The Flop House - The Flop House Movie Minute #29 - Movie Minute Mailbag

Episode Date: September 6, 2009

More letters from our loyal listeners. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's the Flop House Movie Minute. [♪ INTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ Hi everyone, so we got a lot of letters recently. Letters, we get, et cetera. So instead of sticking them all in a regular episode, we're going to answer a few in this movie minute. It's a Flop House Movie Minute Mailbag. Alright, thanks for friving it in the most irritable way possible. What's next in the
Starting point is 00:00:27 mailbag? Postmaster McCoy? Well the first letters from Chris Les named withheld in Toronto and he says, dear Flopsters, sure that's us. I want to thank you for the recommendation of Twin Sitters. I bought it on Amazon and it lives up to the hype completely.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Excellent purchase. Everyone should see it. I'm not sure if you guys noticed this when watching it, but at the end of the credits, when the film's title is supposed to come up, it's actually a different title. Instead of reading twin-citters, it says, the babysitters. Just demonstrating how slobbly made this film is on every level. Thought I should point that out. I think I laughed for 10 minutes after seeing that. Also, if you guys consider doing Street Fighter Legend of Chun Lee for the show, I think that would be pretty fun. In defense of twin-sitters, they only came up with the title of the last minute.
Starting point is 00:01:16 It was, it did go into production as untitled barbarian brothers projects. I thought it was about to say, I don't know if you guys realize this, but those guys are twins And I'm like no idea I learned that pretty early on Yeah took me about 40 minutes in the movie, but I figured that one out. Wait a minute What? Wait those guys is that the same guy who keeps walking around? It's a me this affects this technology is so good
Starting point is 00:01:41 Exactly patty-duke show over here. Yeah. But parent-trapping, what not? We got to understand. We get about it. Is the Barbarian Brothers are such a big talent that basically they just run something in production. Every year there's a new Barbarian Brothers project and they don't have a title, they don't have a script finished. They just churn them out. It's like a money creation machine. Yeah, and actors will do anything to work with the Barbarian Brothers.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Yeah. Yeah. They might as well print money with the Barbarian brothers faces on it It'd be the most awesome money ever Weirdly enough not worth that much money. I wish the back instead of the pyramid with the eye floating above it Be the pyramid with the Barbarian brothers holding up the eye and it says in the Barbarian brothers. We trust yes Topical Not at all Yes, topical Topical You hear about this in the news about our brothers wait you guys
Starting point is 00:02:30 Anybody anybody hear about this you hear about this in the news doesn't god. We trust on the back of money Yeah, street fight a legend of Chun Lee are we gonna do that at some point? I I was watching that was on my wishlist That's a let's based on one of those video games something I watch it that was on my wish list that's a let's do it on one of those video games the video games which won the Street Fighter and it's based on Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo Edition and we've Street Fighter in fact HD Remix in the name of the movie so like ninja guy in the movie oh what game is that based on Tetris what battle for battle toads yeah that was a game that Stuart mentioned earlier tonight and it tickled me. I hadn't thought of Battle Toads in a long time. That was a good game because if you could beat each other
Starting point is 00:03:13 up, that was what was going on. Yeah. I was glad. I was glad. I also liked to take a moment to point out that Chris last name with held here actually wrote us via Facebook. So that's another way that you can get involved. You not the way you get it. I don't know. Yeah. It doesn't seem as adult as Facebook. Yeah, you got faced by Nora F. We cannot but so you can also talk to us through Facebook. What else? My space, face space, my book and compie serve. Tweet face. Tweet look. Monster Garage. And Boy Meets World. Big sausage pizza. Yeah. Big sausage pizza. With a big sausage pizza. With a big sausage pizza. Yeah, just click on my face.
Starting point is 00:03:54 I mean, the page for no reason is a link of your face that goes to the flop has page. Why did we make this this synergy agreement with big sausage pizza? It does make sense. Why did we make this this synergy agreement with big sausage feet? That makes a hilarious We get a lot of money from that this second email is titled incorrect link. Uh-oh And it's from your brother. Oh, I know what this is about. Yeah, it says I Brought to my brother's attention and yes About somebody who messed up his link costume to a Halloween party They he wanted to be link from the Super Nintendo from a new time.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Instead, he was linked from a link to the past. Alex, what a door. Alex brother, really into cosplay. Yeah. No. David last name withheld. David last name withheld. Alex brother writes to say, I brought to my brother's attention
Starting point is 00:04:39 yesterday that your link to righteous kills, I'm BB page is actually incorrectly linked to this URL and it gives and correct URL, which would be a dead page. My brother, because he's a totally lazy jackass parentheses, how else do you explain that he's missed the like three recording sessions in the last six weeks? Close parentheses. Oh my god. Told me to email you rather than just like calling you on the phone to fix the error. In any event, you may want to fix that. And I have fixed it.
Starting point is 00:05:10 But this brings up a question, which is, why don't you want to talk to me on the phone? That it has nothing to do. One, I don't, but that's because I don't like talking on the phone, not because I don't want to talk to you. Two, I'm just trying to get my brother involved. Yeah. Three, I'm a busy man. I don't have time to remind you about links. I, you know, the part about this whole scenario that
Starting point is 00:05:30 surprises me. We're like a links like the cat. No, like the handheld Atari device. Oh, I always wanted to lose. The part of the scenario that surprises me the most is the part where you say you don't like talking on the phone because every time I talk to you on the phone and this is going to sound like I want to get off the phone with you which is not the case because I enjoy talking to you but you extend the call officially by another 20 minutes. I hate talking on the phone but I like keeping people on the phone when the conversation is over with a lot of like okay then okay here you go all right well what are you
Starting point is 00:06:05 gonna do wait hold on so for you know I was I was actually talking to my wife was very subject that I wanted to say though the way my brother has managed to capture his voice in text is amazing yeah all right well kudos to you David last name held K. L. I. actually said to my wife recently that I think that one thing that you and I have in common Elliott is the Conversational gambit that is just to irritate the other person and how we both find that really hilarious. Yeah It's funny. You didn't say that to your wife. I said exactly that. You're fucking with me But I never want to shoot up must find it extremely irritating. Yeah. Well, that's why it's funny
Starting point is 00:06:45 Yeah, Elliott, that's why it's funny. Yeah. Ali at the jackass. But I do remember having that conversation over I am with my brother where he notified me of the broken link and I said, well, you should write a letter to Dan about it. So thank you for letting me know about the incorrect link I have fixed it. Did you do it while you were telling Sarah this thing about you know it? No, although I did tell Sarah this thing about me and Elliot on the way to a beach party for Elliot's fiance that I went to. Still I didn't get invited to. Yeah, I thought you were out of town. Wait a rubb it in dude. And then you told me you
Starting point is 00:07:18 had plans that Sunday. Yeah, just keep next letter. Single tear is running down Stewart's cheek right now. Also, I think Danielle got scared of you. The one time she had a full Stewart experience. Yeah, it's just, I'm kind of like David Lee Roth, the like, palble waves of heterosexuality. Yeah, palble waves of heterosexuality come pouring off of me. Whereas, like, heat, non-threatening,
Starting point is 00:07:41 non-heterosexuality. I mean, you can call it Androgeny. Sure. I'm kind of like, clousinomy that way. Yeah, it's, you can call it Androgeny. Sure. I'm kind of like Klaus Nomey that way. Yeah, it's like, milk toasty Androgeny. It's like what? Milk toasty Androgeny. Yeah, milk toasty.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And the sexuality of Carl Wauer. Like a whole whower, sure. Mm-hmm. You remember that first Peter Parker appearance when he's just a nerd before he becomes Spider-Man? Yeah. It's pretty much it. Oh yeah, I can see that.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Yeah. The last email that I have here has no subject, so it's a mystery where it's about. It's like a box. It's about a box with question marks all over it. And it's from Alex, last name withheld. And it says, Oh no, Alex Proyus.
Starting point is 00:08:21 He knows we made fun of his movie. Maley is voice more than anything. Dia Daniel. Anyway. we made fun of his movie. Mainly his voice, more than anything. Dio Daniel. Anyway. It says, La Paz. Just wanted to say that righteous kill sounded like a truly horrible experience, but I really enjoyed Megan O'Neill's guest contribution, although no one can replace Stewart and his infamous genitalia. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Woo! And he says says somebody gets a hug also do you think James Cameron's avatar will flop hard enough to make it onto your radar? Your loyal listener James Cameron very nice loyal listener. You might not remember him since he hasn't made a movie since 1997 Well, he's 1997. He's been underwater for the last decade. He's been doing I don't know filming filming things He made the abyss right yes wait, and what's this avatar thing made true lies. He's most famous for making true lies What's what's any did that documentary about how Jesus wasn't real right? Wasn't that didn't he produce that? Anyway. What's Avatar? It's about, as far as I can tell, some big-eyed blue people who spring around in some trees. It seems to be about, Earth is at war with some sort of alien native culture,
Starting point is 00:09:38 and space marines are turned into these things in order to learn about them, I guess. People online have pointed out that it appears to be dances with wolves. Yeah, where there's a space marine who plays Kevin Costner, and the Native Americans are these weird, healthy creatures of quest looking like. Yeah, it's like he said, it's like when he come blind, he liked Elf Quest, but he wanted to make it look like the movie ants. So they have that kind of CGI blocky look, but they're Elf Quest type characters. And they're blue because he likes his merch.
Starting point is 00:10:11 So do you think there's going to be a lot of avatar cosplay shit going on soon? Oh, I can only hope. And some like Yif art. I think it'll be, I think it'll be big in the furry community. I'll be surprised if this movie is not a flop. It could very well be a success, but I'd be surprised. Maybe it'll open well off of James Cameron's name, and then not do so well. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Everyone was saying that Tritanic would be a flop. Except Titanic, I had at heart like a famous event, a love story to incredibly popular leads. Billy Zane. Billy, the raw power of Billy Zane. The box office powerhouse that was invisible man star, Gloria Stewart. Whereas, the, where as, Bill Paxton, everyone's favorite Bill Paxton.
Starting point is 00:11:00 And of course, Kathy Bates is the unsinkable Molly Brown. Whereas this movie seems to, as far as I can tell, it doesn't have any name stars in it. At least the trailer doesn't play them up. Terminator Salvation's Sam Worthington is the star. Ah, above the title on Terminator Salvation. But it doesn't have any big stars. Who plays those big blue fuckers?
Starting point is 00:11:20 They're all computers. It's all computer animation. They're played by computers, do you all what I'm saying by computer stupid computers with masks taped on to them i think it tandy plays the lead Jessica tandy yeah plays the lead but it's it just seems like and everything and it looks like it came from a video game like the whole thing looks like cutscenes from video games now you're showing your age
Starting point is 00:11:42 video games are the entertainment the future alley i'm sorry that they are well they can be the entertainment of the future but movies shouldn't look like them or if they do they shouldn't all look like them what about star wars phantom menace what about that well there you go done yes it wasn't very good back again max pain not very good what about the Transformers franchise?
Starting point is 00:12:06 Again, not so good. Well, I think App-Harr is going to be really good. So we'll get on there. Yep, I am apparently irreplaceable. Although I did appreciate that you guys tried to replace me. So you're saying I'm going to guess try. You make it sound as if you were honored by the fact that we Saw your absence and was like well, well, we got to fill this hole somehow
Starting point is 00:12:31 We'll get some The way you said it. I'm I'm I'm honored that you tried to make it sound as if you're hinting that you've killed Megan and Dumped her body somewhere the police will find with a riddle attached It's like a gentleman's gambit Nice try guys exactly impressive not impressive enough and my eyes would turn into clocks and spin backwards Time All right, well on that sort of note, that's it for this flop house mailbag. Movie Minute Mailbag. I've been Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. And then I'm Elliot K. Lennon again. Thanks for writing.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Thank you.

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