The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode Five - Saw III

Episode Date: October 29, 2007

In the second of our special Halloween episodes, the gang gets caught in the deathtrap that is Saw III. Meanwhile, Simon spins an elaborate handstand analogy, Stuart gets turned on by Icyface, and Dan... offers Jigsaw's girlfriend a little relationship advice.0:00 - 0:40 - Introduction and the special "Halloween Remix" Flop House Theme0:40 - 2:31 - Partial synopsis of Saw III, courtesy of Wikipedia2:32 - 29:49 - Does unremitting torture and pain appeal to you?  Then, why not watch Saw III, so you can go through a little of it?  ZING!  You got zinged, Saw III!29:50 - 32:53 - Final judgements.32:54 - 36:57 - The sad bastards recommend.36:58 - 39:00 - THE SHOCKING DENOUMENT!39:01 - 43:00 - Podcasty business, next show teaser, goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In this episode of The Flop House, we discuss Saw 3, and movie that delivers exactly what it promises. It is, in fact, the third Saw movie. And now, the special Halloween remix of The Flop House theme. When I was working at my laboratory, one night, there were a bunch of werewolves there, and they were totally jamming, and they were all so mommies! The werewolves and mommies were there, and they were totally jamming, and there were also mummies.
Starting point is 00:00:25 The werewolves and mummies were friends, and there were two Dracula's there. And an invisible man! This is only funny to you, goddamnit! Here is a partial synopsis of Saul III, courtesy of Wikipedia. In flashback scenes, Detective Eric Matthews, Donnie Walberg, escapes the bathroom he was left in in Saw 2 by breaking his foot. He gets into a vicious fight with Amanda Young, Shawnee Smith, who eventually overcomes him and leaves him for dead. Before she leaves, Matthews calls Amanda a junkie bitch and tells her she isn't Jigsaw,
Starting point is 00:01:06 causing her evident distress. Other flashbacks show that Amanda had been working with John Kramer, the Jigsaw killer, Tobin Bell, prior to the events of the first film. And the present Detective Kerry, Dean Amayr, is investigating the corpse of Jigsaw's latest victim, intrigued by the fact that his trap was inescapable, in a break with Jigsaw's MO. When Carrie returns home, she is kidnapped and put in a trap of her own. When the given escape method fails and Amanda arrives, Carrie realizes this trap is also inescapable and is killed.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Meanwhile, a dying Jigsaw orders the abduction of two final victims, Lynn Dinlin, a skilled bit depressed doctor, and Jeff Reinhart, a father obsessed with revenge against the drunk driver that killed his son. A collar holding several shotgun shells and hooked to the jigsaw's medical equipment is locked on Lynn, who is tasked with keeping John alive until Jeff's tests are completed under threat of death. If John, the jigsaw flat minds, the shells will go off and kill her. Jeff has led through an abandoned meat packing plant, where he's given the choice to rescue
Starting point is 00:02:13 three of his top targets of revenge from a variety of timed tracks. Does Jeff make it through? Does he survive the test? Does anyone survive? If previous episodes of this podcast are any indication, all will be spoiled for you before we're done. And now let's join the others in the flop house. I was really drunk. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:02:35 All right, let's stop arguing over which podcast we were drunkest in and start the podcast. Sure, let's start it right now. Welcome to the flop house, I'm Dan McCoy I'm Simon Fisher I'm still with it but I have to go get a beer okay well I'm sure that this time and I can keep up your side of the conversation sure while you do that hold on I'm getting a text message from a lot of stress and woman so so oh before we start my podcast tonight, I'd like to point out one thing, and that is there's going to be a shocking twist ending to this podcast. It's a fucking shock even to me.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Interesting. So, wait for that. Okay, it's gonna be fun. Can they start speculating early on? They can't start speculating, and I'm actually going to go get the timer, which I forgot to set for the podcast. So now you two, let's take a minute. Hey, well, our viewers are speculating.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Stuart, what do you think the twist is going to be? I think it might have something to do. My prediction is that these podcasts are not actually being put up onto the internet at all. And Dan's just been recording them Like, the mic was never even plugged in That's gonna be the twist ending That's gonna be the twist ending
Starting point is 00:03:52 I'm not actually a stand-in For me, the twist ending will be that I find out that we're actually recording this for the internet Because I thought this was just some band-aid piece that he did No, no, okay, see, we were totally on different pages then It is that weird and it's like twilight. It's like a mirror duckling, man. Exactly, dude, we're like an opposite days.
Starting point is 00:04:11 So, Dan, Dan's got a beer, Steve's got a beer, I got a beer, we're all ready to sit down and have a good talk about the movie we watched this evening, which was, Saw Three. It's right, Saw Three. Yeah, I am. I am, first of all, who among us here has seen Saw 1 and 2?
Starting point is 00:04:29 I know I am. Sure, I raised my hand or saw it. Say that you have. I've actually seen both movies here. I have as well, despite, I would say not being a Saw fan. Sure, that's fair. Why aren't you a Saw fan, Dan? I think we should.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Let me go first. Here's the reason why I'm not a Saw fan. It's because they're not horror movies at all. Oh, that's interesting. Let me explain. There's something I got in the video store. They are filed under the horrors. That's true.
Starting point is 00:04:52 The problem is most video stores don't feel comfortable having a section called Snuff Films, which is why the song movie gets slid over in the horror section. There's never been anything in any one of the three song movies that was scary. Because they're not horror movies. They're clearly not setting out to make you afraid. What they're doing is like, hey, you want to see a bunch of fucked up tortures for the next two hours? It's a buffet of unpleasantness. Yes, what it is is like, it's almost as though someone was like, man, if I read a horror movie like, I have this cool desi and they're like, oh yeah, that's's weird I have this one and they're like hey fuck that let's just put all these coolest dead scenes in a movie
Starting point is 00:05:28 Wouldn't that be awesome like no, it's called a snuff though It does snuff though First you just the question like are there people out there saying to themselves I want something that's just gonna make me feel really like unpleasant and uncomfortable and and wins I really yeah, I'm really looking for an experience that I don't know, just kind of fucked up. You know, like I want to see something really fucked up. And I said this earlier, I want to make it clear,
Starting point is 00:05:51 I am far from a moralist when it comes to movies. No good. I love violence in movies. It's great. I love sex in movies. Right. I think those are two of the primary reasons people go to the movies. Yes, absolutely. In terms of like horror movies that have a torture as an element I thought Hostel was a good movie
Starting point is 00:06:10 Because I think that Hostel is sort of like in a lot of ways like sort of a black comedy And it's also making a point about like Americans abroad I mean I think the point that was the Hostel's got a lot going for It isn't just a series of like man That's fucked up, huh? How about that shit? So yeah, go any going into this I was I was I was in middle of the expecting a lot more the same from the sky damn song I mean I was not fucking disappointed at all bunch of fucked up tortures and deaths that were all just sound theory Signifying now, you know, I'm going to
Starting point is 00:06:44 agree with Bo- Whoa! And say that in like some movies. Um, partly because they're not horror movies. Partly because you know what? I think, um, Groove Goldberg shit is kind of boring. If I'm waiting up in an awesome game of Maustrek, I'll crack out the box.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Now you are a admitted lover of final destination to however. That's true. Shit. It doesn't get much more root goldberg than that. It um, to knock the bonkets down for a good morning. Oh my god. Okay. Do I need... Okay now I'm going to defend final destination to do it for one. That movie is way stupider. Yeah, that's true. There's more explosions. It clearly is a movie that does not take itself near seriously as the screeners have sought to demand that you take their movies.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Well, right, because Saul seems to believe that it is imparting a moral lesson to the viewer. I think it's the worst part. The worst part is you watch these fucking movies and I'm 100% convinced that whoever is responsible for this film making I don't know the record the screenwriter whoever someone is firmly convinced that like it feels like every time I watch the movie I can see them behind my shoulder being like so it's got a point though. I mean think about it
Starting point is 00:07:55 So it's got fucking point like no fuck that what how is this a fucking movie? How are you? Literally advocating like you know what that guy was kind of a douchebag probably should have had This fucking feet chopped off. I don't know whatever the thing is that if that was actually the case If you actually think that these guys spend that much time thinking about their fucking movie that they would actually Come up with some kind of like moral judgment. They'd be like, you know what? So I've got a point like he may only kind of deserves to have their feet chopped off The thing is that's not the case
Starting point is 00:08:24 What I think it is is that here's a bunch of fucking dickheads that saw the movie Seven, popular movie Seven, and they're like, you know what? Let's just do that one. That shit made a lot of money. I like making money. What's making shit load of those? Right, but in Seven.
Starting point is 00:08:41 I like that. I like stews reading, because it's just As cynical but for totally different But in seven they make it clear that this guy is crazy that that he's obsessed with the seven deadly sins and that makes him crazy Sure, so I mean I think I think that we could say then the what's the what stew suggesting is that they are not only I don't know Completely lacking in a sense of originality, but they are also crappy at making movie. I mean, the difference is, Jigsaw sees people who, I guess, have some sort of on-wee about their lives.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Well, in most cases, that's what it seems to come down to. In most cases, it's never like, like, none of the people did like a bad thing. Like, it wasn't like, oh yeah, that guy raped 10,000 grandmothers. He was a true monster It's like yeah You're just fucking not appreciating what you got very much so check this shit out I'm about to put a shit a little palms you See if you pull them all out I'm telling us a wire to Josh. Yeah, fuck have fun. Dude. He's a hammer
Starting point is 00:09:42 Like this the fucking movie right now. I hear it, don't steal that. That's not a copy. You can't put that in Saw 5. Go ahead, hell. It's called Hammer Man. Wait, it's called, um, lots of bombs in your mouth. No, no, no, no, hold on. It's not called Saw. Let's call it the Jigsaw Murder. No, wait, no, that's already taken too, I think. Probably.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Can I say, um, one thing that bothers me about the Saw movies is I do not find the the song mask creepy anyway? Well, that's I you know what that's that's it looks like some perhaps an eighth grader made a pinata in art class And they were like you know well you know what a what a sort of beef up this poorly made like face I don't know put a little like spirals on the cheek. No, let me tell you some. I think we could probably use that as a as like a touchstone for the entire Saw movie experience made by eight year olds. I think let's just because again like I mean I don't want me to harp on this but the fact that this for being ostensibly a scary movie and it's just people dying. It's just such like this weird like childish idea of what's scary. Oh man, seeing someone die weird. Like it's so stupid. Right, what if you had to make a choice between putting your face in acid or having ants eat off
Starting point is 00:10:56 your legs? Like that's what it said. Like I said, it's like a bunch of fuckers sitting around. Like it's a bunch of high school freshmen sitting around getting high in their parents' basement. Like, whoa Whoa wait, which would you rather do have all your fingernails pulled off by fucking skeletons? Or have to fail or do it like I don't know That's much cooler If there was like a movie about skeletons, probably people's fingers are really scary That's scary But you're saying it's like it it's like, would you rather the movie?
Starting point is 00:11:26 Right, yep. Would you rather have sex with a bunch of monsters or get in a fist fight with two aliens? Or like the classic one being a friend of mine, positive to me, was if your dad was dying of terminal illness and the only way to cure him was to fuck him in the ass, would you do it? That was given to you by your best friend of all, I mean, something that you break really highly in like, in the world of people. Well, no, this person is very near and dear to me, but there's a period of time where the fucking would you rather game was getting a lot of fucking play time. And that one was a One to like I don't want to play that's live in your mind like it is it's very small
Starting point is 00:12:09 But you can tell me burned in there first of all I think you would have difficulty maintaining an erection Probably in hospital sure If you're already there with the fact still we're trying to fix with your father's father was dying you would maintain that Yeah, you would find that the somewhere like somewhere deep in your heart the the fucking shits would give you that Directly the right to you so as we needed to save your father now getting off top I would like to say I'm in addition to the whole torture problem being non-scariness of torture And I you know don't get me wrong. I was getting tortured in real life Pretty fucking scared, but as a third party well again like I mean Just I just want to throw the sound because I don't want to get bogged down this weird psychological conversation
Starting point is 00:12:53 I don't think any of us are quick to actually follow through with it But I don't know like if it's like that mechanism in your brain to get scared watching a good scary movie It's probably not the same I would imagine reaction that's happening as you're anticipating I don't know getting tortured. I think it's a different thing. I think that's the point that these fucking soft fuckers seem to miss. There are things that are scary and there are things that I would really very sincerely rather not happen to me. The thing about the software franchise is that so much of it is rather than any kind of fear
Starting point is 00:13:25 it's that like almost excited anticipation as to see what kind of cool torture they're gonna introduce like. Oh man, he just entered another room. Oh shit, the door just slammed behind him. What awesome new trap did he enter into? Oh no, a bunch of hammers are gonna smash his face. Now let's talk about those. This hammer's suspended above the door and like I got like a bucket? No, you're not. Yeah, I mean the worst trick ever, Dan. You are not hired to work on my fucking middle. I can't remember that cool skeleton idea.
Starting point is 00:13:56 This is if Saul was less a mastermind than a prankster. You're like a crazy prankster. Yeah, but let's talk about what a fucking mastermind saw is because he's a fucking super mastermind Okay, the in twist of this movie twist as It's a loose interpretation of the word but to make this work So I have to be able to anticipate exactly what every human Is going to do in each scenario and he always does it perfectly and that's what I admire about because he's a genius I mean, he's three he's three for three at this point. Yeah, he's oh god
Starting point is 00:14:31 He's so fucking good and he's so good at fucking designing these guy dim traps And I don't and I don't get where he gets the money for the traps or the sock and so He's yeah, well that's the thing like I think what I think is interesting is first your confusion is how saw must have gone to some kind of like school where he learned all about how people react to certain environment and it's a joke. But Simon is more interested in the actual physical like the trap aspect like financing, how he creates this death like warehouse. Which is what that does is you just you just cast a light on the multifaceted nature of sauce genius
Starting point is 00:15:09 well I think so I think so many fucking levels I think Simon wants like a song movie that's kind of like Batman begins where they're just seeing where like Michael Cain is like so so what we're gonna do is we're going to order all of the back traps through. Okay, first of all, I'm sorry, I'm gonna interrupt you. That is an incredible Michael Caterpillar. So I'm tremendously impressed by that.
Starting point is 00:15:30 He's practiced that? A little bit. It's fucking really good. It's a really good Michael Caterpillar. Here's the thing. I think we would, I think of, like I could, I don't, the problem is the movie at this point, they have to make that move. Like they have to explain.
Starting point is 00:15:44 It's the same problem. Like they have to explain it. It's the same problem. Like we were talking about when we were watching the Goddamn thing. If they had just in the first one, or maybe it was more the second one when they were revealed, like, oh, he's like a guy who has like, too much brain cancer. No, that was the first one. If they just kept their fucking mouth shut and was like, yeah, you know what, he's just a mysterious shadow. We figured that fucks people up.
Starting point is 00:16:03 He's a real weird dick. Instead, they fucking had to do that God did thing where it's like well We all the viewers some explanation like no you don't cuz everyone went into it like I can't see people don't go see slash Removies to be like well wait a minute and explain very well why the killer kills people doesn't fucking matter That's not why you see those fucking movies. And speaking of which, I have never seen a killer talk more than Jigsaw talks in this film. Everything Jigsaw says in this movie is like the final Super villain explanation in a Bond movie or every monologue out of his mouth.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Daniel, you didn't realize this when I started the movie. I'm going to talk for the next 15 minutes. Then you will see a quick snippet of someone telling followed by 20 more minutes of conversation. Or you didn't understand this too. I had this planned out from the beginning. See, it all started on October 21st. When I took pictures of you and your little son living in the playground.
Starting point is 00:17:08 And then I decided to kill him. So we have a lot of problems with the Sawfer and Chess in general. What I would like to point out is problems exclusively to Saw 3. That's what we just immediately wants well all right. This is the this is the movie where Lady saw comes into us. We don't know the character's name Lady saw Amanda I like lady so what's color lady saw so I'm late by a shani Smith So it's good movies will reveal baby saw who say to them was in the remake of the blob and had like a small part in the stand of many series. She was the guy that uh Nick ran the lows of the deaf guy in that new hometown.
Starting point is 00:17:50 The crazy, the dog, the crazy woman. Kind of pretty, kind of pretty for a female serial killer. Lady Saw. Lady Saw. I don't know. I mean it's hard to talk about this movie alone because we were saying that this movie appears to be convinced that all of the audience is like a huge saw fan that has studied Saul Lourw. You know because so much of this movie is a flashback to the earlier films to show us that Lady
Starting point is 00:18:14 Saul was actually there the whole time. Like even the first movie before she was really introduced as a character other than like one of his victims like hey guess what you know she's the one the kid at that one guy weird She put Carrier always in that room Yeah, like they all these movies first of all seem to take place no more than like a within a week of each other And it's all like and they and they're and they're at this point by the third one It seems like they are retro fitting a trilogy in yeah, but really this is how that thing that happened the first one plays out now and the problem is I don't care no one remembers what happened the first fucking saw what they remembered is that carry out was at the end
Starting point is 00:18:52 Was fucking handed up and he saw it off his own like and then the guy was in the room the whole time That's all fucking anyone remembers because it was not a memorable movie Well, they made three of them. Yeah, I know. They keep making money. However, let's also point out the Lionsgate, well apparently, just should be any goddamn thing. That's true. Well, they have a shotgun style of marketing, where it's like, as many movies as possible,
Starting point is 00:19:14 we just threw them out there, wonderful, we'll stick to the wall. I would like to point out though, with what you said about the trilogy. The funny thing is, sought to was actually a movie that was rushed into production when Saw was popular, and they just took a script that was sort of similar to Saw And I turned it into a Saw film. That's an awesome piece of trivia. It's like you know diehard Three and four both started out as non diehard
Starting point is 00:19:38 Scrips and they just like we need another die hard. Let's just take this thing This thing kicking around that script pile and so it's weird now that they've decided it. Oh, John Clingle. They got to link all the movies so tightly together. Well, I don't... I guess I just don't understand why it's necessary. Why do they feel that that's like... We gotta... We gotta justify our existence a little bit here. Yeah. Like, what's the bigger story?
Starting point is 00:20:04 What's going on with Lady Saw? What's her motivations? Yeah, like Friday the 13th managed to squeeze out, you know, like, tens of movies, basically just replaying the same scenario. Right, and you know what? They're all fucking really fun to watch. You know, because you're like, man. You're really good. Yeah, the seventh one is really good, because it's got a lot of interesting new things in it. Like, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,'re really good. Yeah, the seventh one is really good because it's got a lot of interesting new things in it like the The fellow kinetic yeah, it's got this fucking psyche girl, which is a really cool twist. That was really awesome Jason looked really cool that one too. It looked his most wrong. Let's know okay
Starting point is 00:20:34 Let's not talk about it all some friends of 13 this as a franchise Xive and like Jason X how how slowly it took us to get into the actual saw and how often we Degressive other movies indicates just how much we enjoy Well, it's a it's a it's a stupid movie and it's I mean it's it's it's it's it's watchable like it isn't like Stupid it's just such like a dumb thing. It's like imagine like if someone was like hey want to see me Do a handstand and then also like hop up and down on my hands at the same time and like uh, yeah I guess. And they do it like really, really well, but ultimately you don't really care because
Starting point is 00:21:09 it's not that cool the thing. No, that's alright, I guess. Like, I don't really care though. Like, no, no, wait, though, I'm going to do it again. This time I'll have a box on the bottom of my feet. Like, no, I didn't, that's fine, dude. I kind of got the point the first time. I'm like, no, no, wait, though.
Starting point is 00:21:21 What if I told you this person over here told me that skill and you're there to do with me? Oh, okay, I really don't care at all. That's the best analogy I've ever heard of. Okay, my problems are so off three are as follows. Hey, from one, it was really boring. There was a lot of dead time. A lot of huge pastures. During the weird brain surgery part. There was like a 15 minute brain surgery that felt like it occurred in dead time. It was a huge past. It was during the weird brain surgery part. Really bored. There was like a 15 minute brain surgery
Starting point is 00:21:46 that felt like it occurred in real time. They were showing each step of the brain surgery as if it was a train accident. And a lot of it was shots of Sawas face. And he was kind of like, he was given this kind of weird like James Bader from Sex Lies and Video Tape, sexy face face, that I really didn't know how to read. Now after that, there was also like
Starting point is 00:22:06 dude who played Robert the Bruce and Braveheart like trying to save like trying to get revenge on his like sons killer. The problem with that was that like it was such like weirdly tacked on. The whole point of the story was more like the bad guy and his like protege which does like this is a fucking horror movie dude. What the fuck? Like, this isn't like, hey, I need to really understand what's going on in Jigsaw's life. Like, I don't give a shit because that's not scary. Right? Or interesting.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Or interesting friends. Like, where do they go to by groceries? Let's investigate that. Like, how are things going between Saul and Lady Saul? Like, I wonder if there's have any problems. Oh, they are shit! That's scary! Thank Christ there's this really cool backdrop story involving Robert the Bruns. Yeah, and also at the end it all turns out that it was a test that Jigsaw was putting on Lady Saw.
Starting point is 00:22:56 And that's how we found out they were ever problems. Huh. Because he felt the need to do it. Man, that's, that's a relationship. No, it's a struggle. Yeah, it's a little bit of a secret. Yeah, I'm gonna man. You should've seen it coming. When a man comes up with an elaborate series of murder-related tests. This is not his girlfriend. Sure, this is not the kind of guy you want to be a part of.
Starting point is 00:23:13 You're making bad decisions at this point. There are many other fish in the sea. Nice guy. It's good, good God. Good, non-serial kids. Sure, they probably would murder anybody with a weird, elaborate bear trap. Well, we would never come up
Starting point is 00:23:25 You know there's that one part in the movie where that lady is naked first of all first of all first nude scene in a saw movie It was ice lady. Yeah, and then she got Face she got sprayed with a bunch of water and then she froze to death and that was really weird and not true Not scary at all Yeah weird and not true I'm not scary at all yeah was there a Roddix it was I actually had to sneak away for well this was yeah I'm ready it was underrated it was pretty rock icy face died and then there was a guy who's gonna get drowned in ground up decoupling to proposing pigs then we got shotgun yeah but that guy got saved.
Starting point is 00:24:05 And there was like, well, you know what? I don't even want to talk about all this in the dev this movie. What I want to talk about is the fact that this guy, Robert the Bruce, has spent the last however many years of his life consumed with the fact that he must claim some kind of justice for the death of his son. He must have it.
Starting point is 00:24:22 There is no sense in living in this world. That's a big idiot machine. There's no, it's all horror. There can be, there must be reason in his son. He must have it. There is no sense in living in this world. That's a big idiot machine. There's no, it's all horror. There can be, there must be reason in his life. There must be some recompense. So, Saw sets up a thing where it's like here's your chance to get there revenge blah blah blah. And at each step of the way Robert the Bruce reveals, you know what? Not that bad of a go. He tries to save him each time, sometimes succeeding, other times not. But he can let it go. The last ten seconds of the fucking movie, it's all this big elaborate scheme where Saul's like,
Starting point is 00:24:51 Here's your chance to kill me, Robert the Bruce, and then he fucking does it! Like this just happened dude 12 minutes ago. And nothing really that bad happened to you. Oh god! Speaking of this just happening 12 minutes ago, I think it bears mentioning that the end wall of Lady Sa is lying dying. Sa explains his scheme in great detail to her. And the flashbacks go right up to things that occurred one minute earlier in the movie. I got a weird- I got a weird- I remember things that occurred one minute earlier in the movie
Starting point is 00:25:30 Remember when that happened a minute ago now there's a bit of a different twist in there Like what you see is the fucking synopsis and my brain started firing me and it's like, okay, it was a big test at the end like No, I remember 20 seconds ago when she shot that lady. Why is this a flashback? So yeah, I'm gonna be I'm Robert the Bruce, okay? I just got through this crazy death trap where three dudes accidentally got killed who I kind of want to die But I try to save but they still died Now you know worse for the way I'm just yeah, I'm no worse for the way I like I end up having like I get a gun with one bullet in it You know, I'm going through this weird ass warehouse All of a sudden I see somebody get shot it turns out it's my wife and I'm like, oh my god
Starting point is 00:26:09 I didn't want that to happen. So I shoot the person who shot my wife and I'm staying in this weird like emergency room and my wife's dying. She's got this weird ass collar with a shitload of shotgun shells strapped to it. My man, that's weird. And then I see this dude talking a lot who's lying in bed with a bunch of like it looks really sick and You've never seen before who I've literally never seen before and for absolutely no reason What I think he would have any effect on me because to truth he looks like a total invalid, right? He's literally completely an invalid at this point. Yeah, so why would I want to chop him up with a giant like he then says to you There's only I can I can get your wife to say There's a chance that she can still be saved because she's bleeding to death right now
Starting point is 00:26:49 There's a chance that she can be safe. I can say for the only thing I need for you to do is just let it all go Wait, wait, wait, wait Simon You're not saying in the creepy enough voice There's there's only one more thing you have to do Robert the Bruce That's forgive me or you can torture me with these torture Impliments and you know what he just fucking kills and it's fucking really weird. It's a really fucking weird thing today I think you sound a lot like Ted Levine in TV's monk. Yeah Well Ted Levine specifically in like joy ride
Starting point is 00:27:22 That weird or like sounds like I'm so weird. Just a think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die.
Starting point is 00:27:40 I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I think I'm going to die. I anger towards me if you do that I can get your wife to safety There'll be plenty of time everything will be okay Just leave me alone But get yourself and him and it'll be fine. That's my that's Michael can't stop and I have my hands over my eyes
Starting point is 00:28:03 And I fucking thought Michael cameister in the room with me It was fucking uncanny. I would have liked Michael canister. I would like Ted Levine is so hey How great would it have been if Michael can't been in that movie? That's a fucking watchable guy the thing is Is it I don't I think you're being unfair to Tobin Bell because the actor plays First of all, Tobin Bell like somehow this is Tobin Bell's gravy train. Yeah, this is his softball pitch, like, oh, we're gonna need you to act, um-ish. What are you saying he's normally like that? No, what I'm saying is I'm like, okay,
Starting point is 00:28:35 you're gonna need to show up. Your actual screen time is gonna, if you dance it, come down to about a half an hour. What you're gonna do is you're gonna need to look creepy. Well, we have to get half covered. hour. What you're gonna do is you're gonna need to look creepy. Well, we have to cover. Right. Because normally, somehow you have this thing with your eyes where both eyelids are closed in the middle
Starting point is 00:28:52 but you're looking around and moving somehow. So just look creepy. Just or just do your toes. Yeah, that thing right there, you're doing right there. Where you're looking at me. You're fun creepy. And lie in this bed. And that's pretty much all we need.
Starting point is 00:29:04 What I'm saying is that's pretty much all we need. What I'm saying is that it was probably not just... Oh, you got demanding project. You also have to record a bunch of things in these little minicusset tapes. You can do that from home though. Really just literally send us in the tapes. We can't just those as the props themselves. Because the actual sound effects they use in the movie were the actual fucking tapes
Starting point is 00:29:21 they play. It wasn't fucking ADR or anything. That's how they got that amazing sound qualities because they are from fucking like home fucking tape recordings. Because those fucking little fuckers man, you got a real good sound out of this. Exactly dude. Like I don't see why more like popular recording it. You just fucking stuck up a studio, whatever music studio you wrote with a bunch of those little fuckers because man You got a fucking crisp sound man like a crisp sharp sound. All right. It's time to render our final She votes ill for some of the three and I have to remind you and our listeners of the official flop house
Starting point is 00:30:06 and our listeners of the official flop house categories is this movie you would not recommend to anyone. A movie that you may recommend as a good bad movie, a funny movie, or a movie that you secretly kind of like. I'm going to create for my verdict a special subcategory the second one. First of all, it's Moveshorple, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. However, there is a huge population of people out there who are douchebags of love's soul. They should fucking see it, because you know what? It's a fucking totally... It's a song movie.
Starting point is 00:30:32 You're gonna get a bet for that. Yeah, they're gonna fucking eat this shit up! See you guys should totally check it out. Alright, fair enough. That's a... I can comfortably say that Simon's right, if people like some movies, they will like this song movie as it is a song movie. I don't remember your verdicts.
Starting point is 00:30:49 You just make up your own, I did. You know, for the first time in a while, I actually, I mean, I had some fun watching this movie. I mean, I think it's retarded, but I had fun like saying like, that's retarded. I was also really drunk, so that might affect what I thought. So what you're saying though is that you might recommend it. I might recommend it to watch and be like this is retarded. I'm going to say that this is by far my least favorite movie
Starting point is 00:31:18 with watch. I would probably agree. Well, I didn't know that's not it. And I was saying the phone was the worst thunder was yeah that movie was way fucking shitty It was worse, but I enjoyed watching it more. Yeah, this movie. I just found unpleasant Santa Thunder was tired some time and the thing is I've noticed like a trend like Simon usually get like angriest at the movies and Stewart is sort of philosophical Whereas I'm more analytical sure that's their different stuff sort of philosophical, whereas I'm more analytical. Sure, that's sort of different stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:45 But I want to fucking spice in me, but this movie just made me angry. Well, see, this is, this is, see, not yet understand. Oh, the shit, so we're changing roles. No, no, there's, like, as I fucking makes me mad too, I don't analyze that I fucking hate this goddamn move. I'm just filled with fucking poison and vanguard for it. And, and see, now you fucking know now now you can see what it's like to be mean where you can't enjoy things and you're just filled
Starting point is 00:32:09 with hatred for everything. Sure. Like venom, like snake venom. Just all kind of like black shit and centipedes. It's all I'm filled with. It sounds delicious. It is. It sounds like something to make a great intro to a Saw movie. I made a bit of a movie. Yeah, that actually would make a much better intro than any of the other sides. I feel like it's a shell of a black sub at the centipedes. Oh, I get the dude walked out and it's like, Didn't you know, Saw's already dead. And he cuts on his chest and the shit a lot of centipedes jump out.
Starting point is 00:32:38 That would be fucking really cool. The dude who came out would be wearing like a pig face mask. Like that. Yeah, I guess. I think that pig face mask. this. Yeah, I guess. I think that pig face mask. Do they wear it's fucking purg'd by the way? That was a stupid idiot's idea.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Oh, that's stupid heads. Stupid town. Let's put stupid town car behind us. Let's... Stupid town recedes in our rear view mirror. Let's say... By the way, good say. Let's talk about things that we like over in like town. I
Starting point is 00:33:06 Fucking love like town. So hey, Steve. What do you like again? I would it is October maybe an overlooked horror film recommendation some kind. Stewy. What do you got? I have a really bad memory right now, but The fucking movie just wants. Yeah, I worked I was gonna recommend that I watched black sheep last night and now it wasn't a great movie or really that good movie in the long run but I really got a really good Gore effects that's some really good shots of the
Starting point is 00:33:36 beautiful New Zealand countryside and at the end of the day it was a movie about shit isn't something New Zealand nice pretty good I can, I can dig it. This is what you sometimes... It's funny accident day here in the world. It was about... Wait, which one am I gonna do?
Starting point is 00:33:51 I don't know, just come along. It's like the rest of your thing. It was... It was about... Sheep who killed humans. It was terrible. It's awesome. Damn, what do you like?
Starting point is 00:34:03 Well, it's your favorite attraction in Leicetam. This isn't that overlooked, but it is overlooked compared to a lot of other zombie movies. I would say people, if they're looking for a good zombie movie, maybe they haven't seen, return to the living dead. Now, like, return to the living dead came to be because John Russo, the guy who co-wrote a night of the living dead with George Romero, he owned half of the rights Dead came to be because John Russo, the guy who co-wrote a night of the Living Dead with George Romero, he owned half of the rights to the whole sort of life. The cons of the Living Dead.
Starting point is 00:34:31 So he wrote his own novel, Follow Up, to a night of the Living Dead, and then that novel was turned into a movie that basically had nothing to do with that novel, but a Dan O'Bannon who wrote the screenplays for Alien and Total Recall directed Return of the Living Dead. Is that awesome part in a Ritzen Living Dead where that punk couple is in the graveyard? And the one gets like you think this is a costume? This is a way of life! Yeah, they just take their clothes off. Yeah, she gets completely gay. That was fucking awesome. That movie is awesome. I think she was wearing a mercen- So, I was still my instrument.
Starting point is 00:35:07 But you know, imagine the hot ass merkin she was wearing. Well, I assumed it was. It didn't know any better. I think that you said at best Stuart when you define it, it's sort of a punk rock remake of Night of the Living Dead. Yeah. It's like a punk comedy zombie film. I love it. For my recommendation, I'm going to keep in the same vein, which is very timely because a friend of mine and I had revisited an argument we've had for literally years and years and years. I, a little bit of backstory about me, I think the original light of the living dead is retarded and stupid.
Starting point is 00:35:42 But, and dead is not the friend actually, it's a different friend I'm thinking of however I'm gonna take care of Dan after this. The fucking theatrical remake that came out in the mid 90s of the Night Living Dead remake. Really? The Zürich White Tom Svini is a fucking delight. It is a delightful zondin. Now, here's what I'll say about that. No, you're not a lot of fucking jumping on it. This is a whole new goddamn conversation. Let's look. Can I just say that I do not agree that it is a better movie.
Starting point is 00:36:10 I love the original line of the living dead. However, I do think that the Tom Savini remake is underrated. Okay. It caught a lot of flak, because it was remaking a Seminole's on. Sure, it's a movie that was unjustly canonized by people so people attacked like how dare you why would you make this? I was not saying I think I think I think what you're saying is that it's not a very good movie. You don't care for it
Starting point is 00:36:37 Well, remember that Simon also hates Halloween So I do I'm not talking about Halloween How we are fucking start fun defending dairy or gentle moves I know you know you would be you to death. No For facts the original Halloween is very very very bad I don't want to talk about it. It's making me upset so I'm let's move on. Okay. All right Well, there's I was promised to twist ending if I'm not a star. Yeah, yeah, no I was gonna come to that twist ending Well, the twist ending is this, uh, friends, we're all werewolves.
Starting point is 00:37:08 We didn't even, I'm a fucking werewolf, really? You didn't see that coming, did you? I fucking totally did. Where do I transform? I'm in the middle of all these silver bullets, then. So, shit, shit, shit, I'm just gonna die. Quick, call a werewolf doctor. Eating silver bullets is perfectly fine. However, if,. However, if someone had thrown a silver bullet,
Starting point is 00:37:27 I would say, is like trying to get into your mouth, like with the piece of popcorn, and it had to hit you in the chest. It's like vital area. Don't have killed you and you would have died. So I don't need to go to the werewolf dagger. No, good. Close the one.
Starting point is 00:37:39 That was a fucking close call. Wait, did you turn us into werewolves? Or have we just always been werewolves? Never. No, we've been werewolves the whole time. Oh God, I fucking love twist and things. Fucking go school. So I did to do turns in the way else or have we just always been where we was never know We've been where was the whole oh god. I fucking love to his standings. Is it oh there's so much fun Isn't it fun to learn you're a fucking way else? Is that now I'm thinking about like earlier on the night when I was like man wouldn't it be weird if I was a Right I remember in that time that I turned to a were open kill that fucking kid
Starting point is 00:38:03 You're like holy shit.'s all falling into place. Just like you don't know. But what you don't realize is right now They're a podcast listeners across America who are tearing their earbuds out of their ears in horror because they can't believe like They were werewolf the whole time totally spooked at by the fact that they've been listening to three werewolves talked about Those guys are werewol's werewolves werewolves your father was killed by a werewolf werewolf These guys are werewolves werewolves like The nightmare On the anti-we're old literature And then it pulls back and there's like one of those swirling spirals behind his head And he's gripping his head and man this
Starting point is 00:38:48 And then he swirls into the middle of the swirl a swirl looking very similar to the cheeks of the doll in the saw movies Hey should we talk about that that fucking really nice thing you showed me that thing for that guy What the hell are you talking about? You're talking about that good pre- the uh, the uh, the the com Yeah, yeah, no you want to learn our fan. We want to shout out to our one fan. Yeah, what's the cat's name? What was his uh, his candle like Aaron a Aaron Well, we're probably getting your your name wrong which I think is we know what you think, bro I appreciate it. I hope everything's going great in Canada.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Yeah. I hope that no were wolves. Tag you up in Canada? Why don't you send us some Canadian money? Because as I understand it, that's where the future lies. Yes. Your currency's valued and substantially higher than our own. So fucking enjoy that.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Enjoy your increased buying power. Speaking of the future, very soon there's going to be a little movie, well movie released in theaters called Soft For One. So, the thing is that all any complaints that I have, probably once the fourth film's released, that movie will probably clear up any confusion that we've had. And when looking back at the trilogy,
Starting point is 00:40:04 we'll be like oh that's why they should be in full of torture and bullshit. You know it's too thanks for bringing it home you know what it's so often I think that what are these little experiments of Lack is just like a really like a wise like a wise figure a voice of wisdom because you know what I'm sure the fuck it's up they'd probably be like oh man so I really harshly miss judge those other ones you know I kind of view myself as like one of those like voice wisdom like it'll be one can that'll be type day you sure like it'll be a kind of you're like a really like respected like grand fatherly figure please
Starting point is 00:40:34 doctor and doctor math magician I fuck that bird that's out I don't know how to do it leave it is good bird so next time I believe we will be watching if I'm not wrong, perfect stranger. Yeah. Well, do we want to listen to horror movie or do we want to listen to horror movie? First of all, perfect stranger is okay. I got it on the horse section. So perfect stranger next week.
Starting point is 00:40:55 I just want to mention that you can visit us on the web by going to or send us an email at theflophouse Podcast at And if we get a good message, we may respond during the podcast. Also, if you go to the website and you have a little time, click on the link on the side and vote for us at podcast alley. Let other people know that you like the show or click on the link and write a review in iTunes. Tell you how much we sell. Ali let other people know that you like the show or click on the link and writer of you in iTunes
Starting point is 00:41:27 Check out how much we said or recommend a movie for us to watch in future flops. That would be good So we had a lot of laughs, but I think it's about that time the flop house is receiving And so as we wave goodbye, I would like to say... Goodbye, jerk cam. Goodbye, like cam. Goodbye, podcast. That my name is Dan McCoy. My name is Simon Fisher.
Starting point is 00:41:56 And I'm Stuart Wellington. Good night. Good night. Dude, by the way, I'm the one who sounds like Humpty. It's not Simon. Simon sounds like a loud asshole. Yeah, it's like a loud asshole. I'd like to point out that you can visit the show online at www.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Wait, hold on. Now, it's like, just type in, just go to your computer. Just go to your computer and type in the internet. Okay, and this is all I gotta get. And then the fucking, no, no, because that was a good check about the internet, like that, eh? in um you're really committed to like naming which jokes are good at the time I know cuz I feel really good about them sometimes alright okay so you go on to the web internet and what would you have to push You'd put in HTTP. H-T-T-P. H-T-T-P.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Cool. Slash, slash. WWW. No, there's no WWW. That was what fuck me up for. God, no shit. What? What?
Starting point is 00:42:53 Spot, though. Hold on, bag. It's blocked. No one talked. No one talked for a little bit. All right. you

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