The Greatest Generation - No Less Than Most of an Ass (VOY S5E15)

Episode Date: March 6, 2023

When Captain Janeway starts fiddling with her comm badge, a risky heist to steal Borg technology leads to a Locutus 2.0 situation with Seven. But after reliving her assimilation through the USS Raven�...��s logs, an ultimatum from Dax’s ex-girlfriend makes Seven willing to stay in Borg City. What’s the most shocking reason to be in a closet in Silver Lake? Where should you not fall asleep when you have an 8am class? Which crew member celebrates Captain Janeway Day? It’s the episode that’s more Grizzly Man than Gorillas in the Mist.Support the production of The Greatest Generation.Friends of DeSoto for Democracy.Friends of DeSoto for Justice. Follow The Game of Buttholes: The Will of the Caretaker!Music by Adam Ragusea & Dark MateriaFollow The Greatest Generation on Twitter, and discuss the show using the hashtag #GreatestGen!The Greatest Generation is on Twitch.Facebook group | Subreddit | Discord | WikiSign up for our mailing list!Get a thing at!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Hey friends of Disodo. Before today's episode, we just wanted to take a moment to talk about the historic labor actions being taken by writers and actors in the American Film and Television industry. If you're a fan of the work done by the people who make Star Trek, we hope you'll join us in standing in solidarity with the folks who actually bring these adventures to life. Over the past several years, the AMPTP, the organization that represents the American Film and Television Production Studios, have reduced the profit from movies and TV going to workers. And in so doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 they've attempted to weaken the labor unions that represent those workers. They wouldn't even engage the unions on many issues in their negotiations. And so a strike was the only course of action to take. Adam, Wendy and I have been having a lot of internal discussions about how best to stand with the unions and we are continuing those conversations in a dynamic situation. We're doing our best to understand where the picket lines are in these digital spaces,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and we would never intentionally cross one. With the information we have, we feel like we can do more good talking about and supporting the strike and continuing our show as planned. We'll keep you informed about what all this means for greatest trek specifically. Today we're making a contribution to the Entertainment Community Fund. This fund exists to help all the people whose livelihoods have been put on hold because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate
Starting point is 00:01:25 in good faith with the unions. It provides financial support for writers, actors, and all the thousands of laborers who make the shows that we talk about here and without whom we wouldn't have Star Trek to cast pot about. Those folks are all out of work because billionaires, company shareholders, and the executives of these companies don't want to compromise on the length of their yachts. We hope you'll join us in supporting entertainment workers in a challenging time, especially after they've already endured several years of challenges brought on by the pandemic
Starting point is 00:01:55 and season two of Star Trek Picard. We've set up a page where you can also contribute. It's at That's friendsofdececoto for That's FriendsOfDecoto for Link in the episode description. Okay, now let's get on with the show. Here's to the finest crew in Starving. Engage! I'm Captain Captain Brinke, the U.S.S. For a Captain Captain Captain Brinke, the U.S.S.
Starting point is 00:02:35 For a Captain Captain Captain Captain. Welcome to the greatest generation, it's a Star Trek podcast. By a couple of guys just a little bit embarrassed about having a Star Trek podcast. I'm Adam Pranika. I'm Ben Harrison. Ben a couple of guys, just a little bit embarrassed about having a Star Trek podcast. I'm Adam Pranaka. I'm Ben Harrison. Ben, I've been so sick. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:02:51 We took a week off of production in a way that I can't remember doing in a long, long time. Just scrubbed it. It has been a very long time, but you were down and out, man. Yeah, and now I'm like, I'm back to the 70% that you expect from me. Yeah. The friends of this hotel will tolerate no less than most of an
Starting point is 00:03:13 ass in terms of effort. Yeah, we can't have asked this thing. We're not going to give up an entire ass, but you know, you asked if I was ready to record, and I said, hell yeah. Almost all the way ready. Yeah. I've been drinking non-alcoholic beverages so much, just trying to get this thing working through me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Eating a lot of citrus, no drinking or drugs for me in the last 10 days. Damn. That's good, right? Yeah, what about caffeine? Because this is like a big debate between my wife and I whenever I'm sick, I'm like grogally stumbling into the kitchen to make myself a coffee and she's like,
Starting point is 00:04:00 no, you can't drink coffee, you're sick. And I'm like, I'm going to feel worse if I don't drink coffee. I would file for divorce immediately at the mere suggestion because I would be sick and frustrated in general and then to have that thrown at me. No, the morning coffee was one of the only joys I got in a day for a period of time. I did not do the afternoon coffee for the duration.
Starting point is 00:04:26 I'm off of that again. Yeah. So I'm just a single coffee boy in the morning for the last almost two weeks. And I don't know how much longer I'll ride that out. Yeah. So far so good. I'm not getting headaches. That's usually the thing that gets me to go back to it.
Starting point is 00:04:41 But I've been sort of a three or four coffees in the morning lately and. Oh, buddy. And then no more. Like, I don't, I don't do the afternoon really. Just back to back to back to back. Get out of bed, pour myself a nice coffee, take the dog on a walk, buy a nice coffee while I'm out, come home, have another iced coffee when I get home.
Starting point is 00:05:01 I like that. Yeah. You know what, you were the, the guy who came up with the drink as much coffee as you need, lifestyle. In a way that at the time was surprising, but now it's like, of course, like do whatever soothing you need. Yeah, it's coffee.
Starting point is 00:05:18 It's called self-care. Yeah, you've been smart about that from the start. This is an uptick for you versus a pre-derone times? Yeah, yeah, I think I'm back to getting on average the amount of sleep I did pre-derone, but it's broken up in a different way. And so I'm still tired as fuck all the time. Like, it's, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:40 I can't complain. I'm like, we're taking this baby class. I'm surrounded by babies that are like a month or two further along in their development than him that are sleeping less and still fucking their parents shit up. Your kid is already going to class at a grade above their age. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:59 I already getting college credit for baby class. You know, they just, different babies develop at different rates. There was this lady in class today telling a very scary and harrowing story about her baby choking on a piece of cut up apple that she offered it to eat. Oh no. And she was able to, you know, perform Baby Heimlich. And it was okay, but it was like a good moment in class because I was like, I don't know the Baby Heimlich,
Starting point is 00:06:32 and I would like to learn that. Is that where you just kind of shake the baby until the apple flies out? Yeah, you actually, you have to get a paint shaker and you put the baby right in there. Shaking back! In the process of describing the scene when this went down, she said, yeah, and my boyfriend was in an interior closet with the door closed with headphones on and I was like, was
Starting point is 00:06:55 your boyfriend making a podcast? And she said, no, no. No, he was masturbating. It's the utility room. He was doing housework. That's sure is the picture you'd paint of a podcaster at home. I was shocked that he wasn't podcasting. Yeah. We were in silver light, Adam.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Yeah. Yeah. I'm totally blown away by that. Yeah. I thought it would be a sure thing. She said, yeah, I'm totally blown away by that. Yeah. Thought it would be a sure thing. She said, yeah, I'm sure he wishes he was making a podcast, but he was not. Yeah. No one that they associate with, whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Yeah. Yeah. Speaking of media from Los Angeles. Okay. Some said showed up in the Warning Bois channel in our expert Shemota corporate slack. Oh yeah, I saw this. Oh, you want slack? I'll give you a slack. What are you doing there? This is Raymond Poverty.
Starting point is 00:07:56 We're going to be faithful to you, Captain. Who are you people? Warning Bois is a segment from our other hit Star Trek podcast. Greatest track where we read out things people are saying about us on social media. We invented the segment just in time for a Twitter to become kind of a problematic place to be giving shout outs to if it wasn't already before. So it's a segment we have lots of weird misgivings about, but this really, yeah, really delighted me. This was from at Rob TV LA, the account of Rob Hedrick, who makes TV. He literally has the website
Starting point is 00:08:40 It's amazing. Yeah. It's not as good as, but it's a pretty great handle. It's pretty great. And there's like a Emmy at the top of Rob Hendrix website. So Rob Hendrix is like, you know, on the past that you got. I mean, you're on your way to We Got if Webby is a part of it. Yeah, but he's also a friend of DeSoto and made this wonderful stinger for a McLaughlin group that I will play now. From Los Angeles, the greatest generation,
Starting point is 00:09:17 a Star Trek podcast from a couple of guys who are a little bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek podcast for almost a decade. But Whittiest Minds, best dick, and Far Jokes, but Drunk is tall. Isn't that great, Adam? This really blew me away. I love it, and I can't wait to use it more and more. I love when friends of the Soto make things that we can use on the show.
Starting point is 00:09:40 It's incredible. It sounds so much like the show. That's the best part. Yeah. Like, did this voiceover guy do the intro for the Real McLaughlin group? I really love it. And, I mean, what I hope it does is maybe inspire more people to make sound effects for the show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:03 I'd play things like that during our marines. I absolutely would as well. I mean, you know, we were trying to start like that rap beef with Jordan Jesse Go. Uh huh. And as far as I can tell, nothing has come of it. So far both of the rap beefs that we've instigated with other shows have not gone anywhere.
Starting point is 00:10:21 The first of course being with Mission Log. Yeah. The second being with Jordan Jesse go. Yeah. Did people call into 206.94 for fun? Did people participate in that? And that business or not, do you think? I haven't heard from, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:10:36 I socialized with Jesse semi-regularily. I haven't heard anything from him. I thought I would like avoid telling him about it because I know he doesn't listen to this. No. And... I mean, you know what? I would like avoid telling him about it, because I know he doesn't listen to this. No. I mean, you know what? You could probably make him listen to it.
Starting point is 00:10:49 If you're out there and you pull a clip, you maybe play that into a phone that you dial 206-9844-FUN. Maybe play that into the receiver. And that's how you'll know. Jesse's listening. I'm worried we didn't give a specific or clear enough ask to the friends of DeSoto for what to do. Of course not.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Yeah, just flooding the lines, but on a more positive tip, sending in your own drops. I love it. That are read by professional voiceover artists and are credibly produced. Man, I could go over that. Stick that in my veins. Every day of the week. Yeah. Pretty solid work by Rob Hedrick.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Yeah. Thank you, Rob. We're surrounded by robs, aren't we? I know. All the great robs. All sides. Hey, speaking of robbing, Adam, the Star Trek Voyager does some robbery. It's right, Ben. Did I say the Star Trek Voyager? Yeah, you did. The Star Ship Voyager does some robbery in this episode. Sure does. Let's get to this high step episode of Star Trek Voyager,
Starting point is 00:11:58 Ben, at season five episode 15, plus possibly 16, depending on where you're watching this episode. Yeah. It's called Dark Frontier. Revert course. Unless you've got something a little bigger in your torpedo tubes, I'm not turning around. And the cold open is on a Borg's to go container class starship. This is the sort of thing that you take a hot dog
Starting point is 00:12:26 back to your seat in or something. I had a lozenge class in my notes, but I like to go container class a lot. I love this thing. This is definitely a sandwich container of some kind maybe. The Borg have detected a vessel and the Borg are gonna who ride. And they get in a Star Trek fight with the
Starting point is 00:12:47 Starship Voyager or the Star Trek Voyager as I like to call it. I leave that kind of wordplayed your wife. She is better at it than I am. This fight does not go well and your prize. No, you know, there's a quick FaceTime that we get and all of this is really POV of the Borgs. Yeah. The Borgs boilerplate we've heard a million times, but the reaction that Janeway's got on her end is very much a like, fuck you if you want to fight we will. Kind of response.
Starting point is 00:13:20 You scanned our vessel. You know we can match your firepower. You will be. It is very interesting to see a Star Trek space battle from the board POV. Yeah. Especially when the torpedo gets beamed aboard. Do you think the confidence comes from being confronted with the Tegobox? Yeah. And that's where this is instead of like the whole cube. Yeah, what even is that? Does that come out of the sphere? And the sphere comes out of the cube. Like what kind of ship are you flying, man? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:52 A torpedo is beamed aboard. This borg's to go container and explodes before that one drone that thinks to diffuse it can do it. How many torpedoes do they have left at that point? Is this their second to last torpedo? If you're sure that the torpedoes you have can do something like this, like this is a torpedo well spent.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Yeah, no, I mean, hard agree. But they're getting down to the point where they're just beaming over shuttlecraft and exploding those. Yeah, beaming over Shuttlecraft and exploding those. Yeah, bebover Shuttlecraft set the warp cord to go critical. Just how much save your money, Buster. That'll do it. Big win for the Voyager.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Janeway orders a salvage operation in case there's anything in the flatsum that they can use. And after the theme we're in the cargo bay, where a bunch of that debris has been brought. There's coffee and their propulsion system, anything like that? Yeah, it looks like they're sort of trying to piece back together the wreckage of TWA Flight Board 100. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Ugh. Ha-ha-ha. I liked it, but also very, very sad picture comes to mind of that plane patched back together. We make a genocide joke and you laugh and laugh, but something bad befalls an airplane. Yeah, you get genuinely sad. That's me. Weird. The thing that Captain picks up in the scene looked like the instruments that Stanford was trying
Starting point is 00:15:27 to bring on their adventure on the underwater planet. We will not need them. The specialers equipped with a complete sensor array. Oh. Yeah. Is that the same prop just reused? I don't know. I mean, the picture that Harry campaigns of this thing
Starting point is 00:15:42 and what it did moments ago is hilarious because I love not having to do an effect because dialogue has described it as having already happened. Totally. An effect that like I feel like they are capable of selling in this era. Like some of the creature effects
Starting point is 00:16:02 that they're doing digitally in Voyager at this point don't really hold up But I think like sphere walking around on spidey legs would have would have been just fine I looked up what happened to this prop and it was briefly listed on a prop auction Yeah, the the details said that it did not come with arms and legs. Oh, so you couldn't even glue them back on now Now it was just it was Borg's globe only. Huh. That seems like it would lower the value, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:31 like if you tried to sell it at auction. And yet there was a bit of a bidding war at the end and you know who won? Can I guess? That's who I was gonna guess. You better not get into a bidding war over a prop with Garrett Long. You're gonna lose every time. Ten times out of ten.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Janeway generally is just tired of adding time to the trip home by avoiding the borgs. And Chicoet thinks he's kind of spotted a tell in her every time Janeway wants to get risky with the ship. she kind of fiddles with her combat. Right. You're about to drop one of your bombshells. Now what makes you say that? This is something you would love to discover in Janeway at a poker table. And one of your gambles. Yeah, I would like this a lot. Yeah, you wouldn't tell her though. Like, Chicoote makes a total rookie error, which is giving her a heads up about her poker tell. Yeah, can't do that.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Makes you think about all the other times. He hasn't seen her wanting to get frisky about anything. Like, Chicoote is like, I've never seen you fiddle with your combat around me before. It indicates an interest in risk-taking behavior that would be unusual for you and me. Remember that time I carved you a whole entire bathtub. I don't think you've fiddled with your combat once. I'd like to fiddle with your combat.
Starting point is 00:17:58 You won't let me. The doctor is super excited to have found the medical arm of a medical drone. I didn't know that the drones were that specialized. I guess that makes sense that they have different equipment for different types of drone. This is the Peltzer Pocket 6 Bay that the doctor has picked up. Laser scalpel, bio molecular scanner, micro suture, all rolled into one instrument. It shoots all sorts of lidocaine all over the cargo bay. It's just a great big mess.
Starting point is 00:18:32 But it's in a paste format and it's like, why? What they really want though, I mean, it's excited as the doc is what they're really looking for is a trans-work coil. Yeah. And they didn't get that, but they did what they're really looking for is a trans-work coil. Yeah. And they didn't get that, but they did get some data that could lead to a trans-work coil. Valuable stuff could be on these data nodes, like where the Borg ships are going to be, like their deployment would be really useful information for Voyager because it could speed their journey along.
Starting point is 00:19:04 If they're not being so dodgy about it, that would be delightful. After a long day of sorting through Borg's junk, Paris and Kim go to the mess hall to kind of unpack all that they did on the previous shift and they want beers with Nielix to celebrate his big idea about the whole torpedo beam over situation. Yeah. What a shock that Harry Kim was the guy that came up with the idea of putting the torpedo in the board.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Something about it reminds me of being in the world. Wow, Harry. Who are you? Harry Kim. Parents must be very proud. Who are you? They come as a pair. Who are you? They come as come as a pair. Who are you? Harry Kim.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Who else is she supposed to get chummy with? Harry Kim and your mom. Very proud. Who are you? Harry Kim. Chummy. And your mom. Very proud.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Harry Kim. Who are you? Harry Kim. Ah, Paris really steps in it by celebrating a little too hard about putting all those mindless drones out of their misery when seven walks in. It's a real yakes. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, if seven can be liberated from the collective,
Starting point is 00:20:12 I mean, that great effort and tremendous risk to the Voyager crew, but if she can be liberated, you can't talk like this. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, another ugly depiction of XB sentiments, just sucks. You don't think sevens feelings can be hurt, but they clearly are. If you prick her, do nanoprobes not fall out? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:38 In the ass lab later, seven takes her angst and puts it to good use, I guess, by showing Janeway and TuVac, you know, all the deployments of the Borg ships across the region. Yeah. This is kind of a retcon, right? Like, didn't they just like totally leave Borg space behind a while back? Not so too. But now they're like in the thick of it and Borg's cubes are everywhere and a big hazard to navigation because they're always trying to fly serpentine to get around them.
Starting point is 00:21:11 But they come up with the location of a sphere and this sphere is fucked up. Yeah. It's like what happens after Garrett Wong wins a auction for a Borgs Globe. Yeah. This actually, it's an interesting, I read on memory alpha, that this was the sphere model that they used in first contact, and that had been sold at auction to Garrett Wong. And he brought it into set one day and they're like, hey, this is actually kind of a cool idea for a story.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Yeah. Do you mind if we use this? Yeah. And he's like, yeah, do you want me to like take it to a, you know, a, a, day and they're like, hey, this is actually kind of a cool idea for a story. Yeah. Do you mind if we use this? Yeah. And he's like, yeah, do you want me to like take it to a, you know, a conservator and like see if I can get it fixed up a little bit and they're like, no, no, no, no, no, the patina is perfect. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I think we just dropped gold. This is impressive stuff. But when Janeway looks at the deployment, she notices this damaged sphere on the map and she wants to know all about this little guy. Well that little guy, I wouldn't worry about that little guy. She sees an opportunity, an opportunity that we hear more about in the McLaughlin group
Starting point is 00:22:15 after. Is your one? Because Janeway is ready to bet that a transwarp coil is on this sphere and because it's so damaged, it may represent their best chance of getting one. They totally wrecked that fucking take out box class, Borg's ship. I mean, a wrecked sphere is probably equivalent in strength, right? I would say, if not worse off. Like they're sort of the hyenas looking for the injured water buffalo that they can pick off from the edge of the flock. Boy, if there were ever a folksy Native American metaphor for chocote to use here, like this, that would be it, right?
Starting point is 00:22:59 But it doesn't get a lot to do. No. No. No, the whole metaphor that Janeway is using for this sphere is that it's Fort Knox. It's going to be, this is a high stakes, highest. It's not going to be easy, but the rewards will be very great. Beyond the dreams of Averis. We're going to steal a trans warp coil.
Starting point is 00:23:21 They take a little sidebar in this McLaughlin group to talk about the history of money. And I was like, fuck, it's so far away before we can get off of this shit. It's like, end of the 22nd century is when we have to wait till. I just hope we live that long. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I like my chances. You're living right. I mean, infectious disease, notwithstanding. You're down to just the one coffee and everything, so that's pretty good. Making improvements in some areas. But yeah, the idea comes up. If we're going to do this, we got to do it right,
Starting point is 00:24:01 and that means we're going to have to train. That means, hol means holiday simulations. There's a bunch of cutaways to Seven during this scene that I think are made to suggest that Seven is a little bit disgusted by this idea. Like the laissez-faire attitude that the crew has about, you know, knocking off this sphere and stealing it shit. Yeah. On the one hand, I almost thought it was pride, like by seven. Right. Later on, it just seems like she thinks
Starting point is 00:24:32 it's too dangerous to want to do, but she seems to be defensive of her people. Yeah, yeah. In that way. But, you know, Captain Janeway comes from a school of thought where you do not neglect the balls. I think it's time to do a little assimilating of our own. Mm-hmm. I know you don't want to do it. So Captain Janeway comes from a school of thought where you do not neglect the balls. There's kind of a one on one between seven and Janeway in the ready room.
Starting point is 00:25:00 And Janeway has a bunch of materials that seven's parents have gathered. And this seems to be germane to the mission ahead. Like if seven wouldn't mind just looking through these materials that she could have looked through the entire time she's been aboard, maybe you'd give us some intelligence useful for what we're trying to do here. Yeah. She saved all this stuff and this is all like the logs of the USS Raven and you know, seven thought that she would have to confront this stuff never more, but that's not going to be the way. So you know, this is a bit of an argument, but...
Starting point is 00:25:45 You wouldn't like it if I gave this mission to Chicote, would you? That would give him something to do this season. And seven's like, fuck no, give me those logs. Yeah, so, you know, like, seven has some weird feelings about that too. Like, the thing that's amazing about the USS Raven is that they tracked a board cube for a long time, like three years.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Right. And that could give them a little edge. Seven's like, well, you know, it didn't work out great for them in the end, but Janeway wants her to really give it a look over. So she finally agrees to it and stamps out of the room. I'll have Nelix bring you those very personal logs. In a rubber-made tub full of iPads.
Starting point is 00:26:34 This next scene in the cargo is great because Nelix is like, you know, I too know what it's like to grieve a dead family. And I actually have nothing of them left to hold onto. They were vaporized on some science experiment. They didn't make an anthropological study of a murderous, hadgemonizing cybernetic race. So I don't really have anything to remember them by. Yeah. So don't you feel like
Starting point is 00:27:06 shit for having put up such a big fight? What I wouldn't give for a treasure trove like this. Like check your rubber-made tub full-eye pads privilege, Seven. One of the few things that Nelix has to do this entire episode, I thought Ethan Phillips did a good job with so little. Yeah. It's sort of an LJK end to this scene because the camera pulls back leaving seven alone in this big empty cargo bay and the camera keeps pulling back and Chico Tei's been there the whole time and saw Nelix having something to do and he snaps a pencil on his fist. It's flashback time, Ben. Flashback? A series of disjointed images in my mind.
Starting point is 00:27:49 I was frightened of felt fear. We flash all the way back to the day before the Hansons leave on their mission to study the Borgs. And Adam, seven is seven! How old is seven in this scene? Eight? If you like King of Kodama, bring it on.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Not allowed to play with Daddy's Borg cube model. No. That's no good. No. Magnus Hansen, start telling her about how they're with Daddy's Ford Cube model. No. That's no good. No. Magnus Hanson, start telling her about how they're about to go on this big adventure. A moment though, like the playing with the Cube though, that really foreshadows everything that follows, like the innocence with which they approach such a dangerous subject of study.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Yeah. Are we going to see the book? If we're lucky. The anger that Seven has over what her parents did is so fucking legitimate based on this. Yeah. Magnus is incredibly naive and credibly willing to risk the safety of his entire family for his stupid career. But they really don't know. Like, seven has the benefit of the knowledge
Starting point is 00:29:12 of what happens after. But like, this is guerrillas in the mischief. Like, this is really like just going out in the field, studying an animal you don't understand. But critically, an animal that like carved a section of the Saucer of the Enterprise D up and but this predates that doesn't it? Yeah, I think it does, but they didn't know about the board before that, but it was all like hearsay and rumor and innuendo like there was no yeah, there was nothing concrete
Starting point is 00:29:44 rumor in a new endo, like there was no, yeah, there was nothing concrete. Well, anyways, they head out on their trip and that we get like field notes in lieu of captains logs from the perspective of Magnus Hanson. And his wife, Aaron. Yeah. She's also there. And yeah, they talk about like the people that they worked with back in the A Quad having been very worried about what they were doing and they kind of brashly ignored those warnings
Starting point is 00:30:15 and kept going. Our colleagues obviously think we are insane. Yeah, I mean, they've broken a lot of rules to get as far as they have and they're kind of running out of fuel at this moment in the mission. In a way that the voyager often is, you know, like often is like shit, like we got to pull over for duty. I'm now because there might not be another exit on this highway.
Starting point is 00:30:39 I like how almost, I mean, you're probably going to laugh at me thinking that they're almost, I mean, you're probably gonna laugh at me thinking that they're equal, but like their attention is fairly equally split on Onika and the mission at hand. Like, I feel like there's still pretty good and caring parents for, you know, doing this kind of field work. They really do care about Onika's safety and happiness and well-being for as dangerous as this mission becomes. It's not like they're ignoring her during. I'm just saying maybe leave the kid at home. Critically Jane Goodall didn't have a small child hanging out with the the chimps that could rip their arms out of their
Starting point is 00:31:28 Sockons. It's true. Yeah. Yeah. She had better sense than the Hansons. She took that risk on herself. As did the gorillas in the mist lady. It's past Annika's bedtime and sort of like a kid wants to stay up and watch TV a little later. because bedtime and sort of like a kid wants to stay up and watch TV a little later. There's only one channel on the ship and it's showing the board cube. That's nearby. They are sneakily dropping in on the board cube. 129,000 life forms on board. Mama pajama. They are greatly outnumbered and luckily this is a cube that has ignored the raven and that's when they make moves to sort of go with it.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Yeah, on its journey. We're going to shout of them and I felt like the way they drop in on the board cube in this scene was really nicely mirrored on the way the Voyager drops in on the sphere. Yeah. When we cut back to the present, you know, it's a little bit of history repeating, but this is a simulation, right? This is them practicing for the away mission. Right. On board, we've got seven and chainway walking through their arm. They're, they've beamed onto the, and they're ignored by the drones that are on there.
Starting point is 00:32:47 And Tuvac and Harry Kim are in another section of the ship. They're looking for the transwarp device. This is a 90 minute episode, and we didn't even get the scene where Chico Te was like, how about if I go on the AWAMESH in the captain was like, no, Chico Te, I've got to do this myself. Like any heist film, you will be the wheelman. The Getaway Driver is the most important part of any heist. If you're lucky, you'll get some scenes working a grill,
Starting point is 00:33:21 but courts rest around. What are you waiting for? If you're lucky, sounds great. Kim's brought the explosives. That's his job, the demolitions expert. Everyone works together to set the charges and open the case where the transport drive is contained and get the hell out of there.
Starting point is 00:33:39 But when the clock runs out, it's clear that they only have a finite amount of time to do this. And when the Borgs start to notice their presence, they gotta start shooting. And their escape is foiled when the Borgs hitch a ride on the transporter beam back to voyage. So that ends the program, and it's a game over on the holiday. And they're like, hit me again. Yeah, yeah, yeah, hit me.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Come on, let's go. I thought that the set looked so great. Yeah. The interiors, like, they shoot them all super low, which I think bespeaks a really high degree of difficulty in set design and lighting, because that means all of your, like, film production shit has to integrate with or not be present on the set.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Yeah. Your life is so much easier when you can rig the ceiling for which you need. So the lighting in this is all like practical which makes it feel more real. Like it feels like the camera could turn any which way and it still be on Borg's sphere. It's really nice.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Yeah. There are 12 seconds long on their mission and seven says, well well my parents were on a board of ship for hours before being detected. There's got to be a reason for that. Yeah, so the next step is not going to be keep practicing and try and shave off seconds. It's going to be trying to refine the tactics, trying to figure out something that we can do to extend the time before, you
Starting point is 00:35:05 know, the popos show up. In the top gun maverick version of this episode, Chico Te goes into the holodeck and like, does it himself to prove it to everyone that it can be done. He gets those 12 seconds back. Uh-huh, yeah, that buzzes the tower, just to rub it in. Yeah. But Chico Te doesn't get anything to do this episode. Negative ghost rider, the pattern is full.
Starting point is 00:35:27 That's a fantasy. Of course it's long term. What? This one to me very careful, because I'm going to see this once. You know who does get something to do Adam is Naomi Wildman. Yeah. She is not sleeping well because of all this conversation about the Borgs. Yeah, she's having Borg mayors.
Starting point is 00:35:48 When she sees Seven in the Alcove, she has a lot of childlike questions about the Borgs. And these are questions that seem familiar to Seven in this moment. They really echo the concerns that she had as a similar age of tot. But then it's like, wait a second, who nightmareed whom? Yeah. Resistance is evil. That's my goth bumper sticker. There's a hallucination scene.
Starting point is 00:36:23 And seven seems to be hearing a message from the queen telling her that if seven would only give herself over to the borax, Voyager will be spared. And the reason being is that she's so unique. She's special. And that's got to feel nice to hear. Yeah. It's like a parlay. It's like, if you rejoin the collective,
Starting point is 00:36:46 here's the deal. Well, that's where it should go. Yeah. But we want you. And that's like a actually pretty tempting offer, right? I mean, given that sevens stated interest in rejoining the collective has been flexible. Right, like 10 episodes ago,
Starting point is 00:37:07 her ambivalent sort of been a lot more peaked here. She's come a long way, baby. It is troubling that a queen can just talk to her, though. Yeah. That's not good. And you think she'd report something like this to do the captain, but she does not. No, instead, she has another flashback. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Right. Who will be soon? I am going. You were born. They've been trailing this cube for three months in the Raven. And the Hansons have really done something amazing here. They have. We get sort of like the world's tammest POV video
Starting point is 00:37:48 seen from aliens, where Magnus is aboard the cube wearing the Google Glass rig that shows video of what he's seeing to the Raven, Monica, and her mom are like sitting there watching him. And he's like literally doing Geraloo's in the mist style, like observational biology of bords in the mist. I mean, I think we could almost retire that comparison in favor of kind of a grizzly man comparison given what happens at the end of this, right?
Starting point is 00:38:22 Yeah. Like, the nicknames are the big tip for me in that way. Like they've got fun nicknames for all the borricks that they've encountered and they've gotten to know them in that way. Bill and Needle thinkers just arrived. Well, in this scene, he's watching them take apart another drone and he says, you must never watch the tape of this. I won't, Magnus. I won't.
Starting point is 00:38:49 He has like his own little mobile-amitter thing. And it starts to glitch, and that's like the thing that he's using to conceal his existence from the Borgs. So we cut back to the present where seven is like explaining this device to another McLaughlin group. Is here too. About the way it can kind of camouflage them aboard the ship. And it's too black in the doctor working with her on.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Oh, so like we can make some of these. And they'll have to be like specially tuned to the people that are going on the away mission. But this is actually tech that we can make some of these and they'll have to be like, specially tuned to the people that are going on the away mission, but this is actually tech that we can reproduce the praxis of. It's another example of the doc really getting the tone all wrong and a conversation with seven, though, because the docs attitude about this being an example of how far she's come is like like not what this moment should be about.
Starting point is 00:39:47 And like it kind of forces seven out of the room, super pissed. And kind of like really up in her feelings about what her parents did and how that affected her utterly. And around the corner she kind of is overwhelmed by the anxiety of all of it. The duck often doesn't notice when he steps in it like this. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:13 I thought that the camera work on this was really nice because they go to a hand-held moment when she walks out into the corridor and it really adds to the kind of like, this could turn into a panic attack if I don't get some some air kind of a feeling and a really well executed way. It's interesting that the doctor steps in it so often in this way with people, but I can't remember a scene where he's ever apologized for it, right? Like there's a very human quality to the desire to make it right after you socially
Starting point is 00:40:47 fuck up in this way. And he doesn't seem to have that instinct. Yeah. And it's also sort of understandable that it's a blind spot for him personally because he wasn't raised. So when he like makes comments about the way people were raised specifically, it's coming from a place of like a total detachment from that as an issue.
Starting point is 00:41:08 These are colors to his character that I really wish were shaded in a little bit better, like that. He's really not self-aware at all. For him to make himself into a tutor for seven in any way, is just ridiculous. Yeah, anyhow, this little freak out sort of sends us back toward the away mission and the captain pulls seven for another chat. And this is where she
Starting point is 00:41:35 breaks it to her that she's pulling seven off of the away mission. You're only going to take pictures. You will not engage the board. Photographs. Just photographs. If you find borgs over there, you're just supposed to leave them. I have to stress because they have so much technology. They have better weapons. And we believe that the mind is the best weapon, but they don't.
Starting point is 00:42:01 And they believe that weapons are the best weapons. Chick-a-tay, get me something cold. This is a huge blow to Seven because she had always assumed that she would go on this mission. Yeah. And for Janeway to sideline her because of behavioral issues of anything is it's a real slap because seven thinks that the mission's gonna fail if she's not on it. Well, and also her sub is Belana and she's like, it's like my
Starting point is 00:42:35 behavioral issues are a bigger issue than her behavioral issues. Yeah. Are you kidding? Have you seen her behavioral issues? It's deeply insulting. But I thought for sure, this would be the moment where seven would bring up the hallucination or like the communication with the queen. Yeah. As maybe a useful bit of information. And it's part of what obscures what side seven is on for the rest of the episode is that she has that opportunity
Starting point is 00:43:06 and she doesn't until much later. Well, she doesn't and it sort of feels like she doesn't because of the decision the captain is making. Like if she brought it up now, then it seals the deal. She's not going on the mission, but. But she could have contextualized it as a strategic advantage, maybe. She could have, but I feel like it's, it's riskier than playing the tack. She does, which is just already doing like very vehemently that she is like the safest
Starting point is 00:43:36 and best choice for this job. And speaking persuasively, along the simplest pass, she can, to convince the captain to reconsider. Seven doesn't give up the idea of her being on the mission. She's like, you know, Captain, I know it sounds risky to put me on the mission and she reaches over and like kind of touches Janeway's combat and kind of twists it a little. Fiddles with it. I know you're occasionally interested in taking risks like this.
Starting point is 00:44:06 And Jane was like, STAP TETCHING MY COMBATCH. You guys Janeways handed makes her touch her own combat. And then she touches her own combat with her other hand. Seeing gets a little steamy. Yeah. We cut away before we find out what happens at the end. But not before we learn that Seven is back on the team.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Yeah, back on the team. This is convincing. Yeah, it works. Very persuasive. That little combat game, it really, really did the trick. Yeah. So now the board are detecting a shuttle. Yeah. So now the board are detecting a shuttle. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:45 And I was thinking about how between the simulation of the mission sequence and all of the flashbacks, like this episode has three different kinds of storytelling overlapping. Yeah. And at this point, I was like, OK, is this a simulation? Is it a memory? Is it like, you know, something that Sefin did as a drone? Is this the next thing that happens in the actual story and we're just seeing it from a different perspective?
Starting point is 00:45:12 It's complex. Which is it? You really need to stay with it as a viewer. Yeah. This is pretty high level stuff for what is essentially a TV movie. You gotta ignore a brat-style shuttle, right? It's not gonna pose you any harm.
Starting point is 00:45:27 That's not a threat. No. This is a threat. It's a threat to your sense of value when you buy an automobile. The new Subaru Bret, inexpensive and built to stay that way. It very much is that. ChicoTe, like, is fucking shocked
Starting point is 00:45:43 that the Borg don't consider this a thread. And he's like, do they know how explosive these things are? Yeah. Their plan is dependent on the board's paying attention to the Brat style shuttle. This is bad for them. What they have to do is modulate its work profile, being piloted remotely. So the away team are like standing on the transporter pad, like, you know, checking their manicures as well.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Chico Te and Tom Parris figure this out up on the bridge. And then the borgs grab it with a tractor beam and start pulling it in. This is their opportunity. Right on time. The shields have to drop for that. They start inspecting the build quality, the brat. You know, it's inexpensively made, but kind of a lot of value here.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Mm-hmm. And, you know, there's a lot of fun to be had with these rear-facing bed seats, you know? Yeah, that's great. Fun on wheels. Yeah. Justin, come on. You know, hey, more of the U.S.S.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Come on, do it. Justin, come on. Woo! The U.S.S. Come on, you know, the U.S. is doing it. Justin, come on, you know, the U.S. is doing it. They beam over. The boards are not able to detect the away team, but the queen is talking to Seven while they're over here. I guess the knowledge of the camouflage that Magnus and Aaron used, not part of what they assimilated
Starting point is 00:47:06 out of the Hanson family at the time, right? Or part and the Burt Queen is, you know, laying a trap by letting them think that they aren't being detected when they actually are. There you go, that's three-dimensional thinking right there. That's what you gotta do with this episode, man. Yeah, yeah. So to do with this episode, man. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:25 So we've seen this before. This is a replay of the same raid that we saw, which kind of made it seem really condescending when TuVoc tells Harry where to put the explosives. It was like, yeah, TuVoc, I know. I've done it 15 times. I know where to quote unquote, put the explosives. I know all about explosives unquote put the explosives.
Starting point is 00:47:45 I know all about explosives and where they go to, Vock. Yeah. What was the last time you exploded anything? It's not like a pound far where you only explode every seven years, okay? I explode all the time with Delaney sisters or, you know, whoever. Delaney sisters or other. I love that the transorb coil just sits on like a flat surface in this chamber.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Like it doesn't even look like it's connected to anything when they get it out. Yeah, they don't need a pry bar or anything to lift it out of its case. It's, it's just there. They open the hood and they pull it out. Yeah, they beam that thing away. Everybody heads back to the beam out point. Except for seven who gets kind of stopped by a voice in her head.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Yeah, the queen doesn't want her to go and this is really persuasive. She tells the captain that she wants to stay in fact. I intend to rejoin the I can't that you do that the captain was like ready to shoot her rather than let her do that Yeah, but a force field goes up and on sevens encouragement the captain runs to the beam out point She says the things that Paris said and the mess hall were so hurtful She says the things that Paris said in the mess hall were so hurtful There's no way that she can continue to serve on the ship. Yeah, she's gonna go where she's appreciated she's taking her talents
Starting point is 00:49:15 to Borg'sville Yeah, just did absolute blow to the yeah people of Cleavoyager. Right. So it doesn't seem like these bio-camouflage gadgets that they've been wearing are not really doing the trick anymore. So they beam out by the skin of their teeth and seven goes to Borg City. Yeah, this is great. This Borg's playset is so huge.
Starting point is 00:49:47 The scale of it is great because in the foreground, you get the ships and the background, you get kind of the hamster tubes of everything else. Yeah, totally. Like unclear how any of this works. Yeah, I like that they have public transportation, though. Like there's a train thing that goes by in one of the... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:08 I like that a lot. Yeah. That's it. You know what the dream is getting on one of those, uh, Bork Trams and knowing for sure, no one's gonna be like doing a speaker phone call on their phone or like playing their music too loud or whatever. It's gonna be so quiet. There aren't gonna be three boards that get on with a boom box
Starting point is 00:50:28 and say show time and like start fucking swinging around and like nearly kicking an old lady in the face. It's really the dream. Yeah, but downside at them, no churrosales person on the platform. Yeah. Seven is taken right to the Queen, right away. Is it really different vibe from best of both worlds, right?
Starting point is 00:50:49 Because it's not like, she's not like dazed, she's not being like led around with an arm. Yeah. In somebody's claw. Yeah, it's true. She's given kind of free reign here. And she watches the Queen get assembled. Which is pretty fun.
Starting point is 00:51:04 It's a totally different spin on the Queen assembly that we got queen get assembled. Yeah. Which is pretty fun. It's a totally different spin on the queen assembly that we got from first contact. Yeah. The queen does still like come decolotage up. It's biological. The rest is technological. Yeah. I really love the kind of post assembly shoulder rolls she does before greeting seven.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, she gets a little stiff when all her body parts are being kept in different parts of the ship, you know? Yeah. This moment feels like where the F would have split, right? In a typical two-parter. I think so. This moment, like the greeting of seven, would smash to be continued credits. Yeah, and we were really confused about this because in the Apple TV version of Paramount Plus, they do present it as though there are two discrete episodes. And then if you click into Dark Frontier Part 2, it tries to sell it to you for two dollars. But if you click into Dark Frontier Part 1, it's the full 90 minutes.
Starting point is 00:52:10 They want their two dollars. What do you get for your two dollars? Like, was it ever aired as two separate episodes? Besides a subscription to a newspaper, I don't know. I don't know what two dollars gets you. Yeah. Should I buy the two dollar episode and just see what happens? I don't think that's good pod. Yeah. Did you recognize who played the Borgs queen here? Susanna Thompson, right? Yeah. Linarra Khan, Jetsia Dex's love interest. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:52:36 So the Borgs queen kissed Jetsia Dex. And then turned into a Borgs. Wow. I likeorg. Wow. I like it. Yeah. She's great. They don't talk at all about her previous life and her adventures on Deep Space 9. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:55 And how things may have been different for her had she chosen to be in a relationship with Jetsia Dax. Right. And how things would be different for like television, you know? Yeah. That was only the first step, but what a step. I'm so proud. Thank you. I'm so proud. What did you think about the fact that they didn't really revisit the design of the board queen
Starting point is 00:53:17 for this? Like it's, it was so striking to me watching this episode in the era of new track where every kind of loaf is taken back to the drawing board for the new shows. And we have seen a board queen as depicted in new track as well. But this is the design from first contact, like the same head tubes, the same like weird, you know, washboard pattern on the front of the neck, the same outfit. Do you think the show is trying to say that this is the same board queen by making those choices? And that you're just going to have to accept that a different actor is portraying her?
Starting point is 00:54:00 Or that the collective like just makes a new queen when an old one gets exploded or when an old one gets, it's behind separated from its skull. That's such a weird bit of merch that Star Trek sells. Like Star Trek sells the skull and spinal column of the board queen. Yeah. As a thing that you can put on your desk or whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:24 I saw that they auctioned the skull and spinal column from the movie off separately. And just like some random person got the skull, but the spine went to Garret Wong. Oh, wow. He's got to be upset about not having completed the set there. Yeah, and not able to glue it back onto the skull. Yeah. The queen doesn't like Seven's makeover. Hair, garments.
Starting point is 00:54:52 And also admits that Seven's life on Voyager was all part of her master plan. Yeah. But before I tell you anymore about that, why don't you go take a nap over there and we could talk later. I don't know how anyone could sleep after this news. Yeah. It's crazy how interested this episode is in everything else besides the idea that
Starting point is 00:55:15 seven was manipulated the entire time into doing this. Like this is not interrogated hardly at all. It doesn't seem like it would be very easy to sleep after getting news like this. Yeah, I mean, the idea that you've never had free will since being assimilated basically. Did you really think we would surrender you so easily? Right. That shows the Americans. Seven was sort of a blend-in character, but I guess wasn't informed so that her misgivings about being
Starting point is 00:55:47 liberated, quote, unquote, from the collective would read as authentic. She'd been through a lot of adventures with this crew at this point. It's a pretty staggering revelation that all of that was as a long-term play by the board queen to learn up one of her drones on like what makes humans tick so that the board will be more successful the next time they take the fight to sector 0 0 1. The queen was like we tried it once before with the lecut but God, he was so weird. He did not live a normal life at all and his childhood, are you kidding me? I would rather have not known about that.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Yeah, like very traumatic in retrospect. And you would never get that from meeting him, you know? Yeah, that's just it. He doesn't seem haunted. I mean, we had to assimilate him to know. I mean, that's on us, okay? That's us. The hauntedness of his distinctiveness is not something he wears on his sleeve, you know. Yeah. A greatest gen live show is something you don't want to miss. Why?
Starting point is 00:57:13 Well, it's a great opportunity to see me and Ben in person, but that's not all. FODs from all over gather at these shows to cosplay, to do pre and post show hangs, to make friends, and share their embarrassment. Hey, let's make a pretty great name for a tour. Let's do it! The Share Your Embarrassment Tour is coming in August 2023, and we've got a bunch of dates in a lot of great places. Go to to get more info. That's for dates and ticketing information for the
Starting point is 00:57:45 Share Your Embarrassment Tour. I'm Jordan Morris and I'm Jesse Thorne. On Jordan Jesse Go, we make pure, delightful nonsense. We were open awesome guests and bring them down to our level. We get stupid with Judy Greer. My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweirds. Pat Noswald. Could I get a Balrog burger and some air-gorn fries?
Starting point is 00:58:06 Thank you. And Kumail Nanjiani. I've come back with cat toothbrushes, which is impossible to use. Come get stupider with us at Look, your podcast apps are open. Just pull it out. Give Jordan Jesse Goatry.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Being smart is hard. Be dumb instead. Whoa, Russ. Hey, hey, hey, oh, I'm about to count you in line. These clouds are really freaking me out. I hate having to stand in line and boy, what do I? These giraffes do not smell good. No, they do not, and they have such short nacks.
Starting point is 00:58:36 But I'm hearing we need to get on this all. We've got to get on the art. It is about terrain, about a spout to destroy humanity. Hey, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. Are you Noah? Yeah, I know we look like humans, but we're actually, we're podcasters. We are podcasters, so it's different. Have you heard of Ono Ross and Carrie? We investigate spirituality, claims of the paranormal, stuff like that. And you
Starting point is 00:58:55 have a boat and say the world's gonna end, so same life, something for us to check out. We would love to be on the boats. We came two by two. What do you think? Ona Ross and Carrie, available on [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ Another person who knows all about Seven's inner life is BLT, who on Voyager has revealed that she has read through all about Seven's inner life is BLT, who on Voyager has revealed that she has read through all of Seven's personal databases in order to get the transwarp conduit kind of up on its feet as a piece of tech.
Starting point is 00:59:35 She's plugged this donut into the warp core. The captain is in a not great mood despite the fact that this transwarp coil seems to be integrating well. She's like, I don't see what Kim's crush on Seven has to do with you getting this device working. Why are you telling me this? She takes great numbers with this. Seven's personal logs have no bearing on whether or not
Starting point is 01:00:04 BLT can get the trans-warp conduit working. And Janeway is very cold about this at BLT. There are protocols for observing privacy on this ship. What if she'd brought BLT on that away, Mason? They wouldn't be having this conversation right now. It's true. Yeah. So she goes down to the cargo bay, which is a real beehive activity,
Starting point is 01:00:25 not going on down there with the relics that they got from that hot dog container that they destroyed earlier. Yeah. They got all this Borg's crud laying around and they're kind of done with it. Yeah. And Nielex asked the question, like, well, what do we do with the Alcove? Like we could turn this into like an exercise room or maybe a hobby space or whatever.
Starting point is 01:00:50 It's like, it uses a lot of power and the captain's like, leave it on. And he's like, what could we just turn it off for a little while? And he's like, no, leave it on. Yeah. All right, geez. Yeah, Janeway is really upset by this whole situation. And later on in the in the radio room, she's working late at night with the computer to figure
Starting point is 01:01:14 out, you know, if there's anything unusual that's been happening in the days leading up to the mission, particularly with seven. And that's when Tuvac brings Naomi Wildman in to help. Naomi Wildman has put together a daring plan to go behind enemy lines and liberate Seven of Nine from the board collective. She's got the cutest rescue operation. Ready to go. You created this plan all by yourself. Yes, ma'am.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Captain is a, you know, game for this. Very sweet with Naomi. She really gets into like the nuts and bolts of Naomi Wildman's plan. Yeah. And she was like, so you're saying we replicate thousands of flatter stuffies. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 01:02:03 And much in the same way as we should be operating with our security forces, we just beam them into the room where seven is. And then we beam thousands more around the cube where she's being held and flashed the shuttle among them, like from the perspective of the mosquito. Yeah. Thanks, but no thanks. Naomi. Your initiative is do they know it? Good idea, but.
Starting point is 01:02:31 Yeah. But while they're having this conversation, the computer finds something. Captain has been checking out like random pulses and signals that have hit the ship in the last few days and She's pretty sure what she's found is a signal from the Borg that went to seven's quarters and so That's all she needs to realize that the Borgs have been communicating with seven and We cut back over to Borg city USA where seven is waking up after having to Borg City, USA, where seven is waking up after having some surgery that she did not sign off on before they put her out.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Don't like that. Non-consensual implants have been installed. Yeah. Which, like, you know, is sort of the MO of the Borgs. Like, if you fall asleep around a Borg You got to be concerned that a non-consensual implant may happen, right? A non-consensual implant is really the Borg's version of a Sharpie drawing a penis on your forehead Over there. Yeah, if you've got an 8 a.m. Class do not fall asleep around a Borg
Starting point is 01:03:45 Yeah, if you've got an 8am class, do not fall asleep around the board. The Queen reiterates to Seven that she's too unique to assimilate. We're just going to give you some extra parts here, and that'll do for us. And also you, Seven, are you going to help us assimilate humanity in the way that LaQutus never could? We already have all your memories, and so for some reason that's gonna help. Like Lecudis 2.0. Yeah. Seven is like, well, if you've got my memories,
Starting point is 01:04:10 like why do you need me? Yeah. Like, great question. Let me take my dolphin and go. Yeah. But the banger that's dropped on them kind of interrupts their conversation, and it leads to a kind of assimilation hunt that Seven
Starting point is 01:04:28 is invited on. Yeah. Let's get back in the swing of you being a part of the collective. Even though you're sort of a weird, unique part of the collective, you're going to assimilate these guys. It's going to be a deep cover cop movie where you have to like shoot someone to prove that you're not a cop. Yeah, but we don't see that in this moment. We flash back where the cube that the Hansons have been following got some exchange drones aboard.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Yeah. Like the cube swaps them out from time to time and they're studying these new guys and they're doing a kind of tag and release program with the drones and it's clear that one of or some of these drones have been in touch with the queen. Yeah, this guy is the tertiary adjunct of Unim matrix one. Right. We've heard that before. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:19 I mean, this is like a brief flashback like the... They get this guy aboard the Raven though, right? Yeah. Like the special drone and they look through his logs. I can feel the poop. It's warm, it just came from a pud. Yeah, and then they like clip the GPS tracker to him and beam him back before anyone notices he's missing. And we cross fade back to the present
Starting point is 01:05:42 where the captain is in her captain's shirt and Chico Te is showing her where the you know the signals that they detected going to seven have been emanating from. Yeah. They've found a location of Borg City. I like so much that Chico Te is the guy that Janeway runs her ideas off of. I just want more of this. I want more of Chicoete being a commander instead of just like this off duty shit. There's been way too much of Chicoete just like wandering into the room and like saying something to Janeway so that the plot can move on.
Starting point is 01:06:23 Yeah. And not enough of them having like an actual conversation. And this is like the one time I feel like they really get one in these episodes. I mean, it's interesting. The tack that Chico Tay has here, which is like if Seven didn't give herself up during the robbing of Fort Knox, like maybe we're all assimilated. Right. Maybe what happened was for the best. And Janeway, I don't think is ready to believe this. Janeway is like, well, Seven's
Starting point is 01:06:53 job was to look into the hands and files. And now that she's gone, it's on you again. Maybe there's something here that will help us track her down. Congratulations. You're now the second most important character on the show again. Janeways got that hot shooter energy, though, where like they successfully robbed Fort Knox. Janeway wants to keep rolling the dice and Chicoate is a little worried about some overconfidence creeping in. Right. He wants to leave Vegas up. Yeah. Yeah. Which is hard to do. And they have a fucking trans warp coil. Like he's making a really good case. The cab is here ready to bring them to the airport. And Janeway wants to keep rolling. I am become chick out. Yeah. So they've
Starting point is 01:07:42 figured out like, okay, we can plug the donut into the Delta Flyer a lot more easily than we can the Warp Core of Voyager. So they plug it into that. We get that shot of them working on the Delta Flyer again from the episode where they built it from scratch. Yeah. And then we get a rousing captain speech where she tells everyone on the bridge, none of you will be doing anything else in this episode.
Starting point is 01:08:07 We are now going to do something really cool in the Delta flyer. And you all just stay here. I will be doing the cool shit. It's captain's prerogative. You'll be taking your orders for Commander to come to. It's funny on the Delta flyer, like you see the exterior of all the improvements and then we cut inside. And I feel like they blocked these interior scenes to keep the manual gauges and switches out of frame. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 01:08:35 Because they want this moment to be taken seriously, right? Yeah, they don't want to look like a Captain Proton joke. Yeah. and proton joke. So they are mounting this long range transwarp rescue operation and it's really exciting and really cool until the camera pans down to the iPad that Captain Janeway is holding and in like crayon font that says Naomi Wildman's rescue plan. Oh no. Naomi Wildman's rescue plan. Oh no! Fuck! This is the game plan they're using. Oh no! We look in the cargo section of the Delta Flyer and it's just stuffed with flodders. There are three instruments about being a spaceship cat. They Keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and keep your hood. Keep your hood.
Starting point is 01:09:27 They're on their way. They're in trans warp. But over on the Queen ship, the Queen has asked Seven to take a pretty heavy hand in her involvement of the assimilation of this species. Yeah. And instead of supervising their assimilation, she's sent to go repair the shields.
Starting point is 01:09:46 There's a moment here between the Queen and Seven where Seven doesn't exactly push back, but the Queen feels like maybe her talents would be better suited to another part of the mission. And with Seven out on her own, I thought this was the most affecting part of this episode. Sevens walking solo through these borgs corridors and she can hear like the terrorized, the tortured screams of these people being assimilated. Not only can she hear those sounds, but she can also see like the dead-eyed expressions of the people like being purplocked toward that assimilation in a way that's almost worse. Like the vacancy of expression
Starting point is 01:10:30 where someone has just utterly given up, like the moment where they know they're done for and like that's what's going to happen. It's, it grows into such a moment that seven is persuaded to intervene. And so she jumps in and tries to get some people to escape. She is able to transport some of them to one of their ships. That scene was so intense because at this point, the people that she's trying to save are
Starting point is 01:10:58 so defeated that they almost don't want to participate in their own salvation. Yeah. She's like begging them to run for it and they're like caught, you know? Yeah. And she's like, no, I swear, you'll fit through the doors. I know your shoulder pads are huge, but if you just go, like turn slightly sideways as you go.
Starting point is 01:11:19 Yeah. The exterior shots here are great too. Like this entire sequence is super strong because not only do you see how beaten these people are individually, but when you see how fast their species fell, the pieces of their giant defensive armada totally broken in front of them. And so fast, it's a useful reminder of how overmatched anyone else is in the face of a Borg invasion.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Yeah, super scary. And also, I don't think we mentioned it, but there's like stakes on this that the little subship that the queen and Seven are on is getting hit. And the queen is like, I'll let the whole fucking ship blow up if you don't help me assimilate these people.
Starting point is 01:12:08 So like, it's a real sort of boredamically is hanging over everything. Yeah. So she helps these people escape and she kind of returns to the room that the queen hangs out in. And the queen is kind of gloating over her victory. The queen's like, Seven, I know you're new,
Starting point is 01:12:27 but I got a surprise for you. Employee of the month, seven and nine. Let's bring in the chic cake. It's a cellular peptide cake with mint frosting. Delicious. The grocery store that I go to has a employee of the month area. It's like a two floor deal. There's an upper floor and a lower floor in this grocery store, and it's right at the escalator, so I see it every time I go, because you have to take the
Starting point is 01:12:58 escalator down to check out, and it drives me fucking nuts because it's like July of 2021. This dude was the employee of the month and it has not been updated, so I'm like, I don't know. What is somebody else gonna get the recognition? Or did this guy like die and they're just like leaving it up because they don't have the heart to take his picture down?
Starting point is 01:13:19 Like what's going on here? Yeah, what's worse for morale that employee of the month hasn't been updated for that many years or that someone eventually takes down the employee of the month section as a concept. And it does not exist in your retail space anymore. This is why every employee of Oxford, Chamoda is the employee of the month. Indeed. So they start digging into their cake and the queen does eventually find the ship with the people that seven sent away.
Starting point is 01:13:54 She just kind of asks seven what she should do. She turns this into a lesson for seven of nine. Yeah. She's like, so should we watch their futures end or? Yeah, I mean, this tractor beam looks of the kind that could easily squish them, right? It does. And when the queen does let them go,
Starting point is 01:14:13 I was very surprised by this. Yeah, it's almost like the headmaster, like letting a student twist in the wind on their own failure kind of a strategy. It really gives seven a feeling of ambivalence. It's like I have not persuaded her of my way of thinking at all, so I don't really know why she let me let these people go. It just makes the situation feel more dangerous. And we cut back to a flashback on the Raven, which is in high pursuit of a Borg's cube.
Starting point is 01:14:48 And it turns out like a particle storm is the reason that they got noticed. This is the worst news. Yeah. Because that bit of camouflage they were using meant everything to their safety. And now that it's gone, the Borg see them as a threat. And the Ravens on the run toward a nebular. Yeah. everything to their safety. And now that it's gone, the Borg see them as a threat and the Ravens on the run toward a nebular. Nebular are the best place to hide from the Borgs.
Starting point is 01:15:12 We know this. Or for many one. Yeah. Anika listens to them, argue from her bedroom and errands like, And why is the carpet all wet, Todd? I don't know, Margot. You know, one of those fights that a married couple has that's about something minor that easily spirals
Starting point is 01:15:29 into a much bigger thing. Right, like, just recounting all of the different grievances they have with each other. Yeah. And then one of them, like, punches out of the argument by going into the kids' room and trying to pretend that nothing's up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Be right there, Alka. Ooh, you know she heard all that shit, Magnus. Come on. Sure do remember those times. I'm sorry, buddy. Incoming cube, then it'll be on them in an hour. And Nebular's not gonna help. They need a planet to divert to.
Starting point is 01:16:02 Yeah. And that's the moment you described, Magnus tucking anica in the bed Completely ignoring the argument they just had So we cut back to the presence and on the Delta flyer They've been at transwarp for long enough that pretty much everybody has turned into a salamander Except for the doctor No, I mean once you've turned into a salamander once doesn't that mean you're kind of inoculated against it again?
Starting point is 01:16:28 So, the Captain Tom Pairs and the Doctor are fine, but everything else is all shimmery and they are fucking. A lot. There are trillions of borgs living at Borg City. That's a lot. Yeah. And it's like a real like fly casual chewy as they approach like the Borg cube buzzes them going by,
Starting point is 01:16:57 and they're like, hold on to your butts. Yeah. They're not getting noticed. Fine. I really like this episode, but I would say if there's one part I could have used a little more of, it's, I wish this were scarier. Yeah. Because this should be the scariest moment in a Starfleet's life is being this close to
Starting point is 01:17:20 so many boroughs in such a small ship. They are really defenseless here. That moment where the ship shakes because the board cube is so close when it goes by is really scary, but it's so fleeting. You're right. We cut to the chamber with the queen and seven. The new plan that the board are working on is a bio weapon approach for assimilating earth. Right. They'll explode something in the atmosphere that gets nanoprobes
Starting point is 01:17:54 into everybody and bit by bit they next to them. It's like, Danaborgs, are you just a horny lady? Is that what's going on here? Your knowledge for the target species is invaluable. That the underwear model is there to emphasize your point. A point that doesn't need emphasis, like, you know what humans look like, right? If you don't remember, here's one.
Starting point is 01:18:26 Oh, yeah. And what do they look like, not in clothes? Right, right, right, right, right, right. You know, centuries ago, they used to distribute entire catalogs full of humans who look just like this. Yeah. And if you needed to, like, take the edge off before going on a date with one that you were really excited about, you would look at that catalog and spend a little time by yourself. Yeah. I'm giving you an order. I'm giving you an order of that undersprit. I'm giving you an order. I'm giving you an UF just crossed the line. If seven resists helping the queen with this plan, she will be turned into a
Starting point is 01:19:06 drone. And this is a moment of bored chicken here, right? Like help us or what makes you unique, we won't care about anymore. Yeah. Help us or be drone. We'll make a drone of you again. Yeah. And they're sort of like a circle of drones that draws closer to seven. And they're going like, fight, fight, fight, fight. And we get more flashbacks of this childhood drama that she went through. And then the queen shows her her assimilated dad.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Yeah. And he's the one that put the unconcentual implant in her. Oof. Ouch. Insult to injury. Yeah. and that put the unconcentual implant in her. Oh, Ouch. Insulted injury. Yeah. The plan that the Delta flyer crew had up to this point was to communicate with Seven to get a message into her. And now that they have Seven located,
Starting point is 01:20:00 those messages have been blocked. Yeah. And their shields aren't like working anymore. Like the BQ is aware of them. You know, like they can remodulate, but it's not, guaranteed not to last for very long, just based on what we know about the Borgs.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Right. And she says that like in this scene, like yeah, like we assimilated all of the ideas the Hansen's had about hiding from us. So, duh. I wanted so much more in this scene with her dad. Like it's just a quick cameo to twist the knife. But like when seven is eventually rescued, there is no mention of him being over there.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Right. Like could they have liberated him also? Is her mom also there? I had those same questions. And in an attempt to like make you feel the pain of that moment, I think that's where the episode has to go. But as it is, this is a heist within a heist. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:00 I thought more and more as the Delta flyer approached the middle of this board area, how much of a mistake it was to bring the EMH and his mobile transmitter on this mission. Think about the asses of the Borgs if they leave that behind. They will get fucking huge. Yeah, they will be infigued for sure. So the UA mission is a go. The captain and two Voc are on it and, you know, they're walking around in this Borg's haunted house. Classically, they get split up by a force field. The queen kind of bluff seven about them having captured the Delta Flyer. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:49 And like, on the Delta Flyer itself, there's like three cubes incoming. There's three stories going on here simultaneously. Yeah, it's super intense. And we get to this point where it's sort of like the board queen on one side and Janeway on the other side and Seven is a puppy in the middle and it's like the two owners of the puppy trying to like see who the puppy is more loyal to Boy, that's the truth. I think my puppy would just run Out of the room. You probably would run in any direction, but but toward one of you In any direction that is not reaching for them. I mean, it's also like a little bit under duress
Starting point is 01:22:33 because Janeway is like pointing a rifle at the queen the entire time. Yeah. Seven tries to hit the queen when Janeway appears and then she plays torpedo chicken with the queen. Janeway does your weapons are useless. I'll be sure. Then that kind of gets the queen to back down.
Starting point is 01:22:52 So Paris at this moment is like trying to beam them out, but there's a Borg's scattering field stopping him from doing it. And Seven is like trying to get it dropped, but the board's adapt and seven tells Janeway where to aim her phaser rifle in a mosquito type of way that allows them to be beamed out. Where's the supleist flesh in this room to suck? And yeah, she knocks out the forest field, seven and Janeway get beamed out, for Queen. Not as pissed as she was when
Starting point is 01:23:27 the Phoenix didn't get shot, right? Right. Yeah, very much so. Delta flyer tries to make it get away, but it's there are cubes in hot pursuit. And we get like a transwarp dog fight, where they're in this green tunnel and the cubes are shooting at them. They can't shoot back because their weapons are down, but also because like give me a fucking break. That's a cube. I love that the Queen has got a diamond-shaped ship. Yeah. That's fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:56 You know, she stole those diamonds from another culture. Oh. As many queens are want to do with their diamonds. Hmm. Hmm. as many queens are want to do with their diamonds. The Delta Flyer has had bangers drop down at sufficient to mess it up so badly that in order to make it back to Voyager, they need to sacrifice life support
Starting point is 01:24:18 in order to make it. And this is a trade that Janeway is almost enthusiastic about making. Like her attitude about this does not quite fit the moment. I mean, I think it's just weird because everybody else is like yelling, you know, techno babble at each other and she's like, I'm really excited about turning off life support. And maybe if it gets any more dire, I'll give the order to destroy the ship. But first, I'm going to drag my fingertip along this new implant on Seven's neck.
Starting point is 01:24:54 I'm going to use my other hand to kind of twist my comb edge. As I know, I'm feeling frisky. I can't believe Chico tried to talk me out of rolling these dice one last time. I've got at least another 15 minutes of the grab stable. Listen to the dice. Hit the felt on the grab stable. Oh, that's nice.
Starting point is 01:25:19 We cut over to Voyager and BLT has picked up the conduit opening and on the Delta flyer no one has passed out. Yeah. I was promised a pass out scene. As soon as you sacrifice life support. That you just fall. That the body is at the floor. That's not what we get at all.
Starting point is 01:25:38 We barely even get sweaty. Yeah. I mean, I think it's like a, you know, miners trapped in a cave kind of thing. Like there's an amount of air that they would have to use up first. Right. So they got lucky there. They make it out of this transwarpo.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Oh, yeah. And then the Voyager is like, there's something else in there. It's coming. It's coming and they're like bracing for it. And then the, the whole opens and it's just, it just like shits debris. One of the great Chicoet fires of the whole series, he's the best, he's my favorite at saying fire.
Starting point is 01:26:11 He gets a great moment here. Was the debris from Man of Borg's stymanship? I think so, yeah. Yeah, I think so too. Yeah, I love how it's like a lot of, at first it's seen as Borg's bogies. Yeah. But then it's debris, Borg's bogies. Yeah. But then it's debris once the hotel opens up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:28 So they managed to plug the donut into the warp core after all. We learned in a captain's log that they are 15 years closer to home. And I really wanted her to put that in context of how many overall yeah, are left now because this feels like a really big moment in Voyager history, right? Like I think it was 75 years at the beginning of the series. And I can think of one 10 year jump that they took and this 15 year jump.
Starting point is 01:26:57 So is it 25 or 30 years closer than they would have been otherwise? They should have a very analog rope and model to represent their journey that every once in a while, like Chico Tei will take a stick and move the ship forward on the rope. It's just in the observation. When they have a McLaughlin group, that's there.
Starting point is 01:27:23 Just like, hey, we want to keep our eyes on the price. Naomi made this for us and no one has the heart to throw it out. She's the only person on the ship that celebrates Captain Janeway Day. Yeah, I'm with you. I wish there was a greater interest in that timeline. And in something like I joke about the Naomi Wildman craft project, but like to see it from time to time, represented in some way, I think would be really great. As would the amount of torpedoes they have in the hold. Like right next to that, maybe like a like a modified battleship playset where they pull a pin out every time they fire at torpedo.
Starting point is 01:28:03 So you can just visually see how many are left. Yeah, we can salt that from time to time. Ha ha ha. Did you like this episode, Ben? You know, I've made it easy to get along with most of the time, but I don't like bullets and I don't like a threat, and I don't like you. You're not this too.
Starting point is 01:28:22 I really like this episode. This is, I mean, a very long episode of our show for a very long episode of Voyager. I mean, I think that the, what about her drone father and just drone mother question is really well taken. It's not a good look for seven to not care. I don't think. Yeah, and the fact that it like, there's that checkout conversation at the end where she says like, I don't understand humans yet.
Starting point is 01:28:53 Like seven is to a way less extent than data, sort of the Pinocchio character of the show. And that is sort of what that scene is about, but the fact that she isn't even curious that her anger with the choices her parents made is not complicated at all by the idea that, oh, like their bodies are still there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:20 Is a little bit frustrating. In the way that it is a very human instinct to like need a body in the event of someone's death, like in order to grieve them. Right. Like that's an aspect to this that's totally absent in a very unique way as the Borg species go, you know? Right. Overall, I think it is a really interesting exploration of, you know, where sevens, loyalties lie. And I think they did a really good job of making a story where the Voyager crew beat the board, but it doesn't make the board less scary overall. Yeah. It doesn't feel like it denudes the threat that the boardorgs pose in a way that we've observed
Starting point is 01:30:06 a couple of other times. There have been Borg stories where it's like, it's just kind of like they beat them by making them less of a bad guy. Yeah, I like escape as a form of victory instead of, you know, tactical victory. Right. That's a more satisfying ending here because I'm with you. Like I don't like any story that seeks to defang the best villain in sci-fi. Yeah. And like the end of this episode
Starting point is 01:30:32 really seemed to ask the question, was it worth it? Right. Seven has gotten all of this data from being plugged into the Unimatrix. All of that can wait until later. They got their 15-year All of that can wait until later. They got their 15 year jump ahead on the mission. Was it worth it? Was it worth it for 15 years to risk the lives of everyone on the ship to risk seven? If the journey is 70-ish years and you got 15 back, I don't know, man. I don't know if it's worth 15 years to risk what they did. We don't know the value of what seven learned by being plugged into the unim matrix. So I don't know, like as an episode, I loved it. It's fun to experience what a Star Trek Voyager movie might have been. Should there have been one?
Starting point is 01:31:19 And I'm grateful that they didn't destroy the Borgs in ways that made them lame and weak down the road. They haven't done that yet anyway. No one's sliding in socks along the floor of the borg ship at this moment in time. But yeah, great up, big up, big up for Voyager, big up for us. Last episode directed by Cliff Bowle. Cliff Bowle? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:43 He directed a ton of Star Trek, TNG, DS9, and Voyager. And this was his last one. One of the greats. His mic drop. What a way to go out. Yeah. Good job by him. Yeah, absolutely. Well Adam, you want to head with me into the priority one section of the show,
Starting point is 01:32:00 see what's going on in there? You know, the deeper we get into this, the more frightened I become. It's really the unim matrix of the priority one message, isn't it? For you, you said it. Priority one message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. You need a supplement on it. A supplement on it? A supplement.
Starting point is 01:32:20 A supplement. Yes, extra. The interest alone could be enough to buy this ship! Ben, our first priority one message is of a promotional nature. That message goes like this. In the spirit of questionable business decisions, I'd like to say thanks for the laughs by going full promo. Ha ha ha ha ha!
Starting point is 01:32:43 Will I use these scarves to plug my reclaimed wood guitar biz? Hell no. I'm going to promote my dumb side hustle. guinea pig Yes. I made little cars. Guinea pigs can drive. Some like it.
Starting point is 01:33:00 And did I mention there's a pig-sized previa. Hahaha. Okay, it's a type 15 shuttle pad. Anyway, I'm sure there's a Venn diagram where your viewers cross this silliness. So the code Tribbles saves 10% off at guinea Then this is a real side project business from our buddy Tim Sway, aka the anti-udward Larkin.
Starting point is 01:33:30 This is a real idea, a real product. Help your real life tribbles explore the carpet quadrant in style with Guinea Pig tanks. I am on right now looking at the video that plays at the top of the page and you get to see some fun little chonkers driving their little cardboard cars around on a carpeted hallway And it is very funny You know you give your guinea pig a guinea pig tank. they're gonna be saying, Guinea Big, thanks. Right there.
Starting point is 01:34:07 Yeah, boy. Hey Tim, sway, that one's free. Yeah, I didn't mean to punch up your copy too much too, but you can have that one. Yeah, man, this looks great. Hope you experience the greatest Gen Bump for your promo message. A lot of Guinea Pig owning FODs. Out there in our audience. Our next priority on message here is from Adam,
Starting point is 01:34:35 and it's two Adam and Ben, and it goes like this. Adam and Ben, a little while ago, I went to Costco, and decided to do something totally crazy by eating first. Hell yeah. I felt like such an innovator. I should have known that I was walking in the footsteps of Costco giant Adam Pranaka. I can't explain why after listening for six years that this is why I write in, but here
Starting point is 01:35:01 we are. Thanks for all the way out, guys. Yeah, good job, Adam. Now you know one of my favorite secrets of Costco. You bring it in with you. I remain, this is like an unbroken streak that every time I've ever gone, I've tried to get in the line to get it myself a dog, and my wife puts her foot down and says no, we're eating something later. Oh, I hate that. I don't like that at all. I hate Costco. People know this. I think this might be a big part of why. My wife and I have been going to the Burbank Costco since moving. Brack, brag.
Starting point is 01:35:39 Burbank known as the celebrity Costco to those who live in Los Angeles. A lot of celebrity settings can be had there. I guess I might be one of them. You see me at that Costco, but something amazing happened the last time we went. Something that has never happened in my entire life of going to Costco. And I've been going to Costco for like 20 years. I got the parking spot as close to the front door as you can be the Pope spot Whoa the absolute apex parking spot at a Costco parking lot that I thought was just impossible to get
Starting point is 01:36:14 Yeah, we got it Wow, and I just wanted to keep my car parked there for days But we got out of the car, we went straight to the food court, we got a couple of slices and just admired our car from up close. You never get to do that ordinarily. And then we went about our shopping. That's the dream. It was a great day. Anyway, good job, Adam. Did you get 18 boxes of mac and cheese. Oh yeah. I'm gonna jump back. Love it. You know, they'll sell you just the cheese there.
Starting point is 01:36:49 Just the powder. Really? What would you do with that? Well, you'd put it on your good pasta. I take that powder out and I throw it away. Wow. And make real cheese sauce for my mac and cheese. You were never a kid where you. Hahaha.
Starting point is 01:37:05 Hahaha. Hahaha. Hahaha. Ben, our final priority in messages from Holly and the just two Heather and Holly. That message goes like this. Happy 39. Wait, the last one was from Adam and it was to Adam and Ben and this one's from Holly and it's the Heather and Holly.
Starting point is 01:37:22 What's going on here? I think we need to blow in a message to our buddy. Yeah. Danny at Max Von to see What's going on here? It's a real in the matrix or something? Holly writes happy 39th birthday to me and my actual real-life twin sister Heather. Whoa! Who is a recent recruit to the pod? Dang! I am so happy to have an actual, in real-life friend of DeSoto I had to throw some scarves to celebrate. We might be 40 by the time you catch up and hear this message, but hopefully it brings you as much joy as it has brought me.
Starting point is 01:38:00 Ben and Adam! For the win! Man! Twin sisters, Heather and Holly Holly listen to our show! Yeah, I think this might be the first twins I'm aware of listening to the show. We got a lot of types of FODs out there. And twins! You know, my wife's mom is a twin and that means that she is a very high likelihood of conceiving twins relative to the general population.
Starting point is 01:38:27 You thought Daron might be coming out with another Daron huh? Yeah and before we like went to the doctor and got the scan we were like maybe it's twins, it could be twins and since he popped out we've been like twin sounds hard as fuck, because one is really hard. You're happier with the one, huh? Well, you know, you do what life throws at you, but I've thought a lot about that since. Like, I can't believe that there was a time and I was like, it would be so cool if it was twins.
Starting point is 01:38:58 Daron could have absorbed a twin in the womb. That's true. Maybe you just don't know about it. I think that we probably would have seen that on a sonogram though, right? If there was like a second thing there, you know. You must never watch the tape of DeRone. Absorbic is to eat in the womb.
Starting point is 01:39:16 Well, I'm so glad that neither Holly nor Heather absorbed the other. Yeah. And I'm so glad that neither Holly nor Heather absorbed the other. Yeah. And I'm so glad that the friends of the Soto keep getting priority one message on the show, even though they come out very, very long after they purchased them. If you'd like to get a priority one message,
Starting point is 01:39:37 head to slash jumbo-tron and set one up today. Hey, Ben. What's that, Adam? Did you find yourself a drunk Shimoda? Redo-mo. Drunk Shimoda! I gotta give it to Magnus Hanson.
Starting point is 01:39:54 That is just bonehead shit taking your family to go see the Borgs. Like, classic oblivious to danger, dad out here. I mean, Aaron was definitely just as bad, if not worse. But Magnus really seemed to be driving the car in a lot of the decisions. He is a bit of a grizzly man about this. Yeah. Did not like.
Starting point is 01:40:17 I think he's going to be my drunk tomato. How about you? I mean, you've convinced me. Let's make it Magnus. Wow. He's on the board. Yeah. Yeah, I think he gets two votes. Maybe we'll run into him again, depending on whether or not there's another rescue mission launched for dear daddy. I was training to remember, I know there's more board stuff to come and void your. So we may yet have another Magnus moment, But I liked these actors, these actors that played Seven's parents. Like, I really developed an affection for them over the mission. Like, for as wrong-headed as the mission was on paper, they seem like nice people whose
Starting point is 01:40:58 hearts were in the right place. And they just got in over their heads. Yeah. For them. Yeah. Poor Hanukkah. Yeah, the credits to this episode instead of the Voyager theme are, is that a, do, do, do, do. Do you remember the credits to Grizzly Man?
Starting point is 01:41:21 That weird country song? Yeah, that was weird. Good choice. Yeah, that weird country song. Yeah, that was weird. Good choice. Yeah, weird film. All right, Adam, the next episode is season five, episode 16, Dark Frontier Part Two, the Bort Queen welcomes seven of nine back to the collective in hopes that her knowledge of humanity
Starting point is 01:41:40 will help the Borgas simulate Earth. We just watched that. Oh shit. All right, the next episode. You just Earth. We just watch that. Oh shit. Alright, the next episode- You just totally teleproported that. You even know what you just said? Get fucked, San Diego. Oh, great Odin's raven! Is it episode 16 or episode 17?
Starting point is 01:41:58 Is the question. I mean, the disease is the next episode, and I believe it's 17. Why don't we call it episode 16, because that's what it's gonna be listed as on most. Okay. Streaming services people have access to. And then for the rest of the season,
Starting point is 01:42:17 I'm going to have to remember to subtract one from the readout I have here. You know what, just take it up with memory alpha if you get a problem. It's not us. You know what? Just take it up with memory alpha if you've got a problem. It's not us. I think memory alpha agrees that it's the next episode. Memory alpha says the next one's 17. Really?
Starting point is 01:42:31 I'm looking at it. Yeah. All right. Well, the next episode is season five episode 17, the disease. Without medical clearance, Kim becomes involved in a love affair with a member of the Verose species. Finally, another what has Enten Kim gotten his dick into episode. I love those. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:57 Yeah. It sounds like he's doing it raw dog this time. Yeah. That'll be intense. Adam, do you want to head over to slash game and roll a bone and tell us how we will be watching that episode? Ben, I'm over at the game of Butthole's the Wheel of the Caretaker, where our runabout is currently on square 40, a couple of squares ahead, Brown Zone. And then if I were to roll a six, Coco No-no-wip.
Starting point is 01:43:28 That's not gonna happen. You're required to learn as you play, roll. So I got a couple of options there. I'm rolling the die. I've rolled a one. Chula! Did I win? Harvey.
Starting point is 01:43:44 Ron Square 41. Saving those possibilities for you. Cool. What a shock. Yeah. That's what I do. Somebody ran the probabilities of that a long time ago when the game of buttholes was only a couple of seasons old and found that
Starting point is 01:44:06 you've rolled in in probably high number of ones. I feel like if we went back through now it would still be like totally insane how often you roll in. It really is, it seems statistically improbable, yet here we are. Wow. Well, a regular old episode would be a delight. We got a bunch of thanks here at the end of the episode. To you, site, we got to thank Wendy Pretty, our producer, editor, person that keeps this whole pod car on the rails. A person I regret giving a two-hour sequence of audio too, at the end of this one.
Starting point is 01:44:43 Sorry, Wendy. We got to thank Bill Tilly, the card daddy who runs the act greatest track social media accounts. We got to thank Adam Magusia who recorded all of the original theme music for our show based on dark materials original the card song. Hey go out there, find a group of friends of DeSoto, they're all over the internet on all of the social sites. You don't have to look very far to find a really fun group of people to hang out with online. Discord is really fun. There's a mastodon instance. I think you've got that. There's a mastodon tusk out there. Yeah, and if you want to go talk to other TUSKmen,
Starting point is 01:45:26 that's where you go. Sure. It's just at the light to see all the friends of the Soto out there having fun in the week by week basis. Yeah, friends, not just in name only. It's a thriving, positive community. And we didn't do it. The friends of the Soto did.
Starting point is 01:45:42 And that's a great thing. With that, we will be back at you next week with another great episode, Star Trek Voyager. An episode of the greatest generation Voyager that is encouraging you to What are you doing? You and me and the bell make free Don't need a never-ending love You sing that like someone who's been singing it a lot If I were to run I'd be asleep by now Yeah that's cocky right out You work around
Starting point is 01:46:21 I can show You work around. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound.
Starting point is 01:46:32 Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Nice work, everyone.
Starting point is 01:46:40 Short broadcast. Really good. Everyone on the floor as well. Really a lot of hustle I liked it. Comedy and culture. Artist-owned. Audience supported.

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