The Flop House - The Flop House Movie Minute #1

Episode Date: March 9, 2008

We're going to start producing short, supplemental episodes to put out in weeks without a full-length Flop House, so that listeners don't have to wait quite so long for new content.  In this first ep...isode, Dan addresses some of the material lost (thanks to technical difficulties) from the Awards Floptacular episode. We hope you like the new Movie Minute supplements.  Thanks for listening.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And now the Flop House Movie Minute! Hello and welcome to the very first Flop House Movie Minute. We all knew Ultra Brief Flop House Supplement, released in weeks without a full length episodes, in a desperate bid to keep your physical attention. Since we lost the audio file containing the second half of the Flop House Awards Flop Tacular and Year in Review, I thought I'd use this inaugural movie minute to tie up some loose ends from that lost episode. First, let me give our top overlooked
Starting point is 00:00:35 picks for 2007, which were referenced in the episode but never discussed. All of these films were well received by critics, but were ignored by audiences, by award ceremonies, or by both. Stuart's pick was Hot Fuzz, Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright's follow-up to Sean of the Dead, and his favorite comedy of the year. Dan's pick was Grindhouse, Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Ternino's love letter to exploitation films. And Elliott's pick was Zodiac, David Fincher's obsessive and inconclusive chronicle of the Zodiac killer investigations. All of these films are available on DVD, but if you watch the individual halves of Grindhouse, feel yourself a favor and YouTube the fake trailers in between since they aren't on either of the DVD releases.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Maybe someday those Weinstein bastards will release it to DVD and it's intended double feature form. And now, because we know you don't listen to us for our series film insights, here are a few of the awards that we gave out during that mysterious lost episode. We now give you America's most prestigious film podcast awards, The Floppes. Black Book wins for Best Movie About The Holocaust that you get the sneaking feeling was just an excuse to show woman die or pubic hair. Dead Silence wins for horror movie making the least convincing argument that ventriloquist dummies are scary, while the Nicholas Cajunist performance goes to Ghost Rider. The Godzilla award for the best personification
Starting point is 00:02:09 of destructive American influence in the form of a giant monster goes to the host. And lastly, the probably shitty movie that I didn't see, but kind of wish I had just because Rachel Nichols has a tremendous rack award goes to P2, which also won the Typography Award for fewest characters used in a 2007 film title. Finally, we leave you with this look at the year of film that was, with a list of terrible 2007 releases, that just might end up on a future episode. The album and the Shipments movie. Alien vs Predator 2, The Bratts movie,
Starting point is 00:02:46 captivity, Fantastic Four 2, Fred Klaas, Georgia Rule, Hannibal Rising, Hitman, I now pronounce you Chuck M'Larry, The Invasion, Mr. M'Gorium's Wanderham pouring, National Treasure 2, Prime Evil, The Reeping, Resident Evil 3 Extinction, The Seeker, Dark Is Rising, Skinwalkers, Stomp the Yard, War, and Wild Hogs, as long as they keep making him, so will we. That's it until next time. We'll see you at the Plophouse. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪

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