The Joe Budden Podcast - Episode 119 | "4:44"

Episode Date: July 5, 2017

The Hovcast....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Just stay on. We good. We live. We good. We live. We rocking. We rocking. Thumbs up from Pat, which means we are live. Use your buttons. Okay, welcome back. Feels like I haven't spoken to you people in quite some time. It's been a week. I was kind of off you niggas last week, though. We had a good podcast last week, I thought. Yeah, it was cool. I thought we did well. I didn't want to see you niggas. That was a long week last week for me. You've been kind of medium, man, for the past two weeks. Too much. Too much. I thought we did well. I didn't want to see you niggas. That was a long week last week for me. You've been kind of media man for the past two weeks.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Too much. Too much. I need to relax. Yeah, see what happens when you actually like work? Too much work. I don't see how you niggas do it. It's nice to see a rapper step into the real world and see what the regular folk have to do to survive. I ain't going to lie.
Starting point is 00:00:42 All that working days longer than six hours traveling from place to place i wasn't even driving and i was mad hold on let me intro this fucking podcast what's it uh what episode is this 10 something we're not in 10 anything we are in the tens we're not in 110 this should be like 120 119 it's a holiday man all right so anyways the joe button holiday edition podcast even though by the time you're hearing this it is no longer a podcast it should It's a holiday, man. All right. So anyway, it's the Joe Budden Holiday Edition podcast. Even though by the time you're hearing this, it is no longer a podcast. It should be episode 119 to 20, but we've been fucking episode number up for quite some time. So y'all should be used to it.
Starting point is 00:01:14 119. Exactly. See? I told you. I'd be right more than I'd be wrong. Debatable. Episode 119 of the Joe Budden podcast. I'm your host, Joe Budden.
Starting point is 00:01:23 And across from me is Rory Lanes To his right is Chris actually And to his left is nobody Maul is not here Where is Maul? I don't know Maul's in LA Okay
Starting point is 00:01:36 I know that because you texted me a few days ago And said hey is Maul in LA? And I said oh let me hit him Maul just comes and goes as he pleases Pause Who goes to LA for 4th of July? Now I hit him. Maul just comes and goes as he pleases. Pause. Who goes to L.A. for Fourth of July? Now, I kind of knew Maul wouldn't be here for a plethora of reasons. One, with free agency in the league just running rampant,
Starting point is 00:01:58 I figured Maul would be out there trying to get the latest update. He's just traveling from office to office? Maul is the biggest Chris Paul fan in the world, so I'm sure he's just traveling the Houston Rocket rumors and mellow to the Rocket rumors. How quick do you think Chris Paul will get sick of James Harden? I got them niggas fighting before All-Star break. James Harden proved that he could be a point guard.
Starting point is 00:02:25 I didn't see the point of why Chris Paul. Because James Harden was winded and exhausted by the last game of the playoff series, which they got ousted, the conference final. Yeah, but I just don't know if a point guard is the one that's going to take that exhaustion away. You need help. If you're building to beat the Warriors, which everybody should be, then you need help. James Harden can't beat the Warriors. Well, I don't think anyone can beat the Warriors, even with all these switches.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Mello, Chris Paul, Harden, that Capella kid, and everybody, and along with Eric Gordon and whoever else they got. Nah, yeah, I could see it. And I didn't want to start this talking about sports anyway, but Maul is out there chasing the latest in free agency, number one. Number two, I knew with the release of Hov's album, we wouldn't be seeing Maul. Well, I was with Maul.
Starting point is 00:03:17 I went to the listening session at 4040. Wait, y'all went to that? We did, yeah. Y'all niggas are... Well, see, Maul's got an excuse. Maul's got an excuse. You on the other hand, what a fucking hype beast. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Were you in that crowd that I saw pictures of? No, no, no. Yes, you were. Me and Maul had our own low table area. Oh, my God, it's even worse. It's worse. That's disgusting. Vern was there.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Who else was there? Don't snitch now and try to make it cool no I'm trying to take the advice of my friends low and Kaz say I should go out more because I'm very anti-social and I don't do the industry events anymore because I hate them you can so I said if all right if I'm gonna start this I'm gonna take your advice I'm gonna start with Jay-z I could handle a Jay-z listening but the the moment this shit hits midnight, right, everyone has their title accounts. I can see that the fucking album is out, and Elliot Wilson can't get the fucking speakers to work.
Starting point is 00:04:12 It's like 12, 15. I'm like, all right, fam, I'm out of here. They play Kill Jay-Z. Yo, Elliot Wilson is in the story now, too. I think he was hosting. I'm telling you that this story. He was the one who invited me. Well, see, he's got a reason now, too.
Starting point is 00:04:22 He works for title. Yeah. Elliot, you can't work for title and not be able to get the speakers to work. So the speakers eventually do work, and it's the most muffled shit ever, and I just abruptly leave and get in an Uber and listen to it in the Uber, in traffic in the Lincoln Tum. Chris, I can't believe. I'm going to be talking to Chris a lot, our camera guy, because Maul's not here,
Starting point is 00:04:44 and Chris is intriguing. Rory went, Rory's that guy. What type of guy am I? Don't try to start a serious story where I'm intrigued in the story, no. I'm going to get these jokes off. You went to 4040 to hear the release of Ho's album with Elliot Wilson manning the aux cord I did yeah you were in that fucking nasty messy picture I saw which was the picture I was in the tuck we had our own little table we were ordering food I wasn't I wasn't on you know the steps
Starting point is 00:05:18 at 40 40 where that's where the show was some self-respect where did you listen to the album where the show was. Have some self-respect. Where did you listen to the album? Home, niggas. Where the fuck? Rory is that guy. I'm the same person. I want to hear the album at home.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Well, I wanted to celebrate the greatest rapper of all time putting out an album. 444, 4040. There's a lot of fours. Mall is Rockefeller, kind of. But Rockefeller was all in L. in la there was literally nobody at the shit mall would be the first person to put the link in our group chat did he yes i was gonna
Starting point is 00:05:53 now mind you people in our group chat the only two people to really post the links are ice and rory if you're listening music feds wondering wondering who's out there posting links, it's still Ice. Don't think he stopped that whole folder shit. He's still bootlegging music and Rory, right? So when Maul is the first person to drop the link in the group chat. He's sitting next to me. Maul had that link for a while. That's what I replied in the chat.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Like, oh, Maul said this for 10 minutes. I said, Maul said this for a while. That's what I replied in the chat. Like, oh, Ma said this for 10 minutes. I said, Ma said this for a week. A week? Ma might have been there with Guru and them niggas. One of them weeks we ain't do a podcast. Ma be having a whole lot of hove and a whole lot of party next door he think we don't know about. Word. And I will say, music people that are listening, since now we know music people listen to this podcast,
Starting point is 00:06:46 he doesn't share it. He doesn't share it. No. He doesn't give it up. He'll tell us, yo, Party got some shit coming. Won't play it. Yeah, yeah. Won't play it. Won't send you a link.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Won't nothing. We'll just tell you that some great shit is coming. Party been kicking ass, by the way. But that's like my seventh topic that I want to talk about. Well, let's stay at 440. Wait, let's not get to 440. You're rushing my shit now. I ain't that I want to talk about. Well, let's stay at 440. Wait, let's not get to 440. You're rushing my shit now. I ain't got too much to talk about.
Starting point is 00:07:09 I want to commend you and I. I want to commend you and I for being here right now. Yeah, I was a little upset. It's nice out. I wanted to cancel. I know you wanted to cancel. I ain't going to lie. I woke up this morning.
Starting point is 00:07:24 See, that's why I'm like committing to plans. Because ain't going to lie. I woke up this morning. See, that's why I'm, like, committing to plans. Because we committed to this a few days ago. Yeah, but when I committed, I had a lead for something that would have been great. And then once that didn't happen, I kind of wanted to. I could have told you that wasn't going to turn around that fast. Rory's got a kick-ass interview planned that everybody's pretty excited about. I just thought maybe it could work. No, not that fast.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Niggas like that. This has been through January. No, it's real now. I know. All of that is the creep. When he had emailed me and said, yo, this is why I wasn't trying to play you. Now you see why. I was like, well, obviously.
Starting point is 00:07:58 No, that means now I'm just going to play you a little less, but you understand. Because he's playing me too. I mean, he's hitting me back he has hit me back at least is he in Jersey or is he still in LA no he's back
Starting point is 00:08:10 he's just chilling he listens to the show he told me he never missed an episode so he's listening to us banter about how upset we are well no I'm not upset
Starting point is 00:08:18 I didn't think he was coming this episode listen man I'll be upset if the whole month of July passes and you just yeah I won't be upset then but he's of July passes and you just... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:26 I won't be upset then. But he's one of the nicest people in hip-hop. Yeah, I don't have entitlement issues. And he's great. He's awesome. But, so Rory's got some real kick-ass shit planned. But it's the 4th of July and we're here. We are. But then again, what were we going to do?
Starting point is 00:08:39 My entire family is grilling at my house in my absence. But that's why we came early. The food will be ready by the time we get there. No, it was prepped since last night. I think it's kind of ready. My pop, it's one of those things, my little brothers, nieces, nephews, cousins, and shit. It's like one of those. And I'm here recording because the pressure of not releasing a podcast
Starting point is 00:09:00 and you guys tearing our mentions up for one week, we have succumbed to it. Luckily, we're not sensitive our fans are kind of fucking mean well so to me at least you'll be able to be mean to us face to face uh the 21st of this month july 21st we are at highline ballroom um for a live podcast and we've got some we've got some tricks up our sleeves for the people that are in attendance you'll only be able to hear this content there. By the way, we are not releasing the audio because it's too much of an headache. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:29 That's really just the most honest reason. Well, I mean, they killed us for our SOBs anyways. The audio wasn't great anyways, and it was just, eh. But South By I loved how we did the fan interaction shit and didn't put it out and just recapped it. Just come. It's good to kick it with you niggas. put it out and just recapped it
Starting point is 00:09:41 just come it's good to kick it with you niggas now 444 444 whatever I don't even know
Starting point is 00:09:52 how you say it I don't I'm gonna go with 444 considering it was the time I would say 444 I wouldn't say 4 if you asked me the time I wouldn't say it's 444
Starting point is 00:10:01 so let's go with 444 and it is the time sign in there well he said that record he woke up at 444 so let's go and it is the time sign in there well he said that that record he woke up yeah he woke up I read all the stories I read out here milking it out here I woke up in a cold panic and sweat immediately grabbed my invisible pen because you know I'm Hov I still never wrote anything down we're gonna going to talk about that too, by the way. Yeah. We're going to talk about that. Hov, just stop it, man. The syllable use and flow on Marcy Me, there's no fucking way in hell anyone is just writing that in their head
Starting point is 00:10:34 and re-saying it. I've never believed Hov. There's verses I can see that he could do. But Marcy Me, that's pen to paper. That's too good at rapping. Hey, I'm joking right now. I'm kidding around because I do believe that Jay is capable enough to not have ever written anything down. But, and the joke is much funnier.
Starting point is 00:10:52 So, Jay, we don't believe you. You're definitely waking up and writing. I think he wrote down Reasonable Doubt. I think he wrote down American Gangster. I think he wrote down this album. Some of that shit is too amazing. Black Album, I think, the flow was on there. I think he could have wrote that in his head but this shit no he's rapping he's like really rapping on this shit people have been asking me to rank this album somewhere in his discography uh i think it's a bit too soon for that it is i don't think i'm able to do that 72 hours after release.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I'm still digesting. I'm still picking up, pardon me, new things as I continue to listen. This is a very layered album. It's very sophisticated. A lot to consume, a lot to digest. So let's, before we even get into that, I'll give Rory like 3% credit, only 3% credit, because as soon as it was introduced that no ID had anything to do with this project, I think a lot of people who know no ID could assume that this is the type of project we're going to get. But Rory stepped down the ledge and said it a few, what was it, maybe a month?
Starting point is 00:12:06 Something like that. Somewhere around there before this album dropped. So let's take a moment and give Rory his credit. I think Trey could give me 20 minutes of hits. That's my condition. Yo, wait. Hold on. That's your intro.
Starting point is 00:12:16 That's not right. This is the intro for you to get some credit. It's a nice holiday podcast. And I want to just- You and I are friends again. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is what's going to happen? Yeah. No, listen. It's important that holiday podcast. And I want to just. You and I are friends again. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is what's going to happen. Yeah, so I mean, no, listen.
Starting point is 00:12:27 It's important that you get credit. I never get credit when I start guessing shit. So I want to be able to give credit. No, this podcast guesses a lot of shit. I know. We don't get credit for anything. Well, no. It was the same thing.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Oh, for the back story. I said that this will be the most personal Jay-Z album ever. We will get a look into Jay's actual personal life. Vulnerability, not song cry personal. Because he was still the man at the-Z album ever. We will get a look into Jay's actual personal life. Vulnerability, not song cry personal, because he was still the man at the end of the song. But I didn't think there was anything left. Like with Lemonade, Beyonce had did the pop star shit. She had did the I'm a sexual being album.
Starting point is 00:12:58 All that was left was personal life. And Hov has literally done everything. And when you're at stardom like that, you kind of have to just checklist what have I not done yet. I.e. that's why we get shitty fucking double discs from some of our favorite rappers. Not Jay, I'm saying. I will not allow you. Off the checklist of the things you haven't done when you're that fucking great.
Starting point is 00:13:17 And personal life is something we've never gotten from Hov. And he's old enough in a space to do it where it's okay. Because he's a family man. All of that would have been applicable during the Magna Carter album as well. And we still got that album. I don't know if he was ready for that at that time. Because he was still very much business, business, business. And of course, I do think the Lemonade album, I know people will say, oh, it's just a marketing thing.
Starting point is 00:13:44 I still think that triggered a lot of putting this personal shit out. I don't know if we're getting 444 without Lemonade. I don't think Jay has to admit anything. The song or the album? The song. Okay. Because while vulnerability and Hov's personal life was... I mean, he could come out and just say it.
Starting point is 00:14:03 And say what? There was always rumors That that type of Behavior was going on After the elevator show There have been rumors With Hov And women For the duration
Starting point is 00:14:12 Of Hov's career I know That's why I'm saying You can still get that song But None that he's ever chosen To really give a fuck about Or acknowledge either
Starting point is 00:14:20 By the way Well Hov's Whole career Has been great Because he doesn't have to Acknowledge little shit like that. So this is a tad bit different and it's so personal
Starting point is 00:14:28 that I kind of even feel weird even talking about it. Well, yeah. But, okay, so you were saying, all right, so you don't know if we get a 444 without lemonade. I'm inclined to agree. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And I think within that, I think 444 sparked off that personal shit, which you then get the kill Jay-Z. I think he gets in the vulnerable mode of his mother and her sexuality. Like, I think that was the catalyst to spark. Like, all right, let me just go in this direction and get everything off my fucking chest. Wait, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:14:56 Are you giving your full album analysis? No, I'm just the direction of where things were going. Because that's not that's just half the theme, though. Because you could still get the Financial Freedom album. He touched on that a little bit with Magna Carta. But, I mean, the second half of Jay-Z being vulnerable is, hey, guys, let's own our shit. So those are the two main themes to me. Okay, I want to be on record. Well, I'm on record already, but I'll say it again.
Starting point is 00:15:23 I hated that Magna Carta album. It just wasn't a great album. I've been on record saying that Timbaland as a hip-hop producer isn't my favorite, so I'm not big on Timbo from just hip-hop. I love his pop and R&B. I think it's phenomenal. I don't even know if I have Magna Carta on my computer. I do.
Starting point is 00:15:44 It's got some joints in it. I maybe just have the—no, that's what I'm saying. I just have the songs that I like from that album, which is not very many. I think what came from that album was the Samsung deal. Like a lot of things to get Hove to do something, there has to be another incentive other than music. Even though I think with this one, the incentive was music. Magna Carta was let me do this Samsung deal.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Let me push forward with my own company, Rock Nation, because that was a step forward for him. He's still doing all of that here too. I know, but I think the incentive with just having no ID, just having these samples, it wasn't overly produced. It was produced perfect, in my opinion. Magna Carta might have been a little overly produced. It was focused a lot. Magna Carta was doing been a little overly produced. It was focused a lot.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Magna Carta was doing too much. That's what I'm saying. It was a lot. I don't know if it was. I think the incentive for this was just to talk. I got a lot to say. Okay, so let's start there. I didn't, you know, after maybe my eighth listen,
Starting point is 00:16:40 I stopped even feeling like he was rapping at all. No. I felt like it was like a battle rap, but without a battle. He just talking to me. He was just kicking it. He was just talking, right? And, you know, I have so many different takes about this album, so I'm going to forget some of them, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:17:00 But, you know, at first, part of why this is so beautiful, and this is, I don't know if this is a hot take, or if this is a northeast type of thing, but for a long time, I think in the late 90s era, in New York anyway, with Hov, Big, really Rockefeller and Bad Boy, there's a large group of people in New York that deemed that era of hip-hop responsible for Black Girl Lost by Nas, for a lot of the stereotypical ways that our people think today. New Slaves, Kanye, All Falls Down, Kanye.
Starting point is 00:17:53 When we heard Hov and Puff and Big and Mase and everybody saying, you know, TVs in the headrests,les of this You know just the imagery And I don't want to dwell too much on that Because this may be a little known thing But to hear Jay go from That hove And bookmark this His career with this hove
Starting point is 00:18:19 Where you're correcting So many of Of the False fucking ideas That you put out. Yeah. But again, hip-hop being so young, we never saw hip-hop age. We've never seen a rapper age the way Hov. I mean, we have our KRSs, but not actively the way Hov is.
Starting point is 00:18:41 No one has aged as gracefully as Hov, which is why at 47, 48 years old, we still want to hear an entire Hov album. I can't name any of his peers in that age group that that remains true for. Yeah. Who? Well, no, I said on Twitter, Hov is the greatest and is not even close. I can't think of anyone of it being close. And I'm not just talking about rapping,
Starting point is 00:19:13 rappity, rap, rap, rap. Like Eminem, of course, if you print out the lyrics, it's the greatest shit ever. Nobody will ever outnumber Eminem. But as far as the discography and everything that he's done at this age? Everything.
Starting point is 00:19:27 It's beyond music is, I think, the point with Hov. The example that he has set in business, in family even. Yeah. Like he said, quite a few examples. So it hit me on that level, right? One. Two, it was like a fucking reminder. What a slap in the face reminder to, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:56 I get tired of sitting on that complex fucking show and saying, it's just not for me. It's just not for me. It's just not for me. It's just not for me. It's just not for me. It's just not for me. It's just not for me. Every fucking album and shit that comes out, which I understand why people label me a hater, because if you just say it's not for me to everything,
Starting point is 00:20:16 well, nigga, what's for you? Well, it was funny because I think a lot of things you've been getting killed for on Everyday Struggle this past six months was on that Hov album. But here's the thing. Hov is very good at wording things like the nose ring shit with Pac. Like, all right, old guys, Pac still had a nose ring too, so let's give these kids a little bit of a break. But he also was the one that said, take the money off your fucking ear.
Starting point is 00:20:41 We don't call that money over here. That's still saying y'all are acting like fucking idiots, but it's saying it in a way that you're not berating or screaming at somebody. My delivery leaves much to be desired. But you're passionate, so that's where that comes from. But you know what? I want to get into my genius at some point on this podcast,
Starting point is 00:21:01 and I'm not starting it there, even though you're correct and I agree with you. I'm starting it at Idles, and I'm talking about that later, but let's stick to Homeboy. So it was a stark reminder of the hip-hop that I enjoy, the hip-hop that I enjoy. The hip hop that I love. So often, as we age, you know, you said it earlier,
Starting point is 00:21:29 as we age in hip hop, you know, we've all seen it with our older uncle or older cousin or older somebody where they come and they complain
Starting point is 00:21:38 about the current hip hop. We normally age out of hip hop. We grow out of hip-hop. So to hear a nigga rap such mature content immediately brings me to, I've said, all right, he has made his Common Sense album that he always wanted to make. Because he got to that point where he can. He made it.
Starting point is 00:22:06 He can. He don't care. There's nothing more to accomplish. Brings me back to a talk I had with Em, which will remain between Em and I. But it was a loaded question where I said, you know, I was just thinking, as MCs and rappers, we all aspire to reach the top. So when you look around at the top and you see all that that comes with, do you have what it takes?
Starting point is 00:22:35 Do you still want to be there? Having it all means having it all. Really look at Hov's career and Em's career, and I use them two because Puff's career, but I'm sticking to artists here. Really, really put a microscope to Hov's career and Em's career, and now ask yourself, would you do it? Could you do it? You know how many times Em has almost killed himself? And on this album.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Do you know that that fucking anger management tour, go talk to some people who were a part of the anger management tour. And I mean, we've always, with Hov too, because we've known Em has always been personal. We know how Em is feeling. Typically every album that comes out, we know what type of headspace Eminem is in and what is going on in his life.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Hov, on the other hand, is always just because he's such a business minded person, has always put himself in a great perception of what's going on in his life and what he's doing. When you start your shit out with Kill Jay-Z and run through all the problems, the top isn't as squeaky clean as it's always looked. I want to get through the sequencing of that album because that's the other thing that really hit me. Kill Jay-Z. All right, so let's do it, even though I had another point that I was making when we started talking about what I... Oh, okay, no.
Starting point is 00:23:57 So back to me understanding why people call me angry and bitter. Let me tell you something. Very early in the game, I realized I did not have anything that it takes. I wanted no parts of all that it takes to be at the top. And it takes a lot. That's why most of these niggas are fucking self-medicating to deal with it. It's not an easy process. Easy process. Which, quick side note, the top ain't it, by the way. You can be happy and have a great life and a more comfortable life.
Starting point is 00:24:40 The way some people's personalities are, the top or what we deem as the top may be way worse than a comfortable life of doing what I want to do and making a good income. I think fans should stop attempting to ridicule artists' success based on what they see. Yeah. That should stop being a thing. I know it ruins a lot of jokes, and jokes are funny. We got to stop doing that. There's too many niggas that are doing great. It's so much money in music. What's his name?
Starting point is 00:25:00 Fucking, not what's his name. Let me not even be stupid, but my memory is bad. Daz Dillinger of Dog Poundound fame was that Daz that did that Daz just posted a picture a few weeks ago of his royalty check it was a lot wait Death Row got royalty Daz has royalties And I'm pretty sure it was Daz If my memory's not failing me like it normally does But he posted just a piece of it I think it was from two songs off of the Doggystyle album And still to this day
Starting point is 00:25:37 He was getting six figures Now, today For added perspective I still get a pretty penny from Pump It Up. Just so we know, just so you know what publishing does for people. We're talking about 15 years later. Yeah, but hip-hop comes from a competitive crabs-in-the-bucket mentality, as everything within that culture is. So they don't see it that way.
Starting point is 00:26:06 But fans are so stupid. If you're not number one, you're not. Just shut up, fans. You don't know shit about shit. But anyway, so now, kill Jay-Z. That struck me immediately because that's therapy talk. Oh, and wait, let me, before I get into this, say that, and here's a little mushy little whack moment.
Starting point is 00:26:30 I felt like the second that, and Rory has some good taste in music, as many of you that listen to this podcast already know. I think when I realized that about Rory was when we bonded, and Rory says a lot of stupid shit I said a lot he says a lot of completely
Starting point is 00:26:48 wrong fuckhead young nigga Henny Palooza stupid he should be way more mature than some of the shit
Starting point is 00:26:56 that he says but you know you can just compliment people you don't have to like double back and shit on them to then
Starting point is 00:27:00 complicate it's a fact it's a fact you just say stupid shit so do you but you say some dumb shit man to then complicate. Because it's a fact. It's a fact. You just say stupid shit. So do you. But, I do say dumb shit.
Starting point is 00:27:12 I want to get a good percentile here. What's the percentage that I say dumb shit? Everybody here, tell me. Come on. Dumb. That you say dumb, dumb shit? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:21 You got a good 30% dumb shit. Uh, no. I was thinking 15. 15, 20. I give you 30. 15, 20. I'll give you 30. 15, 20. You, on the other hand, what's your percentage? Of dumb shit, I say?
Starting point is 00:27:30 Yeah. Define dumb shit. Come on, Steve. Once you got to do that, your percentage is pretty high. I want to know dumb shit. Once you got to start getting... I say a lot of shit just to say to spark conversation. Then that counts.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Because you're one of the few people that I really love to debate with. That counts, though. So sometimes I say some shit to get your mind moving so we can debate if you're just fishing for debate no yeah and I'm not talking about podcast shit you just say dumb shit but one of the brighter things you said we had a moment of bonding over the third verse of you must love me right and then I went on to say on my fucking complex show and we've said here that I think hove is underrated as a lyricist his wordplay i don't think there are very many that that's confusing for for people that aren't savvy i know that how do you how do you how is hove underrated in anything but as a lyricist he
Starting point is 00:28:18 is so rory and i having a conversation about the third verse of You Must Love Me. And just like anybody with common sense who heard that verse, you wanted to hear that Hov album. You wanted to hear the album that Hov was as introspective as that. I put Mama Loves Me there as well. I put Lost Ones there. Super personal He's got a few scattered There Song cry
Starting point is 00:28:50 Love it But it's still the ego Yeah no no no no I'm still the man I'm not gonna cry Yes Jay's been the man his whole career Yeah
Starting point is 00:28:58 And also His whole career He's always taken Whatever niggas thought Was cool and fresh and shitted on it. This time, he's even shitting on the things that he himself wants big upped. Yeah. This is a different guy. So, we're starting at Kill Jay-Z.
Starting point is 00:29:18 That's therapy talk. Destroy and rebuild. All that exists, knock it down. All that you believe, forget about it. Start from scratch. Empty canvas. That's very difficult to do in therapy. I know because I've been in a lot of therapy.
Starting point is 00:29:38 This sounds like Hove has been in some type of therapy somewhere. I don't know if it was. No, he had a line about his therapist in Smile, was it? Hov has been in some type of therapy somewhere. I don't know if it was. No, he had a line about his therapist in Smile, was it? He did say therapist somewhere. You're correct. He also had a lot of lines. That whole, this spiritual shit really works.
Starting point is 00:30:01 To hum into a lot of shit. But Hov has always been. This is different. Well, I'm saying he's always dabbled in religion in and out of his music. He's always kept it at bay because he's a smart person. And if you go super left with religion, you're going to lose a lot of fans. He was very revealing on here. So, Kill Jay-Z, that was telling because, all right, you're starting there.
Starting point is 00:30:26 That's immaculate. Let's get into that a little bit. So now there's the report of Kim Kardashian is angry. Kanye is angry. God forbid. Kanye's lawyer has sent paperwork to title to say, you have breached our contract because we did not get paid. Blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:30:47 There's a whole bunch of legal shit going on. It's playing out ugly. I'm actually happy it's happening because I think maybe Hove's the only one that could get through to Kanye. And I think Hove comes from a school where I did all this for you. You don't publicly bash me. Kanye is an artist. He works on impulse. He works on whatever he's feeling at the moment.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Hove obviously has always thought before he speaks. So I think it was time for him. I can't believe I just did all that for you and now you're on stage. One, talking I got killers, which is always some weird shit. And then just dissing me on stage. I could just let that go. which is always some weird shit, and then just dissing me on stage. I'm not going to just let that go.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Now we rewind back to all of those incidents, and we get to speculate a little bit. Back then, if we find the podcast, and once we do hire an intern, that is going to be that person's sole fucking job to go back and find where we fucking predict all of this fucking fuck shit, right? So when all of that shit was happening, it was very telling then that Kanye was going on rant saying, you can only buy this on Tidal. He was a Tidal spokesperson.
Starting point is 00:32:00 He was going in the L.A. club saying Tidal, Tidal, Tidal. Everything was Tidal, Tidal title, title, title. Everything was title, title, title, title. And he was finishing shows and then it became, then he was bigging up Drake and it was that two week period where they were releasing a joint project.
Starting point is 00:32:18 That was weird to me. I'm just giving you the timeline. Tweeting that, I mean of course, Kanye never keeps his mind the same, but tweeting I'm only putting my shit timeline tweeting that I mean of course you know Kanye never keeps his mind the same but tweeting I'm only putting my shit on title that's it forever and then a week later it's on Apple Music it's like all right fam you're kind of playing because now how Jay introduced title was it was amongst it was for the artists it was for us we were controlling it and Kanye being a big staple there and someone who I put on wouldn't be where he
Starting point is 00:32:45 was today without me not to take away from Kanye's um talent stop playing with my new company you're making us look nuts publicly we're supposed to be like family and you have you're making me look nuts you hit by you going from one streaming service to the next uh fucking with people that clearly i don't like and then you get on stage and say some shit and this is coming off of the the the drama with that drake record yeah where he put the whole verse yeah so i'm just contextualizing how i how i interpret all of this right so then somewhere in that rant, Kanye was saying, there's enough money for everybody, Apple and Tidal. And that told us a lot. See, if you're savvy and you kind of understand
Starting point is 00:33:38 and you're just paying attention, the music business will tell you everything that their smoking may smoking mirrors attempting to hide some some niggas they just can't hold it Kanye can't hold it no but and I think Jay has always known that and he said that but I think he always thought in the back of his mind he Kanye's not that stupid to try to embarrass me. Now, wait. Let me give some more background here for those that don't know. Jay wanted nothing to do with Kanye way back.
Starting point is 00:34:17 So, I mean, let's not forget that. Jay wasn't signing Kanye. He wasn't keeping Kanye. He wasn't championing Kanye. All right. And people always say that shit, but it's like they weren't friends at the time. Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong.
Starting point is 00:34:34 And also, I want to, again, people know I'm a Kanye, huge, huge Kanye fan. I know when he says, I played them Jesus Walks and they want to sign me. Go back and listen to the demo of Jesus Walks. It wasn't good. All right. It wasn't the same song. Pause for two seconds remember this conversation so i don't forget so we're in a jersey i'm in a jersey club in 2002
Starting point is 00:34:51 no i wasn't there i want to say 2001 i'm in a jersey club elvia shout out to elvia first lady l she had booked this event front of of the show. I was performing there. El would be great to be the only one to. I was already running late for this performance. Only Focus was out, but Focus had me on Superfire in New Jersey. So I get there, and they're telling me I already only have 10 minutes to perform, and that wasn't the type of artist that I was. I wasn't rocking with that.
Starting point is 00:35:25 So I'm rushing to the stage so this packed house could fucking see me, and then Elvia comes, and she says, yo, Kanye is here. He said he's got some songs, and he wants to go on and rock before you. I said, Kanye the producer? She said, yeah. I said, Kanye the producer? She said, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:49 I said, no. Naturally. It was a packed house. And they were telling me that I had 10 minutes to perform. And Kanye is there looking like that Kanye with the old pol perform, and Kanye is there looking like that Kanye with the old polos, button to the top,
Starting point is 00:36:09 Louis Vuitton back, it was that. But what I'm telling you, my point in saying this is, what eventually broke him and made him a megastar, it wasn't so believable for everybody when he was coming up to you and saying, hey, I have songs that I'm rapping on. And his approach was always like, I don't know if you and saying, hey, I have songs that I'm rapping on. And his approach was always like, I don't know if you heard the Ross story.
Starting point is 00:36:28 They was on some video shoot, and Ross wasn't even Ross yet. Kanye was just like, let me executive produce your whole album. No, I didn't hear that. Yo, fam, you know what? Just go ahead. Just close the door.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Just close the door, man. It's fine. Jesus, man. But he would approach people with these psychotic things, and typically people that are that nuts don't have the talent to back it. Kanye eventually had the talent to back it. But running into people that are already on and saying those things is going to rub you the wrong way, like get this person away from me.
Starting point is 00:37:01 So that's why when people say, oh, I'm rocking with Hov, Hov wasn't even really the one that should have been, he was at the top of his career. Dame, as he did, was in the office and could focus on those things. So when people was like,
Starting point is 00:37:15 Hov played Kanye, nah. I'm not going to say that. Yeah, no, no, no. I don't think he did. That's not the point of me bringing it up, but what I'm saying is,
Starting point is 00:37:22 I mean, are we seeing the origin of this relationship just play out publicly now finally yeah there's been the rumors of uh they don't fuck with kardashians i mean depending on how deep we want to delve into this there's a lot of context and i i can't of course we can't speculate on exactly what their friendship is. But if you look at Jay-Z, he's been surrounded by the same people he grew up with, sold drugs with. He's had that same tight crew forever. Even through a breakup of his company with Dame, he stayed with his very close-knit friends who all, from what I know, are very level-headed people.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Kanye is an erratic fucking person who didn't grow up with him. So granted, they could have spent mad time together. There's still something missing there where they're two totally different people. And the older you get, you tend to just stay around people that behave and think similar to you. And how Jay-Z and Beyonce protect their brand, the complete opposite, still successful, but complete opposite is Kanye and Kim Kardashian. Yes. So there will be some split.
Starting point is 00:38:30 And then there were the reports. I mean, I hate to just keep dumping reports on top of reports here. But then there were the rumors of Kanye felt the way that Hov did not attend his wedding. Oh, did he not? I didn't look at the recap of the TV show. Hov wasn't there, really? I didn't look at it either, but, I mean, that was the report. Oh, I thought Hov did.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Oh, yeah, that's a little odd. That's definitely a lie. I mean, when you're making a spectacle and it's on TV, Hov is not the one that's running to a reality TV show. Fam, I'm not going to be mad if one of you niggas don't come to my wedding. I'll be mad if I had to pay for the reception plate
Starting point is 00:39:08 and then one of you niggas didn't show up because then that's a little different. But if y'all ain't coming then y'all just ain't coming. I've never been that guy. Yeah, I haven't either.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Right? I'm cool. Am I not? Yeah, yeah. But we're talking about Kanye West. Yeah, so I can see it. I can see it.
Starting point is 00:39:23 I can see it. I'm just saying there's a lot in this relationship. More will be revealed, I guess. So then we get into the story of OJ. Wow. I'm not done with Kill Jay-Z. Oh, let's hear more.
Starting point is 00:39:36 The Unn situation. They spilled it all. We all know that that happened. Most of us know. most of us know most of us it was interesting to me because Hove has always held that in the rapper sense that yeah I'm a rapper but I'll still do this street shit which is the mentality of rap music in the past however many fucking years I him pulling back and saying your excuse was he was talking too reckless,
Starting point is 00:40:06 let your ego go over your right shoulder. Hov was saying that shit was corny, which was also interesting to see someone who has been the guy that says,
Starting point is 00:40:14 I'm a rapper, but I'm a real street dude. I just happen to rap. Finding that some of his street behavior was probably not the best idea and it was just
Starting point is 00:40:23 some ego shit and it wasn't him even being a tough guy. Well, in therapy therapy they teach you get over yourself get get over you that is the first thing you have to do so the fact that he made it a point like you said here to point out how he had the ego is just everywhere all over his career, and all of this shit everywhere. And now because of that, he's able to see it, see that manifest in others as well. You know, I say all the time, and I only go back to me because I've been in therapy my whole fucking life,
Starting point is 00:40:57 but I say all the time that, you know, if you attend therapy enough, it's going to really fuck you up Cause you just Gonna start to assess Everything Really fucking therapeutic It's gonna It's gonna change The way you assess The way you interpret
Starting point is 00:41:13 The way you digest shit So this whole shit This whole song Jay is known for amazing intros Yeah And here we are again The you egged Salon on Known all along You could have just said you was wrong.
Starting point is 00:41:27 That was funny to me because and you as well. We know Hove is a very witty person. So I'm picturing when that argument is happening, Hove is doing what you do and what I do a lot in arguments is be condescending. Pretend like you don't give a shit about what they're saying. Yeah. And I think Hove's wittiness finally ran its course and really fucked up what was going on. I love Solange. He's a sweet guy. And I just think that's not said enough. Solange and her fucking Afrocentric-ass husband and family and everything.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Oh, I love it. I like that they live in New Orleans. I like the whole thing. Yeah. If my baby wasn't Spanish, I would try to emulate that. I got to do like a Spanish version of Powerful Black and El Salvadorian. Send us all types of shit. You saw the tweet of the picture of Hov and Slaunch coming out the fucking elevator.
Starting point is 00:42:19 And it was like three amazing albums came out of one elevator. 100%. They bodied the year. That one elevator incident. So I also told my mom, all right, wait, time out from assessing Ho's album. Rory's been trying to be extra mature since the release of the album. Of course. He came to my house talking about he's mending things with his family.
Starting point is 00:42:41 He's fucking doing all types of responsible maturation. I'm like, who is this guy anyway? What else happened funny? Oh, I also told my mom that I'm not ready to be that generation of person in the family. You know, like, Hov is facing us with all this lineage, generational shit, so you kind of just got to come to reality with all this shit. I don't know if I'm ready for that, man. Where are you in your lineage?
Starting point is 00:43:12 Who's the youngest since under you? Jimmy Rose, my little sister, because Pop just can't fucking. Pop is crazy, man. But, yeah, that would be the youngest. She's two. And my grandparents are no longer. God bless their souls. Be my mom.
Starting point is 00:43:37 From my sister to my... And you don't need to say her age, obviously. Yeah, I wouldn't. My mom, I don't even know how old my mom is. I mean, if you're being 100% honest. Hi, Mom. She keeps it a secret from everybody that should know. I mean, from everyone that should know.
Starting point is 00:43:49 I never understand it. My mom is a, your parents are just parents, man. She's going to diva her way. Well, shit, if you got a two-year-old there, you a couple steps up in that lineage. You're not really the middle. That's what I'm saying. I don't know if I'm ready for all of that. Honestly.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Hov's album was too much of a reality check for shit. So he goes from Kill Jay-Z to the story of OJ, which, again, a lot of layers here.
Starting point is 00:44:16 So you start this with I'm not black, I'm OJ, and of course, Sin turns around immediately and says, did this nigga really say that? I said, which nigga? She said OJ, and of course, Sin turns around immediately and says, did this nigga really say that? I said, which nigga?
Starting point is 00:44:28 She said, OJ. Yeah. I said, yeah. That was a big thing. So that's how I came in with the song. Before the song, I had to bring the song back because, yeah, OJ said that shit and meant that shit. So now I bring the song back
Starting point is 00:44:46 He continues to tell us How stupid we all are And how stupid y'all all sound How stupid he has sounded in his career Guess what? You still a nigga You still a nigga All of you
Starting point is 00:45:00 Me too He starts there And he just starts bugging. But another thing we don't see from Hov, because he said these things before about our business not being up to par with his. But he ended it with saying, I could have bought a place in Dumbo for $2 million. Now it's $25 million. How do I feel, Dumbo? So it's a lot of responsibility, too, of where my probably priorities have been within business.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Boy, did that hit me because, you know, I had to console my mom. I had to console my mom and talk her off the ledge a few years ago because, you know, and her trying to and us trying to purchase her place, you know, we've purchased property. But now trying to purchase her place, she was beating herself up over what it cost in 93, 94 versus what it costs now. I'm sure it's a lot of people in Brooklyn that relate. I'm sure it's a lot of people in Edgewater, Jersey City, that relate. Jersey City is in New Brooklyn. There's a few places in Hoboken, there's a few places that, you know, niggas is waking
Starting point is 00:46:10 up and beating themselves the fuck up because they didn't buy sooner. Yeah, but even back to the OJ shit, the Jews have had that capital for so long, when they see that, they could quickly buy it up in Jersey City. And while some disenfranchised people didn't have, they had to rent. I only can come up with $1,200 a month. I can't come up with a mortgage. Well, it's all in the planning. And again, right before this album came out, I don't know how I ended up talking. This album smacked me in the face on so many different levels. Right before this album came out, I was talking, it was me, Sinem, and Trey, and I was saying, I forgot what he was talking about, but I
Starting point is 00:46:51 was saying, it's the planning. My son lacks planning, and I will not allow it, because in so many black households, that's where the Koreans have us beat. That's where the whites have us beat very early on. The infrastructure is different. So they're teaching you about the importance of credit. They're teaching you about the importance of purchasing. They're teaching you, you know, the priority list is a bit different. It was refreshing to hear this from a rap album. Yeah, especially from someone that's made things so cool for so long.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Like, wow. Let's make not taking advances cool. Hey, this is how we can stop being niggers. That was powerful. Coming right off of therapy time, Kill Jay-Z. You smacking me around, Hov. You giving it to me. Then you get in the smile. Pause if applicable for all of this. Smile is right back to therapy still. Therapy teaches you be proud of all that has occurred.
Starting point is 00:48:06 There's a reason it occurred. You're the product of it all. Embrace it. All that you were ashamed of, it cannot be used as a weapon against you, your truths, if you own it. So he starts this smile shit with his mother's fucking secrets. What? Wait. Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:48:30 Are you kidding me here? I'm just telling y'all how the album was hitting me. I don't know how other people was listening to it. Back to, and we really only know so much about Gloria Carter. He's kind of kept that at bay as well. I mean, obviously, December 4th, we had her voice on there. He's been private forever. Like, to move, the first real thing we're hearing about his mother is this.
Starting point is 00:48:53 That's what I'm saying. So really, actually, fuck all of that. Let's put that to the side for a second, because that's not the first thing that hit me. The first thing that hit me was, we go from the story of of OJ and you fucking write no ID in Jay-Z. The first thing I want to hear after that is Stevie Wonder. Let's start there. Let's start there.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Stevie Wonder. Come on, man. No idea is different, dog. No idea. No idea. Don't y'all think for one second that the sequencing and every sound in this motherfucker was not well thought out and planned. Yeah. I want to hear Stevie Wonder there. And I think if I have to go back to the article, if 444 was one of the first records recorded. No ID knowing what Hov was about to say on this. Let me just put the easy samples and the drum kicks that he can talk on.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Let me not overproduce, because No I.D. can overproduce. And I mean that in a good way. From R&B to hip-hop, I think him letting this just go back and have the lower production was better. I don't know if he's so much overproducers in hip-hop. R&B, I hear it a lot. And I don't mean bad overproducing when I'm speaking about No I.D. But like D.O.A. wasn't overly produced. It was actually just some great drums and a great horn.
Starting point is 00:50:13 So there's an interview rolling around that No I.D. did. If you search for it, if you're interested in these type of things like I am, where he's saying how inspired he was, and he's talking about the culmination of this project, and he starts talking about a Quincy Jones quote that inspired him, that he was just baffled by. And he said they asked Quincy Jones what does he think about the state of music. Young people, if you don't know the genius that Quincy Jones is,
Starting point is 00:50:42 then just pause the podcast and Google it. He's the greatest producer of all time. Yeah. So they asked Quincy Jones about what he thinks of the climate of music, and his response was four-bar loops. And No I.D. started saying how that just blew him away, so he wanted to be greater. And that was really the theme across the whole album was I want to be greater. I want to inspire Hov to be greater. Before I read this interview, if you ever met No I.D., though, then it don't take but about five minutes around No I.D. to get No I.D.
Starting point is 00:51:18 No I.D., much like me, comes off quick. He comes off very quick very fast he's normally one of the smarter people in the room if not the smartest very unique very blunt pushes the fucking envelope he's very left so you know when i tweeted that before i read any shit when I tweeted I could just hear just in the content I could imagine the conversations between no idea and Jay Z and guru and whoever the fuck was in the studio I could just imagine it absolutely it sounds like it it sounds like it to quickly stay on no ID I was happy just because I'm a huge no ID fam we know how great no ideas but when you
Starting point is 00:52:02 start bringing up the greatest producer conversations, you always get in your Pharrell's, your Timbo's, your Swizzy, Kanye, Pete Rock, Premiere. No I.D.'s usually left off that shit. And I think this was his project that puts him in that conversation for casual fans. Again. I think this gives his just, he could never do this album ever.
Starting point is 00:52:23 And he'd still, to me, be one of the greatest producers. But this, I think, finally, that was that one moment that he got that was like, all right, I have this for the casual fan to put me in that conversation. Because Jay-Z did, I mean, come on, Jay-Z did an album just with one producer? That in itself is weird. That's different.
Starting point is 00:52:42 He's never done that. And I get that that's the trend, and it's been the trend lately, but, you know. Not when you have access to literally every producer in the world, and they're begging to work with you. But again, again, you know, Sin was asking me to explain the different, you know, she was asking me to explain to her what a producer is supposed to do versus what a producer does. And she was saying, I was speaking to No ID's genius, and she was asking me why more people don't speak his name that way. I said, you can't because you can't buy a No ID beat.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Yeah. That's why. Well, he's an executive producer at the end of the day before he is a producer. But he's so immaculate that you cannot go to him for one beat. No, you got it. That's what I'm saying. When you go to him, it usually is for bulk. He's not even wasting his time with you.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Like, that's the type of nigga he is. So, but man man is he different even when he was towards the peak of his career after the big kanye rico sign and them getting back together he went and did cocaine 80s like he does shit he wants to do it's not yeah cocaine 80s i would love to hear more music from if no idea is listening yeah no idea might be listening that's the type of nigga he is it was great if he was um i'd love to hear more from cocaine 80s no idea also uh is the and i don't i didn't fact check this so i don't know the correct titling but he's the boss at capitol now too yeah the president he is the president at Capitol
Starting point is 00:54:25 that made me pretty proud that somebody at Capitol knows music there's somebody over there he was at
Starting point is 00:54:34 Def Jam when he called Def Jam at the wrong time it was just it was a mess Def Jam has been a mess for the last however many years
Starting point is 00:54:42 so I don't think he could rock the way he wanted to rock over there. But I still think he did well with good music and everything around that. But, yeah, I'm happy he's out of there. Frank Ocean record. My least favorite on here.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Not a skip to me, but my least favorite. What do you think of it? Love it. Love it again. Did not love it on first listen because I had to hear what was happening. I had to consume it. The bop confused me with the content at first. It just threw me off.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Once I knew what was happening, I loved it. I love it when it comes on. I love the change of pace. I'm going to give it some more. But off the first ten, I was like, all right, that's the one that I might skip. And then we get to the crux of the album. We get to the meat and the potatoes. We get to the title track.
Starting point is 00:55:35 I mean, do we even have to say anything here? Honestly, really? What the fuck? You and I were having this conversation to intro into this. You look at Hove as a peer. Yes. I'm 27. Hove to me is Superman.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Like he's not human to me. Kendrick, Cole, Drake, those to me are peers. We're around the same age. Same walk of life. Hove, he's fucking Superman to me our peers were around the same age same walk of life hove he's he's fucking super mad to me so to see him become clark kent was weird like i know we're talking about the human shit but this is beyond his vulnerability to see that's like that's like watching your dad cry for the first time that's how deep i'll take how how my generation was raised on Hove and how we look at him. To see him do this is unreal.
Starting point is 00:56:33 And I'm happy it happened this late, though, because I don't know how I would have rocked with it when I was 17. I don't know if your generation was raised off Hove. I think you might be the exception. What are you... And not the rule. Come on, what are you talking about? Yeah, of course. I'm not rolling.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Who else is in your generation? Low-key? How old is Low? Low is more your age than mine. Don't try to just attach yourself to the cool generation. You might be the wave right after Hove. But that same era, the era that you came in was the era that my generation really started to get into music. Everyone.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Blueprint is old one. You still miss some good critical hove. I mean, Black Album was probably the peak of when my generation was like, I live and die. I think there are few in your generation that are like you that really just get it. Like, there's a few niggas that understand Mike and his greatness. A lot of these niggas missed it. But still, same shit.
Starting point is 00:57:34 It's nothing to fucking, I agree. But your point. But no, yeah, just to that, to see someone that you literally look at as a superhero was really fucking odd. I've never seen my dad cry. That was the point that I was trying to make. I just forgot it fucking odd. I've never seen my dad cry. That was the point that I was trying to make. I just forgot it.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Yeah, I've never seen my dad cry. I've never thought about that. But my dad's never hit me either. Oh, well, you pussy, so. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, whatever. You probably would have called the cops. That's kind of dope that my dad's never hit me.
Starting point is 00:58:04 I don't know if i could hit my my kid either that would hurt i get it i get dads that don't hit their sons but hit their daughters no well your daughter your daughter and this is what i hear i don't know because i don't have a daughter but your daughter should should uh revere you a bit more than your son your son at some point is going to want to fight you and of course take you your daughter is going to be the one to take care of you while you are on your way out of here your son is going to be in the park your son is going to be doing whatever he's doing. That's where the term daddy's little girl comes from. So, yeah, I want to get taken care of on my way out. I don't want some little fucking, no.
Starting point is 00:58:51 It's funny. Well, right back. Shouldn't we be thinking about this stuff with hoes out and dropping? Yeah. He said in the first. God damn it. The first board. Took for my child being born to see through a woman's eyes.
Starting point is 00:59:00 So right back, full circle. So he comes on with how much of a womanizer he's been how he needed a daughter born how wow what if your daughter doesn't look at you like superman anymore and she finds out that santa claus is fake and you read online because the reality is that kids can read online now yeah you know my kid was reading online when saigon was calling them all types of faggots online because the reality is that kids can read online now. Yeah. You know, my kid was reading online when Saigon was calling them all types of faggots. Like, kids can read.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Yeah. They can see these things. And if they're not, their friends are definitely coming to them. Yeah, 100%. I had to step to my, every time I do some fucking wild shit and it blows up online, I got to call my kid and say, all right, what's the temperature? You good over there? They're not giving you no Migos pressure over there in school? Our kids are affected.
Starting point is 00:59:50 We at that age. Damn, poor Trey. Drake, Migos, Yachty, like all the people I imagine all his friends love. Yeah, but my kid is like me, so he hates everybody and he don't want to talk. Well, I've listened to music with Trey. I know the type of music he listens to, and it's not that. I don't care what you niggas is talking about. He's great.
Starting point is 01:00:11 Yeah, there's nothing really to say about 4-4-4. For him to tie it together, again, what we kind of were speculating at with the elevator incident with Lemonade, they bodied, the Carters bodied the infidelity game. And they, like, they bodied, the Carters bodied the infidelity game. I mean, I hate to say it that way, but the Carters are like our fucking Kennedys. Yeah. And the Carters.
Starting point is 01:00:44 I mean, Beyonce came out and gave you all of the women's shit. All of the women's struggle. But it also went the other way The forgiving route Because Lemonade in itself Wasn't too I mean there's been Albums where women Forgive their man
Starting point is 01:00:56 But not in the sense In the story that it was told And being Beyonce And the person she's referring to Is Jay-Z I am finished with Women crying about cheating men It's over, ladies.
Starting point is 01:01:06 All of the women that stay and stick around win. They win. Beyonce stayed. She stayed through it. She won. Kobe's wife cried for a few months. That big-ass ring helped. I'm sorry, Sam.
Starting point is 01:01:20 What do you want me to do? She stayed. Gabby. Oh, my God. Gabby and Dwayne Wade are goals. Lala is holding out to make it look a little bit better. Lala is doing reports on Bravo updating us about her husband's trade status. She's saying, oh, he might leave.
Starting point is 01:01:38 It's real, y'all. He might go to Houston. Like, ladies, all that old crying. But wait. Houston. Like, ladies, all that old crime. But wait, so now this, if we want to really tackle a much bigger, a much bigger topic here, whatever, Sam, I don't care. Honestly, let's tackle the bigger issue here. The bigger issue here, and I say this all the time is what are you willing to tolerate in your relationship like if you run at the first fucking sign of trouble then i mean what the fuck is it worth now i'm not saying to have a baby on the side like d wade did and d wade is really a great individual but shit i was talking
Starting point is 01:02:22 to my girl about that too let's pretend a nigga goes and he has a baby on his side, but he checks off every other fucking check, all your checkpoints. He checks them all off. Now you gotta think about going out in the field. Yeah, starting from scratchy. Hey,
Starting point is 01:02:40 this is real shit. Women stay out of convenience sometimes. Let's talk about it. Hov's album is making me want to be therapeutic. And on top of that, women have a type and the type of men that they like. They're going to move on to someone that probably has similar qualities to that. Hey, if you don't stay with your man and just hope that he ain't really going to be so active in the kid's life. I can tell you something. Hey, that nigga,
Starting point is 01:03:07 hey, that girl D-Wade had that baby with, she was shining for all of two days before they fucking relationship gold pictured us out of, they got rid of that.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Then the slaycation came. Oh yeah, they was bodying that shit. Ladies, I don't want to hear about that cheating shit no more, honestly. Oh man. For real, I don't. And I'm that cheating shit no more Honestly Oh man For real
Starting point is 01:03:25 I don't And I'm not saying that Being on the side is bad But even in the song When he says I never wanted another woman To know something about you That you didn't know
Starting point is 01:03:33 Sting That's Yep sting I'm at that point of maturity That's when you confide Emotionally within somebody Now you've cheated You've really cheated
Starting point is 01:03:45 oh man hove you first hove hove first of all what are you gonna fucking go pillow talk with the side chick about what what's going on with beyonce that's that's where you got to step back and say i'm i'm cheating i'm at that point because men can be men and move the fuck on and run through i'm not saying it's right or wrong. I'm just saying what it is. A man can do that. But the moment you start treating her a certain way, confiding to her, you're now over
Starting point is 01:04:14 that line. That's what scares me about cheating. At some point in your 30s, you manage to have a heart and a conscience and you're like, listen, man, chicks can't know nothing that my girl don't know. You know what this reminded me of, which I hope sees the light of day? That Royce verse from the Slaughterhouse.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Oh, what a verse. One of the better Royce verses. I'm actually kind of mad. I hope people, if it does come out, don't think Royce biting off hove. Because Royce did that shit mad long ago. Royce is out here kicking ass. Stop playing footsies with me under the table. Fucker.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Royce is out here kicking ass with Bar Examotsies with me under the table Fucker Royce is out here kicking ass with Bar Exam 4 And yes, that verse is amazing One of the more amazing Royce verses If that's even like a real statement Yeah And I'd love to hear it as well But, alright, let's finish running through Oh my god
Starting point is 01:04:57 Alright, Family Feud I think my favorite on the album Right now it's between Family Feud or Marcy Me. Because I don't even count the title track and Kill Jay-Z. Those are in their own category. Family Feud is different. The beat is different. The content is different.
Starting point is 01:05:18 I wanted to ask the guests that we could have had. So I'll just ask you. Is that a sample when Hov is rapping, is that a sample and then Beyonce made her pitch similar to the sample for the hook? Or did they sample Beyonce?
Starting point is 01:05:35 I think they sampled Beyonce. But when he's rapping, it sounds too crisp. It sounds like a sample cut. It doesn't sound like the warm feeling it is on the hook. I think Beyonce may have matched her pitch to that sample. Yeah, but when they drop the beat out and they kind of play with her background vocals and then the sample or what we think is the sample comes back and it's exactly the same. That's why I say that.
Starting point is 01:06:04 I mean, and I don't know. So when we have our guest, we could ask, but I'd like to know that Beyonce's bodied the fuck out of this. She sounds fucking angelic on that shit. No ID bodied the fuck out of this. Hov killed this. Addressed it again. He addressed everything he said on 444
Starting point is 01:06:28 onto Family Feud, the next one. Yeah. Well, I mean, that's kind of like a reoccurring theme here and there throughout this album. But wait, let's go back to the story of OJ really quickly. Do we care about Future putting the picture to his ear, the money to his ear on Snapchat?
Starting point is 01:06:48 No, but I think it's sad because... No, there's a disconnect. We don't call that money over here. That's the story of OJ. No, I'm saying I think he did that because of the... Not the Future shot, it was just the wordplay. And the Future other niggas playing football with your son.
Starting point is 01:07:04 It was for Hov saying, I don't want the future of my mistakes with my wife football with your son it was it was for hove saying i don't want the future of my mistakes with my wife yeah i don't think that was a diss it was just good word play yeah future got a chill so but with that i think it just made future look stupid because you kind of missed the entire point of what hove was saying and somebody who we've all just seen what he's going through with his contract and the money he owes back and he's rushing these things so he can pay off other people and hove is saying hey let's stop taking advances and stop letting labels take advantage of us oh man and then future knowing all that and all the great things that hove is trying to teach then goes you ain't got the juice
Starting point is 01:07:41 and puts money up to his ear and it was like iiggas. And it was like, I don't know if I'm diving too deep into it, but I just thought like, all right, Future, you missed the entire point of what the fuck he was trying to teach y'all. Y'all niggas still taking advances, huh? Me and my niggas taking real chances, huh? He killed you niggas on there. He really killed you niggas. Hey, and if we're going back real quick to get back to Kill Jay-Z, He really killed you niggas Hey and
Starting point is 01:08:05 If we're going back real quick To get back to Kill Jay-Z That whole Stanza That four bar stanza Where he ended with 13 bottles of Ace of Spades Did the Boston
Starting point is 01:08:15 I forgot what he said Right before He was killing that shit Never go Eric Benet The Eric Benet part Was so dope Let me tell you why that was dope. Because, and this is, again, just why Hov is better than everybody.
Starting point is 01:08:34 When you're, in rap it's about, when you're an emcee, it's about how you can get your point off. What are you saying? How are you saying it? Right? off what are you saying how are you saying it right so when he says uh uh they almost wear every day that the best girl in the world getting away so when he says nigga i don't even know what else to say the fact that the next bar literally sounds like even if you try to rap along you'll miss it if you don't do that exact cadence like he sounds like he don't know what else to say yeah I would like to know how many takes it took to get that bar to
Starting point is 01:09:09 sound like that then I don't know what else to say nigga never go Eric yeah that's not a natural no it's not natural that's why I was saying that the syllable use on this album is different it's different that's why I'm like he can write that shit in his head everything on this album is why he was saying that the syllable use on this album is different. It's different. That's why I'm like, he can't write that shit. Everything on this album is why he is greater than the rest of us. On this album, the way that he rhymed words that didn't rhyme, that's another reason that M is better than everybody, too. They rhyme words that don't really rhyme perfectly fine.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Or they'll rhyme the second syllable on each bar, like shit that shouldn't even grammatically make sense. When you listen to Hov and Em, listen to where they're breathing at. It's different. It's all different. Everything about how they do it is fucking different from the smallest things To the fucking biggest things
Starting point is 01:10:06 Alright so Anyway back to Family Feud Family Feud is arguably My favorite track on this album As well Bam I get it That
Starting point is 01:10:15 Ciroc line too Which I encourage I'd be damned if I drink some Belvedere While Puff has Ciroc Yeah Where's my applause button Yeah Round of applause That was great And you know why Also back to Mature Jay-Z and Belvedere while Puff has to rock. Yeah. Where's my applause button? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:26 Round of applause. That was great. And you know why? Also back to mature Jay-Z. We've watched Hove and Puff not diss each other, but we've watched them fight for that number one Forbes spot every single year. It just goes back and forth to them. To then say in that competition,
Starting point is 01:10:42 I'm supporting his business and putting money in his pocket. That's our mentality. It shouldn't be who's fighting for who number one. No more Belvedere that you guys have heard me support for so many years on every song. Cases of Belvedere, they were present. So again, to hear this, you know, this is maturity all over this shit. There's so much perspective on this album. And I guess that's why it hit me so hard.
Starting point is 01:11:07 Because when was the last time we heard a rap album with so much perspective? I have to respect it when an artist like Jay-Z comes out. Because Jay-Z is much more traveled than us. Yes. He's spoken to way many more people. He's been around people way smarter. So I don't take it for granted when when those eyes start to reveal what they have learned from behind those doors that we're not privy to. no I agree you were saying Bam the Damian Marley joint love it yeah Hove needed one through all this
Starting point is 01:11:48 he still needed one of those let me rock out love it even though he's still talking on it I 100% think Hove heard my fucking finger wave
Starting point is 01:11:56 bar at some point and then just bodied an entire verse on different hairstyles which was pretty hard how he did it considering a lot of MCs
Starting point is 01:12:09 have probably had that idea and just didn't do it that great. Yeah. He bodied that. I saw a very funny tweet because it wouldn't be this podcast
Starting point is 01:12:16 if we didn't talk about Drake. Someone said, Jay-Z put a real Jamaican on a track instead of pretending to be one. Yeah, I saw that little tweet going around.
Starting point is 01:12:24 I laughed. You guys got a good kick out of that, huh? Listen, I don't want to break down, you know, well, shit, it ain't but some of the songs left. It's Moonlight, back to similar content on Story of O.J. Yeah, I mean, just the hook. I love the Lauryn Hill sample, but just the chorus in itself. We stuck in la la land even
Starting point is 01:12:45 when we win we gonna lose it's yeah marcy me i think will go down as one of the more important records of his career you said marcy me or moonlight uh marcy me marcy me i i've been this shit has been on repeat it's hip-hop it's literally literally, if I were trying to explain hip-hop to somebody, I might play them that record. I'm still going juicy. Of course. I'm still going juicy. If I have to explain hip-hop to somebody,
Starting point is 01:13:12 I'm going juicy still. There's just the beat, the cadence. Yeah, again, I'm repeating myself. There's no way he did not write this shit down. I don't think I've heard him use syllables the way he has on this shit too.
Starting point is 01:13:27 All right. I felt like every word rhymed. Who's ready for a hot take? Who wants a hot take? Who's ready for a hot take here? Hey, you know what? Let me tell you how phony I am too. I am so phony because, yeah, some of us didn't know that.
Starting point is 01:13:43 I'm so phony. A few years ago, I was killing niggas for having this type of hot take. And they ended up being correct. But was that 2012 or 13? One of them years, we're halfway through the year. I think it was low-key or somebody saying that this was one of the better years for hip-hop. And I fucking killed them on this podcast for saying such a blasphemous statement. Turns out they were correct
Starting point is 01:14:07 when you look back retroactively. Now, phony man, here I am. January, February, March, April, May, June, July. We are just hit seven months past the year. And I'm going to go out there and say it. This year is boding pretty well it's kinda crazy, think of all the albums
Starting point is 01:14:29 that have been released, let's do it, Rick Ross Kendrick Hov Drake I've got Royce I've got Big Boi I've got
Starting point is 01:14:44 there's a lot that's going on Big Sean, Joey Badass had a great album I've got Big Boy I've got Which I still need to listen to There's a lot that's going on Big Sean Joey Badass Had a great album Yes Big Sean Joey Badass
Starting point is 01:14:52 Khaled Say What You Will About It No that's included Migos Culture Was a great album That's included Shit Gold Link's album
Starting point is 01:15:01 I like I don't know if anyone else That's not In the top tier As far as notoriety, but it was one of the better albums this year. Outside of J. Cole. Oh, Wale, Shine, phenomenal album.
Starting point is 01:15:12 That counts. That was a hard album. Wasn't J. Cole last year? Yeah, it was last year. Yeah, it was last year. But what I'm saying, outside of J. Cole. Future put out two albums I liked. Yep.
Starting point is 01:15:23 It's been fucking... Your friend Logic. I'm not counting Logic. In my phenomenal year. No, it has been good so far. Who is left to drop? It was an eventful first year as far as our... French is going to drop.
Starting point is 01:15:41 I like French albums. So that I can imagine with the steam of the single is going to do well The Weeknd dropped I count him hip hop
Starting point is 01:15:51 The Weeknd was this year? That was this year that Starboy shit no? Yep Yes it was Starboy's this year Well I like that album
Starting point is 01:15:58 so A lot has dropped though and a lot more is dropping I'm just trying to think It's been an eventful year in hip-hop. Who's left? Kanye, I feel like we'd know already if he was.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Kanye is definitely dropping this year. You think because of this sparked his interest? No, I think he was already working. They said he was in a mountain in Iowa somewhere. Two chains dropped. That's big. That's important. Yeah, we'll see
Starting point is 01:16:27 T Grizzly actually liked his album T Grizzly's album came out? It was good too Lil Yachty I didn't listen but People seemed to like it I don't know I don't know bro
Starting point is 01:16:41 Yeah that's all I got here I'm just saying so far so far pretty good fucking year in uh hip hop I mean
Starting point is 01:16:51 this whole album I needed you know I'll end my analysis with I needed it me where I am
Starting point is 01:17:01 I needed this from a hip hop album I needed to hear an MC in this space I needed this from a hip hop album I needed to hear MC in this space I needed this sound do we think with all the great things that were said as far as financial ownership
Starting point is 01:17:14 do you think there will be a shift in anything with the younger rappers will they take heed to this I don't really care so much about the younger rappers I'm not boxing his message in that way. He was talking to everybody.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Well, it's more important if we're going to start the narrative of that to shift everything, it's going to start with the younger ones. All these rappers are idiots. I don't care about
Starting point is 01:17:34 what these rappers are doing. And that's why I commend Chance so much because he's living what Hov was just talking about. Yeah, Chance is, you know, listen, Pac said he ain't got
Starting point is 01:17:43 to change the world. All he got to do is inspire the mind it does i'd 100 think this album will inspire somebody out there uh to just think differently live differently hove has been impactful throughout his entire career everything he's said he's been a trendsetter in his career everything he said niggas have either rocked with it he damn near killed aut Auto-Tune, man. Almost. He tried. He tried. These young niggas,
Starting point is 01:18:07 they love Auto-Tune too much. Yeah, it might have been the only thing he didn't kill. Do we want to hear another whole album after this? That was going to be my next point. It was so good. I'm comfortable this ending.
Starting point is 01:18:21 This is a good end to the story. Magna Carta wasn't to me. Kingdom Come wasn't to me. Oh, my God. Yikes. Yeah, no. And I would have said the Black Album would have been perfect, but Jay-Z's entirely too good to end his career then.
Starting point is 01:18:36 I would like him to make an album when he has more to say. I don't think there's anything more to say now. Not after this album. This was it. I don't think he'll stop. I think we'll get a few Jay-Z verses. Maybe one a year. Yeah, I want my whole verse still. Well.
Starting point is 01:18:58 Oh, alright. So, let's get back to me for a second. Now I'm retired and I'm having a blast in retirement, but what I find here is, which is funny because everybody's calling me fucking a loser still. Well, you are. Yeah, that hasn't changed. But what I find is a lot of people hit me talking about I should be dropping an album now that Hov's album came out for some reason. Hov's album came out with similar content as I have been preaching and speaking on this podcast and all my different platforms.
Starting point is 01:19:28 And now people want to hear Joe Budnow. If y'all don't suck my fucking dick, fuck all you niggas. All you niggas got some fucking nerve. Y'all want to wait till I retire for me to have my most anticipated album that I am not working on? Fuck y'all. No. Nope. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:19:49 Listen, man, with all the attention that you're getting. I don't give a fuck. You keep saying that, but I know you and I know your artistry and I know you're going to get the itch pause one day soon. I don't think it'll be this year. I think you'll get interest. You've been rapping for God knows how many years. It's still part of your fucking makeup. I didn't think it'll be this year. I think you'll get interest. You've been rapping for God knows how many years. It's still part of your fucking makeup.
Starting point is 01:20:07 I didn't know I could make more money just talking about the rappers. Somebody should have told me that ages ago. I'd have been stopped rapping. But what I will say is I definitely think Hove. Well, I don't think. I know this. Well, we know this. But Hv really liked
Starting point is 01:20:25 The Idols man Yeah wait Did we say it on the podcast About the whole thing No Well I'll leave that to you I don't think we did That's
Starting point is 01:20:34 That's your business To tell not mine Well Hov heard Idols But man Is it not spooky To listen to Idols And then hear the Hov album Is it just me It can't be just me Cause I got a whole Lot of texts saying But, man, is it not spooky to listen to idols and then hear the Hov album?
Starting point is 01:20:46 Is it just me? It can't be just me because I got a whole lot of text saying, fam. Yo, I don't know. All of these years when I be saying that Jay is more tuned in than people think, like because he's a huge megastar. Hov be on the blogs. I think Hov let everybody know on his album that he's very aware and tuned in and knows all the stupid fuck shit that all of us are doing. Dropped the Al Sharpton line.
Starting point is 01:21:10 That shit was two days ago before the album. Al Sharpton needs to relax. What is he doing? Honestly. Somebody explain it to me. He's getting these selfies off, man. Come on, man. This nigga fucking.
Starting point is 01:21:23 He got to stop it. He's trying to get these pictures. He's trying to get these pictures. He's trying to get these likes. I did appreciate that Hov put some fresh material on there. I like when I hear that a nigga's been in the studio like four days prior to me getting the project. Hov is very in tuned into what is going on. What is there for us to anticipate now that we have this project? Yeah, that was my only thing.
Starting point is 01:21:47 Now that we have it, fuck. Darn it. Darn it. First the fat boys break up. Now Jay-Z grew up. Yeah, man. This is fucking horrible. All right, so Hov's album dropped. We got it.
Starting point is 01:22:01 We've dissected it. We love it. Do I think it probably will go down as a classic? I don't fucking know But do I think it'll go down as I think it will The most important That's right Project of his career
Starting point is 01:22:17 Yeah Most important? Yep Well, I mean You could just kill that whole point And say reasonable doubt was Because there would be no 444 without Reasonable Doubt. No.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Reasonable Doubt is, and we should have this debate when Maul gets here. I don't think Reasonable Doubt is first, second, or third in the most important Hov album debate. I'm just saying it was the start. I'm just saying it was the start. I think Blueprint or Black Album, because around that time was when we went from Jay-Z is a great rapper, one of the best in New York, to God, MC, J-O. He got looked at differently.
Starting point is 01:23:00 He got to the status between Blueprint and Black Album. I'm going with whatever volume that was. Was it it one or two the one that sold all the records that probably was the most important album of hove's career volume one kind of sold two was the one that i'm talking about the one yeah so that was two the one where because you know reasonable doubt came out it didn't do well when it first first came out um and then volume one really didn't do well when it first first came out and then volume one really didn't do well when it first came out because I mean everyone was like it's a bunch of leftover biggie beats yeah but no the DMX is around at that time and the rumblings around at the time was alright is this nigga gonna
Starting point is 01:23:37 deliver one that's what this is the nigga y'all think Is Is the next in line So where Where is it at Cause we two albums in And I don't see it And boy Doom Doom Doom Hey take the bass line
Starting point is 01:23:53 Away Uh huh Yeah That changed that That changed that one That was on one though Was it Yeah
Starting point is 01:24:02 Well then that's the one I'm talking about that one No Why am I bugging I don't know Alright Now that I can't listen to That was on one, though. Was it? Yeah. Well, then that's the one. Yeah, Hard Knock Life. I'm talking about that one, then. No. Why am I bugging? I don't know. All right. Now that I can't listen to Rory, let me go and see. Volume two was Hard Knock Life, so Hard Knock Life, I would imagine, would have been on
Starting point is 01:24:14 Hard Knock Life. Thank you, Rory. So it's volume two, like we originally said. Good. You're confusing me with your fucking shenanigans. But, yeah, as soon as we heard- But that put him in line. The Blueprint and Black album put him, it separated him from everyone.
Starting point is 01:24:29 Everyone that we used to say DMX, Nas, et cetera, et cetera. He just kept. We're just having our argument on what are the most important. Separated himself. So you start at Reasonable Doubt. I start at Volume 2. Right? Then I go Blueprint. before Reasonable Doubt.
Starting point is 01:24:50 Do I need to explain that one too? I'm just saying Reasonable Doubt because there would be no Jay-Z. I know. There's no right or wrong answer to this shit. I mean, I would like to hear from what the listeners think as well. Jay has so many phenomenal moments throughout his career and so many great albums that this is a good question, period. Now, I'm not asking best album, nor am I asking,
Starting point is 01:25:15 I'm asking the importance. I think I'd go volume two, blueprint. Blueprint. Blueprint, black album, Reasonable Doubt, 444. I'm not ordering these, but... Yeah, no, just again, I get what you're saying with Volume 2, because it put him there, but I'm saying for what separated... Jay-Z might have got dropped without Volume 2. Oh, I completely agree.
Starting point is 01:25:44 But I just don't think... I think that put him as a phenomenal rapper. He became a different entity entering into the 2000s because of the Blueprint and the Black Album. See? He separates himself from everyone. He was just a great rapper at that point. See, he did that for me on Reasonable Doubt. And that's why the music business is funny. I was six when Reasonable Doubt came out.
Starting point is 01:26:06 But from what I've had a million debates with people of age, it was just a cool rapper from New York. No, no, no, no, no. I don't know who said that. I would like to talk to them. No, when Reasonable Doubt came out, everybody knew and the word was, here's this superior MC from Brooklyn. He had that type of clout when Reasonable Doubt came out, everybody knew, and the word was, here's this superior MC from Brooklyn.
Starting point is 01:26:29 He had that type of clout when Reasonable Doubt came out. And when Reasonable Doubt came out, it sounded like that. Amongst people that really know hip-hop, because it didn't sell like that. I'm not talking about that. I'm only talking about his performance. Well, of course, in retrospect. Not the album's performance. It's one of the greatest albums ever. I'm talking about back then.
Starting point is 01:26:44 I'm talking about back then. His performance on, like, really look at the greatest albums ever. I'm talking about back then. I'm talking about back then. His performance on, like, really look at the songs that came out from that album. Ain't No Nigga, Brooklyn's Finest, Can't Knock the Hustle. Brooklyn's Finest, Big is the best rapper in the world at that point, and Brooklyn's Finest came out. We knew how Jay was being positioned as an MC. He was better than niggas then so no he wasn't it wasn't like that but you get to that crossroads for every
Starting point is 01:27:12 nigga that's great like that big as well we I heard puff talk about it in the can't stop won't stop doc where your skill needs to match this your success now your skill has to turn into some shit. So while he was skilled that way, so, reasonable doubt, great, didn't sell it. All right,
Starting point is 01:27:30 now what? Volume one, oh, that's what you got? What was on volume one? Sunshine? Sunshine was on there. He was in a shiny suit.
Starting point is 01:27:36 He was trying it. He was trying it. He was trying it. Hey, and some of my favorite Hov records ever is on that album that people-
Starting point is 01:27:43 Where I'm from, might be in my top two. Let me be clear, that was the album in Hov records ever is on that album that people where I'm from might be my top two let me be clear that was the album in Hov's in Hov's discography that people slammed yeah
Starting point is 01:27:52 volume one if you listen to some Hov interviews where he's talking about sunshine that he hates or hated the city is mine
Starting point is 01:28:02 he wasn't so big on one of my favorite Hov records ever I know what the girl's like he got killed yeah he got killed for that but, he wasn't so big on one of my favorite old records. I Know What The Girl's Like. He got killed for it. Yeah, he got killed for that. But you still have the intro, which is one of his best intros
Starting point is 01:28:10 ever on Volume 1. You have Where I'm From. Where I'm From is on there. You have that. You Can Make A Case is one of the best Jay-Z beats that he's ever rapped over. That's a top 10 Jay-Z song.
Starting point is 01:28:22 You have You Must Love Me. I liked Who You With, but I know that not a lot of people did. Who You With was released on a soundtrack prior to it being on the album. Friend or Foe 98 was a cool follow-up. Streets Is Watching is one of my favorites. Streets Is Watching was a classic, but I think it was a classic because of the classic it became, not when it was released. because of the classic it became, not when it was released. So I'm just saying I can understand how niggas at Def Jam was looking like,
Starting point is 01:28:50 all right, dogs. And then when the DVD came out, how shortly after? I don't remember. My memory's not that good. That was great, too, though. That was great. Yeah, people don't talk about that that much. They kind of leave that out of Ho's resume of how great thatd was that they did on their own that was a great dvd the fucking the tours um
Starting point is 01:29:13 hove gets credit for me for signing clue to a deal like that was big clue and all that he was to take to take the risk of signing this big street DJ and saying produce some music now, put out an album from it. That was trendsetting before there was a Cali. Flex was putting out albums. So, I mean, yeah. We should really. Speaking of DJ Clue, I just thought of the Breakfast Club and Dame's interview that he got killed for.
Starting point is 01:29:44 And I agreed with everything he said. And all the people I agreed with everything you said. And all the people that are praising Ho for that exact same narrative. I mean, we have to know that Dame and Jay think alike
Starting point is 01:29:52 because they did it independently together for so long. But, back to the delivery. Everything you're saying on Everyday Struggle, yelling at rappers
Starting point is 01:29:59 about owning their own shit and knowing what deal they're in. Is there another Red Bull in there somewhere? Probably not. Damn it. But yeah, just the messenger
Starting point is 01:30:08 and how things come across. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I'm taking credit for my fucking idols ain't got the reach to do it, so let me reach who could do it line
Starting point is 01:30:16 and then Jay fucking saying everything that I don't know how to say. Yeah. I don't care, man. I'm taking my credit. You guys take your shit. I don't think Hov was taking my credit you guys take your shit I don't think
Starting point is 01:30:27 Hov was like alright well let me start the album now that Joe has put out idols no no of course I'm being silly no but I think
Starting point is 01:30:33 well yeah I mean he said which we'll say off air more but yes he listened to idols and enjoyed it I would like to hear more of this
Starting point is 01:30:42 content from I can't even say that outside of Kendrick who's really given mature content in hip hop J. Cole
Starting point is 01:30:50 J. Cole certainly is okay mature that's one of those loaded on the spot questions we have to think we have to think
Starting point is 01:30:59 cause if we don't say a name they're gonna think we're trying to be funny I'm not trying to get niggas trapped on the 4th of July. So, yeah, that's what I got for this whole album, man. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Starting point is 01:31:12 I can't wait till Maul gets back so I can hear about the creation of some of these songs. Because I know his bum ass was there probably. What else do I need to talk about? I feel like the whole album and power has consumed all of my thoughts so let me just talk to 50 real quick
Starting point is 01:31:30 hey 50 y'all might as well just start leaking the whole fucking season we're way ahead of whatever y'all think is building suspense we know there's a camera
Starting point is 01:31:39 in the office oh spoiler alert spoiler alert spoiler alert for you people that are not watching Power and have not seen it yet. This is the part where you should fast forward or do something different besides listening to me and Rory.
Starting point is 01:31:54 All right. You've walked away from your computer and headphones. Is that enough time? It was. Power, which I give a lot of credit for writing. It's a well-written show. Him putting the pistol in the desk, I'm like, you guys are, come on. A club office doesn't have cameras.
Starting point is 01:32:10 They rushed through some of this. They rushed through that. I laughed for a long time at the idea of you fixing you come you you're revisiting the cliffhanger of ghost son being with 50 kidnapped from last season and you're telling me that we're just gonna fix that by saying oh tell them that you was sleep and somebody played a joke and now you're back in with your family healthy and fine word that's how you even though 50's getting that little kid hooked on lean, which is going to end terribly. This is lazy writing over there, but that's fine.
Starting point is 01:32:50 Homeboy that's in prison, old white dude. Tommy's dad. When he said, where were they raised at? And he started having that revelation. Oh, that's Tommy's pops. That's Tommy's dad, or if you've ever met Rory, Rory's dad. Yeah, for real. Depending on who you think it is. But yeah, that's Tommy's dad. Or if you've ever met Rory, Rory's dad. Yeah, for real. Depending on who you think it is.
Starting point is 01:33:06 But yeah, that's Tommy's dad. I like him a lot. What do we think is going to happen? Somehow, ghost, they're going to fix Tommy's dad's wife's cancer. Yeah. Or something's going to happen. We're going to find out homeboy fucking killed Greg. He's probably going to die. Or his wife will die and he'll realize he doesn't need to live
Starting point is 01:33:27 and do some immaculate thing to save Tommy and Ghost and he'll die, but it won't matter because his wife is dead and something like that. That's where I'm at with how I think it's going to end. I wish they would just fast forward to like episode 7 by now at this point. We've figured out 1 through 5, 50 and Courtney. point we've we've figured out one through five 50 and Courtney also I felt like with Ghost being in jail and this this was a passing thought don't I'm not ready to marry this one with Ghost being in jail I felt his acting is is very it's it's necessary sometimes to see without his presence I felt like a couple of the scenes
Starting point is 01:34:07 were rushed through I felt Tasha and Tommy I don't know if I wanted to see both of them on the screen for a long time without Ghost but
Starting point is 01:34:15 that passed because they eventually started showing Ghost a lot in jail yeah and that was cool Turtle gotta get his shit together man I like Proctor he's losing I like Proctor. He's losing.
Starting point is 01:34:25 I like Proctor. Proctor will get it together, man. Power's going to be fine. I feel like we're going to be watching the season finale of Power in another month, and we're all going to be sad again until next July. For real. For real. That's fucked up.
Starting point is 01:34:39 There's really nothing to look forward to anymore. I do want to note for all those people that used to debate me what's better, Power or Empire. Wait. That's all I'm going to say. I do want to note for all those people that used to debate me what's better, power or empire. Wait. That's all I'm going to say. Wait, wait, wait. That was a debate at one point.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Everybody relax. That was a debate. What was a better show? And I used to laugh at people when they'd say that. Are you kidding me? A lot of people. That was a big Twitter thing too.
Starting point is 01:34:59 At the height of empire. Twitter makes everything a thing for like a week at least. Yeah, Empire's first week. I remember that's when I was saying
Starting point is 01:35:09 these shows aren't similar. Why do people keep comparing the two? One is a soap opera and one is a real TV show. I think that came from when Empire was having all that success
Starting point is 01:35:19 and 50's shit was bubbling still kind of underground. They had to attack the similar way that Empire was being promoted to look like power a little bit. I get that. But whatever.
Starting point is 01:35:32 I knew Empire wouldn't last. There's another show, Scandal. All them fucking shows just came and went. Yeah. Well, Scandal had a good run, I think. They did have a good run, but I mean. Oh, well. All right, so Lorenz tate is coming up he's going to be
Starting point is 01:35:48 instrumental in getting ghosts out of prison probably he's the mayor i think maul said i think maul said he was the lawyer at one point this was when we knew nothing because we were saying that he was gonna he was gonna be the new ghost and then then someone was like, no, I think he's the lawyer. Maul be wrong a lot, but he's wrong from a right idea. I guess that makes sense. He be in the right ballpark of things. Like, he's in the right ballpark. Paul George probably does want to be a Laker, but no, Maul.
Starting point is 01:36:19 Paul George and Melo and Chris Paul are not going to be Lakers next year, like you heard in the locker room at a Wizards game. Maul be taking the most raw locker room thoughts and just trying to
Starting point is 01:36:30 will them to fruition. Sorry, Maul. Another year of trash Lakers shit. I can't even say it anymore. My nicks are trash. That's all I got. Power and Hose album.
Starting point is 01:36:41 Did anything else happen important? Fourth of July weekend came and went. I put burgers on the grill. Power and Hov's album. Did anything else happen important? Fourth of July weekend, came and went. I put burgers on the grill. I mean, New York is trash, so ain't nothing popping. I ain't go to 40-40 club. You've been out and about.
Starting point is 01:36:59 You've been at La Marina. No, no, no. Fucking God, Rory. I was not at La Marina. The only white guy still at La Marina. Man, we were at La Marina Last summer And it's It's mid summer now Don't get
Starting point is 01:37:09 Don't get too froggy Like this is The whole valve mouth So you mature now You're not doing that If I was there I wasn't happy about being there I wasn't enjoying myself
Starting point is 01:37:17 Yes the fuck you was I wasn't enjoying myself Oh please You and Michael Paul Were standing on tables Not even couches No please Never at La Marina
Starting point is 01:37:24 Will I stand on a table. I'm joking. Fuck that. I don't think there's anything else fun. I'm just waiting to see where Carmelo Anthony lands. I hope it's not for Ryan Anderson. And in three years, 54 million, four years he has on his contract. That's why Melo didn't get a ring.
Starting point is 01:37:40 That's all. He'll get one if he's going to Cleveland or the Warriors or Houston, wherever you go. Everybody going to the Warriors now. Swaggy P, I want a chance to go to the Warriors. I bet you fucking do, Nick. Hey, Pat, where we at with time? I thought we did pretty good considering we didn't want to be here in the first
Starting point is 01:37:57 place talking to you niggas. Hour and what? 40. Wow. Good for us. See, mall's not as important. Don't at that. Hour and what? 40. Wow. Good for us. See, Maul's not as important as you'd be thinking he is. Don't say that. No, Maul is very much important. I really enjoyed this podcast.
Starting point is 01:38:12 Now, Maul be acting like he came on and just bodied our shit. Now, we just the best podcast. We can hold it down without you, nigga. Don't, you know what I mean? Don't get froggy out there. Damn, an hour 40? I felt like we just been talking an hour.
Starting point is 01:38:28 I thought we were stretching the content here. Yeah, we ill, man. We about to add Chris to this shit. Sorry, title podcast rollout. Word. Hey, listen, it did.
Starting point is 01:38:39 You should have just sent the fucking bag, man. It did kind of hurt when this album came out. I was happy about our decline of not doing that, but damn it. I know, man. It did kind of hurt when this album came out. I was happy about our decline of not doing that, but damn it. I know more.
Starting point is 01:38:48 I could have had my Roc Nation hat on when the album dropped. I still have that hat for you. No, I said I have to wear it when I'm... Okay, got it, got it, got it. There's a deal.
Starting point is 01:38:56 I can't be that guy. I can't wear different crew's hats when I'm not part of the crew. Yeah, that would be... That's corny. You went to 4040 on the album release night with a title. That was corny. You went to 4040 on the album release night, one title, and that was corny.
Starting point is 01:39:06 You didn't give a fuck. I was- Imagine if you would have had that fucking hat. Maul would already be wearing special custom-made Rockefeller hats, and he'd think I don't know. I'm going to get into you, Maul, when you get back here, damn it.
Starting point is 01:39:16 I promise you he has a 444 hat on. 100%. And jeans. Dad hat. And jeans. And 444 jeans. He's the only one with them, I bet you. Maul thought because he wasn't here, he wasn't going to get jokes.
Starting point is 01:39:29 Oh, sleepers, sleepers, sleepers. Oh, shit. Damn, we crazy. I know. Where's the quarter? Here it is. Here, you take that. I'll take this.
Starting point is 01:39:40 All right. Mad text. Stop trying to flex. It's Sin R, ragai For real My phone is over with So I was cooking yesterday And this song came on shuffle I'm glad we talked about Solange
Starting point is 01:39:56 And I forgot how great it was It's a sleeper to most But most people are gonna look at me crazy And say This is not a sleeper But this is Solange Tony. This is pre-seat at the table. Oh, it's another sleeper. It is. Oh, it's not a sleeper. It is.
Starting point is 01:40:48 Oh, if you don't get this the fuck out of here, Rory. You didn't know this song before Seat at the Table came out. I didn't know any Salon song before Seat at the Table. But I've heard this song. That's why. That's how I know it's not a sleeper. I had to wait till the bridge came. I'm in love by now. If it wasn't for Tony.
Starting point is 01:41:04 Tony. Tony, oh. Me and Tony don't speak no more. It's almost been a week, oh no. My time, it goes so fast. But I still refuse to call his name. I remember the way that I reacted. And today's even more attractive. But I really miss Tony., then Tony called me one day
Starting point is 01:41:27 He said that he'd just call to say hey And it wasn't until he called me back That I realized I needed more than that I'm a lot wiser and a little older Hey, baby, it was nice to know ya Goodbye, Tony Still, he wasn't just some regular guy
Starting point is 01:41:47 Tony's actually the other night don't I could've been in love by now if it wasn't for Tony and Tony fucks it up I could've been in love by now if it wasn't for Tony Man, Tony fucks it up. 2 Chainz turned the Pink Trap House into a free STD testing center today.
Starting point is 01:42:15 That's cool. 2 Chainz is one of the greatest humans. That's a really good idea. That I've ever met outside of the picture circulating of him and Kanye and LA Reid oh the hey Jay Z I'm doing just fine with my new friends yeah yeah yeah ah so be smiling with my family so Rory played salon keep keeping it with the nose and quarters I am keeping it with them as well What are you going to play? Beyonce, Me, Myself and I? Don't insult me
Starting point is 01:42:49 Can we turn this up in here Pat? It's not loud enough for headphones I'm taking it back to day one No kids but trust me I know how to raise a gun For niggas that think I spend my days in the sun We hear the shock of your life The glock not the mic Homie I'm not in a hype Trust me I'm still street
Starting point is 01:43:14 We still fucking up and trust me I still creep Yeah I know the platinum chain be looking real sweet But reaching out buried in the 60 feet deep S.Carter turn rappers into martyrs Separate fathers from their daughters Why bother? I'm a crook like you I took like you I disobeyed the law throughout the book like you
Starting point is 01:43:33 How dare you look at Jigga like I'm shook like who? I keep the fifth with me, nigga Come and get me Come and get me Yeah, I'm letting this ride This is Come and get me Yeah, I'm letting this ride. This is Come and Get Me off of Volume 3 for the young niggas that don't know. This is not future.
Starting point is 01:43:54 The young niggas think everybody's fucking future. I'm letting this rock the whole way out. This was a six-minute whole song when he didn't do six minute songs. Volume three got a couple long songs. That was the one. Yes, please. Nah, the fucking Dope Man was a little longer than usual, right? What else? There's Been a Murder was Yeah, that was the one. I think a little longer than Yes. Heard about that.
Starting point is 01:44:43 See? He almost got dropped. Volume 2. Where them dollars at? I got another old shit that I want to play after this. Oh, now you want to play? Only because to show his greatness, the Grammy family freestyle. The end of it.
Starting point is 01:45:09 Everything he said on that, he did. Now Rory wants to aux cord. Yeah. We might want to go back and forth with some hoes. What? Vintage hoes. Everybody knew he was the nicest nigga in the world this one. This was Introspective Hov 2.
Starting point is 01:45:35 A lot of that was Volume 3. I brought the suburbs to the hood Made them relate to your struggle, told them about your muscle The new album makes me hear all of this different I made them love you, you know normally them people wouldn't be fucking with you Till I made them understand why you do what you do I expected to hear Jay if it wasn't for you But instead, all I hear is buzzing in your crew
Starting point is 01:46:04 How y'all scheming, trying to get accustomed to my moves. So y'all can take my mouth, stake out my house. But I got pride, I'm a nigga first. I got a cock back and pull the trigger first. That's how jigger work. The funny thing, I represent y'all every time I spit a verse. And that's the shit that hurts. But hey, I got my mind right, got my nine right here.
Starting point is 01:46:25 So when y'all feel that the time is right i've got shots to get come and get me nigga i won't rob the kid come and get me nigga i won't part with this i won't play the whole song if you do indeed want to play another joint yeah i do i've got shots to get come and get me well we get our plugs off and we can end. Just end with... You got plugs? Again, Highline Ballroom, July 21st, live podcast. We have Friend of the Show t-shirts, which I am wearing now for the YouTube viewers. Available at for the t-shirts. for the tickets.
Starting point is 01:47:02 Henny Palooza, we're in Detroit on Saturday. You guys have been asking for that for quite some time. We are doing it for the first time. I hope to see everyone there. I will have Royce there for protection. Smart. I don't know if Royce is going to be there. I'm just saying that.
Starting point is 01:47:20 Yeah, but still, Royce's name is protection. Oh, yeah. First person I texted. Trust me, I know. Once we lock the deal in. Thanks, Royce's name is protection. Oh, yeah. First person I texted. Trust me, I know. Once we lock the deal in. Thanks, Royce. All right, so we'll let Rory end on this monumental note with a monumental album, a very important album,
Starting point is 01:47:39 an album that I'm proud to see my kid listen to and enjoy as well. Hopefully some of that shit can be applied and we can all be mature for longer than two weeks. Nah. Future record gonna come out. Yeah. Niggas will be back to holding money up. You're gonna end with some bootleg shit.
Starting point is 01:48:10 This is the real one. This is the real one. Stop. Place the cap. 76 floors. You can call me the doc. Hey, remember the doc played 76? Dr. J. So I got the 76 floor to join.
Starting point is 01:48:24 So I would like 76 floors. you can call, um, whatever. Wait a minute! I-97JZ, you know what I mean. Say when. Say when. Spied by Bosby, I'm a chariot, so fire everybody, took shots at my body, I'm tired. Build me up, break me down, to build me up again, ain't like Hove, you need your back to me, kill your ass again. Hove got blowed though, he's no big in pot but he's close I'm posted when they got me fight
Starting point is 01:48:51 fighting go man night they gone good night you win that's only half if they'd like you dang even a half what they might do Don't believe me, ask Michael See Martin, see Malcolm You see Biggie, see Pac, see success in his outcome See Jesus, see Judas See Caesar, see Brutus See success is like suicide Suicide, this is suicide
Starting point is 01:49:16 If you succeed, prepare to be crucified Media medals, if they sue you, you settle Every step you take, they remind you you ghetto So it's tough being Bobby Brown To be Bobby then, you gotta be Bobby now Now the question is, is to have had and lost Better than not having a man Turn that up, turn up for me Hot 97, you heard, you know what it is, fuck that's Jay Z Everybody wanna be the king, the shots ring You layin' in the balcony with hoes of your dream
Starting point is 01:49:48 When your mouth mixed out, get distracted by screams Everybody get channelled by jeans Everybody look at you strange, say you changed Like you worked that hard to stay the same Game stayed the same, the name changes So it's best for those that are not overdosed on being famous Most kings get driven so insane That they try to hit the same vein that Kurt Cobain did No, thank you. So chain was divided to the inter sanctum. I go chambers low chain
Starting point is 01:50:14 The mr. Endemys approach they can make me This verse here, this motherfucker predicted every last day he said he's first man. I'm just concentrating on making a new ho be sexed Have a waking chest and trying to school those Poo-thos trying to follow in my shoes with juice bros Better adhere to this text where you go Broke spending more than you recruit on silly baguettes I know silly baguettes, silly you're learning your own At least my conscience is clear, I'm no longer staring you wrong Ain't nothing wrong with baguettes, after you get a home Take care of your home, you can go back and
Starting point is 01:51:02 Oh, I'm getting courted by the falsest The Eggers and Doug Moss Jimmy eyes and Lee all More than the courses Time now operation take over corporate make over office Then take over all the big difference mean it's very hard service testimony that I saw it all before Testimony that I saw it all before it came to fruition sort of a premonition uncontrollable hustlers ambition earlier superstition like Stevie the reins on the wall like my lady right be bit
Starting point is 01:51:36 Was crazy maybe like a fox and cagey The more successful the more stressful the more and more I transform the God gecko in the race to a billion, got my face to the ceiling Got my knees on the floor, please lord forgive him Has he lost his religion, is the greek gon' get him? He's havin' heaven on earth, will his wings still fit him? I got the Forbes on my living room floor And I'm sold to the poor fucker I want more Times most influential was impressive Especially since I wasn't in the artist section Had me with the builders and the titans. Had me right with Rudy Murda.
Starting point is 01:52:07 Billionaire boys, this is dudes you never heard of. Word up on Madison Avis, I'm a cash cow. Word down on Wall Street, homie, you get the cash out. IPO, ho, no need for reverse merger. The boy money talk, no need to convert burger. The baby blue mad back like our own Gerber. Ballroom, I'm lipping your skirt up. The corporate take.
Starting point is 01:52:26 Remember when Hov tried to introduce a color? What, Jay-Z blue? Yeah. It was a hard-ass blue. I don't know why it ain't stick when he did that deal with GMC. Who knows? And it was the one of one that came out. It was a hard color. Happy Hov podcast, man.
Starting point is 01:52:41 In the great words of the greatest, I've been to Paris twice. I've seen the Eiffel. I've seen the Eiffel. Indeed, you have.

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