The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode #93 - Green Lantern

Episode Date: December 21, 2011

0:00 - 0:32 - Introduction and theme.0:33 - 2:56 - The usual bullshit.2:57 - 36:23 - Look! Up in the air! It's a Granny Smith apple! It's Kermit! No, it's the GREEN LANTERN!36:24 - 40:20 - Final judgm...ents40:21 - 52:55  - Flop House Movie Mailbag52:56 - 56:25 - We plug our LIVE EVENT.56:26 - 57:52 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 He's America's top lantern-based superhero. Today on the show we discuss Green Lantern. Hey everyone and welcome to the Flop House, I'm Dan McCoy, I'm Stuart Wellington. And I'm Elliot Kaylin, the second. And second. Yeah. How you two do it, dude? I guess I'm okay. That's weird. Not what I usually expect you to say at the start of the podcast. I'm sorry. Yeah, you got some news or something? Yeah. Are you preparing us for something? I'm just a little thrown off because I'm sitting on an
Starting point is 00:00:56 exercise ball. Yeah, for those listening at home, Dan is sitting on an exercise ball. There is no funny story behind it. It is not interesting. It's not a bit just happening. Yeah. It's just a question of a chair allocation. Yeah. You're not you're not exercising your core. Well, I probably am. He should be. Well, yeah. Your core does need more exercise. What's the name of my course? This is an intervention, Dan. You've got a weak core. Stuart and I have both noticed it. The listeners have noticed it. Stewart and I have both noticed it the listeners have noticed it. Your core is crying out for strengthening. So this podcast is not about bad movies anymore.
Starting point is 00:01:28 It's about your personal fitness regimen and your core. It's shocking. Have you ever seen the movie The Core? It's about you and your weak core. I thought it was, wasn't DJ Kualz in that? Yeah, he goes into Dan's core to strengthen it. Okay. There's a big global disaster.
Starting point is 00:01:41 It didn't work out in the world. How does he do it? Does he do it? You see some Pilates or something? It's a giant exercise. A lot of planks. A lot of planking. All right.
Starting point is 00:01:51 And a lot of plankton. Sounds like a good movie. I should check that out. Nope. So go down to your local video store. It's filed under disaster, disaster movies. Filed under a box office disaster. It's filed under movies where the earth's magnetic core stops moving.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Yep. What happens? Yes. And it causes massive bird deaths and buildings to fall over on top of people. And it gives the Delroy Lindo a nice fat paycheck, along with other characters. Yeah. Michelle Lou was in it, I think.
Starting point is 00:02:26 So are we talking about the core today? Yeah, we're talking about a completely different. And we're talking about a movie. And we watched this one that's been requested multiple times. I've lost. We actually said we're going to do it. Just fucking tease. Why are we wasting time on the core?
Starting point is 00:02:40 Who is in that again? Tony Shaloo. Was that a Jennifer Connolly? TV's monk. No, that movie started what's her face? Million Dollar Baby. Who is in that again? Tony Shaloo. Was that a Jennifer Connelly? No, that movie started what's her face million dollar baby? Oh, oh, oh the expensive baby. Oh Gooboo's Rockefeller So we watched today a movie called Green Lantern Green Lan. About a guy with a green Lantern. Yeah. Vien. I mean he does have a lantern over there today. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Is green Lantern. He has a green ring. It comes a match to set. Yep. You buy one. You got to buy the other. He didn't buy them. They were given to him by a skinless alien. Yeah. Skinless pervoilin. I always don't like paying attention. Yeah. Dan during this movie decided to go downstairs and check his mail. Then at one point he was showing Stuart that he'd get in place on the hedgehog on his iPad. Really, the movie really kept evading. What is more important than the fact that I got into the hedgehog in my iPad or green lantern? It took him into a world of whimsy that he could not escape from.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Yeah, it's all about wish fulfillment, you know. Yeah. He wished to see Ryan Reynolds. In his underpants. Yeah. And it happened. Yeah, it's several times. Yeah. There's a movie knew that was what it had going for.
Starting point is 00:03:51 There's a lot in this movie for the ladies. Ryan Reynolds was this shirt off. Uh, uh, uh, Jai Space Monsters. Jai Space Monsters. Peter Starsgard with enormous bulbous head. Blake Liveley's acting chops. Yep. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Yeah. Lots of great things. So this is a pretty simple movie, Green Lantern. It's your basic guy. It's a comic book guy. Yeah, based on the comic book Green Lantern. It's based on the comic book guy character for Simpson's. Green Lantern is a Hal Jordan, a screw up fighter pilot who.
Starting point is 00:04:23 A real maverick, if you will. He's a real maverick, a real ice man, a real goose, a screw up fighter pilot who... A real maverick, if you will. He's a real maverick, a real ice man, a real goose, a real tough gun. He seems to be a real Firefox. He seems to be unafraid of anything, but commitment. Yeah, the one thing he's afraid of is getting close to people. And getting dying in a fiery crash.
Starting point is 00:04:39 He's not that afraid of that. He's afraid enough of it that he bailes out. And he has a brand new plane. It's just foolishness not to bail out of a crashing plane. But like the Lively said, you had a chance to pull it out and he didn't. He was talking about the time that they had a baby base. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Well, I mean, he was too busy having a really weird flashback in the middle of this action. So the time his dad died in a fiery crash. That's the fear of fiery crash. Maybe we should start at the beginning, shall we? We mean they need to justify his fear of fiery crashes, because no one's afraid of that unless their dad died in one unless they saw it happen. Yeah. So the movie begins with a bunch of cartoon alien, the first round, it's an incredible.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Yeah, they're trying they they're just giving it to hijinks. The movie starts with a voice over, which is the sign that says this will be a bad movie. Yeah. And it starts by explaining that thousands of billions of trillions of quadrillions of quintillions of years ago, a race of aliens known as the guardians, I think. They probably named themselves that. Yeah, nobody called them that. They give themselves the name who are little purple guys with big heads and long flowing red robes. And by long, I mean like two story long robes created a Legion of Space Cops called the Green Lantern Corps to police the universe and to get the abuse the power of human, I guess not human, the power of will power, which is green. Will is the greatest force in the universe, which is, which is a very niche in view of the
Starting point is 00:06:04 universe that the will to power is the is the most powerful in the universe, which is which is a very niche in view of the universe that the will to power is the is the most powerful force. But uh, everyone gets a green ring, it gives them the power to do whatever they can imagine as long as they imagine it coming out green. And they are also an evil yellow force fear, which took the form of a monster cloud called parallax, and they trapped it inside of a planet on the other side of the universe, but then it escapes. Yeah, and in the beginning, the movie, right? I hope so. And then it escapes the beginning cut to reckless.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Kelly. Yeah, who's serious? In his second film role. Yeah, that's a movie where Ned Kelly dates Robin Banks, the bank teller. So reckless test pilot Ryan Reynolds screws up a, like a, like a, like a, a presentation of their stealth drones before Senator Tim Robbins. And as Dan commented, oh yeah, Tim Robbins is now in, in the playing senators phase of his career, which means he is a kind of an older gentleman with gray hair. Yeah. And he looks good in a suit.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Uh, he's, he doesn't have to move too much. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He just kind of stands around and says things like well, we're looking into it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:17 You know, I'm like, this has very big possibilities. You've disappointed me for the last time. Yeah. You've got to understand there are ways of doing these things. Ryan Reynolds threw some hot dog in, ruins the presentation. I'm a ski slope. Okay. And he's in Rex's plane.
Starting point is 00:07:35 And then like he gets fired, but then he's not fired and then a, a play in. And then he's not fired and then he's on some kind of double-seeker probation. There's something exactly. And parallax fights, Abinsor, a purple alien with no skin, who is the greatest of the Green Lantern heroes and kills Woon's him lethally and Abinsor crashes his spaceship into Earth and then sits in his spaceship submerged in water for like a day
Starting point is 00:08:10 until Riley wounded until Ryan Reynolds happens to stop by oh no he doesn't have to stop by a green glowing cloud picks up Ryan Reynolds outside of a child's birthday party and takes him to the to the dying oven store because the ring has chosen him as they say the ring chooses the next green so you're saying ovensour the greatest green lantern flies a spaceship that the greatest green lantern flies a spaceship that no other green lantern seemed to need. They all fly through space by themselves. But no, he decides to fly a spaceship. Yeah, well, it's like a vintage spaceship that he cherryed up. You know, he really took care of it. So he wants to show it off
Starting point is 00:08:39 to parallax, because he knows parallax is like a vintage spaceship nut. I see each other. But he wanted to show him the spaceship and then crash it into something just to make him mad. He wanted to kill him. Crash? Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Oh, you're going to kill me? Well, I'll wreck this beautiful spaceship. No. Uh, so he sits, waist deep in water for like 10 hours until the rain is probably soiled. Until the ring decides to go get him. He never, and that leaves the spaceship until Ryan Reynolds pulls him out. This is a guy who again has control of a ring that can do anything. He never use it to get him out of a spaceship.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Avonsor dies, but gives the ring to Ryan Reynolds because the ring is chosen him. Ryan Reynolds calls his friend who comes and picks him up in his car. And then they run away as a helicopter flies by, which they assume is an evil government, I guess. Yeah, you know, whatever. If you're at the side of a crash spaceship, you should probably run away from any approaching vehicles. At best, especially a helicopter with the search best. At the best, you can expect the men in black to show up and erase your memory. Yeah, and then you don't get to keep the ring. Yeah. You don't get to remember what like rap song they might sing before raising your memory about how here they come. The men and black.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Are they galaxy protectors? They're galaxy defenders. Because they won't let you remember. Oh yeah. It doesn't rhyme at all. Defender and remember. Remember rhymes just as well with protector. It's a slang rhyme. It's a crappy rhyme. Okay, well, I agree to this group. All right, this has been the rhyme cast where we rate different rhymes from 16 year old rap songs. So yeah, he becomes green lantern. He puts on the ring, he charges it up with the battery. He the ring tells him the oath the green lantern oath and then takes him to ova the plan of the green lanterns were a until after he uh... use the rings power to punch a bunch of guys
Starting point is 00:10:34 jobs he was a lot of guys were fired from the air airplane factory because ryan Reynolds lost them a government contract so after he has a drink with his boss slash x-girl get in some kind of weird like dance fight in the parking lot. Yeah. Well, he, he dances with his, his boss Blake lively. And then he goes to the parking lot and a bunch of guys go like, thanks for losing us our jobs. And in a very choreographed fight, punch him a lot. And then the Green Lantern ring and its infinite goodness and wisdom and justice allows Ryan Reynolds to punch them so hard that they all must be dead now. One flies through a brick wall, one smashes into the front of a car, and he never hear from them again.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Man who have a legitimate gripe, I mean maybe they shouldn't be beating up a guy and... Look, violence is never the answer, but sometimes you get mad when one man is responsible for your livelihood and you take it right. More probably have families, children that aren't going to be able to eat now because of Ryan Rennel's hot dog in. If only he could make a real hot dog to feed their family. Instead, he was too busy hot dogging in the skies. That he's too busy making a
Starting point is 00:11:33 giant green lantern fish, this depends. That's when I mean, knowing this movie sends a right wrong. It was probably their families that were killed by the giant smoke monster at the end of the movie. Yeah, well, don't jump ahead too fast. Okay, spoiler alert. by the giant smoke monster at the end of the movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Well, don't jump ahead too fast. Okay. Spoiler alert. There's a smoke monster. It's almost like the ring was waiting for an opportunity for Ryan Reynolds to organically use his power. Like the moon. It feels like everyone in the movie is subservient to screenplay structure.
Starting point is 00:11:59 So like, Avonser crashes his ship. He should immediately go get Ryan Reynolds, but it's not time for Ryan Reynolds to get the ring. It's not like page 25 of the script yet. So, Abinsur has to sit around and wait for Ryan Reynolds to go through the other stages of the hero's journey. And then like, the ring should instantly take Ryan Reynolds to OA so that he can become a Green Lantern. And it's said it waits for him to discover the power because that's how movies work. That's not how the ring would work. So they go to Owa and a bird fish man. Yeah, he runs around the computer game or whatever reason. Yeah, it's all computer generated and a bird fish man voiced by Jeffrey rush.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Jeffrey rush. I don't say Jeffrey right. By Jeffrey rush says to him, I'm the green lantern of sector such and such and Ryan Rums goes, that sector has a hundred million sentient species. How do I know that? And Jeffrey R. says, your ring told you so. It tells you everything. And he goes, Oh, wow. Where am I? What's this place? Who are those people? And Jeffrey R. Shes to explain all this to him because the ring apparently forgot to tell him the most important information.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Yeah. Well, he just wants to tell you know, like what other people's purview is, you know, I guess so. It's one of those things where it's like, Jeffrey Rush needs to tell this that the audience can learn it, but all they need to do to make that okay is not have him, not have the ring supposedly have given him all universal information. Right. You know, because that's integral to the storyline of a movie
Starting point is 00:13:21 that he needs. Yeah, it really comes in the population. It's totally not. He never uses that knowledge and he spends the rest of the movie that he knows. Yeah, it really comes in the population. It's totally not. He never uses that knowledge, and he spends the rest of the movie asking people what the deal is. Basically, every little bit of knowledge that he needs to use throughout this entire movie, somebody tells him very obviously.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Yes. He then goes into training as a Green Lantern with Michael Clark Duncan as the voice of KilaWog, a giant pig man, who basically just throws things at him and yells things like, you got to toughen up to be part of the core. Hey, if you're afraid, you're going to lose, so don't be afraid. Okay, I'm done. How long does this try to take?
Starting point is 00:13:53 About seven, no, actually about two minutes, 45 seconds. Yeah, but I mean, like in screen, like not even in the screen time, like in the actual level. Like a day. Yeah, he's been training for like maybe a day. And that's when the most pretentious of the Green Lanterns, Sinestro. Sounds like a good guy.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Yep, with a name like Sinestro, he's gotta be good. Sinestro comes in and says, I'll take over here, kill a lot. He's also got a mustache. He's got a mustache and a very high forehead and a widow's peak. He and round. I got a widow's peak. And he's played by barely.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Some evil. Oh yeah, look at that. That's barely, barely a widow's peak and he's played by barely barely evil. Oh, yeah, look at that That's barely barely would open and played by screen bad guy Mark strong. Who what else did he play? He was the bad guy in that Sherlock Holmes movie? Oh, yeah, dressed to kill All right, and some other stuff So Sinestro's like take it aside to kill a while he's mad because Abinsor was his mentor and I assume lover. I read that into it. Abinsor is the skinless guy, right? Yeah, who's dead now? Okay. And Sinestro says to Ryan Reynolds, hey, Ryan Reynolds, if you think you're so great, fight me. And so they fight,
Starting point is 00:15:00 Ryan Reynolds has one sword. Sinestro has two swords. Why do you pick swords? Ryan Reynolds picks them. I don't know. Because it visually, it's interesting. Because Ryan Reynolds, you know, probably has a lot of sword training from his time and force. OK. He thought saber, meaning saber the plane.
Starting point is 00:15:17 And the ring heard saber the sword. Yeah. OK. So the ring is not very good with synonyms. But they're not synonyms. Hominims. Okay. Or words with multiple meanings. That's, is that like words that sound like other words?
Starting point is 00:15:30 That's what a homonyms. That's how it goes. Yeah, that is, yeah, that's how it goes. Words that sound like other Yeah. So they sort of fight, send it now, and synestro easily beats Ryan Reynolds and says, you're afraid. You're nothing, you're weak.
Starting point is 00:15:42 That's your problem. You're afraid. You dishonor, I've been sore and leaves. And Ryan Reynolds doesn't, you're afraid, you're nothing, you're weak, that's your problem, you're afraid, you dishonor, I've been soaring, leaves. And Ryan Reynolds doesn't say the obvious thing, which is, it's my first day, like I just started. I'm not going to be the greatest green lantern in the universe right away, Sinestro. Anyway, that's what I would have said. And then somehow we're to assume that he quits, right?
Starting point is 00:16:00 Because next time we see him, he's on Earth and he's, where he quits. And he kind of tells Keloag, like, I don't need to do this. That's the extent of his quitting. Yeah. Then what we are to believe that he is in trends, yeah, a quitter. That is part of his character. Yeah. His real problem isn't that he's afraid of things, which should be the challenge he has to overcome, but that he's a quitter. Yeah. Meanwhile, back on Earth, Abensor's body has been discovered by... Peter Skarsgard. The government.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Skarsgard. And, uh, biology professor Peter Skarsgard. Skarsgard. Who here, he looks like the kind, the guy with the mustache from Workaholics, like in 25 years. Okay. And the reference that everyone gets,
Starting point is 00:16:40 um, hit show, Workaholics. Look, it's on TV. People can look up, let the guy looks like he's got a weak gross weedy mustache and long hair and he's losing his hair on the front but he's also Tim Robbins the senator's son which I'm sure if made Tim Robbins feel great that he's playing the father of Peter SARS-Guard I mean they all grew up together that's the other thing oh yeah that's right yeah Tim Robbins grew up with that yeah it's a time warp thing so he's at Tim Robbins actually up with that. Yeah, it's a time warp thing.
Starting point is 00:17:05 He's at Tim Robbins actually younger than his own son. Okay. Peter Starsguard and Ryle Reynolds and Blake Miveley all grew up together. Raving with his kids and wait, what? Nothing. I'm just saying things with the two ours. Oh, okay. It went to the high school at any town, USA.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Yeah. So they, so not only is what it's only, so the level of coincidence in the movie is like ramped up by a thousand. Yeah. Because there's this huge space corps of aliens and there's a fear cloud that sucks people's skeletons out of their bodies. And it's all gonna pick the same three people,
Starting point is 00:17:38 basically to get involved with. Yeah. But Peter Smart's Nard is hired to investigate this alien body. And he accidentally pricks himself on something inside the body, which turns out to be a piece of the fear cloud monster parallax. Yeah. And so um, basically long story short, he start, he is, his brain gets really big and gross and he can read people's minds and the telekinetic powers. Mm-hmm. Yeah, he becomes a real monster vase. Yeah, this all...
Starting point is 00:18:07 And all of his nerdiness is amplified too. He gets even more sniveling and pathetic. Yeah, he actually... He's a character who the more powerful he gets, the weaker he gets. So by the end of it, he's got a huge brain, but he's in a wheelchair. And you have a climax that's between Ryan Reynolds,
Starting point is 00:18:22 this handsome fit guy, and a guy who basically looks like he has like Elephant ties this or down syndrome or something like that. It's really horrifying And like it's just gross that the movie is like hey comic book fans. We're gonna have a Frail nerd up against a super strong handsome guy and you've got a root for the handsome guy Assholes and you and you expect that climax to take it to be like a like a fight like a physical fight of this nerd getting punched in the face a lot But nope, it's just them talking They talk about I don't want to get ahead of myself
Starting point is 00:18:50 But let's basically this all comes together at the unveiling of some kind of thing at a grand gala at the airplane Company turns out I guess the contracts went through and everybody's jobs are safe hooray Hal Jordan aka Ryan Reynolds has been rehired and everybody's at this party and Stella Marsgard decides that he is unhappy with everything. He hits on Blake Lively. She's not interested. And so he she's not drawn in by his receiving hairline and majestic mustaches. And his inability to not like giggle or snort or have not falling out of his face. We're all really sniffles. Weasily tuned.
Starting point is 00:19:27 They really went way out of the way to make him a totally untractive character. And he is also somehow the most likeable character in the home movie. Because at least... He's drawing himself into it with the band. At least he looks like a fish guy. Well, the fish guy's pretty good too. And I know you were excited about Killowog. Every time he's on screen, you'd go, yeah, pick face. Pick face here. So, SmartSnar uses his mental powers to blow up the tap
Starting point is 00:19:55 of the bar, which then hits a helicopter blade, helicopters crashes, the helicopter's carrying his dad, Tim drawbons. And- Wait, what? This was when I was going to you check the mail why does he have to go through such a weird rubigold bird way to like like me like if he has telekinesis why not just like take the because he doesn't want anyone to suspect it's him I think telekinesis powers yes exactly a wire and the whole thing is helicopters almost never fail and crash so people get suspicious but beer tabs explode all the time.
Starting point is 00:20:26 So people would be like, oh no, this totally ordinary thing, where a beer tap just flew into the air and hit a helicopter. Obviously, that wasn't caused by a genius super brain telekinetic with a gross mustache. So the helicopters crashing is somehow manages to miss everybody
Starting point is 00:20:41 in this huge crowd of people. Ryan Reynolds saves the day and becomes Green Lantern by turning the helicopter into a race car and creating a giant hot wheels track to turn it in circles and slow it down. This was foreshadowed by a scene earlier between him and his nephew that had a hot wheels track in the scene. Green Lantern saves the day. Yeah. good catch. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's screenwriting 101 is something
Starting point is 00:21:09 doesn't make sense in a movie unless there's some brief reference to it. However, arbitrary earlier in the movie, things never happened in real life without being set up in the first act of Ursula, and act two. Anyway, this thing happens. I don't remember what happens after that. Ryan Reynolds probably quits being a green lantern like a hundred times.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Everybody doesn't realize it's how Jordan, I think, is green lantern. Yeah, like, lively, he goes to see her, tries to barely put on like a fucking voice and he has his domino mask on, but she's like, I know it's you, like, we've grew up together. Yeah, which is a fucking trying to pull. Which is kind of funny. Yeah, it is a pretty good line, pretty good moment that she doesn't fooled by his stupid, his mask that doesn't even cover his hair, doesn't cover his hair cut. I mean, honestly, you know, at this point, we can just sort of skip ahead. Yeah, they're falling in love. The green, the green lanterns can't stop parallax, the fear cloud. There's
Starting point is 00:22:00 a big fight with the brain man, which ends with parallax, the fear cloud, who apparently I guess was controlling brain man somehow Says you failed me and destroys him green lantern fights parallax It's this evil fear cloud that none of the green lanterns can figure out how to fight It turns out the way to stop it is with missiles and explosives. Yep, and eventually green blasts or nets or anything like that. Yeah, and eventually Green Lantern, he has the genius idea, now no one would ever think of this before, of taking the super evil bad guy and throwing him into the sun so that he burns to death. Yeah, that's like a first time, right?
Starting point is 00:22:39 Maybe like, and it's weird that- I think what we're learning is that the rest of the Greenlander core is kind of dim. I guess so. And then later he says to them, later, Sinestro set gives a speech to Greenlanders and he says, Oh, Greenlander, Ryan Reynolds had already given a speech to the Owens, one of the many times he quit being Greenlander and retells them that humanity is a young species, but the best thing about us is our humanity. And then later, Sinestro says the same thing.
Starting point is 00:23:03 What we thought was a weakness turned out to be his greatest strength, his humanity, because I only, I guess only the compassion of the human heart could think of throwing something into the sun to kill it. Like this. It really doesn't, nothing makes sense put together. And so in the end, everyone's okay. Green Lantern. Yeah. Except for Sinestro at the end puts on a yellow ring that they are for just for the power of fear. Yeah, for no reason He's no real reason for him to put that ring on but well further comic book fans out there. They go. Oh, a new Sinestro It's gonna be a bad guy. I read the comics the thing that I knew was gonna happen happen the guy whose name has Sinister in it How stupid is it to waste an entire movie trying to fool the audience to think he's an estro is a good guy.
Starting point is 00:23:50 I mean he seems pretty evil. He seems pretty evil. He's got a pencil in mustache. I was saying, right? His name is synestro. It's not benevolent. Maybe they think it's maybe they thought it was sinus tro. You just have like bad. It's not pronouncing it that way though. That's yeah. But yeah, when he's fighting that giant cloud monster. Parallax. Yeah, he starts just throwing explosives at it, and that seems to work pretty well.
Starting point is 00:24:14 And parallel is go, oh, and it's, yeah, I don't know what they did just keep doing that. It's kind of like the American version of Godzilla, where Godzilla's rampaging through the streets of New York, and then they hit it with some missiles and he dies. And it's like, well, why didn't you do that in the beginning? I guess not even missiles rockets. They were talking about how only one green lanterns have ever been able to capture parallax. Why did he put them in a prison? Why didn't he
Starting point is 00:24:38 just throw them into the sun or something? Yeah. Like, it's not like, like, there's like, do process or something for a fucking fear monster Maybe there is there's space cops. Yeah, they do things by the space book Yeah, I wish it was called space cops. It was called green space cops. It's way better Yeah, so and they what's weird is they also they talk about they're like we green lanterns have forever traveled the universe Squashing injustice like well, you've done a pretty shitty job on Earth because we've had a lot of terrible things happen just within the past 100 years. Green lanterns.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Maybe the problem was before that we had a human green lantern. Evan sir was like, I don't care about him that much. He was a proud muse too busy show button and hot dog in Nice, he said. Yes, hot dog. He was too busy hot dog in nice he said yes hot dog and bearing parallax and planets rather than stopping hitlers. He was paying more attention to his own race than ours. Which is skinless purples. Yep. And and making really cool spacecrafts that he crashes right. Yeah. In his garage. Yeah. He's
Starting point is 00:25:38 just out there on weekend on a Sunday morning just tinkering in his driveway with that spacecraft. So, I mean, you guys really liked this movie. Oh, it was amazing. Directed by Martin Campbell. There was a really good scene from that midway through the sitcom Martin. He directed Casino Royale and he did that stand up special run tell that.
Starting point is 00:26:00 The first Zora Mourie. He's starting Black Knight. He's actually a fairly good action director. He is. It's too bad that this movie is terrible. And like the climactic battles are like Ryan Reynolds and Stell and Skars guard lying on the ground touching each other's foreheads. And that's the that's the battle there. Pretty much. Yeah. And then Tim Robbins catches on fire at the end. I forgot Tim Robbins dies. He's seen so over. Dies of fire. Yeah, he gets the old double giant blowtorch. The old double giant blowtorch. We've seen it so many times in
Starting point is 00:26:32 movies. It also means we don't end up. That was, I mean, you didn't expect to see Tim Robbins burn up. That's true. It also makes me wonder why you saw him go, ah, and then fire came all over the room. We didn't. It's not like you saw his flesh melting off his bones. Why why the peter scars guard character exists is he just there to keep uh... green lantern busy for a while before the mine shows up yeah it like superhero movies need to villains these days that's kind of just the way they do things there's always like the big villain in the hench villain
Starting point is 00:27:01 and you also needed his flamboyant you need it here's the only thing bringing anything in the world of fire. He was the only lively thing in a movie that it featured Blake lively. Oh, who was very dull and so do mouse. Well, that's the prompt that the movie. She's a, she's a, she's a pretty face. Look at. Yeah, well, sure. Yeah. So do a lot of other actresses. I don't
Starting point is 00:27:25 I'm just fine. A pretty face is not exactly a rare thing among movie actresses. That's one of the one of the when I was growing up, you know, when you're when you're a young guy growing up, you prize beauty among all above all things. And then I realized to the stolen scar's guard character. Yes, because who had who was for years in love with Blake live leave no they had nothing in common just because she was pretty but I realized I watched a lot of bad movies but I was a teenager in college and I realized they all had beautiful women in them and I realized beautiful women are not a rare resource on this planet of ours if there is enough of them that
Starting point is 00:28:02 they can that they'll take their tops off for like Roger Corman or less than, uh, you know what? It's not diamonds. You could probably find a beautiful one to take your top off for love. Exactly. And I did. Yeah. Well, what a romantic way of thinking about that, Dan. I, uh, well, all you lonely nerds out there take out its heartwarming tale to heartwarming tale of the non-value-bleness of beauty yeah of devaluing women all all honor or gold on this earth is but dross if you heard the good news not all that glitters is gold i guess i'm saying is Blake lively was not very
Starting point is 00:28:39 good and the power of will is the strongest thing and i realized i just realized guys this was our gassup girl month Between this movie and the country song with late in Easter. Oh, yeah got a theme month. Yeah, flop has theme month gossip girl gossip girl Tober gossip girl tober. That is that is that a show or This movie was this gossip-lingly good movie was this gossipingly good? It's gruelingly bad or gossip girlingly good
Starting point is 00:29:07 bad. Oh man it's gonna be tough to back. I am gossip girlingly the third. Good day to you sir. Oh Mr. Gossip sir. I guess Mr. Girlingly. You may take my coat. Ryan Reynolds is not a movie star. I hate to break to bring everybody. He is a, I like him sometimes, because it's him an adventure land, right? He's very good in an adventure land in a small role, but he cannot carry a movie yet, at
Starting point is 00:29:34 least. Yeah, no, I think that he, I think in time he made, but I think that right now I would rather see him in supporting roles. There are a lot of actors out there that have been pushed for like main roles that are like let's just let's just punch your weight Colin Farrell's and whatnot. Yeah, you're Colin Farrell's your with Jason Patrix your I guess that's just
Starting point is 00:30:06 No, he could carry a movie actually now he can, he can't, but he could at one point. I had him in Sandlers. For years, Brad Pitt was like that. He was much more fun when he showed up and smaller supporting parts. And then he had a lot of boring games. He made a lot of great movies, Mejoo Black, The Mexican. Yup. Uh, but he just.
Starting point is 00:30:21 He beat Joe Mexican. Mejoo Mexican and black Mexican. And meet next to black, meet Joe Mexican. I guess it would be Jose Mexican. I want to see black Mexican. That's like a great 70's film starring Brad Pitt. So Richard round tree is black Mexican.
Starting point is 00:30:45 So this is, uh, this is the Green Lantern podcast. I guess so there's not let's I mean green lantern is a very it's like such a bleh movie like the only word I can use as a bleh like it's just that it's a it's it's pretty popular comic book right. I don't know why green lantern is one of the most popular superheroes right now. They're like four or five green lantern titles and he has almost always been one of the most boring characters. He has his main character, his, Altruigo has no personality, and that we're probably gonna lose
Starting point is 00:31:10 flop house listeners by me saying this. Greenland and Vans are rabid. But they like, No, no controversy will sell this podcast, I still use it. Well, I'm gonna make the stands. Greenlandtern is boring and stupid. And you can quote me on that.
Starting point is 00:31:23 And, but you can, anything you imagine, you can make. And it's like, if you can dream, it can be that. And anything you imagine he can make. But if he can dream, it can be it. If he believes that he could achieve it, but all he imagines is like big bucks and gloves or like green mouse traps or fly swatters. And he's just like, he's not an interesting character. I'm going to make a plea in favor of that being awesome, which is this. I mean, like, I've not read
Starting point is 00:31:45 Green Lantern, so like, I'm just maybe in execution is what ruins it. Yes. But like, if I just hear about, it's a comic book about some space cops. Yep. And what they do is they have green rings that make big goofy green things that you fight people with. Like, that sounds great. Like, here's the problem. that sounds like a classic DC silliness. That does sound great, except it's not silly. It's taken super seriously. Yeah. As this movie, I think it's out of show.
Starting point is 00:32:12 As this movie shows, like they don't, the characters only very briefly act, they are described as space cops. You don't see them doing any cop stuff. Like wouldn't it be great if... Like pulling people over for you to test in the spaceships? If Ryan Reynolds instead of like some lame couple minutes of training like Ryan Reynolds was brought along with
Starting point is 00:32:30 KilaWag unlike a call to a planet that needed green lantern help right and maybe Ryan Reynolds through his inexperience almost fucks it up KilaWag and Sinestra have to save his bacon and so there's a genuine like you see what they do as space cops you're like this is awesome and it's not like pulling people over but it's like maybe like there's an earthquake that's pulling a plan Some guys own death sticks to little kids. Yeah They got these the Jedi powers to make him change how he thinks about his life But they can miserate over some space donuts and some terrible space coffee exactly. There's no perfect in the space break room There's no more boring scene in any movie than when like a
Starting point is 00:33:05 council of elders convenes to discuss something and this movie has like five scenes like that. And instead of seeing these guys in action, you'll just see them walking around talking about dangerous green lantern stuff. Especially when the council of elders seen is just a bunch of like computer generated blob heads sitting on top of sticks with long rows. Yeah, it's a bunch of blue Mickey runies and in like floor length red jams. Mickey blue is if you will.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Just sitting around in stone throes, just look at everyone like, hmm, I just agree. Well, it barely comes in. It's the human. It's a long scene where Sinestro, he's like this whole speech talking to them and I keep explaining Sinestro to be like, are you guys even listening to me? If you haven't said anything in the whole time. You're like two stories up.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Can you hear me? Can you hear me? You're staring straight ahead. I just need like a, uh-huh, a nod or something to indicate that you're getting a name. But that's the problem with the Green Lantern mythos is they spend a lot of time, the Green Lantern spend a lot of time talking about how
Starting point is 00:34:04 noble and great the Green Lanterns are, but you don't see them green lanterning all that much. And it's taken very seriously, and when they do silly things, like one of the best characters, one of the best green lantern characters as far as I'm concerned is a guy who is a dogman who's kind of like a clumsy dogman green lantern. And you know, they don't do much with him. Yeah, it does sound pretty great. Okay, see, because in my head,
Starting point is 00:34:26 I'm kind of like imagining like, you know, like the era of bat mites and what they would have done with green lanterns. Yeah, they did like nothing. That's the thing. The bat mit, the green lantern kind of came after that. Arrow was at its height, I guess. I could be getting my years wrong, green lantern
Starting point is 00:34:41 that we're seeing here as a product of the 60s. When I guess there's bat mites stuff in the 60s, like, but the really goofy DC stuff, a lot of that's from the 50s. So his ring isn't magic at science. It's, well, here's the thing. Your golden age Green Lantern, Alan Scott had a magic ring. Okay. Then your silver age Green Lantern, Hal Jordan had a space ring.
Starting point is 00:34:59 And the one we saw as a space science ring is a science ring. Yeah. And it's shaped like an old lantern for the Lord knows what reason. because the space aliens also used railroad lanterns at some point. Okay. Well, they had the space trains and the space track where they go through the like they're all pushing west. Yeah, that's because there's a West in space. Manifest space for me. Manifest space for me. All of space will belong to us. They stop in the space engines.
Starting point is 00:35:27 They climb aboard Astro Train, the Decepticon. Astro Train. Yeah, they drive a golden spike into space, that's connecting the Pacific Atlantic space roads. We need your space history, guys. So the movie just takes itself too seriously when it's about a guy with a magic green thing that makes other green things.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Okay. I think we can wrap it up magic green things. Yeah. And also like how much better would it have been to have a climax that actually involved Hal Jordan like doing something that nobody else could do? Like flying a plane or something like. Like they briefly he briefly makes green planes, but he doesn't really do much with plane. Yeah, maybe like like they briefly he briefly makes green planes But he doesn't really do much with him. Yeah, like he just throws a guy into a sun
Starting point is 00:36:12 Visa no, there's more than one side. I know there's more than one sign, but my three sons So let's I'm that note. Let's get my final judgments for the, now was it gossip girlingly good? Dan what are the categories final judgments? Final judgments. Was this a good bad movie, a bad bad movie or a movie you kind of liked? Stewart, I'll go to you. Um, I'm going to go bad bad actually.
Starting point is 00:36:39 It uh, for a superhero movie, it was shockingly boring and not that much stuff happened In a two-hour movie that seemed to not really pause for breath except to lie around and argue about stuff Yeah, the characters do a lot of lying around or sitting around I'm gonna shock everyone I'm gonna miss shot tober. I'm gonna it is not shocked over shockcember. Yeah I'm gonna give this a marginal. I kind of like really. Yeah, I didn't stand up and defend it
Starting point is 00:37:11 during the discussion. Well, I mean, you have failed Greenland. Are you talking about the parts that you saw when you weren't going down to check your mail or by selling that job? Because those parts, sure, finally saw those things. Five minutes at least.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Are it most? Uh, no, I here's the I. those things. That's five minutes at least, are it most? No, I wasn't as bored by it as you guys were until the last 30 minutes, like, we didn't stop it. And there's a scene where Ren Rels is like, I can't do this. And Blake Lively says you have to. And I'm like, this is taking forever. And then goes, well, the movie's almost over.
Starting point is 00:37:41 We've only got Pause's movie. See, there's 25 minutes left. He goes, oh man. Luckily, well, the movie's almost over. We've only got Pause's movie. See, there's 25 minutes left. He goes, oh man. Luckily, like, 10 of those were credits. There was a lot of credits, that's true. But I liked watching a lot of the silliness of it, just like the goofy monster, green lantern core, goofing around.
Starting point is 00:38:00 They barely goofed around. They mainly just stood around and put their rings in the air and made light come out of their rings. I like the fact that Because it was a good director like shooting a shitty script like it had all these Script problems, but at least the actual like I feel like he was doing as much as he could with it to move it along and like make CapRansible. And you got to see Tim Robbins look around frantically before being set on fire. That is it like I said, it's worth it for the moment where Tim Robbins you know had to act being levitating,
Starting point is 00:38:32 looking around scared. Now I would not go so far as to recommend this to people, but you just did. If it was a call that you're a pick of the year. You put it in your flop 10. If I had paid for it, I would have been furious, but if it came on HBO, something a service that I had already paid for you're giving a green light to green a lantern Oh
Starting point is 00:38:52 copyright 2011 What did you just copyright? My thing you're thinking just it you can't copyright what was that a blurb? Yeah Understand what are you gonna do with that put? A blurb? Yeah. Understand. What are you going to do with that? Put on t-shirts? Yeah. Those chairs. I can't copyright it. I mean, it's not even yours. Stewart said it. He can copyright it. No, by scoop Dan, I copyright it. I didn't know you could just do that. Yep. Yep. It said no, it takes these back. These policies around here. All right. So you're
Starting point is 00:39:23 probably going to shock us all inside. I'm going to gonna shock everybody and say I thought it was a bad bad movie This is not the worst movie we've seen it like if it came on television and you're sick at home from work And you got nothing to do and you're not really expecting much then go ahead watch Green Lantern on TV now all the All the naysayers All the naysayers on the internet are going to say, this is just because you write for Marvel, and this is a Marvel DC. I have. I am a Marvel zombie.
Starting point is 00:39:49 The house of ideas is my home, and DC is the distinguished competition, yes, but it's also brand-eck. Those are all Marvel references. But it's just like, if your life is seeking out things that you're going to enjoy and trying new things and making the most of every moment don't watch Green Lantern. But if you're just sitting around waiting for death to save you from the endless monotony of time, go ahead, watch Green Lantern.
Starting point is 00:40:13 That's the highest recommendation I can give it. So Dan. Fair enough, I'm gonna go on to Letters. Yay! This one's titled, Hey Floppas. It's from Street, Efron last name with hell Nora Efron and Says regarding the floppers respective popularity. Okay. I've noticed that Dan Stewart's and Alex popularity is inversely proportional with the amount of episodes They've appeared in what maybe Dan should take a break or just let his alter ego, the flop house house cat. That's not my that is a really sneaky way to get Dan
Starting point is 00:40:50 to take an episode off. Also, it's very insulting. He's basically just saying our right that he hates me. I mean, he's not out right. It's the heart grow funder. So you need to take a hike. It's hard for people to like you when you're right there. Well, I control all of the equipment. So that's not hard to grow Fonda. So you need to take a hike. It's hard for people like you when you're right there. Well, I control all of the equipment. So that's not going to happen.
Starting point is 00:41:08 We actually can't do an episode when Dan's not available. He X he owns the mixing board and the computer. And he knows how to work everything. But he got mistakes, you know, ignore those. Second, I live in Southern California, the podcast Mecca, maybe what's needed to and ignite some interest in the flop house as a good old-fashioned East Coast West Coast rivalry. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:41:29 And here we've got WGF and Kuroa, Nerdist and Earwolf while daunting the relative dearth of New York-based podcasts, places you in an underdog position. Hey, what about a flop house, Mike and Tommy Snacks team? I don't know what that is. Yeah, is that a podcast?
Starting point is 00:41:42 Yeah. I don't really follow podcasts. I don't have time, I don't have the time to seek out new things, which is why I'm mad I wasted two hours watching Green Lantern. Yeah, but I think, I think, you know, an East Coast West Coast rivalry could, hey, Bob of the numbers, I mean, at least until LA gets shot. Well, let's try something new.
Starting point is 00:41:59 One, I'd rather not be shot in a drive by, but two, hey, why not an East Coast West Coast Cooperation Yeah, there's everything have to be competition. Okay, I'm this everyone's benefit. Yeah, so somebody out in the West Coast find a podcast there and Tell them to promote us and we promise we will totally do the same thing exactly. There you go. Yeah Oh, I thought that we're just gonna like send each other cupcakes or something I'm calling it cupcakes maybe involved as well. I'm calling it. You're the baker pods across America. I like. I don't know if that's going to catch on. It already has. Look outside. Stuart looks at window. People are holding signs reading pods across America.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Pods across America parade is going down the street. Oh, he has a PS. Have you tried underwater sex yet? So he's the guy who runs Aqua Fan. I guess. I guess. That's a deep flop house cut. That's a super deep job. That's an old one. This is titled Dance Hook. It's from Brian Lasson with Hell.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Oh, okay. Little late, but that's okay. I'm going to sue Brian Lerror. Yeah, dear. Yes, it's in New York public radio is Brian Lehrer writing in. Dear Flapp House, I've been thinking about Dan's predicament of lacking a hook and I believe I have a rather simple solution. Dan needs his own take on movie recommendations. While Stewart offers from his 1980s horror rotation and Elliott has his classics of the
Starting point is 00:43:22 30s, Dan insists on giving a wide range of different movies, suggesting a fully rounded personality. Wait a minute. Elliott's recommendations, on the other hand, points out his love of old, tiny comedy bits, and Stuart's 80s Gore-Frest picks show off his mixture of whimsy and irony. I recommend new movies all the time. Dan could create his own personality
Starting point is 00:43:40 through idiocincratic suggestions, like only recommending Korean action movies of, or 1950s musicals. I don't want to stifle Dan's creativity here, but the best hook creep my dream. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is I have a strong core. He's the hook guy is the strength of your core. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I'm going to tighten up. So Dan, what's your, what's your, what's your new hook, your recommendation philosophy going to be?
Starting point is 00:44:16 I'm going to recommend only public service announcements. Sorry, movies. Yep. 1970s that falls within the purview of the podcast. Are those available for people to watch? Probably in YouTube, I don't know. Probably on YouTube, I don't know. I don't have no special knowledge of the genre.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Yeah, Dan's new hook is the guy who doesn't do research and doesn't know what he's talking about. Doesn't read the letters before, Anne. So... Thank you to everyone who's written in so far. Yeah. I feel like I've been told by listeners that, thank you to everyone who's written in so far. Yeah. I feel like I've been told by listeners that we don't thank people enough for writing in.
Starting point is 00:44:50 You've been told by two specific listeners. Yeah. So, let's give reading the letter, shall we? Thank you again. Personal friends. This is titled, is that a bit from Travis last name withheld? Travis Pickle. Travis Pickle. It is, yes. Having listened to the majority of your back catalog, I've noticed a recurring
Starting point is 00:45:09 theme. When Elliot recaps movies, he often stops and asks, should I give away the ending? This question is usually followed by a millisecond long pause before inevitably revealing the climax. At first, I thought maybe he falls a little more about spoiling these movies, but then I realized he secretly loves it. When he first guessed it on the podcast, he was somewhat timid and reserved over time, his recapping progressed from quietly confident
Starting point is 00:45:32 to monically irresponsible. It is fascinating and tragic to listen to Ellie's decline into madness and I eagerly await the episode one day when he will finally embrace his destiny as super villain, the Rue and R. This is one example. Not even just the contest destiny as super villain, the ruiner. This is not even just the contest ruiner, the ruiner. Yeah. Now, would your head get really bulbous, you think it would have to be that would ruin my hair. The runner of things.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Actually, we're going to skip ahead to the PS. What are you going to read the rest of the letter? Since you're too modest to do it yourself, I'd like to remind anybody who enjoys the show to donate, so we can help keep the lights on and the riggy tone out. Yeah, thank you very much for that. Thank you. I remember to, yeah, listen to Travis and Donates that Dan can afford to do this.
Starting point is 00:46:16 And well, I mean, now I can. I used to not be able to. We're gonna get some money out of this. And remember to take a look at the Flop House Wiki also and help them update and fill out that, because there's a lot of episodes that still need our stupid movie pitches described in text. Yep, LA needs to be reminded of all of his great ideas.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Yeah, because there's already, I totally had forgotten about million dollar getaway until the entry for it showed up on the Flop House Wiki. And now I remember how good it was Yeah, and my offer to Hollywood still stands $700,000 for that idea very reasonable Very reasonable price. Yeah for for a blockbuster And this last letter is titled origin stories of friendship
Starting point is 00:47:04 from Matt First name withheld. Segal. Wait, what? Hold on. Are you told us the first name? Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, I got it. I fucked it up, guys.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Don't worry. We'll fix it in post. Yeah. So he says, I was wondering if you guys had ever talked about how you all met. Well, I mean, we've talked about it with each other. But we've told, like I told my wife on the other day was like, how do you know Dan and Stewart again? But anyway, why have they been in my apartment?
Starting point is 00:47:34 Why do I know them? I think I remember dancing that he and Stewart went to the same college, but I've only ever heard Elliot refer to as a friend with no indication of whether you guys have been friends since time immemorial I'll add them up at babies or just recently met nanny did raise all of us Or some you'd be gonzo or some situation in between Maybe I missed an episode where you explained it But if not, I'm always interested in hearing about origin stories plus it would be really helpful to have an episode to cite when writing the
Starting point is 00:48:03 Flopper history page on the wiki Also, I want to know how to make friends so any insight there Well, it's true that you and Stuart what both went to FU were you majored in boobs? yeah and What what where did you guys meet again? Oh, well we both went to our own college, but we weren't I don't know that we knew each other during that time. Yeah, we actually both did
Starting point is 00:48:28 competing comic strips for the local school newspaper, but we did a local school. National school newspaper. Burle and college. Yeah. And, uh, no, but you know, Dan was into theater stuff and, uh, I mean, you were being cool. Yeah. I was, yeah, I was a cool guy. See, I imagined you guys as roommates, Dan being the nerdy brain, well, being the party
Starting point is 00:48:56 hard party. I remember that was his other roommate. I roommate Bill Hickey, who was a party hardy gentleman, uh, was very good friends with Stuart. And I feel like, in a large way, that's kind of the link is we're both friends with Bill and then once we were both living in New York radio host Bill Hickey we yeah of the river in Boston but we being better you doing with some of the radio. I don't listen to Boston radio. Okay now Elliott. Now my origin story is I was bitten by a radioactive note all. Okay. And given the power to talk too much. But Dan and I met through the comedy
Starting point is 00:49:32 theater that was being run by our mutual friend Eric Marseysack. There used to be a comedy theater in the city that he ran first called above cleptomania. First was called above cleptomania. And it was above a sex store. It was about show world. It was in show world, which no longer exists in New York. It's now the Lafactory, but Playland, I think it's called, which is right next to show world still exists. So if you want to know where we were performing comedy, just walk in there and you'll see that it's, at the time, I think it was 25 cents for a minute of video. And that's a pretty good price. They had like the upstairs was decorated like ceramic. The highlights is very weird, but we were literally,
Starting point is 00:50:09 they circus themed. We were literally up performing upstairs in a sex shop and a place that had like viewing booze like live sex and a well not like live sex. But like like I think that they're strippers in there. Strippers not live sex shows. Yeah. It doesn't teal. No, I know. Come on, but you would go upstairs and the
Starting point is 00:50:25 stage that we're performing on was clearly a stage that we used to be used for stripping. Yeah, there's a lot of mirrors all over the stage and no pole, but you could tell there probably was a pole there at some point. And when we're doing comedy shows, like you could see that every once in a while, men would come upstairs, like thinking that there was going to be some sort of sex thing upstairs. And they'd sit in there and watch for a couple minutes and then get up and leave. Yeah. And uh, but-
Starting point is 00:50:46 You mean they weren't satisfied by your comedy, you know? No, not by our avant-garde sketch comedy that we were doing at the time. I mean, if you have a boner, comedy doesn't really do much about that. Well, it's a sexy comedy. Yeah. Mmm. But, uh, but we didn't really meet when we were- we didn't get to know each other that that much when it was at show world.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Yeah. Later, Eric had a different theater space. There was a basement theater underneath what's now the gene Frankl, within that time was the gene Frankl theater, which still exists. And he ran a space called Juve Hall down there. And we all performed there. And I remember very shows. I remember very well. The first conversation I can really remember having with Dan was when we were helping Eric paint the entire theater in lobby space black with like rollers, just like painting the ceilings, floors, walls, everything with black paint.
Starting point is 00:51:33 So that was that's the, that would be like five minutes into the movie of the, the flop house. And actually the flop house story, the first five minutes we'd Dan and Stuart at college, partying. Then the next, then you'd have about 10 minutes of the New York that I'd come in 15 minutes in with the painting scene and then later on I'd be writing for your stage show. Oh yeah, that's right. Dan was a writer for my stage show that I used to do the New Kaelin show. I saw you down which replaced the Midnight K. I saw a couple of those. Yeah, I used to do a show called the midnight K-Lin. And then it moved into prime time.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Primetime became the prime time K-Lin and then the new K-Lin show. I saw I saw when you really make a lot of the name recognition that you plastered. Well, my ego at the time was very big. And that was the show at first where my only my only promise to Eric was I I hope I promise I will do the show if I never have to prepare material ahead of time But then when it became the new kale and show we wrote for it and Dan had a segment that I insisted he called the real McCoy even though he hated that Memories oh, but I was gonna say in the flop house movie by the 30 minute mark stewards Video game has been swapped out with one that has a chip that the Soviets are after okay
Starting point is 00:52:43 And so of course spies are chasing us and we have to go to Europe and so forth. Like we didn't realize. Exactly. Yeah. And then Dabney Coleman shows up and saves the day. Well, he tries to save the day and we save him. Okay. Yeah. So guys, we're like a father figure though, right? We're like a mean father figure. Okay. At this point, we should really plug our live show. That's right. Showing up. Let's skip the regular recommendations. So now that you're all bored about our history, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Let's talk about our future. You may have noticed on the website that we've got another live screening coming up, our last one, where we watched the movie Twin Sitters, was an unqualified success. Yeah. Total success. Everybody loved it. Almost sold out.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Almost, let's just say sold out. Yeah, sure. Why not? We'll lie to you. Sold out. Margin it. Almost sold out. Almost let's just say sold out. Yeah, sure. Why not? We'll lie to you. Sold out. Marginavera was sold out. We've got another screening coming up January 20th at 8 p.m. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:33 92 Y Tribeca in Manhattan, New York City, America, Earth, Milky Way, Galaxy. And we're going to be showing the movie 12 rounds, starring John Cena. And we just watched it again Sunday, the two days before this to, to confirm it was as stupid as we remember. And it was even stupid. It is a really ridiculously silly movie. And we're going to be providing live commentary. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:53:59 And there's going to be some presentation, informational presentations by Matt Carmen and Cassandra Eurosh of I love bad movies who are producing the show. Yeah, I like to think of them as our sister publication that it was Zine. Mm-hmm about bad movies. And then we'll do some kind of intermission, maybe a raffle. I don't know, I don't know, the raffle. A Prada T-shirt cannon. At the last screening we did interview our wives to find out how they were know the rap. A Prado T-shirt cannon. At the last screening, we did interview our wives
Starting point is 00:54:26 to find out how they were enjoying the movie. We're not gonna be doing that this time. Yeah, at this screening, our wives are very happy to know that their presence is not required. Yeah, my wife has asked me several times, I don't have to be at this thing, right? I mean, you know, they may show up, they may not, but my wife won't.
Starting point is 00:54:42 You're hoping to catch a glimpse of her. No, she says a Lucifer's sesquatch. But January hoping to catch a glimpse of her. No, she says elusive assess watch. But January 20th. Before or more beautiful. Yes, thank you Stuart. It's implied. January 20th. And you know, did you hear and then latest podcast, LA Compared You to Sess Quatch.
Starting point is 00:54:58 She doesn't listen to this. January 20th, 92 I try Becca and it's on their website 92 i try back a dot org so you can buy tickets now. Yeah, so I do it on the wall and listen to this podcast on my podcast. You can type internet, internet and your computer type internet flop house Stewart and you'll have already purchased a ticket. It's that easy. January 20th, 12 rounds. Yeah, links. I mean, if we're talking too quickly, as Elliot is wanting to do, if I, you think I'm talking to quickly, just get faster ears, man, links to all of this will be I'm not slowing down limitless. WWW dot flop house
Starting point is 00:55:39 limitless. So we, what else don't, don't, don't you have another screening coming up or something? Oh, I do well my regular monthly screening series is also at 92 I try back in our first one of 2012. I'll be on January 4th at 7 30 p.m. So Wednesday we're showing the baguille with Clint Eastwood and stories steward Wellington recommendation from a few years back. Stewart Wellington put his personal stamp of approval, which I think is in the shape of a penis on this movie. It's really good. You ever get that ink off of your penis, by the way?
Starting point is 00:56:11 No, I did not. So that's two screenings you should go to next month, the Beguiled January 4th for a good movie. Shouldn't have used red ink. It scares the shit out of my life. But even more importantly, January 20th, 12 rounds with the flop house crew. Yeah. Which is us.
Starting point is 00:56:25 And now all that's left is to wish you floppy holidays. Sounds horrible. Yeah, on the flop house. I wish, gee, Mary, you guys, why are you singing? Cut it. Yeah, no, this is gonna get out of that, right? I assume so, yeah. I'm gonna.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Happy flop, what's the floppy holiday? Maybe if I just say more cough a bunch, we'll have to have them out. Yeah. Nope. Has it happened before? Oh, OK. So floppy holidays and the floppy new year.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Yeah. Not sure when we will be with you again next and maybe a little later because the holidays may not. Who knows? That's the missing. It's question mark. The mystery of life. Who knows what the new year will bring for all of us?
Starting point is 00:57:07 Right, guys? You're getting really weird. We shouldn't do this in the afternoon anymore. We've got to do it at night when Dan's too tired to be weird. All right, well, for the flop-ass, I've been Dan McCoy. I've been steward Wellington. And I will continue to be Elliot Kaelin. See you guys later.
Starting point is 00:57:24 It's great, dude. Continue to be Elliott Kaelin. See you guys later. Three minutes. Three minutes. You're basing him just on how people play with him and moreover skip. I mean it's side guy. Yeah, I say about my knee though. You pick a fucking side. Stop spamming your projectile tag.

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