The Greatest Generation - 20 mg Gummies Throughout (DS9 S2E22)

Episode Date: July 23, 2018

When a headache seems more serious than normal, Garak’s traditional evasiveness begins to stand in the way of Bashir’s ability to keep him alive. But when the doctor goes on a B & E to help his fr...iend, he may end up condemning the tailor to a life of pure misery. Why doesn’t Dax manscape her house plants? Does Quark have a nonstick coating on that loaf? Is Odo’s true calling as a Roto-Rooter? Its the episode where we are very careful not to ‘pull a Richard.’ Come see us live on tour with Greatest Gen Khan🎉🎉🎉! Follow The Game of Buttholes: The Will of the Prophets!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Hey friends of Disodo. Before today's episode, we just wanted to take a moment to talk about the historic labor actions being taken by writers and actors in the American Film and Television industry. If you're a fan of the work done by the people who make Star Trek, we hope you'll join us in standing in solidarity with the folks who actually bring these adventures to life. Over the past several years, the AMPTP, the organization that represents the American Film and Television Production Studios, have reduced the profit from movies and TV going to workers. And in so doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 they've attempted to weaken the labor unions that represent those workers. They wouldn't even engage the unions on many issues in their negotiations. And so a strike was the only course of action to take. Adam, Wendy and I have been having a lot of internal discussions about how best to stand with the unions and we are continuing those conversations in a dynamic situation. We're doing our best to understand where the picket lines are in these digital spaces,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and we would never intentionally cross one. With the information we have, we feel like we can do more good talking about and supporting the strike and continuing our show as planned. We'll keep you informed about what all this means for greatest trek specifically. Today we're making a contribution to the Entertainment Community Fund. This fund exists to help all the people whose livelihoods have been put on hold because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate
Starting point is 00:01:25 in good faith with the unions. It provides financial support for writers, actors, and all the thousands of laborers who make the shows that we talk about here and without whom we wouldn't have Star Trek to cast pot about. Those folks are all out of work because billionaires, company shareholders, and the executives of these companies don't want to compromise on the length of their yachts. We hope you'll join us in supporting entertainment workers in a challenging time, especially after they've already endured several years of challenges brought on by the pandemic
Starting point is 00:01:55 and season two of Star Trek Picard. We've set up a page where you can also contribute. It's at That's friendsofdecisoto for That's friendsofdisoto for Link in the episode description. Okay, now let's get on with the show. Here's to the finest crew in Deep Space 9, a Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys who are a little bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek podcast. I'm Ben Harrison.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I'm Adam Pranaka. How you doing, Adam? I was up early for a shoot, Ben. One of the rare shoots that I've decided to do lately. The collapse of my filmmaking career, I have a convenient excuse if I move to a different town and I have fewer contacts. What's your excuse? That's a great question. Today's shoot was a drone shoot, and this was like a couple of years ago. So were you taking out a wedding or a hospital?
Starting point is 00:03:16 Yeah, I was just running it into things and people. I would be doing that if I were a hobbyist, Ben. Yeah. You just, you have a real hate on for mid-sand, some frontier, and you're always taking out field hospitals. Any fucking chance you get to speak French, you'll just fucking take it. Won't you? That's so irritating. I thought before we had a podcast that this was going to be the
Starting point is 00:03:45 career track for me. Yeah. I grew up flying model airplanes. I got a drone helicopter and I was like, I'm gonna, this is a license to print money. This is gonna be great. And you got the like, you get the FAA license to fly it for remunerative reasons, right? I did the whole thing. I'm on the up and up But guess what Ben? You know who isn't interested in the up and up Any video any actual video producer Like as soon as you get into a pre-production meeting with them They're like oh, so there's like a permit process and like FAA permission and like different kinds of airspace.
Starting point is 00:04:27 And you're like, yeah, yeah, there are. All of those factors are a part of it. And they're like, great, we'll call you. And then you don't get the call because they had their nephew fly instead. Like completely off the books and off the records. I had a client want me to do some drone stuff and I said, oh, I don't have the license, so I'm not really willing to risk doing it
Starting point is 00:04:53 and facing some kind of criminal penalty. And they're like, okay, well, we'll get a college kid to come do it. And I said, I don't feel comfortable with that either. Like, I don't want to be there, like, right, like, nominally the director of the project with some kind of, with some kind of like control over the thing and you're just like,
Starting point is 00:05:11 having some young person put their future at risk. And they're like, it'll be fine. And then it wound up being an indoor project and they were using the drone indoors. And I was like, well, if, if I'd known it was inside, I had it totally different. Why didn't you tell me that? It is so many parts of this form of production or frustrating. But today's shoot went great. It was a real estate video, so I shot a couple of properties with it.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Easy peasy. It was great. With the added benefit of this being an old college buddy of mine who was directing and producing the shoot, and this is a guy I haven't seen in quite a while, and during our scout last week we got to talking about what the both of us had been up to. And you know how that conversation goes now, Ben, because this friend of mine who hasn't really been updated on my life lately was like, so are you still doing a corporate video for a big aerospace company? And I was like, yeah, yeah, I'm doing some of that still, but like what I'm really doing is podcast and he was blown away by this.
Starting point is 00:06:33 If we had still been doing this show in anonymity, he would have been blown away by it, but when I started to tell him just how this thing took off and about the friends of DeSoto and about doing live show tours. It just blew his mind. And every time I retailed that story to someone I haven't been close to in a while, that's the effect. Yeah, it's weird. I was at a dinner party with my wife recently, and I was one of two people at this dinner party who was not an attorney. Which is like, does that make you a goyum? That is a very offensive stereotype.
Starting point is 00:07:20 If you'll notice, I paused like a half a second extra before I said it to give you a place to edit. Well, after they had me turn the lights on because it was Saturday, I, you know, like, no, it's a fun hang for me because I'm a little bit of, I'm a little bit of an anomaly, but the explain what you do for a living used to be very easy and I could like, because you don't want to kind of make the party about yourself. You don't want to drop a conversational bomb that will have 25 follow-up questions, which I sort of make a living talking about Star Trek on the internet does.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I prefer to be the listener in most social situations. Or, like, I'm happy talking to somebody about a one-on-one, but when I have the attention of 10 people at a dinner party and the other people all have like real jobs doing important things. And I'm like, uh, you know what's been happening? I'm in a different tax bracket and I'm kind of a dipshit. Has this been happening to you where you'll be in a mixed social situation like that and no one is there to do bits with you? Yeah, it's tough.
Starting point is 00:08:42 It's, uh, it's really tough. This relationship and the show has rewired my brain in that way. Like, you can't do bits all the time with everyone. Sometimes people don't want to participate in that kind of silliness. Yeah, and sometimes people don't know what jokes are or particularly care for them.
Starting point is 00:09:05 It really helps you figure out who in the room you don't really want to spend time with. Yeah. That's self-selecting. It's funny. Like if I ever need to revisit, why did we use the subtitle of Star Trek Podcast by a couple of guys who are a little bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek Podcast? Like all I need to do is be in a semi-grown-up social situation where that comes up or like have to fill out a form where that comes up.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Yep. We'll never forget. The subtitle to our show is our 9-11. It's true Adam. Well speaking of drones, do you want to drone on about Star Trek? Yeah, I could be into that. Let's get started as we enter into Season 2 Episode 22, The Wire. Do you realize how incredible this is? No, of course you don't. Where we learned that the repetitive epic is the most celebrated literary genre in Cardassian literature, Ben. Yeah, I love that that has a name. I know.
Starting point is 00:10:20 And it's a thing. It's totally... It's a thing. It's totally, it's great. Like, you know, I like to make an effort to be well read. I like to, I like to read a book. I'm always reading a book. Sometimes, sometimes dipping into the classics is like a temptation, you know, like, oh, you know, you're just fucking, you're literally a signaling, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:10:43 Yeah, fuck you Adam. I'm trying to make a point here. You know, you try and read something that is supposed to be one of the greats. Like I think I tried to read Moby Dick at some point. Or maybe it was something else. But one of those type of books, that just everybody, everybody has at their fingertips is a reference and
Starting point is 00:11:07 that was like the rough plot of but very few people have actually read and it was fucking unreadable you know like a lot of a lot of those you know quote-unquote great books like I had a conversation with my dad recently about Ulysses and just like that's like the best novel according to people who take that stuff really seriously. According to dads? Well, like he and I agreed. Like, how is it the best novel if it's unreadable?
Starting point is 00:11:38 Like, what the fuck are we supposed to get out of it? You have to have a certain kind of sweater vest to enjoy that book. Yeah. It's like the best novel for people who want to feel important for agreeing that it's the best novel. My only relationship to Moby Dick is the Twitter account that just tweets single sentence passages from it. And that sounds like a lot less upsetting than most of the Twitter accounts I follow, which is to retweet things that are horrible about politics. Well, I think one of the shrewd moves by the person who runs that Moby Dick account is that they tailor the lines for the moment.
Starting point is 00:12:22 And so there is a lot of, there's a lot about that account when you read the sentence of the day when it drops that is appropriate for the time. Fun. But even with that, no interest in reading the book. So Bashir and Garrick are hanging out. It's like it's morning time and Garrick are hanging out. It's like, it's morning time and Garrick is pissed off because there's like a freighter that was supposed to have dropped off some sweaters, but the aliens that operate this freighter do not have a concept of time.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Though I must say they make magnificent sweatsh. The USS Joanne Fabrics. Hehehehe. Didn't make it to their port of gall Yeah, they just got lost in their quilting bee. They got a little distracted Yeah, the the USS hobby lobby Very problematic ship. Yeah, like I've taken all of my business across the street to the USS Michael's ever since I found out what the USS Hobby Lobby is up to. So yeah, yeah, the cheerer is complaining about this book that gave him that sucked and... It's hard to take, like, I get Garrett's perspective. When you recommend a thing of media to someone, you take it personally if they don't like it.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Yeah, like, it is a source of genuine friction in my relationship that my wife does not care for Rick and Morty. Well... There are a lot of reasons not to for Rick and Morty. Well. There are a lot of reasons not to like Rick and Morty. Most specifically, the people who like Rick and Morty. Yeah. But I personally like Rick and Morty, so I have a complicated relationship to that. Yeah, she doesn't know anything about the, about the toxic fan culture of Rick and Morty.
Starting point is 00:14:21 The people who just yell out catch phrases in public at top volume. Yeah. Where were we that somebody was doing? We were in. We were doing Wubble-Ubb-Dub-Dub, and we were like, man, the joke about that is that it's an asshole thing to do. Not that you should be going around doing it.
Starting point is 00:14:42 It's like the people who started fight clubs after they saw the movie fight club, just totally missed the point. Yeah, so they're like, I think they're trying to find their lunch date vibe and they go through the list of restaurants, quarks is out of the question as is as is Klingon buffet. Is quarks out of the question because they don't serve food before noon or something? Did you get a clear read on why they weren't going to go there? I got the sense that it was more that
Starting point is 00:15:15 Garek wanted a chiller vibe than that. Right, because of the splitting headaches he appears to be taking on. Yeah, this is one of those scenes where you kind of think it's going one way and then just they randomly drop in. Garek is getting distracted from the conversation by his splitting headache and I was just trying my aurai, my pun.
Starting point is 00:15:40 You know, the doctor is given to concern over these kinds of things and Garrett is given to evasiveness and Self-autonomy, you know, yeah, this is a Conflict between them that has been a long time coming I think Kira shows up in a sort of like script formatting appearance Like walks out of the crowd and it's just like, I'm a character on this show. Okay, bye. It's like her specific use here is to take us to opening credits. She's like, what is that about?
Starting point is 00:16:14 And Bishir is like, I don't know. And then slam to credits. Yeah, they just both turn to camera. Yeah. Both she and Cisco basically have one line in this episode and that's it. They got more than DAX, right? Yeah, yeah. Now I guess DAX is in it, right?
Starting point is 00:16:31 Yeah, DAX is in the next scene when... She's got the plant that appears to be what I always pictured as the Morn Hammer. Right. Oh boy, yeah, not a lot of grooming being done around the base of the Mornhammer. It appears. Yeah, Dex, you got to man-scape your plant. I mean, the one thing we need in this scene is a way to discuss the type of care Bashir is used to giving, both people and fauna.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Because they use this plant as a jumping off point. Now, Dax, because this plant is on circumcised, you need to take special care to clean under the foreskin whenever you're watering it. That'll prevent the buildup of smagmy and unpleasant odors. Dax is chatting him up about the plant, but also about the difference between a work friend and a friend friend, I feel like. Because Bashir may have things twisted according to DX. Well, I mean, I think he's in a confusing place because he did sort of get ordered to be, to accept GaryX Overchairs of Friendship by Cisco. Yeah. But now he is sort of in that
Starting point is 00:17:56 place of I kind of do think of him genuinely as a friend. Yeah, and like if you see a guy feeling pain right in front of you and he's your breakfast buddy and has been for a year like this is a weekly lunch date they've had. I think I think it's easy to see how how things could become more than only professional, especially when the guys obviously suffering. Right. This is, I think, the first episode where Garrick has a couple of clear motivations and a couple of genuine moments. Like, you're all, like, one of the fun things about this character is that
Starting point is 00:18:39 you question everything he says, and there's plenty of that in this episode. But, and I think initially that splitting headache you wonder is that a real splitting headache or is this some, is he off on one of his games already? Yeah, he ever get a splitting headache to get out of an awkward conversation. Yeah, not tonight, honey. I mean, I've had people do it to me, just what I'm saying. But yeah, that's a thing that seems to be within this character's capabilities, right? The headache that isn't real for reasons.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Right. And that's not the case here. He's genuinely in pain. And you know, they talk about like, like, do you trust, Gary? Does he trust you? And that's also a fun question. Like, does does the relationship they've formed contain any trust? And can it when Gary is so evasive all the time when when trust is like never really on the table from his side. Because Bashir is a non-professional spy
Starting point is 00:19:49 and it appears that Garek is, like I don't get the sense that there's any spy craft happening here that I think Cisco's game has got to be eventually, maybe many years down the road, Garek will say something by mistake or get too casual with Bichier in a way that will betray his true identity. Yeah, I mean, Bichier has presented as being so guileless. Yeah. So much of the time that like,
Starting point is 00:20:21 it's amazing to think that Cisco would think that he would notice when something was important enough to report up the line. Yeah. A little later on, Bashir sees Garrick talking to Quark and this is after hours, this is after the promenade is closed. And there's like, what I'm gathering is like a window at Quark's where like toward the end of the night as they're putting the stools up on the bar, maybe you can go up to the window and get like one last drink for the road.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Yeah, there used to be a bar in my neighborhood in Brooklyn that would, they served all kinds of beverages, both alcoholic and non in Styrofoam cups so that you could like walk out, plausibly with a, you know, a margarita, like a 16 ounce margarita and a styrofoam cup. Oh, that's nice. That didn't read as being booze. Sure. So it just read as asshole with a styrofoam cup. Well, those are recyclable now, Adam. So they're not any more of an asshole move than any other single use plastic item. Fair enough. Which I guess are generally kind of an asshole move than any other single-use plastic item. Fair enough. Which I guess are generally kind of an asshole move, but like, hey man, it's the world we live in.
Starting point is 00:21:49 These are things that are going to have to be decided at a market level, not at the individual consumer level. No one cares about anything anymore, Ben. It's a real shit show. The Sheer Seas Garrett kind of storm off after appearing to not get what he wants. Yeah. That's a quirk. He over here's the end. It's like a quirk.
Starting point is 00:22:12 You need to get this quickly. Like, you need to Amazon Prime this shit to me. And it's got the, it's got the tones of a, of a drugsteel. I would say. Sure. There's a lot about this episode called The Wire
Starting point is 00:22:28 that makes me think that Garrick is sort of the bubbles of Deep Space Nine. The overhearing a drugs conversation, but misunderstanding its meaning is maybe one of the best parts of that. Yeah, that's fair. That's right on. You're walking down on Alexander Podgex,
Starting point is 00:22:45 man, you stepping on a dead soldier. But she are like kind of saunters into the bar after having stood upstairs listening to this. And like I couldn't help but something, something, something's quirk. It's another one of those things where quirk knows that everybody knows what he's up to, but still proceeds a pace, you know. Quark still walking the
Starting point is 00:23:08 promenade unpunished for attempting to run guns in the last episode. Right. Teflon Quark. Yeah. The next scene is Cisco's little cameo in the episode. Yeah, I got to get him paid. He pulled his jaw yelling at admirals, which, uh, pretty, uh, on character. That sounds like a made-up story for why he may have jaw pain been. Oh yeah, you think he was, uh, he was deep-throating something? I don't know. Nechev was just on the station not too long ago. Yeah? Maybe there's a thing. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:23:46 I'd like to see that. I mean, I wouldn't like to see it, but I'd like to see that relationship unfold. That'd be nice. That's a lot of levels of command to be fraternizing between. Yeah, no kidding. Up the long ladder indeed. But you know, you dropped the right canopy off on Nichea if she's down for anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Yeah, one line of dialogue out of Avery Brooks. When you get an Avery Brooks on set, I guess that's that's all you need. Yeah. It really looms large over this episode. O'Brien is there to help Bashir like dig into the computer to get some like Cardassian biology stuff, which is really just like a plot device for Bashir won't know how to help Garrick later in the episode. Like that is kind of O'Brien's function in this. Yeah, it really is. And that scene is like, it's cut short because Quark calls, is trying to call a cab for Garrick
Starting point is 00:24:57 because he's been over served at the bar. And he's a... Garrick's drinking the blue drink of headache relief. God. Did I step on you? That's not what I wrote down. I had that he was drinking the blue drink of not really dealing with your problems.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Oh. I sort of saw it as an aloeve type beverage. Yeah, you take one and at last 12 hours and he's taken three. And a prox and sodium suspension. Yeah, well, he's doing a lot of the classic over served. Yeah, at the bar moves where, you know, he resists the accusation that he's been over served and kind of falls for a lot of bullshit where people are like, okay, you and me, why don't we go drink together somewhere else?
Starting point is 00:25:54 Yeah, that sounds fucking great, man. A lot of like not noticing the bottle getting passed from behind Bashir's back to Quark. That was a fun bit of business. I thought Arm and Shimmerman's performance in this scene was really delightful. He's really sells how put upon he feels. I like the wiggle that Bashir gives the bottle to. Like it's not just behind the back.
Starting point is 00:26:15 It's like a wiggle, wiggle. And then, and it gets his attention in a fun way. Garek is an energy drunk, which is definitely a type of drunk that is not on the spectrum of fun drunks, I don't think, because he's the type that needs to be fenced in a little bit, needs to be controlled so that he does not become destructive. And this is what Bishir attempts to do. His drunk has become everybody else's problem to deal with. Yeah, and so it's not like abusive drunk or sad drunk, it's still sucky drunk. And you can't diffuse an energy drunk, you can only hope to like, heard them. And that's what Bishir attempts to do here.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Right. And before he can do it, Gary collapses on the floor, and they have to do the deep space nine equivalent of an ambulance, which is a site-to-site transport to the infirmary. Right. Pretty clean floor of Quarx Bar, I gotta say. Yeah, Quarx run in the tight ship, you know? I think I...
Starting point is 00:27:19 You don't play in customers with a dirty floor. You can't run a fancy hotel casino type establishment and have, you know, peanut shells all over the floor or whatever. I mean, I wouldn't want to fall on the floor of my local and that's not to say that my local is a diver or anything, but I think like Quarks keeping it pretty clean. Yeah. I did a lot of like older bars opted for carpeting on the floor? I do not like that choice. Yeah, that seems like a bad call. If what they're trying to do is knock down the echo, they should be carpeting the ceiling.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Right, that's where all your acoustics are going anyways. Yeah. Now if you're trying to remodel your local bar, the very worst thing you can do is cap it your flooring. We've gone with a floor treatment of an engineered lumber that is very watertight and easy to maintain. When you buy this new laminate flooring, what you get is a laminate section on top of plywood.
Starting point is 00:28:23 The boards click into place, making installation a snap. Remember to acclimatize your engineer, Lomba, in the space for a few days before you install it, so then it doesn't warp later on. In this context, warp does not mean travel at a speed faster than light, but rather, change shapes suddenly to create bowing and bending. I feel like they would have to pepper information like that in this old enterprise, you know. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Have you been watching the new season of this old from Charleston? I have, it is. It's a totally uncomfortable. The like, hey I have, it is. It's a kind of uncomfortable, the like, hey, yeah, this is the part of the house that the slaves used to live in. Yeah, that's tough. I can't think that they're not addressing that
Starting point is 00:29:14 and confronting how uncomfortable it is, but I guess, and I suppose it's just like a place of origin, privilege of mine that I've never thought that any house I've lived in might have had slaves in it at some point, but I guess it like you just run into that in certain parts of the country. It's a situation where you're getting like a little bit of history with that accent. And it is incredible like, now when you remodel and houses south of the Mason Dixon line. Occasionally you get the quarters for the masters and then the side quarters
Starting point is 00:29:55 for the slaves. This can make for a very problematic episode of your public television show. Yeah. Like, I think that they are aware of the discomfort that they're heading into and have like done a lot to like talk about it, but also I maybe would if I was the producer of a public television show about rebuilding old houses might just like go like, hey, like, this isn't necessarily our lane. And let's just stay out of it. I gotta say, like, as difficult as those things are to talk about, nothing is as deeply upsetting racially as Richard going to the Motown Museum. Yeah, nothing beats that they ever they everything is uphill from that.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Hey, listen, if you have any concerns about this episode and how we're turning the slave quarters into the older daughter's bedroom, allow us to direct your attention to the time we sent the plumber from our show to the Motown Museum. I'm still getting chills thinking about that. I have never left that loud at television. Any television thing ever. Like, nothing has ever been funnier to me than that. My wife and I was intentionally or not. My wife and I went to the Stacks Museum while we were in Memphis. And it's all I could think about as a visitor to that place, like, do not pull a Richard. Keep it cool.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Do not attempt to do a two-step under any circumstances. Yeah. Go to Kotlin. Go to Kotlin. Go to Kotlin. So. The next scene is, is Gerek is like totally incapacitated in the infirmary knocked out on the slab and Bashir is actually consulting with Odo because
Starting point is 00:31:55 he's discovered a device inside Garek's brain that is wired into all different parts of his brain. And it's like there's like scar tissue around it and stuff, but he's got Oto there because he wants to see what this drug steel situation with cork might have been about. And Oto's like, oh yeah, I can help you with that. I monitor every transmission Oto that cork sends off the station.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Like it is revealed that Odo lives deep inside Corks' ass in this episode. It's a massive reveal that only goes a little bit like Bashira's surprised, but he is not go to Cisco's surprised. Yeah, like start riots in the streets surprised, which he should be. I get the sense that because quark is not starfleet and Odo is not starfleet, that it's sort of a gray area, right? Like Odo is operating according to his own set of rules, as written by the joint team of Beijor and Starfleet, right? Yeah, he has Cisco's trust, you know? But he has such a weird job.
Starting point is 00:33:17 He was like the head of security when the Kardashians left and just got to keep the gig. What's the difference, though, between Odo putting up a camera and Odo turning himself into a glass to be in a room where shit's going down? I would argue there isn't much difference between the two. Yeah, that's a good point. I guess the difference is that you can put cameras up all over the place and that kind of gives you a... And Odo only has the number of eyes that he can put on his weird goo body.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Yeah. How much of Odo do you need for it to be Odo? Could he like separate at the two different parts? And then is it both Odo or is one of them... whichever one is bigger, Odo? Yeah, if one half is 51% and the other is 49, is the 51% the more sentient? Does he always have to be totally contiguous? Cause like the T1000 can get some blobs dropped off of him and then they reabsorb into his police shoe, that weird black shoe that police wear. Could he turn himself into a fine mist?
Starting point is 00:34:28 Yeah, that'd be nice. He'd probably be a... He'd probably be a great plumber, right? Flush him down a toilet. He'd know exactly what's blocking your pipes. So they do some surveillance, right? They watch Quark on FaceTime with this Cardassian, and Quark is like putting in a requisition,
Starting point is 00:34:51 and I guess putting in the product number on a website, like this, this girl is like putting it in, and his computer turns into like, you see the flashing light on his face. I love bohika here. Quark like gives him the UPC code and bohika enters it and it's like if you only have a UPC code on Amazon and it like brings up a sex toy, you will get nothing but like sex toy ads for the rest of your life. I like how quickly he goes through like, okay, my life is over and my career is ruined. So let me just make sure you don't tell me any further information
Starting point is 00:35:33 and hopefully that will minimize how much trouble I'm in because I'm already in a lot. This poor guy. Yeah. I can't remember another cardassian that I felt sorry for. I do feel sorry for Boheka. Yeah, he has kind of like crinst and melcom in the middle vibes a little bit. Honey, the important thing is no cops were there to see him. He's kind of jovial and boisterous and that like in big trouble, like in much bigger trouble
Starting point is 00:36:00 than he knows how to deal with before he realizes it. His fear really helps that, right? If he was bravely resisting the trouble he was in, he would be just like any other Kardashian, but he's totally freaking out in a fun way. What did you think of that close up on Quark in this scene? There was a really tight close up where Quark is almost looking at the lens.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Yeah, because they do a shot, reverse shot, facetime, right? I liked it. I mean, I didn't think it was a bad shot to the degree that I barely even noticed it as being a unique thing. Man, I thought it was really remarkable. Like, I guess I just haven't seen them get
Starting point is 00:36:42 that close on a face when it's shot, reverse shot, face time on this show. They both do a fair amount of leaning in and leaning back off of the camera in this scene in a fun way to emphasize points. Yeah, like there's so much body language in that. My therapist occasionally, like if there's a scheduling issue and I have to reschedule an appointment, well sometimes do FaceTime therapy appointment with me.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Wow. And it's always like, I'm very like self-conscious of like where I am in the frame on the FaceTime and like, and I like clean up the like office, the portion of my office that will be visible through the camera on my office that will be visible through the camera on my computer when I do it.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Including the year one tour poster that we had. Dude, I totally moved the year one tour poster away and put a different piece of art on the wall today. Because it's got by you. I had a therapy appointment I didn't want her to ask, like, who is that strange looking man in the diaper in that picture behind you? Do you think your co-host, Pendulous Sac
Starting point is 00:37:55 is an existential threat to your good mental health? I've seen cod pieces, but this is ridiculous. I've seen cod pieces, but this is ridiculous. Do you feel like FaceTime therapy is less good than in-person therapy in any way? I think it is. I wouldn't want it to be the routine, but it works in a pinch. I would want it to be the routine because I think that there is a part of this that is about the act of leaving the house and doing something on behalf of my own well-being that is impactful.
Starting point is 00:38:44 The same thing of getting out and going to yoga well-being that is impactful, you know? Yeah. The same thing of like getting out and going to yoga or going to the gym or whatever. It's like, I am not gonna sit here like a lump feeling bad for myself. I'm gonna go do something about this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Yeah, I find a lot of my problems are the result of not leaving the house. So I feel you there. Yeah. One of the issues that Bohemia has with entering this number is that the number represents a secret item in the Cardassian order. You and your Dan requisition code is for classified biotechnology quark. Even the cursid numbers classified created by the obsidian order
Starting point is 00:39:26 Which is an intelligence wing of Cardassia it's compared to the Romulan tal she are in this episode and and in a Tal she are doesn't have shit on us kind of way right yeah Obsidian order ain't that enough fuck with. Right. They seem like some pretty scary dudes
Starting point is 00:39:49 and they wind up, you know, like I like the way they're introduced in this episode. They kind of get introduced as just like, yeah, oh, that's what this thing is. And then this thing becomes kind of a pivotal element of the episode. Do you think Galmadred was obsidian order? I failed to see where this analysis is leading.
Starting point is 00:40:10 To have gotten away with doing that to a Starfleet flagship captain? I don't know, this is a new continuity, right? So I would say that you would be quite free to retcon him as being that. Yeah, I wonder. And the level of what they're capable of that is implied by this episode is pretty fun. The Obsidian Order is just all about stripping their prisoners. They're very into humiliation. Yeah. The dignity of everybody is entirely the choice
Starting point is 00:40:47 of the obsidian order. Like, you'll get the amount of dignity that you deserve and know more. A lot of, a lot of goll-lindy England types over there. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha. Yeah, it's just a few bad habits. Not the legates at the top. It's all these like, kind of, there's some, there's some a few bad outlets. Not the ligates at the top.
Starting point is 00:41:05 It's all these like kind of, there's some guls in the system that we're not properly trained, you know. This does not go up to the top at all. Nobody more powerful than a gul should get in trouble for what's going on in the obsidian order. There's a description of the obsidian order that that calls them the eyes and the ears like there's the an Example used about them goes like you can't you can't eat your breakfast or take a shit without them knowing what you're eating or or where you're shitting like and
Starting point is 00:41:39 That is an interesting counterpoint to Odo's That is an interesting counterpoint to Odo's affixing of a bunch of cameras around DS9, except the episode never connects those two. Yeah, I thought that was weird too. Like the, like he learned all his tricks from these guys, right? I got that sense, but it is so downplayed. Like their relationship, like Odo's spycraft's relationship to Obsidian Order is handled
Starting point is 00:42:08 so separately in this episode that I don't believe that any comparison drawn between them is intended. Yeah. And I kind of wish that that it was. I'm with you, buddy. To be quite honest about it, that is an appere. I'm fucking in pain. Mr. Bucket, I have to revert to better my dead state. Oh, I don't use the bucket anymore. Bashir heads back to the office and finds that Garrick has checked himself out of the
Starting point is 00:42:34 hospital on his own recognizance. Bashir allowed him to have clothes unlike what he usually does to DAX. Doctor! What a pleasant surprise. And so he goes to Garrick's quarters and he has to like medical override the doors open because Garrick won't answer. And Garrick is in the midst of like hyposprains
Starting point is 00:42:57 shit into his neck when Bashir walks in. How much of this did you take? Mia 30cc's not nearly enough, I'm afraid. Yeah, he got caught with the works in his hands. Yeah. Oh, there's your rig. It's out in the open now, Gary. This is one of the scenes where Andrew Robinson as Gary just like boxes out the rest of the cast members and takes over the show. Yeah, he is really incredible here and The production gives him the respect of giving him a couple of winners
Starting point is 00:43:34 Like a couple of really nice runs of dialogue unbroken and this is one of them when he's when he tells this story They're not cutting around They're they're letting the camera linger on him and letting him go through the cycle in a take, which is, that's how you wanna do it, right? You want to, it's such an interesting character because he's so big. He's really big and we've never seen him go through
Starting point is 00:44:07 Feelings like this before like what he's going through in this episode is so personal and so You know, he's in so much pain so much obvious pain That but it's but it's all kinds of pain, right? It's not just physical. He's being tormented by memories Yeah, shame and like the. And like the motivation he has is that he does not want to be the subject of Bajur and Shadden Frida. Whatever his feelings about the occupation are like what he did in the occupation, which he lies about a whole bunch of times.
Starting point is 00:44:44 The fact that he has to live here and be seen in public by the people under whose boot heel, who are under his boot heel for so long, like the idea of them getting to enjoy his suffering is impossible for him to bear. And that's that like kind of makes him seem more evil than he has seemed in the past, but also weirdly humanizes him. Right. Like it kind of does both things at the same time, which is a real magic trick. By humanizes him, could I use the word sympathizes him?
Starting point is 00:45:28 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, he really goes through a lot of stages here in this scene in a great way. He's totally riveting. Yeah, he's really good. And he's also doing a little bit of the do you know how I got these scars in this episode? Like I almost wondered if Nolan based some of the Joker in the Batman movie off of this character trait. Where are we? Interesting. He tells the same origin story over and over again,
Starting point is 00:46:06 and it's different each time. Huh. Never started with the head. The victim gets all fuzzy. I kinda doubt it because it's a Heath Ledger and Christopher Nolan and Hollywood. Like serious Hollywood people. You don't think serious Hollywood people
Starting point is 00:46:23 are using DS9 as cues? I mean, what should be taken very seriously is Andrew Robinson's performance, which is great. But no, I don't believe anyone is mining DS9 for character building material for superhero films, unfortunately. material for superhero films, unfortunately. Oh well Adam, oh well. What Garrick confides here is that he has an implant in his head that's primary use was to turn on in the event that he'd been tortured. And so it kind of like, if he were to be tortured,
Starting point is 00:47:04 it would get him through that torture in such a way that it would almost be enjoyable Like like he would stand up to that sort of harsh questioning. It stimulates his pleasure Pleasure centers to the extent that if somebody asked him to say You know how many lights do you see you would say there are four lights right not He would say there are four lights. Right. Not the four lights. Evidently, his experience on the station is such that it has felt like torture
Starting point is 00:47:36 to the degree that he decided on a whim to just turn it on. Yeah. And he hates being here so much that he's essentially been dosing himself like he's been Gradually modulating up how much pro-zac he's been taking It really unlocks something about garrick over the last two seasons for me, which is like yeah He's totally been stoned for two seasons Like he's been on 20 milligram gummies throughout. And it's totally like if you think back
Starting point is 00:48:12 on all the fungarek moments, without shill he's been in just about every situation, like of course, of course he's just trying to relax. And it's worked, but the problem is, the thing in his brain has run out of juice, and he's become dependent on those higher endorphin levels. And without them, he's going through a form of withdrawal. Yeah, and so like Bashir convinces him
Starting point is 00:48:38 at long length to tell him where the garage door opener is that turns on and off the chip in his head. And but she pulls it out and and switches him off. And that precipitates Garrett needing to go through with draws. Yeah, and in a scene that you get in a lot of films that feature drug withdrawals, you get a passing time montage where a caretaker is in tight quarters with someone who needs that kind of care. Yeah, and you know, you get the dissolve to like show him in different parts of the room, like making himself a cup of tea, etc, etc. the room, like making himself a cup of tea, et cetera, et cetera. In Star Trek, you get the single brass instrument of passing time, which you definitely get here.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Sure. I thought that it was interesting that Odo was like, cool, he's off the drugs. Let's talk to him about these murders. It sounds like he was in the obsidian order. Yeah. We can track some information down now. Yeah. city in order, we can track some information down now. Yeah, Odo, a person who asks permission from nobody seems on some level to be interested
Starting point is 00:49:54 in going by the book in this case. Yeah, it's interesting that like, like I think that the politics of this could be tested, you know, Odo could try to go over Vichiers had here and see if Cisco would order him to do something. Yeah. But he doesn't.
Starting point is 00:50:10 It's clear by the end of the episode that I'm not sure that you would get anything if you were to interrogate Garrick. You'd get 40 different versions of the answer to a question. Yeah. And like, one of the scenes during the detax is get it telling the sheer in a way that feels like really raw and honest. Like I hate your guts. And I hate myself for looking forward to
Starting point is 00:50:37 hanging out with you. And you know, like telling all these stories that seem to be both plausible but also apocryphal about what has motivated him over the course of his life. There is such an acute kind of pain that comes from a friend really giving you the business and like hitting all the buttons. I know what all of your sensitivities are because how much time I've spent with you and so now I'm going to stick knives in all of them. Yeah, and that's what Garek's doing to Bashir and Bashir's credit, he sees this as a
Starting point is 00:51:19 medical problem and not a friendship problem at this point. Right, he was taking it off his back. Yeah, which was a character building moment for me. It made me like be sure a lot here. He doesn't break, especially once he starts being thrown around the room. Yeah, they just, they do start a, they do start start track fighting here.
Starting point is 00:51:42 There is a start track tussle that only ends because Garrick like as like having a seizure or something right the bishier stunt double is not great In terms of how closely he looks like Sidig. Yeah Is it a I'm gonna get you second level? Yeah? stunt double. Yeah, I mean, it's very nicely edited, but it's super fun. Good thing Garrett keeps his quarters so glue me, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:52:13 So Garrett gets back to being unconscious in the infirmary. And it feels like a more controlled environment than his own quarters. Yeah. But, you know, they're realizing that there's only so much they can do for him because his Dr. Bersier's knowledge of Cardassian physiology is just so limited. And all of the stuff in the computer has been wiped. You know, like the Cardassians didn't leave their medical files
Starting point is 00:52:49 before, you know, when they pulled out. This is another example of wishing that the Bajorin people on the station had more to do in a story that is Cardassian centric. Because there's that Bajorora nurse and she's very professional and like she's never got weird feelings about providing life-saving care. That was exactly where I was going.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Yeah, that's Nurse Jibara, played by Steve Sanders' mom. She's back. She's a character that's been on the show a couple of times before. But yeah, where's her mixed feelings? Where is Kira or even Sisko about this? Like, one or both or all of them should have something to say about this.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Yeah, and furthermore, who is Steve Sanders? Steve Sanders from 902 Anopin, ask your wife. Don't tell me to ask my wife something you creep. Do you think it's weird that Bashir is given the latitude to do whatever he wants for Derek's care without ever asking Cisco what he should be doing? Yeah, it's it. Like not that Bashir would need to ask permission, but like I feel like a couple of Just run it by Cisco's would be
Starting point is 00:54:09 Sort of the thing to do when you're dealing with a person All people involved know to be a spy right the national security implications of what garrick is going through right are non trivial Exactly and garrick is not exactly advocating non-trivial. Exactly. And Garrick is not exactly advocating for his own well-being, right? They realize that they can turn the gizmo and his brain back on, buy him a week, and see if they can synthesize the leukocytes
Starting point is 00:54:38 that they need to help him detox. ["The Best Car Getting Red or A Slippin' The Green?" Luke is eight it aids recovery. But Garrick is unwilling to entertain that as an option, which makes the urgency surrounding saving his life fairly high. More and more. Long, sweet, more, more.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Do you hear everybody? More and stop. Hammer time. There's something pretty powerful that happens here, which is that, uh, Geryk kind of turns this into deathbed confession mode. Right. The story he's told about how he was busted down to Taylor duty has changed throughout the episode. And there was the like wasting a ship full of civilians and his buddy, Elym, at the point.
Starting point is 00:55:28 And this one, it's like, it's about how he heard that he was going to get betrayed and kicked out of the obsidian order by his brother, Elym, or not his brother, but as his like, dear friend, Elym, and worked very hard to have that happen to Elim instead of himself, but find out that it was already too far gone by the time he did anything. So he's got the guilt of betraying his dear friend, but also the knowledge that his dear friend betrayed him. He got the double whammy as it were. And he like wants sympathy and forgiveness
Starting point is 00:56:05 from this year, which is a very sympathetic moment for him. I'm here thinking back on the terrible things that I've tried to do and have done in my life, and I want to feel like they're not that bad. Like I didn't look I'm not a terrible person. Earlier in the episode, Garrick drops a name, a name of the guy who actually gave him the implant. And that guy's in a brown tane. And so Bashir reaching basically the moment of desperation decides to grab a run about and go out to see this guy because in addition to the name drop, Garek also states where he lives. Pepper's into the conversation and that's information for Bashir to actually find the the retired head of the Obsidian Order. And he runabouts out there and is like in the dudes living room,
Starting point is 00:57:11 I think walks in, like I guess that's how houses work in Kardashian. Sure. And Annabra and Jane is a great character. He's like kind of a rotund dude and he comes in. He knows all of Bashir's drink order specifics. And you know, he does a lot to telegraph that this is not a surprise to him. And that he knows more about Bashir than Bashir knows about himself, etc., etc. It doesn't seem like you get too many stocky cardassians, but they do get stocky or the higher up they go in rank, I feel like. Yeah, it feels like goals are very slender with long necks.
Starting point is 00:57:58 And they get comfortable, I don't like to say. Yeah, and this guy, this guy having been retired and having had a career at the top of the Obsidian Order, he's soft, good for him. He's got this interesting combination of pragmatic and even killed, but like super duper vindictive. Like, he's very praiseworthy of how skilled Garek was as an operative, but also is like, yeah, he needs to live so that he can be miserable for the rest of his long life. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:35 That's a pretty evil one-two punch. Well, it's not evil to hold a grudge. Isn't it, Adam? Isn't it? I'm saying that in my own defense, as someone who famously holds grudges. Remind me never to get on the wrong side of Adam Pranaka. I guess I just have my first taste of the filthy side of this business. One of the things that this guy gives, Bashir, is the knowledge that there is no Elim.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Elim is Garrx's first name. Yeah, and for sure it's been buds with Garex for a long time and did not know that. So that's pretty fun. What's great about Ennebrand's deal is like, Are you saying Ennebrand like you say Enkylosaur? Yeah, I'm having a hard time with his name. Ennebrand.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Ennebrand. Ennebrand? Ennebrand. Yeah, I'm having a hard time with his name. Inabran. Inabran. Inabran. Inabran. Inabran. Inabran. Inabran. Inabran. Ankylisor. What I like about Inabran's deal here is that like he's giving Bashir the life extending information to to patch Garrick up. But yeah. Only because it will extend and torture Garrick for the rest of his life as he remains on DS9. Like it's a real yes, but this guy does not need to be caught up on any of the, you know, they don't they don't have to show him the episode up till now. Yeah. The way Riker would have had to he is well aware of everything that's going on.
Starting point is 01:00:02 And yeah, wants to seal the deal that Garrett gets to live the rest of his life shittily. He knows exactly what Bashir likes to drink. He has to know that they have weekly breakfast every week for a year. He's got to know that Garrett had turned on the device. Right. He has to know all that shit. Wonder if that device calls home when it can turn down.
Starting point is 01:00:26 He's got to know about the voles, right? Yeah, by the way, dude, what do you think? Glue traps, snap traps, is there something else? Yeah, the sheer really should have used his time more efficiently here and gotten more info on the DS9. Oh, Brian is going to be super pissed at him. What Bashir, if he had a little bit more guile, would have realized is that now he has some leverage,
Starting point is 01:00:52 and I've maintained this reveal that he wants Gerek to live long and suffer. And therefore Bashir could be like, well, I don't have to save him. Like, like I could go back and this could be a total slip up, and he could die peacefully to sleep. You know, on that, do you? Tell me about these voles. You know, that's what busier should have done. But instead, he just gets, you know, he gets the medical information
Starting point is 01:01:21 transmitted to the station's computer and he heads back and he patches his little buddy, Gerek, he's like he's having lunch and Gerek steps up to the table and they have a little perfunctory conversation about like you shouldn't be at a bed buddy. No, I hated it in there. They play a little game of like two truths in a lie. Butishir wants to know which of the stories Garrick told him in this very train episode. We're true. And Garrick says that they were all true even the lies. Especially the lies. I have been complaining. I had complained a couple of times up until now about things
Starting point is 01:02:04 that I Wish had occurred in the episode that didn't yeah, but something does not occur here that I'm glad Didn't occur which is garric apologizing for being such a dick to be sheer earlier There's never that moment of you know I was really fucked up and going through with thralls like I'm sorry never that moment of, you know, I was really fucked up and going through with thralls. Like, I'm sorry, settle that messed up, all those messed up things to you. Never any of that. And part of it, I think, is that Bishir understands that he was going through with thralls. I think the darker part of it is, all of that was
Starting point is 01:02:39 true. And that Garrick might actually feel that way and does not wish to apologize for saying any of it. Well, I think that you can feel that way and also have it not mean as much as it sounds like it means, you know? Like any close relationship I have, like there's a lot I love about the person and things that I resent or just like about the person. And I let the things that I love about the person take more weight, you know. Right. And sometimes you have those dark moments
Starting point is 01:03:13 where you let all of the bad side come out and ignore the good side. Ideally, you take ownership of that bad stuff, right? Or not, you know. No, I'm just thinking about it. Well, weird. Did you like the episode, Adam? Yeah, I really did. I think this is one of my favorites of season two. I liked it quite a bit. And I wouldn't have expected to given how absent the heavy hitters of season 2 have been barely a Kalamini, very little Jadziya Dax next to zero Nanaviza
Starting point is 01:03:57 tour and a single line out of every Brooks. Like I would not have expected an episode free from all of those people to be as good as this was, but I think that just says a lot about how unappreciating I have been for Dr. Bashir and Garrick up until now. I think giving them this bottle was a really good idea. Yeah, this like Bashir app before now has not necessarily boated well. That agreed, yeah. And this time it was a great app.
Starting point is 01:04:31 And you know, Alexander Siddeg is not, he's kind of the straight man in this episode, but his performance is really good. I saw a lot of sides of his character that I've wanted to see before, you know, the caretaker, the concerned friend that, you know, have been presented, like, I think, I think,
Starting point is 01:04:55 previous episodes that centered around him have not necessarily reflected well on the character and this generally really does. Yeah. I also, like, I thought it was shot interestingly, like there's some really great and interesting close-ups, there's some great wide shots, like, I don't think that we've seen like full body shots
Starting point is 01:05:18 of Alexander sitting so far, and he has, he's probably the only character that looks good in the deep space 9 version of the Starfleet uniform because he's so lean like his he kind of looks like Fred Astaire in his uniform. Yeah he's very live. He's very like elegant in this episode and not for nothing Ben this is the first DS9 episode to be directed by a woman. It's Kim Friedman. Really? And they liked her work so much that they brought her back to do a bunch more episodes. So your instinct that something was different about this ep in its direction...
Starting point is 01:05:56 I hope I thought female gaze. I think I was able to answer this with my answer to whether or not I like the episode, but do you think in order to like the episode, you have to be okay with the questions about Garek being unanswered or being ambiguous? Because I think a lot of people who wouldn't like this episode would probably dislike it because you go through all of this and you're back to one with Garek. Like, you go through a ton of shit and I don't think you're more knowledgeable for it in terms of Garek's story.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Where are you on that? It's vulnerable, but in a way that is kind of, you can't get back to that point. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, really, it only makes him vulnerable. It does not disclose anything else. Because he just don't know what to believe. Yeah, I mean, I don't mind that. I like that he's a chaos agent.
Starting point is 01:06:56 And I like that there seem to be times when he can't be trusted and other times where he's instrumental to saving the day, you know. That makes him such an interesting factor in the show. Well, the chaos agents in every episode of the greatest generation is the priority one message. What do you say we see if we have any of those pin? Let's do it.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Priority one message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Need a supplement on it. A supplement on it? A supplement. Yeah, it's extra. But the interest alone could be enough to buy this ship. Adam, we have a couple of priority one messages here.
Starting point is 01:07:39 The first one is of a promotional nature, and it's from our buddy Felipe Sobriero, whose name I am positive I'm saying wrong because it is from Brazil and I am always wrong when it comes to pronouncing something Portuguese. It goes like this, if you aren't as embarrassed as Ben and Adam to let people know you're into Star Trek, get your three-warf-mourn apparel right now! Designed by Friend of Desoto, Felipe Sobriero. Visit and that's a And shop like a warrior! Complah! Shop like a warrior. Kapla! Shop like a warrior.
Starting point is 01:08:25 That's great. The Philippe Gs. What's great about his store is that you can put that three-warf-morn design on like a pillow or a shower curtain or like there are various textiles that you can put this artwork on that I think is great. Oh, amazing. I had no idea.
Starting point is 01:08:44 That's a... Yeah, it's I had no idea. That's a... Yeah, it's not just for shirts. That's tremendous. We were kind of hoping for this to be an official greatest gen merch item and a number of factors prevented that from happening, but we are really excited that Felipe is selling it nonetheless because three war...
Starting point is 01:09:03 It's, you know, you've seen the three wolf moon T-shirt. This is three warf moorn. So imagine three warfs and a moorn. You get it, right? I really hope that he just rakes it in from the Friends of Disotto with this design because it's really funny. And he's also a guy doing the design for our board game Which is getting improved very shortly. Yeah, we're so lucky to have such talented friends indeed Adam Do we have any more priority one messages? We do we have a personal priority one message
Starting point is 01:09:37 It is from Colonel Walter E. Kurtz. It is for John Roderick Unfortunately for Colonel Kurtz John Roderick doesn't listen to podcasts. Yeah. So I'm not sure if we can- He's devolved podcasts made by dear friends of his. Right. Message goes like this. It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what
Starting point is 01:09:59 Star Trek means. Trek! Trek has a face, and you must make a friend of Trek. Trek and bad jokes are your friends. If they are not, then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies. Drop the bomb, exterminate all the hoosnuck. Is that your best Kurt's impression? Adam? I don't have a Kurt's impression. Track and bad jokes are your friends. That's my, that's my curts. That's my bad curts. Strong curts?
Starting point is 01:10:33 Well, I don't know if we'll remember to tell John that that happened or what, what it was by the time we do remember, but Thank you, Colonel Walter curts for sending that in. If you're interested in, let's really sell P1's this time, Ben. What do you think? How do we do it? Let's sell the shit out of them, Adam. Ben priority-win messages are some of the best ways to support the ongoing production of our show. You've heard advertisements on our show from time to time. Those entities pay a lot more than what a priority one message costs, that's for sure. So if you've got like a project or a product that you would like to get into the minds of tens of thousands
Starting point is 01:11:14 of friends of DeSoto, this is where you go. You go to slash jumbo-tron. It's $100 for a personal message and $240 commercial message. While we're at it, if you're interested in selling an advertisement. I think you'd be surprised at how obscene the number of listeners are that we have for this show. Get a hold of Kira at and she'll hook you up.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Kira will hook it up and you know we've got we've got repeat businesses from a lot of advertisers so it seems to be working. At least something does. A greatest-gen live show is something you don't want to miss. Why? Well, it's a great opportunity to see me and Ben in person, but that's not all. FODs from all over gather at these shows to cosplay, to do pre and post show hangs, to make friends, and share their embarrassment. Hey, let's make a pretty great name for
Starting point is 01:12:17 a tour. Let's do it! The Sherry Reembarishment Tour is coming in August 2023, and we've got a bunch of dates in a lot of great places. Go to to get more info. That's for dates and ticketing information for the Share Your Embarrassment Tour. I'm Jordan Morris, and I'm Jesse Thorne. On Jordan Jesse Go, we make pure, delightful nonsense. We were open awesome guests,
Starting point is 01:12:44 and bring them down to our level. We got stupid with Judy Greer. My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweirds. Pat Noswald. Could I get a ball-rock burger and some air-gorn fries? Thank you. And Kumail Nanjiani. I've come back with cat toothbrushes, which is impossible to use.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Come get stupider with us at Look, your podcast apps are already open. Just pull it out. Give Jordan Jessie Goat try. Being smart is hard, be dumb instead. Oh, rats, hey, hey, hey, oh, I'm about to count you in line. These clouds are really freaking me out. I hate having to stand in line, and boy, what do I, these giraffes do not smell good. No, they do not, and they've such short nacks.
Starting point is 01:13:24 But I'm hearing we need to get on this. We've got to get on the art. It is about terrain, about a spout to destroy humanity. Hey, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. Are you Noah? Yeah, I know we look like humans. We're actually, we're podcasters. We are podcasters, so it's different.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Have you heard of Ono Ross and Kerry? We investigate spirituality, claims of the paranormal, stuff like that. And you have a boat and say the world's gonna end, so seem like something for us to check out. We would love to be on the boats. We came two by two. What do you think? Ona Ross & Kerry, available on Let's go past the rock, let's go, let's go DS9. I think he's given the most to do here.
Starting point is 01:14:27 He gets the drunkest of this episode. He gets the old literal drunkest in Avery. I love the way he plays that scene. Like he's not. I like that. I like that an Abrientaine is also drinking the same. Yeah. As him later in the episode. I like that too. Yeah, the barber side. Yeah. He's really great in the set at all times. He plays drunk. He plays serious. He plays coy. He plays all of it. He plays hurt. He just does a lot of heavy lifting in the set. So it's got to be garrick for me. What about you, Ben? My drunk Shemota in this episode. So it's got to be garrick for me. What about you, Ben? My drunk Shemota in this episode is, I guess it's quirk. It's the scene where Bashir is walking around after hours, like the, the bar is shutting down. And they show a shot of one of the bartender, you know, the Frankie bar staff
Starting point is 01:15:23 lowering the security shutters on the bar. And they appear to just be like loose hanging kind of accordion folded sheets. They're not like the security shutters on a real store where the, you know, it's like metal slats that are actually in a track so that you couldn't ever pull them out. It's just kind of like a, like a Roman blind
Starting point is 01:15:46 that he's pulling down. And I just thought that that was a real asshole move on Quartz part to have that shitty of security given all the dirt he wants to be doing after hours. Well, I mean, given the number of security cameras up around the station, maybe he's thinking that he'll, like, camera coverage will be the deterrent and that, and that shutter. And yet there's a camera in the middle of his dining room that he's totally unaware of. Yeah, he's got a real blind spot.
Starting point is 01:16:17 His peripheral vision has got to be fucked with those years, right? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. I guess so. Would you see them? I don't know if you would see them. I mean, put your fingers on your ears and then draw them out five inches. I can see both of my fingers. Can you? Yeah, I guess they would fuck your peripheral vision up. It totally would. Whoa. Totally. Shit dog. If we ever get to interview Armin Schimmerman, I'm gonna be sure to ask how his peripheral vision was
Starting point is 01:16:50 obscured by those ears. Don't make promises you can't keep at them. What do we have coming up on the next episode, Ben? The next episode is season two episode 23, crossover, a mishap in the wormhole, since Kira and Bersier into an alternate universe where Bejure is a tyrannical power and humans are slaves. Is this a mirror universe episode? I'm thinking it might be, it kind of reads like Mary Universe, right? Huh. If this is, this might be the one where Odo gets shot and like turns into Ublek. Oh. Which is a really awesome effect that I remember quite vividly from watching this show the first time.
Starting point is 01:17:42 Hmm. Uh, Netflix of, has it as after experiencing operational difficulties while traveling through the wormhole, Kira and Bashir find themselves in an alternate universe. Which kind of makes me think you're right. Interesting. Wow! Well, I'm psyched to, uh,
Starting point is 01:18:02 get myself back over to the Mirror Universe. Be fun to see what the differences are. Yeah, I mean, this was, I think, Mirror Universe, as of when this actually aired, Mirror Universe hadn't been heard from since TOS. They didn't mess around with that shit in TNG. Deep Space 9 did a deep dive into the Mirror Universe with five separate episodes across five different seasons, crossover in season two, through the looking glass in season three, shattered Mirror in season four, resurrection in season six, and the
Starting point is 01:18:34 Emperor's new cloak in season seven. Wow, they did it kind of a lot. Yeah. Cool, so it's kind of a main thing in deep space nine. That checks out. Fun. Adam, do you want to see if we're going to be doing it in any particular type of way? Yeah, I think we have to, Ben. We are currently on square 71, which is just on the porch of a quark spar on square 72. Has it been long enough since our last quark Spar episode to be on the porch again? Alright, there are rules.
Starting point is 01:19:10 Hardly. You're required to learn as you play. Roll. Alright, well, I'm in a roll. Oh. I roll the one. I'll never end. There you go. Yeah, I love my rain! There you go.
Starting point is 01:19:25 Yeah, that's what we deserve. Drink up the antidote! Oh, buddy. That's what you get for tucking shit, Ben. That is what I deserve. I don't really believe in locker for ordination or anything, but that's kind of creepy. Yeah. Well, that's us.
Starting point is 01:19:41 That being the case, I guess, next week will be rage drunks because it's the Mirror Universe. I don't know. How does it work? Maybe we are, we're stone cold sober and we're just drinking virgin dacaries. Yeah. All the calories, none of the alcohol, none of the fun. Well, that'll be the next episode in the meantime.
Starting point is 01:20:05 We'd really appreciate it if you went over to Apple Podcast, less than a nice review, went to and got yourself tickets to one of our many live shows that are coming up. Those are going to be great. And we are really looking forward to them. In a scant couple of weeks, Those are going to be great and we are really looking forward to them. In a scant couple of weeks we are going to be in Las Vegas which is counter programed against the Las Vegas Star Trek convention, but I'm sure a lot of you are going
Starting point is 01:20:39 to. And you know if you want to go do something a little bit punk rock, a little bit slam dance, the shadow of the thing about punk rock, do you? You don't think slam dance is punk rock? Yeah, slam dance is punk rock. That's not the reference that I would have reached for. I was making a second analogy, not not continuing with the same one. I'm psyched for this Vegas show, Ben. Yeah, it's gonna be great. And you know, we're gonna see the con a little bit ourselves, which I'm also excited about. I've never been to a Star Trek
Starting point is 01:21:20 convention, so it'll be a real experience for me. You'll be cosplaying as Benjamin R. Harrison from the greatest generation. I'll be cosplaying as that guy that went to summer camp that time and introduced himself to people as Wesley. Yeah. I think you can pull that off. So come to that show or come to one of the 18 or 19 other shows that we have announced. It's and Con has built KHAN because it's not a convention. It's a live show about Star Trek, Wrath of Con.
Starting point is 01:21:54 Get it? Yeah, that would be really confusing if you dropped in on one of our shows expecting it to be a convention-like atmosphere. It's a show! It's a show! It's a really fun show. It's got a couple of jokes in it that I am tremendously proud of and dozens and dozens of jokes in it that I'm pretty ashamed of. So that's our brand. Let that inform your purchasing decision.
Starting point is 01:22:27 our brand. Let that inform your purchasing decision. Wait a stir up our viewers into a lather. A lather of ticket buying power. A number of jokes that if I had to explain them at a dinner party with a bunch of my wife's friends, I would be pretty embarrassed about the whole thing. You can also support the show by going to slash Donate and making a monthly contribution to support the production of this program. We can't do it without y'all. Yeah, 220 episodes in the can up until now. Yeah. If you've enjoyed our work up until now and if that has a value to you I would encourage you to help with the ongoing production of the show because we hope to do hundreds and hundreds more from here go to that and Help make them stay be free and stay free for ever We should thank dark materia for our original theme music and the great Adam Ragusia who has made so much
Starting point is 01:23:25 great music for the program. And with that we'll be back at you next time with another great episode of Star Trek Deep Space 9 and an episode of the greatest generation Deep Space 9 which leaves me so little time to grow a goatee Yolou Piccad of the U.S. It's a bit bit wild. It's a bit bit wild. Yolou Piccad of the U.S. It's a bit bit wild. Make it sound. Make it sound. Yolou Piccad of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of Cod of C are supported.

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