The Joe Budden Podcast - Episode 412 | "Black History Year"

Episode Date: February 3, 2021

New studio, same energy! Joe announces his latest role at Patreon as the Head of Creator Equity and the launch of the new Patreon page designed for new content (1:07:35). The guys also discuss the con...troversy surrounding Chloe Bailey (35:20), speculation on why Jeff Bezos stepped down as CEO from Amazon (2:18:17), a recap on the recent documentaries the guys watch and Your Honor  (2:24:15) and MUCH MORE! Sleeper Picks Joe | Kevin Ross - “God Is A Genius”  Rory | Unsual Demont - “Pine”  Mal | Roc Marciano - “Covid Cough” (Ft. Schoolboy Q) Parks | Tha God Fahim & Your Old Droog - “Cannon”

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Remember the hand rub? You had a hand rub in a minute. That's a fact. The hand rub. It used to be a key part of the pod. I know a dry hand rub when I hear one. Step aside, the booze is ashy. Superman is hot.
Starting point is 00:00:15 Oh, man, we're segregated over here now. This is different. The Superman. There's the white side over here. White is over here. Yeah, that room does seem a little bright, that part of the room. I mean, oh, you're saying we're glowing? Yeah, that's exactly what I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Oh, yeah, no, we got to change this. We got to change this seating arrangement. What are they feeling at? That side looks mad white now. At least there was some type of balance. It was more of a white sandwich, if you will. Why y'all get to be the
Starting point is 00:00:49 sandwich? Why wasn't it a black sandwich? White bread? It's white bread. It's wonder bread. I like whole wheat. It's not only white bread, Parks. These guys, Jesus. You're a pumpernickel guy?
Starting point is 00:01:06 Jesus, the entitlement. I didn't know you were a big guy. I miss that corny, not even a slur, but when people will call white people white bread, that's funny to me. It is. Old black people should bring that back. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Advertisers, your ad can go right after this. Wonder Bread, our favorite. Listen, what's up, man? New spot, new digs, new energy, new vibes, new rhythm, huh? That's right. Yeah. I like it.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I like it. New vibrations. I like it. Feeling it. New celebrations. This is a big thing. New spot. How we feeling?
Starting point is 00:01:43 Feeling great. Listen, man. Tired. Let's start with Park's move, Rory. I didn't say thing. New spot. How we feeling? Feeling great. Listen, man. Tired. Let's start with Parks. Parks moved, Rory. I didn't say anything. So did Rory. You said, listen, man.
Starting point is 00:01:50 I care about Rory's feelings, too. Rory's moved about nine times on the low. Yeah. No, I was a mover. I haven't gone to any housewarming. I haven't either. Are housewarmings still a thing? No, right?
Starting point is 00:02:00 Not during COVID. Yeah, no. Oh. And housewarming's like, I'm not going to get you a gift. Like, I'll bring a bottle. No, it's a gift. That's my shit. Get your own blender.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Sorry. I prefer booze. I prefer giving booze. Are you going to do a housewarming? Yeah, once it's a little bit nicer out, for sure. That backyard is too lit to not turn up. Let them know. How you feeling, man?
Starting point is 00:02:21 Feeling great, man. Tired. It's been a lot of work. I didn't hire movers, so. You didn't? No. Damn. I didn't trust people to move, like,? Feeling great, man. Tired. It's been a lot of work. I didn't hire movers. You didn't? No. Damn. I didn't trust people to move my valuable shit.
Starting point is 00:02:31 I can see that. That's like half of my shit. For sure, yeah. I understand that. It's what I thought was half of my shit, and it's not. It's not. There was a lot more shit. I was like, I'll tell you, two couches and a bed. It'll be easy.
Starting point is 00:02:39 It was not easy. How many black t-shirts could movers move? And I moved all that beforehand. It took, I got the U-Haul for four hours. That gotta be enough. It took eight. Okay. You got it done though.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Got it done. Yeah. Well, it looks good in here, man. It feels good. It feels good. I like this.
Starting point is 00:02:54 You like, you like the value right upon? Yeah, I like this. It's a more modern version of the same thing. Yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 00:02:58 it feels good. Yeah, it feels good. If I want to wash my hoodie, I could just. Yeah, exactly. No,
Starting point is 00:03:04 that's the biggest part. You know, it's the washer dryer on it. When Joe spills, we can clean it right away. Yeah I want to wash my hoodie, I could just... Yeah, exactly. No, that's the biggest part. Washer, dryer on... When Joe spills, we can clean it right away. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just wash, yeah. Put the whole rug in. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Throwing this whole rug in there, shit, is hilarious. What you got for us? What's the first record? All right. I like it. I like breaking the basement's cherry to this. Oh, yeah, baby. Like a fool, I went and stayed too long.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I'm wondering if your love's still strong. By the way, this is my record anytime something great and amazing and celebratory happens by me. I'm yours. Then that time I went and said goodbye I watched the Motown doc. I have a lot of thoughts, man. There's a lot to unpack in that Motown doc. I've just been watching docs learning things, man.
Starting point is 00:03:56 When did it come out? Look. It's been out for a while, right? Yeah, it's been out for a little while. Hitsville, USA. We'll talk about it. But man, is it good. Hitsville, USA, we'll talk about it But man is it good
Starting point is 00:04:03 And if Joe is gonna spend 2021 learning things Woo Look out world I've been giving him my dropout Dropout Joe for so long Don't let me get some knowledge What's the science today man
Starting point is 00:04:23 Hold up man I gotta find that other button. Yeah. I'm on my Stevie vibe today. We got new energy and new vibes. We in a new spot. Talk to him. Around the sun, the earth, no seas revolving. And the rosebots know the news is coming. Shout out to our first and last time listeners out there. Some of y'all already know the vibes.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Who knows love's the cure? You can check your mind for sure. Shout out to our first and last time listeners out there. Some of y'all already know the vibes. Hey. Alex, you bobbing your head like you know something about this. Shout out to anybody bobbing down the car with us right now, you heard? Got my guy Rory back from L.A. He was out there hanging out with Masego and I'm hung. Allegedly. Quarantining in Parks' basement.
Starting point is 00:05:29 L.A. was closed. No way he was out there having fun. I had fun, but not outside fun. Always. Always. Always. Always Until the dawn that flies and Paris lives at sea Always Until the sun comes up and life becomes a dream Wait a minute! Give me another true love after nothing
Starting point is 00:05:53 I got to let this vibe out for a little while, man. I'm with you. Let me tell y'all something, man. I'm watching the Motown doc. And they show Barry Gordy in there in the two family home studio
Starting point is 00:06:08 with all these greats Diana Ross and Holland Doja Holland and fucking The Temptations
Starting point is 00:06:16 and Smokey Robinson right all these people that should have egos and be arrogant and just all time greats
Starting point is 00:06:24 little 10 year old Stevie walked in there man nothing but a have egos and be arrogant and just all-time greats. A little 10-year-old Stevie walked in there, man. Nothing but a harmonica. Let him know what time it was. 11-year-old Stevie walked in there, man. Played a little jazz mataz on the piano. Then got up, hit the drum set on him. Then hit the trumpet.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Then pulled the harmonica out. And then started singing. singing and what do you know isn't that a cheat code for that person to have one of the greatest singing voices ever crazy yeah insane if he never could do anything else and it's voice and his voice was his only instrument that was enough oh and he's blind man turn me up in the headphone we here today man happy black history month happy black history year let me stop i sound like i'm ending the instead of starting this can't cut it off on this. I had to bring it back.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Bam. I'm not mad at it. Yeah. Man, they start going too crazy. Going crazy. Why they was doing it? Why they was playing with them like this? Imagine doing this in the studio and not knowing if this record was coming out.
Starting point is 00:07:54 That's how much greatness you were surrounded by. I might cut this one. When I cut this music off, I want to hear about a time in your life, in y'all's life, where y'all was just surrounded by greatness, in your opinion. Every time we come to this podcast studio, we're great. Well, that's one time.
Starting point is 00:08:13 That's one time for sure. We are the greatest. I got to suck. I got to punch. I saw somebody say, right, hold up, man, because I I gotta learn this stupid thing I'm a jiggy here where's the oh this is right no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no What's happening? What's happening? I was in reading some comments, and somebody said,
Starting point is 00:08:53 man, Joe Budden only got about three songs. Why do you think he's some type of rap coach? I saw that. That's funny. And I retweeted it because I thought it was hilarious. But then I got to thinking, and I got to watching the Motown doc, and I'm watching just how much greatness Barry Gordy was surrounded by yeah and how that was like a once-in-a-lifetime type of thing and how that laid the blueprint to so many
Starting point is 00:09:17 creative sessions and just business ventures and so forth and so on and I got to thinking about my Def Jam days. There will never be... Boy, was I surrounded by greatness. Yeah. There will never be another record label with that many genius executives in one place.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Yeah. It'll never happen again. Not to cut your wisdom, but... Don't cut my wisdom well but people that are excellent producers and coaches frequently were the guys that had a hit or whatever and then it they didn't want to do it anymore or whatever and became producers or vocal coaches or whatever and had amazing careers doing that and not that you're coaching reps for real but you would probably really fucking good at it when Barry Gordy was
Starting point is 00:10:09 looking for a and are yeah some dude come through from Detroit local dude that thought he could sing he started playing some music very good he's like yo it's all the great but your voice. But we've all been in that situation. Your voice is trash. This is great, but you shouldn't be singing it. So you put him in the A&R, and that guy A&R'd some shit. Well, yeah. You might not be able to sing, but you can know a hit.
Starting point is 00:10:35 There's great NBA coaches that barely played high school basketball. Just because you're good at an art form doesn't mean you're good at coaching it. You could be the best basketball player on earth. That doesn't mean you're a good coach. Def Jam had... And vice versa with music. ...Leo Cohen, Kevin Lowes,
Starting point is 00:10:51 Julie, Kaiser, Shakir, Tina Davis, who else did Def Jam? Kaiser. Did I say Kaiser? You said Kaiser.
Starting point is 00:11:04 They had a lot of people. Gabby fucking Peluso. They had an all-star team over there. Not for nothing, I respect people that work as executives or whatever position in the music business that tried it as an artist on some level. You know what I'm saying? They make the
Starting point is 00:11:20 best executives and best whatever because they tried some shit and saw what worked and what didn't work. And now I can help you do it better because I don't want to do that. They have some understanding of the actual creative process. Exactly. Like most people don't know Kev had a hit record when he was what? Like 18?
Starting point is 00:11:35 I think Kev wrote Girl You Know It's True. Yeah. It was one of those. Girl you know it's true. Well, yeah. I think creatives make the best execs, but have more of a business mind. Just get a little creativity in there, and I think it's the perfect mix. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:50 I do want to talk about this Motown doc a little later, just because it was so amazing to me. Even if you know the story, watching it and seeing the footage, there were a few facts I learned. It was really amazing. What episode is this? Welcome to episode 412 of the Joe Budden Podcast, aka number one wherever we go. Award winning, chart topping, you know the fucking vibes. What am I saying? For what? 412. 412 of the Joe Budden Podcast. I'm your humble, gracious, grateful, and highly favored host Joe Budden here with a few of my nearest and dearest.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Humble, gracious, grateful, and highly favored host Joe Budden here with a few of my nearest and dearest. I got my good guy, Maul, here. Alex was kind enough to join us. Savon is here. Rory is here. Parks is here. And E-Rab is here. The new seating arrangement has my shout-outs.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Yeah, it's all over the place. Alex, you're not after Maul. Your name is last. Well, they tried to put Alex on the kids' table upstairs. Like, no, he can hear us from down here. I was like, what? How we have screen man not in the same floor as us? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:51 You know it's true. We are recording a little late tonight because Rory wanted to go be a hootie patootie. Allegedly traveled. Because if that was the case, I would have to quarantine for quarantine days. And I am not that irresponsible. Mm-hmm. All right. I agree. But we can talk as if I did
Starting point is 00:13:08 travel. How do you think LA was? I would imagine, I would imagine LA. How do you think the weather was? You think it was cool out there? I do have the app. Any earthquakes?
Starting point is 00:13:18 So I did see, I did not feel any earthquakes by reading in the news. But no, LA was cool. They said they opened shit up. They didn't. Saddle Ranch was closed.
Starting point is 00:13:29 That's all that mattered to me. Damn. I was a little depressed when I landed. I got some work done and ran right over to my favorite place, and I looked boarded up and had a little emotional moment for myself. You're really telling me that Saddle Ranch is boarded up concerned me. Yeah. Did they not survive this?
Starting point is 00:13:47 I don't know what the official terms are, but they opened outdoor dining and restaurants on that Friday. Don't tell me the mechanical bull is over.
Starting point is 00:13:56 My game has to go on without that little number in there? No, no, go ahead and do it. You won't do it. You won't do it. I'll tape it. Give me your phone. Give me your phone. I'll tape it. Give me your phone. Give me your phone.
Starting point is 00:14:06 I'll tape it. You brought Shorty there to show her that you could ride the bull? Rory, the last 10 pods you've started with like a really gay anal type of, like what is going on? What is wrong? Ever since these fiber pills. Not a straight anal. Ever since you've been fibering your ass.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Well, they've made me fluid. No, no worry. I wasn't talking about me on the mechanical bull. I was talking about recording the young lady on the mechanical bull.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Okay, because you have participated. Never mind, forget it. Carry it. I like this. I like where we are. You have frequented
Starting point is 00:14:40 that restaurant and they do have a mechanical bull and allegedly you have been on that mechanical bull. do have a mechanical bull and allegedly you have been on that mechanical bull. I think he holds a... With a lasso and one arm up.
Starting point is 00:14:53 I think Joe got the longest time on the bull. The longest straddle? 17 seconds or something like that. You once told a girl that you were a young gun. What? First of all. I'm firing back at nigg of all. I actually believe that.
Starting point is 00:15:05 I'm firing back at niggas today. I was like that. I was like that. You. I'm mad at it. Never told me. Yes, you did. I'm a young gun.
Starting point is 00:15:12 I'm done playing with y'all. I'm done playing with y'all in the new house for the new year. I'm not playing with y'all. On IG, I can see him getting that off like, no, my name Neef. You got more fucked up. You've been a young gun before. Never. Shout out to the young guns, but no, no.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Yeah, shout out to Chris. Parks, man, I asked you how you feeling, but this feels good. It's a little bright in here because of the whiteness, but we'll get to that at some point. Because of me and Rory sitting next to each other? Yeah. Or the paint? I think it's a combination of both. Yeah, you're probably right.
Starting point is 00:15:43 A lot of whiteness. I think it's a combination of both. No, you're probably right. A lot of whiteness. I think it's a combination of both. No, it feels great. It feels great to have nice shit. And at the beginning of February, yeah, it's bad. Oh, man. I kind of plan to move in like March. I was talking about Black History Month and how white it was, but it's cool.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Oh. That's what I was getting at. Now you're moving schedule. Well, actually, this isn't even Parks' new house. This is our new $10 million studio that we record in. We built from scratch. Staff is upstairs going crazy right now. Staff is upstairs going crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Oh, my God. Hustling and bustling. Oh, my God. They're going nuts up there. The staff is going, what are they going crazy about? The workload. Yeah, the workload. Boy, it's a ton of work.
Starting point is 00:16:24 The weather. They got stuck here. You know how it is, man. Well, the operation is so crazy. the workload yeah the workload so much work boy it's a ton of work the weather they got stuck here you know how it is man well the operation's so crazy we got rooms for everybody and listen I don't want us I don't want us to just
Starting point is 00:16:32 joke over that amazing point that we just taught some young entrepreneur lesson number one that it takes a lot of people to learn fudge the expenses always fudge them put mad shit in there a lot of fudge yeah yeah you
Starting point is 00:16:49 got to do that i don't know why my taxes would have gone a lot better had i known about that sooner oh yeah all right rory's come on bro nothing i didn't say i'm just looking i'm looking at you because i come on make an accountant joke come on come on i can't look at you give me an account i'm sick of rory i'm sick of Rory. I miss you. I'm sick of Rory. I'm in it, man. I was here for a compliment. I will say, I did a lot of-
Starting point is 00:17:09 Did you miss us for real? I will come in here and have a vulnerable moment. I take you guys for granted. When you hang out around other people? I've been through that. You realize how much you don't like people? No, because I shot a bunch of stuff and talked to a bunch of people that I love and want to talk to.
Starting point is 00:17:25 But even them, I was like, man, I miss. My friends? It's such an easier convo. Yeah, they get me. Nothing's worse. My humor. It's awkward when you hang around new people that don't know your humor at all. And then you're on camera, so they're even more awkward.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Yeah, they might not know how to pod. It's all bad. Oh, yeah, because you were shooting content out there. You know, allegedly. Oh, yeah, oh yeah i was i was contenting oh good to be missed man yeah yeah it feels good no this is a much easier go when it's with you guys yeah trying to pry shit out of everybody that like wait what are we talking about again music the stuff we created together? Just music. Tell me about the snare here.
Starting point is 00:18:13 I want to dedicate this episode to my oldest baby. My baby, my baby, my baby, man. Boy, I love you. I'm here to talk about real shit today, too. There ain't no music, so I'm on real shit today. My oldest baby, man. My oldest baby lost his grandmother. Not just a grandmother, but his grandmother has lived with him his entire life.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Yeah, much different when it's like that. Oh, my God. It's totally different. It's your mother. So my poor baby is going through it. I had to have that phone call. Yeah, I never pictured me in this in the position like the position of just life where life pits you with your kid sure like when it's time for
Starting point is 00:18:53 you to be that expound more on that how do you say it man like i've spent so much time around like y'all. Like, you're my friend. You're 30. I have old you are. This guy's been around for over a decade. You've been around for over a decade. Sometimes you get lost in just your own cycle of self that it misses you how much older your five-year-old cousin got since the last time you saw her at the
Starting point is 00:19:28 family reunion my niece came and stayed with me a while ago and she's 17 now that shit fucked me up it loses you that your nephew was getting big your nephew just graduated your nephew just had a fight like the things that your family yeah that's what i'm saying like you just get caught up in in self that it was like oh shit and how pivotal those years are like 10 to 15 is a crazy transition from being a 10 year old to a 15 year old and it's only five years right and then 15 to 20 is just as insane in your early 20s so a year to them so much change is probably more than the person in their 30s by statistically i suppose but yeah a lot happens in three years it's like holy shit this is not the 13 year old i knew right like my little cousin smoking weed and talking to me about
Starting point is 00:20:18 chicks now right yeah like it's it's crazy yeah Yeah. And even with life experiences, too, with death and things that just naturally happen once they get to that age. Yeah, real shit. Like, oh, fuck. Yeah. Yo, like, I got nieces and, like, young female cousins, right, that used to play with me. Like, you ain't got no boyfriend, right? Like, come on, I want to meet him. Where he at?
Starting point is 00:20:41 Right. You ain't fucking, right? You better not. I ain't playing. You know, they got to get vetted, all that. you know the dumb shit and then you're gonna do it one year and it's different yeah and you stop with the joking then they boyfriend is with him that's right you meet jokes you meeting them now it's not funny like oh it's happening yeah yeah yeah i used to say you better not be having sex as a joke. And now you're in the age that I should help coach you because you're at the age to fuck.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Yeah. Like, let me help you. My cousin Delaney. Some mistakes you'll make. My cousin Delaney, I don't even know how old she is now. See what I mean? Yeah. See what I mean?
Starting point is 00:21:17 But my cousin Delaney just bought a house in Jersey. She's been in Harlem her whole life. Congratulations. Like, she's near me now since she came by. And I'm looking at at like this you grown you grown as hell yeah you bought a house yeah yeah thought she's in college my niece veron's daughter i'm like yo what year college i graduated two years ago yeah life moves yes life just moves so that don't what i mean barks is that didn't hit me
Starting point is 00:21:46 it never hits me until i'm in the situation of like i try to instill in my oldest son that you the man of the house no matter how you feel about the house yeah you the man of the house i know your mom might be married great you still are the man now you got a little brother your mom is dear your grandma you gotta you gotta be that so so when i call the same thing i say to him it's it's in me it's like yo your dad is transitioning to grand and your kid is transitioning to when you had a record deal. Damn.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Yeah. Life. Cycle. And my youngest youngest is learning colors. Like whoa. It sounds so simple but when it
Starting point is 00:22:40 when you think of shit it's crazy. That's what I'm saying. That is what I'm saying and i'm blown away by it so my babe my trade my baby has asthma his little brother has a health issue grandma had a health issue and he got covid so you bring it in the house not saying he brought it out but you brought in the house you don't know what's going on in the house and now grandma's going just it's a stark reminder yeah you know when you think shit is sweet just the other day him and i was laughing
Starting point is 00:23:08 because he called and said you i got covid pop and i said you want to be outside all right you want to drive to philly and just a few days later real shit real shit is going on yeah so i don't take none of that for granted trey i love you in that transitioning thing i'm sure he's feeling that now when you get to that age, which I'm sure all y'all went through, of when you kind of got to be the support for your mom, when she was your support, and then that changes, and now you have to be that. Right, yeah. In that adult level, it's a very weird feeling to start with.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Like, oh, you're coming to me now. I used to go to you. Yo, my mom, and I like this vibe. I'll continue. My mom, right, yesterday or the day before, she was hype. She was hype, and she was congratulating me about something. We'll talk about it later. And she said, wow, man, you did it.
Starting point is 00:24:00 You broke that bud and curse. did it you broke that that bud and curse she said yo you broke that generational just thing that's existed and I said yeah but no no ma I said that's yeah I did it but you ask me so many questions about what's going on with this stock market and my jobs and my career and market share
Starting point is 00:24:29 and the money and you don't know what's going on because you never had this type of money but you're so interested in it all now like now that the
Starting point is 00:24:37 information is here I said dad too like when I speak to dad he don't know nothing about none of this shit podcast camera youtube the fuck are you talking about but he's interested right right hey what's going on in
Starting point is 00:24:51 robin hood stop this i think my dad is a political nut so he's like all right i may not know about the stock but i know it's related to the politics and i said my that's what broke the generational curse. Because it forces me to wonder what this would have looked like had y'all been granted the information. And the opportunity. When y'all was on drugs. Because they dumped drugs to us and now the information is just now funneling. So it's so intriguing to you because we just now getting it. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:25:25 That is what breaks it. Access to that information. It was just a moment. Maybe you had to be there. No, it's real shit though. Access to information is huge. Given those opportunities, that time takes much, much, much longer.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Speaking of which, this episode is brought to you by we are empowered by, sponsored by, tolerated by, spoiled by, and put up with by the greatest app in the world, Cash App. And they prove it yet again with this amazing timing of shit, man. That's my balance, too. The AMC stock and the GameStock or whatever stock that was was you were no longer able to purchase it on cash app right i saw that and i was alarmed yeah i was alarmed because one of the great things about cash app is they do abnormal futuristic type business i i believe them to
Starting point is 00:26:20 think a certain type of way that's why i fuck with them so hard so when i seen it i was like whoa and then they put out a statement let me read it and they didn't ask me to read it good i just thought this was fly yes i saw it wasn't it fly where the hell is it hold up Oh, did I say that? Here we go. The clearing broker who processes our trades, Axos, has temporarily halted buys of AMC and Nokia. This was not Cash App's decision. We disagree with this move wholeheartedly. Whoa, they're great. We hope to make these stocks available for purchase again as soon as possible. I had a proud moment when I read that.
Starting point is 00:27:17 It's not like Jack to squash people getting to it. And I like the non-PR shit. No, we just don't fuck with this. Straight up. Yeah, we just don't fuck with this. Straight up. Yeah, we disagree with that. Not all a bunch of words saying we don't totally agree with the stances of this third party. No, we don't fuck with that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Word. Moe, can I ask you a question without you getting mad at me? What's up? Without you getting mad at me. Because I don't give a fuck about me. I don't want to get mad at you. He has on the 40 blows today. I would tread lightly.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Because when the... Them shits is clean, too. Niggas used to try to beat me up. He ain't going no snow in them shits. Niggas that had these on used to try to beat me up. It's cold out there. It's fresh out the box. Six foot snow banks.
Starting point is 00:27:53 I remember I went to mom's one year. Like, yeah, I'm on the... I end up getting the high caterpillars. The Wolverines. You got the 20 blows? The caterpillars is funny. If you below The caterpillars It's funny If you were the caterpillars
Starting point is 00:28:08 Of school It was a long day It was a long day Sorry you had to go through that But alright My mom My mom thought she was You know what
Starting point is 00:28:14 Forget it man We got the information today Yeah we all had it We got the information We got the information We got the information Well last week The dude
Starting point is 00:28:22 Rashad From Earn Your Leisure Asked you Who do you What Who do you trust more last week the dude uh rashad uh from earn your leisure asked you who do you what who do you trust and you said the mattress and i thought that he was talking about like banking stuff so that made me want to ask you do you have a bank account so there is a bank that you do trust. Oh, yeah. Or trust enough. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Got it, got it. All right.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Cash app. Don't trust a bank in the world. You scare me sometimes, man. No, no, no, no, no. He asked me who I trust. I didn't think he was somebody in life that he was talking about
Starting point is 00:28:56 with like money and shit like that. We was talking about money. Yeah, but he want big. Why you ain't telling him your bank? Yeah, he scared the shit out of me, man.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I don't trust him either. I mean. All right, cool, but at least you have one. Oh, yeah, absolutely. I don't trust him either. Why not. All right, cool. But at least you have one. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. I don't trust them either. Why not feel better in that for some reason?
Starting point is 00:29:08 And we've gotten a couple dollars on this pod. Your mattress is not that big. Yeah. I was coming in here to tell you that in the event that your house burns down, you should move that money. I don't have money in the mattress. Okay. It was a joke.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Okay. I'm just checking. Well, no. You should keep some cash. I know I have cash on me match. Okay. It was a joke. Okay. I'm just checking. Well, no. You should keep some cash. I don't have cash on me at all times, but nothing crazy. I went in the store over the weekend, tried to pay with a card. They pointed to the sign, cash only. I was like, huh?
Starting point is 00:29:37 That's a thing still? I started pleading my case to her like she was the judge. I said, who carries cash? Word. Cash only? She said, the ATM is behind you. I used to be the king of carrying at least like a little $40, $50, $60 something on me.
Starting point is 00:29:50 I never have cash anymore, man. She said the ATM was behind me as if I remembered my PIN number. Like that's how much I don't use cash. Yeah, right. There's some good food spots that I know are just cash, but I see mostly no cash. You gotta pay with card. Yeah, that's why I said cash only. I haven't seen that in years. I'm even mad when you still got it. I know it's just cash, but I see mostly no cash. You've got to pay with card.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Yeah, that's why I said cash only. I haven't seen that in years. I'm even mad when you still got it. I went to the new grocery store because I'm on a new block now, and they didn't even have the touch list shit. I had to put my actual card in the thing. Oh, look at you. You're like, what is this?
Starting point is 00:30:17 Yeah, what is this? Primitive shit. Well, I'm glad you said that. Story's the new Williamsburg. How could you do this? I'm glad you said that, and I don't want to step over an amazing Rory joke, I'm sure. We weren't even offered pizza today. Nope.
Starting point is 00:30:30 A sandwich. No text message. Yo, food orders, anyone? Chips. Don't you normally have the little chicken salad or something? Whatever that is. A little Caesar. Yeah, do a little Caesar.
Starting point is 00:30:40 The wall normally has a little jasmine to add something. Some bread. With the falafel with rice. Yeah, the falafel bowl. So, before I fly off the rocker. Listen, I can't tell a lie. Am I off? I landed.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Because on the planes now, they don't really give you the not mean meal anymore. Yeah, you're waiting. They gave me fight fuel or some shit. It was like fucking. Nuts. It was horrible. I was starving on that fucking plane. You know he loves nuts.
Starting point is 00:31:07 At least my gay jokes are creative. That was just a bad joke. It's true. It's true. I was preaching. Yeah, so when I landed, I was like, can't wait to get
Starting point is 00:31:16 at least a slice something. Men condition, you sent me swinging. Some AOs. Yeah, that's a boy. Wait, you think I have pretty brown eyes? Yo, St. Vaugh was like what's up man
Starting point is 00:31:28 I don't want you to think this is one of the times where I'm weaponizing our audience to talk bad to you it is but not even a bag of chips we should have told him
Starting point is 00:31:42 see you should have told him Alex Alex Alex you should have told him see you should have told him Alex Alex Alex you should have told him Alex when Alex came in
Starting point is 00:31:49 and said are they hungry when y'all go to Long Island just tell him it's the you should y'all should have texted me y'all should have told me just tell him
Starting point is 00:31:56 you ain't gotta say it here you ain't gotta say it here he told us we should you know what man come on let's rock what happened you gotta hit me
Starting point is 00:32:04 what was oh I know what it is cause it was later he probably thought man. Come on, let's rock. What happened? You gotta hit me. Oh, I know what it is. Cause it was later. He probably thought we got it ourselves. Hey, but wait,
Starting point is 00:32:14 I hit the group chat, right? I thought I was slick. I don't never even say nothing like that in group chat. I was like, yo, y'all, Rory lands a little late.
Starting point is 00:32:21 So 630, 615, if you have an extra job to do, if you are not talent. I said 6.15 the latest. That meant yo, man, whatever time y'all got to show up. Savon was early. Savon was here. Then why the fuck we ain't got a sandwich?
Starting point is 00:32:36 Ain't a pizza up there. It's cool, man. Should've got to know the new neighborhood. Let's take a chip break. I want some chips, man. Alright, let's do it. Alright, we got some chips. And Savon ordered pizza yeah so we'll be okay so i was in la right and hypothetically yeah hypothetically a gentleman approached me at a recording studio really nice guy really talented guy and he said yo i gotta come up there sometime of course, man. You'd be welcome anytime you want to come up to the pod. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:06 And he said, yeah. Because your man Maul over there keeps complimenting my girl just a little too much. Like, I don't like the sauce he throws on the compliments. I complimented somebody's girl? That's what he's saying. He was saying, like, he didn't really like, like, you over complimenting. What are you talking about? I'm not going to say.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Well, who's the dude? I'm not going to say. Or the girl. What the fuck are you talking about? What are you talking about? I'll compliment his girl? I know him? I don't know if you know him personally.
Starting point is 00:33:39 And I kind of felt him because like, dude, we know when our girl is pretty and talented. I don't need you to tell us. Right. I don't need the audio money bag. Oh, that's what you're talking about? The money bags? No, no. He was talking about the pod and the sauce you give her.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Oh. I love his girl. All right. He was a nice guy and approached it in a funny way. He is a nice guy. Now he's going to be mad. No, he's super. Now I love his girl like that.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Why is it bad to love girls? No, no, no. Not like that. It depends on how you love them. No, she's super talented. What way do you love them? I got to know.
Starting point is 00:34:15 No, she's super talented. She's talented, man. Well, she's talented. People are going to love your girl. See, I wouldn't like that tone if I was him. That she's talented? No, she's super.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Say it regular. What was it? She has skills. She's nice on the mic. Say it like that. No, I don't even say that. That's a lot better. That's a lot better than when I introduced my girl to the world. It was like, yo, her ass fat.
Starting point is 00:34:36 I would beat that to a pulp. Like, whatever they're saying nowadays is a lot better than what happened back then. I fuck with him. He's dope. His girl is super talented. It's all love. Is it, though? It is.
Starting point is 00:34:51 I don't know if I felt the love walking out the stew. Oh, that's because he was trying to press you. If I was there, it would have went a little different. No, he did not try to press anyone. No, no. He's cool, though. He's super cool. I fuck with him.
Starting point is 00:35:00 And because we're people. I defended you right away. Come on, it's not even like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nah, nah. It's just strictly music. She's dope. It not even like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nah, nah. It's just strictly music. She's dope. It's nothing like that.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Strictly music. Yeah. I'm a fan. I love her. I'm a fan of hers. Okay. And his too. He's dope.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Shout out to them. Shout out to whoever them are. Yeah. Am I the only one this weekend that had to ask someone how old Khloe was just in case she was being a creep? Yeah. No, I think a lot of people have the same sentiment. I didn't follow anyway.
Starting point is 00:35:28 I didn't care. Listen, I had to ask because I felt some things when I saw some things. She's talented. She is. No, I'm talking about the MPC video. She can sing. Yeah. And MPC.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Yeah, she can MPC well. Listen, I'm big on choreography. Everyone knows. I was a dance major at LaGuardia High School. So I really care about dancing. You know what it is? It was the lighting for me. It was the lighting.
Starting point is 00:35:52 I think she went to Juilliard, right? I don't know. Yeah, probably. I'm not sure. I don't know either. You followed her? I guess she went to Juilliard. And this is where you about to paint it to be something different.
Starting point is 00:36:03 I'll ask you one question. I followed her as a podcaster. Yo, you know what? That is my new shit. That is my new shit. I followed her as a podcaster. I followed her as a podcaster. There's a few people that I never,
Starting point is 00:36:18 that me personally was never personally interested in. Sure. Jordan Woods I followed. Sweetie. I never cared. This is a podcast uh yeah yeah i followed her as a sweetie laurie harvey yeah only did that for it's true yeah no i get it yeah i get it i get it i know that most men don't have
Starting point is 00:36:37 morals and values but just you i'm serious but i just got mine i just i just got mine. I just got mine. See, I never want to talk from a place like I'm holier than thou. Mine just came at like 3940. That's kind of late as a dude. That's like right now. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's now. There's no doubt about it.
Starting point is 00:36:56 When do you think yours is coming? When do you think yours is coming? A while, right? Every successful person I know has zero of those. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No thanks. I think it's like a curve. You rise, you get to the moral, and then it drops over the face of the earth.
Starting point is 00:37:13 No, what happens is everyone uses dirt bags, and to get money, the easiest way is to be a dirt bag. And then once they get the money, they're like, well, I'm going to change and do charity. And they do that for a year or two, and then it goes back to the pool. Then I'm a dirtbag again. Yeah. What did Chloe Bailey do?
Starting point is 00:37:28 She did a silhouette challenge. You follow her. You tell me. You know when you follow someone, all the posts show up? That's true. Come on, give us every post. Right at the top. Look at Parks with a house phone.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Parks got a house phone? Oh, my God. You got a landline? What my god you got a landline? what the hell is that you loser that's the intercom system yeah I know I heard the bell Rim was hype who could it be?
Starting point is 00:37:54 who goes there? that's her shit though wasn't expecting company it's Joe Rim it's Joe butt in pump it up if you came to get a crumb. A dame, a chitty drunk.
Starting point is 00:38:06 You came to get niggas. You said that in the intercom? More than five O's in the bank, then get it on. And that's when you knew that the kid singing was poor. Right then and there? I thought it was the hypnotic line. Think about it. More than five O's.
Starting point is 00:38:22 No, don't do that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't do that. Don't do that. Thank you, Rory.-0s. Nah, don't do that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't do that. Don't do that. Thank you, Rory. Thank you, Rory. Don't do that. Nah, that Incredible Hogs used to be that shit.
Starting point is 00:38:30 It didn't used to be that shit. More. More than 5-0s. 5-0s. Yeah, that's it. I thought that I was adding an O. No, no, no. That's how poor I was.
Starting point is 00:38:40 One, two, three, four. You got to carry on the O, yeah. That's 100 grand. Yeah. Yeah. One Two Three Four That's a hundred grand Yeah Why did I think That that was the guy That came to get it all That's not a bad number though If you got more than five
Starting point is 00:38:53 You can make some noise Nigga it wasn't even A recession at that point Nigga everybody Had a hundred grand No they did not It was just me No they did not
Starting point is 00:39:00 A lot of niggas That shaking their ass To that record Still don't have a lot of grand I might not have a grand At that point, so. Yeah, no. Roll up like that stank and get it.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Like, that was the Zod. That was the original Zod. Slank to fit it. Aw, I came to get it. Slank. You said slank, right? Yo, so. Yo, wait.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Before y'all continue to crack on me like you normally do, we got that. I know. Y'all are so predictable. I post a throwback pic of me in the pump it up era. Here comes some chick that I thought was fine. She wanted to DM me.
Starting point is 00:39:29 I forgot you started that stupid do-rag around the neck bullshit. Wasn't that a Jersey thing though? Apparently it made it to where she was. I thought that was a Jersey thing. She tore my ass up
Starting point is 00:39:41 for about four DMs. Like, I forgot it was your dumb ass that did that. All right. Anyway, so listen. I'm just glad the football, basketball jersey didn't hit. Chloe Bailey. Incredibly talented.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Rory has been singing her praises for at least seven years. Well, I like their last album. She had to be 15 when Rory first spotted her. From a musical standpoint. Look how your dude will jam you up. Rory first spotted her. From a musical standpoint. Look, look, look. Look how your dude will jam you up. Rory spotted her early. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Had to be a child phenom. Don't, don't, don't. Don't Tiger Rory, man. I was about to say, don't do the Kanye Breakfast Club interview when he was like, yeah, Tiger got in there early. Like, Kanye, you're a creep. So is Tiger. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:21 And another thing about kanye now that we on this and i'm always on the side of the creators we'll get back to this later i'm always on the side of the creators but i don't know if i want to hear gripes from the choir right now gripes what yeah i don't know what are they griping about they didn't get paid but that part is a normal gripe but now they've added that they were treated they were being mistreated and treated poorly and I said stop right there
Starting point is 00:40:54 Jasmine Taz choir no no no I was an altar boy in a catholic church for 10 years they were not treated as poorly as I was so fiber pills might be the new name for something then. Now we know the source. Yeah, we're...
Starting point is 00:41:08 So listen, man. Get your shit out of place, bro. Yo, Father O'Neal, salute. Yuck. He knocked your shit out of place. Parks, don't say that. Don't say that again.
Starting point is 00:41:21 He knocked your shit out of place. Knocked me right into the New Testament. Anyways, Kanye not paying the choir at Coachella. See what happens when they're on the safe side of the room. It just gets a little crazy. It just gets a little crazy. This is how I know Rory got raped.
Starting point is 00:41:40 You can't any... This is how I know. You can't... You can't just transition. You can't any... No. You can't... You can't just transition. You can't anyways. We're going to stay right there. You can't just anyways, Father O'Neal.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Sorry. Father O'Neal. It was the opposite. I was not groped and it fucked with my self-esteem like i was not good enough oh okay i see yo you're gonna see the way you took that yo i could i could i could swing this somewhere pause yo but i won't but i do think there was a situation in my two i know i do think that i don't identify with you. I'm not relating to you. I'm sorry, are you shaming someone?
Starting point is 00:42:26 Let me get close to the mall, man. Yo, these white boys get next to each other and start going crazy. Listen, there was a situation in Jersey City, right? Hey, I bet. Quite a few. No, they just move them around. They don't arrest them. They just move them to new churches.
Starting point is 00:42:44 They just rotate. It's like musical chairs for the church. For the pedophiles. Let's just get them out of this area. No one will know. Y'all are sick. No, the priests. The priests are sick, yes.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Anyway, what happened to JC? We started at Chloe Bailey. Yeah, that's where we started at. In Jersey City back in the day, allegedly, there was one of the homies that got really crazy at the kickback and stayed after everyone left.
Starting point is 00:43:20 And then the next morning, there was a story floating around about the homie. I won't say it. But we've had to spend the next seven years trying to figure out how to get this story out of him. I have an idea of what you're talking about. Nigga, you did. It was done to me.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Listen, I got to get our numbers up. It's okay. Numbers are fine. Numbers are good. Numbers are fine. Numbers are good. Numbers are good. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Oh, that's what it was. Jimmy Snacks. Yo, listen. Oh, that's what it was. Jimmy Snacks. Yo, listen. Oh, that was the issue. Joe, the communion money had me going crazy. Holy shit. Yo, what the hell? What is this new crib doing?
Starting point is 00:44:17 No, no, you're doing great. You're hitting it out the park. What the hell? Holy shit. I thought we saw my Chloe Bailey. I was talking about my dude from the hood there. He hell? Holy shit. I thought we saw my Chloe Bailey. I was talking about my dude from the hood there. He got crazy that night.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Crazy for the body of Christ. But listen, for the next seven years... You thought threesomes were good. Wait for the Holy Trinity. Why does he keep this going? Drink the blood, my son. Yo, when I found... Listen, I was young and got my first communion, and when they do the blood of Christ,
Starting point is 00:44:53 it's red wine. Why are you giving me red wine at 13, you fucking creep? Just because you blessed it, it makes it the blood of Christ. Here's the milk of Christ no edits by the way keep everything no edits of the new cream
Starting point is 00:45:11 listen man look what you want to do I have an important announcement you want to talk about the Nets and the Clippers tonight I have such an important announcement today I don't understand
Starting point is 00:45:22 they can't sit next to each other. Wait, hold on. This isn't the Patreon episode? No. This is the real one? Oh, my mom is going to kill me. Now I know how George Steinbrenner felt looking at Melky Cabrero
Starting point is 00:45:36 and Robinson Canoodle in the middle field. I'm paying you niggas the way I'm paying y'all. And y'all are friends out there. Yo, them niggas was dropping balls. They was in the club every night in the daily news.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Yo, George Starr, brother, shipped that nigga Canoe so fast. Yo, Yankee fans said, yo, y'all sent him to Miami. George said, get that nigga the fuck out of here. As far as you can. Making friends with Melky Cabrera in the outfield. Don't say his name like that.
Starting point is 00:46:12 As a Yankee fan, I was tight about that trade, but I understand. Rory, are you done? Are you finished or are you done? Listen, man, sometimes you got to take the pot at the next level. Nigga had the neosporin in his asshole. Nigga's shit was swelling.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Yo, did you ever see a girl eat the same pussy that you ate right after you ate it? Yes, and I felt bad about my pussy eating skills. Yo, fam. Yo. Woo, jumper. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:52 It's a little, it's a self-conscious moment. This is why we can't start the bar at 7 p.m. This is why. And that's true. And this is why we can't move. This is why we can't have. That too. Can't not go back.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Punks, you gotta go back. Holy shit, this is minute 47? Yeah. And you thought she was bugging You was pulling out All the tricks Theatrics She went in there
Starting point is 00:47:08 And calmly made that bitch Come in a second Well that's what a woman Can do that I was pissed No no no They know the equipment Yeah
Starting point is 00:47:14 No I wanna We staying here Yeah they know They know the equipment Like Parkes Then we'll get back To Chloe Bailey I turned her over
Starting point is 00:47:19 Everything Have you ever done that What Rory's talking about A pussy Yes No no A pussy? Yes. No, no. A pussy with another woman. There was two women and we were both eating the same pussy. I never had a threesome, so
Starting point is 00:47:31 no. Oh. Well, it don't have to be a threesome. Just you ate the same vagina that she ate. That would be a threesome, no? This guy's a fucking jerk. Yo, get out. That would be a threesome, no? Fucking geek, no. Fam, I'll get you two girls now. You should go upstairs.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Don't like none of my bitch's shit ever again, nigga. Why? Because I never had a threesome? No. No, you don't have to have a threesome in what I'm talking about right now. That would be a threesome, though. If I'm eating pussy in a girl's... That's not true.
Starting point is 00:47:57 That's not a threesome. You should be askable brother and sister. Askable siblings. If a woman is laying down and you eat her and then you move and a woman eats her, that's not a threesome. Well, I would be penetrating the woman that's eating. Somebody's getting penetrated
Starting point is 00:48:09 by me. All right. Have you ever done this? I have never done this. Which would be a threesome? I wasn't going to do a callback. Now watch this. Now watch this, Roy.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Now watch this. Now watch this. Have you ever done it? No. And you want me to think he knows about struggle? That's good struggle, though. I'll take,
Starting point is 00:48:24 I will take the lower pussy eater in the threesome struggle over some's good struggle, though. I'll take, I will take the lower pussy eater and the threesome struggle over some over the crest. Yo, I never knew what I never knew
Starting point is 00:48:32 what women meant until that happened. Yeah, women know each other. They know their bodies. But it was so effortless. It was smooth. She didn't pull out the tricks. It was smooth
Starting point is 00:48:41 as sweet potato pie. I didn't even see her move her mouth once. Her face stayed in one spot. Just stay on the cliff. And I'm watching the art form. But you can't even really see it. I'm sitting there like, why do I be moving my face all wild?
Starting point is 00:48:57 She's chilling. And this girl was like, ha, ha, ha. And it was like a different type of moan, too. I'm like, yo, she didn't make none of those noises when I was giving it. You know what I mean? It was like a magical moan. Yeah, just stay on the cliff. She was beside herself.
Starting point is 00:49:09 She put her hands on this girl's head. I was like, yo. Maul's right. Just stay on the cliff. I was just right there. You don't have to get creative. Whoa, that was the next thing. It's like the girl that's trying to get creative when they're sucking.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Hold up. You would think. Yeah, that's never. Yeah, it's not good. You would think, Maul. Stay there. Wait a second, man. Just going to stay on the clip.
Starting point is 00:49:29 But then you realize that's probably what Shorty did too. And then that gets you to your tongue motor. And I'm like, yo, am I doing something wrong with my tongue? I'm not that inexperienced. Like maybe I'm doing the wrong beat. I think I'd be killing shit. It's a soft tongue, hard tongue. I would have to imagine the female tongue is a little
Starting point is 00:49:49 softer than our tongue. Why if it's a tongue? Because I smoke weed and cigarettes. You think God had a different set of tongues for them? Yeah, I think so. You're a fucking jerk. No, it's just a tongue. I don't know. Listen, once I saw that move happen when Shorty did that It took my whole
Starting point is 00:50:06 Thrill away from Once I'm eating pussy To turn her over And eat it from the back Like ooh I'm not done yet And It's not as dope As I thought it was
Starting point is 00:50:13 So wait It's a theatric I did what I had to do Gave it my best jaw Right Right And she gave me a couple moments It was like
Starting point is 00:50:27 She was telling me that She was telling me She just going through the motions Yeah Like they're pumping up With that shit Oh my god Oh my god
Starting point is 00:50:35 Yo You doing Yo you That couldn't be a moan Nuclear brewery is funny right Nuclear brewery is funny She said oh Oh and then I move And then the chick start doing what she doing.
Starting point is 00:50:47 And it was like pandemonium in there. Now you at a crossroads as a man. Right. Do you allow your ego to take over and disassociate yourself in the activities? Or do you do what Joe was doing? Yeah, you like what she doing, right? Oh, you start talking. You got to take notes.
Starting point is 00:51:03 I'm just commentating now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, she going crazy right there. Yeah, yeah like what she's doing, right? Oh, you start talking. You got to take notes. I'm just commentating now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, she going crazy right there. Yeah, yeah. Right? Right, she does shit better than I do. Start rubbing her shoulders. Yeah, now you're the rubber.
Starting point is 00:51:15 You need a drink? Yeah, now you're the rubber of the situation. That's right. Right. So then when that is over, I'm Joe, so I take shit too far. So the next day I called Shorty Up that was doing the eating. What you did? Do me?
Starting point is 00:51:32 Wanted to compare notes. How you did that? I said, Joe. Told him to come do you? I said, Joe. That was funny. Was it just, what did he say? Nothing, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:51:41 He said, you can come do me. My turn. I don't have a clitoris. What is he say? Nothing. It's fine. Come to me. My turn. I don't have a clitoris. What is he talking about? What is up with y'all? I mean. She might got that ass in the game. So the next day I called the girl up and I'm like, yo, man.
Starting point is 00:51:59 It's going crazy the other night. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I said, yo. You was going crazy the other night. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I said, yo. You was going crazy. I said, yo, Shorty really enjoyed that. She said, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:14 I said, yeah. Mm-hmm. I said, you think you could teach me what you did? I said, you think you could teach me what you did? Is it up to there or side to side? What was that swirl move you gave her? No, I couldn't see a swirl move because her head stayed in one spot. Her mouth stayed in one spot.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Whatever she was doing was in like a cocoon. I couldn't see it. I said, so yeah, you think you could teach me what you did? She was going crazy over there with what she was doing. Yeah. Yeah, I'll teach you. She taught you? No.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Oh, okay. Yeah. No. Stay on the clip the clip still gonna try to thrill him sit on my face those are just antics it's not a real it's not a real thing so then I got my mall bag her thighs are tired
Starting point is 00:52:59 your face is tired told her to come through for the solo dolo don't do that oh wait hold on wait is this the girl this had to be 20 years ago was she the plus one to come through for the solo dolo. Don't do that. Oh, wait, hold on. Wait, is this the girl that- This had to be 20 years ago. Was she the plus one
Starting point is 00:53:09 or the other girl was the plus one? She was the plus one, maybe. The eater or the ED? So you linked with the plus one. The ED. Yeah, I didn't know I had such a great eater in the building. I found out about her talents that night.
Starting point is 00:53:22 That's like when the Rockets got hardened. Like, oh shit, he do all that? Not to talk as getting a good player, but... Weird comparison. Step back, though. So anyway, so I call up... But now, Lincoln the plus one is an art. I call up for the solo dolo.
Starting point is 00:53:35 We're going to talk about important stuff. I swear we are. This is important. I call up for the solo dolo. She come through. Nobody's pettier than Joe so I gotta take it too far gotta send a picture to the chick that
Starting point is 00:53:48 she ate ah bitch you enjoyed it all the night now I got it to myself bitch talking about some word no invite it's like hell no
Starting point is 00:53:57 you got yours off you got yours off give me no invite you'll never see her again I will never invite you here again while she's here again right yeah
Starting point is 00:54:09 the last time with that tongue are you fucking kidding the last time I put the threesome in a group chat it didn't end well for me we'll save that for Patreon that's why I don't fuck with girls
Starting point is 00:54:19 cause that's still your girl and they might like each other too much and plot against you like bitch I introduced y'all that's where it gets tricky too we'll save that for patreon what's that what a segue whoa whoa what do you mean segue we didn't even start talking about chloe bailey she's she's of age my feelings are fine and she makes great beats i'm not stopping right there oh shit whoa there's something else in the oh whoa yo first they love you then they hate you then they love you again i wasn't saying that to be funny i mean
Starting point is 00:54:58 2021 i'm gonna highlight this the way i've the same way I've highlighted it every podcast in 2021. I think 2021 might be a bit weirder and odder than 2020, and I just think we're numb. Y'all kill Chloe Bailey? What? Why'd he kill her? Are y'all that fucking bored at home? They are. Do y'all know that this is Beyonce's protege?
Starting point is 00:55:32 Y'all wouldn't dare, just Beyonce. Internet. Take Beyonce out of it. Y'all are still weirdos. Yeah. But what are they killing her about? Because she's embracing her body. She's of age now and becoming an adult.
Starting point is 00:55:45 She's 22. She's rebranding. She ain't the Disney girl, and it ain't just her voice. I'm fine, and this is me embracing myself after maybe I wasn't so confident in the past. I'm here now. Same shit they was killing Lizzo for. That's what the women do.
Starting point is 00:55:59 I just never thought I'd see the day where they would do it with this young girl. Well, to the Lizzo point, I still don't think Khloe should go to a Laker game with her ass cheeks on leather, but that's just me. No, don't do that.
Starting point is 00:56:10 No one should do that. I don't think that that should happen. I agree. But yeah, no people weirdos. But again, like, can we stop with this people getting killed for stuff?
Starting point is 00:56:18 Look, who's saying it. It's a bunch of weirdos. If you have an issue with this girl embracing herself, this talented, beautiful woman, your opinion doesn't matter pretty much on anything to me in life y'all made chloe bailey do a response video about this i'm 40 so this is like i'm not supposed to pay attention to this stuff yeah i was just only surprised oh yes you are that the
Starting point is 00:56:45 internet forced chloe bailey into a response video where she has to cry in front of y'all you're supposed to pay attention fuck y'all we just talked about uh the kid cycle you have a kid around her age this is the cycle of people yeah older people need to step in on this stuff and tell young people they're fucking stupid. But she's not doing nothing crazy. No, I'm talking about her. No, no, no. I'm talking about the people commenting.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Got it. Like, yeah. Older people need to step in. These are the younger generation. Y'all are fucking... This girl is 22 years old and can do what she would like. Y'all are fucking weirdos. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:22 And she's not even doing nothing crazy. Right. She ain't do a single thing crazy remotely crazy what is she what is she a i'm still i'm still from that that that era of this online bullying shit just isn't real to me i'm sorry and also why i said you need to pay attention to is because she's famous so it there's a magnified glass on this i think 22 year old girls go through this within their inner circle of 20 people at college or within their neighborhood when they start posting this shit. This is just heightened because she's famous. Right. This happens a lot.
Starting point is 00:57:56 So, yeah, this is something I think everyone needs to pay attention to. Stop being a fucking weirdo and let women do what they'd like to do. Especially when it's positive and she's not doing remotely anything wrong. I don't even understand. What are they killing her about? It might be PG. It might even be 13.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Yeah, like what the fuck? People are just stupid, man. This is why you can't give power to trolls and people on the internet bashing you because you gotta look at who's saying the information
Starting point is 00:58:20 is the most important thing. A lot of this shit is fake pages. Sometimes you gotta protect black women from black women. Y'all can have a blast with that. I will be over here. I like it.
Starting point is 00:58:30 In the white section. I agree. I agree. Now the white's quiet. Oh, yeah. I agree. Absolutely quiet. You got a deep dive on that, Roy?
Starting point is 00:58:41 I'm just saying. Listen, man. It's not my business. So I'm not getting into women empowerment and just how this whole thing played out I want to support
Starting point is 00:58:49 this young lady Chloe congratulations to her for embracing her embracing herself being confident being bold enough to really not give a fuck
Starting point is 00:58:57 about what people say and you don't and you don't have to cry on internet you don't have to cry to none of these dudes at all and she's human
Starting point is 00:59:04 and young so she can have those feelings. But not that she watches this podcast or would take advice from us. Just, Khloe, look at the messenger. That's always the most important thing. It's not what's being said. Look who's saying it. If they're not valid in your life at all or valid period in life,
Starting point is 00:59:22 who cares what they're saying? Yeah. Khloe, you're beautiful and you're talented. You have nothing to worry about. Pay these people no mind. They're just miserable. That's all it is. And they do this because they want to see you crying on camera.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Talk your shit, Joe. Clear out. I'm sure Beyonce gave her way better advice than we just did. Nah, get your shit off yeah but it hits different coming from black men you know what I'm saying that advice
Starting point is 00:59:53 you feel me I'm gonna be on the white side of the parks right over here yeah I know that's why I said black men alright nah nah it's ISO Tom
Starting point is 01:00:03 take a little sip of this pomegranate man nah do a little little stacks stacks clear listen I I remember when I couldn't even spell
Starting point is 01:00:11 pomegranate CYO tell you that I couldn't even spell pomegranate at some point yeah now you know how to smell it spell it I buy all the pomegranate
Starting point is 01:00:19 I want more well it's black all the pomegranate you want? Come on, man. What you want to do with them? Stop playing with Joe. Well, hey,
Starting point is 01:00:28 I just want to tell you two, you two are excellent and you're black. Thank you. Rory? Alex, save all on you two. Well, they were on camera. Yo.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Y'all don't get to tell me how great I am for Black History Month. I agree. I don't care. Like, y'all should think get to tell me how great I am for Black History Month. I agree. I don't care. Like, y'all should think that we're all great. I don't care about what you guys think for Black History Year.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Years. Talk your shit. Hum, hum, hum. Mic check, mic check. It's on. Half the time I got it right, I probably guessed. You love that bar. It's one of his best bars. No, I like the bar love that bar. It's one of his best bars.
Starting point is 01:01:07 No, I like the bar a lot too. It's one of his best bars. I like a good subtle bar that impacts you later. You can expound on that bar much more than what he's actually saying. Half the time I got it right, I probably guessed. When our geniuses admit to really being idiots but guessing correctly, I do appreciate that. And intuition and gut.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Because I say all the time, part of being good is being lucky. I do appreciate that. And intuition and gut. Because I say all the time, part of being good is being lucky. I agree. Be prepared. That's different. It's both. It's different. It's preparation you need. Everybody got to try and get that. Part of being good is luck and
Starting point is 01:01:39 sheer luck. This has been a topic. Say something like success is when luck and and opportunity preparation something like that i've been having this conversation in my house a lot with pat mahomes versus tom brady right okay like very rarely do we ever see this where tom is tom you know who tom is there's nothing to argue sure legacy is there it's cemented talk to your moms after dinner but pat is pat what does that mean it means this is the first time we've ever seen two quarterbacks in the super bowl face each other that have both been mvps and won super bowls this is our first time seeing that really yes is it
Starting point is 01:02:21 brett farve uh versus john no no no okay no and no so that's what i'm saying this is the very Really? Yes. Is it? Brett Favre versus John Elway? No. No. Okay. No. No. So that's what I'm saying. This is the very first time that you see someone crowned as the future king. He's got all the stats and the accolades. It's there now.
Starting point is 01:02:37 Yeah. Versus the guy that you know who he is. Yeah. Damn, so what was I saying in the talk I've been having in my house? Tom Brady. Luck. Oh, so what was I saying in the talk I've been having in my house? Tom Brady. Luck. Oh, luck. I feel like at least three of Tom's Super Bowls, he shouldn't have won.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Tuck rule, stop it. I'm not arguing it because he won it. Sure. But tuck rule, stop it. Don't talk to me about it. The Falcons. The Falcons. No, Seahawks.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Oh, Seahawks too. Those are my three. Well, no, Seahawks for sure The Falcons. No, Seahawks. Oh, Falcons too. Those are my three. Seahawks for sure. Falcons. He came back. Those are my three. But he also should have won the Eagles Super Bowl. In the Falcons game, nigga, I went to get fucking spinach dip and chips in the third quarter. You can't do that when Tom has the ball.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Well, no. Me and Ish were the only ones in my living room saying, there's a lot of time left. Everybody's like, oh, this game is over. I mean, we was eating saying living room saying it's a lot of time left. Everybody's like, oh, this game is over. I mean, we was eating saying it's a lot of time left there. And the Seattle Seahawks won. Listen, part of being good
Starting point is 01:03:31 is being lucky. And don't do that as a Giants fan. Yeah, I was about to say because I got some gripes about those two Giants wins. I think those are
Starting point is 01:03:40 two valid wins. No, they're valid because they have a ring. Every win is valid, but don't say there wasn't luck in that. But a nigga catching a football on his helmet. On top of his helmet.
Starting point is 01:03:47 With a defender right next to him. Like, come on, fam. Rodney Harrison at that. Yeah, then that one throw to, what was it? Was it Manningham? Was that his name? Manningham. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:54 That motherfucker. He might have caught two passes the whole fucking game. He might have caught two passes that whole fucking game. You still owe me money from one of those hoop holes. I don't owe you. We watched one of those together. Look at that shit. If that ain't luck, I don't know what the fuck is.
Starting point is 01:04:12 The defender was right there. I said to Maul during one of those. You also owe me $1,000. That Tom left Eli too much time on the clock. After that, I thought Eli was the greatest. But it was two whole minutes left when the Patriots had scored and y'all gave us the ball back. Two whole minutes for any quarterback that made it to the Super Bowl was a lot of time.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Eli Manning can get, I'm assuming that y'all practiced the two minutes rule. But anyway. That's Eli's strongest. Listen, man, half the time we're not here to talk about a white man's greatness during Black History Month. Colonizers, great-grandson. Great-grandson colonizers. The grandson great grandson colonizers
Starting point is 01:04:45 the fuck are you telling me about Eli Manifor half the time I got it right I probably guessed huh mom or through with the
Starting point is 01:04:55 man in hand they whisper hey let him guess they scream my they scream my failures and whisper my accomplishments
Starting point is 01:05:02 mom so many Drake bars today I get it no what was our I'm a whole venger still what was the whole line Scream my failures and whisper my accomplishments, mon. So many Drake bars today. I get it. No, what was our, I'm a whole vendor still. What was the whole line we started with? Put me anywhere on God's green earth. I'm a triple love words, God damn it.
Starting point is 01:05:16 I want to start this by saying rest in peace to Ricky Powell. Yeah. Also known as the fourth Beastie Boy. Also known as one of hip hop's greatest photographers, captured a lot of really legendary moments. Just being in the right place at the right time when history was being made. A lot of us have had the pleasure of not only working with, but meeting and experiencing Ricky. I didn't even look to see how he passed. I don't know how he passed. But he was celebrated.
Starting point is 01:05:48 Celebrated so much that as it was happening, boy, y'all scared the shit out of me this weekend. Y'all made me think Run DMC had passed. I thought L Cool J passed. Everybody was posting all of Ricky's great work. Rest in peace, Jam Master J. And it scared the shit out of me. Rest in peace, Jam Master J. Rest in peace, Marvin Gaye. Rest in peace, Jam Master Jay. And it scared the shit out of me. Rest in peace, Jam Master Jay.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Rest in peace, Marvin Gaye. Rest in peace, MCA. Stuart Scott. I'm still on that. I'm not off all the greats they done. Well, I mean, we can stay here with Dustin Diamond. I want to say rest in peace to Dustin Diamond as well, even though I'm newly informed that he was a racist.
Starting point is 01:06:23 Really? Yeah, I didn't know much about his personal life at all. I didn't know that either. I didn't know much about that one. I'm assuming this is like a, who was the dude from Seinfeld? Kramer? Kramer, yeah. Yeah, Dustin Diamond.
Starting point is 01:06:37 And listen, I'm not of the belief that when people pass, it's the time to highlight some of their lowest moments. No, I agree with you. So you can Google it. You can Google it. But that didn't make me hate him. That didn't make me hate him. Like, I'm not in love.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Love is in me. Like, if that's how he chose to live, cool. But rest in peace to Dustin Diamond. Played a real integral part in a lot of our upbringings with Saved by the Bell. I did some research on that, man. I'm going to have to research it some more. I found some unsavory comments that Zach had made about Screech. Again, this is not the time to highlight any of that stuff.
Starting point is 01:07:12 Rest in peace to Dustin Diamond. Rest in peace to Ricky. Nobody else died, right? That's not true. Somebody else did die. I'm telling y'all, 2021. It's not true. Yeah. Somebody else did die. I'm telling you all 2021. Yeah. It's not so different.
Starting point is 01:07:29 It's not so different. There is somebody else that transitioned. It'll come back to me shortly. But listen, back to the business, back to the business. Effective immediately. The Joe Budden podcast. Immediately, the Joe Budden podcast will be bringing two additional bonus episodes to Patreon. You can go to Patreon right now, and that page is up.
Starting point is 01:08:02 I left a cool little greeting video there for you guys. It looks a little nerdy, but that's my corporate Joe swag. And you can't help it. And delivering to you. Really? I'm just not cool, right? I mean.
Starting point is 01:08:13 There's nothing cool about me. Right? There's coolness in your uncoolness. I'll take it. I'm feeling the Def Jam poetry sweater today, but I'm a nerd too, so it's cool. Is that what this is?
Starting point is 01:08:26 A deaf poetry jam? Let's see if we got some bongos you can play for Joe. Yeah, I left a cool little introduction vid for you. They're telling you what to expect, but I'll tell you now. Excuse me. Starting February 8th,
Starting point is 01:08:42 we will be releasing two additional episodes of the joe button podcast live on patreon we will be bringing bonus episodes bonus footage behind the scenes clips more unwanted opinions more unwanted mall political takes more unfiltering of what we thought was as unfiltered as can be we will be bringing that all to Patreon under three different tiers. We have a $5 tier. We have a $10 tier.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Or is it $15? Damn it, we should have made it $15. $15 tier, it's not too late. A $5 tier, a $10 tier, and a $25 tier, which is the most expensive right now. That $25 is going to be the non-mean, and a $25 tier, which is the most expensive right now. That $25 is going to be the non-mean, though. $25 gets you everything. That's where the content is going to be.
Starting point is 01:09:29 That gets you the two pods, the bonus clips. That gets you a new. Joe crying on camera. Really? Yeah. I'll cry on camera for $25 on that tier. Are you all going to cry? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:09:40 That's our version of the moment. That'll get you Rory going through severe depression in real time we get that on this for free they get you fucking parks kissing rims ass throughout the whole throughout the whole relationship what more could you want let's not do that because this the shit we get into on patreon is so many y'all got so sensitive and because our podcast grew it grew to the casual sensitive fan mm-hmm so let's let's focus on the people that we know really really rock with us and we could get back to the non-mean fun shit that we love love
Starting point is 01:10:12 right we get into the shit on patreon it's not it's not for the sensitive not a pitch it's not really if you want to be corny and pay $25 to record the patreon to then try to cancel us at least you paid yeah I could live with that pay $25 to cancel us this time yeah
Starting point is 01:10:31 so at $5 you'll get one additional episode plus some bonus shit at $10 you'll get two additional episodes plus some bonus shit you'll get Discord engagement real active community over there
Starting point is 01:10:43 because Patreon and Discord are partners or owned by the same people. Something like that. Something like that. Something in the inner work. They work in conjunction with one another. I don't know who owns what, but I'll be there.
Starting point is 01:10:56 I want to get into some music shit too for new artists and stuff. I think there'll be some cool ways that we can really interact with all the people that love our Sleeper Pick segment and want us to really get involved with their music and that type of degree on a real personal level. I think we could do that on Patreon and make it a really dope thing. I agree. I think we could do some real cool music shit on there.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Yeah, for $25, I'll shit on an upcoming artist. Mo. Literally? I took it literally. I'll just shit on something for $25 or who listen I can't guarantee this but I had on that list
Starting point is 01:11:32 for our bonus content we was really doing the mall MTV Cribs that's gotta happen you wanna go to the trap it's gonna cost more than $25 I urge I urge
Starting point is 01:11:45 I urge everyone out there if you're looking for additional content from the Joe Budden podcast to subscribe to our Patreon I don't care which tier you subscribe to as long as you're there you're gang and that's that
Starting point is 01:12:01 man we look forward to kicking it with y'all we've really had a lot of fun and a real good time almost like the old days recording some of these thursday episodes it's a different energy i've had so much it is a different vibe yeah and and for some reason it just does seem like we care a little less maybe because we're behind a paywall it could be that it's just a better energy when you don't have to care it's different of the of the person that you know doesn't even really care about your podcast but will make sure they'll feel important by saying, look at all the negative things you're saying. I'm such a good person.
Starting point is 01:12:32 I would never say this. Once you get that corny person out of the way, you just have more fun on a podcast. Yeah. In addition, Joe Budden has been brought on as head of creator equity at Patreon. Give yourself a gunshot, round of applause. Boy, I wish I had better gunshots.
Starting point is 01:12:53 I'm hitting a round of applause. Congrats, man. I think that's really dope. And I think it fits you well. I'll try to break that down some more. Yeah, I about to. Joe has been brought on not only in title and position, but in an advisory role. Let me say it different again.
Starting point is 01:13:21 different again Joe Budden is the head of creator equity at a rapidly growing tech company evaluated at over a billion dollars pre IPO
Starting point is 01:13:38 nah let it sit let it sit in silence let's give it a minute for people to ping their friends to the room I'm gonna give this a minute to breathe I'm gonna allow some of you to go get your
Starting point is 01:14:00 Robitussin you're showing your age Buckley's You're Robitussin. You're showing your age. Buckleys. You're older. Way older. I'm going to allow people time to go get their Advil cold and sinus. Why is that so low? Can you turn this up?
Starting point is 01:14:22 Sure. This is a moment. Can you turn this up? Sure This is a moment I'm gonna allow people time To get their Advil cold And sinus Cause you about to be sick
Starting point is 01:14:32 That guy gotta get back in the booth I'm glad you're at Pichon That was the Jesus Christ beat You said I needed I think that was the beat right? Email it That was the beat You got my email Joe Budden? Let? I think that was the beat, right? Email it. That was the beat. You got my email, Joe Budden?
Starting point is 01:14:47 That was the beat. Listen. I'm going to allow time for you guys to go ping your friends and get all of the bloggers and podcasters that thought we were down when it appeared that we were down and spread these lies and these false narratives that we conducted bad business.
Starting point is 01:15:14 Boy, that was a topic for weeks. But who cares? I do. Let them talk. No. We know it's happening. No. Have fun with perception. i'm cool and no
Starting point is 01:15:27 nah enough of that why well no go ahead keep your rank going enough of it because it's happened it's occurred for five years enough of it because it's occurred for six years enough of it because as head of creator equity there's some things that we need to normalize and this is one we're not going to just skip right over this too many times too many creators have made too much of an impact at too many companies without being able to participate in any upside that's not what my point so no yeah i'm not on your point yeah okay i'm on a me point because that's not what i was saying at all well tell me what you're saying before i get in the room after no keep going that's just occurred way too many times and i was coming in here for months and months and months
Starting point is 01:16:22 I was coming in here for months and months and months. It's almost like the kid at school. That dress is cool and has looked fly the whole year. I'm never saying that Joe looked fly at school the whole year. But when the kid that looks fly all year. Shows up to the prom without a date, just looking fly. Guess what? Nobody cares.
Starting point is 01:16:56 I've seen you looking fly all year long. What is it that you about to do different? And see, for a while, for me, it felt like my words. I mean, it's a lot of words. Y'all used to me coming in here ranting and raving and telling you what's wrong. And self-deprecation has become a thing on this podcast. It's helped us to greatness. And Savon don't want to tell y'all about how much he trusts me at the helm publicly.
Starting point is 01:17:23 Alex don't neither. They have to go to Patreon for our intervention that we did on there. We did. It was a really good intervention. We had a great episode on there. And I appreciate you for that. That was fun. Mo, you missed that episode.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Yeah. Good intervention. But the point is, for so long, you come in here with these words. They watched us leave Spotify, right? And it just looked a certain way and I couldn't come in here and refute some of the perception and some of the narratives that were going on because it's more it's more talk why do it take for Patreon to give Joe this position like why didn't this happen before To give Joe this position.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Like why didn't this happen before? How could you be impactful in so many different places? And raise market share in so many different places. And just adhere to the broken monetization systems that are in place for creatives. Sorry. Those days are over. So, Ma, when you ask me what it means, I can't tell you what head of creator equity means because look up the word equity.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Equity means equal. Equality. Fear. Right? equity equity means equal equality fair right and i can't tell you what that means today because all of it is broke it's all broken i've been running around here saying i've been telling every company that had ears i've been telling every board every board member every executive suite this guy's best friend this guy's right hand man anybody with ears yo I don't want any money another thing we need to normalize what the fuck is in advance a bad load a bank loan a bad then don't let's not call it in advance see a little shit like that more like it's just certain habits and practices and conditioning that's been normalized that
Starting point is 01:19:31 now there's a company that agrees that the shit has been wrong and not only do they agree that the shit has been wrong they also happen to be paying you niggas the fucking highest payout possible for your creations don't ask me why Patreon is happening now. Go check your payouts on your streams. Go check your payouts where the videos are. Hey, you niggas not tired yet? Niggas ain't sleepy. Niggas ain't tired of getting the same result
Starting point is 01:20:03 from doing the same fucking thing. It's boring. I want this to symbolize a shift in the thinking. And it's the shit that I've been saying here all along. Like, fam, the guard is changing and creators have the leverage. And if y'all not going to treat us accordingly then we're going to go and make our own decisions and do our own thing and some of these platforms is going to have to get used to a whole community of people upping and leaving or you're just going to have to acknowledge who
Starting point is 01:20:37 exactly is raising the market share around certain places so i don't want to. I want to celebrate this. Because it is huge. It is huge. Dennis Rodman only ever cared about a board. And these hoes. Board first. He missed the game. Get that Carmen pussy.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Go on. It's a whole lot. For Black History Month. Rory's being funny right now Rory's really funny so I don't want to step on Rory being funny but for Black History Month
Starting point is 01:21:10 boy it's a lot of those fake titles being thrown around I know cause I did it I got the complex gave myself a fake title and them white niggas
Starting point is 01:21:23 hated it but they couldn't say a word know why? was too successful got to Spotify created a fucking title I didn't even know that was the game in corporate I never had no corporate job
Starting point is 01:21:35 they make titles up they do shit they make shit up all the time that's it I mean I didn't know nobody told me got to Spotify
Starting point is 01:21:42 made up a fucking title they couldn't say nothing. Was too successful. Got the revolt and got a title. That's a black dude. He should get it. This is a whole white dude. This is a whole white dude at a growing tech company
Starting point is 01:22:00 trusting a young black creative to say, hey, let's work together on some things. Not just that, but a creator that started a fucking platform because he was getting shorted on the payout on his shit. So let me paint the picture a little bit clearer for the idiots that were talking a few months ago. We took some of cash app and Bitcoin. They allowed it. Bitcoin in 2010 was worth what? Nine cent, 38 cent, something like that.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Something stupid like that. 10 years later, it's that what? 38 grand. like that something stupid like that 10 years later is that what 38 grand you want me to come in here and tell you how my god always looks out for me i could not imagine that this would be the place the fucking state of the stock market so if i go to cash app and say hey niggas is doing real shit we need a way to participate more i need a way for 1 million to potentially turn to 5 10 15 and they grant it stop playing with me out here head of creator equity and patreon
Starting point is 01:23:21 or equity at Patreon? Do you know all the steps that had to happen for this to happen? Don't listen to this and say, oh, no, I see where Joe's coming from. No, the fuck you don't. You wasn't there year one in that Spotify deal
Starting point is 01:23:40 where they offered niggas 15 million in a growing market and niggas had to say no. You know how much self-serving shit I walked away from? You wasn't there in year two when they said, hey, 21 mil and all your rights.
Starting point is 01:23:53 You wasn't there when that next company came and said, hey, 30 mil for y'all and all y'all rights. Don't listen to me now and say, oh, nah, Joe, I see where you was going. You wouldn't have did it, nigga.
Starting point is 01:24:05 That's another thing. You wouldn't have did it, nigga. That's another thing. You wouldn't have done it. And that be my point. I'm real responsible moving around with some of the decisions that I make because we set the bar. Don't let the jokes confuse you. Any decision that Joe makes potentially becomes the standard for any creator to follow.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Why the fuck am I taking $30 million? What does it do for the wave that comes after me? Ping them niggas in here that was talking that shit. You might not see what's going on. Spotify undervalued niggas and three months later, it was podcasts popping up every month. It ain't cheap. Stop playing with Joe out here.
Starting point is 01:24:55 If Joe ain't showed you nothing else in 20 years, is that Joe is an accurate digital forecaster. And then I know a little bit about what I'm doing. There's a staff of over 40 making this shit run around. I don't know what y'all been looking at. Y'all been looking at jokes
Starting point is 01:25:16 and y'all been looking at, I don't know what niggas is paying attention to. Boy, did I want to say this a few months ago. Do y'all see what's happening? Now I should have took the sweater off. Give him dirty white.
Starting point is 01:25:30 I'm just saying when you when you meet somebody, right? That is the owner or head of a company value the way that they are. And that person, why does it take another creator? Full circle to what we were talking about with Motown with Barry and with Kevin Lyles and certain people that were creators and just great businessmen it's a different mentality and a different type of executive him being one of those at Patreon but Rory I told you I've been watching a lot of docs right I've been getting a lot of information actually it's not even a doc
Starting point is 01:26:05 this is from uh this is from one night in Miami Jim Brown Jim Brown goes to visit the owner of the team or shareholder or somebody that was important and boy did they chop it up they had a blast the older white man expressed how important Jimim brown was to him how much money he was betting on jim brown how much he loved jim brown and his ability and what he was bringing and doing for the city and so forth and so on and then dude's car had to get fixed in the back of the house and jim brown went to help and the dude said you know you can't come in here you know you can't come in the house
Starting point is 01:26:45 I'll fix it and I love you out here working but you can't come in the house all of this stock shit going on that my parents is into and is forcing me to be into and go get some some information
Starting point is 01:27:01 I don't think none of this shit could be coming at a greater at a greater at a greater time barry gordy said if you're not innovating then you're stagnant and i only highlight i only highlight these things because for so long i've been dying to come in here and like talk to the podcast community about all the different steps you have to navigate to like and like talk to the podcast community about all the different steps you have to navigate to like, kind of get to kind of like land in the right place.
Starting point is 01:27:32 Like all the no's that have to come before you get the yes. Like luminary, this company, that company, like when you, this company, that company, like when you line things up to not line your pockets up, but to align with your interests and to line with your vision of what the future looks like. So while this wasn't planned this way, for me, boy, does it seem like poetic justice that you end up with a title on a platform that somehow has gotten the monetization as closest to together as we've seen.
Starting point is 01:28:19 If you're on Patreon already, I encourage you to put more content on Patreon. If you're on Patreon already, I encourage you to put more content on Patreon. If you're not on Patreon, I encourage you to get familiar. As we all are doing. And I highlight this stuff because as a budding podcast network, and I don't want to bore people with this stuff but you hear all the growing concerns of like podcasters and for me it takes so much to try to convince people to not put their intellectual property places for free but then they start coming up with technology to monitor your mood and your feelings and who's in the room with you and who's not in the room with you and if you're depressed or if you're sad and they start doing all types of shit when all you do is put your ip somewhere
Starting point is 01:29:18 we got a bag from spotify not because Spotify believed in us so much, but because we didn't put our shit on Spotify. We emailed them, yo, we got a podcast that's popping. They wasn't thinking nothing about that. We avoided that. We was trying to get on Google before Google had understanding of what podcast. Talking to YouTube, I'm like, like yo where's the podcast department what's hey y'all not equipped right like does nobody see the wave that's coming is all our title talks like i'm down memory i'm down memory lane just with some of the things as some of the decisions we've had to make as podcasters to protect the sanctity of what we do if we believe in it. And that's a question I'm always faced with, which is if you believe in it.
Starting point is 01:30:20 Then what's the what's the option? Like if you believe in your shit, why not dump all your money into it? When you get a good hand in poker, you put all that shit to the table. You push it straight to the middle. What are we doing? I'm here. I mean, if we like what we got. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:34 You confident? We didn't put our podcast on tight. There's a bunch of places we just didn't put our shit, and they all called back. It reminds me of like when Dill was trying to teach me that the worst thing a girl
Starting point is 01:30:48 that you was trying to kick it to could do is say no. Sometimes I wouldn't talk to a girl because I was scared and nervous and insecure and broke and a chump. Probably ugly, couldn't dress. That dress part never changed.
Starting point is 01:31:02 But in my mind I was like if it's meant to be, God will put them in front of me again. And I had to learn that in white people business, because that's different for black people, like where we from. Like in corporate world, y'all will call if some shit is hot enough. It don't matter what occurred. Y'all will call. To some degree. Y'all matter what occurred. Y'all a call.
Starting point is 01:31:25 To some degree. Y'all a source it. Y'all a check. Y'all a vet it. There's no such thing like y'all don't get butt so emotional in business because the business
Starting point is 01:31:34 is catered around y'all. Okay. Like all of the terms and all of the words. There's so much shit wrong in this shit. Perpetuity what? What is that?
Starting point is 01:31:42 It's forever. Right. And they even put the words in the universe in your contract i was i was the funniest thing like yo if you decide don't try to sell us on mars if you get the technology to build a rocket ship and go try to sell some shit on another planet we own we still own that yeah don't try it well dave chappelle said he didn't know what that word meant i didn't and i didn't know what that word meant. I didn't either.
Starting point is 01:32:07 And I didn't know what that word meant either. I was doing an interview yesterday, and I'll wrap this up. I was doing an interview yesterday, and they was like- Hold on. Can I quickly, just on the Dave Chappelle point, I did watch a Neil Brennan interview when he said they sent back the Chappelle show contract when it had the universe part there. You know how you send edits in a contract with lawyers. They put, does this count for Saturn's moons? Gotta ask.
Starting point is 01:32:34 I want to know. I might have plans for Saturn. I didn't mean to cut you off, but since we was talking about the Chappelle shit, not knowing that, when I heard that, I was dying laughing. That's a hilarious note for a lawyer to send back to Viacom. That is funny. But yeah, you were doing an interview. The interviewer said, how long is your contract with Patreon? It's a valid question.
Starting point is 01:32:58 Sure. Shouldn't be, though. Depends on the interviewer. Whoever it is, it shouldn't be though depends the interviewer whoever it is it shouldn't be i that's when i explain why do it matter if at any point in the relationship either one of us change our minds about how we feel it's not going to work i don't have no contract with you if at any point either one of us decide that we go in a different way it's just not gonna work we're not gonna move
Starting point is 01:33:26 in concert that's creator land not all this bullshit these niggas be talking about you know how long it took me to learn what cross collateralizing an album meant
Starting point is 01:33:36 yeah can you explain it's still confusing I was about to say can you try to explain it just for people that probably still can't explain it yeah I was gonna say I don't it takes money from a just for people that... Probably still can't explain it. Yeah, I was going to say, I don't...
Starting point is 01:33:46 It takes money from a bunch of different places. You're publishing into your sales. Very difficult. Which is already confusing itself. Oh, wait. Shit. That's actually different. That's actually another beef.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Hey. Your master and your publishing is owned by the same company under a different name. And why is that different? And why is that even a different thing? You don't own any of that shit. Which is totally different from cross collateral. Whatever the term is. Cross collateralizing is when you in the red for one album,
Starting point is 01:34:18 your next album sold 10 million, but you still in the red because you was in the red from over there and we're combining everything together and we're fudging the expenses. Sometimes it can be both. Like if your publishing is up and your
Starting point is 01:34:28 master recording split is down, it's cross-collateralized. Anyway. See, that's scary. Yeah. That shit is messy. They own us.
Starting point is 01:34:39 Pandemic going on. Niggas can't tour. Niggas can hardly sell merch. A 360 still exists? Right. Is Napster still around? Is the industry about to die and we missed it? No, it's up.
Starting point is 01:34:54 It's big up. There's a long list of things wrong, man. I want to celebrate all the good folks at Patreon. I want to celebrate Kerry, Jack Conte, all the people that helped make this a really pleasurable experience getting done. And stop playing with Joe. It's just the bottom line, man.
Starting point is 01:35:13 I don't want to go on some long exasperated rant. That's a good SAT word. Just stop playing with Joe, man. And by the way, the labels, they're finding a new way with the 360.
Starting point is 01:35:26 Oh, yeah. I can tell y'all firsthand. They're getting right. The content game is the new live show. They're taking your pod money? The 360 is going to be the content we shoot with you. Yeah, buddy. You're not getting all that Vivo money or YouTube money.
Starting point is 01:35:41 This is ours as well. I was at the studio the other night listening to some of Conway's project and my guy Shooter, shout out to Shooter, Shooter was there. And I don't know if y'all know, allegedly.
Starting point is 01:35:54 Real safe, gentlemen. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know if y'all been keeping up. Shooter, he's been selling his album, his music on his own website for a while and we was having a really good conversation about that and
Starting point is 01:36:06 I'm not going to put his business out there and say how much he's been making doing that but he's making a lot more than artists that are signed and he's literally been selling it on his own website and I just thought you know just sitting there talking to him and listening to him that is something
Starting point is 01:36:22 that I think more artists should go that route. I've been trying to talk about that since Bandcamp it think more artists should go that route i've been trying to talk about that since band camp it's a similar idea but that's even they're taking 15 i think or something like that but uh a lot of these artists rock mars griselda yeah prior to that shit a lot of people have been doing the direct yeah first and then i'll give you the dsp right a month later right weeks later whatever it is but y'all do know that only talented people can do that, right? That's not, well, only people that have- Only talented people might be able to make more money doing it that way, I guess.
Starting point is 01:36:53 I'm saying real talented musicians, rappers, whatever you want to say, that get that core fan base that you got to put in a decade just to get to that point where you can go direct to consumer. A lot of people that are focused on making music are not,'re not here for the music they're here for the money that's not so the best way to go to it for them is to go after the fame factor and labels get you the fame sure so i don't i just don't think that's the best route for everybody it's not for everybody no but if you have a following if you have like a a substantial following online i would entertain that more than trying to
Starting point is 01:37:25 shot myself to get a major deal completely agree but having that real following online not a bunch of followers followers that buy shit is a difficult thing I remember I just want to make sure
Starting point is 01:37:38 we don't put that message out of just like yo you can go right to consumer that's not entirely true because you still have to build a fan base no matter what. But I remember when we were talking about getting on versus now versus then,
Starting point is 01:37:49 this is part of that argument. But when me and my crew in Elmira in like 2007 were putting out CDs, I would sell a couple hundred CDs in the city, which was only 30,000 people, and make more money than I made in a year with an album that had placements on Dre's playlist,
Starting point is 01:38:09 on Apple, and hundreds of thousands of views and streams. I made more money doing that shit with the neighborhood. You know what I'm saying? And it's the same concept with doing it on a website, direct-to-consumer, or Bandcamp, even though they take a cut. Same concept. Right. So yeah, even though they take a cut, same concept. Right. So yeah,
Starting point is 01:38:26 the DSPs is a thing, but work on building a fan base, whether it's in real life or virtually and go direct and then sell the shit on Apple. Right. Cause even as someone who consumes music and likes to support music, I still just be streaming a lot of people's shit and no one gets paid really well off that. Right. But if you put it somewhere where I got to buy it first, I'm gonna buy, I bought of people's shit and no one gets paid really well off that
Starting point is 01:38:45 right but if you put it somewhere where I gotta buy it first I'm gonna buy I bought Rock Marcy shit you know what I'm saying I buy people's shit
Starting point is 01:38:51 when it drops on their website first I'll give you the $10 $20 $30 whatever the fuck it is I don't care but
Starting point is 01:38:56 anyway huge build a fan base while I'm at it cause I'm on a short rant now but while I'm at it for the podcas on a short rant now, but while I'm at it, for the podcasters out there, I'll just speak about my experience. These benchmarks.
Starting point is 01:39:15 It's nasty. It's nasty out there, y'all. If you haven't experienced it, it might come later in your journey. These benchmarks are unattainable. They are unreachable. And our peak, at our peak at Spotify might have been a million episode. When these benchmarks come in and say they'll pay you an additional $20 million if you average 2 million listeners. Even if they're attainable, they'll find a way to cross-climberize.
Starting point is 01:40:03 Just let it sit. There is no even if. It's not. It's not. Period. So if you're a company and you were willing to pay the 40 mil for the two years if you hit the unreachable benchmark, which you weren't because you know the benchmark is unreachable, then fucking pay it in full. Just pay it in full. Just paid in full. I've encountered that almost everywhere, and that hasn't even been my main issue.
Starting point is 01:40:34 You want to talk about the due diligence it took? I'm wrapping this up, man. Podcasters be thinking, first of all, we'll never get the relationship with the advertiser because it's not meant for us to have it. Eventually. Hopefully. If you're good. There's 5% of podcasters that make money from their podcasts. Maybe 10 the most.
Starting point is 01:41:02 Also depends your definition of money, but I agree. Go on. Any money. There are 10% of podcasters that make any money from their podcast. And if I'm wrong, cause I haven't checked it in a few months, maybe 15% the most. But one of my other issues is the,
Starting point is 01:41:21 these platforms that sell ads against us and not for us and that took a long time to learn as well see i thought when we got to spotify and this is not a spotify rant but they're my example i thought when we got to spotify that we would be such a prominent piece of audio that they would see the benefit in soliciting the ads just for us and learning how we should do them and seeing how much money we could bring. But that's not how it works. They take the numbers of all of the podcasts from the platform. They sell it for some large amount that goes to the platform and they divvy it up how they see fit to podcasters. One of y'all tell me where it makes sense.
Starting point is 01:42:08 Anybody. I don't know how to do that. It doesn't. That's it. I'm done because I don't want to depress anybody. No, this is a celebratory day. I'm celebrating. I'm up. It's't want to depress anybody. No, this is a celebratory day. I'm celebrating. I'm up.
Starting point is 01:42:26 It's up and it's stuck. I'm happy that you have that position. I think it's tailor-made for you as your friend. I couldn't be more happy. Congratulations. This isn't a sad thing at all. This is great. This means all the things that you have done that appear to be angry, Joe,
Starting point is 01:42:43 were not done in vain. I'm not even trying to be funny. I know what you're saying. I know what you're saying. I'm not joking at all. Listen, I show gratitude differently to my loved ones. I'm really happy for you.
Starting point is 01:42:57 This is great. I think this is really, really dope for you. This is lit, man. I couldn't be more proud when you when you in the process of it you're too busy
Starting point is 01:43:09 in the process that you don't appreciate the process so it be these rare occasions like today or appreciate the process and
Starting point is 01:43:17 sometimes you appreciate it more than the actual ending yeah yeah yeah no this is this is good man listen you niggas gonna need Robitussin all year y'all gonna be sick actual ending. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, no, this is good, man. Listen, you niggas going to need Robitussin all year.
Starting point is 01:43:29 Y'all going to be sick all year. I got, this is not the end. I have way more shit to announce. It's coming. This was the original point that we can't change. It's coming. We can change the subject
Starting point is 01:43:36 not to this. It's coming. Y'all better hope this next one don't fall. But why you care? Why you care? That's what I was saying in the beginning.
Starting point is 01:43:45 Like, yeah, when the Spotify thing happened and just plenty of things within our podcast of people just spewing weird lies and things that weren't true and judgments of things they didn't understand. Who cares? Me. I have no interest in proving people wrong, only proving people right. If you was here from the jump and understand it and believed in it, I'm here to prove you right. I don't give a fuck what some weirdo says on the Internet that doesn't understand a fucking thing or just wants to spew lies for the fuck of it. Well, I do now that so many people die and we have to read so many comments from idiots on the Internet. And then it's like, wait, hey, wait a minute, man.
Starting point is 01:44:19 That guy was amazing for 95 years. And with a click of a button, you erased that. No, no. I care about the funeral and who's there and what they know, not who the fuck
Starting point is 01:44:31 on the internet on my death day. Fuck y'all. I once felt like that, Roy. What are y'all talking about? I guess in these... My legacy matters to people that matter to me,
Starting point is 01:44:39 not to anybody else. That's wrong. Nah, fuck that. That's wrong. Nah, fuck that. Unfortunately, that's wrong. I can make i can make so much change and people not know it and it doesn't bother me at all i could you know how
Starting point is 01:44:49 many palooza rants i could have gone legacy people that hate me that i got money because of it and changed the entire thing and i don't because i don't care the people that know know and that's all that matters i don't care today my legacy matters you're right that I care about. I haven't cared the way that you are speaking of. Know when I cared? When I caught COVID and was scared to go to bed because I might die the next morning? I care when I see people that were great their whole lives and they die, and then I got to come to grips
Starting point is 01:45:20 with what the word legacy means. And when I do that, it's not specific to the people that like you. It's to the people that don't like you as well legacy is the overall view of the field in what you have done legacy is actions so it's intangible shit that happened to change people's lives not people that would have hated you anyways and would just say whatever the fuck typing on a computer or talking in front of a screen. Tangible actions that happen is a legacy. What you've done with podcasting
Starting point is 01:45:51 has actively changed people's lives. That's a thing. No matter what, people are gonna type on the internet no matter what, who gives a fuck? You know what happened with actual people in real life. That's a legacy. That's a legacy. I want to revisit this for Rory like a few years from now. Your mentions ain't a legacy.
Starting point is 01:46:10 Siva, mark that down. I used to be... For real, do write it down because I want to talk to Rory about this in a few years. I felt exactly like him for so long. I'm not going to debate him on it because I felt like that for so long. I just don't know if that's... I don't know if I feel like that today.
Starting point is 01:46:24 I just don't give a fuck what people say on the internet. It depends on who's saying this. I don't even care who's saying it. I ain't talking about the internet. I'm not talking about the internet. It's usually someone with seven followers. I'm still not talking about the internet.
Starting point is 01:46:38 The field. The world. Yeah, but the world, you know, a they don't they don't get to know you for real they just know your work and what you do they don't know the person let me use your bar against you one of my favorite freestyles from you i was depressed i was toxic i was suicidal i was just talking it's the no church in the wild freestyle how could i expect third parties to know the half your legacy within media podcasts podcasts, all that, it's not meant for everyone to understand.
Starting point is 01:47:09 They're going to have judgments from the outside looking at shit. Music, creative, anyone. Let's not even make it specific to you. But if people don't fully understand the field, but the field is popular, you're always going to get a bunch of people that don't know shit. I don't care about my legacy to them. They don't know a fucking thing about it i do all right they have to be included no they're no they're included
Starting point is 01:47:32 but the matter in a legacy isn't much to me you could be idiot and you may not have liked martin luther king but you know he did some important shit may not have liked tiger woods he was a cheater you know he did some great shit Steve Jobs Steve Jobs when he died Steve Jobs when he died everybody said oh he treated people like shit
Starting point is 01:47:52 he's an asshole he's horrible he didn't understand people he was too much of a genius to really get to it and I was like pardon me that's what he said
Starting point is 01:48:02 but you know he changed the world your legacy is going to be one of the other if if one message is more widespread than the other then that is your legacy unfortunately and if if tiger woods martin luther king and steve jobs focused on the people that didn't understand their vision we wouldn't be here today so So I think that retort wasn't really what I was saying at all. I disagree with that too. I think that these people's life mission was about people that didn't agree with what they said. No, no, no. I said focus. No, no, no. Of course, these people don't understand it. I get it and I'm going to change it. But to focus on a negative opinion or someone that doesn't understand a vision and think I'm only solely here to focus
Starting point is 01:48:46 on someone that hates me. No, that's not how you move in your legacy. Your legacy is going to end up, matter of fact, you have no choice of your legacy. That's for other people to decide. That's not for you to decide. You'll be dead. So when you focus on shit that is negative, nah, focus on your vision and the people around you that believe in it and the rest will figure itself out my thing it's always this simple to me you know you do the work you you try to live life being a good person having a good heart and then when it's all said and done you look up you're laying right where you're supposed to be to me it's that simple i can't focus on the journey you just got to go and whoever's gonna go they're going with you whoever's gonna follow they're gonna follow you. Whoever's going to follow, they're going to follow you.
Starting point is 01:49:26 Whoever's going to benefit is going to benefit from it. I really hate when Maul lets me and you argue for 30 minutes, then combines our points together, and comes in at the end with something so prolific. You are profound. Hit us with the Morpheus. How you Morpheus in some 40 below? You are profound, buddy.
Starting point is 01:49:46 I mean, I'll let y'all get y'all shit off, but that's ultimately what it is, man. You just, you got to do the work. Just have a good heart. And when it's over,
Starting point is 01:49:53 you look up, you'll be right where you're supposed to be. And just know you can fight. That always helps. Like, that's always a thing. Like, when you just know. Yeah, that helps.
Starting point is 01:50:02 My hands work. Put some shit on Patreon. We up. Congrats, Joe. Yeah, that helps. My hands work. Put some shit on Patreon. We up. Congrats, Joe. Yeah, for real. No, no. I'm in the room for real. We'll give you a real one.
Starting point is 01:50:12 And a fake one. Thank you. Shit sound better than the fake shit. Oh, and I was at the gun range in Secaucus the other day. I didn't know my aim was still like that. What you was shooting? Couple. One I couldn't know my aim was still like that. What you was shooting? What you was shooting? A couple.
Starting point is 01:50:27 One I couldn't really handle. Oh, wait. You went viral this week, and I saw that. I'm with the joke, but I'm missing it. No, at the gun range. When you were shooting the gun, and it was going crazy, and dude had to come up and grab you behind the waist. I didn't see that.
Starting point is 01:50:43 Dude grabbed you behind the waist. Shorty was see that. Dude grabbed you behind the waist. Shorty was hitting everything. That wasn't Rory? No. Oh. No, no. I'll tell you. I went to the gun range
Starting point is 01:50:53 because growing up, my dad only, pistols was like the only shit he taught me how to shoot. I stayed in this. This was my range all the time. Dad had a shotgun. He never let me shoot it.
Starting point is 01:51:03 Yeah. I went and grabbed one of them automatic things. Oh. Holy shit. Yeah. Y'all kids out there are wild.
Starting point is 01:51:11 Yeah, it's a different game. My whole shoulder was vibrating for two days. You can read in the right handgun. It's a different game. You see this?
Starting point is 01:51:18 You scrolling? Scroll for a little bit. Can we get some backstory? Somebody tell me that's a dude. Oh God, what's Jimmy Stacks doing again? Scrope a little bit. Can we get some backstory? Somebody tell me that's a dude. Oh, God. What's Jimmy Stacks doing again? Is that an edit?
Starting point is 01:51:30 I'm sorry. Not if you could beat him up. Listen, I don't know that to be true. I don't know that to be true. If you get beat up by a nigga that put dicks around his head. Fam, I know some gay dudes that'll whoop your ass. He said he's not gay. Well, gay men put dicks around their face.
Starting point is 01:51:51 I kind of could sort of. You see it? See it. I unfollow. Yeah. I unfollowed her. I couldn't see it, but. We'll make it a podcast topic.
Starting point is 01:52:03 You don't have to be specific. But what's going on? Why did you unfollow? This is the point I was... I'm not answering, Roy. This is the point I was trying to make earlier about the Kanye choir beefing about being mistreated.
Starting point is 01:52:16 Because we talked over that. But I remember my point now. Not so fast, Kanye choir. When you niggas was hip-hopping out, when you niggas was choiring out Soul to Soul. Wait. It wasn't even the Soul to Soul. You know what did it for me?
Starting point is 01:52:38 I don't see how they couldn't tell they were being mistreated. When they all boarded that Delta flight and started singing optimistic, eating bologna sandwiches, but they was clapping in the chair. Hey, it be optimistic. We ain't
Starting point is 01:52:49 around to make them bitter. I said, y'all love bologna like that? Y'all still eating bologna. Wait. It's just a big hot dog.
Starting point is 01:53:00 Y'all niggas. Listen. It's just a big hot dog You gotta respect Kanye for carrying on tradition Of churches exploiting Their Forget it Forget it
Starting point is 01:53:13 I grew up in the church I'm allowed to say these things Fuckers be giving the last dollar to the church For the fucking pastor to drive a BMW Look at Duke, though. Hey, when you niggas wanted to gospel out Stephanie Mills, why didn't you think you were being mistreated then? Look at Kanye.
Starting point is 01:53:35 He like, I'm going to just pay you niggas in sneakers. Look at these. They was cheesing, smiling, broke as could be singing. Kanye, like, y'all getting sweatsuits. Look, it's a whole cameraman on a plane. Nobody thought to ask, hey, what network is this for? Wait till I dress them in purple for Easter at Coachella. They'll never know. Like when Johnny Nunes ran up to me at every club taking pictures.
Starting point is 01:54:03 Johnny, man, where you putting these pictures, man? I ain't seen a picture of me from you in 30 years. Shout out to Johnny Nunes ran up to me at every club taking pictures. Johnny, man, where you putting these pictures, man? I ain't seen a picture of me from you in 30 years. Shout out to Johnny Nunes, though. Why? Because he... No, I'm joking. That's my man. That's my man.
Starting point is 01:54:12 That's my man. That's my man, too. I'm joking. Johnny Nunes made a lot of money off us rappers. This is why I fuck with Johnny Nunes, because I text him after those photos happen, and he sent me right to... What's the website where you got to buy the picture? Getty Images.
Starting point is 01:54:26 Getty? Is Getty another one? Mars 2112. He got his own Getty page. He's like, yo, go cop that, bro. That's not what you buy. I respect the hustle, Johnny. Seven days, seven nights.
Starting point is 01:54:38 You got to eat, man. Say, Vaughn, what do you know about struggle if you got fly for the night and seven days, seven nights caught the corny pic of you? But you had to post it. The only pic they got. Savon, I don't know about struggle. You had to go to seven days, seven nights to see a picture of the girl that you want to holler at. Like, yo, who is this? Who knows her?
Starting point is 01:55:01 Now, Joe. Savon never went to mansion for his girl's birthday party and had her at another table so why do you keep telling me that you know about struggle holy shit how did you work that out in your head at the time like listen tell me how you lied to yourself struggle worry about it trey has say aisle yeah yeah what you want me Yeah, yeah, yeah. What you want me to do? That was a joint. Yeah, yeah. Fab did the reading. I mean. Yeah, there was a lot
Starting point is 01:55:27 going on back then, man. I was just, I was across the club staring at, I bet you say, just like I'm the doctor. Look at Trey perscribing her
Starting point is 01:55:38 cranberry and vodka. Another thing to say, like, yo, you drunk, right? All right, it's time to go. Speaking of photographs. I'm across the club. Go girl. It's your birthday.
Starting point is 01:55:52 It's your birthday. I have your gift at home if you make it there. You're probably not coming home tonight. Oh my God. I can't wait till Valentine's Day. Just use a condom, please. Valentine's Day, I'm supposed to get my birthday gift that Shorty didn't give me. But your birthday is in August, though.
Starting point is 01:56:08 I'm trying to add up the months there. You got to wait this long. She's a slickster. She's a little slickster. She went all the way to February? I don't know how she started a six-month fight. Oh, my God. She started a fight foragle now to give me my
Starting point is 01:56:25 birthday present oh she's good she's a pro i know joe then i was petty oh wait this continues my i was petty i didn't know this continued sent her a text while we wasn't talking oh am i gonna tell that's the best i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it hey she didn't give me my birthday gift okay don't judge you ask for it later please don't judge me it. Hey, she didn't give me my birthday gift. Okay. Don't judge me, please. You asked for it later? Please don't judge me. Please don't judge me. No judging.
Starting point is 01:56:49 You're lying. Look at this beautiful space. This is a judgment-free zone. It's true. No, no, no. How could y'all judge me here? Y'all judge me because I said I've asked for nudes before, and y'all judge the fuck out of me in this room.
Starting point is 01:57:00 You asked for a birthday gift? It's a different room. It's a different room. That's true. My brother named it. All right. New year, new me. Yeah. Go ahead. And I didn't ask for a birthday gift it's a different room there's a different that's true all right new year new me yeah and i didn't and i didn't and i didn't ask for my birthday gift i just noticed that it didn't come right so you're just questioning oh yeah it didn't never got here so my birthday is august 31st yeah you got the tracking number so september 4th the pettiness
Starting point is 01:57:18 didn't leave my soul right and i knew she had won because I had already sent the birthday gift money, laced it. It was just crazy shit. So then she deaded my gift. So I said, how can I resolve this? So in four days, I text her and I said, hey. And when something started with hey, it's all bad. Absolutely. Not a hey with a dot, dot, dot to get to your point.
Starting point is 01:57:46 Exactly what happened. Hey. I know that text. Dot, dot, dot. No, go ahead. I know the text. I'm going to tell you. I know the text.
Starting point is 01:57:56 I know the text. Hey, expect a call from your bank soon. I took the bread back. That purchase? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nah. Declined that one. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:12 I don't know who bought that. Cut that right off. She was like, how could you do that? Yeah. No, easy. This is how you got to call this number right here.
Starting point is 01:58:21 You'll call the number on the back of the car. That's all you got to do. You call this number right here. That sets you straight and by the way go to the bus stop there's an ad
Starting point is 01:58:27 for the lawyer for fraud right so long story long story a little less long I didn't that didn't sit right
Starting point is 01:58:34 in my soul that was just such a bitch ass nigga right there it was nasty so I said that just to give you the angst of
Starting point is 01:58:41 dealing with a bitch ass nigga that said that but I didn't do it. So she still had her gift. And somehow mine just never came. Even through the pump fake. So I said something recently. I said, yo, dog.
Starting point is 01:58:53 Yeah. Yeah. They clowning me on the pod. It was a hat. It was a dad hat. OK. The all black Louis. It was nice.
Starting point is 01:59:03 I said, yo, dog. They clowning me in the pod. I keep wearing the same dad hat. Okay. The all black Louis. It was nice. I said, yo, dog, they clowning me in the pod. I keep wearing the same dad hat. Yeah. I'm wearing my shit. And she said, Valentine's Day is coming. Oh, shit. I said, so you're going to mail it to me for Valentine's Day?
Starting point is 01:59:18 She said, no. I'm going to bring it to you. Nobody invited you here. Wow. I'm going to bring it to you. Nobody invited you here. Wow. I'm going to bring it to you for Valentine's Day so you could... Oh, that's her way
Starting point is 01:59:28 of making sure you see her on Valentine's Day. Well, no, I'm going to see her on Valentine's Day. That's what I'm saying. No one invited you. I see what you're doing. I ain't fucked since July,
Starting point is 01:59:35 so I'm going to see you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You still giving that line out? Yeah. It's been a while for me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's been a while. I don't even remember
Starting point is 01:59:45 How does this thing even work We've all been there I'm not clowning you We've all been there man It's cool That has been a while On both genders The bitches
Starting point is 02:00:00 The bitches know I'm celibate too right So some of the stuff They be getting off to me Like they know I'm celibate too right so some of the stuff they be getting off to me like they know I'm how can I say this how can you say this without sounding crazy
Starting point is 02:00:11 how can I say this without exposing myself nobody's listening don't worry about it forget it no one's listening no we famous this shit be making it round
Starting point is 02:00:21 they be hearing they don't hear you though they be hearing this shit. Bitch is telling me, even though we didn't work, I'm still listening to the pod. Oh, my God. Still checking you out, supporting.
Starting point is 02:00:31 I'm like, stop. Stop supporting. I don't want you to hear the things I'm talking about now. And hi. I get a little vulnerable when I've tried to use that line before. Like, nah, it's been a while.
Starting point is 02:00:41 It's been like six months. You know, when that question comes up, when y'all may start to get intimate of when the last time that may have happened for safety reasons. Sure. You just don't jerk off for two days, so it looks impressive.
Starting point is 02:00:50 Like, nah, it's been a while, you know, a couple months. So it looks impressive. This has been backed up for months. I had a box of the idiot. Yo, saving up the nut is insane. Seeming retention. I told y'all, man.
Starting point is 02:01:04 Retent. It sucks when you run into the honest chick that don't care. Because I've said that line, like, nah, it's been a minute for me. And she's like, oh, okay. Well, yes, only been April since me. And it's May. Like, the first week. It's April 14th. Like, I didn't want you to be honest.
Starting point is 02:01:22 Like, you could have lied. I still would have beat without a condom edit no joking chicks know I'm celibate so they know I'm just getting my FaceTime freak off on
Starting point is 02:01:34 so they try to hit me with like little sexy one liners be a text like on a late night they wait what's Shooter doing gross
Starting point is 02:01:42 Maul was just with him he's going direct to consumer with his music What's Shooter doing? Gross. Maul was just with him. He's going direct to consumer with his music. Yo, so apply to our Patreon right now. In the business, we call that a callback. Three different tiers, bonus footage, new episodes. Oh, man, the whole kid in Caputo. Wait, were you trying to tell a shorty called you Shooter?
Starting point is 02:02:10 Never mind. Forget it, man. It's gross. It's gross. Why is gross if it shoots? I wouldn't be mad at that nickname if a shorty called me Shooter. I'm not mad at it. If she calls you a shooter, I'm cool.
Starting point is 02:02:24 Yeah. Remember a girl asked me one time Are you gonna shoot it at me? I was like listen You have to go home Like now One day I'll be man enough To come in here and tell y'all The dad side of that shooter stuff
Starting point is 02:02:36 Let's just move on Somehow I think you told us The story already But it's okay I'm just saying It's tart If you just paid for her eyelashes Parks What's okay. I'm just saying. It's tart. If you just paid for her eyelashes it's just not okay.
Starting point is 02:02:48 Did you say tart? Doesn't work out financially. Parks, just tell me what's wrong with him. I don't know. It's a little bitter. You need more water, man. I got you some more water.
Starting point is 02:02:59 That's what I said. I got up from the phone like, what the hell? This nigga is different, man. Bitch looking at me like, yeah, see? See, told you. You got to drink water.
Starting point is 02:03:25 Yo. Yo, maybe you deserve to got to drink water. Yo. Maybe you deserve to be celibate. Yeah. But that type of stuff only happens to me. Can we censor some of that? No. No, that was great. No, no, no.
Starting point is 02:03:34 It was great stuff. Great stuff. Put that on third tier, Patreon. Third of the show. That's what you think it costs? $25 to get that story? That's third tier. I just got molested on the free episode. that it cost $25 to get that story. That's third tier.
Starting point is 02:03:48 I just got molested on the free episode. See, black history month, dude. Roy's the white Kofi Jones. What's wrong with you? All right, come on. No, no, come on, come on, come on. Let let's go let's go uh come on let's run through some quick newsy topics uh here's all the music i've got for you cardi b is releasing a new joint on friday long time coming from the queen congratulations to her uh what else do i have
Starting point is 02:04:21 uh what else do i have what else do i have what else do i have silento else do I have? What else do I have? What else do I have? Silento. I don't even know if I'm pronouncing that young man's name correctly, but he's been accused of murdering his cousin. And this is the gentleman that made the song. What song did he make? Nay Nay. I don't want to report too much on it. They're saying that he has severe mental health issues. But I would imagine that's what you would say if you, you know. Damn, really?
Starting point is 02:04:46 I didn't hear about that. Yeah, no, let's see. This says, Silento, the rapper known for his 2015 viral hit, Watch Me Whip Nay Nay, was arrested Monday, February 1st for the alleged murder of his cousin, Frederick Brooks. The DeKalb County Police Department in Georgia
Starting point is 02:05:02 confirmed the arrest in a statement saying Silento, real name Ricky Hawk, was booked into the DeKalb County Police Department in Georgia confirmed the arrest in a statement saying Silento, real name Ricky Hawk, was booked into the DeKalb County Jail and charged with murder per the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Hawk was being held without bond as of late Monday. And while we're on that, I think I forgot to mention last podcast that Casanova is being held without bail as well. Yeah. Prayers for Casanova. For sure. True indeed. Yeah yeah this was a real horrible story uh same same as as soon as we left the pod uh i saw a story circulating about a
Starting point is 02:05:34 nine-year-old that was tased by police and i'll be honest with y'all i didn't click it i didn't click it i refuse for that to sit on my soul, having to watch that after I watched all of those white people raid the Capitol and nobody was tased. So I didn't look at that. Too disturbing. Too disturbing for me. What was the nine-year-old going to do to you, Duke? Just too disturbing for me. I said nine-year-old.
Starting point is 02:06:02 Was it a girl, right? She was handcuffed, wasn't she? I didn't watch it. She was tased? I can't tell you. She was, right? She was handcuffed, wasn't she? I didn't watch it, so I can't tell you. She was? Yeah, she was handcuffed. Tasing somebody who's handcuffed is – It's crazy. A nine-year-old did that.
Starting point is 02:06:14 Right. This isn't so newsy, but, I mean, I guess it was a big to-do that the Nets had given up 150 points to the Wizards in a loss, right? That was a good game. I got a fiber pill if you need it. I don't. Okay. And everybody was killing the Nets for their defense.
Starting point is 02:06:37 I'm still waiting on Steve Nash to call a proper play. Hasn't happened yet. Steve Nash. I mean, look at the squad. You don't need to call a play. Well, they won tonight. You do. I think it was that same
Starting point is 02:06:46 game that he failed to call a timeout so they could advance the ball to play before. Like, he's doing some wild shit. But I forgot that Dan Tony's on that bench.
Starting point is 02:06:54 Players and coaches. I forgot. Incredible. Huh? The Nets coaching staff is incredible. They also are not running any defensive
Starting point is 02:07:03 drills in practice. Well, that's showing on the court. We have all these scorers. D'Antoni's not a defensive coach. He just wants to run all day. We had Steve Nash and D'Antoni on the bench, and we're shocked that they're giving up 150 points for their last five games.
Starting point is 02:07:19 Yeah. Every time my dad tells me D'Antoni's on that bench, I forget. Because you would imagine he wouldn't take that role under Steve Nash. Well, they just beat the number one team in the league. That says something, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:35 No. You beat the number one team? Who's the number one team? The Clippers. Oh, please. Anyway. What you mean? While we're on basketball, please. Anyway. What you mean? While we're on basketball, man.
Starting point is 02:07:49 Well, number one team in the West. I'm going to say the league. If the year couldn't get any crazier, Adam Silver and the NBA has found a way to bring the All-Star game straight to Atlanta in March. We out? No. Your girl's going?
Starting point is 02:08:13 Damn, that room ain't never been acquired. Yo, I'm you. Yo, take your mic off of you. My reaction is for the YouTube fans. Yeah, I like it. I think mine's just busy in March. Busy the whole month? Or just March 7th?
Starting point is 02:08:31 I think it's a real busy month that month for her. There's a lot going on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And she already had a gig, I think, lined up in Atlanta that weekend already. Probably. It's weird that it fell on that same date. About to text Rug as soon as I leave here. See what's going on because I know it's soon as I leave here. See what's going on
Starting point is 02:08:46 because I know it's going to be crazy. You know what's going on. Matter of fact, I think I got to shoot some content that weekend more. You want us to roll together? Damn, let's do it.
Starting point is 02:08:54 Let's do it. We got to do another Masego interview. Wow. Masego's playing the Star Spangled Banner so we're going to do it. Matter of fact,
Starting point is 02:08:59 I forgot me and Masego. Wait, it's March 7th? Yeah, yeah, yeah. See, I didn't even realize that that was the day but yeah, I already moved something. You slacking. Me and Sego. Wait, it's March 7th? Yeah, yeah, yeah. See, I didn't even realize that that was the day, but yeah. I already moved something. You slacking.
Starting point is 02:09:06 You slacking. Me and Sego going out. I just. Me and Sego. Imagine telling your girl, yo, me and Sego about to head out. We about to head out to Atlanta to worry about it. We be back. He's doing the Star Spangled Banner.
Starting point is 02:09:22 On the saxophone. Yeah. Great weekend, though. it should be a fun weekend right no you don't think so JR you don't have
Starting point is 02:09:35 you don't have a fun week on March 7th so next podcast I have to sit here right to switch it up to segregate it damn then I'm not gonna be
Starting point is 02:09:44 next to Maul you gotta sit right there Park's it up to segregate it damn then I'm not going to be next to Maul you got to sit right there Park's got to get in the closet Park's got to move yeah so that'll be really interesting I'm just saying this
Starting point is 02:09:55 because our audience is predominantly male so everybody should give their girl something to do in March yeah send them a nice little what's it called
Starting point is 02:10:04 spotcation last thing you need is Bill Simmons and his S-curl something to do in March. Yeah. Send him on a nice little what does it go? Spockation? Last thing you need is Bill Simmons and his escrow walking up to your girl. And show her how to use Zoom. Imagine Bill Simmons
Starting point is 02:10:18 Zooming with your queen. Imagine Bill Simmons coming up to your girl talking about they say I can't work from downtown but I don't know. This is my Ben Simmons. Yeah, Ben Simmons. I was talking about Bill Simmons coming up to your girl talking about they say I can't work from downtown but I don't know he's talking about
Starting point is 02:10:26 Ben Simmons oh yeah Ben Simmons I was talking about Bill Simmons I said Bill Simmons I said you got an ass curl now I said okay I know I meant Ben Simmons
Starting point is 02:10:33 I can imagine Ben Simmons zooming with your girl I'm talking about Bill Simmons I did not mean Bill Simmons I meant Ben Simmons he got an ass curl now okay you don't think Bill
Starting point is 02:10:44 gonna be in ATL that weekend? Oh, for sure. For sure. He gonna be out there constantly. Absolutely. He is. What y'all gonna do
Starting point is 02:10:50 when Ben Simmons walk up on your girl, though? I mean, go see what Kendall's doing. Hey, listen, it's only fair. Okay, go ahead. Are you that guy that like, if a guy hollers at you?
Starting point is 02:11:02 Fuck my girl? Yeah, I go fuck yours, yeah. Okay. I didn't even need to explain No no no You just understood Yeah yeah yeah I know yeah yeah What if you don't like his girl
Starting point is 02:11:10 Huh What if he's just not attracted To his girl That's even better Come here ugly bitch Let's turn this podcast This is not Patreon This is not our Patreon episode
Starting point is 02:11:20 Oh this ain't My bad See I Cross collateralized I told you You know what I mean I told you Nah this cross collateralized i thought this is actually our most important this is our main joint right here this ain't even a saturday let me see what else is going on uh what else is going on that is important uh did peter rosenberg win the royal rumble what all right look i know i wasn't like
Starting point is 02:11:49 y'all not believe in me when i'm telling y'all that 2021 might be more bizarre than 2020 if peter rosenberg won the royal rumble it's way more bizarre than I thought. I don't follow wrestling, right? And when I saw this clip floating around, I was so glad that I don't watch wrestling. Because in my head, I'm like, is this what they've done to wrestling? Peter Rosenberg won the belt? Yeah, like, what the fuck is going on? So I'm watching the clip. Move over, Undertaker.
Starting point is 02:12:21 Pete's here. I'm watching the clip. Peter Rosenberg is interviewing somebody that had the belt. And he was like, yo, turn around. John Cena's here. And the guy turned around and said, yo, we're John Cena, and I'm going to kill you. And then Peter Rosenberg punched him in his nuts and pinned him. And a referee came out the blue and counted to three.
Starting point is 02:12:42 And then Peter Rosenberg had a belt on. I mean, congrats. Shout out to Pete, man. Peter Rosenberg had a belt on. I mean, wow. Congrats. Shout out to Pete, man. Yeah, man. That's big. Pete look like he lost some weight, too. Oh, look.
Starting point is 02:12:50 There go the naked chef like. Naked breakfast, yeah. And Pete put out a single, too. That's dope with Stove God and the Seagull. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, nah. Pete is beating up wrestlers and putting out cocaine music. I like it, Pete.
Starting point is 02:13:04 I like it, Pete. Turn it up. Let like it, Pete. I like it, Pete. Turn it up. Let's go, Pete. I'm not mad at that. What a decision you have to make as a man when the naked chef cooks great. Then what? Are you hungry? Yes.
Starting point is 02:13:17 Or not? I've always had- It's hard to fuck out of full stomach. That's true. I've always had too much of like a heart and concern for women for that whole naked cooking dream like because i like pork bacon and that grease pops a lot and like i care about your titties and your stomach sure i got an apron on like i just i don't want you to get hit by the grease like you could wear clothes it's cool
Starting point is 02:13:41 as long as the food is good i'm putting the lube right in the kitchen counter. Like, you hear? All right. You're just going to do that? Cook with this? You're just going to do that? Put lube in the grits. You're just going to do that to the salmon?
Starting point is 02:13:53 Word? Yeah. All right. Damn, look how hard you and the salmon got my dick. Yo, you and the salmon got my dick so hard right now. Isn't this trailer like five years old? It's like four of my chicks in there. Oh, this is February 17th.
Starting point is 02:14:12 No, this is old. This is from years ago. Oh yeah, this is last year. Good idea though. I'm not mad at it. I talked to somebody recently that I used to be intimate with. Oh, I love those conversations. Our experience really affected her more than me. She's sitting there telling me about how I hurt her,
Starting point is 02:14:36 how she's been traumatized for the past seven years. I've had two conversations. And I'm in my head like, what are you talking about? Yo, none of that even happened. Yo, they have the phone like. Yo, and I just thought ever since I learned how to love myself and learned what's acceptable for me, I won't let you. And they would treat me like that.
Starting point is 02:14:57 And I really, I think I hate me because I put you on such a pedestal. And you let me down. So now I sit on there. And I'm in my head like, yo, we had a blast. What the fuck are you talking about? I've been there. It's weird. I've had two different women
Starting point is 02:15:13 with those conversations of, I went to therapy for five years because of you. And in my head, I was like, I actually thought we ended way cooler than most of my relationships. Yeah. I was in therapy because of you then.
Starting point is 02:15:24 Yeah. I thought we was kind of a vibe still together yeah matter of fact we linked and fucked again after that yeah right it was great wait i left you because you were toxic yeah how did you how did you flip this that part and i do i not remember and i spoke to your mom and she thought i had a point. That part. And they always get there from like something that had nothing to do with none. How's the weather out there
Starting point is 02:15:51 in your part of town? Anything like when I had to weather all that you put me through? It's like, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. Yo, don't even. Yo, I got a pod. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got a pod.
Starting point is 02:16:02 Don't even worry about it, man. I don't know how we got on that oh Naked Chef I hate chicks that decide to write poetry nevermind forget it you ever heard a chick poem
Starting point is 02:16:13 yes that's what I was getting at Maya Angelou has great work if you never liked it nah we're not talking about that nah we're not talking about that different kind of chick
Starting point is 02:16:22 we're not talking about poets don't don't bring up my chick they wanted to do poetry oh okay gotcha i don't mean maya angelo we mean maya g yo why is my friend that's my friend i fuck with it too i still don't want to hear a poem from maya yeah no i'm cool i'm cool on a poem from my how it would, no, I'm cool. I'm cool on a poem from my head. How it would start. Chill. That's how it would start. Chill.
Starting point is 02:16:49 Yeah, chill. Come on, I know it's something else important that happened. Let me see, let me see, let me see. I don't know what I'm saying. Bezos. Yes, step down as CEO.
Starting point is 02:16:57 Wait, before we get to Bezos, because this is some more shit that I don't understand, but I know something's fishy here. Oh, I thought you was about to give us the poem. I... Oh, you followed me on Twitter. You thought I was just
Starting point is 02:17:09 one of the pick of the litter. That's how I pictured how that poem would go. No, don't look down. Look at me. What's up? I don't know, man. don't go to LA again jet lag
Starting point is 02:17:25 jet lag jet lag it's five it's five you used it in three days it's jet lag don't do that cause chicks go to Miami
Starting point is 02:17:38 fly back to New York and say they got jet lag that's crazy same time zone same time why do I keep playing Miami tag with the chicks
Starting point is 02:17:46 I want to see like you know it's phone tag like why do they keep being out there when I ain't there and like I'm there when they ain't
Starting point is 02:17:53 you know what I mean no they was there when you was there they just said they wasn't oh I hate this I hate this why when you come
Starting point is 02:18:01 down here I'm always out of town why when you come down here the Nets are in town no she in Miami she just ain't where he is I hate this. Why when you come down here, I'm always out of town? Why when you come down here, the Nets are in town? No, she in Miami. She just ain't where he is.
Starting point is 02:18:12 Y'all been to the Barclays yet? Is anyone allowed to? It's closed. Oh, let's get to... Oh, no. This is important. Jeff Bezos to step down as Amazon CEO. Andy Jassy to take over in Q3.
Starting point is 02:18:30 I spent eight months negotiating with Amazon and didn't hear a word of this. You thought they was going to tell you that? Would have been nice. How much is he worth now? Jeff Bezos has more power than the President of the United States.
Starting point is 02:18:47 I'll see you later. You think they was about to tell Joe that I'm about to step down? This don't sound fishy to y'all. I got a billion dollars. No. I got something else to do. I'm on your side. Some shady shit happened.
Starting point is 02:18:59 I got to step down before it hits the light. Nah, I don't know. I'm going to get ahead of this. I was reading some of it. Or it was an ultimatum of either step down or we telling everybody. I don't think it was nothing fishy.
Starting point is 02:19:11 This is above my pay grade and out of my range. But I cannot believe somebody that is making $130 billion every quarter or something ridiculous decides to just step away and leave it to andy jasser
Starting point is 02:19:26 that's enough for me that's not the point the money ain't the point here amazon is set to pay millions to its flex drivers as a settlement for uh as a settlement for accusations of stolen tips following a probe by the u.S. Federal Trade Commission. The Verge reports that Amazon will shell out $61.7 million to drivers, a figure that equals the tips that Amazon allegedly retained during a two-and-a-half-year period while Amazon Flex was using its questionable base pay system. No, that ain't enough to make me quit either. That ain't enough.
Starting point is 02:20:03 This didn't even cross his desk, I'm sure. No, he just stepped down. I think the dude, Andy Jassy, his strong. I think the dude. No, no, no. I think that this is something that they knew was coming because Andy Jassy and what he does over there. I think Bezos just wants him in quarter three to just take the helm. I think there's a way.
Starting point is 02:20:28 This isn't a permanent thing. This is just, you know. And also back to that tip thing and back to the cash thing. This is why I do try to tip people in cash that deliver food. I'm not trusting Uber Eats is going to give you the tip that I put on there. They're not. Yeah. And by the way,
Starting point is 02:20:48 the amount of people that drive for Amazon that would have gotten tipped, $61 million sounds like pennies upon pennies of what that could possibly be. Are you about to settle and give me $1,500 when I may be owed way more than that? No. I expect for more details
Starting point is 02:21:06 to be revealed about this. It's cool. You safe in corporate now. I'm going to talk about it. See, Bezos talks about it. He's focusing his energies and attention on
Starting point is 02:21:15 other areas at Amazon. Got it. Yeah. Show you right. Know what I'm saying? And he needs more time to spend that money. He can never spend that money he can never spend
Starting point is 02:21:25 that money in six lifetimes word Uber is betting 1.1 billion on alcohol deliveries they're buying Drizzly they're buying Drizzly
Starting point is 02:21:33 it's an alcohol delivery service I love Drizzly swag and I think 1.1 billion might be a undersell
Starting point is 02:21:40 right they should have bought that shit a year ago I've been Drizzly like crazy since that's all I do Drizzly all the bought that shit a couple like a year ago I've been drizzling like crazy since I was a kid that's all I do drizzly
Starting point is 02:21:47 all the time that's a great deal that's a great deal for them yeah a drizzly lady told me I needed my ID after I walked outside in the cold to pick up my shit
Starting point is 02:21:57 I'm like that's only happened to me in California really they've hit me a couple times here not very often New York and Jersey they never did it to me
Starting point is 02:22:03 every time I'm in Cali, they do that to me. And I have expired ID. So I was like, man, trust me. 17-year-old knows nothing about this Caymus that I'm ordering from you. You my fucking bottle. Ubi's. Ubi's, dude. Ubi's, dude.
Starting point is 02:22:18 You keep dropping my food at the wrong house and sending me a picture of it. Yeah. Come get your shit. Which is really annoying. Go fetch your food, your food your pancakes is getting cold fam which is really annoying in the snow it's chilly out here you should go get your food while i'm at it january 21st a wrong number hit me and they said a and i said a and they said is this june and i said not at all wrong. And they said, is this June? And I said, not at all. Wrong number. And they said, oh, sorry about that.
Starting point is 02:22:49 LMAO. And I said, oh, they said, have a good day. I said, oh, no worries. And that was the end. They hit me about 10 minutes ago. 10 what? What's your night looking like? Happy Black History Month.
Starting point is 02:23:01 Based off that exchange, I could tell your ass ain't white. So happy Black History Month to you, King. Stay up. That's fucking hilarious. Based off that exchange, I can tell you ain't white. I can tell you ain't white. But how? I thought I sounded white.
Starting point is 02:23:23 That was your white text? Wrong number. That was your white text? LOL thought I sounded white. Well, wrong number. That was your white text? LOL, no worries. No worries, it's me. I'm a white man. There's no white people named June.
Starting point is 02:23:31 So. Nah, I might, I might gotta. But he don't know what his name is. Maybe there's not. There's no white people named June.
Starting point is 02:23:38 A nickname maybe. Nah. And you guys weren't built to just be so close to the equator and survive. No, that's a fact. It's another episode. I don't think that's really a deep dive.
Starting point is 02:23:51 Look where we were. I don't know geography. Nowhere near. Where were you? Nowhere near. Were you close to Waco? Waco is close to the equator. Was it close to Texas?
Starting point is 02:24:03 No, it wasn't. At all. Yo, I was watching, I've been spending a lot of time watching these documentaries and on Showtime, boy, they have a lot of really good documentaries on Showtime.
Starting point is 02:24:15 But I watched something called Disgraced and it was the Patrick Minahee story. Story of a basketball player at Baylor in 2003 that was murdered by his teammate yeah I remember that was a big story and it eventually got to their coach coach Bliss who was brought in and hired to redefine the athletic institution he was a part of it and then some other players were implicated and that whole shit went down the drain and it just showed how the court system might have been in cahoots with the university
Starting point is 02:24:48 and how the story came and went and how we still probably really don't know what happened to Patrick Minnemy. And this is one of those docs where they are interviewing some of the people involved and they're still lying. Those are the best docs.
Starting point is 02:25:03 That's the best. That is the best. They have Coach Bliss, the coach that they caught lying. I don't remember the story. I put an album out in 03 and don't remember the story. The black assistant coach ended up wiring himself to record the head coach. So they had a bunch of tapes of the coach coercing the student athletes to go along with certain stories so that Baylor didn't get in any trouble sure because the story
Starting point is 02:25:33 was Patrick Minahee was there on a scholarship huh Denny I'm so sorry I'm so sorry about that the story was Patrick Denny he was there on a scholarship but when he was murdered they found out that he wasn't there on a scholarship so who the fuck was paying for Patrick Dennehy was there on a scholarship but when he was murdered they found out that he wasn't there on a scholarship so who the fuck was paying for Patrick Dennehy to go to college and that uncovered a whole bunch of shit
Starting point is 02:25:49 really good doc thing came out two years ago but that's what I've been doing with my time just when I'm have some time and there's nothing to do
Starting point is 02:25:56 I just go to Showtime and find a doc and it's working so yeah if you haven't seen that man check it out I remember the story I remember the story too I didn watch it I remember the story too I didn't see this
Starting point is 02:26:06 But the best docs Are the ones that Have the liars And then the people Telling the truth Yeah And they just cut In between both of them
Starting point is 02:26:12 Right And don't let them Get the iPad To watch what the liar said That's the best So wait This guy gets to the We at the end of the doc
Starting point is 02:26:20 Coach Blitz comes on And he's still Sitting there lying And as he's lying I say to myself In my head Forget about it Don't worry about it dog like we've seen enough to know you lying i love this doc because it had one of those people behind the camera to say wait a second dog on june 10th uh such and such said that you said such and such as such so what are you talking about no no answer that they're refuting what you're saying. Like it had one of those guys.
Starting point is 02:26:45 Oh, okay. So this was really good, man. Enjoyable watch if you want to check it out. The Little Things. I was going to say, and a segue to The Little Things. The Little Things. Sometimes you got to die on that lie. You watched it, right, Rose?
Starting point is 02:26:57 I did. Sometimes you got to die with a lie. I didn't see it yet. I'm listening. Both of them was dying with two lies. Freddie Mercury and Denzel. Freddie Mercury. Y'all both got lies.
Starting point is 02:27:13 Mr. Robot. Both lies. Y'all got to die on them. What's his name? Remy. Yeah, let me not do that because he's a phenomenal actor. He's amazing. Great, great actor. Every time I see him, he's a phenomenal actor. He's amazing. Great, great actor.
Starting point is 02:27:25 Every time I see him, he's killing shit. I thought he killed the little things. Rami Malek. Well, he did body Freddie Mercury. I wasn't saying that as an insult. No, he did. He killed that. What's his name?
Starting point is 02:27:37 Rami Malek. That guy gets all the way busy, man. Between him, Denzel, and your man, your man Jarrett. I really like that movie. I saw people kill him on Twitter. I loved it. I enjoyed it. I loved it. Okay, so I'm going to be one of those people to some extent.
Starting point is 02:27:56 The beginning of the... No, I'm not going to do any spoilers. The beginning of the movie dragged, to me, dragged terribly and their acting improved as the movie dragged, to me, dragged terribly. And their acting improved as the movie went. I had to stop in the first 20 minutes and go back to it to give it another chance. But by minute 30, 40, I felt like their acting improved.
Starting point is 02:28:18 The storyline improved. The characters improved. The beginning just dragged too much for me. You're trying to be too artsy on a very simple story well it's a you're not doing
Starting point is 02:28:31 too much here like let's talk about the whole storyline isn't that complicated are you a film noir fan do you know that no okay
Starting point is 02:28:37 it's a film noir it's a whodunit it's done in a more modern kind of way all crime like LA Confidential and those kind of movies like it's done in a more modern kind of way. All crime show. Like LA Confidential and those kind of movies.
Starting point is 02:28:47 It's one of those. And I love that. No, I love all crime show. I didn't know there was a French name for it. Yeah, there is. And contrary to what Rory is saying, when the movie starts slow like you're speaking, because it did,
Starting point is 02:28:58 and I'm into it, I'm sold. But- I was really into the slow start. And then when it picked up, I said, whoa, I did not expect all of this. Then when the acting clinic
Starting point is 02:29:13 that you speak of started later on, I said, yo, what the hell is going on here? No, it began. It just took a while to get there. And also... And in the end, even the end was so simple that it was beautiful i wasn't mad
Starting point is 02:29:28 at the end at all i saw people mad at the end i wasn't because i tweeted while i was watching the movie i said yo this the little thing as soon as they heat it up yo they going crazy in little things and man people hit me like oh you didn't see the end yet you're still watching it and then i got to the end and i loved it still and i was like all right i'm not gonna be that guy because i know my movie opinions may differ from. Yeah. But this was, if you didn't enjoy the movie, the acting had to keep you glued. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:52 But only certain movies have that luxury. Like going through the first 20 minutes, I knew Jared Leto hadn't been on screen yet, but I'd seen the trailer. Man. And I love Jared Leto. So you're going to get me to stay here. And Remy wasn't really on there too much yet. And Denzel Jared Leto, so you're going to get me to stay here until then. And Remy was really on there too much. And Denzel,
Starting point is 02:30:07 and again, what's Freddie Mercury's real name? Remy. Remy. I'm sorry. Sorry for that. You're very talented. I have a bad memory.
Starting point is 02:30:14 And y'all stopped doing that to John David Washington too. What they did? They call him Denzel, son. Whoa. He is Denzel, son. He is Denzel, son. No, he's not.
Starting point is 02:30:24 Yes, he is. No, he's talented. he is no he's talented he's talented he's talented but he'll never not be denzel's son he's genetically that's not true he could be his name eventually no no no he could be john david i know it absolutely he was a bum and and was just that's denzel son all right that's denzel son he would still be denzel son even if he wasn't a great a great actor technically you're right that's denzel's son alright that's Denzel's son he would still be Denzel's son even if he wasn't a great actor technically you're right that's Denzel's son you know what we're saying
Starting point is 02:30:47 no absolutely no no no absolutely I get what you're saying he's a good actor really good actor he's too good for us to still do that to him
Starting point is 02:30:54 is all let me ask you a question because we both love The Night Of right except for the end I love the end
Starting point is 02:31:01 you hated the end I liked the end I thought it was a very simple ending but an important ending. What's the difference? Because there is a difference. I'm not saying there isn't.
Starting point is 02:31:09 But what's the difference between this simple ending? I feel like we're getting in spoilers. It's a thin line. I think we can do this. I don't remember the night of all the way. But when it ended, I remembered feeling like there were a lot of unanswered questions and a lot of different directions that the ending could go. They left it up to our interpretation. And it was different from The Sopranos.
Starting point is 02:31:32 I disagree with that night of ending at all. I don't think there was anything to interpret. It's just not a cathartic. I think it was a perfect example of the court system and what happens when it ruins people's lives. And then at the end, they have to kill shit on a technicality. Yeah, it's just not a cathartic ending which I like
Starting point is 02:31:48 because it's kind of how life is. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Everybody wasn't, that was the thing when that happened. Everybody hated it. In life,
Starting point is 02:31:55 there's finality. Sometimes. And I know there's not. I'm with Parks on this. No, most of the time there's not. When is there not finality in life? A lot of times.
Starting point is 02:32:03 But by the way, that was a finality. It ruined his, he was a really good kid he got put into the court system he became a drug addict and then they said hey because they held him without having real evidence
Starting point is 02:32:14 in Rikers without bail and then he got out and his whole fucking life was ruined all it was and at the end of all that climatic shit the judge
Starting point is 02:32:22 the judge said well I guess we gotta throw this out off of technicality. And yeah, now he's under the GW smoking fucking dust. Trash. I disagree.
Starting point is 02:32:31 I liked it. I thought that was an amazing thing. That's how the court system be. What was that shit on HBO that I was so big on last year where at the end of it, they was in a cave and it was a fight and...
Starting point is 02:32:44 Oh, the... In a cave. Whatever the fuck it was. What the fuck was it? it was a fight. Oh, the... Whatever the fuck it was. It's another one. You know the shit that I came in here talking about every week. I like that. I like that. Wait, what are you doing? What are you doing in there? Yeah, one of them is about the alien in the cave.
Starting point is 02:32:59 I don't fucking remember. This... They didn't leave anything up to us. Whatever the end was, they did it. However you felt about it, they did it. And when he did that, I said, oh, I like that he did it. Wait, wait, hold on. I like that they did that.
Starting point is 02:33:13 No, there was some things that were left. Like what? Because I don't want to ruin it. What was left? It's hard to do this without trying to spoil it. I don't want to give spoilers. I have a real question of the last ending scenes. Then let's give it a week.
Starting point is 02:33:25 Okay, that's fine. Let's give it a week or until the next episode, but let's chill out for a little bit. I will say, and not to be corny and be the poetic chick, but I think the ending dealt with obsession and regret in a really cool way. Agreed. It felt real to me.
Starting point is 02:33:44 Sometimes you... Whatever. I don't It felt real to me. Sometimes you... Whatever. I don't want to spoil it. Freddie Mercury was... It's what I want to do. Remy was the idea and metaphor of what obsession brings you. And Denzel's character
Starting point is 02:33:58 is what you do with your regret to help other people do theirs. That's how I took that ending. I thought it was a very dope thing in that capacity. But let's talk in a week about that last Denzel scene in the apartment.
Starting point is 02:34:12 Yeah. Yeah, I'm down. Because that's where I was... They left some things unsaid to me with that part. Of course. I'll try to talk about Your Honor Episode 8
Starting point is 02:34:24 without any spoiler alerts. So what I will say, we're not doing that this year because I don't respect that. I just only had time to watch The Little Things this weekend. Oh, you didn't see it? No, I'm going home tonight. Okay, so what I will say without giving anything away is, boy, they're making me turn on the judge, man. Yeah. We kind of saw that well he's he's they're not biting
Starting point is 02:34:47 walter white at all but he is walter white and that's what they did with us in breaking bad yeah they kept trying to make us turn on him we turned on him then we loved him again then we understood it turning into walter white a little bit though he turned into walter white on episode three yeah but i like how they did it it's not cheap and corny. Yeah. You got to watch this episode, Roy. I don't like his attitude anymore. Like,
Starting point is 02:35:09 he doing a lot. You doing a lot, man. Oh, him helping to dispose of a body a couple episodes ago wasn't doing a lot for a judge?
Starting point is 02:35:15 No. Okay. As a parent. You know what it was? When you start me, because episode one, they start with how noble he is
Starting point is 02:35:24 of a judge and he starts damn near cross-examining people to do the right thing and what i what i can say is now he's using those same powers for evil and it's bothering me it's bothering me because the show when these shows start to get too much of a similarity to real life, it's troublesome, man. I had to stop watching Handmaid's Tale and a bunch of other shows just because it's like, what are y'all doing?
Starting point is 02:35:53 Too scary with where real life can go. Yeah, I had to stop. But no, Your Honor, and back to what I was saying with the metaphor of regret and obsession, I think Your Honor is the perfect example of everyone is noble when they haven't been put
Starting point is 02:36:06 in any compromising situations. Yeah. Everyone's a good guy when they've never been in a situation where you have the opposite to do so. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:36:14 Like, you're all great. Protect yourself and your family. You're all great when you're not really living and you gotta literally make real decisions. Right. And this is just that
Starting point is 02:36:23 on steroids. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I hate all the people that think they're good people that have never had to make a compromising situation in their entire life. No decision. I've never had to do anything. So let me judge anyone. The son is annoying me too.
Starting point is 02:36:36 Oh yeah. He was annoying me since episode one. When he put his fingers in the dude's mouth that was dying. What the fuck is this dude's problem? Well, he was trying to clear the passageway. Trying to breathe. He was choking on his blood. Or was he?
Starting point is 02:36:49 Or was he? That's what I... Well, what else was he doing? I don't know. Kill him? He wanted him to suck on his finger while he was dying. No, I don't know
Starting point is 02:36:55 what he was doing. What the hell are you talking about? Call an ambulance. He did. He couldn't breathe. Yeah, I know. Okay. know what is it two episodes left apparently if I'm listening to Parks
Starting point is 02:37:12 and it's ten episodes you know it's not just the son too how come every now every time the dead kid's sister want to meet up with the son smell the cologne he's had on this is the shirt that he used to love.
Starting point is 02:37:26 His favorite shirt. I'm waiting for dude to be like, yo, fam, I off this nigga. Yo, all that shit is cool. Oh, no. We have to get into...
Starting point is 02:37:36 I got rid of him. No, they're both hereditarily sociopaths. They just didn't know it yet. Like, the fact that he's going on in a relationship with Shorty is the most sociopathic shit I've ever seen in my entire life.
Starting point is 02:37:47 That shit is sick. Shorty asked him what's some life-altering shit that happened in your life as a fake college interview and he smirked and was like, oh, I just met the girl of my dreams. No, you murdered her little brother. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. See, this is where we can't talk
Starting point is 02:38:04 no more because you have to watch the episode. that one part i know you're talking yeah it's i'm watching it's always that that does it right why men men oh she sucked him off in the car just men no i mean your old work your old your work, seeing you running through high school with something sexy now. Okay, that's not a spoiler. Wait, what? But remember episode one. You think I'm not going to ruin your whole life? Fucking some girl.
Starting point is 02:38:35 Yeah. And then we never saw her again. No, she's back. No. Oh, they brought it back. Wasn't that the teacher? Yeah. Yeah, it was the teacher.
Starting point is 02:38:41 All right. Oh, way in the teeth. We can't spoil it. the teeth we can't spoil it no we can't spoil it well that was from episode one and two next week watch it
Starting point is 02:38:48 next week we'll talk about it nigga lied on college alright wait how the fuck how you think I got here that pussy had him so open like I said
Starting point is 02:38:57 y'all nah man I ain't even get it yeah yeah yeah I ain't even get in it's crazy yo alright what's happening here Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't even get in. It's crazy, yo. All right. What's happening here?
Starting point is 02:39:09 You should get that checked out. I'm not even trying to be funny. I'm not. You should. Don't be my pops. All right, if you're going to do that, then I'll go. I'm serious. If you're going to do that, then I'll get it checked.
Starting point is 02:39:22 I'm dead. Fine. Doc, I'm burping a lot. Rory's scaring me. Well, we'll cut all this, but don to do that, then I'll get it checked. I'm dead. Fine. Doc, I'm burping a lot. Rory's scaring me. Well, we'll cut all this, but don't do that. No, you don't have to cut it. It's fine. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 02:39:31 Don't be my pops. As men, we need to go to the doctor. Yeah. How's your pops? He's doing good. Good. Good, yeah. Good, I'm glad to hear that.
Starting point is 02:39:42 And even if he wasn't, I would lie because he'd be mad at me for telling his business of course and he listens to this podcast so he's doing good oh uh Sophie was the person that we forgot in the RIP
Starting point is 02:39:51 yep RIP Sophie talented producer and songwriter that's a lot in a clip to go rest in peace Sophie yeah
Starting point is 02:40:02 damn the fuck was I just about to say I thought it was something that was important but maybe it wasn't oh no it wasn't important
Starting point is 02:40:09 but I'll say it anyway if the NBA season were to end right this second the New York Knicks currently hold the number six and the number nine
Starting point is 02:40:23 draft spots lottery spots. That doesn't matter. Who cares? The season's not ending now, and we don't know their position. But when do we get to revisit that Porzingis trade is what I'm asking. But even when it happened, I don't think it wasn't a bad trade. They told us that this pick would be worthless.
Starting point is 02:40:43 And now Dallas can't buy a bucket. They can't win a game. Yeah. And if this continues and the Knicks somehow get two great lottery picks in a pretty good draft, and you didn't pay Porzingis $160 million, then we will have... I know that the Knicks are horrible.
Starting point is 02:41:07 I know. I know. I wouldn't even say horrible. I'm not talking about now, but in the past. Oh, yeah. You have to give them credit for that trade if that happens like that.
Starting point is 02:41:16 If it happens like that. If it happens like that. But it's still early. Dallas will start to win games. I don't know. I also don't think that trade was... They won't just lose the whole season. Thought about as a bad trade. If they don't make the playoffs, though. I don't see that happening was that won't just lose the whole season thought about as
Starting point is 02:41:25 a bad trade if they don't make the playoffs though i don't see that happening i think they'll make the playoffs i think okay yeah just something to keep an eye on yeah no no i know what you mean six and nine i forgot we had that dallas big i see that you're like oh all right let's see i don't think I have anything else if I do go to Patreon and see it anybody could fuck up the number 6 pick
Starting point is 02:41:50 and the number 9 pick 2 picks in the top 10 it would be the next if there's one team that could fuck that up yeah twice Stacey Abrams
Starting point is 02:41:58 nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize that's a big deal let me hit the round of applause that's a big deal let me hit the round of applause cause that is a big deal. Let me hit the round of applause because that is a big deal.
Starting point is 02:42:12 Congratulations. Say something. No, I just, I know that laugh. I know you got one of those texts. No, it's not a text, right? Hold up. She made you blush?
Starting point is 02:42:29 It's cool, man. So, I laughed at something over the weekend when the Courtside Karen shit happened with LeBron. That was really funny. It was. But I was watching one of the little memes and they said when Shorty said that she was 25.
Starting point is 02:42:50 What the fuck? It's false. No way. Not this time. We created it. Not this time. No. Not this time. It's totally made up. Pure fiction. It's fiction. It's fiction. We made it up. We made this one. It's a made up tale. It's fiction. It's fiction. We made it up. We made this one. It's a made-up tale. It's a total fabrication. It never happened. It never happened. This one. What is that from? Turn it off. It never happened. It's false. Ah, new job alert. We need new ones. No, it's coming. This is going in the computer. It never happened. No way. We got you no let's make this a drop tonight what the
Starting point is 02:43:26 fuck this is from that show he look like Ricky Gervais who is that this is when the Star Trek dude did that show it was a long time ago and it was true or false and they presented you with a crime and you had to determine
Starting point is 02:43:42 whether it was real or not or what stories was fake so at the end he would always be like it's false it's false it's never happened it's a fake it's fiction it's an urban legend no way not a chance we got you we got you. We got you. We made this one up. We made up this one. We made it up. Not this time. Wrong.
Starting point is 02:44:11 Not this time. Not this time. You're wrong. Not this time. It never happened. It's false. Nope. People are stupid, man.
Starting point is 02:44:21 The internet. Wait. She said, I'm 25 no way it's false it never happened we made it up you're wrong screen record that
Starting point is 02:44:37 and send it to Parks right now to make an audio drop but why they started calling the courtside Karen she was yelling like racist racist shit at LeBron I mean I'm sure there was a racist undertone she was yelling shit at him and
Starting point is 02:44:54 saying that he was saying some shit and he didn't say no shit she was there with her husband she allegedly is 25 the husband is 60 years old he looked like he had a lot of money he and she looked like he had a lot of money, and she looked like he spent a lot of money on her. Apparently, the husband is a Hawks fan, and he's hated LeBron for 10 years. Reminds me of me hating Jordan and Kobe as a Knicks fan. LeBron has done a lot of evil things to the Hawks.
Starting point is 02:45:18 That one postseason where he got rid of Toronto with the game winner and Atlanta with the game winner, he was just out there bugging. Floater off the glass from the baseline. That Hawks team was. Lefty. LeBron was bugging that year. So as a Hawks fan, I would understand hating him. That Hawks team was really good.
Starting point is 02:45:35 They just let the people back in the stadium, back in the gym, not the stadium. Just let the people back in there. Husband gets the curse in that. LeBron, LeBron says something back. Now the wife gets up and in that lebron lebron says something back now the wife gets up and she feel like she got to say something she says that lebron said shut the fuck up bitch and this is why i love white people because sometimes you just make up a lie that you know can't exist with a white lady narrative courtside karen newsflash maybe you don't know. That's one of our more powerful blacks. If there's one person that cannot publicly say, shut the fuck up, stupid bitch.
Starting point is 02:46:12 If you think there's not a mic or a camera right in pause on his lips. Sorry. Sorry, Karen. But it is. I mean. LeBron didn't say that. He didn't say that. He didn't say that. I just think it's funny
Starting point is 02:46:26 that as soon as they let people back in the gym, this is what happens. LeBron had to be like, yo, see, clear the gym, man.
Starting point is 02:46:33 Clear the gym. I'm not doing this. Listen, man, harassing from court side is, she's white-ly. Well, she put out a statement.
Starting point is 02:46:41 White-ly. Listen, man, my jokes are better than y'all give me credit for. It's cool. Rory Hyde gives you credit. That's fine. Shout out to my people. She did put out a statement. Whiteley. She did. My jokes are better than y'all give me credit for. It's cool. Rory Hyde gives you credit. That's fine.
Starting point is 02:46:47 Shout out to my people. She did put out a statement saying, yo, my behavior is unacceptable and it was wrong and blah, blah, blah. I drank a little gin. She said, I was a little drunk. She said, what sports without fans did argue? You know she did. White ladies love gin and gin makes you act like an asshole.
Starting point is 02:47:03 She said you're a little tipsy. But yeah, man. That's it. And apparently somebody dug up some old tweets of hers, and she's been a racist, apparently. What? Her? No way. Yes, Rory.
Starting point is 02:47:20 Could you believe it? No fucking way. Could you believe it? Her? I can... Listen, all her friends around her said that she could never imagine this behavior it? No fucking way. Could you believe it? Listen, all her friends around her said that she could never imagine this behavior ever happening.
Starting point is 02:47:29 Not this time. Not this time. It's totally made up. Pure fiction. It's fiction. It's fiction. We made it up. We made this one up. It's a made up tale. It's a totally made up tale. It never happened.
Starting point is 02:47:48 Whoever edited this said it was right. Shout out out to you I wish we could credit you it's a fake it's an urban legend that never it's an urban legend we got we got you we got you buddy we got you, buddy. We got you. What do you want us to do? It's over. Oh, Courtside Karen says about last night. Courtside Karen is also hilarious. Shout out to LeBron for that. That's just funny.
Starting point is 02:48:19 To say things escalated quickly at yesterday's game is an understatement, and I want to apologize for losing my cool and removing my mask in the heat of the moment. My husband is a huge sports fan and we're passionate people and let's be real sports wouldn't be sports without a little trash talking ha ha ha what should have been a quick back and forth between two adults cut out a hand and my natural instinct to stand up for the man i love kicked in did i get defensive when that happened yes did i use offensive language when I could have taken the higher road? Yes. And for these things, I take full responsibility.
Starting point is 02:48:49 Thank you, Courtside Karen. No, thank you, Courtside Karen's PR team that typed that up. Think she got a PR team? I think her husband is a millionaire and paid for that quite quickly. Yeah, I agree with that. Let's see what else is happening. Nothing else is happening on my list. I'm cool.
Starting point is 02:49:11 Method Man's wife responds to Wendy. I'm not even going to give that story any more light because I believed every word that his wife said. I've been told that's been a nasty exchange for her. Still stopping the stock.
Starting point is 02:49:27 More does more of a bank account. Blizzard 2021. That's a sick thing to write in your phone. Why am I the only guy that you fucked in a week? Table that one. I'm not mad at that. Let's save that for Saturday. Am I flying like that? It was just me that beat in a week?
Starting point is 02:49:49 All right, forget it. Save all, just write it down. All right. Listen, I'd appreciate you telling me that rather than I've never, I don't usually do this. Yeah. They can't get that off no more. No, that's impossible to get off. They usually do that.
Starting point is 02:50:02 They do still try it. I actually would respect if she came in the room and said, yo, I usually do this, and I know what time it is. I know the night I'm in for. I know exactly how to do this. This is what I do. I'm excited for this night. I know the night I'm in for.
Starting point is 02:50:17 I don't know how many bleeps on this podcast, but fuck it, that's Park's job. We are getting out of here. Let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see Let's see how we doing this on the sleeper tip Kevin Ross snuck one out on me Pause I don't like that, Kevin This one is called God is a Genius Brand new Kevin Ross, let's go
Starting point is 02:50:43 Hold up, wait a minute Before we take this to the limit Wanna make sure that you're in it Can't be the only one that gets us through Only time will help us see it But you got to believe it You know that love can change like seasons But being you it feels so good
Starting point is 02:51:04 Know that wrong wasn't built in a day But you feel that you can't be afraid You know that fear only gets in the way It's not complicated, but I'm trying to say You must be a genius For me and you wouldn't be here I know this was ever since I don't believe in coincidence I know, know, know that there's a chance So everything comes down for a reason I know that there's everything I don't believe in coincidence
Starting point is 02:51:36 Oh no, no, no, no, no Da-da-da-da-da-da Da-da-da-da-da-da Lucky day, better hurry up Better hurry up, buddy, huh? Whoa! Push the heat and you disappear like it's magic, yeah Sitting there waiting like we in traffic, yeah
Starting point is 02:51:55 Like a roller coaster, just move it backwards, yeah Maybe wanna go and roll up the backwoods, yeah Try to find another, but I can't lie But we wanna be sober when we get this high This is one of those feelings that you can't just buy You gotta be a scholar just to know that What's wrong was it better than today? What you feel is you can't be afraid
Starting point is 02:52:15 You know that feeling gets in the way It's not complicated, what I'm trying to say is You must be genius Only you would be, yeah I know this was heaven sent Don't forget that Patreon is live right now. Sign up, sign up, sign up. Genius
Starting point is 02:52:33 So everything comes down for a reason I know that you're heaven sent I don't believe in coincidence Oh, no, no Bring the strings in. Uh-oh What y'all thought? Y'all thought he was gonna have him two-stepping without no guitars?
Starting point is 02:52:51 When was the last time you heard some guitars massage my joint? Wait a minute! No front on that, Corey No front on that I like this song I told you Kevin Rowe. I don't even want to be the U.A. to the party on this record, God. Wait. I'm the U.A. to the party. It came out a month ago.
Starting point is 02:53:16 No, it didn't. December 20th. I think this song is over. Oh, the song. You're right. The song. I'm talking about the album. I just heard it on the album.
Starting point is 02:53:33 Okay, okay. I just heard it on the album. Got it. This was like a single or something? This was a single, yeah. Kevin Ross, you need a better promo. Wow. The fuck is going on?
Starting point is 02:53:43 You put guitars on this? Man, what's going on, Kevin? He smoked that. I don't care what niggas say, he smoked that. That was dope. I got a nice little two-step joint for y'all. Give me something. Let me do my woo walk.
Starting point is 02:54:02 Hold on. No, no, no, no, no. You don't need that? It's not that one. It's not that one. All right. Yeah no it's not that one it's not that one all right yeah it's not that one thank god no that's cool he's not from flatbush it's all right this uh is my guy unusual demont this is pine this is available on all dsps today when you're hearing this nice little nice little two-step joint Bare Feet Volume 1 is on the way. But inside your clay lines, let me touch you in straight lines Keep a space for me Give you what you need
Starting point is 02:54:56 I'm here on my knees Baby, please believe Know that I'm no better I'm just in the mood So come from my I know you're out of effort It ain't keeping you So far tonight
Starting point is 02:55:23 I am it for you Making sure I'm right for you So hard tonight, I have it for you Making sure I'm right for you So hard tonight, looks like I Fell to my demise Green took out your eyes But I can't say I doubt it
Starting point is 02:55:57 You were so astounded when I found it You can keep the space for me I found it Keep the space for me Give you what you need I'm here on my knees Baby please believe Know that I'm no better I'm just in the mood So come from my annoyance
Starting point is 02:56:32 I'll never keep me keeping you So far tonight I'm not waiting for you Making sure I'm crying for you, making sure I'm right for you So I can love you tonight I'm crying for you, making sure I'm right for you So I can love you tonight Know that I'm no better, I'm just in the mood So come from Mars, I know you're out of the field
Starting point is 02:57:12 And I'm keeping you so for tonight I'm right for you, I can't believe it Right for you it's my guy unusual demont that's pine that's out everywhere right now that that kid is extremely talented I'm looking forward to see what happens with him. Because he's two for two on his first two releases. All right. And play a joint from Rock Marcy.
Starting point is 02:57:52 Shout out to Mount Marcy Project. This is COVID Cough. Yeah. Give a step, bitch, hold up. No lie on your head, boy. Yeah. Niggas playin' round till it's man down I'm the illest nigga, hands down Air mouth, air mouth Niggas playin' round till it's man down I'm the illest nigga, hands down Am out
Starting point is 02:58:28 Am out You know who we came for You know who gave the heart a hook, ain't jaw What's all the shade for? The numbers on the 380, we shaved off 30 shots, sprayed off Take you off like a stray dog Your days are short like the rain sport
Starting point is 02:58:47 Pop an 8-space champagne cork Paint your brain on the wall, a 40 bulldog My aerosol, knock a eyeball out your skull Flush you out that hole you been hiding in You high on the list, the homies gon' fly you away Oh, you must've forgot I'm rich, I'm a project kid And you my next project kid Bitch, should've had you fixed Should've had you a wrench
Starting point is 02:59:10 A drill, bitch Shit, I ain't did a drill in a bit Give him a clip, bet he squeal like a pig Life's a bitch Just try to throw grits on the pimp and miss Your shit like 10% diss Niggas is lit like a tennis link Daddy, you haven't said anything With the pen, they say I'm Hemingway I'm a heavyweight, I'm better than niggas in every way Sky Dwelly, this Perrier This the cherry on the cake
Starting point is 02:59:33 You most definitely getting spanked After the gank, your old lady engaged in hanky-panky I'm in the pussy doing the stanky leg Fuck Fuck I'm in the pussy doing the stanky leg How you don't love me like the wind do? You headphones, I'm hands on In and out the way I handle You flirting with them candles
Starting point is 02:59:57 You looking ladylike Pussy trying to swim with the sharks Nigga, we navy high Barely seen my platinum in gold Nigga, I'm really nice The cat's peeled, the white dove rose I could make butterfly, I don't have the time like those Rather make mothers cry, the hit maker slid down home
Starting point is 03:00:12 Because I'm certified, bonafide to knock knock gone Tell me what homicide, the numbers why my teeth like gold Nigga I rap a lot, spin your block You drop snitching on the ground, you half a cop I'm in the game, you tryna share my stats, huh I grab the drum out the backpack to boom bap that, yeah Normally I use it just to scratch my back, huh Don't gotta hang with rappers when your contract max, huh
Starting point is 03:00:34 Don't need a hundred niggas when you built like that, let's get it, huh Talking out your ass, you must got me confused Cause I will not lose, I got nothing to prove I sold 20, made 20, I'm in the shadow of who? I'm in the battle with who? That nigga sweet in my tooth Just a rock in my shoe, can't stumble my groove Must I humble this dude, bruh, pity the fool You can't sit at my table, can't be in my room Just a muss in my pits, tryna swing for my dick
Starting point is 03:01:01 Just a butt when I flick, why I goo when I bick? Just a burp when I'm drunk. You the ash from the blunt. It don't matter the clumps. All you niggas is sluts. You're really one of the ones I could never be done. I'm broke. That's Kovacoff, Rock Marciano of his Mount Marcy project.
Starting point is 03:01:17 I'm ready for a school boy album. I'll tell you that much. I just quickly want to note that Savon, we've talked about say Vaughn moving to the city Upper East Side right right more through on the rock Marciano that that Long Island shit that real shit right and say Vaughn is no longer in the room who is he say Vaughn got scared when that real Long Island shit came on that's a fact That's a fact. That's a fact. Fuck, I ran right up the steps. That's a fact. I ain't living up to Eastside now.
Starting point is 03:01:51 He's a gossip girl, though. That's cool. My guy Scream Man sat right in that seat, though. Facts. Mobile in all the words. I heard him. Chilling.
Starting point is 03:01:59 I heard him. Now he knew the words. Different part of L.I. We'll play some off this Godfrey. Nah, go rep Central Ice Loop. We'll play some off this Godfaheim. Nah, go ref Central Ice Loop. We'll play some off this Godfaheim and Yerro
Starting point is 03:02:08 Drew project. This is canon. Shout out Drew. If I got a fight to get you in the game, that's a problem. That's a problem. You want players
Starting point is 03:02:16 that are gym rats, players that want to be in the game, that want to work. And then from there you build on top of that. But if you're lazy, man, I'm going to talk to you.
Starting point is 03:02:24 I'm going to deal with you, you're gonna make me feel darker You know, you're lowering my level, I don't think so Go over there I took initiative and bossed up, it was a must A champion made in the gym, nothing was given to us I eat the heart out the weak and chop the head off a sheet And lay the vocals down sleek and give you death over beats I'm a legend like the legend that's elder, they not familiar
Starting point is 03:02:48 Before they give advice to propel you, they'd rather kill you So my mind fixated on righteousness and riches But if it's war, I put another devil on my hit list Keep sixteen in the clipping, one in the head My sixteen bar verses from the land of the dead I make the blind see, they mesmerize like Ashanti Keep some diamonds on my neck, cooler than a high seat Now I see they get to hatin' from a distance Offended by persistence, cause my hustle is relentless
Starting point is 03:03:15 I play the cards to my advantage While they fallin', I'm still standin' I guess I'm what you call a real cannon Cap goin', that's the lesson of life Mad quotas, offer floaters, not the president's wife I don't mean the first lady, every verb's crazy Stay away from drugs, only benzos we cop is Mercedes Told her I don't want to rental, the grind's uneventful Spent countless nights practicing, mastering the fundamentals Working on my farm, obsessively training
Starting point is 03:03:41 So by the time you seen everything raining it's the perfect storm they said y'all got a cannon, demon arms, strategic planning, all organic, no streaming farms see cats talking the same shit but they bought they followers and we ain't slipped no one a dollar to acknowledge us rappers beyond sweet, who brought em in? the industry plant that rose out of concrete don't water em, I ain't even got to discredit or vilify. They can pack whole arenas and I know it's still alive. Work, man. Work.
Starting point is 03:04:12 That is the God Fahim and your old Drew Cannon off the Wolf of Wall Street EP or album or whatever. I don't care about what they call it. I know Drew don't care about credit, but Drew could rap like for real for real. For real, for real, for real. I think I had a lost Drew verse from Rage, actually.
Starting point is 03:04:32 Matter of fact, I'd like to have Drew on here. I think that would be a cool conversation. Like, even not on some music shit. He crushed some A-Rab shit for Joe that Joe got scared and didn't want to put no bars on. I know, I know. I was there. I still got that shit somewhere. Yep, I remember when Joe was trying to put no bars on. I know. I was there. I still got that shit somewhere. Yep. I remember when Joe
Starting point is 03:04:47 was trying to put together the posse cut of the current rappers. I remember that idea. I think he just gave us some shit, too, actually. But no, shout out to Drew. And I think Drew would be a great guest. Joe is one of the best rappers in the world and never turned
Starting point is 03:05:04 down a date to dance. I like it. Okay. That's not true. That is true. Who he didn't dance with, ball. That is true. Put him on the spot.
Starting point is 03:05:14 That is true. Who you ain't dance with. He ain't one of that Ab Soul Smoke. He did avoid that dance. Ab was on the dance floor dancing. You guys keep naming instances in which I was done with the project. You wasn't done. No, you were not. You avoid that dance. Ab was on the dance floor dancing. You guys keep naming instances in which I was done with the project. You wasn't done.
Starting point is 03:05:28 No, you were not. You had that early in the project. You had that verse for a year. Y'all did a whole second song after that. Yeah, Dwayne's song didn't get done until after you had that verse. No, that was for Loose Quarter. He did the other Ab Soul because Ab came to Jersey and they did that one. All right, who else I ran from?
Starting point is 03:05:45 Droog, Ab Soul. We were joking about the Droog. This list is getting great. No, you didn't run from Droog. I remember when that whole thing happened. I don't know about nobody else. And by the way, Soul and Droog, you can run from. T-Rock.
Starting point is 03:05:58 T-Rock. Who else? Shout out to Soul and T-Rock. Who else I ran from? Dirkio. No, just the black-lipped the black Had to run from Dirkio Thank God he wasn't out When I was trying to get lit
Starting point is 03:06:09 Right who else? Nah Absolutely Come on give me some more Of your lists I didn't have a list Cause after this list I'm gonna tell you
Starting point is 03:06:15 Who Rory ran from Chet Hanks Chet Hanks Who? Chet Chetty Chet Who Rory ever ran from In real life?
Starting point is 03:06:24 Chet Hanks Chetty Chet Yo this list could ran from In real life Chetty Chet Yo this list Could get crazy Let's end it Let's end it Chetty Chet This list could get crazy Look Rory Ball
Starting point is 03:06:33 And his Tom Young Joseph Camora Jojo Pellegrino And Jojo Pellegrino That's my guy Logic Don't do that
Starting point is 03:06:44 That's my guy South Star Who else't do that. That's my guy. South Star. Who else you was? Who else Rory ran from? I was a little nervous at South Star. Irving Plaza security. Who else?
Starting point is 03:06:55 No. I was trying to get them away so I could find Duke. No, that was Webster Hall. That wasn't Irving Plaza. That security, Webster Hall's too? No.
Starting point is 03:07:04 Who else? I was trying to keep security away from me. I think SOB security. Nah, those are my people. Come on. Spotify security. Daniel Ack. By the way, Spotify security took us all out of that building. Where he was running from Daniel Ack.
Starting point is 03:07:24 I'll sign you guys, but I got to fight the white boy. No, it's great that that's a good joke because we know jokes come from shit we know isn't actually going to happen.
Starting point is 03:07:35 That's funny because we all know Rory never ran from anything in real life. Never ran from a bee? No, no. Rory will go right away in real life and lose. I'm not running from nothing. You never ran from a bee when it was flying will go right away in real life and lose I'm not
Starting point is 03:07:46 running from nothing you never ran from a bee when it was flying by your head yeah shit no I don't really fuck with bees yeah that's that's the person you gotta be scared of I'm ready to lose this fight let's go I am a first ballot Hall of Fame suppressor, Parks. What are you talking about? That's all I run from. The only thing I don't run from is physical contact.
Starting point is 03:08:18 You know the fucked up part? Is that where a boxing gym is open and we both could go and spar? Fucked up part about like Finally getting comfortable And settling into a career lane And finally having a higher power Get the universe to start working in your favor Start making a couple dollars
Starting point is 03:08:39 And then you realize All the bitches you want to fuck Don't really know anything about The career choice that you've chosen. No. And then when you try to explain it to them, like, nah, this is why I'm dope. I talk.
Starting point is 03:08:53 Matter of fact, table this. Yo, I be talking. I talk to my friends real dope. Man, wow. Stop, stop, stop, stop. Write this down. This is a Saturday topic. Is he going to write this down?
Starting point is 03:09:03 No, it's a topic. Like, tomorrow This Patreon announcement Gonna come out All the chicks I wanna fuck They not gonna post it They not gonna care But they won't understand it They gonna know what's happening
Starting point is 03:09:13 What's that Like my mom did Yo sometimes your comparisons And things you bring in As examples Just ain't the right ones Nah you just gotta I mean we gonna save this
Starting point is 03:09:25 for another episode but you just gotta break it down in a way where they'll understand it when the girls be like yo what you do
Starting point is 03:09:31 be like yo alright put it like this we can go to Turks every weekend if you want what type of dude you think had your mom's head on a swivel
Starting point is 03:09:38 like doing a double take in a club back in the day I met him he tried to give me a basketball I said yo I got one look what niggas tried to give me a basketball. I said, yo, I got one.
Starting point is 03:09:47 Look what niggas tried to give Rory as a kid. A basketball. Yeah, go play with this for $60. He tried to get me out the house. I know. In retrospect,
Starting point is 03:09:58 he was trying to beat. Go in the backyard and shoot this 600 times. Go ahead. Don't come in to me. No, I didn't have a roof. I know. He made me go to the park. Yeah ahead. Don't come in until you make 50. No, I didn't have a roof. I know he made me go to the park. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:10:08 I had to walk way down the block. He wanted some more time. In hindsight, you remember your mom trying to force her boyfriend on you. Like, hey, it's Joey's birthday. Nigga didn't care. Yo, this was a real good pod in a new spot. Fuck that little big-ass nigga. Oh, man. Yo, this was a real good pod in a new spot. Congratulations to Parks.
Starting point is 03:10:31 Thank you, thank you, thank you. Congratulations to me for being that nigga once again. Hey. Keep us in your prayers. Lord knows we need to be there until the next time. I bid you adieu, farewell, adios, hasta la vista, so la vista so long goodbye remember life is a series of moments and moments pass so let's make this one last as if it's all that we have last but not least remember that the baddies are insecure the stagnant women want you to travel with them and the closed-minded women want you to teach them things.
Starting point is 03:11:07 Grab a ibuprofen and enjoy your headache. We'll be back Monday and Wednesday and Friday. Hey! Some days in between. Hair horn out this bitch. Some days in between if you pay for that 25. We all know! What's that word?
Starting point is 03:11:24 Some days in between if you pay for that 25, too. Yeah's that word? Some days in between if you pay for that 25, too. Yeah, sure enough. You might get seven days of content. Hey, talk to these niggas, Rory. Hey, when Stevie came in the studio at 13 years old doing all this, sorry, Diana Ross and the Supremes, y'all have to move. Hey, Holland Dozier Holland, Thanks for writing that. Move. What's that?
Starting point is 03:11:48 The Temptations? Hey, sorry y'all. David Ruffin. David Ruffin. Sorry. And then once Stevie grew a little bit then this young kid named Michael came in and bought everybody. Next podcast I will talk about
Starting point is 03:12:07 How Being Being outside When a song came out Just makes a difference In the experience Like I hate temptations
Starting point is 03:12:14 My girl Like today I really hate it But watching the Motown doc Man That was like That was like All of the lights
Starting point is 03:12:22 Yeah How Wait How dare you do that to my girl? My girl is way higher than all of the lights. Well, Saturday when we come in, I'll tell you about where I went wrong with that record. Okay. I think it's a common mistake that we make.
Starting point is 03:12:40 Oversaturating. There's hits that I was outside for that I hate that are still top tier. It just hurt me too much. It became too commercialized. Yeah, exactly. My Girl was one of those. Too commercialized. Cool in the Gang.
Starting point is 03:12:50 There was two Cool in the Gangs, too. And the Cool in the Gangs. A couple different gangs. Not everyone's gang gang. The Cool in the Gang. You're on a roll. The Cool in the Gang. It's too hot.
Starting point is 03:13:01 Don't do it. Too hot, baby. I can see how niggas hated that cool in the game. Like, get that commercial bullshit out of here. That's not cool in the game. Whatever. I feel the dream of life in my feet. I'm not finished.
Starting point is 03:13:15 I'm gonna make it night and day. Hope y'all enjoyed the new pod, the new energy, the new vibes, the new digs. There's some of y'all out there saying that we got a little different, but that's the goal. You want the old shit, check the old pods, you heard? I'm going out here to do some of the things
Starting point is 03:13:33 I like to do, man. Rasta pasta, naked chef and all that. I mean, what you doing in the naked chef? You like spicy food? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 03:13:44 No, yeah, no. You like yeah. No. Yeah, no. You like curry? No, no, I love curry. Love it. Just put it on the celery. Some bitch in there making curry salad. That's the best salad I have ever had. Curry salad.
Starting point is 03:13:59 Let it ride out. Well, if you ever let Shorty really cook curry in your house. Nah, let Rory talk. Everything is covered in curry. The celery included. Whether it was around it ride out. Well, if you ever let Shorty really cook curry in your house. Nah, let Rory talk. Everything is covered in curry. The celery included. Whether it was around it or not. Your towels. No, you have to close every door and seal every room.
Starting point is 03:14:15 If you want your clothes to smell like curry that day. It's cool. Everyone heard this DJ. Not everyone ate curry for real. No, this is stupid. Until the day that each time things are made for us Until the day that it's a day that I come for Until the day that each time things are made for us Until the day that each time things are made for us Until the day that each time things are made for us Until the day that you want me at night

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