The Greatest Generation - Food Cuck (VOY S7E7)

Episode Date: January 1, 2024

When Dr. Mark gets keistered during an attack on the Delta Flyer, Mark Seven gets a little too comfortable with their anti-photonic captors. But when the holodecks on Voyager become diplomatic fodder,... Paris discreetly prescribes Tuvok a terrible crime. What’s Vulcan employment law w/r/t Pon Farr? Is there any gay panic to be found in this story? Who has a total subjugation blindspot? It’s the episode that wants Jeri Ryan to explore The Poehler Region!Support the production of The Greatest Generation.Friends of DeSoto for Democracy.Friends of DeSoto for Justice. Friends of DeSoto for Labor.Follow The Game of Buttholes: The Will of the Caretaker!Music by Adam Ragusea & Dark MateriaFollow The Greatest Generation on Twitter, and discuss the show using the hashtag #GreatestGen!The Greatest Generation is on YouTube.Facebook group | Subreddit | Discord | WikiSign up for our mailing list!Get a thing at!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Here's to the finest crew in stopping! Engage! Watch your back shot, hello! I'm Captain Captain Brinke, where the U.S. is. Borbander, the Captain Captain Captain Brinke, where the U.S. is. Borbander, the Captain Captain. Welcome to the greatest generation! It's a Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys just a little bit embarrassed about having
Starting point is 00:00:22 a Star Trek podcast. I'm Adam Pryan podcast. I'm Adam Pranica. I'm Ben Harrison. I'm also embarrassed that we did that thing where we beam into this frame again. Just, I mean, you know, it's fine, I guess. I mean, we're dorks. Let's just admit it, we're dorks. It's one of those dorky things where you feel dorky doing it.
Starting point is 00:00:43 This is probably what it feels like to be on Star Trek a bunch. You're doing a dorky thing that your promise is going to look good by the time it's all edited together. And that's the promise of a video code 47. That's what we're doing here. Really got to extend trust to production. You're in a catmunk room or, you know, anybody, any of them. Yeah. Some of this is humiliating stuff to be asked to do. Yeah. Anyways, we got a code 47. We're putting it on YouTube because it's stuff people have sent us. Couldn't you use an extra $6 this month?
Starting point is 00:01:20 I sure could. Yeah. So here we are. We really rake it in on the ad sense. I think the CPM on YouTube is Less than a third of what we get with advertisers through, but we're doing it anyways Yeah, love it I'm sorry to disturb you. I'm receiving a code 47 verify
Starting point is 00:01:42 It is code 47 sir Starflely emergency frequency. Captions eyes only. All right, Adam, we're gonna open a bunch of things. This first one is kind of busted open already a little bit. It's from Sam in, let's see, Carleton, Texas. Wow, okay. All right. It's just addressed to you here on the package. So I don't know what that's about. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:08 I would expect a lot of these packages and letters to be addressed directly to me. Just to you. Yeah. But this letter addressed to both of us. So, okay. Maybe there's something in here for me too. Dear Ben and Adam, I message you, but you ain't responding.
Starting point is 00:02:25 I left my Reddit, my Twitter, and my Discord at the bottom. I sent two P1s back in autumn, you must not have autumn. There probably was a problem with the jumbo tron or something. Sometimes I put payment info incorrectly when I buy one, but anyways, fuck it. What's been up Ben? How's your son? I'm getting a little creeped out but I also like the bit so I'm torn here. This letter goes on. There's like a straight up, you know, Helvetica font and then there's also like the scrolling of a madman font for that first part. Does it end as violently as the last
Starting point is 00:03:02 of a madman font for that first part. Does it end as violently as the last lyric of the stand song? Uh, well, let's see. Well, we got some more to read here. Okay, I'll stop this nonsense before that Dino sample starts playing and you guys get demonetized. It's at doubt furious, back with a couple more unlicensed Star Trek Lego kits. I crammed as much D as I could into this tight little box.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Um, phrasing? In-close, you'll find the USS Defiant and a Romulan Dideridx Warbird, although the little D is a tough little ship for blasting borgs. The Double D is a better, is better as a display piece for intimidating your foes. But I'm really pleased at how these turned out out and I hope you guys have fun building them. Wait, is this on camera? How about you dump out those double d's for the YouTube viewers? By the time we hear this, the Austin stop of the share your embarrassment to her might have
Starting point is 00:03:57 come and gone already. I'm sure it was awesome. Good bits, big laughs all around and I bet I was very cool and didn't do anything weird in the VIP meet and greet Thanks for bringing your love laughs and embarrassment to the Lone Star State come back anytime So anyways, I hope you get this man hit me back just to tat truly yours your biggest fan. This is Sam Beautiful really well written. Yeah, thanks to Sam for enduring formula one weekend in Austin Those are some hardy FODs out there. We do indeed have some
Starting point is 00:04:32 Little mini Lego kits here. Oh look look at that. There's your DaDarradx class warburg. Looks great And all the all the pieces Uh-huh, you can take this one home Adam, I know you love double D's. You know it, you know that's my ship. I love the way Sam does the booklets here. They're just like the booklet that you would get in a real Lego kit. I mean, Sam's gonna get demonetized.
Starting point is 00:04:58 This is unlicensed merch here, but we're fine. We'll use that dado song all day long. Yeah, we've gotten stuff from Sam before. We've gotten, I think, the bridge chair. And we've gotten an older addition entrepreneur. I've got my entrepreneur right here. Those books, though, the instruction books, maybe Sam's best work.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Kind of amazing the amount of work he puts into that. It's got to take at least as long as designing the model itself. It's so cool. Wow, well thank you, Sam. Let's move on, what do you say? Oh yeah, you didn't mention how many we had. I'm imagining there's just a pile.
Starting point is 00:05:41 There's a pile. Uh-huh. You know, I get my customary static from the guys at the post office every time I go because I let it all pile up. They let me out of there with the post office like the, you know, the bin that I presume sits in the bottom of every blue postable box on the street all over this fine country. You know what they've done is they've deemed it necessary to give you gifts to entice you into coming more often. That bin, that's a bribe bin.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Oh yeah. So that is. I thought it was like, you know, you can visit post office 10 times to get your, they punch your ticket and they're like, oh, free bin. I love that. That's for you. Maybe pick up some extra flat rate boxes while you're there
Starting point is 00:06:32 That'd be great. I should do that. Um, all right. This came from Barbara Altman. Barbara Altman our our woodturner Yeah, how did you make a plane? There's a letter goes like this Hey guys, just a little token of my continued appreciation. It was great to finally meet you at the encounter and firepoint I remain firmly of the opinion that episode one of TNG is Batchit crazy, but your show was a great time. I wasn't able to see the livestream happily I was somewhere in Croatia floating in the Adriatic, but I'm sure it'll turn up in the donor feed eventually. I saw the share your embarrassment to her both in Chicago and Boston. I was visiting Chicago for my birthday and persuaded my sisters to join me for the show,
Starting point is 00:07:06 with the promise that I'd go with them to an equally embarrassing event of their choosing. So far, this has stumped. At these shows, I met some terrific FODs. I've really enjoyed following along, viewing the pod during DS9 and Voyager, which I'd never followed consistently. I'm glad you are still having fun with this project because you're really good at it sincerely. Barbara, you're gonna make me cry. That's really nice. In either case, I've continued playing around
Starting point is 00:07:33 with my dolphin carving tools, and I was wondering what it would be like to make a challenge coin out of stone. I've enclosed my first attempts. Be well, Barbara Altman. There's a PS here at him. It's written in pencil, it says, PS, this is really embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Shortly after attending your Boston show, I came down with a case of COVID at a weird fever dream about the episode Mashed, which spawned this third coin. I hold you entirely responsible for inspiring this stupid joke. Ha ha ha. When you dream about the episode Mashed, I mean, I hold you entirely responsible for inspiring this stupid joke. When you dream about the episode, Masks, you don't need any sort of de-conjesting sleep aid.
Starting point is 00:08:13 No. To get weird dream imagery of that, right? It's its own illness and inspiration. Masks is Nyquil dream. Ha ha ha. Getting to meet Barbara at the re-encounter at Firepoint was so cool. She's like the sweetest person. And look at these challenge coins she's carved. Wow.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Looks like a soapstone. In Cisco, we trust on the back and the Bajorin tablet on the front. In the hierarchy of carvers, do you think stone is above wood? I've got a car. That seems way more difficult. Carved a little stone. There are stones that are really easy to carve. If this is soapstone, it's soft enough that when you take the blade,
Starting point is 00:08:59 you can actually gouge things out exactly the way you want them to. Man. Wow, that's really cool. In case of Power-Aid, break tablet that says, I'll be back in this one. These are great, Barbara. Really cool. You know, and we know that the Bajorin tablet
Starting point is 00:09:15 is a recurring character. Yeah. And now we each have one. It's a recurring character that Badge is based off of a lower dex, I think. Yeah. Here's the PS coin in its own little... Masaka is coming. Wow. It says on the back. Really cool.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Corgano already came. That is a thick one. Turn it to the side. Let me see profile. Wow. That is a thick one. Turn it to the side. Let me see profile. Wow. That's like a double-stuff challenge coin. If you can see my sock up from the back, wait till you see my sock up from the front. Oh these are great. And Barbara made these little like hand-sewn felt pockets to keep these safe and... Good idea. Amazing, Barbara. Wow. You were a very talented carver. Yeah, keep carving. Keep carving, Barbara.
Starting point is 00:10:11 So great. Thank you. Should we get into another package here? Yeah. We have a bunch more. Bustum open. So one of the things that was in the thing was just a bunch of duck hearts or chicken hearts or something like dog treats.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Oh yeah. And no, no. It just came from like a fulfillment center. Hmm. I'm a little scared of those. I know how did they taste. I mean, they tasted good, but I don't know if I want to give them to Dara or Ripley. Of course. Just got an abundance of caution, given that I don't know if I want to give them to Dara or Ripley.
Starting point is 00:10:45 She's got an abundance of caution, given that we don't know who sent them. I mean, if the, has the package been tampered with? I mean, I tampered with it to see what was inside, and the no note, and it's just like a receipt from, you know, It makes me feel like... Oh, it's proper sign. Oh, it's proper sign. If that was a gift sent with some sincerity, definitely appreciate the kindness paid to our beloved pups.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Indeed. Our dogs don't subscribe to the philosophy that we do, which is like the most dangerous thing you could do as a podcaster is consume a gift from a listener. Yeah, yeah. That's okay for us, but not for our pups. Our dogs are far safer than we are. Yeah. Alright, moving up in order of scale. This one just came from cafe press. It's like two styrofoam cubes taped together. Styrofoam cubes taped together. Oh man. So the first one is an I did nothing wrong coffee mug. Wow. Kind of a Star Trek font which I really like. You did nothing wrong, Ben. I need to remind myself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I don't have Phil texting me that. And there's one for you as well. Ben, I think you need both of those more than I need one of them. Today, I did do something wrong, though, Adam. And therefore, I'm going to destroy these two mugs. No! Amazing! What a gift from our lips to those mugs.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Yeah, incredible. They seem to have come through totally anonymously. I don't see any note in close here, so thanks to whoever sent those. Very cool! Those are delightful. Yeah! Okay, getting into the bigger packages here, Adam. This one is from Colleen.
Starting point is 00:12:48 And, uh, let's see. What does that say, Madrid? Oh, sure. No, Madison. Madison, Wisconsin. Sister cities. This one's kind of heavy, too. Oh, boy, there's a bunch of stuff in here.
Starting point is 00:13:02 But I have found a note. Oh, good. Greetings from Madison. This package comes from two people who make mead for a living who are really kind of shameless about how much we love your podcast. We are watching this pod as we make and bottle every batch of boss mead.
Starting point is 00:13:18 These are the boss mead people that we heard about on the P1 recently. Yeah, it's good to have meet friends. We wanted to share the story of how it became the pod track of our work life. I, Colleen, decided to watch, slash, re-watch more Star Trek during the pandemic. I watched DS9 for the first time and committed the pandemic to watch all Star Trek everywhere. I came into work one day and told Jason, our ex-so, about my renewed Star Trek love, and he and I bonded over our devotion to DS9
Starting point is 00:13:52 and Star Trek in general, who's great. A while later, I came to work and confess to Jason that I had started viewing some stupid Star Trek podcast that my college pal, Jen, engaged at a Gigi live show in Portland in 2022 to the Delighted Josh had recommended to me and which I had become curiously addicted to. Jason quickly held up his phone and revealed he was watching Grace Jen at that very moment and said, you mean this stupid podcast right here? He was also hooked.
Starting point is 00:14:23 That's great. Hey, we met that engaged couple at our Portland staff of this year's live tour. Yeah, now married, happily so, and they brought their parents, and we proceeded to do probably the dirtiest podcast we possibly could run of an entire family. of an entire family. What you can't do is make it known that there are very old or very young at one of our touring shows because once we know that we're going to go especially hard. Now, I'm happy to say that all work at Boss Metery is made with the greatest generation playing in the background. We are typically back in the stacks chilling the most while we stir bottle and cork. So given the great vibe, you give give us for working we thought we owed you a couple bottles of meat and some t-shirts We are also purchasing a p1 to pimp the meat formally cool this package is just about saying thanks for making us smile
Starting point is 00:15:18 We appreciate what you do calling boss and Jason Humphrey at boss meaty amazing That there's a little bit of us in every bottle I've been to Colin Boss and Jason Humphrey at Boss Metery. Amazing. How about that? There's a little bit of us in every bottle. I've been. Mm. Don't tell people that it's gonna crash their sails. Very cool. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I love these heavy metal t-shirts that Colin has included and that here is one of the bottles. Heavy metal bottles. Hammer smash cherry is the flavor that I just pulled out. Let's see if there's a different flavor to the other one. Also, Hammer smash cherry. We both got cherry. I was hoping for another cherry.
Starting point is 00:15:57 You didn't want to fight over the cherry. It's awesome. I think the only other meat experience I've had was with the cherry meat. We also got a bottle opener. Great! Yeah. Shall I pop one of these and take a sip? I think we should save them for an episode where we can drink them together. Okay, a meaty sod.
Starting point is 00:16:17 A meaty sod. Yeah. Ingredients, water, honey, cherries, yeast, sulfites. That's it! Yeah, that's all you need. That's all you need. What else, what more could you need? Ask any meat, bro, and I'll tell you. Amazing. Wow.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Alright Adam, the last package here is two packages. And I'm assuming that they're supposed to be one thing together because they both came from major internet retailer. Okay. But seem to have shipped on the same date. thing together because they both came from major internet retailer. Okay. But seem to have shipped on the same date. So I don't know what we're in for here. You're opening up the bag one first, it looks like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Oh man, these are more dog things. We got a squeezy, piggy dog toy. Oh, Ripley is gonna love that sound. Before destroying it. That's the last thing she hears before that piggy dies. We've got pork chumps. Uh-huh. These are a little bit more like commercially packaged
Starting point is 00:17:19 looking than the other ones that I found. Hey, there is a gift note here. These are from Brett. Uh-huh. Oh, here's another gift note. Ben and Adam, as a big dog lover, I wanted to send your dogos some treats and toys. Thanks for all the laughs.
Starting point is 00:17:35 You guys are the best trek podcasters ever from Brett. Wow. Thanks Brett. That's amazing. Let's see if this big box is even more dog stuff. Check out the big treats given by Brit. Oh these are the ones that Darniates. These are like the super uh-huh. Super tough, hard to chew up, soft toys. Looks like you got a purple flattened monster,
Starting point is 00:18:03 fluorescent yellow and purple. Yeah, I don't know, maybe some kind of squished lizard. Uh-huh. They claim to be invincible, which Darwin will disprove, but, uh, yeah, for how long? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, psyched about these. Thank you, Brett, and thank everyone who sent stuff. All the dog stuff from Brett?
Starting point is 00:18:22 All the dog stuff appears to be from Brett. Yeah. That's great. Thanks, Brett. Yeah. Thanks to everyone who sent stuff in, that rules. We really appreciate every single one of you. And if you'd like to send something in,
Starting point is 00:18:35 please don't hesitate to reach out to the great built silly on the DMs of any one of our greatest Trek social media accounts. All he does is kind of just, you know, see what you want to send him. He keeps it a surprise for us. We don't ever know what we're gonna be opening until we get it.
Starting point is 00:18:51 So yeah, if you want to send something in that you think would be fun for the show, slide into those DMs. He's the guy. Yeah. Hey, thanks to everyone for sending in a fun prize today. Yeah. Thanks to Bill.
Starting point is 00:19:03 I think we better get into the episode of the day, Ben. What do you say? I think we should add him. It's a season seven episode seven of Star Trek Voyager. This one's called Body and Soul. Where there's a surprise inside of seven. Hmm. Reaper, of course.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Unless you've got something a little bigger in your torpedo, dudes. I'm not turning around. BAN. Ben, did course. Unless you've got something a little bigger in your torpedo toots, I'm not turning around. Ben, did you know that this is the final episode directed by BDunk's? I did know that. Of the Voyager series? I was really surprised that after a couple of great episodes in season 3 and 1 in season 5, he didn't get any runs at the director's chair, you know, in any of the even seasons on this show.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Yeah. And he only got one in this last season. I thought it was very capably directed and it felt I did not catch the credit when it was rolling by. And I could just feel that this was a cast member directed episode. Well, you'll have to tell me why as we go through the app. Well, I can tell you why right now. I think that the performances were just superlative and coming at it from a different angle than they often are asked to by Wynne Rick Colby or Mike Vihar or whatever. Hard and Viharder.
Starting point is 00:20:28 So, yeah, we start with the Delta Flyer, trailing a comet and their gathering samples. Kim and Seven are in the front and Mark is in the back. Oh, hi Mark. It's very clear that Kim and seven are kind of done with the doctor after a long voyage in space alone with him. Yeah, it's been many days. It's one of those situations where like you you ever do this like if you're the driver of a car and your wife is like taking a sip of coffee, you got to be real gentle on the pedals, right?
Starting point is 00:21:05 Otherwise, a disaster could happen. And what's happening in the back is Dr. Marcus working on these samples and up front, Harry Kim, not feathering the accelerator like he would prefer. Yeah, he's complaining about the bangers. This is the not the time that you want to be getting on to the 110 freeway, you know Very true, but yeah, the Samples that
Starting point is 00:21:32 Dr. Mark is gathering are from the inside of this comet and What he discovers he calls seven back to show her this he's discovered Pre-life like the the antecedents of life in this comment, little things that have like the beginnings of cell structures that should they come in contact with a primordial soup would maybe turn into life forms and you know, he really waxes poetic about the pan spermy theory in this scene. I think we can be certain from this moment that Dr. Mark is never masturbated, right? Because the romance he projects onto something that is not life but life adjacent, kind of a lot of pressure to put on whatever he's found in the back of this comet.
Starting point is 00:22:30 When I look at this, I don't see him yourself. I see the potential for literature and art, empires and kingdom. Perhaps your visual subroutines are malfunctioning. Up from this little rope and entire culture could rise to him. They get bangered to theme and this time it's not Kim failing to feather the accelerator. It's an attack. Yeah. Yeah. After the theme, Kim has radioed this attacking ship to say all the usual things.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Hey, what's all that about? And we're not even shooting you. Why are you shooting at us? How about you knock it off, et cetera? The person on the other end is just going on and on about harboring a photonic insurgent. And he's got some anger behind the statement. Does not like the idea that these guys are harboring.
Starting point is 00:23:25 This turns into a disruption field and a tractor beam, and the Delta fly is really outgunned by this ship. So it's not long before a bunch of people beam over and they're there to seize the doctor. That's why Kim tells seven to hide the doctor before they arrive. And when we cut over to the to the rear area of the ship, we find just seven only. And the attackers have been aboard in there. They're doing a shake down. I want to toss their shit. I was really tired when I watched this episode and I wrote. I just really had no it to myself that I wrote.
Starting point is 00:24:09 These guys are dressed like they're in a sci-fi show. I couldn't place the comparison myself because I did the same thing. I was like, are these like the New England Patriots, strength and conditioning staff. It felt like something athletics adjacent to their clothing. Yeah, or like, I don't know, like there was something galaxy-questy about their clothes. Yeah, yeah. Oh, look at that. A thumbs down just appeared without a gesture on my screen to justify it. So even the computers hate what you're saying. Even the visual processor that tries to interpret what I'm doing to make these reacts happen,
Starting point is 00:25:00 doesn't like the costumes that these guys are in. What seems pretty clear through seven's behavior is that she's not only keystered the doctor. The doctor is puppet mastering her. Yeah. Jerry Ryan does a great job of not quite doing an impression of Robert Picardo's EMH, but it's a bit like the Star Trek novelizations that we've listened to on tape the way the reader is not doing his Kirk impression, but it kind of conveys some Kirkiness when he performs Kirk. You're saying this is like a Petcov performance? It's a bit of a Pet pet cough that she's doing here. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:47 In this episode, you will believe Jerry Ryan is the doctor. As these people go through the back of the Delta Flyer and toss the ship looking for this photonic, they also find the asteroid samples that they gathered and they're like, oh, this could be stuff for manufacturing, bio weapons, you guys are in a lot of trouble. And so they get thrown in the brig. Kim is like, it's just a gram.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Come on. Come on, baby. This is an intent to sell. This is just personal consumption. Those little baggies, those are for, you know, my dungeon dragons dice. I individually wrap them. Yeah, it just sucks that that Dr. Mark had the triple beam out
Starting point is 00:26:33 in the back of the Delta Flier. Ha, ha, ha, ha. That, it can speak you as triple beam is gonna get you in trouble with the local authorities. And that's what's happened here. They did not follow the 10 photonic commandments in this. So they get locked the fuck up in the brig on these marauding aliens ships. And this is when Tim finally realizes that seven is not seven.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Seven is Mark Seven. Please take the nature of the medical emergency. I don't like how long it takes Kim to recognize this. 22 minutes. Come on. I think they wrote him dumb. They wrote him dumbers and he actually is. Is he in the back in that first scene though?
Starting point is 00:27:22 Like I feel like he has less time to process this than we do. Maybe, yeah. Maybe we just know more, and that's why it feels this way. Yeah. Almost goes for the boobs, but doesn't, in starting to describe what it feels like to be inside a birdie. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Yeah. There's a real clang to this scene, right? Because Kim is falling apart, clearly his first time in prison. He's really starting to freak out. Oh, yeah. And seven, I mean, except for that other time he was in prison, right? But he doesn't have Tom Paris with him for this one. You know what? Maybe that's the reason for his fall apart. part is he's without his prison buddy. But Dr. Seven is more concerned with that body and all of these new experiences as if this is some sort of experiment for him. The doctor has never been super worried about dying. Like the number of times the doctor's risked it all
Starting point is 00:28:26 to have his program, you know, sent across the galaxy or... Except when he really is though, in moments where he's threatened with deletion or where his program is corrupted, like he seems to have a greater problem with corruption than sacrifice. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Kind of like our country, man. Of course, it's locked in. But... You have to listen to me very carefully, because I'm a man to say this once. Oh! Doc is particularly interested in the smell of the location. The smell of the brig maybe?
Starting point is 00:29:04 No, that's not it. It's the smell of Harry Kim. The smell of the brig maybe? No, that's not it. It's the smell of Harry Kim, the musk. It's been a busy day, I guess I'm perspiring a little. A little? Hmm. This is the moment where I feel like you either get on this ride or you just can't deal with this episode. Because Jerry Ryan is the improviser
Starting point is 00:29:29 that believes the scenario to such a degree that you can't help but believe the scene. She's the improviser you need. And if you get one improviser in the scene that isn't quite riding for the reality, like the whole thing falls apart, she puts the entire episode on her back and carries this thing from here. She really does. There's some discussion of where the person that normally inhabits this body is. And Mark Seven theorizes that, you know, seven's in there, but she's kind of subsumed under his layer of consciousness.
Starting point is 00:30:09 So, you know, this is great for him because he gets to experience life in this whole new way. How many drafts of this line of dialogue do you think they went through before they arrived at the one that they used? Because if you don't get this right, you're believing something awful is happening to seven inside that body. Yeah, I think they were pretty deft in how they wrote it.
Starting point is 00:30:34 More awful, I should say, than what's actually happening, which seems pretty awful to be honest. Doesn't seem she cares for this when she comes back, but we don't see that just yet. We cut to Voyager, which is 48 hours away from meeting back up with the Delta flyer, which they don't realize is in big, big trouble. Also in big, big trouble is Toovok. And this is a scene that I think that we both wondered if we'd ever get when it happened to Vorik.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Yeah. And I think in the writers room, they have to have been conscious of this. Like the seven year thing is not something that they came up with on Voyager. They're saddled with this. They need to explain why he hasn't pond far. And the explanation comes, it, like he pond far right before infiltrating the Mayquise. Mayquise? Before they left for the Badlands, I guess.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Yeah. make ways before they left for the bad ones, I guess. Yeah, he went into that mission with an empty weapon. Fortunately, but yeah, his time has come. What do you think Vulcan employment law looks like W-slash-R-slash-T-Pon-Far? Is it like you, you, you cannot ask somebody if they, you know, what their pond far schedule is, like, you know, oh, we hired this guy and in the first week he already called in pond far. I mean, wouldn't it be the most logical thing to know exactly when that is for everyone
Starting point is 00:31:56 and just sort of schedule it out? It does, but it also seems like the one area where Vulcans are super illogical and shame-based. We do not discuss it. Does seem that way. Yeah. The shame in this episode seems primarily outward facing towards the humans and non-vulcans in the crew. True. Gotta believe it's different on the home world.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Yeah, so he's like begging Tom Paris to go get this medicine that the EMH synthesized because the EMH could see this coming too and this is supposed to help him get through his pond far. Paris looks at the pad at the prescription and it's like lubriderm. You don't need a prescription for this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Combined with meditation, it will enable me to control the symptoms. You're going to replicate you some tissues as well. Or like, do you prefer a gym sock? I know why this scene is written away it is because it's fun and funny, kind of. But Paris is pond fire shaming, Toovac for this. And it's not a great look for someone who's supposed to be a medical professional, right? Yeah. Like Paris is not the doctor you want to see in Six Bay.
Starting point is 00:33:17 If you've got something even close to embarrassing to disclose. I mean, yes, but I do think that Paris is, like he's kind of busting two-box chops, but he is being like super discreet about this. You know, he doesn't, it doesn't feel like when he leaves the room, he's gonna be like, big case upon far and there, to the first person he sees.
Starting point is 00:33:40 It's one of those scenes though, where there is a cool character in opposition to a dork character and that's what two valkers. Going at it here right like I can't remember the last embarrassing thing that happened to Paris outside of being turned into an amphibian. and didn't that pip taken off was probably not a great feeling. Yeah, and maybe not. I don't know. I just thought he should take it easy. Two Vax hurting right now, but not as bad as Harry Kim is
Starting point is 00:34:14 because back in the brig, he gets to watch Dr. Seven just go to town on those prison rations. They're really doing it for them. Are you going to finish that? Jerry Ryan is so funny. I thought I didn't really know how much of a comedy gear she had until this episode.
Starting point is 00:34:33 She does so good with this. Yeah. She gets called away and is interrogated by Captain Rannick on the Delta flyer. He is asking her, what does this do, what is this button for, what are all these things. And she's like, yeah, this is not a ship of war, a ship of exploration, that thing you're pointing at, that's just the food replicator. Here I'll show you and replicate some non-prisoned rations and finds this to be even more delightful.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Yeah, Dr. Seventh's kind of being the little mermaid about things. Finally, able to taste this enormous slice. Yeah. I mean, the good choice that Mark Seventh made is not filling up on the prison rations. This is the classic mistake we make when we go to cheesecake factory. I know. We never get to get to the cheesecake because we get a couple of apps and a couple of mains and we're totally stuffed by the time dessert comes around. I love the cover.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Like in the moment, Dr. 7 realizes that maybe I shouldn't have replicated this. And instead of trying to cover it up replicates another slice and gives the partly eaten one to Rannick. Yeah, so the chicken have the big piece. We get a passage of time at it here where we float over the floor absolutely strewn with dirty dishes and it seems like they're drunk. Yeah. And it seems like they've been confiding things
Starting point is 00:36:10 in each other quite a bit. It's an interesting scene because you sort of think, oh man, the doctor is such a lush and such a hedonist now that he can experience sensory things outside of the visual that he's just giving up the game. But in fact, turns to Renek in this moment and asks for the regeneration to vice back, which is what they're referring to the mobile of Middranas
Starting point is 00:36:43 so as not to tip it off to these people that that's actually part of their holographic technology package. And he's like, oh yeah, I can make it worth your while if you do something for me. Was it implied that they had sex? Yeah, this is a really intentional cut, isn't it? Because like later, Dr. Seven is like,
Starting point is 00:37:05 I didn't do anything unlady-like. And I think that's meant to make us think no sense. That's just hand jobs only, right? Maybe, yeah, maybe it was just an HJ. Do you think it was an OTPHJ? I don't know. I don't know, but whatever it is, I don't like it if Seven was not in control
Starting point is 00:37:23 of her birdie at the time. Yeah, I mean, it puts a different spin on the anger that Seven feels when they finally get the doctor back out of her. Yeah, she's rips shit and rightfully so. You've been abusing my body. What's weird is like Kim is also upset because to him Dr. Seven's been having a ton of fun while he's been cooling his jets inside the brig. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:50 So like setting aside the idea that maybe a sex happened because they do say out loud that it didn't and I hope to believe that. The other reason seven is mad is that Dr. Seven ate a whole bunch of stuff that is going to cause a bowel disaster. And she's left literally holding the bag of shit. Yeah. A full cheesecake, eight glasses of wine.
Starting point is 00:38:16 It seems like she's angry or about the consumption, then whatever it is that happened with this captain radic. Coffee. Black coffee. Black. Bacon. Bacon. Bacon yourself. whatever it is that happened with this captain ratic Cough me through it, laugh, cough me, make it, make it, make it yourself. Ben, I think if you think too closely about this scene, you could break the episode, and here's why. The doctor in puppeting Seventh's Barry
Starting point is 00:38:37 makes it clear in this scene that he can fap those tubules out, start hitting buttons on the hollow emitter, and Audi can pop. Right. Why isn't the doctor puppet mastering seven around, going fap, fap, like spider-manning everyone, with those tubules, and taking them out?
Starting point is 00:38:59 Taking out everybody on the ship. Wow! It seems like that was on the table here. But instead, a doctor seven chooses, I don't know, seduction. Yeah. Maybe they keep in that in the back pocket,
Starting point is 00:39:13 like assimilate the whole ship if we absolutely have to. But let's try to avoid it. Right. So they hear voices coming from outside. And they decide to keyststure Dr. Mark again. Yeah. I love like Harry Kim playing the diplomat here. He's like, okay, like everybody has very valid complaints about the way things have been
Starting point is 00:39:39 going so far. But let's table all of the conflicts because this is an emergency. Well, if his argument isn't well made, I think the whole episode falls apart again. but let's table all of the conflicts because this is an emergency. Well, if his argument isn't well made, I think the whole episode falls apart again. I think this scene is super duper important. Like, yeah, as fully throated as sevens, protestations are with what the doctor did when he was previously in her. You can't be too rip shit pissed. Otherwise, she would never
Starting point is 00:40:08 conceivably allow for him to go back in there. There's a line that they don't cross. And it's a line that allows for the doctor to be put back into her birdie. And so back in, he goes. And Dr. Seven goes to their med bay on board of this ship and is helping them with officers that have been subjected to some sort of virus that the photonic insurgency is using in BioWare. This seems like a real ugly war that these guys are waging against the photonic insurgency. And we learn a little bit more about it. There's a lady in there who seems like she's kind of, she wears a lot of hats because so many people
Starting point is 00:40:52 have died aboard her ship, but she talks about having had a caretaker as a child who was a photonic, who then went and joined the insurgency. And she just can't wrap her mind around why somebody who was subjugated to her family would then turn on her family. We never treated him like a servant, but he turned against us anyway.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Yeah, it's a real antebellum South style argument. Yeah, that you're getting here. Your photonic mommy wasn't actually in love with your family the way you thought you was. No, and it's interesting to hear the doctor consider this through seven's eyes, you know, yeah, because seven is of a race of beings that took slaves. could you say? Yeah, at the very least subjugates. And the doctor has had to fight very emphatically for the right to be treated like everyone else.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Sure. In his own society. So these are not issues that are super far from either character. The doctor over the course of seven seasons has given voice to his desire for equality and freedom in a way that stops just sure of wanting to overthrow the establishment that has subjugated him. You know? So like there's so many things happening in this moment.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Toovac, meanwhile, is being given a prescription to go jack off on the holodeck from Paris. Yeah, Paris is like holodeck and eight-cheat. Is that what you tell your wife? Yeah, they say Dr. Spurschreibin, Paris provides, but Paris is going to provide schematics for a knockoff of a two-vox wife so that it doesn't count as an infidelity. Paris makes the argument that it's not cheating if it's a hologram of your wife. And I would argue that it is more cheating if it's a hologram of your wife. That seems wronger than a hologram of someone different. And I don't know if I can articulate why I feel that way, but it seems like a greater betrayal.
Starting point is 00:43:25 If I were caught with a hologram of my wife doing sexy stuff with me, it would have to hurt way more than a random holodeck person. Imagine if your wife walked into the holodeck stimulation of, let's just say utopia, plenicia, to pull a random example out of a hat. And found that there was a like sexed up version of herself running in there as part of the program. And then she found out that you designed that program. I think you know what I'm getting at, yeah. I'm guilty of a terrible crime, doctor.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Yeah, we cut to this scene in the holodeck. And man, just the amount of candles you have to light to jack off if you're a Vulcan. Seems I would never get anything done. You don't need to put a sock on the door handle at the Vulcan Science Academy to declare that you need some privacy. If you're just smelling candle, you know not to go in, right? So he's getting ready to get it on when more photon cops show up and voyagers a little bit more well defended than the Delta Fire was. So when one of these ships starts attacking them for having holograms going,
Starting point is 00:44:45 Janeway is able to put them in their place pretty quickly. And when she hears from the captain of the other ship on FaceTime what he's on about, she's like, oh yeah, we could just turn off our holodeck and we cut back down to where two Valkyres as he falls onto his erection on the floor. Yeah, fingers out. This is probably a separate scene or maybe even a third scene.
Starting point is 00:45:11 I don't remember how many politics there are on Voyager, but if those things are running, you know people are fucking. That could be dangerous for anyone inside. Yeah. So Janeway is not going to accept the boarding party that this dude is threatening her with, but she does accept an escort through low-car end territory. That's what we learn these guys are called.
Starting point is 00:45:36 So they're gonna just fly on through real casual like and not fire up the holodex during. There's coffee in that compromise. Interesting how much of a theme and escort is in this episode, huh? Hmm. I'm born a professional. I don't need any romantic hassles this week. I think it's important to remember that at this point,
Starting point is 00:45:59 Jane Wade does not suspect anything to worry about. W. Slash R. Slash slash T delta flyer, right? Nobody is even talking about what this could mean for the delta flyer, or for Dr. Mark specifically. It just seems like if Voyager were to roll up on an aggressive ship, one would also conceive of a moment far away that the Delta flyer could have also had a similar confrontation. And then you could do something about that suspicion. I don't know. Or at least mention that you're concerned about it, you know, for continuity.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Back with Dr. Seven, they're getting along really well with Jaren. They're both pretty happy with the prognosis for this patient they've been working on, right? Yeah, the treatment the Dr. Seven came up with is starting to work and this is the first time anybody's come up with a treatment for this bio weapon that's being used against them by the photonic insurgency.
Starting point is 00:47:03 And she's like, oh man, I can't wait to tell everybody else in the fleet about this. This is really, we're gonna change things for us. Also, I do have a brother and I happened to notice what you looked like and that it really smart and funny. And I just think you'd get along great with you. And this really hits Dr. Seff in an uncomfortable place because Dr. Seffin was starting to think about this lady as a potential romantic interest.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Dr. Mark at one point was willing to throw his entire life and career away to become a professional opera singer on some random planet. And I just got to believe with the storyline like that having already happened. I felt like this was on the table. I got a flat tire today. I've never gotten one of those before. So I pulled over into the parking lot of a big box warehouse store and I had a couple of hours to kill for roadside assistance would come and get me. And ordinarily I would avoid a place like this like the plague over a holiday weekend, forget it. The thing I had a microdose gummy on me, because normally the combination of going shopping
Starting point is 00:48:23 in a large crowd with so many people leaving their carts in the middle of an aisle would really irritate me. But not today, that was as chill as could be after this microdose gummy, and it's not like I was pawing at the textured throw pillows or staring into the tv's playing planet earth documentaries or pushing my shopping cart at half speed. I wasn't high, microdose does what it says. I was feeling just the right amount of good.
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Starting point is 00:50:21 Please help him with his dog mitt. Where you know him? I think it's in the table. I was with my dad. He missed the words intentionally. There are plenty of podcasts on the hunt for justice, but only one podcast has the courage to take on the silly crimes. Judge John Hodgman, the only true crime podcast that won't leave you feeling sad and bad and scared for once, only on Hi, this is Laurie Kilmarton. And I'm Jackie Cation, and we have a podcast called The Jackie and Laurie Show on Max Funnett. It's very exciting because what do we talk about?
Starting point is 00:50:57 Comedy. Standard comedy. We both do Standard Comedy in half since the dawn of Christ. Well, Jackie, is that offensive? It is offensive to me because she've aged me. We started in the late 80s, and we're still here. You can't kill us. So go to the Jackie and Laurie Show on Max Fun,
Starting point is 00:51:16 and listen to that. The Jackie and Laurie Show, new episodes Monday, pull me on ["Matchman Bun"] ["Matchman Bun"] ["Matchman Bun"] Captain Rannick calls 7 up to the bridge for sort of a second date. It's sort of the thing where like it's a date that hasn't been declared as a date because he thought the first thing was a date.
Starting point is 00:51:58 But Dr. Seven didn't think the first thing was a date. There's a romantic nebula involved and you know the music that the nebula makes as it waves crash against the bow of the ship. You're talking about the nebula slow jams. Yeah. Pretty great. The quiet storm. The rapidity of the seduction techniques here is comical, right? Like check out the view. Oh, here's some wine. How about I put on some music? Like in 15 seconds, all of these things happen.
Starting point is 00:52:33 It's great. Yeah, he like tries to go like for like, oh yeah, I need to stretch my arms. Oh, look, I just found my way around your shoulder. Yeah. He gets tossed across the bridge for trying to kiss. Dr. Seven. Can't do this.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Yeah. Can't do it. No, I don't think I will kiss you. We are just Dr. Seven co, but straight on back to the medical facility on this ship and tells Jaren about what happened. And Jaren doesn't take this in a, ah, would a dirt bag kind of way like you're expecting? Jaren takes it in a, so would you turn them down for?
Starting point is 00:53:12 Like, I was the captain, he's great. It's clear to Dr. Seven that Jaren's got the hots for the captain. And during this conversation they're having, Jaren like kind of loosens up a knot. Dr. Seven's neck, that feels nice. Jaren's got magic fingers. The massage really starts flooding Mark Seven's basement.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Then the breaks get put on, and Dr. Seven's like, okay, well, hey, there's actually something that I really need to confess here and it's uncomfortable. And this sort of felt to me like maybe a joke was being made of like, what if Seven said that she was actually interested in Jaren? And like, wouldn't that be weird and embarrassing? Did you get that? Was that, was that where the scene was headed? I don't know. I think that might be you.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Okay. I couldn't quite tell if there was like a gay panic element to this story or not. Yeah, I mean, there is that dramatic tension of one character talking about one thing and it being perceived as something else by another character. Yeah. I mean, like the the other, like, gay panic element in it is the amount to which Dr.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Seffin expresses revulsion at the idea of hooking up with Captain Rannick. So that kind of makes me think that there wasn't a sexy interlude in that cut in the earlier scene. I don't know. I think not all turn downs are gay panic. Yeah. Maybe Dr. Rannick just sucks. Yeah. Maybe Dr. Rannick just moves a little too fast for a classy person, Ben.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Maybe that's it. I'm just thinking about the era of television we're talking about here. So I don't know. I was shocked that Jared was like, it's totally fine with everybody here that you're part bored. Nobody is worried about that.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Like, this is the first species we've encountered that's like totally XB positive. Something to be ashamed of. Which suggests that there are more out there, right? Totally, and that it's not uncommon for them to encounter them in this part of space. The doctor completely incurious about this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:30 I would have loved to have an angry seven moment about that. Like, why did you ask any follow-up questions? You know what I'm really glad about this episode is that we don't cut to a version of Seven's personality stuck in a theatrical representation of a corner of her mind watching this thing play out in front of like behind two eyeballs as a view screen or something. Like, you don't get any of Seven's inner life or experience of this until after the doctor separated from her. That's a great point.
Starting point is 00:56:06 There's no like inside the Iron Man mask stuff with seven. I think it's because it would be really traumatic to experience this with her. Yeah. A message comes that a Harry Kim is very, very ill and Dr. Seffan is needed back at the brig. So, back she runs and this was just her ruse by Kim, who has been basically ignored since being left behind there. He's just been eating shit on a shingle and wondering what's going on. Well, Dr. Seffan is cavorting all over the ship. You can tell Kim's faking, right? Come on. You got to get with the stuffed
Starting point is 00:56:46 up no sound. And you got to talk real slow. Hey, I'm calling because I don't think I can make it in the word today. Do you ever do like like one, just one nostril? Oh yeah one nostril is really good like I'm not always I'm just worried that it could all get anything else but you know I'm pretty sure I'm going to be able to make it tomorrow but I'll call back tomorrow. Tomorrow morning with with enough we tend to put to like get someone else on the ship for me. Okay. Hey, hey Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, some really sorry. I'm just so sorry I can't come in today. Seriously, nothing I want to do with it is to watch a motel while you're moving.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Oh, this is... Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. So the Dr. Mark comes back out of seven here in the brig.
Starting point is 00:57:43 We need to pull it out. Oh. Assist me. Seven is now like not. So that Dr. Mark comes back out of seven here in the brig. We need to pull it out. Assist me. Seven is now like not drunk and with a belly ache, so she can really express her displeasure much more fervently. And is especially upset about the sexual arousal that occurred when the massage went down in the med bay.
Starting point is 00:58:06 She was like, you know, I just installed a sun pump. I do not want to test it with a flooded basement, okay? And why is the carpet all wet, Todd? I don't know. Margot. There's like a reversal here in the scene though, right? Because like, seven takes great umbrage with the freelancing that the doctor's done, and the doctor pushes back really hard.
Starting point is 00:58:30 Like he defense himself by attacking her because the form of attack is like, well, you never indulge yourself in any of the sweet rewards of being a living person. Right. Like you always do the bare minimum for yourself, and maybe it is shocking to you that I would do you always do the bare minimum for yourself, and maybe it is shocking to you that I would do something more than the bare minimum,
Starting point is 00:58:49 but that's all this is. Seven eats kibble when like real food is available, and she's like, well, you have you tasted and Helix is cooking? Yeah. Oh, it's specifically you're talking about here, but yeah, the good news is that they have RANIX command codes, which Sevin retained when he punched them in
Starting point is 00:59:10 for some reason on the bridge. And so they're like, this is kind of a Star Trek five moment here where they're like, okay, we need to get to the emergency transmitter in the forward observation lounge of the Delta flyer so that we can transmit those codes to Voyager. And so that is going to involve seven agreeing to let Dr. Mark into her one more time to seduce Captain Rannick
Starting point is 00:59:37 and allow them to affect this escape. Seven does get Rannick aboard the Delta flyer. And I mean, the thing that she convinces him of is that she wants to bury the hatchet. And what better way to do that than over a couple glasses of champagne? It presses smoke. And some dancing. I thought when the hair came down that something different was going to happen, but it's just a waltz. Yeah. It's nothing wrong with a waltz. You can't dance with a bun.
Starting point is 01:00:08 That's a seven nose. That's a doctor's seven nose. He is like getting called away and she's trying to occupy him and doses him. We kept back to Voyager's Bridge where Tuvac is fighting through his illness to be on the bridge as they surge high and low for the Delta flyer. I'm giving you an order. I'm giving you an order. It's bad under spirit.
Starting point is 01:00:32 I'm giving you an order. I'm giving you an U.S. Just crossed the line. Yeah, Tuvac could have called out sick, but instead he's like, I'm fine, I'm fine, just I'll try to make it through half my shift. Okay. We'll see what we're at during the lunch break. Yeah. I think it's important that I try. Everybody's concerned, but this is like a pre-COVID world where people are not like, hey man, you shouldn't come into work if you're fucking sick. You know? Yeah. People can't take that anymore for good reason.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Yeah. Nelix is there too with a bowl of soup for a flu that two-vac doesn't have. Yeah. That's nice. I like it when Nelix comes to the bridge to serve. That seems like a very early couple of seasons quality to Nelix. It's always well intentioned, but it often blows up in his face. Yeah. As it does here, they get the face time from Mark 7 and everyone picks up on what's going on instantaneously. Like that's how good
Starting point is 01:01:40 Jerry Ryan's performance of doctor E mannerisms is, is everybody's like, weird, it seems like you are actually the doctor. What's going on? It's a long story, Captain. Delta flyer out. I wonder how much of this is also Len's choice here, because you get Robert Picardo on screen a bunch over the course of the seasons of this show, where he's locked into frame, doing his Robert Picardo stuff.
Starting point is 01:02:12 That this character is also on screen in frame, I think is a useful comparison. Yeah, and it's a little top down. Like the camera is a little bit higher than the eye line. Yeah. When the doctors like, you know, face timing into a meeting in the in the lounge, you know, pre mobile emitter or whatever. So yeah. And this is this framed very similar to that. I love how Jane way of use this is an emergency situation such that she needs to shoot the ship
Starting point is 01:02:44 that's escorted them so they can zoom away. Yeah. Where the Delta flyer is. This is great. Soccer punch their escort and get the fuck out of there. Yeah. In the med bay on the other ship, the captain is laid out on a bed and, you know, they sort of get caught red handed with having drugged the captain. He gets revived and. This scene was my favorite in the episode because this is a group of people that don't understand why the race that they subjugated turned on them. And they're like, what happened seven?
Starting point is 01:03:20 We trusted you. Seven is like, I'm a fucking prisoner. You don't think I'm going gonna do shit to try to escape? I love that. That's the number one rule of being a prisoner. Yeah. She says it. These guys have a total subjugation blind spot. They never think they're subjugating,
Starting point is 01:03:36 but they're always subjugating. Yeah. Yeah. I don't understand what Rannick's deal is. He seems like he's extremely dopey. Yeah. And not just from the drugs he was given. I mean, like, he's not good as a commander, is he?
Starting point is 01:03:54 No, I mean, you think that the command code thing is just going to nip the whole problem in the bud. But to Rannick's credit, he thinks fast and like ties their shields into their warp core. So like if the Voyager uses the command codes, it'll destroy the whole damn ship. I mean, Rannick doesn't know Janeway, but this comes straight out of the Captain Janeway playbook. Like, you'll never take me alive and my ship too. Renek's like, I plugged the shields right into my work cart. And if you take them down, it'll destroy the whole ship. And that's really nice, but what's also nice
Starting point is 01:04:38 is me dragging my fingers across the teeth of this cone. I think there's still half a glass of champagne in the glass. I'm gonna hold that very close to the mic. Oh, that's really good. So there's a very fun combat scene on the bridge where like, seven brings the doctor back and then they like both fight a little bit and get the shields fucked up just enough that Voyager can do its thing, but you know, they get subdued and rounded up into a corner. Is it Rannick that tries to fix the shields?
Starting point is 01:05:25 Yeah, so Janeway blows in that secret call to Seventh's dolphin. This is what makes Dr. Mark appear. The doctor conjures himself, basically, out of Seventh's body, and the two of them tried to take over on the bridge, and there's a little bit of a scrabble, but Rannick is kind of a unit here, right? So he fights him off pretty easily. He's trying to get his shields back up. It sort of looks like he's playing snooze on that screen, when he's doing it. He sucks at snooze, so it doesn't work. I don't know if there's ever been a scene in Star Trek where a guy went up to a panel to repair a thing and it didn't blow up into space.
Starting point is 01:06:07 They try to warn him. It's too late. He gets a face full of love for the effort. Jane was like, okay, we won. We'll beam you back over to the Voyager now. And Dr. Mark is like, hey, I need to save this guy's life. Like, he delays their departure. And we cut down to the med bay where the EMH is putting the finishing touches on keeping Rannick alive. The doctors taken an offset spatula and just sort of scraped it against Rannick's face. Scraped all the meatloaf of him. Yeah. face. It's scraped all the meatloaf off. Yeah. He's sort of debriefing with the nurse lady. What's her name again? Jaron. Jaron. He's sort of debriefing with Jaron. But her name doesn't end in an I&G though. It's weird, right? Her name should be Jaroning. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:07:02 that would make more sense. Talking about, oh, like I can't believe I tried to set you up with my brother, given that you're a bald man, not a hot blonde woman. Yeah. Turns out her brother is not a hollow sexual, so he wouldn't be interested in the image. Yeah. But everything is okay, and they got to get out of there so that the rest of their species doesn't attack Voyager. We catch up with Tuvac who got to nail a sort of augmented version of his wife. So I took a little artistic license. Aside from that, was everything all right? The hologram was adequate.
Starting point is 01:07:43 If your wife caught you in the holodeck with a version of her with four millimeters longer of ear, that would be your ass, man. Is this what you want? Don't look at my ears. I'm hideous. Yeah, I mean, fortunately for two Valk, he could still get up over the top with that ear thing being a problem. You just close your eyes at that point. Just don't look at the ears.
Starting point is 01:08:13 Don't look at them. The button on the episode is a scene in Six Bay where seven comes in with a bunch of Fouagra and wine and is going to narrate the experience to the ehe mate, which just seems like the kinkyest shit possible. It's come to my attention that nutritional supplements don't fully meet my needs. Seven's like, I want to put bites of flaw and truffles in my mouth, swish it with this white wine and just kind of blow in your face. That's what you get.
Starting point is 01:08:51 You dirty, dirty, like what's the opposite of feeder gainer? Like, he's like a food cuck in this moment. Yeah, he really is. I was shocked that the end of this episode seemed content with not calling any sort of attention to how Pist 7 might have been for all the puppet mastering he did. Like, this is the resolution. Both of them are okay. Seven is not pissed anymore. And if anything, seven is returning this violation with a kindness.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Yeah. Did you like this episode, Ben? is returning this violation with a kindness. Yeah. Did you like this episode, Ben? You know, probably even to get along with most of the time. But I don't like bullets, I don't like bread, and I don't like you. You're not this too. So that part does leave me a little bit confused.
Starting point is 01:09:39 And I feel like the rewrite would just be make her more annoyed and less outraged in the earlier scenes. Yeah. A annoyed like, I've got game and I'm being put on the bench by the coach because, you know, somebody else is playing right now. Yeah, like, I disagree with this course of action is very different from this is a violation of my party.
Starting point is 01:10:03 Yeah. And I think with that one edit, it's a much better episode. But I thought that like overall the performance is in this episode were really fun and good. And like if you can like forgive the episode that failure, I think it is a fun and interesting story. And just a great bit of direction of actors by B.Dunk's, I think. A very unique one also, you know. Doesn't feel like it's just warmed over from other
Starting point is 01:10:33 Star Trek episodes. Yeah, this was a distinct take on this type of story. I agree with you about the praise that B.Dunkx deserves for his direction here. We don't say it very often, tour de force by Jerry Ryan. Yeah. Absolute Apex Ryan here. So good. And it makes me wonder, how do you know she can do this?
Starting point is 01:10:59 Like, you need to know before you even write the script, right? Like, was she doing bits around the set, like making it seem as though, you know, she's got a pretty good Bob Picardo. Like have you noticed that? Have you noticed the bits she's doing? The bits on Bob? What do you think about making a whole episode
Starting point is 01:11:20 that takes advantage of that? Because if she is an eight out of 10 on this impression, yikes, I don't know, man. I don't know if this is a good episode. I think it would be an aggressively bad episode at that point. That's what I'm saying. So like, whether or not you're just confident
Starting point is 01:11:38 in Jerry Ryan's ability, or you know for certain that she's got it, that's at the core of what makes this episode tick. One thing that I thought was a little unusual was the lack of resolution about all the anti-photonic sentiments because throughout the entire episode, the doctors making the case, holograms, really useful in this situation, right?
Starting point is 01:12:02 Like taught me everything I know, holograms great. And you think that's gonna end up with like this fix for this cultural stigma or problem or the war that they're enduring, but there's no resolution at all about this and not even a hint about Jaren and Rannick having a change of heart about this whatsoever. It feels like they're willing to cover for Voyager at the end because Rannick got his life-safed,
Starting point is 01:12:32 but it doesn't really feel like they are going to then proclaim the benefits of working with the photonics to their society. Yeah. And it sort of underlines something, and I feel like it's very different about this era of Voyager than the earlier seasons where, you know, we were with the Kazon for like a really, really long time. Like, we were in Kazon space for like more than a season, I feel like. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:58 And now that we're in season seven, I don't really believe that we'll see any species again once we've seen them once. Yeah. One final thought, great card daddy episode. I feel like there are so many expressions. That would work great for his bit of business. Truly. I'm looking forward to what potential there might be for those down the road. Well Adam, do you want to see what potential there is in the priority one in box? Oh, lots of potential! Priority one message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel.
Starting point is 01:13:35 Need a supplement on it. A supplement on it? A supplement. Yes, extra. The interest alone could be enough to buy this ship. Then starting with our first priority one message, it's a priority one message the new year. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:53 And wouldn't you know it, it's a promotional message. Message goes like this. Do you have a priority one message that can only be delivered in person? Need some flair to put next to your combat. Old-rested chair has you covered. Old-rested chair is back for a second greatest gen bump. Oh, yeah. Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, And this time, we have envelopes and pinback buttons made from Star Trek comic books.
Starting point is 01:14:26 Whoa! Not sure what to write in your priority one message, pick up a hand-port candle for a Vulcan meditation session. Visit slash scarves to find envelopes, pins, candles, and more. That's a call to action to go to old slash scarves where you can support two cool FODs making cool stuff for FODs. That's a Lou and Jonathan. These are so cool. I love these gift cards. There's some JK Woodward cards in there. So if you got really lucky, you might get an image of Ben and or Adam in your greeting cards. How about that? I like this format of candle, like this puck versus a big honking jar candle,
Starting point is 01:15:17 you know? Yeah, this is like the like smaller aluminum screw top candle situation, right? Yeah. Oh boy, I bet my wife would love these candles. She loves a scented candle. It's pretty great. Like there's a business in the front party in the back kind of sensibility to old rusted chair. Like very serious craft work happening at
Starting point is 01:15:44 Pretty fun business happening at slash scarves, you know It's great. Yeah good stuff Thanks oldrested chair for coming back for more. Yeah, Adam our next priority one message is from Quinn And it's to us Adam and Ben goes like this I'm Quinn and it's to us, Adam and Ben, goes like this. After six months of fervent listening, I finally became current with TGG and was able to hear my original P1 message in which you may recall,
Starting point is 01:16:13 I opined my chagrin for when a defective bottle of hand sanitizer spooches onto my shirt. Since that time, I have come up with a bit to diffuse my embarrassment by simply saying nice shooting text works every time. Quinn, I hate to do this, but you gotta come up with a different bit, dude. Okay, here's how I'll accept it. I will accept nice shooting text if you're also doing finger guns back at the hand sanitizer.
Starting point is 01:16:51 What about it like a, oh, you got me. Is that a salad bit? I like that. Yeah, yeah. Like grab the part that it got you in pain. What we're saying is Quinn, just to note you, we need some physicality to this bit. Not just the comment.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Take it from us. I could see finding it really amusing. If I, you know, somebody I didn't even know, like walked up to a hand sanitizer, it spooged down their shirt, and I just heard the mutter nice shooting text. I could see that really, really landing with me actually. I like the bid.
Starting point is 01:17:27 I don't think it needs punch up, Gwen. All right, all right, we've gone full circle about this bid. Then our final priority when message is from Nathan to just to Travis. That message goes like this, thanks for putting me up and letting me work from she who is your wife's office. For a couple of days before we shared our embarrassment in Seattle, that I finally have somebody who gets the jokes I make from this pod. Always great spending quality, brother time.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Oh. Hey, thanks for coming to our Seattle show. That was a real highlight of the tour. One tour show left coming up this month in San Francisco. It's true. That's SF Sketchfest, for that. And slash jembo-tron if you'd like to get a priority one message on the show.
Starting point is 01:18:21 We sure appreciate it. Yeah, make it a resolution to support greatest, Jen, and greatest trek. Why don't you? Yeah. Hey, Ben, what's that Adam? Did you find yourself a drug smother? Drunk, Shimoda! Gotta give it to my girl, Jerry Ryan, for being the funniest. She is so fucking funny in this episode. She has the comedy chops. I want to see her in more comedy things now. I feel like she is stuck in, you know,
Starting point is 01:18:49 dramatic of tone, genre stuff, so much of the time. You know, I've seen her in a few things. I said, she has a great season of Bosch, but it's just, she's like a femme-photol character and that. I wanna see her do funny shit. She could be pollering, you know? Yeah. Like she could be reallyering, you know? Yeah. Like she could be really exploring the comedy space
Starting point is 01:19:08 because she does have that gear. Send her to the polar region. I think that's a great idea. Yeah. Brought in your professional sphere into the polar region. That's our advice. Given free professional advice to Jerry Ryan. Two guys sitting in their garages, a grust town.
Starting point is 01:19:33 Yeah, I have thoughts. Don't listen to us, Jerry. Go where your heart takes you, Jerry. What about you, Adam? Cossin. OK. Easiest double Shimota ever. Wow. She's just great. She really rolls.
Starting point is 01:19:52 All right, Adam. Let me tell you a little something about the next episode of Star Trek Voyager. While you go to guck.bizslashgame, the next step is called Nightingale. Season 7 episode 8. Voyager under repair Harry ceases a chance to prove himself as a commander, but finds that being a starship captain, there's more than he bargained for. Uh oh. I don't like Harry Kim's chances of not falling in love. This episode. Yeah. Keep it professional, Harry Kim. It seems like a thing that
Starting point is 01:20:28 befalls him an awful lot of the time. Ben, we have kept our run about on Square 95 at the Game of Buttholes. The Will of the Profits. Yeah. The Will of the Caretaker. Which means, a few squares ahead, there's a space butthole, and a few squares ahead or...
Starting point is 01:20:50 more than hammered square. Shit. You're required to learn as you play, roll. I'm gonna roll this bone. Roll it, baby. Ben, I rolled it too. We're on square 97 regular old episode for us. Shula! Did I win?
Starting point is 01:21:10 How about that? Alright, well I'm looking forward to next week's app and hey I'm looking forward to a great year with the FOTs here on the race generation. Me too. Big year for us. We're gonna go on to another series at some point later this year. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:30 That is how the timing works, huh? Yeah. Amazing. You're doing the math in my head, but yeah. Can't believe it. I'm excited about it. Yeah. Big changes for us.
Starting point is 01:21:40 Just professionally though. Personally, everything's gonna be the same. Same shit. Yeah. I hope you make a New Year's resolution of supporting our show. It's slash join if you would like to do that. Much, much thanks to the folks who already do. Thanks to Wendy Pretty, our producer and editor. Thanks to Bill Tilly, our card daddy, who uh...
Starting point is 01:22:04 makes hilarious screenshots for every episode tile. If you're not catching these episode tiles you know you gotta go look on our social media or at on the greatest gen page like he finds like the funniest screenshot of every episode. If you could distill one frame out of every episode of Star Trek Voyager it's not the one that's on the thumbnail and the Paramount Plus app when you're selecting the app. It's the one that Bill Tilly pulls. If you're a streaming service and you're hiring out for that job,
Starting point is 01:22:37 ScreenGrabber, Bill Tilly's your guy. Nobody better. Yeah, you think those are just found? No, no! Those are curated! Gotta thank Dick Moore for our show art. I had him with Goosey for our original music. Our material for the original Picard song. With that, we will be back at you next week with another great episode of Star Trek Voyager and episode of
Starting point is 01:23:05 the greatest generation Voyager where I don't know Adam and I will probably also bite off more than we can chew but we can't predict exactly of what just yet. You're the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the U, and the God of the
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Starting point is 01:23:40 of artist-owned shows supported directly by you.

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