The Flop House - The Flop House Movie Minute #24 - 18 Again, Again

Episode Date: May 11, 2009

America swaps bodies with its younger self, to go back to a time when body-swap movies were popular. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And now the flop house movie minute. Hey, Elliott, I saw my big fat Greek wedding. You probably like that. I did not see it. How was it? Yeah, but you're Greek, right? No, I'm not. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Eastern European Jewish. Dude. Dude. Yes, what is it? I don't know. We're not talking about my big fat Greek wedding. Okay, what do we do? This not. We're not talking about my big Friday curriculum wedding. Okay, what do we do?
Starting point is 00:00:27 This time. We decided to talk about how a certain class of movies that was very popular in the late 80s and early 90s and then strangely disappeared has had a resurgence. Cyberpunk thrillers. Johnny Namon.
Starting point is 00:00:41 The net Johnny Namon. No, no, no my friends The web something far more disturbing web surfers with hackers age switch movies or age Oh, yeah, we got that one coming out right. Yeah, 17 again. I guess I assume that's a people Yeah, I smile at age changing movies Dave. Yeah, I smile. They did age changing movies. Dave. Yeah, J age changing movies. Brown. That's Kevin. It's Kevin. You're based.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Is that your friend is in the Charlie Schlapper role is Steven. I was just saying, Stephen King is 17 again. The prequel to 18 again with George Burns. Another shitty movie. I should I should mention by the way that except for that's how they avoided getting sued by the makers of 18 again as they changed to the number by one digit that except for vice versa. I hate age change movies. Yeah, vice versa is great. Yeah, but like even hate big the one that like was that critical thing. I like I binks fine. I like that well. I got my got to go to the movies with my parents to see girls boobs in a bra, you know, that's yeah
Starting point is 00:01:46 You do right? They're not even that good now that I grow up and watch that Well that would in the if you look back at the most 80s movies the the quality of and you know We were used to surgically enhanced women now. We kind of can do better than nature can yeah But at the time they had to make do with the poor the poultry boobs that nature was providing What's your name in Roadhouse? And you're like, yikes. No thanks, please. That's a bit of a reason.
Starting point is 00:02:12 This is taking a really weird, like, pro-plastic surgery trip. No, no, no. I thought that was what we were going to talk about. But yeah, these ancient movies. Sorry about the movie, like 80s boobs being filmed. But also the fact like vice versa is based on a story store like a late or 19th century early 20th century story Those made into the movies in the I don't think it's the No, not it's not a currency now a creek bridge by Ambrose Beers
Starting point is 00:02:38 No, not the most dangerous game. Yeah, that movie surviving the game was based on the most dangerous game Anyway, the end the movie the most dangerous game Yeah, but anyway the end the condemned But this that was real too, I think but there is an old movie version of vice versa I it has I don't remember the title is but but like age change movies You always think they're dead and then they come back They're you know like like Jason. The Preaky Friday remake, starring. With Lindsey Lowe.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Lindsey Lowe and Ed Lowe. And Jamie Lick Curtis. But that somehow didn't feel like nice games on that one. Jamie Lick Curtis. Yeah. They didn't feel like a resurgence. No, I'll give it for me.
Starting point is 00:03:18 I was the genre so much because like that sort of felt like. There's just a one off. It felt like a remake is what it felt like it was we made this once with jody foster and we're making we're making literally every film that's ever been made so it was all it was all so they are making every film that they're are they really remaking clue which is what I heard recently yeah we were talking about this and I was saying that the thing is that what makes clue work if anything is the specific group of comic actors they got to perform it and I don't that the thing is that what makes Clue work if anything is the specific group of comic actors
Starting point is 00:03:46 they got to perform it and I don't know how they would do that now like who would be in the remake of Clue. Well Christopher Lloyd of course. I hope so but there's almost no movie that would do that. But yeah they're remaking everything that remake C-Made's it but also like Lindsay Lowe and and Jemilee Curtis were kind of like right for those parts Yeah, in a in a strange way. You're saying that Matthew Perry and Zac Efron are not right for I think they're right for zero parts Well, I think looking at looking at Zac Efron I can I can kind of squint my eyes a little bit and imagine that you know in however many years He's gonna look exactly like. Imagine that he's 17 years old.
Starting point is 00:04:26 He's, oh, okay, I'm just gonna get a round. Instead of what, 45, what does he know? He's like, it college age. Like, 23, yeah. But there's also, there's a- I imagine Hill girl to look like Matthew Perry. May I hope so. Well, he goes, he's like,
Starting point is 00:04:40 wait, does he go back in time or be he becomes young yet? I think he goes through a time for. No, he becomes young because as far as I can discern from the, the trailers, Matthew Perry's daughter played by Michelle Trachtenberg of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Euro-tripped fame. According to the trailers, he goes back and part of what he does is as an overprotective father, he goes back and part of what he does is as an overprotective father he and the exact guys of Zach Efron uh... you know sprays would be suitors
Starting point is 00:05:10 uh... with the uh... with with this he lives up his skunk tail and sprays them now like with you know they're washing the car and he sprays them with the hose so it's kind of like and i bet the daughter virginity still the daughter probably gets the hose. Oh, so it's kind of like, and I bet the daughter, the daughter probably gets a crush on him, not knowing it's her father,
Starting point is 00:05:29 like, I'm like, right back to the future. That would be such a crazy, ridiculous, Calvin Klein maybe. Yeah, because she's never heard that name before. Here's, this is a true story about when I first saw the commercial for 17 again. I was watching TV with my lovely girlfriend, Danielle.
Starting point is 00:05:43 And the commercial for 17 again comes on and my head I'm going what and then he has the line This is my chance to go back and do things right and I set out loud as a reflex fuck you and Not meaning to and I was just it made me so mad it was the same way that when I first saw and that's why Danielle Kaked you out of your place. Yes, when I first saw John Travolta's neck tattoo in the taking a Palomone 2.3, I had the same response, I think. But like, just it's so like there's that's something so cliche about that idea of like do soon. No jokes about John Travolta. He's going through it. He had a loss.
Starting point is 00:06:18 That does nothing to do. I'm making fun of his look at a movie that he shot a year ago Okay, it's back to the back to what we're talking back to Zach Efron who's I think I experience no losses It's just like that that line is so cliche and like that idea is so cliche and the whole idea of it is so like it's There's no reason unless you have a really good gimmick. Everybody's full of regrets and we all want to be 17 again. So we don't. We did wrong. 17 was terrible.
Starting point is 00:06:47 I was a terrible. It's many times I've thought I would. If you could pay like eternal sunshine, if you could pay to have those memories removed permanently, I would probably go do that. Yeah, I probably go back to college. Yeah, I go back to college. That was great. Yeah, but I had three girls a night college. Are guys what we're getting swirlies every day back in high school
Starting point is 00:07:08 I well that's the thing but what by the even wedgies No, no, but that was like I was actually quite unpopular in middle school. I know it's surprising But by the time we got into college like I for some is my see a middle school kid with a walking stick By the time I got into high school camp I was nice to see a middle school kid with a walking stick. Yeah. But it's time I got into high school camp. I was selling paper. All right, you know, like that was not a problem anymore, but it still was miserable. I mean, I was not necessarily popular or unpopular.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Like in high school, I was kind of like, it wasn't the thing where I was like hanging out with the nerds and like the bullies would come by and be like, oh, oh, now I'm gonna get a wedgie. It was either like. And when they give you the wedgie, would they pull the underpants over your head? Yeah, well, no, I never I never got something like it was either like it
Starting point is 00:07:50 It fell between the extremes of either Everyone ignored me completely and I was non-existent or Someone for no reason would decide to like threaten me with a knife like it was one of those two extremes But never it like I would if it was in the middle and it was just like if it was just like angered laying or deal with its smarty pants I'd be like well that guy's an idiot but it was it was partly being ignored constantly and partly like we're just feeling someone punch me in the leg as I'm walking down the hallway for no reason it was just the random violence was kind of unnecessary I was only threatened with a knife once so
Starting point is 00:08:23 you know that's and then you took it away from him. And splung it into his neck like a watchman. Awesome. So the moral of this movieman in his pen, going back movies that make you go back in time or stupid. Yeah, they're dumb. But unless there's like a real... maybe there's a really good... like big has a good gimmick. The idea of a young kid now having to make his way in the adult
Starting point is 00:08:45 world is kind of funny, except for 13 going on 30. That's not, no, that one's not so good. Do you say she got that big forehead? That one's dumb because that was like, she had just forgotten everything that happened between 13, the ages of 13 and 30. Like, that's tragic. You have to assume she was in a coma for 17 years I saw 13 going on but that was not what happened Everyone was behaving as if she forgotten it all and she forgot it but there was some sort of like crazy magical Explanation of the yeah Gypsy's are the last story it's the last race that we're allowed to start. One thing though, 13 going on 30 days.
Starting point is 00:09:26 They still cast spells in it. Yeah. What's he doing? He's playing like a flamboyant magazine editor. Is there any other kind? That works. Yeah. I don't know if sitcoms are to be believed. No, I just think that the age changing thing is, unless you can do it really well, it's not worth
Starting point is 00:09:47 doing. Yeah. So in conclusion, Andy Circus, great actor. Hey. That's what we've learned. Good night everyone. you

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