The Greatest Generation - Hundred Proof Star Trek (S5E12)

Episode Date: February 15, 2017

When some aliens with very upsetting temple loaf hitch a ride, Troi wakes up in a coma after one of them forces himself inside her mind. Unaware of the crime or its gravity, the crew tries to figure o...ut what’s causing senior staff to slip into comas one by one. Is Riker really a horrible person? Did Marina Sirtis really punch that guy? It’s the episode that is almost impossible to make jokes about.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Hey friends of Disodo. Before today's episode, we just wanted to take a moment to talk about the historic labor actions being taken by writers and actors in the American Film and Television industry. If you're a fan of the work done by the people who make Star Trek, we hope you'll join us in standing in solidarity with the folks who actually bring these adventures to life. Over the past several years, the AMPTP, the organization that represents the American Film and Television Production Studios, have reduced the profit from movies and TV going to workers. And in so doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 they've attempted to weaken the labor unions that represent those workers. They wouldn't even engage the unions on many issues in their negotiations. And so a strike was the only course of action to take. Adam, Wendy and I have been having a lot of internal discussions about how best to stand with the unions and we are continuing those conversations in a dynamic situation. We're doing our best to understand where the picket lines are in these digital spaces,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and we would never intentionally cross one. With the information we have, we feel like we can do more good talking about and supporting the strike and continuing our show as planned. We'll keep you informed about what all this means for greatest trek specifically. Today we're making a contribution to the Entertainment Community Fund. This fund exists to help all the people whose livelihoods have been put on hold because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate
Starting point is 00:01:25 in good faith with the unions. It provides financial support for writers, actors, and all the thousands of laborers who make the shows that we talk about here and without whom we wouldn't have Star Trek to cast pot about. Those folks are all out of work because billionaires, company shareholders, and the executives of these companies don't want to compromise on the length of their yachts. We hope you'll join us in supporting entertainment workers in a challenging time, especially after they've already endured several years of challenges brought on by the pandemic
Starting point is 00:01:55 and season two of Star Trek Picard. We've set up a page where you can also contribute. It's at That's That's Link in the episode description. Okay, now let's get on with the show. Hey everybody, this has been and before we start the show today, I just want to give advanced warning, this is a pretty tough episode about Star Trek, the next generation that we're talking about in this episode. There is a sexual assault that is depicted more or less graphically on screen in the episode we discuss. So I just want anybody who has particular sensitivities around that to know
Starting point is 00:02:40 that going in and with that. I guess we'll go on with the show and see how we do with probably the hardest episode we've And you're the God of the U.S. And you're the God of the U.S. Welcome to the greatest generation, a Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys who are a little bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek podcast. I'm Ben Harrison. I'm Adam Pryanaka. Hey Adam, how you doing?
Starting point is 00:03:18 I'm all right, Ben. How are you? I'm good. I'm kind of riding high. We just had an important business meeting, you and I. Oh yeah. Disguising big plans for 2017. I got to break the spine of my Robert's rules of order.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Book that I keep handy for meetings like that. You did an excellent job of reading the last meetings's minutes been. It's really hard to get a second when you move to a journal topic when there's only two people. And the person disagrees with you on just about everything. Right, I have to be your proxy for all of those. Yeah, that makes it awkward. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:01 But yeah, I mean, I'm excited because we've got a tour and greatest GenCon and we're going to try and do both of them this year. Yeah, our viewers have not been shy about reaching out and saying, look guys, enough with the jokes about greatest GenCon 2017, we actually want it. And that is not a joke. And so now, now we've got to do it, don't we? Yeah, I think we would rightly be excommunicated from our own podcast if we didn't deliver on greatest GenCon 2017
Starting point is 00:04:42 at this point. They asked for it, we're delivering. We didn't deliver on Greatest GenCon 2017 at this point. They asked for it. We're delivering. Yeah, we literally don't even know when or where yet. It's a lot to... Yeah, so very productive meeting. A lot to hammer down.
Starting point is 00:04:56 But I think we made the strongest yet affirmative commitment to put the process in motion. Yeah, another thing we discussed was the specter of the crews, which is another thing that I feel like we're confident in wanting to attempt to do, but we have just as many details on that as we do on anything else. So I guess the bottom line is we have achieved some sort of forward momentum on all of these things. So wait to give up hope until we've actually failed at any of those prospects. Exactly. Exactly. Well, Adam, we're really into the brief Marin Open lately. So what do you say we get right into our episode that we came here to talk about today? Yeah, it's the after school special of next gen episodes, isn't it, been at season five episode 12 violations. ["Furnace U.K. of every starfish officer,
Starting point is 00:06:09 I think to the truth, I am living truth, or I'm a historical truth, or best of truth." Now, this is an Uber mission, but we're not supposed to like Uber anymore, so boy, I don't even know what to say. Taxi cab mission. They deleted the app
Starting point is 00:06:28 from their phones. Yeah. Yeah, this is a. This is a. I like the shorthand though. The Uber is nice and tight. Yeah, it's kind of become the Xerox of way to get from one place to another, hasn't it? The Kleenex of ride sharing. The bandaid of exploiting young people and people who are on the verge of falling out of the middle class. The Tupperware of the working poor. I can't think of another product that has... Point Adam, Adam wins the volley. You get nothing! You need a dacer! You get me on a clay court then sliding around all over the place. Yeah, I'm used to playing on grass because I'm so fancy, Adam. Right. The entrepreneur is conveying some aliens.
Starting point is 00:07:31 You remember Oolie? To plan it. And these are a type of telepathic historian. We've got Tarmann, the the elder, Llyrian. He's got a you know a kind of a heavy set older man with white hair and his wife who rock some serious like Princess Lail, level hair braidedge and their son Jev and This is a type of alien with a really nasty looking case of temple loaf. Yeah, yeah, absolutely It's one of the groser loafs. I want to say
Starting point is 00:08:19 you really You really can't say enough about the wife's hair, which is sort of like a powdered wig, but if the wig was a noose. Ha ha ha ha ha. Sort of a powdered noose, I guess. They got the same hair and makeup person that did Ensign Rose hair when she had the helicopter look. It looks real tight, like uncomfortably tight.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Yeah. She's a pretty chill lady though. These ullions walk around wearing these long robes that look like giant versions of like snowflake cutouts that kindergarten kids make for the holidays. I feel like this is something that would be on project runway and they would really hate it. Yeah. They'd be like, you just used a standard trench coat pattern
Starting point is 00:09:11 and then cut random triangles out of it. There's no creativity in that. I think part of it might be that it just very clearly looks like felt, just plain old white felt. Ha, ha, ha. Well, maybe that wasn't evident in the standard definition edition. Oh, it is so evident now, though. Yeah, you see, you see all the little fibers.
Starting point is 00:09:33 The illusion is ruined by seeing all the little fibers. So we get to know these ulians during a kind of parlor trick that they play during a kind of parlor trick that they play on Fair Caco in a redress 10 forward, or maybe it might actually be 10 forward. It's bitter. There's something else inside the cup. Yes, I wouldn't handle. A spoon.
Starting point is 00:10:01 No, it's more delicate than that. She's sitting at a table with the eldest Julian, and she's got her eyes closed, and he's like prompting her. He's like, he's asking her about this cup of liquid. Yeah. That she can't get out of her head, that she's had it on her mind for a long time, and she just doesn't know what it's about.
Starting point is 00:10:22 And so this is teaching the viewer about the power of the Ulians using this example. Yeah. And it kind of reminded me of like a performance hypnotist. Have you ever been to one of those? Yeah. Yeah. Have they have like a guy who's like one level below a stage magician? It's real office party vibes, you know. Right, yeah, like we we brought in
Starting point is 00:10:48 Brian's Sunderland to do hypnosis on the whole gang, so stick around. You may have seen him at the Red Lion Hotel south of the airport. Yeah. Not not one of the ballrooms in the lobby. Yeah. Not more than the ballrooms in the lobby. Yeah. Yeah. So she's like, she's like going into deep memory and remembering a kind of a, it's kind of a quotidian memory, right? It's just about being a little girl
Starting point is 00:11:19 and helping her grandmother with paintbrush, like getting some, getting some water helping her grandmother with paintbrush, like getting some water so that her grandmother could clean her watercolor paintbrush. And it's like, all right. I don't know what was so important about digging that up. Like, it's not like a trauma that Keko has buried deep. I feel like all the trauma in Keko's life is in the present. Yeah, she's got real curly hair trauma.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Yeah, she's in a loveless marriage. This is like one of the few scenes that we've seen with Keko where she wasn't giving birth or having a fight with Chifobrion. Yeah, yeah, she's safe. Finally. And this feels, I mean, once the part of her trick is over, you know, it's polite applause all around. Keko has gotten to the center of her sense memory and sort of has solved that mystery, but yeah, it seems like the risks outweigh the rewards of doing this in public, right? So Keko's only grasp of this memory is a cup of liquid. That is remarkable. You remembered such vivid details.
Starting point is 00:12:39 But God, like it could be anything. It could be grandma's dentures. Right. For years, I've seen that old cup in my memory, but I could never remember what it was or why it was important. And they just don't know until they get to it in a very public fashion. It seems like a very socially risky thing to do. In the same way that public hypnosis is socially risky.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Well, I think that, you know, yeah, like in a public hypnosis thing, there's always kind of, they always kind of joke around with the crowd and play with the taboo of like getting a lady to take her top off or something like they sort of imply that that's on the table is something that could be done when she's in this mine state, but then they don't actually do it. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:26 But then they might like, you know, get them to engage in some lighter form of ribaldry. I feel like Kiko is just squeaky clean, you know, like she looks under her past and she's like, there's nothing bad in the past, you know. Whereas, you know, if I had had engaged in this, I have a rich history of embarrassing things in my past. Sure. Sure. Some would say those are even happening right now.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Oh, what's that on this? They underscore that as they sort of throw it around the room after the after cake I was done. Perhaps someone else would care to try try they sort of go around the horn With each other and rikers like well, there's no way I would do that and Jordi agrees and so does war if like no one seems very hip to the idea Right the idea of going next I should say yeah, yeah in term and turns to the doctor you madam He kind of like baits her by kind of The doctor you madam, he kind of like baits her by kind of
Starting point is 00:14:30 Saying what she's thinking about you're thinking about that first childhood kiss and her is his his compatriots kind of scold him. No, you're not supposed to probe someone's memory unless they've given you permission and he says a classic rape culture line which is you are right But sometimes with a beautiful woman, I cannot help myself. It is Trump on the bus kind of talk, but it's kind of laughed off by everybody, which is kind of strange, right? Because this is like supposed to be a future in which the kind of, you know, the sexes have achieved equality.
Starting point is 00:15:13 It should be terrifying. Right, like they should be like, well, like you guys are gonna have to remain confined to your quarters for the remainder of the trip because that's really not the kind of talk we tolerate around here. And also, like, she would have had no idea that it was happening if he didn't say it. Like, he could just be playing around in her mind for the entire session, and she wouldn't
Starting point is 00:15:37 know, but it was his comment that made it clear that he was reading her. Yeah, it is, it's like him forcing himself on her in the presence of a bunch of people and everybody acts like it is, like a pretty harmless and normal okay thing. They have to do it that way, right? Like they have to set the tone that it begins innocent because if it begins sinister,
Starting point is 00:16:04 then the quote unquote payoff isn't the same, right? Yeah, well, and I think that we have to assume innocence. It's a weird head fate in terms of storytelling, like I think it's a bit of a miss in terms of something that would be an okay way to behave in the times that we're talking about. I mean, it's not even an okay way to behave now, but then they end this scene with a total villain push in,
Starting point is 00:16:44 on Jev, you know, like they they like let the music go all go all dissonant and push in on Jev the handsome younger son and it's like well I wonder who the villain's gonna be. Yeah, yeah it seems fairly rare that we know that we know exactly what's going to happen before the theme song drops. Like it's not so much foreshadowing as it is very explicit for coloring, you know. Yeah, yeah, it's like John Madden reaches into the frame and draws a circle around. Jeff and goes boom! ["BOOM!" ["BOOM!"
Starting point is 00:17:26 ["BOOM!" ["BOOM!" ["BOOM!" ["BOOM!" ["BOOM!" ["BOOM!" ["BOOM!" ["BOOM!"
Starting point is 00:17:34 ["BOOM!" ["BOOM!" They've reset the observation lounge for a kind of a state dinner type situation. It's the... I don't know why Starfleet always has these big curved tables rolled out for when they're going to have a big fancy dinner function. It's like when General Chang and the Enterprise crew had their big meeting. I offer a toast, the undiscovered country. What's nice about that curved table is that it gives you an easy way to shoot it like sightline wise
Starting point is 00:18:08 Yeah, it's great for the camera. I guess so maybe it must be just that because the ship is a circle they have Lots of arc-shaped rooms, and it would be awkward to have a straight table in there everything's got to be d-shaped, right? They want a nice easy d It's true. We don't get a lot of like we've seen dinner scenes on this show before that are very explicit about what's being consumed. We don't really get a whole lot of that here. Instead, we concentrate on the conversation, which has to do with tarmin giving us more background on their abilities and how much training it takes to be able to do What it is that they do right?
Starting point is 00:18:52 So they're not like born into this ability. It's something that their species can do only with years and years of training and these are like top of their tier professionals who have made a life of doing historical research by going into people's living memories with their permission. And so they're like traveling across the sector, you know, going planet to planet, like working on some kind of history project. And like, there's two kind of amazing things about this scene.
Starting point is 00:19:29 One is that they keep kind of pushing their agenda of doing this process on members of the crew. And the other thing is that the members of the crew are able to eat despite the fact that they're looking at the fucking loaf on these aliens, Adam. Yeah. You know how meatloaf looks great from like the top, but if you were to like break meatloaf in half, it gets like real lumpy and gross looking.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Yeah. They got broken in half kind of meatloaf They their faces are very unappetizing Yeah, yeah, and yet Picard and the rest of the gang are shoveling food into their faces During this dinner Beverly is like you know Jean-Luc, this would be something that you specifically would be really into. As if Picard wasn't just a POW like a year ago and was responsible for the murder of potentially hundreds of thousands of people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Like, what kind of awful idea is that? That's the worst idea I've ever heard on this show. Like, let's go back into your memories, Picard. Let's dig some shit up. He might be the least suited for this sort of practice. Yeah, and it's hard to tell whether the doctor is kind of baiting him. Like, her tone is a little bit inscrutable, but it's It is absolutely a strange thing for her to be suggesting Yeah During this conversation Tarmans like yeah, well I've been doing this for decades. So is my wife, but Jev
Starting point is 00:21:19 God, he's just an idiot Like we take him places and he doesn't know what he is doing. Like, he's a total embarrassment to everyone involved. And, and also we hate him. He tries, he tries to probe people and he doesn't even know what hole to put it into. Yeah, yeah, that's Jeff. Once Jeff spent two days with a contingent of elderly Gentims, he couldn't get anything from them.
Starting point is 00:21:43 I spent only one hour with them and retrieved a fragment from the Gentonian trade wars. It's unprofessionally cruel. It's a, do you ever watch the deadliest catch at them? Sure, that's the, that's the show where they go catch all the crabs, right? Yeah, there's a, there's a, a lot of dynamics like that where there'll be like an old salty crab captain and then his son is like out on deck and sucks at fishing for crab.
Starting point is 00:22:10 And the gal be like on the loudspeaker to the entire boat going like, my son can't throw a grappling hook or the shit. That was sort of the vibe I was getting off-tarment in the scene. The captain's like smoking two cigarettes at the same time. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Getting on the inner calm. Yeah, and then he like hits the button to alert the entire crew that a 50 foot wave is coming over the bow.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so Tarmin's smoking cigarettes and making fun of Jeff. Jeff does that thing where he just leaves a formal dinner out of embarrassment. And you know it's bad when you just get up in the middle of dinner and leave. That's a move that I am prone to when I'm really upset. That's something I'm super proud of in myself, but I did really identify with just punching out of a stressful situation like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Yeah, and, uh, and Troy keys on this right away. And it's like, well, I guess I don't need to eat anymore either. I need to, I need to help propel this episode forward. I'm gonna walk out with Jeff. And so she hits the hallway with him and they get on the elevator and she's like, listen, like I know all about having a fucking obnoxious parent.
Starting point is 00:23:31 They've made entire shows about my relationship to my parent and all of its viewers hate it. There have been so many times when important fancy dinners in that room have gone really badly because of my mom. So I know where you're at right now, buddy. And this is like, there are a lot of parts of this episode where, where someone being nice is mistaken as an invitation for some shit to go down. And sure, it's just being nice.
Starting point is 00:24:11 And Jev sees this as a reason to make her a target. Right. Like she's not just being nice. She's kind of serving her professional role in helping him calm down. And yeah, and Jeff acts like it's the end of the first date. He completely, he's like totally that creepy guy that thinks he's on a date when the girl doesn't. Yeah, yeah. So she heads back to her quarters and she switches into her sleeping
Starting point is 00:24:50 ball gown. Right. Yeah. She's in like a floor length taffeta, taffeta 90, that's off of one of her shoulders. It leaves everything to the imagination though, doesn't it? Oh yeah, yeah, you can't. It's not revealing a figure at all at him. No. She starts getting hit with telepathic bangers. And she's like trying to calm herself down, so she goes and gets a hot chocolate.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Hot chocolate. But this series of bangers devolves into her having like a full blown waking nightmare of Commander Riker forcing himself on her after a poker game. And in the midst of the chaos of this vision, Riker is replaced by the image of Jeff. Sorry, can you stop saying that about us? Just answer us. It is pretty clear that Jeff has invaded Troy's mind and is doing the telepathic equivalent of rape on her.
Starting point is 00:26:10 I'm going to assume that this scene was effective for you, just by saying this, but let's talk a little bit about why it is. It is terrifying to see someone we like do this to someone else we like. Yeah. You know, it took completely separate from the act itself, which is also terrifying. But this is like the opposite of a mistake this show makes a lot. It's often will make the, like, the human collateral in a crisis, something we have no connection to. Yeah, and we have no connection to.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Yeah, and we are utterly connected to this. Yeah, it's so upsetting. I mean, especially because of Riker and Troy's prior relationship, I can't imagine it doesn't feel like a really plausible scenario to any viewer who knows anything about date rape, you know? Right. And that's like the thing that is so upsetting about date rape to society is that it is really hard to face the fact that men will force themselves on women that they're like nominally the lovers of, you know. Right, right. There are a couple of things that they do during this scene that amplifies how troubling
Starting point is 00:27:39 it is, and one of the main ones is their use of cutaways. Like, they are, they are ice-oing on all of the grabby hands, on eyes, and using quick cuts. You're getting far closer as a viewer to DNA Troy than you ever have up until now also. So like, not only is it awful from an act standpoint, but like as a viewer, you're bringing broad in just as close, just as intimately into that situation. Like, I've never seen Deanna Troy's neck like in full screen before, but that's what we get. Like we're right, we're right in there in a way that is profoundly intimate and scary.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Yeah. And the hands grabbing, like our shot so close up that it's a little hard to see what specifically they're grabbing, which is pretty shrewd television because it makes it, you know, as upsetting as your mind is willing to make it, you know. I think there's another reason why we're discussing the scene so long, and that is because it's runtime as long. Like, this is an extended assault scene on a show that I would say most fights in general, quote unquote, fights last two two punches and then it's over but this is like this goes on and on. Yeah it's it's several minutes long and in
Starting point is 00:29:13 reading the capsule for this episode in the last episode I was thinking that this was going to be much more of a after-school special tone and this is a pretty, this is pretty heavy stuff. Like it's, and it's not like, you know, I think, I think that there's a lot of like valid discussion about how problematic it is to depict rape of any kind in media as a, you know, and there's, you know, I'm like not an expert on that, so I don't think that, and I don't think this is like the place to go and do it on a hilarious comedy show. But for what it's worth, I think this episode deals with the issues in a way that is much more sophisticated than I remembered Star Trek being able to deal with things like this.
Starting point is 00:30:08 I completely agree. Yeah. I had expected, I mean, based on my memory of the episode, a more night-terror's treatment of these events. Right. of these events and what we got was a far less can't be far more straight ahead depiction of this stuff in a way that It might have just been like in my youth. I just wasn't I
Starting point is 00:30:36 Wasn't able to grasp What this was in the way that I am now. Yeah, yeah, I think that You know, and maybe like the this is a little ahead of its time, even like maybe the kind of conversation about this stuff in pop culture has caught up to where this episode is. Yeah. To some extent, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Well, Troy wakes up in a coma and the... Do you want to take that one again? That was a... That doesn't make sense. I was trying to have a joke in our show, Adam. Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, that was a... That was the opposite of a yes and, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:31:23 That was a... There seems to be some mistake. They've got Troy in Six Bay and she is passed out and they don't know they don't know anything about what happened to her. They are just assuming she's in some kind of a coma. So, Ryker winds up with the task of running the investigation, which I thought was surprising.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Like, this is kind of Worf's job, but Ryker is the one running around the ship kind of looking into this situation. The first person he talks to is Jev and... That's a really interesting point in that like as the exo Riker has sort of the diplomatic responsibilities, but where there's something criminal happening, you would think war would be the guy in charge, which I think really speaks to what the crew is perceiving, how the crew is perceiving what has happened. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Like, they don't see it as a crime at this point. Right. Well, and I guess also they are attempting to rule out the involvement of the unions, but they don't want to offend them in that process. So it's like, it's a little bit of, like, hey, listen, this is kind of awkward to bring up, but ever since you've been on the ship, yeah, you know, ever since dinner last night, like you were the person that left with Troy
Starting point is 00:33:12 and now she is not conscious, so that's kind of uncomfortable for us. And then- I could understand that being the motivation if this were a different alien that we cared a little bit more about, but it doesn't feel like there are any stakes there for these people because this is a new bermission, and they're just taking these mind-historians to and fro. Like, those stakes don't seem real to me, and at the time, it made me want to quarantine them, immediately.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Yeah, yeah, like put them in a shittlecraft and tone with the tractor beam. Get them out of here. Right, right. So, yeah, like, Riker tries to kind of connect with this guy, and Jev is pretty dismissive of the premise I'm not applying that you did anything intentional I'm just trying to get to the bottom of the mystery We have nothing to hide if you wish to spend time examining us fine. Thank you
Starting point is 00:34:31 And there is another like totally insane villain push-in on Jev as Riker leaves. And then we have a pretty touching scene with Riker back in 6 Bay just kind of talking to the unconscious Troy. Yeah, he refers back to the clip show as a time where Troy talked to him when he was in a coma and then you know that that really seemed to help him. So he thought he'd give it a try with her. Yeah, it's and I think it's a really necessary scene given how troubling it was to see him in the attack scene. Like this, this kind of reminds us like what a good egg raker is, you know. Well, I think this scene is, is totally necessary for the reason you said, but also because
Starting point is 00:35:26 is totally necessary for the reason you said, but also because this is something I wanted to circle around on when we finished the capsule, but how sure are we about which events did occur and which events were Jev's manipulation during any of the nightmares that drive the senior staff into into comas. Are you saying that he's actually physically doing something to them? Edit this out if I'm completely wrong, but like are we to assume that Riker's date rape of Troy didn't happen? I think it's all mental. I mean, that's what my understanding was. My understanding was that it always started from a memory, from a real memory, that then was illuminated by the Euleans. And so there would have to be some truth to the memory at the core for a Eulean to manipulate.
Starting point is 00:36:32 And so at this point in the episode, does there any reason for a viewer to think that Riker didn't assault Troy, and that Jev's intention was just to take the place of the antagonist during one of the most emotionally fraught memories of a person's life. I guess there are two different types of nightmares that this could be that is unclear at this point. It's if Jev is placing the nightmare in someone's memory,
Starting point is 00:37:07 and it's a construction of his own design that he's done, or if he's merely becoming the nightmare that the personality has. I 100% thought that Jev was inserting this into Troy's mind, rather than remixing an actual memory. Right, but the reason for that is because you, because the reason for that has to be because you know Riker would never do that, right? Is that the only reason a viewer has to think that it isn't a true memory?
Starting point is 00:37:41 Because there's nothing plot-wise, there's nothing in the dialogue that says that it isn't. I don't know. And is my interpretation just like reading way too much into it? No, I mean, I think it's a really interesting question that I don't know that is actually answered in the, I mean, I never, I never considered it, so I'm kind of really thinking about it, but it's... It just always felt like the Eulians needed something from the subject to craft the thing off of. And if... I guess which is... Yeah, I don't know. I have an incomplete thought about that, but...
Starting point is 00:38:26 Yeah, I mean, I... Here's what I'll say, like... And this is kind of... Like, doing for a character what society often does for an individual in these circumstances is... Like, we know Raykaker is a good guy, and I don't think that the show would make him a bad person in that way. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Like, I think that if we walk around for the rest of our lives thinking that Troy has a real memory of Raker forcing himself on her, like that, well, first of all, that completely undermines the main thing we know about Riker's sexuality is that he is the number one consent-efficientado in the universe. Yeah, I mean, that just, that really went to a dark place. Yeah. My love is a piece of longing,
Starting point is 00:39:26 jail for that which is longer than us at the PC. Tell me more, you'll have to go, yeah. Speaking of going to dark places, Riker leaves Six Bay and starts having a waking nightmare of his own. And it's sort of like the cover of Rubber Soul, the Beatles record. He's in engineering and there's some kind of coolant leak
Starting point is 00:39:51 type situation. And they're bringing down the garage door and there's an engine there that's telling Riker that bringing the garage door down is going to doom one of his compatriots to death. Glad he's got to do it. So it's like it's a dream about issuing a command that led to saving the ship but costing somebody their life. The most troubling part of this scene to me was that the Ensign looks so much like Ted Cruz.
Starting point is 00:40:29 That is true. I think the most troubling part to me was that they didn't cut to Steve's on, you know, way steep in water, trying to shut off a valve as water flowed into the compartment. Welcome back to Crimson Tidecast. The moment this is over, Riker 2 wakes up in a coma. Everyone's just waking up in coma, man. Yeah. No good. He he goes into his coma in about the most uncomfortable way possible physically. He only his head is
Starting point is 00:41:15 on his desk. The rest of his body is seated in a chair and hanging, dangling, if you will, below the desk. It seems impossible as a position to hold if you're unconscious. Yeah, it's sort of like that time that Wesley fell asleep with his nannights in the, yeah, in the open configuration. Yeah, yeah, it does not look comfy.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Yeah. I am the cutest of all. You will what you don't get in any of these scenes when the senior staff wakes up unconscious? Is the gurney scene? Oh yeah, like rushing them through the double doors to the ER. You don't get that. I would have liked a gurney scene. That always really heightens the tension. Yeah. And you know, Picard knows from gurney scenes. If you would have fought one wit below your abilities,
Starting point is 00:42:18 I'd have given you a good scar to remind you. You get a... you get barkly... That's a... that's a dune reference Adam a doon reference. So yeah I was just gonna walk right by it unregarded. So yeah they they they've got like a couple of investigations in working in parallel now. Data and Jordy are gonna work on seeing if there's like something in the past that could point the finger at these ulians. And Dr. Crusher is trying to figure out
Starting point is 00:42:58 if something is happening to the brains of people that the ulians do investigations into. So she like brings K, Brian, into Six Bay, and it gives her a brain scan. And Keko is... Oh, Brian's like, you're never gonna find anything in there. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Keko's even a little gunshay in this scene, right? Yeah. Like, Dr. Crusher's like, yeah, your readings come back normal, and Kiko's like, is that okay? Is that a good thing? Is that a bad thing? What's going on?
Starting point is 00:43:34 Yeah, and Kiko's fine. Yeah, she has nothing but good things to say about the hypnotist that they all went to. Yeah, if anything, she's like still super pumped about her dumb story with the brush glass. Yeah. I one time like in college, I think like freshman orientation, they had some hypnotist show that we all went to. And walking back to my dormitory, I was chatting with a kid that lived on my floor who had gone on stage and gotten hypnotized and I was like asking about it and I saw I'm like a couple days later in the dining
Starting point is 00:44:14 hall and I was like talking to him about it again and he said yeah totally messed up my sleep like I couldn't like I couldn't fall asleep that night, it was like I had jet lag. Weird. Yeah. I wonder, so I just wonder whether Keko is in her right mind, you know? Because sometimes you say dumb stuff when you have jet lag. I wonder how Keko's sleeping the night after that. Well, I mean, it's probably fine because I imagine O'Brien is out on the couch, right? Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Yeah, she can spread out for sure. So now it is the doctor's term to have an upsetting waking memory. And this one for sure is a real memory, right? That's just my argument is that if the second and the third memory are based on real events, why shouldn't we believe that the first one is as well? Well, is the second? Like is that a scene that we've actually seen Riker go through? I mean, we haven't seen him go through it, but it seems totally viable as something
Starting point is 00:45:22 that would have happened at some point. Yeah, I wonder. I mean, it does seem viable, but I also feel like we would have seen it. And it would have been more conclusive if it was like an actual thing that we remembered. When you have nightmares, do you mostly have nightmares about things that have happened or about imagined things that have not? I would say that typically it's imagined things. Yeah. Yeah. But that's a great point, right? Like some nightmares are about things that happen to you and others are not. So see
Starting point is 00:46:01 One line of dialogue could have cleared up all of this if in the beginning at that dinner table scene when they're talking about the training about how the Euleans do this if If if Tarmanor Jev was like yeah, you know like it all starts with a specific memory that someone has like we can't work with anything that isn't already there So it all starts with something that the subject gives us. Like, if we just have... But is inserting himself into the memory?
Starting point is 00:46:29 So if it's... I mean, if he can insert himself, who says he can't insert a memory? Yeah, yeah, I guess so. I mean, I'm just trying to talk you out of... Riker being a rapist here. Believe me, I want to be talked out of that. I think we all do, Adam. I think we all do, Adam. I think we all do.
Starting point is 00:46:49 So the doctor's memory is of going and seeing the deceased body of Jack Cresher who, you know, I think we all know by now that Picard ordered Cresher to do something that ended him buying the farm. And that is why the relationship between the captain and the doctor is so weird. But... It's a God of your God. It's the least I can do. of you to come. It's the least I can do. But Jurdian data are like heading down to Six Bay to talk to the doctor and they find
Starting point is 00:47:31 her in a very similar position to Riker. Sleeping on her desk. Data calls for an emergency medical team to Dr. Crusher's office, which made me think like, how far away is that medical team from Six Bay? Yeah. Like why wouldn't it be right outside in the hall? Yeah, he should have just stuck his head out the door. Yeah, that to me felt like an incongruity that didn't quite understand. This scene, her memory, her nightmare was, I mean, no less shocking than anyone else's.
Starting point is 00:48:13 I mean, you get to see Picard with hair. He's also wearing some sort of thing on his face. What was that about? some sort of thing on his face. Yeah. What was that about? Was that to illustrate his own injuries that were related to Jack Crushers that ended up killing him? That occurred to me. I was also thinking maybe it's like some sort of cross-pollination with memories of after
Starting point is 00:48:42 she treated him for the borgs? Yeah, I thought that as well. So Ben, before we move on, like what we have here are three awful nightmares, awful waking nightmares, where Jev has inserted himself in each one. And the first one, he is someone who is sexually assaulting Deanna Troy. In the second one, he is the Ensign who is angry at Riker for killing a co-worker in the line of duty. And in the third one, he has taken the place of Picard in escorting Beverly to view the body of her deceased husband. My question for you is, what is he getting out of that?
Starting point is 00:49:29 What, like, Jev could be doing it because he is the power to do it, but, like, why? He'd be like, why is his image in there also? No, like, what satisfaction is he getting from the violence he's perpetrating on these people in their memories? Like, what we don't get is the cut back to him. Is he in his quarters, like, totally jacked up on what this is getting him? Like, it's not like I want to empathize with him in any way, but I sort of I need a little bit more into his reasoning like is it just totally? Is it is it the the mind of a sociopath that that you just can't explain and so it needs no explanation
Starting point is 00:50:17 as to as to why he would do it, but I don't know it felt a little bit empty that this that this is happening and he's the cause, but we don't really I don't know, it felt a little bit empty that this, that this is happening and he's the cause but we don't really I don't really understand why Do you and does that matter? I? Guess Like I mean it I don't think this completely clears that up, but I do get the feeling that he's sort of a guy who Feels like he's entitled to more than he gets and he's got this shitty father who publicly, you know, berates him.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Yeah, it's an act out, right? It's, and, and I mean, that's obviously not like an excuse or anything, but I do feel like I kind of see that as being maybe the recourse of a certain kind of person is to inflict their bad feelings on other people. And I also like, I mean, who knows when you've got this kind of power, like what the temptation is like, right? Yeah. I mean, if you are sitting next to the laptop of a loved one and they've left their Facebook open. It's like hard for some people to resist the temptation of looking through it, right?
Starting point is 00:51:33 And if everybody's mind is there, you know, is there password entered Facebook to you? That's gotta be, I mean, and like, if that is the case and you're also an asshole. Yeah, I almost wonder if this was something that they, if this was a more intentional decision than we think, because if you, if you see any pleasure derived from this form of violence, I think this becomes less quote, unquote, mind rape and more like actual rape in terms of, in terms of its depiction.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Like, I think the analogy turns real in a way that is probably not something they were willing to do on the show. Yeah. And I think you have to assume that his attacks on Riker and the Doctor are about covering his tracks. So I don't know. I mean, I'm not into his tactics, but I guess I can kind of see what's motivating them.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Yeah. Yeah So at this point Troy is up She's recovered after three days in her coma. She woke up from waking up in a coma They're still like trying to put everything together because she has no memory of what happened to her. She doesn't even remember the assault. They're like, hey, well, we've got these guys that look into people's memories. Why don't we have one of them look into it. And I guess that like Picard has like a conversation with the three Ulians in his office where they like convince him that this is the right way to go.
Starting point is 00:53:33 And Jev kind of tosses himself out as like the one who's gonna do it, which is pretty much the worst possible scenario, you know. It's so fucked up to put the suspects in charge of investigating the crime, right? Yeah. It makes no sense. And they don't even realize what the crime is at this point. But they get started on this.
Starting point is 00:54:10 And meanwhile, Jordy and Data are trying to look into the idea that this may have happened before. So they're looking at the kind of travel patterns of the aliens and whether people went into weird comas other times when these guys were around. So we have another very, very upsetting scene with Troy like reliving this memory and like this is some of the most visceral and upsetting performance, Marina Serdice has done on the show, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Like, she really connects to these very scary feelings and... What really serves her well here is starting out positively. Yeah, because she's thinking about... The memory begins as a happy one and it totally twists into something awful Yeah, and thinking about that makes me Thinking thinking about that fact makes me think that this is a fabricated memory Adam because I don't think that she looks back at this memory fondly at the beginning part of it If she was a true assault. Yeah, yeah, you know what you're right. Oh God, I'm so relieved There was some genuine suspense in this episode Adam. Yeah
Starting point is 00:55:41 so Rakers good name is cleared by the way Troy thinks about a thing with him. And then the... Seriously, that moment in our podcast might be more a more satisfying conclusion than the one we get on the actual show. Yeah, I mean, because we do have to kind of like relive the trauma of a very traumatic scene. And it's Jev kind of bringing her back through the worst parts of this memory. And in the place of Riker, instead of Jev, this time it is Tarmann. And so that implicates Tarmann in the crime. And I think the next scene is like Jev and Picard in the Ready Room.
Starting point is 00:56:38 And Jev is like, oh man, the old man really lost touch. He's totally out of control. He's a really bad dude. And- Good thing I was here to put him behind bars. Right, yeah. And meanwhile, data in Georgia are still doing their cross-reference.
Starting point is 00:56:57 And by the time they've started to like put it all together, they realize that there's some coma victims on some of the planets the Eulians have visited that couldn't possibly have been Tarman's victims because they went into coma's when Tarman was back on the Eulian home world. So smash cut to Jev going down to say his goodbyes to Troy in her room and he is about to force himself on her in her presence. It's happening again. It was so beautiful. So fragile. It was you. It was always you.
Starting point is 00:57:46 This seems pretty intense because she starts to fight back, but he like physically overpowers her. And it's like just in the nick of time that Worf and a Dustbuster club come through the door and Worf kind of finishes the the jobs that Troy started by like an open fist smack across his loaf. Yeah, he one punch K.O.Z.M. Yeah. This was a fairly complex fight scene for Marina Circus too. Yeah, she really wails on the guy. Like, it's, she's definitely like, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:36 like there's plenty of times when you see actors do stage combat where you can tell that they're holding back. And this is, and like when Worf comes in, it's clearly like a camera trick where Worf is throwing his fist past, Jev, but because he's a little bit back from where Jev is, like you don't see that he wouldn't have really connected. I think Marina's services really like not holding back and actually throwing punches at this guy.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Yeah, she looks like she's really wailing on him and it feels satisfying to see that. Not that the circumstance is fun at any point, but you like to see her get one over on him. Right. Like, you like to see him start to get what he deserves. And it's also really amazing because in her mind, she's being overpowered by him. And he's like, taking her communicator off her uniform and is starting to grab her wrist. And she like, wrenches her hand out of his and starts to
Starting point is 00:59:47 kind of fight back a little bit and you know it's not like a fight that she has any hope of winning but I mean like to the extent that there can be a catharsis for a situation like this it is like sort of cathartic to see this guy get Molly wapped by by wharf. Yeah, it ends sort of abruptly, right? Yeah, like the Enterprise changes course and takes the uleans back home from once they came Tarmann apologizes for Jev's awful fuck up and then off screen r to get the the the the the the
Starting point is 01:00:27 the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the so you never see like the visual stakes of this, like in compound. Yeah, the last scene is just, was just a really somber McLaughlin group. Is your walk? Yeah. I thought it was worth noting that the show goes ahead and calls this rape. Yeah. I mean, like, I think that there is probably a temptation when you're making a show like this
Starting point is 01:01:13 to make everything be kind of metaphorical. Because, like, you know, science fiction is inevitably a metaphor for the present rather than an imagination of the future. Science fiction is always about us now and us thinking about who we are and where we're headed and that kind of thing. So the temptation to let everybody do the math at home about whether this is rape or not. It's probably there, not just from like a, we're making a sci-fi show standpoint,
Starting point is 01:01:50 but from a like, this is like a show that airs at 6 p.m. Stan point. Yeah. It's a pretty heavy duty topic. And like I don't think network television wades into these waters with this much delicacy very often. Yeah. Like this, I think this is like a real, a real exploration of a real
Starting point is 01:02:16 issue that affects a lot of people and one that is drenched in stigma and taboo. Yeah, and Rhino Circus, like, she was given something big to do, storytelling-wise, emotionally, and she did great. She did so good. It really underlines how underutilized she is as a performer in this show, up to this point. Yeah. Like, I mean, she's had a couple episodes this season now where it's just crazy how good
Starting point is 01:02:52 she is. And it just makes me feel so bad for all of the seasons where she... She's kind of gone wasted. Yeah. Did you like the episode, Ben? I mean, to the degree that a story like this could be liked, there are ways to like this episode. I think we could agree.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Yes. I think it is, it is, like, as an artistic achievement and as an exploration of a tough subject, uh, largely successful. I mean, like, I think that you also have to remember that it's from like 1991 or whatever. So, you know, like, I don't think it's as woke as the most woke ever exploration of an issue like this. But I think it's pretty solid and
Starting point is 01:03:51 the Things that it sets out to achieve. I think it does achieve, you know, do you think rikers the wokest of all the senior staff? Like if we were gonna do who's the most woke, it's probably him, right? And I don't feel qualified to call balls and strikes when it comes to wokeness. Yeah. Maybe that's something we can keep an eye on going forward. I think that's worth doing. I'm with you, Ben. I mean I mean I quote unquote like the episode because of its power, its relative power especially. Yeah it was strong stuff like it was
Starting point is 01:04:37 it was a hundred proof Star Trek for sure. For sure. I'll be really interested to see the conversations that happen around this on the greatest gen online communities because I think that we've already had plenty of really insightful conversations and I especially am curious to read what the women in our audience take away from this because I think that it's kind of impossible as a heterosexual dude to understand how scary something like this really is for women. Yeah, absolutely. So I will, here's what I'll say.
Starting point is 01:05:22 If you are going to wait into those conversations, please be cognizant of the touchiness of this subject and like try to be as respectful and conscientious as you possibly can. As both of those things, as I think our viewers have have been most of the time, I would expect that. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. have been most of the time. I watched that. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Well, Adam, all of that business taken care of. Yeah, who's going to be our lucky jumbo-tron person
Starting point is 01:05:52 to follow this? I think it is time to see if we have any priority one messages. OK. Priority one message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Need a supplement on? supplement on? supplement Channel. You need a supplement on that. A supplement on that? A supplement.
Starting point is 01:06:07 A supplement. Yeah, it's extra. But the interest alone could be enough to buy this ship! Hey Ben, we've got two personal priority one messages today. That's my favorite size of priority one message. Yeah, it's like four slices. You can totally take it down all by yourself. Yeah, you easily hold it in your lap in a ballpark or a movie theater.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Messages from Kathleen and it is for Zonker-Balker. It's got to be a cat, right? Alright, let's see if we can figure this out from the content of the message. It goes like this, since the election, I've been donating to causes that make the world less bleak. The greatest generation is the rare thing that, that's made me laugh when I just want to cry. So thank you. Also, Zonkerbunker, if you're listening, thanks for introducing me to this podcast. I miss you and my door is always open.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Ah. So if Zunkerbunker is a cat, it's a hyper-intelligent cat that is capable of listening and understanding and even recommending podcasts. We've got a couple p1 messages that are about like gratitude for introducing them to the pod. That's pretty great. Gratitude is a beautiful emotion. I try to do some like gratitude, mindfulness, from time to time. I'm into it. Kathleen mentioned something that I think I don't think we've mentioned too often on the show, which is we've heard from quite a few viewers about how great the pod is to listen to in a time of profound existential distress. So, I don't think we are blind to what's happening, and I think for the same reasons that the show is being enjoyed, it is just as much of a joy and distraction for us to make.
Starting point is 01:08:03 So, I really appreciate hearing that. Yeah, I always love those messages. We also have a message from Chris and it is to Cat. Chris definitely sounds like it might be a cat. Cat definitely doesn't. No, come on, two on the nose. The message goes like this, sorry for throwing a cool hundo at these nerds instead of our upcoming nupshals.
Starting point is 01:08:30 But I'm doing it for us. They need to keep the show going and be convinced to continue with DS9 so we can see if they find Garrick and Bashir to be as gay for each other as we know them to be. Thanks for being the best dad to our cats. I can't wait to be married to you. Wait a second, how can I... There are cats explicitly mentioned in this. And cat is the dad to the cats.
Starting point is 01:09:04 It's, uh, it'sisten and cats all the way down. Yeah, yeah. I feel like we kind of paved the way for confusing ourselves on this one, Adam. I really love that Chris went rogue on, on wedding expenditures on this. Yeah. Ben, did you ever go rogue on a wedding expenditure? I'm trying to think of how I did. I know I did.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Well, it's hard like you have a budget and you have a list of things, but sometimes you just want to do something for you and that's what Chris did here. Yeah, I definitely did that when I went and got my tuxedo stuff set up. Like I went, I splashed out a little bit on my, on my raiments. But that said, I don't know that like clothes for groom was ever really a line item in our budget. So it was really just like me spending money on myself that I didn't really have to spend.
Starting point is 01:10:02 How upset would your bride to be have been if you had and Explicitly taken money from the wedding fund to spend on a P1 for a stupid Star Trek podcast pretty pissed I imagine my wife is a lawyer. She's a she's a Very vicious person when she when she needs to be I just I just try to stay on her good side, you know? Yeah, that's not a mistake you would ever ever make I like to dance around on on the edge of her good side that is toward the eye rolling side Yeah, that's that's fairly harmless that I work side. That's where I live. That's that's my neighborhood. I love that the answer to a question
Starting point is 01:10:46 how would your wife feel begins with my wife as a lawyer. That's the greatest answer. Yeah well I'm just trying to I'm just trying to give the people context for what what kind of rhetorical training she has for for example an argument about budget. Well congratulations in your upcoming mupuals can't increase. Hopefully this was not a reason to to stray off course for those. Yeah and you know if we get to if we get to Bashir and Gare we'll see if we'll see if our Gardar goes off in the same way. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. We'll have to see.
Starting point is 01:11:31 No promises. No promises. One thing we can promise is to keep doing priority one messages as long as they keep coming in. You can make sure that happens by going to slash JumboTron where personal messages and wedding announcements are $100. Commercial messages are $200 and they help us produce the show. Thanks a lot, guys.
Starting point is 01:11:56 A greatest gen live show is something you don't want to miss. Why? Well, it's a great opportunity to see me and Ben in person, but that's not all. FODs from all over gather at these shows to cosplay, to do pre and post show hangs, to make friends, and share their embarrassment. Hey, let's make a pretty great name for a tour. Let's do it! The Sherry Reembarishment Tour is coming in August 2023,
Starting point is 01:12:28 and we've got a bunch of dates in a lot of great places. Go to to get more info. That's for dates and ticketing information for the Share Your Embarrassment Tour. I'm Jordan Morris. And I'm Jesse Thorne. On Jordan Jesse Go, we make pure, delightful nonsense. We were open awesome guests and bring them down to our level.
Starting point is 01:12:50 We get stupid with Judy Greer. My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweards. Pat Noswald. Can I get a Balrog burger and some air-gorn fries? Thank you. And Kumail Non-Giani. I've come back with cat toothbrushes, which is impossible to use. Come get stupider with us at
Starting point is 01:13:08 Look, your podcast apps are already open. Just pull it out. Give Jordan Jesse Goat try. Being smart is hard. Be dumb instead. Oh, rats. Hey, hey, hey, oh, I'm about to count you in mine. These clouds are really freaking me out.
Starting point is 01:13:22 I hate having to stand in line. And boy, what do I? These giraffes do not smell good. No, they do not and they've such short neck. But I'm hearing we need to get on this. We've got to get on the art. It is about terrain, about a spout to destroy humanity. Hey, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Are you Noah? Yeah, I know we look like humans. We're actually, we're podcasters. We are podcasters, so it's different. Have you heard of Ono Ross and Kerry? We investigate spirituality, claims of the paranormal, stuff like that. And you have a boat and say the world's gonna end,
Starting point is 01:13:50 so seem like something for us to check out. We would love to be on the boats. We came two by two. What do you think? Ono Ross and Carrie, available on Hey, Ben. Hey, Adam. Did you find yourself a very special drunk Shimoda? I did.
Starting point is 01:14:18 There is a great riker moment in that first scene where Tarmann says his little line about not being able to resist to the beautiful woman that you just see disgust in rikers disposition every moment after that line is uttered in that scene, like his whole demeanor changes. And I just thought that that was great. Like I kind of, I thought that we made up that joke. Like I thought we made up the idea that Riker is more obsessed with consent than anything else about sex. Yeah. But now I feel like maybe Friggs made that up and made that part of his performance from the beginning.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Yeah. You read consent fetishist off of him in a nonverbal way, which is really fun. It's great. Yeah. How about yourself? Did you have a charmota? Well, Ben, I think our experience in production will help you understand what I mean when
Starting point is 01:15:32 I'm talking about clearing a background. And like wherever you are, whether you're shooting an interview or you're shooting like in a big wide open space, you want to be conscious of that background, don't you, Ben? Sure. Cause you're not just looking at the person talking, you're looking at the person behind. And in the scene that I'm talking about specifically is that station where Jordy and Data are,
Starting point is 01:15:57 they're doing the investigation, they're looking into the records to see all the places where the Ulians have visited and how that sort of matches up with people falling into a coma. We're talking about the big set of computers at the back of the bridge. Yeah, and so we're doing some shot reverse shot with Jordy and data, but on Jordy's reverse shot he's talking into a butt, basically the whole time.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Like just a big ol' improvile butt. But what? Everyone I know has a big butt. And it is perfectly in focus because he's standing right next to him. And it's sort of hard to concentrate on anything else besides the idea that Jordy is speaking into a butt as if it were a microphone. And it's just right there. Okay, it's kind of thrusting his pelvis in right into the computers too. Yeah, yeah, so you're aware of the scene I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Yeah. Yeah, you got to clear that background, guys. What do we have coming up on the next episode, Ben? The next episode is season five, episode 13, The Masterpiece Society. Picard's efforts to save a genetically engineered society from a natural disaster threatened to destroy it. Oh, I love it when there's grammar errors in these Do you remember this episode Adam? You know every time I say this I get a ton of shit from people Every time I say I don't remember an episode Invariably a couple people email in and they're like in the very first episode of your podcast
Starting point is 01:17:44 You said you had a forensic memory for every episode of this show. So we know that that's bullshit. So if you don't remember this, people will want to email drunksremota at to tell us about how Adam lied in the first episode of our show. I have set up a gmail filter for the word forensic and so
Starting point is 01:18:07 that just goes straight into the garbage. Then I'll also go inside with the R1 that says that filters for why didn't you say? Yeah, why didn't you say as a part of it and also you forgot to mention that's a third rule. God, we got so many why didn't use about Max Headroom. So many. I was shocked to know that the Venn diagram circles of Max Headroom fans and greatest generation viewers are too perfectly overlapping circles. Yeah, the fuck, I was not expecting that at all.
Starting point is 01:18:40 20,000 people emailed us about why we didn't say anything about the fucking Max headroom thing. How about this? Because I didn't care. I knew about it. I just didn't care. Oh my god, we heard so many times. Wow. Let a headroom fans. What do you call those fans? I don't know. I'm not really like... I don't really think I even know what Max Headroom is at him. I know, but I don't care. I don't want to be run out of town on a rail or anything, but I just don't know. You know what, if that's the rail that I'm run out of town on so be it.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Jeez. The militant Max Headroom fandom out them out there. God give me a rest Unfortunately Adam we do not have vetoes left in our quiver and thus This episode you remember nothing of this gonna feel like watching a brand new one. That's always fun. Yeah. Yeah, that's nice It's like they're still making the show. Yeah. Alright, well that will be next time. Thanks to everybody that goes to iTunes and leaves us a nice review.
Starting point is 01:19:54 That's really kind and thoughtful of you. Thanks to the great folks at Maximum Fund for all the support they provide. Thank you to for having three great merchandise items from our show. Get your West-Hot American Summer T-shirt, your Drunk Shermota T-shirt, and the all-new Drunk Shermota Bar and Grill pint glass. I just added two of these to my cupboard, Adam. Yeah, I just got mine in the mail too. Very well packed. No chance of breakage.
Starting point is 01:20:28 Yeah, and the shipping didn't go up when I added a second one to my order, so I thought that was pretty classy. You know how sometimes you get like a sort of a garbagey pint glass from somewhere, and it's like the screen print is a little thin and flaky and the glasses and that cool. I was really happy to see that this seems like a pretty quality glass set up. Yeah, this is like, this is, you know, ready for prime time. Like you could actually deploy this glass in a bar and grill and not be worried about them
Starting point is 01:20:59 getting shattered all the time, you know. Someone could retroactively open up a Shimoda's bar and grill and buy nothing but these glasses. They're ready for restaurant use. They're ready to go. They're not those, they're not those cheapos that are gonna break on you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:16 My, uh, yeah. Well, anyways. Do you? You almost started a rant. I almost started a rant about cheap Glassware Adam, but I'm not gonna do it. Save that for your other show. Okay, go to let's
Starting point is 01:21:33 for my upcoming signature cheap Glassware rant. Okay. You can chat with us about the show on Twitter using the hashtag GreatestGen. Adam is at Cut for Time. I'm at Benjamin R.E.H.R. There's a great Facebook group and also a great subreddit for the show. And of course the maximum fun subreddit is there as well.
Starting point is 01:21:59 So with that, we will be back at you next time with another great episode of Star Trek, the next generation and a brand new episode of the greatest generation that you don't remember viewing the first time. Make it sound. Wow, so that was our first episode with almost zero jokes at all in it. Good job by us.

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