may I touch it and he goes no As he's turning away from it like yeah it is this is something he is not even going to have to think about for a moment. So Gary old men, no, it has to sit there.
Starting point is 00:19:53 It's important that it sit on this window sill and not be like a pie about to be stolen from a guy below. He's walking away from the sword. As he's saying that. It's not like he's about to sheathe it or anything. He's just away from the sword as he's saying that he cares. It's not like he's about to sheath it or anything. He's just leaving it behind So Gary. I mean this town does have hobo problems, right? I have to assume so I mean the father is basically a hope everybody Down of hobos basically father bass out drinking gets pumped in the butt by another guy So they have so he says you didn't kill the werewolf and the, and the town mayor is like,
Starting point is 00:20:27 we totally did. We're going to throw a big party. They throw a huge party. I'm an AC Fried's dad passes out and got a bunch of the blood. I think they got a big chair, something like, they have a band there that has three trumpets, a herty-gurty and the rules. Like, like, contrabass scenes, actually, they're like, a huge, like, recola horns. They're like, Alochorns. They're like Alpin horns. Yeah, and somebody you were saying somebody was
Starting point is 00:20:47 Singing singing through a megaphone. Yeah, you got some modern music playing No, sings through a megaphone and during the carnival Amanda Seafried is made jealous when she sees Peter dancing with another woman So it's not her fiancee. No, Peter is the woodsman. There's the wolf face. Is the wolf face? Is wolf face wood boy? And so they go off to a place with soft hay as it's described later. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I personally had to say that Amanda C. Somebody go to barn. Amanda C. if he tries to like make her boyfriend jealous by grabbing someone on the crowd to dance with. But she grabs one of her lady friends to dance with. So there's like this weird like, crypto lesbian, I guess, like, oh, look at me.
Starting point is 00:21:29 I'm dancing with someone else to make you jealous, but it doesn't really work out. Yeah, no, no, no, no, at the girl. It's right. Her eyes are full of sauce. Is she going to grab the crazy, the crazy kid from the, I mean, there's no other like the only, they're there were three, they were handsome young men. Yeah, they had three men in that town. It would, it would destroy the whole construct of the movie. And they had to make sure they snuck a couple characters out so that later on when the wolf shows up, you'd be like, it was one of those characters we didn't see dancing. Well, that's so Peter and Amanda C. Frieder about to bed down on the hay, but they're interrupted the
Starting point is 00:22:14 last minute and the blacksmith fiance sees them. Then the wearable fatacues. Sure enough, they didn't they just killed a normal wolf. The wearable fatacues kills a bunch of people and... and discipline says uh... so it's a corner of a party corner's a man to see for you that's what it says it corners a man to see for you and talks to her with its brain it's just a mental talking that no one else can hear saying i'm gonna take you away from here and she notices the wolf has brown eyes which
Starting point is 00:22:41 is a clue except everyone in the movie has brown eyes so every time she sees some of the brown eyes she's like but it's everyone what do you think of the the creature effects on that wolf actually I thought that weren't that bad now I mean they helped that they shot like every wolf shot at night because I was with their mythos well that's but one of the things is that in a lot of these CGI movies things are too well lit so they look like too fakey but this was pretty good. That it was always in shadow for the most part. Oh, also it's a blood moon.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Like you saw the guys from Halo would show up and start shooting it or something. Yeah. This is also during the time of the decade, known as a blood moon, and during a blood moon, if a werewolf bites you, you become a werewolf. Normally you just die.
Starting point is 00:23:22 So the werewolf disappears into the night. So it's slightly better. Yeah. Then regularly. Actually, well, they say worse, but. wall normally you just die. So the werewolf disappears into the night. The night was slightly better. Yeah, regularly. Actually, well, they say worse, but and Gary Oldman and his men start a kind of, I think it's better. I mean, I'd rather be a werewolf than just die, right? Well, except your soul is trouble. Ultimately, that's kind of the point of the movie is that it's better to be aware of. Yeah, spoilers. You got to be you and me is what it comes down to be yourself. Be proud to be you and me is what it comes down to be yourself.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Be proud of who you are. I was hoping to revisit it later. So Gary Oldman establishes a police state in the village. They burn a retarded boy in a giant metal elephant as torture to make him tell where a witch is. And then everyone just kind of runs around in a man to see. He tells him where the which is and then they throw him in there you never seen yeah I assume he died he's just ash in the bottom of that middle elephant some one of that one of his international nights like the one that Stuart dubbed karate Joe he's the guy from the blackout he's blackout he I assume he just opens up the elephant and rakes the ashes out every couple of days.
Starting point is 00:24:26 But the mentally challenged kid his sister comes in and gives up Amanda Seafried. Like says, oh, she's a witch. She can talk to wolves. Yeah, the imprisonment of Amanda Seafried. How did that work for? That's what we've done. For pre the point where people could be described as mental and childhood. Yeah, this is why they were calling them.
Starting point is 00:24:45 He was, they were saying he was, he was touched by the hand of God. Didn't go to college. Rock handed or something. His job is to sit on a fence and eat and run. Right, the village in again. It's the village idiot. Should be wearing a canvas sack and a sock on his head.
Starting point is 00:25:04 So I'm in to see for you to throw in jail and they decide they're going to sacrifice her to the wolf. They put a wolf, metal wolf mask on her. It's a pig mask. A pig mask. Well, pig mask. Which I mean, if you're going to try and embarrass somebody, you should leave their face exposed so people get spit on.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Look, it's a tiny village. Everyone knows who they who she is. They sit her down on an altar of some kind. I mean, if somebody's going to be paraded in front of me and I'm gonna like heckle them and shout out of my want to see them crying and So you always imagine yourself as one of the villagers whenever I'm always A nutrition captain you know you have no empathy for the person who's unjustly accused my first sense like I've been practicing for Since think look for done look for done You don't want to be the second one to throw, Doug. You want to be the trans Having is you know, Dung in my hands gross Dung on their face gross for them. That's all I'm saying
Starting point is 00:25:49 We're sad Dung anything gross in gross for them. I'd be willing to put us in the Too face for gross on their face Yep, I'm I'm filling up empty air by saying yep Yep, I'm filling up empty air by saying yep, well Elliot. I was blowing my nose. I apologize. I'll let's not run to my face for the podcast. Like, clever ad lib of yep. You really a lot to offer there. Anywho, they leave a man to see free to be eaten by the wolf, but the blacksmith and the woods boy team up with a cunning plan to save her, which involves her dead, getting drunk and pushing a wheelbarrow five feet and then being arrested. But what happens is they light fires around the altar in the commotion. The blacksmith undoes the locks on her hands and takes her away, but not far enough. And there's a lot more running around. I kind of don't remember exactly what happened. Oh, and Lucas Haas gets stabbed trying to stop the
Starting point is 00:26:49 Knights from shooting the blacksmith, but not by the sword. He said wanted to know he stabbed by Gary oldman's dagger He's not even not even worthy enough to be stabbed The where he wanted to fondle momentary. Oh, the where will free appears. He bites off Gary oldman's arm and Says to Amanda C. Freed come with me and I'll or I'll destroy the village. All the villagers stand up and join forces with her and say no you'll have to go through me and me and me. It's like the subway scene in Spider-Man 2. Except all medieval and there's no Dr. Octopus. I mean the werewolves a lot like Dr.opus. Okay, well there's no Spider-Man. Can't say a man to see for it's like Spider-Man.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Okay, you're right. She does wear red. She does wear red though like Spider-Man. So I guess she's like Spider-Man. So it's basically Spider-Man too. They kill Gary Olben because he was bitten by a wolf and his hands got bitten off. The hand with the silver nails.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Ooh, I wonder what's going to happen with that. Well, I'll tell you what's going to happen with that. I'm going to see if they bury it. They bury it and say prayers over it. Yeah, it gets a... I'm going to transplant it with a killer. I'm going to kind of skip to the end here. Many of the candidates...
Starting point is 00:28:02 The trilogy? Many of the candidates for Wolf have been killed. So Amanda C. Freed thinks it's her boyfriend's Peter, the Woods Boy. She stabs him and then goes to the grandma's house. And it turns out grandma's dead already. Who killed her? And apparently made into a stew.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Well, it's implied she was made into a stew. It's implied that she's been made into a stew. And it may seem to be a stew into a stew. It's implied that she's been made into stew and it may have a secret. Is that actually what it was? I was kind of in terrible. Like there's just a gross stew there, but he doesn't ever say like grandma died and I made a bad stew. It looked like some kind of Indian spinach dish like paneer or something. Yeah, that would be known in those parts. Perhaps a trap. It was brought by the fucking many cultured nut. A traveling pick here came through the village
Starting point is 00:28:47 and showed them some levitation tricks and taught them how to make that. It turns out her father was the werewolf. Ooh, that's how she can listen to werewolf talk. With the bad guy from from driving to the trees. Also the bad guy in this. And he killed her sister because it turns out her sister
Starting point is 00:29:06 was not his child, but her mother had had an affair. Anyway, it's not necessary to know that anymore. It's a subplot that doesn't really go anywhere. Okay. They have some, they talk a little. He's trying to convince her to come with him and be a wolf. Peter shows up.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Because of the blood moon. Because the blood moon, Peter shows up apparently fine after having been stabbed in the belly and He throws an axe. Yeah, my her. He's okay with it He throws an axe at the back of the dead and then Amanda Seafried stabs him with Gary Oldman's nails Yeah, severed hand. Yeah, the silver thus killing him which she had in her little red riding hood basket. Yeah. Yeah. Cause it was a reference to the story. That's what she was making. It's one of two references or one of three references, I think, to the actual story. Cause she has the
Starting point is 00:29:54 she has the actual red riding hood. She has the basket. Which is referring to her wearing. Yeah. Stuart is actually wearing a red red. And it's referred to as what her harlots clothes. The fact that the the fact that the wolf is killed by woodsman yeah well not let's kill by her well yeah i guess but he can't and throw the other wall wall so i was a pretty
Starting point is 00:30:15 i mean i call them a would and some i'll say that i know it's just the killing part that i was a big with not the woodsman well one i have there's another similarity to that i didn't i had not realized we were watching it but first there is the line she wears this red cloak and someone goes that's the devil's I was not the wood smell. Oh, I thought that was. Well, one, I have, there's another similarity too that I didn't, I had not realized when we were watching it. But first, there is the line, she wears this red cloak
Starting point is 00:30:28 and someone goes, that's the devil's color, which is like a line that Kenneth would have on 30 rock. But there's never so, where he goes, warm, it was hot, but that's the devil's temperature. But, uh, any, Well, but there's, but there's one more, like the most overt reference is the dream sequence. Where she's in bed with her grandma.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Like you often are in your dreams. The good ones. Yeah, and she says the what what big eyes you have, what big ears you have, that whole deal that we all know. The bread you eat with, you eat it. That's- Is that Freddie? Yeah, the beverage. With you with bitch.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Are you putting something to be the next Freddie? Yeah, the bitch. With you with bitch. Are you pretending to be the next Freddie? Freddie, you just stole that from Brothers Grim. That's not your pun. Whatever. You think how many of these things I can come up with. So they kill the dad and they say no one can know about this. She'll be in trouble for being a wolf's daughter. So they cut him open and fill him with stones and throw him in a river. And but that's like the most, the most fucked up thing of all the, but that's also I realized I didn't realize at the time straight from
Starting point is 00:31:34 the fairy tale because in the original one, he they kill, he eats the grandmother and eats little red riding hood. The woodsman hears them screaming and comes in, cuts open the wolf and takes saves the two women and fills the wolf's belly with stones to like make him feel full and the wolf staggers out that's one of the versions of it but I forgot about that till now. Oh that makes more sense then. And then that's the end and then Peter he was bitten during the fight so he's gonna turn to a wolf now so he goes off into the distance and she says, I'll wait for you. Yeah, because that's the thing, like we discover, we discover about the father. We chase him, Bateman. When we discover that the father, you, it would just bite you, that's
Starting point is 00:32:18 what it would be. We discover the father is the wolf, We also discover that the Wolf totally retains all of his human emotions and Reasonable abilities while wolf. Yeah, like he only killed the daughter once he realized that It wasn't his actual daughter and there was like a logic behind Much of what happens in the movie makes you wonder why he kills anyone at all Yeah, why he doesn't use his wolf powers to help the village hunt for food and be a hero. Yeah. So I think to make the village a better place to be. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Yeah. Yeah, it's not so bad that she has a wolf boyfriend now. He just has to go off for a while, learn to control his wolfdom. It's just like in back. I can't. Basically like in team wolf, right? So you learn how to control the wolf. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:01 We use the wolf or something. I bet they have a great sex. I'm a right-winged. Huh? I mean, he's like a beast in the bed. control the wolf and use the wolf or something. I bet they have great sex in my right, I mean, he's like a beast in the bed. I'm right. He's thinking about that, right? You bet sex with a wolf, right? Yes, I had sex with a wolf once.
Starting point is 00:33:14 It was not good. OK, I don't want to talk about it. It's always think it's going to be good. It's an owl when it's here. It's always think it's going to be good. Then you hear something? I had to fake it the whole time. It's just not cool. But and um, and then at the end,
Starting point is 00:33:27 he comes back. It was not cool. And it's six of the wolf and it was not cool. At the very end, Peter comes back in wolf form. And I guess it's open for a sequel where they have wolf babies. Sure. Yeah. A sequel with no action. And just I'm amazing baby wolf. Well, it's tied into the sequel of the Red Riding Hood, little red wolf babies. Little red wolf babies. Why are they red?
Starting point is 00:33:55 It's not a movie. It's a calendar. So, yeah, that's the plot of Red Riding good. What do you think about the movie fellas? How do you feel? Fellers. The shoe hoarding of the fairy tale into a weird movie format. Dan. I mean, well, clearly this was an attempt for Catherine Hartwick to say,
Starting point is 00:34:19 F you guys for firing them off Twilight. I'm gonna create my own fantasy series about a girl and two dudes and there's a werewolf in there. Yeah I've seen a lot of fantasies with a girl and two dudes. And I've seen a lot of fantasies with a girl and two dudes in a wolf. Now I think about it. Yeah I mean you know it was a thing it was a thing that we watched. I felt there were some some pretty scenic pictures in it. Yeah, I like some of the color in it. Yeah, it was pretty good looking actually. Yeah, so probably the CGI was not as horrendous as a lot of other movies. I think it might be, yeah, one of the best shot movies we've actually watched
Starting point is 00:34:58 for the five-houses. Yeah, I mean, there's sucker punch, so it's not the best shot movie we've seen. Yeah, I mean, that was a panellope of colors. Yeah it was just a cornucopia. Sure. A frame. I like the giant metal elephant that they baked that retarding guys. That was one of those moments. That's about to say metal-y channels.
Starting point is 00:35:17 That's ridiculous. That's the traditional way for pairing. It's a pretty bland movie but there are like a couple just crazy things in it that come into nowhere and the giant metal elephant oven is one of them that people get thrown into. Gary Oldman is with the other. Gary Oldman has a few good moments where he's just like, you can tell this is a very, this is a great actor who is getting a paycheck and just going to do whatever on set. I like when he makes that the girl petitioning to get her mentally challenged brother out of that elephant.
Starting point is 00:35:49 He may like she strips Dan and he makes her like turn around to show her body and then he's like, ah, get out of here kid. What else you got? Yeah, what would have happened to have made that scene go another way? What would she have done? I don't know. I think he was
Starting point is 00:36:05 hoping for like a lower back tattoo or something. Yeah, something in Chinese. They remind me of my wife that I killed. Did I mention I killed her? What was that boss? I mean like she's already offering herself to him. Like it's not like he's like oh I got to see I see that lower back tattoo. She's totally sluts. Well I mean I think he was just hoping to see some killer artwork while I see that lower back tattoo. She's totally a slut. Well, I mean, I think he was just hoping to see some killer artwork while making making love to her. But there's also there's like a wallet. It will stop.
Starting point is 00:36:33 That's how they call it around those parts around those. When you have sex with somebody in chop off. What parts are those? Yeah, where was those parts? You know, it's you know, it's ironic is that Gary will be chopped up as wife's hand only to have his own hand chopped off a wolf It's the kind of irony you would find only in the Star Wars movies In the Star Trek movies in the Star Trek movies
Starting point is 00:36:58 Yeah, he has a Star Wars Star Trek confusion as a rising amount of Stewart's bass for party was spent talking about Wars. True, yes. The character of Zuckis came up several times. Four long. Four long, another character. And I was really pleased to find that the when we were checking into the hotel, there were behind a woman dressed up as a drow, checking in as well. And what is a drow? A drow is from the Forgotten Realms universe of Dungeons and Dragons. It's an underworld dwelling elf that has is evil in nature, dark like black skin with white hair.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Now you say dressed like a drow. What do you know she wasn't a real drow? Well, her palms and hands were normal human skin color. Wow, normal human skin color. Oh, that's the racist one. Well, I didn't even describe what they looked like. Just the idea of a normal human skin color. Wow normal human skin color. Oh, that's the racist one. Well, I didn't even describe what they look like Just the idea of a normal human skin color and others Apparently default I mean they weren't like Ebony color like they weren't Wow, okay, no
Starting point is 00:37:57 Dignage black skin no, no, I mean like Wow, I mean not like you're digging a deeper hole So I thought I thought you were gonna talk like Mexican colors I know. I mean, not like- It's still you're digging a deeper hole. So- I thought you were going to talk about it. I thought you were going to talk about it. There were like Mexican colors. What did you say?
Starting point is 00:38:10 I thought you were going to say that, talk about how when we checked in, the lady at the desk within a minute of being equated with us was referring to us as knuckleheads. Yep. Well, specifically Elliot. Yeah, it's typically me. It's Steve asked for more toilet paper for one night. One of the other guys asked for two extra rolls of toilet paper. And she said, are you serious? And he said, I poop a lot.
Starting point is 00:38:35 And then she told him to go sit in the corner and take a time out. Oh, Sharon. What should I have Sharon on the podcast? She'd be great. Honestly, I don't know why he thought he would beat three rolls of toilet paper unless he was going to dress up like a mom. I get some point. He is a very proficient bar back in busboy.
Starting point is 00:38:54 And I think you just want to make sure that nothing bad happened. You want to make sure everything was stocked? Yeah, of course. Makes me, Casey, open to bar in his hotel room. Yeah. Or a bar for the children. Which room toilet? OK. Yeah. Or a blocker that's right. So that's so much riding hood. Not a not a particularly exciting movie. Yeah, but with a few moments of just strangeness. There's one part when I mean, a fair amount of the movie
Starting point is 00:39:19 or at least early on is taken up with the idea of this girl who was in love with another guy who is you know pledge to marry someone else and she's like so unhappy about it she feels like she's being sold. I found all that stuff pretty hard to follow myself. You guys seem to have a bit an easier time getting all the sort of family relations and well for a shitty little town there's a lot of injury going on. Oh yeah everyone has their secrets as Julie Christie said. I think it helped me. We've also had plenty of time to do shit. We've also got experience paying attention to movies when we're talking through them. So for a newcomer that might be more difficult. Although that also might have been distracted
Starting point is 00:39:56 by the delicious Popeyes we were all deviled. Oh wonderful. I was a little surprised. Blinded by the stews and finding climbing. They're very basic family relationships, but something about the way the movie presented them. Yeah, well, I mean, it helps that the characters didn't really have a lot of names. And like, her sister, we were introduced to when they discovered a dead body. Yeah. And we never really saw her
Starting point is 00:40:18 or what she looked like or knew her name. Yeah, her image was always fuzzy like she exists in two worlds. Yes. Yeah, well, they didn't do any kind of like they didn't set up it really would have been easy to set up a family where there you know she has a sister that she loves or she has a you know because that ultimately it ends up being sort of a big deal that her father loves her so much that he's willing to kill basically everybody in this village to spend time with his sister, to spend time with his daughter. Right. But they don't, they don't really show them interacting at all at any point in the
Starting point is 00:40:54 movie. Yeah, they really believe that they spend a weird amount of time in the beginning showing a scene where she's a little girl hanging out with this kid with a vest on and not killing a fucking rabbit. They don't show you that but like initially it's like it pulls it pulls the old ten years later this movie it shows these two kids they trap a rabbit and the rabbit and they're about to kill it they're arguing over which one I'm gonna kill it and then says ten years later and that's
Starting point is 00:41:21 a significant for no reason. It's later on the wolf says, the rabbit comes back and saves somebody's life. Oh, I think it is. Thanks, don't lose. That was the same driver for me. And now it's her in the favor. I didn't realize that. Funny power. It's basically scrappy, too.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Do you have to return that favor if someone traps you and then holds a knife to your throat and then doesn't kill you? It's not exactly pulling the thorn from the lion's paw, I guess. But the wolf says to her, you could kill people. You killed a rabbit once, didn't you? And it's like, how is that? People kill rabbits all the time to eat them and use their fur for things. Like it's a rabbit killer over here.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Am I right, guys? I'm saying it's kill them all. I'm saying it's the only good rabbit that's a dead rabbit. Am I right, guys? Yeah, growing their bones to make your bread and whatnot I don't know. I'm gonna make bread at a bones Flour bread Sounds like it's a blues musician bone bread
Starting point is 00:42:16 So the is like 80 minutes long. I have to know it's a hundred minutes long that really yeah according to Wikipedia It felt like 200 minutes lonely am I right? No, this guy knows what I'm talking about There's no audience here. You didn't cry working Hey, who's here from out of town anybody? Me So where you from? I'm from Kentucky Kentucky as they as the front-side the king took
Starting point is 00:42:43 Well, I don't have any thing to say about Kentucky. So anybody else anyone else here? Dan where are you from? From Brooklyn now we've never met before right Dan? So pick a card any card. All right. This one. Okay. What's the card? It's the kind of diamonds amazing amazing everybody I'll be back later. It's for the four-month show Okay, well he just threw down a spoke smoke bomb It's the bomb that speaks for all the other So guys we've been wasting more than our usual amount of time on gibberish
Starting point is 00:43:19 What are you doing? So I think that's gonna be a theme with every episode that comes up as we run out of things to say about movies We're working you really say about movies They're flat they take up time there's some people in them We're moving to an all gibberish format We're a gibberish podcast. It's just nonsense. So Dan, how do we rate this movie?
Starting point is 00:43:50 Oh yeah, is this a, it was this movie totally terrifying? Was it totally snorifying? Or was it frighteningly funny? Once again, inadequate ratings. Well, it was not shockingly good. And not a rating, but neither was it horrifyingly horrifying. It wasn't that either. Well, it's tough to use the iron-clad rating system that Dan's presented because I don't feel that there's good guys.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I don't feel comfortable being locked into this system. It's not it wasn't really a horror movie And yeah, I mean it was it went pretty quick. It was better to look at than some of the other movies. Am I right? Yeah, that's good stuff I would say it was So perfect movie let's move on. I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I would say good bad.
Starting point is 00:44:50 I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I would say good bad.
Starting point is 00:44:58 I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I would say good bad. I guess you're gonna blow up my spot. I agree with Stuart. I do feel like it's almost, it's a little bit,
Starting point is 00:45:09 it feels to me even a little bit better than good bad because it's not just, I mean, it's not good, but it's not. I agree with Elliot that I think the special effects were, they were never usually when you watch a bad movie recently that has a lot of CGI in it or a lot of special effects. You are distracted by how bad or how obnoxious they are and this one seemed to be sort of restrained in that regard. I think they just did sort of a good job with the visual everything visual about the movie they at least did a good job with that. So yeah, I'll say I'll say good bad, but I do think that it's I don't know if it's worth watching if you don't
Starting point is 00:45:49 That might be that might be writing. Yeah If you're not a big rock. I'm not a big hood head I mean, I guess there's a clansman Okay, it's I think you guys have said it at some time at some time that that it's something, that a movie might be something that's worth watching if it's like on TV already. Yeah, yeah, if you're sick. It's that kind of thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:10 I think it is worth watching in that sense. And you get to see, and you get to see a retarded guy cooked inside a giant metal elephant. That's pretty good. No, it's changed. Please, for a listener, it's mentally challenged. Yeah, I would call it eerily adequate. I think it was not particularly good, but yeah, it was not as bad as some of the other stuff we've seen lately. And worth seeing if you are sick home from work and don't want to bother to change the channel. Yeah, I would say
Starting point is 00:46:38 you can watch this. I agree with the general consensus. The movie looked pretty. Amanda C. Freed looked pretty. You know, consensus the movie looked pretty Amanda C. Freed look pretty kind of Gary oldman. Beautiful oldman was crazy I like just purple out there So I'll he's like prince. Yeah, it was very regal 20 thumbs up go see it So in the end it was all right and best movie the year So what's next Daniel son? I have some emails. It looks like a picture of sweet letters from listeners. The Meldinger. The first one is titled.
Starting point is 00:47:18 There's no songs anymore. What? What? Well, I know. I know we talked a lot for a while, so I don't want to take up too much time with the song. Yeah, it's just take up time talking about how this does song yeah, so there's no song to this time guys No, so anyway, let her time time for letters. Hey, let her time. Let's go switch Aruny the old change up This is titled floppers sound elikes very popular email topic
Starting point is 00:47:44 Sarah here free food listener and second time writer what's your last name and no Elliot and Stewart of a flopper sound elix. Very popular email topic. Sarah here, free food listener and second time writer. What's your last name? And no Elliot and Stewart, I'm not Dan's wife. Oh, okay. We just share an awesome name. Just wanted to add my thoughts on something I heard on a recent episode of your always excellent podcast.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Well, thank you. And sang that he thought Elliot sounded like Moraka and Stewart likes Seth Rogan. I'd have to agree on Stewart's voice, but as for Elliot, I've always pictured Vincent Carthiser. I hope this is more to Alex liking. As I believe he decided he didn't like the comparison to Mo. If not, then may I suggest Winston Zetamore. Really Ernie Hudson? Not even Ernie Hudson, but a character Ernie Hudson played. I was gonna say Ernie Hudson the rock's a cradle be close
Starting point is 00:48:26 well thank you for those comparison comparison she says she hopes that she can come to the next flop house movie night I heard it was a huge success what with dance pizza order getting messed up and harassing your sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick
Starting point is 00:48:39 sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick
Starting point is 00:48:42 sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick dates from the sport from Sarah not Dan's wife. I love that that's yeah for all of recorded history. None of the jokes from twin-citters the screening will be remembered but Dan getting his pizza order mixed up. Yeah. And the size that accompanied that. Oh pizza. Yes. There you go Vincent. Yep. I wish there's been some price. This is this is from Kelly last name with hell. I think this one might be directed to you Alex. Oh good. Yeah. It's about time. This one's from Kelly with last name with hell. I was wondering if anyone there had heard of the book Shockfest Hall by Stephen Romano. It's a book with short histories of 100 fake B-movies complete with posters behind the scenes pictures
Starting point is 00:49:29 and interviews with the actors. The fun, weird-ass book with some awesome fake posters. Just wanted to mention to you as it might interest someone there. PS Dan just wanted to let you know that a while ago I bought the first issue of Wim quarterly but only recently got around to reading it and so you're covered in ants which is my contribution. She says it's one of my favorite things I plan on making copies of it and sticking them to the fridges of every human being I know. So thank you Kelly for that inefficient method of... There's almost no flop house content to that fan letter. I just wanted to talk about how people... It's like if I wrote into Amazing Spider-Man,
Starting point is 00:50:06 I said, hey, dear Spider-Crew, I love your book. Have you read any Ursula Kaelig-Win? Because she is a great writer. PS, I like the other thing you did that's unrelated to Spider-Man. I think this is a very... Love Kelly Kepowski. I think that... I think Kelly brings up an excellent point, which is that my contributions to Wim quarterly
Starting point is 00:50:28 are great. Right. So that seems better for the Dan McCoy podcast. Real McCoy. It's been another episode of Dan McCoy, letter editor. How many letters do we get complimenting me or Stewart for things that are not related to the flop house that you don't read? Moving on
Starting point is 00:50:48 This is from Paul Alex Kelly and thanks Sarah earlier Paul asked me with held his email is titled gay movies So Stewart this is for you. I think you guys need to do a movie like cruising or the next best thing Something gay stupid that might shake Dan of his homophobia. Now this is not a thing that... What's Dan? You gotta open your mind. Something... Finally, homophobic.
Starting point is 00:51:12 Something gay, stupid? Something gay, stupid. Is it gay, oh gay hyphen, stupid. It's not gay, stupid. It's not gay, stupid. It's not gay, stupid. But in all seriousness, I want to thank you guys because you make me laugh when I could use it.
Starting point is 00:51:24 It's hard to find people that can talk rage in a stécler or Kevin O'Rourke and whatnot so to you all I say Have Raiden is stécler not Raiden the protector of earth realm. No Raiden is stécler the director slash writer slash actor also who also known as cash flag Game movies guys I think the problem is there aren't that many game movies in general. So to find a big Hollywood lot game movie. There was a gay character in Valentine's Day. Was there? Yeah, the gay football player who's in love with Bradley Cooper. That's right. And he played by the different Grayson anime. Yeah. But yeah, I guess we have maybe well we can look out for that in the future I mean, I don't think flopp house believes in the quota system
Starting point is 00:52:08 That's true, but you know, we can be more open minded Don't we're not woke open my other Hollywood is not making terrible game movies Well, you're not getting on the horn to Hollywood and demand tell them to make a full stupid game movies Tell them to make a terrible movie about a game monster. Yeah. Starring Sean Hayes probably. Stuart assumes. Stuart loves Sean Hayes. Well, he's hilarious. He's a favorite performer in the history of film comedy. In the history of people speaking out loud. Yeah, no, I mean, I don't know. It's not really a joke anymore, guys. It's pretty serious.
Starting point is 00:52:50 So Sean Hayes. OK, onto the next one. Sean Hayes Advocacy Podcast. Yep. You can start my question later. So this is. What's the petition for what Sean Hayes? No, for me to make the Sean Hayes podcast.
Starting point is 00:53:03 Oh, OK. For you to replace Sean Hayes. Well, like what, make the Sean Hayes podcast. Oh, okay. For you to replace Sean Hayes. Well, like what, like I take a skin and put it on my body. No, that's horrible. Carbify. No. Why would that be? It's sharked over.
Starting point is 00:53:13 I thought I'd do a scary thing. Okay, well let's be scary then. Ooh. Okay. Good job, sir. Ooh, itty-boo. Yep. Terrifying.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Well, I want to... Well, I want to mention something that I forgot if it was correct before. Someone wrote in talking about the night court bit from an earlier episode. I was notified by a listener that that was in the Ugly Truth episode. Yes. And I want to issue a correction about something. I said back in the past. So if anyone wants to go back and listen to that, it's the ugly truth episode. What did you say then?
Starting point is 00:53:47 The vibrating underpants. Yes, yeah. In the happiest millionaire, I mistakenly said that Lesley Ann Warren was in the show Taxi. I was, of course, thinking of Mary Lou Penner. So is this the apology part of the party? I just don't know. This is the retcon part of the podcast. We're going to Beth Blas name with hell.
Starting point is 00:54:07 And she says her emails titled, Flop House fan at Dragoncon. Awesome. I recently attended the Dragoncon sci-fi fantasy convention of Atlanta for the first time. I was wandering around. Flop Lanter. Lost in a sea of Doctor Who's and strong troopers
Starting point is 00:54:22 when I caught a glimpse of pink or perhaps peach out of the corner of my eye. At original peach I had to assume she was dressed as such in support of the flop house. A decision which I wholeheartedly support. Your nerdy fan base is strong. It has just photographic evidence and you see here. Oh they're dressed as one of the players from illegal their own. The original peaches number 32 fake nerd favorite movie. That might be legal. That might actually be Lori Petty. That's the other possible. Option.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Dan, that's your number from the movie, isn't it 32? Sure. That's awesome. In your your character of Betty Spaghetti, the one who finds that her husband died more. You audition for the role. I don't know. I don't know. I can't stop you. So sad. That's 10 the war. Oh, why? You audition for the role. I don't know. I can't stop you.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Oh, it's so sad. That's a 10 girl in that one, right? Yes, 10 girl. 10 girl and the earth girl who's easy and Madonna and let your name from exit to eat. Point point, point, point. Drove your break. Wait, point break.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Point break. I'm trying to avoid pay. Oh, keep up the good work. Take care. Yeah. And maybe next year we'll see some fans dressed as a side guy, less stash in the corrector. I'm hoping for a few Leonardo's and Scrooge McDuck's as well.
Starting point is 00:55:36 That would be wonderful. Well, maybe a Naruto Scrooge. Maybe at Flopcon 2012, also known as the New York Comic Con. Yeah, what are you going to dress up when you go to Flopcon 2012 also known as the New York Comic Con. Yeah, what are you gonna dress up when you go to Flopcon 2012? Oh man, you're really putting me on the spot there. I don't have one. Probably another Luigi. I'm just I'd like to be I'd like to be the fifth Luigi.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Yeah, when we were walking over here saying how we'd really like to be Luigi. Like that shooting high, he's not even gonna be Mario, he's just gonna be Luigi. I don't know like he's not even gonna be Mario. He's just gonna be Luigi I want to be more. I want to be that famous guy's brother. Well at Jencon there were there were like five Luigi's and one Mario and the Mario had just sort of phoned it in and the Luigi's were great. Well Mario might not have been in the costume. He might have just been a big Italian guy. So like oh there's some blooming around here that needs to be made. Yeah, it's fixing the fl moment while the costume parade's going on. And our final email of the evening is titled Stop Lying, Elliot.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Wait a minute. And it's from Michael last name with held. So these letters are either giving Dan congratulations. Or attacking me. Last name with held, huh? Well, I deserve to know the name of my accuser. This is a fair court of law. It is not.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Trial is a travesty. It's a sham. It's a mockery. It's a Colin mockery. It's a mockery of two shames. He says, all of these modest claims that you aren't good friends to Anne Hathaway, that how do you explain that sentence?
Starting point is 00:57:05 I had a feeling it was about Anne Hathaway. I stumbled upon Wikipedia. On Wikipedia page. Quote, during his time in New Jersey, Kaelin began his friendship with actress Anne Hathaway, a relationship that remains to this day. They wrote Michael. They wrote him.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Well, Michael, I am happy to tell, or I'm not happy to tell you, I guess. I am sad to inform you that that line was put in by some sort of perpetrator who also added to my IMDB page in the trivia section that I'm good friends with and half of it. Neither of these are true. I have not spoken to Ms. Hathaway in many years and even in the times when I could have it not speech to my chart. Well, we didn't know each other. Mizhathaway in many years and even in the times when I could have it much. What pushed you apart? Well, we didn't know each other.
Starting point is 00:57:48 We were in two different grades and had nothing in common. Like a biblical way. I mean, I didn't. In biblical way? Yeah, a C-partid. Oh, you know each other biblical way. I mean, that too, but no, we're not friends. I mean, I don't want to start any rumors around here. That's too many rumors already started.
Starting point is 00:58:04 And some flop listener went on to those two pages and added that in. They also added to the end of my Wikipedia page that I enjoy words that sound like other words. That's true. It is true though. How do you know that's a flop house listener that added those things?
Starting point is 00:58:18 I don't know where else they would have gotten those ideas from. What about that one girl, the bondage enthusiast, that- She knew me for my newspaper column She didn't never talk about your friend in athaway. I never did not not a friend of mine Someone I knew barely Not someone I dislike like if you saw her in a party you'd give her like a knowing I don't think she'd remember who I was like barely like if she was dressed up as a bear
Starting point is 00:58:42 In a very costume. Yeah, that's what she wore in high school. She was a bear. You would know. I'd regularly as a better in a bear costume. Yeah. That's how which you wore in high school. She was a bear cosplayer. Well, I appreciate the time and effort that our listeners are putting into defacing all its Wikipedia page. I think I think it's sad that they're not putting that time and effort into creating Wikipedia pages for me and Stuart. Where for the flop house in general?
Starting point is 00:59:05 Over the flop house. That's a really good point. We are both. What is that Wikipedia page? I don't have one. I don't have one either. So if anybody wants to check it out. But we've been talking about Wikipedia a lot, Alex.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Didn't you want to plug that? No, I sure don't. OK. This is a great story. So that's a mystery left. It's just undiscovered, I suppose. Listen, there's a mystery somewhere on Wikipedia. Check it out this weekend.
Starting point is 00:59:29 So search for mystery. All right, well, we're running long. So I think we're going to kind of run wild. We're going to cut out the recommendations and just bullshit with my buddies. Just see what happens. How about we recommend another great podcast? Yeah, how about you? Just ask. You need yeah i'm just like the point how did this get made
Starting point is 00:59:49 it's a bad movie podcast they address why they just go how did this get made over and over and over and over again uh no Alex you've got a number of projects that uh we can use this time yeah talented this guy. Thanks. Thanks, guys. You're going to cut this section out afterwards right down. Yeah. OK. Yeah, go ahead, Alex.
Starting point is 01:00:09 You want to know. What's about your projects? Let me give you a good pause. Good. You want me to clap for you so you can take and find it visual in the top. Yeah. I'm not going to yell.
Starting point is 01:00:17 OK. I'll give you a clap. And then I'll plug my projects. Yeah, I have a podcast called Probably Not Podcast with my friends Tony and Jessica. Check it out. It's on iTunes. It's names to me, but probably not podcast or right into us it probably not podcast at That's an email so easy to remember so much better than the flop house email, which is what flop house at I'm not that don't walk on a lot of house podcasts at Gmail though at the internet dot America care of care of the worldwide web actually
Starting point is 01:00:48 one two three major street I don't know Internet America zero one one what about your musical endeavors let's uh... yeah we uh... there's I have one album out that I kind of did myself it's under the name Lydia Burrell a wide i a b u r r e l l uh... that's available again on removeador dot com you can actually out that I kind of did myself. It's under the name Lydia Burrell, L-I-D-I-A-B-U-R-R-E-L-L, and that's available again on You can actually, if you go to,
Starting point is 01:01:13 you can listen to the whole thing, and if you feel like purchasing it. This is Dan breaking in here for a second. Alex was so kind as to provide us with a new track from Lydia Borrell, which is appended at the end of this episode after the theme and the outtakes. So if you want to listen to hear what the band sounds like, wait around and you can check that out at the end of the episode. All right, back to the conversation. You can get it there or get it on iTunes or Amazon. But you're gonna want to as soon as you start listening. Now that's that door removing service, right? Yes, they remove one door.
Starting point is 01:01:49 They will remove a single door. OK, you'll be pretty sure it's wisely. Open one door, per customer. Just get rid of the one you really can't use. We just finished, so I did that record by myself, and then we just finished a new record that should be out early next year. If you do like what you hear, whether or not you want to check out or buy the record,
Starting point is 01:02:10 if you like us on Facebook, you'll, that will have information about how to get that record when it's eventually out. Yeah, that's a, so yeah. Rock and roll. He's here to stay. Right. Yeah. So yeah, rock and roll is here to stay. Friends. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:27 That was the coolest thing you've ever said, Dan. And what a cool way to say it. Is that a damn one? Well, I'm not sure that Johnny McCool. You want to make sure that the kids there listen and know that we're down with them. We're still with the rock and roll. So another Shaktober comes to a close. Butters to a hall. Dies with not a
Starting point is 01:02:50 bang with a whimper. Guys, I think we really like this one on the park. Fenway Park. Well haunted Fenway Park. Shaktober. So let's. What are we going to do? I love number. I guess that's the number. Yeah, isn't that where we watch Like romance movies cast and high-go movies. Oh, I mean, there's been so many good good pics that have been stacking up like Stacking them fix You know what? We'll talk about it later country strong. Oh, yeah, we've got to do country strong or that green lantern green lampern Yeah, you're still in the Marmaduc have you we still have not done marmaduc that's true oh get ready
Starting point is 01:03:29 for that floppers so so much crap until then let's sign off I've been Dan McCoy oh I'm still soared wellington I am Elliott Kaelin in this sense I want to thank you guys for letting me come and hang out and do this. It's been fun. I'm Alex Smith Yay the first man And the two worst That episode is just gonna be me plugging things. And dancing, shut up, shut up. Shut, shut. Shut it, so animated. Hey guys.
Starting point is 01:04:10 We got Dr. Katz over here. Yeah, that's the most animated show you can think of. Touch your cat. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, here. ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ ʻ‿ʻ � Give it a chance, do what you want, Serial murder, without getting caught Outside of summer, you have to be insane Spend it all in the dark, but you might be fine, so the people you're staying with all of us are you. And the phone calls to me, they'll say these pictures are fake
Starting point is 01:05:46 They're gonna nothing but a bunch of things And you're not alone, it's seeding to be With everyone else, a little dog, great thing, do nothing we have With the space it takes something So how on earth can you kept this place without a crud? We far on to go, future that's fake We're a gravity in this place, but we carry our weight, we follow along the walls, we judge the fate, we carry our weight Harry are wet Harry are wet
Starting point is 01:06:53 Harry are wet I'm not too scared We carry our own way Give them the chance To do what you want We live a moment From this moment on It's getting harder
Starting point is 01:07:19 The money is achieved All of us here are Living right with me The last hero, learning life With all the sorry And the needy are the reason They'll sing these pictures of fame They got caught in dreams and stays All I want to want is you to let's try All of you are the same The gravity is right
Starting point is 01:08:08 But we carry our wings All of you are the same The gravity is right But we carry our wings Carry our wings Carry our wings We carry on away Carry on away Carry on away Carry on away We carry on away
Starting point is 01:08:34 We carry on away We carry on away Carry on away We carry on away Carry away, carry away Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Thank you.

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