The Flop House - The Flop House: Episode Three - A Sound of Thunder

Episode Date: September 17, 2007

The Flop House team listens to (and, unfortunately, watches) A Sound of Thunder.  Meanwhile, Simon plans a diamond heist, Stu does a little Edward Burns math, and Dan apologizes for things he didn't and the entire gang would rather be watching a film about a crime-fighting dinosaur. 0:00 - 0:34 - Introduction and theme music.0:34 - 2:56 - Synopsis of A Sound of Thunder, courtesy of Wikipedia.2:57 - 32:06 - What is the sound of one thunder clapping?32:07 - 35:51- The sad bastards recommend stuff that doesn't suck.35:52 - 39:49 - Goodbyes, theme music, and outtakes.The Flop House Theme courtesy of Keith Burgun.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode of the flop house, we examine a sound of thunder, the movie that made Ray Bradbury prematurely roll over in his non-existent grave. Wikipedia has this to say about the plot of a sound of thunder. According to the film, the established rules of time travel are, one, don't bring anything back, two, don't leave anything behind, and three, don't change anything in the past. These rules were established by a businessman who has recently developed a time machine. With it, he created a business which offers prehistoric safari trips to wealthy hunters. Travis Ryan has been trained to lead these safaris. On one of them, the guides are escorting two men along a path, and they are attacked by an alosaurus,
Starting point is 00:01:05 and the leader's gun fails, so the alosaurus does not die when it was scheduled to do so. Panicked by the attack, one of the explorers steps off the path. The guides exchange gun parts with another gun, kill the alosaurus, and return to the time portal. Unseen to the explorers, a muddy footprint has been left off the path. On the next expedition, Ryan is taking two other hunters on the time Safari, and states that they're about to witness a volcanic eruption, but the volcano was already in the process of erupting, and they are forced to return to the present. The time Safari business calls on Sonia Rand, who invented the time travel machine,
Starting point is 00:01:37 but she refuses to help anyone. Rand explains that since they altered something in the past, the future will proceed to change in a series of time waves. She says that the changes can't happen all at once and they will proceed in order of evolution. First, everything will reset, then the vegetation will change, then wildlife, and finally humans. The business attempts to send Rire back to fix the past, but a time wave hits and all the electricity goes out. Rire and Rand must determine what caused the change before they can fix the past. They discover that a butterfly was stepped on during one trip into the past, and it critically altered the evolutionary chain.
Starting point is 00:02:12 They manage to reach the university, but thanks to various evolutionized creatures and plants, only Rhyr and Rand are still alive. Rand manages to send Rhyr back 65 million and one years to dodge the time waves. Then he is sent forward one year to the point when the original explorers traveled into the past. In the present, the final time wave hits and Rand has turned into a fish-like being. Meanwhile, Rire tells the explorers about everything that will happen in the future. He stops the explorer from stepping off the path and killing the butterfly and the future
Starting point is 00:02:42 is saved. Back in the present, Rire is shown the video of the alternate ryer who saved the future. He requests that they shut down the time portal to stop such an occurrence from ever happening again. And now we join the others in the flop house. Hello everyone. Welcome to the flop house. I'm Dan McCoy. Every time. It's me every time. So I'm in fishing. And Stuart Wellington. I think to start off, what do you think of this film's view of Time Travel? Well, first of all, the movie was about Time Travel.
Starting point is 00:03:15 You noticed that too? I didn't notice that. It's a movie called Subtext. I think it's that guy's text. That could be a Subtext. Text. I'm trying to compare it to other time travel movies. And it's not holding up very well, Dan. Yeah, well, their conception of time travel
Starting point is 00:03:34 is something gets changed in the past. And to be fair, this is based on the classic Ray Bradbury story that brought us the idea of the butterfly effect and the fact that changing the changing the past drastically changes the future so we changed it in the past and these time waves emanate from the past and everything stays the same until one of these waves hits the future and you have full memory of what preceded the wave and you remain fully conscious of everything that's ever happened yeah until such a time as you, I don't know, cease existing.
Starting point is 00:04:06 And this reminds me of a much better movie. I think we can all enjoy it. The butterfly effect. Yes, the butterfly effect. Back to the future. I was actually listening to the commentary track to back to the future recently. Yeah. I was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Okay. And they're talking about how the fact that it literally doesn't it doesn't make any sense the idea that Marty's brother and sister would slowly disappear It's true. No, it's a from that photograph. Why doesn't the photograph just disappear immediately? Right. They never would have said it was sure in the context of that movie it works and the context of this movie Nothing makes sense at all. I'm gonna I'm crazy, and you guys are welcome to, I'm just giving you a few of them if you want. At this point, I don't think anyone should be making time travel movies anymore.
Starting point is 00:04:50 That seems like a bolt's needed. No, no, no, listen, like, you're gonna watch any time travel movie and you're gonna be like, I've never time travel before, but I appreciate this movie's bolt's there. I don't know how you can make a time travel movie and be like, they hit the nail on the head, right there.
Starting point is 00:05:02 That's pretty much how time travel might actually be. What I don't understand is why they apparent only people using time travel in the entire world use it so that people can go back in time and shoot dinosaurs. Well that's human nature's true. All together. All people care about is blood sports. And that specific blood sport in this case is shooting an allosaurus with an ice bullet.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Because you can't believe anything behind in the past, or else you might change the future. So why it's so important that you use a gun that shoots a bullet mane of ice so that there will be no bullet left behind? And to a dinosaur that was about to fall into a tarp it. I guess they somehow found out they're like, okay, we've been taking snapshots of the past.
Starting point is 00:05:50 We discovered there's a certain stupid alosaurus that stumbles into some tar and dies. What if we send people back moments before it dies and shoot it with ice bullets? Well, I mean, it's as if people from the future came back to our time and like to just shoot people in the electric chair Like it turns out that in 15 minutes Simon gets run over by a subway train Let's shoot him with ice bolts or with bolts that make an impact and exit wound look exactly like a subway train
Starting point is 00:06:22 Let's do that right call. They say they're ice boats because of the prehistoric. Exactly. A CSI shit the baby video. You've done dinosaur friends to investigate and be like, worry about man. I think you were witness to the fact that I'd trouble with this while we're watching the movie. Once they change the past, thus changing the future, they can't go back into the past. That was in the weird part. To simply change the past back. They can't go back into the past I was in the weird part just simply change the past back They can't like like ever burns immediately. He's like, oh, you know what? I'm just gonna catch myself the past and tell myself not to do that thing
Starting point is 00:06:53 Like which is pretty much the logical explanation But for some reason once they've changed the past they can't go back to the past Whatever was really weird. However that I mean that illustrates my point with the reason why you can't really make, I mean, let's for a minute just be dorks about it, all right, and talk about time trap. If that's what had happened, wouldn't that be what had happened the first time through? No, because then you don't have a movie, because it's got to be a linear story that progresses from one point to another.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Because otherwise, that would have happened. He would have been there the first time and never would have happened. Well, you're talking about- Why you shouldn't make movies about time trap? What you're talking about time is like a quantum movie which all takes place in an instant No, I don't have every possible story that could be told is told and that is yes, there you go I'm a quantum view of the universe air go. It's time to move it and work for me. Yeah Don't just keep killing the same dinosaur
Starting point is 00:07:42 Yeah, yeah, so why don't they see like all those other jerks that kill that dinosaur and they go back to kill it? That's a good point. I don't know why that is okay for you, but my point was too close! Well, I mean, even on the dumb level that this movie was big-stat, Stuart's point makes sense. Shouldn't they all be converging on themselves all the time? He'm no. He's like, oh, hey, there's Edward Burns number seven and me. How you guys doing? No, we're gonna kill that Alice. Okay, okay, there's a line of your shot. Wait, let's step over each other's tics here. Wait for it. Okay, everybody see now everybody. She's just you know that. That was awesome. Good battle. Now we all have to remember to return, like, I don't know, let's say a week apart from each other.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Otherwise, it'd get really crowded. Our party's just kind of weird. And here's a question. Do you think that multiple Edward Burns would be more exciting than one singular Edward Burns? I do think that. I very much think that. I actually don't think that works. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Anytime, like multiplying zero times or for instance you still get zero. Okay. So I would have gone with the more charitable route and said that it would be like trying to eat a million steaks. Even a steak is delicious. It would be like oh god it's too many steaks. You know what? The steaks ruin that. I don't want to like I know that this whole podcast is predicated on the idea that we're making fun of things. I don't want to be too much of a dick about it, but it seems like Edward Burns is one of these actors that they tried to sell us and we rejected. Other than a supporting role in saving private Ryan, where I don't remember him irritating me, I don't think it's a little. I don't remember saving private Ryan at all.
Starting point is 00:09:17 I would say that he's a charisma, but I don't think he's a little bit of a person who's a little bit of a person who's a little bit of a dick. I don't think he's a little bit of't remember saving private Ryan at all I would say that he's a charisma black hole he's a blank as a person he has the Josh Hartnett factor yeah it's that surname split with a factor the factor of lagging at a certainable personality being very wooden. He's not quite Paul Walker. Okay. He doesn't. He doesn't. All light shining into a banish into like a whole black shirt. This is a certain amount of reflection that happens there. The light reflects a little bit.
Starting point is 00:09:55 What we're talking about was Josh Harden in this movie? Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. I think he was. I know who was in this movie. It was Sir Ben Kingsley. Ben Kingsley wasn't this movie. Mm Ben Kingsley Ben Kingsley was in this Was he wearing a wig? He was wearing a wig straight
Starting point is 00:10:11 It was wearing a bright white wig and I like that little strip a little chin strip. Yes, he had a white So patch as well go on right white wig Let's take a look at the also I think the most important part of his wardrobe of the first character was the almost permanent shooting gritty Why do they put him in wigs in so many movies? I mean, I guess that they figure that a rich guy that successful wouldn't be bold I figured that I think that they think that if we see Bankang's Lee ball all we can think is gone Be got it. We've been bald a lot of other movies too yeah he was bald and uh how's it saying fog um sexy be sexy be he's been bald in a lot of movies yeah better movies than this one yes arguably to any point that's something really interesting on me first I'm watching this movie
Starting point is 00:10:58 this movie was released in 2005 I find that that very, very likely. I think that this movie actually stayed on the shelf for a little while. I find that hard to believe. I'm gonna check that on the internet. Because watching this movie, I'm gonna be the person here. Here's the impression that I got. I got the impression of a movie that was made in maybe 1995.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Whether or not it's on the shelf for any amount of time, I think it's neither here or there. But when it was released, it was released. Directed to the video. Okay, here. Yeah, a sound for any amount of time, I think it's neither here nor there, but when it was released, it was released directly. Okay, here. Yeah, a sound of thunder, 2005 film, directed by Peter Himes, originally planned for a 2002 release. However, flooding in Prague and other financial difficulties, including the bankruptcy of the original production company during post-production. Yeah, so it was supposed to come out in 2002. Delayed for three years. So wait, wait, the production company, the Greenlet this movie.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Brandon, Financial Troubles. Find that very one who's been in the heart to not be really implausible. It's not apparent from the quality of the movie. No, no. Yeah, well, I think that we can't talk about a SoundFinder without talking about the special effects. Yes. So, uh... It's disgust. I'm trying to think of a good... I'm trying... At this whole time, I'm trying to think of a touchstone.
Starting point is 00:12:10 What other movie had special effects that, like, shitty? That's so, like... Oh, look at that, really crappy CGI. Well, I can't come up with a good one. I think you have to go to, like, an original sci-fi channel movie. Like, it has to be like, Man's Ski-toto or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would say, yeah, it's the Ewok movie world. I made this comment as we were watching the movie. That'll friend or? That'll, yeah, exactly. There's literally no effect in this movie
Starting point is 00:12:38 that could not have been done practically that they didn't do doing CGI. Yeah, like any tiny little little things. Yeah, there was a scene in a flooded subway car where there are drips of water coming from the ceiling and they could have easily had actual water dripping from an actual subway car. See what I did here. I think the idea there being that they would have had
Starting point is 00:12:59 to have paid for an actual subway car. Like, shit, we gotta find a scrap subway car somewhere. Let's CGI ourselves up and write something. It's gotta cost a little change to like rendered drips of water. Yeah. Okay, this is some like car, she flooded. Can you use some sort of computer water? In a computer tunnel, storing computer actors.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Edward Burns made me a CGI effect. I thought that the same the entire time. It's like George Lucas's hair. Doesn't actually exist. You're set, wait. This is it. I don't care about it, Santa Feinera. This is a controversial statement about George Lucas's hair.
Starting point is 00:13:33 I've been a firm believer for some time that George Lucas's hair, and potentially one of his children is completely CGUF. Well, here's something that I've wanted to say about George Lucas for some time. Have you noticed that as he's grown older, George Lucas looks more and more like an Ewok himself? That's a tremendously stupid thing.
Starting point is 00:13:51 He looks like you're winging something. Well, not Chief Sherpon, you know what I'm saying is Wiggett? I don't think he's Sam as he was calling. I don't think he's that lovable. WimTV! That's an excellent point. Do we think that CGI is doing that or time is doing that?
Starting point is 00:14:07 I think that time makes it Ewoks of us all. No, it's not the bit. It's gonna be on your tube, so yeah. Time makes Ewoks of us all. So there were a lot of crazy monsters in this game. They're sure we're a damn. What kind of monsters were there, Stu? What was your favorite monster?
Starting point is 00:14:23 My favorite monster, I know this is not gonna be a popular choice But my favorite monster was when a time wave hit a hit a minute Sunpoint I don't really remember museum, but uh, well when the lady turned out turned into a bitch monster I mean, I think that's another that's another really good point to bring out this movie. Um, no no again I'm not not a scientist said it before and you know what I'll be the first to admit I have a minimal science background you have no specialization in time travel no not at all um but this movie plays a real loose neasy with my understanding of evolution yeah now when you change time one of the interesting things that happens is monkeys and dinosaurs somehow combine into one another. Yeah, their dinosaurs evolve in monkeys.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Reptiles evolve into reptiles. And mammals. I don't know. I can't answer these questions. They're beyond me not being a scientist. If you squish a butterfly in the past, reptiles and mammals will mate into a supreme reptile mammal. A giant kind of baboon that has scales.
Starting point is 00:15:21 First time wave brings on a bunch of beetles. Yes, yes. That's remember all the beetles? Remember the laugh we had about that? We did have good laugh. There was this part where they're when they're first sitting in the apartment of a really bitchy, unlikable scientist character.
Starting point is 00:15:36 One of our three female leaves. There was a first time we've hit, and they were all, ah, it was the first time that it ever happened, and they hear a scream, they open the door, and there are literally a million Beals out of the hole. I want to backtrack and point out that Edward Burns neaks his way into this woman's apartment by way of pretending to be a fertilizer delivery man. She does. She will not let him in. She's not letting anyone do into her apartment, but this fertilizer delivery man comes by and I guess he
Starting point is 00:16:03 bribes that fertilizer delivery man.'s like hey let me take that jacket and that bag of fertilizer and I can get into this apartment. I don't know imagine a lot of cartoons and other movies if we looked at some of the deleted scenes there would be a scene where he'd like reaches out of the supply closet grabs the fertilizer supply man holds him in a bunch of comic punch sounds and makes the only one's that whistling nonchalantly with a big manure bag. Well I mean, holds a mean bunch of comic punch sounds. And makes you know he wants that whistling nonchalantly with a big manoeuvre bag. Well, I mean, that's the only believable solution
Starting point is 00:16:30 because I mean, if there's one thing I know about many of the delivery men is that they're pretty much unable to provide. I mean, they're unbribable. They're unbribable. I mean, they're with their paycheck and that oath and lack of stringing one of your hands to be if there's one thing I know about women too it's that they will not open
Starting point is 00:16:48 their door to me but they will open their door to fertilize your liver and spare but after the Beatles uh... after the Beatles came the ruling stovets oh it's a plan now after the Beatles came a horrible baboon dinosaur hybrid this was a much later time wave.
Starting point is 00:17:05 A later time wave revealed the fact that dinosaurs or monkeys or monkeys and dinosaurs have all together or they gain the ability to do it with each other. After the game. Because of that evolution, I think it's important that we stress that you can't put too fine a point on this. Because of butterfly got killed, evolution made this new species.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Well logically, but butterfly gets killed in the past. Yes. You get baboon dinosaurs. After the first time tsunami. And then after the next one, you get giant bats. Yes, bats were just regular bats, but they're giant. But they're really big. But then after the next one, while they carnivorous as well.
Starting point is 00:17:43 You get baboon bats. Because in evolution there's a shortage of animals. They're literally three animals. There are only a few animals, you just get combined in different ways. So first come the baboon dinosaurs, then the giant bats, then the giant baboon bats. And then as Steve wrote up the final monster, is when the human lady, she's the last one left behind, there's a shot of her, a time when it goes past and then she looks like a fish and has the nictitating membrane like the sideways going eyelids and it totally blew my mind. That's great. I mean really I think at the end of the day humans were like one step away from
Starting point is 00:18:19 becoming a fish monster. Yes that's true. If I'm not mistaken again, I'm a mid science background but I believe if I'm not mistaken We share 99% of the same DNA Sure now I'd like to point out the character that the monster's best took away was the French scientist Was in French do we say I think so? the French scientist. Was it French? Do we say that to them? I think so. Well, how, why is a car for them?
Starting point is 00:18:47 They're like, whoa, what are you doing, dude? And he says, how do you think I've hit my way through Middicum school? We find out. Larsany. Yeah, and you know what? That's such a common like thing to have in a movie, like where I tell them the normal guys like,
Starting point is 00:19:01 oh, obviously the way I've hit my way through fucking law school was by being a male stripper that also robbed a bank gave that kind of like eyebrow race so the audience like oh my god I thought you had a peg Yeah, I'm just gonna show Character development yeah, yeah wait wait wait wait is this another example of good writing? See everyone has to have good and bad in them. Oh, okay, and sometimes the bad Oh, good, okay, that's dramatic irony. That is dramatic. That's true
Starting point is 00:19:33 And what you also want to do is you want to present it in as you want to you want a bludgeon Film is a blunt instrument Is it blunt? Director should strive to take this out of your loy. Wrap it around the audience's neck and squeeze. Like look, I'm like, what the fuck are you doing? Time travel. You know what? If I had the opportunity I'd never do it. It's too dangerous. And I'm gonna play with fire like that. No, I'd like to point out who chose this movie. I did. Okay, so I'd just like to point out that Dan is a total dick for making
Starting point is 00:20:07 you lost. I mean, you know, I'm the one who picked memory. Sure, that's my fault. Okay, my bad. I knew it was going to be bad, but this was really bad, Dan. Yeah, well, no, I just hope by the end of this. And it's sort of a point of the whole of that. Yeah, but I think yes, I think you kind of owe us all apology. So you kind of need to work on that before the end of this whole thing. All right, I'll formal apology to you. Us and about it. Possibly to the world like on behalf of this movie.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Well, there's a count of movie. Well, just one on. I didn't have anything to do with the production. I don't know if you understand. I don't know if you understand. There's no proof of that. Actually, so. I think that's fair
Starting point is 00:20:47 where did this movie come from? what was the what was the form of media the broadest movie? I think I DVR this off of cable alpha cable what kind of what cable net well I think I think this might have been a cinematics okay now cinematics cinematics isn't gonna they're not gonna format their movies are edited for time are they? yeah this movie at the beginning said that it was it had it had an And or a BN or however they abbreviate it for for a brief unity stew. Do you remember there being any brief nudity? I remember how my spirits count lifted when I saw the BN It made me it reminded me of when I was a child
Starting point is 00:21:19 Roughly 12 years old and I would see that BN that's one ofed exciting and I'd be like I'm gonna watch this entire movie God's be damned and you know what I watched this entire movie Maybe it was those weird dinosaur Monsters that I can't for the movie was really boring. Maybe you fell asleep during a damn. Did you remember any brief new? No, there's no long The closest that form of nudity was that one girl's shoulders, they were beginning. I don't think that counts as nudity. The one girl, like, why don't we pass this about comment.
Starting point is 00:21:55 There's a woman early in the film as far as I'm able to discern the point is just that Edward Burns sleeps with her and then she disappears to the film entirely. Yes. Well, I think this is one of those moments of good screenwriting you were talking about. This shows that the Edward Burns is desirable as a man. Right. He is an attractive man to women. Even though he's a scientist, don't get the idea that he's a whim because he scores with chicks literally all the time. Well, this is basically the screenwriter saying,
Starting point is 00:22:24 yes, we got Edward Burns to play this part, but he is in fact the hero of this movie Yeah, and you know he's the hero because heroes get laid. Yeah, you wouldn't know without it I think he was a boring dude This morning guy, you see the bad guy? Why is he trying to destroy time? What a jerk? And you're like oh That girl wants to deal with him, he's the hero got it. I got it, I got it, I got it. You know.
Starting point is 00:22:49 There was the most desolate toy like, yeah man, I don't know, man, I don't know what to tell you. I just want to point out, it did suggest brief nudity. And I think that's a like a stirring trend in movies specifically on like, some makes and stuff where they'll be like, you know, it was rare though because of D&D and brief shopping. And I think more often than not, they air on the side of caution for movies that aren't even close to, and don't even have close to Newly. Sure. Whereas it's very, very rare for them to say, oh this movie has brief Newly when in fact it's like actually there's tons of new things right like there's Real I see the idea of being like you don't want to be that weird over the undershoots it like yeah
Starting point is 00:23:29 There's a little bit of nudity in it and everyone be shocked like Filmed with nudity you come in as breed nudity but he was monster Like you know Breathe is less than a third of the movie Right, well, I don't know my life. I don't see me to be like every day all day long. Now, Dan, would you classify this as, say, a regular style movie or a disaster movie? That's a great point. I was thinking about this movie, so we were watching it. Remember what it was? There's no bad guys, the thing. There's no bad guys in this account. I don't
Starting point is 00:23:59 know the time. I guess Ben Kingsley is sort of the bad guy in that he decided that the best application for time travel would be these weird safari shooting parties yeah, however like the woman that were supposed to sympathize with who invented time travel who's so angry at been king's lee true She's sending back in time because he might change the future What was she gonna use time travel for that was less danger? Let's possibly destroy them. I don't know. I don't know Like if she went back in time She is just as likely the fucking step on a goddamn butterfly of course Mm-hmm. I don't know if I could if I actually own a company that had the exclusive ability to send people back in time
Starting point is 00:24:42 I would probably set it up so that people could go back in time to like, like hunt people back in the past. Like the most dangerous time of travel safari. Yeah, exactly. Honey, those dangers prey. Dane's hunting Danish people in Baton England. A shitload of ninjas. How much better would this movie have banned?
Starting point is 00:25:04 Vikings, they went back in the past to engage in like, and Baiting England. A shitload of ninjas. How much better would this movie of band? Biking. They went back in the past to engage in like biking like rating parties. And then someone accidentally like, I don't know, kills the king of the bikers. And then as a result, there are dinosaurs conjupt laces out of their eyes. How much better would this of been as a moon? That sounds like an awesome. See? What if like dinosaurs were super evolved to keep talking?
Starting point is 00:25:25 We're like, yes, you totally screwed up the future. And we're not going to let you change it, losers. Yeah, because we're the best part. The dinosaurs would also know what had happened with the time travel. So you want to say that the dinosaurs evolved to the point when they obviously understand what happened. So you wanted to say like that movie where there's
Starting point is 00:25:42 a Tyrannosaurus Rex who is a wolfie Goldberg's partner and they're both cops. Wait a minute. What movie is that? Is that a real movie? There's that movie. Son of a bitch. What movie is this? Tyrannosaurus Rex wears old-on. You know, Congress all stars with the toes. Is that movie called Detective Tyrannosaurus Rex? It's called Detective Saurus Rex actually. Holy shit, that's way better. It's called Magnum P Rex
Starting point is 00:26:07 Holy shit, isn't it real? Oh my god. Is that the original title? No, wait a moment. I'm getting it It's called Constable Rex theodore Rex AKA T Rex That is amazing Tag one the world's toughest cop is getting a brand new partner. He's a real blast from the past. Sure because he's done so. He comes from the past.
Starting point is 00:26:31 That's the pun. Hey, instead of talking about Jason Thunder, let's talk about this movie. Not even seeing this movie, but I'm pretty sure it's really good. I have a question to how does a dinosaur become a police officer? Simon. Well, I think I think I think I think Dan was suggesting that much like in your scenario, the dinosaur super intelligent. Okay. He's easily qualified to pass any kind of detectives test. Now, because you're the detective, well, first you have to join the police for.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Well, you sure. You have to be sure. Is like weird attribute limbs. Do you think those would hinder his ability no no I don't think that okay why do you not think that what do you think the average caliber bullet could stop a tyrannosaurus could pierce it's a high yes probably not okay so he wouldn't need to worry about getting into a shoe that in most cases he could just run up to a criminal and be a tyrannosaurus rags and he would be of so afraid that he would easily arrest now is this tyrannosaurus rags he would be of so afraid that he would easily arrest him. Now is this Tyrannosaurus Rex roughly human height?
Starting point is 00:27:29 No, I think he's no easy normal size. No, he's roughly human height. Well that's a little bit weird then. I don't think he's a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Does he get shrunk also? Maybe he's a child. He's a baby Tyrannosaurus Rex. I imagine he gets into the forest because he has to be family pleased out there. Oh sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:45 The dinosaurs see? Yes, I like to take this moment to point out that Jonathan are mutual. The director of theodore Rex, the thing he made right before that, it was a two episode of the Freddy's Nightmares, he directed a year. And I think if you scroll down, you'll be surprised to see he co-wrote the script of the movie, watch this evening. What? Yup. He's a huge dinosaur enthusiast. He likes imagining different types of dinosaurs. Well, I think that the fact that we're more interested in this game. And what a random fucking movie we speak and imagine that we, like, hey, here's a weird
Starting point is 00:28:23 movie by someone talking to us. Kids kid let's talk about that in a little bit the fact that we're more interested in a movie that we did not watch this evening points to where this may be ahead of us but signifies but I think that it's the time in the program we need to talk about our final judgment or for what it's worth I want to point out that I'm fucking no sir Thomas because I remember turning you during this movie being like I don't think we're gonna be able to fill a half hour talking about this movie. We'll be silent track, I know it. Well, I like that, I just want to say it.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Wait, we didn't bring specs too high five. This podcast is designed to be able to easily accommodate digression. Sure, that's true. It's an old magic competitive, right? Most of this will be edited, no one will ever hear this. All right, the official Fluff house category is yet again. Yes, is this a movie that we did not like at all Mm-hmm a movie that you might recommend to someone as a bad film or a movie that you secretly sort of liked I would rate this movie as a movie
Starting point is 00:29:21 You know what is that we're saying I don't even have a joke. I don't even have the energy to make a joke out of that It's gonna suck all the joy out of me. You know if um if the movie actually carried through on the brief nudity and maybe one of the Paper of all dinosaur monkeys had like talked and stuff I might have said that it was a work of movie worth Recommending to somebody but because it didn't have either of those two things, I would not recommend anybody. In fact, I don't want to go. Well, I think you bring up an excellent point with this movie. I think one of the weirdest phenomenon in movies is that,
Starting point is 00:29:58 yeah, you have to think that most people, they work on a project and they're like, oh, this is just kind of fun, stupid little idea I have. I don't understand why they want to hold themselves back. And like, wow, I mean I know what's not the best movie ever, but let's kind of, let's take it seriously. It's gonna be like, you know what, fuck, let's have one of the guys that was talking at the end. What if the dinosaurs could also breathe fire? Wouldn't that be weird? Let's have that be in the movie. What if the dinosaurs drove cars that were shaped like people? Not really weird too. Like no one ever is just like, you know what, this movie sucks. Fuckin, I'm gonna have some fun with this.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Yeah. If this movie had at least been fun, I wouldn't have been like, yeah, great. Well, you asked me while we were watching Simon, what lesson, what it's supposed to take away from this film, and all I could say was, if you go back in time Don't step on any And I learned my lesson on there was just too dangerous really applicable to our day-to-day lives Sure, I'm gonna jump on the bagwagon too and say like it hurts me to say this because this movie does have some crazy As special effects as giant bats. It has bat monkeys
Starting point is 00:31:04 It has so many things to one'slead it has serpent kingsley really under utilized in a fright wig he bought it at a spence's gift but I would not recommend this movie to be watched at all you know I don't you know it's weird then kingsley was in this movie he was in this movie he was in blood rain he was in Gandhi and House of Saint Paul he was in this movie. He was in this movie. He was in Blood Rain. He was in Gandhi and House of St. Faw. He was in this movie in Blood Rain. That's fucking weird. Like what are weird asses, dude?
Starting point is 00:31:31 Like, you know what? It makes me kind of respect him a lot more. You know, he's like, you know what? I'm in movies. That's what I do. So when a movie comes along, I am in it. That is my job. Similar to the idea of I'm a plumber. When I is I fix plumbing if there's plumbing that needs to be fixed I go when I fix it. I even movies that is what I do even movies. I'm not offered I'll peer under the pseudonym the Namda Goor F. Marie Abraham So to sum up Everyone
Starting point is 00:32:04 Yeah, really bad. So to sum up, uh, sun, thunder everyone, sun thunder. Uh, yeah, really bad. So to prove as we do that we are not entirely sad bastards who hate the world and everything at it. I like stuff. This is the part of the show where we recommend things that we actually enjoyed. Oh, damn, why don't you start us off? I will start. I'm glad that I started because I was actually thinking during this last
Starting point is 00:32:27 week what the heck am I going to recommend? Because I hadn't seen movies that I really liked recently. But I did catch fleshed away. The computer... That's right, that's one about the guy that's fleshed out of the toilet. You do that, I can. Yes. That's the way where he's checking his flesh out of the toilet.
Starting point is 00:32:42 No, I remember that. I told the ghoulies. You're thinking of goo-lease. And yeah, that is a good movie. Daniel Wright, you win tonight's podcast. It's an argument of animation's movie. Yeah, the people who do a laws and grommet and, um, and it's like they're computer-generated animated movie.
Starting point is 00:33:00 And I saw the trailers for this. I'm like, I don't want to see this movie. This is about toilets and the slo-per. Like, goo-lease. You're so bitch, isn't you talking to those trailers? I saw the trailers for this I'm like I don't want to see this movie. This is about toilets You bitch, that's what you took from those trailers. You know, I got like movies about toilets. Fuck this Now they just look like like hmm. How can we make a cartoon that's completely Ska-tological? Well, okay, that's fair. It's a movie about like in a kingdom of mice They ride around and turn around It's like a movie about like in a kingdom of mice. They ride around on turd
Starting point is 00:33:31 I liked it. Okay, so you didn't see that was there were there in an order number of turd joke It was a little more crass Okay, and your average like like walls of grommet or Well, it was after all based on toilets in the sewer. I thought I was really good. Yeah, yeah He got I enjoyed it was really good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I enjoyed it. Stuart? I think son's like Christ on this cross. You know what, I'm having very much a similar crisis right now. I have no idea what to recommend.
Starting point is 00:33:55 So a couple movies the other day. So I knocked it up again, and that was really good. I've already seen that, and it doesn't look how, because I've already seen it, I already knew it was good, and I watched it specifically because I knew it was good. I wouldn't watch with that girl the other night. Uh, well that's the burbs and that again I don't think. I, all right I recommend the burbs. You know what? I rewatched the burbs and the burbs. He's a really good move. Yeah I'm gonna bang him with that. I really think that the burbs got your leg. Mm-hmm. Then movie was really good because
Starting point is 00:34:21 I thought I didn't know that was Joe John Tech. I love Joe John tech. The same guy in the audience. Grimmons. Those are two really good movies. I really like the verbs and the Grimmons. We should review those movies. Man, those are fun good movies to watch. I like Joe John's piece of shit movie. Who was? I mean, I like the verbs.
Starting point is 00:34:37 I like Grimmons. I like Grimmons too. Grimmons too is good too. I like Matt May. I've never, I'm not feeling that good. I like the howling. The howling, I like Matt Nay. I've never had that in my life. I like the hellling. The hellling? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I don't know. So, let's see. I recommend that you think this is not necessarily going to be really popular. I think we'll say. But I'm really excited about going to see Eastern promises, the New Denver and the Berk movie. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:03 I can't start. You don't, you misunderstand. Oh my god, damn it. I've got not yet seen this film, so I don't know that you can recommend. No, you can't, you can't, you can't, you're recommending your own anticipation about seeing.
Starting point is 00:35:17 So if you're a steward, you might enjoy thinking about the movie's a problem. You're surely looking forward to that. So wait, a movie I have actually recently that you would recommend. I just bought a death proof. I got to watch the extended version of death proof. That was good. The first one.
Starting point is 00:35:34 That was really good. I really enjoyed it. It took, you know, it wasn't until the second or third view. I really enjoyed it, but totally worth it. All right. Actually, I did it. I did it, guys. I did it.
Starting point is 00:35:44 We'll throw your party after the five cast. It's been yeah, you can drink the one remaining beer. That's the prize. So I guess we are. Wow. It's always hard to say goodbye at the end of the day. Especially when it ends with a whimper. And now it's bang. Well, thematically that I think that's keeping with us out of the thunder. That's hard to imitate to laugh, man. And my sadness, having to say, goodbye to you, the audience, and to you, Simon, too. We're gonna go back to where I live and sleep. This is the most boring one ever, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Wait, oh, no, Christ, let's pick up the face. Okay no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I really reflect on this. I believe that I asked you. Oh god, that's right. It's a movie that we might watch next time. Well, also I was thinking about that day and you should come up with a really good apology. I didn't forget that. Oh, sorry. To all of you who are Simon and Stuart and to America, I would like to apologize personally for a sound thunder.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Then it existed all. Then it existed all. Then it existed all. Then I did not invent some sort of time machine and it went back in time. It invents Peter Heinz director of End of Days, not to make this film. If I had any sort of temporal device, right, to sure, in that episode three of the flop house would have been us watching Peter Rex. Nice. Right, it's time machine.
Starting point is 00:37:30 I feel back and steal a dinosaur. You know what I would do? I'd ride that dinosaur around. I'd go take it to work. It'd be my pet. I would go to the park with it. I think we're gonna say, goodbye at a time machine.
Starting point is 00:37:40 I would go steal a diamond. I don't know. What? What? I don't know what I'm saying. Why? Are we planning a diamond box? Phase one, get a time machine. Phase two, go and steal all the world's diamonds. Phase two, go back in time.
Starting point is 00:37:55 There's still a piece of coal which will be coming to the diamond in the future. Wait, that's not how time she's worth it. No, no, no, no, no. I think that's too time-based. I like the idea that you use a time machine to steal all the diamonds in the world. Because I've had a monopoly on diamonds. But the irony would be if you stole the diamonds of the world in the past, then diamonds wouldn't be worth anything. Because someone would ever know about the diamonds existed.
Starting point is 00:38:18 You show them and they're like, what's that strange piece of glass? And I'd say it's not glass as a diamond. Alright, okay, so, rephrase. If I had a machine I would go back in time and steal half the world's done Raising the price of it's considerably I would be called diamond source Rex hey, Dan I just got a great deal removing each of my sex time no shit. It just came to me in real time. Oh my god 23 what's that? That's the one. 23, the movie 23. Yes, the movie 23, the most Jim Carian, where number 20. Wait, what was it called? Oh, it's called that number 23. We'll talk to that. Look at that's a Joel Schumacher joint. Well, Joel Schumacher is literally
Starting point is 00:38:57 always let me down like 71 movies. So, well on that note of remembrance of lost boys past, So well on that note of remembrance of Lost Boy's past, what's say goodbye for this episode of The Flaw House? I'm Dan McCoy, I'm Stuart Millington, I'm Simon Fisher. Good night. That's one he says that uh... And I'm Sarah Hampton, my boy! No, I'm Sarah Hampton, my boy! But there was a fourth person all the time! I think Sarah was showing a quarter of bumper cars.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Like you guys are listening to the fucking block house to be out? Yep. Like really, well, I'm really sad so I'm a lot of bad at tune. Yeah. Like, well, I really sad soon. I love attitude. Yeah. Like, hey, you fucking puss. Give us a bummer. Bad.

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