The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode Eleven - Awards Floptacular

Episode Date: March 6, 2008

Special guest Elliott Kalan returns to discuss what has been called "The Academy Awards of movies," the Oscars. Meanwhile, Stuart hands out tips about the Internet, Dan learns what it means... to be a really unlikely stripper, and Elliott fears running afoul of Wayne Enterprises. 0:00 - 0:33 Introduction and theme. 0:34 - 31:49 Welcoming special guest host, Elliott Kalan (segment producer, The Daily Show; humor columnist, Metro), and discussion of the 80th annual Academy Awards. 31:50 - 39:30 Elliott discusses his own experiences helping to produce the 2006 Oscars telecast, and Dan tries to jump in with his own shameless name-dropping. 39:31 - 43:15 We discuss the Razzies, which, coincidentally, was dominated by the film we watched the last time Elliott guest hosted. 43:16 - 45:51 We get bored talking about the Razzies and drift back to the Oscars. 45:52 - 46:39 Dan's cursed laptop provides the show with a shocking twist ending. Also, podcasty business is briefly addressed. 46:40 - 47:26 End theme and outtakes. NOTE: I incorrectly identified our email address as "theflophouse" at It is, of course, "theflophousepodcast" (of course because, in 2008, every other damn email address had been taken).

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 Tonight on the first annual Flop House Flop Tagular, we discuss the Academy Awards and the Razzies. So this is our award show slash year in review flop tackler. Yeah, I like that. Okay, so I think that is good for the flop spectacular we have me Dan McCoy these two are really good myself. Eli K. Yes, Elliott now two guest hosting appearances is officially our favorite guest host. Yeah. Oh my god. He's like Jessica Beale. He is like Jessica Beale. I'm a very character now.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Yes, and I was acting really these questions, but it's always hot. So, Jessica, beer all over. And I got to say, they're, you know, like they're particular reason aside from us, a lightning alliant so much, and him joining during the podcast, so we wanted it for this episode. If his Because Elliott has had some direct experience with the Oscars. Wow. You work for the daily show with John Stewart. Your boss, John Stewart, hopes like the Oscars.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Well, he can't. I got a trance. That's true. I was going to yell, oh, let's go here. Right. I think you might have used the cat who's on the table and then she'll start packing the pot. It looks like the scene.
Starting point is 00:01:44 She'll be a pig in the hot case? Yeah. Inflames. It'll just be like, it'll be just like freak-as-one-a-kill-answer into the internet. Honor blog. Yep. So, you're a blog. On
Starting point is 00:01:57 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The plot has sucks. In three. But no, I wanted to say, um, Pastor Hosted again this year, I don't want. Look what that sucks. In three. But no, I wanted to say, um, that a counselor hosted again this year. I don't want to get into any awkward areas, any conflicts of interest. But uh, I have to refuse myself from it. How do you hit your boss, dude?
Starting point is 00:02:13 I thought he did, he did a very solid job. The job of the Oscar host is to get the show moving along and not irritate people and buy some light moments and it certainly did all of the... Yeah, I'll tell you what, I'm always, I guess, in the minority when it comes to, you know, Oscar hosts, like who I feel that does a good job. Like whenever I feel someone has done a good job, and inevitably I open up the newspaper the next day,
Starting point is 00:02:37 you know, it's so-and-so bombed at the Oscars. I know you loved it. You loved Woopy that one year, so... No. But the costume changes, but what would... I'm thinking specifically of, like, when the Lightermen hosts year. So, the costume changes, what would? I'm thinking specifically of like, when Letterman hosted, I thought Letterman's some very funny things.
Starting point is 00:02:49 And then he's like the most hated host in recent Oscar memory. Letterman did some very funny things if he was hosting Letterman show. He was hosting the Oscars. As long and stupid and fake as the Oscars are, there is the image of, this is the night for Hollywood and let's play it by Hollywood's rules Right, well speaking with the flip side of that certainly the biggest lap
Starting point is 00:03:13 I think at my Oscar party a hell of an Oscar party and if you hear us eating at any point That's the remains of the Oscar party Then that ambient noise is sort of give you the feel as if you were at our Oscar party. There are millions of the guests at the Oscar party. The people who lost the Oscar pool have been slow-cooked and barbecue sauce. I'm still wearing the dress I wore at Oscar's starting to slip. Let's see how the table is getting a little dirty. It's like my child's digging in the bathroom. was good, you know, a little dirty, like, a trail sticking. But the biggest laugh at the party
Starting point is 00:03:48 was his slammer bits, which was certainly a moment where he did not play by the Oscar ball. Well, there's this unwritten rule that on Oscar night, there are no losers. There are losers, and they know that a loser is a completely important, but the idea that Hollywood makes no mistakes. This is a celebration of Hollywood and movies are great and we're great at it. Just like the same way that Jack Nicholson did his rundown of the, his intro to the best picture winners. There are many movies but only 79 have been named best. Like really seriously, Jackson Nicholson, and he really think that just anyone in the room think that these are the best movies ever made. And yet I'm not a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man.
Starting point is 00:04:25 I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man.
Starting point is 00:04:33 I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man.
Starting point is 00:04:41 I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. I'm a man. The first thing that sort of, this is one of the first points of contact between you and me was when I talked to you about your blog. The Oscars are always wrong. We've speaking with what year are you up to on that? For about two years now, I've been up to 1961 and I just actually lost most of those
Starting point is 00:05:00 vials. The site that was hosting it was shut down by my former roommate who was hosting the site, was on his blog on that server. He had not written anything for two or three years before he decided to get there. That's great setting. And I foolishly did not save those entries. He might have them save somewhere. So, what are you going to restart the project from here on? You know what? I might take some time before I do that but I was up to I think the last one I did was 1960 but the last one was 1961 because I said the apartment from the few correct choices. Well,
Starting point is 00:05:33 Natalie, let me know that that's happened. I'll have to take the guess because I'm always growing off my blog read. I've been hangingly hoping that it'll be updated. Well, I think that people just sent to a 404 for Ben, page, and Pond as a vlog roll, as hilariously antiquated. Yeah, I'm sure you don't want a cheesecake. As long as I've heard of a square of cheesecake, but I'm already eating quite. Please, it's the Oscars. No, it's the Oscars.
Starting point is 00:05:59 It's a darker Oscars. There are no issues. But yeah, my main point was that the Academy Awards are always, are almost always completely wrong in the course, both in best picture and in, you know, the other awards. Well, maybe we should start at the top and then work backwards to the less interesting discussions in that spirit. I mean, did you think that the best picture of choice was wrong this year? I mean, it was wrong in the way that they didn't dominate the best movie my opinion, but the best movie the year was, which we can get into later. All right, yeah, that's true. I think you're going to break that up when we gave out our own awards.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Yes, but this year, I mean, few of the movies they nominated were, I mean, they weren't bad, even my least favorite of the ones that I saw, all of them is a tonement which looked from commercial one like a movie that was designed to be a picture. Right. Which man I probably would like. But even Juno, which I had major problems with and ultimately, I'm not happy with, it was not a terrible movie. It's in the way that, say, around the world in 80 days, one that's pictured.
Starting point is 00:07:05 It's a shitty movie. It's not good, and it's really boring, it's like 100 hours long. But it exists to have cameo. It's like, now you can say that content blasts and John Paul Belmanda were the same movie. Great. Finally, thank you to this David Niven hosted party. I would love to go to David Niven hosted party. I love to get a David Niven host party by the way. Imagine there'd be a lot of really well mixed cocktails.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And fun conversation. But like there will be blood and no matter what the phone number of the means for both good movies. Michael Platin is a mediocre film and a good movie style, but it's not a bad movie. You know, these were acceptable movies. Yeah, I saw five of them. I'd seen. That's right. And Chris. And it is bad. I saw four of them, you know, just before the Mommies were now. And then at that point, I was like, well, might as well go see a tommon. I was like a week before the Oscars and the thing is like I realized the Oscars are completely insignificant. And wait, wait, wait,
Starting point is 00:08:08 did you go see a tournament just so you could be at your Oscar party? We'd be like, that's all the move, that's all fun with these movies. I was gonna lord it over people that smartly way, but yeah. Here's the thing, the Oscars to me, I wrote what Elliott's saying. However, for some reason, for some crazy reason. I love them, and I think, I've been thinking about it recently. You can't write a blog about something writing in detail why it's wrong in every particular, without loving it a little bit. That's the thing, as much as I hate it, I love it.
Starting point is 00:08:39 There's something about it that is very attractive and very magical. It might just be 80 years of society pretending it's magical, eventually building up from our life. There is a certain thing. And whatever. Also, you know, at one point it was, even though they gave out the wrong choices, it was all bought by the studios,
Starting point is 00:08:57 a four, there was a glamour to it. These are the biggest stars in Hollywood and other from one. And we got your showing. Coming out. So, more stars than in the heavens. I think Academy Awards. I just think for me part of it is Dorothy Chandler Vavilion.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I couldn't care less about sports, but I understand what it feels to people about like the Super Bowl, because they're like, okay, this is one sports event that we can all share. Likewise, the Oscars movies are what I care about. So like for like a month every year, everyone agrees to talk about movies a lot. Yeah. And I'm really happy about that.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Yeah, that's true. I mean, to the purpose of the Oscars, Oscars aren't commercial produce. So they're doing their job at the headroom, that's all. And from what I can see, they're working. People go to those movies. That's true. Like, it's home.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Which way, like, was my least favorite of the five? What was your most favorite? I think they're all the blood. It's tough between them. I love both those movies. Do you know what's right in the middle? You know, like I had problems with some of the writing. I don't.
Starting point is 00:10:02 I was a winner. Yeah. The Apple Coney. Dan, I'm low-coudy Dan I know you understand that one best original It is the most original and best swing play of the year. I know I know that I mean she was she was a stripper-turned-blogger Yeah, I don't know if you I don't know if you heard that not a real strip. I don't know if you heard that one hundred times Not a real stripper. She stripped for a year Then wrote a book about it. There are people who stripped for many years. As my friends, like if I was a coal miner
Starting point is 00:10:28 for a year and then wrote a book about it and I'm like I'm a coal miner turned writer. As a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as a, as dangerous career. You can easily die stripping. You get your hand and foot removal by serial killers. By some sort of blue-peam serial killer. I want to say though, as your front-end mind, Elliot, Laura Buckle, said to me, by the way, a writer for Perihom Panion, a weird public radio name dropping. I know that, that's for him. Yeah, that's what Jesus is.
Starting point is 00:11:00 He's in the Minnesota doing that. She's reading Bableto, his book, a year in the life of an unlikely stripper. And Laura said, what's unlikely about it? If you're stripping, I think that makes you a stripper. Not better than all these other strippers. But would make it unlikely, I think, as if she was an amputee for something like,
Starting point is 00:11:18 yeah, she is now gonna make it as a stripper. She has an abble body. Like, she was a ghost. I haven't got a shoe on ghost. I'm gonna show you. I may be paralyzed from the neck down, but I'm gonna strip to have it. That would be an unlikely stripper. So I'm gonna remove my clothes. Well, fair enough. Oh, Diablo. You've been burned Laura. If you've always made this podcast. Yeah. Bull Charles. You've been burned. Yeah. I agree. I mean, like Michael Clayton,
Starting point is 00:11:45 I enjoyed, but I thought actually one of the things that where it fell down for me is I didn't think for a thriller. There were that many thrills. It was just like, we're gonna make it respectable through other and we're gonna do that by taking out everything exciting. Well, this is, I call that road to tradition. It's to make something respectful you take out everything thrilling or visceral or surprising or bold or about it in a way. Road to Britain is a gangster movie with shootin' ups, which is slow and boring and not exciting because they're like, this is... What are you more talking about?
Starting point is 00:12:17 Okay, do you like... No, I really don't like it. Oh, okay. They said, this is an anti-violent movie. We don't like the violence of sighting. Well, okay Let's base on I mean, I'm gonna sound like a nerd now. That's okay. Let's base on the graphic novel which is based on the fucking Jack of these Grab novel which No way a shape or form is anti-violent. Yeah. So let's westernize something and take everything that's cool about it and just throw it out the window
Starting point is 00:12:49 and make it really boring. It looks good though. Well, looks like it. Yeah. It does have a very eccentric, jukebox performance. That's the best part of the movie. I wish it was about him.
Starting point is 00:13:00 It was a very crazy car. I think I wish it was called photo killer. I would like to know if he was called P killer. What made you always call Peepy Tom? That's true. But it was one of my own. Yeah, we're shot or bud. You're a snap. Shut the story of a killer.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Shut her body. But it's still what it's gonna give. Smart cheese. So what you're saying is that the Michael Clayton is the thrillers what sports night is the Countries Wow Well, I don't have a problem sports Yeah, there's a left track The problem also with Michael Clayton is that it's a movie that Wait, Michael Clayton is a lap track. I didn't see it. Michael Clayton has a
Starting point is 00:13:48 lap track. It's a classic three-camers set up. At the end of the movie, the credits roll-over images from the film and your film was filmed before a live studio. And then you see Stephen J. Cannell pull a piece of paper out of his time frame and throw it onto the stack of papers. And Mary's telling me where's Kat me out. Yeah, and I'm sure that J. Canell was not very good at collating paper. No, he just threw it. After he was done, he really had spent a lot of time putting his script back in the
Starting point is 00:14:17 order. But the main problem I had with Michael Clayton was that it's a movie that starts off throwing you off balance. For the first three short scenes, you don't know what's going on. You don't know what it's about really. And you're like, this must be, this is gonna be full of twists. And there were zero twists. It was, you knew, it was like, uh oh, it looks like this corporation is trying to win this
Starting point is 00:14:38 lawsuit, but that can't be something more insidious than that. Oh, no, I guess that was in. You know, I, that's boy or other. Funnily enough for us, you know what that was. No ghosts, no guess that was in. You know, I, that's boy, no, there. Funnily enough for me that was really. No ghosts, no women that turned out to be men, even with all the Swinton in it. It was a movie that was directed by a screenwriter, and the screenplay was, you know, an automated percambian ward, but the screenplay is the least
Starting point is 00:15:00 interesting thing about it. It may as beautifully shot and it is well directed. It acted very poorly. Tom Wilkinson's in it. Tom Wilkinson's in it, and he's good, and told a Swinton who is great at it. I thought she was in it. And he won my war.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Yeah, she won Best Sporting Actress, and might be is that she deserved it completely. She gives an amazing performance as this. As a human. This human, as a human, but as this brittle, vulnerable woman who is put into a position where she has to do something terrible to kind of protect herself, and it ends, you know, if the wrong thing to do, but she, in her few scenes by herself, she creates such a more interesting, convincing, lovable character, lovable in the way that's pitiful.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Then Michael Clayton himself, where it's like, yeah, your rich job is pretty bad. Handsome George Cleary. I feel bad for you, sexiest male alive. But I didn't want her to win the Oscar because she's just gonna take that Oscar back to Fairyland. We're not really as good at it here. No, she's gonna replace the Oscar with a fairy child. And maybe when she wins again as he starts us. That's my joke, that's our best week. And maybe when she wins again as he starts us 30 minutes of Timber's quick and do
Starting point is 00:16:17 It's my amateurs my a tell the sweet material that she's always prepping for the role of Zee start us oh Hit the big categories and I feel like well we can go well we can go we can backtrack You can about directly you're the magic of editing you can also change what's going around in this I don't like to edit things that I don't think you notice I think this should be your Steven Soderbergh podcast where it jumps backwards and forwards and time yeah this is your lining Yeah entire sections could be played backwards yeah and different And there needs to be a fucking twist. Yeah, a twist at the end. I only came in and died four days before five days. How did he arrive? Authorities are bad
Starting point is 00:16:52 on the end. That's the text at the end of the podcast. Here's on screen. I'm being breakable. Well, in the spirit of also stealing other people's jokes, I have to mention the biggest laugh during our Oscar party was when we're talking about the in-memory of montage and how the beginning end dates meant that Roy Shider was in it. Our friend Dave Weinberg said it would have needed a longer Oscar mindset. Yeah, that you go to really shite a reference. Yeah. Well, the thing I wanted about that is that montage was loaded with executives and agents.
Starting point is 00:17:30 I wonder if that was part of the deal with the writer's bill was, we'll give you those residuals, but we're going to get some executives into that fucking ass. That's true, because everyone is saying, how like a Brad Rintfro is not in the... Yeah, who is not a major actor, but who was a well-known actor, who died tragically. And you know that they stretched the dates to just include people. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:52 There was no way they were not. Oh, yeah. That was very strange. That's only reason I tuned in, actually. And they specifically... No one's leading a montage with Keith Ledger. They put the dates on the straight. Oh.
Starting point is 00:18:03 I feel bad for that. Can we keep it here? They put the dates on the street. I feel bad for that. Can we keep it here? I think that's true. I believe all that dirt. But they put the dates on screen specifically, I think, so people would know. This is why, Roy. Instead of taking the effort to literally edit the clip
Starting point is 00:18:21 of Roy Shire saying, we're going to need a big above, which would take a minute. They went to the trouble putting text on the screen that said the dates of the in the morning. Yeah. When they could have done it before Roy Shider died and just said like, listen, anyone dies after this point we're not putting it in the morning. Right, and that always happens. I mean, people are always like, well, I wasn't this person in. Like, even if they happen the day before the Oscars, people are always like, where was this guy? Where was a Nicole Smaid? Where was that?
Starting point is 00:18:46 For Sky Scraper, what are the more? You should make it that way through. You should make Sky Scraper. They got a 33 and a 30. That was a move, yeah. But also like Joe. And Miss Cole Smith's fantasies. They miss on the Annacul Smith expos.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Oh, yeah. But I thought. But I thought. But Joey Bishop was not in. Wow. And he's not, again, not a me. He's not. Yeah, but I never really felt like a rat pack.
Starting point is 00:19:14 And yet you've had all these executives, and they didn't put up even proper titles of the movies, these executives, green, you know, or anything. We had no content, we didn't know the studios they worked. It was just, oh, okay, these guys, well, it was an executive, I guess. Right. That was the one part of the Oscar's work, Phil. This night isn't about you, America. This is about us. This agent died. Here's a picture of him, this striped shirt on vacation. Like, didn't find a nice location. I guess I would just remember that shirt. They needed to have a big shirt. I realized you'd turn the brand.
Starting point is 00:19:48 You always wear that shirt. That was why I was such a good agent, because it was memorable. Yeah. But then on the other hand, you had Robert Doyle winning Lifetime Achievement Award, which was very well deserved, and not a name that people would be talking about.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I had trouble remembering this credits for you. And they explained who he is, they explained what he did, they gave him time to speak, his 98 year old man, they didn't try to cut him off in Russian offstage. And they, like they treated him very respectfully. And then the in-moring was almost felt slap-dash. They've been going more obscure, but a lot of times I mean, and these aren't obscure people, obviously, it's
Starting point is 00:20:23 just they're not trotting out huge famous. They're not giving one to actors or, or times I mean and these aren't obscure people obviously it's just they're not trotting out huge famous actors or or I mean I mean I sure was a new morconi and I mean everyone who knows film music knows and but he's not gonna not gonna be a marquee name for the Oscars like you got tune in this year see any more going to get it at the same time as there anyone who deserves a lifetime of chat. I can't more than a new one for a company. He's written like over 400 movie scores. He wrote what is possibly the best song ever written for a movie, which I would say is good to bed in the ugly. You think of that with a Ghostbuster song? I don't know. I'm gonna go down with Bobby Brown song, it goes to two. It's all about Vigo, the master of evil. I saw that painting in person, I'm looking at it, right?
Starting point is 00:21:11 On my tour of it, that's really magic that I took last Thanksgiving. Hey, the picture with your words about saying a picture that was painted for Ghost Ghost Ghost 2. I saw Vigo's portrait, I saw that these Scalary Brothers goes, it's that come back. I saw that. I saw portrait. I saw that these Scaleri brothers goes. It's that come back. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Scaleri brothers go. I saw the Sc until he said, then anyway, what were the times you met? I don't know. Paintings, music for music.
Starting point is 00:21:46 I'm an argy, my favorite piece of music ever written for a movie, Dream Warriors by Doc and over a number of three part three Dream Warriors. Another moment to get in the wheelchair. Yeah. Yeah, that one's really awesome. It's good. Perhaps my favorite is the number on Elstreet.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Yeah, it's a kid in the wheelchair. Well, he's also a dungeon master. He's also a dungeon master. This makes it come sick. I apologize for this, Tanya. This is as irrelevant as any conversation could be. To the subject. Ask her, meaning that Mariam Street put three.
Starting point is 00:22:22 At least one Oscar. I wish that was a big, great year. Oscar for most awesome Elm Street, put three. At least one Oscar. I wish that was a big, great year. Oscar for most awesome, Helm Street. Michael Cain walks out. The best picture award goes... The best picture of... I don't remember the year, it was like, 86 and 85. The day of 5 is...
Starting point is 00:22:38 Nightmare on Elm Street, three dream warriors. And Robert English goes up and gets the award, you know. And picks up the award... Like, he won Best Actor that year, I assume. years and Robert England goes up and gets the award and picks up the award like you want best actor that year I assume. I'm so happy to pick it myself as a dream lawyer. A war you have dream. Sometimes you can't solve a long dream lawyer.
Starting point is 00:22:55 That's a share. It'll be the best actor. Robert England, right? I've heard an Austrian dream lawyer. I'd like to thank a guy named Freddie, who wouldn't be getting this award without. Thanks buddy, here's to another award next year to go with the three I now have.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Just like, just like, every year. Just like, literally. Just as this year's Oscar's telecast was the lowest rated, people are turning off this podcast, the whole world of America. Would you, if you were in the glove, would you go to some of the words? Of course, yeah, of course he would have enough. And the audience would go fucking insane.
Starting point is 00:23:32 I think you would have Faye Ray and Shirley Temple and you know, Mickey Rooney just jumping out of their seat. We're in the show with a Jack with his sunglasses on his lap. You got it, you got it. I think it would be dangerous.
Starting point is 00:23:48 It would be dangerous from the way the gloves remain. It's Freddy Micros' work in the real world. Like he did in New Nine Mar. Yeah, we can only help. Yeah, that's my favorite. It's a good last. Good semi-homorotic movie. I'm having a wagon camp.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Awfully cute. So, actors speaking of... Sure, actors. There's a thing that stuck out to you, Elliot. About what? I was like, Oscars. Why didn't you talk about... Okay. I don't actually...
Starting point is 00:24:14 I didn't actually see a lot of the movies or performances. I don't want to ask her like, oh, what the... Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, yeah. A lot of issues with the actors. Yeah, it's your pull. Most of it was like, gay Oscar-former. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, a lot of movies, so a lot of it was gasses. So I don't actually really care about talking about the movies.
Starting point is 00:24:47 What I didn't want to say was that the French girl who won the Best Actress, they retracted. Yeah, that's true. Nice dress. Now when she's in makeup. No, I'm not gonna see her, I'm not gonna see her, really. But I'll check out on BBE, NBC if she's got a back catalog.
Starting point is 00:25:06 She's made about 40 movies. Well, and the thing is that for movies, I'm gonna let you guys in secret. For movies often feature a shitload of movies. I don't think so. I would have heard about that. Well, I'm just taking for me, guys. And on the modern world of the internet, you can send me as a European girl. Tell me more.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Because I think in France it's called the lay internet and they have tons of these four movies featuring making chick movies. The only thing you gotta watch out for is that they don't have to sing filter that we have about Filmering out all the amigos. Oh, I see. Like in a movie that actually I want to talk about. I'm jumping in But in a little while we're gonna be talking about our own like Oscar things and my Oscar pick for the best scene with full frontal field mutiny goes to a black book, the book, the book, the film.
Starting point is 00:26:11 I miss it. I got like stumbles and do the bathroom. Thanks for being awesome. So that's an example of not using their filter, right? For movies, music. So you're sure now, like, I learned something here tonight. I'm currently just thrown off by all the uncircumcised members.
Starting point is 00:26:31 It's like some sort of bizarre universe that I don't understand. What stuck out to me a lot was that the Coen Brothers won for Best Adaptive Screenplay. They previously won Best Original Screenplay for part of them. They won Best Director, they won Best Picture. They never won these. They should have won them in my opinion. They should have won Best Director several times over when. They
Starting point is 00:26:50 should have won Best Picture for Fargo. But what they had this look on their faces like they were very displeased to be winning the Academy Awards and they would come back from Frances McDormand who could not have been happy. Her husband and her husband's brother were winning these major awards and the co-brothers in the hand. And part of me thinks it's just that they're naturally shy guys,
Starting point is 00:27:12 they're like, oh no, my state is wrong. They don't like being part of the Hollywood establishment. I'm not sure, but something like that. But at the same time, no country-rolled men is very well put together with the movie. It's a fantastic movie in a lot of ways. But to me, it feels like maybe their least personal movie
Starting point is 00:27:29 have since after Intolerable Crews. Yeah, Intolerable Crews, definitely. Which feels like they did right to their eyes closed and, you know, sleep. And the thing, they didn't write that one. Yeah, I didn't. They didn't want them to write. But even beyond that, they wrote, they adapted No Country-Cold Men. They directed it. It's got a lot of time on it they did an amazing job at the same time
Starting point is 00:27:47 it didn't feel like their souls were invested in it I wonder if up there they said to themselves well this is what they want us to make they don't want us to make the man who wasn't there they want us to make the big Lebowski they want us to make the movies that you can tell they wrote because these were stories that sprung out of their mind right had to tell Well, no one makes the big Lebowski to try and a court The same if there's any movie that goes to the heart of their Feelings about film or humanity. I think it's that one movie There's many reasons a A recommend to be a five film classics volume with a buzzer, which is fantastic.
Starting point is 00:28:29 But that they set themselves well, this is what we have to do to get recognition. Very slick, violent, kind of a little soulless thrillers that have, you know, that tell the story efficiently and then get the fuck out of there. Although, I mean, that it had very few of the tangents and the kind of loopiness that gives their movies the character. It is definitely an adaptation.
Starting point is 00:28:54 However, I mean, the way you're talking about a alma, I know this is not what you're saying, but the way you're talking about it almost makes it seem like a sellout of some kind. Which is not. But I mean, certainly. But to a certain extent, but they- The ending of that film, which a lot of people didn't like, I mean that they kept faithful to
Starting point is 00:29:11 comic recourses ending and they're like, you know what, you want to climax? Well, to hell with you. We're at the same time. At the same time that was taken directly. Again, it was taken very quickly. Right, and that's why even though I really liked the cover for a man, old man, ultimately I enjoyed it. There were blood more because I felt like that was a very personal movie. Yeah, well there really blood was almost the opposite because it felt much more personal and much more like old times Anderson put himself into it and then but at the end of the day it almost wasn't. He couldn't, he didn't step back far enough to make a movie that ultimately, you know, made sense as a story in a way. It made sense as a dream,
Starting point is 00:29:46 but not that stuff with its brother that doesn't, ultimately, isn't, oh, okay. So that was a commercial break for a while. That was the information. Like, there's both movies don't give you what you're looking for exactly. And they have good reasons for doing that. And it's rewarding almost that they don't do that. The control of men doesn't give you that shootout at the end, you really want to see. And there will be blood that does not give you the straightforward arc of man and son and man against, rich or boy, that you want. Instead, it kind of loops around itself, and it takes its e-tours, and it commits the main fight between the father and son that I assume happened at some point.
Starting point is 00:30:26 And it's almost like movie is sort of richer and poorer. But it is totally crazy. That's crazy. It is crazy. I love about it. I like movies that feel like that are very personal, but then also have this like shakidog quality too. It's like, it definitely isn't shakidog. But it's the ending. Well, that's the end like that last scene is beautiful everything about it is brilliant the final moment going into the credits with the music playing which frankly does feel like the end of a really album is great but that's the thing the reviews made it sound like it was this bizarre fever dream of a moving that
Starting point is 00:31:01 like nothing made sense oh but it made me I was like he ruined it. Oh, but I went in expecting like El Topo, you know, the magic mountain. Something that where I was going to be like, what the hell is going on? But instead it was just a story that ran on its own logic and it's flat. I agree that I agree with the whole magazine release. It's a little thing to the original, which I like. But I did like, at the same time, it's a very calm, brilliant movie as a thing,
Starting point is 00:31:30 but I got like that. Like it reminded me so much of Blunt's Simple. Yeah, it is very much like their past films. It's almost like, there's just like a fifth element, if you will, missing from it. Speaking of my favorite movies, I love to watch. Yeah, I mean, it's not all about the Oscars, If you will, missing from it. Speaking of my favorite movies, a whole ton of it. Yeah, I mean, it's just not all about the Oscars.
Starting point is 00:31:48 So let's move on. Although I do want to mention one last thing. I know you may be, you can't talk about this. I don't know how much you can talk about. But I'm going to mention it. Elliot, last time at John Hosefield Oscars, you actually had some part in producing the Oscars telecasts or part of the Oscars. If I could be humble, I was one of the
Starting point is 00:32:07 producers on the best part of that Oscars. Yeah, I'm mostly the best part of any Oscars. I know that people don't, people who work on these sorts of things don't get individual credit for it often. So I want you to take this opportunity while you're on the me. Oh, thanks. Well, just describe what happened. Yeah, just to let people know. Well, I posted it two years ago. Just snatched credit for something
Starting point is 00:32:32 that happened a couple of years back. I was part of an elite three-man team, of which I did most of the work, separate of some, of what was, what we called the gay cowboy montage. I think kind of that known by that, I believe, in the mass media. what was what we called the gay cowboy montage. I think kind of that known by that briefly, in the mass media. I believe it was a single death by the times,
Starting point is 00:32:50 but the broke back mountain was the theme of that year. That's kind of the problem with the Swedish Oscars, is there was nothing that dominated that way that did. But it was the idea that Westerns have always been fairly homoerotic. We were putting together homoer, homo-rotic tension moments from those screws. It took about a month of watching Westerns, a couple weeks of editing, and we'd watch about 40 films in total. I think I watched 25 to 30 of them.
Starting point is 00:33:16 And weren't many of these from your private collection? Yes, and that's the thing. This year we rented all these DVDs. One of the guys that worked was like, oh, are we going to get blue ray discsios because we love these look the best and I said oh oh how naive that's adorable because when we did this other one I assumed I brought in my own tapes many of them taped off television and I assumed that we were gonna be getting DVDs of these or that the candy war of spring for so what you're saying from Prince is that the academy is taking part in piracy it is breaking copyright laws. I think so maybe but again but then they said nope and so and ended up looking fine I mean
Starting point is 00:33:52 the money these movies were whole so you weren't gonna get Christine and so on anyway but it was like oh okay I guess I'll bring in my copy of the big country and we'll just take that we'll just take the clips off of that. And also it shows you how slap-dash those shows are because we spent a very long time working on this, the music for it, and the editor we were working with, Graham Frazier, it was a three-man team. Me, Gloria Albany, this was the other producer on it, and he was one of the main producers of the Oscar this year by the Daily Show and so. And Graham Frazier was the editor and Graham spent so much time working on the sound
Starting point is 00:34:26 bed and making sure everything flowed seamlessly because you had the music. We were putting on with the music that was already on those scenes sometimes because we needed to do lines of dialogue and sometimes had to flow together just the right moments and it came out beautifully and then the Academy Awards guys were like oh we need a couple seconds of time we got to we got to shorten the montage and they just chop the chunk out of the middle. There's this abrupt skip in the music We're just from one song to another and it's like come on guys. The Academy Awards. What are you doing? Well, I checked and this is on YouTube They can be has not taken down because they hold it off the Capitol and the opera
Starting point is 00:35:01 It's back up again. I mean, you know now that we want to offer allows it back up again. I mean, you know, now that we want to get on the flop house. I don't tell you the bet actually the best thing about we have learned that we get to by lane enterprises, which is John Wayne's son's company. And it's also the name of Bruce Wayne's company in the Batman comics. When the surprises is John Wayne's son's company that set up to protect the image and legacy of John Wayne. And we company that set up to protect the image and like to see if John Wayne. And we were like really, they're like they're gonna have trouble being interviewed.
Starting point is 00:35:28 We were like, hey guys, we have one point we had John Wayne, he says, I'll have you spread evil on a wagon wheel. You know, the things it's gonna do with that blood or something. Like this is John Wayne, this is the Duke. And we were like, uh oh, this is gonna be trouble. And we also get a lot of other big stars, and there's a part of Gary Cooper, there's a part with Alan Ladd from Shane,
Starting point is 00:35:51 where he, he had another guy post on the ground and he'd fall over it, spend it sweaty. And then there was a, I ended with, I've seen with Gregory Packing, Charles and Heston. And John Wayne, and Wayne Enterprises, the response was, well, we pay us for the use of that footage. We don't care what you do.
Starting point is 00:36:07 So they can be paid then, but Gregory Pax Widow did not want his image. He didn't want the implication that he was a home-side troll. Nothing at all. So the president of the academy and the producer of the academy went out and basically went to her house and talked to her about it. And had to make a personal call to convince her that it was okay to include this snippet because it was the end clip and it was so good in the end. It turned into a big country and it's Charlton Heston is half undressed. He's just running his long underwear pants and I'm sitting on his bed and Gregory Peck walks in and says, I don't know why you thought you had to say
Starting point is 00:36:43 goodbye. Gregory Peck was the kind of guy You were going to be able to become a good buy. I was interested. It was going to take a little bit more room. And then as your trauma hasn't just stares at him and then starts getting up off the bed. And then we cut out there. It was such a great ending. And so they, you know, I guess,
Starting point is 00:36:58 widened it behind her. And she eventually went. Well, you know, what it is is a Gregory Pax where he was still a little sensitive about that incident with him and my cousin Wow, I know I'm gonna get that's That's because I if it's still up on YouTube I will bed that on the flop house blog That would be awesome. I mean, I need to start a reel. So, I'm gonna put it on.
Starting point is 00:37:25 But that was one of the great thrills was doing that. And then watching the Oscars, we had an Oscar party with the show that everyone would do. And watching the Oscars in this bar that we rented out. And that came on. And then there was this moment of, oh, okay, the Oscars are fake. If I was involved with this, it's really a nobody, then it must be not real. This is a closed-circuit camera, but like John is doing this in the back room and this is not a real broadcast,
Starting point is 00:37:53 but I'm actually that one. Yeah. This I guess that I had I could not imagine that I was involved in something that high publicity. No, I understand that feeling of dislocation because I mean I have never been involved with anything as As the gale Well, I don't want to give As a farmer, but I need a comedy show where we had like it was Sarah Shaper show where we had Lisa Lovon as the like Musical guest and she was out there We like I brought her like a cheese plate back in the guest. And she was out there, I brought her like a cheese plate back in the back and then she was out there in the front singing a stay. And I had his mom where I'm like,
Starting point is 00:38:32 I fucking like, I'm listening to this song in MTV and high school. And I was like, I was like, who's the cute girl in the glasses? I like smart looking girls. And then years later there she was. Where did she still look smart? And did she look kind of like, will be the baby? She looked the same. She looked hot and pretty. She looked really rock. Yeah. She, I remember I was one of the people working cameras. She did her very well and I don't like that song. It's us and I'm not a huge fan of hers, but hearing her play it right here. It was a very emotional, because it was like, I don't like this song, but I heard it every day for two years.
Starting point is 00:39:14 At a time when I was growing up, all those memories came from it. I still don't like it. But it was a very thrilling song. A personal... Enough interesting things. Yeah, but it was like but it was a very thrilling personal enough interesting things sub-aggrandization I don't know if I should have on movies in the show Yeah, but we'll go into the razzies
Starting point is 00:39:34 There were the anti-askers They were like, ah! It's great about the razzies and the Oscars is that neither of the really neat anything from the razzies knowing So we saw the razz you went We saw it like actually you were the guest star. I was, I remember, I was very happy when it swept the rezzies, because I had seen it.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Yeah. And then what was that? I know who killed me. It was better. On the worst picture. It matters. I think Dan gave it a, you did some watch this. Yes.
Starting point is 00:40:00 I think I like it a lot, but I don't think that was it. I don't remember. He was bad. He was still fun. I thought it a lot, but I don't think that was it. I don't remember. You remember that. This was bad. We were still fine. I thought it was funny. I thought it was really funny how weird it was.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Sure. Sure. I don't know about that. I think it's like a little more than you're loving. You know what he likes watching movies? He's never. Do you have a strippers? Don't take their clothes off in other fingers, Paul.
Starting point is 00:40:19 If you've had a stripper on the robot head, how can you argue with movie that is a stripper on the robot head? That hand should got in a special the razzies on the alone did tie with herself for worst actress because if you recall the film you had a split personality where she played two roles
Starting point is 00:40:36 into characters and both of them very different one worst actress of me different characters as well as worst screen couple. Actually, I believe I know we killed a name is the highest razzi winner in history with eight razzies. That's a sure little fucking razzy dude. It's a Titanic and Ben Hur of razzies. I feel like the problem with doing a segment
Starting point is 00:40:55 on the razzies is we have to keep saying razzie. Yeah. Oh my god, but it makes me feel kind of like a child. It's like what people wanted to say super duper to today. I'm like, should I do that? Yeah. I just, I think we might be when news anchors say blame for kids by television. Well, I'm watching news for kids.
Starting point is 00:41:16 And he's WZ, the number four KIDZ. It's done for three minutes from 457, being the 5PM on PBS channel. You're reading news for kids and highlights for kids. Yes, I read weekly reader. That's right, I'm reading news. Right, right, you're rig. You're rigging it. Oh, this is good. Fucking, the Koala Bears are cute.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Oh, no. We're getting next to our extra. I'm surprised that's breaking news. I'm going to end for a while For a while, she's still living. To know if the story honors clean their belief. This will be the best plot house for people to listen to. They want to listen to the three of us laughing. So razzies, they were in bug light and they killed me. They didn't like
Starting point is 00:42:07 Norbert on it. Yeah, I like to explain that that Norbert, the only film not made for both the razzie and Oscar. So there's got to be something there. I got to explain it to you. I didn't suggest for Greek moment that in preparation for this show, we should watch Norbert. And Elly said, no, I don't like Norbett and the other thing is frankly after watching Good Luck Chuck I don't know if we have another shini comedy in this dude I think it'll kill me. That's the thing like a bad harmony a bad drama a bad romance any day a week but a bad comedy is it's fucking work man yeah yeah just to sit there you kind of want to get up and leave yeah you want to look around and make sure nobody knows you're watching.
Starting point is 00:42:47 There's nothing worse than watching them. Except maybe I don't know. Like watching your children get run over by a car. That's probably not the same. It depends, there's more cleanup with the children. But if they're getting run over while Dane Cook is pulling bases, even in the truck then yeah that's worse. Oh that's worth. This is this is sort of interesting only three movies
Starting point is 00:43:10 that won razzies. I know the good year for Phil huh? And they can't get along. This is a solid year for movies. The fact that you soak you that those movies sweep the razzies but also that the movie is not in for Academy Awards for the most part we're not bad. No I can argue with any of them. There's no there's no crash in this uh there's no crash there was no I mean no with the English patient which is an okay movie. There was no one to Russell Proof Punch of Gladiator and a beautiful mother. Is that like not I feel like none of the acting awards this year could be I haven haven't seen Lovian roads, so I don't know for sure But I mean, so this went into solid. Daniel D'Lewis was amazing as people were like he is chewing the scenery
Starting point is 00:43:53 And it's like yeah, and he's doing it fantastic Like he's creating a human being who choose the scenery and he had the best voice in movies And the best must actually And, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:44:09 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and,
Starting point is 00:44:17 and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and It's like jokes about Aguio Berta and Sparicop in the past. Too many times. It was shocking.
Starting point is 00:44:26 And it's also like, yeah, he's done a silly haircut. Like, in the 70s, he's playing the Venus-Man in the world. Like, why should he have a costume? He would just think that you're a therese. That was the thing. I thought his character wasn't crumbling me. He would just say really hurtful. I'm kind of feeling...
Starting point is 00:44:45 ...share. So, we've talked a little about the Razzes there. Are we gonna... I don't know that there's actually a lot to say about it, but as a bad movie podcast, I thought we should touch on it. Yeah, I mean, I think they got a little over zealous with their hatred for... Yeah, they should have spread the love around. ...rather than matters, matters frankly having watched good luck Chuck
Starting point is 00:45:07 right I don't know if it's fair to not do something to make sure that's a worse film yeah it is works but also in a year when there's so many of those like meet the Spartans epic movie type me I feel like it's it's strange that now, basically. It makes me want to cut my eyeballs out of my head and then fill my eye sockets with fucking bees or something like that. With bees who are fucking. No fucking bees. I like that you often go to like bees or scorpions.
Starting point is 00:45:38 So, when you're going for like some sort of, you know, strapped against metaphor or or similarly, um, undead liveried incident. Okay, they killed my father. So that said, happens. At this point in the show, our raw audio went over time, and we were forced to start a new file, which we were going to release as a second part of this podcast, the flop house here in review. However, that second file has been lost thanks to the evil gnome that lives inside my computer. We mourn its passing. But we will be back in two weeks
Starting point is 00:46:11 with another regular episode of the flop house. Also, visit to post on our all new flop house forums or drop us a line at Also, if you have the time, take a moment to vote for us at podcast alley or writer view on iTunes. So for my co-host Stuart Wellington, Elliot Kaelin, and me Dan McCoy. Thanks for listening to the flop house. Good night. You're gonna have to be your own? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Why the F9? I'm not ready for you. Yeah, dude. You don't want to have to go get that little hot jam? That would just break it up. No, I don't know for my, uh, my kids best friends. That's where I like it. Yeah, that would be that one.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Really? No. Rest the area, like, sports. I rest the area like sports life. You know, or a Gentile. I'm in Palli. you

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