The Greatest Generation - Trapezoidal Back Rub Coupon Book (VOY S3E21)

Episode Date: April 18, 2022

When Kes moves through time she does it every bit as good as a man, she just does it backwards. But when it turns out an attack by an unknown enemy is the reason for her de-aging, she’ll have to go ...back to the beginning to save the future. What do you get for grandma? If you didn’t know, would you know? How fast should you pip after your captain dies? It’s the episode that buys museum putty by the barrel!Exchange scarves for goods at PodShop.bizSupport the production of The Greatest Generation.  Friends of DeSoto for Democracy.Friends of DeSoto for Justice.Follow The Game of Buttholes: The Will of the Caretaker!Music by Adam Ragusea & Dark MateriaFollow The Greatest Generation on Twitter, and discuss the show using the hashtag #GreatestGen!The Greatest Generation is now regularly streaming on Twitch.Facebook group | Subreddit | Discord | WikiSign up for our mailing list!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Priority 1 message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. Hey friends of Disodo. Before today's episode, we just wanted to take a moment to talk about the historic labor actions being taken by writers and actors in the American Film and Television industry. If you're a fan of the work done by the people who make Star Trek, we hope you'll join us in standing in solidarity with the folks who actually bring these adventures to life. Over the past several years, the AMPTP, the organization that represents the American Film and Television Production Studios, have reduced the profit from movies and TV going to workers. And in so doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 they've attempted to weaken the labor unions that represent those workers. They wouldn't even engage the unions on many issues in their negotiations. And so a strike was the only course of action to take. Adam, Wendy and I have been having a lot of internal discussions about how best to stand with the unions and we are continuing those conversations in a dynamic situation. We're doing our best to understand where the picket lines are in these digital spaces,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and we would never intentionally cross one. With the information we have, we feel like we can do more good talking about and supporting the strike and continuing our show as planned. We'll keep you informed about what all this means for greatest trek specifically. Today we're making a contribution to the Entertainment Community Fund. This fund exists to help all the people whose livelihoods have been put on hold because the AMPTP refuses to negotiate
Starting point is 00:01:25 in good faith with the unions. It provides financial support for writers, actors, and all the thousands of laborers who make the shows that we talk about here and without whom we wouldn't have Star Trek to cast pot about. Those folks are all out of work because billionaires, company shareholders, and the executives of these companies don't want to compromise on the length of their yachts. We hope you'll join us in supporting entertainment workers in a challenging time, especially after they've already endured several years of challenges brought on by the pandemic
Starting point is 00:01:55 and season two of Star Trek Picard. We've set up a page where you can also contribute. It's at That's friendsofdececoto for That's FriendsOfDecoto for Link in the episode description. Okay, now let's get on with the show. Here's to the finest crew in Starfleet. Engage. Bringeng what the U.S. is for Captain Captain Captain Bringeng what the U.S. is for Captain Captain Captain Welcome to the greatest generation
Starting point is 00:02:31 Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys just a little bit embarrassed about heaven Star Trek podcast I'm Adam Pranika I'm Ben Harrison I just started a big bang from upstairs Who? I'm hoping the puppy didn't knock over a vase. I didn't hear it through my headphones. I wonder if I wonder if the mic's picked it up. We're big into museum putty around to your bin. Yeah. By the barrel. This is what they say. They say don't get into an argument with someone who buys museum putty by the barrel. This is what they say. They say don't get into an argument with someone who buys
Starting point is 00:03:06 museum putty by the barrel. Do you just mash up a bunch of it and put it under all four of her paws so she is stuck. Yeah, that is how we use the putty. Yeah, it's not on things that wobble and fall. It's a great way to just keep an eye on your pup. You don't dog proof the house. You house proof the dog. Yeah. That's weird. Like we stuck that plastic thing that you put in power outlets. We just put that into our two nostrils and mouth. Really cured the biting. Oh, that's weird. I thought that that was the thing that keeps the pizza blocks from sinking into the pie
Starting point is 00:03:47 same same Sounds like the banging has stopped. I think we're good Who am I kidding the banging stopped around here a long time ago? I'm sending Best wishes to your pup and to your wife who gets stuck dealing with your pup when you're down in your office recording with me. Real talk, yeah. She is the real MVP of Greatest Gen over the last several months. The wives don't get enough credit. Yeah. They get this thing going more than anyone. It's really true. We appreciate the people that set up memberships and we appreciate the people that are getting ready to and the upcoming Max Fund Drive, but the wives, come on.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Support the show for the wives. Let's hear it for the wives. That's going to be the message of this year's Max Fund Drive. That's the theme. And the deemphasize us. Uh-huh. Make it more about them. There are two capable, career-oriented, beautiful, intelligent, funny women who have
Starting point is 00:04:49 to live with us. Who really needs your support when you think about it? Us or them? Adam, we've got some packages of cards in front of us. We opened some, but we didn't do a war. I feel like the last time we opened these Voyager packs, right? Yeah, because it was our first time opening them. I think we just needed to get used to their format. I'm curious, because we both found Chico-te, temporary tattoos. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Highly problematic temporary tattoos in these facts. Is that the only tattoo? Did they all come with a chico-tate tattoo? I only found it scale a problem for me, Ben. Everything else about the chico-tate tattoo. 100% okay. It's definitely sized for a child's head. Hold still, Timmy.
Starting point is 00:05:44 I'm going to appropriate you. Ha ha ha ha. The kids at school will love this. Ha ha ha ha ha. Where more? There's been no formal declaration of war. And they took your branch of luck. That nonsense is centuries behind us.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Why? On the mark! yellow shirts, which do you think I should open? I have opened the yellow shirt version. Oh, okay. Well, I'll open the red shirts then, and we'll see if there's any difference between the packs. All right. This is all cards randomly packed. Hey guess what?
Starting point is 00:06:37 If three of the eight cards in your pack is like a fucking mail-in offer, it doesn't count. Stop it with this sky box. All right, you're headed to flip some cards at them. These are a little bit more subjective because unlike the collectible card game cards, no stats printed on these. But I think we can figure out who wins based on what, right? Thanks so, let's hit it.
Starting point is 00:07:03 All right, three, two, one. My card is weird as hell. Oh yeah. I got card number one in the series when I flip it over, but I'm gonna show the camera and the viewers at home what this looks like. It doesn't have any description on the front. It's just two shots of the very first episode of Star Trek Voyager. It's
Starting point is 00:07:27 Caretaker Part One. That looks like puzzle card. It's got like a line that goes off the edge that makes me think it connects to something. Good eye. Yeah, this has got to be part of a larger image. So, so that's my card. What did you get? Also an image from episode one, this is, it just says Strange New Worlds on the bottom of the card and it is an image of the desert where the K-Zon are hanging out in that early in the first episode. How weird is it that we both got first episode cards? What do we think? Who wins this? Is it a draw because it's both first episode or? I gotta say, I think your card is just a lot cooler, just in looking at it. My card is very uninteresting because it's just
Starting point is 00:08:11 mostly space. Yeah, here's doesn't have a lot of imagery on it. I'd like the matte painting of the case on Desert Planet 2. I think that's our winner. Okay, thank you. So flip over another card. Okay, three, two, one. There is no way you're gonna beat me, Ben. Because I have Tuvac shooting a wide-angle phaser on the bridge from the episode Cthexis. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Wait, is that Tuvac or Vorek shooting that? Well, this is Tuvac or voric? Shooting that. Well, this is two-vac. This is the very end. Okay. My card is an image of full Klingon BLT. Remember the episode where she's the human half and the Klingon half are disentangled with. Oh yeah. A grody, the DN hand stroking her cheek. Oh, that is so gnarly.
Starting point is 00:09:05 It's so nasty. Just for shock value, I feel like that might be the winner. I thought mine was more bad ass. Yours is more bad ass, mine is more repellent. I think that means a lot in cardboard. I think that's like the chemical warfare equivalent of cardboard right there. That was a huge head to head.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Should we do a couple more flips of flip overs? Let's do it. Three, two, one. Ooh, this also feels like a puzzle piece card. I have again, full cling on BLT, and then I have those kind of shitty X-Makeweez crew members getting trained by Tuvac. Uh-huh. Also kind of framed up in a way that makes me think that this is part of the puzzle. Card 6, I guess.
Starting point is 00:09:55 I have a special card and it is a technology card, just how it's branded itself. Okay. Evidently, this is one in a series, about 24th century technology. This one is for CenoTaff. And this is a device that the Vanori used to terminate a person's life function. So this is a suicide machine piece of technology. It's the thing that sent Harry to the other dimension. And then somebody came back through, and she was supposed to be dead. Harry was sent to the other dimension and then somebody came back through, she was supposed to be dead.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Harry was sent to the next emanation. Right. Or the previous emanation. The reality was it transported the dead body to an asteroid belt in the Delta Quadrant. Well, I think yours being a killing device and mine being barely anything means you win this round. I think that's what we're learning here. Pulling a puzzle card really puts you at a disadvantage in card war.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Yeah, you can really fuck your shit up. Three, two, one. Got another strange new world. It's the matte painting I think of the underground area that the Ocampa live in. Oh yeah. Matte painting from episode one, I guess. O'Compah in the Underground. My card has a hair let out of her bun, Captain Janeway.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Oh wow, damn, looking good, Cap. I know, right? This is I of the Needle, episode 107. Of course you remember this one being about the spatial anomaly that may be a wormhole. Oh, yeah, it was like a narrow ass wormhole. That's right. Its opening wasn't big enough for the ship,
Starting point is 00:11:34 so they would like shoot a little blast through it. Right. You remember? You would have thought that that would be a cue episode. Right. It didn't work. He's used to encountering openings that are too narrow for... You would have thought that that would be a Q episode. Right. It didn't work. He's used to encountering openings that are too narrow for him.
Starting point is 00:11:51 I didn't make that up. That's all over the internet. Yeah, it's a real thing. For our friends of Disodo to find. Did people think that you made that up? I don't know. If they did, they should know better. I'm not talking about actor dick out of school. I'm gonna call that a win by you Because it's something in that picture. That's all it takes Let's flip one last card over. We'll see where this thing lands
Starting point is 00:12:19 Best of five. What is that? Perfect? Three two one. I Number 5. What is that? Perfect. 3, 2, 1. I have a card in the Star Trek Voyager Trivia Contest series. Inside the massive living organism, the USS Voyager crew mistook for a nebula, its defense systems and USS Voyager into a steep dive even further into the creature. How did they stop their descent?
Starting point is 00:12:42 Was it a vent deuterium space, shutting down the thrusters, B, reroute main power to impulse, or C, spread warp particles around the wound? They don't include the answer on the card because this is one of those ones that you're supposed to send to your fucking answer into skybox and, you know, in my 19. The habit last time. 1998, they'll tell you who won. Well, whenever you don't know the answer to a multiple choice question, you're always told to to see, right? Yeah, and I think that's going to be my choice here. The only way we can shut down on thrusters is the vent ne'eritarian bit to space.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Join! What was your card? In a strange coincidence, Ben, my card is the episode card for emanations. Oh, weird. Which is related to the 24th century tech card that I played earlier. Yeah. It's weird. All of the cards in this pack come from early series episodes. Yeah, same for me.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Like none of them were spoilers for me. Yeah. It seems like the chances wouldn't be good, but that would happen. I also think like three of the eight cards in this pack relate to caretaker. You can't make cards like this until you have enough series to make them about, right? I wonder when they started making them. Could it be that they started making these cards after season one? They're like 15 episodes into season one and they're like we gotta make some cards. I think this shows going places. Well again you have a card that is
Starting point is 00:14:18 something and not nothing so I think you win that And I guess that means you won the whole war. God, that's what it takes, huh? I had you on the ropes at the beginning there. Winning the first two. I really expected these cards to be better. What happened to the Star Trek cards? These are not good. Maybe we should look for better Star Trek cards.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Yeah, if I don't want to be ungrateful to the friend of DeSotto who sent us these cards. Because we definitely needed Voyager cards. I bought them off eBay. Oh, you bought them? Yeah. These cards fucking suck, man. Fucked up.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Hey, I would definitely like to get a suggestion from a friend of Dissotto. If somebody knows of a good series of Voyager cards out there that we could get a hold of, or has them that they want to send in? Send them in. That'd be great. We had a temporary moratorium on sending in more cards, but we'll lift it in the case of good Voyager cards. Agreed.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Yeah. I'm into it. All right, Adam. Are you into getting into today's episode? We're not just here to do Card War. No, we got to talk about Star Trek Voyager season three episode 21 before and after. Reaper, of course.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Unless you've got something a little bigger in your torpedo tubes, I'm not turning around. This one begins as the POV of a patient in Six Bay. Not really sure what's happening here. It's all black, too, right? It's like not even, we don't even get to see the POV of a patient in 6 Bay. Not really sure what's happening here. It's all black, too, right? It's like not even... We don't even get to see the POV. It's me in a 6 Bay bed and I'm trying to figure out what's going on. There's some crew people that I don't recognize. The duck has hair.
Starting point is 00:15:57 It's also a bio bed that is facing the wrong way. Like, I feel like anytime you see a wide shot of this bed in this part of Six Bay, their head is toward the back of the room. That is a great call. But when, yeah, when you see it's, you're facing, you're facing the way the camera always faces, which leads me to believe that the Six Bay is not a 360 degree set.
Starting point is 00:16:22 There's an open wall somewhere. Maybe the most unusual part about this scene is how kindly the doc is speaking to me slash the camera. Yeah, he seems like a nice guy. Maybe the hair, maybe getting the hair plugs really kind of like put some pep in his step. Maybe that's all it takes. Worked for Joe Biden.
Starting point is 00:16:47 We flash out of this POV to outside POV perspective to a boy bringing a wrapped present to grandma Kess. They went into the makeup department and pulled the old Polasky bag out. Shot it with some air duster. Yeah. And pulled it over Jennifer Leane's head. I mean, I was impressed with the old lady makeup. I was also really impressed with the wrapping job
Starting point is 00:17:19 that this kid did on this present. Oh, your wrapper. Oh, OK. You got a record contract? Because it's a trapezoidal shape. And that feels like a very high degree of difficulty for doing rapping paper. This is the most science fiction part of the episode clearly,
Starting point is 00:17:38 is a preteen grasping the ability like Macy's checkout counter-level wrapping job. Also, it is so hard to find and give a gift to anyone now. I feel like as I get older, it's getting harder and harder to do. In the 24th century, what do you get for grandma? There are a thousand things that make that prospect difficult. I mean, in a replicator world, grandma doesn't need anything. And so I think everything is macaroni picture frame. It's just back rub coupon book. He made a trapezoidal back rub coupon book.
Starting point is 00:18:23 He made a trapezoidal background coupon book. The scientist said it was impossible. I mean, that's what makes cake the only gift, right? Food is gift in the 24th century. Unless it's neilix, and then in which case it doesn't count. So we got old Polasky into theme. And on the backside of the theme, we learned that this kid is Andrew. This is Graham Akesz's grandson. And the more you see Graham Akesz and the doctor together,
Starting point is 00:18:50 the more I appreciate it, how much better the Doc's hairline is than Graham Akesz. His hairpiece looks amazing. Yeah, it does. It looks really good. Maurice wigs, don't come off. Even in the water. You know, if I didn't know, I wouldn't know. Exactly. And that's the mark of a good hair piece. Graham and Kess is just downright confused by the doctor's hairline here.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Yeah. Dr. Van Gogh, Andrew calls him. Yeah. And she is doing like old lady disoriented, pretty effectively. You know, while she's disoriented, this would have been a great opportunity for her to really tear into the doctor's choice of names here. Ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:19:35 You know, you're doing it. Oh, I don't remember who I am or who any of these people are, but also really like, more like Dr. Van, don't name yourself after someone famous from history. Give me a break, Doc. And then like her attitude could be written off as just dementia. If you learn nothing about like the dangers of cults of personality.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Also famous from history for being mentally ill Because that way you want to name yourself when you're the only physician aboard the ship. I don't like it. Bad name. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. It's all very confusing. We don't know why we're here. We don't know why she's old. We don't know why he has hair.
Starting point is 00:20:19 We don't know who this kid is. Now the kid scrams and runs into Captain Chicoetay. What? Who is briefed by the doc about Kess's condition. Kess is now nine, which seems pretty old for an ocarpone. Yeah. Now one guy that we met that was 12, everybody was shocked. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:38 So Chicoetay seems to be living his nightmare. And maybe this, maybe this is all happening in Chicoet Te's head. Yeah, I was ready to believe that. Did you maybe think that this kid was related to Chico Te based on their interaction initially? Kind of. Yeah, I mean, that was hard to figure out at this point.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Yeah. So the interaction is confusing and weird and it doesn't last long because she wakes up again Grandma's cold again And then she flashes into her quarters. Yeah, she wakes up in bed. It's dark She's disoriented. She's no longer in medical scrubs and She walks out. This same kid and the same lady from when she first woke up are there.
Starting point is 00:21:30 She's got a picture of herself as a younger woman holding a baby but not smiling, like a accidental renaissance, Madonna and child situation. You know, children have to get passport photos sometimes. And I wonder if like this is one of those situations where like galactic passport photo was the intent here. She does not understand what is going on.
Starting point is 00:21:57 And when she walks out to greet Andrew and Linus, they're not much help. I was kind of ready for old grandma cast to just be totally horrified by Linus' ears in this scene. Linus has nightmares ears. Yeah, do not like them. You're confused right now and I'm sure that's very frightening. Don't like them at all. No, they're bad. I don't like seeing them. I mean, it's enough to make you want to like, if you're cast, maybe stop the family line here, just maybe not having kids is a viable alternative to having them
Starting point is 00:22:31 if you're cast. Any chance I could maybe get Neelix's ship and go back to a part of space where there's some old compens and like only reproduce with them to avoid this year situation? I think something happened on their way out of the sack. If a human reproduces with an Ocompin, does their baby live like 30 years? Great question. Or does their baby just live like an Ocompin lifespan? Is it like reversion to the mean or is it like lowest common denominator?
Starting point is 00:23:02 Well how long do humans live in the 24th century? If we're cutting it in half, maybe. In Star Trek, Colin Picard, he's supposed to be over 100 years old, right? Right. I have had enough of your stupid patronizer. This is one of those scenes where like, dottering old enters the scene and dotter and grandson seem to understand that there's a medical condition presenting itself here, but they are not doing a whole lot to
Starting point is 00:23:33 help the situation. Like it's strange, right? Like my grandad had dementia before he died, and so seeing a person in Kess's condition being not treated the way that I would expect her to be was more of a shock to me than anything else. Right. They're kind of putting up with it. Some mentioned gets made of the word morologium, which sounds a little bit like ologium, which we have encountered before, but they don't really go into it. And I think that also what's upsetting about this scene is that we haven't jumped
Starting point is 00:24:08 enough time yet to know what's going on. So it just seems like old lady who woke up disoriented later, and it's not, you don't realize that she's old lady that woke up disoriented earlier. Yeah, it's funny how like the truth cuts against the emotional power that this, a scene like this should have, right? Yeah. They take her to Six Bay and her husband comes in, Commander Tom Paris. Who in spite of grammar cusses failing health hasn't shown up until now.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Yeah. I thought this was amazing. Hey Tom Paris, it's okay to take time off work while your wife is dealing with a serious medical condition. Am I making any sense here? As far as I know, the ship has an autopilot. There are other people that can take the con. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:02 And Linnison Paris argue about Gramicesses care, like con. Yeah. And Linus and Paris argue about Grandma Kess's care, like openly. Yeah. And Kim calls Linus sweetheart because I guess Kim and Linus are Andrew's parents. Well, yeah. So Harry married Tom's daughter. Yikes.
Starting point is 00:25:18 A baby with her. And what's going on here seems pretty pervy, doesn't it? And Linus, Linus is like two years old, the way Kess was when she first got on the show. What the fuck? I thought we were past this. The show really need to hang a lantern on this issue again. I could have watched an entire episode about how awkward it must have been for Kim to
Starting point is 00:25:50 try to make it okay that he was dating Paris' daughter. Give me a three episode arc about that. A ten episode arc. An entire season of discovery about this. Kim couldn't even date a hollow babe. How does he make this happen? Who else is she supposed to get chummy with? Harry Kim and your mark, very proud. Who are you? Harry Kim. Chummy, chummy, and your mark, very proud. Harry Kim.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Who are you? Harry Kim. Harry Kim. You see, he's raising a fucking brat. I mean, he's not that much of a brat. You can wrap the hell out of a present. Yeah, I guess so. Everybody's got their strengths and weaknesses, I guess.
Starting point is 00:26:42 But, uh, Kess gets really cold and flash again, and we're at a birthday party for Cascets, our ninth birthday. So now we know we're going back in time. Right. Nielix is in a, uh, is in a Starfleet uniform. He's been, I don't know, given a field commission or something. Yeah, I mean, he's a security officer now.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Yeah, he's, he's come security officer now. Yeah, he's come out of cooking retirement to bake this cake. Right, but Neil still isn't over the breakup because this is clearly a revenge fondant cake that he is serving to cast on her birthday. Yeah, yeah, fondant. Oh, he's always photographs well. It's filled with fudge, so it might be worth the trouble. It's filled with fudge, so it might be worth the trouble. I hard disagree there, man. You can just peel the fond in a way you don't have to eat it. Except for fudge is also gross. It's like putting a gross thing inside a gross thing.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Some of your food opinions are just so unnecessarily dumb. Just keep them to yourself when they're that dumb. You don't like fudge, give me a break. I'm going to take you on Judge John Hodgman. He's going to side with me because I know for a fact that Hodgman also thinks fudge is gross. He'll have to recuse himself from the decision if that's the case. The one time we go on Judge John Hodgman, he won't even be on the episode. And I'm sure he'll appreciate that. I don't think that you can find somebody that rises
Starting point is 00:28:06 to the level of working as a judge that thinks that fudge isn't gross. I just think that if you're that smart and you're that wise, you understand. But what are you waiting for? Long the candles. Gramm a kiss is wearing a sweater made out of a cocoa floor mat that you'd find in a 70s Volkswagen Beetle.
Starting point is 00:28:22 You know what those look like? Yeah. They're basically baskets that have been flattened into a floor mat. Right. You know, she's advanced in years and has kind of gotten out of the cat suit phase of her life at this point. Do olds just want to wear itchy clothing? Is that why you see them in itchy clothing all the time?
Starting point is 00:28:45 Maybe it's alpaca wool and therefore very soft. A hair shirt is a hair shirt, man. That's not what a hair shirt is. They look exactly the same to me. I mean if the fibers are really long it won't be that itchy. Your opinions are so insane. Benjamin R. Harrison does not like Fudge, but enjoys itchy hair shirts. I like a soft wool. Not me. Get that out of here. Give me a technical garment. Give me a man-made material. Spoken like a true Seattleite.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Graham Akesse peels away from the cake part of the party with Andrew. This is the first thing she did that I really understood. Get me away from that nasty cake. She's like, Andrew, you got to answer a couple of questions for me, starting with, how on earth did you wrap that present? I have no idea how you even do that. Also, what did you get me? Because I asked for nothing. I don't need anything.
Starting point is 00:29:46 What even comes in a shape like that? Is that one of those massage coupon books? I think it'll be worth the wait. Do the coupons get slightly bigger over time as you is it like a massage a day calendar with like six years worth of coupons. Sounds great. Dr. Van Gogh has a gift even better than a massage coupon book. It is a biotemporal chamber. This is his idea for solving the temporal problem that she has described to him. He's fucking shook when she brings this up because he's like, I invented that in my brain this morning
Starting point is 00:30:23 and I haven't even told anybody about it. And she's like, yeah, well, I heard you talking about it. So what else do you know about things that are in my brain that I haven't articulated? I kind of thought that there could have been an interesting moment in this episode where they think that there's something wrong with the doctor for a little while because he's had many problems with his program and that could have been a thing. But yeah, everybody is focused on, okay, so Kess may actually have something going on with her and let's let's start getting to work and this is the first time we cut to an exterior of the ship in the
Starting point is 00:30:56 episode since the beginning and it's an interesting moment because it feels like every time she's jumped up until now, she's had minutes or a day maybe between jumps and this kind of really indicates a passage of time that hasn't been indicated previously. This is an amount of time that the doctor uses to build the temporal lung. Yeah. In six Bay Gramic S explains that she has diagnosed herself as temporal divergent and she thinks she's moving backwards in time. But the doc thinks that she may be clairvoyant instead. And I really like this argument. Yeah, maybe she's just a pre-cog. Yeah, it's funny. It's like two words meaning the same thing. Right. Right. Yeah. It's like, you know, she can freshen you up. Why couldn't she look into the future also? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Later on in Kess's quarters, like part of what she's doing is research on herself. She's looking through her records and her files and stuff. She wants to figure out where the divergence started. And when Paris comes in, he's a little shook by seeing all of these materials out, making very certain that none of them are the tax documents, that she would be likely to find
Starting point is 00:32:16 where they to be living together, which they are. What iPads are those specifically? Ha, ha, ha, ha. He reminds her of how cringey it was when she was dating Neelix, which I thought was a fun moment. Right. And he also talks about how they got together after the year of hell. He's like, look, we've had a lot of awkward moments together. Miriam interactions that could be construed as weird or creepy, but Kim asking us for permission to date our daughter is like that just takes the cake, right?
Starting point is 00:32:50 Nothing we could be going through could be more awkward than that. So that is why we decided as a ship to call that the year of hell. The many attempts that Kim made to ask us to date our daughter, known retroactively as the year of hell. Yes, I remember. But would BLT died in that attack? I was really sad about it. I was pretty bent out of shape and Kess really got him through the grief of losing BLT. And that was a cronoton torpedo attack from a species called the Crenum, during the year of hell. And everybody makes eye contact
Starting point is 00:33:34 with the camera at this point. I mean, BLT died in that attack, but so did the captain. Yeah. And not to bury the lead. Joe Carrey died. The Joe Carrey? I know. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:33:50 I mean, they're really running out of torpedo casings from the sound of it. I mean, eventually, I think you just need to switch to bags, right? Yeah, like they pack a lot more compactly, you know? But with trash tidy, it dispenses a new bag right there. It makes it so much easier. I would have assumed that Paris's capacity for love, also a casualty in that fight, but no. Casp was there to nurse his heart back to health.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Not the only reason he was sucking on that titty. They also fell in love. Perfect black, make it yourself. I'm trying to help you see this as an opportunity to grow. Make it yourself. The only reason he was sucking on that titty, they also fell in love. Paris tells us how cronoton torpedoes work. They work how you think they would, with a name like that. You can't get it. Have you watched Star Trek before? Alright.
Starting point is 00:34:43 No further discussion, necessary. On the walk to Six Bay to tell the doctor about their theory having to do with these torpedoes, Kess gets cold again. And out of this time, she flashes. If my wife flashed in time, every time she got chilly. Oh, boy. I would have lost touch with her years ago.
Starting point is 00:35:04 I wouldn't have known her after the first day. Hahaha. I mean, every time I enter a room, I notice that she gets the shivers. You do have that effect on a room. On this new flash, we lose all the low fun casts. Now, no, they're not going for subtle differences in the aging.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Yeah. This had to feel better if you're gender-fueling, right? But it's long haircast. Right. That was six months worth of loaf right there. They said that this is six months previous in time. That's what's so interesting about the O'Compan aging, right? It's like exponential.
Starting point is 00:35:40 They age very quickly in the beginning, and then it's kind of plateau, but at at the end It falls off a fucking cliff once the burlap sack comes out It's over It's over in a hurry. Yeah The Darwin station must be maintained forever. They take an iPhone photo This is like kind of a funny moment like the taking a picture of someone on your phone and then showing it to them immediately like yeah Star Trek totally invented that. Also hey do you want me to take another one Cass it doesn't look like you're smiling here.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Yeah or should we just print this one? Weird okay. You happy with that facial expression? Cass is able to do that thing where she acts as if she belongs for just a moment before the mood changes and she asks Paris to take her to see the doc immediately. She's getting better and better at like catching everyone up. This is a bit of a script problem
Starting point is 00:36:40 that Star Trek encounters from time to time. Like if somebody is jumping around in time or dimensions, how do they explain to everyone else what's going on to them and do it in a way that's not repetitive and boring for the viewers? Right. And she's gotten much better at this, and now in Six Bay they are finding that she does, in fact, have a phase variance, W. R slash T her chronotons.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Do you think her age makes her a more credible patient in this moment? Because she's, she's able to articulate what's happening to her better than she previously was. And people aren't going like she's not an adult, old woman that doesn't know where she is or what's going on. I definitely thought that that was baked in here.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Yeah, interesting. Yeah. I mean, the episode implies that, but does not interrogate it at all. No. And I mean, part of it is the dot confirms Kessie's suspicion, and that's something we haven't had up until now. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:43 We finally have some readings that can corroborate what she's saying. And that's good enough to convene a McLaughlin group. Is your want? And pretty much the entire senior staff, you know, are alive in this timeline are brought together to talk about this situation. And what led her to this point? She's being pretty fast and loose like telling them what happens in the future, which I thought was interesting. Like, I think in a lot of Star Trek contexts
Starting point is 00:38:09 and like the going back to 1996 in this series, like they've been extremely careful about, not revealing what's coming up, but she's not sweating that. Not at all. This is a scene that is focused pretty squarely on the doctor to the exclusion of everyone else, which I thought was interesting too. Like, if you're playing who's the most interesting person
Starting point is 00:38:34 at the meeting, I would have bet it would be Kess, but it's not. The doc is running this thing and blaming his own brilliant invention for the reason that Kess has become unstuck in time. She's been poisoned by the chronotons. The the bio-temporal chamber, when they when he designed that, he didn't know that she was riddled with chronotons. And so the bio-temporal chamber
Starting point is 00:38:56 interacted with her system in a way that was a surprise. In a highly experimental, but nonetheless brilliant attempt to stop her aging process. The danger is revealed here in that if Kess keeps jumping backwards, eventually she's going to jump backwards to a time that she doesn't exist. And then what? What happens then? No one knows, but I want to find out. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. out. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. In order to suck the poison out of Kess's body, they need more information on the torpedo that causes the radiation. Yeah. So this is an unresolved problem. So they're going to try and like put a field around her and prevent her next jump. They've noticed that she gets chilly every time she jumps, so that's also a thing.
Starting point is 00:39:47 What we've got is the doctor's medical afghan here. All ready to go. Which is certainly going to stop these jumps. You can curl up in this bed with the doctor's medical pups. They'll keep you warm. In sick bay, there is a really interesting scene next that really stuck out to me. The moment where Linus confides in Kess that she may be having some postpartum depression issues. Yeah. And Kess using her knowledge of the future to disabuse those feelings. Because that baby was Andrew and Linus does not have the same connection with Andrew that Harry Kim does.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Linus is like, I'm afraid Andrew is going to be like Marty McFly and back to the future too and Casus like, no way. Definitely going to turn into Marty McFly from back to the future one. What is the case scenario? Marty McFly from back to the future three, but let's try to maintain some optimism here. Let's hope he's a little more popular than that. This is a hard cut to do because Kess walks out of six bay and then we cut two later in
Starting point is 00:40:58 six bay. Right. And usually there's an interstitial or something in between a cut like that. Yeah. Not the case. It's using a cut that would normally feel jumpy and disorienting to kind of further how weird this story is though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Paris is here and this is where she begins to jump again. And this is like the first time we kind of get to see what the jump looks like from the perspective of other people. And she's like disappearing. And the doc is trying to like inject her with something to warm her up. And like, Paris is reaching his hands out to try and hold on to her. But she's like phasing out of existence. She's like inside some kind of time,
Starting point is 00:41:43 brig that we don't quite understand. Yeah. Hey, this is as good a time as any to ask this question. Do you believe their love? Maybe I do in a weird way, but like when he comes in, like it's the partner that is like having a weird time relating to their sick partner energy. I mean, I don't know if that was intentional or not, but it wasn't like a,
Starting point is 00:42:06 he wasn't like falling all over himself to get physical with her or anything. It seems like a very writerly thing to use memories of past events as grounding materials for someone else's sanity in a sci-fi show, or a way to help us as the viewer understand the intimacy between two people because this might be one of those things where I don't
Starting point is 00:42:32 talk like this in my relationship. I remember and love all of the fun adventures that me and my wife have been on, but I've never used those memories as a soothing thing. Have you? Is that a thing that people do? I would never think to when my wife is feeling bad. You remember that time we took that trip and how I was sick the whole time? Or whatever, like...
Starting point is 00:43:02 Maybe we should. Maybe what this episode is telling us is that we could be doing better. This episode just taught me that I'm a bad husband. Well, she flashes, despite all of their attempts to prevent that, and she flashes back to giving birth to Linus. We don't see the reproductive sac, but it is implied by Tom Parris pulling a gooey baby out of her back.
Starting point is 00:43:32 And this is a year of hell baby. This is, she's giving birth in media hell. Do you think for the O'Compens when they go to a fancy party or whatever, there's a plunging backline situation that is extremely suggestive for what's going on back there. Did you catch, Kes? She was showing a lot of backsack.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Boy, when Kes got out of the limo back first, did she even know what she was flashing? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Right, come together. Luck them not forget that old littleodgement here A greatest gen live show is something you don't want to miss. Why? Well, it's a great opportunity to see me and Ben in person, but that's not all. FODs from all over gather at these shows to cosplay, to do pre and post show hangs, to make friends,
Starting point is 00:44:26 and share their embarrassment. Hey, I'd make a pretty great name for a tour. Let's do it. The Share Your Embarrassment Tour is coming in August 2023, and we've got a bunch of dates in a lot of great places. Go to to get more info. That's for dates and ticketing information for the Share Your Embarrassment Tour.
Starting point is 00:44:51 I'm Jordan Morris. And I'm Jesse Thorne. On Jordan Jesse Go, we make pure, delightful nonsense. We were open awesome guests and bring them down to our level. We got stupid with Judy Greer. My friend Molly and I call it having the spaceweards. Pat Naswald. Could I get a Balrog burger and I call it having the spaceweirds. Pat Noswald.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Could I get a Balrog burger and some air-gorn fries? Thank you. And Camille Nangeani. I've come back with cat toothbrushes, which is impossible to use. Come get stupider with us at Look your podcast apps are already open. Just pull it out. Give Jordan Jesse Goatry.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Being smart is hard. Be dumb instead. Oh, Russ. Hey, baby. Oh, I'm about to count you in line. These clouds are really freaking me out. I hate having to stand in line. And boy, what do I? These giraffes do not smell good.
Starting point is 00:45:36 No, they do not, and they have such short nacks. But I'm hearing we need to get on this all. We've got to get on the art. It is about terrain. Got us about to destroy humanity. Hey, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. Are you Noah? Yeah, I know we look like humans, but we're actually, we're podcasters. We are podcasters, so it's different. Have you heard of Ono Ross and Kerry? We investigate
Starting point is 00:45:54 spirituality, claims of the paranormal, stuff like that. And you have a boat and say the world's gonna end, so same like something for us to check out. We would love to be on the boats. We came to by two. What do you think? O Only Ross and Kerry, available on A Subaru Brat-style shuttle is no place to birth a child clearly. Yeah. Also, we need to talk, Cass is about when your relationship is on the line and for no other subject. Hehehe. She says we need to talk as an introduction
Starting point is 00:46:36 to the time jumping conversation, which is less threatening to me as a person in a relationship. I want my wife to tell me if she's jumping around in time. I don't want her to tell me if it is preceded by we need to talk. We need to talk as for one thing on. It's the scariest three words in English. Yeah, we need to talk is the scariest three words in English.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Full of fuck. God damn it. That's how scary those words are. God, fuck it. You'll lose the ability to count them. My mind collapses. So a very exciting shot of the shuttle returning to Voyager, like mid-fire fight, and like the hallway is all fucked up
Starting point is 00:47:22 in full of garbage. Neil seems to be the kind of security officer that helps people get off their shuttle when they land back on voyage. Not up at the horseshoe firing the phasers. This is this morale officer training taking over. He's there to greet. Yeah, he's like complimenting their lavender colored waffle
Starting point is 00:47:44 knit towel that they've swaddled their baby in. I like the location choice as an emphasis on how bad things are, right? Like when the mess hall is a battlefield hospital, you know should is bad on the ship. You don't want to get stitched back up in a room that has ladles in it, you know? Right. And when Kess tells Chicoate about what she's going through, Chicoate is very understandably like,
Starting point is 00:48:10 nothing on this ship works. Your situation seems very important, but we don't have air on most of the decks on the ship. So. You don't just get whatever crazy medical intervention you want in the year of hell. And Kess is like, but Chicoote, we need to talk. And this stops Chicoote cold.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Because this has sesca flashbacks written all over it. Did you see the tattoo on the baby Chicoote? Kess gets cold again. Kess gets cold again. Yeah, and she wakes up in the teaky lounge, side slong there, everybody's there. The eye just finds the side slum. Every time. BLT is even there.
Starting point is 00:49:00 She's kissing on Tom. This is a shocking moment. Yeah, what the hell? I mean, I like it. Yeah. But yeah, I'm shocked to see this. They're a cuter couple than Tom and Cass. It's something wrong.
Starting point is 00:49:14 It's true. We don't get much time to think about this and how fun it is. Yeah. Because this is the moment that the Voyager is under attack by the Crenum. And so everyone gets called back to the bridge I would love it if sides long guy were a crew person and we just didn't know it and this is his choice
Starting point is 00:49:31 You see him like sitting on a bench pulling his uniform. Oh shit. I am so ready for that reveal Not a hollow character just a man just a normal human man who likes to party. So, Kess is over in a station on the bridge where Bilti and the Captain are working on this problem of the fact that they're getting hit with Kronaton torpedoes and they get another huge banger dropped on them and this kills both BLT and the captain. See their deaths? In one fell boom, they get taken out. It's incredible to think that one shot could take them both out.
Starting point is 00:50:19 You only get one shot. Great shot, Crenum. Yeah. That's value for the torpedo. They don't have a lot of time to grieve though, because they are still under attack, and Captain Tricote is like, hey, little help would be great. And Cass has some ideas. She's like, hey, I actually can think of something that might help, which is that remodulating
Starting point is 00:50:43 the targeting scanners or something. The only way we can shut down on thrusters is the vent vegetarian into space. Do it. Something, something, something, destroy the torpedo launcher before they fire. And this works great. Belchran's line read of fire is so great.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Fire. Yeah. It's one of my favorite things I've ever heard him say on this show. The way he says it, I thought was a great choice. Yeah. It favorably compares to Freak's line read. It's to work. Fire. And to Kirk. Fire. Yeah. Kirk is one of the great fire Kirk. Kirk is one of the great fire pronouncers in all of Star Trek. He really
Starting point is 00:51:28 luxuriates in that word. But Bell Transline I think belongs in the conversation as great utterances of the word fire. RSVP the Crenum. Yeah blows the nose right off of this ship. I thought maybe the rest of the ship survived because they cut away from it so fast. And uh, Cascos down to, I guess, help in the 6-bay that they've turned the mess hall
Starting point is 00:51:56 into? Yeah. But also just hang out with Tom. These scenes were so dark. I think Chico Tei's in the mess hall to get pipped. Or does he have to wait like Cass has to wait? He's just using that replicator. Get rid of that Mayquees
Starting point is 00:52:13 PIP situation. You don't want a PIP too fast after your captain dies I think. You definitely want to wait till the funeral. And then you PIP, right? You think that they have a funeral service and the last thing is that the commander takes the one of the pips off the captain and puts it on his own collar. That feels like body desecration to me. Like I think when you die a captain, you want to go into the torpedo with all your pips, right?
Starting point is 00:52:39 With all the pips, yeah. I like the moment you're suggesting though. I think that's fun. They learned that there is one of these torpedoes like wedged in the ship at this point, all the pips. I like the moment you're suggesting though. I think that's fun. They learned that there is one of these torpedoes like wedged in the ship at this point. And Cass goes on a jeffries to crawl to go find it. And where is cork when you need him? Because it's the same problem. The torpedoes just like in the ship, throbbing. I thought this was a scene of Kess wanting to die because the last scene ends with Kess asking Paris
Starting point is 00:53:15 how he's doing. Yeah. Which is a great question to ask 15 minutes after their partner dies. Yeah. In a totally awful way on the bridge, hey, why don't you give it some time, guess? Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:53:30 And rather than cringe to death at what she's done, she heads after this torpedo. Yeah. I thought that was not a great scene. She has to find out what the temporal variances of these cronotone particles, and this is what going down to the torpedo will reveal to her. I thought the torpedo was a great prop, really fun bit of design.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Probably looked like your chest did not too long ago, huh? Did you check your chest for temporal nubbins? Oh man, I have had so many tweets about how I had jingles and yes I know I had jingles. How about that? Twitter diagnosis. Yeah. So there you go everyone on Twitter just keep diagnosing people. I'm like taric from flip or flop you know. Yeah that's exactly the example I was going to use. I wouldn't have thought of it, but my wife suggested it. Terence from flat ploppers. Also had chest nobins. Shingles still doesn't care.
Starting point is 00:54:34 And so she jumps again, and now she's like, cat suit, long hair, Kess saying like, hey, I got some great information for you, Doc Hollow Day. You're bald. Bald. Bald your bald. Bald. Bald, bald. We're not gonna let that get in the way of the fact
Starting point is 00:54:49 that I have some pretty important information to share with you, and if you wanna convene a McLaughlin group, the rest of the crew. Is your two. A McLaughlin group not as interesting as you would hope it would be when attended by a time traveler who could tell everyone at the table all kinds of things about their lives. No, instead they decide to talk just about the Docs Big Invention and the Cronaton particles
Starting point is 00:55:16 that bombard her body. And BLT comes up with an idea of re-bombarding her body with anti-coronatons. This is the Star Trek solution to anything. If your body is being attacked by something, the anti-version of that is definitely what you need to inject. Yeah, it's gonna help a ton. They're gonna like go do the work on this.
Starting point is 00:55:38 And meanwhile, Cass is gonna give them all the tea that she has on the crenum. She's learned enough to make a big difference if they ever should run across these folks. I was straining against the episode's insistence that Cass's problem was the main problem and not the Crenum. And this was one of those moments. I was like, great, guys, like get to the part where your ship is attacked, imminently. I don't know if we got a amount of time on this jump because it may not be that imminent, right?
Starting point is 00:56:12 And like they've got her in the bombardment machine, which looks suspiciously like the biotemporal chamber from earlier in the episode. I keep my bombardment machine in the guest room, bathroom, in a cabinet there behind some stuff. I've noticed that you have a coin op bombardment machine. I don't want it to be too easy to use all the time. But she jumps again and she jumps to her first day on the ship.
Starting point is 00:56:43 And this, you know, you talk about opportunities to make first impressions. She's doing a bad job here. I mean, Nielix almost impervious to embarrassment as long as we've known him, is actually flustered here during his job interview. I also, I think they got like the same costume for Kess for this moment, but she just looks so different.
Starting point is 00:57:05 And I was like really surprised at how, I mean, it must just be like a combination of the wig and her face. It really looked screen-correct. Yeah. So she's like, hey, I know Neelix is giving you the hard sell on letting us stay aboard the ship, but I'm jumping around in time,
Starting point is 00:57:22 and I have way more important to tell you about chronotons. But she doesn't have time. She flashes again. Yeah. Now it's teen Kess. She's working at O'Cop and Claire's trying to give somebody an ear piercing with that gun. This is really a warning to precocious kids everywhere, right? Because if you are a precocious kid with an active imagination, while also traveling through time, you're the girl who cried time traveler to any adult you can fight in, they're never gonna believe you.
Starting point is 00:57:59 You're totally fucked. What is this place? We don't have time to play our guessing game right now, Kess. And as soon as we realize this, we flash again to Cass' own birth. And she had human ears when she was born. I was like, is her mom sharing stone? But it's not sharing stone. It's that actor from all those Christopher Guest movies.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Oh, is it? She played Debbie Dangle in Reno9111-1. It's Rachel Harris. Whoa. God damn, I didn't recognize her. That's wild. Yeah. I had to look her up because she looks so familiar, but yeah, Rachel Harris. Wow. She's doing like full pregnant lady scream the entire time, so her face is hard to read right there. Right. We can even enter your father. So I'm curious you can't even know that's the worst. How many birthing moms do you think do the pull-up on the birthing bar during? I wonder how much thought they gave to putting loaf on a baby.
Starting point is 00:58:55 I bet they think a lot about it. They've done spikes on Ensign Wildman's baby, right? Once you go spike, I think everything else is easy. And I think you use spiky baby as a way to convince the parents of subsequent babies that, this is not gonna be that bad for your baby. Your baby's gonna be famous and not gonna have to wear spikes. But like fetus, Kess has O'Compah ears.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Baby Kess does not and then teen Kess does. Yeah, there is a lack of ear continuity here for sure. And then, so we see fetus Kess, we see zygote Kess, we see single cell Kess, we see cum Kess. And then it bounces. Yeah, who knew we'd get to know her dad better than we knew him before? Yeah. At the O'Comp and Mall. We're in her dad's
Starting point is 00:59:47 sack for like a good five minutes. Yeah. It's a very cummy like act three in this episode. What's wild about this is that it's the scene out of the holodeck Tiki bar in there. Yeah. It's what helps us understand what it's like. Like it's not literally it's sort of a figurative way to help us get it. But it's funny, it's, you know, it's lighthearted and it's good times, you know. It's like a look who's talking situation. Right. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:00:15 It's funny how time travel bounced here, right? Like we bounced all the way back to single cell and now we're back out and moving forward again. Side-slong guy is there. Speaking of bouncing. Yeah. And so they have a little celebration for her. Welcome back to traveling through times
Starting point is 01:00:36 in normal direction. If you think about it, Wurf got one of these. I guess so, yeah. Just travel through time. I think it's when you're on Star Trek and you travel through time, you get a cake. It doesn't take a lot to convince Starfleet.
Starting point is 01:00:48 It's like, hey, I've been on a time adventure. Could we throw a party in my honor? Yeah. I know that none of you have any evidence to. You're bad for Kim in this scene because no one is told about their future selves except for Kim and how fucked up it was that he had to like date Mary and then have a child with Paris and Kess's daughter pretty wild Yeah
Starting point is 01:01:13 What are the greatest indignities visited on any Star Trek Voyager character you get out of here Kim You fucked up. I mean you will fuck. mean, the tenses are confusing, but you're still time for you not to fuck this up. But go think about that somewhere. They're like, Hey, anything you can tell us about the crenom would be great. Yeah, that's the only information that's volunteered. And so urgent is that knowledge that Kess leaves her own party to go write that paper. That's the episode. Did you like before and after Adam? You know, I made it easy to get along with post-opestive. But I don't like bullets, I don't like friends, and I don't like you.
Starting point is 01:01:59 I mean, it was weird to do a time travel episode that just ignored the time paradox as a thing completely. Yeah. It could only ever work as an episode if it did. Like any suggestion that a paradox were possible, I think breaks the show. Totally. So, taking that off the table makes it a really fun episode. And I like a high concept time travel episode. Yeah. I always have. I was not satisfied though at the end with like the incuriosity about their futures. You can't tell me that there weren't people who
Starting point is 01:02:36 were obsessed with the idea of knowing about their futures and I thought the depiction of a character having those feelings would be welcome, you know? I don't know who you make that person. Sounds great. I mean, I could not resist asking and knowing, even though it's totally changeable. Yeah. What about you? I really like the episode. Yeah, it's an interesting Kess centric app.. I think that as time has gone on, I've been a little bit annoyed that they haven't explored the meaning of Kess's mental abilities more.
Starting point is 01:03:13 And this episode makes brief mention of that and kind of bounces back off of it. And that kind of bothered me. But aside from that, I think it is a very fun like thought experiment episode and I thought pretty well executed given what a weird idea it is you know. I read a couple of reviews of this episode that mentioned it was like one of the most beloved episodes of Star Trek Voyager and I don't quite agree with that.
Starting point is 01:03:46 But yeah, interesting that this could be someone's favorite. Well Adam, do you want to see if you agree with any of the priority one messages in the inbox? All priority one messages are my favorite. Priority one message from Starfleet coming in on Secured Channel. You need a supplemental. Supplement? Supplement. Supplement.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Yeah, it's extra. The interest alone could be enough to buy this ship. Then our first one is of a promotional nature. Oh, damn. The message goes like this. Are you a little bit embarrassed? You keep listening to back catalog episodes of TGG instead of focusing on the things you want to get done. What my theory presupposes is maybe we can help?
Starting point is 01:04:36 Rescue time has helped millions of people who work on computers find focus and achieve work-life balance. Our focus assistant can help make your work time feel more like being aboard the hood than working for Captain Gellico. And honestly, a lot of our new app was made while listening to episodes of this podcast. Wait, so they listened to our podcast while making their app and now they wanted people to use their app to not listen to our podcast? I don't like this. I can definitely get with the idea of of needing help focusing. Oh, yeah,
Starting point is 01:05:16 rescue time seems to be a way to do that. You can find out more by going to rescue slash coupons slash scarves for 20% office subscription. Rescue time was made by Brian, who is an FOD, a long time FOD, and the creator of Rescue Time. I might have to try this out. I've been more and more distracted during my edit days. They're taking longer, longer to do. Much to the consternation of you and everyone else in the business. I need to be better at turning my edits
Starting point is 01:05:46 and maybe rescue time can do that. Give them a try, slash coupon slash scarves. Yeah, we give you our full endorsement of using rescue time as long as it doesn't slow you down on listening to old episodes of the greatest generation. Right. Our next priority one message is from Daniel and it's to Joanne and it goes like this. Happy 10th anniversary penguin!
Starting point is 01:06:10 You're my own personal Kira Naree's and I'll never stop being amazed that you're in my life. If you're hearing this, Dante hasn't repeated enough swear words to make us stop listening to the greatest gen yet. Thanks little guy. My love, let's play the world's longest, slowest, most expensive game of chess. P to E4.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Wow. So Daniel has fired the first volley, his opening gambit in this chess game that is going to be played over Priority one messages with Joanne if she takes him up on it At the end of this message this this I can really get behind this is the kind of P1 we live for Adam This is great. I mean this is gonna be a P1 that's that sustains the show really
Starting point is 01:07:05 Good stuff, Daniel. Yeah, excellent. Ben, our final priority in message is from VidaZ. It is to RENCAST, and the message goes like this. Wanted to give a shout out to RENCAST, editor extraordinaire of the DeSoto Quantum Archive, aka the greatest gen wiki. Wow. They've done an incredible job documenting The extraordinary of the DeSoto Quantum Archive, aka the greatest gin wiki. Wow!
Starting point is 01:07:26 They've done an incredible job documenting the teeming mass of inside jokes and bits that have accumulated over the years, and I just wanted to say it's appreciated. Hell yeah. PS requesting a dealer's choice selection of your rarest drops. Wow! Why he's there. The reasons are nil. Because for some reason, Jake's a-sisco. I like this idea.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Lieutenant George Prima starfleet security. Pogot! Pogs! Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa We do have some extremely rare drops. We're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil, we're all evil Harry Kim, who else is she supposed to get chummy with? Harry Kim and your mom, very proud. Who are you? Harry Kim, chummy, chummy, and your mom, very proud. Harry Kim, who are you? Harry Kim. Harry Kim. Shadot to RENcast for maintaining the wiki. A resource that the item bears to say, Adam, I don't know if this is true for you but I have definitely used the wiki to remind myself of why we say something on the show ones are true. Agreed. Yeah
Starting point is 01:08:54 yeah we've come to depend on it so thanks for all of your hard work in making that possible. Yeah greatest gen dot fandom dot com we think. We think it's the URL for that. Well, not everyone can make a wiki about the greatest generation, but anyone can buy a priority one message. That's true. Head to slash jembo tron if you're curious about doing so. Hey Adam. What's that been? Did you find yourself a drunk shimoda? Hey Adam. What's that been? Did you find yourself a drunk Shimoda? Incredible.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Drunk Shimoda! I don't know what it was about this episode, but the parade of background actors was enormous. Yeah. So many background actors here, and it's a great episode for those extras. The Shimotis for me though are going to be a couple of instances of extra failure. A couple of time code examples of this to call to your attention. I'm sure there's more but I'm gonna call your attention to two. At 1441 there's two extras crossing in front of the
Starting point is 01:10:02 camera between the camera and our actors. And the second one, walking past, just has a big old smile, just like the biggest toothiest smile. I mean, the number one rule of background acting is do not distract, and I was distracted by this. First do no harm, I think, is the... Yeah, I like that.
Starting point is 01:10:21 I definitely noted it, and I was like, well, I wonder, it's early in the episode, I wonder if there's gonna be more of this. Oh, yeah, there is. At 3414, it's the battlefield hospital scene in the mess hall. Right. And at the very end of the scene, we just hang in this moment as a guy wobbles through the door and he's like holding something to his eye. They give wobobbly Guy a good five minute to present his affliction to us. They almost spend as much time with Wobbly guys.
Starting point is 01:10:49 They did with Kess's dad's nut sack. So I think my Shimoda for these episode is just a group Shimoda for all of the extras. You made such a compelling case there Adam. I'm gonna join you on Extras Square. Wow, it will be my Drunk Shemotus for this episode as well. An episode that did not seem like it was going to be as full of background characters as this one was and yet
Starting point is 01:11:17 there they are. Just a great population of actors in this episode. A noticeable difference. Objection noted, we'll do this without you. Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. Well Adam, let me tell you a little bit about our next episode of Star Trek Discovery. Why don't you do slash game and get those dice ready. Well I tell you about season three episode
Starting point is 01:11:45 22, real life. The doctor decides he should create a holographic family in order to expand himself. When Belana is disgusted by its unrealistic perfectionism, she alters the program to include random events and outcomes with interesting and devastating results. Boy, we really seem to be as a show in that part of the season where we're just exploring the hollow or the fake or the alternate timeline. I thought we'd be
Starting point is 01:12:20 getting back to like a mission, a conventional mission, it doesn't sound like that. No. Gonna save that for the season finale, I guess. I guess so. Well Ben, I'm over at the game of buttholes. The will of the caretaker. Checking out where our runabout is at this moment in time. You're required to learn as you play. Roll.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Looks like it is on square 30. Four squares ahead. We've got Janeway riding her own run about. The Janeway square would take us up to a very high row in the game of buttholes. I don't think there's any chance I hit that square. I'm just going to say it right now. Roll the die. in the game of buttholes. I don't, I don't think there's any chance I hit that square. I'm just gonna say it right now.
Starting point is 01:13:07 I'm gonna roll the die. Ben, I've rolled a six and what I didn't tell you was that two squares passed the Janeway square was Nielix's Galley. Oh, Leveray! Oh, my God. Which means the next episode we get to enjoy a bottle of Tilaxi and Champagne. Now this is interesting because you have a teaky makeup episode that you still need to
Starting point is 01:13:31 do. Right but there are no teaky drinks made with champagne. I said cocoa, yes yes. You said cocoa, no no. I said, Coco later. And now you're going to proceed that with a Galaxy NGM. Are you suggesting that I shouldn't do this and I should do Coco No No instead? No, I think you should. And I think you should probably, whatever we roll the next week, follow up with a TK episode
Starting point is 01:14:02 because that'll be the final week of the Max Fundrive and you know you got to step your game up at a time like this. I had not considered until this moment that yeah we're doing a Max Fundrive episode and it will also be a Nielix's Galley episode. Good timing. Well in the meantime we are really looking forward to this year's Max Fund Driving. Hope you are to get your pocketbooks ready. We got to thank a lot of people. We got to thank Wendy Pretty for being the producer of this program. We got to thank Adam Ragusia for making all the original music based on the work of dark material. Go check out Adam Ragusia. He's on YouTube, he's on the podcasts.
Starting point is 01:14:47 He's doing great stuff, just searches, man. I mean, hard to avoid, Adam Ragusia on YouTube. I don't even have to search for him. Yeah, and there he is. He's right there. We gotta thank Bill Tilly, the card daddy, who runs the social media sites for us. At greatest Trek is what you follow on Instagram and in Twitter. Hey retweet one of our little
Starting point is 01:15:08 Audio grams if you see it pop up in your feed helps us find new listeners If you're listening to this episode the week it comes out. We're going to be in Atlanta at our second to last Tour stop. Yeah Really want you to come out and see us having a blast out on tour so far and Atlanta is one of our favorite places so I hope to see you there on April 21st. If it isn't sold out already, greatestgen is where you go to get tickets. Yeah. I look right there right now. Yeah. Who knows them will go on tour again. They
Starting point is 01:15:45 get canceled so often. Really appreciating this one while it lasts. With that we will be back at you next time with another great episode of Star Trek Voyager and an episode of the greatest generation Voyager that really pisses Jesse Thorn off because it's so perfect and he wants to come in and kind of put random things to make it not seem so perfect. We should record that episode right into the phone line. Like record it into a momentous occasion.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Just call it, just call to a six, nine, eight, four, four fun and leave a message for Brian Fernandez. Yeah, a message that's almost 90 minutes long. I like it. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Make it sound. Yor-bic-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-cada-

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